BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 27 Randall and Rachel
- 2 years ago
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The tour of Blanke Schande College lasted about half an hour. Katrina Bartell explained that she didn’t normally come in on a Saturday but had turned up to help the young receptionist who was still in training and didn’t officially start work until the following Monday. In fact most of the Admin Block was empty on a Saturday which was why the Acting President of Blanke Schande College had even answered the phone. During the normal working week that would never have happened.
Katrina Bartell lead the group on a wonderful tour all around the grounds and the facilities of BSC. As they went she expertly outlined all the great benefits the institution had reaped from the moment they had allowed full female nudity on campus.
“That would be just over twenty five years ago now” Mrs Bartell said as she lead them all back to the carpark.
George Flynn was quietly admiring the swing of Katrina’s naked butt when he asked, “But what about the men? Do they get to go naked too if they want?”
“Unfortunately, no” replied Katrina. “When I was a student here, now that’s going back a few years, I was Katrina Jones then, I tried to change that but with little success. For about six months I managed to get the men to swim and shower naked with the girls but that was all. For some reason, still unknown to me, the idea never took off. Things quietly reverted back to the status quo and that’s the way it has stayed. We get a few men here that are Lifestyle Nudists - just like Jack and Susan will be tomorrow - but they are few and far between.”
The phrase ‘just like Jack and Susan will be tomorrow’ hit home hard to both Jack and Susan. They quietly turned and looked at each other and blushed again.
“Are you still scared about tomorrow?” whispered Jack to Susan.
“Are you kidding? I’m getting more terrified by the minute. I’m nearly wetting my knickers. I just don’t know how all these girls can go about stark naked and be so calm and confident about it. Oh, Jack! What have we done!?”
Jack sucked in a big breath and said, “Yep! I know how you feel, sis. I’m going to be just as naked as you tomorrow and nothing today has really helped. I still feel just as scared.”
Jack then moved up to Susan and put his arm around her shoulder.
“Yep, we are a couple of ding-bats, aren’t we! But it is only for seven days and I know we can make it if we help each other through.”
A voice crashed in over the top of Jack and Susan’s commiserations.
It was Katrina Bartell saying, “Oh, another thing that may be of big interest to you both” she said as she looked at Jack and Susan in turn, “Senator Rebecca Arnold, who is responsible for our new laws on Lifestyle Freedom was also a student here at Blanke Schande College. She was a year or two ahead of me and was Rebecca Bartell back then, or just Becky as we knew her, and I am married to her cousin - Stephen Bartell ... anyway ... the whole College is just so proud of her for what she has achieved. She really has become an inspirational role model for us all. So your week of Lifestyle Nudism is due in a big way to this place. Oh, you guys will love it. Once you get used to full public nudity it is just awesome!”
On the Saturday before the Sunday that would see their clothes disappear and the activation of their ID bands Susan and Jack were taken for a drive with their parents. Firstly they were going to go shopping with their vouchers for some Regulation Footwear - as approved by The Council of Lifestyle Nudism, of course! After that Beverly Flynn had insisted that they take a drive across town to Blanke Schande College and Cedarcrest to see first hand what all this NUDISM stuff was really all...
Jack looked down the whole length of the alleyway then he looked at Susan’s would-be attackers then he looked at Susan. Susan saw Jack looking at her but Jack quickly put his finger to his lips and Susan quickly looked away just as Jack started moving quietly down the alleyway. Jack started with a slow walk that quickly became a very fast walk that broke into a slow run that soon became a full blown gallop. As Jack ran a plan formulated itself in his mind. Jack also managed to collect up a...
It had only just gone 7:45am when Jack’s father said, “Well, it has been a most interesting morning and seeing as how it is still only Sunday I am going back to bed! You two nudists have cost me some valuable sleep-in time.” With that Mr Flynn turned from the front door and headed back up stairs with Mrs Flynn giving her a naughty little wink and a gentle slap on her butt. Beverly Flynn gave a silly little girly giggle as she followed and gave Jack and Susan a slightly guilty look as she...
Eventually these four tourists found a small cafe and sat down and waited to be served. They were soon approached by a young eighteen year old waitress wearing nothing but a very short, red and white apron tied around her trim waist. If you’d asked the waitress she wouldn’t have even had that on but health regulations stipulated an apron as minimal apparel in commercial food preparation establishments. In the first year of Cedarcrest’s Nudity Friendly status these regulations had been a lot...
When Susan saw Jack’s naked butt disappear off down the alleyway she was petrified. Even though she had not heard anything or seen anything to make her suspect that they had been followed she still had that sneaky and slightly sick feeling that they were. Susan’s breasts began to heave up and down heavily when she heard just one solitary crash from over the fence. A trash can lid had fallen to the ground. Susan guessed it was probably just a cat or something and began to relax a little. It...
Once in the shower all Susan and Jack’s cares seemed like something in a distant galaxy. All the craziness of their naked day at school and the alleyway incident seemed to melt away with the warm water washing over their skin. For Susan it seemed to become even more distant when Jack started running his soapy hands all over her body. Jack started with Susan’s feet and worked his lathered up hands right up her legs to her amazing butt cheeks. Susan shuddered with delight when she felt Jack’s...
Jack and Susan’s first naked day at school had gone relatively smoothly they thought. Susan had even delighted her whole class by giving them all a good, public, female masturbation display in the last period. With Jack’s encouragement and ‘protection’ Susan had spread her legs wide apart on one of the tables thus revealing to everyone her lovely pussy lips and clitoris which were beautifully crowned off with that distinctive tuft of red pubic hair. Susan began by finger fucking herself for...
When the naked and still dripping Susan Flynn stepped back into her bedroom Jack Flynn was still standing where she had left him before her shower. What she saw standing there was a young man in his pajamas with the vest buttons done up incorrectly and a very erect penis poking out the front of his pajama bottoms. To Susan he looked like nothing more than an innocent little boy still a bit confused by all of the complexities of life being thrown at him. Susan was looking at her ‘twin...
To Jack and Susan the whole street BBQ thing started off like any other street BBQ - not that they had been to many but the ones they had been to where just like this with kids and adults bustling all about and lots of excited but totally meaningless small talk. At about 6:30pm all that changed. How everyone had kept this from Susan and Jack was a feat in itself. Up until 6:30pm the only Nudists in the street were Jack, Susan, George and Beverly. Jack and Susan by now where quite comfortable...
The knock at the door woke Susan up with a start. She rolled over and discovered Jack was no longer in the bed. That was a relief. Susan wasn’t quite ready to let who ever was at the door in on their little secret just yet. The knock was repeated followed by the voice of Susan’s step-father coming through the door. “Your mother and I are heading off for a stroll down the street to get some breakfast” he said before a short pause followed by, “If you want to come we can wait a few minutes....
Susan and Jack were sitting in the very back row of the school bus. Jack was right in the middle so he could aim his cock right down the aisle when he started masturbating. This was their third and final day of public nudity as declared by the Council of Lifestyle Nudism. Jack and Susan should have had another four days ahead of them at least but that had all changed thanks to a fourteen year old girl called Rhonda Mead. Jack and Susan had not seen this girl since she had stripped naked in...
On Friday, a few hours before the street BBQ, Susan had a good talk to Jack. Jack had recovered really well from their ordeal and had even had his head bandage removed. There were still a few stitches visible around a shaved bit of Jack’s head but a cap would hide that very nicely. With Jack feeling a lot better Susan thought it was a good opportunity to discuss with him her own discussions she’d had with her mother. She told Jack that mom knew all about their ‘developing relationship’ and...
When Jack opened his eyes he was surprised to find that he was no longer in the alleyway. It had only been a few seconds ago that he had been watching his Lifestyle Nudism ID band de-activate but now he was in bed and staring at the far wall of his own bedroom. Jack was quietly studying all the pendants and posters on that wall and trying to come to terms with what had happened when his bedroom door opened. A lovely face with red hair popped itself around and looked at Jack. “Oh, wonderful!...
Three days later saw two envelopes arrive in the post - one for Susan Flynn and the other for Jack Flynn. Each envelope contained their respective Identification Bands and both were in the same flesh-pink color. There was also a covering letter outlining how things would proceed for the duration of the Lifestyle Awareness week and a complementary Footwear Sales Voucher. The letter stated that their seven day NUDISM stint would go from Monday to Sunday. It also said that their ID bands would...
For some reason Susan just lay still under the bed until she heard the bedroom door close and her mother’s footsteps disappear down the hall to her own bedroom. Susan heard her mom’s bedroom door click shut then decided it was time to come out from under the bed. When she did she just looked at Jack as he looked at her then they both just laughed at each other then Susan planted the biggest kiss she could find right onto the tip of Jack’s penis. “Right!” commanded Susan. “That’s enough of...
Just before the bus arrived the young girl with the annoying younger sister piped up with, “Actually, do you know what I feel like doing right now?” She paused as everyone shook their heads quietly waiting for her to continue. “I actually feel like ripping all my own clothes off just for the hell of it. My blabbing sister is right ... I do shave my pussy and you know what, who the fuck cares if I’m not a Lifestyle Nudist! Why can’t I just decide to not wear any clothes just like I decide what...
“There you are” said Susan. “I thought you were never coming. What kept you?” “Oh, just the usual stuff” mumbled Jack. “The Track Coach is trying to re-arrange the practice times to suit everyone so of course everyone had to argue about that then Gerry started going on about his sick mom then Rajit started telling everyone about his trip to India ... blah, blah, blah, bloody blah!” Jack stopped and looked down at his naked body. He looked at his feet with their regulation footwear then his...
“You just be real careful with that thing now” said a concerned looking Jack Flynn to Susan Flynn. “Oh, stop fussin’” responded Susan. “Now lie still or I will do you some damage ... permanently!!!” Jack watched Susan lather up his upper torso with a whole pile of spray-on shaving foam then take to his chest with a disposable shaving blade. After their breakfast of waffles and coffee that morning and a wander through the local park Susan had decided that Jack was way too hairy for a...
“Wow, that was awesome” said Jack. “You were amazing. You might not have won the big prize but you were terrific all the same. I could just fuck you here and now and I don’t know why I don’t. We are all Lifestyle Nudists after all.” Before Jack could decide otherwise he was thrown down onto a section of lawn at the front of someone’s house. Susan had grabbed him as she stood up and was pushing him down onto the grass as she fell down again herself. As she did this she cried out, “Well then,...
No sooner had Jack done this and had stood up to head down stairs when he saw a little green flash and heard a familiar pip emanating from the top of Susan’s dresser. Her Lifestyle Nudism identity band had also just decided to wake up! Jack walked over to the dresser, picked up the ID band and handed it to Susan who was still lying in bed. “Here you are, sis” Jack said. “Your turn” Susan looked at the unit in Jack’s hand then very quickly began to rouse herself from her bed. She threw down...
As Jack and Susan passed through the school gates they were approached by the girl that had been speaking to them earlier before they got on the bus. She was walking just ahead of the naked pair when she abruptly stopped mid-stride and turned around. Jack and Susan slowed their own pace down as the girl approached them. “What you just did in the bus was awesome!” she said boldly to Jack. After a brief pause she continued with, “And oh, I am sorry, I haven’t introduced myself. Isn’t it funny,...
On Tuesday morning, the second official day of Lifestyle Awareness Week, Jack and Susan rode the bus to school as usual. However, today there was no sign of Rhonda and Sally Mead. Nobody on the bus knew where the two girls were but what they did know was that they wanted Jack to jerk off again just like he did yesterday. Jack wasn’t really in any sort of mood to masturbate in public after their meeting with Principal Jordan but the kids on the bus insisted otherwise so finally he...
Jack was woken again by a sharp jab in the ribs by his naked father. “Come on you two” he demanded. “We need to get some breakfast and get going. We have a long drive ahead of us if we are to get to Fresno tonight for your cousin Vinnie’s wedding tomorrow.” Jack sat up and looked around. He looked over to where Randall Adams and Rachel Tims had been. They were gone. Jack looked up and down the street and saw people slowly clearing up from the night before - only now they were all dressed...
“OK, guys. What is it this time?” George Flynn had put his newspaper down and was looking at Jack and Susan in turn waiting for a reply. “What is it, Susan dear?” asked Susan’s mother. “You two have barely said a word since we got home from work. We’ve been watching TV for an hour now and neither of your have paid the least little bit of attention to anything that has been going on.” “What is it Jack? You both look like you have seen some sort of a ghost or something” continued Jack’s...
“Well, it’s like this” began George Flynn. “We are all naked because we are all officially Lifestyle Nudists now - you, Susan, your mom, and me. That is our BIG SECRET!” Jack still looked blank so his father continued. “This all began just last Saturday right after we had been to Blanke Schande College. Your mother got it into her head that she liked the idea of living naked and when she saw how well you took to it on Sunday she became even more determined about the idea. She decided we...
The drive into Cedarcrest was fairly uneventful until they hit the outskirts of this unique precinct of greater Los Angeles. If Blanke Schande College was one thing then Cedarcrest was another - completely! The first thing that greeted the eyes of George, Beverly, Susan and Jack was an elderly man ambling along the side of the road with his walking stick. The guess was that he would have been on the thin side of eighty and for an octogenarian he didn’t look too bad at all. That conclusion...
It didn’t take long for Beverly to navigate her way to the Administration Block where they were greeted by a naked receptionist who told them that the President of BSC would be along any moment. Susan took the opportunity while they waited to study this naked girl and to see how comfortable she seemed in just her birthday suit. The receptionist must have been only a year or two older than Susan at the most but to Susan she still seemed way too young to be carrying on so confidently even...
As the stars looked down on these, now not so, innocent nymphs Jack soon began to hear the gentle strains of the type of breathing that usually accompanies night time’s repose. All the young, naked girls had fallen asleep and Jack gathered it was now time for him to take his leave. Rachel had also come back over to him and was pulling at his hand once again as he followed her shadowy frame back around to the front of the property to where Susan was still sleeping under the stars of this warm...
Before the night ended Angie Smart got everyone to do one last thing. Since everyone had been deemed a Lifestyle Nudist for just that one evening she wanted everyone to experience the true joys of what that actually meant. Angie Smart rounded everyone up and told them all that they were going to have two very simple competitions - one competition for the men and one for the women. First prize for the men was a weekend fishing trip on a chartered fishing boat and for the women it was a weekend...
For Jack that boundary line of reality seemed to be crossed when he thought he saw the gorgeous Rachel Tims appear from nowhere and begin beckoning him to follow her. At first he just stared into the night as he lay beside the sleeping Susan. When he didn’t stir the naked Rachel Tims came right up close and gently pulled on Jack’s arm. Jack found himself getting to his feet almost involuntarily and following Rachel as she pulled him along. Jack followed behind meekly and silently as he looked...
Jack did not respond immediately to this question from the official from The Lifestyle Nudism Council. Instead he looked momentarily down at his pajama pants and was relieved to see that his erection had gone down and was now tucked quietly back in behind the striped material. Not that this was any real comfort because Jack knew, only too well, in that moment that Lifestyle Awareness Week was upon him and total public nudity had finally arrived at his doorstep. Jack’s response followed on...
It was 5:30am, Sunday morning, and Susan had just quietly masturbated herself into a lovely orgasm. She had woken up early for some reason and was already starting to feel the excitement and fear of what the day was going to bring. Moments of fear and tension like this had often made Susan Flynn feel very horny and for various reasons she was feeling even hornier on this particular occasion. Part of that horny/erotic feeling had come from all the naked people she had seen the day before at...
As soon as Rachel uttered those words - ‘He’s all yours’ - things took on a whole new twist. One minute Jack Flynn was on top of Rachel Tims fucking her then the next minute he was on his back as several young teenage girls pinned him down and began kissing, caressing and touching him in the dark. Jack had no idea whose backyard he was in and he still had no idea as to who all these girls were that were now ‘playing’ with him. It was too dark to work any of that out so he gave up trying and...
Both Jack and Susan looked at the naked lady and knew that they should recognize her. She had lovely round breasts like Susan’s but just a bit bigger and rounder on account of the age difference. They also both noticed the nicely manicured patch of blonde pubic hair done in the shape of a heart over the woman’s vagina. Moments later it all suddenly clicked in Jack’s brain. He knew exactly who she was. He had seen her on TV many times but before he could say something the naked woman began to...
Eventually Jack’s father came out of the kitchen and turned the television off then looked at his son and said, “Well, come on, Jack. Don’t keep us in suspense. Read that thing aloud so we can all appreciate what it is you two idiots have gotten yourself into.” With those words Jack began to read aloud the PDF document from... THE COUNCIL OF LIFESTYLE NUDISM Thankyou for showing your interest in the NUDIST Lifestyle. People have been practicing NUDISM for centuries (often called...
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1.01 Sean, Prelude to a New Life: 1.02 Sean, Sara Intervenes: 1.03 Sean, Enema, Hair Removal: 1.04 Sara, Sean, Chair, Preparation: 1.05 Sean, Chair, First Ejaculation: 1.06 Sean, Chair, Breast Growth: 1.07 Sean, Chair, Urethra, Prostate: 1.08 Sean, Chair, Urethra, Labia, Vagina: 1.09 Sean, Chair, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 1.10 Sean, Chair, First Dual Orgasms: 1.11 Sean, Chair, Feminization: 1.12 Susan, Sean, Harness, Deepthroat: 1.13 Susan, Sean, Harness, Sybian: 1.14 Susan,...
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Mike and Susan’s hometown had been devastated by the recession. Their community’s major industry, a manufacturing plant that had been the local economy’s backbone for decades, simply couldn’t survive the massive financial downturn. Then a wave of spring tornadoes had finished off what few businesses remained. Unemployment soared. Mike and Susan struggled over their budget, and things were pretty obvious. They looked at each other. Susan smiled and did her best to put a good face on things. “I...
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“James and Susan Hullett. That’s H.u.l.l.e.t.t” I said to the pretty red head behind the ticket counter. “Here you are sir. Here is your boarding pass and seat assignment,” she said as she passed me my tickets and smiled. She looked to be about 22 or 23 and I couldn’t help noticing she had either very perky breast or a great push up bra. They were standing hard and proud. She noticed I was looking and her hand instinctively went to her cleavage and...
I walked into the executive offices and looked at the managingdirector's PA. She was a slightly plump very pretty blonde in her earlytwenties, dressed in a smart business suit with a white blouse and dark,sheer, hose, probably tights. I knew that I would have three days at thecompany and I needed somewhere to stay and some amusement. To fill in timebefore my meetings started, using my security clearance I checked thepersonnel records and made a note of her address. I also discovered thather...
"James and Susan Hullett. That's H.u.l.l.e.t.t" I said to the pretty red head behind the ticket counter. "Here you are sir. Here is your boarding pass and seat assignment," she said as she passed me my tickets and smiled. She looked to be about 22 or 23 and I couldn't help noticing she had either very perky breast or a great push up bra. They were standing hard and proud. She noticed I was looking and her hand instinctively went to her cleavage and a finger traced along the outline of her...
CHAPTER 9 As Susan was escorted into the sitting room, she saw two couples. The men rose from theirseats as she walked in, and Peter, dropping his arm, led her to the center of the room. “Susan, I’d like you to meet some very close friends of mine,” he started. “This is Alex, indicating the older man. “And his wife, Janet,” The woman remained seated and smiled broadly at Susan. Alex was probably forty-five years old while his wife seemed much younger, perhaps thirty. She was a pleasant slender...
May slammed the riding crop against her wife’s upturned pussy. Susan choked on a shout of pain and almost fell out of the strenuous crab pose she was holding. She recovered, however, and managed to force her nude body back up into position. She held her pussy high into the air, presenting it to May like a servant might present a dining tray to their master. “I’m trying to give you as much leeway as I can. I really am, believe me. But you know I’m not going to hold back when you push me into a...