Lucky Jim 3 - Cajun And GatorChapter 6 free porn video

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I left to find Sally and found her looking for me. “C’mon, stud, Dana’s waiting for you to plant a little one in her womb,” she said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards my room.

“What?” she asked when I stopped.

“I need to show you something first. It should only take a minute,” I said and pulled her into Don’s study.

She smiled sheepishly at Don and then noticed the case I turned towards her. “What’s that?” she gasped, seeing the coins.

“That’s part of what we collected from the two guys we captured last night. One of those cases is ours. I asked Don to keep it in the family vault for now. He plans to have a vault built in our new home.

“That’s a fortune,” she gasped.

“And we’ll leave it alone unless there’s an emergency. Unlike paper and electronic currency, these just become more valuable each year,” I explained.

“It will make me feel better knowing that we have such a huge reserve,” she said, kissing me lightly on the lips. “I don’t mean to be rude, but there’s a horny, fertile concubine waiting for Jim,” Sally told Don, blushing.

He waved us off, laughing.

I guess that Don liked the idea. I later heard that he went into the dining room where the women were all gathered and went over to Stephanie. “I have something for you by way of an apology for what I did yesterday,” he told her. Evidently, she squealed excitedly and dragged him to the bedroom when he showed her the unit to deactivate her birth control implant. I also heard that Mom and Aunt Peggy went with them to make sure he did it right. Somehow, their devices were also turned off. I guess that Lacey, our two-year-old half-brother Zachary, and I will have another sibling. He or she may have half-siblings and nieces or nephews the same age.

Kristen and Wendy had Dana all warmed up for me. Sally used her mouth to make sure I was up to the task and turned me loose. Five minutes later, after Dana had two more orgasms, I hosed her fertile insides with cum. Dana kept her arms and legs locked around me until I finally shriveled enough to slip free. When I did, I moved to the side to rest.

I woke up to Liv’s lips gently caressing my face. “Did you have a good nap?” she asked teasingly.

“I can show you how good it was,” I teased back, pulling her down on top of me.

“Show me later,” she giggled. “Dinner is ready, and Don wants to talk to you,” she said, stealing one last kiss and giggling before jumping back out of my reach.

Don laughed when I found him. “Bedhead,” he explained, pointing at me. I ran my fingers through the messed-up hair and shrugged.

“Our friend from last night asked if we’d be willing to help capture and interrogate the next higher boss in the chain. The Captain and his brother separately identified him and where he stays. They warned that he has military grade sensors all around his property, more sophisticated than the army base does.”

“How’d he find us?” I asked.

“He asked the State Police Commander to contact the person who contacted him and so on until the Sheriff commed me,” he chuckled. “Considering how easily he could have asked for and been given our identities, he’s trying hard not to find out who we are.”

“Good,” I replied. “What time?”

“I suggested meeting them at zero hundred hours. He said they’d meet us at the same place we met last night, except in New Orleans.”

“Okay, that’ll give me time to catch a couple hours’ sleep,” I replied. Don called the General back using a special com unit made by the company he works for. It displays no identifying information of the caller and the location can’t be tracked because the information is stripped when the call is made. He told the General to use that number to contact him and to call him “Cajun.” He agreed that we’d meet at midnight in New Orleans. I recognized the name Cajun as the handle his fellow troops had given him when he was in the service. I’d seen it on the cloth cover from his helmet that he brought home after he finished his tour of duty.

“Cajun and Gator, huh?” I asked Don. “Sounds like the name of a bad televid show,” I chuckled. I guess that hit his funny bone because he got a good laugh out of it.

Sally looked at me expectantly, but I saw Aunt Peggy off to my side shaking her head at Sally and make a zipping motion across her lips. “They will tell us what they can, when they can,” she explained to everyone in the room as she ushered us all to the dinner table.

After dinner, the ladies dragged me off to bed again, not to infer that I put up any resistance. This time, Liv went first, followed by sixteen-year-old Tessa, and then Don and Peg’s fifteen-year-old daughter Heather. I learned that I was the first guy that either Tessa or Heather had sex with, although they were quite familiar with their older (and younger) female siblings and the numerous toys the mothers had bought for them to play with until they were ready for sex with a guy.

After Heather, I managed to catch a couple hours’ sleep before my com unit’s alarm woke me up. “Be careful,” Sally admonished me nervously as she gave me a parting kiss and a tight hug, as did several of the other women. Half an hour later, I was showered, dressed, and ready to go. Don led me out to the armory where we loaded each grav sled with ten pencil sticks and a second fusion energy source to power a directed EMP weapon capable of disabling an escaping vehicle. He also locked in two long magazines of 10 mm rounds for each of the two silenced onboard automatic rifles.

We both donned battle armor and his company’s newest LiCHDICH (pronounced Litch-Ditch), or LIghtweight Composite Heads-up Display Integrated Combat Helmet. The helmet itself weighed less than four hundred grams, including the face shield and radio. We added laser communication equipment and a battle-cam, as well as independent and integrated targeting systems. I noted proudly that someone had painted “GATOR” across the front of my helmet and included a drawing.

The “Gator” they drew had a green body sculpted like a weightlifter with broad shoulders, a narrow waist, and muscular arms and legs. It had camouflage colored skin, full body armor, and carried a LiCHDICH in the crook of its left arm. It also wore a combat vest and sidearm and had a combat rifle slung over each shoulder.

I know that carrying two rifles isn’t practical, but everyone in the family has seen me do it on my way to the grav sled when I go hunting. Once aboard the grav sled, both rifles were secured in racks inside the sled until I needed one of them. Even though it was impractical to carry both like the drawing showed, it looked intimidating.

“Trudy did that for you after you went to sleep. As you know, she’s quite the artist,” Don said when he saw me looking at the “Gator.”

“I’ll have to thank her in the morning,” I replied emotionally.

The composites used in the face shield and the helmet were the latest ones developed for stopping ballistic projectiles. A hit from a 15-mm round would leave you with a headache, and might scratch the surface, but nothing worse. The independent and integrated targeting systems worked with both the new handheld assault weapons and the targeting system installed on the grav sled. I was familiar with the setup as the independent targeting system was exactly like the one on the grav sled that I used when hunting. The helmet would combine both systems if I used a handheld weapon while still on the sled. If I used the sled’s weapons, all targeting information appeared on my visor’s HUD.

One nice thing about adding the sled’s targeting system is that I can zoom in the “scope” so that I can hit the center of a bullseye at sixteen hundred meters with the 11 mm or 13 mm rifles. Normally, I only use those rifles when I’m after bears or large gators.

Communications include both ultra-short-band radio for close communication and a laser communicator for longer distances. The wearer can determine the range for the ultra-short-band radio from ten to four hundred meters. Nobody beyond that range can detect the short-range radio transmissions. How? I have no idea. While I understand the basics of physics and do well in the classes, physics isn’t one of my best subjects. Laser transmissions can be used from person to person, or by transmitting directly to a drone or satellites so they are undetectable. I was impressed with the helmet’s capabilities and told Don so.

We arrived well before zero hundred hours and met the General at the State Police headquarters in New Orleans, who was accompanied by twenty-four MPs and six FBI agents. The MPs set out in a dozen S-TAC’s, their latest armored assault vehicle and troop carrier, each vehicle taking a different route to their assigned location surrounding the new criminal base of operations being established in New Orleans. The base just outside of Atlanta was still in use but was due to be shut down and vacated within a week. Once we signaled the Army, they would shut down all communications, including radio and laser transmissions from the New Orleans area.

Shortly after midnight Sunday morning...

Don and I arrived outside the criminals’ new compound at 0015, well before the MPs would be in position. While Don stood guard, I relaxed and let my consciousness flow out towards the base, trying to make sense of what I was seeing.

I maintained a running commentary to Don, letting him know what I saw and what I heard. He stopped me when I commented about the newest sensors along the west side of the complex. Some sort of passive sensors had been installed but hadn’t been hooked up yet.

“What kind of sensors?” he asked.

It took me several minutes of listening in to learn that the sensors measured background cosmic radiation. “Don’t that beat all?” Don said amusedly. He explained that anything going over the sensors, even a cloaked grav sled, would momentarily decrease the level of background cosmic radiation, alerting them that there were cloaked or stealth intruders. High-altitude aircraft could set it off, too.

I also learned that they were expecting four teams tonight. Each would deliver a captured woman sometime between 0300 and 0500. They had no idea that one team had been compromised because there was to be no communication before they reached the compound. The delivery dates and times had been set when the assignments were made.

By 0030 hours, we’d finalized our plan of attack and updated the General. We were prepared and ready to attack when our com signals to the general went out, right on time. Don zipped over the fence first, just to be sure the sensors really were inactive. Once he was safely above the building complex, I followed, turning left along the wide corridor between the sensors and the building, targeting the sixteen sentries patrolling the grounds.

By the time Don was inside the main building, I’d taken out most of them. The remaining four had taken defensive positions in what appeared to be a small blockhouse next to one of the doors leading inside the complex.

The pencil sticks were designed to attack small aircraft and grav sleds. They could still disable larger aircraft with a carefully aimed strike in areas such as a fuel tank, wing, or the tail, which could cause the craft to crash or explode. Otherwise, they merely hampered the aircraft’s maneuverability, which makes it a sitting duck for the second shot or forced the craft to return to base.

As such, it took four pencil sticks to breach the blockhouse and kill the guards inside. Once the outside was clear, I mentally scanned the building’s perimeter again, and then beyond the perimeter of the base, making sure that no reinforcements for the bad guys were coming from behind us.

Unlike Don, who had managed to electronically bypass the security locks on the door he used, I used brute force. I knew that Don was inside on the far side of the building, so I burned the lock off my door with high temp cord. Attaching a rope to the door handle, I backed the sled away twenty meters and pulled the door open in case it was booby trapped and I missed detecting the threat. Fortunately, it wasn’t.

After the breaching practices Don and I had done, I’d learned to remove the automatic rifle’s extended barrel, leaving only the barrel stub. That made it easier to turn and otherwise maneuver in the confines of a building. Once again, I cleared my mind and sent my consciousness out to search the building. Six men remained inside, all locked in a heavily fortified communications room.

Even knowing where they were, I made my way through the building cautiously, watching mentally and physically for any booby traps, again not finding any. When I reached the communications room, I put high temp cord around the locks, but also put a shaped charge of Tredex against the door to blow it inward. A sensor would trigger the charge if anyone opened the door from inside. I put a much larger charge of Tredex against the outside wall across the room from the main door, one large enough to blow a hole in the wall and damage or destroy the communications gear inside, as well as sever the power connections.

Then I headed for Don’s position. Since the radios were still down, I used the dog whistle we each carried. Nobody else could hear it, but the sensors in our helmets were configured to pick it up and make it audible. I gave the whistle sequence that let him know everything was okay here and he replied. When I was close to him, I whistled our IFF signal, getting a reply. I kept doing it until I could see him and he acknowledged my wave.

“Check this out,” he said, motioning to the door of a large vault. He’d obviously burned his way through the locking mechanism since it was gone and the vault door stood open.

“How do you know that nobody else is hiding in the halls?” I asked.

He pulled a small cube from a pouch, one I hadn’t seen him bring. “I put one of these at the end of each corridor as I made my way through the building. They let me see anything that enters the corridor, even if the corridor is full of smoke. I had to make sure each one was linked to the next one to transmit the signal via laser. Every view projects onto the HUD of my face shield. If something moves, the view flashes to let me know. I saw everything you did since you stepped inside the building,” he explained.

“Oh,” I replied, realizing that I should have known he had everything under control. I also realized that he could have watched everything by expanding his consciousness the same way I did.

“Holy shit!” I exclaimed when I looked inside the vault. “There’s enough drugs in there to keep everyone in the state stoned for a month.”

“And enough weapons and munitions for a small army,” Don added. “Let’s finish rounding up the last six creeps and file a claim for what we want in there,” Don said.

“Claim?” I asked.

“Yup, we’re ‘civilian contractors’ even though we’re doing this for free. That means we can claim three quarters of the loot we capture, just like they let the elite forces do during their missions,” he explained.

“Great, you’ll want some of those assault rifles and sniper rifles for the boys,” I commented.

“Still thinking ahead I see,” he chuckled.

I explained how I’d rigged the explosives and he nodded.

“Blow the door to make sure they’re hiding behind the communications equipment. Then blow the charge against the wall behind the communications equipment. That should at least stun them. You and I can each use a different opening to enter the room to capture any survivors,” Don said.

There were three survivors when we found them. Two were unconscious or stunned and the third was buried under rubble from the collapsed wall. Blowing the wall also cut the power to the room. Don guarded the three prisoners while I went back outside and launched a single green flare, aiming it towards the west side of the complex to let the MPs and FBI know to enter from that side. I met them at the west gate.

“Everything okay?” the General asked.

“For us, yes; not so much for the bad guys,” I chuckled. “We’ve got three prisoners.”

“Shit,” one of the MPs whistled when he saw the partially destroyed blockhouse.

“Nice,” another commented when he saw where I had burned the lock off the door.

I stopped the General and adjusted the HUD on the helmet Don loaned him so it was hooked up to the cameras inside. He followed me to the control room where the MPs took charge of the three prisoners. Two were led away on unsteady feet and the third had to be carried out on a stretcher.

Don took the General to the vault and showed him what was visible. “I’d like the assault rifles and two dozen sniper rifles, as well as all the ammo for both. Have two of each mortar and all the mortar rounds, as well as the RPGs sent to the Sheriff in Blanc Bayou. I’ll split the assault rifles, sniper rifles, RPGs, and ammo with him,” Don told the General.

“Mortars?” The General asked.

“Gotta train the boys,” Don said, jabbing his thumb towards me.

“Let me recommend that you store the heavy weapons and ordnance at the base so you can use the facilities there to train your boys in a controlled environment,” the General suggested.

“That sounds reasonable. The second vault is where the money is stashed. If you have anyone that can open it, the army can keep the currency and electronic money. I’ll take our portion in the bullion and gems. If you don’t have anyone, I know a couple of guys who can open the door without damaging it, or I’ll let Gator try his hand at it after we deal with the Atlanta base. I’d like to keep the door, too. That means we’ll also need to keep the frame, since they are a single unit,” Don explained.

“You want a vault door?” the General asked incredulously.

“My boy just got married this morning and we’re building him a house with a big vault for when he goes to China,” Don replied.

“You think he’ll be in elite forces?” the General asked, looking me over.

“He’s better now than I was when I finished my years in the Marine Raiders,” Don said proudly.

“You think that he’ll terrorize the Chinese as badly as you did?” the General laughed.

“No, I’m counting on him to bring the Chinese to their knees so that no more of our boys die over there. A hundred years from now, Chinese mothers will whisper to their children that they’d better behave, or Gator will get them,” he said without the slightest hint of a smile.

“If anybody besides you told me that, I’d ignore the statement. Given your track record, I can only hope that he enlists soon,” the General said soberly.

“Two years, he just turned sixteen,” Don replied.

“Let me know if I can help when he’s ready,” the General replied, “and I’ll let you open the vault door. No telling how long it would take the army to get someone here who can do it without explosives.”

“We’ll be back for it. Let General Blacknell know that we’ll meet him at the rendezvous in twenty to thirty minutes,” Don said once we got outside and used our clickers to recall our cloaked grav sleds. “And don’t forget that they are expecting three deliveries of women here tonight,” he added right before snapping a salute and then climbing onto his sled. I followed suit and we jetted into the night sky.

“Jesus!” General Blacknell gasped when we uncloaked next to him twenty-three minutes later. He had fifty MPs and two dozen FBI agents with him. Twenty S-TACs and ten ambulances were parked nearby.

“General Conklin says that you two kicked ass and took names over there,” he said. “Hopefully, you can do the same here.”

“We’ll do our best,” Don promised. The General showed us reconnaissance photos of the base. It was the same size and appeared to have an identical layout. When we zoomed in on various sections, we could see the field of passive sensors just inside the fence.

“I’ll bet an EMP would fry the sensors. It might even shut down more electronics inside the bunker, depending on how well they’re shielded,” I suggested.

“Shit, yeah,” Don chuckled. “You do your thing so we know what we’re up against. Then, we’ll knock out the south and east sensor fields and enter the base from the east. You circle around the compound to the north and I’ll head south and west taking out the sentries. Once the outside is clear, you can do your thing again to check inside and we’ll breach the west entrance like you did earlier.”

I climbed back on the sled and cloaked because I didn’t really want anyone watching me, guessing about what I could do. Despite the adrenaline rush that was starting again, I was easily able to expand my consciousness out far enough to check the compound. I also remembered to check the area outside the compound searching for possible reinforcements that could sneak in behind us. I was searching just half a klick outside the compound and found nothing except a few people working in small manufacturing facilities and warehouses.

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 9

Friday Despite staying up later than usual to make up to the women for not being home far too many nights this last week, I was out of the house just after 0500 hours. Twenty minutes later, I was near Port Arthur and the Texas/Louisiana border. After taking a vector on the danger, I sent it and my GPS coordinates to the General. Thirty minutes later, I sent coordinates from near Pensacola. When I called right afterward, the General told me that the vectors intersected about 150 klicks north...

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Cajun Ass Queen Part 4

Cajun Ass queen Part 4By lilguy [email protected] Plump ass Women fight over man continues..fight turn to v******eCajun Ass Queen Part 4Author Note- This was a commission I did for more info smiled as she twisted her hand“You fucked up now you fat cow” Caj saidShe slapped Jane hard leaving big bruises. Jane tried to block her attack but she continued slapping and slapping. She was pushed into the wall and another slapped hit her face....

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Cajun Ass Queen Part 1

Cajun Ass queen Part 1By lilguy [email protected] Plump ass Women fight over a man, a Wife vs MistressCajun Ass Queen Part 1Author Note- This was a commission I did for more info was sitting in her boss office typing some form. Caj was what most people called her. Her name was Cajun for short and she had the most perfect ass in the office. It was big and plump. She was sitting in a comfy seat that was extra size to fit her round...

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Week in Cajun

Week in CajunBy lilguy lBbw Cajun returns to humiliated the X wife of the lover she stoleAuthor note- This was a story I ask to do by someone. Base on this lady I never actully met, her all events are fictionalTo see more stories and how to get commission go here. in CajunCaj had moved into Tom’s new home where she reigns as butt Queen and Dom. She had redecorated...

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Cajun Ass Queen Part 2

Cajun Ass queen Part 2By lilguy [email protected] Plump ass Women fight over a man, continuesCajun Ass Queen Part 2Author Note- This was a commission I did for more info were a bit hectic for Tom over the next couple of days. The people in his audience could tell there were some animosity between Tom’s Wife Jane and Caj. They all knew Jane was gorgeous. She showed off her body wearing expensive clothing that showed off her round...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 24

Sunday It’s a good thing I woke up just before 0600. I’d barely finished with my shower when General Conklin commed me. “Thanks for the updates to the nav computers,” he said. “Did you find anything else--besides two girls?” he teased. I explained about the military base, about the newly trained soldiers used as guards, noting the elite troops were hiding and waiting. I also explained about the old subway tunnel that led to the college. He agreed that feigning an attack against the hotel to...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 5

“Did you feel it too?” he asked. “Yeah, two guys across the bayou looking to kidnap Juana and leave her kids tied up. They intend to sell her to their boss,” I replied. “Shit,” he hissed. “You ready?” he asked. “Oh, yeah, ready to kick some ass,” I replied angrily. “Try to take them alive so we can get answers about who they work for,” he warned. We exited through the back door, each climbing aboard our own grav sled with the supply tender trailing, and quickly whisked across the bayou....

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Cajun Ass Queen Part 5

Cajun Ass queen Part 5By lilguy [email protected] Plump ass Women fight over a man, victor enjoys the spoils of warCajun Ass Queen Part 5Author Note- This was a commission I did for more info walked into the door way of the house. She smiled with an evil smirked on her face. Her auburn hair hung down, medium down to her shoulders. At 5.6 Caj stood the pentacle of big and beautiful. Her skin and cellulite oozing out of every inch of...

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My Cajun Lover

This true event follows right after my story “My First Threesome.”That last great summer semester of college messing around with Sean and Roger was over and I had received my degree followed by several job interviews all over southern Louisiana. Before long, I secured a slot in a management training program with a chain retail clothing store which catered to women from teens to thirty.I spent one week at a regional training program and then couldn’t believe my luck when they sent me to New...

Straight Sex
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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 21

Saturday This morning, I used the smaller, upstairs study bathroom to perform my morning ablutions so I didn’t wake the others. After I dressed, I acquired two canine followers on my way downstairs and three more once I got downstairs. I’d seen the handlers turn the dogs loose to run and do their business, and I did the same, although I stayed near the back door with the door open. The barking as they frolicked drew three more dogs outside. Juwanna and Mabel just laughed at me as I watched...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 10

Five months later “I’m afraid this will be our last year working together,” I reluctantly told Carl, my Kroger liaison. “You’re going to sell to someone else?” he asked, sounding just as hurt as he was surprised that I would consider doing it. “No, your people have been great. I just can’t stay here any longer. Every time I go into town, too many people laugh behind my back. I’m going to take a bath when I try to sell the place, but I have to get out of here,” I sighed. Concerned for me,...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 6 Indians

Mar 8-9, 1857 Emma’s POV We leased space in a warehouse in Leavenworth near the docks. Every one of the white women who had lived near here wanted to bring everything from their homes. I could understand in a way. It was all they had remaining of their former lives and their loved ones. Jim would probably be upset about it. Then an idea hit me. We raided the town, buying all the luggage they had, and bought lumber and carpenter’s tools for the men to make wooden crates. We packed and crated...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 1

“Shit! Oh, Fuck! So much for my family believing that I’m lucky,” was the first thought that screamed through my brain as I simultaneously slammed on the brakes, and concentrated on controlling the car and not pissing myself. The next couple of seconds gave me enough time for memories to flash though my mind as I relived the high and low points of the first eighteen years of my life. Memories of Bitsy and my sister each made tears well up in my eyes, tears that I had to blink away so I could...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 36

Wednesday morning 0330 When we tied up at the U.S. Coast Guard dock and debarked, we were met by our excited, although half-asleep family members. “What should we do with your boat?” the local U.S. Coast Guard commander asked, grinning. “Use it for target practice, let your men use it for fishing on their days off, or sell it and donate the money to the U.S. Coast Guard retirement fund,” I teased back. “Seriously, though, sell it and donate the money to a good cause,” I insisted. “I heard...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 35

Friday I was at peace with myself this morning, and didn’t need the dogs chasing each other, the quiet walk to the creek, or working in the barn this morning. It was a good thing, because the look on Faizah’s face this morning made me sure she would have hunted me down and done me wherever I was when she found me. “I should be fertile this morning,” she husked as I pounded into her as she lay bent across my desk. When we finished, she tiptoed quickly back to the master bedroom. I’m pretty...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 13

Bitsy rolled over and started kissing me. “Got anything left for me?” she teased. “I’m sure I can be persuaded in a few minutes,” I answered as I hugged her. “Hmmmmm, I bet I can shorten the delay,” she challenged with a wicked gleam in her eye. When she took my turgid, cum-coated cock into her mouth, I was pretty sure that she was right. She stopped after less than half a minute. “Good stuff,” she said as she crawled over me to Chloe. “Share,” she demanded right before burying her face in...

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Finest Hour of Jim Dandy

The old man buckled the worn gunbelt around his thin waist with the ease of long decades of experience. He was dressed in a black broadcloth suit with a white silk shirt and worn, but shiny low heeled black boots. On his head was an old ten gallon hat it's crown circled by gold eagles. The gunbelt was old as well and shiny with age, the golden eagles inset into the belt and holsters had long ago been worn smooth from handling. The frontier Colts the old man wore had seen uncounted numbers of...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 40

On a mid-May Friday, my wives boarded the AN-158, insisting that I join them. They wouldn’t tell me where we were going. I still had no idea what was going on when we arrived at the hotel in Lexington and they had me change into one of my tuxedos. “Will someone please tell me what we’re doing?” I asked. “You’re making us happy,” Jan replied. Two hours later the women were dressed as stylishly as I was, and we climbed into the waiting party bus. I finally realized where we were going when...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Moving in with Jim and Candy Part 4

"The Pool Guy and the Plumper" - FictionLater in the summer, I had to work an overnight shift at the store. It was pretty dead other than the guys and couples that came in to play at the glory hole. When I got home, Jim and Candy were getting ready to go to work at their respective jobs. Jim smiled at me, "You look a little beat. Just so you know, the pool guy will be coming by this morning or this afternoon. He already has a key to the gate, so you won't have to get up to let him in. Just...

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Moving in with Jim and Candy Part 3

Learning how to take anal play - FictionSo the next couple of weeks with Jim and Candy revolved around us having various types of sex. Sometimes all three of us, sometimes just two of us. Sometimes two of us having sex while the third masturbated, sometimes all of us masturbating and watching each other. It was fun and hot. The one thing we hadn't done was me taking a cock in my ass, whether it was Jim or Candy. I guess the part of me that was scared was stronger than the part of me that was...

2 years ago
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The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K CAJUN HEAT Part 9

Hello, fair fans, and welcome to another one of my literary orgies of wild, unbridled sex. If you want to read more of my stuff after reading this, please visit my website. I reserve all commercial and all non-electronic rights to this work. If you are not permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please don't read it. So, without further ado, let's get on with the show. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: CAJUN HEAT ? by: Brett Lynn "Hey, show us your...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 8 New Orleans

Apr 22-29 We encountered far more traffic on the lower Mississippi River than on the Missouri. With the wider, more traveled river, our boat continued traveling at night since the moon was full enough to provide some light. After eight continuous days aboard the boat, I was eager to be back on solid ground, able to move around and go places without worrying about missing the boat if I delayed too long making purchases in town. As it was, I had already sent back enough building supplies to...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 38

I still can’t get over the fact that I now own seven producing oil wells and am expecting an eighth to come in within a month. Leonard was beside himself when he called to tell me that the seventh well came in two weeks earlier than expected. He also warned that the well they were currently drilling aboard Lucky J #2 might come in early, too. I can live with that. As it is, the first six wells are pumping more than three million dollars a day! Leonard expects the newest well to perform as...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 17

Walt entered the kitchen and looked at me appraisingly. “You okay? I heard you were next door, staring off into space.” I could hear in his voice that he was concerned. “So much weird shit happening today, but mainly I’ve been worried because one of the rescued girls did everything but proposition me in front of one of the shrinks and my girls. Chloe and Marisa told me not to worry about it, they all understood, so I’m fine,” I answered. “I can’t keep one woman happy,” he chuckled. “While...

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Moving in with Jim and Candy Part 5

Not long after the scene with the pool guy and Janice occurred, Jim was called out of town on business for a few days. A couple of days after he left, Candy and I were eating dinner and just chit chatting about things. It was getting late into the summer and college would be starting soon. Candy took a sip of her wine, "So are you going to try to keep working at the store while you're going to school?"I shrugged , "I'm thinking about it. I already talked to the owners and asked them if I could...

1 year ago
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Moving in with Jim and Candy Part 1

FictionIt was the summer just after my 18th birthday. I had been accepted to a decent college and I busted my ass to win some scholarships to cover the school, the books and some modest living expenses. Very modest, but it would let me focus on school without getting any sort of full time job. My parents were always prudish and any discussions about sex were short, clinical and never more than absolutely necessary, unfortunately. Despite this lack of parental guidance, I figured out that I was...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 11 On the Road Again and Again and Again

Dec 3, 1857 We arrived in Omaha shortly after noon today. The rest of the afternoon was another tumultuous, continuous, parade of wagons taking people to Libertyville. When the initial wagons returned, I noticed that the wagon drivers were all Negroes, probably to help make our new additions more relaxed. I was glad to find Emma and Wendy doing well, as well as Emma’s and my son, Jim Jr., and Wendy’s and my daughter, Violet. Nathan and his mother held an emotional reunion. We had enough...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 23

Tuesday The dogs seemed to be waiting for me this morning, which reminded me that I needed to get their handlers set up with more permanent housing. I was in the doorway watching their coursing game when a pair of arms slipped around my waist. “I’m trying to learn to get up at the same ungodly hour that you do,” Jan sighed. “Never happen,” I chuckled. “You girls would have to stop your late-night fun far too early in order to get up at this hour,” I reminded her. “True, but you are the...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Celebrating the Century Mark Chapter 1 Jim tries to Understand my Obsession with LUSH

Jim and I were relaxing on the back patio, sipping our cocktails to the soothing sound of the waterfall as it trickled into our backyard pool. It was mid-June, but the weather had not yet turned brutally hot. In a matter of weeks, it will be too hot to enjoy our patio like this, but tonight the weather was perfect.I took a sip of my chardonnay and said, “I was looking over my Lushstories profile page today during lunch…”“At work?” Jim interrupted with a slightly disapproving tone. Jim was...

Straight Sex
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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 33

Friday Despite missing snuggling with my wives, I slept well and woke up just after 4:00 Riyadh time this morning. The Marine who was on duty let me into the gym so I could work out. “It’s not fair,” he complained. “The Saudis are crediting one of their Palace Guards who died with warning them about the attack.” “My ... idea,” I grunted between reps of the bench press. “I like to keep my name and face out of the news about actions I’m involved in,” I explained after finishing the reps. “The...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 7 Coal and Adventure

Coal and Adventure Mar 27, 1857 We left after an early breakfast this morning. Four Sioux warriors and Grey Fox accompanied our eleven wagons as we headed north. Chief Lone Buffalo told me it took four or five days to walk to the location of the coal. With the wagons, it still took four days, mainly because the trail wasn’t a wagon road and we had to cut down trees or clear rocks and fill in ruts where water had previously washed across the game trail we followed. We were exhausted when we...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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