Annem Ve Ben Ensest / Me And Not My Mother I****t free porn video

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şimdi size 7 sene önce kız kardeşim ile başlayan sonra kızkardeşim sıdıkanın sayesinde annem ile ilişkimin nasıl başladığını anlatacağım. Ama öncelikle kısa bir özet geçeyim. Sıdıka 16 yaşındaydı ben 21 ve annem ayten de 38 yaşındaydı. Babam öldükten 6 ay sonra annem köye gitmişti biz de sıdıka ile sevişmeye başlamıştık sonra sıdıkanın sayesinde annemi de aramıza aldık. Şimdi size annem ile olan ilişkimi anlatacağım. Annem de sıdıka gibi tesettürlüdür ama okadar narindir ki o giydiği pardesünün altında poposu çok güzel ve simetrik duru ne çıkıktır nede yok gibi durur. Ne giye cuk oturur yani. Mavi gözlü sapsarı saçlı beyaz tenlidir. Oda sıdıka gibi uzun boylu ve uzun bacaklıdır. İnanırmısınız bir defa bile olsa bacaklarını görmemişimdir. Annem köyden gelince biz sıdıka ile rahat sevişemez olmuştuk ancak geceleri su içme bahanesi ile bi sokup çıkarmalar oluyordu onda da mutlaka annem uyanıyordu. Bizde mutfakta sohbet ediyormuş gibi yapıyorduk. Annemi de aramıza almak için taktik olsun diye çok hikaye okudum fakat hiç de öyle yazılanlar gibi kolay değildi bu iş. En sonunda çok düşünüp bir taktik buldum. Önce sıdıkanın annem ile yatması lazımdı yani lezbiyen ilişki olarak başlıycaktı bu. Bir gece sıdıka annemin odasına girerek yanına yattı annem de ne işin var kızım dediyse de sıdıka artık seninle yatıcam burada dedi. E annem de kabul etti doğal olarak. Günler geçtikce sıdıka bişey yapamaz oldu. Fakat ilerleyen günlerde annem sıdıkaya haftada bir iki kez bu gece git yerinde yat demeye başladı. Biz de odasını iyice dinleme başladık ki meğer annem masturbasyon yapıyormuş. Hemen erotic shopa gidip paraya kıyıp pilli dildo ve plastik sik aldım. Böyle kolay yazdığıma bakmayın insan utancından morarıyor içeri girip alıp çıkana kadar. Neyse. Aldıklarımı sıdıkaya verip nasıl kullanacağını öğrettim beraber bi iki pratik yaptıktan sonra anneme de bu şekilde uygulayacağını söyledim. Nerden bulduğunu sorarsa da babam almıştı diye söylersin dedim. Ve beklenen gün geldi çattı. Annem sıdıkayı yine odasına gönderdi. Bende hemen dışarı çıkıyormuş gibi yapıp odama saklandım ve sıdıka annemin tam zevklendiği bi sırada cebinde pilli dildo ile odasına girdi. Dediğine göre annem çarşafla üstünü kapatmaya çalışmış biraz da kızmış çünkü ev zevkli yerinde kesmişti. Annem sıdıkaya ne istediğini sormuş sıdıka da anneme anne ne yaptığını biliyorum kızmasan sana bişey getireyim mi demiş ama annem kızıp kovalamış odadan sıdıka da cebindeki dildoyu annemin yanına fırlatıp çıkmış odadan. Bi iki dakika sonra annem odama gelip baktı beni göremeyince sıdıkaya seslendi abin nerde diye. Sıdıka da abim kahveye arkadaşlarının yanına gitti dedi. Diz kapaklarına kadar gördüğüme göre hala annemin üzerinde çarşaf vardı havlu gibi sarıp da çıkmıştı odasından. Kapıyı bile kapamaya hacet görmeden annem sıdıkayı yanına çağırdı. Attığı şeyin ne olduğunu içine mi sokuyorsun yoksa bunu diye sormuş sıdıka da hiç beklenmeyecek şekilde büyük bir kaşarlık sergileyerek anne uzan sana göstereyim demiş. Baya bi ikna çabasından sonra sıdıka annemi uzanıp bacaklarını açmaya ikna etmiş. Ben yerimden kıpırdayamıyordum çünkü ev parke olduğu için gırç gırç ses çıkıyordu. Sıdıka dildoyu çalıştırmadan annemin içine sokup çıkarmaya başlamış annemse zevkten kuduruyormuş fakat biraz sonra içine dildoyu sokup çıkaranın sıdıka olduğunu anımsayınca bırak bırak bunu bende yaparım demiş ve doğrulmak üzereyken sıdıka da o an dildoyu en yüksek seviyede çalıştırmış ve annem tekrar sırt üstü düşerek sesli bi ahh çekmiş. İnanın ben odamdan duydum. Annem dildonun marifetini görünce kalk kız kapıyı kilitle de abine yakalanmıyalım demiş. sıdıka kapıyı kilitlemek için bizim odaların önünden geçerken bana bakıp eliyle hem gel hem sus işareti yaptı. Ben kapının ağzına kadar gelip durdum o dış kapıyı kilitleyip içeri annemin yanına doğru giderken bana annemin yatak odasının kapısından izlememi işaret etti ve içeri girdi. Heyecandan neredeyse boşalacaktım. Annemin kapısına doğru yere uzanıp durdum onlar işe başlayana kadar orada bekleyecektim. Sıdıka içeri girip hadi anne uzan dediğinde annem dur üstümüzü çıkaralım kapıyı ört dedi sıdıka da evde kimse yok ki kapı açık kalsın bişi olmaz hem abim gelirse duymuş oluruz dedi. Ve ikisi de soyunmaya başladı sıdıka kapının ordan elini uzatıp el salladı inanın zevk suyumdan kilodum sırılsıklam olmuştu. İkisi de birazdan soyunmuşlardı sıdıka anneme annecim sen uzan ben sana yapayım diyordu sonra da sen bana yaparsın dediğinde annem de çüşşş dedi kızım sen iyimisin felan dedi sıdıka da niye anne biliyorsun lezbiyen ilişki diye bişi var hem ben kız değilim ikimiz birbirimizi idare ederiz olmaz mı dedi. Annem de iyi hadi hadi çok biliyon zaten sen pislik dedi ve amı tam yatağın kenarına denk gelecek şekilde ayaklarını saldı ve ikiye ayırdı. Sıdıka bana eliyle izle işareti yapınca ilk karşılaştığım annemin o pürüssüz bacaklarıydı. Sıdıka eli ile annemin amını ovuşturuyor arada bir parmağını sokuyordu. İki eli ile amını açıp dilini sokmaya başladı annem de derin bir ıhhh çektikten sonra neypıyorsun kız dedi sıdıka da seni yalıyorum dedi annem vay pislik neler de biliyormuş dedi. Sıdıkaya lini çek işareti yaptım çünkü o çıktığım amcığı görmek istiyordum. Sıdıka elini çekince ağdalanmış tertemiz amcığı gördüm ve o anda boşaldım. Sıdıka dudaklarını oynatarak boşaldın mı dedi bende evet dedim yuh işareti yaparak işine devam etti. Bende sürünerek odama çamaşırımı değiştirmeye gittim ben kilodumu değiştirene kadar annemin inlemeleri artmıştı. Dildonun bızırtı sesi odama kadar geliyordu. Tekrar sürünerek izlemeye devam ettim sıdıka bir eli ile dildoyu sokup çıkarıyor diğer elinin orta parmağını da götüne sokup çıkarıyordu. Bana bakıp gülümseyip öpücük attı ve annemin amının üstünü emmesiyle annem bi anda kasılarak titremeye ve sıdıkanın elini içerde tutarak boşalmaya başladı. Sikim yine kazık gibi olmuştu. Annem yatakta ikibüklüm olmuşken sıdıka amından dildoyu götünden de parmaklarını çekip çıkardı. Annemse tepki olarak hala titriyordu. Sıdıka yatağa annemin yanına çıkıp ona sarıldı. Gerçekten çok güzel bir manzaraydı. Saatime baktım 2 saat olmuştu. Annem kalk hadi üstümüzü giyelim abin şimdi gelir dedi. Sıdıka da, annem mızıkcılık yapmışcasına mızmızlandı ve ama anneeee sende beni yapacaktın yaa dedi. Annem de kalk kızım kalk gece torbaya girmedi ya diyerek sıdıkanın dudaklarına uzunca bi öpücük kondurdu ve yerinden doğruldu bende sürünerek odama gidip saklandım. Hala annemin sesi geliyordu “ulan babanız bile beni böyle yapmadı boşalıp yatardı hemen baksana ayakta duramıyorum” dedi. Ben banyoya giriyorum diyerek banyoya girdi. Sıdıka da koşarak yanıma geldi daha üstünü giymemişti. Hemen yere yatırıp amını yalamaya başladım. O ise hadi hadi gir diyordu hemen sikimi amına sokup çıkarmaya başladım ve biraz sonra ağzının içine boşaldım ama zevkten öyle bi boşaldım ki sanki iliklerim kurudu. Hemen üstümüzü giydik ve akşam için plan yaptık. Anneme babamın bi mirası daha olduğunu söyleyecekti ve diğer plastik siki getirip geceye onunla başlayacaktı annemin iyice azdığı bir zamanda ise babamın başka bir mirası olduğunu ama onu da gözleri kapalı sokacağını söyleyecekti. Sıdıka da baya heyecanlanmıştı. Sikim aldığım plastik sikten de dildodan da kalın ve uzundu. Gece baya zevkli geçecek diyip dudaklarımdan öptü ve yeni gelmişim gibi zile basıp içeri girdim ve salona geçtim. Annemin yüzünden gülücükler eksik olmuyordu. Bütün gece tatlı tatlı bakışıp gülüştüler hatta bel altı espri bile yaptılar. Ve yatma saati geldi. Ben yatıyorum diyip odama geçiyordum ki Arkamı döner dönmez sıdıkanın annemi dudaklarından öptüğünü duydum ve ellerimi ovuşturarak odama gittim. Bu gece uzun olacak diyerek bir çin topu birde redbul açıp içtim. Gece saat 12:30 gibi inlemeler başlamıştı. Odamdan çıkıp annemin yatak odasına yaklaşınca inlemelerden sıdıka olduğunu anlamıştım. Dildonun bızırtısı da geliyordu kapılar amerikan olduğu için maalesef kapı deliği de yoktu dolayısıyle sadece sesleri dinliyordum. Sıdıka her inlediğinde annem sus abin duyacak diyordu. Bi yarım saat sonra sıdıka boşaldı sanırsam çükü bu sefer dildonun zırıltısı kesilmiş sıdıkanın öpmeleri ile beraber annem canım annem demesi başlamıştı. Bi on dakika sonra da anneme icraat başlamıştı. Sıdıka yine gündüzkü gibi anneme iyi bi muamele yaparken operasyona başladı ve anne istersen babamın başka bir mirası daha var onu getireyim dedi annem de ohhh dedi ve yaa neymiş o miras getir bakayım dedi. Ben hemen kendimi biraz geri çektim kız kardeşim üzerinde annemin bornozu ile kapıyı açıp beni görünce bi irkildi ama annem görmedi tabi eli ile Allah belanı versin korktum işareti yaptıktan sonra işler yolunda işareti yapıp kıvıra kıvıra içeri gitti. Kız kardeşim demiyorum ama gerçekten iyi kıvırır hele sikim içindeyken kıvırtarak beni boşaltır. Neyse kardeşim elinde plastik sik ile içeri annemin yanına gitti ama kapıyı kapatmadan annemin eline verdi annem fısıltı şeklinde “ooo bu ne böyle yaa o şerefsiz babanın siki ufaktı mufaktı ama iyi fantezi yapardı demek seni böyle fantezilerine alet etti. Peki bunu içine alabiliyormusun” dedi kızkardeşim de annemin elinden alarak yatağın üstüne çıktı ve yavaşça amına soktu bi yandan da ohhluyordu. Çıkartırken löp diye çıkartınca amındaki su annemin yüzüne sıçradı gülüşmeye başladılar. Sıdıka tekrar annemin bacakları arasında yerini alınca annem ayaklarını yerde oturan sıdıkanın omuzlarına koydu böylelikle annem daha rahat alabilecekti. Sıdıka sikin üstündeki kendi am sularını yalarken göz ucuyla bana baktı o an annem doğrulurmuş gibi olunca ben kendimi geri çektim iyi ki de çekilmişim çünkü annem açık olan kapıyı görünce sıdıkaya kızıp kapıyı kapattırdı. Böylelikle yine seslere kaldım. Sıdıka işine devam etmeye başlamıştı ki annem yavaş yavaş sok diyordu. Sonra zaten annemin sık sık nefes alıp verişi ve şak şuk sesler. Zaman baya ilerlemişti ben ise sıramın gelmesi için sabırsızlanıyordum ki annem derin ve kısık kısın inleyerek boşaldı. Annem sıdıkaya aşkım aşkım diyordu ve anladığım kadarıyla öpüşüyorlardı. Sikim patlamak üzereyken sıdıka anne sana babamın bi mirası daha var desem ne dersin dedi. İnanın heyecandan kan beynime sıçradı sandım. Annem de ne mi derim yatıp uyuyalım canım kızım çok yoruldum derim, hadi kalk yıkanalım da uyuyalım dedi. Sıdıka da ama anne dedi annem de ne aması kız şıllık sen ne kadar da azmışsın hee senin amını yolarım bak kalk hadi yıkanalım dedi bende odama uçtum hemen ama her şey içimde kalmıştı. Bi nevi elimde patladı. Annem banyoya girince bende sıdıkayı sikmek için annemin yatak odasına girdim ama sıdıka yoktu. Demek ki beraber duş alıyorlardı bu sefer kökten moralim bozuldu kökten elimde patlamıştı. Odama girip uzandım gözüme uyku girmiyordu ve içtiğim ilaç ve redbulun etkisi ile sikim yalı kazığı gibi kalmıştı. Kalkıp annemin odasında yerden sıdıkanın kilodunu alıp 31 çekip boşaldım. Biraz olsun rahatlamıştım. Yatağıma uzandığımda olanları düşünüp durdum ve sikim tekrar şahlandı. Annemler duştan çıkmıştı odamın kapısını açıp beni kontrol ettiler ve kıkırdayarak yatak odasına gittiler ve kapıyı kapattılar. Acaip heyecanlıydım bu gün olmamıştı ama belki yarın olacaktı diyere uyumaya koyuldum saate baktığımda 3:00 olmuştu. Tam dalmaya yakın üzerime bişi çullandı dudaklarımdan öptü gözümü açtım baktım sıdıkaydı. Abi kalk annemin gözlerini bağladım dedi. Ben yattıktan sonra annem getirde bi göreyim babanın önemli emanetini demiş sıdıka da somıycaksan olmaz demiş annem de ık mık etmiş ama iyi hadi getir bakalım bunlardan iyi değilse yolarım kız seni demiş. sıdıka da bi şartla, gözlerini bağlamam lazım demiş. annem de yine ık mık etse de bizim zilli sıdıka kabul ettirmiş. Hemen kalkıp soyundum ve annemin odasına doğru yürüdük benim sik heyecandan kalkmıyordu elimle oynuyordum ama olmadı sıdıkaya işaret edip kalkmadığını söyledim hemen diz çöktürüp yalatmaya başladım o yalarken ben biraz sonra annemin o tertemiz amını sikeceğimi düşünüyordum kız kardeşimin tamam oldu demesiyle hayallerimden koptum baktım sikim kazık gibi olmuş kız kardeşimin tükürüğü ile parıl parıl parlıyordu. Annemin odasının kapısının önünde yaşadığım bu kısa sakso olayından sonra dizlerim titreye titreye annemin odasına girdim. Sıdıka annemin bandajlarını kontrol etmiş amını ellemeye başlamıştı. Annem de kız zilli kapıyı ört abine rezil olmayalım dedi sıdıka da kapıyı örtüp kilitledi. Anneme kız anne bak bunu da alırsan zevkten dört köşe olacaksın dedi. Annem de görecez bakalım diyerek sırt üstü uzanıp amını tam yatağın kenarına getirdi sıdıka bi yandan yalıyor bi yandan da parmaklarını sokuyor bende sikimi sıvazlayıp anneme hazırlıyordum. Bi 10 dk sonra annem iyice kıvama gelmiş sıdıkanın her bi yanını elemsi ile titremeye başlamıştı biraz sonra da hadi zilli hadiii diye inlemeye başladı. Sıdıka da hazır ol anneciğim diyerek annemin bacak arasından çekildi. Dizlerimin altına birkaç yastık koyduktan sonra sikimi annemin o bembeyaz pürüsüz amına sürtmeye başladım. Gerçekten amına bakınca sanki hiç girmeyecekmiş gibi duruyordu okadar küçük bi amı vardı annemin. Ben badanaya devam edince annem sikimi yakalamak için hamle yaptı ben hemen geri çekildim sıdıka da anne ellemek yok dedi annem de hadi ozaman orospu yalvarcan mı beni dedi. Sıdıka da tamam tamam diyerek beni belimden iterek hadi işareti yaptı. Bende sikimi değidirmemle annemin gerilmesi bir oldu. Yavaşca birazını sokup geriç ekiyordum biraz daha sokup geri çekiyordum annem de oufff çok büyükmüş hadi hepsini yavaşca sok diyordu ama bunu inleyerek söylüyordu. Annemin bu halleri yüzünden sikim daha da kalınlaşmıştı anlamasın diye köküne kadar sokmasam da baya bi sokup çıkarıyordum annemde titremeler olmaya başladığı sırada bende neredeyse boşalmak üzereydim kendimi geri çekip tutuyordum sıdıkaya annemi köpek pozisyonuna getirmesini işaret ettim. Sıdıka anneme söyleyince annem hiç itiraz etmeden döndü ve biraz ileri gitti bende yatağa çıkarak arkadan amına sokmaya devam ettim. Bu pozisyonda anneme daha rahat girip çıkıyordum o da kendini sıkarak sikimi içinde daha rahat kavrıyordu. Kız kardeşim sıdıka da yere uzanmış bizi izleyerek kendine siki sokuyor bi yandan da memelerini sıkıyordu. Annemi bu pozisyonda baya bi siktikten sonra annem kıvıra kıvıra titreye titreye boşalmaya başladı boşalırken de ohh sıdıka ohhh aşkımmm diyordu boşalmanın etkisi ile kendini geriye daha çok bastırmaya başlayınca benim taşaklar anneme çarpıp şak şuk ses çıkarmaya başlayınca annem bi tuhaflık olduğunu anlamıştı o an gözündeki bandajı çıkarıp kafasını eğip bacak arasına ordan da başını kadırıp yüzüme baktı ama bu bi anda olduğu ve de annem boşalırken olduğu için hiç bişey diyemedi. Acı ile bir oahhh diyip yüzünü yastığa bastırdı ve kendini üç beş defa daha geriye bastırıp boşalmasını bitirdi. Annem yanı üzere cenin pozisyonu alıp çarşafı üzerine çekti sanki çok kahrolmuş gibiydi elimi uzatınca kendini çekti. Kız kardeşim sıdıka amından siki çıkarmadan anne noldu dedi. Annem de çıkın odamdan çıkın diyerek bizi kovdu. Sıdıka ile beraber odadan çıktık o anda sıdıka ise amındaki siki çıkarmanın peşindeydi. Sıdıka ile odama gidip oturduk o ara saat 4:00 civarı olunca sıdıka çok yorulduğunu uyumak istediğini söyledi ve yatağıma uzandı. Ben de kalkıp annemi kontrol etmek için odasına gittim ve kapıyı açıp baktım kendine kıyma ihtimali üzerine çok endişelenmiştim. Annem hala aynı pozisyonda uyuyordu yavaşça yanına sokulup dürttüm anne diye seslendim ama ses çıkarmadı çarşafı kaldırıp yanına uzandım böylelikle sabah beni yanında görünce şokun etkisi biraz daha azalsın diye umut ediyordum. Saat 4:45 civarı içimdeki nasıl bir azgınlık ise sikim tekrar kalktı oracıkta annemi n bacaklarını açıp sikimi içine yerleştirdim ve hızlıca gidip gelmeye başladım annem ise uyanırmış gibi oğlum senmisin diyordu bende dudaklarından öperek evet annem benim dedim o da başımı kendine doğru çekip dudaklarımdan uzunca bi öptü. Ama hala uykuluydu hızlı hızlı gidip geldim ve sikimi çıkarıp üzerine boşaldım. İlk meni çenesinin altına geldi diğerleri göbeğine ve memelerine. Yorgunluktan bitmiştim yanına uzanıp menilerimi her yerine sürdüm o şekilde ona sarılıp uyumuşum. Akşam 3 gibi kız kardeşimin sarılmasıyla uyandım annem alışverişe gitmişti. Sıdıkanın dediğine göre o gün annem çok güleç yüzlü kalkmış yataktan ve hemen gidip sıdıkanın dudaklarından öperek uyandırmış sonra da alışverişe çıkmış akşam geldiğinde ben sıdıka, redbul ve çin topu annemi bekliyorduk ki annem inanılmaz azgın çıktı. zaten 7 yıllık ilişkimizden de anlaşılıyordur. Bu anıları anlatmamda büyük etken geçen sene kız kardeşime sahte kızlık kanı takıp evlendirdiğimiz salak damat ile annemi ve sıdıkayı tost yapışımızdır. Ondan sonra da onun annesini (Gülizar) ve ablasını (aslıyı sonradan karım oldu) yapışımızı anlatacağım. Hoşçakalın.

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip Lauries homecoming and Ben Jrs Birth

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed. My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip, Lauries homecoming and Ben Jr.s Birth Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 58, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast OH God Ben, I missed you lover Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him,...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part Two

Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 5'9 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 5'2, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 5'7, Asian with 5” cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 6'2 ,white, 8” cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 5'8, white, Red Hair Blue Eyes, 38C breasts Reba, 16. daughter of Randee, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Karen, 36, neighbor of Crystal's, 5'8, white, Blond Hair...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip Lauries homecoming and Ben Jrs Birth

Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 5'8, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast “OH God Ben, I missed you lover” Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him, licks the head and looks up at Ben “Master we are not going to leave this room till we go back to Alabama, You are mine now” she sucks BIG FELLA deep getting him hard. Laurie straddles BIG FELLA and...

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The Adventures of Ben Her

Benjamin Blount sat in the back of his freshman history class scribbling in his notebook as the teacher spoke. He did this to keep from looking as Miss Mathews. Miss Mathews was smart, pretty, and caring and had a really nice voice and looking at her made him get an erection. Not that he could do much to avoid that. Ben was a fourteen-year-old boy and just waking up in the morning gave him raging wood. It really sucked being a teenager. The good thing was that Ben was actually very...

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Ben 10 And The New AlienChapter 10

"But mom," Ben whined as he faced his brown haired mother in the kitchen. "Don't you 'but' me Benjamin Tennyson," Ben's mother said in a tone that meant business. "Your father and I are going to his company Christmas party tonight and you're just too young to be left home alone. Normally we'd get you a baby sitter but it's too late to get one now so you'll just have to go to your aunt and uncle's house for the night." "Yes ma'am," Ben said as he turned his eyes toward the...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 17 Father Ben

It was the sound of voices and the familiar smell of bikes that woke Ben up. Oh, shit. The Leathernecks got us. His whole body hurt and it was hard to think, but something in that equation didn't seem right. Why are we still alive? He felt a damp rag press against his forehead, and the light touch of a woman's hand brush against his jaw. It sent his addled brain reeling in confusion, but after a moment he came to the sleepy conclusion that if some one was tending to his wounds, then they...

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Big Ben by robcub32 from Literotica

"Benji! Get your fuckin' ass in here," Mr. Boothe shouted from his office.Mr. Booth was yelling for me again.My name is Ben, short for Benjamin. Benjamin Carter. I'm 24 years old. I have blond hair and hazel eyes. I'm pretty short at only 5'7" and a little bit too skinny. I don't think I'm anything special to look at. I'm painfully shy and I'm not the most manly of guys, and being gay doesn't help, especially given my work environment.I've worked at Ace's Trucking and Storage Company for the...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 13 Behind the Lines

"I don't know what to tell you, Ben." Maury said apologetically. "Your bike is a piece of shit." It was the next morning. Despite the fact that he'd had almost no sleep last night, Ben hadn't felt this well rested in years. Spending the night with Lara had been ... He frowned. No time for that now. There were more important things at stake. Ben groaned. The last time his bike had been trashed, Mo had been able to fix it right up, better than before. Hmm. On second thought, Ben...

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BBC 2 Ben the 2nd encounter

For those unfamiliar with part 1 of this story, please read BBC Number 2 but here’s a brief summary. I’d been chatting online with a 26 year old black stud named Ben who was interested in fucking my wife Erin’s brains out in front of me. When he listed the things he wanted to do to her it was like he was reading down a checklist of things she enjoys so I made the encounter happen for them. Ben fucked Erin hard and stuck with the plan that he and I had made which was for him to fuck her bareback...

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ben 10 and gwen

They have to stop to take some break.evrything was fine until "Dr. Animo escaped. Calling for backup to stop him.” the message was broadcasted on the radio of Grandpa Max's RV. It took not even a second for Ben to ask Grandpa Max to catch Dr. Animo. Grandpa Max switched to the turbo mode .The RV went half way when it broke down. “You can transform to XLR8 Ben and catch-up Dr. Animo”, said the grandpa. With a pass of a second Ben transformed into XLR8. As he was about to leave...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 12 Making Plans

After a brief eternity, Lara and Ben had parted. It would have been easy to stay lip locked and see what developed, but the uncertainty of the situation as well as the limitations of their fleshly shells had gotten in the way. Sooner or later, whatever Leathernecks from Bastard Squad had survived were going to come back, and it was best if Ben and Lara weren't there when that happened. It was extremely difficult for Lara to stay awake right now as she helped Ben tinker and cannibalize from...

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Ben Nancy Ch 12

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Ben encountered school psychologist Marya Thompson in the hallway the next morning when he walked into school. ‘Have you got a couple of minutes, Marya?’ he asked her. ‘Sure,’ the psychologist said. ‘Is this something about one of your students?’ ‘Yes, Trish Wilkins,’ Ben said. ‘Why don’t you come down to my office and tell me about it?’ Marya said. Ben followed Marya down the hall and into her officer. She walked across the room, turned to face...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 3 The Brawl

"You heard of a guy named Gunny?" Ben yelled to the bartender in the Horny Bull over the cacophony of the live music. God knows how, but they had hauled in a live band to play tonight. They weren't bad either. The leader singer was a dark haired chick in a black leather mini skirt and she and her band were dishing out a kind of retro bluesy-rock. They were inside a plexi cage that showed signs of extreme wear with explosions from hurled bottles and mugs and various stains caused by beer,...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Ben 10 Factory Reset

"Darn it, darn it, darn it..." Ben muttered to himself, creeping from hall to hall within the vast spaceship. It was the usual story, bounty hunters hired to get the Omnitrix from him. Fortunately they didn't seem to be working for Vilgax; not quite so fortunately, they weren't as stupid as the ones he was used to. They had apparently cloaked their ship and waited overhead until he was apart from Gwen and Grandpa Max, then abducted him. That was bad enough, but... he glanced down at...

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Ben and Marsha

Ben and Marsha I met Marsha in the spring of my senior year of college. It was a blind date set up by my roommate and one of Marsha's girlfriends. For me it was love at first sight. I am not sure what was going through Marsha's mind. I suppose you could call her feelings for me love, though of a very unusual variety. We did the usual undergraduate dating ritual; a movie followed by a pizza. I did not have a car at the time so Marsha drove. She drove a new BMW, and it did not...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 11 The Biker Chase

Despite their best efforts, Ben and Lady Grace didn't get out of the city till after 9am. They had been in line since before six, but had spent hours sitting around while the customs officials had 'lost' files and had to 'verify' their records. If it had gotten to Lady Grace, Ben couldn't tell. Despite the fact that she hadn't had a square meal or a decent night's sleep in over 48 hours, she looked as polished and as calm as a fashion model. Figured. He both looked and felt like crap,...

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Ben 10 And The New AlienChapter 1

Ben Tennyson groaned and twisted around in his chair so he could watch his cousin Gwen as she typed something into her laptop as she read it out of her spell book. "I can't believe Grandpa left us here in the rustbucket while he went to get some parts," Ben groaned as he looked around the RV. "Considering how advanced this thing is you'd think it wouldn't break down as often as it does." "Shut up, doofus," Gwen said without looking up from her spell book as she stumbled over the...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Ben Nancy Ch 07

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Chapter seven ‘You want to come over to my place for dinner tonight?’ Tosha asked Ben when they ran into each other in the hall between classes one day a few weeks after the night she’d invited him over for dinner. She grinned. ‘Maybe we’ll even get to eat this time.’ ‘I’m sorry, Tosha, I can’t tonight,’ Ben replied. ‘Even though I’d really like to.’ He really was disappointed. He hadn’t gotten a chance to get back together with the lovely black...

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Ben Nancy Ch 01

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Ben Morris and Evelyn Thomas, as nude as the day they were born, groped at each other’s bodies as they made their way across Ben’s bedroom. They collapsed on the king-sized bed and Ben rolled on top of Evelyn and began to suckle her ample breasts. ‘Oh, God, Ben!! I…I want you!’ the woman groaned, writhing under his oral caress. ‘I kind of hoped you would,’ Ben replied and promptly went back to making her crazy with his kisses. Evelyn slid out from...

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Ben by Trainmaster Synopsis: Behind the dresser was the entrance to a magical land beyond Ben's wildest imagining. There, he experienced pleasures that stripped away his inhibitions and made reality a nightmare. There, Ben found he had place to go, a place called ... home. It took all of Ben's strength to move the heavy dresser aside and he panted as he sat on the bed recovering. He was learning; housecleaning was hard work. Cindy would be relieved he was actually doing...

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Ben Nancy Ch 05

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Ben immediately recognized Dawn Dillon when the girl walked into his classroom for English composition class. His heart started to pound and his chest felt tight. ‘God! She looks just like her mother must have looked when she was in high school grade!’ he thought when the slim, lovely teenager walked into the room, moved down the aisle between the desks, and took a seat. The classroom full of students sat there, looking at him expectantly. Ben stood...

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I sent her an email detailing what I had been doing.and told her how her friend Irena phoned and asked me for dinner with her and her ten-year younger toy boy. The next day I received a return email from my lady Julie. ‘Very pleased you enjoyed your sexual tryst with Irena and Ben. I set that up for you with Irena and Ben on the proviso I give Ben a blow job while Irena licks my cunt lips. Would you like to watch baby? And I am pleased that you confirmed Ben is bigger than you, more than...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 5 The Code of the Road

Ben hurt. His side was on fire from Gunny's hit and ... something else. That was a bruised rib if nothing else. He groaned and tried to open his eyes. Bright light flared and he tried to raise his arm to block it out. More pain flared. He squinted and the light became bearable. A blurry form blocked out the light. a face? This all seemed too familiar. "Mo?" he asked in a voice that didn't sound like his own. Where was he? What had happened? "No, not Mo. Lara." A cool feminine voice...

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Sarah and Ben Ch 02

My husband has told his part now it is time for me to tell mine. I have been in love with Ben forever. Well, since I have known him. We had been a very happily married couple. I had some friends and he had some of his own. We also had a few friends together. June was one of my friends and I had been a bit jealous of her for a long time. June was one of those girls who looked sexy in anything she wore. I had seen Ben look at her in ‘that’ way more than once. I had also noticed him looking at...

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Ben Nancy Ch 03

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Ben drove home after school and found himself looking forward to Evelyn’s promised visit with anticipation and growing excitement. When he got home, he paced back and forth in his kitchen, anxiously awaiting her arrival. When he heard a car stop outside, he raced to the window. His heart began to pound while he watched her get out of her car and start walking up the walk toward his apartment building. She looked so desirable his breath caught in his...

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Ben Nancy Ch 22

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Chapter twenty-two Dawn was sitting in the waiting room outside the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital, waiting for her turn to go in and sit with Trish. She was surprised, and delighted, when she saw her mother walk in with Mr. Morris. She jumped to her feet, ran to her mother, and hugged her. ‘Mom!’ she exclaimed, ‘I’m really glad you’re here. You were gone so long I…I was worried about what was going on.’ She released her mother, stepped back,...

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Sarah and Ben Ch 03

I have been stripping for about six years. In that time I have learned how to make a real good income. I then invested wisely. Now I dance and turn tricks on the side for my pleasure. I met Sarah one day through a mutual friend. We hit it off real well. Soon I was dropping by her place quite often. Her husband Ben is one hot stud let me tell you. I had the hots for him for about a year before I finally tried to get him to take me. I discovered that he was a very rare breed of man. I couldn’t...

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Ben Nancy Ch 08

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy ‘I think Mr. Morris is a hunk, don’t you?’ Trish Wilkins whispered to her friend, Dawn Dillon, as they sat in study hall during school. ‘I guess so,’ Dawn replied. She did think Mr. Dillon was good-looking, and really liked him. Hearing her friend talk about him like that made her angry, even though she wasn’t sure why. ‘I bet he’s awesome in bed,’ Trish continued. ‘He’s probably hung like a horse. Can you imagine what it would be like to have him...

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Ben 10 And The New AlienChapter 4

This is so boring," Ben moaned as he tried to peek out through the curtain without actually showing his face. "Ben, get away from the window," Gwen hissed as her cousin tried to ignore her, "Grandpa said this was a bad part of town and he wanted to stay in the rustbucket and not let anyone see us." "I know," Ben said, pulling his head away from the window and slumping back into the bench next to it. "I remember what he said just as well as you do, Gwen. He said this was the bad part...

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Ben 10 And The New AlienChapter 3

"More chili Ben?" Grandpa Max asked as he dished out a third helping for Gwen before adding more to his own bowl. "No thanks Grandpa," Ben said as he grimaced at the spoonful of chili. "I think one bowl is all I can take." "All the more for us then," Grandpa said as he grabbed a slice of bread from the dish in the center of the picnic table. "At least Gwen likes my cooking." "Yeah, it's great Grandpa," Gwen said as she grabbed some bread for herself and took dunked it in her...

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Uncle BenChapter 2

Ben made a quick phone call to his office to tell them that he wouldn't be in and to see if anyone absolutely needed him for anything. With that out of the way, the three sat together on the bed and enjoyed their breakfast. Ben and Helen were naked and Penny had on her pink Baby Doll nightie. "I really enjoyed sucking you and having you come in my mouth Uncle Ben. Did you like it? Did I do a good job?" "Thank you, Penny. I enjoyed it very much. And, yes, you did a very good job. If you...

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Aunty Dee and Ben

Auntie Dee and Ben Unexpected Ben dropped in to see his Auntie at about 5 o’clock one afternoon. He’d come straight from the beach and was only wearing a towel around his waist, a pair of board shorts underneath. His hair was casually swept back where he’d run his fingers through it, and it was still damp from swimming. His bare chest was chiseled as were his arms back and shoulders, and his stomach while not quite a six- pack of muscle was taut and flat. He was the picture of health, standing...

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Ben 10 And The New AlienChapter 2

"Hey dweeb," Gwen said as she carried her food to the table in the rustbucket and set her bowls down, "take your feet off the table. Do you have any idea how gross that is?" "How can you say I'm gross when you eat something like that?" Ben asked as he took his stockinged feet off the table without taking his eyes off his handheld video game, he put his shoulder against the wall as grandpa Max took the off ramp just a little to fast. "I mean, who eats sauerkraut and strawberry ice...

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Ben Nancy Ch 14

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Chapter fourteen The affair between Ben and Marya Archer, which began the night after Ben referred Trish to the school psychologist, continued, even though both of them tried hard to stop. Despite their best efforts, they couldn’t stay away from each other. Ben was so wrapped up in Marya he had stopped seeing Tosha and Evelyn, leaving both of those women extremely unhappy. The only good thing about the affair was that nobody in school had an inkling...

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Ben And The Bitch

Julie was a real bitch. About that there was no doubt. Jen, Ann, and Sue were talking in the locker room about who they would like to fuck, when Julie interrupted, "a real lady would never talk about sex." "Oh! I suppose that you don't get off when your boyfriend fucks you," Ann replied. "Scott does not abuse my body in that manner," Julie responded. "So what you are saying is that you just finger fuck yourself, is that it?" Sue asked. "I do no such thing," Julie haughtily...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 8 Killing Time

It seemed very odd to Lara that the quintessential biker bar, The Rebar, was in Fulsome, the most paranoid, controlled city in the country. The Rebar was dimly lit and spacious. A long battered bar went along the length of one wall, and an annex held billiard tables and video games. There were various chipped tables and chairs around one end, and a hardwood dance floor. Gang crests, dating back to the legendary Hell's Angels, filled the walls, along with the occasional wanted poster, license...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 7 Fulsome Nights

Fulsome was an ugly city, Lara thought to herself as she waited in a long, exhaust filled line to enter it. It was essentially owned by a corporate conglomerate, and they dictated its civic budget as they saw fit. Evidently, their view of public spending did not include beautification or anything beyond basic sanitation. It was surrounded by sixty foot concrete walls that were stained by rust and soot, and the occasional spire of a high rise or smoke stack that poked into view looked equally...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 15 Touchy Feely Crap

Ben slowly and painfully came to his senses. He never really lost consciousness, but he'd been in so much pain that for the longest time it was all he could concentrate on. Only now that people had stopped beating him, racking him and tearing him apart with motorbikes—again—did he slowly regain his powers of thought. "Ben?" It was Lady Grace. Ben didn't bother answering, just groaned and opened his eyes. He was laying on the ground chained to a bar by his wrists. His whole body hurt....

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Ben 10 And The New AlienChapter 12

"And stay down," Ben growled as he struck the alien robot with all four fists so that the casing shattered under the blow. "You too," Gwen said as she enveloped the robot she was fighting in a sphere of magical energy and shrank it until the alien metal was crushed under the pressure of her spell. Ben tore his eyes away from his cousin and her slim body, he still couldn't understand how she was able to disguise her pregnancy with a spell so she could fit into her Lucky Girl costume and...

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My friend Ben chapter 4

Subject: My Friend Ben chapter 4 Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction and not to be read by you unless over 18 so read your comics instead. Copyright 2011: not to be copied or changed without the owner’s permission or consent. MY FRIEND BEN CHAPTER 4 and final chapter Summer camp is ending soon. The boys were enjoying their summer camp and only a week was left before the boys headed back to their homes. All the gang had so...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 4 The Betrayal

It was the morning after the fight in the Horny Bull and Lara ached. She had taken a few good hits in that brawl, especially near the end. She had an impressive black eye and there were a few other bruises and marks about her body. It was nothing new; Lara had spent more than a few mornings like this, nursing her wounds and exulting that she was still in one piece. She still had memories of her Natla adventure, injecting antibiotics with shaky fingers while dizzy with pain, or stitching up...

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Ben Nancy Ch 21

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Nancy monopolized the conversation as she drove to Ben’s apartment. She prattled about her daughter, her work, everything but what he wanted to talk about. When they got to his apartment he asked her if she could come in for a few minutes. Nancy was delighted by Ben’s invitation, but wasn’t sure what to do. She wanted to go in, but was frightened to. ‘Ben, I…I really should get back to the hospital,’ she said. ‘Dawn must be wondering what happened to...

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Ben and Melissa

Ben Holden fumbled with his key ring as he exited the building where he was a paralegal for Milford and Saxe. He had thought to go directly home, but was eyeing the donut shop across the street. It was 6:00AM and he was flat burned out and hungry. He'd been up all night with some of the rest of the M&S high priced staff preparing documents and making last minute calls overseas for the firm's top litigator Dirk Grimes. To say it had been a long night would be an understatement of heroic...

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Lara and Ben

It all started innocently enough; Ben and Lara were two people that took a dare. Lara was a beautiful natural burnette, with 36D breasts on her slender, athletic frame. Her amber brown eyes would captivate any man, but her 150+ IQ had a tendency to intimidate most men, and Lara was not squeamish about ripping a mans ego to shreds if she sensed any weakness at all. Yet all those that saw her would give anything to make love to this beauty. Anyone but Ben. No, Ben was not gay, rather he was her...

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Ben 10 And The New AlienChapter 8

"Ben how could you say something like that," Gwen snapped at her cousin loud enough for Jane to hear her through door to their secret room. A second later the door opened and the two cousins walked through the door together. "All I said was that you look bigger every time I see you," Ben said as he watched his red-headed cousin nervously. "Exactly," Gwen said as she closed the door, "do you have any idea how fat that makes me feel?" "That isn't what I meant," Ben sighed. "And...

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In the bedroom Leanne and Ben lay on the bed for some minutes slowly recovering from the excitement of the game. Ben spoke first “Won’t Dean be upset with this?” Leanne replied “What Dean and I have is something really special, we have come through stuff that would have destroyed other couples. We love each other with a passion that is unshakable. This is pure sex and enjoyment and loads of fun with no emotional strings so don’t worry on that score.”“What do you want me to do now?” asked...

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Ben Nancy Ch 24

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Chapter twenty-four Ben Morris, dressed in a tuxedo, was standing in Nancy Dillon’s living room, in front of the glass sliding doors that led out onto the deck behind the house. He was more nervous than he’d ever been in his life. Next to him, on his left, stood Nancy’s oldest son, Mike. On Mike’s left stood Nancy’s second son, Bill. In front of him stood Reverend Albers, the pastor of the church Nancy attended. Behind them, seated in folding chairs,...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 14 Dead Mans Bluff

When Lara saw the group of Leathernecks waiting she knew that the game was up. She didn't know how they had been discovered. Maybe some one had recognised a jacket belonging to the wrong person or perhaps someone had spotted the two motorcycles where they were not meant to be. It didn't really matter, for the end result was the same either way. Urging every ounce of strength from her muscles, Lara sprinted and dove behind a nexus of pipes, bullets chasing her footsteps like a cloud of...

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The Girl Stories Uncle Ben 2

They talked a lot during the ride, and joked around. Ben was some way more relaxed then usual, happy even. They had a late lunch in a diner in which Lilly still pretended to be a boy and even went to the boys restroom. They were both treating it as a game, and a shared secret which nobody knew apart from them. Finally they arrived at the lake and started to unpack. Ben did the tent, and Lilly prepared the rest, including sleeping mats and sleeping bags. After that Ben sat with a beer given to...

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Ben Nancy Ch 16

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Ben was wakened by early the next morning someone pounding on his apartment door. He had a lot of papers to read and some tests to correct, and had to do all of it after Marya left, so it was late before he finished what he had to do and got to bed. Bleary-eyed, he looked at his clock. When he finally managed to get his eyes to focus, he saw that it was five a.m. ‘Who the hell is that at this hour?’ he muttered as he got out of bed, slipped on his...

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Angelas Night Ben Tramer

Ben flipped Angela's invitation over in his hands a few times. He couldn't understand why she would invite him to her party. Was it some kind of trick? Maybe Angela and her whore roommate were planning some kind of revenge? No, that couldn't be it. If they wanted revenge they could have had it a long time ago. After all, he was fucking Gitane, the whore roommate. God, that girl did know how to fuck too. Ben flipped the invitation back up and smelled it. It smelled like Angela. He missed fucking...

Straight Sex
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My date with Ben part 3

I was invited to Ben’s house for dinner Saturday evening and spent the day getting ready. His wife Susie was looking forward to meeting me again and getting to know me better. I was unsure how the evening was going to go, but I decided that I was going to try and enjoy it as much as possible. I spent the afternoon getting ready, and shaved smooth all over, hoping that Ben and I would get to be together again. I moisturized after my shower, and enjoyed the smooth feeling of my body. I had...

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Ben Mary

Ben and Mary have been married for 7 years. They dated for 3 years before getting married and Ben loved it. Mary was quite provocative in the way she dressed an acted. After the first two years Ben noticed a big change in Mary as she no longer wore dresses and skirts like she did, now its mostly jeans or shorts. She also stopped wearing hosiery and went bare legged. Ben had been invited to go out clubbing with another couple. He discussed it with Mary and she agreed. He asked her if she could...

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