Episode 42 - Girl Loses The Horse Cock free porn video

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By now, if you’ve been following this mini-series you should have read:
'Girl with the Horse Cock' Parts 1 and 2, uploaded by Drew Robbins from Indiana (see link in My Favourites),
My story, called 'Episode 40 – Girl with the Horse Cock',
and finally the slightly unusual 'Girl with the Horse Cock Part 3' (see My Favourites again).

If you haven’t the time here is a very brief synopsis:
We first met Amy – the girl with the Horse-cock in Part 1 – it was the result of a dreadful accident, swallowing a drop of pure Horse DNA on a school trip to the experimental horse breeding farm, run by Dr Michaels.

Amy’s best friend Lucy moves in with her and discovers the toll the 3-times daily sperm collection is having on her young arse – they find some suitable clothes for Amy and the inflatable anal plug for Lucy.

Dr Michael’s horse-mad daught*r Sam joins them for sex on the office table and later in the wet-room with showers marked ‘For External Use Only’ and more interestingly ‘For Internal Use Only’.
The final character to join our happy throng is the red-head Scarlet, who we discover is hermaphrodite – having a fully functional penis plus a fully functional vagina, and beautiful too.

Sperm Collection
Generally the stable-lads took it in turn to drive over to Amy’s tiny flat to collect the sperm samples every Saturday morning, but this week Sam came in person. She wanted to fuck with Lucy mostly, but was intrigued to hear about Scarlet’s below-the-waist surprise and wanted to learn more, personally.

Sam was taught never to visit empty handed, so brought each girl a gift from Uncle Mike’s Marvellous Masturbators range.

Amy was dressed in a baggy jumper and warm leggings, against the cold of her flat.
"Here you are baby – the male version" said Sam to Amy "This chain goes around the base of your horse-cock, and this Anal probe does what it says on the tin". Amy yanked down her leggings; pushing horse-cock through the chain loop and fumbled with the Anal probe.

"Here, let me give you a hand. Turn around baby; this shouldn't hurt". Sam licked her finger tips and thrust the probe into Amy's tight arse. Amy shuddered, turned around, smiling as the chain tightened up; bringing horse-cock up into Sam's belly: "Want to fuck it Sam"? For those unfamiliar with the mk4 masturbator, it needs no batteries, but works on the temperature difference between the external chain and the internal probe vibrating deep inside Amy.

Sam pulled out one for Lucy – Uncle Mike had slightly modified the standard female model – the Cuntal probe was still the smooth egg-shape, but the Anal probe sprouted 4 extending lumps, designed to lock it in place.
“Hey Luce, get yer arse out here, Sam has a present for you” shouted Amy.
“That’s not very nice, calling her ‘Loose’. I know she has problems after each sperm collection session..” Sam trailed off.

“No, silly. I was shouting ‘Luce’ not ‘Loose’. ‘Luce’ is just short for ‘Lucy’, and she is a lazy fucker” replied Amy, grinning.

Lucy emerged, all tousle-haired, huddled inside an old bathrobe to keep out the cold. She brightened up considerably when she spotted Sam and the odd toy in her hands.

“Let me guess” purred Lucy very attracted to Sam “the round one goes up yer cunt, and the knobbly one goes up yer arse”. They slipped in real easy. “Oh that feels good. Come to bed and let me thank you bodily".

Just then Scarlet, the delicate redhead, with big brown eyes, strolled into the kitchen. A pair of thin sleep shorts did nothing to hide her obvious erection; her hands shot to her tiny breasts, covering her hardening nipples from the three girls gaze.

"Oh my God; you are gorgeous" breathed Sam, holding Scarlet by the shoulders. "Amy has only sent me a few photos of your panty area". Scarlet's cock twitched: "Do you have a Masturbator for me too?"
"Of course, baby. Here let me show you" Sam pulled Uncle Mike's special toy out of her pocket.

"Look – he made this especially for you – it's like a male version plus a female version – just like you really".

Scarlet gingerly pulled off her shorts, handing them to Lucy, and stood butt-naked between her three girlfriends.

Sam knelt down in front of Scarlet, wrapping the chain gently around the base of her penis and sucking in the smooth hot tip.

Lucy knelt down next to Sam and fed the Cuntal probe between Scarlet's open thighs up between her soft crinkly lips.

Amy knelt down behind Scarlet, burying her nose between the hard smooth buttocks, and then slipped the Anal probe in place.

Scarlet quivered all over, hanging onto her hard nipples as the first wave of climaxes overtook her young body. Her knees buckled, she slumped to the floor, joining the tangle of arms, legs, heads, breasts, cunts and horse-cock. Scarlet was in heaven: she fucked Sam's face, then Lucy's cunt and finally Amy's arse, leaving trails of cum and pre-cum across their ripe young bodies.

As the cum and pussy juices cooled off and stuck to skin and in hair; the four girls laughed as Sam pulled a huge blanket over their four bodies to keep out the cold of the flat.

New Home
Amy, Lucy and Scarlet had taken to wearing the usual teenager clothing of tight jeans and baggy jumpers to keep warm in the flat; preferring to stay tucked up in bed except for quick trips to the bathroom and kitchen. They almost never went out and the food had pretty much run out days ago.

"OK, you lot; you can't live here anymore. Dr Michaels has enlarged my bedroom at the farmhouse, and you're all invited to come and stay".

After a quick visit to the cold bathroom to wash and p**, Amy, Lucy and Scarlet threw their few clothes and belongings into the back of Sam's Range Rover and set off to their new home.

Dr Michaels had already terminated their lease on the flat, paying off the outstanding month's rent, as he was keen to resume the Natural Insemination trial.

Sam first showed them her new huge bed; easily room for four girls to make love, or even sleep. The en-suite bathroom had those amazing external and internal shower-heads: Amy promised to try both on Scarlet.

Lastly the play-room: it was simply furnished with a semi-circular white leather sofa, a big soft white rug for fucking on and a huge TV screen on the opposite wall for watching Sam's awesome collection of lesbian porn. The whole farmhouse had under-floor heating, so Sam generally padded about in the nude, pressing her hard nipples into the warm soft fabrics.

Amy, Lucy and Scarlet quickly decided that their old jeans and jumpers could be junked and instead searched through the clothes parcel delivered the next day.

Dr Michaels had bought them all brightly coloured microkinis with matching micro-length rah-rah skirts. Sam held up the tiny triangles to her breasts, Scarlet comments "They don't even cover the brown bits around her nipples. You're not catching me flashing my tits like that". Scarlet found a silk scarf to tie around her bust, knotted at the front to hold her soft breasts all snugly warm.

Lucy searched about in the parcel and discovered four pairs of white satin shorts. The fabric was so insubstantial to be almost see-through and really tight and short as she pulled them on. They looked fabulous on Sam too, creating a deep camel-toe at the front and perfectly smooth half-bare buttocks from behind.

Scarlet's, being a size 6, were rather tight across her little cock, but she loved the shape. Amy managed to trap the horse-cock between her thighs and sat on it, leaving a smooth un-sexed frontage for the photos of the four of them sitting primly on the white sofa.

Dr Michaels snapped away, encouraging them to open up – Sam pulled her knees apart and up, revealing her cunt and arse to her Dad's eager camera. Amy leant her face into Scarlet's lap, licking up and down the length of her cock, sucking in the tip as it emerged above the waistband. Scarlet grabbed hold of Amy's head, holding her tight until spunk started to flow into Amy's mouth. Lucy pulled off Scarlet's breast covering, feasting on her upturned nipples as she climaxed. Sam's Dad didn't miss a trick, on his knees, holding the camera for close-ups of all four girls' bits.

Finally Amy pulled Lucy's anal plug out and replaced it with the horse-cock emerging from her shorts. The four girls fucked on for a further ten minutes, before collapsing in a messy, sweaty heap on the floor.

Somehow Amy ended up swallowing Dr Michael’s cock – she craved human-DNA; he didn’t disappoint.

Scarlet’s Story
Sam and Scarlet were locked in a naked 69 embrace on the sofa; Amy and Lucy were making breakfast. Sam licked deep into Scarlet’s velvety-smooth pussy, then let her tongue travel lazily up the sprouting cock to suck in the head. Scarlet couldn’t get enough of Sam’s taught buttocks – sliding a finger deep into her new best friend.

Sam let go of Scarlet’s growing cock for a moment: “Baby, I don’t mean to be rude. But were you born like this? Did you always have such a beautiful cock and cunt?”

“It’s a long story: My Mum and Dad were very strict, never let me play with boys, or masturbate or anything little girls do inside their panties. I went to stay with my Aunt for a weekend and she was concerned that I wasn’t developing properly. I was about 13, still no sign of any breasts, periods hadn’t started and I was really miserable. So she took me to see her doctor. The doctor sat me on her knee and stroked my vagina. I loved it. Her long fingers rubbed little circles around that bump at the top”.

“Clitoris” added Sam, not able to stop herself interrupting.

“Yes, I know what it’s called, now” Scarlet continued, getting slightly flushed “She taught me how to masturbate in just those few minutes. Then she gave me some strange homeopathic medicine to get puberty started. She said I must only take a few drops in a big glass of water every day, and tell her in a month if anything had changed – down there”. Scarlet paused, fingers dipping into her warm wet pussy.

Sam was now kissing Scarlet’s bottom: “Carry on, I am listening”.

“Well the few drops a day didn’t seem to be doing anything at all, so I started drinking it neat”.

“Oh don’t tell me” interrupted Sam “You started rubbing it on your clit?”

“How did you guess? Well, it started to grow and grow. Soon it was too big to hide between my lips. Then it sprouted into this, and now I’m a hermaphrodite”. Scarlet burst into tears, sobs wracking her young body.

Sam held her tight, smothering her face in kisses, licking down to her gorgeous erect nipples, then taking her entire cock to the back of her throat. By now Amy and Lucy had returned from the kitchen: Lucy lowered her hot cunt onto Scarlet’s mouth while Amy jacked off horse-cock between Sam’s exposed buttocks.

“I managed to keep it hidden from Mum; she would have freaked. Probably had me Burnt at the Stake as a Witch” Scarlet chuckled. “But Dad must have spotted me standing up to use the toilet one day; I can use either but prefer the cock. After that he was always touching me up; slipping a hand up my skirt whenever Mum wasn’t looking. Eventually she caught us, in the shower together. We were soaping each other’s cocks – I had a nice erection all ready to cum – I hoped he would swallow it.

But she went completely ape-sh1t; threw us both out on the street, still butt-naked – it was freezing”.

“Then what happened?” asked Sam, stroking Scarlet’s long red hair.

“Dad found us a flat, but he kept me away from school, hardly let me out on my own. I guess he was trying to protect me. But he only wanted me as a boy – he cut my hair really short, taped over my boobs and once even taped my pussy shut. Then he started bringing his mates back from the pub; they found it great fun to jack me off onto the coffee table, then f0rce me to lick it all up. Then they would take turns to bugger me, like a boy, over that coffee table. It was horrible – great hairy, sweaty blokes f0rcing their huge cocks into my tiny, tight arse. I hated it. Dad seemed to love it.

I had to get out of there. That’s when I spotted your advert for a flat mate, and here I am. But please – no anal, and definitely no coffee tables”.

Scarlet had been holding onto Amy’s horse-cock through most of her speech, it twitched in her small hands: “I’m not sure I can take all this, especially for a first time cuntal…”

“Oh you poor baby” cooed Lucy “you’re still a virgin? But that’s the only cock here, except for yours. Oh wait a minute; I’ve got this little strap-on we could use”.

Lucy stepped into the strap-on, Sam and Amy helped with the straps. Sam spat on her hand and smeared it onto the cock head. All eyes were on Scarlet as Lucy knelt between her open thighs and guided the plastic cock between silky-smooth pussy lips.

Scarlet's little cock shot up straight as her pussy took the strap-on; her big wide eyes opening even wider as her cunt walls clamped around the plastic cock. Lucy pulled back and shoved it further in; loving the way Scarlet's breasts rotated under Sam's fingers. Amy has stroking her bottom – sliding a wet finger between her hot lips. Sam kissed her way down Scarlet's tummy, heading for cock as Lucy pounded away. Scarlet was babbling incoherently: "Suck me, oh please suck me". Sam and Amy got to her cock at about the same time; kissing each other with a slippery cock shared from mouth to mouth. We suspect Scarlet came first – her thighs wrapped around Lucy's waist, pulling the plastic cock deep into her open cunt. Amy lost no time in slurping down Scarlet's sticky sweet sperm. Sam had to make do with jacking off Amy's horse-cock as Lucy fingered her to a moderate climax.

One morning Sam was trying to trib Amy; her thighs powerful from horse riding. She held Amy tight, grinding her hot wet pussy into the space where Amy’s cunt used to be. Amy concentrated hard on the sensations between her legs, ignoring the huge horse-cock flapping around at the front: “Dr Michaels” she screamed at the ceiling “I know you’re watching, you’re always watching. I want to be a girl again. Get rid of this horrible horse-cock and give me back my cunt”.

Scarlet kissed away Amy’s tears: “Here suck this” offering her little erection up to Amy’s mouth “perhaps all you need is human-DNA”. Lucy helped Scarlet cum in Amy’s mouth. Amy swallowed it all down and stopped crying; Lucy pulled out her anal plug and settled down on horse-cock. It didn’t hurt as much as usual – perhaps it was shrinking a bit.

Jenny Rings
Scarlet sat up: “What’s that funny ringing noise?”

Sam scrabbled around the discarded clothing on her sofa: “Hey look, it’s this pink iPad. Dave the Author said we might get a call. Hello”

A pretty face and two enormous boobs appeared on the Facetime video call “Hi babes. It’s Jenny from Indiana. I just wanted to say I love your story and wanted to see Amy’s amazing horse-cock in the flesh”.

Amy grabbed the tablet from Sam: “I love your tits – they really turn me on. Go on, give them a slap”.

Jenny Cumslut laughed, holding her phone right up to one nipple, licking her fingers and squeezing hard: “Hey babe, now you need to show me that cock of yours; I love horses”.

Amy’s horse-cock had been slowly growing out of its sheath and was pushing against Lucy’s thigh.

Amy lowered the tablet to show Jenny: “Don’t you think this is a bit weird? You’re a real person and we’re just characters in a sex fantasy. Anyway, here’s my cock. Enjoy it while you can”. Lucy grabbed the cock in both hands, while Scarlet leant over and kissed its head.

“Show us yer cunt” cried Lucy really getting into this remote-sex session.

Jenny lowered her phone again to show the girls in England the giant blue vibrator holding her lips apart, the silver balls just visible revolving deep in her wetness.

Suddenly a virtual trackpad appeared on Sam’s tablet; stroking the red arrow increasing the speed of Jenny’s vibrator. Pushing the blue button started the clitoral vibrator, and then the green button f0rced the anal vibrator home.

Jenny was creaming: "Harder bitches. I love it". Jenny Cumslut came hard, mashing her huge tits to pulp.

When Jenny had recovered Sam 'walked' her around the farmhouse, then showed her the foal in the field outside: "I think you're going to like this, baby".

Jenny was ecstatic: "What a beautiful young horse. Show me his back end. Holy Shit, I want him, I need to fuck him. That cock must be 14" long. How big is that lovely cock?"

Sam: "42 centimetres; that’s 16 and a half inches to you. I have to measure him every day. He's part of the Special Breeding Programme. My Dad is getting them sexually active younger, so they can breed earlier. What a life; he just gallops around the farm all day, trying out that cock on anything that moves".

Jenny: “Quick, give me the address. I’ll be on the next plane over”. Jenny scribbled it into her journal, next to the sketch of herself sandwiched between the foal behind and Scarlet in front with her lovely cock down Jenny Cumslut’s throat. Jenny kept the journal under her pillow – it held her filthiest thoughts. “See you soon girls”.

Dr Michaels Office
Dr Michaels had inspected all the medical literature for horse-cock removal – preferably without surgery. He’d also been reading some rare pornography, but aside from an incredible erection, hadn’t given the answers he was looking for.

Watching the CCTV monitors, he added a note to the latest recording ‘Scarlet may be the answer’. He found the homoeopathist – a Doctor James - that had treated Scarlet and invited her up for a few days. They were never going to agree with each other’s methods, but developed a close personal relationship in bed and watching the 4 girls performing.

Dr James explained that she loved dogging – in their local woods – nothing better than being handcuffed to a tree with her lover hiding a few feet away, waiting to see what happened: “She usually made me wear this ridiculous fish-net body stocking under a long coat. I had to submit to every bloke and girl that wanted a shag”

"Weren't you afraid of the cops?...." Dr Michaels trailed off.

"She IS the local police. Where do you think the handcuffs and truncheons came from"?

"Truncheons ...?"

"Oh yes, sorry, forgot to mention those. She has quite a collection – loves the early Victorian ones, with the bulbous curved top – fits right up my....Oh I'm sorry, am I embarrassing you doctor? Anyway she always rips the crotch out my body stocking thing, leaving my cunt all exposed to the cool air, and shoves her favourite truncheon up my arse. She promised to remove it carefully, if I can keep it in for at least two shags. She radios in our position, and 5 minutes later half the f0rce have arrived, queuing up to drop their uniform trousers and poke the lesbian homoeopathist".

"You poor thing... did it hurt"?

"Nah, I loved it. The policewomen were the worst – wanted to prove how tough they are. Never seen so many strap-ons appear out the back of the squad cars. Some cunt posted a video online, so we had to stop – shame really I loved it up against that tree...Anyway enough of my sordid sex-life. What are we going to do about Amy? She seems so unhappy with that horse-cock you gave her."

"I didn't.." complained Dr Michaels, stroking Dr James thigh.

"I think the answer lies inside Scarlet – if we can just get some of her DNA into Amy, she might get her cunt back. I know she drinks the stuff like cum is going out of fashion, but I think we need to add some special ingredients. Could you get Sam to collect some straight out of the ch1ld, then we can experiment with making up a cream".

Sex Toys
One night, with Amy and Lucy still fast asleep, Sam and Scarlet were desperate for some toast and marmalade. After licking the crumbs off Sam’s tummy, Scarlet was more desperate for something hard between her legs.

Sam lifted up Scarlet and spread her legs over the rocking horse standing in pride of place in her play room: "See those buttons? The green one turns on the vibrators in the saddle area".
Sam clambered up behind Scarlet; supporting both tiny breasts in one hand and grasping the tiny cock in her other hand. Scarlet rode hard, bouncing her tight arse up and down on the dildo attached to the saddle. Then Sam remembered the odd request from Dr James – she found the tiny tube, slipping it over the head of Scarlet’s cock and switched on the pump. As soon as Scarlet started to cum, the pump milked her dry: human-DNA for her odd homeopathic experiments.

A few days later the two Doctors arrived at the farmhouse. Dr James handed a tube of jelly to Amy: "Here, baby just rub this into your cuntal area, and wait for it to take effect".

Amy was out of her shorts in a flash, rubbed it all over horse-cock and down between her legs, almost into her arse: "Is that OK"? she smiled, eager to please. It began to sting. "Ooops, perhaps I shouldn't have used so much". Amy dropped onto her knees: "Please make it stop. It feels all wrong down there. What's happening to me?"

"Here, baby. Hop up on this table, so we can take a proper look" replied Dr James, soothingly.

Sam, Lucy and Scarlet helped the twitching Amy up onto the table, holding her legs apart for the two Doctors to examine their curious cure. Sure enough the horse-cock was growing smaller, and just the hint of pussy lips were beginning to appear on Amy's super-smooth crotch.

"It's working" shouted Sam "Look her cunt is coming back". She kissed Amy passionately."Look baby, you're nearly a girl again".

The horse-cock was down to six inches, more like a giant clitoris – just like Scarlet's. Lucy explored Amy's brand new cunt with her fingers, then her tongue: "Baby, you taste fabulous. All sweet and sticky".

Amy was over the moon having lost her horse-cock; she couldn't stop touching new cunt – f0rcing it into each girl's face for a good licking.

Dr Michaels felt a bit of a spare part and popped out to fetch a gift.

Sam turned to Dr James, who was eagerly watching the four girls groping each other: “So your live-in lover is a Policewoman and you like being tied to trees?”

“How dare you Miss; that was a private conversation with your father…”

Sam laughed “No conversations are private in here – you were watching us. I bugged Dad’s office some time ago. And yes before you ask – his bedroom too. We loved the sounds of him eating you out in the bathroom this morning”. Sam stroked Dr James’ thigh: “We don’t have handcuffs handy, or a tree in here, but we do have the rocking horse. Come on over”.

Sam pulled the reluctant doctor over to her favourite toy, easing her legs apart to straddle the b**st.

Lucy wrapped the leather reins around Dr James wrists, tying her hands firmly around the horse’s neck. Sam switched on the motors and the row of masturbators at one inch intervals all down the horse’s back burst into life. Numbers 17 to 20 detected the greatest resistance and emerged trying to press into soft flesh.

Sam lifted up the doctor’s skirt: “What exactly have you got on under there? Oh; leather shorts! How original. Well I think I can just reach the zip. Lift your arse up a bit”. The zip opened and Dr James settled her crotch back onto the row of dildos.

"Dad made the rocking horse for my 5th birthday; back then the vibrators just had numbers – 1 to 24 – all down his neck and along to his tail. He said they helped me learn to count. I used to rub my little crotch up and down his neck – it was all I could reach. Then we I hit puberty he re-programmed it so that the vibrators lifted up out of his back.

They were labelled 'Cl', 'Cu' and 'Ar'. I thought they were chemical symbols – so for ages I used my rub my clitoris against Chlorine, so that Copper expanded into my pussy. Then I finally figured out that 'Ar' wasn't Argon when it slid up my Arse. I kept on cumming and cumming – he just climbed up behind me – just like this and held my breasts as I climaxed".

"Huh – you mean the 'Cu' is for Cunt and the 'Ar' for Arse? I like the sound of this" Dr James settled her crotch into place and the Cu and Ar vibrators entered her body.

Dr Michaels returned, dressed as Santa with a sack of beautifully gift-wrapped presents.

Scarlet tore the tissue paper off her tiny ch1ld-sized double-ended dildo and carefully inserted one knobbly end: “Come here Amy, the other end has got your name on it”.

Very slowly Amy lowered her brand new pussy onto the soft plastic, until her giant clit clashed with Scarlet’s. They twisted around to get their cunts properly aligned and held hands, pulling the soft cock deeper into their young bodies.

They took turns being ‘on top’, thrusting the dildo in to its full depth, holding onto each other’s buttocks in a desperate attempt not to climax first. Dr Michaels somewhat spoilt their game by sucking both their little cocks into his mouth, then jacking them off into a glass vial.

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HorseCock Girl Part 3

Transsexuals & CrossdressersHorse-cock Girl Ch. 03Horse-cock Girl Ch. 03byjoshy029©Author's Note: This story isn't the end of Horse-cock Girl. I've got another in mind which is why this one ends rather suddenly: the next chapter will follow on directly from this one.The new character, Scarlet is devoted to a good fiend of mine who is a huge fan of this series. She created Scarlet and everything about her, all I did was write it down and turn it into a character.I've been toying with the...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Riding the Devils Horse

Riding the Devil’s Horse by Ashley B. D. Zacharias Cindy’s eyes narrowed when she saw Trevor looking at the sign over the dark doorway. ?You don’t want to go in there,? she said flatly. ?It might be interesting, don’t you think?? He sounded hopeful. ?I think it might be disgusting. That’s what I think,? she replied. ?Oh, come on. How often do we come to Amsterdam, anyway? I bet you’re curious. You’re curious about everything. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.? He grinned at her. ?Come...

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Lena Loses Her Hymen 1 To Adam video

LENA LOOKS AT HER LOVELIEST AT EIGHTEEN AND STILL A VIRGIN -- FINALLY FULLY FREELena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental prison: over eighteen, gymnasium graduated.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. As far as I know, she even has not discovered masturbation yet.Lena takes the train with me, after our hot holiday. That day she is exactly eighteen and six months old. Lena is born on February 27. As a 'Fish' by star-sign she loves bathing or our swims in a Bavarian...

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She Becomes a Horse cock Lover

Mila’s new husband, Scott, who was formerly her quiet, attractive older duplex neighbor, had helped her begin her foray into the realm of dog-fucking. She was quite enjoying herself, to say the least! Boomer, the mutt her ex-boyfriend dumped on her, turned out to be an extraordinary sex partner. And with a little help from Scott, Mila had turned into an expert dog fucker. Scott had always fantasized about seeing a woman getting nailed by a huge beast in real life, and after a few months...

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Mila Becomes a Horse Lover

Mila's new husband, Scott, who was formerly her quiet, attractive older duplex neighbor, had helped her begin her foray into the realm of dog-fucking. She was quite enjoying herself, to say the least! Boomer, the mutt her ex-boyfriend dumped on her, turned out to be an extraordinary sex partner. And with a little help from Scott, Mila had turned into an expert dog fucker. Scott had always fantasized about seeing a woman getting nailed by a huge beast in real life, and after a few...

2 years ago
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Episode 154 Femdom

IntroductionThis story follows on directly from https://xhamster.com/stories/episode-153-iqras-brother-10042244 , which I urge you to read first to make any sense of this perversion. Iqra wishes to deny she has approved any use of her name in this or the previous episode, but I am hoping that Mistress Susanna and Mistress Nuri give their approval before publication..At SchoolThe headmistress announced that this week's Muslim Sex Ed Class was going to be a rather different affair for Iqra,...

4 years ago
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Episode 154 Femdom

IntroductionThis story follows on directly from https://xhamster.com/stories/episode-153-iqras-brother-10042244 , which I urge you to read first to make any sense of this perversion. Iqra wishes to deny she has approved any use of her name in this or the previous episode, but I am hoping that Mistress Susanna and Mistress Nuri give their approval before publication..At SchoolThe headmistress announced that this week's Muslim Sex Ed Class was going to be a rather different affair for Iqra,...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Alone Time With My Horse

I recently graduated from using protection to going raw I also managed to have cum shot in my mouth and let it dribble out all over myself instead of having it squirted directly on my tits, I always had big tits im very proud of them. Tonight was another rodeo and I was really keen to be fucked but my period came a little early and I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied sucking dick so I decided to be a man so to speak and take it up the ass I went around to find a sexy little cowboy preferably...

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Enzos Nikki and Christie Sharon Horse Ride

First let me tell you a little about myself. I am 37, long black hair to my ass, hazel eyes, 5 foot 7 inches tall and I weigh right at 135 lbs. My breasts are slappy, or so I’m told anyway, perfect aureoles that I find pleasant to look at. I have a models build and am considered beautiful by most men and quite a few ladies…giggling! I could probably have any man, or woman, I wanted if I played my cards right, but, it wasn’t a person I wanted at that stage of my life, it was a horse! This...

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Horse Sexual Fantasies Motivates Tera

First let me tell you a little about myself. I am 27, long black hair to my ass, hazel eyes, 5 foot 7 inches tall and I weigh right at 135 lbs... My breasts are perfect, or so I’m told anyway, perfect aureoles that I find pleasant to look at. I have a models build and am considered beautiful by most men and quite a few ladies…giggling! I could probably have any man, or woman, I wanted if I played my cards right, but, it wasn't a person I wanted at that stage of my life, it was a horse! This a...

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Teras Horse Ride

Let me explain. On a school trip to the zoo when I was around 12 and just entering puberty I stopped to look at the zebras and there was one with his cock hanging, almost touching the ground. All the girls were giggling and pointing as it would jerk and then suddenly stiffen and rise to stand straight out under his belly. I noticed some older ladies sitting around on benches avidly staring with their legs crossed and thighs pumping quickly. As we watched, the zebra walked to...

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The Horse Ranch Tour

Natalie, the younger sister, looked dubiously at the narrow suspension bridge that Jenny was attempting to coax her mount across. Barely wide enough for a single person and swinging precariously in the wind, the structure didn’t appear inviting for a creature of the equine persuasion. Astride her grey appaloosa, Pepper, Natalie turned a worried glance up the other direction on the trail. A steep, rocky slope loomed. Hand and footholds abounded for a human, but it would be a treacherous...

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The Horse Experiment Revised

"I bet you are wondering why you are here", he says. His sister and him don’t respond. "You are here because we are doing an experiment and you were chosen because of some certain qualities…" "But we are only 16", Matt pleads. The man continues, "This experiment will hurt, I will tell you that, but when it is over we will have created something miraculous." He then walks over to Matt and says, "We will start with you." Then he opens his bag and takes out some lube...

4 years ago
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Episode 38 Mothers Daughters

IntroM0thers and daught*rs love to share everything: a pot of ice cream with two spoons, a favourite romantic video, boyfriends, helping choose each other’s erotic underwear, that purple double-ended dildo, Dad.This is a story of love and sex between consenting females who just happen to be related by birth, so don’t read if easily offended by young pulsating flesh driven to multiple orgasm by older women and sex toys.Ellie and KateIt was a long, boring Saturday afternoon. Dad had taken Ellie's...

1 year ago
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Emma Drinks Horse Cum to Survive and LOVES IT

Emma: I must find shelter, or I will freeze! There was nothing around. It was an undeveloped part of land, so she decided to go searching off road. Emma: Come on, I must find something! Emma walked for several miles before she collapsed and passed out. When she awoke a herd of wild horses had gathered around her. Some had laid down next to her to keep her warm, saving her life. Emma: Horses! So many of them! There were 20. Mostly brown, some spotted, black or white. Emma pets the...

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Horse Whipped

Horse Whipped Synopsis When the stable owner sees an enraged girl whip her horse unmercifully, he decides the punishment must fit the crime.Horse Whipped by obohoboWarning The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC If you are underage or offended by such material or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or...

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Anniversary Assignment Riding The Horse

Riding The HorseBy: Breanne Erikson and Michael AlexanderPart One02/24/11You know, taking off my chastity belt is not exactly the most pleasant thing to do, especially if I've been wearing it for almost twenty four hours straight.  Worse, doing it in an apartment parking lot at seven fifty in the morning is not something either easy, or that much fun.  With people driving by every few minutes while you're in the process of taking off your jeans, unbuckling everything, and then slowly extracting...

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Mary gets automated in the horse barn

So Mary hired James to design and set up the new system, that when done could run itself. first was to install new system of automated gates that would open and close letting each horse thought a number of set of new alleys and gates leading them to the breeding dummy room and back the their own stall. After a bit of time each horse learned the when the gate opened and they breed the dummy and food would be there back in there stall. Slowly the system was coming together for Mary each...

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The Marble Horse

The Marble Horse (Animal TF TG AR) The Marble Horse TG AR TF by ~Daguss A Young Teen walked down the rural farm road. He was of a Decent build, about 5'6'', not too thin, not too fat. He kept his dirty blond hair a little shaggy, the bangs long enough to reach his blue eyes, which looked around for anyone who might see him. His hands were bundled in the pockets of his hoodie. He approached the closest fence and pulled a hand out of his pocket, revealing two sugar cubes. A beautiful...

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Emma Survives on Horse Cum Extended Edition

I must find shelter, or I will freeze! There was nothing around. It was an undeveloped part of land, so she decided to go searching off road. Come on, I must find something! Emma walked for several miles before she collapsed and passed out. When she awoke a herd of wild horses had gathered around her. Some had laid down next to her to keep her warm, saving her life. Horses! So many of them! There were 20. Mostly brown, some spotted, black or white. Emma pets the horse that slept with...

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Kidnapped and Horse Raped

Sandra walked through the party a heavy sigh of boredom escaped from her lips. It was late at night and the evening breeze was cool on her skin. She stood outside in the yard of the manor house, a glass of champagne in her hand as she watched the [SPAM] of people chatted and walked around the large courtyard. The imposing manor house dark against the horizon spotted with lit windows. She wondered how long it would be before her friend got bored and finally agreed to leave this place. It...

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Man and His Horse

Note : This story is completely fictional! I never knew how much I loved horses, until the new neighbors moved in down the street. He had a big, brown beautiful horse with great muscles, but the horse also had a fantastic owner also. How can you beat that combination! This man was medium height, had a firm muscular build all over coal black hair and a wonderful black hairy chest. That was enough of heaven for me. After awhile I got to where I would stop and feed the horse some sugar or an apple...

2 years ago
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A horse for sara

Introduction: NOT MY STORY so dont flip out in the comments!! Just saying K R I S T E N S C O L L E C T I O N _________________________________________ WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!! _________________________________________ This work is copyrighted to the author 2005. Please dont remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post...

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A horse for sara

_________________________________________ WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!! _________________________________________ This work is copyrighted to the author © 2005. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of...

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Horse Cock For Yvette

My name is Yvette and I live out of town on a small farm. There is just my husband and I, along with a young black man who works in the stable areas. I am a little on the heavy side at 220 pounds but am big boned. Despite my weight problem, I am very sexual. I have a very plump pussy which I keep well trimmed. I have a wide ass and like anal sex every once in a while. I love sex in any form and masturbate quite a lot. Usually when my husband is out working. My husband works on the farm all day...

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Ride A Cock Horse

Cupping her elbow lightly in his hand, Goncourt led Lady Huysmans from thedining room, across the tiled hall to the broad sweeping staircase. She wasa haughty woman, he knew she would flinch at any more intimate touch, a womanof breeding who hunted and rode to hounds and would feel herself to be a littleabove the likes of him. Her cool reserve throughout dinner had been an annoyanceto him, the ice in her eyes and the pride in her smile infuriating. She heldherself aloof, looked down on him, as...

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Horse par chudai

Dear story readers how r u pahle me apna parichay dedu me gujrat ke junagadh saher se hu me 26 sal ka hatta katta ladka hu mera lund 8”inch lamba he. Aaj se karib ek sal pahele ki bat he me goa me mere uncle ke vaha gaya tha jo hotel ke buisness karte he uncle ko horse palne ka bahut shokh he me jabh bhi vaha jata me horse riding karata tha us din me jab hotel gaya to uncle ne kaha mere dost aur uski wife aaye he use tum horse pe goa ghumaoge mene kaha thik he esi bahane me bhi ghum lunga....

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Horse WhispersChapter 10

If one is deprived of ones proper mode of entertainment, then one tends to look for alternatives that are not always quite the right thing for you, and as a result, if prolonged use is sustained one can develop a fixation. This is sort of what happened to Elaine. She spent more and more time with the dogs and she was always finding reasons to go to them and be "entertained". She developed a jealousy toward me so that it came to the point that I could not approach the dogs or even talk to...

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Horse sexchapter 2

Omar, the caretaker, smiled. "You are some dirty little teenagers aren't you?" Sheila was defiant. She said, "What the fuck do you want?" "the same as you apparently," he replied. He continued, "You like sex with animals? Let's do some more." "Fuck you," screamed Sheila, "I am not doing anything." Omar calmly said, "I think you both will, or I will tell your parents what little perverts you are. You will do exactly what I say. Do you understand?" John and Sheila had a look...

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Horse sexChapter 1

"Truth or dare,"Sheila said. "Hmmm. Dare." John had not ever fucked Sheila, she said it was weird, and was wondering where this might lead. Sheila said, "OK, I want to see you stick your dick iin one of our horses." With a surprised look on his face John said, "What in the fuck are you talking about! Fuck a horse! No way!" "Come on. You will like it. I double dare you to fuck a stallion in the ass," Sheila continued, "Come on. Make a fag out of one of the sallions." John was...

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Nickname Horse

Hi there. My name's Mike and I'm twenty-three-years old. I'm happily married to Shelly whom at twenty-five is just a little older or at least I thought we were. We'd been married for just over a year when once night as we laid in bed after sex, Shelly said "she'd often wondered what it was like to make love with other men." Shelly had been a virgin when we married and although I'd read a number of stories in this newsgroup about men that get off watching their wives fuck other men, I'm not one...

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Horse Surprise

The morning had started out like any other. After breakfast she had went out to the barn, fed the cows and chickens, and was tending to the horses. She had been brushing them all down, and was getting ready to turn them back into the pasture when she got the urge to pee. Since she was the only one on the farm, she frequently went to the nearest corner to relieve herself, and today was no different. Lisa was just finishing peeing and was still in the bent over position rising up when all...

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Emma Survives on Horse Cum

Emma: I must find shelter, or I will freeze! There was nothing around. It was an undeveloped part of land, so she decided to go searching off road. Emma: Come on, I must find something! Emma walked for several miles before she collapsed and passed out. When she awoke a herd of wild horses had gathered around her. Some had laid down next to her to keep her warm, saving her life. Emma: Horses! So many of them! There were 20. Mostly brown, some spotted, black or white. Emma pets the...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Horse Cock Hungry Wife

Let me tell you about my wife and me. Nikki and I are both 28 years old. We met in high school and married our second year of college. We are both in the banking business with great jobs and big salaries. My wife is a great looking woman with short blonde hair and 36C size breast. She has a wonderful figure and keeps herself in shape. Her true talent is her skill at sucking cock. She loves to suck cock. She is the best cocksucker I have ever had the pleasure of being serviced by. She could suck...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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AscentChapter 19 Of Horse Training Day Tripping

Treeya worked with the captured horses almost day and night for two weeks straight, feeding, watering, talking to them, and most importantly, even getting them familiar with Dugut and Nugut so they wouldn't panic every time the two wolves came around. Occasional she asked for and received help from Sheel, and then a week later Treeya informed us that she felt ready to attempt the next step with the horse training. The following morning Treeya explained she had discovered that when a horse...

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Horse Milking

Rachel: I think now’s a good time to invest in our future. Grow a garden, and have goats for milk, maybe even cheese! Millie: Our own little farm? We could even have a horse! I’ve always wanted one! Rachel: A horse is a good idea, we could rent it out for birthday parties if we wanted! Millie: Always money with you. Rachel: I just think it would be good to be self-sustaining. Millie: Too bad there isn’t one animal that could provide all our nutrition. That way we would never have to...

4 years ago
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A Horse of Course

Tiva walked on through the night, his path lit by occasional breaks in the clouds. He was in his mid-twenties and walked with easy confidence through the farm fields that surrounded him. His eyes were as dark the night, a wayward hank of his brown hair hung over his right eye, making him look raffish at times. Other times he looked like a mischievous schoolboy. He wore dark leather boots that came up to mid-calf, dark green pants and a jerkin that was a lighter green. There was a saber hilt...

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They Called Me Horse

Eric was a shy person. He hated being the center of attention and did whatever he could to not draw attention to himself.He was home schooled for most of his life but then his parents thought that sending him to public school for his senior year would help him with his social skills before he went to college. Eric found himself suddenly thrust into a large school and he absolutely knew no one! He was OK that no one seemed to even notice him. At least no one did until he had his first gym...

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The Horse Rider

The Horse Rider. True My gramps had come to Australia in the 50’s to set up a food processing line for an Australian company but within five years had formed his own company. My dad had taken over when gramps retired and the business boomed. Then my mum died of cancer – my dad was devastated and after a couple of years decided to go back to Wales and asked me whether I wanted to run it. I was 28 at the time. No I told him I am an engineer and not a business minded so he sold the company to a...

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Sister Sucks a Horse

Unfortunately I had promised her I would edit some videos from her showjumping practice sessions and competitions, and I can’t say my opinion about the sport had changed during this arduous work. Did she really have to get absolutely everything on film? I clicked on the next video which had just as boring title as all of the others, and immediately did a spit take with the coke I was sipping, although I did wipe the stains off the screen just as quickly so I could see what was going...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e20 Page 3 Horse special

Series 7, Episode 20: Page 3 Special We open with a montage: Still images of Page 3 girls - smiling, topless models with amazing bodies; clips of these same models at show-bizz functions and public appearances; cover shots of adult magazines with those same girls highlighted; and more ‘Page 3’ shots – blondes, brunettes, black girls, white girls, fake boobs, real boobs (but always big boobs). These aren’t the Page 3 superstars – not a Sam Fox, Linda Lusardi or Maria Whittaker of the 80s –...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 14 Goggles and the Horse

I told Gracie I had a nice surprise for her extreme hotness; after moving some furniture she was to put on the bag but not tape it. When she was ready I came in wearing a full face mask and what I called my KKK gown (really they are just a baggy old white haz-mat outfit) to conceal my body height and weight. When I was ready I explained what I was going to do. I told her to close her eyes and keep them closed. I removed the bag and fitted her with the modified diving goggles I had bought. The...

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