A Horse Of Course free porn video

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Tiva walked on through the night, his path lit by occasional breaks in the clouds. He was in his mid-twenties and walked with easy confidence through the farm fields that surrounded him. His eyes were as dark the night, a wayward hank of his brown hair hung over his right eye, making him look raffish at times. Other times he looked like a mischievous schoolboy.

He wore dark leather boots that came up to mid-calf, dark green pants and a jerkin that was a lighter green. There was a saber hilt visible over his right shoulder, and a bag slung over his left shoulder. He wore a beret with a large feather sticking gaily into the air.

He was humming a ditty to himself in his head, but singing aloud ... he didn't sing nearly as well as he could hum in his mind.

"What ho! The life of a mercenary! A feather in my cap, a sword on my back and leagues under my feet! Oh, life is sweet! Nothing is ordinary!"

The clouds covered the night sky and all was dark. He stumbled on a rock and cursed. "Damn! Come on clouds! Make up your mind! Come and I'll find a haystack to spend the night! Go and I'll put even more leagues beneath my feet this night!"

For a moment a larger than usual break occurred in the sky and a giant pinwheel galaxy was visible, shedding light on the land.

Clouds started moving to cover the Wheel of Stars and the light dimmed. "Ah, like asking for the moon!" Tiva said in the age-old lament of his people.

He looked around and saw a modest cottage sitting in front of a copse of trees, two piles of hay neatly stacked close by.

The night turned black again and he whispered to himself, "Hasty exits, my father told me, are the mark of bad planning or poor execution! Still, sometimes things just happen!"

Tiva laughed, remembering how it had started.

Had it started at the beginning or the end of the recent unpleasantness in the princedom of Coor? He'd taken Prince Gerrold's colors against a usurping cousin. Tiva was a rarity in those parts, a skilled light cavalryman, and an officer on top of it.

He'd done well in the early scouting and skirmishing and had been assigned to the Prince's son, Prince William, as the captain of the prince's scouts. It was a grander sounding title than the actuality, as he commanded scarce a dozen men, but they had worked well together and they had done what they'd been told, each and every time they'd gone out, which most of the scouts hadn't.

Then came the day the prince had insisted that he, himself, had to go with Tiva and his men, to see if it was really true, that the usurper and two thousand men were marching towards Coor itself. There were twenty-eight thousand infantry and nearly five thousand cavalrymen waiting to welcome the usurper to Coor -- it seemed insane.

Of course, it wasn't much smarter for the eldest son of the Prince to go riding that far forward, either.

Half a dozen men had come at them out of a thick clump of brush, charging Tiva, the prince and two of the prince's guards. One of the guards had seen the long spears speeding at him and put his spurs to his horse, riding away at top speed. The second guard had cursed, drawn his sword and flung himself on the nearest shaft.

Tiva, on the other hand, backed his horse, grabbed the reins of the prince's horse like some school rider and backed his horse up another half dozen quick steps. One of the men stuck Tiva's horse with his spear, but Tiva had plenty of time to get down. He'd quickly shown the six men that cavalry troopers from far to the east were taught from the first day to fight afoot. Five minutes later, Tiva's sword arm was tired and the six men lay bleeding along the track.

Receiving word of the attack on his son, the Prince and his personal guard had rushed forward and were stunned to find the prince alive and well and his enemies dead.

There were fine words of praise for Tiva's prowess with his saber and for his bravery, which were followed by promises of great rewards at the end of the campaign.

Instead, things came to a sudden stop when a wild boar sprang from some bushes, spooked the usurper's horse, and the usurper was thrown off. Unlike Tiva and Prince William, the fates weren't kind to the usurper, who died instantly of a broken neck.

Abruptly reason returned to the column and they scattered to the four winds, and a campaign that was supposed to last one or two fighting seasons hadn't even gotten as far as the first Wheel of Summer of the first season.

Two weeks later the scouts were mustered in front of Prince William. The prince told them that he and his father thanked each of them for their service, but they were no longer needed. They were paid off on the spot and set on their way.

There wasn't anything Tiva could say -- his men had been paid as if they'd fought the whole season, so it wasn't as if they were being turned loose penniless. The prince had, though, a surprise for Tiva.

"My father is a niggardly man, Captain Tiva. He told me to give you a horse to replace the one you lost and to give you an extra copper wheel for your trouble, over what we agreed. I value my life a little more than that!"

The prince gestured at two fine horses held by a groom a few feet away. "So, not one horse, but two. And not a copper wheel, but a silver wheel."

"Your father is a careful man," Tiva had told the prince. "I do not fault him for his choices."

Prince William had grinned. "And as a loyal son, I would never dream of such a thing, either. No, this between us, men who've stood side-by-side on the field of battle."

So Tiva had found himself at loose ends, rather unexpectedly. He was a curious man, one who'd long heard fantastic tales of the Far West, and had vowed that one day he'd see the truth of them for himself. He'd come about a quarter of the way across the continent from where he'd been born on the coast of the Eastern Ocean, in the lands of the Great Trees, not far from where has ancestors had arrived in this place.

But that had been more than nine hundred years before. Here and now he found himself suddenly unemployed. He'd gone to the town and found a room in the best local inn. He'd talked quite a bit with his men, now he talked more with merchants and travelers who'd come from further west.

The second evening, he'd been sitting at one end of the main table of the inn commons, eating a bowl of a decent stew with more than sufficient meat and quite a few dumplings as well.

A few feet down the table a nobleman was holding forth, rather loudly. "Who could have imagined it? A war without battles! The usurper dead and buried. What glory is there in this?"

There were a number of growls of agreement from the men near the nobleman. Clearly, Tiva thought, the men were loyal retainers of the nobleman. Idly, Tiva wondered what those seven dead men in that small, nameless glade would have thought about the idea that there had been no fighting and no battles in the war.

"I'm going to return to the West! I could but wish that my problems would solve themselves this easily! That my opponents would fall from their horses!"

He shook his head. Then the nobleman had gestured at Tiva. "Captain Tiva, is it not?"

"Yes, sir. Captain of scouts under Prince William."

"Unemployed now, like the rest of us. I'm the Earl of Widon, an earldom in the Duchy of Eilantra, southwest from here, south of the mountains, which are south of the Kingdom of North." The Kingdom of the North had once been the chief rival of the King of Man; they had fallen upon hard times and the Kingdom was now a snake pit of warring princes, dukes and what not.

Tiva had perked up. Eilantra was a town that figured in many stories. It was considered on the edge of the Far West. "That's supposed to be a long trip," Tiva said mildly.

"Aye! I came over the desert in the winter! It was hell, I tell you! Hell! I'm going to take a ship back, even if it means it's another four hundred miles further."

The earl had stared at Tiva. "You're a very capable man, Captain, aren't you? I heard a lot of good things about you."

"I did my duty to Prince William and his father," Tiva said gallantly.

"Well, I could use a man like you out west, Captain! Tell you what -- if you agree to come to Eilantra and serve me as you did Prince William and his father, I'll give you a silver wheel now, as earnest money, and another when you report to me, if it's before the first Fall turning of the Wheel. Thereafter a silver wheel each month."

That was, to put it mildly, quite a bit of money. A silver wheel was about what he normally commanded for a campaign season. He'd agreed and took the coin Earl Widon offered him, then and there.

They were near the south coast and Tiva asked about passage west. He laughed at the prices he heard for a man and two horses. An earl might be able to afford it -- a captain of cavalry couldn't. However, the description of the desert that lay before Eilantra was daunting.

He spent some time talking to men of the trade caravans that traveled overland, asking about routes and times. He'd reach the worst of the desert at high summer, and the travelers had all shuddered and told him it would be nearly impossible to cross the desert. Wait, he was told, until the fall rains. It could be done then. Better was the winter, and better still, the spring.

Except of course, he'd taken the Earl's money, saying he'd be there before the Fall Turning. It would be a weasel thing to do to go to the Earl and beg a delay in his reporting date. He carefully considered his options, and then decided that he could carry sufficient food and water for himself and both horses.

The first month wasn't too bad. He was traveling through settled lands and the people were as interested in someone from the Eastern Ocean as he was in them. Then one day, in late summer, he'd come to a small village perched on a small bluff, with a bubbling stream that boiled down the bluff and headed east.

The village of Edge was just that, he was told. There was a bight of the sea that came close to shore, but the water was shallow and the currents from east and west met there, in a welter of waves and chop. Three miles to the northwest was the last farm before the desert. Ships never put into Edge. At Edge you had two choices: the desert or the settled lands.

The locals were blunt. "It's not possible to carry enough food and water to get two horses and a man across the desert at this time of the year. If you load down one horse heavily, travel slowly until it drops dead, then hustle with what you've got left, you might just possibly survive. The horses won't."

"It's three hundred miles!" Tiva had told them. "Six days! I have ten days food and water!"

They'd all smiled knowingly. "Captain, the desert isn't nice. You won't travel as fast as you expect, and your beasts won't be as strong as you think. Try to keep both of them alive and you'll all die. Sacrifice both horses and maybe, just maybe, you'll live. Three months, Captain. Stay here for three months, and then you'll be able to ride the distance easily."

"I'm supposed to be in Eilantra before the First Wheel of Fall."

They shook their heads and told him he was as good as dead if he tried to go west. It wasn't something that was in him; he knew it was a weakness, but he wasn't about to assume that he couldn't keep himself and his horses alive for just six days.

It had turned out much different than what he'd expected, far more akin to what the local farmers had warned him about. Three days from the village the horse he'd been riding went lame. He'd cursed and put just a few jacks of water on the beast, then had walked instead of rode.

On the fifth day the lamed horse was dead when he woke. He loaded only the remaining water on the surviving horse, and walked even faster, not trying to ride. He, Tiva, had run three hundred miles in six days, once upon a time!

Except it was too hot to run -- it was nearly too hot to walk. It was even too hot to walk fast. On the eleventh day he gave the last few drips of water to the horse; by that time there was no food, and no more water for either of them.

Shortly after dawn the next day he led the horse up to a ridgeline, and paused at the top. Ahead, several miles away, was a green line indicating a watercourse. The horse had lifted its head, smelling the water.

It had jerked the reins from his hands and galloped forward, desperate to drink. It had managed perhaps a dozen steps when it sprawled, dead.

He'd walked up to it, shaking his head. "All you had to do was walk, you great stupid beast! A few minutes more and you'd have been drinking and still alive. Instead, you're dead. Horses are the dumbest beasts in the world!"

The local farmers were duly impressed by someone who survived the desert and didn't think that losing two horses was anything unusual.

A few days later he reached Eilantra, walking now. He paid a copper wheel to an innkeeper for a room to himself and slept for two days before going to see if Earl Widon had arrived.

It was a hard lesson for Tiva. If he'd sold the horses before heading for Eilantra, he'd have had enough to pay for his sea passage. He'd have arrived with the Earl, safe and sound, without his horses. By trying to keep them, he'd lost them both and nearly lost everything.

He was much quieter than his usual self that evening, as he sat in Earl Widon's hall, at the Earl's table, sharing a meal with the Earl and his retainers.

In a way, it was good. It was the casual camaraderie of soldiers, what he'd known for nearly a decade. It was comforting, at least. It was about the only thing that was comforting that evening.

"I admire a man who doesn't waste time, Captain Tiva," the Earl told him. "You nearly beat me, and you saved a lot of money in the process!"

Tiva shrugged. "A little cheaper, unless you were a horse, in which case it was as expensive as it gets."

The earl reached out and dropped a silver wheel on the table next to Tiva. "As promised, another silver wheel."

"Thank you, sir!"

"And your timing is most auspicious! I have been levied of a half dozen guards for the Duke's Court later in the week. You will command them, stationed at the duke's left hand. A simple dagger thrust..."

The earl's eyes had glittered like poison nuggets. "Our duke is old and senile; he listens to whoever lied to him last. Loyal nobles cannot get fair justice at his court! It is time we did something about this!"

The earl dropped two gold wheels on the table, atop the single silver wheel from before. "And you will have earned these, and two more just like them once you've accomplished the deed. You will become the captain of my scouts."

Tiva smiled thinly. "I don't want to sound ungrateful, Earl. Not for this fine food, not for the silver coin as promised, nor for the promise of a post. But I wish to become a noble, Lord Earl -- not kill them."

Tiva pushed the pile of coins back towards the Earl.

"You weren't so sensitive about killing nobles in our short ignoble war!"

"Sir, they came at us with their army and we went with ours after them. It was as fair as such things get."

Tiva could see the hostile glances at him around the table. Still, he waved at the coins. "I am a circumspect man, Lord Earl; my tongue doesn't wag. I will take my leave of you, return to my inn and be headed further west tomorrow at first light. You'll never see or hear from me again."

The earl's face lit with an evil smile. "I think not!" The earl waved at the men around them. "Bind him!"

Tiva wasn't surprised. Instead, he grabbed the earl's tunic and jerked the other back away from the table, a meat knife going to the earl's throat.

"Call them off!" Tiva commanded loudly. The earl laughed, and Tiva pressed harder with the knife, bringing a drop of blood. "Call them off!"

The expression on the earl's face was, for the first time, concerned. "Do what he says!"

Tiva backed out of the room, dragging the earl, using him as a shield between himself and the earl's retainers.

Outside, Tiva paused on the other side of a horse trough. "Earl Widon, I told you, I'm a circumspect man. I'm going to leave you now. Faith, I know how little regard men such as you hold for the truth, but sir, if I was that sort of man, you'd lie dead in the dust just now, your blood spilling from your slit throat.

"Don't you or your men come after me. If you do that, why, I'm going to remember what happened here tonight, and then I will come for you. You won't like that at all."

Tiva waved the lead retainer back into the hall, then gave the earl a push, enough to send the man sprawling in the dirt. Before the earl could turn around, Tiva was gone.

Back at his inn, Tiva wasted no time. He threw his few possessions in his bag, snagged his saber, and then scrawled a short note for the innkeeper: "Duty has called, and I'm thinking I should return east. I'm sorry I didn't stay as long as I promised, but here are some additional coppers for your trouble. Tiva, captain of scouts."

He was out the door in less than three minutes, heading into the night.

Tiva shook his head, returning from where he'd been, to where he was, staring around him in the waning light as the clouds overhead came in solid ranks. There was a haystack not far and he walked quickly towards it.

There was no light visible in the small cottage that wasn't very far away. The night was quite dark. Tiva studied the haystack. "I've come six or eight miles from the town and hopefully they'll think I went east, not southwest."

He chuckled. "When I was boy, I thought it was a lot of fun to spend the night in fresh hay.

"A lot has changed since then."

He held onto his saber and bag, and burrowed into the hay, vanishing as if he'd never existed.

Tiva was a man of simple tastes, simple wants and desires. Which meant he slept late the next morning.

His first hint that things weren't as they should be was a loud voice not far off calling, "Maybe the witch is in one of the haystacks! Search them!"

There was a chorus of voices, all saying the same thing: "Kill the witch!"

Tiva awoke instantly, one hand going to his saber, the other finding his bag.

Then came a loud "kerchunk!" of a pitchfork hitting the haystack and penetrating deeply.

Tiva jumped out of the haystack with considerably alacrity.

"Who are you?" someone from the crowd demanded.

Tiva looked around. There were about twenty farmers around him, all waving sundry and various farm implements, from pitchforks, hay rakes and the like. All were sharp, he had no doubt.

"Tiva, Captain of Scouts. I was bound for Eilantra when my horse died. Now I've come this far and I decided to spend the night in this fine stack of hay."

"Where's the witch?" the spokesmen of the farmers demanded.

"I don't believe in witches," Tiva said, trying to calm the man down. "Witches are bogeymen our fathers used to scare us as little boys. There are no such things!"

The farmers had been milling around, but several of them had been looking at the haystack. One of them suddenly called, "There! There she is! There's the witch!"

A second later the farmer fastened his hand on an ankle visible in the hay stack and dragged a girl out into the light of day, not six feet from where Tiva had been hiding.

The girl was eighteen or so, a little heavier than Tiva liked. She had a long, narrow face, with reddish-brown hair and brown eyes, and nearly as tall as he was.

On each side of her face, wisps of hair had been carefully braided and were tied off at the bottom with small blue ribbons. She was wearing a plain brown tunic top, and buckskin pants the same color. She was fighting to break the farmer's grasp, first on her leg, then on her arm.

Without warning the farmer slugged the girl in the face, stunning her. The girl sank to her knees, shaking her head groggily.

"Here, there!" Tiva commanded. "You stop!"

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HorseCock Girl Part 3

Transsexuals & CrossdressersHorse-cock Girl Ch. 03Horse-cock Girl Ch. 03byjoshy029©Author's Note: This story isn't the end of Horse-cock Girl. I've got another in mind which is why this one ends rather suddenly: the next chapter will follow on directly from this one.The new character, Scarlet is devoted to a good fiend of mine who is a huge fan of this series. She created Scarlet and everything about her, all I did was write it down and turn it into a character.I've been toying with the...

4 years ago
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Horse WhispersChapter 6

The next day I was woken by my mother coming in to make my bed. It was half past ten and I had slept right through most of the morning. My mother was most surprised to find me, thinking that I had got up and gone to work as usual. She asked me what was wrong and I told her that I was not well because I had been thrown by one of the horses, but I also said that I was expected into work. I got up but my pussy was so saw that I had difficulty walking. This convinced my mother that I had indeed...

2 years ago
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Horse cock and the Girl

Amy awoke, startled by the shrill chiming of her alarm. She settled back into her pillow and looked sideways at her clock. Reading the digital display she sat bolt-upright. “8:30? Shit, I’m going to be so late!” Amy jumped out of bed and dressed as quickly as she could in her jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. As soon as she was decent she rushed downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a banana and an apple for breakfast. She’d have to skip the normal coffee and cereal if she was going to get to...

5 years ago
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Horse WhispersChapter 8

Well what can I say. The day that Robert was away was a clear warm and sunny day just as you would expect in late spring or early summer. Every body at the stables was in high spirits from the weather if not from the news that was coming to us from across the channel. Things were bad over there. Elaine and I worked hard through the morning so that we could maybe have a restful afternoon. We did get our way after about two thirty. We had selected two horses to ride out last for exercise and...

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HorseLoving Farm WivesChapter 8

Mike slammed his pick-up truck into gear with a savage jolt. He felt frustrated and furious. Imagine playing second fiddle to a fucking dog! But he hadn't dared to show his fury to Claire, because he wanted to keep on her good side so that he could get a lot more of her sweet mouth and juicy cunt, and his rage was all the more violent for having been kept pent up. His prick was still fairly stiff and his balls were already starting to recharge themselves. He turned down the lane, driving...

4 years ago
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Horse Loving DaughterChapter 3

Lynne reined in her horse at the barn and dismounted. She stroked his neck. "We're gonna have a ball," she said, opening up the barn. She led him inside and closed the door. "A real ball." Blazer bobbed his head, his mane swishing. He snorted, then nuzzled his mouth against the crook of Lynne's neck. "You just relax," she purred. She stepped back and looked at Abdul locked in his stall. "You'll get your turn tomorrow." She swooned, thinking excitedly about the plan she had come...

3 years ago
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Horse Loving DaughterChapter 7

Janice looked at her daughter, a hot lewd smile on her flushed face. "I'm ready now," she said. "I've been ready since your father split." Lynne stroked Blazer's head. "You better take care of him first," she said. "He got horny as hell eating your pussy." "I don't care," Janice drooled. "As long as it's a cock." She flicked the tip of her tongue anxiously across her lips. "Get on the bench, Mommy," Lynne said. "I think you'll enjoy it more." Janice could only smile...

2 years ago
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Horse WhispersChapter 9

The truth of the matter is that the little gift that I was given by Robert was a goodbye gift. I had totally forgotten that his Birthday was on the horizon and it was not until about two days before that I remembered. I had always been good at drawing so in my spare time I drew a few pictures for him as a present. Mr Rice was very kind in letting me take time off to get the job done. I took Ruth's Ambition into a field and spent time making about six drawings of her from different angles....

2 years ago
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Horse Women

My father had got me this job working for this man on his mini ranch. Mainly doing everything he did not want to do. But I really liked it. It was hard dirty work but I liked the a****ls and his wife, Terry, and the mother inlaw, Laura. The man had very little to with me and I guess he did not want anything to do with the day to day operation of the property and seemed to have little interaction with his wife or mother inlaw. Any way things went along and I learned alot. And I became close to...

2 years ago
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Horse WhispersChapter 5

The next day Robert seemed very nervous of me and I had to go and comfort him and let him know that everything was all right. I slipped my hand into his and whispered in his ear that I loved him and thanked him for the wonderful evening. He blushed beetroot red so I told him that a repeat performance was in order when he had the time, and then I left him to carry on with my work. I did not leave him in any doubt about my availability and I smiled at him every chance I got in the hope he would...

3 years ago
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HorseLoving NieceChapter 9

"Damn!" Janice rolled onto her ass once more, one arm draped over her face. It was going to be a long, long night. Chad had made her cum violently, with a passion she hadn't known for a long, long time. But now, as she lay naked on her bed, the sheets having been kicked off long ago, the brunette thought once more about looking for the dog. It was nearly midnight. Her sister wasn't home yet. That dance must have been quite an affair. Janice laughed a little bitterly, again imagining the...

4 years ago
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Horse Loving DaughterChapter 11

Lynne lugged out all of Blazer's jizz, then pulled away. She sat back on her haunches and looked at her mother. "I wanna get fucked," she said. "You ready to have your ass fucked?" Janice smiled. "I've been begging for it for three days," Lynne gasped. "Of course I'm ready." She quivered, her head spinning. At last she was going to have her ass reamed. Janice brought Abdul to the center of the barn. "Blazer had your cherry, now Abdul can have your virgin ass." Lynne moaned,...

4 years ago
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Horse Racing

We were out together, that late spring morning - she and I - lazily riding across the long grassland. Here the age-old, green road skirted the lower reaches of the escarpment. In a little while, it would wend its way gently upwards.Those ancients, the ones from several thousand years ago, knew a thing or two when they trekked this way and drove their animals before them. The old Drovers Way, the path we trod so lightly, was well-worn, making its way towards the next small river ford where they...

3 years ago
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Horse Cock Girl Part 2

Amy woke up around dusk, based on the amount of light coming through her bedroom window. She'd fallen asleep, her new horse-cock still hard and inside her best friend, Lucy.Lucy was awake, watching Amy sleep, and apparently enjoying the cock that was still inside her and hard again. Lucy was bouncing slowly and gently on Amy's cock and smiled when she noticed her friend had awoken."Good evening, sleeping Beauty," Lucy said, in a slightly strained voice. She couldn't keep her pleasure out of her...

2 years ago
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Horse Racing

© November 2001 We were out together, that late spring morning - she and I - lazily riding across the long grassland. Here the age-old, green road skirted the lower reaches of the escarpment. In a little while it would wend its way gently upwards. Those ancients, the ones from several thousand years ago, knew a thing or two when they trekked this way and drove their animals before them. The old Drovers Way, the path we trod so lightly, was well-worn, making its way towards the next small...

2 years ago
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Horse WhispersChapter 3

Christmas came and went and everybody had a good time. It was into the second week of January that the next event in my tale occurred. Rum had started to expose himself again soon after New Year and I soon became troubled by his behaviour. It seemed that whenever I saw him his penis was hanging down almost touching the floor and a thin clear liquid seemed to always be dripping from the end. I eventually asked Elaine about it but she swept the matter aside saying that he was just feeling...

3 years ago
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Horse Loving DaughterChapter 6

Lynne climbed off Blazer and led him into the barn. Her mother was only seconds behind her. "Looks like you're the dirty whore," Lynne giggled. She pulled off Blazer's saddle and began rubbing him down with a thick brush. "I think you're the whore," Janice said. She had Abdul's saddle off. "Who broke your cherry?" She brushed the panting white stallion. Lynne giggled. "Strip off your clothes and I'll tell you," she said. Janice smiled at her daughter. "I hope he's got a big...

3 years ago
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Horse High and Pig Tight

The guitar hummed, in a strange offbeat rhythm that danced in time with the locusts. The sound, different from all the Christmas Music, was soothing on a cold night by the fire. An old man plucked at the guitar strings, in a slow taffy of movement that stretched each note around his fingertips and then rose into the air. You could almost taste the notes hovering in the cool breeze. As he began to play, everyone would get quiet, so quiet that all you heard was his guitar and the distant locusts...

2 years ago
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Horse Teeth

"Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Penelope splashed some more cold water on her face and rubbed her hands over those blood shot eyes. She let out a tearful sigh before repeating the lie once more. "Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." By this point in her life, Penelope would have preferred the sticks ands tones. Although she still looked young, Penelope was a 23 years old college undergrad. Why was she so late in her education?...

3 years ago
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Horse Cock Girl 6

A few days after going to the club with Lucy and Scarlet, Amy was on her lunch break at work, thinking deeply. A lot of things that had happened or been said that night had stuck in her head and it had been bugging her since. Everything she was thinking about was to do with her relationship with Lucy and Scarlet.She'd been thinking about something since even before the club: marriage. She loved Lucy and believed that Lucy lover her too. She was, however, wondering if, were she to ask Lucy to...

4 years ago
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Horse Cock

Hi, my name is Jeff, and I've been married to my sexy little wife, Tanya, for 5 years. We've been using nasty talk and shared fantasies to spice up our love life almost from the beginning of our relationship. One thing that got us both particularly hot was for me to ask her, during sex, if she'd like to have two cocks at once. I'd say something like, "I'd like to see you sucking someone else's cock while I'm fucking you from behind," and she'd usually reply, "I'd love you to see me...

2 years ago
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Horse Tail

We were just two guys traveling down the highway. Then... Smack. An accident. Everything went black. Suddenly, my eyes opened. Haziness. "Estuardo, where are you?" I shouted. At least I thought I was shouting it. I heard it in my head but it came out of my mouth as... a horse's whinny? As my eyes came into focus, I realized I was standing on all fours. "I'm a horse?!" Again, stated internally, but emerging as a whinnny. Suddenly, I was surprised by an incredible weight...

4 years ago
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HorseLoving Farm WivesChapter 9

Having found out that Claire and Molly were cunt-suckers and dog fuckers, Brenda had not hesitated at all. She rode the stallion right up to the back of the converted farmhouse, slid down from its back and hitched it to the porch railing. She went up the steps and entered the house without bothering to knock or announce her presence. She went down the hall and looked into the living room... and smiled delightedly at what she saw. Claire and Molly were both kneeling over a huge mastiff,...

4 years ago
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Horse WhispersChapter 4

The next day, after a restless night trying to ease the frustration I was feeling, I went about my business as usual but all the time attempting to form a plan to achieve my aim. By the end of the day I had what I thought would be a workable idea but of course proof of the pudding is in the eating and only attempting it would tell. At about seven thirty I found myself in the company of Rum again. I was ready to try my idea but I found one or two problems in my way. Again it was quite late in...

3 years ago
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Horse WhispersChapter 7

I was not nearly as saw the next day as I had been after my first mating with Rum. Indeed I hardly felt any discomfort at all except around the opening to my vagina. My pussy lips were thick and swollen when I rose from my bed but that was gone by the evening. However my poor breasts were very saw and red from the straw sticking into them as Rum rocked me back and forth. I had lots of red marks on them and on my chest and shoulders where the straw had come into contact with my skin. The...

4 years ago
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Horse Loving DaughterChapter 8

Janice stood, her tits bouncing. "I can't wait any longer," she moaned. "I gotta get fucked." "I was wondering why you were waiting so long," Lynne sighed. She pushed herself away from the table and stood. "Let's go." "The wait made me cream," Janice explained as they hurried outside. "My cunt's dripping so much I'm squashing." With her tits bouncing and her ass jiggling, Lynne ran across the yard to the barn. She threw open the doors. "Hurry, Mommy." Janice rushed...

4 years ago
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HorseLoving NieceChapter 10

Two days had passed since Linda's first fuck and Janice's bout with the horse. Both women chatted continually together, but purposely kept their conversations to business or small talk. Their aunt would be coming out of the hospital soon. Janice was already making plans to go home, and Linda was thinking about how she could continue to see Hank without making her aunt suspicious. On the third day, a little after five, when Janice was strolling outside, Hank crept into the house and found...

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Horse WhispersChapter 2

The next day I felt a little apprehensive about seeing Robert, but as it turned out he had been sent out on an errand and would not be back until evening. Elaine and I worked side by side cleaning the stalls after turning out the horses into the field. She was pleasant company and I listened to what she said with half an ear as she chatted on about things, the most of which I can not remember. Eventually she stopped and asked me what was on my mind. I tried to shrug it off saying that I had...

2 years ago
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Horses in the City Ch 04

The next day, Luke arrived early at the stable and began hitching up the horses. He'd done it so often that he was able to let his thoughts wander, and they wandered to Emma. What would she say, he wondered. What would he tell her about himself? He'd been distracted ever since he'd proposed they talk, and hadn't slept well. Writing had been an exercise in futility. None of it had been helped by the phone call he'd made. As he did every month or so, he'd called home. His mother had answered, but...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Horses in the City Ch 01

Horses in the City © 2010 All rights reserved Prologue "Emma, what are you talking about?" Lila Hutchins stared at her sister, unable to comprehend what she'd just heard. They were at a Christmas party but Lila barely registered the lights, the decorations, or the songs. Emma's words had blocked everything else out. "Just what I said, Lila. I don't think it will work with the two of us. It's just not . . . ." Emma put her hands together, back to back. "Just not meshing." Her brown eyes were...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Horsecock 101

When she had explained being too overwhelmed by stress to retain anything she was studying for an upcoming Calculus exam, her friend Emma's eyes had lit up, She had been so enthusiastic about telling her to be at Arthur Hall at eight that he had scampered away before Linn even had the chance to ask why. Why did she tell me to come here of all places Linn thought to herself as she carefully padded barefoot across the campus lawn. Arthur Hall rarely had classes during the day, let alone...

3 years ago
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Horses in the City

Prologue ‘Emma, what are you talking about?’ Lila Hutchins stared at her sister, unable to comprehend what she’d just heard. They were at a Christmas party but Lila barely registered the lights, the decorations, or the songs. Emma’s words had blocked everything else out. ‘Just what I said, Lila. I don’t think it will work with the two of us. It’s just not…’ Emma put her hands together, back to back. ‘Just not meshing.’ Her brown eyes were bright and she was fidgeting. ‘Not meshing?’ Anger...

2 years ago
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Horses in the City

Prologue "Emma, what are you talking about?" Lila Hutchins stared at her sister, unable to comprehend what she'd just heard. They were at a Christmas party but Lila barely registered the lights, the decorations, or the songs. Emma's words had blocked everything else out. "Just what I said, Lila. I don't think it will work with the two of us. It's just not..." Emma put her hands together, back to back. "Just not meshing." Her brown eyes were bright and she was fidgeting. "Not...

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Horse hung nigger slave

It was before the war spread south to Georgia. It was a time when Atlanta was still beautiful and the home of many of the Confederacy’s finest gentlemen. It was then that Leasa Edwards, daughter of Colonel Everett Clyborn Edwards, was the most sought after beauty south of the Mason-Dixon Line.Heiress to one of the largest plantations in Georgia—‘Tara’—Leasa Edwards was both wealthy and lovely. This stately, young woman caught the eye of all and any fine, young, southern gentleman in her...

3 years ago
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Horse Cock Girl part 4

It had been nearly a year since Amy, Lucy and Scarlet had begun living together for their college studies. In that time, they'd all grown closer together. They effectively had a secret, three-way relationship going.Amy had, the year before, grown the large cock of a horse by a freak accident at a lab on a field trip with college. She had told her best friend and classmate, Lucy, who had immediately started thinking of uses for it. It had scared Amy, at firsts, but soon after they started, she...

2 years ago
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HorseLoving Farm WivesChapter 6

Claire scowled when she saw Mike Rowley's pick-up truck parked in her driveway. What did he want? Well, she knew what he wanted, but what did he expect to get? Claire knew that she shouldn't have flirted with the man, that she had been a terrible cock-teaser, but that didn't give him the right to come around looking for pussy, did it? She set her jaw, determined to be firm and distant with the horny fellow. She marched into the house. She stopped dead in her tracks, with a gasp. Mike was...

4 years ago
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HorseHungry MotherChapter 4

"What are we gonna do this afternoon?" Sandy asked for the tenth time as she finished her lunch. Natalie laughed. "I'm gonna fuck Stormy," she said as she pushed her self away from the table. "I'm tired of being cherry." "You're kiddin'," Sandy gasped. "No, I'm not," she said. "I was thinking about it when you were sucking Stormy's cock." "Whewww!" Sandy shook her head, her hand going directly to her crotch. "His cock is too big," she said, clawing her pussy through...

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