Drama Queen Part Three free porn video

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Drama queen part 3

The next day (Friday) I got up and dressed in clean lingerie and a mini skirt with top, I did my make up, I was getting better; especially after the tips Alice had given me. I took my dirty lingerie and loaded it into my washing machine. I did notice there were no male underwear, and did a smile to myself. I checked the skirts, top and dress I had worn and decided that they needed a wash too so they were set aside for the next load. I remembered I had some essays from Drama school to mark. The rest of my day was spent reading and marking with the occasional break for nature and food, drinks etc.
I slept well that night and woke refreshed showered and shaved, must remember to shave again before my guests arrive. I laid out my clothes ready for this evening’s entertainment.
I slipped on a pair of panties and a bra placing my prosthesis in the cups, and then on with a mini skirt and t-shirt. I sat down after breakfast and finished off the marking. Lunch time I ate a light salad. Then it was time for a long leisurely soak then a very close shave. Just then a thought popped into my head what about hair removal cream. I changed my skirt for some unisex jeans and popped on some socks slipped into my trainers and jogged to the local chemist. I scanned the shelves and found several makes but one in particular took my eye it said for facial hair removal, also suitable for a bikini line. I bought two packs and some ordinary body type. I paid the assistant who gave me a knowing smile. I wonder if she noticed my nail varnish.
I returned home and read the instructions and went to the bathroom. I undressed and smothered my body with the cream in all the places I could reach. Then I opened the facial pack and covered my beard area with the cream and waited the required time. Then I sc****d and showered away the cream with my hair then smoothed on some moisturiser as recommended. The odour was a little off putting (Ammonia); but the result was well worth the experience. I shall be doing it again as often as required. Up to 4 weeks the packet said and possibly longer with regular use. As I had just showered, and was nice and clean and sweet smelling I decided to forgo the bath soak. I naked I went through to my bedroom I clipped my new suspender belt round my waist and selected the stockings, rolling them up my hairless legs was a fantastic feeling, and fastened them to the suspenders. Next I stepped into the matching panties and settled my penis back into them trying to obtain a smooth line. Then I clipped my bra on and swivelled it round. Settling my prosthesis’s into the cups and arranging my own flesh to try and create a little cleavage. That was when my telephone rang
I picked it up and said “Hello”
The response was “Hi its Alice, can I come round and see you”
“Of course you are always welcome” I replied. “When”? I continued
“Now, if that’s ok”. She said.
Yes of course I was just getting dressed for our party tonight” I replied.
“I’ll be right over” She said and rang off.
10 minutes later she was at my front door, I had slipped a dressing gown on to keep myself respectable in case of other neighbours, it was still day time.
“Come in” I said
Alice stepped in she was pulling a little travel suitcase.
“What’s happened” I asked looking at the case.
“My ex-boyfriend broke into my house last night and threatened me if I did not take him back, I thought if I could perhaps move in with you for a few days he would go away” she said
“What about your dog”? I asked
“Well actually it’s his dog and he took it when he went to get his stuff from his mates house”. She said.
“Of course you can stay, you’ll have to share my bed, I only have the one. But we can get another one on order next week”. I said.
“Sharing your bed will be fantastic my darling”. She said as she stood on tip toes and kissed me.
“But what about your boyfriend, won’t he scour the neighbourhood looking for you, and the break in” I enquired
“He repaired the door and the front door is to in the open for him to force a break in. It would make so much noise. I also told both neighbours I was going away for a few days and could they keep an eye on the property and call the police if any problems, They both know him as an abusive ex-boyfriend. Alice said.
“Well let’s get you settled in, then I can finish dressing”. I said
We went upstairs Alice led the way. I followed carrying her case.
She went into my bedroom and saw my dress for the evenings get together.
“Wow you will look gorgeous in that and it’s so sexy, If you were to wear that out you would cause all the men’s heads turn to admire you”. She exclaimed.
“Thank you, I hope I do it justice”. I said meekly
“Oh you will”. She said, “Now lets do your make-up I can see you have your lingerie on by your nylon clad legs, would you please remove your dressing gown, I want to see your beautiful lingerie”. Alice said.
I slipped my gown off and stood before Alice in just my lingerie.
“Double WOW, you look fantastic”. She said. “Now for the perfect make-up; to do justice to that dress”. She added
I sat at the dressing table with all my make-up laid out before me. Alice ran her fingers over my face feeling how smooth it was.
“Somebody has been using hair removal cream; I thought I could detect the familiar aroma, very nice and so smooth, I don’t think you are going to need foundation cream on tonight darling”. Alice said.
She started with some powder and blusher then eye shadow and mascara then opening her case she took out her make up bag and extracted a pair of false eye lashes and glued them in place. Then lip liner and filled it in with my lipstick followed by lip gloss.
“I think we had better slip your dress on before we deal with your wig” Alice instructed
I stood and caught a glimpse of my self in the mirror. I did not recognise my self I looked fantastic; not a sign of my male alter ego. I picked up a Camisole top and slipped it on then stepped into a full waist slip with lots of nylon lace. Alice picked up my dress and held it open for me, I ducked my head into it and Alice helped it fall into place the full skirt arranged over the petticoat. Alice stood back and looked at me.
“Turn around for me” she said.
I turned around slowly.
“Wow fantastic”. She said. “Now can you do a fast spin, but don’t fall over”. She added.
I turn as fast as I could.
“Great when you spin your skirt flares out and your stocking tops and suspenders show, it’s so sexy”. She said.
“I think I had better sit down, that made me a little giddy” I said and sat on the stool again.
“Just your appearance is making me giddy and horny for you”. Alice said.
She lifted her skirt and showed me the damp patch on the crotch of her panties. No tights or stockings. The sight of her damppatch caused my penis to stir in my panties, making me squirm as it tried to grow in its tucked away location.
Alice saw me squirm and said
“Are my damp panties turning you on darling”?
“Yes very much, I would like to pleasure you orally right now”. I said.
“Mmmm very tempting but lets wait for the others to arrive or we will be to exhausted to have a fun time tonight”. Alice said.
Alice then picked up my blonde shoulder length wig and fixed it in place brushing it to perfection. As she stood in front of me I ran my hands up under her skirt feeling he naked legs and up to the waist band of her panties.
“Now stop that you naughty girl. I need to change ready for tonight”. She said with a smile in her voice.
“Would you like to shower first”? I asked.
“Why do I smell”. She replied.
“Um well yes actually; absolutely exquisite, delightful good enough to eat, which I intend to do before the evening is over”. I answered.
“Right answer, but yes I will have a shower; for one thing I need to change my panties”. She said. as she said it she removed her damp panties and threw them to me.
“Here you can taste them but don’t smudge your make-up we don’t have enough time to redo it”.
I caught her panties and looked at the damp patch then stuck my tongue out and licked the crotch, Mmmm heavenly nectar taste, my penis stirred again and once again I squirmed on the stool.
After a few minutes I heard the shower stop and a few minutes later Alice walked into my bedroom totally naked. I gasped at her beauty. Scanning her from head to foot I noticed she had also removed her pubic hair and vaginal lips were very pronounced which I put down to her being extremely excited.
“You have seen me naked before darling”. She said
“You are beautiful my love and you have removed your pubic hair”. I said
“Don’t you like it removed” She answered
“Yes its wonderful, now you had better get dressed before I lay you on the bed and make passionate love to you”.
“Ok, yes but promise to hold that thought till later when we eventually get to bed” She said.
“I will” I promised.
Alice got dressed first she clipped a white wasp waist corset round her slender waist that had 6 suspenders dangling. I have got to buy one of those I thought. Next she rolled on her black fully fashioned stockings, standing to make sure her seams were straight. Then she picked her white bra up and slipped her arms in the straps she expertly clipped it behind her back she settled her breasts into the cups her nipples were already erect clearly visible in the lacy cups. Then she stepped into the matching hi-leg white lacy panties. She went back to her case and took out a leather mini skirt with a thigh slit that left her stocking tops and suspenders visible. Finally she took out a very sheer nylon blouse and slipped it on buttoning it up to just below her bra. Her bra was very visible through the blouse and she was turning me on so much that my penis had become uncomfortable tucked back. I lifted my skirt and petticoat to rearrange myself.
“I hoped I would have that effect on you; let’s I hope I have the same effect on the other two girls. I looked at the clock. It was 17:45; only 15 minutes before they are due to arrive.
“They’ll be here in 15 minutes”. I said
“You go down and greet them; I’ll do my make up and be down”. She said.
I picked up my 3 inch heels and carried them downstairs. I stepped into them and clip clopped my way to the lounge. I had barely sat down when I heard the door bell. I got up and walked to the door; I checked the spy hole. Yes it was Amy and she had Cindy with her. Amy was dressed but Cindy still had her male clothes on. Perhaps she has her undies on underneath.
I opened the door and asked them in. I took their coats and hung them expecting Amy to feel me again. I wasn’t disappointed but also surprised when Cindy also put her hand up my dress as Amy had one hand up my dress the other caressing my breast. As there were two hands fondling me under my skirt Cindy had to have had a feel too.
“Steady girls, I am so turned on I’ll have a premature ejaculation if you carry on, lets go to the lounge and sit a while”. I said
“You look fabulous; your make up is exquisite”. Amy said.
“I agree”. Cindy added.
“Thank you, girls”. I said, “But I did have some help although I have been practicing all week”.
“That sounds interesting”. Amy said, “Tell us all about the help”.
“I’ll tell you later, but for now who would like a drink”? I asked
“Oh yes please, I would love a cup of coffee, I’m parched”. Came a voice from the hall way.
Alice had walked down stairs in her stocking feet and waited before stepping into her 4 inch heels. We all looked to the door Amy and Cindy’s jaws dropped at the sight of Alice. With her make and her hair brushed out she looked a vision of heaven.
“I’ll put the kettle on darling, and when your two friends have stopped catching flies ask what they would like to drink, tea or coffee”. Alice said
“Oh um yes coffee for me white no sugar”. Amy to say Cindy took a little longer but managed to utter “white coffee for me please, two sugars”.
“Who is she”? Amy whispered.
“That girl’s; is my darling Alice and she has agreed to join us tonight she has a thing for girls with the little extra like us”. I said.
“Do you mean she is a real girl”? Cindy asked.
“Yes my sweet”. I replied.
“And she likes to have fun with cross dressers”? Amy asked.
“Why of course I do especially when they look as good as you”. Alice answered as she carried the coffees into the lounge and bent over and put them on the coffee table. She was facing me and her back to Cindy and Amy sat on the couch. As she bent her leather mini skirt rode up and exposed her panties to the girls, her stocking tops and suspenders were on show when she was stood up. I heard both of them have a sharp intake of breath as they viewed her gorgeous bottom. Well I think it’s gorgeous.
Alice stood and turned round looking at the girls.
“I saw you last Wednesday as I was walking my dog”. She said to Amy. “You must be Cindy”. She added.
“Oh um yes”. Cindy answered hesitantly.
“Well we will go upstairs and sort out your make-up. Have you bought your clothes with you”? Alice asked her.
“Um I only have undies. I have not been brave enough to buy any outer clothes yet”. Cindy said
“Can we borrow some of your clothes darling, to get Cindy dressed”? Alice asked me.
“Yes darling I think most of my clothes will fit Cindy”. I said. Alice and Cindy disappeared up stairs. I got up and sat next to Amy; She took my hand and put it up her skirt.
“Feel what Alice has done to me, I’ve never been so hard. She’s fantastic. I gave Amy a few strokes of her penis through her panties.
“Stop, stop, I’ll ejaculate into my panties, and I do not want to orgasm yet”.
I stopped but kept my hand on her panty covered penis.
Amy leaned into me and her lips found mine and her hand found my penis that was growing in my panties and stroked me to full arousal. I broke from the kiss and said.
“I think you had better stop as well before I ejaculate into my panties”.
We sat on the sofa our hands on each others penis’s, kissing each other until Alice appeared with Cindy in tow.
“Wow you look wonderful”. Amy and I said almost together.
“Thank you, your clothes are fantastic”. Cindy said holding the hem of the dress she was wearing and curtsied.
“Now girls just a couple of rules. If any one is uncomfortable with what is happening to them, say stop and we will”. I said. “OK” All three agreed.
“And the second rule” Cindy asked.
Carole is the only one of you that is allowed to penetrate my vagina with a penis; you can all finger or lick me”. Alice added. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, I don’t know you, OK”.
We all agreed to it as Alice being sensible. I winked and mouthed thank you to Alice.
Alice then said “Right girls, Skirts up and panties down so I can inspect what is on offer.
Amy, Cindy and I raised our skirts and lowered our panties to the tops of our thighs. Alice had also raised her leather skirt and taken her panties down.
“I already had the pleasure of your penis darling”. She said looking at me. So to be fair you will be last for me. And I gave Cindy a nice stroke upstairs so I know what he feels like, therefore you are first Amy”. Alice said
Alice knelt down in front of us Amy was in the middle she leant forward and gently took hold of Amy’s penis, then opening her mouth she licked the tip before sliding her lips all the way down. Then she started to bob in and out while she held my penis in one hand and Cindy’s in the other. She stroked us keeping us on the edge of ejaculation whilst giving Amy her attention. Soon Amy said. “I’m cumming”, and ejaculated into Alice’s mouth. Alice smiled as she swallowed Amy’s semen making sure there was no more at present. Alice them moved to Cindy’s penis and again took it deep in her mouth. Amy sat down before her knees gave way to her intense orgasm. I moved toward Cindy. Alice was still gently keeping me aroused as she concentrated on Cindy. Then too soon for Alice, Cindy announced “I’m cumming”. Alice again swallowed and cleaned all remaining semen from Cindy’s penis. Now it was my turn. Alice took me in her mouth and I already knew what a warm wet mouth it was. I closed my eyes as she bobbed back and forth trying to get me to ejaculate. Suddenly she moved forward with a gasp. I opened my eyes to see Amy on her back underneath Alice, with his head between her legs his tongue must have found her clitoris as she had renewed vigour at trying to get me to ejaculate. Amy must have driven Alice crazy with her administrations on her tongue. I heard and felt Alice orgasm with still her mouth full of my penis. Amy moved out from underneath Alive and Cindy took her place. Again I knew Cindy had found the right spot as Alice sucked even harder. Alice took my penis from her mouth and said “Oh I’m cumming again” as she quivered with another orgasm. When Alice had calmed down I laid her on her back and took her panties down to her ankles and off one leg. I parted her legs and moved my head between them. I licked and kissed all round her vagina before parting her opening and inserting my tongue. I hit her clitoris almost straight away causing her to buck and writhe on the floor. I kept up my administrations I reached up with one hand, remembering how tweaking her nipples turn her on. I found her breast and then her nipple that was already hard to touch and start to rub and caress I felt her blouse move under my fingers and Amy and Cindy were kneeling each side of her unbuttoning her blouse. Alice arched her back as Amy reached under her to un hook her bra. With her breasts now free from her bra Cindy leant forward and took her nipple in his lips and kissed licked and sucked it. Amy moved my hand and did the same to Alice’s other nipple. Alice was now writhing in pleasure with my tongue firmly embedded in her vagina her legs clamping my head preventing me removing it. Her nipples were on fire with Cindy and Amy kissing and sucking.
“Oh I’m cumming”. Alice almost screamed as she tried to stifle it with her fist in her mouth and arching her back. Cum she certainly did, it seemed like gallons of her juices flooded from her vagina into my mouth, some over flowing onto the carpet.
Alice collapsed back onto the carpet.
Amy, Cindy and I got up and sat on the sofa, I was still rampant as I had not had an orgasm since Thursday morning with Alice.
Amy lifted my skirts and full petticoats exposing me. Cindy took the opportunity and slipped her lips over my penis, sucking and bobbing up and down. Soon I told Cindy of my approaching orgasm. She just sucked even harder and I ejaculated into her mouth. When I finished she sat up and with a full mouth of my semen she kissed me passing me some, then she kissed Amy with the same idea.
“Save some for me”. Alice said as she tried to sit up still partially exhausted. Cindy got on her knees and kissed Alice sharing the last of my semen.
“Mmmm, very tasty”. Alice said as Cindy helped her sit up.
“I agree”. Amy said.
“Me too”. Cindy added.
“I’ve just had a thought” Cindy said.
“Please tell” we said, thinking it was a sexual position Cindy wanted.
“Well I know your real name and also this wonderful sexy lady” Cindy said.
“Come on, what is it”? I said
Well excuse the pun but it reminds of a poem: They are changing guards at Buckingham Palace
Christopher Robin went down on Alice”. Cindy said with a smirk.
We all looked at each other for a second or two then started to laugh.

“Another drink, anyone”? I asked.
“I would like to drink love juices from Alice’s vagina”. Cindy quickly said
“Then I’m next, if you think you can manage both of us” Amy said.
“Shall we go upstairs girls”? I said “We can be more comfortable on my bed”
During our session in the lounge Amy, Cindy and I had somehow managed to remove or have removed our panties, Alice still had hers round one ankle. She shook them off and picked them up with the other three pairs. Amy led the way alongside Cindy, giving Amy and I an unobstructed view of their bottoms. Very sexy especially as with each step Cindy’s penis popped into view. As did Alice’s vaginal lips that were glistening with her juices. It certainly caused my penis to stir as it hung between my legs.
I can’t remember the order we lay on my bed but I do know I did get to suck Amy and Cindy, and my tongue in Alice’s vagina. The others were not disappointed either. After our little orgy we all lay or sat on my bed in various states of undress, I did notice that Alice’s bra and blouse had been removed; I did not know at that point who did it. Also Amy’s and Cindy’s skirts were gone, I did have my full dress and petticoats still on and felt very over dressed. I started to remove my dress and three voices all said almost together. “Leave it on it’s so sexy”. Alice continued “Ours were just getting in the way, and yours skirt is so full it gives no impeded access”. With that being said Alice slipped her hand up my skirt t once again gently grasp my penis and lovingly stroke it I spun round and laid on my side with my head resting on the inside of Alice’s thigh. I could just reach her vagina with the tip of my tongue and did soon each down stroke she gave my penis. Amy and Cindy got into a similar position and I could their wet mouths working on each other. The sound was very erotic and it made me stir in Alice’s hand
“Who is getting another erection already”? Amy said just loud enough for me to hear.
“Mmmm, me”. I murmured as I eased forward towards Alice’s vagina. Now I could dart my tongue inside her vagina and find her clitoris, which in turn made her squirm and push her vagina even closer to my tongue. I delved further into her and licked her clitoris her juices were running again into my mouth and onto the inside of her thigh. I licked and swallowed as fast as I could but there was just too much. Soon Alice arched her back as another orgasm wracked her gorgeous body and her stifled screams gave another clue as to her state of euphoria.
“Oh wow that was fantastic, your tongue felt so far in me.” Alice said. I was still only semi erect as I had already had several orgasms this evening. I looked at the bedside clock I showed 1 am. We had been having our little orgy for nearly 6 hours; from when Cindy came down from being dressed and made up by Alice till now. Suddenly I heard muted moans coming from both Cindy and Amy as they both thrust deep into others mouth and once again deposited their semen into each others mouths. Then they fell back onto their backs still head to toe exhausted. They were both leaking small amounts of semen so Alice and I went to work on the closest penis licking and sucking the last few drops of semen from them. Amy and Cindy just lay still with huge grins on their faces; and dishevelled make-up. As it was Saturday, well Sunday now and none of us had to work, I slipped my dress off and hung it up then stepped out of my full petticoat, I unclipped my stockings and removed them with my suspender belt and panties, I left my bra on and slipped my baby doll nightie and panties on and climbed back on my bed, the others were already asleep so I joined them.

Sunday morning I awoke to the smell of a fresh pot of coffee and the sound of voices coming from down stairs Cindy was still fast asleep. I eased myself off the bed so as not to wake her, took my negligee off the door and went to the toilet, and then down stairs. Amy and Alice were in my kitchen and were cooking toast and scrambling eggs. Alice saw me first and said
“Good morning sleepy head”
I stretched and replied “Good morning to you both”
Alice filled a mug with hot coffee and milk, she walked to me and gave me the mug and leant forward and kissed me.
“Thank you for last night, it was wonderful and everyone was gentle and kind and you look wonderful in your negligee” Alice said.
“The pleasure was all mine”< I said “Or it certainly felt like it”.
“You say the sweetest things” Alice replied.
“You two, behave, you are embarrassing me” Amy said.
We three sat and ate breakfast and drank our coffees, leaving Cindy to sleep off last night’s exertions. We had just finished when a sleepy dishevelled appeared.
“Good morning. Would you like scrambled egg on toast and a coffee”? Alice asked her.
“Yes please two sugars please, good morning all”. Cindy said.
We drank more coffee as Cindy consumed her breakfast.
After breakfast we took turns to shower and repair out make-up Then we dressed in our lingerie and sat chatting sometimes we aroused one or more of the group and had a free and open all morning sex session. We had lunch and continued in the same vein after. About 6pm Amy announced I don’t think I can have another for at least a week. I looked at Alice.
“Shall we test that statement”? I asked her.
“No, I’m exhausted I need to go home and rest, would you like me to drop you off Cindy”? Amy said.
“Yes please I’m exhausted too, but I need to remove my make-up first”. Cindy replied.
“Make up remover is in my bedroom; help yourself, also some nail varnish remover is there”. I said.
When Cindy returned she was dressed as a male again. Alice inspected her for any visible signs of make up and found none, and then she kissed her goodbye. Then she turned to Amy and kissed her who had touched up her make up. I too kissed them good bye and showed them to the door, remembering to stand behind it as I was still in my lingerie.
“Same time next week if you can make it”? I asked
“Yes please”. They said

When I returned to the lounge Alice had removed her bra and was playing with her nipples and making little purring sounds.
“Let’s go to bed darling, I need you to make love to me slowly”. Alice said.
We almost ran to the bedroom, Alice lay down and I lay next to her. I started by kissing her breasts and nipples causing Alice to pant and wriggle then she reached down and pushed my panties down as far as she could reach. Next I felt her feet move up and move my panties down until they were hanging off one ankle.
“Now darling, I need to you to fill my vagina with your penis and then fill me with your wonderful semen”. Alice said. We made love for about 30 minutes slowly then speeding up as we approached our orgasms. Finally Alice said “Now darling, now. I’m cumming”.
I did just that, I had been holding back for a few minutes, so I just released my hold and shot several jets of semen in to Alice’s pulsing vagina.
“Wow that was beautiful and your timing was just perfect”. Alice said kissing me passionately.
We stayed together for a few minutes until my erection died and I slipped out.
We lay next to each other caressing and kissing, about 10pm Alice said
“I must go home, I have work tomorrow”.
“What about your boyfriend”? I asked.
“Oh yes, I have had such a lovely time I completely forgot about him, perhaps if I stay tonight and I’ll look in my place tomorrow after work while he is still at work; if that’s ok with you”?
“Its fine with me, I really enjoy your company and tips on make up” I said.
Remind me in the morning to give you my emergency key and I’ll get another one cut”. I said.
I slipped back into my baby doll and night time panties and Alice undressed and slept naked again like we had the previous night.

Dear reader I hope you are not exhausted reading this story, I can finish the story right now and say the group had lots more Saturday evening orgies or I could possibly get another story out of this. Please let me know.
[email protected]

Constructive comments are welcome

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Chapter 1:The Invitation"Oh look at that, we got an invite to Queen Aroma's annual festive party!"My gorgeous brunette queen Hannah tells me with a grin.She's standing in the kitchen, going through her mail as I'm knelt behind her, my head tucked away out of sight under her pink fluffy dressing gown, sniffing her delightful bare ass.It's early in the morning, a week before Christmas, and she's still not fully awake just yet, yawning as she sips her coffee, and places her invitation carefully...

2 years ago
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Queen of Harvest Moon Part 1 Rickys Halloween Surprise

Queen of Harvest Moon Part I: RICKY'S HALLOWEEN SURPRISE By Angel This story is about change. Yes, we all go through changes don't we? But how about changes that are brought about by others for a purpose you would not have anything to do with? SURPRISE! Unknown to you the changes have begun and there is no turning back. Halloween is one of the best times of the year for children, besides Christmas and birthdays, that is! Months before Halloween is to arrive the plan...

3 years ago
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The Virgin Queen part 1

Amelia woke from her sleep noticing that something was very wrong; the bed that she was on wasn’t her own. Her bed was very soft, had a sweet scent of flowers coming off of it, but the one that she was on now was hard and had a pungy odor to it. She was the virgin queen that ruled over Femdara, a land that was mostly inhabited by the humans. She was a part of a strict religious order that bond people to a moral code that they must follow. More than five hundred years ago a new religion was...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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drama class

Sonya was furious, her final year of high school and her parents decide to move to another state, she didn't have many friends as it was and was very shy to meet new people, this was going to be aweful, they arrived 2 days after school started which was even worse, Sonya had to take what was available to get all her credits needed to graduate, math, computer science, physed , which she hated, she was in very good condition, mostly from genetics, both her parents were pro athletes, but I wasn't...

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My Boyfriend The Petticoat Queen Part 2

My Boyfriend, The Petticoat Queen (Part 2) THE SPARKLE CLUB Suddenly the house lights dipped and the stage lights came on. The comp?re for the evening, a well-groomed man in a pink tuxedo, walked onto the stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen of The Sparkle Club, it's the moment you've been waiting for. Please welcome to the stage, Queen Amanda!!" There was a huge cheer from the crowd as Amanda made her way onto the stage. Pausing briefly to greet the comp?re with a flamboyant air kiss, she ...

3 years ago
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Virgin Queen part 1

Amelia woke from her sleep noticing that something was very wrong; the bed that she was on wasn’t her own. Her bed was very soft and had a sweet scent of flowers coming off of it, but the one she was on now was hard and had a pungy odor. Amelia was the virgin queen that ruled over Femdara, a land that the humans mostly inhabited. She was a part of a strict religious order that bond people to a moral code that they must follow. More than five hundred years ago, a new religion was formed by some...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Prom Queen A Story About a Lovely Boy 8211 Part Four

The Prom Queen: A Story About a Lovely Boy - Part Four Copyright, 2006 by K. G. Communications Even though his attorney had arranged to have Corey excused on the day after the School Board meeting, so as to avoid the many distractions that an interested media might create, Corey was determined to go to school, as he had done in the past few weeks, dressed in his unisex manner. "Thanks," he told the attorney, Kristen, "but I have come this far and don't see any reason to shy away...

1 year ago
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New Girl in School Part 11 Valentines Day Date and Prom Queen Election

New Girl in School Part 11: Valentine's Day Date and the Prom Queen Election Written March 11-23 "Oh so lovely...." Chloe thought as she stared off into the distance, lost in thought. Joey had to poke her with a straw to get her attention. "Hey, you alright, Chloe?" he asked plainly. She looked back to him. "Oh it's nothing, Joey. I am having a great time," waving her hand dismissively. The two sat at a booth at Louie Drello's, a local Italian place right off the main road leading...

4 years ago
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The Prom Queen A Story About a Lovely Boy Part 2

The Prom Queen: A Story of a Lovely Boy - Part Two (Copyright 2005 by K-G Communications) By Katherine Day The more Corey looked in the mirror the more he felt he was looking at a girl, and not at himself, but at a very pretty and feminine girl. He found great excitement welling up within, becoming woozy and light- headed with a strange anticipation. His mood was confused. He was also embarrassed: he was a boy; yet, here he was a beautiful girl. Boys were supposed to have hard...

1 year ago
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The Prom Queen A Story About a Lovely Boy Part Five

The Prom Queen: A Story About a Lovely Boy - Part Five By Katherine Day Copyrigh, 2006 by K. G. Communications As Corey walked the halls of Carney High in the few days remaining before the prom queen competition, it was clear he was being recognized as a girl. In particular, it seemed that girls accepted him as one of theirs, except for Nicole, her supporters and a few girls who were uptight or prudish, maybe due to strong...

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The Adventures of a Former Prom Queen An Eventful Summer Part I

The Adventures of a Former Prom - An Eventful Summer: Part I (A Sequel to "The Prom Queen: A Story About a Lovely Boy") By Katherine Day (Copyright 2007) 1 - A Big Disappointment Perhaps no girl in the history of Carney High School had ever had such an exciting and more satisfying year of school than did Corey Sanders. She had entered her junior year as a shy, retiring, picked-upon boy and ended the school year one of the prettiest girls ever to turn a boy's eye. She had in...

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THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF WHERE PART I HAS LEFT OFF.THIS STORY IS PURE FICTIONIt was a great weekend that both Victoria and I had with sex master Phil. I will never forget how hot that his dominate personality really had a great impact on me as a woman who is exploring herself sexually and professionally. I sometimes wonder if ha d not left the firm to pursue my political appointment; things would have been very different. I really cannot turn the clock back to do over my past decisions...

1 year ago
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Whore Queen Part 2 of 2

Queen Malika came from a poor family before she married King Louie. They’ve been together for three years. Her purpose is purely for decorations. She is no allowed to interfere with state affairs. She has been provided with a dozen maids attending to her and she spent her days being made pretty and waiting for the king to call on her. Malika is prettier than ever. She was only 18 when she married the king, then a prince. Now, as she turns older, her body curved became more refined. The king was...

Erotic Fiction
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The Queen and the Soother Part 3

The third prince was young. Never having initiated a virgin, Jeena thought it could be fun teaching him and molding him to be the husband she wanted. What he lacked in skill could be made up in stamina and enthusiasm until the skill was taught.The queen had sequestered Prince Jason in a room off the library. He had used the days awaiting her to study some history in volumes not available in New Paleoland. They discussed some of his research over lunch.“Much of our library was destroyed during...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Queen and the Soother Part 2

The search for a husband continued. Widely-traveled, Geoffrey promised more exotic pleasures. Would he just be a plaything for the queen’s amusement, or could he become a true partner?The queen hid the bon vivant in the head cook’s quarters. The chef didn’t mind relinquishing his room for a few days in exchange for some new recipes. People from Sybarisia were known for their love of food and Geoffrey had a well-deserved reputation in that regard.He had prepared quite a lunch for Jeena. She...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Queen of Harvest Moon Part 2b Rickys Halloween Surprise

Queen of Harvest Moon Part 2B By Angel The town of Harvest Moon was a very rich and connected town. In actuality, Harvest Moon belonged to a corporation and that corporation was footing the bill, as it were. Taxes in Harvest Moon were almost nil. Even the state tax was subsidized by the corporation, so all who lived in Harvest Moon kept most of what they earned. If you did your research you would find that the entire town's populace could be categorized in four parts: 1)...

1 year ago
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The Queen and the Soother Part 4

“You are pregnant,” the physician barely whispered.The news struck like lightning, stunning Jeena for a few seconds before the implications hit her like a roar of thunder. She burst out laughing, frightening the middle-aged woman.“Do not worry,” the queen smiled. “I have been trying to decide which prince to take for a husband, and it seems the decision has been made for me.”“Who is it?” asked the doctor, who the queen considered an aunt and confidant.“I don’t know!” laughed the queen. “It...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Prom Queen A Story About a Lovely Boy Part 3

The Prom Queen - Part Three The next day, as Corey was completing his chores for Mr. Mathias during third hour, the teacher asked if Corey would be free to come back after school, that he had an idea for Corey. "You really are a very hard working, nice boy," he said. "I think I have something you might like to help you." Corey said he would, since his sisters got home an hour after he did, and he could be home in plenty of time. He wondered what the coach had in mind; Mr....

4 years ago
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Elder Sister Was My Sexual Queen Part 3

Hello everyone of indian sex stories dot net , this is MACIVER again from bangalore, I am glad to see feedbacks in my mails about my 2nd part story ELDER SISTER WAS MY SEXUAL QUEEN 2. I am happy that people have liked my real story. In the last part you will know how myself and my elder sister was united sexually and everything in this part. Hope you will like it. I also apologize for the delay of third part of my story it was due to my work schedule and travel. For people who have not read my...

3 years ago
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Cajun Ass Queen Part 4

Cajun Ass queen Part 4By lilguy [email protected] Plump ass Women fight over man continues..fight turn to v******eCajun Ass Queen Part 4Author Note- This was a commission I did for more infohttp://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/lilguy31/profileCaj smiled as she twisted her hand“You fucked up now you fat cow” Caj saidShe slapped Jane hard leaving big bruises. Jane tried to block her attack but she continued slapping and slapping. She was pushed into the wall and another slapped hit her face....

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The Queen and the Soother Part 1

The Queen of Lushland knew she needed an heir, so she needed a stud. Would it be the exotic stallion with strength and experience, the worldly mustang with hedonistic temptations, or the trainable colt with devotion and aspirations? Would her heart, mind, and body agree on the choice to be made?A testament or supposition,With embellishment or some omission,And best intent, with your permissionHere I present my rendition.The queen always thought of her people first. Tall and strong like her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Cajun Ass Queen Part 5

Cajun Ass queen Part 5By lilguy [email protected] Plump ass Women fight over a man, victor enjoys the spoils of warCajun Ass Queen Part 5Author Note- This was a commission I did for more infohttp://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/lilguy31/profileCaj walked into the door way of the house. She smiled with an evil smirked on her face. Her auburn hair hung down, medium down to her shoulders. At 5.6 Caj stood the pentacle of big and beautiful. Her skin and cellulite oozing out of every inch of...

1 year ago
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Sex Queen Meena 8211 My Chachi 8211 Part III

This story is part III of my previous story, Sex Queen at Holi. I request all readers to read that first those two to get the complete meaning and fun of this story. In my last story, named Sex Queen turned incestuous wife…..I had described how my chachi who divorced my uncle and came with me to Bangalore to stay with me and finally married me and promised to serve me. But that was past my friends, she is no more a submissive mischief slut wife from a small city, she is now wife of a young man...

2 years ago
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Queen of Harvest Moon Part 3 Rickys Halloween Surprise

As more and more unfolds and becomes known the O'Hare's fight becomes a plan. Their neighbors and friends are drawn ever deeper into "Operation Queen." Rita, her husband and her daughter Dorothy become pawns in the corporation's plans. Queen of Harvest Moon Part 3: Ricky's Halloween Surprise By Angel Julia sat at the kitchen table with her husband Bill and Rita as the girl's were excitedly filling them all in on what was going on at the O'Hare's house. "There are trucks...

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Dragon Queen Ch2 Part1 The Festival of Death

Introduction: turning the tides we see through the eyes of the dragon Chapter 2 Part 1 The Festival of Death I broke off my dangerous words as my kid brother Sunbeam appeared at my side. Seeing through the shadow that he created, I reached my hand in and dispersed it. I was met with a pouting frown. What did you do that for sis, I was just trying to have some fun. I put my hands on my hips and scowled down at him. It is not called fun when you take the shape of a ghoul, I could have killed...

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Snow White The Queen

-Alice Hoffman *** "Mirror, mirror, on the wall…" "What's that, mother?" The Queen turned away from the glass. Her stepdaughter sat at the tower window, embroidery in her lap, looking puzzled. "Just something I used to say when I was a little girl," said the Queen. "A rhyming game. There's a second part to it, but I can never remember how it goes." She looked at the mirror again, frowning over her reflection. Something didn't look quite right about it. It was...

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Slave Queen of the Orcs Part 1 Turning

Introduction: Celebrian of Imladris is captured by orcs on her way to visit her kin in Lothlorien, only to find she is not as put off by the vile creatures as she thought she might be. Part 1: Turning Celebrian had sunk to her knees in the clutches of her orc captors, but they would not let her hide her face as they tortured and slaughtered her retinue. Their sharp, dark claws dug viciously into the alabaster flesh of her arms, their hands fisted in her silver tresses kept her watching the...

1 year ago
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Sex Queen Meena 8211 My Chachi 8211 Part IV

Sex Queen chachi series -4: One more memorable Holi with Meenaxhi, my chachi who my turned wife now, This year, our first holi after our incestuous marriage, we ensured to make it a really memorable Holi. As you know few years back, on one holi, I caught my meenaxhi chachi’s cheating activities and she became my sex pray. No doubt that holi where I first fucked her and she had a ball around her neighbors was terrific, and hard to forget. Even today I remember, how I used her body and sent her...

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The Queens Whipping

The Queen could not believe what she was reading;a letter had arrived from the Abbess of the Abbey of St.Deaglan that was accusing her of cowardice.It had all started a long time ago,when the now Queen was a young Princess.Her father,the King had made sure that a girl of noble birth would be appointed as a 'Whipping Girl' this girl would take any beating that the then Princess should have received, "Her Royal skin shall not feel the hand or the lash...the 'Whipping Girl will be honoured for...

4 years ago
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The Queen

The Queen lay back on her featherbed, urging the young lad that was betwixt her legs onward. He was young, far younger than she usually chose, but he was eager to please, and she eager to train, he glanced up at his mistress, his lips, nose and chin glistening from her essence. He replaced the void of his mouth with three of his work worn fingers and stroked her as she had shown him until she writhed on the bed. Without much warning the Queen spun the lad until he was pinned betwixt her legs,...

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Enslave the Queen

It had been months fighting but the Mokrull finally was closing in on the Gyu. Their complete takeover was imminent. Until now the Gyu's superior intelligence and agile execution of their training had been the key to their survival. But the Mokrull's size and superior strength gave them an advantage at hand to hand combat.The Mokrull are a race of hideous Mongrel-like humanoids, each one weighing somewhere between 300lbs to anywhere as large as 500 lbs (very little of it actually being fat...

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The Queen The Guard and The Farm girl

The Queen, the Guard and the Farm girl Queen Katherine was a young Queen. Her mother had died giving birth to her. Her father, the King was kind, and his people loved him, and so did Kathryn. Sadly, he fell sick and died shortly after her 18th birthday. Kathryn was named Queen and promised herself and her kingdom that she would rule as her father had and her people would love her. Queen Kathryn was a beautiful woman, she stood at 5’6” and 110lbs. She had beautiful, flowing black...

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EmergenceChapter 3 For the Love of the Queen

Feeling the familiar warmth and weight of Suzi lying on top of him, Joey didn’t move when he first awoke. But when he opened his eyes and found himself back in the royal bed chambers, he decided he needed to after all. “Suz,” he said gently, rubbing her naked back. “Wake up, Suz. The dream is back.” “Hmmm?” she said sleepily, then smiled and stretched as she pulled herself up to give him a kiss on the lips. “Morning to you too,” Joey said tenderly. “Is the Queen the Queen, or herself...

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Mother Queen And Son King

Hai this is rathode again please do leave your comments on my id Please read the stories for fun not at the cost of relations. Once youpon a time during Ancient India there is a kingdom called mathasangama , the kingdom is well blessed with all kind of resources where ever you see the land is full of greenery, farmers grows well yielded crops, miners mines pure gold, iron, silver and diamonds, soldiers fight with glory, each and every men and women in the kingdom are wise and pay the taxes on...

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The Son of Lust Chapter 18 Pleasing the Rakshasa Queen

Chapter Eighteen: Pleasing the Rakshasa Queen By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the...

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Alyce and the Queen

Alyce continued down her path. What a strange and fascinating land? Part of her wanted to stay and explore every sexual adventure, but the other part just wanted to go home. She walked down the well-worn path, looking in every direction for a clue as to where to go next. “Where is Chet when I need him?” she pondered. Coming to a fork in the path, she looked left and then right. Lush green vegetation surrounded her, and she felt the sickening dread of being lost. Sitting down on a large...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 22 Secrets of the Rakshasa Queen

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith I fought to keep my fear at bay and marched up the last few steps of the Ziggurat to the top where the open throne room lay. I...

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Sir James The Doctor And The Queen

James reluctantly left his bedroom with a slightly wistful glance at Fiona still asleep in his bed. She was sent over from his Service to help him heal from injuries suffered during his last mission. She was doing more than just heal his physical injuries, but also reminding him that even with his replacement parts, he was still a man! His still healing leg was stiff and uncomfortable, but he knew he had a very important appointment to keep and one does not keep her waiting.The young Queen...

2 years ago
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The Queen Anne Theater and the Wife Part II

Queen Anne II In the first story I told you how my wife and I had gone to see an x-rated movie at the Queen Anne Theater. Upon arrival we witnessed a slut sitting on the right side of the theater taking on a group of men. My wife and I were deeply affected, and turned on by the spectacle we witnessed. This chapter will deal with our next visit to the Queen Anne Theater. As was the custom to make every thing easy to reach, I had my wife dress in a wrap around skirt, and a see through blouse with...

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Queen Of Seduction

Queen Ankhesentiti lay in her chambers one day, bored and wondering what she would do with her day. She got up off her luxurious bed and walked out onto the rooftop terrace overlooking her palace courtyard.She stood on the terrace, leaning on the stone railing as she looked out at the land she ruled. It was a fine land, rich with resources and wealth. She was quite content and her people were happy with her as their ruler. Queen Ankhesentiti was a fair and just ruler, benevolent to her people,...

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She Ra v Dragon Queen

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ???? SHE? RA? v? DRAGON QUEEN  ?By Sonya Esperanto ([email protected])  Synopsis: About the animated heroine She Ra (from Masters of the Universe and had her own series) being defeated by a sadistic Oriental villainess, who makes She Ra her bdsm slave. Story: Our Earth Dragon Queen entered an abandoned mansion that had a Victorian look to it. As far as she was concerned, it might as well be a haunted house.Dragon Queen was a tall, slim...

4 years ago
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The Ice Queen

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

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The Ice Queen

I really should have listened to Dwayne. He told me to stay away from her. He told me she was way out of my league. He told me she was dangerous. But I didn’t believe him. Besides, everyone picked on me and teased me and I thought this was one opportunity to tease back.I guess I’ve always been teased. When you are smaller than all the other boys and don’t have a lot of body hair, you are going to get teased. Gym class was bad in grade school and worse in high school. By my senior year, it was...

2 years ago
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Romancing the Queen

Romancing the Queen By: Malissa Madison Lars Grendel had no idea why this very young Queen was being so kind to him. Especially since he had just confessed to having accepted a contract to kill one of her best friends. The Royal Guardian, Leonida sat staring at him, clearly, she had no clue either, why her Queen was acting this way. Finally, she pushed herself away from the wall. "I don't know if you're the bravest person I ever met, or the...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 27 The Rakshasa Queenrsquos Naughty Offer

Lasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith I followed the dwarf out of the cell, leaving behind my sister and our sex slaves. I walked in my purple robes like I were a queen. I kept my head straight, my black hair falling down my back. My slipper-clad feet whisked on the stone floor. The dwarf marched before me, not saying a word. I wondered what the Queen of Naith wanted from me. It was too early for there to be word from Kurtis. This was so dumb. I hated that we had been forced to do this. He and...

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The day my Queen came over

5:00 AM. I wake up and shower off the night. I grab my phone and text my Queen. “Good Morning my Queen. I hope You find the day to Your liking. (I also include a pic of my morning wood for Her.) I move on to my work out. 100 pushups, 100 body squats, and a two-mile jog. Once back home, I open my laptop, I log on to HollysHottys.com and see who is online as I make breakfast. As I look over the girls online, my phone goes off. It is my Queen. She has sent me a video with my tasks to honor Her...

1 year ago
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Cajun Ass Queen Part 2

Cajun Ass queen Part 2By lilguy [email protected] Plump ass Women fight over a man, continuesCajun Ass Queen Part 2Author Note- This was a commission I did for more infohttp://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/lilguy31/profileThings were a bit hectic for Tom over the next couple of days. The people in his audience could tell there were some animosity between Tom’s Wife Jane and Caj. They all knew Jane was gorgeous. She showed off her body wearing expensive clothing that showed off her round...

3 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 60

YAVARA The first thing I noticed when I awoke, was the familiar warmth of hair atop my head. It was strange, but the most jarring part of being burned half to death was the feeling of cold air against my bald pate. The missing limbs and skin were somehow secondary, and so the recovery of those lost things came as a second realization to me. The third thing I noticed, was that I was in my room in the high tower of Castle Alkandra. The fourth thing I noticed, was that Leveria was hovering over...

2 years ago
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The Prom Queen Part 2

The Prom Queen Part 1 There it was, the long floor length bronze coloured satin dress with the hip high slit on the left front. Beautifully trimmed in satin copper and black velvet. I could hardly believe they had another. It was a size 5 too, perfect. The sales lady came over to me, "Can I help you?" she asked. I wondered if she remembered me from four months ago. I want to buy this dress, and some black gloves too. She seemed to remember now, "Oh...

4 years ago
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Revenge Of The Cyber Queen

Author's Note: The character of Professor Ava/Queen Ava is heavily-based on porn star, Ava Devine, a very beautiful, voluptuous and talented actress with a fantastic voice and screen presence, so if you want to know exactly what the character looks/sounds like, check out Ms. Devine's work. Chapter 1: Moans of Despair And Lust. As Johnny (dark-haired & muscular football jock) and Lucinda (cute petite ponytailed-brunette with a perky personality) were about to walk into the Advanced...

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