DiscoveryChapter 2 free porn video

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Sarah let herself go limp, trying to ease the ache in her neck and lower back. Her throat was raw and she couldn't block out the taste of her brother's come. What was wrong with him?? Why was he doing this? She couldn't believe what he had just done to her... she felt overwhelmed with the horror of her rape.

She heard him walking now and turned her head slightly. She saw him move to the front of the hope chest at the end of her bed and pick something up, though she couldn't see what it was. Now he moved on, out of her vision, to somewhere behind her. She felt him kneel on the bed near her waist, and could tell he was facing her nude form. She blushed as she imagined the image he saw, with her naked ass jutting up as it was. Her blushing increased as she felt one of his hands settle onto her ass, pulling one cheek away from the other, spreading her even more than she already was. She didn't know what to expect, when she suddenly felt something warm and wet on her asshole... what could that be?!

It moved back and forth, probing her ass then moving along her crack, downwards to her...

Oh god... it was... it was Dan's... tongue...

Dan licked at his sister's sweaty ass, the taste firming his cock up nicely. He moved downwards and pressed his tongue against her pussy, still leaking cum and blood... and licked there. He gagged a little and pulled his face out, looking down as he wiped his mouth clean. The object in his other hand, he moved down... down...

Sarah felt something cold, and... wooden???... press against her pussy, and suddenly an image of her brother's miniature baseball bat flashed thru her mind... oh no... Oh No!

Dan worked the wooden shaft against her hole, the blood and cum providing some minute lubrication but still her pussy walls tore as he twisted it inside her, sinking inwards... grabbing his sobbing sister's hair with his left hand, he pulled tightly lifting her head up, bending her neck back. His other hand worked the wooden shaft harder. Sarah moaned in pain from her back and neck, and from the tears the wooden device was inflicting on the walls of her pussy. Finally Dan jammed it in against her cervix, causing Sarah to grunt. Now he began to work it in and out of her, fucking her hole with his toy bat. She cried out with each new shove as he worked her harder and harder. Sarah could feel the punching force he gave as he slammed it again and again inside her.

Dan looked down at the blood-streaked shaft and moved his hand faster, pulling harder on her hair with the other hand. Finally he left it buried inside her, about two inches of handle sticking from her pussy. Panting a little, Dan rose up from the bed and circled Sarah, looking, taking everything in. Sarah's head hung again as she panted for breath. The handle of the toy bat bobbed a little with the breaths she took in.

He nodded, circling back around her. His cock was fully erect again as he moved in between Sarah's spread, bound legs. He climbed up, carefully straddling the end of the bat, and placed his thumbs on either side of her asshole, rubbing her cheeks with the flat of his hands. Sarah began a low moan of pain.

Working her cheeks around and around, Dan watched as her incredibly tight asshole winked at him, barely opening at all from the tightness. He grinned, and leaned in, pressing his cock to Sarah's dry asshole. He tightened his thighs around the shaft of the bat as he shoved hard against her ass. Sarah grunted, her head snapping back, her eyes bulging as she realized what he was trying to do... not there, god, not up there! it wasn't right, wasn't natural, oh god oh god oh mommy...

Shoving, pressing, ramming, his cock head couldn't spread her asshole enough to wedge in. His cock kept slipping upwards, which felt great, or downwards, jamming into the bat. Scowling, swearing under his breath, he seized her ass-cheeks in his hands, wrenching them wide, causing a high pitched screech from Sarah... pressing forward, he hunched his hips hard and wedged his cock into her dry tight hole. Sarah's screech turned to a gasp, as he circled, rammed and pummeled his cock against her asshole, sinking centimeter by centimeter. The tip of the cock was flattened, then slowly spread that tight ring.

Sarah barely felt the wooden bat twist and jam deeper as Dan's thighs clenched and released it during his efforts to fuck her ass. The only thought Sarah had at the moment was that Dan was going to tear her apart if he kept this up. Grunting as he fucked hard against her, Dan felt his cock head pop into her asshole, the sphincter clasping tightly around the ring under the head of his cock. He hissed at the tightness, releasing her ass-cheeks and grasping her shoulders. Pulling her to him, Dan continued to circle and fuck into her asshole, splitting and tearing her as he drove inwards.

... too much oh god it was too much... she could feel his cock pressing against the wood in her pussy, only centimeters away from contact... oh god how she wanted her mother so badly...

Sarah's animal like cries caused Dan's cock to swell in her ass, which in turn caused her sphincter to involuntarily contract again and again on his shaft. Dan groaned and fucked harder, her dry ass scraping at his cock as he punched again and again. Half his cock was now lodged in her asshole. He could feel the muscles trying to expel him and this only further enhanced his pleasure.

Sarah gagged as yet another quarter inch of her brother's cock shoved inside her. Her thoughts were chaotic and full of pain as she squirmed under her brother's assault, now knowing that no-one would save her, that she was her brother's to use until he tired of her. Dan looked down at where he was joined to his sister. Her asshole held him tight, her ass-cheeks jutting upwards, clenching the rest that wasn't buried inside her. Biting his lower lip, he drew back an inch or two, then jammed back in, sinking deeper inside her. Sarah grunted as if punched in the stomach as he fucked more inside her... how much more did he have?? She could actually feel the soft tissue of her asshole tearing as he increased his efforts, losing control as he fucked her ass harder and harder. He felt so huge back there, the damage he was causing she couldn't even imagine.

Arching his back by shoving upwards on one hand, Dan slammed the final inch into Sarah's ass. His groin pressed hard against her ass-cheeks. He grabbed Sarah by her hair and pulled back, grinding his cock into her ass. Sarah gurgled, her ass screaming in agony as she felt the pulsing shaft sink to its deepest.

Panting for breath, Dan left his cock buried inside her, grinding in a slow circle, luxuriating at the incredible pleasure from her tightness. He could feel her ass still trying to expel him, generating small gasps from him now and then. The animalistic sounds his sister was producing almost pushed him over the edge, but again he mastered his control. Long seconds passed. Finally Dan started to draw backwards in one long slow pull. When just the head of his cock was held by her bleeding ass, he punched his hips forward again, sending his hard cock burrowing back into her. And so he began the true rape of his sister's ass.

Over and over Sarah felt her brother's cock pound into her ass, splitting her again and again. Her whimpers came as grunts in time with his fucking. A wetness leaked from her asshole, running down to her pussy. Sarah knew that again, she bled.

Growling, grunting, Dan fucked with all his might, sending his cock into her ass again and again. He pulled her hair hard as he fucked into her, bending the young girl's neck so much she feared it would snap. The wet slap of his loins striking her ass-cheeks filled the room with a steady tattoo. His groin was sweat covered, and the salt stung the cuts and tears along Sarah's anal walls.

Her ass was so tight, so fucking tight on his cock; though he had come twice in the last few hours already, he was getting close again. He could feel the tightening in his sack, his cock swelling in her ass, spreading her wider. With a grunt that sprayed spit across her back, Dan levered up onto his knees, releasing her hair. He sank his fingers into her ass-cheeks, pulling her to him faster and faster as he fucked harder and harder.

Sarah's moans were one long moan now, that rose and fell in time with her brother's pounding. She was losing coherent thought again, only felt the pain. He was so large in her, filling her too much... god... she could feel the small bat shoving again and again against her cervix as he fucked her ass, his clenched thighs driving the wood in her as fast and hard as he drove his cock. And his fingers were digging at the skin on her ass-cheeks, drawing blood as he rode fast towards his finish.

Snarling, spittle flying from his mouth as he shook his head, Dan raped his sister with his slicing cock, feeling himself being swept upwards; the power, the control, the intense pleasure of her tightened ass around his cock... he looked down again where he and Sarah were joined, seeing the tight little brown ring stretched tightly around his driving shaft, his shaft streaked with blood... and something darker...

Dan cried out like an animal as his cock expanded more, then burst inside her ass, his cum shooting into her bowels hot and thick. Sarah felt his dick pulse in her ass, felt a heat fill her, and bit at the air, her head pulled backwards, as she felt her brother explode inside her asshole, his fingers tearing at her flesh. His cock was so deep up her ass she thought for sure it must be poking against her stomach. Balls churning, he filled his sister's ass with his cum, feeling the tightness milk him... jerking his cock from her hole, he fisted his cock, pumping come onto his sister's back. A long stream of come shot from his dick, arching out to splatter from between her shoulder blades to her lower back. Stroking hard and fast, he finished off on her body.

Sarah could feel the hot sticky substance run down her back to pool at the base of her spine. She lowered her head, ashamed, in pain, and exhausted.

Standing and staggering slightly away from the bed, Dan looked down at the beauty of his sister. Blood leaked from her asshole, pussy, furrows on her hips and ass-cheeks... and the come... it was everywhere. Smiling, Dan walked over to his sister's pink telephone and lifted it, dialing quickly.

Watching his sister, Dan said to the person he recognized that answered the phone, "Hey. It's me. Can you come over? I've got something I think you'll like."

Dan cleaned off his body in the bathroom he and his sister shared, scrubbing down in the shower. He hummed a little tune as he dried off. He pulled on a pair of cutoff sweats and headed downstairs, thumping down the carpeted steps with a bit of rhythm. Fixing a glass of juice and a sandwich, Dan sat on the couch and waited for his friend.

Ten minutes later, he heard him come onto the stoop just before the doorbell rang. Dan stood and answered the door. On the stoop stood his friend, Lou. Taller, darker, 15 years old, Lou grinned at Dan as he entered. "What's up?" Lou asked.

Dan motioned for Lou to follow him upstairs. Entering his sister's room, Dan waved his arm expansively for Lou to take in what lay before him. Still bound as she was when he had left, she was facing the other side of the room. Lou stood at the doorway, his jaw dropped as he drank in what he saw. Dan's little sister, Sarah, bound to her own bed, with her legs towards them. Her legs were spread so far, Lou could see... everything. The sheets splattered with blood, some viscous drying fluid on her back. Her ass... were those... scratches??

Dan grinned as he watched Lou.

Finally Lou turned to Dan. "My god," he rasped, his voice low and husky.

Stirring, Sarah heard the strange voice but couldn't place it. Her body flushed crimson as she realized someone else was now looking at her as her brother had.

Lou turned back to the girl. "Can... can I... touch... her?"

Dan nodded, leaning against the doorjamb to watch.

Lou approached the bed, feeling his cock grow in his jeans. He couldn't believe this... what the fuck was Dan thinking? His parents would kill him if he wasn't busted by the cops first. But jeez... look at her... there, waiting to be used...

He reached out tentatively, touching the back of her leg, which twitched. His fingers pulled back, then reached out again, stroking her calf. Sarah groaned, knowing it was Lou's touch. She had had a crush on the tall, lanky teen for two years now, but she had never imagined him seeing her like this.

Lou's eyes trailed up her thighs, strong curvaceous thighs, to her pussy. Blood tinged, sparsely haired, so small... her asshole was also bared for view, and his cock lurched. His eyes followed over the curved roundness of her ass to the small of her back and the dried flakes of... Dan's cum?! Further his eyes crawled, to where her head hung over the bed. Her long blonde hair was matted and sweaty.

Letting his hand caress back and forth over her leg, Lou could feel his lust building... he had to... had to...

Turning to Dan to ask, he saw that Dan knew. Nodding, Dan waved a hand at his sister.

Lou nodded to himself, and began to undress, not caring that Dan was there. He hurried, stripping down and dropping his clothes where he stood.

Sarah could hear Lou disrobing and moaned. "P-please..." she croaked from her dry, torn throat. "Oh god, please... please... don't... don't do this..."

Nude, his long cock hard out before him, Lou felt his blood rush at Sarah's begging. He climbed on the bed and between her spread legs. Placing a hand on either side of the young girl, he looked down between them as he lowered his pelvis. His cock pushed against the crack of her ass, sliding up. Lou gasped at the softness, the warmth of her skin. He raised his hips and did it again, his cock sliding along up the valley of her ass, the head of his cock thrusting from the top of her cheeks.

Sarah shuddered, feeling the second cock on her body in one day. She sobbed quietly as she felt Lou slide his cock again on her.

Lifting up little higher, Lou, still staring between there bodies, adjusted his aim, lowered his body again. His cock pressed against the opening of Sarah's pussy. He trembled, holding himself up for a moment... then rammed downwards with his hips.

Sarah threw her head back as she felt Lou tear into body with his cock. Her dry hole was torn, the previous wounds reopening. His cock drove inwards with one long punch, slamming into the end of her canal.

Lou cried out as he heard Sarah suck in a great lungful of breath. Her pussy was unbelievably tight on his cock, and he was so close to cumming already. He held himself deep inside her, regaining control.

Regaining her breath, Sarah panted in long quick breaths as she struggled with the pain. She could feel his penis throbbing inside her. Then he began to pull back.

Drawing his cock back slowly, Lou hissed at the intense pleasure. Without pausing, he slammed it back into her fast, and began to fuck Sarah. Moving in swift, long, pounding thrusts, Lou fucked the teenager with brutal force. His hips slapped her ass-cheeks over and over, causing the firm young muscles to ripple in tight waves. Again her body was tied too taut to allow her to roll with the force, so her pelvis took it all. Sweat ran down Lou's back as he pounded at the crying girl. He heard her nasal sobs - strong, body shaking sobs, and fucked her faster.

Dan moved slowly about the bed, his cock filling with blood in his shorts. He admired the hidden lust for giving pain that Lou was exhibiting, and what made it all the more better was that he knew how his sister felt about Lou. He had read her diary many times before. Sarah never hid it anywhere besides her underwear drawer. She had a major crush on Lou, and had hidden it well. And now... now Lou was relating to her in a way she had never dreamed, or wanted.

Around at the head of the pair, he crouched down near his sister's head, directly in front of her. Reaching out, he cupped her chin, her head shuddering from the force rippling up her body from the heavy fucking Lou was still giving her. He lifted her head slowly.

Sarah's view raised. She saw Dan's bare feet, his legs, sparsely haired, his... his hard cock, pressing out from his shorts, tenting them... and then up more... his lean, bare chest... and his face... and... oh god... his eyes... so empty... empty...

Dan smiled hollowly. "Hello, sis." He looked up at Lou, who seemed totally involved with the rape. Looking back at Sarah, Dan said, "You're doing a good job, sis. Lou looks pleased. But attention must also be given to me."

Still holding her head up, Dan rose up. He still crouched... too high would not be good for what he had in mind... but closer to standing, his legs spread, braced, bent slightly.

With his free hand, he shoved his shorts down, the waist band going under his ball-sack, pushing up in a pleasant way he had become acquainted with while masturbating.

His cock, fully erect, purple with desire, bobbed before Sarah's face.

Lou watched as Dan ran his leaking cock over his own sister's face... my god...

His friend ran his hard on over her lips, then pushed at them, but not telling her to open.

Sarah hesitated, then opened her mouth with a low moan. Lou fucked harder, grunts coming from him unbidden.

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Passionate Sex With My Married And Experienced Cousin Sister

I am Siddharth, age 24 and I’ve completed my B.Tech. The best part of my life happened a year ago when I stayed in Hyderabad with my cousin sister Jasmine (name changed) and brother-in-law. I went there to take coaching for CAT exam. My sister and I got close (very close) during my college days. We used to chat during her office hours as she did not have much work to do. My brother in law is a workaholic and doesn’t reply to her much. This brought me closer to her as I used to reply her...

4 years ago
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I Love My Dad

Hi This is Minikumari from Kerala.I like to tell about my sex experiance with my Dad. I was just passed out from school.I am a good figure in that age with a boob size 30. At that time ours is a small house with one bedroom and hall with kitchen. Bedroom was actually part of hall and it parted with a plywood. Door was not there and only a curtain was their as bedroom door. Usually my parents will shift me to hall after I slept during childhood. Than at high school time I use to sleep at...

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Missy The MILF

I envied Jimmy, since his mom is the coolest. She’d let us get away with almost anything when, we were kids. Her name is Missy, I always called her Mrs. T. She was short, pretty, and a little curvy. She had shoulder-length blonde hair, and wore these red rimmed glasses. She looked a lot younger than the late forties she is.It seemed like Mrs. T worked all the time. But Jimmy and I never used that as an excuse to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. She always seemed to know what we were...

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TeenCurves Kosame Dash Curvaceous Cum Conquest

Bodacious babe Kosame Dash loves showing off her caramel ass and fat tits. In fact, she adores her body so much that she likes to douse it in oil every now and then just to get all shiny and sexy as she struts her stuff. Today, our stud visits her sexual altar, kneeling to worship at the gates of her soaking wet pussy. He offers up his fat dick as alms, and she sucks it like the incredible goddess she is. Then, she sits on his dick, feeling it go way up into her gut as he pounds her. She loves...

2 years ago
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The Story Of Barbara Episode 4 Loss of my Virginity

4 Loss of my Virginity The loss of my anal virginity happened later, around 22 years old. At that time, i started to dress up more often the whole panoply of girls. I had, over the fittings of clothes, wigs and make-up acquired the necessary know-how to hide my male attributes to the maximum and conversely bring out the girl who is sleeping in me... During this period, i often went out as a girl, it must be said that i was very beautiful and credible because beardless of skin...

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My Funny Valentine Ch 07

Note: The few comments, mostly cruel (not to mention my worst scores by far) make me think my story doesn’t work. I guess I should have said ‘future porn director’ in the first chapter or something so as not to disappoint. Oh well. I do think this is still a romance, focusing on Joe’s love for Jill. Those that keep reading, I hope you find some enjoyment in it. Those that hate it, please don’t be too insulting. I don’t write this shit and post it to be called a fucktard.—maxicue Chapter Seven ...

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Wild Foursome With Hot Indian MILF Her Sister And Daughter

Hi to all my sexy lovers and fans of ISS! I would like to thank my readers for appreciating my . Also, I thank all those women and bhabhis who got their lusty wild sex dreams cum true with me. My name is Hemanth, I am from Bangalore and I am an ISS author. I am 5.10 ft tall with a good personality and a philanthropist with a playboy personality. Basically, I am working in Bangalore and I am a guy who loves sex to the core. I have had steamy sex almost more than golden jubilee number with...

3 years ago
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halloween at eh omega pi frat house with my wife

My wife had a young friend hat had been invited to a frat party. We realized it was a Halloween party and we took up the offer to join him.Jerry got sick that afternoon, but since we were going to join him there and drive separate, we already had our invites in hand.Peg was excited and said we can meet some more young guys and Jerry won't be hovering and jealous like he was at the pig roast.We got there around 9:30 and since it was supposed to start at 8:30, we knew it would be in swing...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 33 It Was Not Supposed To Be Like This

September – Year 1 Well that cat was out of the bag. He shouted it loud enough that people blocks away could have heard him. And since the bar was not yet busy, everyone there now knew something was going on with Erin and babies. “Well that didn’t take long.” Mark hit me on the shoulder. “Well we know she is pregnant, we believe it is twins. We have to wait for a few months to find out.” “So, are congratulations in order?” “Hell yes. Lynn and I both participated and did our level...

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.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom ResonanceMapsCopyright© 2017 by Demosthenes Israel, Palestine and surrounding nations Gaza Strip

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Vampires Slave 3 YEARS LATER

How it all began"Sylvia and Danny were neighbors. Danny lived next door to Sylvia with his parents and went to the local college. For the past six months Danny had known that his strange, beautiful neighbor was in fact a vampire.The two of them had come to a rather unconventional arrangement. In return for Danny providing a regular, if somewhat unsatisfying, supply of fresh blood, Sylvia gave Danny regular, and completely satisfying, supply of oral sex."Danny's heart beat faster and he sucked...

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Bound to HappenHarry Potter

At the start of the summer, he had confided in Lupin everything he head learned about the Horcrux from Dumbledore, along with the failed mission to retrieve the locket because someone with the initials R.A.B had already beaten them to it and put a fake in its place. Even if that R.A.B person had destroyed the Horcrux like they said they were going to, there were still three more left to find, as Voldemort himself would represent the seventh and final Horcrux. Two of them were...

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Kalluriyil Kasamussa 8211 Part 2

Naangal iruvarum othu mudicha santhooshathil sirithuondu irunthom naan avanin sunniyai pidithukondu irunthen avan ennudaya pundaiyil oru kaiyai vaithukondu irunthan innoru kaiyal mulaiyai pidithukondu irunthaan. Appozhuthu thiderendru enathu pettrorgal kathavai thiranthu engalai paarthu vittargal. Naangal moodaga oothathil kathavai lock seiya maranthu vittom, bedroomil matter podamal moodu thaangamal hallile panninom athanal kathavai thiranthathum engalai paarthu vittargal. Enathu amma ennai...

1 year ago
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Am I An Angel Or Devil 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, back to you is Deepthi. I have shared my first sex experience in the previous part “AM I AN ANGEL OR A DEVIL-PART 1”. Read it to get know what happened before so this part won’t be confusing. Later that afternoon… Thought I had my first sex with my dad it’s not like you see in porn movies. Nothing happened like that. He just deflowered me and nothing else happened. After I woke up at 10.30 A.M and then begun to sleep after that too I was not sleepy. I was just lying in bed and trying...

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When I heard from a friend that my mother-in-law Grace had called me a dumb blond bimbo who wasn't good enough for her son, I was furious. Her son had been my slave since marriage and we had kept it a secret from everyone but my mother Linda who walked in one day and saw what was going on. To my surprise, she enjoyed it and wanted to join in. Now Paul my husband serves as my slave and hers. But today was revenge time on that bitch mother of his.When Paul came home and appeared before me nude...

2 years ago
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Going Both WaysChapter 6

The three of us woke up hungry and hung over from the bus ride. We put on our workout clothes after a quick shower and headed to the cafeteria. After eating, we went to the weight room and worked for a solid forty five minutes. We signed out and walked back to the dorm feeling a lot better. I suggested, "How about doing our laundry now then getting some stuff and having a picnic out by the lake?" That was a great idea and they girls began gathering their clothes. I went and got mine and we...

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Listening to JackChapter 8

Emily fucked Charlotte two more times in school that day. The first time was back in the bathroom, after third period. Emily had been waiting for Charlotte when the confused cheerleading captain had finally wandered back there ... she'd grabbed Charlotte by the wrist without saying a word, and dragged her into a bathroom stall. There, Emily hiked up her skirt, yanked down her panties, and sat down on the toilet in front of Charlotte. "Time for seconds, you nasty whore," Emily said to...

3 years ago
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The Moment

The road to Hell may be paved with good intentions but the road to my destination is littered with my clothes. Before you smile and think about something hot and wild like me stripping nude while driving and throwing my clothes out the window, it was more of a Murphy’s Law event than something sexy. Perhaps it was the universe foreshadowing, trying to prepare me for what was going to happenSylva pointed out that despite me fooling myself into thinking that I wasn’t going to spend the weekend...

1 year ago
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Seducing Fucking My Maid

I was with my cousin brother who just passed a comment that if he was in my place he would have had her by now. It was then I looked at her in that sense, she was mopping the floor facing us kneeling down. Her saree across her bosom was a little down revealing her cleavage. I looked at her but didn't have any thoughts about the issue. After a few days everybody left and only our family was remaining. The next few days were nice as we had our first sister-in-law (bhabhi) and talked about a lot...

4 years ago
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BRANDY Misdeeds with a Mormon Girl Prt 3

Once we arrived at Brandy’s apartment, I set Skoal down in front of the television set, turned on a Barney & Friends rerun for him to watch, and then took my wanton love associate back into her bedroom. Brandy was so happy to see me and so anxious to shed off her clothing that she was naked and rolling around with me atop her bed before she could get her bedroom door closed. I too was quite aroused to see Brandy so I quickly let loose the meat from my pants and was soon nuts deep inside her...

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Eden RescueChapter 9

It was a truly massive undertaking, perhaps the largest that humankind had ever attempted and certainly the most complex. Basically it fell into two broad subdivisions. The first, and the most spectacular in scale, was the building of the ark itself. No existing spacecraft offered anything even close to the capacity that would be needed, as Meiersdottir and Eden Rescue came to envision the project. They wanted to save not only the intelligent native population in enough numbers to assure...

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Operation Triskelion

Thanks The well-built man looked up from the report he was reading, the paper copy resting on the dark wooden desk of his office, an anachronism in these days of holographic displays. Behind him hung the flag that represented the survivors of the human race, its deep blue field covered in the silver stars that signified the myriad colonies they now occupied. The flag and its reflection in the desk's polished surface were clearly visible in the mirror suspended over the marble fireplace...

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Amy 26 All Hands on the Bad Amy

Amy 26: All Hands on the Bad Amy Copyright 2014 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2014 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: You're No Rock n'Roll Fun Lena was not cool with the chunk I'd knocked out of her bass. In fact, she was so not cool with it she jumped me over it and immediately got in my face and started yelling. Then...

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The Devolution of DeannaChapter 2

Kelsey stood outside the girls' bathroom. She smiled when she spotted Deanna walking with her head down. The girl looked so glum and miserable. She deserved to feel that way. "Deanna!" Kelsey said cheerfully. "Hi," Deanna replied morosely. She followed Kelsey into the bathroom. Kelsey asked, "Do you have your Tuesday clothes on underneath?" Deanna nodded. "And no panties or bra?" She wanted to make sure Deanna didn't go buy new underwear. "Yes." Deanna found a pair of her...

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Me and my uncle 2

Hi again! It’s Riya… I received a lot of positive feedback from everyone for my last story, so I decided to tell everyone about another encounter of mine with my uncle which happened during the same visit to India. This incident is as real as the first one and I haven’t made up anything. After making love with my uncle for the first time and losing my virginity, I was feeling a mixture of emotions during the following days; I felt that this whole thing should never have happened but at the same...

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Facebook Se Mili Voh

Hello friends, I am Yuvi from Punjab am 6’1 ft tall boy fair colour dis is my first chudai story on ISS. I am big fan of dis site and I love all sex stories. I am simple boy and belong to a normal family . Now am starting my chudai story yh baat saal phle ki hai phle m fb bht use krta tha ek din mujhe apne suggetion me ek ldki show hue uska naam seema tha (naam changed) mne usko reqst send ki suddenly he accept my friend request …. We are normal chat like hello hai hal chal etc etc ….. Kafi...

2 years ago
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Uncle Takes Over FamilyChapter 16

Russell had Cheryl drop out of high school when her belly had started to swell with his baby growing inside her. Now that Cheryl had a child to take care of, Russell let her move back into her bedroom. With Russell making regular visits to see Cynthia and Cathy, Alice was now spending most all of her nights in Clay’s bed where she fucked and sucked him. Even though Clay was two years younger than Alice, she had become completely submissive to his sexual demands; along with the occasional one...

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My Motherrsquos Second Marriage ndash2 Family Fuck

In the first part, you must have read how my mother got married and how she had sex in the pool party and how she vowed to wear the shortest clothes possible.We three left from the farmhouse, it was almost 6 pm. My mother was wearing spaghetti one-piece, which was skin-fitting and showed deep cleavage and nothing beneath. Sharad was wearing shorts and Sando and showing off his chiselled body. They both sat in the back seat and were not able to keep their hands off each other. I was driving.It...

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Ryo and Kaneda

The creative genius of my dear Japanese friend Ryo never ceases to amaze me, nor you either if the mail I get asking about his fine work is any indication. What is Ryo up ask me. Don't I miss visiting him? Yes indeed, and I am planning a trip. Visiting Ryo always totally drains my dick and balls and gets my sadistic juices flowing.Ryo sent me some fabulous photos of his new project. The new project is a fifteen and a half year boy, that Ryo has turned into a total cunt. One of...

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How I make complete gay

hello is all this is my 100/: true stroyi am born in pakistan .and i have is one cousin is near to my house is boy .i am is 9 years old .he may be 15 years old .i don't know what is gay sex .because i am very young age .my cousin is boy .i am go to sport with my cousin. i am playing sports with my cousin .and another boy.when game is finish .all boy going home .and my cousin not going home .he say just wait after going .i am say ok .he put hand in my body .and slowly slowly .he get cock .and...

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A depraved tale in which a young man arranges for his own Mother to be gangraped

!!! This story was written as an adult fantasy. !!! It was just after midnight when I let the guys in through the back door. They all wore nondescript cloths and ski masks to conceal their identities because my Mom had met them all at one time or another. They tied my hands loosely behind my back and ‘gagged’ me. Then we all paraded up to Mom’s bedroom. I was getting a hard-on already just thinking about all the dirty things we’d planned to do to her. My buddy...

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The Famous Four and the Pigs

CHAPTER ONE    With Bill gone, we could devote our entire time to the piggery. On Friday, both Justin and Jason arrived in the latter's sports car to help as promised. We set to with a will, Robbie and Jason with electric brick-cutting tools to cut channels at the right height in the walls of the sties for the wires that controlled the collars, Justin and I outside in the yard cutting the big tarpaulin into six foot by six squares. Having shyly confessed that he'd come to enjoy going without...

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