Jake's Magic Remote, Part I - The Accident free porn video

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NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of time stop, non-consent/reluctance, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.
This is the first chapter of what will become (hopefully) a long story. I'm open to feedback, suggestions, and requests!
Jacob Stevens was a pretty average guy. 6 feet tall, dark hair, Caucasian, athletic build. He had a wife, a daughter, a job, and a lot of bills. Granted, the marriage had cooled off a lot in the last few years, but he did alright overall. He was even looking at maybe buying a house soon, which was a difficult thing for most people in the city. He was pushing steadily toward 40, but thanks to a bit of an epiphany in his early 30s he’d started working out and was in really good shape. Every weekday, he got up early, kissed his still-sleeping wife, and headed downtown to earn another step toward independence and comfort.
Jake was walking between the train station and his office, thinking about his budget for the month, when he heard a crash and the screech of metal. Debris hit the building next to him, and something smacked into his head, knocking him down and dazing him. There was a smell of smoke and burning meat, shocked gasps and the far-off sound of someone calling in an emergency call.
Jake shook his head, blinking until he could see clearly. He was leaning up against a storefront. His shoulder-bag had fallen open, s**ttering some of his things. Groaning, he pushed himself up into a sit and began checking himself for injuries. His hands were sc****d from the fall and one knee felt bruised, but nothing was broken. the sound of sirens wafted in from the distance as a woman ran up to him.
“My God,” she said, “Are you alright?”
Jake swallowed. The dust and smoke were irritating his throat. “I think so,” he said. “Nothing broken.”
“Good,” she said. He blinked a couple more times and couldn't help but smile. The woman was quite pretty, and that’s always a nice thing. In fact, the “scenery” was one of his favorite things about working downtown. She had short blonde hair and was wearing a blue blouse and long gray skirt. The way she’d crouched to check on him, Jake could see a little cleavage and the frill of a white bra. She looked around. “It looks like that headlight smacked you in the head. You’re bleeding a little.”
“Shit,” he said. “I've got a little first aid kit... “ he reached for his bag.
“Let me help you,” the woman replied. She moved over next to him and started tossing Jake’s s**ttered possessions back into his bag. He liked to be prepared. Keys, a card with his name and address, a notebook, a pocketknife, some spare change… he kept all sorts of things in his bag. She held up a small red object. “Is this it?”
“Yeah,” he said, taking it from her and opening the top. “It’s the sort you take camping. Waterproof and all that...”
The woman nodded, pulling out an alcohol swag and checking Jake’s scalp. He could feel a little wetness there, so he probably was bleeding like she said. His eyes darted to the side, enjoying another look down her blouse. Sure, it wasn't gentlemanly, but he was only human. She had nice legs, too.
“I’m Carol,” she said. “Carol Dane. Can you tell me your name?”
“Jake Stevens,” he replied. “Headed to work. 2015. Obama. Don’t worry, I think I’m intact. Ow!” Carol was swabbing at what was obviously an open wound on his scalp.
Carol chuckled. “Just checking. This doesn’t look too bad, but you should really stick around so the EMTs can look at you.”
Jake nodded. “Thanks. What the hell happened?”
“I’m not sure, it looks like a car swerved into the wrong lane. It’s a mess over there, but there’s other people there and nobody was helping you, so I came over.”
“Thanks,” Jake said, sitting up a little straighter. “I think I’ll be okay, but I’ll wait. I’m early today anyway.”
Carol moved back in front of him and smiled. “Alright. Here, I’ve got a gauze pad on it, just hold pressure here. The ambulances are arriving, I’ll go make sure one of them knows you’re here.” She reached in her purse. “Listen, I’m putting my card in your bag. Call me later and let me know that you’re alright, okay?”
Jake nodded. “No problem. Thanks, Carol.”

True to her word, Carol sent an EMT over to help. He checked Jake over, pointed a light into his eyes, and gave him a clap on the shoulder. “Looks like you got lucky, man,” he said. “No concussion. It coulda gone a lot worse if that’d hit a few inches down and got your temple.”
“Thanks,” Jake said. “Am I good to go?”
“Sure,” he said. “But the cop over there wants to talk to you too, just to get a statement.”
Jake spent the obligatory time telling the policeman what he’d seen - nothing - and giving his contact details. The officer wrote it all down and handed him a card. “If you remember anything else,” he said, “give me a call. This is… a really odd accident.”
“Will do,” Jake said, brushing some dirt off himself. “Can I go now?”
“Sure thing.”

Ten minutes later, Jake dropped into his office chair with a sigh. “What a morning,” he said. He set his bag up on his desk as he waited for his computer to start up. Reaching inside, he started checking over the contents. His lunch was a little crushed. There were the cards from the cop and Carol, best to set those aside… and there was something else in there. A black plastic rectangle. Jake pulled it out and turned it over. “Huh,” he thought, “That’s not mine. Carol must’ve put it in there.”
It looked like one of those universal remotes that were sold in electronic stores. Fairly recognizable buttons, a little shiny place where the signal presumably went out, and an open compartment on the back for the batteries. Double-A’s, two of them… he had those.
Jake hated leaving a device without batteries. It was just a little mental quirk. So he opened his desk drawer and pulled out a couple, then popped them in the remote. They fit really snugly, no chance of falling out again, but it still bugged him that the little cover was missing. He turned it over and saw that a little red light on the top corner was glowing. “Still works. Cool.”

A couple hours later, Jake was well ahead of his workload for the day, but he kept glancing back at the remote on his desk. He was really curious for some reason. So he did what anyone would do. He picked it up and walked out of his office, over to the breakroom. Nobody was there, and the TV mounted in the corner was off. He pointed the remote at the TV. “Wonder if it needs to be programmed, or…”
The TV flicked on as he pressed the power button. Jake grinned. “Cool,” he said softly, flipping through channels and then turning it off. “That’s pretty handy.” He got a glass of water, then walked back to his office and sat down to examine the remote more closely.
It looked like there were controls for TV, VCR or DVR, and even cable boxes. The bottom part had no buttons, presumably so you could hold it more comfortably, but there was a little latch on there. He pressed it and the blank part flipped open, revealing what looked like another set of VCR/DVR controls. Next to the buttons was a little symbol for a clock.
“Weird,” he said quietly. “Why would there be a second control? And there’s two pause buttons...” He looked more closely. There was a play/pause button like you’d expect, and then there was a larger round button with a pause symbol on it. So, Jake once again did what anyone would do. He pressed the button.
The first thing he noticed was the silence. It was like when he’d worked nights and the A/C would turn off, except somehow deeper. His ears actually popped from the difference. “What the hell?”
His voice echoed strangely, and he realized that it was the only sound he could hear. He got up slowly, listening to the rustle of his clothing, the creak of his chair, and a little pop from his bruised knee. He stepped out of his office and looked around the floor.
“Holy shit,” he whispered.
Everything had stopped. Other employees sat in cubicles, frozen in the act of typing or taking calls. A mailroom clerk was stopped mid-stride rushing toward some apparently urgent delivery. Jake walked closer to the clerk. Her hair was flying back a little… or rather, it had flown back and stopped. One foot was in the air, and the other… was also in the air! The girl was actually hovering an inch above the ground, frozen a moment before her step landed. He also couldn’t help but notice that her breasts were unnaturally high - she’d stopped in mid-bounce.
Jake reached out to touch her, then stopped himself. “Shit,” he said quietly, “This isn’t possible. The inertia alone…”
Jake stepped back carefully to his office door. Watching the office scene carefully, he once again pressed the large pause button on his remote.
Everything started up again. The ambient office noise hit him in a rush, and his coworkers resumed their tasks. The mail clerk ran up and stopped at his door. “Mr. Stevens? Here,” she said, looking a little flustered. “Urgent notice.”
“Thanks,” he said, taking the envelope without looking at it. The girl nodded and hurried off around a corner.
“Holy shit,” Jake said again as he watched her go.

Jake tossed the envelope in his inbox and sat down again. His mind was racing. There were tests to be done! He needed to understand the object that had been placed in his bag. Starting with safety, of course.
Before doing anything, Jake put three sets of extra batteries into his pockets, and the rest of the package in his bag. He wasn’t taking any risks there. Satisfied that he wouldn’t run out of juice, he picked up the remote and stopped time again. What a strange thing to do, he thought, but there it was. He picked up a pen from his desk, held it out, and let go.
The pen hung in the air, frozen just like everything else. He started time again, and it dropped straight to the floor. He mentally checked one thing off his list: placed objects would not retain inertia from being placed. That was good; he’d hate to bump into someone and break their spine as a result of instantaneously moving them two inches to the left.
Next he tested throwing a pen while frozen. Again it stopped moving just after it left his touch, but once time started it flew through the air as it would have when thrown. So inertia applied to frozen objects could carry forward, but it seemed that it was only the moment he let go that mattered. So he could only hurt people or objects as much as he could in the normal world.
For his next test, he threw the pen before stopping time. Reaching out, he gently nudged it to the left and restarted it. It continued moving in the same direction. Testing again, he found that turning the pen changed its direction. So somehow the direction of movement was relative to the object’s position, which meant that, for instance, he couldn’t catch a bullet… but he could push one into a wall, or turn it around.
He checked his watch, and found it was still running, which was interesting. His cell phone worked too, although it had no signal. He shrugged and sat down again. The computer was frozen. He looked at the hidden controls on his remote. Next to the world-pause button, there was a play/pause button like you’d expect to see on any VCR. He pointed the remote at the monitor and pressed the button.
The monitor went black.
“What the hell?” Jake pressed the power button on the monitor. It turned off and on again, then gave a “no signal” warning. Jake pointed the remote at the computer, pressed the button, and it came to life.
“Awesome.” He looked at his watch and wrote down his relative time. “I can get all my work done and still enjoy my whole day.”
The computer had no network connection. That made sense; the servers were frozen. That was fine though; he usually did most of his work locally and backed it up to the network every few hours. He sat down and started working, taking his time and making sure to do all the little things that he never had time for. Custom fonts in documentation, triple-checking metrics… he didn’t mind doing it, but he didn’t usually bother.
Eventually, Jake felt hungry and took a break. He glanced at his watch. Four hours had passed, but the clock on the wall hadn’t advanced a single second! He took out his sandwich and started eating his lunch, when a disturbing thought occurred to him. He wondered if he was aging at the same rate as normal.
Well hell, he thought, a day from my life is worth a test of that. He reached up and felt his face. Still smooth from the morning save. Then he touched the bandage on his head. Still tender. Making note of this, he finished eating and went back to work. When he finished his work, he read a book. When he finished the book, he pulled a flash drive out of his bag and watched some TV shows he’d been meaning to catch up on.
Checking his watch, Jake nodded to himself. “Alright, that’s long enough. Let’s see.” He reached up and felt his face. It was still smooth. Usually he’d expect to feel some stubble by now. Then he touched his head. Still sore, but not as tender. So, he was healing - and fast - but apparently not aging!
Standing and stretching, Jake grinned to himself. This was awesome. And, he realized, it afforded him an opportunity to put to rest a question that had always plagued the IT department...
He walked out into the frozen office, stepping around people in the hall. He stopped and grumbled as he came across a very fat man who was standing in the middle of the hall, looking at a cell phone. Hal, he thought the guy’s name was. He wasn’t sure. Oh well, it gave him a chance to test this…
He put his hands on Hal’s hips, groaning at the squishy feeling of it, and lifted using his legs - no need to get a hernia shifting this fatass. He weighed probably about 350 pounds, by the look of him.
To Jake’s surprise, Hal shifted easily. It seemed that inertia held him in place, but not gravity; it was like moving a large object underwater. He lifted the man, moved him to the side, then returned him to the same position. Then he stepped into an office door out of sight and started everything up.
Hal jerked a little and looked around. He reached down and touched where Jake had had to hold him, then shrugged and went back to looking at his phone. Jake stopped time again before losing control of the urge to snicker. Hal had felt the touch. The pranking possibilities were endless, but he’d have to be careful about bumping into folks.
Continuing into an aisle of cubicles, he found what he was looking for - or rather, who. Marta was one of the people on the project team. She wasn’t Jake’s type; she had that “I subtly use tanning salons” look that turned him off. She also hung around the IT guys a lot, even though she had nothing in common with them. Jake had known lots of girls like her over the years. “I’m pretty and I know it” types who hung around the awkward techie guys. He’d come to realize why, and it pissed him off.
This type of girl liked fishing for compliments, but didn’t like getting hit on. She liked being stared at by people who would never try to touch her. And she loved getting free priority tech support so she never had to learn to use her damn computer herself. So she hung around the shy and awkward helpdesk guys, and used them. And what did they get in return? The chance to stare at a shorter girl’s impressive cleavage.
Yep. Marta was about 5’5” and slender, but had those weirdly spherical breasts that drew the eye. So much so that it was a matter of some debate whether they were real. She liked to wear low-cut tops to show off, and for most people it distracted from the fact that she was a total bitch.
Not Jake, though. he was way past the “helpdesk phase” of his career, but those were his people she was taking advantage of, and he decided it was only fair he at least put the matter to rest. The matter being the authenticity of her tits.
Marta was frozen standing by her desk, talking to another girl, Danica. Danica was in the PR department and was more pleasant to be around. Down to earth, friendly, and without an agenda. Pretty cute, too. Jake reached toward the pair, then stopped.
He took some pens from Marta’s desk and carefully laid them at the toes and heels of each woman. then he pulled his phone out of his pocket and took a picture of them. If he did this right, he could make sure they were in the exact same place when he was finished his inspection, none the wiser.
Satisfied that he’d documented the scene, he lifted Marta an inch off the ground and turned her to face him. She was wearing a v-neck top and slacks. He carefully pressed his palm to the skin of her upper breast.
She was warm. That was nice. The flesh was soft and firm, but science demanded conclusive tests. He lifted her shirt up and over her breasts, exposing the tanned skin crowned by dark nipples. No bra, huh? She must have figured the top was dark enough, and wanted to show off the “pokeys”. Jake chuckled. He cupped one of Marta’s breasts and gave it a firm squeeze, then pulled his hand away and laughed.
There was a handprint where he’d squeezed! Her flesh was pressed into a perfect imprint of his fingers and palm. Apparently forces of compression and elasticity were subject to time also. He grinned and did the same to her other breast, making a print with his other hand. he had to admit that Marta’s tits felt nice, but they were definitely way firmer than they ought to be. However, a good experiment demands a control group…
He looked over at Danica. He felt a little bad about messing with her; she was a nice girl, definitely not deserving of m*****ation. But he needed to know if that firmness was because of time or because of saline. Moving her carefully into the air beside Marta, he unbuttoned her blouse.
Danica wore a plain white bar underneath. Jake reached around under her blouse and unclasped it, then carefully slid the cups out of the way.
Danica’s breasts were milky-white and beautiful. Her nipples were pink and small, in a way that was almost cute. Jake reached out and cupped one, squeezing gently. He had no idea how much she’d feel afterward, and didn’t want to cause her any discomfort. As he suspected, her breasts - a healthy C-cup, he figured - were softer and more pliant than Marta’s. Feeling both at once, there was a definite difference.
Jake blinked, realizing how stupid this was. there was an easy way to know if Marta had implants! He lifted her arm and laughed. There in her armpit was a tiny little scar from the surgery. There was one on the other side, too. He gave her nipples a hard pinch. “Manipulative bitch,” he said, chuckling. “I bet they paid for themselves.”
There was one more thing he had to know before he put things back together. He turned Marta around and pulled the waistband of her slacks down a little. Yep… thong. He put them back up and then pulled her top down and returned her carefully to where she’d been standing, moving her arms back as close as he could to where they’d been. Then he turned to Danica. She really was pretty. Long black hair, milk-white skin and those nice pink nipples showing…
He pressed at the bottom and sides of the breast he’d squeezed, pushing it gently like clay until it was sort of round again. Not perfect, but it’d do. Then he pulled out his phone and took a picture, for the memories. He moved her bra back into place and reconnected it behind her. It fit perfectly over one breast, but the other was still pushed in a little. It was probably going to bounce out into the cup. He moved Danica back where she’d been, then picked up the pens he’d used to mark their places and put them back.
Lastly, he moved past them and hid in an empty cubicle. He just couldn’t resist watching what would happen next. Marta looked hilarious with her tits compressed under her top, and he peeked around a corner at them as he pressed the button to turn time - and physics - back to normal.
Marta stumbled as her tits bounced hard against the fabric of her top. “Ow!” she exclaimed, moving her hands over her nipples. Interesting, seems she definitely felt that pinch. Danica, on the other hand, only flinched a little and blushed.
“What just happened?” Danica said quiet;y. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” Marta said. “Musta been… I dunno, a muscle spasm. I’ll be fine.”
Jake paused the world again so nobody would hear him as he literally rolled on the floor, laughing his ass off.

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Remote Control Love Slave

Part 1:The Clinic Part 1:  The Clinic Jack checked the address on the wall one more time, and compared it against the sheet of paper he had been given.  The bare metal door at the bottom of the stairwell did not look inviting, and certainly was not what he'd expected from the description he'd been given of the clinic.  Mentally shrugging, he walked down the steps and knocked one time, as instructed.  A brief moment passed before the door was opened by a large, casually dressed...

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The True Source of Magic 2nd part

Chapter 1: The Longest Chapter - continuedKadren swung her mace threateningly at one of the creatures.  It backed away a little, but did not retreat.  The other five paused, but then resumed their slow advance forward.  They looked like small, ugly (uglier than usual) goblins, and more feral than any goblin she had ever encountered.  These were the same sort of creature that Coj had already handily dispatched.  They made shrill noises as they closed in, and gave off, what sounded like, cackles....

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I had just found out that the hot girl I fucked over Spring Break was in fact my cousin. Now sitting at my Aunt's house trying to listen to conversations and answer questions was really trying. After about an hour, my Aunt emerged from the kitchen and asked Cara if she would run to the store since her car was easiest to get out. Cara agreed and went to get her shoes and keys. When she returned, she looked over at the group and asked “Anybody want go with me?” I noticed that my mom was...

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The Remote

The Remote By Mr. Pec Victor tirelessly changed from one channel to the next with his remote in an endless search for something meaningful to watch. He would pause for several seconds on some channels, passing others without a second glance. It marveled him to think that out of 73 channels of programming, he could find nothing to watch. His frustration finally peaked and Victor hit the power button, making the 22-inch screen go dark. He sighed and dropped the remote beside...

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Remote Control Mommy

"Hey mom would you like to take part in my experiment?" Toby asked his mom. "Why of course honey. Anything for my little boy," Toby's mom smiled. "Cool. You have to come follow us in the basement mom," Toby said to his mom. "Ok honey," his mom smiled. Toby's mom Julia Cameron followed her son and his Japanese friend Yoshida into her their house basement which her son and his best friend had converted into a scientific lab where they conduct their experiments. Toby was 10 years...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 1

Hi, guys. It’s been a long time on ISS. I was away from the city. I hope you did like my other two stories(true incidents) which I had written. This is the next encounter I had with my aunt who was all alone and needed a little love for her. Her name is Bethesda and lived her whole life alone after her husband married another woman. I do have a lust for her and want her so badly. She is 45 years old and looks bomb. She got a good voluptuous body and looks like a brunette. As for me, I’m six...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 210 My Date With Mackenzie The Magic Part

Thursday, May 12, 2005 (Continued) "Please give me a few seconds to prepare. I need to tie the hair that Diana so kindly donated into a knot." Diana and Claire giggled, with Mackenzie joining in with a small chuckle too. Plus small smiles from the parents. I made a small loop in one end of the hair, then wove the long end around and around the loop, pulling the loop a little smaller as I went, until I ran out of hair. Hair being somewhat stiff, the tension in the loop kept it in a loop...

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Remote Possibilities Ch 1

As Andrew walked out the door he glanced at his older sister, leant over the kitchen counter and reading her magazine. Holy shit he thought, his friends were right - she was a knockout. It was hard to admit that about her when she acted like such a bitch around him all the time, he wanted nothing to do with giving her any praise. But the truth remained, her luscious dark brown hair, pulled back in a ponytail, and below that a slim waist that led down to her graspable butt made her sexy simply...

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The Remote

You're coming home from work and pass by an alley. You hear screams and stop. Looking down the alley you see a haggard old woman being accosted by a few youths. You yell at them to stop and cry out for someone to call the police as you come to her aid. They see you coming and push the old woman down as they scramble to run away. You come to the old woman and help her up, asking if she's okay and if she needs an ambulance or anything. She thanks you profusely for your help and says she wants to...

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Jill stepm slave remote control part 2

Jill step**m slave, remote control part 2 See part 1 of my story remote control for past details Jill hung up, not sure what to make of Franks last remark, he was joking..surely he would not have left his email account open for his k*ds and certainly never told them how to access the remote cams in the lounge..it was a wind up, a tease she didn't like. Her phone was going again it was Frank and an email was in her in box, she wan't impressed with him she would go to bed and let him stew, they...

2 years ago
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The Curse of Magic Mansion Part 2 The Lair of the Spider Queen

By BD Long When Tina had seen her little sister incapacitated, ice had filled her veins. Cold fire had covered her hands and bled from her eyes, and she had felt the urge to destroy. But her brother had urged her back. He had been right: she had just discovered magic, but didn’t know if she could control it, let alone fight an untold number of zombies. So they had fled, not up thirty flights of stairs, but just one. When they reached the top, they looked down and saw that the atrium now led...

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The Curse of Magic Mansion Part 1

by BD Long -------------------------------------- It was a dark and stormy night…. But that’s skipping ahead. The day had actually been quite pleasant. The Wilder family’s station wagon was parked on the side of the road, and Howard took a knee by the passenger-side wheel. “Yep,” he said. “Definitely a flat.” “Howard, we’re in the middle of nowhere,” his wife Donna said, leaning her head out the window. “Forget that,” said Jane, their younger daughter, who leaned against the hood...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

1 year ago
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Why I Hate Magic Parts 13 Revised and Expanded

Why I Hate Magic Chapter 1 Daniel could think of several reasons why he didn't want to go to Dr. Suspendo's Midnight Magic Show. His apartment needed cleaning. Semester finals were coming up and he really should be hitting the books. There was an all-night marathon of Godzilla films playing on television. While any of these excuses would have worked, the real reason Daniel had no interest in watching a magic show had almost entirely to do with the fact that he hated magic. Hate,...

2 years ago
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Full Leather Fear Love Loathing in the Magic KingdomChapter 2

"You're such a wuss! I don't know what my big sister saw in you ... experienced troubleshooter indeed!" My diminutive little Fairy was miffed with me, and no longer quite so little. She had now grown to the normal size of a healthy young woman ... with all the accompanying attributes. She might be Linda Lovegood's little sister, but if my intelligence report from last night was even half accurate, her big sister still had the better tits, but I decided not to hold that fact against her....

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Becoming Anthea Part 2

My name is Anthony; I am twenty-two years old and live with my beautiful girlfriend Zoe. As you have read I have dark hair and dark eyes and I am clean shaven. Zoe is older than I am by a couple of years and is the driving force of our relationship. I am what many call a cross-dresser: a guy that gets great sexual satisfaction from dressing in women’s clothing.Of course, my girlfriend knows all about my cross-dressing. In fact, she encourages me to cross-dress. Once a week, generally on a...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Fucking the Remote

That fucking remote, I cant ever watch my television without getting a moist pussy. I am a very horny 19 year old girl and I just cant keep dry when I look at the shape of my remote. Where the hell is it? is usually said looking at the remote for more than one reason. Dont get me wrong, the shows I watch are definitely important to me, but my horny needs are much more important than True Blood. The curves and hardness of my remote just make me feel a lot better than any vampire show can! In...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

1 year ago
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Remote control

"How was that, baby," Vern asked his wife, Pam as he rolled of her rolled off of her after an almost one hour fuck-a-thon!?! "Oh, honey," she cooed softly while stretching her sleek body, "it was really wonderful, I came at least a hundred times!!!" "Good," he said with a laugh while leaning over and kissing her on the cheek, "cuz if you need anymore you're outta luck, I'm one dead puppy!!!" A few minutes later the only sound you could hear was Vern's soft even snoring as he drifted off to...

Group Sex
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Magic part 2 the magic continues

“Hello Kandie, Hi, I see you posted your story. I hope that it will be as enjoyed being everyone who reads it, as it was obviously fun for you in writing it. I loved having my share of fun in inspiring you in writing it. Hmmm, I wonder if the seed of desire to fulfill that stranger/stranger fantasy has set itself. Perhaps some more stimulation to captivate your imagination and desires will further fuel it. I know you’re looking for fun and excitement, so allow me to excite you...

4 years ago
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Magic part 1

A week later, she got an email response from an older man entitled, Magic. “Hello Kandie, Are you as sweet as Candy, oh please tell me you are! I can tell by your pictures that you would be one delectable delight! I am looking for some sexy fun as I travel throughout the western part of the state. I go through your town quite often and would love to stop by and visit you sometime. I want to take you out to dinner and if we clicked, help you full fill some of your wild fantasies. ...

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Magic Part 1

Kandie just finished her profile on an adult date finding service. She decided it was time to add a bit of spice to her life. She sat back and wondered if she added just the right touch of sex appeal. She read the words again, Sexy older woman looking for sexy fun and excitement. Preferences are one on one sex, a bi-curious relationship and a fantasy called stranger-stranger encounter. “I can be traditional or kinky, depending on the mood I am in. When it comes to sex, I am in it for fun,...

First Time
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Magic Part 2

Kandie sat down at her computer and after logging on noticed an email from Magic. She had taken their erotic emails and turned them into an erotic story, then posted it on an erotic story site. She couldn’t wait to read his reaction to their story.“Hello Kandie, Hi, I see you posted your story. I hope that it will be as enjoyed being everyone who reads it, as it was obviously fun for you in writing it. I loved having my share of fun in inspiring you in writing it. Hmmm, I wonder if the seed of...

First Time
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Remote Control Slave (Part One) If you had told me a year ago that I would become the remote control slave of a doctor a world away from my rural Alabama home I would have been too stunned to even laugh.Yet here I sit on a bench in the center of the largest shopping center in the state looking on the outside like anyone else, but having my body largely controlled by the man I am permitted to refer to only as Master.One part of me is glad it is late Fall, because that allows me to wear a long...

3 years ago
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Universal RemoteChapter 2

Over the next couple of days I couldn’t stop thinking about that woman and the weird remote sitting on my desk. Several times I picked it up but I couldn’t bring myself to push the “menu” button. I suppose I was afraid it wouldn’t work - or that it would. But my curiosity was getting the best of me about why it worked, so I pulled my little tool kit out of the drawer and took the back off the remote to see if I could locate a processor or a memory chip, maybe learn it from the inside...

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Black Magic Part 2 Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Author's Note: This is the second part of a long Giles/Willow story. No sex yet (yes there is sex, it's already written), but I prefer the slow burn.~Part 2~Willow was surprised when she arrived at Giles' apartment and didn't see any cars she recognized from the group. She didn't think too much of it, simply rang his doorbell and tried to quell her anticipation, smoothing wrinkles from her billowy dress out of nerves more than anything else. Giles was sitting in his living room, trying his best...

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The Changes Magic Can Bring Part 7

"The Changes Magic Can Bring; Part 7" By SuppositionLife Synopsis: Cammie's evolution into the woman who she is destined to become continues as her role in the community of Windy Rock, NC solidifies. She also learns a little more of purpose that the Witches and Warlocks serve. (Thanks for the great reviews and help!) I only have 45 minutes to finish my makeup, get my shoes on and get to the cafe, to meet with the staff. This Rose Pink lip liner goes real good with my new skin tone....

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Black Magic for Black Cock Part One

My wife, Diana, and I have had a pretty typical marriage for most of our lives, living in the Omaha suburbs since college, and raising our children here. I’m Jeff, and I was fortunate to get a job with a major insurance company in Omaha, and now, at the age of forty-eight, I make a good living from my upper management position. Our children have graduated college and are living out of state with their own families.Diana and I had a very good sex life, until she began to lose interest in sex at...

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Lost Remote

“Lucia, your brothers are coming home today.” my father told me.“They are not my brothers, they are your girlfriend’s sons.” I argued as I put my hair up.“Come on Lucia, I know that your relationship has been turbulent with Nancy but I’m asking you to behave.” he sighed.“Turbulent? This is all your fault, to begin with! You knew how I felt when you started seeing her and you didn’t care. I’m going to work out.” I argued.“Don’t stay out all day, we’re gonna have a family dinner.”“We’re not a...

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Remote X

This Science fiction interactive story is about the Remote with ultimate powers that brings wonderful adventure with it on earth. CAUTION FOR READERS : Please don't be mean with any one regarding their English skills. Just enjoy good stories without boundaries. There is a great alien planet called Golden Heaven of Proxima (GHP) located in near by solar system of Proxima Centauri. The Species of GHP are far more developed and advanced than humans. In recent expedition they have found the...

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Zacks Body Part Swapping Remote

The alarm ringed, ripping Zack out of his sleep. He glanced at the clock. 7:12. "Great. I'll be late. Eh... who cares.", he thought to himself. The longer he lived his usual life, the less he seemed to care. At first he was concerned at the loss of emotions, but the more time passed, the more accepting he was of it. Or rather... unbothered? The door to his room was open, and his sister passed it. "Hurry up bro, you'll be late if you don't get going!", Sara said to him. She was a pretty girl,...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 4

Taboos have been broken a long time ago. It existed with the gods and ended with human beings. We may have intentions to a particular person. A woman perhaps. Precisely we wanted to know more about having an intercourse with a woman. Be it your sister, mother, MIL, SIL, step-sister, step-mother, Aunt, Relative, Cousins or girls who want to get fulfilled. There are at times women in brothels who intend the same but for money. I have an intention too. Bethesda. Well previously I told you how...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 3

Well, it was on January 7, 2017, on a perfect Saturday morning that Bethesda received a call from her colleague stating they found something new this time and want her to visit her office which is like a museum to me. She called me as I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and told me to be alone for some time because she has to go to an urgent work in her office. I on the other hand, didn’t want to leave her and told her to give me 10 minutes to freshen up and that I too will be coming with...

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Haley Her Dad and the Remote

"Wait Haley, I don't understand," April said. "What about the remote?" "My dad bought this super fancy, touch screen remote control," Haley replied. "And my mom is so frustrated because she can't figure out how to use it. So my dad said he could teach me to use it, and if I could learn, why couldn't she?" "O.K. So, what happened?" "My dad spent like 20 minutes teaching me how to use the thing. It is pretty complicated. I'm totally not surprised that my mom couldn't figure...

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Return of Magic The Rogue Teuton Section 1 The Tome of Severius the Roman Part II

Return of Magic: The Rogue Teuton, Section 1: The Tome of Severius the Roman Part II By SsiRuuk25 The morning came to soon for Larisa. She had lain awake last night for several hours, unable to cry, yet unable to get to sleep. When she finally did, her sleep was filled with nightmares. Finally, early in the morning, the nightmares stopped and Larisa was able to sleep peacefully. Then the sun shone in through the barred window of her cell, shining right in her eyes. Larisa tried...

2 years ago
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Universal RemoteChapter 3

Okay, I guess this is where I have to admit to the world that I’m just your average somewhat self-absorbed teenager. After my success with Sherry and Dad, I was starting to feel like I could easily have my way by just aiming the remote, pushing a couple of buttons, and making a wish. But you know what? I read somewhere that if things start to feel like they’re too good to be true, it’s probably because they are. My next two attempts at mind manipulation shook up my world more than I could...

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