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'PRISCILLA' Not the Queen of the Desert. Wesley Family. Maggie Wesley: Widowed mother of Steve, Dave, Rob and Emily. Steve: Oldest son, 23. In the army. Dave: 19. Rob: 17. Emily: 12. Gaines Family. Malcolm Gaines. Husband of Elizabeth, father of Priscilla and James. Elizabeth Gaines. Wife of Malcolm, mother of Priscilla and James. James Gaines. 18 year old. Priscilla Gaines: 12 year old. 1960. A warm Saturday afternoon in Melbourne, Australia. In the Wesley household, Rob Wesley and his best mate Jim Gaines are sitting at the kitchen table. Part One. Saturday. 5 pm. "No!" "Please!" "No, Jim, it can't be done!" "Yes, it can Rob, you talked about it. I heard you." "Oh hell! Me and my big mouth. Look, no, you know Mum would be furious!" "Your mom's away in Scotland with Emily, they won't back for a week! Come on, It'll only be the once. I want to try it!" "Look chum. No. You know this is wrong!" Dave came into the room. "Bloody hell. What's all the shouting about?" Rob turned to him. "Jim knows about mum's spell, he wants to use it." "What? Who told him?" "We did," said Rob. "What? Bollocks!" Jim looked a bit sheepish. "Well, you did, sort of. I heard you both discussing it. Two weeks ago. When I stayed over. I was on the couch and you guys were gabbing. I suppose you thought I was asleep or something." "Mom's going to be so annoyed." Dave rubbed his head while Bob just shook his. "You were discussing about how your mom changed Emily. There was some emergency or something." "That's exactly what it was, an emergency. Emily's life was a stake," retorted Dave. "That spider!" said Rob. "Yep. A flippin' Redback." Jim looked at them both. "Tell me!" Rob looked up. "Emily got bitten and was starting to react, badly. It would have just made an adult sick, but a kid with Emily's condition? It could have killed her. We were miles from anywhere, in the high country. Mum realised if Emily was an adult with an adult's metabolism she'd be safe. So she changed her." "There ya' go," Jim cried. "Emily is her normal self so she was changed back with no problem." "It's something not to be played with, Jim. It isn't a fun game or a toy." Being the older of the two brothers Dave was trying to take charge. "I just want to try it. I want to know what it's like being a seriously big guy! Muscles, really good looking, the works. Just for a bit." Jim was persistent. Rob, looked up. "Well-" Jim took heart, he was weakening. "It'll only be for one night." "You need something that belongs to the person. What have you got," Dave was looking for another loophole or obstacle. "Come to think of it, who have you in mind?" Jim, repeated his sheepish look. "Steve." "You're kidding?" Dave and Rob just stared at him. "Steve? You just want to try 'being' Steven? And he'd say 'Sure,' Go ahead and be me for a day'? Dave started to laugh. "You are nuts. Really." "Steve is overseas for three months with the army. This is just one night. I want to be really tall and strong for a day. Just to feel what it's like. Look at me. I'm not that tall and not exactly a weed but I get picked on, bullied! It'd be nice to be able to be someone who no one would give a hard time to, even for a day." "I suppose it wouldn't hurt, for a day-" Rob's resolve was collapsing. "We don't know where the spell is." Dave had a reply. "It's in the bureau," Jim and Rob both replied. "Hey, have you been snooping in our mom's things?" "No!" Jim wailed again, that's where you said your mom kept it. Rob looked at Dave. Dave looked back. "Oh shit, this isn't going to end up good." "Go on, you better go and get something he wore. On his dresser. He has some of the stuff he left." Dave went in to the study. "I'll get the spell. Remember, whatever you decide to use, pick it up with a handkerchief or something. It must be unsullied." Jim entered Steve's bedroom. He knew what he wanted. Steve's bracelet, a heavy, braided leather one given to him by his father just before he died. It was his most prized possession and hadn't taken it with him in case it got lost. Taking a handkerchief out of his pocket he carefully picked it up. It was heavy, the clasp being made of iron. He returned and Dave directed him to set it on a parchment lying on the table top. "Before you start," said Dave, "you better get changed out of those clothes. You're about to get a lot bigger, taller. You could either strangle yourself or at least tear something!" "I have a very baggy T shirt on already, and an extra-large pair of boxers!" He took his pants and shoes off. "All prepared, aren't you?" Asked Rob. "I was just hoping," he replied. "OK. Here goes. You hold the bracelet and read the incantation three times." For a moment he hesitated, Dave leaned over. "You can change your mind you know." "No. I have to," he responded. He looked at the words. "Wait, how do I change back?" "Simple, you recite the same words again, exactly as said, only twice." Jim looked at the words to make sure he had them in his mind. Then he started. 'I recite this spell which has been shaped by the Spirit of She who is supreme. I ask for this transformation. Into the vessel I wish to possess.' He repeated it twice. For a few seconds nothing happened, he looked round. "What...." Then he felt a tingling in his skin, like pins and needles. The hairs on his arms started to sit up, like an electric charge was close. He continued to hold the bracelet tightly. The tingles grew in intensity. The parchment seemed to be glowing. He tried to move, he couldn't. He couldn't speak. All he could do was continue to hold the bracelet and look at the parchment. He heard Dave's voice. "You probably can't move, Jim. Don't worry, this is supposed to happen." Everything seemed to fade then cleared again. He could move, he looked up at Rob and Dave. 'Hang on,' his mind was racing, 'I'm looking up at them?! That's wrong. Steve is way taller than them.' He saw the stunned expression on their face. "What? What happened?" He could speak. But his voice seemed strange, lighter and higher? He looked down at his hand touching the bracelet, the bracelet was bigger, heavier. No, wait. It was the same, he raised his hand and stared at it. It was smaller, slender as was his arm. He had shrunk! His T shirt was huge. It draped over him. Like a blanket. "I've .... I'm.... little. I'm a child!" Dave and Rob stared. Mouths agape. "What happened?" "I don't know," replied Rob. "It's....impossible. That shouldn't have happened." "What happened? What went wrong?" "OK. Right." He took a breath. "Are you feeling OK?" He looked closer at him?. "Do you feel anything .....well, anything sort of....strange?" Jim sat for a few moments, the tingles faded. "What happened? Why aren't I bigger? What happened to my hand and arm?" He looked at his hand and arm again. "I'm a kid. Right?" Dave and Rob looked at each other, still shocked, then Dave answered. "Sort of, a bit, well younger." "What happened then?" Jim stopped. "What'th going... Wait. Oh thit. I can't thpeak. I've a lithp?" He jumped up and gathered the huge T shirt round him and raced to the bathroom, as he did so his boxers slid down his legs almost tripping on them. The scream of horror was quite piercing. Rob and Steve followed him. "Oh hell." His wailing was quite pronounced now. "I'm.....not.....I'm not.....Theve. 'Thit, I'm....Prithilla!" Part two. Still Saturday. Rob and Dave just stared at their neighbour's 12 year old daughter, Priscilla, Jim's sister, as she looked at herself in their bathroom mirror. A huge T shirt draped over her like a long white cotton dress, only it wasn't her, it was Jim. "Change me back!" Jim yelled. "Now!" "Could you please lower your voice?" Dave pleaded. "Mate, if that yelling is heard by a neighbour or someone passing they'll think some girl, is in trouble here and call the police or someone." Jim grabbed the edge of the vanity and took a series of deep breaths. "Get me back. Pleathe. Thit, thit! Thith I can't thay anything, thith friggin lithp." "OK. Right. You need to stay calm. We know what to do. Just take it easy Jim." They all went back to the table, Jim sat down and picked the parchment up. "Do I need to hold anything?" "No, just saying the spell twice reverses it," said Dave. Jim proceeded to do so. They waited. They waited a bit longer...they waited for a longer bit. Eventually.... nothing happened. "Oh thit." Jim sat and put his head in his hands, the long hair falling over them. He brushed it away. "Oh thit, thit, thit." Rob couldn't help himself, he snickered. Jim glared at him. "You think thith ith tho funny?" "Well, if you put it like that, it is," Rob smirked. "I mean, It ith!" Jim glared again. "Sorry Jim, really." "What happened?" asked Rob. "Did we do anything different?" "Not that I remember," responded Dave. "Mum gave Emily her sweater to hold. Emily recited the words. She changed into mom and after a while she recovered from the bite. Pretty rapidly as I recall. Emily changed back later that evening." "Maybe that's it? It took a day because Emily was recovering." Dave shook his head. "No, that was just because she was recovering. Jim should have changed back right away." Jim lowered his head onto his arms. "I can't be a girl. I can't." Dave tried to take charge again. "OK. Don't panic, wait. We'll work something out. Maybe it does take a bit longer. Emily is a girl and she just changed into an older...umm....woman. You're a boy, or were. Perhaps it does take a bit longer. And yes they did wait 12 hours so maybe you need longer to recuperate from the change. Oh heck mate, I really don't know! But Emily was pretty exhausted. Anyway, you're here for the weekend, Priscilla and your mom are out for the day, well, until late and you were staying over tonight." He looked at everyone. "We have to chill. Rest, you are stressed so maybe a good night's will help, refresh you, or something, we can try again." "We better get you something to wear, that T shirt is falling off you." He got up and went into Emily's room and returned with a pair of her pyjamas and a dressing gown. Jim looked at the pale blue cotton pants and t shirt top and shrugged. The dressing gown was a different issue. Quilted and pink satin which he, initially, refused to wear but they pointed out it was all they had for a 12 year old girl. "But I'm not a 12 year old...Oh hell, right...I am." Dave made some dinner and they sat round the table eating. Jim was pretty quiet so Rob and Dave kept the conversation flowing. Rob noticed that Jim kept squinting and rubbing his eyes. Rob asked, "What's wrong with your eyes Jim?" "I don't know. I'm having difficulty with them. Really annoying." "A bit fuzzy?" asked Dave. "Yes." He sighed. "That fitth, Prithilla wears glasses! I'll be having the problem till tomorrow." "Tell me," asked Jim, "tell me how your mom got the thpell?" Rob look at Dave. "You tell him, you know more of the story than I do." "OK." He thought for a moment. "When mom was in her early twenties, this was before she met dad, she got into alternative beliefs. She discovered Wiccan, earth mother stuff that I only partially understand. Anyhow, she really got into it and found she was quite attracted by the ideas and their beliefs." "She met an elder in the group who took her under her wing and mentored her, taught her about the healing, the charms, herbal remedies and other, deeper, stuff. We'd probably call it magic. It was all to do with this 'mother earth' and its strength. Also, she learned other, really serious things. One of which was how to take other forms, animals, birds. Once she took another human form, a young man. She told me how she was amazed at the feeling of power and vitality she acquired but the downside was that, in a male form, she lost something. Her sense of mother earth. So she never did it again. Any transformations were only into an animal or bird and the occasional younger woman or girl." "This was the spell she always kept with her. The one she used to change Emily. Actually it was because of this Emily is becoming Wiccan like mom." "Which is why they have both gone to Scotland. There is a huge gathering of followers from all over the world. Emily's being adopted into the creed, faith or whatever you want to call it." "How do you know all that?" asked Rob. "I only heard part of this." "Mom will be telling you everything when you turn eighteen. There is so much more. In fact I shouldn't have told you what I did but we are in an awkward situation. Oh hell, dammit, I should have refused. Now I've let her down." They sat quietly thinking about all this when Dave noticed that Jim was getting very heavy eyed. "I can hardly keep awake!" he said, stifling a yawn. "I guess your young body is acting the way it normally would. Well." He stood up. "I think you might as well go and get your head down my girl... Oops, sorry." Jim almost glared but relented. "Fair enough. I thould go get some thleep." Dave stood up. "Follow me." He instinctually took the young girls hand to lead her and, surprisingly, Jim took it. "You can sleep in Emily's bed, it seems appropriate, considering." He opened the door. "You know where the bathroom is." He returned to the living room and noticed John looking at him. "What?" he asked. Rob lowered his voice. "You didn't notice." "Notice what?" Also lowering his voice. "And why are we talking so quietly?" "You took Jim's hand, like he really was a little girl." "I didn't realise, automatic I guess," Dave said. Rob continued. "The point is, Jim took your hand. Like he was really a young girl." "'Struth." He sat down. "I just reacted like she, er he was Emily I guess. Maybe the change in the body causes a behavioural change too." "But it didn't happen with Emily?" "Yes, but she is a girl anyway. And in her weakened state we maybe didn't notice any changes. Shit, I don't know. I guess we'll see in the morning." Part 3. Sunday Morning. Dave and Robert were up first and preparing breakfast when Jim came in still in the pyjamas and dressing gown. "How did you sleep?" asked Dave. "Like a log. I did my teeth, went to the toilet. Weird." "What was-" He blushed. "Thitting down to pee like a girl? Then I hit the pillow I went out like a light." He sat down at the table and drew his fingers through his dishevelled hair and giggled. "I've got bed hair." Rob discretely glanced at Dave who announced quickly, "OK. After breakfast, we try the spell again. Let's get things back to normal before your mom calls over." The boys had their normal Sunday morning scrambled eggs with bacon on toast and coffee whereas Jim just had cereal with orange juice. "Normally I'd be wolfing what you both had," he said. Dishes cleared they entered the study and laid out the parchment on the table and Jim started to read the spell...then repeated it. But again, nothing. "Oh Hell." "Dammit." "Oh thit." "I'm going to have to ring Mom," said Dave. "We can't leave this for much longer, Jim's folks will be looking for her....sorry, I mean him." Jim started to tear up. "No...I can't remain a girl. You have to help!" "Help who?" The voice came from the door, the three of them jumped at the sound. "You're jumpy, I did knock and the door was open." Rob was the first to speak. "Priscilla! Wow! Hi. We weren't expecting anyone this early." "Well, that I worked that out on my own." She giggled, just like Jim had. She walked to the table. Prim and proper in a lemon summer dress with a matching cardigan. It was well known how old fashioned and conservative Jim and Priscilla's parents were as regards their children's upbringing, although this mainly affected Priscilla. 'Boys will be boys but little girls should be little ladies,' was their motto. Priscilla was a perfect example of it, always dressed in what Mrs Gaines referred to as 'prissy and dainty' dresses or skirts and pretty tops. She reckoned it was more appropriate for both boys and girls to wear what was functional unless they chose to. Ms Gaines would have loved to get her into a pair of jeans and t-shirt and let her run about with her boys and Emily. But Priscilla was a really sweet, good natured kid, she was also very smart and she was always welcome at the Gaines home. She walked daintily round the table and sat down to join them, carefully sweeping her skirt and petticoats under her as she did so. "And who might you be?" she asked sweetly as she took her spectacles out of a purse which, as normal, matched her clothes. She put them on then froze, staring at Jim! "Um...." she gaped. "It'th." One slip. "You're..." She gaped some more. "You look like... Oh my heavenths............" Second slip. It should be obvious that generally Priscilla was very good at avoiding, where possible, any words with a sibilant sound. She had pretty well perfected this and talking to her it would have been mostly possible to be unaware for the most part that she had a lisp, most of the time. Occasionally she slipped. She had just slipped twice. "You're, you can't be. You're the thpitting image." That was three. Jim burst into tears. "I'm thorry, Prithy. It wath all my own idea." "Prithy??" She stared harder, if that was possible. "Only Jameth callth me that." Four and five. "Oh my. You cannot be therious." Six. "Jameth?" Seven. Dave looked at Robert. "Maybe we should go and leave these two to chat for a while." Grabbing their cups they retired to the kitchen and made another coffee before retiring to the garden. "Ok, what happened?" asked Priscilla. Jim explained everything, the spell, how it worked, what he did. And how he couldn't reverse it. He was now, to all intents and purposes, Priscilla's duplicate, a twin, a twin sister. "When will their mother be returning?" She had recovered. "A week." Priscilla sat for a minute, deep in thought. "Right," she said, standing up. "Wait here." She walked out to the garden. "Hi. We have a pretty conundrum, do we not? When will your mother be back?" The boys were impressed at how she did that. "Next weekend." Priscilla nodded. "In effect Jim will be in that form until then? Tell me about the incanta...umm magic?" Dave did most of the talking. Rob was so fascinated that this twelve year spoke like an English professor. "Can I read it?" she asked. "Sure, it's still on the table." They returned to the dining room and Priscilla read it, then she read it again. "What if Jim read it again while wearing an item he, Jim, had owned?" "I'm afraid that won't work." Dave shrugged. Priscilla actually raised an eyebrow at that. "You can't add a new spell on top of another one until the old one is complete. Like, Jim is still in a state created by the original spell, he can't overlap it. Which is what your idea involves. It's a sort of paradox but he needs to return to his former self before another one is commenced." Rob was counting the number of 'S's Dave used. He was being a smart arse. "Then we only have one alternative." Priscilla picked an invisible fleck of something of her cardigan and daintily straightened her dress. Dave and Rob sat politely, waiting. "Mother will be expecting Jim and me to greet her. One boy and one girl. We can't bring Jim back yet. It will be up to me to create their reality." "And what do you suggest?" Rob asked. "Where have you stored the clothing belonging to Jim?" "No....not that!" Dave and John turned to see Jim staring at them. "What?" Jim, in an uncharacteristic burst of genius realised what Priscilla had in mind. "You can't," he pleaded. "I won't." "Jim, we have no alternative. Mother and father will be waiting for you and I, they will want to view you and I. If they are met with two of me, one will probably be removed to some thpecial plathe they keep people with an odd mental thituation." She grimaced. Rob had lost count by this time. "You can't change back until we have help from their mother," she indicated us. "Logically I have to be you." "No...pleathe." "Oh for the love of Pete. Why not? You have already changed, another one won't hurt. We can revert at the opportune time." "I.....umm.. no. It'll be too weird. I'll feel like I'm lotheing mythelf." "Dear 'big' brother of mine," She smiled and took Jim's hand. "We have no alternative. And think what might happen if it all came to light. Their mother, indeed Dave and Rob too, might get locked up for child abu....or whatever." "Wait, hang on, it wasn't our idea, he insisted," Dave started... Rob just made noises. . "Quiet!" Priscilla stood up. "Follow me and bring the, whatever he was wearing ....hang on, wait! I have a better idea." Priscilla raced out the door, returning with a paper bag. Taking a handkerchief she carefully pulled out a magazine. "Thith ith with him at night," she smiled. "Every night." Jim went bright red. It was a well-worn copy of a 'Playboy' magazine. Dave and Rob smirked. "You dog," before they remembered they were, in effect, talking to two young girls. "I brought your dressing gown as well Jim. I might need it." Jim put his head down in the table. "I don't think thith ith going to go well." "Before I begin. It might be a good idea if you changed. You need to get familiar with wearing a dress." They went into the bedroom, Priscilla returned wearing Jim's dressing gown and sat at the table. After reading the incantation so as to get used to the words and the sequence, she picked the magazine up and recited three times. The change started. Priscilla filled out, hair changing colour, shoulders widening. She grew taller. She was Jim. She smiled. "Oh, heavens. It feels just." She laughed. "So! This! Something," she was saying anything with an S. "I feel so strong!" Jim returned. "I couldn't do the zip up, the dress, at the back I mean." He stood quietly, very subdued and very red in the face, wearing Priscilla's dress, Mary-Jane shoes and ankle socks. He held the cardigan in his hand. Priscilla stood up, spun him round and zipped the dress up, then she tied the sash into a neat bow and helped him into the cardigan. Then she handed her spectacles over. "You'll probably need these." She pronounced the sibilant sounds with enthusiasm. "Now turn round." Jim turned while Priscilla smoothed the skirt and the chiffon overlay over his hips and down his legs. "It's like being encased in the dress, isn't it? Mother always made sure they fitted so perfectly. I usually needed assistance." Jim shuddered. "Wait, you forgot the petticoats." Jim shrugged. "I didn't think I needed them." "Nonsense. Mother will expect it, she always expected me to be the perfectly dressed young lady. Now go and put them on, now!" Jim meekly left and returned with them in place. Priscilla helped smooth the skirts again. "OK James." She stopped. "Well, for the time being you are not 'James,' you are now Priscilla and I am James. Right?" He nodded sheepishly. "I never realised how cute I looked." Priscila took a comb out of her purse and smoothed James' hair so it hung properly to his shoulders with the bangs straight across, just over the spectacles. "That dress is just so sweet, very sweet." She was stressing her sibilants again. "OK. As for you two," she looked at Dave and Rob, "until this gets sorted we better not say anything to anyone. Otherwise the shit might hit the fan at a great rate. Is that fair enough?" She smirked again. Jim looked up, fear on his face. "What do you mean, 'Until thith geth thorted. We'll be normal next week." "Yes 'Priscilla,' but this is going to be a long week for you. We just don't know what is going to happen, do we? In the interim, you have a lot to learn about being a twelve year old girl while I have some fun, um...sorry, some experiences, lined up as I discover what it is like being a male." She smiled kindly. "It's OK." She smiled. "It'll just be for a week then you can be your big strong self again. But you are going to have to learn to dress so prettily for mother and father. You should see the dress they have for your thirteenth birthday. When I saw all the layers of lace and chiffon I, to be quite frank, nearly vomited." She burst out laughing. "Sorry." "Now run along home, no, you better walk. Mother hates to see young ladies run. I need to speak to my new chums here." Jim stood up, his petticoats rustling. "Now don't forget to smooth your skirt and take this." Priscilla handed Jim the purse with the spectacles and comb. Jim left, purse over his shoulder, his skirts and petticoats swaying as he walked. Priscilla stood up. "Excuse me for a moment, I need to get dressed in 'my' jeans and T shirt. Could I have a cup of coffee please?" She soon returned, attired in Jim's clothes, obviously enjoying the freedom she now felt in the clothing, the pants and shoes. She picked up the coffee Rob had poured for her and sipped it. "That is quite delicious." She looked at Rob and Dave. "I suppose you haven't really worked out what happened with the spell?" The boys shook their heads in unison, they felt as if they had been run over by a stream roller. "Well, you didn't actually do anything wrong," she began. "It was pure happenstance." "A few days ago I was here with mother, sorry, 'mom.' She and Mrs Gaines were discussing the trip to Scotland. Of course neither of us imagined this trip was all about magic!" "Mrs Gaines was giving mom contact phone numbers for while the she and Emily were away, you know, 'just in case.' But of course, as per normal, mom never missed a chance to bring up her status, daddy's wealth and her opinions on young ladies. I'm afraid she is a complete twat you know." She took another mouthful of coffee and licked her lips. "So yummy. I used to sneak some when she was out, mother didn't approve of so many things for young ladies." She laughed. "So, anyway, I went out into the garden while they were talking and noticed the door from Steven's room was open. You know, I always thought he was quite gorgeous. So big, so manly. Really, I used to get quite moist at night, just thinking about him. Is that naughty?" Dave and Rob just coughed in embarrassment. Here sat their 18 year old male friend Jim talking about their brother Steve in an erotic manner. But the words were also coming from a very precocious, 12 year old girl. This was getting hard to think about. "I looked inside and saw his dresser with the bits and pieces on it, I had go in for a look around. I tried the leather bracelet he usually wore. It almost fell off. But I wrapped it around my wrist and kept it there until mother called me. So I replaced it and went home with her. Next morning we came over again, before Emily and your mother left. I got to wear it again. I loved the combination of the smells, leather and his cologne." "And so, here we are. This morning I came over to get James and met my replacement. After you explained what had happened I immediately worked it out. I really didn't believe in magic, well until today, here I was faced with the proof. James wore Steve's bracelet which had been infused with my aura, my presence, whatever. So Jim became me." She stretched her arms and smiled. "Now I am James. I shall leave home soon and dear, sweet James as Priscilla, will have a pretty life in frills and lace, in my stead." She sipped her coffee. "Mummy, oops.. 'mom' ... will continue to enjoy educating 'her' in the ways of femininity while I shall be off enjoying myself." Dave glowered. "You can't do that to Jim, it's wrong. In any case, when mom gets back she'll sort it out, Jim will recite the incantations and be restored." Priscilla, now Jim, smiled. "Ah....yes. But first of all, I didn't steal his identity he actually took mine, with your help, remember? And secondly, he can't change back." "Why not?" "You're not thinking," the smile appeared. "Remember the spell and how it works?" "Yes, of course, he just has to repeat it twice." She smiled. "Yes, well, he has to repeat it twice, 'exactly' as he said it?" "Yes." She recited it. 'I recite this spell which has been shaped by the Spirit of She who is supreme. I ask for this transformation. Into the vessel I wish to possess.' Dave's jaw dropped, he realised. "Bloody heck!" "Yes. You have got it." She turned to Rob. "Imagine Priscilla, my sweet little sister Priscilla, trying to repeat that exactly as 'he' said it. With all those sibilant sounds? Priscilla, now Jim, spoke with a lisp. "I rethite thith thpell which has been thhaped by the Thpirit... ...Etcetera, etcetera." 'He' drained the cup and stood. "He can never repeat it! I am free from the girly, prissy, oppressive life mother has been inflicting on me. While Jim is now stuck as sweet, pretty Priscilla..............for good and I have you both to thank." The End

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Aha roju,sunday, ravi, intlo bluefilm chustu enjoy chestunnadu. Ravi bharya Saroja , market ku vellindi. One hour taruvata,saroja , inti ki vachhindi ,calling bell kottakunda, ravi yem chestunnado chusindi .ravi bf chustu hastaprayogam chesukuntunnadu, stun ayindi,saroja. Calling bell kottindi ,saroja,ravi bluefilm off chesi ,door teesadu. Saroja navvukuntu ,yem chestunnavu ,ravi,andi. Ravi, nidra potunnani abaddam cheppadu, ‘yey ,nenu,chusale ,nuvvu yem chestunnadi’ sarojoa andi. ‘Naku...

3 years ago
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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 20

I arrived at work on Monday after finishing the weekend in hedonistic hiding. I was getting good at this, drifting from bed to bed and fucking the shit out of beautiful girls. I strode into work smiling like a drug addict who never worried for a fix. “I’m surprised you’re here,” my boss laughed at first sight. “I was sure Nisha was going to eat you alive.” “I tried,” Nisha mouthed, silently, over Mr Towers’ shoulder, and behind a shark smile. “Well, all’s well that ends well, right?” I...

4 years ago
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The Girl Stories Uncle Ben 2

They talked a lot during the ride, and joked around. Ben was some way more relaxed then usual, happy even. They had a late lunch in a diner in which Lilly still pretended to be a boy and even went to the boys restroom. They were both treating it as a game, and a shared secret which nobody knew apart from them. Finally they arrived at the lake and started to unpack. Ben did the tent, and Lilly prepared the rest, including sleeping mats and sleeping bags. After that Ben sat with a beer given to...

1 year ago
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Return from Sally IslandChapter 8

"You're going to do it, then?" she said. "Oh, yeah! I've tried my best to talk you out of it, but I failed. We can apologize to each other later." "You won't have to apologize!" she said, positioning herself smack in the middle of the big bed. "You won't be sorry!" "No, I won't," I agreed, stripping off my shirt and my shorts and my overstretched Jockeys. "Fuck me!" she cried. Had she read that in one of her mother's romantic novels? "I will!" I said, but first, I...

3 years ago
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My first black cock spitroast

So this is a continuation to the last story I posted when I sucked my first black cock at the gay club. The bouncer I'd sucked had to go home but introduced me to 2 of his friends who could help me with my desire to get fucked.We decided to take one car to one of the guy's apartments and then he'd drive us back later so we could all get our cars. As we were walking out, I was so nervous but also beyond excited. Not only had I just sucked my first big black cock REALLY well, I was about to get...

3 years ago
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Thats All For Now

I walk into his hotel room and an easy smile comes across my face as I see him sprawled on the bed, reading.  ‘Hey you,’ I say, walking over to wrap my arms around him. He grins and slowly winds his arms around me, pulling me right against him. ‘You ready to see the sights?’ He laughs a little and nods. ‘I can’t wait! I’ve wanted to see Scotland for so long. And it’s the biggest bonus ever to already know someone over here, to have my personal little tour guide.’ I laugh too, a warmth...

4 years ago
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Seated on the train, Erich stared out the window at the passing countryside and caught himself thinking back on the changes the past year had brought. He felt older. He was moving further and further away from the past and he knew it. Though he was not yet a man, he could no longer identify with the boy he had once been. Pulling himself back to the present moment, his focus shifted to the person seated across from him. The one friend he had in the world absentmindedly chewed on the nail of his...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 11 Ghost Stories

Stan and Laura stepped happily into the BED room to find their 3 girls totally connected to the mysterious (well in Laura's mind anyway) new passenger. Stan had taken advantage of the fact that (with Lenny and John in charge of the driving shift) not only was he free from driving duties, but everyone else seemed to have something to do, to do a little connecting with his wife on a one-to-one basis. They hadn't had a lot of that since the trip started. Stan signaled an upset looking Laura...

4 years ago
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Peter Is 18 MariaChapter 6 Last Place

I mopped for a little while looking for something to do, to take my mind off her. Until I realized I hadn't cracked a textbook in two days. I set up my laptop in Granddad's office and logged in to catch up on my classes. I spent a couple hours half-assing some homework that was due and reading the class forums and generally acting like I was supposed to be in school. On-line classes reek. I'm a very social person and sitting alone at home was no fun. I was just thinking that maybe I...

4 years ago
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The Babysitter Chapter 2

Jay had fixed us a nice little supper meal. Although he was u******e, hehad managed to get his hands on a nice bottle of white wine which he servedwith a nice roasted chicken and veggies.We discussed what had happened the day that he left his parents place inmore detail and I realized that he was totally devastated by the events,but not totally surprised. He had had his brother Ben over a couple oftimes for sex and they were really enjoying each other, but Jay missed me.I missed him,...

2 years ago
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Tiny Dancer

I have always loved the stars. On a clear night, like that night, I can watch the universe in its slow eternal dance. Sometimes, as I sit and watch the light from distant suns, I wonder where she is, how she is doing. I will never know what really happened that night. I will never understand who, or what, she was. I will never see her again I fear, but sometimes it is enough just to remember. It was here that we met, outside my little house in the hills. I was sitting on my front porch, lost...

3 years ago
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Keeping My Neighbors Satisfied Pt1

I had two gorgeous women whose husbands were overseas.Back in 2005 I had just graduated from college and landed a great job at Kennedy Space Center. I was making a great salary, so I bought a nice condo on Cocoa Beach. Mine was on the fifth floor facing east, so I got the morning sun, as did the large swimming pool.It didn’t take long for me to notice the two gorgeous brunettes who seemed to always be out by the pool. I asked around and was told that their names were Carolyn and Linda and that...

4 years ago
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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 22

Lenore used the last fifteen minutes to write Ben. Don't forget to send Sandy a birthday card, Ben. Don't you ever take her for granted. Lenore thought for a moment, and then added, You probably think it's girly stuff, but you always did understand your sisters better than most boys would. Deb and Chief Kostowe are together, and she's changed so much, she's so much happier than when you were here. I'll write more next week, I've got this silly duty to 'accommodate' some French Navy...

1 year ago
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Keith and Lilli Rose Continued Encounter

The couple slept peaceful through the night, naked and wrapped in each other's arms.Lilli Rose woke up first know that she would have to go to work soon. As she laid there awake, she ran the thoughts of the previous night through her head and she realized how hot and wet she was getting just from remembering. She wanted Keith, but he looked so sweet and peaceful just sleeping there next to her. The more and more she reflected on the night before, the more and more she wanted to feel his hard...

2 years ago
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My Mature Curvy Fantasy

It was the mid eighties and I had been married and divorced and went out with a number of women my age and younger in my bid to find a new partner, but my fantasy for older women was still strong. I met a lady whose name is Yvonne and who worked for me. I was a retail operations manager for a chain of retail outlets in the south of England. Yvonne worked in one of the stores, part-time, lived locally and I got to know her at work. She was divorced and lived with her son who was in his twenties....

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vChapter 12

The undead marching down the winding road that cut through the reclamation zone glowed like purple torches to Cinder – visible clearly to her dark adapted, magic sensitive eyes. She leaned against the small, wooden doorframe of the cottage and heard Markova cursing under her breath and the labored breathing of Kaleb. That sound, that sound of raspy, crinkling breaths, were like knives, digging into her spine. Her whole life, Cinder had been dogged by the story of the backstabbing, sneaky...

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My Beautiful Wife Priya 8211 Part 4

Hi guys! This is Nikhil again. Thank you again for the overwhelming response to my previous story. Those of you who don’t know me, I am a 29-year-old guy, married to a beautiful 27-year-old girl named Priya. This is the continuation of my previous stories (link given on top). After losing my virginity, I and Priya did not get enough chance to fuck again as both of us were day scholars in our college, and couple-friendly OYO rooms were not available during that time. However, we did have...

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A Wifes Exciting Shopping Trip

One evening, Alice came home from a shopping trip to the mall. Her husband, Dan, was in the house when she came in, laden down with bags from numerous stores. Her arms were so full, she teetered a bit in her high heels, and as she bent over to plop all her purchases down, Dan got a good look at his wife’s beautiful huge ass in a tiny pair of shorts she was wearing. Dan grinned, absent-mindedly rubbing his cock through his pants and said, “Baby, it looks like I’m gonna have to take another job...

3 years ago
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Didi Se Pyar Hua Part 1

Hi friends. Aaj me apko mere aur meri didi ke pyar ki kahani batana chahta hu. Me 20 sal ka hu. Meri didi 21 sal ki he. Hum upper middle class family se he. Ghar me papa, mummy,me aur meri didi 4 log rahte he. Ghar me kisi bhi chij ki koi kami nahi he. Mene aaj tak meri didi jesi sundar, talented, sexy ladki nahi dekhi he. Bachpan se lekar aaj tak me unki bahut hi respect karta hu aur hamessa karta rahunga. Muje vo bahut hi pasand he. Jese jese me bada hota gaya me unki taraf aakarshit hone...

1 year ago
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Kate 3

"Hello, Kate?" was the voice on the other end. "Who's this?" she asked. "It's Rob. We met at Reddys' the other night." "I don't remember you. Were you at Davin's place that night?" Kate asked rather bruskly. "You guessed it. How did you enjoy your birthday party?" he asked with a chuckle. "I'm afraid I can't place you. I was kind of in the dark that night." The voice on the other end just laughed and said, "I know but did you like Davin's surprise birthday party?" "Yeah, I guess. Look, I...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Wife told me you were a Virgin GayMaker

I was returning home from work and was expecting my wife might have something planned for my birthday. We had been experimenting with some more uninhibited sex lately, and I was hoping that I wouldn't be walking into a surprise party with our neighbors, but some sort of more intimate surprise. I wasn't disappointed.I noticed Nancy's car was gone when I drove onto my street, and when I walked in the front door; I saw a note on the table."Dear Jim - Happy Birthday!! I got you a special gift and...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Aryana Adin Looking For Some Brown Sugar

Aryanna’s neighbor came over to borrow some sugar. Since she wouldn’t come to the door, he decided to sneak in. He ended up bitting more than he could chew. Inside he found Aryana naked in the shower. He spied on her for a little bit but eventually got a bit too carried away. She discovered him and got right in his face. From there, she pushed him down and made him eat her pussy. Thinks escalated quickly from there, and soon Aryana was getting fucked by her neighbor in several different...

1 year ago
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Whos Your Daddy

The Island — Summer The sun was high in the deep blue sky as I sat watching from the outdoor terrace of Emma's Café as the old car ferry slowly approached the dock of Eastport, a hundred eager passengers lining its newly painted, white rails. I could see the two of them now, waving, happy, broad smiles on their faces, their bodies so ripe, their breasts taut against their wind blown shirts, their hard firm bums and thighs stretching their silk shorts. The annual migration from the cities to...

2 years ago
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Wonder Woman Uberhure

Just a short story I wrote during my German language lessons. It contains non consensual sex situations, bondage, brainwashing and domination. If you don?t like, just stop reading now for your own good. If you have any thoughts, don?t be afraid to write at: [email protected] Woman belongs to the Dark Horse comics. Uberhure Wonder woman gasped, when she open her eyes, noticing that she was sitting on the cold, metal chair. Her hands and legs were cuffed to it, so she couldn?t move. Then...

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Space Pilot

You are John Doe, a pilot in the E.S.P. (Elite Special Pilot) Academy. You're largely unknown, even to yourself. You recently came to the division, only knowing that you are an excellent pilot. It is your first day at the academy, & you have class... Or do you want to skip it, & take a cruise into the port?

2 years ago
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Last Wives Club 6 A Favor Received

‘Too many married women don’t realize what kind of animal they are living with, Cath. The treat their men like mules when, most of the time, their men are more like jackasses. And hopefully part of the time, they’re like thoroughbred race horses, or at least good wagon pullers.’ I don’t know where Kyra gained her knowledge of beasts of burden, but since she had way more expertise with men than me, I was all ears. ‘You can dangle a carrot on the end of stick in front of a mule, and he’ll walk...

1 year ago
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The Tides of WarChapter 49

A lookout warned him of a dust cloud approaching along the track. He sent a runner to stop them a mile from the ford. The chosen men had slowly gathered behind the embankment as their comrades slipped into their vacant rifle and machine gun posts. All the men had filled water bottles and carried rations and extra ammunition in their saddlebags along with their bedrolls. He told them to make their way to the horses but to avoid making too much dust. He remained behind in the command post...

4 years ago
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The Gypsy Stone

The Gypsy Stone By Robin Douglas ***FORWORD*** The heavy wooden handled sledge hammer came down on the small black cube with enormous force. Green sparks flew from the 4 inch artifact, but not a scar or chip was visible on its surface. "Sorry Ma'am, can't touch it with the hammer either. I could try the saw." The dark woman looked at the burly Indian with disgust. "So, a big strong man like you can't even break a little rock. And you call yourself 'Bear'." "Let's try the...

3 years ago
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Sucking Cock in Saudi

I am a petroleum engineer working for a major oil company headquartered in the Houston area, and at the time of this story I was forty years old and preparing for a one-year consulting assignment at one of our affiliates near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. My wife Joan and our two children weren’t happy that I would be away from home for that long, but they also understood that this was a great opportunity for me to enhance my work credentials, and the salary premium is very substantial for expatriate...

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The Farmers Daughter

Note from Jake Rivers: This is my fifth semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The initial one was based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ The second used the Marty Robbins El Paso trilogy: ‘El Paso’ ‘El Paso City ‘ and ‘Faleena.’ The third had stories based on the various versions of ‘Maggie May’ or ‘Maggie Mae.’ The fourth invitational was based on any Country & Western song. The current invitational is based on any song written or performed by Merle Haggard. Regards, Jake * ...

3 years ago
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Mr Evil

His name is Robbie. Robbie McNaire. He's a freshman at college. He's fairly tall and extremely thin. He has dark skin, short hair and almost always wears a polo shirt and a pair of khakis. Right now, he's getting the living crap beaten out of him. BAM! Paulie's ham-sized fist slammed in Robbie's jaw, and Robbie, not for the first time, wondered why he was always getting picked on. BAM! A punch to the gut. Robbie's breath shot out of his body and stars floated in front of his eyes. Ever since...

Mind Control
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Milk of Desire Book III Chapter 1 Setting a new direction

It was refreshing to take a break from sneaking and hiding from my mother. That and yesterday was kind of exhausting, so just relaxing and watching TV and doing normal house chores was nice. I decided that from now on I would try to keep Sunday as a day of rest from sex since the last thing I wanted was to ruin my valued family time. Monday morning came and I was refreshed and ready for action. I rode to school with Jen, picked up Lisa and Katey, who both sat in the back with me of...

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Nudism At Its Best Part 4 of 5

The day was tropically cloudy and windy so we were happy to lie in on Sunday morning and have an alternative venue that day. We arrived on time, were soon nude, and spent the first part of our visit on the private patio drinking wine, eating nibbles, laughing and talking, and of course perving on each other's bodies. It was warm enough to enjoy a spa an hour or so later. As we toweled each other dry Cheri suggested it was time to retire to their bedroom for a siesta.In the bedroom Cheri guided...

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Hypnotizing and controlling your roommates wife

Sitting on the couch and watching Jennifer sweep the floor, your heart was pounding as you thought about what you were about to do. You were going to turn your best friend's prudish wife into your personal whore. You gulped as the thought stuck in your mind. The fact this could actually happen was utterly insane. It was just last night that a late masturbation session led you to finding this site which promised the ability to take control of anyone else's mind through sheer force of will,...

Mind Control
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Jillians new slut

This is a story I made for my friend Jillian a.k.a. MILF_pussy_4_u, and it is from her perspective I hope she likes it! I can not wait to get home. Shopping all day while drinking wine has really filled my bladder. I get so excited shopping that sometimes forget to use the bathroom and now im paying the price! One more left turn and im on my block. Whew my house is in site! Ahhh there's the Day family outside waving as I pass. I smile and wave back. It's just Mr and Mrs Day, I don't see...

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Lifes Strange Turns Part 2

The phone rang, waking both Karen and myself with a start. We’d slept for only about 15 minutes. “Well, it would have been bad to sleep longer, but it would have been almost tragic if the phone had rung while we were writhing around having such marvelous sex. Especially if she’d had my cock in her mouth” I thought! To give Karen some phone privacy and to take care of some personal hygiene issues, I ran into the shower and quickly washed my crotch. That made my dick hard again, but that wasn’t...

1 year ago
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Just Passing Part 1

Chapter 1I was still close to my in-laws. My wife and I had separated about six months and yes I was still angry at her but her family had always been so good to me.Driving home from work, I passed near their house so decided to call in. The sliding door was open so I knocked and entered as I always have. There was no sign of either of them, but it was strange for the door to be open if nobody was home. They live in a single level house. So I walked down the hallway and heard a little noise.As...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Mia Kay Dominated Fucked And Facialed

Hookup Hotshot Bryan Gozzling takes another succulent home delivery of young female flesh! Petite blonde Mia Kay visits the dominant dude, wearing a white top, tiny short-shorts over a G-string, and colorful club shoes. She answers, ‘Yes Sir,’ to his instructions with the utmost respect. Bryan slowly strips her, revealing ripe natural tits, a bald slit and a tight asshole. He jams his tool into Mia’s huge, sexy mouth. She delivers a messy, spit-lubed blowjob, and she drools...

4 years ago
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Girl Friend and I Become Step 3

Girlfriend and I Become Step… #3 Nestlé and I kept Nancy nude like we were every day after that first time we included Nancy in our sex time, the day she barged in on us hiding from her boyfriend, and at night we would put Nancy in the bed with us, putting her on one side of me and Nestlé on the other side of me, when we slept. Nancy got into the routine of saying, “I have a little sexy ass butt” every time she had to turn her back toward me for whatever reason every day, like I told her to...

2 years ago
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The sex slaves of the Mongolian Empire

Chow Ming lived in Hangchow, the capital of the Southern Sung dynasty  The sex slaves of the Mogolian EmpirePart one, in the camp of the Mogolian Empire   Chow Ming lived in Hangchow, the capital of the Southern Sung dynasty. He had a happy life with his dad who was an owner of a great Inn. Chow was a playboy but also a patriot. When the Mongols invaded , he joined the army .But sadly, he was captured in one battle. Mongols enslaved those captives, but the General, Tamjuli, who...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife ChristinaChapter 6

From: Christina To: Just Plain Bob Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 Subject: The man is never satisfied. Did I tell you that both Dave and Nick gave me their cards and cell phone numbers? Hubby wants to know if I liked either of them enough to call him up. I said, "Hell, I liked both of them. They were both nice guys." He said both would be fine with him. The man is totally immoral! A neighbor invited us to an "Adults only" Halloween party on the 28th, but she was quick to explain that...

4 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 02

Title A Day in Gotham — 2 – Batgirl Begins2 ((Author’s note — this is the second part of my Batgirl Begins trilogy. As with all multi-part stories, it would be better read after Batgirl Begins 1, but for anyone who wants to dive straight in I’ve added a very brief summary of events in the story so far below. I really, really recommend reading the first part first though! And, before moving on, a quick vote of thanks to NaughtyIrishGirl for her unwavering support and enthusiasm. Please enjoy...

4 years ago
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Lena my little fucktoy

The bar was full of happy people. It was Friday night, still winter but with the first traces of spring in the parks. In Stockholm that was always a special time of the year. The restaurants and bars around Stureplan had their chairs out al fresco – no one from outside Sweden would ever understand why people would sit outside when it´s just above freezing point…but the tables were full on this friday evening.I had finished my speech at the conference I was invited to, and was heading for a...

2 years ago
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World BeneathChapter 5 The Initiate

I woke up without knowing if it was night or day, but a feeling in the back of my mind told me it was time. Rather like if you've become used to the alarm clock going off at a certain hour everyday, after awhile you'll wake up just a moment or two earlier, waiting for it to go off and enjoying those five little minutes that are yours alone. So it was for me there, in the dark shelter of our bedroom lair. I lay on my side with Valentine behind me, cupping me with his body, and I enjoyed the...

3 years ago
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Diaper Drabbles

The planting ground for your own ABDL (Adult Baby / Diaper Lover) and Infantilism scenarios. There are no set rules to this interactive story (aside from the website's rules about bestiality, underaged sex, extreme violence, etc.), so go nuts. To get things started, you best begin with what kind of story you intend to do.

1 year ago
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Patriot Game Pt 6The rest of the story

Jack went from being a submissive floater to an empowered lady that was not going to be pushed around by anyone. Chapter 27 "Women need a reason to have sex. Men only need a Place." Billy Crystal The girls at the club were breaking from their nightly gab secession. Everyone has really come to love these intimate times of sharing. At first, everyone would discuss only girly things like hair, makeup, and fashions. Daisy became a font on information on these topics. If she didn't...

2 years ago
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Glen WisemanChapter 19

For the first time in ages, Glen had spent an entire week at home alone. The twins were in New York attending the conference. They had called last night excited about the Broadway play they had seen earlier. Their excitement had pleased him, since he had given them the tickets for the play on their birthday as a present. They were taking the moonlight tour around the city on a boat tonight. He figured it would be another couple of hours before they called. For the past year he had been...

4 years ago
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Caught In The Net

CAUGHT IN THE NET by Anyport Trevor shifted in his seat impatiently. For the tenth time in the last few minutes, he checked his watch. Three minutes to seven, she said she'd be here at seven, maybe she'd changed her mind. As he walked over to the mirror to check his appearance yet again, he found himself half-hoping she wouldn't show. After all, what exactly did he know about Angela Harris? He'd been talking to her ? well typing to her actually ? on the internet for the past f...

3 years ago
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First Class

First Class by Ms. Cleavage Copyright 2008   I have just taken my assigned right aisle seat in first class and opened the latest issue of “Newsweek” and begun to read a story about Terrorism in Iraq and suddenly - you walk through the entrance to the seating section of the Boeing 747. There is a certain air about you as you enter; every male in the front passenger area is staring at you. You seize the moment and demand the attention, perhaps not intentionally, but your presence...

Group Sex
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Horny Kiran In Las Vegas

The first summer after college I interned at a New York financial company in NYC. At the company worked Kiran, a 34 year old South Indian woman who was amazingly beautiful, but married. She was supposedly married at 20 to a man who was 30 back in India and had moved to America 3 years after the marriage. With him she had 13 and 10 year old daughters. I credit them with her figure, 34C-28-32, something she had to have gotten after giving brith. She swayed when she walked and everyone noticed....

4 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 10

The Reunion! I had decided to get my Pilots license, and then go for my commercial license. I took the money I had saved while in the service to get an apartment. I also got another job at the airport working on commercial airplanes. It paid more than what I previously made at the plant. Times were good during this part of my life. After months, I had gotten my private and instructors license, making extra money on the side giving flying lessons. Sue was working in a doctor's office part...

2 years ago
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Dear Charlotte

Dear Charlotte: I don't know if you remember me. It was so long ago, but also seems like yesterday. I had just bicycled from Kansas City to Toronto, Canada. I can still remember the smell of the fresh baked bread as I went through the Portuguese section; the stacks of fresh produce in the Chinese section and reading the newspaper headlines the next morning that Elvis Presley had just died. I remember trying to impress everyone at the cocktail reception at the convention we attended. I...

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