Senator's "Daughter" free porn video

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Some things about life are much better and easier when your father's a rich and successful senator, you don't really need to work for one thing, you have all the time and money you could ever want to indulge in whatever fun you want, others are less good, like being an only c***d in a household where your parents were never around. I was nineteen when the events of this story happened. My father, Senator Mark Feldman, had just been re-elected and was very busy all the time, some times spending days away from home when he had important business to attend to in the city. My mother, Madeleine Feldman, was the president of her own company and had a fortune that was at least an equal to my father. She, too, was a very busy woman, spending more time off at work than she ever spent at home. I don't know how great their sex life together was, although I suspect fairly non-existent, in fact it was a surprise to me how they ever managed to conceive me in the first place, they spent so little time in the same place at the same time. I tended to think that the only reason that they were still together was because they were both too busy to get a divorce or find someone else. I, Dean Feldman, was the only product of the marriage. I don't know whether I was unplanned, it seems unlike them to leave something like that to chance, but I do know that throughout my c***dhood they acted pretty much as if I was an unwanted burden on their precious time. I was raised by a succession of strict nannies, who never stayed around long enough for me to form any kind of bond with them. That continued until I was about 12, after which point I pretty much raised myself. My mother at least tried to take an interest in my schoolwork and encourage me those rare times when she was home early in the evening, but my father couldn't really care less about me, all he seemed to care about was advancing his political career.

Anyway, all this meant that through my teenage years I was pretty much left to my own devices, alone in our vast mostly unoccupied house. Having been brought up with little social interaction, I was, by nature, a shy boy and didn't really make friends very easily so I spent most of this time alone. Naturally, this resulted in me exploring and experimenting with aspects of myself that might have remained submerged under other circumstances. As it was, I was to discover that my shy, retiring personality had its outgoing, exhibitionist opposite buried deep within me. Itwas this personality that came out as I began to explore other things, things like the smooth, sensual sensations of wearing women's lingerie. I started out with just my mother's underwear, but as I explored the delights of the internet, I became bolder and began to order plenty of things of my own, I did, after all, have the advantage of my parents' vast wealth and plenty of time and opportunity. These were now things that would suit my feminine persona, sexy, vivacious, outgoing, dominant, everything my masculine persona was not. This was the way that "Delilah" was born. Of course, once I'd perfected how to dress, walk, talk and act like Delilah, there was no way that I was keeping her locked away at home. My parents were never around, so it wouldn't be difficult to go out and even spend whole days or nights living as Delilah. There may be another time to recount all the fun I had in those early days, discovering more and more about myself while the world discovered more and more of Delilah. Some time maybe I'll tell you about it, but for the purposes of this story all you need to know is that I was such a hit as Delilah that I got a job. As Dean I'd never had a job, I'd been too self indulgent to really want one and I didn't need the money, but this was a very special job. Delilah had been hired as a performer at a sex club that catered for people who liked their women with a little something extra. Delilah was a major hit with the people who frequented the club and soon I was the main act. Every Friday I would perform my act before an ever growing crowd of guys and girls, and some like me who were somewhere in between, simulating or actually having sex with my hot assistants or pulling punters out of the watching club to join me. Sometimes I would even ask them to join me for a private session later on. That's where this story begins, I'm nineteen, bored, rich, lonely, annoyed with my absentee parents, and leading a double life, as shy introverted layabout senator's son Dean, and feisty, sexy, crossdressing sex club star Delilah.

It was Friday and I knew well where I had to be. My mother was at home that evening but my father wasn't. The senator was busy at the office and would probably stay over in the city as he often did. I'd told my parents that I liked to go out on a Friday night in the city and that I'd always spend the night at my friend Delilah's place, that way they were never suspicious of what I was doing all those Fridays when I wasn't around. In my bedroom, I opened up my closet and found the bag where I kept Delilah's performance outfit. I was dressed in my normal masculine attire of jeans and a casual shirt, I would change at the club. I waved to my mother as I shut the door behind me and shut the door on this part of my life. I jumped into my little red sports car and drove off into town, leaving behind the suburb that represented the respectable, affluent side of my life, and heading for the sleazy club that would allow my dirty side to flourish.

It was getting dark when I arrived. The club was in a gay district and there were lots of couples of men and guys dressed as girls milling around outside the graphic neon signs. Looking at the wall I could see a poster with Delilah's photo on it, I smiled to myself, the transformation was so great that I doubted anyone else on the street would recognise the picture and me as the same person. A little electric thrill ran through me, I was already getting turned on by these thoughts and I hadn't even got dressed yet. I went around the back and was about to slip in the back entrance next to where the dressing rooms were, but was stopped by a tough, heavy set bouncer.

"Sorry, you can't go in there," he said, barring my way with his arm, "That's for performers and staff only."

I gave a girlish giggle and purred in my feminine voice, "Larry, it's me," he looked blank for a second before recognition flashed across his face,

"Delilah, sorry I didn't recognise you like that."

I smiled to myself once more, pleased with how total the transformation was, how totally separate these two personas of mine were. Little was I to know that tonight was when my two worlds came colliding together.

I got a dressing room to myself now I was the star, and this was where I headed in order to prepare for the evening's fun. First things first, I ran a hot bath and soaked myself in it, getting my body totally clean, washing away all residue of my life as Dean. Feeling totally clean and refreshed, I took a leg razor from my bag and proceeded to shave my legs, which were never exactly hairy, just covered in downy blonde hairs, but I needed to make them totally smooth, and the rest of my body, leaving my cock and balls totally shaved as well. Finally, I got out of the bath and wrapped myself in a towel. As I waited to become dry, I laid out my clothes for the evening, all tight shiny PVC, the dominatrix look was essential to my performance and to Delilah's character.

Now totally dry, I applied some glue to my chest and attached a pair of C-cup silicone breasts to my slender frame, instantly they changed my appearance from boyish to curvaceously feminine, I was well on the way to becoming Delilah. Next, I covered my waist and breasts in a tight black leather corset that laced at the front and turned my figure even more feminine, narrowing my waist to 26 inches, and pushing my breasts up so that they almost spilled out. I coupled this with a tiny black PVC mini-skirt that barely covered my thighs let alone all of my longlegs. The feel of leather and PVC on my skin was already making my cock twitch a little but there wasn't time for that now so I tucked it between my legs. I never wore panties to perform my act, although other times as Delilah I loved their silky sensual feel on my cock. Next were the gloves, also black PVC to match my skirt, they came all the way up to my elbows, and my crowning glory, the boots, which made up for my skirt's failure to cover anything by being thigh high so in fact much of my legs were clad in PVC. The tiny, sharp heels were six inches high and added to my height which was already almost six foot to enable me to tower dominantly over almost any man.

My outfit was ready, which left just my hair and make-up. Dramatic and slutty was the key to getting Delilah's make-up right and I'd had a lot of practice at it by now, giving her blushing red cheeks and deep, dark scarlet lips. I looked into the mirror and licked them eagerly, they were the kind of lips that were perfect to see wrapped around a hard cock. False eyelashes drew attention to my green eyes, as did lots of dramatic eye-shadow. Not that it mattered at all as the final transformation of my face involved covering the area around my eyes in a black mask. Finally, I topped the whole look off with my favourite wig, I could sense tonight might be something special, it was platinum blonde, far blonder than my natural hair, and long and wild and wavy. I struck a couple of sexy poses in the mirror, turning myself on a little so my cock was now semi-hard. I'd like to fuck that, I thought, and it thrilled me to know how many other men, and women, would be thinking the same thing soon. Having checked myself, I was ready to go out and perform. I grabbed my leather whip, my last accessory, and headed out into the hallway where I met Trish and Cindy who performed with me. Unlike me, just a crossdresser, these two were both authentic shemales with real breasts that I envied greatly, but I was still the star of the show so it didn't bother me too much. Cindy was a busty, short brunette and Trish was black, even taller than me with unnaturally massive breasts and a cock to match. They were both dressed in corsets and mini-skirts like mine.

"Let's go girls," I grinned as we headed for the stage.

I heard the sound of applause as the club's manager announced me as "the delightful and divine Delilah". I came out onto the stage and just stood there in the spotlight for a few seconds, completely still until I was sure I had the enraptured attention of all the eyes in the room, Trish and Cindy stood behind me. I cracked my whip and music started up, I started to sway my hips sexily as the cheers and catcalls came from the watching audience. I wrapped my whip around Cindy's waist and pulled her into a kiss, forcing my tongue down her throat. Cindy didn't seem to complain, I felt her breasts press against mine through our leather corsets. Trish, meanwhile, had come up behind me and was massaging my breasts as Cindy pulled away, I could feel her massive cock pressing against my arse, which was barely covered by my tiny skirt. My own cock was growing again and now a slight bulge was visible in the tight skirt. Using the handle of my whip, I pushed Cindy to the floor, she ran her tongue up my long PVC boots and over my bare thighs until she got to my skirt. Trish's hands were now on my waist and, with a rapid move of her hands, she whipped my skirt off and threw it into the front row of the watching men to reveal my cock springing forth beneath. There was a ripple of pleasure from those watching as she did this. I pushed Trish to the floor as well so she and Cindy were facing one another, both on all fours, their skirts riding up their bare arses. I pushed their heads close together until their lips and tongues met in a wet slurping kiss, Cindy's pale white skin contrasting with her red lips and the chocolate brown of Trish's. Their lips moved seamlessly from each other towards my cock which now stood proudly forth from my body.

I let out a sigh as Cindy and Trish's tongues simultaneously ran across my quivering shaft, and looked out into the watching faces to see what effect my little show was having on them. And that's when I saw him and gave another gasp, only not one of pleasure this time. There, among the faces watching my performance, one stood out far more than the others. It was one that I was familiar with, one that maybe I wasn't as familiar with as I should be, but still. It was my father, Senator Mark Feldman. Straight-laced workaholic Mark Feldman, who never seemed to have time even to spend with his son. Mark Feldman who didn't seem ever to be remotely interested in guys or gay sex. Well, there he was, watching two hot shemales licking the hard cock of a guy he didn't realise was his son in drag. He was dressed in kind of grey suit and tie that he wore at the office but looked a little out of place in a club like this. He was visibly uncomfortable, open mouthed and obviously not used to such a sight and I wondered if it was my dad's first time at a club like this, I'd never seen him in here before, and I would have noticed. His discomfort seemed if anything to be enhanced by the fact that he was clearly enjoying the show, his legs were crossed as if to hide a growing erection. Sitting alongside him, looking significantly more at ease, was his PA Gary, who I knew was gay, and who I suspected would have been the driving force behind encouraging, if not almost forcing, my dad the senator to be there tonight.

My heart skipped a beat as my eyes behind the mask met my father's, a million thoughts went racing through my head. What if he recognises me? was the first. Something that I quickly dismissed, there was no hint of recognition on his excited face and I knew full well that even I didn't really recognise retiring Dean in dominatrix Delilah. My next thought was a kind of thrill that Delilah's powers were so strong I could even entice my own father, this gave me a naughty little grin that I'm sure the audience appreciated, and a whole new set of ideas. How far could I take it with my dad? What could I push him into? The thrill of having power over such a man who valued his own power so, the excitement at the taboo of the i****t and the chance to humiliate and dominate and punish the father who'd been absent so much in my life all conspired to make me know that I had to have him, here, tonight.

Often, during performing, I would bring people up onto the stage with me, it spiced things up a bit and was an unusual thrill for both them and me. Now, I pushed Cindy and Trish hard away from my cock so they fell back, and then I strode off the stage and into the throng of watching guys and girls, my sharp heels clicking on the ground. Unsurprisingly, as I strode purposefully through the crowd, a number of hands grabbed and caressed my curves and my cock. I didn't mind this, in fact I loved their touches and attentions, but they didn't distract me from my purpose. Even though he was staring directly at me, my dad didn't realise where I was headed until I was right in front of him. His detached stare implied that he had forgotten he was involved in this sexy scene, so alien to his normal way of life.

"Hey sexy boy," I purred, wrapping my whip around his shoulders and pulling him into a wet kiss (I'm French kissing my dad!, the thought whirred through my head for a second), "Come on up on stage."

He didn't exactly seem to know what to do, he seemed reluctant yet at the same time excited. As it turned out, I had to practically drag him up on stage amidst cheers from the other guys, particularly vocal ones from Gary who was egging him on.

Up on stage, I pushed him away from me and cracked the whip in the air.

"Now strip for me, honey," I said in a commanding voice. As he hesitated for a few seconds, I decided to take control and whipped him once, "I won't ask you again," I said angrily, my body tingling with the thrill of this power I had over him as he blushed red and the watching people laughed, "Girls, help this man out of his clothes."

Trish and Cindy were only too happy to oblige and had soon torn all the clothes from my father's ever more embarrassed body to reveal his cock, tiny but undoubtedly aroused and erect even during, or perhaps because of, his public humiliation. I prodded his little cock with the end of my whip.

"You're not packing too much down there are you?" I teased, "Looks like I'm going to have to use you as my little slut-slave."

My dad didn't know where to turn at this, he looked as if he wished the earth would just swallow him up, yet at the same time his little cock was even harder. Trish brought me over a studded dog collar with a leash on it and I strapped it around the senator's throat.

"Now you're my bitch," I purred cruelly as the audience cheered once more. "On your knees, bitch," I said and yanked the leash so it pulled him down onto his knees, his face was just inches from my cock which was now fully hard and erect at the treatment I was handing out to my own father.

I could see a look of desire and temptation in his eyes and I knew that I had him even though he held back looking scared.

"Come on bitch," I said, bringing my whip down across his shoulder in a way that made him wince with pain and me grin with pleasure, "You know what you're supposed to do now."

I rested one foot in my thigh high boots up on his shoulder to prevent him from getting up and used my gloved hand to bring his mouth closer to my cock. His lips opened and allowed the swollen head inside his mouth, I could feel his tongue caress it gingerly. I pushed about an inch of my cock into him, holding his head with my hand and forcing it in, even when he began to gag I didn't let up, and soon half my cock was nestled inside my dad's warm mouth.

"Now suck it, slave," I commanded.

Inexpertly, my dad began to withdraw my cock from his mouth and take a little of it back in. But I wasn't going to stand for this, and instead grabbed the back of his head and forced the whole 7 inches deep down his throat which had him coughing and spluttering.

I laughed, "If you're not going to do it properly slave, then I'll have to it for you."

With that, I began violently and rapidly to fuck my father's throat with my throbbing hard cock. After a while, he seemed to get into the rhythm of it and no longer spluttered so much and I was able to take my foot away from his shoulder. He didn't move away, in fact he moved in closer. Seemingly oblivious to the audience, he diverted all his attention to my cock and he was growing to have a better idea of what he was doing as used his hands to stroke my shaft and play with my balls while his tongue lingered around the head. I saw another wince of pain, although this time there seemed to be a lot of pleasure mixed in with it, as Trish knelt behind him and squeezed hard on his erect cock.

"You've got a real good submissive bitch here Delilah," she grinned and the audience laughed once more, "He's loving this even more than you are."

"You like sucking on my big hard cock do you slave?" I taunted, I knew that however much this was turning him on, this submissive behaviour was equally humiliating to him, and it embarrassed him even more that the public humiliation was excited him so much, "That's right, you want to feel my cum in your throat, you want my cum all over my face don't you daddy?" He didn't seem to register what my calling him daddy meant and this pleased me too, I knew now that I was close to the climax of the show, so to speak, and began to take control again. "That's it, make me cum for you, daddy," I cried as I felt my orgasm boiling up inside my cock, "Oh yes, I'm cumming!!!" I screamed, my dad swallowed the first shot which hit the back of his throat, but I wanted to see his naked body soaked in my cum. I withdrew my cock and jerked it off as I shot my load over his face. Trish and Cindy stood beside me, jerking their own cocks off over him until by the end of it he was totally covered in our sticky juices and totally humiliated. If only they knew he was a senator then he would feel even worse about it, if only they knew he was my father he would probably die of shame.

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This is my story with my Boss Mr Pradhan, Before going to the story I would like to introduce him. Through their twenty plus years of marriage, Mr. Pradhan had become a fairly wealthy man and he, his wife Swati Mam and their two children were able to enjoy the finer things in life as a result. And no one enjoyed such a lifestyle more than his wife. With two independent teenage kids and the money to pay for a live-in housekeeper, Swati Mam had become very much a lady of leisure, filling me days...

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Aggressive Hiring Policy Ch 02

Melanie. I’ve been tasked, before, to take on… special requests for concerned individuals. Sometimes it’s a girlfriend. Sometimes it’s simply a neighbor. Yet other times it’s a sister or a mother. Who it is to me, does not matter. All that matters is that the individual knows that the ‘trail’, such as it could be called, would lead to them, and not to the company. Melanie is one such case. Normally, as I’ve explained, talent is found based on someone who matches harder to adjust...

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Private Lucy Heart Two Cocks For Horny Blonde

Horny, blonde, and a spectacular body, that’s right its Lucy Heart and she has come to My Kinky Diary to take on the well-armed stallions Marc Rose and Freddy Flavas in a threesome you will not forget! Lucy strips down to her underwear and entices both studs in for a taste of her pussy before getting down and dirty on her knees and giving a great double blowjob. Then watch her put that beautiful figure to work, taking turns riding and fucking with some fantastic anal and DP action that...

1 year ago
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Into the Storm

Ar’Raq Desert 75 miles from Kafjiya Mountains 1st BCT Battalion Combat Team Major Kalandro Digma Commanding 13 Leopard 2A6EX Main Battle Tanks rolled by the desert of northern Ar’Raq followed by 24 Puma CFVs, 27 Boxer APCs, 6 Fennek Combat Cars armed with 50 caliber machineguns, and 3 Fennek Combat Cars equipped with 80mm mortars. Leading the procession is a detachment of engineers in 3 track-laying engineering trucks. Major Kalandro Digma on top of his tank’s command cupola gazed towards...

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Late Night at the Office Part 2

Just then my cell phone rings. It’s the ring tone I have set for my husband. “SHIT!” I exclaim as I leap out of the tub, bubbles clinging to random parts of my slick body. I find my purse, which I don’t remember grabbing from the office, and fumble for my cell. The display tells me that I have one missed call. I try to calm my nerves and take a deep breath as I return the call. “Hey baby,” he answers on the first ring. “Hey, sorry, you caught me while I was relaxing in the tub.” Not a lie. I...

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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 18

Despite being tired, Dan stepped off the plane in Las Vegas, Nevada, excited about visiting the restaurant trade show being held there. This was one of the larger shows that showcased equipment for the restaurant industry. After thinking about the opportunity for weeks, Dan had decided that it would be good to check out all of the equipment that he could. While the internet was nice, it wasn’t the same as seeing the actual product. A lot of websites didn’t give prices, but gave phone numbers...

2 years ago
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My Nasty Honeymoon

Bill and I where married five days ago. It was a big wedding with all of our family and friends being there. All went well and they now found themselves on a houseboat alone in a slow moving river enjoying the privacy of our first days of marriage together. Our honeymoon had been wonderful so far. It was worth the wait (the sex part.) We were cooking for each other, eating and drinking, playing and making love this was the third day and we made love hour after hour the last three days in the...

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Threesome With Office Colleagues

Dear Readers thanks for liking my previous two stories which were posted in the Gay section as I’m a bisexual. However this incident took place 4 months back and is a bi-sexual three some incident. A little bit about me. I am 35 year old married fair skinned, having a very soft plump body. Main attractions of my body are my ass and my breasts. Yes breasts. I have tiny cute breasts like a high school girl with exactly same female like nipples and brown dark circles around them 100% like a woman....

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A Night we will Never Forget

This is a true story of what happened to my wife and I earlier this year. My name is Jon and my wife's name is Pam, we are both in our mid forties and have been married for over Twenty years. We have a Son and daughter who are both grown up and are currently at University. Pam and I have had a very happy marriage and what you would call a normal but satisfying sex life but after Twenty odd years we wanted to spice things up a little, maybe be as daring as we were in our youth. My wife came up...

Group Sex
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 69

Say thanks to Tony S. for this one. ‎ An eighty-year-old woman ran into an old friend in the checkout line at Wal-Mart, and the two women wished each other a happy New Year. But her friend frowned and said, “Oh, but I was so sorry to hear about the sudden death of your husband!” “Yes, it was a terrible thing, but at least Herbert died happy -- in the act of love.” “Goodness! Really? That’s ... amazing. I mean -- at your age and all!” “Well, we certainly had toned it down some these days,...

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Beach Party

Copyright © 1998 The Gwins were visiting the beach with the Robinson's, Joan's sister and her family. It was just past noon and Greg had been down at the beach all morning. He was hot, hungry and horny and all alone since everyone else had gone into town earlier to eat and catch a movie. The families had rented two large cabin type houses by each other overlooking the beach and it was only a short walk back up to his cabin from the beach. Stopping by the porch, he washed the sand off...

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Janes Fantasy Fulfilled

Jane’s Fantasy FulfilledMy wife Jane and I enjoy a very satisfying sexual life. It may be kinky to some, but we enjoy spanking as a part of our play. I'm the top and Jane is the bottom, and a very lovely bottom she is. I'm sure it would come as quite a surprise to Jane's very prestigious law firm to know that one of their most popular and professional attorneys can often be found with her skirt hiked up to her waist, her panties around her ankle's and her bottom cheeks subjected to hair brush...

2 years ago
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Celestial WarsChapter 18 Talking of Eternity

Don't fret my sweet. Endings don't last forever... -Forgotten Lovers -Alarial- It wasn't painful. Not like I expected it would be. When Jon and Cariel had talked about Hell's 'call' I had imagined an uncomfortable and irresistible pull. But there was none of that. It felt more like a question than a pull. I felt a cool presence embrace me, and it seemed to ask me if I would like to go with it. It did not try and trick me. This 'presence' seemed to make it clear that Hell was...

3 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 30 Extinction is Inevitable

A week later, Ruthie had a modeling session at the community college. It was one of those "art appreciation" events, when the public was allowed to view projects put out by students and try their hand at drawing. Ruthie modeled for a life-drawing practice, which she enjoyed, because everyone drawing her was a complete stranger, not one of the students from the normal art classes at the university. Following the drawing session, there was a photography demonstration. The organizer asked her...

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THE HUNT Chapter 2 Coming of Age

After two weeks on the mountains she thought she had found it, she was sure. She saw a landslide of rocks and what appeared to be an opening in the rock face, a cave perhaps that led to an escape. But, it wasn’t. It was a small cave, but not an entrance to a new, safe, and free world. She stayed at the cave for the remainder of the day and the night, but there was no nourishment available there, no water. In the morning, she had to abandon the cave and move to food and water and that...

1 year ago
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How did i fucked my cousin

Hello friends this is my first story to iss. Without waisting time i would like to tell you my story which happened two years back. This was my first experience after that i have not done any adventurous in my sex life. This was the experience which i got during i was in 12th. My cousin sister named mili came to my house for enjoying her vacation. Mili is just simple girl having a gorgious and sexy figure with nice boobs and big round ass.she is a big sex bomb. She was very much frank and close...

3 years ago
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A Blow By Blow

First Name = Male Last Name = Female When she heard the front door, Doe's nipples instantly came to attention. She had a surprise for John, and she knew he would be just as excited as she was. She rubbed her left nipple as she called him into the bedroom, where she was waiting on the bed.

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African GangBanged Bride

Copyright© WIFE WATCHER 1999 The first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Ben. We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel bar, Ben, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 43 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etc. It was very warm, no, very HOT. So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft...

4 years ago
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Anticipation By dirtydiva26, April 2008Darkness surrounds me as I lay on my bed waiting with intrepid anticipation. Listening for the sounds of the door lock turning. Listening for the sound of foot steps. Trying to sense the smell of His aftershave. I wait. I yearn. Anticipation. I moan, I wriggle, struggling for freedom from the silky ropes that bind me to the bed. My legs spread and tied tightly to the cold metal bed frame. The ropes between my thighs resting against my lips grow moist....

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Ride for the SunChapter 3

My legs almost healed, Rafe thought as he made his morning walk down to the barn and corral. Should be able to start riding again real soon. Rafe chuckled to himself. Course if Emma has her way, she'll keep me here at the house for another month or two. As soon as he could get out of bed after being shot in the leg, Rafe started walking to the corral every morning. He wanted to take care of his horse Bowie and it was a good way to get the leg back to normal. He held out a handful of oats to...

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The Grand Strategy Ch 04

I was on a roll. Three for three. As I said, I was not looking at this as an ego thing, but I couldn't help feeling pretty cocky. I had been to visit Carol and Aunt Ellie a couple of times each, and every time was better than the previous. These were women who loved a good loving. Carol was especially fun, and would usually say something during our lovemaking that would crack me up. She was a fun fuck. Aunt Ellie was loving, too, but I have to admit that we had gone about as far as I thought we...

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Hot Lesbian Comfort

This school year I became a freshman in college. I was in a serious relationship with my boyfriend at the time and as months went by my need for sex intensified. I had a college dorm mate she was Brazilian and I am Mexican and Black. We both looked hot and exotic. I have olive colored skin about 5’4 ½ and 115 pounds I have 36c’s and a small waist and flowing black hair with brown eyes. She had tanned colored skin, about 5’8 and 125 pounds; she had 32 d tits and a curvy waist, black flowing hair...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 30

The Society of Sisters and their compound at Liberty Mountain were the pride and joy of Sheila’s existence. She devoted almost every waking hour toward her mission of building an organization that could withstand anything the apocalyptic whims of fate might send her way. The colony’s Boss was an innovator who served both as a leader and a follower. Like the Caesars of old, she had the authority to issue any order necessary to secure the safety of the group. Unlike the dictators of ancient...

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Sandra Teil 1

Nachdem Katrin hier mit ihren Geschichten über Vera so viel Erfolg hat, versuche ich‘s mal mit Sandra. Diese Geschichte ist wahr, nur ein paar Details, Orte und Namen habe ich verändert. Sinngemäß ist aber alles erhalten geblieben.Vera macht übrigens gerade eine kleine Pause, und das hat einen guten Grund: Katrin und ich schreiben an einer längeren Geschichte, die wir zu Weihnachten fertig haben wollen. Unsere erste reine Fantasy-Geschichte. Aber um Euch die Wartezeit zu verkürzen - hier kommt...

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PenthouseGold McKenzie Lee Makes an Irresistable Offer

Naughty real estate agent McKenzie Lee shows client Jay Romero a property and gives him an offer that he just can’t refuse, namely to break in his new couch fucking her. The busty seductress unleashes her mouthwating melons to entice the stud into titty play and wraps her pouty lips around his hard cock for one of her topnotch professional blowjobs. Watch the horny Penthouse MILF work his monster dick with her soaking wet shaved pussy, getting fucked from behind until he busts a messy...

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‘Please, just once so I know what it’s like.’ ‘Okay, but if things get out of hand, we’ll have a problem.’ ‘I can deal with Woody. Besides, he’s afraid of you.’ Tia had said she wanted ‘to be watched’ before, and now she was really up for it. So, fine, I thought, we can kill two birds with one stone. I was sharing an apartment with a guy named J**** Wood (I kid you not). Woody was, to put it most kindly, flat fucking ugly. He would do just about anything to get laid, or just see a pair of bare...

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Private Julia Pink Kim Davis Mia Blow Busty MILFs Summertime Orgy

The summer has come to an end and German MILFs Mia Blow, Julia Pink and Kim Davis want to go out with a bang, literally! Don’t miss the incredible finale of Hausfrau Holidays 2 where these three horny ladies with their bit tits and curvy figures take on the Latino stallions Jason Steel and Kevin White. Watch as they get their final taste of cock out by the pool, sucking dick like only MILFs know how before they put their beautiful curves to work, with Mia hungry for it all as she enjoys some DP...

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Amy and Vivian Go Missing Part 2

Amy had already been raped twice - once by Karzec and once by Anatoli. Even after Vivian had been forced to lick out her sex and swallow their cum, Amy’s young cunt still felt unclean, and traces of leaking cum had dried along her inner thighs. She groaned, revolted with herself, remembering her orgasm as Anatoli had fucked her furiously from behind. What else could these psychos possibly dream up for them? Her eyes widened now at the new scene of horror unfolding. Karzec had thrust her into...

3 years ago
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CindyChapter 28

Thursday I ended up working late. Wasn't MY fault. We closed breakers the size of washing machines to squirt electricity into a part of the system that powered a couple of big electric motors. I knew my electrical equipment was good, but as happens all too often, when the commissioning team started the first of my little (smaller than a pickup truck. Twenty-five hundred horsepower) motors, it spun a couple of times and tripped. AND as is usually the case, that meant that a mechanical...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 70 Unexpected Turns

November 26, 2000, Saint Martin, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles Annette and I got out of the tub when the water cooled, took a quick shower to rinse off the suds, dried, dressed, and went down to the kitchen to make lunch. After lunch we went to the beach for an hour, then returned to the house to cuddle on the couch to watch Notting Hill, a movie Annette wanted to see, and to which I agreed, despite having an extreme dislike for Julia Roberts. I didn’t say anything to Annette about that,...

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Sam Goes to Summer Camp

The alley was immaculate. You've never seen such a spotless alley. Not a single piece of litter anywhere. No drink cups or cardboard boxes. Not even a single cigarette butt. Other than that, it could have been just about any urban alleyway anywhere in the world. Painted cinderblock and brick buildings with dented metal doors and barred windows lined both sides of a stretch of asphalt. Recessed doorways and a couple of dumpsters could provide cover for someone up to no good. I smiled as I...

2 years ago
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A strange girl

Coming out of my shell It had been a rough several months. I was almost through my last year of high school. It had been a very trying and frustrating time for me. The school work was almost impossible to understand for a nerd like me. I hated school with a passion! I had no social life, especially not with girls. I was a book worm and terrified of the opposite sex. I couldn’t talk to them I couldn’t even be around them. It seemed like if any girl in the school would get near me and...

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Covid Release for Three

After her divorce, Nicole decided to leave the “big city” and return to her hometown on Virginia’s coast. Nicole and her ex, Brad, had gotten married right out of college.  Things were great, until they weren’t.  When they learned that Nicole couldn’t have kids, the relationship and future they had planned were suddenly gone and they struggled to replace it.  When Nicole turned thirty, she put her foot down, insisting that they needed to spice up their listless marriage. They took up golf. ...

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 18

Tuesday, June 1, 2010 The apartment was empty. Jake called Jan’s house and told his mother that his plan had fallen apart and that he was back home. He took off his suit coat and tie and sat down in the living room with his book bag. He had already finished the paper for Jan’s class. He had two final exams the next day. It would not hurt to put in some extra time studying. Jake remembered that he had not told Finch to sign the affidavit at the lawyer’s office, so he called him. “This is...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 53 Turning ThirtyTwo

April 18, 1995, Chicago, Illinois On Tuesday, I joined Samantha and Stephanie for lunch at Spurgeon Capital to discuss the audit my sister was going to do of the Lone Star books. “What am I looking for?” “Anything suspicious,” I said. “But I also need to know the extent of their liabilities. Check any disbursements back at least six months.” Stephanie smiled, “I do know how to do my job, big brother!” “I don’t THINK they’re hiding anything, but you never know. I’m sure they have debt,...

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Missing Mom Becomes a Prostitute

It happened when I was 13 yrs old, me and my mom are all alone,,, no relatives no one to support us. Mom used to search for employment and I used to help her out in all kinds of work. What I came to know when I became older was that my mom in her college days was a beauty and had so many guys around her trying for a chance to experience her body which was 37-26-38, 5’5’’ tall whitish complexion more she looks like vijayashanti in telugu movies. She fell in love with a rich boy who promised her...


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