Priscilla free porn video

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Priscilla By Cissy Suzie It was 1970, the summer of love had long gone, we were left in a psychedelic hangover, selling drugs to buy more drugs, we stayed as stoned as was humanly imaginable ... endlessly. Microdots one night, mescaline the next, and the ever present plate of hash brownies on the coffee table. Pounds of pot under the kitchen sink. It was grand! Priscilla and I had been together since meeting at a pop festival the previous year. I was standing in a huge crowd watching a jam at a free stage, and she just walked up, stuck a hash pipe in my mouth, and said "Hi Sweetie!" When I turned and looked in her eyes, she smiled, and it was as if we had known each other forever. I spent most of that weekend with her and her husband Tom. The last night of the festival they invited me to move into their house as a room mate. We lived in the same city. I went over and never really left, except to go to my old place to pack up and bring everything to their house. It was marvelous! A big, rambling old Victorian house with at least a million rooms. There was a huge living room with only a television and a sofa. No one ever went into that room, but the television was on 24-7! House rule! Never turn off the television! There was a stereo setup, utilizing a 4 track reel to reel tape recorder and a turn table connected to a P.A. mixing board and a pair of old Vox Super Beatle amplifier tops. With speakers in several rooms around the house, the reel to reel ran constantly. Upstairs, there was a tiny, narrow den with a built in sofa, and two huge speaker cabinets facing it. It was almost like a hallway with a window at the end, it opened out onto the roof. The room itself was painted blood red and it was extremely claustrophobic. There was a pair of old strobe lights in there and of course a black light. When everything was turned on it was like a living hell. You almost had to run through it to get to the window, and out onto a large, almost flat area of the roof. The roof was a glorious place. We could sit out there hidden among the tree tops. The house was on a rather high hill so we could see the entire city down below. Sunsets were a miracle out there, with the sound system cranked up ... The Beatles, CSN&Y, Grateful Dead, The Airplane, or Bob Dylan screaming out to the evening as we watched the endless madness that was the world around us. We had a total of 8 people, and several pets living there. It was a rare occasion if any of us was seen in daylight. We lived by selling drugs, and simply had no reason to go out. We had a few people who we fronted to, they would come by once a week and pay for what they had taken last week and pick up a new stash to sell. Our supplier made weekly visits, to drop off new inventory and pick up his money. It wasn't a party house, we maintained a very low profile. In that business, you have to. Of course, we did have to go out for groceries and an occasional case or so of wine, but all in all, it was a pretty much a self contained environment. We appeared to be a fairly normal group of college kids sharing rent. A band of outlaws, living right in the middle of polite American society, we had a ball. Priscilla was wonderful, she looked the perfect picture of innocence. Except for her perpetually dilated pupils and the little smile she always shared with the world at large, no one would ever suspect that she was THE acid queen! She always smelled faintly of Lavender, she said it reminded her of her mother. She was born in Provence. She had just the faintest trace of a French accent. Her dad was an American Expatriate who lived in France, buying continental art and antiques for a song and shipping them to the States to sell for huge profits. He had started the business when World War II ended. He married Priscilla's mother there, a French girl from Provence. She died when Priscilla was nine years old. Her dad sent her to the States to private schools, then college. She hadn't heard from him in years. His accountant did put money in her bank account monthly though, she said. I was infatuated with her almost as soon as we met. She was a bit flirty, she would flash her smile at me across a room when we were all tripping. Then she would laugh hysterically at me when I blushed. All innocent fun. She and Tom had been married a couple of years. They had met in college. He was sort of a puzzle. He had graduated Cum Laude, with a degree in English Literature. He spent endless hours upstairs reading and smoking dope. He rode a Harley that had been chopped and extended. Priscilla would perch on the back seat behind him looking half terrified, but always with that pretty smile. He always had a bag full of books hanging off the sissy bar. When he was in the mood to talk, the man had a lot to say. Usually, though, he was rather into a different space from the rest us. Priscilla was almost always by his side whispering and laughing, she was always smiling. They seemed to be the perfect couple, at least as far as I was concerned. I was wrong. One night Tom just disappeared. Priscilla got a letter from him a week or so later. He had, he said, decided to go to Oaxaca, Mexico. His cousin was there, and they were setting up a little "import-export" business, having to do with mushrooms. The only thing Priscilla said was, "Well I imagine we'll have a new source!", and just smiled her silliest smile at me as she munched on a brownie from the coffee table. We became lovers within weeks of Tom splitting. I loved her madly, and had for months, and she was quite aware of it. She told me she would never have stepped out on Tom, but since he had left her, she felt free to do as she pleased. I moved my stuff into Priscilla's bedroom. We were like kids in a toy store. I couldn't imagine a better life, even if I had tried. We were making a lot of money. It was crazy. We stayed up for days on end, and then we would just crash for a couple of days. Then we would get up and have breakfast, and before you know it we were "having a laugh" with what ever drug we had in the house that we hadn't played with in the last few days. The process was an endless cycle ... until one night Priscilla told me she wanted to get a job. "A job? What ever would you want a job for? She said she thought it would be good to try to do something outside the house. Our various room mates had all moved on, and we hadn't bothered to pick up new ones. We had plenty of cash on hand to cover rent every month along with the other expenses, so we were mostly alone. We rarely saw anyone else anymore, except for the very select few people we did business with. I thought she must be getting tired of me, and I asked her. "Tired of you? No, tired of being in the house all the time? Yes!". Oh well, she went out a couple of days later, stoned to beat all hell. Newspaper want ads were lying all over the kitchen table with red ink circles and check marks. She looked like a perfect picture of straight American Womanhood, wearing a sheer white blouse, with the top part of a pretty, lacy slip showing thru and a navy blue skirt that was nice and tight and just short enough. Hose and a pair of black pumps with 4 inch heels completed the outfit. Her make up was perfect. She was drop dead gorgeous! Looking for a job. "Who wouldn't hire her?" I thought as I watched her going out the door. It was almost impossible to believe that the beautiful creature that I saw getting into her little Fiat, all dressed up, was the same Priscilla who usually was in a little cotton peasant dress, or jeans and t-shirts. It was as if she could just transform herself. She was back in three hours. No job! But an idea! "Mary Kay!" she said. "Who is Mary Kay?" I was already properly fried, having eaten a gram of hash while Priscilla was out. "It's a cosmetics company, I can host parties, and do makeovers, and sell the stuff. We might even win a Pink Cadillac!" Well that was the clincher ! "A Pink Cadillac! I bet even Nixon doesn't have one!" Little did I realize when I opened the cash box, and gave Priscilla a hand full of bills to order her first shipment of cosmetics, that my life was about to change, in a major manner. We had tripped together so many times. It's like living 20 years in one night when you are coming down. If there is someone to talk to, you talk a lot. And we talked a hell of a lot. About philosophy, about history, about how the paint in the kitchen was peeling something awful. One night she had said "You know, I wish I could be you, or you could be me for a little while, just to see how it would be." "Like, we are so close, you and I experience everything together. But is it the same experience for both of us? Or are we like different lenses, viewing the scene with different filters? Wouldn't it be nice if you could be me? Or, even if you could just be a girl for a day or something?" "Yeah, well I do wonder sometimes what it would be like to be a girl, how different it must be, almost like an entirely different culture, that guys aren't allowed to be a part of." "You would be a pretty girl, you have nice cheek bones and eyelashes!" she said. Then she smiled that silly smile at me and that was the end of the subject. We always had really strange conversations when we were coming off an acid trip, and I pretty much forgot about it. Hmmm a pretty girl? A couple of weeks later the postman woke us at noon! Ringing the doorbell in the middle of the day! The nerve of some people! I went downstairs just in time to catch him walking back to the gate. He turned around and gawked at the hippie freak standing in the door wearing a smile, and nothing else. He did manage to keep a straight face as he handed me a huge package and I signed for it. Mary Kay Cosmetics on the return address. "Priscilla, you got mail!" I heard her giggling upstairs, and she absolutely raced down and grabbed the box and tore into it. There was a carrying case, inside were all sorts of samples of things that were intended for parties that Priscilla was going to arrange at ladies' houses. Makeover parties she called them. She was like a kid on Christmas morning, opening first one, then another bottle, jar or box and smiling and giggling, the whole time sharing tokes from a hash pipe with me. She opened one thing and said, "Wow! I want to try this right now!" It was a facial made of oatmeal, she made a paste with a little water and some of the contents of the jar, then she put it all over her face. Really rather odd looking I thought. But she was having fun, so no big deal. I went upstairs and got on a pair of levis and a t-shirt, when I came back down she was sitting there with oatmeal all over her face. "This is great, it feels so nice on my face! Let me put it on you!" I just laughed, "No, I don't think so, I'll pass" "Well, I have to practice doing facials so I can sell this stuff, and besides, I thought you wanted to experience things from my perspective. Please???? Just try it!" My thoughts went back to the night she was talking about us exchanging places and I told her that it wasn't my idea, it was hers. "Oh, ok," was all she said, and she left me sitting there and started up the stairs. I knew I had to say or do something, she wasn't smiling. Priscilla always smiled. "Hey, wait! OK, I'll try it." She turned around and even through the oatmeal I saw her smile, and I felt much better already. "Yay! I knew you would ask for it! Now sit here and just relax and let me apply the mask." "Ask for it? Ask for what?" kept going through my mind as she smeared stuff all over my face. "This is so good for your face, it tightens the pores and deep cleans the skin. You want to have a nice clean face to apply makeup to!" She was giggling now and I saw a funny look in her eye. She stopped long enough to get a toke and turned back and smiled at me. "Makeup? What do you mean makeup?" "Well, you said you would help me practice, and I want to play! Don't worry, it washes off and no one is here, so it is just between us girls! You know that deep inside, you want to know how it feels, how it is for a girl, and this is a good start for it." And she smiled at me again, as she passed me the hash pipe. I took a deep toke, and at that instant something very strange happened. She was right! I realized that the seed had been planted, and yes, I did want to experiment with the feminine side of things. I also realized that I had always repressed a real desire, deep within me, to know what it is like to be a girl, and that "Here and Now" was the opportunity. We had often talked about the "metaphysical importance" of "Here and Now" during our conversations in those early morning trippy hours, coming down. No other time and place actually exists other than "Here and Now". And this was "Here and Now"! "Can't let this go with out taking advantage of the situation. Here and Now!" I thought to myself. It was as though I was hypnotized. Of course the hash hits were probably responsible for that feeling. Also, there was the sudden excitement that was building as these thoughts were racing through my mind. I said nothing, and just smiled back at her. The facial stayed on for about a half hour, and we went upstairs to the bathroom and washed it off. Then came a moisturizer. I had to admit it did make my face feel really fresh and tight, and very clean. Priscilla said I should shave my face as close as I could, even though I had very little beard. I did, and she was waiting for me when I came back downstairs. She said "OK, now lets try a bit of foundation on you," as she went through the samples looking for "The proper shade." Our lifestyle, indoors most of the time, and mostly as night owls had left us pretty pale. I had gone to school to become a chef, so we did eat pretty well, and we had been taking vitamins to keep ourselves healthy, but we both had quite a "Gothic" appearance. I am dark haired and she a blonde, both free of any excess fat and both with hair way past our shoulders. She selected a bottle and opened it and began spreading the contents on my face. She said as she worked, "Oh my! You look like a porcelain doll!" She giggled, and turned to select another sample. This was a facial powder, which she quickly applied with a brush, smiling a really huge smile as she did. "We really should do something about your eyebrows!" she said as she began dabbing a dark smoky blue eye shadow on my eyelids," But, they really aren't bad, so this will be ok for now." My curiosity was just about to go over the edge! I wanted to see what she was doing, but she told me to wait until she finished and then I could look. Next came eyeliner, and then mascara. I was amazed at how much Priscilla seemed to enjoy this. She was giggling and smiling that pretty face at me as she worked, telling me how pretty I was looking. I was developing a huge bulge in my crotch, which didn't go unnoticed. She reached down at one point and rubbed my cock and said "I see you are enjoying this after all!" she kissed me and said, "Thank you!" "I love you Priscilla," was all I could say and she went back to work on my eyes after kissing me again saying, "I know you do, and you know I love you too." I almost melted, but she poked the hash pipe in my mouth and I got a bit higher, she laughed and went back to her process telling me she might be jealous of me. "You are too damn pretty!" she laughed. Next came lipstick, a bright red which she said would go well with the blush she would use next. "God, we need to do something about your hair, just tied back like that doesn't work well with your new face." So she began fussing with my hair, brushing it out and bitching that I really should have it trimmed to be a bit more femme. She was smiling her brightest smile as she got my hair all up on my head and, using hair pins, put it into a twist in the back. By this time I was dying to see, and I began begging her to let me look in a mirror. "Well, you know your t-shirt and jeans aren't exactly girly, but ok, you can look now." We went back upstairs and into the bedroom, but she stopped me with a hand on my chest and said, "Do me one more huge favor, please?" "Well, OK?" I said, thinking my little princess didn't realize she was doing me a huge favor right now. I was so aroused at the idea of seeing myself made up as a girl I was about to lose control of my knees. She pulled me over to her chest of drawers, and I did almost fall over when she smiled and opened her lingerie drawer and giggled at me, "Well, you really don't look right. You look like a boy with makeup on. Please take those clothes off and try this instead!" holding a very lacy black slip against me. "Please? You can fit into my stuff, I know you can, and you can wear these under it." Pointing at a matching black bra and panties. "Umm, Priscilla," I mumbled, "I don't know..." Of course I knew immediately that I wanted to try those beautiful things on, but I also was so terribly embarrassed, and afraid. Afraid of a small piece of clothing? Yes!!! I knew that if I tried those clothes on I would be forever changed! And suddenly I was having some doubts. Am I gay? Am I insane? What is happening to me? She just looked at me and said "Oh OK, I never really expected you to even go this far. Tom never even tried! That's why he left." She flashed a small, sad smile and I saw a tear in her eye. I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her down with me and put my arms around her as she sobbed and all I could do was hold her as she cried. I'm not stupid, I knew she had been hurt when Tom left. I also knew she didn't want to go into it, and I had respected that. I never pried. Now it all came out of her like the dam had burst, and a river of shit had jumped its banks. She had always wanted to dress guys up. She loved being a girl, but wanted her guys to know what it feels like to be feminine. Since childhood she had had these thoughts, and she had approached her husband with it and he just fucking split. The reason she had come up with the idea of me as a room mate, was her obsession with this idea. She hadn't told me, but I had been chosen because she had seen some potential in me as a friend, a lover, or "Someone I could actually maybe just have as a playmate." Then, Tom had broken her heart when he told her she was a pervert, and he had left her the next night without even a goodbye, just took his share of the money and split. She said she knew right away, even on the day we met, that she wanted to be with me, and that she had been in love with me for over a year, and now I was backing out. Maybe she was a pervert, maybe she didn't deserve to be happy, no man would ever be able to love her, she was crying so hard it was scary. It turned out that the entire Mary Kay thing had been a kind of ruse. She had manipulated the entire situation she told me. She had picked up on my possible willingness to try something this different and planned it all from our conversation that night. "I know it wasn't right to do it like that, but I just had to try," she was crying into my shoulder as she talked. I pulled her a bit closer and raised her chin and kissed her, and she looked at me, "Please don't hate me?" she said. "How could I hate the most beautiful soul I know?" was all I could say, as I stood and unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my jeans and let them fall to the floor. I never wore underwear. I stepped out of the jeans, then pulled my shirt off over my head and reached for the panties. My hands were shaking. Suddenly, it really, really felt like "Here and Now!" Priscilla was still sobbing, but the smile was coming back as I pulled the panties up and I felt the smoothness of the fabric as it covered my ass and balls, I had a raging hard on. She jumped off the bed and almost knocked me over, kissing me and giggling and crying all at the same time! I was about to die from the feelings rushing through me as I felt her belly rub against my cock thru those panties! I reached over and picked up the bra. "Umm, I need some help here," I said as I tried to hook it behind me. Within minutes she had me all hooked up and had padded the bra with some hose she pulled out of a drawer. "Since you're going this far you should really have a garter belt and hose too don't you think ?" By now she was smiling and giggling again, her tearstained little face was as bright as a new day. "OK, give me the full treatment," I smiled back at her. I thought to myself, "I wonder what I just said? Full treatment?" In less than 30 seconds she had a garter belt on me and then I was pulling up a pair of hose, one after the other. I couldn't believe the feeling! The sheer stockings on my legs, tight and smooth, were so unbelievably sexy I almost fainted before we got the garters attached. Then Priscilla stood back and said, "OK, now the slip! God, you look wonderful !" I was so excited I thought I would explode! She told me to hold my arms above my head and suddenly I felt the light, slinky fabric fall over my head and settle all over me! I was overcome with feelings I couldn't quite connect to. Wonderful feelings! It was all so tight, slinky, constricting, loose, and just so ... feminine! "Yes! That is it! Oh my ! How can girls walk around wearing this stuff? I am about to have an orgasm just standing here!" I was trembling! I suddenly realized Priscilla was standing in front of me with a look on her face I had never seen before. She stared at me and sat on the edge of the bed and lit the hash pipe and took a toke and said, "Oh, I can't believe it!" and handed me the pipe. She smiled. I just dropped the pipe, and walked to Priscilla's full length mirror. What I saw was a rather pretty, even exotically attractive, young lady looking out from the mirror at me. She moved when I moved. She looked as amazed to see me, as I was seeing her. I smiled at her in a flirty kind of way, as guys do, and I was almost shocked when she smiled back! It was hard to believe that the creature I was seeing in the mirror was me! She looked so very normal. I had expected to see myself dressed in lingerie and painted and looking like a moron, but this was just amazing. The only real dead give away was the tent my aroused cock created in the front of her slip! Every move I made caused so many new sensations, my cock inside those wonderful panties, the cool silky fabric of the slip against my stockinged legs, the tug of the garter belt pulling up at the top of the hose, and I could even feel the garters stretch against my ass as I walked, just taking a breath caused the bra to hug me a little tighter! It was unbelievable! Each movement gave me constant reminders of my new found femininity! It was as if I had just blinked my eyes and had become a pretty girl. I was even giggling like Priscilla! "You need shoes!" she said, "And nail polish too, but that can wait" She was staring at me, smiling she glanced to my cock and said "This can't wait!" She got up and pulled me to the bed and pushed me down on my back and pulled my slip up to my waist and got the panties down just enough to free my totally engorged cock and then she kissed it. "I bet this won't take very long." she said, then she licked it from bottom to top and she just sucked in the head and went completely down to my balls, deep throating me, and she started bobbing up and down in small movements. She was right. It took about 5 or 6 strokes and I was shooting a huge load of cum right in her pretty little throat! She pulled back and let me fill her mouth. It felt like it would go on forever! I couldn't believe the intensity of my orgasm! As I was cumming I suddenly became aware that I was stroking my "breasts" hidden under that pretty slip and bra. Priscilla was staring me in the eye as she took my cum, and I could actually see a hint of a smile in her stare. A few drops did leak out around her lips before it was over but she took it all. When my orgasm had settled she pulled her mouth off my shriveling cock, and moved up, then grabbing my chin in her hand she forced my mouth to open a bit and she kissed me and pushed a big mouthful of hot cum right in my mouth! "Swallow it lover !" she cooed at me, with a smile. I was very put off for a second, never having done anything like this, but she kept smiling and said "Girls get cum in their mouths sometimes, and you might as well swallow it if it's there, I have swallowed your cum and it isn't poison silly girl! So swallow it!" I let it stay in my mouth long enough to experience the texture and flavor of it. It was thick, warm, and very clean tasting! I couldn't believe it, but it really wasn't grossing me out! I rolled it over on my tongue a time or two and then swallowed, and smiled up at Priscilla. Her eyes were sparkling and she kissed me again. That thick very clean cum taste lingered in the back of my throat and on my lips. I found it kind of a turn on, like, "So this is what a girl feels like after she gives a blow job?" was in my mind. "Wow!" "I take it you enjoy this?" she was snuggling against me pulling the slip back down to cover my now shrunken cock. "You like being a girl?" "Oh my God!" was all I could manage to utter. I smiled at her and she kissed me again. "Well, we have to spend a little time in the city tomorrow, I want to take you shopping for some basic essentials" She explained that if I really enjoyed playing dress up I could do it as often as I cared to, then added that there are all sorts of things we could explore if I wanted to. "Like, how about staying dressed for several days? Would you like to do that? And you know there are all kinds of fun things that we could do together now!" "What kind of things? Dressed for days at a time? Hmm I do love this feeling, but .... Well, hell why not? Hmmm what kind of fun things are you talking about?" I was babbling like a school girl. "Oh just girly things, you'll love it! You will love being a girl for me, won't you Suzie?" "Suzie?" She was lying next to me caressing my "tits" and kissing me on the neck as she talked. "Suzie?" I said again. "Yes, Suzie! I like your new name, don't you? If you are going to look like this you need a girly name, and Suzie seems to fit you so well. Just wait till we do your nails and get you some shoes and we will pick out some nice dresses for you and oh you will be such a beauty! You are making me so hot right now! Does my little Suzie want to please me?" I was still on my back as she stood and eased her panties down over her beautiful little ass. She was rubbing her pussy and smiled a wicked, little horny smile as she got back on the bed and moved to straddle my face. Her pussy was soaking wet as she lowered it to my lipsticked lips and said "Be a good little slut and make me feel good Suzie!" She then sat full on my face and began rocking back and forth as my tongue found her clit and began moving in little circles on it, just the way she liked it. I always loved eating her pussy. She was moaning and rocking and riding my face like it was a horse at full gallop. She actually screamed when she had the first orgasm! She didn't stop at one, she rode my face until she was simply exhausted and when she pulled away she saw that my cock needed attention again. She just pulled up my slip and impaled herself on it and I began bucking it up into her and she came again. Looking like an insane version of my little Priscilla she arched her back and screamed, "Cum in my pussy! OOOOHHH God!!! Please cum in me!" and she started moving up and down on my cock and she looked in my face and smiled a bit and I exploded in her! "OH God!!! I can feel it shooting in me!! Oh yeah ! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" When it was over she rolled off me, and snuggled against me for a little while, smiling. Then she moved back up and sat on my face again and she whispered, "Suck it out baby! I know you like cum, so suck it out of me! You enjoy fucking me don't you" All I could do was suck on her pussy and nod my head as she stared down at me. "Well it's too bad you can't have the experience I just had isn't it?" I could only look up and see her smiling as I got the last drops of my cum from her pussy. When she moved back to my side I said, "What do you mean? I did have the experience." "No, you fucked me, I got fucked. There is a big difference I'm sure." She smiled and said "Lets have a shower and go downstairs and have some breakfast." Yes, this had all occurred within one short afternoon. I had become completely transformed, and was so totally sexed down, and it wasn't even dark yet. She smiled and said "Your make up is a mess Suzie." We passed the mirror and I saw Suzie once again and we smiled at one another. Yes, I liked Suzie very much, and I loved Priscilla so much I couldn't refuse her any thing, and she knew it. She definitely knew what buttons to push, and she had a huge power over me. After we showered and she had dressed me in one of her cotton hippie dresses, with a bra and panties underneath, she made my face up just a bit, so I looked like almost any girl on the street. She told me, "I know you'll do any thing for me now. I had always hoped it would be this way with someone. I'm so glad it is you!" I cooked an omelet, and steamed asparagus with a lemon butter sauce for breakfast, and we feasted, along with a nicely chilled bottle of Chardonnay, and a fresh baguette I had baked late the night before. It was so much fun sitting in her lingerie under a dress, all made up pretty and with my hair in pig tails. It just felt so natural to be there with her like that. After breakfast Priscilla told me, "I'll ask you to try things sometimes, just to let you feel more girlish, but anytime you aren't happy with it, just tell me. We'll never do anything you don't want to. I'm so happy that we were able to share this, even if it were to never happen again, but we both know it will, don't we?" She beamed at me and said, "Let's wash the dishes and have a brownie or two, we will have just enough time to go up on the roof and watch the sunset." The sunset was beautiful. We were just finishing the bottle of wine when she said "Wait right here sweetie!" and jumped through the window back into the den, I could hear Jimi Hendrix yelling "There must be some kind of way out of here!" as I watched the glorious sun going all red and gold behind the hills in the distance. She reappeared with her camera and tripod, and set it up and got it focused. She set the timer and ran back and sat beside me. We were very stoned from the brownies. We were sitting arm in arm, holding hands, and she giggled, "Smile! This is Suzie's very first sunset!" I smiled just as the camera shutter clicked, and the flash went off. I turned to Priscilla and she giggled and kissed me. I was in heaven. For about a month we played with Suzie on a daily basis. I shaved my legs weekly, and under my arms as well. We did go to the city and bought Suzie a complete wardrobe and I loved it. Beautiful things, panties, slips, bras, garter belts, hose and panty hose, some nighties and matching robes to go with them. We bought several pairs of shoes, including a pair of 5 inch stiletto heels with little straps around the ankles, "Slut Shoes" Priscilla called them. A few dresses and sweaters and skirts rounded out her (my) new wardrobe. My nails were polished almost all the time. I loved it and I could tell Suzie was happy every time I saw her in the mirror. One day Priscilla went into the city, smiling brightly as she drove out. She was gone about an hour and returned, bursting thru the door, "Look what I bought Suzie!" She tore open a package and produced a pair of flesh colored silicone breast forms! She was giggling and said, "These will feel much more natural for you than just padding the bra." We went upstairs and I took off my bra and she opened a tube of adhesive, she said that these forms were actually breast prostheses and that the adhesive would keep them in place even without wearing a bra. When she had applied the adhesive she put first one, then the other against my chest and held them there for a few minutes. Then she released them. Oh my goodness! I could feel the weight of real breasts! I moved and they jiggled sexily. I put my bra back on and they filled it perfectly, I could still feel that weight and the little movements they made on their own when I moved. It was wonderful! We lived much as we always did, other than the fact that we appeared to be a couple of girls, living in the same house. The only difference was that the girls were insanely in love and we were having the time of our lives. About the only time I was in boy clothes was when our supplier visited us every Wednesday night. His name was Skip. He had known Priscilla for years. They had gone to school together and had even dated for a while before she met Tom. They had stayed in touch and it was Skip who set Tom and Priscilla up in business. It was a very sweet deal. He ran most of the risk but took only 25% off our top line after costs. He had several setups around the area just like ours and he was doing well, as were we. Priscilla usually dealt with the people we fronted our product to. They all knew her and it was just more comfortable for them to deal with her. She set me up as the contact for Skip though, she said I should get to know him since we were all partners and now I was so deeply involved any way. Tom had always been in control before, and now Priscilla had virtually given me the cashbox and never paid any attention to the money other than to tell me what bills needed paying and what household expenses had to be taken care of. I enjoyed dealing with Skip. I liked him. He was a striking looking guy, with long blonde hair, about 6'3" and was built like he spent time in a gym. I asked once and he laughed and said he had good genes. He had a great sense of humor. One evening he happened to stop by a day earlier than expected. Priscilla and I were stoned and playing with Suzie. We had made love twice already. Priscilla really enjoyed Suzie a lot. She was obviously playing out some lesbian fantasies, as well as feminizing me. So we were both having fun. I was up on the roof and Priscilla had gone down to the kitchen to bring some cheese and wine up for us. It was just dusk. The sunset had been very nice and we were going to spend the evening watching the stars and listening to music. I heard Skip's Harley a block away. It was unmistakable. "Oh shit! That has to be Skip!" I was in a panic! As I was starting to go through the window into the den he rolled up the drive in front of the house. He looked up and smiled. I almost swallowed my tongue, but I managed to flash a smile back and then hopped in over the window sill, and into the den. Even in the dim light, he couldn't have helped but get a look at my panty covered ass, because I was wearing a mini skirt with a sort of loose sweater top. It was a pretty outfit, but it was almost impossible to be very modest in it. I realized even in my panic that I was learning a bit more about being feminine. Priscilla had been coaching me on walking and carrying myself as a girl would, but there are times when a girl just can't help but show a bit more than she wants to. I smiled to myself as I thought about Skip eyeing Suzie's legs and ass. Priscilla met me as I was coming out of the den and said "Skip is downstairs, I told him you are at the market picking up groceries. He has to go out of town tomorrow so he is making his drop tonight. No problem, just stay up here and he'll be gone in a little while." She was walking down the hall toward the stairs and she turned with a huge smile, "He asked who the new chick up on the roof is!" I giggled. I went to the bedroom and waited for Priscilla, Skip rarely hung around more than a few minutes when he was doing business. And soon I heard his chopper starting and listened as it faded into the distance. I kept thinking about how he had looked up my skirt and then he had asked about the new "girl" and Suzie felt rather good about it all. Soon Priscilla appeared and was laughing hysterically holding a small package in her hand and telling me that Skip had given her something very special, and asked her to make sure she shared it with her friend upstairs! "So he seems to be a bit taken with Suzie! He said she smiled at him and showed him a bit of leg! You really are quite the little slut aren't you?" She was still laughing and pulled me over into the bed with her. "So what did he give you?" "Look, you are going to love it! It is really quite divine!" she smiled. I opened the foil wrapping of the small package and found an ounce of opiated hash. It was a half inch thick and was in three layers. Hash on top and a layer of opium gum and then another layer of hash. "OOOOOOHHHHH! This is much too good for the pipe! Lets eat a gram!" Priscilla already had a razor blade out. We were both very into that special high that comes with eating a bit of opium. She cut a couple of cubes about 3/4 inch square and we each ate one. I ran down stairs to get a bottle of wine and back out on the roof we went. We brought a blanket with us this time. As it became dark and that magic feeling came over us, that living dream that is opium, we started kissing and rubbing and Priscilla pulled my skirt up and yanked my panties aside and she did the same with hers and she sat on my cock and took it to the hilt in a quick easy move. Her pussy was soaking wet and so hot. I saw her eyes roll back and she started moaning and moving up and down on my throbbing dick. I thought I was going to cum right then and I had to grab her waist and hold her still for a few minutes. She kept making little love noises and smiling at me and finally I just held her tightly and rolled us over and started pumping my dick into her as fast and as hard as I could! She grabbed my ass and pulled me even deeper into her as she reached her first orgasm, "Oh God sweetie! Fuck me! I love it sooo much! YES!!!!" She was making me crazy. I fucked her as hard as I could and soon she was cumming again. She somehow managed to dislodge my cock from her pussy and smiled a really wicked grin at me and reached under the blanket and pulled out a tube of something. She opened it and squeezed some of the contents out onto her palm. She grabbed my cock and started jacking me off. Her hand was full of lubricant! When she had gotten my cock all slick she squeezed more lube onto her fingers and rolled to her knees with her face down on the blanket and I saw her start to work first one, and then another finger into her pretty little ass! Soon she had three fingers working in and out, and she smiled back over her shoulder. I thought my cock was going to explode! "OK lover, slip me something hot and nasty!" I crouched behind her and put the head of my cock against her ass crack, and she reached back and guided it to where she wanted me to be. I pushed forward a little and she growled at me, "Just go slow, push it in! Please do it! But slowly!" I eased forward a little more and I felt her open a bit as the head of my cock was going past her opening. It was the tightest thing I had ever felt on my cock! "OH! SHIT! Give it to me now!" I pushed a bit more and inch after inch entered her. She was beginning to move back to meet me, moaning and begging me for more. It was incredible! She was breathing in great gasps and writhing back on my cock as it impaled her asshole! Finally I was all the way in! I felt my balls move up against her smooth little butt and I pushed a bit more trying to get further in. She yelped, and pulled away, then she pushed that incredible ass back to me, taking me to the hilt again. She looked back at me and I could see a smile, but I also saw pure animal lust in her eyes as she said simply, "Fuck me Suzie!" I pulled my cock out until only the very tip was still in her and then I shoved it back in as hard as I could. She let a little wail come out and moaned "Oh Yes!" So I did it again, but this time I didn't stop. I just fucked in and out as fast as I could as she remained in her kneeling position moaning, and shuddering with each stroke as she took it. I fucked her as long as I could hold out and when I felt the cum rising in my balls I just fucked harder! Suddenly I began a long hard opiated cum session that felt like it lasted hours as I pumped Priscilla full. It was like a dream, but it was very real. She was actually bucking back against me as I pulsed in her tight little ass! When it was over she just pulled away and I heard a small fart sound as my cock popped out of her. She turned and grabbed me and pulled me down beside her on the blanket. We kissed deeply and she snuggled against me. I looked at us and suddenly realized I was still dressed as Suzie! I had completely forgotten. I rubbed my breasts and looked at my shaved legs, panties still around one ankle, and Priscilla against me. Except for my now shrunken cock peeking out from under the short skirt, It was hard to believe we weren't two girls lying there. Priscilla sat up and grabbed the tube of lubricant again. She was still panting, and had the same over the edge expression she had shown me before I fucked that beautiful little ass. Then she stood, "OK Suzie, now it's your turn!" she grinned at me. "Huh? My turn? Wait a second!" She was smiling and giggling as she stood over me, but suddenly she seemed very serious. "Well you do want to be more girlish don't you? You can have an entirely new experience 'Here and Now' if you aren't too uptight to try something new. Doesn't Suzie want to play anymore?" "Well, no ... err yes I mean, I love what we have been doing with Suzie ... And yes learning how it feels to be a girl is so much fun for me ..." "You do certainly look girlish enough, and I think you are really ready for this next step. After what we just did, you know that it can be very, very nice. Believe me, I loved it!" "Come on silly," she smiled as she stepped thru the window. "You know you want to!" She went on inside as I hesitated, "Hmmm 'Here and Now' ? What does she have in mind?" Well I couldn't stay out there for ever and yes, I was dying of curiosity. Finally, I stood, pulled my panties up, and followed her on rubbery legs, and when I got through the window and looked up, I saw Skip! Priscilla was standing next to him rubbing his crotch, with a smile a mile wide. "Look Suzie, we have company!" My heart almost flew out of my throat! I couldn't believe what was happening, the opium and wine were still doing their best to lull me into that dream state, where nothing is real. But this is real! I am standing here in complete drag, and my girlfriend has set me up with a man? But deep inside I felt Suzie's thrill! Oh God, she is actually glad to be in this situation! She wants to know what it is to be a woman and Priscilla was helping her find out "Here and Now"! I on the other hand was scared, embarrassed, and more than a little angry! This was more than I had ever expected when we had started playing with Suzie. "What?! How? Oh my God! Priscilla! What the hell is this?" I looked at Skip, "Wait! I heard you leave!" and I noticed that he was looking me over, he was actually looking at my legs and breasts, and then up to my face, smiling as Priscilla rubbed his cock thru his jeans. He stepped away from Priscilla toward me and I stepped back. "Don't worry Suzie, it's OK, no one will ask you to do anything you don't want. Priscilla and I used to be very close in college, she knows I'm bi-sexual, and when I saw you on the roof today she told me that you and she had a little secret. I parked my scooter at Julio's Bar, and walked back, Priscilla left the door open for me." "Yeah sweetie, I told Skip when he asked, that we might be able to have a bit of fun tonight. Sorry lover, but this is the only way I could do this. You do have to admit, you were kind of turned on by a man looking at you today." I was standing like a deer caught in the headlights of a oncoming Mac truck! Of course Suzie had loved the attention Skip had paid her this afternoon. I didn't know what to do or say. Finally I stammered, "God, Priscilla, you and Skip are still lovers?" They both laughed out loud. I was devastated, I couldn't believe she was fucking Skip all this time and I had no idea. I could feel my heart breaking. Tears were welling in my eyes as I tried to push my way past Skip and get away from this hell. At that instant I heard Bob Dylan rasping out "There are no sins inside the Gates of Eden!" All this was happening in a dreadful sort of slow motion where every detail registers vividly, and every thing seems so eerily relevant. Opium is like that. Priscilla had fallen over on the sofa laughing so hard she could hardly speak but she did jump up and stop me as I tried to pass. "Sweetie, Skip and I were lovers several years ago." Her laughter lessened as she spoke, "We are more like family now. And we are all bound together by our little 'family business' so all of our secrets are safe with each of us," she was just smiling now, "I love you! I'm not having an affair with Skip behind your back! I did this tonight for you, I don't want to hurt you. We won't do anything at all with this if you don't want it." She kissed me and I turned to look at Skip. He just nodded his affirmation of what Priscilla said. "I wouldn't do that to ya buddy, she's yours, not mine. So what does Suzie have to say about all of this?" I was still trembling, "Well, I don't know what to say, I mean, I never thought it would come to this. Suzie has been fun so far, but now the secret isn't a secret anymore. I just don't know." Of course Suzie was growing more and more excited as I calmed down and tried to rationalize what was going on. She was about to take another step! Scary as it was, it was what she wanted. More than anything at this point she wanted to know what it is like, how it is to please a man with her body. As I babbled she was growing a bit more insistent. "Damn, is it hot in here or what?" I heard myself say and I knew Suzie had won. I was actually pleased, but I was very frightened at what was happening. A very odd feeling. "No, but you are! Hot I mean," Skip smiled. It was as if every one in the room had sensed Suzie's decision. I smiled back at him, then at Priscilla. Priscilla giggled and took my hand in hers and whispered in my ear, "Good girl! I love you so much!" Skip moved to us and put his huge arms around us both and said, "So, can I buy you girls a drink?" I was so excited I almost fainted. Priscilla said, "In a little while. We have some girl things to tend to right now. You go down to the kitchen and open another bottle of wine, and we'll be down in a little while." She smiled at me, "Lets freshen up a bit, OK sweetie?" Skip went out and down the hall and Priscilla kissed me. She said, "We have to do a few things to get you ready sweetie. C'mon!" She ran a bath and we both got in and sat giggling at each other, she had fired up the hash pipe while the tub filled. She told me I had to do a little preparation to be really fresh and ready. I had no idea what she was talking about, until she pointed to the douche bag hanging on the hook on the bathroom door, and smiled. So, after what seemed like a million gallons of water had been pumped up my ass, and I had shit it out she finally declared me clean as a whistle inside. I jumped back in the bath once more to rinse off. When I was dry and had spread moisturizer every where I could reach Priscilla sprayed some pretty perfume in the air and had me walk through the fog several times. Then I put on a pretty black bra and panties, a matching garter belt with black hose that had seams up the back, a lacey black slip, and a sheer see through black robe. Priscilla suggested the 5 inch heels, the "Slut shoes!" She did my make up and hair, and then had me walk through the perfume spray once again. In the mirror, Suzie looked like a beautiful little slut princess. I was still scared to death but I figured any girl who is about to lose her virginity felt this fear. She smiled "He's a big guy you know." "Yeah, he's over 6 feet tall isn't he?" She giggled a bit, "No, sweetie, I mean he is a BIG guy!" Then she held her hands in front of her and spread them apart as if showing me the size of a fish. She kept spreading them, and laughed. "He is at least 8 1/2 inches Suzie! You're going to love it!" My knees almost buckled, I was certain there would be no way I could handle that. "Oh shit! You have to be kidding, there's no way!" "Oh yes there is, he has had it all in my ass. It takes a little effort, but you can do it. Just get past the first penetration, then let him work it in slowly. Tell him to stop if you have to and let your self get adjusted to it. When you get well adjusted it will be just heavenly for you! But you will have to help him, you'll have to relax at the right times and kind of push back at others so your little muscle will stretch." She smiled and said "Remember, you're giving your man pleasure. Even if it means bearing a little pain for him you'll be getting the satisfaction every woman gets when she feels him spending himself in her. That feeling is very feminine." "You're almost ready, first though, I want to help you a little. Pull those panties down and bend over the bed for me," she was taking the cap off of the tube of lubricant. I slowly peeled my panties over my ass and bent over and put my hands on the mattress. I watched as she squirted a gob of lube out on her palm, and she put one finger in it and got it all slippery. She had the same expression she had shown me earlier out on the roof, pure sexual lust with a smile that would stop traffic. "Spread those legs Suzie, show me what you are going to show Skip," she was almost whispering, "MMM yes he is going to love this." I was bent over waiting with my legs spread when I felt her finger trace a circle around Suzie's little virgin hole. "Relax, sweetie! Just let me help you." She suddenly had her finger in my (Suzie's) ass! It was so slippery and wet it didn't hurt at all. And then just as suddenly, she pulled it out. Then it was replaced by two wiggling fingers. She kept those in a little longer wiggling each of them as she finger fucked in and out. It was wildly erotic. I looked over my shoulder and she was staring intently at her fingers going in and out of me. I noticed her other hand had strayed to her own pussy and she was massaging her little clit as she penetrated Suzie. She was giggling and saying "Good girl! Let's try more fingers, shall we?" She yanked out and immediately shoved all four of her fingers back in and pushed until she was in me to the widest part of her hand! This was quite a bit more intense than before, but it wasn't really painful. It was more like a very full feeling. Then she started pushing harder. I yelped out loud, "Oh God Priscilla! Go slow! It hurts!" She pulled back a little and the pain eased, but she then pushed in a little deeper! She was in past her knuckles! I could feel her thumb against the top of my ass impeding her from going farther. She then pulled out and squirted more lube on her hand and stuck it back in up to the thumb and rotated her hand in my ass a few times. "OOO God! Priscilla! It hurts! Please slow down." She said to relax and she just kept her hand still inside me, and I began to feel the pain subside as my ass became accustomed to the intrusion. Soon it began to feel rather good. I looked over my shoulder just in time to see Priscilla rubbing her pussy with her eyes closed and she was arching her back, and I realized she had just had an orgasm while fingering Suzie's ass! She pulled her hand out of me and said, "OK sweetie you can pull your panties up now." She was smiling again. "I think I need to clean myself up a little," that lube was all over my ass. "No just pull up your panties, when you go down to Skip you will have a nice wetness in your little pussy. That is another very, very feminine feeling." She went into the bathroom and washed her hands, when she returned she was wearing a pretty little pink lace robe. She was naked underneath it, except for a pair of lacy pink bikini panties. She had a pair of heels on that were almost the same as mine. "Sweetie, are you going to be uncomfortable if I have sex with Skip tonight too? It will be like two girlfriends sharing a stud!" She was giggling. "It will be you and me, and Skip will love it!" I never hesitated, "Yeah! Let's do it!" She was right, my panties were soaked, and I reached over and felt hers and they were as wet as mine! She took my hand in hers and led me out from the bedroom and down the hall to the stairs, it was very odd when we passed her mirror, I looked at Suzie and she looked at me and smiled a really horny smile and winked. Suzie was ready for this, she was going to get what she wanted tonight! She was going to have some answers tonight! I was fucking terrified! We went down the stairs, me trying to walk in those 5 inch heels and stay as graceful as Priscilla had taught me. I almost fell, but it was because my knees were trembling! I was dressed in sexy lingerie, smelled like a high priced whore, my panties were a soaking mess, and I was being led down like a sacrificial virgin. We finally got to the bottom of the stairs and I was taking small mincing steps and swaying my hips as well as I could and Priscilla suddenly stopped and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you Suzie! I love you!" "No," I said, "Thank you, tonight I will finally know what it is like won't I?" "Oh yes you will!" She was giggling and then pulled me to the kitchen. Skip was sitting at the kitchen table with a bottle of red open, he had poured three glasses. There was a plate full of joints on the table too. "Hash joint any one?" he said as he heard us come in. Then he looked up at us. His eyes went really wide for a second and he almost choked on the mouthful of wine he had just sipped! "Oh wow! You girls look wonderful!" he stood and walked to us and took each of us by the arm and looked first at me then at Priscilla, then back at me and he leaned in to me and just wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him and kissed me on the mouth! He stuck his tongue in my mouth and I pushed my tongue to meet his. It was so strange feeling a man's beard against my face, while our tongues swirled around each other! Suzie almost died from the thrill of it all. When he pulled away from me, he wrapped Priscilla in his other arm just as he had done me and kissed her the same way! I watched as they kissed, and strangely enough it didn't seem to be a bit unusual. We were a couple of girls who were going to have some fun tonight with a friend. He pulled away from Priscilla and she looked around his chest at me and smiled, "Lets have a glass of wine." "Yes, let's do!" I said and she winked at me. I looked up at Skip's face and he looked in my eyes and said "I think we're gonna have some fun tonight aren't we?" I just giggled at him and walked to the table and I could feel his eyes on my ass as I did my best to sway it as I walked. When I got to the table I turned my back to the chair and smoothed my slip as I sat back into the chair, and pulled myself forward a bit and then I crossed my legs so I was just showing a little of the top of my stocking held by the garter belt. Skip's eyes danced over the sight and he smiled and looked at Priscilla. "You're a good teacher aren't you ?" "I have a good student," she said. She smiled at me. They joined me at the table, Priscilla on one side of Skip and Suzie on the other. He had a hand on one or the other of our knees the whole time we were sipping wine and doing opiated hash tokes. It was all so very erotic I almost had an orgasm just sitting there. My panties were still wet and reminding me of what was to come! I knew just by looking at Priscilla, hers were a flood as well. We sat there for about ten minutes, maybe even less, when Skip suddenly stood and grabbed the bottle and a joint, and then he took Priscilla's hand first and pulled her to her feet. Then he took my hand as well and pulled me up and kissed me again. I was trembling as he said, "Well ladies let's go upstairs and have a bit of fun!" I looked at him and he kissed me again, and he put my hand right on the crotch of his jeans! He held it there and started rubbing his cock with my hand! I could feel it! It was enormous! He then started out of the kitchen leading me by the hand, Priscilla had my other hand in hers. She was smiling at me as we went upstairs. "Relax Suzie, it will be ok, I promise." I was scared shitless. We went upstairs, down the hall, past the den, and into the bedroom. Priscilla went first, then me, and Skip walked in like the sultan in his harem. We stood by the bed as he sat and began unbuttoning his shirt. He stopped and took my hand and said, "You do it Suzie, take my shirt off. Priscilla, unbutton my jeans and let's show her what she's going to get tonight!" My fingers were almost out of my control, I had a hard time unbuttoning his shirt but slowly I did manage it. His chest was very hairy, and I could see he had a flat stomach that was well muscled. I was shaking almost uncontrollably when he pulled me down and kissed me again. "Relax Suzie, I'm going to make sure you enjoy it, I promise. Just ask Priscilla, she never complained," he laughed a bit when he said it. She just smiled as she unbuttoned his jeans and opened them and he pulled his shirt tail out. I could see his pubic hair just above his cock, as he took my hand and pulled it down to his crotch again. "Reach in and pull it out for me Suzie." "Oh God!" I gasped as I reached farther and my hand went in and I felt his cock! It was so warm! And it was really large! I finally had my hand wrapped around it and I pulled it out, just as he said, "On your knees girl's!" I was still holding his cock and I could feel it getting larger as Priscilla dropped to her knees pulling me down by my shoulder with her. She was staring at Skip's cock in my hand as he stood over us and removed his shirt. Then pushed his jeans down, and kicked out of them. I was looking back and forth from her to his face and always ever drawn back to the sight of that dick less than ten inches from my face! Suddenly she put her hand on the back of my head and pushed my face closer, "Suck it Suzie!" She pushed a bit farther and suddenly I was confronted with the head of a cock right against my lower lip! I stuck my tongue out and looking Skip in the eye I licked around the head of his dick and then I leaned forward a little and opened my mouth and took it as deep as I could. It throbbed and grew in my mouth! I almost gagged but I was able to keep about 4 inches of that meat in my mouth as I ran my tongue all over the underside of it and moved up and down on it a few times. Suzie had become a real cocksucker. I was loving it. So was she. When I pulled off of it, I was amazed to see how large it really was. I began to have some doubts about being able to handle this. No way it will fit in my ass! Then Suzie smiled up at him and sucked it back in deeper than before, and started a slow, slurpy, noisy blow job. She was going to get fucked tonight, no matter what! Suddenly I felt Skip's hand moving down and resting on my ass as I sucked him. I looked over to Priscilla and saw that she was guiding his hand there, with a huge smile. I pulled off his cock and watched as Priscilla took my place, sucking him in much deeper than I had been able to. "I guess practice makes perfect," I thought to myself. Skip pulled me up and kissed me as she sucked his dick, then he said, "On the bed, Suzie, get on your knees and elbows for me." I did as he said and I felt my panties being pulled aside and suddenly he had a finger in me! It was much larger than Priscilla's finger and I realized she had done me a favor by starting with her instead of him. He was moving it in and out slowly, sometimes making little swirling motions, opening me a bit more with it. He pulled it out and I looked over my shoulder to see him squeezing lube out onto his fingers. Suddenly he pushed two into me and I moaned as he moved them around and in and out. Then he had a third in me and I squealed like a real girl. It was painful! But I didn't move away. I just tried to relax as he forced his way in. Finally he stopped and just left them planted in my sore little ass. Suzie was becoming a woman! Priscilla was sucking that cock and making little sounds that I had heard many times as she sucked me. I was on my knees with three thick fingers up my ass, wondering if I there was any way I could possibly be able to take more. "Ok, Priscilla, that's enough for now. Get up here next to Suzie!" In a second she was next to me, her ass in the air, kissing me as Skip pulled his fingers out of me. I felt him get onto the bed behind us. I saw Priscilla's little hand grab a fist full of the blanket and a little yelp came out of her as he buried himself in her tight little pussy. She was looking right in my face as he began a rapid fucking motion. "Oh, yes ! Oh yes! OOOOOOHHHHH!!!!" she was screaming it right at me. I was terrified but fascinated as I watched, Suzie was in total lust, waiting on her knees and elbows for her turn. It would come soon and she was ready! Priscilla moved a bit and kissed me as Skip fucked her ever faster and ever harder! She was cumming as she kissed me and she broke away and screamed, "OH God... FUCK ME !" And she kissed me again. When her orgasm had gone. Skip pushed as deep into her as he could and just stayed there. She looked at me, and she looked like a wild animal. She had just been totally ravished and was almost on a different level of consciousness. I felt Skip's hand on my ass again. Suzie purred, "Oh yes!" He slowly stuck one, then two, then three fingers in my ass again. He didn't move, but just kept them there as Priscilla kissed me again. I was slowly becoming accustomed to the fullness and it wasn't painful this time. I suddenly realized I was moving back at those fingers as if I was trying to get them a bit further in. Skip noticed too. "She wants some of what you just got Priscilla, think I should give her a try?" "Yes lover! Fuck her for me!" "Suzie?" he said. "Yes, oh yes! Please fuck me!

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Stacy Shares her sister with me

My cousin Stacy settled into life around my house quite well. She helped with the house work and spent time catching up with her old friends. They had no idea of her new “job” and Stacy didn’t let them in on her secret lifestyle. I spent my nights with Stacy in my bed as we soon fell into a pattern of fucking and fondling for hours on end. The things that Stacy could do with her pussy and mouth should be taught to all new wives and willing girlfriends. She had a blow job method that is hard to...

3 years ago
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A Reluctant GunfighterChapter 21

My God! I hurt all the way from my toes to my shoulder and out to my fingers, all on my left side. I could tell that my left arm and my left leg had broken bones, but I couldn't tell about my pelvis. I was pretty sure that I had several broken ribs, too, maybe on both sides. I managed to squawk, "Can you guys get this damned bear and horse off of me?The weight hurts like hell." The two boys tried to pull the bear off by hand and only succeeded in hurting me more. I said, "Loop a rope...

1 year ago
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My amazing first time

*This story is true as are the characters, who happen to be me and who was my girlfriend at the time but is now my wife* Alright, my girlfriend at the time was a beautiful, thin, athletic, tan Mexican girl named Maria. She was about 5'7", had brown eyes, brown hair, 32cc breasts, and a gorgeous body. I, myself, was 6'1", pretty damn white, long blonde hair, blue eyed, and not to brag but for my age at the time, I was pretty muscular. We have been together for 5 years and counting. So Maria was...

First Time
2 years ago
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Naked in Military SchoolChapter 3

My squad was in the dog house. I don't understand that phrase, 'in the dog house, ' only that it isn't good. It started with four hours of Moto because Cadet Davis attacked Cadet Corporal Hernandez. Then we were given a Spartan lunch and put in a classroom. Mr. Giovanni began lecturing us on sex crimes. I raised my hand for permission to speak. When granted, I asked the obvious. "Mr. Giovanni, how were the rape figures determined?" I asked. "Representative sampling? Crime reports?...

3 years ago
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The Life of an Army WifeChapter 4

I drove to work and got in a little early. When I got to my desk I tried to clear my mind and get something done. A few of the people I work with stopped by my office and told me that if there was anything I needed while my husband was in Korea I shouldn't hesitate to ask. I thought that was nice of them. But I was pretty sure that Ted was going to see to it that I had no needs that were not being taken care of. One of my users, the people who use the particular computer systems I am...

3 years ago
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Almost Unconsciously

Janet was sitting at the desk in her room doing her math homework. She had been working on it for close to two hours now, and was beginning to think that if she had to factor one more algebraic expression, she was going to bang her head on the wall until it began to bleed. So she picked up her paper and pencil and tossed them onto the floor below her. Then, she grabbed her textbook and dropped it exactly on top of the work she had been doing, with the heavy textbook crinkling the edges of the...

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Craig HillChapter 16

Mark left his flat and walked through the Collins's house to the drawing room. All four of them were there including Rupert. Mark kissed Frances's cheek and thanked her for inviting him. He shook hands with the general. He was not sure how to deal with Victoria but she dealt with that. She flung both arms round his neck and gave him a smacking kiss on both cheeks. "MY special ADC," she laughed. Rupert stood and held out his hand. "Good to see you again, Sir," he said. Mark shook his...

1 year ago
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50 Saal Say Pyassi Chuut

Hello friends I am Jacob from waluj (m.h.) dosto main app ke woh baat batane jaa raha hu jo mere zindagi me sab se aham hai….! yeh main ne us aurat ke saath biyar kuch ghanto ke baat hai…main apne frnd se millne us ke hotel gaya tha jo ek bus stand ke pass thi woh kafi bussy tha toh main bahar hi us ka wait karne laga..kafi dar tak woh nahi aya toh main ne waha se jane ke sochi tab mere nazar bus stand ke main gate par padi waha ek 50 saal ke kalli se laddy khadi thi us ne salwar kamiz pahen...

4 years ago
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How To Make A Sale

After college, I struggled to hold a consistent job for a multitude of reasons. For nearly 10 years I bounced between different sales jobs. I had taken a job selling electronic components and was really struggling. I knew that if I didn’t land a big account soon, I’d be looking for a new job. I was having a really bad day and was on my way home. As I was driving home, I happened to drive right by a business that I had been trying to sell on our product for a while. I pulled into their parking...

3 years ago
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My InitiationPart15

I was ready to complete my challenge for my initiation into my fraternity. I had one week to observe every room in one particular sorority to learn the habits of the girls living there. I had to sneak into each room, steal a pair of panties from each girl, label it, and get out without getting caught. This had to be done in one night over the weekend. I had watched every girl, what they liked to do behind closed doors, and when they liked to do it. Some of the things I saw were absolutely...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 22 Long Running

Tuesday, April 5, 2005 I woke at 5:30 feeling surprisingly rested. I'd thought I might be too tired to run after so much sex and so little sleep, but I felt fine. I quickly changed, wrote a "Gone Running" note on a sticky, stuck it on the outside of my bedroom door, and headed out. I did some warm-ups because my soccer coach makes a big issue about them, then started the course I had planned. Roughly a mile, I guessed, in a loop that ended back at home. It had some small inclines to test...

3 years ago
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Return To The Nursery chap 9

DearMike S., Tammyjean, Jeannie, Candi and Katie, thank you for those lovely comments. I really appreciate knowing what you think. Hugs from Baby Jennie Chapter 9. Meeting Uncle Jake While Daphne finished changing Nancy's nappy, Zoe ran off to play with her scooter on the patio. Jessica concentrated for a moment on undressing her dolly, and golden silence reigned supreme for a few minutes. David became aware of the need he'd felt earlier, more pressing now. He pushed a bit and he...

1 year ago
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Gf Ki Jbardast Chudai Shart Me

Hey guys rohit again mujhe lagta hai is kahani ke saare character se fir se apki jaan pehchaan Kara du jaisa ki apne ab tak padha mere aur mere ek junior jhon ke bich me shart lagi hai jo Panje me jitega he will fuck the looser gf whole night jaise wo chahe aur jaisa ki ye shart Meri gf nidhi ne hi lgaya tha to use isme koi bachne ka bahana nhi karna tha Ek bar sabke jismo pe najar dale to nidhi jo ki husn ki mallika h uski figure 34d-30-36 hai wahi jho ki gf pooja bhi kafi hot hai but nidhi...

2 years ago
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New Start Lukes StoryChapter 16

"Oh, that," Jessie said meekly. "And who is GH management?" "Me." "What does the G and the H stand for?" Luke demanded. "G is for Grafix, and H is for Hill." She patiently explained. "Okay, that tells me nothing. Why do you have a management company?" "Well it's easier for taxes and also for privacy." "But why do it at all? Are you that scared of telemarketers or Jehovah witnesses? And this place, its got to cost more than a Picasso in rent every month," "Well it's...

1 year ago
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My Granny her friend and I

Sliding my hands down my pants I began to rub around my head. The sensation forced me to arch my back. It was a little too much for me so I just wrapped my hand along the length of my meat and stroked it slowly, tilting my head back and closing my eyes. Mouth open and subtle moans erupting like the cum about to from my shaft I closed my eyes and that’s when I heard the knock on the door. On the verge of cumming I pulled my hands from my pants and swore under my breath making for the door. It...

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The Project 5

This yet another part to Terry and Lou’s school project: Terry was sitting at his desk the events of the last few weeks had been staggering. His dad was becoming more feminine every day. His mom and Maria (Lou’s mom) were become nymphos, Jill was having her son ass fucked regularly she wanted Terry to convert her husband as well. Jill herself always wanted sex, the only person who had not been infected was Lou’s dad, but he was always on the road. As he sat at his desk looking out the window...

2 years ago
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Office Sir Manaiviyai Oothen 8211 Part 2

Manaiviyai sexiyaaga oothu kanjai pundaiyil iraki aval meethu paduthu viten, innum aval aadaiyaiyum kayatavillai naanum ena aadaiyai kayata vilai. Arai niravaanamaaga matter potu kalaipaaga paduthu irunthom, sirithu neram kazhithu manaivi en thalai mudiyai kothi vitu ithu varai en kanavan kuda ithu pola athigamaana pasathudan anbai kanbithathu illai endru solinaal. Ennai avaluku migavum pidithu vitathu, naanum neengalum ennai anbaaga thaan parthukondeergal endru solinen. En netriyil oru mutham...

3 years ago
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Lurking in the ShadowsChapter 22

Nothing new was on the trid so we went back upstairs to get a real meal. From the way Blake had been talking I guess we were going to take Brannon up on his request so I checked over the list I had taken from Pusan and called him. "Is this stirring things up enough?" I asked him when he came on the line. "Is this you guys? Damn you blew the lid off the whole of organized crime with this. What did you do?" "While we were getting the data that we gave you we also found some other stuff...

4 years ago
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Father Providence

Father Providence Belladonna [Author's note: This is not my typical story. It is my second shortest story to date. I believe it also the darkest story I have ever written. I wrote the story shortly after I finished the original version of the Office Girl. I have no plans to write another story in this vein ever again, but I decided to post it anyway.] When I first saw Father Providence, I was sure he was just a black, Jim Jones. He didn't look like anything special. He was...

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A teachers love1

A Teacher’s love I sat in the middle of class watching the teacher. She had such beautiful legs coming out of her skirt. I always dreamed of being able to touch them. She always wears a skirt. It’s always tempting me to no extent. I look at her continuously knowing that she felt my stare on her back. I swear she was doing the things she did just to tempt me. I always had to move my legs to adjust myself. It’s always different scenarios that go through my mind that makes me hard in the...

1 year ago
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GreeniesChapter 18A

Martian wastelands — 12 kilometers west of Eden September 1, 2146 The latest artillery bombardment came raining down across the area, shells bursting just above the ground sending shrapnel into anyone unfortunate enough to be underneath and unprotected. Callahan was jerked awake once more as he felt the ground quake beneath him, as he felt the concussions hammer into him. He checked his time display and saw it had been less than fifteen minutes since he'd gone unconscious. That was typical....

3 years ago
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Classmate To Fuckmate

By : Zadduking Hi, I am Zaddu from a city located in Andhra Pradesh. I am being a very practical man never want to miss the opportunity to fuck my relatives friends and girl friends and I love to fuck middle age married aunties and fresh girls and today I am going to narrate a story happen In my 12th class. First of all I need to describe myself. I’m 5 feet 11 Inches tall handsome well built person with fair completion rich and always horny to fuck. I have been fucking my gf from my schooling...

2 years ago
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From mum to slut mum

The shock of the unexpected arrival of our sons in the middle of one of our wilder sexual exploits had shaken us to our very core. At 42 years old, 56, and 135lbs, I had become a sexual dynamo over the last couple of years, much to the delight of my husband, Chas. Together we had engaged in sexual adventures that would have shamed even the lustiest of ancient Rome. And their marriage of 20 years had never been happier or more fun. Until last night, when our two boys, Rob and Rick derailed our...

2 years ago
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Hard Time Book 4Chapter 14

A year has passed. We are in contact with Atlanta by the radio that they furnished. Their operator has become part of our community and we have exchanged persons on an irregular but frequent basis. We haven't heard from the Sin Loos during this period. I didn't know to be worried or not. We continued to patrol with the Lu's who were our close allies with people traveling back and forth all the time, particularly from Dorset. Old Charlie was showing a little bit of age but wasn't willing...

1 year ago
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After the Pantomime Part 7

After the Pantomime By Susannah Donim Chapter 7 - The Secretary Ruth makes Nick pay for keeping secrets from her. His 'transformation' becomes more permanent. Ruth stood with her hands on her hips and demanded an explanation. "I don't know why you're so angry," I said, wearily. "This is nothing to get upset about. I had a lot of jokes that only worked from the viewpoint of a woman. Before Christmas Josie persuaded me to do a stand-up in drag. It was just for fun, but I...

3 years ago
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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 2 Tinas First Show

Eddie quickly realized that if he was going to have Tina occupied putting on shows for the customers (and he was), he would have to bring on some additional help or resign himself to waiting a lot of tables. With the increased crowds he expected, he probably needed more than one waitress / entertainer anyways. With this in mind, when he woke up Saturday morning he placed an ad in a local free “entertainment newspaper” for an adult Waitress / Entertainer. After accomplishing this chore he...

2 years ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolFriday Afternoon Drama

Friday Afternoon: Part 3 - Drama And we’re here. Allison quickly stepped through the door. “The sheep are at it again it seems. I bet you both are looking forward to graduation.” “Definitely Nancy. That will be a welcome change.” More classmates began to filter in. “Do either of you need relief today? If not, open your packets to Act two, scene one.” “Wait, didn’t you say we were doing the rest of Act one today?” Emanuel asked. “That was the original plan. But Act one, scene two is a...

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Blue Diamond Escorts

For two years, John Doe had been working for Blue Diamond Escorts, unquestionably the most prestigious and exclusive such agency on the planet. Blue Diamond was for the cream of the crop: the richest, most powerful, most famous people in the world. Movie stars, senators, foreign dignataries, captains of industry, these were the clientele that Blue Diamond served. Just to be put on their list of customers required a security deposit that could have purchased a Ferrari. John was an escort, and...

4 years ago
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17 and Hot Part 3 of 3

Bob was speechless. He felt he had just crossed some sort of line. Charlie and Paul climbed out of the pool, picked up their flip-flops and t-shirts and headed toward the gate. Over his shoulder, Paul said, “We'll be at my house... if you get time for us, that is.” “I'll be there,” Bob yelled as the gate snapped shut . “Just give me a few minutes with Sandy.” “That was rough, I'm sure,” said Sandy. “Yeah... well it was brewing even before the summer break, but it really came to a head after...

Straight Sex
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Cecil Corliss Young InvestorChapter 6

We walked into the agency. "Cecil, you had a call from some place called Button and Bows. The guy is anxious to speak to you." "Okay, Mr. Johnson, thank you." I sat down and called George. "Hi George, how's it going?" I listened to him as he said that Connie had filled him in on the status of me owning half of the knitting store. He was happy to find out it was I who had invested in Connie's business and then he asked me to be his best man. He was giving me all the credit for...

3 years ago
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The Black Rooster Resort Prologue and Chapter 1

Prologue Madison was on her way back to the pool bar with the empty glasses on her tray. Her large breasts gently flopped up and down in her skimpy bikini, whilst her curvaceous hips swayed sexily as she walked. She wore no bikini bottoms. As a waitress at the Black Rooster Resort, clothing was optional. It made her feel so sexy walking around like that, knowing that black guys could see her bare pussy and ass. She had thought about going topless as well, but she rather liked the way she...

4 years ago
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Ascension Of The Alpha Male Turbulent TimesChapter 5

Helen was resting comfortably in a chair at large dining room table. Karen was seated next to her to keep her company while she sipped a cup of hot soup and ate a few crackers. "I just want to thank you and your family again Karen! It feels so wonderful to be clean again and this soup is just wonderful! Thanks for taking me into your home," Helen told her. "Well you're welcome here as long as you like Mrs. Hatcher. It's a pleasure to actually meet you in person. I just wish the...

1 year ago
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Disparate HousewivesChapter 2 Coming Home

Georgia Cummings pulled her Mercedes SL500 into her driveway and raised the roof. She ran her fingers through her short blonde hair, wishing for about the millionth time that there was a way to keep her hair from getting too messy while driving with the top down. She so loved driving the convertible with the top down and looking sporty, and one of the prices she paid was having to wear her hair short. It wasn’t quite a bob, but it was definitely above the collar, and it was almost impossible...

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She sat there on the bed, knees together and hands clenched into fists – she was obviously nervous about calling me up and had never done this before. My guess was she’d been happily (?) married for years and probably hadn’t had sex for the past 2 or 3. She needed to relax so I told her she had nothing to worry about and I’d be very gentle with her. My name had been given to her by someone I’d ‘helped’ in the past because I have certain talents shall we say and equipped with something extra...

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Ethan and Chanel 29

Watching Chanel surf was one of the hottest things I've ever seen her do. One of the many, but it's definitely up there on the list. We make it back to the main island just after the sun goes down, and Chanel and I go back to the hotel to shower off the surf. When she's ready for dinner, she comes out more stunning than I had in mind. Her little black dress is strapless, hugging her curves until it stops a few inches past her perfect ass, long hair swirling down her shoulders. I only need to...

4 years ago
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Love At Home A Heavenly Match

A match made in heaven, A story scripted by Mysticism. By: A.W. Chohan A delicious story of natural sex, great expressions and daring verbiage. What a misery, dad was only 42, healthy as a work mule and looking great in all manly sense but now he was no more for the last 13 months due to a road mishap. Mom was still in a shock but had planned this get together in his memory one last time. A small gathering of dad and mom’s close friends and confidants had gathered for a late lunch. I don’t...

1 year ago
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My First Older Woman

About 10 years ago I was out at a pub for a workmates going away party, not really my scene but the workmate was a good bloke and I really needed some times away from my girlfriend, who I’d being seeing a for 2 about and a half years. But to be honest, it felt like the last few months were just out of routine. Things were on the downturn and weren’t getting any better. It was well and truly beyond its use by date, but I guess both of us were too afraid to move on.Anyway, back to the story.I...

2 years ago
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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapters 7 Back at the mission in Mexico

7:07 AM on a day that was going to be hot. “JESUS!” rang out as Tony saw young Mr. Bautista, the head of the Scouts for Poncho’s army, “What are you doing here? You’re a day early.” Tony laughed as the two friends hugged. “Three riders we find, told us all go north to mission. We come here, see why?” Jesus said in his broken English. “Peter, Jesus is here with his Scouts from Poncho’s Army.” Tony laughed. “Jesus, good to see you again.” Peter gave Jesus a hug and a high five! “Heard you...

3 years ago
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Call Me Beth Version AChapter 3

“Prove it,” Beth said. I made love to her as gently as I could, hoping I wouldn’t hurt her. I fucked her hard enough to make her cum and that made her squirm and scream. She came hard enough that she squirmed hard enough to pull out some stitches. I ended up having to fly her down to Fairbanks to have her stitches fixed. The doctor yelled at me, but Beth laughed and said, “Doctor, don’t blame him. It was my nagging him that got both of us too wound up to follow doctor’s orders. I can’t do...

2 years ago
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Birds eye view of my wife fucking

Andrea had invited her favorite side cock Tim over for sunning swimming and sex. She told me Saturday morning that she had invited him over and for me to stay out of their way. I asked if I had to leave for the day. She said no but don't interfere with them. I said OK. I was just putting away the pool cleaning equipment when I heard the patio door slide open. From the garden shed I watched Andrea and Tim walk to the pool. She was wearing a tiny yellow thong bikini bottom and that's all. Her...

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Here it’s my 2nd experience of sharing my love making journey. You are now very aware that I call it ‘love making’ and not sex, as you people normally call it. Yes, I consider it love making. Whatever and whenever I did such things I did with lots of interest and feeling for the opposite side and fully loving her. In response to my last story many people thanked me for such a nice love story, and written me on my id: ‘cutemanpleasingyou’ at yahoo dot com, this time also all are welcome to...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 30 Sarah

Tuesday, May 25, 1971 Nicky and Grace were still asleep as I crawled out of bed, trying not to wake them. I grabbed my jock strap, did some stretches and started my run to the registration building. By the time I returned, I wasn't nearly as winded as I had been before. Out on the front lawn, Anna was going through some sort of ritual, moving with grace and poise. I watched her as I did my cool down stretches. Finishing her exercises, Anna picked up her towel to wipe off the...

4 years ago
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Cougar Boss Wins Me In A Office Raffle

In 1972 I had just got out of the Army and was starting college. Don was an old Army buddy from Vietnam and we were both from Chicago so we became good friends in Vietnam. He got wounded once and I stayed with him all night replacing his bandages and guarding him until he could be Medivac out the next morning. Friends like that are hard to come by, so every few weeks or so we would have a few beers together. His dad owned a big machine tool company and Don said he would help me find a summer...

4 years ago
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HorseplayChapter 8 New Things

On the way back from the bathroom Neil found himself in a fairly sour mood. He desperately wanted to shake Mae out of her mental state, but knew it was all but hopeless. If his strategy didn't work, he'd be short one girlfriend and long on remorse and regret. He walked into the cabin and saw that Mae was still asleep, curled down near the lower part of his bed. He watched her for a few minutes. Her hair was a mess, laying in ribbons across her face and shoulders, red even in the low light....

2 years ago
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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 22

They were in Marcie’s apartment. “My parents are getting suspicious, Marcie,” Aniah whined as she gnawed at a cuticle. “How so?” “I’m not sure, but I think it’s this neighbor, Mrs. Vincentia. She’s awfully nosy. She watches everything that goes on around here, so I think maybe she...” After a moment’s thought, Marcie said, “I belong to a gym. I could bring you in as my guest. There are plenty of opportunities to do whatever we want without being spied on, and if anyone asks, you’re...

1 year ago
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YZark the Apprentice Ch 1

In the year 13 of what has since come to be known as the Time of Return, when I was sixteen years of age, I went to market one summer day to sell a portion of the crop we had been harvesting the previous day. It always fell to my shoulders to go to the market and do the selling, since I was the oldest child. It was a task I enjoyed, since it was something different. Most of my time was spent working on my family’s farm, and going to market allowed me to see a change of scenery, meet new...

3 years ago
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Match And Fun 8211 Part I

Hi my name is Richa. I live at home with my brother Ravi (20), my mom and dad. My age is 18. I am good looking and fair color. My figure is 34 28 36. I am new in collage. I heard about “Sex stories and Sex” just three weak ago and I am also excited to share our incident. This is my first unforgettable incident of course real which I am going to present here in words. It’s about previous second weak incident when IPL was going on. Bhaiya and i are big fan of cricket. We watch cricket together...

2 years ago
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She looked so delightful in her pale pink satin bridesmaid’s dress, its tightly-fitted cut highlighting the budding curves of her slender sixteen-and-a-half year old body – her small pert breasts, her slim waist, her trim hips and her cute bubble-butt. Helen was a very pretty and attractive teenager even in her everyday jeans and T-shirts; in this classically-simple and elegantly-shaped sheath of satin, she looked absolutely eatable – and I had plans to do just that. We two had been the...

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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 16 Jade Academy

Ki Jung wakes up refreshed after two hours of actual sleep. She heads outside to the outhouse to take care of business, with the help of TP she brought with her. Then she returns and finds both mother and son up. Auntie is getting ready to go out and do business while Min Joon makes breakfast. He attends a school that teaches reading and writing, math, spellwork, and martial arts. This is his final year. Next, he will have to decide on whether he will continue to learn spellwork, martial...

1 year ago
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Me and Mom

Me and Mom Part 1 Until I was about ten, and the birth of my brother mom and I had a good relationship. It was around this time she started to drink. When she was sober she was the mother I grew up knowing, but when she was drinking she could be mean and hateful. Mom wasn't ever physical with me but, her tongue was like a two edged sword. That sword often cut deep and could be painful. So our relationship for two years became less loving and more resentful as I fought back.My granddad and...

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Alien Implant

Alien Implant“Commander, the subjects have been scanned and the devices implanted. We are ready to release them into the wild.”“Very good lieutenant, you know the drill, remove the anal probe and wipe their memories, let’s make this a quick and clean operation, no screw ups like last time. You may begin the experiment.”It was a balmy summer’s afternoon, it had been raining when he picked her up from work, now it was clearing up and they were able to roll the...

1 year ago
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Lady in the HouseChapter 13

"Hang on a minute Carmel; I've got an idea," Steve exclaimed and sauntered over to where I lay curled up in a snivelling ball, may face covered in semen mixed in with my heavy makeup; my clothes dishevelled. "Lift that bitch's face for me," he said as he played with his cell phone. Carmel came over and helped me to my knees. I knelt there with my face hung down in shame and when Carmel lifted my chin I saw Steve coming towards me. "Here," he said to Carmel, "it's all ready to go,...

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The Fury Saga Book 3 Kat O Nine Tales

NEW TG: Hell Hath No Fury (Femdom, genetic mutation) Part 3 ========================================= (c) [email protected] 1997. Introduction from Darkside. =========================== This is the cumulation of about a years worth of effort on my part. Nine months planning the whole thing out and three months actual writing. Infinite thanks must go to Vickie Tern without who's patient re-reading and suggesting made this, my first story what it is. You are welcome to do...

4 years ago
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Metro Mein Pati Flat Mein Chudi

Hi myself Aditya .. I am a medical student(mbbs 1st year) studying in delhi and I am good in nature and of course with well buld body with hieght 6 ft. The incident took place jab main apne college se ghar jaa raha tha .. Let me start my story Main apne college se ghar jaa raha tha metro se.. To 2-3 station baad ek ladki chadhi boht faad thi jaise sabko chudai ke liye chahiye hoti hain . Sab metro mein usi ko dekhne lage . Usne red colour ka kuch pehn rakha tha jisme se uski clevage jyada hi...

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