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A tale of romance by The Star


I couldn't believe how lonely I was. How alone I felt.

The only other time I'd felt that way, I let it lead me into the biggest mistake of my life-my first wife! So I set my jaw, wrestled my need for people to a draw, and continued on.

I must confess, my heart wasn't in it. After all, what's the use in pulling off a big business deal, or being chairman of a committee for a successful community event, if there's no one to share the victory?

Surrounded by natural beauty, I couldn't enjoy it, alone.

And the nights... The nights were the worst! More than once, I finally fell into an alcoholic stupor, unable to find rest any other way. My pain was real and enormous. For my wife-the love of my life-had left me.

One moment she was there, my Brenda, a warm fire at whose hearth I warmed my spirit. The next, she was gone. A little vessel in her brain couldn't handle its designed pressure, and killed her.

My anger and despair were enormous. My grief endless.

My loneliness was a bottomless chasm that I didn't know how to bridge.

I continued to work, but my heart wasn't in it.

My daughter stepped up and did what she could for me. Her reward was that I treated her like dirt. Bless her! She still drove the three hours each way to come see me every week and later, every month. Her husband-a very nice guy, really-wasn't thrilled about being left with the kids so much, but he understood. Kris had always been close to me and could feel my hurt. She said she had to do whatever she could to help.

Three years after my wife's death, I was finally able to come to terms with it. Kris saw the changes in me and started hinting, strongly, that I needed to get back into life. By that, she meant I needed to start dating and find some female companionship besides her. I just didn't know how somebody my age went about it. It had been an awfully long time...

"But Kris, there aren't any women around here as good looking as you. Why would I settle for less?" I teased her.

"I know I'm the most gorgeous creature in this part of the state," she teased back, though her words were true, "but Mike is getting a bit concerned about you and about the amount of time I'm taking away from him and the boys."

Actually, I was more healed than I thought. Unconsciously, I'd been checking out the 'available' ladies in our town-and wasn't impressed with the crop. While we had an unusually high percentage of beautiful women for a small town, the good ones were all married... or had something seriously wrong with them, like a drug problem, or room temperature I.Q. The most interesting single women in town were college girls-WAY too young for me.

In our banter, my bright daughter brought me to a process I should have considered long before, if I'd been conscious of the need. Basically, after hearing my litany of what was wrong with the available women in town, she asked me what I wanted in a woman. And by teasing and refusing to leave it alone until I'd thought it through, she led me through the initial stages of solving any problem: Define the problem and identify solutions.

She made me list, over a period of a few months, all the characteristics I felt were necessary in a woman I could be interested in. The end result was fascinating. This 'Dream Woman' had to have these traits and characteristics:

While it wasn't necessary for her to be as drop dead gorgeous as Kris, she had to be substantially above average to look at.

She should have superior intelligence.

She had to have class and be a lady.

It would be nice if she had some talent, some areas of expertise.

She had to be fun to be around, witty, energetic, a leader; yet not 'pushy.'

She could not be 'whiny.'

She needed to be a woman of integrity.

Yet she had to be free of prudish hangups.

She had to be capable of loving deeply and forever.

She had to be committed to an exclusive relationship.

By the time we'd gotten this far, Kris was impressed that I knew what I needed so well. "Well, Honey, your mom was a disaster, as you know. And Brenda was the love of my life. You're all I have left. Although you're my ideal woman in most ways-surely you're beautiful enough-we'd never make it as a couple, even if you weren't my daughter and already happily married... We'd be at each other's throats most of the time.

"I really love you. And I really appreciate the time you've given me. Even when I've been a total crab, I've enjoyed having you around. I love you more than anything. Thanks, Honey!"

"Thanks, Dad," Kris replied with tears in her eyes. "I love you too and wish I could do more for you. Being with you like this is good for me, because I'm able to repay a bit of the love and care you've given me all my life. But you need more. You need your own woman, as I've said from time to time."

"Yes, Kris," I said in a resigned tone. She had indeed said this before. "But how is a fifty-something guy like me going to find a superwoman like we've described? If such a woman exists in this town, she's been married for years. Or she's way too young and would only cause more problems."

"Have you looked around at church, Dad?" Kris asked.

"Yes. I have. We have some remarkably attractive ladies-all married. And some knockout high school and college girls, who are too young to even think about. The only single ladies otherwise are either too militant feminist for consideration or are widows older than I am...

"That's pretty much true of the whole town. There are some knockout ladies, but they're disqualified on other counts-age or marital status"

"Don't give up, Dad. Now that we know what we need to do, we can start working on how to get from here to there.

"And Dad... remember what you taught me? Don't forget to pray!"

The truth is, I didn't seriously consider finding another women at that point. I could live with the loneliness. And the things I'd said about a shortage of suitable ladies in our town were all true. If one came along, wonderful. If not, I'd survive.

Kris, of course, had other ideas. If it weren't for Mike, I think she'd have moved in with me-including into my bed-just to ease my pain and loneliness. She knows I consider her to be the ideal girl, in terms of basic package. And we love each other a lot.

But what she really had in mind all along, was her college roommate and best friend, Miriam.

She and Miriam had gone through a similar exercise. Miriam had endured a brief but disastrous marriage with an ex-military guy she'd met after she graduated from college. When she finally kicked the bum out, she'd gone to Kris for a shoulder to cry on. At one point in her grieving and healing process, Miriam had cried, "All I want is to be married to a good man who will love me! Why is that too much to ask?"

From that point, Kris led her through the process, like she had me later, of listing just what she wanted in a man and what she couldn't tolerate.

Much later, Kris told me that the profile of Miriam's ideal man fit me like a $3,000 suit. So Kris, being Kris, decided to see what she could do as a matchmaker with her dad and her best friend-is that kinky or what? I think, for Kris, it was the game as much as the idea of helping two people she was so very close to.

Over the next few months, when Kris talked me into visiting them, Miriam usually dropped by sometime during my visit. And twice, Kris brought her along when she visited me. I treated her like another daughter and respected her as Kris' closest friend, after Mike.

Kris and I had both gone to Pac-10 schools. I was disappointed when she chose not to follow me to Stanford, and attended Washington instead. She had a great time in college, though, and completed her degree successfully, so I can't complain. And of course, we've had some fun over the years about the relative merits of our schools' football programs. She's had more fun than I, but it has been interesting.

So when Stanford was playing in Seattle, she insisted that I join them for the game. Playing the role, I wore my letter jacket. (Yes, I can get into the letter jacket... Just don't ask me to button it.) When she and Mike swung by to pick me up, I was surprised to see Miriam in the coach; but it wasn't a big deal as, of course, she went to Washington too.

Our plan was to drive to Seattle on Friday, stay overnight, see the game Saturday, then stay over another night and come home on Sunday. Mike had a nice motorhome that we planned to use as our motel on wheels. The addition of Miriam complicated arrangements, but didn't throw a stick in the spokes. Kris just said we'd make up the dinette into a bed for Miriam, I'd sleep in the bunk over the cockpit and they would have their 'room' in the back.

On the trip north, Miriam and I got better acquainted. I knew her as Kris' friend. But I began to appreciate why she was her best friend. While her face wasn't that of a fashion model, she was more than just attractive. It kind of grows on you until the realization strikes that she isn't pretty-she's beautiful! Her slender but spectacular figure was set off by full, flowing dark brown hair that moved saucily with her like a fringe.

She had an established career marketing music and musical instruments for a national company: She had outside sales for the Pacific Northwest and did quite well with it. Of course, she was an accomplished musician.

And I soon found that she was still as wacky and witty as she'd been in college, though in a slightly more mature way.

I found myself drawn to this elfin girl and was, without being aware of it, doing and saying anything I could think of to keep her attention. (Kris and Mike were sitting up front, smirking as they saw their plan starting to work.)

We made our way to the campground just as dusk fell. While Mike and I were outside, hooking up the water, power and sewer, and leveling the rig, the girls started dinner.

When we were done with the 'man's work', we each popped a beer and settled into chairs to watch the ladies work.

After our meal, I was ready to crash, but the others wanted to visit a nightspot across the road from the campground. Letting myself be persuaded to go 'just for an hour or so', I went along.

The place, I found, wasn't just a saloon, but had a band and good-sized dance floor. It was also cleaner and more pleasant than I expected from its exterior. Right after we got a table and ordered a round of drinks, Mike and Kris hit the floor. Miriam waited until the next song, then when she saw that I wasn't going to ask her, asked me if I would dance with her.

"Miriam," I said with a look of panic, "I don't know how to dance like this! If they do any slow dancing, I'd be delighted."

"Nonsense!" she snorted. "Any idiot can do this. You just get out there and move to the music. You don't even have to have a partner."

"But," I rejoined, "I always thought the idea was to get your hands on each other, without getting slapped."

"That's what the slow dances are for," she giggled. Grabbing my hand, she yanked me to my feet and propelled me to the floor.

I just kind of shuffled and undulated to the beat. I was entranced. Miriam on a dance floor is a spectacle. Guys all over the room were soon watching her and not paying much attention to their own partners. At the end of the song, Miriam just looked at my face and laughed.

"Bill, you look like you ate a bug!" she said, giggling in her enchanting way.

Snapping out of it, I took her hand and said, "Don't think so, but I wouldn't know if I had." Which set off more giggles.

The band went into a slow dance set then and I took her into my arms. This is the kind of dancing I know about. She moved like a professional dancer, anticipating me perfectly. Slender, but with marvelous breasts, Miriam seemed so light in my arms I almost couldn't tell she was there. If it were not for the girl shape pressed against me, I'd have wondered what I was doing.

After a couple of minutes dancing like friends, she gave a little sigh and kind of relaxed against me, her mouth coming to rest below my right ear and the rest of her just sort of pasted onto the front of me.

Naturally, this produced an instant reaction from the primary indicator of my gender. I tried to pull away from her in embarrassment, but Miriam would have none of it. "Don't you dare back away!" she whispered, running a hand behind my head and clutching me tight. "I'd have been checking out my equipment if that hadn't happened. Please? Hold me?"

Of course I was more than happy to, though our dancing turned to shuffling and swaying to the music while my body started to learn the feel of the marvelous shape pressed against it.

When the set ended and the band resumed hip hop, we returned to our table. Kris later told me we both had sappy, dreamy expressions on our faces. A little more conversation, another slow dance set, and two hours had gone by. We finished our drinks and left.

Getting ready for bed was 'interesting'. On the ride north, I suggested that maybe I should get a motel room, but Mike wouldn't hear of it. "This expensive machine is supposed to sleep six and there are only four of us. With a little consideration for each other, we'll be fine."

The problem was that there was no privacy curtain between my bunk, which just swung down, and the dinette where Miriam was to sleep. I changed for bed while Miriam was changing in the tiny bathroom. But to get to her bed, Miriam had no way to avoid giving me quite a nice show of her incredible body in a short, semi-opaque nightie. Spectacular!

Breakfast was preceded by another great show of spectacular bodies-Kris' as well as Miriam's. Kris decided not to dress for the day until after we'd eaten and saw no need to change out of her nightie in front of her father, her husband and her college roommate who had all seen her in less many times. Miriam changed while Kris was cooking, but not until Mike and I both had an eyeful.

We all had a great time at the game-Stanford won for a change!-and of course, I had to remind everyone-often-who won the day's game, which finally led Kris to threaten to have me wear dinner rather than eat it. We had rented a car to get to the game and went out to dinner, followed by a visit to the nightclub again.

I can get used to dancing with Miriam!

During our ride home, Miriam and I were again forced into a 'couple' by the configuration of Mike's coach. As we chatted, she brought up the subject of her ex-husband, Carl. It seems that although they were only together for a few months and have been divorced for several years, he is still obsessive about her. Her social life is pretty tame and mostly limited to events with close friends like this weekend. Nevertheless he has threatened her, found out about her infrequent dates, and sometimes even threatened the men who date her.

In spite of a restraining order, she has been forced to install elaborate security systems in her apartment and has called the police on more than one occasion when he's been stalking her, or at her apartment door.

When I asked why she didn't just move away, she replied, "Because I don't want to give him the satisfaction. I grew up in that town and I won't let him run me out!" Then, with what I was coming to see as her irrepressible giggle, "Besides, it is only a little hassle for me, but it's a lot of hassle for him. Think: He's eating himself up over nothing!"

I can't help but admire her spunk and attitude, but the situation disturbed me. This guy sounded dangerous. Kris and her family were at risk, too.

When we talked about work, she described what she did and how she really enjoyed traveling around the northwest. In fact, she would be in Portland most of next week, so we arranged that I would meet her on Saturday and we would go out. She'd even get me a room in the Red Lion, so I wouldn't face a long late night drive home. We exchanged business cards and I got her cell phone number, so we could tie up loose ends later.

By the time we arrived at my house, we had become friends in our own right and were both really looking forward to the next weekend. As I got off the motorhome, Miriam gave me a little kiss and thanked me for being such good company. "Believe me, the pleasure is mine!" I assured her. Thanking Mike and Kris, I waved them out of sight and went into my home to see what I'd missed while I'd been gone.

My house, which I'd built for Brenda, was a lovely home atop a ridge overlooking the west valley and coast range of Oregon. Larger than we had really needed, we'd loved the place, since it was a good house for entertaining and had room for overnight guests. The ground floor had space for a large office suite for me.

With Brenda's death, entertaining had come to a halt. Other than my secretary and a housekeeper who came in one day a week, I seldom saw outsiders in my home anymore. Besides Kris, of course. My work was done by phone and FAX, and visits to customers' sites.

Friends and neighbors respected my grief and seldom came by. I'd withdrawn from most of the church and civic activities I'd been in before.

So that Sunday afternoon, I entered a large, cold, empty house. My loneliness hit me hard. After checking for messages in the office, I nuked a TV dinner, poured a beer, and dressed for bed. I'd watch football on the bedroom tube and go to sleep.

That short weekend in good company and little bit of warmth from Miriam made my lonely existence harder to bear than ever.

During the week, I found myself working hard to catch up all the details on clients' projects. When I caught myself doing it, I realized that I was "clearing the deck" for the coming weekend when I'd see Miriam again. I could hardly believe it. I was acting like a high school kid, going on a date with a cheerleader, or something. After all, we were just friends. She was my daughter's best friend, after all. Come off it, Bill!

At any rate, on Thursday, Miriam called to say she was at the Hilton, downtown, instead of the Red Lion. She had reserved a room for me for Saturday night, as we'd planned. We agreed that I'd come on in to town when I finished my other chores on Saturday and call or leave a message for her as soon as I was checked in.

Friday, I worked myself and my secretary into the ground. Then I mowed some grass, had dinner, a shower and to bed.

Saturday morning I woke rested and eager. 'Bill, you're a basket case. This is a girl, you idiot! Just barely older than jail bait. You're really making an ass of yourself, if you can't straighten yourself out.'

Didn't help.

Since Portland is only a couple of hours away and I didn't want to arrive too early, I fixed myself breakfast, cleaned up the dishes and the kitchen; then another shower and a shave, pack a small bag for overnight, and away I went. I still got there well before lunch. Idiot!

When I checked into the hotel, I was surprised to find that I was already checked in and prepaid. By now I was starting to get a bit confused. Then, in the room, I found a sheet of paper on the bed. The note on it said,


I'm so very glad you could come.

Please knock on the door to your left,

when you've put up your bags.


Glancing to my left, I saw a connecting door to the room next to mine. So I put my bag on the stand, my coat in the closet, and ran a comb through my hair.

Stepping to the door, I knocked. Miriam opened it immediately and followed with a big hug. I was really getting confused. I couldn't tell if the signals I was getting were from Miriam, or my libido. I hadn't expected adjoining rooms. And I hadn't expected Miriam to even be around until sometime in the late afternoon. Instead, she seemed to have plotted in advance to have me next to her and was awaiting my arrival, whenever that might be.


I mean, I was flattered, but this girl is almost 25 years younger than I am. I'm not a business associate or potential customer. Why so much attention for a simple evening out with a friend?

Meanwhile, she was saying, "I'm so glad you came early. I hoped you would. Do you have anything you have to do today? Or can we spend the day together?"

With a bemused look on my face-and I guess in my voice, I said, "Oh, I'm at your disposal today. I didn't expect to see you until late afternoon, but if you're free, of course I'd like to spend the day with you."

And what man wouldn't? While she wasn't dressed in 'business clothes, ' she wasn't into the 'college girl' look of the prior weekend, either. Rather, she was a classy lady-relaxed and informal-but classy.

After a moment when we each just looked at the other and decided we were content to be together, we simultaneously asked, "What would you like to do?" then burst into laughter. Or that delightful giggle, in Miriam's case.

Miriam truly didn't have any preferences. So I said I'd like to look at boats-or yachts. Brenda hated the water, so we never had a boat. I wasn't sure I really wanted one, but thought it might be fun to look. Miriam enjoyed water-swimming and water skiing-and thought looking at boats would be fun. So we did. Since it was a lovely Saturday in the fall, a lot of boat people were out on the water. They are an interesting lot. We chatted non-stop about boats and 'land yachts', as I call the bigger motorhomes. About her business and mine. About what she enjoys and what I like...

For the evening, I'd made a reservation at one of my favorite restaurants. It's gone now, but it had an unusual atmosphere and great food. The owner was the son of one of my college classmates, so I was always treated well there. This night was no exception. The food was great, the conversation sparkled, and the company was outstanding. I hadn't had so much fun in years.

When we left, I asked Miriam what she wanted to do next. She wanted to dance, so we made our way to her favorite nightclub. The place was packed, but she knew the ma"tre d' and got us a tiny table near the dance floor.

Once again, I found myself attempting modern dancing with Miriam. I think I was the oldest guy in the place, but I was having fun. Watching Miriam dance is always fun. Being her partner is even more fun. She looked at me with a mock-concerned expression. "Poor baby. All of this bouncing must be hard on you. Cheer up. They play slow dances here, too."

I wasn't unhappy, but that made me more cheerful. Sure enough, the next set was slow, and I once again held this marvelous woman in my arms.

This time, she just came right up against me, with both arms around my neck, leaving me to put both arms around her. WOW!!! I was the envy of every guy in the joint. In the back of my head a tiny voice was saying, 'Why me? Why is she doing this?' But the rest of me was just enjoying the moment.

When the first song in the set ended, I turned to look at her face and found her eyes about two inches from mine. What else could I do? I kissed her-softly, gently, without passion but with more than friendship-discovery, maybe? When the music resumed, her mouth returned to its place below my ear and her body was even more relaxed against mine.

We danced and talked for another couple of hours. When we'd both had enough of the club, we returned, happy, to the Hilton. Going up in the elevator, Miriam said, "I'm having such a good time, I really don't want this to end. Would you join me for a nightcap?"

"Sure," I answered. "Do you want to go to the bar?"

"No. I have a bottle in my room. Give me five minutes, then knock on the door?"

Things were moving awfully fast and I didn't know just what she was offering. So I decided to take it as it came. This was not a passive thing. I really enjoyed this woman and wanted very much to develop a relationship with her. She was, after all, Kris' best and closest friend, which, in itself, was as high a recommendation as anyone could have. She wasn't playing games with me. I could be sure of that. And I could be sure that I wouldn't play games with her-for Kris' sake as well as hers. So I'd give positive responses to any signals and hope for the best.

I spent the five minutes washing my face, hanging up my jacket and tie, and changing shoes for loafers. About the time I figured five minutes were up, there was a knock on the door. When I opened it, Miriam gave me a big grin and giggled that she didn't want me to be late. As if a minute mattered.

She'd shed the really cute cocktail dress she'd been wearing, let her hair down and was in a nice dressing gown. Opaque, but definitely not street wear. Seating me on the sofa in her room, she said, "I'm having white wine. But there's whisky if you'd prefer?"

"Wine will be great." It was just an excuse to spend more time with her anyway, and I didn't want to get blasted.

Giving me a glass, she put hers on the coffee table and sat beside me. I could see she had shed her nylons, too. Is this a seduction, or is she just that comfortable with me?

As if reading my mind, Miriam snuggled up to me, causing my arm to go around her reflexively. Looking me in the eyes, she said, "Bill, I know I'm coming on to you pretty strong. I like you a lot. And I think this may turn into a serious relationship.-What a crappy term: 'serious relationship.' This is already serious!-I'm very attracted to you. So at this point, the choice is yours. We can drink our wine and chat a bit before you go back through that door to sleep. Or you can kiss me and we'll see where it goes from there."

Running through my mind at warpspeed was the thought that the constraints on her because of her relationship with Kris were equally valid on me. She was my only child's best friend. And that not only made her a lot younger than I am, but if I messed it up too bad, I might mess up my relationship with Kris, too.

I'm not into casual sex. She needed to know that, because if she just wanted to get laid, I was not her guy.

"Miriam, I'm impressed and immensely flattered. You need to know something though: I'm not interested in a one-night stand. If we start something, I will want it to continue. And I have trouble picturing you being really interested in an on-going thing with a guy as old as I am... So where does that leave us?" I asked.

Her reply, breathed into my mouth was, "Right where I hoped. Here. In each other's arms." And my mouth was attacked with the most passionate kiss I'd experienced in a long time. Too long. 'Kris is right, ' my little hind-brain said. 'You've needed this.' Then it all shut down as I concentrated on making love to this dream creature in my arms.

While my arms tightened around her, pulling her upper body to me, our tongues dueled as our kiss became more demanding. Breaking off, I began to kiss her eyes, nose, forehead, while her hands caressed my ears and ran through my hair. My hands were shaping the back of her body, tracing the marvelous curves from shoulder to waist to hip. Little whimpering sounds came from her just before she kissed me again, hard, almost savagely.

Pulling back slightly, she attacked the buttons on my shirt in a controlled frenzy. "Bill. Oh Bill! How I want you!" she panted. "I've wanted you for weeks." My shirt came undone, and was ripped from my waistband. As the T-shirt was pulled up, she continued, in a low, rapid voice, "I talked Kris into bringing me along last weekend, so we could be together. And the motorhome was my idea, too." My shirt was gone over my head and tossed into a corner. Now she was working on my belt. "Kris mentioned a few months ago that the only man she knew who met my criteria was you-but you were too old!" The belt was gone and the button about to surrender. "I decided you weren't too old as far as I was concerned!" The fly was down, and she was tugging hard to get pants and shorts off of me. "Are you too old for me?" she asked.

"I devoutly hope not," I answered, holding her slightly away from me by putting my hands on her shoulders and pushing gently. "If we're going to do this, let's do it in comfort and style. There's a nice big bed, right there, instead of this cramped couch. And I'm anxious to unwrap you, too. Shall we?" I stood, and my trousers promptly fell around my ankles and were kicked off, with the loafers.

When I gave her my hand, she rose gracefully, allowing her wrap to fall open. (I don't remember how it came undone or who did it.) Underneath was just Miriam. With a groan, I took her in my arms again, my hands around her waist under the gown, her arms around my neck. We kissed again with growing passion as I reveled in the sensation of her skin against mine.

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Hi there ISS readers. I am back after a long time. This time I am gonna share my new gigolo encounter with a hot matured lady. Thanks to ISS for posting my stories over here. Now coming to the introduction. My name is Akhil. I am a gigolo. Meri age 23 hai or meri height 5″9 hai or mera lund 7″ ka hai. Mujhe bade boobs or bade gaand wali ladkiya zyada pasand hai. If any lady or girl or bhabhi or any female wants my gigolo service then you can contact me. My mailing id is Boys stay away from...

1 year ago
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40SomethingMag Jazmine Cruz Fitness Fucking

How would you react if a hot, MILFy fitness instructor with a banging body and big tits started stretching in front of you, spreading her legs wide and showing off her flexibility while her face was inches from your cock, bending over to show off her ass? Well, you’d probably tent your shorts, which is what happens to the guy in this scene. While she’s getting loose, he’s getting hard. Fortunately, before long, the fitness instructor, 43-year-old Filipino wife and mom Jazmine...

2 years ago
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Returning the Favor

For a long time my boyfriend has been hinting at wanting a threesome with another girl. I have never been with a girl and I wasn’t sure I wanted to see my man fuck another girl, however he did give me a threesome with another guy and I cant get over how I still feel horny about that night. After a lot of thought I decided that I would look and see if I could find someone. I met Lacy through a sex website, I let her know right away that I was considering having a threesome. We emailed and...

4 years ago
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My wife has her first Bi experience

My wife Louise is simply gorgeous and we fell in love on our first night together. I remember as we made love in the first night we were talking and I asked her if she ever fantasised about other women. I don't why I asked, but was delighted when her breathing changed and I felt her pussy become even wether as she breathed, "yes."We have been together for 6 glorious years and she is still my fantasy girl. Louise is a beautiful blonde, blue sparkling eyes and a smile that lights up a room. This...

3 years ago
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Farmers Daughter Parts 5 6

Part 5 - Let the Dog Have Her I peeled the duct tape from my daughter's lips, revealing a raw, red, rectangular patch of skin around her mouth. She coughed and glared up at me, her hands still bound behind her back as she lay on her belly upon the ground. The leash around her neck remained tied to the chain-link fence, despite her feeble struggles. I left the swatch of duct tape stuck to her pussy mound, sealing numerous loads of cum up inside her hole. Mack and John stood around with...

3 years ago
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Jumping Through HoopsChapter 2

"Take that camera away from her," Lucinda yelled. "I've already thought of that, Mom," said Barry. "The tape that was in it is gone." Lucinda glared at Karen. She wasn't sure what the little bitch had seen or if she had seen anything. Still, she had still been in the house when Lucinda and Barry had been making love so the worst had to be assumed. "What do you want?" Lucinda asked. "We don't have much money so blackmailing us is a waste of time." "Relax," said Karen. "I'm...

4 years ago
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Avatar the last airbender Chapter1 Tea time

As Aang and Katara stood there together Soka came out of the Jasmine Dragon (the tea shop that uncle Iroh owned in the city of Ba Sing Say) he said “Hey you two what are you doing out here when the party is inside “Katara pulled away from Aang and blushed saying “oh hi soka Aang and I were just talking” Aang looked at Soka saying “actually I was just leaving I’m very tired. “All rite see you Aang” Back at Aang and the gangs house nobody was home except for...

2 years ago
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A rich woman loved to buy hookers and dominate them

Jean was a wealthy woman who was in to the BDSM scene. She had paid for services of slaves for years now, even had one on a full time basic. She was white in her mid 30 and wealthy enough to do anything she wanted. That day at work she had called the agency and told them she wanted a black slut for the weekend to use. They promised one would arrive at 6 tonight. She called her full time Mexican maid and slave and told her she had the night off. She showered when she got home and dressed in...

3 years ago
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The Vine pt2

The vine spreads her lips apart then starts to suck on her clit as it enters her more. It wraps up her body and out her outstretched arms. The vine then squirts her down with liquid, and then caresses her all over attaching to each of her breasts sucking hard on her nipples as she arches her back. Jill’s orgasm is close as the vine inserts a larger vine into her wet pussy and starts fucking her harder and faster until Jill screams as her orgasms. Her pussy wildly contracting milking the...

1 year ago
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Toy Story A tale of lust and longing

I hope you enjoy my stories and please feel free to leave comments, both positive and negative are all welcome, or please feel free to email me on [email protected] with your comments or ideas for stories. Toy Story (A tale or individual needs) I was away on business in London for nine days. I was due to return and then Robyn and I were due to fly to Tunisia on holiday. She had been missing me and our regular sexual activities badly. Robyn is a very curvy blonde with 38DD...

3 years ago
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Sexy MILF Ke Sath Virginity Khoyi

Hi friends, mera naam Zahed hai, aur main 26 years ka hu. Main lookwise bhi acha hu, aur Hyderabad ka rehne wala hu. Ye story hai mere first sex experience ki, jab mujhe ek bahut hot milf ko chodne ka mauka mila. To chaliye ab aap logo ka zyada time waste nahi karte hai, aur seedhe story par aate hai. Ek din main kaafi bore ho raha tha, aur maine Instagram par random names se account search kiye. Kaafi profiles checkout karne ke baad, mujhe meri story ki heroine ki id mili. Maine turant usko...

3 years ago
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Vampire slave

I walked down telberstone drive and turned down a vacent allie. It was completely submerged in darkness and I had a weired feeling that someone was watching me. My walk quickened as I reached the middel of the allie when something or someone jumped at me. I screamed and fell waving my arms crazily. " Stop, stop! I didn't do anything!!!!" I looked up to see a friendly face. The homeless man was dirty and smelled like smoke and garbage. " GET OFF ME!!!!!" He moved quickly away and...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 9 Going to Work

Come the Monday, Justin, Stella and Stanley found themselves going off to work. The rest of the kids were taken to a testing centre with the other new Earth kids and some other new arrivals to Futura from the local populations. This was so the school system could decide where they fit in and what they wanted to do. The kids told Justin of the weird tests they did over that next three school days. They, in fact, did very few written tests. Most of the tests involved doing some activity or...

2 years ago
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Indian wife threesome with her friend and son

Hi Readers, This is Suraj,I am going to narrate an experience I had few days back. To give complete idea of it, I am going to describe all the past about all the characters involved. I am from small town in Kerala and Kashi is one of my distant relative. He is almost 20 years elder than me and married when he has 25. It was love marriage and his family was against it earlier but accepted later with no choice. His wife Anushree was just around 3–4 years younger to him and very friendly lady. She...

3 years ago
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Mom Forced To Fuck To Save Aunt

Hello friends. I am back with another story. As I said in the previous story I see these stories as an escape route from my desire for an incestual relationship. This story is just fiction which is being narrated by the son Ganesh. I am 20 years old. This story happened when I was 11. My mother was 36 years old then. She is a tall woman with a slightly bulky body and average looks. Her name is Mini. She is a loyal wife and a conservative lady. Her figure is 36-32-34. she always wears saree and...

3 years ago
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Bus Journey With Sister 8211 Part 2

Hello, friends, I am back with the continuation of the previous story, I will narrate what happen after we reach Pune after the incident happened on the bus in the night. Those who didn’t read the previous story, I will suggest to read it first. So back to the story, in morning we reached my room around 10am, both of us didn’t speak anything with each other. Both were thinking about last night and things which that incidence will lead us too. I broke the silence but didn’t say anything abt last...

2 years ago
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Our Last Rendezvous

He text messaged me that he got off work at 1 a.m. and asked how to get to my dorm. I straightened up my room and made sure the sheets were fresh on my bed before going to take a shower. I stepped into the hot water and enjoyed the water running over my body. I lathered my towel with body wash and rubbed the suds over my arms moving up towards my shoulders. I moved down to my breasts paying close attention to my nipples. I squeezed the soapy cloth and watched the suds run down my stomach and...

1 year ago
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Creative Chamber IV

To put it mildly, she was smoking hot! His eyes feasted on her Seven Till Midnight paisley bustier corset and thong, all black… and all his! She was smoldering and his cock immediately lurched, pulsed, oozed a luxurious pre-cum elixir. He thought back to his earlier visit when he sat alone by the fireplace and had glanced down on the coffee table to see an arrangement of some of her reading material. There were Victoria Secret catalogs, various women’s clothing magazines, some house decorum...

2 years ago
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European Vacation0

We dressed in sweatpants for the 8 hour train ride and got a cab to the station, a pretty angry crowd was gathered round a man in uniform though, we couldn't understand what they were all saying but we found another official who spoke English and asked what was wrong. "We are sorry but the train wheels break at station and cannot go, we give you coach to Madrid and train there to Portugal." He said. "How long is the coach ride?" Said Jenna. "Three hours to Madrid then six hours to...

3 years ago
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Teenage Adventures Chapter 3

Over the next few weeks, Maria visited almost daily, and her appetite for sex seemed to increase as her pregnancy matured. Timothy did his best to satisfy both Ms. Alsover and Maria, and had on some days been able to achieve up to nine orgasms. Obviously, the boy was healthy, Ms. Alsover thought to herself, but she also noticed that as the days wore on, the boy's youthful fountains of semen turned into a few hard-won droplets.Ms. Alsover feared that between herself and Maria, perhaps they were...

2 years ago
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An Interesting Family Reunion

Every couple years or so, your parents “gets the itch” to host a large get together with the rest of the family. After having a house full of kids to keep them busy, they still aren’t used to having only you and your younger sister to care for – the invite includes almost everyone. Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and even your older sisters arrive between eight and nine in the morning, some having travelled several states, just to make it. You were assigned to greet each and every person...

1 year ago
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Boating Fun 3

It was now August and Vick and I were your normal dating couple. We saw each other as much as possible during the week and every weekend for sure. The sex between us was amazing. I never dated a woman who loved sex the way she did. Luckily, be 21 at the time, I was always ready for it too, and could go many times with her in a single day. Wish that was the case now, but age catches up with you in all departments. The week before her friend, Carrie, was throwing her party, I surprised Vicky...

3 years ago
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Frat Orgy but no Party

My fraternity on campus was known for three things being good looking, being smart, and being big where it matters. Part of our pledge process involve dick related activities designed to be easier for the more well endowed brothers. Plus, we were known as the big dick frat so nobody with small penises rushed after a while. It was so funny, but we kept big dickedness as a qualification for getting in. In return for our exclusivity in the manhood area we had our favorite sororities at our flies...

College Sex
1 year ago
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Test Run

He stood in his garage, looking over the machine when his Woman came in from the sunroom. A lot of time, and a large amount of money had gone into it. Not that the money meant anything to him since he had won the lottery. It had been one of the biggest jackpots in the lottery’s history. He was set for life now, retired at age 55 with an after-tax income of over $2,000,000 a year for 25 years. His Woman had been with him since before the money, she truly loved him, the money just meant that they...

2 years ago
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Sex With Teacher And Her SisterInLaw Part 3

Hi, guys and girls… thanks a lot for your valuable comments on my last story sex with a teacher and her sister-in-law-part 2. So hardiicck (with double I and double c) is back. It’s the third part of this series. I am sure this will give a boner to guys and girls will get wet before they reach the end of this story. Who haven’t read the previous parts, please read them first. I am from Mumbai so girls and ladies from Pune/Mumbai can contact me on So let’s start the story.In the last part as...

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Journey towards sex with my Girl friendPart 1

Hi everybody this is John(name changed). My height is about 5'.6 with weight of 62 kgs. I am typical south indian boy with avg built body.I am great fan of ISS.Was thinking for long time to submit my experience to others.This is my story telling how my journey to sex took place with my girlfriend.Let me start, this took during my engineering in 2010in chennai, i was in final year.My friend one day told me that he is going to see his class mate who is studying nursing. He was from kerela. I...

1 year ago
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A Long Lost School Friend

It was my friend’s birthday last week. We all decided to go to a local lounge called The Glass House and make it .  It has nice live singers every Friday night. We reached 9 pm. The place was fairly crowded, nice ambiance, the singer and his crew were good, and nice hot girls danced at their respective tables. We sat at our table and ordered drinks. After a few beers, we all started singing with the singer and started dancing and having a blast. I noticed from the corner of my eyes, the girls...

2 years ago
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Another Lesson for Brandi

Brandi waited until Friday after work to return to Michael's shop. As she entered an attractive older woman asked if she could be of service. Brandi's request to see Michael was met with an apology, Michael was out of town and maybe I could help. Thanking the woman Brandi left the store and started to window shop, her mind elsewhere. Mike hadn't lied to Mandy the previous Saturday saying he was not available. Getting her favorite ice cream she continued to window shop. Sitting down to finish...

3 years ago
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Elizabeth and AnastasiaChapter 6

When they were getting close to Stacy's, she told Betty that they would have to stop in and talk to the manager of the apartment complex first. It wasn't a problem with Betty staying over, but a rule that the manager had imposed years ago, and strictly enforced, was that if anyone renting or staying in any of the apartments had any type of potential family or legal problems, ones that might cause difficulties in the buildings, it had to be reported immediately. Stacy had heard of several...

2 years ago
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A fiction story

It all started when I divorced my husband of nine years recently after finding him in bed with the neighborhood slut one morning. We tried for a while to make it last but I just found myself falling out of love with him, and I couldn’t cope with the unhappiness that surrounded me every day and night. My name is Karen; I am a five foot five large woman. On the internet I guess I am referred to as a BBW (big beautiful woman), slang term that actually doesn’t degrade me. I, in fact kind of think...

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Minerva Ch 02 of 10

Minerva By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer Minerva chapter 02 I was twenty-one that summer, and I was making one of my twice yearly obligatory visits to my only surviving relatives. Uncle Ernie – my father’s brother – and aunt Gertrude his matriarchal wife – and latterly my surrogate mother – at their rather grand hotel on the south coast. To say my Uncle and Aunt were old fogies would be putting it mildly, but they had always been very good to me. Their hotel, set high on the cliffs...

1 year ago
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Sex With Mary My Sons Girlfriend Part Four

My son was entertaining Mia and I heard another familiar voice. Mary and Mia were having sex with my son. I heard them both screaming and telling Vinny to fuck their assholes. I had no idea that Mary had hooked up again with my son. The women were also talking very dirty to each other while my son was pleasuring both of them. I was very horny and hot and knew that Mia would meet me for our fun at three o’clock. I was hoping that she’d bring Mary with her. I was so excited to get the chance to...

Group Sex
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Dawn and julie part 2

So here I was 15 yrs old, I had been fucking Dawn, fucking her sister julie and her Mom and Dad as well all for the past year. It was a hot summer day in mpls.and me and Dawn decided to go swimming in her above ground, piss yellow, tin with white braces and blue liner swimming pool from Sears. The pool had a cover over it and for some reason we thought it would be fun to fuck around in the pool with the cover on and fuck around is just what we did.It didn't take long before we were butt naked....

1 year ago
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Sucky VacationChapter 15

Jeff yawned as he picked over his breakfast options. He didn’t want a heavy meal, so an omelet was out. Fruit by itself wasn’t really substantial enough. Cereal could work. He picked over the boxes until he found some that didn’t look like candy. He put two boxes and a bottle of milk on his tray. “Can I put mine on there, too?” Amy asked. “Of course,” Jeff said and lowered the tray to accept her bagel and orange juice. Amy wore dark blue shorts and a red crop top under an open white blouse...

4 years ago
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Longest Day Of My Life

Hi friends, mera naam Nitish hai, meri age 29 years hai,height 5’10” hai or lund ka size 7″ hai. Me Delhi ke pass Ghaziabad me rehta hun or ek mall me job karta hun. Me sex ka college time se hi shokeen hun. Mene kafi ladkiyon se sex kiya hai par yeh meri life ka best sex experience hai, me pehli bar iss par kuch upload kar raha hun to agar koi mistake ho to maaf karna. Yeh story 16 July 2013 ki hai. Me or mera best friend Sumit Vaishali metro station ke pass ansal plaza ke bar me bethe beer pe...

4 years ago
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My first time using sex toys on a woman

When I was a little younger - about 22 - I had a 19 year old girlfriend that I will call Stacy. She was petite, about 5 feet and 3 inches tall, and must have only weighed about 90 pounds. She had short curly brown hair and usually wore a bandana. Her lower lip had a stud through it, and she also had a piercing in her left nipple. The thing about her that I liked the best is that she had a nice hairy pussy, hairy legs, and hairy armpits.One day we were hanging out in her dorm room and she...

3 years ago
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Flowers For SarahChapter 7

"But it's been almost three weeks," said Michael into the phone. "I know, darling, but I just wonder if it will ever be safe again for us to meet in public." "David Bell is out of the picture. The tape is destroyed and the Dean threw out his accusations. He can't hurt either of us any more." "But there are rumors about us are all over town. If we're seen together..." "Then why can't I see you at your home? I can park a block away and use the rear door." "Michael, you know...

4 years ago
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Empty LandChapter 11

Mak and Lyssa quickly made up light packs with enough rations to keep themselves going for a few days. Making sure that their weapons were in good order, they walked, trotted, walked through the forest, leaving the slowermoving caravan far behind. They slept that night curled up together in the branches of an ancient oak tree, waking to move on at the first light of dawn, and it was still early when they reached the fields of the Chakcha. In the near distance rose a steepsided hill crowned...

1 year ago
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Vacation at the Beach 2

I was having a terrific dream, my sister Sarah was sucking my dick and I was just about to blow my load down her throat. I opened my eyes to see that it wasn’t a dream, it was real, my sister was sucking my dick and I was about to blow my load down her throat! She looked up at my face and her eyes lit up seeing me smiling at her. I reached out and stroked her hair as she continued to bob up and down on my dick. Next to us in the bed was our mother, naked and still asleep, the three of us...

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Housewife1On1 Lexi Foxy 24201

You horny bastard! You bought tons of online foot-fetish porn and you didn’t think your wife Lexi Sexy would see the credit card statement?!? Why she ever married a lunkhead like you is a mystery, but what we do know is she’s such a good wife that she sets the bill aside and tells you that she’s not pissed, but that she’s more than happy to make YOU happy with her feet in the bedroom! Follow her there and she’s suddenly all sexed up in lingerie and stockings, ready to fuck, just the way those...

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Lena Teil 2

Lena (2. Teil) Kapitel 1 Gabi und Lena erinnern sich und werden Freundinnen Gabi war schon am Vorabend gekommen und hatte im G?stezimmer ?bernachtet. Sie wollte eigentlich Zeit haben, um mit Lena ?ber Vergangenheit und Zukunft zu sprechen, aber Lena war eine ?berarbeitete Hausfrau und Mutti. Gabi hatte dazu den Ansto? gegeben, um Lena in diese Situation zu man?vrieren. Lena, das Fabelwesen, ehemals ein Mann, kastriert, mit dem beringten Schwanz und dem grossen Busen, der jetzt die "...

1 year ago
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Jake Part XVIII Creative Anachronism

Thank you all for being such faithful readers. I love interacting with my fans! If you want to read these faster, please go to my post on voat:https://voat.co/v/TimeStop/comments/138397I post there first, Reddit second, and here last because it's harder to get to through work firewalls and it has that long wait time for posting.After all the excitement and sunshine at the beach, Jake wanted to go somewhere cool and relaxing. Petra agreed with him about the heat, but had other ideas about the...

1 year ago
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COMPANIONS Hannah Nicolson Copyright - Hannah Nicolson 2019 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of the storylines contain adult themes including sex. If you are underage or if this offends, then please go...

2 years ago
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A Night Of Lust With A Stunning Lady 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone! I have been reading ISS and other sites for stories from a long time back and really love to read the stories. I have started to write but am not sure whether I would post it or not, if you are reading this than you can be sure that my urge of sharing my sexual experience with you has defeated my reluctance. About me, my name is Rajib, age 29 and I am from Guwahati (Assam) and a bachelor. My physical attributes won’t allow me to boast highly about myself none the less I can be...

3 years ago
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Annie Gets Her Man

The one question I had about Annie was what did she see in my friend? Yes, he is a good man and I guess he looks pretty good for himself. Annie is a beautiful, classy lady and my friend Jim well the best way to describe him is a redneck, country boy. He has close to shoulder length hair tied back in a ponytail in a John Deere cap and he stands at 5'9" and weighs at a fairly muscular 200 pounds and has a full beard but has a permanent smile. Anyway, he was on his antique John Deere...

2 years ago
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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 45

The next morning, I get Jane to take me to Radio Shack to get a few supplies, then I am back in my hotel room putting the equipment together. For lunch, we have room service. As we are finishing up our meal, the phone rings. I answer it, “Hello?” “Trent, It’s Jason.” “What’s your answer?” “We’re in. So, what is the plan for the guns?” “Not over the phone.” Meet me at Humpty’s for supper.” “6” “Works for me.” “See you then.” “Bye.” I hang up and tell Gun, “It looks like we have our...

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My Long Haired Wife Sweety

This is the story of my wife sweetie, let me describe her. She has very fair features with thick long, straight silky black hair going up to her ass. She has medium size breasts with pink nipples. In short she is pretty attractive and awesome in bed. We are a normal couple with a good sex life, I am a great porn lover but sweetie took little to no interest in porn. This story revolves around my friend Sanjeev and his extra marial relationship with my wife. Sanjeev was elder to me by five years;...

3 years ago
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My Passionate Teacher Sravya8217s Tale

Hie all, This is Sravya penning down my experience for the first time is ISS. Lemme give you a brief introduction about me. I’m what many people like to call a bitch, and beware I’m not a slut(if you know the diff). I’m actually from Hyderabad but studying in Vizag and let’s keep the rest of my personals in private. This is a pure fiction and none of this ever happened. So, tagging again. I AM THE SLUT,aiming to raise your dicks(well, at least one) with the story. This is about a 22yo girl( me,...

2 years ago
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Midlife Breakthrough

As a recently divorced man pushing fifty, with few social skills and even fewer dating prospects, I felt a change of scenery was in order. I was fortunate to have some money saved up after the breakup, and as I work online as a consultant, I could go anywhere. As the wind whipped the snowfall into the tavern window, my friend suggested I take a trip out of town awhile, and suggested Florida. “The weather is better and you may get your groove going again.” My groove! I had to laugh, I was the...

4 years ago
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Bhabhi 8211 The Love of my Life

Hello everyone.. My pleasing journey on indian sex stories with all of you lovely readers has been a blessing in my life. So keep that mailbox flooding like always with all the love and any doubts or queries. I’m always here to help you. Well this is my first story in this category. So let me introduce myself to all those new readers. I’m Rohan Sharma, aged 28 years. And guys it’s a long and very romantic story which would for sure give you goosebumps while you read it.. A story which would...


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