The GiftedChapter 22: Striking Back free porn video

As Davy pulled out onto Virginia Street and headed for the 395 interchange. His mind was reeling from the images of the dead in New York and Oregon. Punching the steering wheel in anger, he waited for the traffic to thin out so they could pull onto highway 395 heading for Sparks. Checking the navigational computer, he saw they had to get off on highway 80 and head for Fernley.
"Davy, why did you buy so much chicken?" Cindy asked as she slid into the passenger seat and handed him a napkin to wipe his fingers after his hasty chicken leg snack.
"It's time we started striking back at the aliens. They have been causing too much damage to our world. They..." Davy turned his head and looked at Cindy with tears running down his face and continued, "They just destroyed two towns up near Niagara Falls."
"Oh my God!" Cindy said.
"Davy can we beat them?" Samantha asked from behind him.
"Yes, if I know where they are going to strike next," Davy said as he flipped the blinker on and they headed north on highway 80.
Amber listened to the conversation and then went to the back, and laid down on the bed. Closing her eyes, she allowed her powers to reach out and she waited for a clue to when or where they would strike next.
The hours rolled by, and one by one the girls went to bed. Finally Davy started getting tired too, and he pulled into a rest stop for a break. Parking the furthest from any RVs, he locked the doors and set the alarm. As he made his way into the back, he stopped and petted the two dogs sleeping in their beds. Continuing on, he went into the bedroom, shedding his clothes as he went. Looking at the three women he loved so dearly, he climbed in amongst them and was soon fast asleep.
Jody appeared on the George Washington Bridge in New York City. Balick stood behind him and he said, "Destroy this bridge. We have to hurry, because I have another mission for you when you're done. You are going to bring down the Empire State building."
Jody's eyes glazed over and he replied, "Yes, Master." Reaching out Jody touched the bridge, and the metal vaporized and the bridge roadways started to fall. As the vehicles plunged to their doom, Jody's eyes locked on the caravan of ten school busses loaded with children.
Amber sat up and screamed. Davy, Samantha and Cindy were startled awake and turned, looking at her in shock. The moon was peeking through the top of the window bathing them in its peaceful glow. Flipping over, she threw herself into Davy's arms and wept.
"Amber what's wrong?" Davy asked as he held her.
"They are going to hit the GWB in New York. Hundreds of children are going to die," Amber cried out.
"When?" Davy asked as his whole body went tense.
"Today, during the morning rush hour traffic. They plan to hit the Empire State building as well," Amber said, with a sob.
"Then I will stop it." Davy said as he climbed out of the bed and started opening drawers.
"Davy, what are you looking for?" Cindy asked.
"My black jeans and T-shirt," Davy said as he opened the right drawer to find his t-shirts. Pulling out the black one, he started to open another drawer when Cindy draped the pants in question over his arm.
"Thanks love," Davy said as he pulled the skintight pants on and zipped them. Picking up the t-shirt from the bed, he quickly pulled it over his head.
"Davy, what do you plan to do?" Samantha asked.
"I don't know right now. Amber, I want you want to come with me. I need you to tell me where and when they are going to appear," Davy asked.
"Sure, let me get some shoes on and I will be ready in a second," Amber said as she ran into the other room.
Davy scrambled over to the closet and pulled out the carton of knives he had bought at Wal-Mart. Opening the carton, he pulled a box of fourteen-inch knives out and examined the blades then put them back in the box, and set it aside.
"What are you going to do with those?" Samantha asked.
"I am going to hide them around the area where they are going to appear and kill them," Davy said.
"Oh!" Samantha said sadly.
"Sam, I realize you are troubled about this, but these creatures want to destroy our home. They must be stopped."
"I know, just be careful. I ... we just found you and don't want to loose you," Samantha replied.
Leaning over he kissed Samantha and then Cindy. "I promise, we will be back," Davy said, as he walked into the kitchen of the RV. Going over to the duffle, he grabbed a bundle of money just in case.
Amber finished tying up her shoes and stood up, and said, "Ready Davy."
"Good, let me take your arm, and Amber think of the bridge while I open the gate," Davy said.
Amber nodded her head, and saw the area where the attack was going to happen and said, "I'm ready, I have it."
Turning them invisible, they stepped through the gate and Davy opened the box as soon as they appeared on the bridge.
"Davy, this is the spot," Amber said.
"Are you sure?" Davy asked.
"Yes, this is where he will destroy the bridge. That painted smile is the last thing I saw when the bridge vaporized.
"Ok, that's all I need to know," Davy said as he hid the knives around the area and turned them invisible.
Jody lay cuddling with the women he was falling in love with when he felt the tingling of the call from his Master. Climbing out of bed, he kissed Jamie on her lips and vanished.
Balick paced as he waited for his slave to appear. He was irritated because his search teams couldn't find the human named Davy and Alirath was getting angry. She had already gutted one of his people for failure and he didn't want to be the next. Feeling the power surge of the gate he turned and looked at his slave as he appeared, "About time slave. Come we must go."
Jody stood there and looked at the creature with hate in his eyes.
Balick walked towards the human and snarled, "Keep doing what we want. When we want and I wont teleport your girlfriend into space. Got me?"
"Yes Master," Jody said as he lowered his head.
Balick grabbed his arm as the gate appeared, and they appeared on the bridge, "Jody, destroy the bridge. We have to hurry, because I have another mission for you when you're done. You are going to bring down the Empire State building."
Jody's eyes glazed over and he replied, "Yes, Master." Reaching out Jody started to touch the bridge
Davy reacted to Balick's words and several knives flew from three directions and went deep into his body.
Three sharp knives pierced Balick and he cried out in pain as his body jerked from each hit. Grasping for his flamer pistol he pulled it out.
Davy saw the alien draw a weapon, and quickly he sent three more blades into the creature's right arm. The weapon fell to the pavement, where Amber reached out with her power and yanked the belt off the creature and the weapon from the ground. Both items flew to her hands as she watched Davy cut the alien to pieces. One blade flew in and punctured his groin and he vanished leaving a pool of blue blood behind him.
Jody had stopped reaching for the bridge when he heard the creature cry out in agony. Turning his head, he was in time to see Balick vanish and then he was weeping for joy as he noticed the pool of alien blood on the ground. "Is he dead?" he asked, almost afraid to hope.
"I don't know," Davy said as he appeared and grabbed Jody's arm as Amber came over and they grabbed each other's hands. Opening the gate, they stepped through to the Wal-Mart store back in Reno.
"Where are we?" Jody asked.
"In Reno, for now. I think you will be able to hide here," Davy said.
"I can't, I have to go back or they will kill Jamie," Jody replied.
"Who is Jamie?" Amber asked.
"She's my girlfriend," Jody replied.
"Hmm, well I..."
"Just get me to San Francisco, I will try and run again," Jody begged.
"What do you mean 'run again'?" Davy asked.
"I tried running three days ago, and Balick tracked me down. It's like he knows were I am," Jody said as he sat down in a slump against the outside wall of the store.
"I wonder," Amber mused.
"Wonder what my love?" Davy said without using any names.
"I wonder if they have placed a tracking device on him," Amber replied as she knelt beside him and asked, "Jody, can I scan your body?"
Jody lifted his head and looked at the woman and shrugged as he replied, "Do what?"
"I want to see if they put something inside you. That is, if it's ok with you."
"I guess," Jody replied.
Amber closed her eyes, and reached out and touched Jody's arm. She dove into his body with her mind. As she searched, she found he had small cancer forming, so she healed it and then continued her scan. Near the base of his skull, she found a small circular disk, about the size of a dime. Examining it more closely, she found a small capsule and they were attached to his spine with a thin wire. She examined the objects from all angles and then she reached out with her phase ability made it phase across the parking lot near the Wal-Mart sign.
"I got it!" Amber said and then she was slammed into the wall and on top of Jody as Davy fell over them both. Rolling over, Amber stared at the small cloud forming and she saw that there was a huge crater where the Wal-Mart sign had stood. Half the cars in the parking lot were flipped over and burning.
"Holy Shit!" Amber said as the cloud dissipated.
"Yeah," Davy replied as he climbed to his feet and helped Jody up, as he said, "I think you're free now."
"You really think so? Who are you?" Jody asked.
"Yeah I do. I am Davy and this is Amber," he said as he squeezed her hand.
"Nice to meet you both," Jody replied.
"Now let's get you to San Francisco," Davy said and they vanished to appear on the roof of Davy's old apartment building, and he continued as they looked across the devastation to the Golden Gate, "Jody, go get your girlfriend."
Jody nodded his head and teleported to his home. Jamie was sitting on his bed brushing her long red hair.
"Jody!" Jamie said as she jumped to her feet and rushed over to him, and smiled, "I missed you."
"I missed you to my love, and now we must leave," Jody said as he picked her up in his arms and then teleported to where Davy was waiting.
Jamie looked around, saw the two strangers, and asked, "Who are you?"
"I am Davy and this is Amber. We want to check and see if the aliens put a tracker on you if that's ok?" Davy replied.
"Ok, but I don't think they have," Jamie said as Jody set her down on her feet.
Amber walked over, smiled and said, "Hello Jamie, this won't hurt a bit." Reaching out, she touched her, and scanned through her body and found the tracker at the back of her neck. Doing the same thing she did before, she phased it all the way out into the bay where it blew up. A geyser of water shot three hundred feet into the air.
"That was in me? Oh my God!" Jamie wailed, shaking in fear.
Davy walked over to the woman, and reached into her mind and activated her power giving her three defensive abilities of teleportation, mind reading and invisibility as well as the ability to freeze time in a ten-foot bubble and the abilities to make ice form and fly at her command.
"What did you do to me?" Jamie asked.
"I gave you some additional powers so you can both stay alive. Now here is five thousand dollars. Take it and run, don't look back," Davy said as he pulled the money out of his pocket and handed it to Jamie.
"But... " Jamie started to ask.
"Run," Davy said as he took Ambers hand and they started to teleport back to the RV where two nervous wives waited for them.
"Davy, thank you," Jamie said
"You're more then welcome, now run," Davy replied.
Jody took Jamie's hand and they vanished back to their apartment.
Jamie looked at Jody and he did the same, suddenly they were kissing and then Jamie felt her free will come back, but she ignored it because she was now the most luckiest girl in the world in her book. She had finally found someone to love and she didn't want to go back but she knew she had to. Curling her head into his chest, she said, "Jody."
"Yes my love."
"I have to go back. I have a job to do," she whispered.
"Back? Back were?" Jody asked confused.
"To the FBI. I have a job to protect this country," Jamie said as she looked up into his blue eyes.
"How will you be able to do that? They must think you are dead by now," Jody asked.
"Easy, we make a small cubby at the bottom of the pile. It's only been a few days since the collapse. I get in there, in my clothes and wait for rescue. You can direct people to me."
"Hmmm, it could work; let's go see if we can find a cubby for you to hide in," Jody said and they teleported again to the sight of the FBI building. They appeared outside the rescue effort where they were doing the removal. The pile of debris was still high enough that they could possibly get away with it, if they could find a spot.
Deep under Pike's Peak in the main armory of the derelict spaceship, two of the security guards had just finished pulling on their armor when the alarm sounded.
"Attention, psion activity in grid location San Francisco, section ninety five. Security officers, Balin and Marlik I want the human alive."
"Shit, why can't that bitch do it herself?" Marlik snapped as he reached into a supply bin and pulled out a pair of stun cuffs.
"Because that is what she has us for, to do her dirty work," Balin said as he picked up his flamer as Marlik checked the stun cuffs, "Ready?"
"Ready. Let's get this asshole," Marlik snarled in contempt as he opened the gate.
Davy and Amber stood on the rooftop looking out at the city holding hands. The fog was rolling in from the bay and the sun was just rising in the distance.

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