Neuro Submission Transmitter 5 free porn video

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"God damn! That fucking bastard!" I hear mom yell from the living room. Jumping out of bed, I run in to see what's wrong. Mom's fuming as she walks back and forth reading a letter. She's wearing a short terrycloth robe that she must have slipped on to go out to the mailbox.

"What's wrong, mom." I ask, putting my arm around her shoulder and trying to read the letter. "What's that?" I ask.

"It's a letter from your father's lawyer." She yells, stomping her feet. "He says your father is entitled to half of the money from Uncle Harry's estate, because our divorce was never final."

"What do you mean?" I ask. "He's wrong isn't he? I mean about your divorce."

"Of course he's wrong." She says, hesitantly. "I mean, I'm pretty sure we're divorced." Mom says, thinking about it. "I signed papers and sent them to your father's lawyer. But, I guess, if he never filed them, then we could still be married. Shit!"

"Jesus!" I say. "Can he really get half of our money?" I ask, incredulously. Mom's robe has fallen open and, even in my anger, my cock responds to her magnificent body.

"I don't know." Mom says, completely unaware of my hard cock, as she walks into the kitchen. "I've got to make some phone calls."

Damn! I've got to get the transmitter fixed. I wasn't worried about it because I haven't needed to use it. Mom and my sister, Susan, have continued to be amazingly adventurous sex partners, with me and with each other. Mrs. Edwards, responding to the trigger I gave her, continued my sexual lessons until the end of the semester, and Nicole and I broke up a couple of months ago. There was no real urgency.

But, now there is! I can take care of this thing with dad, if I can just get the transmitter working. Going into my room, I retrieve it from its hiding place in my closet. I've already discovered that the bottom slides open, exposing connectors that I'm not familiar with. I've looked in a few computer and electronics stores, but haven't found anything that fits it. Lying down on my bed, I study the connector again.

"I have to go down to Uncle Harry's and meet with the lawyer tomorrow." Mom says, walking into my bedroom. "Do you want to come with me?"

"Sure." I answer, thinking I might be able to find the charger at Uncle Harry's house. "Did you want to leave tonight?" I ask. Mom hasn't pulled her robe closed, and she might as well be naked, standing in the doorway. Her breasts are heaving up and down, as her breath comes in heavy sighs, and her porcelain smooth pussy mound is right at my eye level.

"Yes, right away." She says, so distracted that she still doesn't notice my erection. "As soon as I pack an overnight case." Mom says, pulling her robe off as she turns toward her bedroom. I follow her into her bedroom, admiring her luscious ass on the way. I sit on her bed and watch her while she changes.

"What did the lawyer say, mom?" I ask, as she pulls a light blue thong from her dresser. I am mesmerized, as she steps one and then the other foot into it, bending over with her ass to me.

"He said, that if I never got a final decree from the court, we may still be married." She answers, while wiggling the thin strip of material between her firm, round ass cheeks. "And if that's the case, then your dad may very well be entitled to half of what we inherited." She says, standing up straight and adjusting the front of the thong over her pussy lips. My cock is standing at attention, as she extracts a matching bra from the same drawer and slips her arms into it.

"How did he even know about the money?" I ask, while I watch mom fasten the bra across the center of her chest and arrange each of her tits comfortably in its cup.

"Who knows?" Mom seethes. "The lawyer just said to bring all the papers I have and he'll try to get it straightened out." She turns towards me, noticing my hard cock for the first time. "Oh honey, I am really not in the mood, right now." She says, apologetically.

"I know, mom." I respond, getting off the bed and hugging her. "I'm fine." I say. "But I can't help my reaction to watching you get dressed. I never get tired of seeing your sexy body, mom." I tell her, holding her tightly against me, her silk covered tits pushing into my chest and my hard cock pressing against the front of her thong.

"You came twice this morning already, Nick." She exclaims, referring to our lovemaking when we woke up a few hours ago. She reaches her hand between us and squeezes my hard-on. "God! The resilience of teenagers." She laughs. "Can you at least wait until we get to Uncle Harry's?" She asks, kissing me lightly on my lips.

"Sure mom." I answer, squeezing her bare ass cheeks. "No problem." I break the hug and head to my bedroom to get ready. "Mom." I say, turning back to her from the doorway. "Don't worry, everything will be alright."

"I know." She says, smiling unconvincingly.

I haven't been to Uncle Harry's in quite a while. It seems weird not to call Nicole to tell her we're here. When she called a few weeks ago to tell me she was seeing someone from school, I was really upset. I almost used the post transmission suggestion on her, but once I calmed down, I realized that it was really for the best. We're still friends, and I'm actually happy for her.

We get there late and mom and I crash out on Uncle Harry's king sized bed. We snuggle up to each other, but it's obvious that mom isn't in the mood for anything else, so we just go to sleep.

The next day, while mom is at the lawyers, I search Uncle Harry's office for the charger. As I'm leaving his office, to go look in the library, the front doorbell rings. I'm shocked to see Nicole's mom standing on the front porch.

"Uh, come in Mrs. Devlin." I say, opening the door wider. "How have you been?" I ask, wondering why she's here. She's wearing a red halter-top, stretched tightly across her ample tits, a pair of white shorts and flip-flops.

"I've been good, Nick." She says, stepping across the threshold. "But, please call me Maggie." She says, smiling. I follow her into the living room; watching her tight shorts, ripple across her swaying ass cheeks. Her long, tan legs are well toned and I'm surprised at the instant reaction my cock is exhibiting for Nicole's mom.

"My mom's not here, Mrs... uh, Maggie." I say, as we enter the living room and she turns towards me.

"I know." She says, smiling mischievously. "I watched her drive away a while ago. I came over to talk to you."

"Me?" I ask, wondering what she would want to talk with me about.

"Yes, Nick." She says. "Is that so hard to believe?" She asks, teasingly. "I'm sorry things didn't work out between you and Nicole." She says, softly. "I thought you two were good together."

"Yeah, well." I answer. "It was hard on both of us being so far away." She lifts herself up onto one of the bar stools at the kitchen counter and crosses her legs.

"Would you like something to drink, Maggie?" I ask. It's hard for me to think of her as Maggie; I've always just thought of her as Nicole's mom, and never paid much attention to her. Now that we're alone in the house, I'm surprised by how attractive she is and I'm finding the smooth, tanned skin of her exposed shoulders and her long, shapely legs, a very pleasant distraction.

"A diet coke would be great, if you have one." She says, smiling at me.

"Sure." I answer, getting two diet cokes from the fridge and opening hers before I give it too her.

"Thank you, Nick." She says. "I never got a chance to properly thank you for what you did for me... with Frank, I mean." She says, resting her hand on my arm. "It was incredible the way you used the transmitter to completely change his personality." She says, pausing to take a drink. I stare at her in disbelief.

"Oh yeah." She says, setting her diet coke can down. "I know all about the transmitter, Nick."

"Nicole told you?" I ask, wondering how she got around the post transmission suggestion I gave her to not tell anyone.

"Nicole knows about it?" She asks, startled by my revelation.

"Yes." I answer. "How do you know about it?" I ask. Finding this whole conversation really bizarre.

"I've known Harry since before he created it." She says. "Harry and I." She pauses, smiling sheepishly at me. "We... uh... that is... we were very close." She watches me intently for a reaction. I just wait to hear what else she says.

"I was his first subject, you know." She smiles broadly. "For his transmitter experiments. I don't suppose you've seen the video." She looks at me mischievously.

"You know about the video?" I can't believe she knows about all of this.

"Oh yes!" She says, excitedly. "That video was a real source of entertainment for Harry and I." She studies me as if deciding how much she wants to reveal. "Harry and I had been intimate for a couple of years before he developed the transmitter, Nick. It was such a turn on to watch that video while we were making love."

"Did you... um... know about the others?" I ask, hardly believing what I'm hearing.

"I did not know that Harry was using the transmitter on Nicole, until after he was gone and she insisted on coming over here everyday. I really thought she was just studying here in the afternoons." She proclaims, adamantly. "There were others, too, I suppose?" She looks at me questioningly.

"Yes, two others." I answer, still not believing that she was that naive about Nicole, but not ready to tell her about mom and Susan.

"Did he... with Nicole, I mean... did he..." She hangs her head.

"He never touched her." I answer her unasked question. "But he did watch her." I add.

"That bastard!" She says, vehemently. "Did you use the transmitter on Nicole, Nick?" She looks at me earnestly.

"Yes." I answer. "But not like Uncle Harry did, Maggie." I hesitate and then tell her most of it. "I eliminated her need to visit Harry's house everyday. I made her proud of her body. She was so self-conscious about her breasts." Maggie laughs, knowingly, waiting for me to continue. "And I.. um..." I pause, carefully picking my phrasing. "I made her less inhibited and little more adventurous sexually." I say, very quickly. "We were already having sex, without any help from the transmitter." I add hurriedly. "I just opened her mind up to other possibilities." Maggie nods, quietly.

"Harry knew how Frank was and didn't do anything about it." She stares at me. "But you... you fixed it the first time we met." She has her hand on my arm again, rubbing it casually up and down my bicep. "You know, you're my hero, Nick." She smiles.

"So you and Uncle Harry..." I don't finish. "Wow!" I add.

"Oh God, he was so fucking good in bed!" She smiles at the memory. "I don't know if it was his natural skill or suggestions from the transmitter. Frankly, I didn't care. That man really made me wet the sheets, Nick. He could completely drain every ounce of energy from my body and have it pooling on the bed between my legs." She sighs, and then looks up and catches me blushing.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I'm embarrassing you, Nick." She teases. "But this is part of why I've come to see you." Her hand slides up across my shoulder and down my chest. "You've got the transmitter, Nick." As she leans her mouth up next to my ear, her tits brush across my arm. "You can make anyone do whatever you want." She whispers, holding her tits against me for emphasis. "I never asked you before, Nick, because... well, with you and Nicole dating... I mean that would have been seriously wrong." She smiles. "But, now..."

"Um... it's not working." Is all I can think of to say. "I can't figure out how to charge it." I blurt out.

"Well, looks like it's a good thing I came over." Maggie leans back, smiling, her hard nipples pushing against the material of her top. "Where is it, Nick?" She asks, her braless tits bouncing as she steps down from the barstool, and hooks her arm through mine.

"It's in my overnight bag in the bedroom." I answer, walking with her down the hallway.

"Your uncle was kinky, too, Nick." She whispers as we enter the master bedroom. My heart skips a beat as I realize that mine and mom's stuff is all in one bedroom. Maggie's hanging on my arm, continuing her story. "He liked really kinky things." She whispers, teasingly, while pushing her tits into my arm. "Nothing he would ever put on a video, though."

"What kind of things?" I ask, hoping to keep her distracted enough that she won't notice the sleeping arrangements. I retrieve the transmitter from my overnight bag and lead Maggie back into the hallway.

"He liked me to fuck him in the ass." She says, staring into my eyes for a reaction. My face must have registered complete shock because she laughs uproariously. "Oh yeah, conservative Uncle Harry." She laughs. "Loved it when I'd use a strap-on dildo. He used to cum like a fountain while I pumped in and out of his asshole."

"Uh... how do we charge the transmitter, Maggie?" I ask, not knowing what else to say to her.

"Come with me." She says, excitedly, dragging me by the arm into Uncle Harry's study. "Let me have it." She says, reaching for the transmitter. Sliding it open, like she's done it a hundred times, she bends down and inserts it, bottom first, into a tiny nook on the underside of Uncle Harry's desk. I kneel down and see what, at first glance, looks like decorative wood, but is actually a docking station for the transmitter.

"Awesome!" I exclaim. Now I'll be able to take care of dad. "How long does it take?" I ask.

"I'm not sure." She answers, running her hands through my hair while I'm still kneeling on the floor. "I don't think Harry ever ran it all the way down before." She steps closer, tucking the back of my head into the crotch of her shorts, massaging my scalp with her hands.

"It's not really fair, you know." She says, in an exaggerated pouty voice.

"What's not fair, Maggie?" I ask, standing up and turning towards her. I assume she means that I have the transmitter and not her.

"It's not fair that you've seen video of me completely naked... not to mention, in very compromising positions. My own daughter has seen you, completely naked in uninhibited, adventurous ways. Isn't that what you said?" She asks, rhetorically, as she wraps her arms around my waist and looks up at me with a big smile on her face. "But I've never seen you naked." She says, brushing her body up and down against the bulge in my pants. "Do you think that's fair, Nick." She asks, again using her little girl, pouty voice, as she unbuttons my shirt. I don't answer. I just slide my hands around her waist and cup her ass cheeks, drawing her to me.

"Have you ever fucked a mother and her daughter, Nick?" She whispers in my ear as she peels my shirt off my shoulders.

"Um... um..." I'm stuttering, startled by the question, thinking about mom and Susan.

"Oh Christ, you have the transmitter." She says, amazement in her voice and on her face. "You could do whoever you want, whenever you want, can't you."

"Um... pretty much." I answer. "But I don't just use it for sex." I add, maybe a little too defensively."

"What else do you use it for, Nick." Maggie asks, while pulling the zipper of my shorts down. She kneels down, taking my shorts down with her and I step out of them. She's eye level with my cock, covered only by my jockey shorts.

"I used it on a bully at school once." I answer. "And, um, your husband, of course..." I gasp, while she runs her hands over my ever-growing bulge, behind my white briefs. "I... um... I'm going to use it to get my dad to stop pestering my mom." I answer, as Maggie, pulls the elastic waistband of my jockey shorts out over the tip of my hard cock.

"Oh my." She sighs, licking the head of my cock even before she gets my jockey shorts off the rest of it.

"Oh God!" I groan, moving my feet apart for balance. I've got built up tension in my balls since yesterday when I was watching mom get dressed. Maggie pulls my jockey shorts all the way down, while sliding her lips over my rigid shaft.

"You're the perfect size, Nick." She says. "Your cock will fit nicely wherever you want to put it." She smiles teasingly, while holding my cock in her hand and licking all around it like an ice cream cone. "You know, Nick, you made Frank a much better lover than he ever was before. I don't know what you said to him, but he's attentive, loving and always tries to make me cum before he does."

"Glad I could help." I pant, while Maggie continues licking and nibbling on my throbbing cock.

"But I don't always want attentive and loving, Nick." She smiles at me, while stroking her hand up and down my rigid shaft. "I need adventurous and uninhibited, sometimes, too." She says, nibbling on the underside of my cock. "I need explosive and thunderous sex, Nick". She says, before sliding her lips all the way down my shaft and burying my cock head in her throat."

"You... want... me... to... give... Frank... another... suggestion?" I manage to ask, while pumping my cock in and out of Maggie's moist mouth.

"No! Nick!" She says, stopping abruptly and just holding my aching cock in her hand. "You could give Frank a million suggestions and he'll never be Mr. Thunderous and Explosive." She shakes her head. "I want you to use the transmitter on me, Nick. Just like Harry did." She calms down and continues her licking. "You can give me thunderous and explosive orgasms, Nick. You know you can!"

"Oh fuck! Maggie!" I cry, as she cups my balls while pumping my cock in and out of her warm mouth. "Yeah, just like that!" I breathe; as the tension builds and I feel my balls tighten, signaling my approaching release. She stops again, pulling her mouth back and squeezing my cock with her hand.

"Will you do it, Nick?" She looks at me, imploringly. "Will you use the transmitter to fulfill my fantasies?"

"Yes, whatever." I cry. "Please keep going, Maggie!" I plead. "Please, I really need this!"

"Need what?" She asks, innocently, while flicking her tongue against the head of my throbbing cock." Say it, Nick. What do you need?" Maggie smiles at me seductively.

"I need you to suck my cock, Maggie!" I cry, dry humping against her hand.

"And you'll do what, Nick?" She asks, coyly.

"I'll use the transmitter on you, Maggie!" I yell. "I'll give you... um..." I stop, trying to remember what words she'd used.

"Thunderous and explosive, Nick?" She smiles.

"Yes! Thunderous and explosive orgasms." I cry. "Please, Maggie!"

"Oh, don't be such a baby." She teases, sucking my swollen cock back into her mouth, while she gently squeezes my balls. I shoot almost immediately, filling her mouth with several large loads of cum. She expertly swallows every drop and licks my cock clean before standing up.

"Like mother, like daughter, huh, Nick?" Maggie laughs. "What time do you expect your mother back?" She asks, eyeing the door.

"Anytime now!" I say, grabbing my clothes, as I check my watch.

"Well, hopefully the transmitter will be charged by tonight." She says, kissing my cheek. "Nicole has a date and Frank has the late shift. Will you come over tonight, Nick?"

"I'll try." I answer, honestly. "It depends on what my mom has planned." I tell her.

"Use the transmitter, Nick." She smiles. "That's what it's there for!" She says, running her hands over my naked ass and biting my left nipple.

"Ouch!" I say, but my cock jumps at the erotic sensation.

"Pain is not all bad, Nick." Maggie says, stroking my recovering cock. "You'll see." She says.

"Maggie." I say tentatively. "It's been quite a while since I've seen that video." I say, gently cupping her breasts though her halter-top. "I mean... could I..."

"A little preview for tonight?" She asks. "Of course, Nick, sweetie." Maggie says, pulling the string of her halter-top over her head and dropping the cloth below her pert, g****fruit-sized tits. Her erect nipples are thick and dark poking out like bullets from her large rose-colored areolas. I gently lift her fleshy breast to my mouth and lick her areola, all around her hard nipple, without touching it.

"Mmmmmm." Maggie moans, pulling my head to her breast. "That feels nice." I unsnap her tight shorts and pull her zipper down, as I continue to lick her large breast. She's still stroking my cock, which is now fully recovered, while I slip my hand inside her bikini panties. I'm running my fingers through her thick curly hair and sucking her nipple into my mouth, when I hear a car door.

"Fuck!" I yell, pulling my hand out of her pants and fumbling with my clothes. "That's my mom."

"Too bad the transmitter isn't charged." Maggie says, pulling her halter-top, back over her breasts and zipping up her shorts. "You're everything I hoped you'd be, Nick." She says, as the front door opens.

"Hi mom." I call, a little too cheerily. "You remember Mag, uh... Mrs. Devlin, don't you mom?"

"Of course." Mom says, extending her hand, while eyeing me suspiciously. "How are you Maggie?"

"I'm great, Elaine." Maggie says, shaking hands with mom. "I just came over because I never really got a chance to express my condolences." She says, greeting mom, like she came over just to see her and I just happened to be home.

"Thank you, Maggie." Mom says, heading towards the kitchen. "Can I get you a cup of tea?"

"That would be wonderful." Maggie says, squeezing my ass cheek and winking at me, as she follows mom into the kitchen.

As they settle into a comfortable conversation about Harry, I sit on the barstool, pretending to read a magazine, nursing my Diet Coke and watching them. In my mind, I start comparing the attributes of these two late-thirties sexy women. Maggie's tits are larger than mom's and her nipples, still poking out the front of her halter-top, are darker and thicker. They both have relatively flat stomachs and slender waistlines and mom has a tight, round ass that always draws my attention, no matter what she's wearing. Maggie's ass is firm and round, with a more pronounced curve to it, which, combined with her larger tits, gives her more of an hourglass shape. They both have great legs; mom's are more muscular, but Maggie's are well toned and shapely, too.

I'm still reveling in the idea that Nicole's mom just gave me a blowjob, and invited me over to fuck her, when my thoughts are interrupted by a question from Mom.

"Hello! Earth to Nick." Mom laughs. "Did you hear what I asked?" She says, smiling at me.

"Sorry, mom." I say. "I was reading." I lie.

"I said, Maggie and I are going to go get some lunch and do a little shopping. Do you want to come with us?" Mom asks. Of course I want to cum with both of them, but that's not what she's asking.

"Nah. Thanks. I think I'll just stay here, if it's okay." I answer. Both women smile and nod as if that was the answer they were expecting.

"I'll be ready in a minute, Maggie." Mom says, going into the bedroom.

"What did the lawyer say, mom?" I ask, as I follow her into the bedroom.

"He's going to check the court records and we should know something tomorrow." She says, placing her hand on my cheek. "I'll try to be better company tonight." She whispers, kissing me lightly on the lips. "Now go visit with Maggie a minute while I use the bathroom." She smiles.

"The transmitter should be charged by the time we get back, Nick." Maggie whispers, while running her fingers lightly over the front of my shorts. "I'm soaking wet, just thinking about what you'll do with it." She says, just as mom walks back into the room.

"Okay, Maggie." Mom says, picking up her purse. "I'm all set. Bye Nick." She says, kissing my cheek.

"See you later, Nick." Maggie smiles, as they walk out the door.

"Have fun." I call after them, my cock throbbing in my shorts.

While they're gone, I inspect the docking station for the transmitter. It has two wires, one connected to Uncle Harry's computer and the other to a power strip. I turn on the computer and a pop up window opens, asking if I have updates for the NST software. I click no and a progress bar opens, showing that the transmitter is 70% charged. I make a copy of the software and e-mail it to myself, so I'll have it at home. I sit, staring blindly at the progress bar, thinking about this morning's visit from Nicole's mom. I can't believe she knows about the transmitter and wants me to use it on her. How weird is that?

I spend over an hour at the computer, searching for information about my dad, getting both his home and work addresses. I've formed a tentative plan to visit him at work, mainly because I don't want to run into Miss Bimbo. I've learned enough about the transmitter to know that I don't want to give him any hasty suggestions that might backfire. I need to find out exactly what he's put in motion regarding the divorce and the money.

I start fantasizing about ways to punish him, too, including, but not limited to, making him impotent, fucking his girlfriend while he watches, and having Maggie fuck him in the ass with her strap-on. I'm still sitting there, contemplating, when mom and Maggie come bursting in the door, laughing like schoolgirls.

"Hi Nick." They both say, and then look at each other and start laughing again.

"Sorry." Mom says, barely able to contain her laughter. "Maggie and I never knew we had so much in common." She says and I start to panic, wondering what she means. "Within minutes, we were finishing each other's sentences and we liked the same outfits, everything." She says, smiling.

"Your mom is great!" Maggie gushes. "You're lucky to have her." She says, as if admonishing me for not appreciating her more.

"I know." I say, defensively. "She's the best mom in the world!" Wondering if mom was complaining about me to Maggie.

"He knows how lucky he is." Mom says, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "And I know how lucky I am, too." She says, kissing me on the cheek, jutting the tip of her tongue against my skin, in an intimate expression, unseen by our guest.

"Let me help you with those." I say, noticing the shopping bags for the first time. "What did you buy?" I ask, remembering the sexy fashion show the last time mom went shopping, with her friend Mary.

"A couple of new outfits that Maggie helped me pick out." She says, smiling at Maggie. "And helped me try on."

"We're the same size." Maggie explains. "So we tried on the same outfits, together in the dressing room." She blushes slightly, as she tells me and I let my imagination run wild. Ever since I gave mom the suggestion about enjoying the taste of pussy, she's practically been addicted to it. When Susan is in town, I might as well not be alive. Well, that's not exactly true, because both mom and Susan love to be fucked after they've had their pussies eaten. I've watched mom eat Susan's pussy, continuously, through multiple orgasms, before they begin to include me in the action. Knowing how mom feels about women, I bet she loved stripping in the dressing room with Maggie.

"I'm surprised we didn't get thrown out." Mom says, and my mouth must have dropped open, because she quickly adds. "We were laughing and having such a great time making fun of some of the outfits."

"Oh that one." Maggie adds, laughing hysterically, her braless tits bouncing inside her halter-top. "You should have seen your mom, trying on this one top, trying to get it to cover everything. When she pulled it one way, she was uncovered over here." She says, showing me on her own chest, by pulling her halter-top slightly to one side. "When she pulled it the other way... well." Having drawn my eyes to her tits, Maggie's eyes drop to the bulge forming in my shorts.

"It was designed for something besides wearing in public." Mom says, laughing. "That's for sure." I'm checking out Maggie's hardening nipples, while she's glancing at my crotch. Mom is taking her packages into the bedroom.

"The transmitter is charged." I tell her, lowering my voice so mom won't hear.

"Good." She smiles. "What time shall I expect you?" She whispers. "I want to be ready."

"What time is Nicole leaving?" I ask, not wanting to be there when her boyfriend picks her up.

"Seven." She smiles.

"I'll be there at 7:01." I joke, as mom walks back into the room.

"Who wants some dinner?" Mom says. "I'm grilling burgers and I have some potato salad. You're welcome to stay, Maggie." Mom says, heading for the kitchen.

"Oh, thanks, Elaine." Maggie says. "But I have to get home. Thanks for a great afternoon." She calls to mom. "I had a wonderful day." She says, looking at me.

"Thank you, Maggie." Mom calls from the kitchen. "I forgot about all that lawyer nonsense for a few hours." She says, from the doorway. "It was great!"

"It'll all work out." She assures her, looking from me to the transmitter. "I have a feeling that these troubles will be behind you before you know it." She says, as she's leaving.

"I hope so." Mom says, going back into the kitchen. I walk Maggie to the door and risk a brief kiss, before she leaves.

"See you tonight." I whisper.

"I can't wait, Nick." She says, squeezing my hard cock through my shorts, and then walking down the sidewalk towards her house. I watch the sway of her curvy ass for a minute, before closing the door.

"Did you buy anything sexy?" I ask mom, embracing her from behind as she's peeling lettuce for our burgers.

"Well, Maggie did talk me into a couple of halter tops, like she was wearing today." She says, turning towards me and wrapping her arms around my back. "I don't know if they're sexy, but it feels sexy going braless like that in public." She says, kissing me.

"You guys really tried on outfits in the dressing room together?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at mom.

"It wasn't like that at all, Nick." Mom smiles. "But she does have a lovely body. Her breasts are really firm, for their size." She says, teasing me. "Did you notice?"

"How would I have noticed?" I stammer. "I wasn't there when she took her top off." I'm wondering if Maggie let something slip.

"I know." Mom says, slapping me playfully. "But I saw you staring at them. You had to notice how they looked." She says, smiling at me.

"Well, yeah." I answer, relieved. "I guess I did kind of notice." I say, blushing.

"So, Nick." Mom says, pressing her body against mine. "Would you like me to wear those kinds of tops?" She asks.

"Sure, Mom." I answer. "They really are pretty sexy." My cock is hardening, making it's presence known against mom's pussy mound.

"Mmmm." Mom says, nuzzling her face into my neck. "It seems you do think they're sexy." She says, grinding her mound against my bulge. "After dinner, I think we should take a shower and wash away all our troubles. What do you think?"

"I think that's a great idea, mom." I say, humping my cock up and down against her hard pelvic bone. "What can I do to help get dinner ready faster?" I ask, breaking the embrace.

It's an early dinner and we're done cleaning up by 5:30 p.m. With an hour and a half before I promised I'd be at Maggie's, I remind mom about washing away our troubles.

We take our time lathering each other, luxuriating in the erotic slipperiness of our soapy flesh. I tease mom's tits endlessly, while her expert hands slither over my cock and balls. When we finally rinse off, mom kneels in front of me, taking my swollen, purplish cock into her warm, wet mouth, and expertly finishes me off, swallowing every drop of my powerful eruption.

A few minutes later she's lying on her back on the bed, with me kissing and licking my way from her ankles to her thighs. I spend an excruciatingly long time licking her upper thighs and all around her pussy, before finally licking the outer lips of her labia. She is soaking wet, writhing on the bed, by the time I dip the tip of my tongue into her juicy pussy.

"Oh yeah!" Mom moans, arching her back and sucking my tongue deeper into her enflamed hole. Lapping up her delicious juice, I tongue fuck her, using a slow, rhythmic pace that has her bucking her ass off the bed, entangling her fingers in my hair and rocking her pussy against my mouth. Replacing my tongue with two fingers, I gently suck her clit into my mouth, while finger fucking her with the same slow rhythm.

Ohhhhhhhhh! Fuck!" Mom yells, as I begin flicking my tongue across the tip of her clit, while using my fingers to massage the inner walls of her steamy, hot pussy. Gushing pussy juice and bucking frantically against my mouth and fingers, she tightens her grip on my hair, until it feels like she's trying to pull my whole head inside of her. Clenching her legs together, as her orgasm peaks, she jerks spasmodically, flooding my face with her thick creamy froth.

"Oh my God, Nick!" Mom sighs, collapsing back on the bed, breathing heavily, while I gently lap up her excreted nectar. I clean her upper thighs and ass cheeks with my tongue, savoring her exotic taste, while slowly working my way back towards her sensitive pussy lips. Using my mouth, my tongue and my fingers, I extract another powerful orgasm from her before sliding up her body and plunging my hard cock into her pulsating pussy.

"Ohhhhhhhh! God! Fuck me, Nick!" Mom moans, as I begin moving in and out of her, with long, slow strokes. Parting her lips with my tongue, we begin a slow, steady rhythm, kissing and moving in tandem, with the taste of sex on our entwined tongues increasing our arousal. Rather than our usual slamming against each other, our bodies dance together in a slow grind, building momentum and driving us to a frenzied, manic crescendo that leaves us sweat-soaked and depleted.

As our breathing returns to normal, I check the clock and it is 6:45. I'm supposed to meet Maggie in fifteen minutes. I slowly disentangle myself from the sheets and my mother's legs and start towards the shower.

"Where are you going?" Mom asks, sleepily.

"I'll be right back." I say, going into my room and getting the transmitter.

"Mom?" I say, spinning the dial and pushing the button. It's been a long time since I've used it and I'm hoping it still works.

"Yes." She says in the transmitter-induced monotone.

"You are going to have a restful night's sleep and not notice that I'm gone." I tell her, pausing to decide if there is anything else I want to say.

"Okay, dear." Mom says, flatly.

"Mom, what was going on with you and Maggie in the dressing room today?" I ask, wondering if Mom wasn't trying to substitute Maggie for Susan, since she hasn't been home for a while.

"That was just girl fun." She responds. "I didn't get the impression that Maggie would be interested at all. I don't know her that well, but she has such great tits, I really did want to suck on them." She says.

"If she does become interested, Mom, you will propose a threesome with me, okay?" I tell her, wondering if I can pull this off.

"Okay, Nick." She answers, dutifully.

"Good night, Mom." I say, pressing the button on the transmitter. Mom turns over and is breathing softly as I leave the room.

Having showered and changed, I arrive at Maggie's house a little after seven. She answers the door in a transparent silk robe, her hard nipples prominently pushing against the see-through material.

"I've been waiting for you, Nick." She says, as she steps behind the door to let me in. As she closes the door, she kisses me on the cheek and leads me over to the couch, where we sit close, awkwardly wondering how to begin.

"Did you bring the transmitter?" She asks, nervously.

"Yes." I tell her, pulling it from my pocket. "It's right here."

"Good." She says, sitting back on the couch, giving me a great view of her massive tits, d****d in sheer white silk. "First, tell me everything you've been doing with it, Nick. I really want to hear your transmitter stories."

"Well." I hesitate, not expecting this question. "I used it quite a lot at first." I tell her about trying it out on Alison and Carolyn at the mall, and then using it to undo the post transmission suggestion for Nicole. I tell her about Nicole and I visiting their neighbor and then going to the mall to visit Carolyn again. I don't give her every detail, but she's such a good listener that I reveal more than I intended.

As I talk, Maggie leans forward, resting her hand on my leg and letting her gorgeous tits hang loose behind her thin robe. I skip telling her about my mother and instead tell her about Mrs. Edwards, my English teacher. This seems to arouse a great deal of interest.

"You hid in the closet, watching them the whole time?" She asks, as her hand strokes up and down my leg.

"Yes. It was very erotic." I answer, shifting my hardening cock inside my jeans.

"You seem a little uncomfortable." Maggie says, leaning over to undo my jeans. "Let's make you more comfortable, while you tell me the rest." She says, pulling my zipper down and tugging my jeans off my legs. My hard cock is pushing against the white material of my jockey shorts, making a little tent in the front.

"Why don't you just get undressed, Nick." Maggie says, standing in front of me and pulling my polo shirt over my head. "Your stories are very arousing. See how wet you're making me?" She asks, directing my hand into the opening in her robe and pressing it between her legs. I feel the heat, just before I touch her moist, fleshy lips and her matted pubic hair. My cock hardens even more, if that's possible.

"Mmmmm." She says, just holding my hand against her pussy for a minute, before kneeling down to help me remove my jockey shorts. "Tell me more about the transmitter, Nick. Did you use it on any family members." She asks, a knowing gleam in her eye, as she releases my hard cock from the confines of my shorts.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You know what I mean, Nick." She smiles, still kneeling between my legs, running her hands up and down my thighs. "I saw how you and your mother were with each other, and how all of your stuff was in one bedroom." She says, her hands sliding around my inner thighs to cup my balls. "Please tell me." She pleads, while gently stroking my cock with one hand and fondling my balls with the other.

"Well, it started with Uncle Harry's videos of my mom and my sister." I tell her, while she deftly moves from hand job to blowjob. I lean back with my head on the back of the couch and eventually spill the whole story. I tell her about mom and how Nicole initially convinced me to reverse the suggestion. Then, I tell her about Susan and how I used the transmitter to turn her teasing into a threesome with her roommate.

"God! That is so hot!" Maggie says, taking a breath from my throbbing cock and looking me in the eye. "So how did you get back to sleeping with your mom?" She asks, as she resumes sucking my cock and teasing my balls.

"Nicole and I had a fight, Susan was back at school." I explain, while humping my ass off the couch, the tension in my balls building from Maggie's expertise and the reliving of all the sexual adventures I've had recently. I tell her about the progressive suggestions I gave mom and by the time I get to the threesome with Susan, I shoot my load into Maggie's warm mouth. I just lean back catching my breath, while she cleans me up with her talented tongue.

"God Maggie! That was awesome!" I cry, as she continues to suck and lick my softening cock. "Now, it's your turn." I tell her, as I pull her up next to me, on the couch. "Tell me about your experiences with Uncle Harry and the transmitter." I say, my hand gently caressing her closest breast through the sheer material of her robe.

"Harry was like part of the family." She sighs, I think more from her memory than me touching her breast. "He was just always around and it was obvious that Frank was a problem when he'd been drinking. Harry was our salvation on more than one occasion." She confesses. "Nicole and I even stayed over there a few times, to avoid Frank's rampage." I part her robe and start licking her large, dark areola, while my hand caresses her other tit.
"Well, you know, one thing led to another." She says, running her fingers through my hair as I suck on her hard, thick nipple. "Consoling turned to passion and I was over there nearly everyday while Frank was at work and Nicole was at school." She says, as I switch to her other tit and run my hand across her stomach. She scoots down on the couch a little, spreading her legs as my hand reaches her thick patch of black hair.

"Mmmmm." She says, as I nibble on her tit and comb my fingers through her curly, pubic hair. "This was all before Harry had developed the transmitter. Harry was a marvelous lover and always wanted to try new things." She says, leaning her head back and closing her eyes. "He told me all about his work and what he thought the transmitter could do. I naturally, volunteered to be his first subject."

"And you didn't know about anyone else?" I ask, disbelievingly, as I very lightly touch the edges of her pussy lips, barely parting them with my finger.

"Ohhhhh!" She gasps, spreading her legs wider, before she answers. "I really didn't Nick. That son of a bitch, if I had known what he was doing with Nicole, I'd have probably cut off his balls! I actually fantasized about leaving Frank and us becoming a decent family; Harry, Nicole and I. What a laugh!" She sits up, her anger having spoiled the mood.

"I'm sorry." I tell her, honestly. "I should have kept to more erotic topics."

"It's okay." She says, standing up and dropping her robe to the floor. "I understand why you had to ask and besides, you can refresh my mood instantly with the transmitter." She smiles, straddling me on the couch and pressing her lips to mine. "You are going to keep your promise, aren't you, Nick?"

"Thunderous and explosive." I say, cupping my hands around her firm, round ass cheeks and slipping my tongue into her mouth. Sitting on my thighs, her wet pussy is rubbing against my soft cock, while her tits are pressed firmly against my chest. Her thick, hard nipples feel incredible rubbing against my skin as she rocks back and forth

"Are you ready?" I ask, breaking the kiss and reaching for the transmitter.

"Yes." She says, moving off of me. "Let's go into the bedroom, Nick." She says, pulling me to my feet. "Do you mind if I video tape what happens while you have the transmitter on?" She asks.

"Don't you trust me?" I ask, smiling.

"It's not just that, but the thought had crossed my mind." She laughs. "But I also want to see how you use it." She says, as we enter her room. A digital camcorder is sitting on a tripod, in the corner.

"You make movies often?" I ask, teasingly.

"I set this up just for us." She snaps before realizing that I'm teasing her. "Sorry, I'm just so nervous about doing this again... and excited, of course."

"Maggie." I say, turning her towards me, our naked bodies only inches apart. "It's possible that you knew more or did more than you are allowed to remember." I say, my eyes searching hers for understanding. "I've found, using the transmitter with Nicole and mom, that they remember things they were told not to remember. I want to ask you some questions while we're doing this, okay?"

"Okay." She says, putting her hands on my hips and resting her head against my shoulder. "I'm not sure I want to know it all, Nick." She says, as I pull her into a full embrace, my cock responding to her naked flesh pressing into mine.

"I know." I say, gently rubbing her back, while my hard cock tries to create more room for itself between our bodies. "Whatever happened, you couldn't have done anything about it." I reassure her. "And don't forget thunderous and explosive is waiting for you on the other side." I laugh.

"How could I forget that?" She says, moving back to give my cock more room to expand. "It's been a long time!" She says, emphatically. "Let's get started, shall we?" She enthuses, climbing onto the bed, while I put the ear buds in my ears and tune in her frequency.

"Maggie." I say, pressing the button on the transmitter.

"Yes." She says in that irksome, monotone voice produced by the transmitter.

"Please answer all my questions in your regular voice with normal voice intonations, okay?" I ask her knowing that everything I say will be okay, because she's submissive right now.

"Okay, Nick." She says, cheerily.

"Let's start by you telling me everything Harry told you not to remember." I know this is broad, but I figure I can narrow down the questioning as we go.

"Well, he told me not to remember the suggestions he gave me about orgasms." She says, and then, after some thought she continues. "And he told me that I will believe Nicole was going to his house everyday to do homework and would not be suspicious." She stops and thinks for a while. "He told me not to remember a bunch of questions he asked me."

"What kind of questions?" I ask, lying on the bed next to Maggie, taking the opportunity to check out her body, while she's oblivious to my scrutinizing gaze. Lying on her back, her massive tits pull to the side, causing her thick nipples and surrounding areolas to point in the 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock positions on her right and left breast, respectively.

"Questions like, 'Have I ever cheated on Frank? Have I ever had sex with a woman? Do I masturbate? What are my wildest fantasies? Would I ever do a threesome with Nicole?' Questions like that." She says, as I brush her bushy hair away from her pussy lips, to get a better look.

"Bend your knees and spread your legs, Maggie." I say, as I continue my inspection of her body. "What are the answers to those questions, Maggie?" I ask her, while positioning myself between her legs.

"I never cheated on Frank, except with Harry. I never had sex with a woman, although it sounds intriguing, I used to masturbate a lot, before Harry and I got together, but I don't now. My wildest fantasy is to be fucked by a well-hung black guy. And I think a threesome with Nicole would be a sick, perverted thing to do." She says, surprising me only with the fantasy. My thoughts turn immediately to Carl, Carolyn's husband and his huge, black cock.

"Let's go back to his suggestions about orgasms, Maggie." I say, as I peer into her slippery pussy, which I'm holding open with my fingers. "What suggestions did Harry give you?"

"Harry said that sex would be less and less satisfying with Frank, while it would become progressively more fulfilling with him. Eventually, my only orgasms would be when I had sex with him and they would get progressively more intense every time we fucked. He also told me that I would never have an orgasm while I was fucking him in the ass. I would only have them when he ate my pussy or fucked me in my pussy or my ass." Wow! Uncle Harry really was a bastard. I wonder if this means Maggie hasn't had an orgasm since he died.

"Maggie, have you had an orgasm since Harry died?" I ask her.

"No." She says, quietly. That explains her behavior and why she's so intent on me using the transmitter on her. As I run my fingers through her unruly, thick pubic hair, I imagine what an impassioned lover she must have been for Uncle Harry, with her orgasms increasing in intensity every time they fucked. That's a great suggestion; I'm going to have to remember it.

"Maggie." I say, changing the direction of our questioning. "What was your reaction when I told you I'm fucking my mother and my sister?" She takes a little time before answering.

"I think i****t is sick and perverted." She says, thoughtfully. "But the way you explained it made it seem so erotic, that it made me wet."

"Does it affect your answer about a threesome with Nicole?" I ask, not really interested in doing one, just wanting to know her answer.

"No." She says, abruptly. "That doesn't interest me at all."

"How about a threesome with me and my mom?" I ask, remembering that I haven't asked her about the dressing room incident.

"That might be interesting." She says, slowly. "Although I think my first time with a woman should be just the two of us." She answers, more confidently.

"Does my mom interest you in that way?" I ask, imagining her pumping her strap-on into my mom's hot pussy.

"More than any woman I've met, your mom exudes a sexual energy that I think would be contagious in a situation like that." She says. "But I could never initiate that." Interesting. Mom would, of course, have no trouble at all initiating sex with a woman.

I decide to stop the transmitter session, and discuss what I've learned with Maggie, before I give her any post transmission suggestions. My exploration of her body has gotten my cock rock hard, and I'd like nothing better than to give her an explosive orgasm, but I think she needs to know about the suggestion that Uncle Harry gave her about Frank first. I turn off the transmitter.

"Did you do it?" She asks, looking at her watch. "Oh, wow! You did." She says, surprised by how much time has passed. Jumping off the bed, she grabs the video camera and, still completely naked, heads into the living room. "Let's watch it!" She calls back over her shoulder.

"Let's talk first, Maggie." I say, watching her hook the camera to the TV, as I enter the living room.

"Why?" She asks, turning to me. "What's wrong?" She asks, panic creeping into her voice. "I knew about Nicole, didn't I? We did stuff together, didn't we? Oh God! What kind of perverted mother am I?" She cries, burying her head in her hands, leaving wires dangling from the video camera.

"No! Maggie! Look at me!" I say, pulling her hands away from her face and lifting her chin. "Nothing like that!" I tell her. "I'm sorry if I scared you. I just want to talk about some of the questions I asked you while you were under."

"Really?" she asks sheepishly. "I guess I feel a little more guilt from my relationship with Harry than I thought." She says, trying to smile as she wipes away the tears. "Look at me! Standing here, bare ass naked in my living room with my daughter's ex-boyfriend..." She runs out of steam, before continuing and I enfold her in a comforting embrace.

"Maggie." I say, kissing the top of her head. "You're a wonderful mother, who held her family together, while surviving an abusive relationship. You have every right to satisfy your sexual urges and I think after you see the tape, you'll realize how little of it you could control."

"Okay." She says, as she resumes connecting video cables. "I thought I'd wake up to raw sex and an explosive orgasm." She says, sniffling. "You promised!" She says and I can't tell if she's seriously accusing me or just trying to shift gears.

"I'll keep my promise." I say, sincerely. "But I think there are a couple of things you need to know first. You might change your mind."

"I doubt it." She says, emphatically. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for it."

"Maggie, on the video, you'll also see me checking out your naked body. I hope you're not offended. I forgot you were videoing us." I add, just before she starts the video.

"Hopefully, I'll be flattered." She says, hitting the play button and sitting down on the couch, staring intently at the TV. I sit beside and we watch the three-minute video in silence. When it's over, I wait for her to speak first.

"Did you see everything you wanted to?" She asks, smiling at my hard cock. Watching myself explore her body was even more erotic than doing it the first time.

"Pretty much." I say. "I love your body." I assure her. "Your tits are amazing, I love your thick nipples and I've never seen so much pubic hair." I tell her.

"Yeah, I'm not sure if I should trim it." She says, looking down at her unruly, black curls. "Harry liked it like this." She says, quietly. "Maybe that's reason enough to cut it. Is your mom's trimmed?" She asks.

"It was trimmed into a neat triangle." I answer, knowing that we're purposely avoiding the main content of the video. "But my sister waxes it for her now and it's completely hairless."

"Really?" She says, sitting up. "Now, I really do want to see it." She says. "You were concerned about how Harry set me up to have pleasure only with him, weren't you?" She asks.

"Yeah." I answer. "I thought you'd want to know that and why sex with Frank was so unsatisfying before we took this any farther." I tell her.

"You're a good k**, Nick!" She says, wrapping her hand around my still rigid cock. "Maybe too good for me, because I still want you to give me a thunderous and explosive fuck!" She says, absently stroking her hand up and down my cock.

"Hey, a promise is a promise." I say. "I just wanted you to know, and help me figure out the right post transmission suggestion to give you." I tell her, leaning back so she has better access to my cock. "I mean, I could undo Harry's suggestion and suggest that all your orgasms are thunderous and explosive. Who knows, maybe if I just undo Harry's suggestion, you'll have thunderous and explosive orgasms all the time."

"Just get me one, right now." She says, pulling me up by my hand and leading me into the bedroom. "You heard me on the video... six fucking months, Nick! No orgasm for half a fucking year!" She laughs, not because it's funny, but because she knows the draught is about to end.

In the bedroom, Maggie lies down on the bed, while I put the ear buds in my ears and push the button.

"Maggie." I begin. "You will have completely normal, natural reaction to all sexual stimulation, regardless of the source. You will achieve orgasms just as natural as you did before you ever met Harry. Just for tonight, you will react naturally and normally to my oral stimulation of your pussy including achieving orgasm. When I'm fucking you, you will achieve the most thunderous and explosive orgasm you have ever experienced." I'm about ready to turn off the transmitter, when I remember one more thing. "You will also be receptive if my mom makes any sexual advances." I turn off the transmitter and lay it on the dresser.

"I don't feel any different." Maggie says, smiling at me as I crawl up between her legs.

"You will." I promise. Beginning with the inside of her ankle, I begin planting kisses up the inside of her leg. I move my lips slowly, using my hands to gently caress her flesh around where I'm kissing. When I get to her knee, I shift to the other leg, starting back at the ankle.

"I'm getting a little anxious up here, Nick." Maggie says. "I'm already wet, I don't need a lot of foreplay."

"You've waited six months, Maggie." I tell her, continuing to kiss the inside of her knee. "Relax and enjoy the attention. I promise it'll be worth it." I answer, as I start to kiss and lick the inside of her left thigh. When I get almost to the top of her thigh, I again switch to the other leg and start over on the inside of her knee.

"Mmmmmm. Yeah." Maggie sighs, as my lips get close to the top of her thigh. As I lick the crevice between her leg and her torso, I comb my hand through her long, curly pubic hair, caressing her mound. Finally, I lightly touch the edge of her pussy lips with my tongue. She is moist and I savor my first taste of her juices, as I run my tongue along the outside of her labia.

"Okay!" Maggie sighs. "Now we're getting somewhere." Licking all around her pussy, while still caressing her hairy mound, I finally suck one of her pussy lips into my mouth. Breathing through my nose, as I suck on her pussy, her sexual aroma intoxicates me, and my cock reacts accordingly.

"Ohhhhhh!" Maggie moans, spreading her legs wider and trying to get my tongue into her gaping hole. After sucking her other lip into my mouth and nibbling it for a few minutes, I spread my tongue as wide as possible and lick from the bottom of her pussy lips to the top, flattening her lips open as I go.

"Fuck yes!" Maggie cries, as I stiffen my tongue and plunge it into her slippery hole. Her hips push off the bed, sucking more of my tongue into her enflamed pussy. I tongue fuck her as long as I can, and then replace my tongue with two fingers, as I move my mouth up to her clit.

"Oh my God!" Maggie screams, as I wrap my mouth around her clit and lightly flick my tongue against it. Still massaging the inside of her pussy with my fingers, I turn my hand palm upward and stroke the inside of her pussy walls with my fingers. Sucking her clit and massaging her inner pussy walls, has her thrashing around on the bed, bucking her pussy against my mouth and my fingers.

I keep at it until her body stiffens and she thrusts up one last time, clamping her legs tightly around my head.

"Oh Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Maggie yells, over and over as her orgasm jerks her body wildly around on the bed. Her legs loosen their grip on my head and I remove my fingers, while I lap up Maggie's sweet juice. It's as thick as cream and I could eat it all night, never tiring of the taste or the aroma.

Maggie has collapsed back on the bed; her legs relaxed and splayed open, giving me unimpaired access to her steamy pussy. I continue to lap up her thick cream, licking her ass cheeks where her juice is running down. I lick all around her soggy pussy, before coming back to her sensitive lips. Brushing my tongue lightly across them, I pull a few stray hairs from my mouth, as I await her reaction. She opens her legs wider and bends her knees, welcoming my tongue back in for a second helping. I don't disappoint her, eating her saturated pussy, sucking her clit and finger fucking her through another powerful orgasm.

"Oh! Oh! God!" Maggie pants. "Oh! Oh! Fuck! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She screams, as she pulls my face more tightly against her pussy and squeezes her legs around my head. Her body is clenched in a spasmodic fit, as her second orgasm of the night, hell, of the fucking year, assaults her senses and she gushes her sweet juice all over my face.

This time when she relaxes her legs, I only lap at her delicious nectar for a minute or two before kissing my way up her body. I stop at her breasts, licking around the sides, sucking her nipples into my mouth, while I maneuver my cock into position. When my kisses reach her neck, my cock is poised at the entrance to her pleasure center. Raising myself up, I lock eyes with her, watching her reaction, as I glide my shaft inside her slick, velvety chasm.

"Ohhhhhhhhh!" Maggie moans, as my hard cock easily penetrates her slippery pussy.

Holy fuck! Her pussy is on fire, and it engulfs my throbbing cock, as I plunge deeper into her sizzling tunnel. When I bottom out, with my balls slapping her ass cheeks and my pelvic bone crushing her clit, I close my eyes and lower my mouth to hers. Without preamble, we start moving as one, grinding and pumping, pistoning in and out. My steel rod crushes her velvety walls, displacing her frothy cream and forcing it around my shaft, lubricating its next descent. The friction builds against her slick, hot pussy walls, as she arches her back and grinds her clit against my pelvic bone. Faster and faster, I keep pounding. Her nails dig into my ass cheeks, urging me to pummel her harder, and break through the intangible barrier that holds back her release.

"Oh fuck, Nick!" Maggie yells. "I'm getting... so fucking... close! You feel... so goddamn... good!" Her breath is coming in gasps, as her hips buck wildly off the bed. She's clawing at my ass and my lower back, pulling her shoulders up off the bed, as she starts to jerk and spasm uncontrollably.

"Aarrrrrrrrrghh!" Maggie bellows, as she clenches her pussy muscles around my hard cock and sinks her teeth into my shoulder. Shaking and quivering, she rides out the explosive orgasm, taking me along with her, as I shoot my heavy load deep within her pulsating pussy. She continues to quiver through the aftershocks of her orgasm, as we gasp for breath and our sweat soaked chests heave against each other. Finally, our bodies are motionless, depleted for the moment, but still connected, with the promise of more to come.

"Explosive?" I ask, brushing the matted hair from her forehead.

"Mmmmm. Thunderous." She sighs, wiggling her hips and sloshing my spent cock around in her soggy pussy. "Thank you, Nick." She says, kissing my lips tenderly. "You don't know how much I needed that."

"You not only needed it, Maggie." I say, returning her kiss. "You deserved it."

"Thank you." She whispers. As we lay together in post coital bliss, she returns to earlier topics. "Nick, what really happened between you and Nicole?" She asks.

"Like I told you, Maggie." I answer. "Mostly it was distance. But it was also the transmitter. I used it to direct and control Nicole, learning, too late I guess, that controlling another person is not a good basis for a healthy relationship. It doesn't grow and develop. It becomes boring."

"You are definitely not your Uncle Harry." She says, smiling at me. "So, what else did you tell me when you had the transmitter on?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.

"I just undid the control that Uncle Harry put on your orgasms. I told you to have normal and natural sexual reactions, except tonight when I fucked you, you'd have the most explosive and thunderous orgasm ever." I say smiling at her. "Did I do okay?"

"You did wonderfully." She says, rocking her body against mine and pushing her tongue into my mouth. My cock recovers enough for us to start moving again. This time is less urgent, but no less tumultuous, as the tension builds longer and our ultimate release is even stronger than before. We both finally collapse, exhausted and spent.

I wake up wondering where I am and then realize I'm lying on top of Maggie, with my cock still inside her pussy. The clock says, 12:30 a.m. and I panic, unsure when Nicole or Frank are due home. Gently disengaging myself from Maggie, I crawl off the foot of the bed as she rolls over, pulling the sheet around her.

Grabbing the transmitter, I go into the living room to get my clothes. Just as I finish getting dressed, a key is inserted into the front door. Fuck! I duck into the kitchen, as Nicole and her date come in the front door.

"Shhhh." Nicole says. "Get us a couple of cokes, while I check on my mom and dad." Nicole says, walking down the hall. Fuck! I duck into the laundry room, out of sight of her date, as he comes into the kitchen, grabbing the cokes from the fridge. The laundry room leads into the garage and there's a back door off the kitchen, but it's locked and chained. I'm sure I'd make to much noise trying to get it open. I'm reviewing my options, as Nicole comes back into the living room and sits down next to her date, turning off all the lights except one.

"God Nicole." He whispers. "I can't believe you actually did that in the car! I almost hit a fucking tree." He adds. I can guess what he's talking about and I smile at the memory of Nicole and I in that exact situation.

"After all those points you scored, it was the least I could do." Nicole whispers, giggling, and I hear the rustling of clothing and the unmistakable sound of heavy petting. So Nicole's boyfriend is a jock? Who would have guessed?

"Mmmm. Bobby." Nicole moans softly, as I creep into the kitchen to see what's going on, staying in the shadows, so I won't be seen. Nicole has her panties off, her skirt pulled up to her waist, and her legs spread, inviting Bobby to partake of her delicacies. The lamp casts a dull glow on her glistening pussy and I can't help b

Same as Neuro submission transmitter 5 Videos

1 year ago
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Neuro submission transmitter 7

"Maybe you've got the right idea, Elaine." I overhear mom's friend, Mary say to her. "Men are way over rated. If you're going to end up getting yourself off anyway, why not just stay home with your vibrator in the first place?" She laughs."I guess last night didn't go so well, huh?" Mom asks, as I peek through the screen door to watch Mom and Mary sunbathing on the back deck. With some of the money we got from dad, we added a swimming pool to our backyard. Mom and Mary are sunbathing on lounge...

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Neuro submission transmitter 8

I awaken to the feeling of naked flesh against my back and figure Maggie has decided to join us. I turn over, wrap my arm around her and open my eyes. Light from the living room makes her face almost a silhouette, but I can see enough to realize it isn't Maggie. It's my sister, Susan! "Surprise!" She says, kissing my lips and running her hand down my body, gripping my soft cock. "I missed you and figured...""What are you doing here?" Nicole says, leaning over my back and staring at Susan....

4 years ago
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Neuro submission transmitter 6

"Oh fuck yes!" I hear my mother yell, as I open the front door to Uncle Harry's house. He's been dead for over six months, but I still think of this as Uncle Harry's house. I quietly follow the sound towards Uncle Harry's bedroom, which mom and I have been sleeping in since we got here."Ohmygod!" Mom screams, as I move closer to the open bedroom door and peek inside. Fuck! The t****ze bar is back up over the bed, with some sort of sling type harness hanging from it, supporting my mother! The...

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Neuro submission transmitter 4

I get home late and mom is curled up on the couch, fast asleep in front of the TV. She's wearing a long t-shirt, with nothing underneath it; I can see her firm, round ass where the t-shirt has ridden up. I start to wake her up to go to bed, but instead, I kneel on the floor with my face near hers and run my hand around on her ass cheeks. When she starts to stir, I kiss her on the lips, while running my fingers between her ass cheeks and down over her pussy lips. "Mmmmm." She says dreamily,...

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Neuro Submission TransmitterChapter 2

"I couldn't do it, Nick." Nicole says, taking the ear buds out and walking towards the bed. She's still naked; her pink nipples are pointing straight out from her small, white mounds and her face is flush. "What's going on, Nicole?" I ask. A second ago she was going to zap me with the transmitter and make me forget all about ... Wait! We're in Uncle Harry's bedroom and my cock is throbbing like crazy; it's harder than I've ever seen it. The veins are popping out and the head is so...

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Neuro Submission TransmitterChapter 4

"Maybe you've got the right idea, Elaine." I overhear mom's friend, Mary say to her. "Men are way over rated. If you're going to end up getting yourself off anyway, why not just stay home with your vibrator in the first place?" She laughs. "I guess last night didn't go so well, huh?" Mom asks, as I peek through the screen door to watch Mom and Mary sunbathing on the back deck. With some of the money we got from dad, we added a swimming pool to our backyard. Mom and Mary are...

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Neuro Submission TransmitterChapter 5

"So what mood do you think Mom will be in?" Susan asks me as I turn the corner into our housing tract. We've been driving since early this morning to get home for Christmas break. "You mean 'family mom' or 'horny mom'?" I ask, smiling at my sexy sister. I know exactly what she means. Sometimes Mom welcomes us with open arms ... and legs, while other times she wants to go to the mall or a restaurant and act like a normal family. "Yeah, don't you think it's weird how sometimes she...

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Neuro Transmitter Er hat die Kontrolle

Samuel Andrews war schon nun den zweiten Tag in der Wohnung seines verstorbenen Onkels um den Nachlass zu Regeln. Bisher hatte er aber noch keinen Hinweis gefunden, wo sein Onkel sein Vermögen verwahrte, denn Bankunterlagen hatte er bisher noch nicht finden können. Sein Onkel war schon immer ein komischer Kauz und Eigenbrötler gewesen gleichzeitig allerdings ein angesehner Neurologe und er hatte ihn nur selten gesehen. In den letzten Jahren sogar noch seltener, da er selber studiert hatte. Da...

Mind Control
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Bride Submission A Big Surprise

Introduction: Feminist lawyer learns of familys secret sex society life. BRIDE SUBMISSION: A Big Surprise Summary: Feminist lawyer learns of familys secret sex society life. Note 1: Thanks to MAB7991, Robert, and goamz86 for editing this story. Note 2: This is the first part of a year-long plus multi-part story of the brides extensive submission from powerful lawyer to obedient incestuous submissive slut during her wedding week. BRIDE SUBMISSION: A Big Surprise I just need to warn you my...

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Graceful Submission

Graceful Submission by Kittynor Chapter 1 My name is Grace. It used to be Graham but I will come back to that a little later. My parents, Luke & Jennifer, are in what one would call an FLR. It's short for Female led relationship. Before you jump to any conclusions, this is what both of my parents desired. They have had time to sort of perfect their roles over the past twenty plus years. You can see that in the...

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It was Friday night. Bennett walked into the main club room sipping his favorite single malt. Seeing Carolyn sitting by herself, her head buried in a newspaper, he walked to her.“Good evening. I am Bennett Fitzgerald. I believe you are Carolyn Anderson.”She looked up. Not recognizing him, she replied, “Yes I am. Are you new here? I do not believe we have been introduced, but your name is familiar for some reason.”“You probably recognize it since I am on the Board of Directors of the club. I am...

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The story of my submission

The Story of my Submission The Story of my Submission Hello, this is Lisa. I am 26 years old and I would like to share the story of my submission with you. I have been authorised by my Mistress to write and to publish this story. Every word is true, and the email addresses I will state in the end are also real. To begin with I would like to say that I am actually lesbian. It is true that my first sexual experiences, which occurred during my school time when I was about 15 years old, were...

1 year ago
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SlaveX Utter Submission

A suburban MILF submits to an internet master. 1) This is fantasy. These things don’t happen in real life… often. 2) This is in the ‘Dark Fantasy’ story category but it could certainly be classified as ‘Love/Romance’, especially the latter half. 3) The story contains strong elements of: BDSM; humiliation; reluctance; straight and lesbian sex; pain; and pet-play. 4) Rather long with no chapters, sorry. 5) I don’t describe the characters in detail. I think it is better the reader...

3 years ago
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A new realization of control and submission

Samantha was about 5-7 tall, had light brown, confident eyes and medium brown straight hair grown generously to the middle of her back. She had fair, creamy white skin that contrasted with her darker hair and eyes. Her hair was kept styled and healthy. She was neat, organized and usually calm under pressure. She gave the impression she was a woman who would do well in business with her new clothes, kept hair and focused demeanor. She was not overweight but had some extra padding in her hips...

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Bride Submission Bosss Bitch

Introduction: Bride-to-be submits to black boss in his office. Bride Submission: Bosss Bitch Summary: Bride-to-be submits to black boss in his office. NOTE 1: This is the 2nd part of a multi-chaptered story, although I believe it can be read without reading the first part if you wish. With that in mind, here is a summary of the story so far: Part 1: A SHOCKING SECRET Bride-to-be Brittany is finally going to meet the in-laws a few days before the wedding. To her surprise, her whole world...

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What is Submission within BDSM or D S

Submission is the act or action of submitting to something or something, letting passively dominate, a form of subordination, vassalage or servitude.Submission is based on the condition of obeying orders from a superior (Dom or Domme) without the right to make free decisions or to express oneself in any way he wishes. A person who lives in a state of submission is called a submissive and is characterized by excessive humility and servility. Usually, submission is marked by the spontaneity of...

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Aztec Artefacts and Their Path to SubmissionChapter 10

Lloyd squirmed at the pole in a strange blend of discomfort and sexual euphoria, on an image flickering to life upon the screen before him, his mind fast reclaiming its lucidity from the waning drug. He fought with his own conscience as that lucidity only served to heighten his arousal, his boning cock betraying the undeniable pleasure that had been awoken by his predicament thus far. As hard as he fought the shameful desires that now accompanied his bondage, the dark excitement at being...

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A Chinese womans sexual submission to

Divine White manA Chinese woman's sexual submission to White powerby Chingching Rogers?I'm a chink cumpig and I am ready to submit to the divine dominance of a White god.  I love White man.  I worship White man.  And I am unashamed to say it.  I am a little chink whore for White men's semen.?Those words you read first were written last:        Why I prefer White men:  I can't tell you how many times I have been asked this question and to be honest, I'm tired, tired of all the racism directed...

2 years ago
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The Five Part 2 First Submission

GwenGwen had accepted my proposal for meeting on Wednesday night. As the youngest of the first batch, (See part 1), I was eager to meet her. She had said that she thought my age would be an advantage. Wednesday at 5 was the agreed time. I prepped as before including the suite at the casino. She arrived at the restaurant on time. A red silky blouse and black slacks, golden yellow hair just to her neck. Wait the blouse, it looks open but it is not. Gwen is showing cleavage as I requested, but to...

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DARK Submission A Bisexual Journey

Introduction: Couple live out bisexual fantasies with dominant BLACK teens. DARK Submission: A Bisexual Journey Summary: Couple live out bisexual fantasies with dominant BLACK teens. Note 1: This story is dedicated to TheOriginalAnonymous who suggested the idea and was a sounding board as this lengthy tale developed. Note 2: Thanks to MAB7991, LeAnn and TheOriginalAnonymous for their editing. WARNING: Although this is in the INTERRACIAL category, there is a fair amount of gay sex (white...

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Part Two A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel

Part Two A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel Greetings Dear Readers! This is part two in a series in which the main characters, Sarah and Daniel first meet one another and start their relationship together. Part one deals mostly with Sarah and Daniel's background. Also, it shows the mindset of the couple and what it is that both of them want out of life. There is not a lot of detail on their younger years (adolescent and teenage). Nor is there a ton of info on their adult...

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Power Versus SubmissionChapter 4 A Reason for Everything

Saturday arrived too quickly for me. It was the first day back where Tahlia expected me to obey her rules and directions again, either that or risk her enforcing a clause in the contract she tricked me into signing with some film producers to make even more hardcore pornography. Submitting to Tahlia, the schoolgirl bully, was very definitely the lesser of two evils. I couldn’t sleep at all on Friday night as I considered the consequences of my actions to find myself in this position to begin...

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Journey to Complete Submission

Susie was away again, she had spent her entire life ducking out of one care home to another as a child, now at 18 she found herself skipping out on dubious landlords who would charge her the earth for a place to stay, unless she would offer payment in kind. Not happy to do either, she would oft moonlight whilst owing, and now was such an occasion. She headed for the more urbane part of town; the small amount of money she had would not sustain her long; she needed find work and shelter quickly...

1 year ago
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Phases of Submission

Phases of Submission Phase I: Developing Curiosity Life throws you curves. Sometimes life tosses obstacles in your way. Sometimes it gives you a break. Then again, sometimes it puts you on a path you never expected. Two weeks ago I met the CEO of our corporation, Brandon Hacker, at a company gathering. We talked and liked each other enough that we arranged to go out on a date. My life has never been the same since. Brandon is not the tall, dark, handsome type. Rather he’s funny, medium height,...

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Ambers Submission

Part 1Amber was depressed. Having just turned fifty, she had convinced herself she was on the downside of a dull and boring life. The recent divorce had ended a twenty-five-year marriage that had been sexless for nearly a decade. The couple had maintained the contractual agreement for the sake of the children that were now on their own. She felt lost and lonely, isolated in a cloud of sexual frustration with little hope for relief on the horizon. In a vain effort to spread her wings, the newly...

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Submissive Incest Mind Control Chapter 6 Daughters Ultimate Submission

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Daughter's Ultimate Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy's sex...

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Friday Detention at Holy Submission School

Unable to establish any evidence against her brother, she continued with her replaying of events that morning trying to figure out who might have been able to access her book bag before this class. As she was performing her mental audit of the morning's events, Mr Meyers called out her name. "Melissa, you're assignment was the refutation of the heathen theory of evolution." Melissa froze at the mention of her name and report topic. It was as if a white-hot spotlight had just been...

4 years ago
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Submission Part 2

Submission Part 2: So, you have listened as I have told you about my affluent WASP upbringing and how my nagging of my mother had led to her walking out of her marriage to Dad and her conversion to Islam? You don't believe a woman who needed to find herself would find herself in Islam? Well Mum did because in Islam she could be valued for her brains as she did no need to display herself like western women. You have heard that she had come back for me dressed in her chador but dad...

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Aztec Artefacts and Their Path to SubmissionChapter 12

Lloyd had been treated to a gratuitous and well received whipping by Joyce, watched by Patti, Kay, and Maria, who noted the pleasing sign of a boning erection as his wife confirmed her new status as his owner, then was bundled into a walk-in wardrobe at Patti’s house, trussed with his head down to await their further pleasure. He was not alone in the wardrobe. Lucy was stripped and trussed likewise, after a brusque spanking by Kay, and the tearful sissy placed so that Lloyd’s nose hovered...

1 year ago
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Power Versus SubmissionChapter 5 Trust

The look of surprise on Denny’s face as I pushed my front door open for Tahlia to enter was priceless. She obviously didn’t care about me coming home and seeing her on my couch fondling my daughter, half naked, hands down each other’s pants making out passionately. In fact that was precisely what she wanted me to see. After all I was expected to answer to her again now that my break was over. Thankfully David had already left for his date with Shandi so when we got back from the mall Denny...

3 years ago
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Aztec Artefacts and Their Path to SubmissionChapter 13

Lloyd had no need to attend the office to offer his resignation; Joyce gleefully tearing open an envelope with the company logo emblazoned upon its rear, and holding the letter within it, high to the sunlight which spilled through the expensively glazed hallway of the grandiose home which was now hers. Patti sneered down at Lloyd, keeping his leash nice and tight as Joyce’s delighted eyes scanned the text. She smiled down at her now thoroughly dominated and defeated ex-husband, who’d just...

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Glass Gift of Submission

Glass Gift of Submission By Wondering Soul Part 1 I walked into her studio with high expectations. They were met. There she was standing gracefully in downward facing dog. Her stomach was sticking out a bit. I went to inspect it. I swept her up into my arms and carried her to the bathroom at the back of her studio. I pulled the plug from her but and her pussy and set her on the toilet quickly. I turned to give her some privacy. She knew what I expected she never let me down. I washed off the...

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Journey to complete submission

A journey to complete submissionSusie was away again, she had spent her entire life ducking out of one care home to another as a child, now at 18 she found herself skipping out on dubious landlords who would charge her the earth for a place to stay, unless she would offer payment in kind.? Not happy to do either, she would oft moonlight whilst owing, and now was such an occasion.She headed for the more urbane part of town; the small amount of money she had would not sustain her long; she needed...

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FEAR, RELUCTANCE, ACCEPTING , SUBMISSION Of the unknown. Of your Insecurities. Your shortcomings. Your inadequacies.Your wife in bed; naked ivory princess. She pleads while you make love: "Deeper! Harder!" Grit your teeth and pound with all your might. Pound! Pound! Pound!Still, she pleads. Desperation in her eyes. "DEEPER! HARDER!" You're as deep and hard as you can get. Just dirty talk? Or does she... Mean it?Is your very best not good enough?Fear of the Other. Dangerous. Primal....

1 year ago
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The Complete Submission 3

PART THREE: THE COMPLETE SEDUCTION 100% fiction! This morning I got up a little earlier than usual for a Saturday and after getting dressed in a cute flower sundress, that made me look 18, and pink stay-ups; I headed downstairs. No one was there. I knew that Mark would still be sleeping, no way he gets up in the morning on a weekend and dad would be at work as usual, but where was mom? I went upstairs and she was in her room, I knocked and she said come in. She was on the internet shopping on...

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Power Versus SubmissionChapter 2 Entrapment

It’s mid-morning here. Would usually be a work day for me but this morning I’m sitting at my dinner table enjoying a leisurely coffee as the sun streams in the window bringing me a warmth I haven’t felt in weeks. I actually feel relaxed. For the first time since I met Tahlia I’m not anxiously awaiting a phone call or a text message with my next instruction. Don’t get me wrong, Tahlia still retains total control over me, and increasingly, my family. It’s only been just over a week since I...

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Sarahs Submission Ch 28 The Conclusion

Looking into the bathroom mirror, Sarah applied the finishing touches to her makeup. She stood back and took in the final result, liking what she saw. Her butterfly necklace sat perched over the deep v-cut black dress. The perfect little black dress that she had looked for all morning through numerous stores. The small spaghetti straps and loose fit at the top showed plenty of free flowing breast and the slit up the side ending thigh-high made it simultaneously elegant and sassy. The...

2 years ago
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Control is Only a Word Submission

My latest work, and kinda self-inspired! Been working on heaps lately so stay tuned, and please be sure to comment below what you thought, and whether you want to see the next part! ,) ***** He clicked his fingers and she stopped mid-sentence. She had been in the process of sitting up and saying through panted giggles how suddenly aroused she felt. Just as she was starting to say ‘aroused’, his fingers snapped and so did she. She froze, staring straight forward into his eyes. The word died on...

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Femdoms Ultimate Submission

Femdom’s Ultimate Submission By Goldfing [email protected]:Bill has a pornography addiction that causes him to masturbate incessantly. He seeks help from a sex therapist who refers him to Myra. Myra likes him and decides to marry him. This is chapter 16 and 17 from ?Femdom’s Ultimate Submission.?Home Page: 16Very late that night Bill has stayed up and hears two cars pull up the driveway. He looks out the window to see Myra getting out...

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The Ultimate Submission Jacquelines Story

The Ultimate Submission (Jacqueline's Story) By Gato Medio © 2004 - All Rights reserved " The Ultimate Submission (Jacqueline's Story) " ismy first long story. It's of the size which may justify calling it a book.It is divided into twenty-one chapters and - baring any unforeseen events -will be posted in seven weekly instalments of three chapters each. In a way, " The Ultimate Submission " isreally my first story. I started working on it under the title "Jacqueline'sstory" roughly a year...

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The Ceremony of Submission

The Ceremony of Submission by Tegeli [Note: This story builds up from my stories 'The Phantasm in the Fog', 'A Self to Kill For' and 'The Warlock Tyrant'.] Bow to us, blunt brother of steel, heinous havoc here now repeal. Sew shut the flesh, restore the bone, heal your violence and then begone. -stave from a chant for mending musket wounds PART ONE - Patience of Primordial Mastery CHAPTER 1 The tall sorceress gave me a wide smile and squeezed my thigh, before she...

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A Reason To Live 8211 Blissful Submission

Hello guys, I am your Anand back with the third part of the story about blissful submission. Thank you, guys, for your support and love. Just like the title suggests, this part is the most erotic of the three parts involving a lot of humiliation, cum, and a lot more submission. Let me give you a quick tip. Guys – a Dom-Sub relationship does not always involve humiliation, badmouthing, etc. It is a special form of lovemaking that requires deep trust in each other. In the story, people relinquish...

4 years ago
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A Reason To Live 8211 Blissful Submission

Hello guys, I am your Anand back with the third part of the story about blissful submission. Thank you, guys, for your support and love. Just like the title suggests, this part is the most erotic of the three parts involving a lot of humiliation, cum, and a lot more submission. Let me give you a quick tip. Guys – a Dom-Sub relationship does not always involve humiliation, badmouthing, etc. It is a special form of lovemaking that requires deep trust in each other. In the story, people relinquish...

1 year ago
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The Pleasure Of Submission

The Pleasure Of SubmissionSubmissive Exploration – Day OneBy Jazz Brodi He was the type that talked very openly about sex a long with what was going on in his life. He was straight to the point and always spoke his mind but never in a mean or cruel way. He spoke with passion about what he believed in and how he felt about life in general. His humor is what most people loved about him. It was not only his humor but how he carried himself. There was something about him that just made you feel...

2 years ago
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Lessons in Submission

Lessons in Submission Lessons in SubmissionCopyright Ed Edas 2006 All rights reservedPrologue ???? ?Emma was lying on her front on her bed, she was watching TV, naked apart from a pair of brief panties.? The door was flung open, she smiled at Kurt?s somewhat dramatic entrance, and then realising that he was in a serious mood, she got quickly off the bed and knelt before him.? She spread her knees wide apart and with her arms behind her back grasped one of her elbows in each hand.? This...

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Incestuous Harem 9 Incestuous Submission

Chapter Nine: Incestuous Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Vicky Samuels I loved how Pam Hiragawa trembled as I led her into my dark classroom. Trickles of light bled through the closed Venetian blinds, painting stripes across the neat rows of desk. The nineteen-year-old, Japanese girl trembled, hands clasped before her, pale-olive cheeks flushed. Her silk-black hair was gathered in a French braid falling down her back. She was the type of Japanese girl Clinton would love. I...

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The journey to submission and a whole new life

I arrived on a Thursday evening checking into a motel on the north end of town. Having the evening free I drove around to see my new home. The next morning I met my relator at a local café having just had a nice home style breakfast. Sarah was a young dynamic relator that exuded control and a sense of purpose. She was also a knock out with shoulder length blonde hair and a smile that said welcome. Standing about 5’ 6” and about 140 lbs. she looked great in her white blouse that show some...

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Submission Xs 2

I am sitting out on the patio of the room I have taken at the beach. I told everyone I just needed to get away and sort things out. I don’t know who I answer to any longer sexually. I am only submissive sexually and now I am confused. Tammy and I had been friends for so long and I always thought it was strange as cute as she is that she did not have a boyfriend. Some women have been burned so badly by a man that they can’t be with one without the horrors resurfacing. I think that is...

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Submission pt5

It was Monday morning; the day that mother was to give me her answer regarding her total submission to me. I felt certain that she would agree. However, it was quite possible that she had developed a change of heart. The reason for my concern was that I had forgotten to remind her of the pending decision that I required of her. So if I pressed her for an answer, when she hadn't given it proper thought, her decision could go either way.As I prepared for school, I did have some trepidation about...

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The Dare Book 2Chapter 6 Submission

Early the next morning, unable to sleep, Talia got up and wrote about the rest of the previous evening. She interrupted her story when she got a reply from Mason, and they went back and forth about the wisdom of what she was doing, and how she was so brave, but for her to be careful. She continued to think about what might happen, and she resolved to call in and work from home again, unable to imagine spending a whole day at work while wondering what Peter would do to her when she got home,...

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Aztec Artefacts and Their Path to SubmissionChapter 2

Patti soon had Joyce enjoying the other comforts of her decadent lifestyle, having her discard the smart but restrictive clothes she’d arrived in, seeing her welcome the feel of a flowing chiffon dress over her naked body, her breasts outlined wonderfully by the simple tie at the waist, her nipples poking to show her excitement at the near exposure she’d never have dared show before. Patti smirked as as similarly attired Maria greeted their descent of the stairs with a smile. “Oh ... just...

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True tales of submission and crossdressing Chapter One Meisterin

True tales of submission and cross-dressing : Chapter One - Meisterin It is my intention to write a series of true life stories, detaling various encounters and adventures I have had. I know the site's called "Fictionmania", so I hope my contributions are not unwelcome. The stories are not as racy as most of the fiction posted on here, but remember than these stories are real, and described to the best of my memory (of course all speech is paraphrased). Hopefully the fact that these...

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Gym Submission 14

Gym Submission Part 1 - 4 By AltErik (aka DarkPrince67) [email protected] ************ Usual disclaimers, though if you are already browsing stories on this site, you must have an idea what you're getting into by now. ;-) This story contains Male/Male sex, Male/Female sex and Dominant/Submissive themes, so if this is a problem... wave off! This story is fictional story based on a fantasy of mine. While it is fiction, I did use myself and locations I knew as a basis. I hope...

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Sandras Submission

Sandra's Submission Chapter 01: Sandra's Problem"I get hit on plenty, it's just not by the right kind of guys." Sandra shifted in her chair, adjusting her sandy blonde hair as she spoke. Her friend, Laura, stared at her intently through dark-rimmed, rectangular glasses."What kind of guy are you looking for?" she asked."Oh, I don't know. Not what I find. The kind of men I attract are all weak, wussy dopes. They want me to make all the moves.""I figured you'd like that.""Just because I'm...

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HypnoSubmission Pt 05

Part 5: BrendaThe title of the video piqued Brenda’s curiosity. “Hypno-slave Induction for Women.” Her last boyfriend was an asshole. She stayed in that relationship far too long, despite almost every friend telling her to leave him. They couldn’t understand why she put up with him telling her what to do like he owned her. He’d get angry and jealous when whenever another guy even looked at her, let alone talked to her. And her friends would find the occasional bruise. Why had she stayed for so...

Mind Control
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The Teachers Submission

// credit for this story is due to the original author, apparently TOD. The Teacher's Submission by TOD Chapter 1 Let me take a brief moment to introduce myself..... and tell you of my shame. My name is Mrs. Barbara Jones. I am 35 years old; married to a rather submissive man named Jim and teach Jr. High math. I also serve as the department head. I do not have what is considered a knock out body but I can turn a man's head when I dress to please. I weigh 119 pounds; my...

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Sex and Submission Story ndash Meeting Lindaslut

As he waited for the elevator on the f******nth floor of the St.Louis Hyatt he let his thoughts drift back to the first time she had endeared herself to him.Very early on she had written him, begging to know more about who he was. He allowed her to pose three questions. He fully expected them to be of the usual mundane type: “How old are you?” “What do you look like?” “How do you earn your living?” or maybe “Where do you live?” But she asked none of these. She wanted to know about his likes and...

3 years ago
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Lisas Black Submission

Lisa Keller groaned, as much in shame and humiliation, as in budding pleasure as she thought about the chain of events that had brought her to this place of her incipient adultery. She had not wanted to go to this party, but her husband had insisted. They had only been married for six months, and they had moved into this country club neighborhood, into a home that they really couldn't afford. Her new husband, Brad, had stressed to her how important it was that he succeeds in his new job, as the...

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