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A Christmas Tale (The Fifth) Chapter 01 Walter and Laura Walter. "An introvert yes he's definitely a bit of an introvert," I say to my wife as I look out of the window into next door's back garden. "Who is dear?" I look over to my wife of nearly sixty years, she's currently standing at the sink and is straining cooked black currents through a muslin cloth. "The young lad next door; Graham I believe his name is." "Oh yes I watched him the other day, I think he was building Lego or something, he seems quite happy in his own company." "Do you need a hand with that dear?" I ask. "Could you? My hands are playing me up something terrible today." I move over to her and, after donning a pair of my wife's marigolds, together we manage to get the last of the thick dark red juice from the cooked berries squeezed into the large bowl. "I think he's lonely." "Who?" I ask. "Graham next door, I think he's lonely." "With parents like that it doesn't surprise me." Laura looks at me disapprovingly over her glasses. "Walter that is not a kind thing to say." "I know but how many times have the police been there this year?" "A few, I know that Mrs Ribbins from neighbourhood watch has called the police a few times and has told me that they are on a final warning or something." I moved over to the kitchen table and lowered myself slowly down onto the chair knowing it will be a struggle to get back up if I stay there more than a couple of minutes. "Tea dear?" "Please," I reply. "I wonder what our life would have been like if we'd been blessed with children Walter," my wife said out of the blue a few minutes later. I sat with my mug warming my hands and furrowed my brow in thought. "I don't suppose we'll ever know but it might have been nice to experience it." "You don't regret marrying me do you Walter?" I instantly realised my mistake and with difficulty got up from my seat and hugged my wife "Not for a moment, we have had a wonderful life together the only person I have any anger for is the man who shot you and robbed you of the ability to become a mother." Laura kissed my sleeve. "From wild child to married woman in less than a year, it was certainly a change for me," she said with a laugh. "It was the late fifties dear you were just expressing yourself." "I was but you were a policeman and you are only three years older than me." "But you have to remember Laura, my father was quite strict whereas your parents were somewhat free spirits, looking back I think it was probably me who missed out a little on life." "Oh don't think that Walter, the happiest years of my life have been spent with you by my side." I smiled at Laura and placed my glasses back on. "I still think I should have been a little wild or naughty don't you?" I said with a smile, Laura laughed. That afternoon as I sat in my comfortable chair in the living room I thought back to when I was a young policeman up in the North of England, I'd first encountered Laura as quite a loud mouthed teen with my Sergeant whilst he showed me the ropes then over the next few months on more than one occasion escorted her in an inebriated state back home to her parents' house, she wasn't a bad person she'd just gotten in with a bad crowd that's all, I'd told myself. The event that changed both Laura's and my life happened one Thursday morning when I heard the alarm bells of the local bank start to ring, it was just after ten and I? ? was on my usual beat on the high street and as I entered the bank I noticed a short man in an old demob suit, his face was obscured by a spotted handkerchief and he wore a cloth cap but it was what he was brandishing that made my blood run cold as he had an old service revolver in his hand, he raised the gun and was about to fire at me when of all people Laura appeared out of nowhere and pushed the gunman causing him to stumble and as his gun dropped it fired one round into her lower stomach and as I was to find out later damaging her womb and effectively destroying her chances of ever becoming a mother. I immediately disabled the would be robber with my truncheon and handcuffed him. I administered first aid at the scene and carried Laura to the ambulance then stayed with her, talking to her constantly on the way to hospital and at hospital whilst the surgeons battled to save her life only leaving the hospital when my Sergeant ordered me to go home. Laura was in hospital for six weeks, I wanted to thank her for saving my life but my sergeant forbade it, I did however manage to send her a bunch of flowers with a small message to the convalescent home she'd been sent too in Northumberland. Life continued for me for nearly a year before I once again encountered Laura entering a Night club one evening, she didn't notice me but the doorman commented. "Pretty as a picture her but not your type mate." "Sorry?" "She's not your type mate." I looked blankly at the doorman for a second before he enlightened me. "Let's just say, she sometimes plays for the other team, a Gillette, she likes both men and women, cuts both ways." I was a little shocked but ignored the doorman's comments as personally I didn't care what peoples sexual preferences were, but as a policeman I was duty bound to uphold the law, this was a time between the Wolfenden report and the decriminalisation of homosexuality so I decided as I was off duty I would just forget all about it. The next time I met with Laura was completely by accident one afternoon as I was shopping for tea in the local Fine Fare store. "Hello there, it's Constable Richards isn't it, not on duty?" I turned to see Laura dressed in shop uniform standing putting price labels on tins of Marrowfat peas. "Yes well sort of. I'm off duty at the moment so I don't need a uniform, I may soon become a detective so that will be plain clothes too." "Oooh look at you, all smart in a suit." She smiled as she talked and looked to me to be the most beautiful woman on the planet. "So how are you?" I asked. "Oh you know, plodding along, can't complain," she replied. "Want to go out for a drink?" I blurted out. "Yea okay then Tomorrow night at seven outside the fusiliers?" I nodded We married six months later. Chapter 02 A Curious Man Named Nick One day sometime later as spring moved into summer I was gardening and heard a commotion next door and after a while Graham came out and sat on the patio hugging a headless cuddly toy. "Is everything okay son?" I asked "Mummy and daddy are having an argument it's scary." "I'm sorry son but sometimes grown-ups do argue." Just then Graham's father appeared. "Get in here now." He then turned to me. "And you, you can mind your own business granddad." Graham went back into the house and I continued gardening. My wife appeared after a short while with soft drinks and I sat at the patio table with her. "Oh you've had a letter from the hospital dear it's on the bureaux." "I wonder what they want." Knowing exactly what it was for as the week previously I'd been to see my GP as I was having bladder problems. I located and opened the letter. "Got to go to hospital to get my bits checked out." "Is this about your bladder problems?" she asked innocently. "Yes, next Wednesday at nine." Two weeks later here I am sitting in the gardens of my local hospital with a paper bag full of medication and the words "I'm so sorry but it is cancer." Ringing in my head, I sighed and wondered how I was going to explain it to Laura when I felt a chill cold breeze appear from absolutely nowhere and some seconds later a little cough. "Care for a midget gem?" I looked up and noticed an old man with a bushy beard standing over me, he was smiling. "Sorry?" "Care for a midget gem, I was recently introduced to them and to be honest find them quite moreish." I reached up and took two from his crumpled paper bag and held them in my hand. "Thank you sir." "Nick, may I sit?" "Yes of course." The old man sat down and despite his dishevelled state smelled clean. "I've been visiting with a friend of mine she's a student at the medical school, she's called Maggie, she's just over there on the other side of the road." Nick waved over to the woman and both she and a tall woman with her waved back. "I'm sorry I've disturbed you," said Nick. "It's okay I've Just had some bad news; it seems I have cancer." "Oh I am sorry to hear that sir, Is it bad?" "They've given me some pills and have suggested surgery." Nick looked at the bag with my medication in. "Prostate cancer, Hmm not as bad as some but still bad nevertheless." "I was just thinking about how to break the news to my wife." "Well I find being honest always helps Walter." "I always am, but I worry for her you see, she suffers a lot with her bones and her joints, she shouldn't have to look after me not at her age." The old man placed his hand on my wrist and as he did I felt a warmth I'd never felt before. "Will you promise me something Walter?" I couldn't help but say yes. "Yes." "Promise me that you won't allow the doctors to remove any part of you for at least six months." "I, I promise." "And take the medicine they've given you; you may even enjoy its effect." "I will." "I see a bright future for both you and your beautiful wife Laura." I didn't remember the old man leaving but I still had two small sweets in my hand and somehow felt less dejected than before so popped the two tiny sweets into my mouth and set about going home to break the news to 'Laura. "You've got what dear?" "Cancer, I've been given pills to take." I watched helplessly as the tears appeared and Laura started to shake. "Don't be upset Laura, curiously I'm not." "That is because you are probably in shock dear," she said as she dabbed her tears away with a small floral hankie. "No, no I don't think so, I met this old man, he talked with me and afterwards I just felt much better," "Was he a councillor?" "No I don't think so, he gave me a couple of midget gems." It took a while for Laura to calm and afterwards we used the internet to find out what drugs I'd been given. "Hormones, wait they are female hormones, have you seen one of the side effects Walter?" "No what are they." "Well Hot flushes, weight gain, swelling or tenderness of the breast." "Are you sure Laura?" "Yes it says so here," I shrugged. "Sounds like a barrel of laughs that," I commented, Laura started to giggle "You can always borrow one of my bra's if you feel you need one." "Very funny." I took my first pill at bedtime with my blood pressure medication. Chapter 03 The Moulting Laura's and my life went on much as it had done for years except I now suffered from almost constant bouts of nausea in the mornings and sometimes these weird spells of being uncomfortably hot and my cheeks and chest flushing red. Then one morning as I attended to my comb over. "Laura?" I shouted through to the bedroom, she appeared by my side a minute or so later. "Yes Walter?" "Look at this." I pulled at my chest hair and about a dozen strands of curly grey hair came away. "If I pull at my chest hairs they come away." "Well stop doing it then," she said brightly, I started to laugh. "You seem to be in a good mood this morning dear," I commented. "I am, I had a really good sleep last night and my normal aches and pains seem to be having a day off," she replied as she sat down on the bed with her hairbrush and started to brush her hair. I smiled and watched as she brushed and teased her hair into its normal shape and as I did I wondered why, as women got older, their hair seemed to get progressively shorter as I'd really liked Laura's long blonde hair when she was younger. Over the next two or three weeks my chest hair and shoulder hair continued to fall out and at one point my constant moulting even managed to clog our old vacuum cleaner. "I think that your medication agrees with you dear," said Laura one evening as she passed me a cup of tea whilst I sat with my newspaper. "Why do you say that Laura?" I enquired. "Your bald bit seems to be filling in, you appear to be getting little patches of bum fluff on your shiny pate under that ridiculous old comb over." She then kissed my head. "I was thinking maybe I could walk with you tomorrow when you go to the shops?" said Laura as she sat by my side. This was a surprise to me because Laura rarely left the house nowadays as she would end up with terrible pain in her joints if she exerted herself. "I'd like that Laura, if you still feel up to it tomorrow we can use your walker and I'll take it slowly." "Good that's settles then," she replied enthusiastically. the next morning Laura was up bright and early and had already prepared breakfast when I came downstairs. "Are you okay dear you look a little out of sorts?" "Usual morning nausea Laura and have been getting a weird tightness in my stomach it seems to be passing now though." Laura went over to the kitchen cabinet and to our medicine chest. "Here take an ibuprofen, it should help you." I took the offered pill and soon Laura and I headed out into the warm sunshine of the early autumn, Laura with her walking frame and sensible shoes and almost permanent smile. She waited patiently outside each shop sitting on nearby seats whilst I visited the Grocers, butchers fruit shop and newsagents, we could have gotten a taxi to a nearby supermarket but that would have incurred unnecessary cost for a simple top up shop. "How are you faring?" I asked as she sat reading a magazine I'd just bought her. "Fine dear not even a twinge, this is obviously one of my good days." It didn't take long for me to complete my shopping and as I pulled the wheelie shopping bag behind us Laura asked. "Can we stop in the spinney on the way back for a sit down." "Are you tired I can call a taxi?" "No I just fancy sitting amongst the trees for a bit that's all." I smiled. "Yes I think I'd like that too." It had been a long while since Laura and I had been out together and I was really enjoying the experience. It didn't take us long to reach the Spinney and as we sat together I slipped my hand into my wife's and closed my eyes relishing the feeling of closeness. "Hello there, it's Walter Isn't it?" I opened my eyes and looked up squinting a little as I did as the man was partially obscured by the sun. "Nick?" "Yes you remembered and this must be your lovely lady wife Laura." Nick turned, took Laura's hand, and kissed it. "So how are you Walter? You were quite dejected last time we met." "I took your advice Nick Doctor offered me a procedure an Orchidectomy I believe it was called, that would have meant I wouldn't have to take so many pills but I said no as the pills really have had no effect on me at all, apart from a little nausea that is." "And how do you feel?" "Pretty good considering." "Oh that is good news." He turned to Laura "And you Laura how is your osteoarthritis?" She smiled at Nick "It's actually not bad at the moment, thank you for asking." "Ah well no rest for the wicked or for that matter me, it's been an absolute pleasure meeting you both." "What a nice man." Laura smiled. "Sure I've met him before somewhere before though." Chapter 04 The Mysterious Case of Sweets in The Shoes Laura and my lives continued as normal with the exception that I was joined increasingly by Laura on my forays onto the high street something I grew to love doing increasingly. The pills I took seemed to be keeping my ever expanding Prostate in check and on my latest scan appeared its growth seemed to have halted. One advantage of the pills seems to be that I now have a sparse covering of dark hair on my previously shiny head this caused Laura to sneak up on me one evening with her old dressmaking scissors and cut the long hairs I used to comb over the area off, I was irritated for a moment or two until I realised I really didn't need to comb over my hair anymore. Laura was not exempt from strange hair related goings on either as her roots were growing in blonde now instead of the usual translucent white/ grey colour. One downside was that my chest hair was now becoming quite sparse the upside being that I now had hair on my head something I'd not had since my early thirties when my hairline started to recede. In early December Laura and I braved the steps and recovered our Christmas decorations from the loft and on the fifth started to decorate the house, it had been a long time since we'd enjoyed decorating the house so much. We both slept well that night and in the morning were very surprised to find that our slippers and other shoes had been filled to the brim with individually wrapped sweets, of course I accused Laura of doing it and she accused me but after the first sweet we forgot about the who's, where's and whys and just got on with our day. The next morning as I dressed I noticed something curious. "Laura?" "Yes dear?" she replied as she came back into our bedroom "Do you think this is what they meant by chest tenderness?" I asked whilst gently prodding one of the two protuberances that had appeared on my chest seemingly overnight. "Oohh let me see." Laura came over to me and looked at the two small bumps one under each nipple. "Do they hurt." "Only when I press them." "Hmm, probably best not to press them then dear. Tea?" As I sat at breakfast that morning trying not to think about my curious bumps I noticed something about Laura I hadn't noticed in quite some time. "What?" She asked with a smile on her face. "Have you done something with your lips it's just they look really good today." "Good enough to kiss?" I smiled "They are always good enough to kiss but no they somehow seem a little fuller." "Now that is odd Walter as I've been noticing the same about you," "What, my lips are fuller?" "No well not entirely you seem to have lost a couple of your distinguished wrinkles around your eyes and the bags under them seem to have lessened, it's a good look I like it." That morning Laura decided to leave the house without her walking frame and instead opted for her three legged walking stick. Graham was sitting in the front garden as we walked past and we both said hello to him, he attempted a smile and politely said hello back to us but I could tell he was anything but happy. After an hours shopping and a trip to the opticians Laura and I returned home and as we unpacked our shopping she commented. "So your eyes have gotten better then?" "Yes the optician seemed to be baffled, my new glasses will be ready on Thursday." "It's a shame we don't still have the car you could probably see well enough to drive again; I miss our days out in the country." "Where does the rice go again Laura?" "left hand cupboard middle shelf, how's your chest by the way is it still itching?" "How did you know it was itching?" "You've been scratching for the last hour and a half." "Yes it is a bit." "Maybe we should get you a bra?" I laughed out loud. "I'm serious Walter it would probably help." "I can't go about wearing a bra Laura." "Why not I do." "Yes but you are a woman," "and you are a man but I've never held that against you. Look just give one of my bra's a try in the house and if it doesn't help I'll say no more." "Err." "That's settled now upstairs and I'll see if I can find something suitable." With that Laura took my hand and we went upstairs. Soon I found myself looking into the wardrobe mirror feeling self- conscious but also relieved as the soft elastic fabric encased my small bumps and relieved the irritation of them rubbing on my shirt. "That's a sport bra I used it for keep fit when I was still able." "It's a bit tight," I whined not wanting to admit that it was helping, Laura came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my bare waist and kissed my shoulder. "It suits you." I turned to face my wife to complain but immediately recognised the look on her face she stood biting her lip, was she was turned on by me in a bra? "Do we still have some of those pills the doctor gave us?" "I err yes somewhere." "I suggest you take one and join me on the double bed I don't want to start without you." I did not need to be told twice. Later as we lay in each other's arms Laura said dreamily. "I think I'm going to enjoy you having little boobies Walter." She then moved one of the cups of my new bra and gently started to kiss my tender swollen nipple. "Ohhhh Laura." Chapter 05 A New Lease of Life Every morning since we resumed our love life Laura seemed to look younger as we lay together. Then one morning she commented as she was fitting her partial dentures. "Something is happening with my gums dear." She went into the bathroom, I joined her a few moments later as she was examining her gums in the mirror. "Look Walter it looks like a tooth is coming through, my gum is all red and it feels... oh." "Oh?" "I pressed my gum and look something has broken through." I looked at where Laura was pointing and noticed a little blood and a tiny white prick of white. "Oh yes, it looks like you are teething, I'll pick up some teething gel from the chemists later." "It's not funny Walter something weird is happening to us." I had already realised this, but had mostly managed to put it down to my illness and my medication. I took Laura by the hand and led her back into the bedroom. "I know it seems odd Laura but I'm sure that you won't miss your dentures will you?" she looked at me blankly. "And have you suffered with your joints the last few days?" she shook her head "But what if we've caught something serious Walter?" "A horrible disease that makes us feel good and more alive than we've felt in a long while?" "Well yes." "I like this disease." "Hmm, you have a point." She then smiled and ran her fingers through the fine coating of short dark hair where my bald head normally was. "Oohh it's like a fresh newly mown lawn, I like it but the sides look odd with all that white hair and dark roots. Can I get the scissors and tidy you up a little please?" "What! I've just got hair and you want to chop it all off?" "No just get rid of some of the grey, it'll make you look more handsome I promise." I could never resist Laura so I agreed and of course she was correct I did look a little younger, my face was still a saggy mess of loose flesh but I now sported quite a dashing if short haircut. By Saturday morning I was getting used to having my new hairstyle. And as I dressed for the day I noticed a couple of new things. "Laura you don't have another bra thingy do you this one is getting loose around my chest." "Really, it shouldn't as it's elastic." She came into the room and examined the old sport bra. "Ahh, I wondered if that might happen, it was an old bra, the elastic has gone dear, take it off and I'll get a tape measure." After I removed the defective undergarment I slipped on my old trusty Brogues only to find that they seemed quite loose, fortunately tightening the laces rectified the situation. Laura entered the room with tape measure in hand. "Okay I'll just get a couple of measureme... Ohh they are growing aren't they and golly they look cute." Laura sat behind me on the bed and reached around cupping my small mounds in her warm hands. "Oh now this does take me back Mmmm." I normally became quite embarrassed when Laura talked about her bisexual past but was somewhat distracted by the wonderful feelings emanating from my own newest additions. After an hour or so and with smiles on our faces we finally went down to breakfast and shortly after that Laura left the house by herself to go shopping for new sport supports for me whilst I promised to do the laundry and do lunch. This surprised me as Laura had almost been housebound now for over two years rarely leaving the house without me. When she returned I'd pegged out the washing and had prepared Welch rarebit for lunch. "Did you get me another sport bra Laura?" I asked as we finished off our lunch as I now was suffering from chaffed nipples my shirt not being particularly soft. "Yes but." She paused. "Now don't get mad with me Walter but I also bought a couple of really nice bra's too and some other things." I sighed. "I just needed something to stop my nipples rubbing Laura that's all." She pulled a bra still on its hanger from her bag "Believe it or not the only bra's in your size I could find were in the teen section just feel the cups though." She passed the ludicrously flimsy looking piece of nothingness over to me and when I felt the padded fabric in one of the cups I actually sighed. "See I knew you'd like it, wanna put it on?" Two minutes later I was sitting almost topless in the kitchen looking down at what essentially was a bra for an overweight teenage girl. I looked over at my smiling wife with complete surprise and with tears in my eyes said. "It feels lovely Laura, what is happening to me?" "You're turning me on again that's what." "I'm being serious what happens if these things get too big to hide?" Laura would probably have made some flippant remark but on seeing the worried look on my face said. "We'll just explain that they are as a result of your cancer treatment." She then took my hand and held it. By Tuesday, my hair had grown another inch and Laura had removed the rest of the grey from the side of my head, and my shoes no longer fitted me, the hair on my chest had now virtually all fallen out as did the coarse hairs on my arms being replaced with a fine downy virtually invisible hair and I had a wobbly front tooth. Laura was losing lines and wrinkles on her face at an increasing pace and now looked at least ten years if not more younger. On Wednesday after packing my shoes with newspaper I went to the high street and bought a pair of cheap training shoes to wear, and as I walked back past the pet shop and caught a glimpse of my reflection in the window and liked what I saw as I seemed to have lost some of the stoop I'd gained after years of working at a desk. "Hello again Walter is your good lady wife not with you today?" "Oh hello there Nick no she's having a check-up at hospital, she doesn't like me going with her so I've been shoe shopping. Fancy a cuppa?" "Actually I was going to suggest that to you there's a little caf? just around the corner." Nick led me around the corner and as we approached the caf? I noticed that it seemed somewhat out of place. "In you go Walter this is my treat so find a seat and I'll bring the teas over." I took a seat by the window and as I waited I looked out into the street it was then I noticed that the street outside was no longer just off the local street but that I was somehow in Joe's Caf? about two thirds of the way along my old beat. I then turned and looked at the customers several of whom were enjoying a cigarette with their morning Cuppa. "It is understandable that you are confused Walter," stated Nick as he placed two large mugs of tea on the table before me. "This is my old beat Nick but how?" "The question you should be asking me is why?" "Okay then why, why do I seem to have travelled back in time, why here and more importantly why am I not completely freaking out?" "Last first I believe, you are not panicking as you subconsciously trust me, deep down you know I will not harm you." He paused as though waiting for something and after a second there was a tinkle as the bell of the door to the caf? signalled another customer then to my amazement I walked in, I was much younger and dressed in uniform. "Morning constable, Usual?" "Morning Joe, yes please and a couple of slices of toast too." I watched as I went over to a table took my helmet off and sat drinking my pot of tea and eating my toast. "You look happy Walter." I smiled. "I was I'd as the previous evening I'd arranged to meet Laura outside a local pub and was really looking forward to it, it was to be our first date." "And how did the date go may I ask?" "We found that we had a lot in common." "Did you arrange further dates?" "Yes initially just as friends, she was hesitant to get into a relationship with me even though she said she really liked me." "Do you know why?" "I assumed it was because she sometimes went with girls, she never said as much I just assumed it." "Partly yes but she had been assaulted by her cousin when she was entering womanhood, it changed her and put her off men for a long time. But meeting you changed that, you seemed to care about her even escorting her home on more than one occasion to her exasperated parents." "She was just in a rebellious phase that's all she didn't need me to make it worse for her." "Yes Walter and when the time came she saved you from a gunman's bullet." "But at what cost Nick?" I replied. "Indeed I'll get to that in a moment, why did you send her flowers Walter?" "She saved my life it was the least I could do, her father said that she was having a hard time in the convalescent home and I thought it would cheer her up. "Ah good, time to go. Drink up." I drank the last of my tea and exited the Caf? finding myself with Nick standing outside what looked like an old country house. "This is weird, am I having a seizure or something Nick?" "No, we are now outside the convalescent home Lara was sent to after her discharge from hospital, nobody will be able to see us." We entered the old building and followed a ground floor corridor until we reached a ward with lots of beds, some occupied and some not until we reached one where a young woman lay curled up staring at the blank wall. "That's Laura," I commented. "It is Walter, she is not in a good place." Just then a nurse appeared with a small bunch of flowers. "Laura, Laura, someone has sent you a lovely bunch of flowers," said the nurse. Laura slowly turned and pulled herself up and passed the flowers over to her. "There's a note as well." I'll just get a vase, the nurse left and we watched as Laura opened the attached note. Laura read the note then started to cry. "This was the beginning of her recovery Walter," said Nick softly. "I'm sorry Nick but for the life of me I can't remember what I wrote," I admitted. "Your wife still has that note, it is one of her most treasured possessions." We watched as the nurse returned and as she comforted Laura, the nurse nodding with a smile to the matron who had just entered the ward. "Laura always quite liked the cute policeman who helped her home on so many occasions, but from that moment she loved him, she was just hesitant to show it." "I never realised Nick." Nick tugged at my sleeve. "One more thing before we return." This time one world faded out and another faded in, there was a thick coating of snow on the ground. "Wait this, this is my house, no it can't be because we don't have a car anymore." "This is just over a year into the future, very late on Christmas Eve to be more precise." I watched as just after Nick stopped speaking Grahams father staggered up the street entered the drive of his house and started to bang on the front door. "Grahams mother and father have now been separated for just under seven months, his father is annoyed at not being given visitation rights due to his volatile temper." "Can we not intervene?" "Some events can be changed Walter but alas with some what happens is almost inevitable." I watched as the light in the hallway lit and the front door was opened. Grahams father then pushed his mother out of the way and entered the house. "Graham, Graham, Graham get here now," his father shouted causing several bedroom curtains of neighbouring houses to twitch including those of Mrs Ribbins." "Mrs Ribbins will be calling the police now," I stated smiling at myself. Several seconds later Graham's father appeared dragging Graham who was clinging onto his headless cuddly toy terrified out of his wits. I went over to confront Graham's father but he simply passed through me. I lifted my hands and looked at Nick in frustration. "I'm so sorry Walter, but this has to play out." Graham's mother then leaps onto his father's back, his father releasing Graham in shock and throwing his mother to the ground then in his rage starts to kick and punch his estranged wife who's now lying on the freshly lain snow unconscious whilst Graham looks on in horror. "Nick I have to do something." I move over to Graham and attempt to block his view of his parents but obviously he sees straight through me. I then slip my hand where his tiny hand is and concentrate hoping that somehow he can hear me. "Graham please don't look, turn away you shouldn't see this." Slowly Graham turns and faces towards our house. Graham stays that way until the police arrive Graham's father is tazered several times and restrained whilst his mother's now seemingly lifeless blood soaked body is placed into an ambulance. I attempt to embrace Graham but know it is futile and feel the tears rising. "Don't cry Mr ghost," says Graham to my great surprise, Graham then looks up to Nick smiles weakly and nods. "I'm afraid our time here is at an end Walter." Graham waves as I reluctantly leave him standing as a WPC comes to console him. "What is to become of Graham?" I ask as the high street comes back into view "He will be fostered." "Until his mother recovers?" "She never recovers Walter I'm afraid and whilst on remand has father suffers a stroke after having 'an accident' whilst showering." "Oh Laura and I would have jumped at the chance to foster Graham if we'd been allowed too. We applied to be foster carers many years ago but never got anywhere with it, different times I suppose." "You must understand Walter I have shown you the future not to be cruel but to help you understand Graham's needs, As an ex policeman I'm sure you have seen worse." I nodded at Nick. "May I ask you a question please Nick?" "Of course." "Are you responsible for my illness?" "No I would never inflict an illness on anyone, your prostate would always have become defective, I have however intervened and made a couple of small changes that I know you will both approve of. Oh goodness I must be going." Nick took what appeared to be a business card from a pocket deep within his outer clothing and passed it to me, I looked at it and then up to Nick who was smiling "There's nothing on it." "You are correct, place the card on your bedside table, it will let you know when it is needed." "Will I see you again?" "We may it is not as yet clear." With that Nick turned and headed down the road towards the park. Chapter 06 Old Biddy It troubled me what Nick had planned for Laura and me but on looking at Laura moving around our kitchen with ease and looking happier than she had for years I put it to the back of my mind. "I saw Maureen at the hospital yesterday Walter, she didn't recognise me." "Didn't she?" "No she looked over at me several times before coming over and asking me if it was really me." "Has it been a while Laura?" "No not really, she asked I'd had cosmetic surgery and wouldn't believe me when I said I hadn't so she now thinks I've had Botox." "Well you are looking really good." Laura smiled at me before sitting next to me. "Actually you're not looking too bad yourself." "For a man with cancer who is sprouting boobs like a teenage girl." "Exactly." She looked at me strangely and bit her lip, "Actually with a close shave a little makeup and different clothing you would make quite a passable old biddy." "I'm not dressing up in women's clothing to fulfil one of your fantasies Laura," I protested. "You used to." "Yes but we were young then and I knew that my father would not approve." "No definitely no." So inevitably I ended up in the bedroom playing dress up with my wife, I feigned disinterest but was rather excited to be trying on her clothing and ended up dressed in one of her older(larger) floral print dresses for about 30 seconds before she ravaged me pushing me back onto the bed as she covered me with kisses. Afterwards as we both lay panting She asked as tactfully as she could. "Is your little man shrinking Walter, it felt somehow different today." I nodded. "Something weird is happening down there Linda but I'm not in any pain so that must be a consolation." Laura pulled the cover off me and said. "Let me have a look." Not stopping for permission she then examined me causing me to start to become exited once more, then completely to my surprise said. "Fancy a walk?" brightly as she sat up and slipped her arms into her own bra and fastened it with dexterity that had been missing for years. "Yes If you like I'll just get changed." "No like that." "You're kidding?" "We can put a wig on if you'd wish and it's dark outside." "You're not are you?" Laura shook her head "Nope Come on it'll be fun." "For whom?" I said hoping that I could find a way of avoiding or at least postponing the inevitable. We compromised I wore a pair of Laura's leggings and a soft blouse covered by one of her thick winter coats and on my feet a pair of her old Dr marten boots. "See not scary at all," said Laura as we headed past our local paper shop "You're not dressed as a woman." Laura started to giggle at my stupid comment "Arghh you know what I mean." She turned and hugged me. "I know what you meant it just sounded funny that's all." we walked in silence for three or four streets. "Something is happening to both of us Walter something wonderful, my consultant has reduced the dosage of all of my pills, he even did a double take of me when he called my name in the waiting room." I slipped my hand into Laura's. "I know I initially thought it was the medicine I'm taking for my prostate but Ralphy Jenkins at the institute is on the same pills and he looks absolutely awful whereas apart from a little sickness in the morning sometimes I feel great." "Do you think we should see a doctor about it?" asked Laura "As in, excuse me doctor something is terribly wrong with me, I feel wonderful so can you give me some pills to make me feel old and in pain again?"? ? "Yes I see your point so what do you think we should do?" asked Laura "Let's not worry about what's happening until after Christmas, have a really nice Christmas together and if we are still worried in the new year we can go together and see the doc." Laura kissed me on the cheek. Chapter 07 The Plaid Skirt I really enjoyed our walk together and remembered a time many years ago when Laura had badgered me into dressing femininely in the bedroom occasionally and once or twice outdoors too. It had felt foreign to me then and I only did it because it excited Laura but now it somehow felt strangely normal. On waking on Saturday morning I brushed my hair from my eyes and got up out of bed then wandered into the bathroom in my pyjamas. I didn't notice until I started to clean my teeth but my hair had seemingly grown another inch overnight and my face looked different. When Laura entered she said. "What on earth are you doing?" As I pulled and stretched the flesh on my face. "I'm trying to figure out what is different about me today." She looked in the mirror, smiled and said "You've gotten cuter my pretty husband and a little shorter by the look of it." "Shorter?" "Or I've grown." She stood by my side her reflection smiling back at me in the mirror, she was still shorter than me but she was right I no longer towered over her by several inches. "You look ridiculous in those old flannel pyjamas Walter I think a shopping trip in town is called for." "Today?" "Yes why not?" "I just thought it would be really busy and you don't really like going into town anymore." "I do today petal, fancy it?" I nodded as Laura looked so keen to be out the house something that she'd rarely done until recently. After breakfast I went upstairs to change only to find that my beige slacks had become far too long for me and my shoes were now far too big for me, fortunately I remembered the training shoes I'd recently purchased, unfortunately they also seemed a little loose. "Laura can I borrow your Dr Marten shoes again please my shoes are far too big and my emergency shoes need running in." "Of course dear, they are in the bottom of the wardrobe." I went over to the wardrobe and when I opened the door a skirt that had been hanging fell to the floor, it was plaid and pleated and as I picked it up I could not stop looking at it. "Walter?" "Uh." "You seemed to be in a world of your own there, are you thinking of wearing a skirt to go shopping?" "Uh, Yes I mean no, I mean it fell out and I picked it up and..." "And?" Laura came up to me and gently rubbed my back, I turned to her and heard my shocked voice say. "I wanted to wear it Laura I wanted to put it on." "No absolutely not, you just haven't got the legs for it not without a sporran at least." "No Laura I wanted to see if I looked pretty." "Ohhhhh." Laura stayed silent for a second or two. "Tell you what, let's go shopping and if you still want to wear it when we get back you have my blessing." I nodded and continued to dress. On the way to the bus stop. "As you know I had several female lovers in the past before I settled down with you Walter." I wondered where she was going with this. "Yes." "I was thinking It might be nice to have a new one, I think you'll do." "Me?" "Yes, whatever is happening to you is making you cuter by the day." "Cuter, what do you mean by that?" "Well Apart from the obvious you seem to be filling out in all of the correct places and." Laura hesitated for a second. "And your bits are definitely shrinking I noticed this morning as I had a sneaky grope whilst you slept and you do seem to be getting younger by the day." Laura smiled at me and took my hand. "I wonder when people will notice," she said absent mindedly as we sat on the metal seats of the bus stop and waited for our bus. That afternoon after a very long but for me enlightening and fun shopping trip followed by lunch out we got a taxi back home. "Still want to try on my Plaid skirt?" Laura asked as we entered with several shopping bags. "Would you mind?" I asked as cautiously. "Not at all, but." "There's always a but isn't there?" "Yes but it's a good one, run the bath for me would you and I'll join you upstairs shortly." I did as instructed and after a few minutes Laura joined me in the bathroom in her gown, letting the gown slip to the floor she stepped into the warm water and then said, "You too let's bathe together." This surprised me as we hadn't bathed together for several years, I quickly undressed and unfastened my bra then stepped into the water and sat facing her. Laura smiled and as I looked at her body it was as though her body had rewound a couple of decades. "You look wonderful dear," I said. "As do you." We took turns washing each other's bodies and hair and just as I was thinking of getting out Laura produced two small disposable razors. "One for you and one for me, I'll show you how to shave your legs." "What for I don't need to shave my legs." "You do if you want to wear the lovely tights I bought you." "The dark green ones I thought they were for you?" "No I already have a couple of pairs, I thought you might like to wear tights with the skirt." I copied Laura as she lathered up her legs and mimicked her as she drew the blade along her barely hairy legs, it was pretty much like shaving my face just with less contours and more surface area, my armpits weren't part of the deal but I did them just the same. Laura was correct wearing tights was a completely new experience, not unpleasant at all they even made my bony old legs look quite good, under my tights I wore a pair of underpants that came with the bra I was currently negotiating into place. "If your boobs keep on growing at the rate they are you'll soon be needing bra's that support rather than just cover." I grimaced but inside a wasn't sure it was that bad of a thought. After my Bra I slipped on a very comfortable and soft blouse then stepped into the skirt, pulled it up over my waist and fastened the waistband then zipped it up. "Oh wow," said Lara as she stared at me. "You look, wow," I wasn't sure what to say and just stood nervously as Laura appraised me. "Are you comfortable?" "Err yes quite." "You're not just saying it are you?" "No I feel quite nice a little strange but nice." Her breathing seemed a little laboured as she spoke. "I think it's me who's the most uncomfortable here Walter." Laura sat on the bed and started to fan herself with a magazine her face reddening visibly. "Are you okay?" I asked with concern "No I'm bloody not I just want to rip your clothes of and ravage you, god you are turning me on something rotten." "Okay then," I said as I sat on the bed beside her. Two hours later Laura and I came down to make our evening meal I was once again dressed in her Plaid skirt but was wearing different tights as Laura had ruined them in her rush to get me undressed. Chapter 08 A Witch And A Cute Golem Visit Over the next few days Laura and I experimented with my newly found hobby, she even took me shopping as I found my newest assets increasingly required support as they started to fill out, so after visiting the local bra lady I now owned two 'A' cup bra's and an under wired 'B' demicup bra. Laura looked better each day and even started to do a little yoga on the mornings something she'd given up as she'd hit the menopause and her health started to slowly deteriorate. As for my own body the changes were now happening almost daily it worried me a little but one thing I couldn't ignore was the way I felt, I just felt wonderful almost all of the time. My chest now sported two small and oh so firm breasts, my bra's evolving over a few days from simply covering to supporting, my weight remained roughly the same but where it lay on my body had shifted I also lost another couple more inches in height. My genitals remained mostly the same although my testicles sometimes felt a little odd. Laura encouraged me to dress how I wanted too so and in what was most comfortable for me I started wearing skirts and blouses as an experiment mostly because I loved her reaction but also because they were so comfortable especially tights I simply loved wearing tights. Yesterday I spend so much time moving my new hair out of my eyes that Laura used a slide to hold it out of the way, I must have looked at that little piece of springy metal on my head for five full minutes in the mirror this morning constantly smiling as I did. Today after Laura and I had finished putting up all of our Christmas decorations we opened up the loft hatch and with Laura in the loft and me passing her empty boxes from the landing we started tidying up. It was as I passed her a large but light box and was stretching up that I felt something give in my groin area. "Oohhh, oh." "Are you okay Walter?" asked Laura with concern "Err I think so," I said as I pressed the front of my black skirt with my hand feeling for lumps or bumps. "Yes I think everything is okay I must have just Nghhhh oooohhh." I doubled up for a second not in pain but from a most peculiar feeling in my lower tummy. "Into our room now Walter and lie down, I'll finish off here," Laura ordered from above me in the loft. I walked semi stooped into our bedroom and after removing my new black soft leather loafers lay on my back on our bed. Laura joined me a minute or so later. "How do you feel now has the pain stopped?" I smiled as best I could and started to reassure her. "I think it has passed now Laura I think it was jusnnnurggghhh oh god that hurts." "That's it I'm ringing Dr Pritchard." Laura reached over to pick up the phone handset and seemed to become distracted. "Walter there is a card on your bedside table the writing on it seems to be flashing on and off." "Has it got a number on it?" I asked through gritted teeth. "Yes it has a number and a name 'Maggie'" "Ring it Laura please." Laura started pressing the numbers from the card into the phone keypad. "Hello I'm Ringing, er yes... yes it is." "He's in pain some pain yes but." "Hello?" "Well that was strange dear it was a woman; she says she's on her way." At that moment I heard the doorbell ring downstairs. "I'll just get that dear Ooh it might be your new silken pyjamas we ordered that'll be nice won't it?" I could tell by the tone of Laura's voice that she was worried about me but for the moment the pain had passed replaced by a weird drawing sensation as though someone were pulling a piece of knotted string along under my skin. I heard talking downstairs then a young woman appeared followed by Laura and then a very tall slightly masculine woman with extremely long blonde hair. "I apologise for appearing out of the blue so to speak but my name is Maggie I'm a witch and this is Robin she's a Golem and my friend, I've come to help if I can." The pretty young woman came over to me and asked. May I?" I nodded, she then proceeded to undo the waistband of my skirt and untucked my blouse leaving my stomach bare, she placed her palm on my lower tummy area and gently pressed, on my flesh, she closed her eyes. "Oh you naughty little piece of scar tissue, wrong place wrong time." She opened her eyes, looked up and smiled at me. "When your spermatic cord and testicles started their journey the cord caught itself on the scar tissue causing you discomfort I'm just removing the scar tissue now." I felt my tummy warming and then as though someone had flicked an elastic band inside me the discomfort vanished, I sighed. "Better?" she asked. "Yes much, thank you." "Would anyone like a cup of tea?" asked Laura trying to make herself useful. "Yes please Laura and a glass of milk for Robin, she needs her calcium." Maggie turned to look me in the eyes "You have had surgery for a hernia at some point, the surgical mesh is causing the scarring in your groin area I'm just going to remove it, don't worry it won't hurt." And with that she placed her hand on my lower stomach once more and just held it there. On removing her hand I watched in amazement as a small, shaped piece of what looked like embroidery backing rose up through my skin and as she removed the mesh I noticed that the scar on my skin had also vanished "Righty ho that's you sorted." said Maggie with a smile. "Excuse me Maggie, but am I changing into a woman?" "Yes you are." She frowned a little and asked, "Nick hasn't misjudged the situation has he, you do want to be a woman don't you?" I looked over to the bedroom door to check that Laura wasn't there and whispered. "I've always managed to suppress those feelings from everybody, my family, my work colleagues and my friends had no idea but I think Laura has always suspected. When the changes started to happen I was initially worried that Laura would reject them but she's embraced them and even helped me." "You love her don't you?" I nodded, Maggie placed her hand on mine. "I think you'll make a beautiful couple; ah I believe that our teas will be arriving soon." Laura appeared at the bedroom door a minute or so later. Maggie made polite conversation with both Laura and I with her friend Robin drinking milk quietly whilst looking out into our back garden. "Now Laura if you would just lie on the bed alongside your husband I'd like to take a look at your tummy please." "But I'm not unwell." "I know but indulge me please." "Do you want me to undress?" "No just loosen your skirt and if you could pull your tights down a little." Laura kicked off her slippers and lay on her back next to me. "Oh you poor thing when did this happen?" Maggie asked as she traced her fingers around Laura's unsightly scarred lower stomach and groin area. "I was a teenager when it happened." Laura then went on to explain the circumstances of her old injury. "She saved my life Maggie," I added, Maggie smiled at me and pressed gently with the heel of her hand into the gnarled twisted and scarred flesh. "Well that just won't do will it, let me see, ah yes, oh." Maggie went quiet for a second then continued, I noticed a tear slowly tracking down her cheek as she spoke. "Barely out of puberty and to suffer such trauma, your hysterectomy must have hit you hard Laura?" "It did I was depressed for months afterwards but somehow I managed to pull through and Walter sent me flowers when I was in Wylam, they helped me alooooh that feels nice." "Just tidying up inside Laura, the surgeon did his best but there is a lot of internal scarring and damage." Maggie closed her eyes and once more seemed to be concentrating. "Come on I know you are there somewhere, ah there you are okay I have a mission for you lot." Maggie opened her eyes with a little gasp. "And now for the outside." She gently rubbed the scar tissue on Laura's stomach as though ironing a shirt and as she did Laura's skin started to smooth and soften even revealing the belly button she'd lost so many years ago as a result of the gunshot wound. "All done." Laura sat up and looked at her now completely smooth undamaged skin. "I'm not sure who you are Maggie but thank you so much, you've made an old woman very, very happy." Laura then leant over and hugged Maggie, Maggie accepted Laura's hug with good grace smiled and asked. "Would it be possible for Robin and me to stay the night please? I would like to monitor you and your husband for a while, just to ensure that everything remains on track." "Of course, actually we'd love the company, we don't get many visitors any more as most of our friends have either passed on or moved away," said Laura. "Robin and I will cook as a thank you for our hospitality," "You will do no such thing young lady; you are our guests" "How about a compromise we will send out for food, what do you fancy?" I asked Maggie as found I could now sit up on our bed without discomfort. Chapter 09 The Bicycle Memory Maggie and her mostly silent friend stayed the evening only leaving after they had cooked us a very good breakfast. I should have questioned just who they were and what they were doing to Laura and me but as with most of the changes I just seemed to accept them almost as though I knew that what was happening to us was inevitable. When I woke this morning it was from a most peculiar dream a dream where I was cycling with my mother and father my mother was by my side on her bike and was encouraging me. "Oh that's it Samantha you are doing really well." My bicycle had a bell on the handlebars and a small basket clipped to it but what surprised me most was that every now and then I could feel one of my long Plaits tugging gently against my head as I cycled and they swung in the breeze. "Come on slowcoaches," I heard my Daddy say. As I looked down to see light blue sandals with white, pink trimmed, ankle socks and bare legs furiously peddling, I woke after realising that I was also wearing a cute pinafore dress. Laura came into the living room. "That was a wonderful meal last night wasn't it dear? I forgot to ask Maggie where she ordered that Chinese meal from before she and her friend left as it was possibly one of the best I've ever had." She looked at me. "Is something on your mind Walter?" "Not sure, I had a weird dream last night but I'm now not sure if it was a dream or not." I then went on to explain my dream. "Maybe it was a wish dream?" "No it seemed real, I was with Mummy and daddy and we were cycling, I was really excited as I'd been given the bike for my birthday and I was using it for the first time without stabilisers, Millie Connelly had been bragging at school that she didn't need stabili..s...e...r...s." My voice tailed off "Laura what's happening? These are not my memories but they feel like mine, I never even knew my mother." Laura came over to me and gently rubbed my back. "I have a feeling that the world may be changing to accommodate us Walter, we are certainly changing lots." "It scares me Laura, I'm becoming more feminine by the day but don't really know the first thing about being a female." Laura kissed me on the cheek. "Well it's a good job you have me then isn't it as I have a lifetimes experience of that subject although a lot of it is probably obsolete now." She then pulled my lengthening hair back and placed an elastic thingy over it making a little ponytail. "There you go lesson one, keeping hair out of your eyes." I laughed. "I love you Laura." "And I you, so what do you fancy doing today?" "Um." "How about we get the bus down to the outlet place, I believe some of the shops are having a sale on and if previous years are anything to go by they'll have a man there with a roast chestnut stall too I know how much you like roast chestnuts." "Oh now you are talking and do they still sell those festive hats and." I hesitated before saying, "And tights with Santa's and reindeer's on like you got for when you used to help out at that charity?" "That's the spirit, oh I am so looking forward to this Christmas, just one thing though." "Yes?" "I can't really continue calling you Walter not with how you look now, especially if we're outside." "Samantha," I blurted out; Laura smiled. "Oh yes because Samuel is your middle name." "No because that's what my Mummy called me." "Oh I love the way you say that Sam." "What?" "Mummy, it sounded so natural and so feminine," I spluttered a little at my mistake and continued dressing for our trip out I was re-joined by Laura as I was slipping my newest shoes on. "Oh good I had a horrible feeling that you were going to dress in your old man clothes." "I tried but they didn't seem to suit me anymore." Laura came over to my side and said. "Stay perfectly still I'm going to apply just the merest hint of makeup to you." I did as instructed and soon had a tiny amount of eye makeup and a very pale shade of lipstick on. "You know I don't think this suits me anymore and it certainly does you no favours, I think we'll invest in more appropriate makeup whilst we are out." I wasn't really paying attention as I was looking at my face in the mirror I was fine as far as I was concerned with what little I had on. Our trip to the shopping outlet centre was fine with one small problem I needed to use the facilities after drinking too much tea during our lunch, I managed not to embarrass myself by walking into the gents but nearly did by standing in the cubicle to pee. I attempted to pee as usual but something went horribly wrong and I missed the bowl, I then sat down and completed my toilet wondering what was amiss and why was my aim so badly off. When I returned home and with the aid of my old shaving mirror I found out what was wrong, there was no longer a hole at the end of my now quite small penis it had somehow migrated half an inch down its shaft and was currently located on the lower side of the tip of my penis. Laura though it looked cute. "Looks like it's moving to a new position Samantha." "How am I going to pee with it there I'll have to sit down to do it." "And yet I've somehow managed all these years," she said. I leaned over and gave her a hug. "Of course you do, I'm sorry Laura it's just me being a drama queen again." The very next morning on examining myself I noticed that the small pee hole had now migrated to the very base of my penis and that the sack where my testicles had recently migrated from had started to shrink, my penis also seemed to have shortened once more, I liked the look. As I started to dress I found that my newest bra's no longer fitted me comfortably and looked a little overfilled with flesh bulging slightly over the top of the cups. "Laura can I borrow one of your bra's please I seem to have outgrown mine again." That afternoon Laura and I embraced online shopping and I ordered myself some new and very pretty lingerie, two new skirts and even tee shirts (something I'd not worn in many many years.) before tea Laura and I went for a walk which she enjoyed a little more than me as I'd decided to wear ankle boots with kitten heels and spent most of the time concentrating on not twisting my ankle. That evening as we snuggled together in front of the TV I smiled inwardly, 'I think being a woman is going to be a wonderful new adventure.' I thought to myself. The changes in my body were now coming with increasing regularity and every morning I used my old shaving mirror to survey what if anything had changed overnight. Wrinkles, laughter lines, jowls and crow's feet had all faded on my face as my skin smoothed over the next week, leaving me with a smooth, almost flawless complexion; my hips grew a little and my waist shrank considerably. The biggest change however was my genital region where the weird scar like ridge down the centre of my scrotum seemed to have broken into two separate parallel lines then after a couple of days my little pee hole travelled into and then nestled itself into the gap between the two parallel lines settling about two thirds of the way up the lines, the depth of the gap between the lines deepening with each day until the lines thickened and formed into fine lips. "Ooh I see you have a labia now Sammy." She smiled. "I like it," stated my wife as she passed me whilst examining myself squatting in a most unladylike way in the bathroom one morning before sitting on the toilet. "So has anything else changed?" "Yes, I don't think we'll be having sex the conventional way again though, look." I pointed at the small, hooded nub of flesh that was all that was left of my original manhood. Laura looked at where I was pointing. "Ooh you lucky cow that is one big clitoris." "It just looks silly now Laura." I looked at Laura, her smile getting wider by the second, she finished her toilet wiped and said. "Stop gawping at your bits and join me in the bedroom, I'll educate you on the correct use of a clitoris." Laura educated me for the next hour leaving me weak at the knees and quite unsteady on my feet for a minute or two, I now had no doubt than being a woman was going to be just fine if the three orgasms I'd just experienced were anything to go by. Over the last few days before Christmas everything seemed to fall into place my body started to settle and the changes slowed the last change being that I now had an opening in my new vagina that was deepening on an almost hourly basis, my former penis was now a cute little nub of flesh with a tiny little hood protecting it from rubbing against my panties. Laura had not been spared changes either and as the years fell away from her face and body we enjoyed a new intimate closeness reminding me of the early years of our marriage. I sat on the edge of our bed on morning brushing my now quite long hair when I heard my wife squeak in the bathroom. "Sammy can you come here please I'm having somewhat of an emergency." I pulled my hair back and wound a scrunchie onto it tying it back into a messy ponytail. "Coming," I said as I left the softness of our bed. When I arrived at the bathroom Laura was sitting on the toilet, and there appeared to be a little blood on the tissue she was holding, she had tears in her eyes but seemed almost ecstatically happy. "Top drawer in the bedroom can you get the box of pads from there for me please?" "What's happened are you all right?" I asked with concern. "I'm fine, really fine, I've started to menstruate, I'm having a period my first since I was a teenager." "Oh." I quickly went into the bedroom and located the box of pads Laura had been using because of her weak bladder and took them to her, by now she'd cleaned herself up, she placed a pad into her panties and quickly pulled them up. She then hugged me tightly for ages and after a while said. "I'm whole again Sammy. I'm a complete woman again." She then started to sob uncontrollably. I held her and stroked her hair as she wept, and probably for the first time realised and understood how devastating the loss of her womb all those years ago had been to Laura causing my own tears to start. It took a while for both of our tears to subside and whilst she dressed she asked. "If I do breakfast would you be a dear and buy me a box of tampons from the corner shop, actually no better buy two boxes and more pads as if today's events are anything to go by you won't be far behind me." Laura seemed to instantly register that I too had just realised that I could soon be joining her in that most womanly of bodily functions. She smiled. "It's not that bad honest, just can be a bit messy that's all." I pulled on my warm coat and mittens took my purse and headed to the local convenience store and returned with the required items and three pairs of barely black tights simply because I wondered what my legs would look like in them. By Christmas eve morning I was feeling very festive indeed and also just getting over the trauma of my own first period which struck the day after Laura's; Initially making me feel quite uncomfortable and miserable. "We're out of milk Laura," I shouted into utility room where Laura was loading the washing machine. "Oh." "If you watch the cooker I'll just nip out to the corner shop," I replied as I slipped out of my slippers and into a pair of wedge heeled shoes. "Wrap up warm Sammy it looks like we are about to have some weather, oh can you get gravy granules too please?" "No problem," I replied. I slipped into my new and very warm coat and opened the front door to be confronted by our local Postie. "Morning Just going out?" he asked "Yes we need milk." "If I were you I would avoid the supermarket as it was chocker earlier when I dropped off their mail miss, Oh these are for you and your wife from the DVLA new licences perhaps?" "Oh I'm not sure." I took the small bundle of mail from the postman and gave him a little envelope containing a card and a ?10 note. "A little something for you and your colleagues at the sorting office Dave." "Thank you, the lovely old couple that used to live here did the same thing every year too, Merry Christmas to you and your Missus." The postie left me at the door and as curiosity had gotten the better of me I opened my letter and inside was a brand new driving licence with a rather fetching picture of me on it which was a little curious as I'd surrendered my Licence previously due to my failing eyesight, I looked at it and smiled as one mystery was solved. As I read 15.06.1998 I was now 22 years old. I placed the other post on the telephone table and left the house with a skip in my step. Chapter 10 Hello Samantha On reaching the corner shop I was relieved to get in as an icy wind had whipped itself up from nowhere. I took a basket and located the milk, gravy granules a newspaper and a couple of magazines. As I stood in the queue to pay I noticed something curious as the music playing in the background stopped along with the beeping from the scanner on the till, in fact everything in the shop seemed to have stopped in time. "Hello again," said a most recognisable voice, I turned to see Nick standing to my side he was wearing animal skins fashioned into very warm clothing and he was smiling at me. "Nick?" "In the flesh; I was in the neighbourhood and thought I would catch up and see how you were coping," I smiled back at him and gestured to my body. "H, how did you know? I've never told anybody ever not even Laura." "Let us just say I have a gift for knowing peoples innermost secrets shall we? Actually I believe that Laura always knew Samantha and she loved you all the more because of it." "She did?" Nick nodded "Always." "How can I thank you? There must be something we can do for you." "There is but you will know when and you will respond as you always have done with kindness, patience and compassion." I nodded but had no idea what he meant. Nick then took out two packages wrapped in brown paper and tied with rough twine. "One is for you and your beautiful wife and one you will need in almost exactly a years' time." I took the gifts. "Thank you Nick I don't know how to thank you for all you've done for us." But as I looked up he'd already gone leaving the shop door wide open and the world returned to normal. as I approached the till I noticed several large selection boxes on the display at the counter, I picked on up and placed it in my basket. When I returned home with my shopping Laura met me at the front door her face was ashen. "What's happened Laura?" I asked with concern as I placed my shopping down on the floor. "I've just had a phone call from your parents." I felt my mouth opening but initially no sound exited, then I felt myself smile for some reason and I remembered that my parents had said that they were coming to spend Christmas day with us. "I'd completely forgotten Laura." Laura then paused for a second. "How could we have forgotten Samantha? My parents will be here too; it'll be the first time they've met since we married." I then said. "How are we remembering these things Laura? I mean I can still remember my old life but we also have this new one too." She smiled. "Nick, that's how." I hugged my wife tightly. "We are going to need more shopping Laura," I commented just as our doorbell chimed. On opening the front door a cheery man in a supermarket uniform wearing a festive hat said. "Mrs Miller?" We both said, "Yes." "Got your food delivery here Mrs Miller." He stood by what looked like a sack barrow loaded with three large plastic containers and what seemed to be a large wicker basket on the top. "Don't get that many special orders anymore but the hamper was specially ordered for you." He passed the hamper onto our front step and waited patiently whilst we emptied the other containers. "Merry Christmas," he said as he left us whistling as he walked down our path back to his van. "Have you seen all of this fresh food Sammy?" "Yes it's a good job too as it looks like we'll be cooking for our parents too." Laura grinned at me. "I think it's going to be nice to have parents once more." I turned and hugged her. Chapter 11 New Lives On Christmas morning we woke and after snuggling for a while dressed comfortably and set about completing our preparations for our Christmas meal. Then I attended to the kitchen whilst Laura bathed and got herself ready, she then entered the kitchen wearing an apron to protect her dress whilst I left to prepare myself. "Are you staying upstairs all day?" Laura said jokingly as I sat on the bed and eased the other stocking up my freshly shaven leg. "I'm not as fast as you Laura and I've never worn a garter belt before," I shouted back as I attached the first of two little tabs to the top of the stocking, when I stood up I smoothed out my slip and skirt and immediately realised why Laura had left out stockings for me to wear, causing me to smile as the unfamiliar tugs of the garter straps made me feel very special indeed, I went over to the dresser and started to undo my curlers before gently teasing my hair into soft flowing curls. As I slipped on my heels I looked out of the bedroom window at the miserable dull day, "If only we'd had a little snow it would be perfect," I said to myself. I was hesitant about meeting with my parents for the first time but needn't have been as on Christmas morning I had memories going back to my childhood, some good some not quite so good but I somehow knew that I loved them both. Laura's parents were a little more liberal than mine and embraced me immediately as they entered our house. Our parents both left at around three in the afternoon and before I settled down with Laura for an evening snoozing on the sofa I noticed the present I'd bought for the little boy next door. "I'm just going next door Laura to give Graham his selection box." "Okay Sammy," shouted Laura from the kitchen where she was now loading the dishwasher." I exited the house and headed next door and rang their bell. Graham's mother answered, she was still in her dressing gown. "Hello." "Oh hello there Merry Christmas I'm from next door we thought your son might like this." I offered the now wrapped Selection box, Graham's mother shouted behind herself "Graham come here." Graham appeared, he looked sad. "Hello Graham, here is a little present from My wife and I." His face lit up and he reached for our gift. "Who is it?" shouted a gruff voice from within the house." "It's one of the new couple who moved into the old couples house." Graham's father appeared at the door. "What's this?" he asked pointing at the small selection box his son had just opened? "It's a present for your son I, I mean we thought it would be." "We don't need nuffing especially from the likes of you." "I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you." Graham's father snatched the half opened box from his son and thrust it into my chest causing me to stagger back a little. I was just about to make a tactical withdrawal when I heard. "What appears to be the problem here." I turned to see Nick walking towards me but he was somehow now a policeman. "It was nothing officer just a misunderstanding," I said not wanting to inflame the situation further." "Bugger that, there's no misunderstandin here, this lesbo thought it would be okay to swan up to our door and give the littlun a present." "And what is the problem with that sir?" asked Nick. "Well she's a lesbo innit, stands to reason." "Sir you are not making sense." "Well she'll corrupt the littlun." "With a gift at Christmas time?" "Now you are twistin me words," said Graham's father I watched as little Graham became more and more upset, Nick also noticed and took my gift from me then placed it in his hands. "These are for you Graham." Graham's father went to intercept the gift but with supernatural speed Nick grabbed his hand. "Do not try my patience sir," said Nick with a tone that actually scared me. "You don't scare me copper this is police brutality this is." Nick tucked at Graham's fathers arm and pulled him into the garden. "Excuse us I would just like to have a short chat with Jason." Grahams mother and I watched as Nick pulled Jason out onto the street and then out of earshot Graham opened one of the chocolate bars in his gift and offered a chunk to me and his nervous mother whilst Nick appeared to be talking calmly to Jason. "He's not that bad really it's just the drink," said Graham's mother apologetically. When Jason returned his demeanour had changed completely, he apologised to me then to his wife and knelt down on the ground and apologised to his son. Graham's father looked and acted like he had just had a terrible shock the colour having drained from his face completely. Nick then turned to me and offered me his arm. "May I escort you back to your home miss?" "Thank you." As we reached my front door I asked Nick what he'd said to Graham's father. "Nothing really but I did give him a look at a possible future, it didn't agree with him." "Thank you for intervening I forget sometimes how intolerant people can be." Nick smiled at me then looked at our old home. "Sometimes with a new life a new house would be appropriate Samantha." "I'll put that first on my new year's shopping list," I replied, I then reached up on my tip toes and kissed him on the cheek, he smiled broadly. "Now don't forget to open your present." Her turned and left. Chapter 12 A New Year, A New Life Once I returned home Laura and I opened the present from Nick and found two beautiful pairs of soft leather gloves a pot of honey and one lottery ticket dated for that evenings draw. Laura and I spent the next few hours curled up on our sofa together watching Christmas television and enjoying being alone once more. Unsurprisingly we won the lottery draw, not the jackpot but enough money to buy a very nice new house on the outskirts of town with views of the distant Cheviot hills. Laura found that her degree qualifications were still valid and found a job working part time as a counsellor with a charity that looked after homeless and vulnerable children, the charity had recently been absorbed by another charity who had invested a lot in the buildings updating and improving. In a turnaround I started to attend University this time in order to further my love of science and started on a foundation degree course in physics as I hoped to become a teacher this time round. Laura and I embraced new lives and enjoyed socialising, gaining several new friends. Our love life is absolutely wonderful and I even lost my virginity to a young man with both Laura's encouragement and assistance. It seems I am also bisexual but there is only ever going to be one woman for me. One morning in May, as Laura sat at our kitchen table having her muesli before doing a half day at the charity she worked at and I was packing my bag for lectures later in the day the phone rang, I picked it up "Hello." "Ah yes Mrs Miller?" "Which one?" "Mrs Laura Miller oh or Mrs Samantha Miller." The woman on the other end of the phone seemed a little confused. "Yes Samantha speaking." "Ah err well yes, My name is Melony, Melony Convey, you registered to become foster carers some time ago yes?" "Yes we did, we were interviewed and had police checks done but we haven't heard anything since." I gestured to Laura and placed the phone on speaker. "Yes we're really sorry about that somehow your file got placed into the wrong category. The reason why I'm contacting you is to arrange a home visit to discuss your training and for me to assess your home for suitability." She paused. "If you are still interested that is?" I looked at Laura who was gently biting her lipstick coated lip, she nodded fiercely as her face broke into a hopeful grin. "Yes we'd like that Ms Convey when would be good for you?" "I was thinking tomorrow at three if that would be convenient?" Laura nodded "Yes Tomorrow at three then." After the call I felt myself become quite emotional. "We did it Laura we finally did it." "We did didn't we, I hope we make good Foster carers." Laura and I had applied to become foster carers in the 1970's, 1980's 1990's and in the early 2000's when we were told that we were now too old, this at the time was almost too much to bear for Laura and she spent a long time very sad not depressed just sad that she would never be able to at least help to bring up a small child or help them through their problems. "I'm so excited Sammie I can't believe how nervous I am," said Laura the next day as we waited for the doorbell to ring. "We could always have children of our own," I suggested helpfully. "I know Sammie but until then I think we could make a difference in some poor lost mite's life." "You already do that with your counselling work but I know what you mean." The doorbell went off soon after that. I managed to fit in the training around my university studies and after talking to the head of her charity a woman called Iona, Laura was told that anything the charity could do to help her all she had to do was ask and they would do their best to accommodate her, Iona was as good as her word. In late July after converting one of the bedrooms upstairs into a spacious children's bedroom a social worker brought us a young man called David whilst his mum was in hospital after a car accident, he was five years old very nervous and very, very confused. David cried all evening on the first night and also wet the bed several times over the next few nights but soon he started to smile as we explained where his mother was and that as soon as she was well again he would go back to live with her, David was a lot of work but he was so worth the effort as Laura and I cried with both joy and sadness when his now recovered mother came to take a much happier boy home a month and a half later. In September we had a girl of fourteen stay with us for protection whilst her father was being hunted by the police, she hugged us both as she left us to be reunited with her mum at her new home. Laura and I discussed several time about having children of our own but decided to leave it for a couple of years until I'd finished my degree and she'd become more established with her counselling work. I really enjoyed and still do being a woman and also being given the opportunity of going to university to do a degree. And Laura really enjoys her work as a counsellor. We only had two children to look after and were a little disappointed it wasn't more as we had gained a great deal of fulfilment out of caring for them but undaunted we continued and as our second Christmas together as a young married couple approached we decked our house out with decorations and a 'real' Christmas tree. "What about this?" asked Laura as she pulled the wrapped gift that Nick had given me out of one of the boxes of decorations, I smiled warmly thinking of Nick "Put it under the tree Laura it can be the first gift," I said whilst standing on one foot on a chair trying to get a drawing pin into some stubborn coving to hang a decoration from. "You do know that you look absolutely gorgeous today Sammi don't you?" "I aim to please," I said as I stepped down and assisted my skirt back into a more decent position. "Fancy a trip into town later Sammi or a night in with a bottle of wine and a weepie?" "Wine and weepie please, but I'm going to have to do some prep work for next term first." Laura came over to me from behind and with both hands gently rubbed my tummy then whispered. "One day my girl you will have a tiny little life in there," I sighed. "Oh I do hope so Laura and I hope the same will be true for you." "Mmmm," she sighed. Chapter 13 An Unexpected Call On Christmas eve Laura and I spent the early evening preparing for our Christmas meal before settling down on our sofa and watching TV, As we prepared for bed I took one last look out of our bedroom window to see that it had been snowing outside. "Laura, Laura... look it's been snowing," I said excitedly, Laura joined me and we looked out over our snow covered street. Laura and I went to bed at just after eleven. At two thirty six according to my bedside clock we were woken by the constant and insistent ringing of our doorbell I rose first and slipped a thin silken gown over my nightdress stepped into my slippers and headed over to the window where I peeked through the curtains. "Who is it Sammi?" asked Laura as she sleepily donned her own gown. "There's a police car outside our house and a WPC at the door." I left the window and headed out of our room. After switching on the hall light and making my way to the front door I opened it to see the WPC shivering at the front door, I didn't bother to ask what she wanted as I somehow recognised her so I just invited her in with a growing feeling of dread in my heart. I lead the WPC into our kitchen and put the kettle on then asked. "Tea or hot chocolate?" She smiled weakly and said, "Hot chocolate please if that would be okay?" "Yes that's fine milky or instant?" I didn't need her reply as I could see it written on her face. "Milky it is." I then put a pan on the induction hob and poured a generous amount of milk into it. As the WPC, whose name was Lauren, explained to Laura and I there had been an incident late on Christmas eve resulting in a traumatised little boy needing temporary emergency care. "We have been trying to contact social services since midnight and finally got your contact details from them, would you consider looking after the little lad until we can find him more permanent accommodation?" I turned to Laura who was already nodding, I smiled and nodded also. "Oh that is brilliant thank you." The WPC paused for a second. "I really didn't want the poor thing to spend the night in hospital or worse a hostel, oh the lads name is Graham." I nodded knowing exactly who it was. "Could you give us a few minutes to dress please?" "Of course and then I'll take you to the hospital where he's currently being seen to." As Laura and I dressed she asked, "It that the same Graham as..." I nodded "It hasn't happened yet but he'll be an orphan within two months Laura, Nick gave me a glimpse last year." "Oh the poor thing." Once we'd dressed up warmly Lauren the WPC led us to her large Volvo estate car with Laura carrying a child seat but not before I'd picked up the wrapped present that Nick had given me that had curiously made its way from under our Christmas tree to the windowsill next to the front door. Our journey to the local hospital was slow on the mostly snow covered roads but Lauren was a most competent and skilled driver on arrival she escorted us through to the children's ward where, after a discussion with the Nurse at a desk, we were led to a parents room off the ward where my heart almost broke, as sitting on a seat next to another WPC was Graham; he was holding tightly onto his headless cuddly toy, he looked completely broken. I quickly removed my coat and gloves and sat on the carpet near to him and gently took his hand in mine. After a minute or two he looked to see who was holding his hand, seemed to somehow recognise me, and slipped off the chair leaving his decapitated soft toy behind, he then snuggled into me placing his arm around my tummy. "Hello Graham; my name is Samantha and over there is Laura. We'll be looking after you for a while is that okay?" I felt his head nod as it rubbed my side. "Oh I have a present for you as it's Christmas." I passed the loosely wrapped present to Graham and after a second he opened it to find an identical cuddly toy to the one he'd been hugging, only this one had a head." He pulled the new cuddly toy to himself and closed his eyes and was asleep in seconds. A few minutes later when Graham was sleeping soundly, Laura helped me to pick him up and place him on a hospital trolley, she then stroked his hair gently as we wheeled him to the waiting police car. Once back home Laura thanked Lauren whilst I placed the peacefully sleeping Graham into bed and covered him. Laura came in a little later with a cup of tea for me she was once again dressed for bed. "Once you've finished this I'll watch over Graham whilst you prepare for bed." I nodded and started to sip at the warm mug of tea. Laura and I took turns to watch over Graham all night, soothing him back to sleep when he woke in a panic and as dawn broke we left him peacefully sleeping whilst we prepared for the day ahead. It was after ten when we woke Graham. "Merry Christmas Graham," I said as cheerily as five hours sleep would allow. Graham sat up and after a second or two reached out and hugged me tightly and kissed me on the cheek. "Are you my new mummy?" he asked. "Err for a while yes." He then turned to Laura who was wearing a red Santa hat and had her hair plaited in pigtails. "And are you my mummy too?" She smiled and nodded. "For as long as you need us to be Graham." He then noticed something we hadn't, a large green sock tied to the end of his bed, he released me and bounced across the bed towards it stopped and looked expectantly over at Laura and I, we both nodded. Graham started to open the small but growing pile of neatly wrapped presents on his bed briefly taking away from the forefront of his mind what he'd observed the previous evening. Whilst Laura and I thought about more practical matters such as clothing as when he arrived at our home he came with what he was dressed in. I found a small dressing gown from the supplies we'd purchased prior to having our first guest and offered it to Graham. "If you put this on we'll go downstairs and have some breakfast." Laura held the gown open whilst he slid his arms into it and I closed the gown and tied the belt we then took his warm little hands and escorted him downstairs, Graham looked lost as he stood waiting to be told what to do so I suggested that he go into the living room with Laura whilst I made breakfast. I only just managed to turn on the light in our kitchen and look out into our snow filled back garden before I heard a gasp from Laura. "Is there a problem I asked calmly." "No not really, come and have a look." I put the kettle on and headed back to the kitchen where I immediately noticed under the tree many many more wrapped presents than had been there when we'd last entered. Graham's face broke into a smile. "I think Santa has been." Laura still holding his hand led Graham over to the tree and picked up one of the packages and read the label. "Oh this one is for you Graham," followed by, "And this one and this and this one too." Soon Graham was sitting by himself on the carpet dressed in a very cute reindeer onesie, opening present after present. Graham picked up an envelope and passed it to Laura she then brought it over to me. 'To Laura and Samantha' Laura opened the envelope and extracted a letter from within. 'Firstly thank you for agreeing to take Graham into your care, he will need lots of hugs and patience over the coming months I know that your kindness patience and wisdom will guide him on his path and now feel that his future is secure no matter what path he chooses.' It was signed simply Nick. Chapter 14 The March of Time On January the second Graham's mother died of complications resulting from a bleed to her brain as a direct result of the beating her estranged husband had given her. Laura and I were left to break the news and we took turns sitting by his bed that evening as he was very upset at the news and did not want us to leave his side. Three months later Graham's father suffered an accident at the prison where he was on remand, he died soon afterwards. We loved having Graham with us so it was no surprise to him when after seven months we asked if we could become his new parents, he simply hugged us and started to call us both Mummy and by his next Christmas Graham became legally our adopted son. Two days after Graham's seventh birthday he accompanied Laura and I to my graduation ceremony proudly telling everyone sitting near him that I was his mummy. By this time Laura was in the early stages of her first pregnancy and enjoying every millisecond of the experience. Claire was born two weeks late but was gorgeous from the second she was born, Graham loved having a little sister. After another years study I qualified as a teacher and started a new career as an educator. On Graham's tenth birthday Laura, Graham, Claire, and I, after shopping in one of the large out of town shopping centres near us, went to the attached amusement arcade and bowling alley where we spent a couple of hours, I was nursing a growing bump of my own on my tummy and absolutely loving every moment of my pregnancy. After our fun I sat watching over a now sleeping Claire at a table in the food court whilst Laura and Graham went to get food. "He is happy Samantha you are good parents." I looked up to see Nick dressed in a cleaners uniform standing before me, I smiled broadly "Nick this is an unexpected and most pleasant surprise." "I must apologise for my impromptu visit Samantha may I sit?" "Yes please do." Nick sat down opposite me as I gently rocked our dozing daughter in her pushchair. "I see that you are with child Samantha congratulations." "Thank you Nick." I felt myself once again stroking the tightly stretched fabric covering my tummy, it was then that the noise in the food court tapered off into nothingness and I noticed that everything had stopped. "I've paused the world Samantha as I would like to discuss Graham once more." "Ah I wondered if you would," I replied semi knowingly, Nick laughed. "That will be the detective in you then, Graham is about to undertake a new and scary journey into the unknown, he will need a lot of understanding and love over the next few years." "Puberty yes but there is something else isn't there? Something you haven't yet confided in us." "This is true Samantha; the child does not yet know what it is but soon his feelings will become stronger and he will confide in you first before Laura." Confide what Nick? That he is gay or that he feels he's always been in the wrong body?" Nick smiled at me and let me continue. "I think I've always known that he was special, I used to watch him playing quietly in his garden whilst his parents argued and even after we'd fostered him and we played together he'd always favour more feminine clothing from the dress up chest, he's transgendered isn't he?" "Yes and no, it is not yet clear to me as his future is still in flux but Graham will need time, space and the patience of a loving family to guide him through his teenage years." "You can rely on Laura and I Nick I promise but could you not have just changed him into a girl like you did to me?" "NO, no Samantha that future would always have ended catastrophically." "But this way would it not involve heartache?" "Sometimes with heartache comes inner strength Samantha I believe that Graham will need that inner strength if he is to make a difference, I will intervene when necessary though I promise." I realised that Nick was being completely honest with me and that whatever lay in the future for Graham he would always have Nick Laura and I to guide him." "Nick?" "Yes Samantha?" "May I hug you?" I didn't wait for an answer I leaned over and hugged him, he smelled a little of cinnamon and clove oil, it somehow reminded me of Christmas when I was young. "I sometimes forget how nice hugs can be Samantha," Nick commented. "See you soon." "Sammi?" I opened my eyes to see Laura and Graham standing by the table with a tray trolley laden with food. "Just having a little nap eh, I told you that extra game in the bowling alley would be too much for you." I smiled up at Laura, I would tell her later what Nick had said. One thing I was certain of was that both Laura and I would be there for Graham if or when he needed us. The End (or is it?) I hope that you enjoyed this year's Christmas offering from me and would like to wish all of my readers a peaceful Christmas. K © Kyorii P 2020

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Christmas Story One

According to Webster’s New World Dictionary: Aureole is the radiance encircling the head or body of something as in halo or the illuminated area around the sun as seen in a mist or during an eclipse. Areola is a small ring around something as the dark ring around a nipple. Christmas Story One The Christmas Angel I was your typical good looking college graduate working my way up the corporate ladder. I was twenty-eight years old and single because I worked all of the time. It...

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Christmas Creep

Joe Naylor stared at the department store display. "I can not believe this." "What?" His girlfriend, Noelle Winters, gave him a puzzled look. "This!" He made a sweeping gestures with his arm to indicate the shelves. "It's October fifteenth and they're putting up Christmas decorations!" He scowled at the Santas, elves, miniature trees and other Yuletide paraphernalia that sat mere feet from more appropriate seasonal wares. Pumpkins, witches, and skeletons grinned at him from their...

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Christmas With the Devil

-The Satanic Bible *** Jolly old Saint Nicholas had one last job to do that evening. A job he dreaded. He stood at an iron door in the side of a mountain at the top of the world, lifting an old, rusted key from around his neck and wondering if he really had to go through with it. Maybe this year, just for once, he could skip this particular chore… But no. He shook his head, spilling snow from his crown of ivy. He was obligated to be charitable to everyone in need. And what...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Christmas Journey

Christmas Journey************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2011The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.It was the day before Christmas Eve in the mid 1960s. I was facing a boring Christmas sitting in my office in Devonport Dockyard waiting for...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 1

Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...

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Christmas Overload

Joyce had barely made it back to the apartment from the grocery store where she worked as a checkout clerk and tucked the ham she’d brought home—the last one in the store—before it was time to go pick up the Christmas cake she’d ordered from Gleesons before they closed. She had already been cutting her time short—she still had to go buy a tree and figure out where she’d stashed the ornaments and lights—and she hadn’t gotten off shift when she expected to. She kicked herself for not remembering...

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Christmas Bah Humbug

It is only November 1, and the mall speakers are blaring Christmas music already. The Christmas season hasn’t been a favorite of mine for many years. And each year the commercialization Christmas seems to start earlier. Hell, we haven’t had Thanksgiving yet, and Halloween was just last night! The last Christmas I can remember that I actually got excited about, was nearly forty years ago. It was the last one before my mom died. Christmas was her time of the year. She saved a bit of the...

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Christmas Story Four

Christmas Story Four Stocking Stuffer I have been the community Santa Claus for a few years now and then one day I received a phone call from a woman trying to hire me for a Christmas party. I had a funny feeling about it so at first I said no but she was very persistent. She offered me more money than I normally charge and she said that there would be a lot of children there too. I was finally sold on the idea as long as there were kids involved. She said that I was to show up near...

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Christmas Angel0

By: beagle9690 December 2009 Gabriel: I awoke in a hospital room to sunlight dancing on the sleeping form of my angel in the chair by my bed. Her long unbound hair shone like a heavenly halo as it caressed her neck and shoulders. Peaceful and innocent in her slumber, Amy's deep contented breathing was a comfort to me knowing that she was safe. Amy is my angel, my salivation, oh how I loved my beautiful brown eyed girl... how healing her presence is to me. My heart swelled with...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Christmas Story Five

NOTE: This story contains pissing not water sports, sorry. Christmas Story Five Box & Bow One night about a week before Christmas I was awakened by mom letting out a scream. I got out of bed and started out of my bedroom door when dad shouted at me to get back in bed and go back to sleep. He looked at my sister coming out of her room too and told her to do the same thing. Mary Ann is my fourteen-year-old little sister. She is cute but I’ve know her my whole life and she can be a...

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Tattletale Tale 1

Tattletale Tail By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter One "Wow," said his mother looking around as she turned the car into a fancy development. "Looks like you made a rich friend." "Yeah, I heard that in school," said Todd. "But she's still a nice girl, right?" His mother gave him a look. "I think so," said Todd. "I don't know that many girls too well mom." "Well, as cute as you are," said his mother reaching over touching his head softly. "You will honey. It takes...

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Christmas at the Joness

Christmas at the Jones's. By Tanya H. For Lina, Becca and all the women who were strong and brave enough. Christmas Morning. A good family Christmas centres on tradition and hosting hers in her brand new (dream) house made Mum understandably nervous. I didn't help when I'd messaged, a few days earlier, to say I'd be bringing my boyfriend having decided the time was right to disprove the suggestion I'd invented him to try and reassure Mum. She met me on the driveway, as I...

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Christmas Journey

Copyright Oggbashan December 2011 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * It was the day before Christmas Eve in the mid 1960s. I was facing a boring Christmas sitting in my office in Devonport Dockyard waiting for something that probably wouldn’t happen. I was the most...

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Christmas Story Three

Christmas Story Three Sister’s Are Forever When I saw that coffee mug sitting on the store shelf all of a sudden it made sense. “Sister’s Are Forever!” That was what it said on it. My girlfriends have come and gone but my sister has always been there for me. This might be my last Christmas at home too. In June I would be out of high school and on my way to a college in another state. I bought the mug for my sister. Nichoël is my sister. My mother named her Nichoël because she...

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Christmas Lights

Marion sat upright on the bus seat, knees together, shoulder bag on her lap. She watched the dark streets pass by through her reflection in the window. Christmas lights shot their electric streams of coloured energy through the blackness, creating islands of cheer in the gloom. Some streets the bus passed through were more affluent, with lots of competing displays, making a cheerful vista to walk arm in arm through. She and Jack would have to do that some night. Other streets, poorer and...

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Christmas Wishes

I wrote this story several years ago and thought that I'd repost it for the holidays. Christmas Wishes By Morpheus The Carson family sat at their kitchen table in preparation for one of their families Christmas traditions. Mike, who was the father of the family, had a sheet of paper in front of him, carefully writing on it while his wife Lauren read over his shoulders, making occasional suggestions while their children, 17 year old Michelle and 15 year old Steve impatiently waited...

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Christmas Interludes

An English Christmas It was a long flight for Ethan and Nichole Smith. The two had to rush home after school to double check their suitcase to ensure that they had everything. Their father Nigel had already done the check for them and added some additional clothes that they had forgotten, particularly underwear and socks. He had had a hard time not shuddering at seeing Nichole's panties but it was for the greater good that he counted and made sure she had enough. Their mother Karen...

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Scotts Yucca Man Tale

Scott told me this tale at the Irish while Howie was being turned into Helen. Peace Belle. Scott's Yucca Man Tale I was just getting in from taking Connie back to Prince Eric. I had returned Connie back to her original form with Prince Eric's promise that he would send regular reports on the Count's behavior. I went to the Irish to get a beer or two along with a meal. I also wanted to catch up on local events and the Baseball scores. I was on the weekly board. I...

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Uncle Montys Tale

Uncle Monty's Tale This tale is how Scotty met Nicole's and Larry's father. Please read the tale of Oh No before reading this one. Peace. Belle. Greeting everyone. Scotty here. This tale deals with Anthony James Sargento. I told this tale after the interment of Anthony Sargento. Both Nicole and Larry wondered why both Capt. Starr and the leader of the Marine funeral detail saluted William Bonnie. Capt Starr, William Wallace, William Bonnie, and myself were in full uniform with medals...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 1

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 2

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 3

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 4

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 5Dark Ones rise

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. But remember all. I am not leaving Shadowsblade behind! I will start writing her soon! To have an idea about the main protagonist...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 7

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels Peril a...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 9 school meeting

Thursday August 9 2007 6:10 am Guest cottage area The green space in front of my house Homestake Paranormal Activities Research Center I am running through my morning routine, when Becky rolls up with a cart and Gunny driving. I glance over the carts back deck, to see traveling bags all laid on it? I walk over to see what is happening "Hi Gunny what is going on?" "Heya Kyley, Ahh I think Becky should tell you? As I don't want to get hurt!" "Haaa you old warrior. Your afraid......

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Tale of the Wizards Apples

Copyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: An old fashioned Fairy Tale about a plucky young lad who finds love and happiness in a Wizard’s apple orchard. Naturally there is a wicked step-father and some naughty step-brothers that need to get their own ‘just desserts’ as well. No Sex. None at all. Sorry. Codes: Fantasy, Historical & Magic Sex: No Sex Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-05-22 ******* The old Foole sat by the fire and tried to warm his aching joints next to the roaring fire of the...

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Christmas at Hawkwood

Dear readers, this story was written by me and my partner Midnitehawk. I hope you enjoy our story. I am sure our love and lust for each other shines thru into the story. Please write and let me know what you think and I will show all mail to Ian. We love to receive feedback on our stories. * * * * * The kitchen smelt of apple and blackberry pie. Heat, from the oven, pervaded the whole room. It felt like Fran had been cooking all day. A streak of white gashed her forehead, and she swept some...

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Christmas in April

April awoke to the sound of a winter wind blowing outside her window. She shivered a little at the sound, then sat up and took a couple deep breaths. To her relief, she didn’t cough and her lungs felt more or less clear. After checking her temperature to confirm that her fever was gone, April jumped out of bed and stretched.“It’s over,” she said aloud to the empty room, “That fucking disease is really over.”April had been bedridden for most of the last month. It had begun with a nasty flu and...

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Christmas Angel

Melinda and her husband Mike used to go all out at Christmas time, decorating every inch of the house, inside and out. It was her favorite holiday. One of the traditions Melinda brought from her childhood was the family setting up the tree the first Sunday of December. Nowadays it was not just their kids, but grandkids as well. The sounds of children giggling, a serenade of Christmas melodies, make that day extra special. This year however just wasn’t the same, because her husband divorced her...

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Christmas Love

2003 © Thank you Angel for all your wonderful help. It was a long five hour drive from the hospital. Seven year old Tim had bee n a constant visitor with his father, going there to see his mother since she had been diagnosed with cancer last spring. Tonight was Christmas Eve, and it was snowing very hard. They had to get home before Santa came. Tim was very excited about Christmas, even though his mother wouldn't be home. Spending the day with he r had helped young Tim a lot. They took...

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Christmas Love

A big thank you to Tigerjen for taking time out of her busy schedule to edit my story at the last minute… And I mean the last minute! * * * * * It was a long five hour drive from the hospital. Seven year old Tim, and his father had been doing it since his mother had been diagnosed with cancer, last spring. Tonight was Christmas Eve, and it was snowing very hard. They had to get home before Santa came. Tim was very excited about Christmas, even though his mother wouldn’t be home. Spending the...

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Christmas Cums

Dear Diary, Well, this has been another interesting Christmas for me, it is the seventh anniversary of my parents death, my seventh Christmas without a family. I didn't expect much for Christmas; only a few friends here at College know my story. The ones that had money and could afford them gave me presents. I got three or four small things, nothing major or worth mentioning and I gave my friends presents that I could afford. I did my usual bit for humanity by working in a soup kitchen and...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Christmas Cookies

Chapter One Twenty-eight days before Christmas I found myself in a remote, fortified camp in what seemed to be a million miles from nowhere. I am Lieutenant Eric Steiger, United States Navy, and I command a mixed unit of Marines and Navy SEALs. Our mission is to gather intelligence on arms being transported from Iran into Afghanistan. ‘Hey, Lieutenant. The supply helo is about ten minutes out. Do you have anything that needs to go back to headquarters?’ Chief Petty Officer Thomas Kincaid...

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Christmas on Duty

Christmas On Duty Copyright Oggbashan December 2012Minor edit December 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This story is set in the 1960s, long before texting and mobile phones. *************************************************Our office party was set for Christmas Eve...

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Christmas Climaxes

Step dad, mum and college lass: Everything under a Christmas tree should be opened with relish and delight....Some may say I’m lucky, others who share the same birthday as me, will take a different view. My birthday falls on Christmas Day. Yet here I was getting up excited and very early on Christmas morning just turned eighteen. I was prepared as usual for the ‘single double’ present that covered both birthday and Christmas. But at least it was under a tree. The tree I had helped decorate with...

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Christmas on Duty I have to work Why does she

Christmas On Duty Copyright Oggbashan December 2012Minor edit December 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This story is set in the 1960s, long before texting and mobile phones. *************************************************Our office party was set for...

5 years ago
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Christmas at Thanatos Manor

Christmas at Thanatos Manor – Part One Dear Reader. Here's a cruel and depraved little confection to brighten yourholiday season. So put down the ribbons and wrapping paper and spend a fewminutes with the members of the Thanatos Society as they gather at the Manorto celebrate Christmas. Like most of my tales, this one is not for the faintof heart. If you would like to let me know what you think of this story, youmay contact me at [email protected] Cerberus A leather-clad chauffeur...

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The Tale Of Swifty Black

THE TALE OF SWIFTY BLACK BY Dorothy StrangeloveSunlight shone through the window of the village church, beaming multicoloured rays of light through the stained glass, onto the man who was knelt in prayer at the altar. His voice echoed in the empty room as he said his piece to god, the light shone and bounced off his fine jewelled rings and the heavy gold cross and chain around his neck and it seemed to illuminate the whiteness of his embroidered shirt. "Oh Lord,"He said, "I am but a humble man,...

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The Tale of the Torch Singers Wife

THE TALE OF THE TORCH SINGER'S WIFE by enduringshades PROLOGUE Linda James was driving home in her husband's, Leo, SUV. She was distressed. She had been invited to the BRITs the night before, but her name was not on the guest list. Her husband's agency was supposed to have made the arrangements, but all they had done was book her a hotel room, just for her, and she had had to pay and she really couldn't afford it. She had thought the hotel room had been booked for her...

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A True TaleChapter 9

Mia only took a second to think and then quickly removed her dress step out of her slippers pull off her stockings and then blew out the lantern before pull down her underpants and climbing into bed. The next morning Mia was shocked at the fact that the old man only slept touching her in a kind manner but never made any type of sexual move. He was dressed and watching as she climbed out of bed and dressed. The both walked to breakfast where they met Lord Kronk. Kronk asked how they slept...

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Christmas Visitor

That was the awkward Christmas. I had come back from my sophomore year at college, visiting my parents for a few days — the first time I felt like a visitor in the house I grew up in. My younger brother, Randy, had accepted an invitation to go skiing with some cousins, a trip that my other obligations made impossible for me. His absence turned the time with my parents a bit more claustrophobic. Then, with only me and my parents in the house, they decided on a table-top Christmas tree instead of...

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Christmas Angel1

However, the coming Friday was Christmas. Instead of celebrating, she would spend the day sleeping late, enjoying a TV dinner, while watching one of her old taped movies, like “Gone with the Wind.” Or so she thought, the phone rang. When she answered it, it was her mother. She was calling to invite Melinda to come home for Christmas, after all she was only forty miles away. As usual, mom wouldn’t take no for an answer. “But Mom, I don’t feel like celebrating, it brings back too many...

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