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Part 1 - 3

A Femina Island's Tale

Ray Archer watched Miri Spencer walk away. Her long blond hair pulled back into a pony-tail that hung down to the small of her back. As she opened the door of her beachouse she briefly turned to him & smiling with those green eyes told him to behave & be ready to give her a nice long back rub when she returned.
Miri wiggled her shapely tushy at him before leaving. Ray heard the door close & waited to hear the sound of her pulling away in her Jaguar.
His eyes had been riveted on her rear in those tight white short shorts & once again he had to remind himself that although they were beautiful, sexy & never failed to make his cock jump & make his heart race all at the same time, he had to remind himself that it wasn't always so desirable.
Ray went to the bay window that looked out over the beach where his world had crumbled like a c***d’s sand castle against the in-coming tide.
He had worked on the mainland & had been coming to the Island almost every day to be with Miri. Miri was beautiful & Ray had thought he loved her but that was before Cora had come into his life.
Cora, like Miri wasn't rich but they both came pretty dam close & it was this past summer that Ray realized that he wanted Cora more & more.
He didn't want to hurt Miri & it took him weeks to finally work up the courage to tell her he wouldn't be coming back to the Island & her.
'If only one day sooner & it would of been different & he would be with Cora on the Mainland'
How many times had he relieved that faithful day but it always ended the same dam way.

Everyone saw the sky darkening out over the water but the Sun was high in the sky, the ocean seemed calm & there wasn't hardly a breeze to suggest a storm was coming.
Miri knelt next to Ray on the beach blanket. Her tears streamed down her face & when she looked up at Ray it nearly tore his heart from his chest.
Not knowing what to do next, Ray rose determined to leave the Island forever but instead he turned toward the ocen to see what everyone was mumbling about. Others on the beach were looking up at the approaching black cloud. Most were frozen in awe. Other's quickly gathered up their belongings & began running off the beach looking for shelter.
The dead calm that enveloped them all when the black cloud rolled ashore & settled over the Island left every male feeling weak & lightheaded as their skin began to tingle as if from an electric shock making them drop to their knees & fall in agony to the warm sand below. Every female felt a deep surge of power, a warmth on their skin that was pleasant and invigorating to the point where some reached orgasm without even touching themselves.
Unknown to everyone on the Island, the cloud, if seen from above would show it covering only the Island in all it twisting shorelines like it had been made to fit like a glove.
People watching on the Mainland held to each other in fear as they watched the cloud movement stop at the Island's end of the drawbridge.
And so from this day on the Island would be know as The Mysterious Island.

At another beachouse far up Shore Road Rebecca & her Daughter Regina stood above the dunes with their hands raised. There was no wind yet both their long blond tresses flew back as if they were facing gale winds. With their hands joined & Pyewacket, a black cat & a Witches familiar perched on Rebecca's shoulder they called the black cloud toward the Island.
Gulls & other sea birds flew off. Their calls fading as the cloud neared. Pyewacket's purring became deeper & louder as the cloud neared.

As the cloud slowly moved away & back out over the water the Females on the beach who had been standing like worshipers looking up at the rolling black cloud heard the cries from the many hundreds of men who were lying on the beach, their bodies twisting in pain as they began to shrink smaller & smaller.
Miri looked down at her feet & saw Ray curled up in a ball. The 4" man appeared to be dead but when Miri nudged him with her toe, rolling him over, she could see his tiny bare chest moving appearing as if he was just sleeping.

Other women on the beach looked down to find their husbands, boyfriends & the like curled up on the sand. All shrunk down to 4".
Miri picked up her now ex- boyfriend. She wasn't crying any longer as she walked back up thru the dunes to her Beachouse. She was smiling as new thoughts raced thru her mind. Things she would never had dreamed of before but now they all seemed fitting & normal.
She squeezed Ray a little harder as she hurried up thru the dunes. It was time she had everything she desired & Ray, now her little Slave would help her fulfill all her dreams.

Back at the Witches Beachouse Rebecca & Regina walked back to the rear deck following Pyewacket. The Island would never be the same now.
The name of the Island had been wiped clean from everyone's mind. If asked they would all say it was Femina Island.

************************************************** *********

Ray paced back & forth. This was his chance he thought as he tugged at his brown leather collar. He could just leave & make a run for the bridge back to the mainland.
Running to the bathroom, he looked into the mirror. The pulsing red light on his collar was keeping a steady rhythm. Would he shrink again trying to escape?
Was it true that he couldn't leave the Island & the domination he suffered under Miri?
He was only about three hundred yards from the bridge, a straight run to the drawbridge.
But what if it was true & he began to shrink. Would it start gradually or happen all at once when he got to the bridge?
Plus if it did he would lay there helpless until it wore off & even if he did survive it there were other Women between him & the bridge.
But worse was how would he survive getting back?
That three hundred yards would become miles at his shrunken size plus a****ls...he almost forgot about a****ls & even insects.
His knuckles were turning white as he held tightly to the edge of the sink. He looked at the 'Throne' as Miri liked to call it. If he stayed he would go back inside it shortly after Miri returned. Bile rose in his throat when he thought about what he had become. He was not just her Slave but her human Toilet.
Just a short time ago he had been curled up on the floor by her bed. He was awakened by her feet tapping on his body. She used her feet to urge him onto his back & as he looked up at her perched on the side of her bed she smiled down at him as she dug her toenails into his chest.
He had tried not to start begging again. It always led to tears but as he watched her leave her bed & straddle his body he found himself helpless as she raised her short nightdress & squatted down until her knees were on either side of his head.
'OPEN UP SLAVE' she told him as she eased her warm pussy above his mouth.
This was how he greeted every morning. Sometimes he'd be in the Throne where he had spent the night & sometimes here where he ended up after spending hours sucking her pussy & ass before she kicked him from her bed to spend the night on the floor.
Her dark blond curls brushed his lips before settling on his open mouth. Ray cupped his trembling lips around her, tasting the bitter sweet mixture with the leaving of last night’s tonguing & sucking.
Miri wiggled her pussy on his mouth as she sat harder. She sighed, squirting the first burst of her pungent morning piss into his mouth.
Ray swallowed each mouthful of her rancid piss. Mornings were always the worst. It tasted so bad & there was plenty for him to drink from her full bladder.
Miri twisted her fingers in his thick hair as she reached a point where she didn't have to ration each mouthful & just let it flow into her slave’s mouth.
Ray struggled swallowing knowing that if he displeased her he wouldn't get anything else to drink for the rest of the day other than more of her piss.
Miri patted his head as she listened to him swallow the last. He knew to lick & suck her pissy cunny until she rose off him.
Ray's tongue delved between the pink lips & tasted the sweet juices that his tongue gathered up. He drank them hungrily trying to dull the bitter taste of her piss. Miri rocked slowly on his sucking mouth until her orgasm exploded into her Slave's mouth.
Ray sucked as Miri sat harder on him forcing his open mouth to its limits as she came.
Miri moved back now sitting on Ray heaving chest as he tried to fill his lungs. Once again he had nearly passed out. He lay there panting as Miri stood up & left the room.
'Coffee' was all she said as she left.

Ray scrambled to his feet & rushed to the kitchen. Miri sat at her PC checking her mail & then went back to her bedroom. Returning dressed in those tight white short shorts & a light summer top & carrying her sandal's she sat waiting for her coffee.
'I have an errand to run this morning' she told him as she pointed under the table.
Ray went to his knees & saw Miri's toes wiggling. Ray cupped her heels in his hands & licked & sucked each toe until they were pink & shiny with his saliva. Ray licked & cleaned between each toe leaving his tongue & mouth tasting like foot sweat, swallowing Small pieces of toe jam he worked loose with his tongue while his Mistress sipped her coffee.
Ray prayed that he would not be led into the bathroom for the second part of his toilet service.
Maybe she didn't need to go this morning, it had happened before plus she was already dressed to go out.
Miri pushed her chair back & rose. Ray scrambled out from under the table as she slipped on her sandal's.
'I'll be back in a while'...clean yourself up after you mouth wash the soiled panties in my hamper & I better not find bite marks this time.
Then she was gone.
Ray was in a sweat as he went to her bedroom & knelt before her hamper. The little voice inside him called him a coward for not trying to escape.
'STOP IT' he screamed several times as he pulled the soiled panties from the hamper. Fresh tears coated his flushed face as he began to lick the soiled gusset of the first pair of panties. They were still slightly warm. Ray recognized them as the ones he had used his mouth to remove last night before beginning his oral service to his Mistress.
The pungent sour taste coated his tongue. He sucked & licked them knowing there were two more pairs waiting for his mouth to clean.

************************************************** **************************

Miri pulled onto Shore Road heading for the Mini Mall. Her beachouse was the last one on Shore Road with a oceanfront view but there were plenty of cottages between her place & the bridge to the mainland. With the top down & the warm wind in her face she passed dozens of Young Women crossing Shore Road on their way to the beach.
Men on leashes carrying coolers, umbrella's & beach chairs walked with their heads down while Females talked & laughed as they enjoyed the day.
Miri waved & was greeted with smiles as she drove past. Her ass had settled into the round hole in the seat where her Slave's face would normally be resting but this morning trip to the mall wouldn't take more than a half hour. Plus her Slave would be busy mouth laundering her soiled panties.
Miri pulled into the parking lot & noticed the new Donut shop she had heard about but first she would drop by the PantyPet shop to purchase a pair of those special panties.
Once inside she looked thru the selection of panties & then the best part, picking a little shrunken man to go with them.
Sandy's daughter Laura laid out the panties she had selected but now came the fun part as she poked a finger in the large bowl to pick a little pet to go with them.
Miri giggled like a schoolgirl as she watched the tiny naked men scurry away from her probing finger. She pinned a chubby little white fatboy against the glass who had tripped trying to escape her finger. She had heard the chubby ones were the best as they licked & sucked greedily just like they had in their other life, eating like a glutton. making them even better PantyPets.
Miri pulled the screaming man from the bowl & handed him to Sandy Aiken.

'Very nice choice' Sandy told her as Laura uncorked the slim vile of potion. Laura let a few drops of the syrupy potion fall into the gusset of the pale blue panties. She used a finger to spread the potion around & then rubbed her coated finger against the little wiggling man's face making him suck at the potion before laying him on his back in the gusset.
Miri watched in amazement as the little shrunken man appeared to dissolve even as he kicked & screamed. In less than a minute only the man's face, somewhat enlarged had become one with the panties.
Laura used a finger to probe the new PantyPet as she explained to Miri how to move him around. Dabbing her finger at the man's mouth she saw his red tongue begin licking at her finger & she was amazed even more when Laura tugged at the face & moved him to the seat of the panties making Miri laugh when she explained how a pantyPet made wedgie's a very delightful experience.
Sandy dropped the panties into a small bag & warning Miri to be very careful wearing them while driving or doing anything that required your full attention. Miri laughed as the warning hit home.
'OH! My..I see what you mean' she answered with another girlish giggle.

Once outside she headed down to the new Donut Shop. Looking up at the Sign in the window she got a hint of what to expect inside.
'OH! My My' she said to herself as she walked inside.

Miri Part 2
She had been so excited about getting a pantypet that the donut shop sign didn't register until she left the pantypet shop with her new pet in the small bag.
Shrunken’ Donuts. The sign was big as life as she approached the shop. Inside were tables with young women sipping coffee & talking. The line wasn't long but she found herself drawn to the glass case where several varities of cream & jelly filled donnuts sat in rows in the many trays.
Miri peered in for a closer look not sure she was seeing what was right before her eyes. Sticking up thru the small hole of every donut was a tiny man. Some with just their heads sticking up, their bodies trapped in the thick jelly or flavored creams within. Others had their arms free & were trying to push themselves up. Girl's in line where quickly giving their orders while another girl behind the counter picked the Shrunken' Donuts into a bag or box.
Miri felt a wetness between her thighs & hoped that her cunny juices wern't running down the insides of her thighs.
Miri looked on watching the tiny 2 inch men struggling even as they were picked from the tray. Moving down to the far end of the counter Miri was facinated while watching another young lady picking little scrambling men from a glass container & using a small rubber tipped tool to force them into the hole. Some donuts she rolled in granular sugar while others she rolled in powder sugar. Miri saw the girl quickly pop a small shrinkie into her mouth & begin to chew.
When she saw Miri had seen her she quickly swallowed before going back to stuffing the poor but delicious little screaming morsels into more of the still warm donuts.
When Miri turned she saw the line was gone & she quickly told the girl she'd like a half dozen donuts, but thinking better changed it to a dozen thinking of the coming morning with her first cup of coffee.
With three different types of jelly donuts & cream filled ones she clutched the box & headed back out to her car.
Sitting, while her Jag purred she lifted the lid on the box of donuts. Twelve tine men looked up at her as they froze in their struggles. As her fingers danced over the tasty donuts their tiny shrill screams became louder as she plucked a powder covered lemon filled donut from the box.
Bringing it up close to her face she could hear the tiny white man scream. Miri licked the white powdered sugar around the hole making yummy sounds as she tasted it. She then licked over the man, feeling him against her tongue. Her cunny was tingling now as if her slave Ray was thrusting his tongue inside her.
Miri bit into the donut to the side of the terrified man & began to chew. The tiny man was screaming as she chewed & swallowed. She licked powdered sugar from her red lips & then she brought him closer to her lips where she snapped her teeth at him. The poor man covered himself with his arms screaming as she bit into the donut taking him whole into her mouth. With the crunch of bone under her molars she came, gushing into her panties as she chewed the doomed little man up & swallowed.
Closing the box on the remaining 11 screaming shrinkie's she put the box on the passengers seat. She waited a few more minutes trying to compose herself before putting the Jag into gear & driving off.
She smiled, feeling so very wicked as she drove thru town taking a scenic route back to her beachouse. She felt the wetness between her thighs knowing she must of soaked thru her white shorts.
'OH! Well' she thought grinning. Just another pair of fragrant panties for her Slave Ray to mouth clean but first she needed his mouth & tongue to clean her up. Pulling into her drive she felt her tummy rumble.
Maybe just one more donut with coffee & she'd be ready for Ray to tend to his second Toilet duty to his Mistress before she settled in for her backrup & tongue bath.
Miri Part 3

It was now months since Cora had waited at the Mainland Diner for Ray to cross back over from the Island for the last time. She remembered all too vividly that dark scary day.
Cora had waited patiently once again for Ray to come tell her he had finally worked up enough nerve to break it off with Miri.
This is the last & final time she swore to herself as she sat in the booth looking out at Main Street, her untouched cup of coffee getting cold wondering why Ray hadn't called to say he was on his way.

She knew Ray was weak & she also knew he still had feelings for Miri otherwise why had it taken so long to finally tell her they were thru.
Looking at her watch she swore under her breath.
'Christ, He's not coming...that coward' she said as she felt a tear run down her cheek.
Noise from outside caught her attention as well as people leaving the diner as the mob of people outside began yelling & pointing skyward, running down Main street toward the drawbridge.
Cora followed the crowd & as she looked up, her eyes following the people around her she saw the black rolling cloud. It was darkening as it moved across toward the Island. It rolled like an angry black wave eating up the blue sky.
The crowd had gathered by the drawbridge, watching as daytime turned into night. The drawbridge had just come down as two Mainland cruisers drove up, sirens flashing as they stopped, blocking the entry to the Island. Several small fishing boats sat idle in the channel on either side of the bridge watching the sky darken.
Cora braced herself expecting rain & wind from the incoming storm but there wasn't any weather.........just the black cloud. Cora watched the cloud move over the Island.
'It’s just covering the Island' she heard others whisper. Moving down the road toward the lighthouse for a better angle Cora could see the cloud as it appeared to stop & settle over the Island & only the Island.
She saw lights flicker along the beach. The seven or eight mile long beach that everyone flocked to with it protected coves all the way past the jetty that jutted out from the shore. The cloud had just stopped & settled over the Island.

Cora moved thru the crowd listening to what people were saying. Someone had a boombox but all they were getting was static as they frantically moved across the dial trying to lock onto a station. Cora saw some Island natives crossing themselves & whispering.
Voodoo....witchcraft......the devil she heard the native woman saying among themselves.
Cora knew the string of Islands had a rich tradition of tales of Witches, Demons & voodoo curses mostly among the native black population. She had never paid any attention to those tales even thou she had heard them growing up but now she wondered.
She tried calling Ray's cell several times them & couldn't get thru, not even to leave a message. In fact it never rang.

When the cloud finally began to retreat back over the water the crowd began to thin. She thought about crossing over but the Mainland deputies weren't letting anyone cross over & while she was there after the cloud had retreated no one had come across from the Island either.

Back home she turned on the TV to the Mainland News Station. Ashley Kane was on reporting but for several days now there was little news about what had happened.
Weeks later she still couldn't reach Ray. During that time some people had breached the police barricade driving across to the Island.
Even a group of local bikers had broken thru & crossed all to the cheers of the now smaller crowds that gathered by the drawbridge until the sheriff had ordered the bridge raised permanently.
Cora heard stories on the news of small boats leaving the Mainland & heading out along the leeward side of the Island. The police had given up on trying to stop them.
Fishing boats had always gone out from the Mainland as well as pleasure boats but now not all of them were coming back.
Ashley Kane had been on live asking the party boat skippers what they had seen.
'Nothing they all said' refusing to answer further.
Ashley finally got thru to one old codger who'd been hiring out from the Mainland for years. He told Ashley how the boats had kept in radio contact until all he heard was the crackle of static & when he tried to move closer to shore he began to feel a strange tingle on his skin.
Scared, he turned back from shore until the feeling had passed.
When Ashley asked about the others who had gotten closer to shore the Captain just shook his head, then added that if they made it they hadn't radioed back to him. Then he just walked away.

Those boats were never heard from again. The bikers who had crossed, yelling & doing wheelies as they crossed the bridge had not been heard from either.

************************************************** ***********************

Cora gave up trying to reach Ray. Whatever had happened, Ray decided to stay with Miri. After awhile her anger abated. Then one early morning her cell rang. She felt a chill looking at her phone. It was from Ray.
Not sure what she would say she put the phone to her ear & weakly said hello.
'Hi, is this Cora?' a female voice said.
'Yes' she answered with a catch in her throat.
'Who's this?' she asked.
My name is Miri, from the Island.
'Is Ray with you?' Cora asked getting her voice back feeling her anger resurfacing.
'Is he there?' she added, her voice getting louder.
'He's here but he can't talk at the moment' Miri said.
Cora thought she heard someone groaning loudly & then it stopped suddenly after a loud slapping sound.
'Sorry about that Cora, but Ray was trying to talk with his mouth full'
Cora was getting madder now when she heard a half giggle thru the phone.

'What do you want' Cora said feeling her anger rising.
'I'd like to meet you if that's ok' Miri asked.
'I have a proposition for you'

'Hi Cora?...you still there? Miri asked.
Cora's hand was squeezing the cell phone as she held it to her ear, wanting to reach her hand thru & strangle them both.
'OK' Cora managed to say, adding 'When' while trying to control the rage she was feeling.
'Mainland diner tomorrow at Noon' Miri suggested asking if that was ok.
I'll bring Ray' Miri added before hanging up not needing an answer from Cora.
Miri knew she'd be there.

************************************************** ****************************

Miri rocked her ass deeper into the oral chair after lifting one cheek & easing the grumble in her tummy. She giggled hearing Ray moan under her.
'Lick my ass Slave' Miri yelled down at Ray from between her spread thighs.
Ray began licking the greasy star adding another foul taste in his mouth. Bad enough following the tongue bath Miri had demanded after returning.
Ray had come close to panicking, wanting to flee as soon as Miri had left. He tried to think of a way to escape the Island & Miri.
'Go ahead & try' Miri always taunted him when she left the Beach House, baiting him, sometimes giving him false hope until she told him what would happen to him after she caught him, if he survived that is.
Ray had heard about the Spa at the Country Club. He used to play golf there before.....before...THIS. Him & Miri, playing golf & tennis in better times.
Sure there was a Spa there then but He couldn't afford the more expensive members fee to be able to use it.
Now Miri went a few times a week leaving him here with his thoughts of escaping. She told him what went on there now...The new Spa.
Their always looking for new Slaves in the Spa's Ladies Room she would tell him as he was serving her, licking her sweaty body. Eating & drinking from her like it was a normal thing.

************************************************** ************************************

When he heard her Jag pulling in he went to his knees by the door, head bowed...waiting. Miri stood before him waiting for him to begin the routine of removing her worn dirty sneakers from her bare feet. She never wore socks when she wore them.
Miri would go to the couch & sit & present her sweaty bare feet to him. She would wiggle her toes under his nose giving him a good wiff before rubbing her soles across his face & wiping them with his extended tongue.
Like always she flicked on the wide screen TV mounted above the fireplace mantel to catch up on the Island news while he suckled each sweaty toe until they sparkled, making sure to use his tongue to clean between each one.
Tugging on his leash she brought him to his knees onto the couch where he would lick & suck her sweaty pits & then to the oral chair.
Being somewhat claustrophobic he always came close to a panic attack with his head under the seat but it was better than being locked up in her throne in the bathroom. Sometimes Miri would leave him there all night if he didn't service her the way she wanted knowing he would suffer inside. She would close the lid leaving him in total darkness, close the bathroom door & walk off to her bedroom where she wouldn't have to hear his moans.

Ray licked her sweaty puffy cunni lips almost missing the first pulse of acrid piss. He sealed his mouth as best he could an opening his throat tried to keep up with the flow.
Gagging as the burning liquid left a trail of fire into his stomach. Swallowing the last, he began sucking & licking, trying to clean her when he heard Miri talking to someone.
She had his cell phone. He had been looking for it ever since the event back on the beach so long ago. Ray wasn't sure how long it had bee, months he thought. He knew he had waited to long to break things off with Miri. He wondered every day about what Cora was doing afraid she thought he had abandoned her to stay with Miri.
Just one more day, a few hours earlier & he would of been with Cora back on the Mainland. How many times had he promised her & failed.
She called him a coward & this was going to be the last time, the last chance she would give him.

Miri opened her legs & moved the phone down onto the soft toilet like seat of the oral chair. Ray began moaning hearing Cora's voice, he wanted to call out to her, beg her to come help him.
The phone was quickly pulled away & he heard Miri talking again. A quick heel to his balls & he began sucking Miri's sweaty cunni when he heard something about having his mouth full.
What was she telling Cora?
What was going on?
Why did she call Cora?

Ray began twisting his body, trying to use his free arms & hands to push the oral chair off him but with Miri seated it wouldn't budge.
He could barely raise the heavy wooden chair without her on it.
Miri used her sharp toenails on his cock, pushing her heels against his swollen balls until he stopped struggling.

Light filtered in as Miri rose up. She smiled down at him as she closed his cell phone.
'Guess what Slave?' Miri asked him as she looked down at his wet face.
'Were meeting your girlfriend tomorrow back on the Mainland' she told him.
'And you get to tag along' she added stomping her bare heel into his stomach.
'What are you up to Miri....Mistress' he corrected himself as he was allowed to slide his head out from under the oral chair.
Miri just gave him a look that chilled him as she grabbed his leash & half dragged him to her bathroom.
Ray stumbled behind her he began to beg her not to do whatever she was planning.
Ray tripped over the threshold falling to his knees on the hard tiled floor & then rolling onto his side as the pain shot thru his body.
He was in tears as Miri pulled on his leash until he was locked up into her toilet throne.
'I need a shower slave but first I have to use the toilet......My Toilet......YOU'


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“Model Media Asia is here to embrace new cultures,” reads the text on the front page of the titular ModelMediaAsia, but what exactly do they mean by that? “We would like to explore the porn vibe in every moment of life then take you on a journey to experience erotic fantasies with endless possibilities.” Honestly, it’s the same kind of generic ad copy I expect from any third-tier free tube or half-ass paysite, which is why I think porn sites should typically let the pictures do the talking. The...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Holiday Traditions

Thank you to Linda62953 for editing this story and making it a much better read. Christmas didn't mean much to me anymore; it will never be the same. I had lost my wife Mary, earlier this year. Even though it wasn't unexpected, it still hurt like hell. After two years of chemo and dozens of trips to the doctor and stays in the hospital, Mary and I became closer. Like people have always said, 'You don't know what you have until you lose it', and it really was true. We hadn't gotten along...

4 years ago
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Fucked by a wolf

She was still in the hospital, recovering from her injuries. It had been three days before she could tell the story to the hospital psychologist. The police had questioned her and that is what led Pamela to the appointment with the psychologist, Doctor Mannix. She felt funny lying on the couch, just like in the movies, with the doctor sitting in a chair near her, typing away in his tablet as she told the story. Pamela worked late that fateful night, having to finish up the inventory before...

2 years ago
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Becoming Me

I know, it's unusual. Questions, comments, criticism, etc. can be emailed to me. Thank you for reading! This story may be posted on any free site. Becoming Me ? by: Allison Voorhees ( [email protected] ) ([email protected]) It's a bit odd how I came into my current lifestyle. If you have some time, I'll try to let you know who I was and how I came to be the person I am now. It started when I got a message on my voice mail from my best friend, Allison. She...

1 year ago
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The Slaver Gets His Wish 12

Chapter 12 Rachel was a bit out of it, they had given her codeine at the clinic where they had stitched up her hand. I had booked us a redeye, so we boarded the plane at midnight, and soon were on our way home. As she drifted in and out of consciousness, she started talking, and suddenly, everything that had happened over the last month took on a whole new light. “I was seven or eight…” I took her right hand in mine. “You don’t have to talk, just rest, darling.” “No, no, I want...

3 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 16 Broken Rules

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Sixteen: Broken Rules By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I stared in awe at the door. I had edited it after it had been edited. That should be impossible under the old rules. I glanced down at my phone. At the increased abilities of my editing app. My heart pounded in my chest as this rush shot through me. I'd doubled my number edits for the day. After my new modifications, the door...

4 years ago
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love and dare

It was a cold rainy day and Cindy did not feel like going out. She called her friend Susan over and decided to play a game called love and dare. Cindy and Susan are both in there late 30's and both still looking for a husband. So Susan went over to Cindy's apartment for an evening of what she thought would be popcorn and television watching. Cindy and Susan are both African America. Susan knocked on Cindy's door and Cindy answered the door. Susan ...

4 years ago
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Bad Cop

Last summer my girlfriend Sarah and I were driving home from the lake, we had both had a little bit to drink, but I felt good enough to drive. It was a warm summer evening and we were excited to get home, her parents were gone so I was going to spend the night at her house. Seeing her in a bikini all day had gotten me really horny, I would’ve fucked her at the lake if my friends weren’t there. We were flying down the highway her hand rubbing my bulge, my 5” cock was rock hard in my swim shorts....

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 8

I made New York strip steak rubbed with crushed garlic. I used rubber gloves because I didn't want him smelling it on my hands. I also made candied sweet potatoes which I learned from my grandmother one Thanksgiving when my parents were in Europe. A growing boy needs his green vegetables my mother used to say, so I added buttered green beans. Actually she used to say growing girl, and it might have been the cook instead of my mother, but you get the idea. I told him I would clean up and...

4 years ago
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Pleasing a stranger

Leaving work you're heading for your car on the third floor of the parking garage. It's late, and the garage is dimly lit, with only a few remaining cars left. You've been flirting with a guy at work, and you're kinda feeling giggly as you rummage through your purse for your keys. Not paying any attention to the darkness, as if in your own little world. Nearing your car you notice that a few spots down there's a gentleman sitting in his car with his head back on the head rest. You naturally...

2 years ago
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Anal Intensity Part 1 of 2

My girlfriend from high school (that's some 20 year ago) and I are still friends on Facebook. We are both married to other people, but we recognize that we have needs not being met by our spouses. Basically, we're horny as shit. We're both pretty perverted, too. There is almost nothing we haven't talked about doing -- to ourselves, or to each other. In fact, S (as I'll call her) has told me that she would be my slave, if I wanted. Her exact words, "I'll do anything for you. ANYTHING. My body is...

2 years ago
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Saturday Night Slutting

http://xhamster.com/photos/view/148535-1911867.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/photos/view/148535-1911867.html http://xhamster.com/photos/view/148535-1911868.html http://xhamster.com/photos/view/148535-1911868.html It had been a long week at work and I'd only been able to Fuck a couple of times and only with my Husband...I was very horny.I told him Saturday morning I wanted to go Slutting that evening so after he went off to work I prepared myself.A trip to the salon for the works including a nice...

3 years ago
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Bad Teacher

Introduction: My first time writing. Its a little long, but some fun stuff start about half way through. Ive been an English teacher at Border High School for almost ten years. Its in a small town in northern Missouri that sits on the border of Kansas. The name stands for some misguided leftover pride from the civil war. I have no pride in it and really never thought I would end up in a town like this. It was my husband John that talked me into coming here, and lately Ive been finding myself...

3 years ago
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The Additive

The Additive by Optimizer An author named Monsta posted a list of fictional movie synopses, as a story challenge. One in particular caught my attention. My normal writing process is glacial, but this story sprung out almost fully- formed in a day or two. It makes sense now, finally. I mean, I was a divorced mom, never had time to date, but I wasn't gay. I was a Twilight Mom! Team Edward all the way! And then, over the holidays I found out about this little cupcake shop. It...

1 year ago
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Megan Pt3

The day after my visit to my brothers’ house, I gave my father a call. I left him a message that I would stop by that night after dinner to say hi. My father called me back and left me a message, all he said was that he would leave the front door unlocked. I showed up at his house and let myself in. I called out for my father and I heard him respond he was upstairs. I went up stairs, my father had his bedroom door open and I could hear the TV playing so I walked in. My father was lying naked on...

1 year ago
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The Messages Concluded

A strong feeling of déjà vu washed over her. She was sat naked on her bed. Her phone was on the side, recording app open, ready to capture the sounds when she hit record. Was it wise to venture down that road again, knowing what happened last time? She wasn’t sure and that caused the butterflies in her stomach to stir. She didn’t like the way things had ended with Bradley. She may’ve been stupid enough to cheat on him, but she wasn’t so dumb to think that she could handle the guilt of not...

3 years ago
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The Sisterhood of Spite

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? The Sisterhood of Spite.  Chapter 1. The Brides of the Emperor.  ???????? The house was impressive, even by year 2537 standards. As was the fashion in the Empire, and had been since the first Emperor had ordered it some ninety years before, the building was of Ancient Roman style. An exact replica of a second century Roman Villa in fact. Plush and luxuriously furnished and...

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SwapChapter 3

"When? How? What about my daughter?" I said, my voice sounding frantic even to my ears. I didn't know my wife and daughter, never met them, and I was still shocked. My breathing was rapid, and my pulse rate. Saliva filled my mouth. I swallowed. Valdez said, "Your daughter is fine; she's with Child Protective Services. Your wife died from knife wounds." I gasped, and I'm sure I suddenly looked very pale because I felt lightheaded. Valdez continued, "She was murdered sometime between...

4 years ago
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Way Beyond ReachChapter 7

Three hours later, they were walking on the beach. Sara had picked up a bag, so she could collect shells and driftwood. Sloan watched as she played in the waves and tried to claim the perfect shell. She really was a very beautiful woman. He was beginning to wonder if he was acting as goofy as his brother had when he was falling in love with Annie. He did remember that Spencer lost a little of his edge because he couldn’t tell Annie no. No matter how hard he had tried Spencer couldn’t control...

1 year ago
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My Mom Taught Me

When this started I was a 17 year old my mom was 37. She still had a nice figure and, to be honest, didn’t go without, after all she has always been a very sexy woman. I lost my virginity on my sixteenth birthday and have never looked back. I had never looked at Mom sexually, but one morning when I knocked on her door, and went straight in as usual, I found her lying on the bed naked and masturbating. Whether she had heard me I don’t know but she apologized and I said, “It’s alright, I don’t...

3 years ago
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A Femme Domme TaleChapter 4

I messed up, and I knew it. The more I thought about it, the more I came to the conclusion that I got a little caught up when I spoke to Liz. She asked if she could join me dominating Chris and then admitted she was attracted to me. Looking back, it all happened so fast and I didn’t take the time I needed to think it through and process the possible ramifications of her joining us. More than anything, I needed to put first things first and talk with Chris. When I arrived home, the aromatic...

2 years ago
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Feminized By My Mother

My mom was staying in as were Jen's parents so we parked on a dark road and made out while I fingered her. Her panties were absolutely drenched when I was finished, and she rubbed her hand inside them and used her pussy juice to jerk me off, I spurted all over my pants and she laughed."I hope your mom doesn't see." She said."Actually she probably wouldn't care." I said."Oh yeah? In that case we should just have fucked in your house then.""I wouldn't push it." I said jokingly, but she may have...

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En Kathali Nanbanai Sight Adithaal 8211 Part 1

Hello friends indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kathali nanbanudan thagatha uravu vaithu matter seithathai eppadi endru ungalidam pagirugiren. Enaku en kathali oru thevidiya enbathu appozhuthu thaan therinthathu, aval oru sariyaana item, yarudan vendumaanalum paduthu ooka vendum endru ninaipaal. Ithu anaithum oru naal en nanbanai aval sight adikum pozhuthu thaan therinthathu. Vaarungal kaama kathai kul sellam. Kaathal veriyaaga maari parthu irukeergala, thanathu kathali veru oru aanai paarvaiyaale...

2 years ago
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Redemption Ch5

He trained again. Trained until his body ached and muscles screamed from agony. Lucien worked through levels of demons and devils the holo-traing unit provided for him. He even trained with Devon and Ashriel; long, bloody, drawn out sessions that seemed to never end. Seth watched over what he ate, and Zak gave him a grueling workout routine. So far Lucien had gained fifty much needed pounds of pure brawn. Today he faced Natanael, Abdiel, and Eriel, who, he soon learned were probably the best...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Damn CowboysChapter 3

Cammy drove up to Phill Burgin's truck. She told Phill that she needed his help to plan to entertain guests the next weekend. Cammy said "They will arrive Thursday afternoon and leave when ever you men conclude your talks. Cammy said "There will be four women that want to ride horseback, I would like the Wrangler to choose nice horses for them and one of your hands armed with a shot gun to ride with them. " Two of the ladies at least like to fish, I want a 'Dam Cowboy' to be with each...

1 year ago
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Goodnight Beautiful

I climb into Michelle's bed every night and wrap my arms around her soft warm body. I lean my head down and gently press my nose into her hair and take in the scent of her freshly washed strands. Tonight it is apples. Tomorrow night it could be coconuts. The next night it could be the scent of freshly falling rain. That's what I loved about Michelle. She always surprised me. However, she always wore the same thing to bed. That never changed. It was always a tee shirt and her panties. Of course,...

First Time
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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 8

The routine of classes calmed her down. Her interaction with Mr. Hornsby, on the musical, had made her a little less of a mystery to him, and she had been so happy that he was doing his part that her expected bitchiness had never really surfaced. That led to a very subtle change in the way she was treated in the teacher’s lounge, because practically everyone had asked him what the dragon lady was like, and all had been told the same thing: “Not all that bad, actually. She’s trying hard.” In...

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Thiruvizhavil Gramathu Manaiviyai Usar Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil thirumanam aana nattukattai manaiviyai ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar selvan vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku innum thirumanam seithu vaikathathaal yaar kidaipaargal avargalai ookalam endru kathukondu irunthen. Ipadi irukum pozhuthu thaan en nanban avanathu ooril thiruvizha endru avan ooruku azhaithaan. Naanum angu sendru irunthen, niriaya ilam pengal matrum big boobs manaivigal...

2 years ago
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Gifted Book 3 IntentChapter 15 Lord Roland Pirelli

Lord Ronald Pirelli and his wife Carol strolled down the gang plank as if they owned the ship. Captain Jamil said they had two nights and then they sailed the next morning. This suited Albert. Tonight, was to scope and tomorrow was to gamble. It had been close to a year since he was last here. Albert was hoping that his new body, look and name, would let him pass by the shadow of Allan Dale, as most here knew him. He’d managed to fleece a few dollars from every member of the crew and while...

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Twin SisterChapter 10 Helping a Friend

Saturday morning Jen and I got into the car and drove over to Sally's house to pick her up. As we pulled in Sally came out carrying her overnight bag and got into the car. She was surprised to see me in the back seat with a big grin on my face. "What is Art doing here?" "He talked me into letting him come with us today." I said, "Sally, I didn't get a chance to talk with you last weekend. I like you and want to be your friend." "I like you too but aren't you going steady with...

4 years ago
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Helper Sissy Hubby

Helper Sissy Hubby - Chapter 2 ? by: Sexy Wifey Since Sissy Hubby was already dressed up in his lacy womens' underwear, 5" high heels, breast forms, red wig and makeup, and since I'd already made him give several blowjobs, I figured it was MY turn for a little sexual action. I motioned for one of our male playmates to sit in the middle of the couch. Then I said, "Now, Sissy Hubby, get down on your knees in front of my 'new lover' and start sucking on his dick. I want you to get...

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A Magical Wardrobe

I guess I should start this tale by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Brad, I just turned 30 years old, and I have LOTS of money. You see, as long as I can remember, I was always a computer nerd. After finishing college, I got a job with a big tech company. Two years later, I was sick of working for someone else so I started my own company. Four years later, I sold out to my original employer and cashed out for more money than I could ever have imagined. During all...

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Fucked at the Concert

The fair grounds were packed for the concert that day. It was mid-August and even though night had fallen it was still sweltering hot. Tina was dressed to beat the heat in a low slung denim mini skirt and bikini top, hiking sandals on her feet. She turned more than a few heads in her revealing outfit. At twenty-one years of age, she had a lush yet firm body. Full 36C tits filled her bikini top, her narrow waist flared out gently to her tight round ass, which was clearly evident even though the...

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Neha8217s Compromise To Recover Her Porn Addicted Brother

Author – Varun Following is just a fictional tale. Hi All, I am Neha. Married, a beautiful 24-year-old girl with wheatish complexion, 5.3” height and well-maintained and structured body with round firm boobs and curvy hips. Anyone seeing me will lust to have me in bed. When first time I stood nude in front of my hubby Navin, Navin told me “Hey your face looks very homely, innocent, cute and romantic, whereas your body structure looks like a top foreign porn model with firm erected round boobs...

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a summer job

Looking to make some money during the summer, I went to the normal places. Fast food restaurants, stores in the area malls, and and some gas stations and repair shops with no luck. So the only things left were outdoor jobs. I when into the neighborhood knocking on doors asking if I could do yard work or odd jobs. Finally after walking about ten blocks, a older man said if I was willing to do some hard work he'd let me earn some money.The first day I trimmed bushes, edged the sidewalk and drive...

3 years ago
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Back Dive Ch 07

Ch. 07 – Inspired Swimming and Diving The Diving: Sullivan had three dives in the finals scheduled for early afternoon. He and the other finalists warmed up as the distance swimmers finished their events. The team competition was not going very well. Sullivan’s team was in a disappointing third place. It looked like the two high school swimmers were going to place in the distance swim, which would mean points they had not counted on. However Sullivan was in eighth place in the 3-meter...

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His Infernal Majestys ServiceChapter 27

The air was tense as the two women stared at each other. Kim didn't turn away from Mom's gaze but a tear made it's way down Kim's cheek. "When my husband died I thought my world had ended. I would never wish that pain on anyone and I am sorry that you are feeling it." Kim took a tentative step toward my Mom. "Please, let me help you. I made breakfast." Mom's look never changed. Kim took another step toward my mother. Mom's face clouded. I could see her trembling. Kim...

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Bella Strega

Bella Strega Night was so easy; darkness cloaked every vice and shrouded every sin. Thenight was another world, another place, utterly removed from the demands ofmundane day-today living. In the dark all fantasies were possible, one couldgive life to one's clandestine self, and no one would ever tell. And in thedark, all secrets were sacred, cloaked in the benediction of silence. She lay awake, deep into the night, her body betraying her yet again. Shecould count on nothing. She wanted...

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Jessies Fantasy Chapter 3 The Night Club

After an amazing afternoon with Tracy, Suzy, and Brooke regarding my transformation and amazing feminization via sexual acts that wore me out, it was time to meet my friends. Before we left, I called my friend John and told him that female Jesse would have to wait. I told him a little white lie that I had developed stomach flu and had been throwing up all afternoon. John told me that he was disappointed, and was and certain that our friends will also be as they were excited to tease me...

1 year ago
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Trials In Tainted Space

Well for starters, Fenoxo is a fucking gaming blog probably named after its developer, MR Fenoxo, Fen, Fenny, or Fenfen. And while there is evidence of multiple individuals posting on the blog as long as there is an awesome interface and a fancy sex game to dip some nasty claws into, who fucking cares about that shit anyway? After all, Fenoxo is one Pervy Writing Minotaur, the coder, and brains behind a number of sexy games including Corruption of Champions which seems to have won a...

Free Sex Games
2 years ago
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Life With sis Pt 15

This was turning out to be one heck of a day for all of us. Lexie and Terece said that we should keep it going all day, why not just have a fun day. I liked the idea and we didn't even need to ask Jeff, he was just sitting there grinning.It was pretty fun, we fixed something to eat and drink. We had a couple of things to do on the computer. Then there was clean up after eating. What made it fun, we stayed naked. I'm usually not too fond of being naked, but with my friends, it just didn't...

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Ivy tries modelling

Ivy was very nervous as she walked over to the front door of the photo studio. She'd never thought of herself as a model, she wasn't the slender type of girl, she went to the gym far too often and her body was more of the athletic type. Also wasn't thirty three a bit too old to start a modeling career? Still she felt giddy, she rang the bell on the front door and waited. Her fingers toying with the little business card. She got it out of her pocket and double checked the address....

3 years ago
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Marine GamesChapter 1 Boot Camp

To say that boot camp was an eye opener does not even come close. It was impossible to say who was more shocked. The DI's were dumb founded because you could not keep a smile off Bret's face. Bret on the other hand could not believe he was being given such riches. Bret just stared, not believing he was actually receiving sure wonderful gifts. Let us look at the first day from Bret's eyes. The morning started with a three mile run. Running in their civilian clothes and shoes, the other...

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Sisoban OmalloryChapter 7

I had made a request to Justine before I left, and three days later I got a phone call. It was quiet for about thirty seconds and I thought the call had dropped. “Thank you.” I smiled. “You are very welcome, my Queen. I hope it brings you happiness.” “I know my time on this earth is about over. I’ve lived a very full life, and I have few regrets. One of my biggest now is that I won’t get to enjoy your gift for as long as I’d like. I know you didn’t have to do this, and it was a gesture of...

4 years ago
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Wanting to Meet You Part 1

This is a story written by an admirer who saw my personal profile on alt.com It's about what he would like to see happen if we ever met. Enjoy WANTING TO MEET YOU Part 1 =============================================================== Hi Laura, I think about meeting you in my hotel when I am in town. You come in my room and I get you a glass of wine. you go to sit down and catch me looking at your hot ass as you walk to sit down. You smile and then turn and sit. We...

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Taming the Whores Pt I

Liv is my stepsister. She, along with her friends, have been a trouble makers since I can remember. When they were fourteen my buddies called them J Birdies. We were eighteen at the time, and I didn’t really appreciate it. But the girls didn’t seem to mind. Her friend Becky was the worst of the bunch. But that was four years ago.Since then I’d moved on in life, got my own place and was happy. Until a storm crushed the roof of the flat I was renting. I had to live with my folks for while.It’s...

Group Sex
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He Chose Me Ch 01

I have edited the story to correct the typos and other mistakes. ____________________________________________ Chapter 1: Kayla James and I met when we were four years old. He and his mom moved in next door, and they were invited over for a play date. My twin sister, Kylie, took one look at him and said, ‘ew, boy’, and went to our room. He and I got along very well, and became friends instantly. Most people called him Jimmy, but when I got upset because I didn’t have a nickname, he told me...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Kimberly

My name is Kimberly. I'm a thirty-two year old mom, married eleven years, with two c***dren. I work for a financial services corporation where I commute to work from our quiet, conservative little town. I'm active in my church group as well as our civic organizations. I've always tried to uphold the values of my religion, and to be a good Christian wife and mother. This is how I became corrupted, and betrayed myself, as well as my husband. It started at my job. There was a man there, named...

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