Double Your Pleasure 1 free porn video

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Beth Higgins propped her foot up on the soap holder on the side of the shower and very carefully slid the razor over her pussy, making what was already as smooth as a baby's ass even smoother. She rinsed herself, then looked down, pulling her outer pussy lips upwards and outwards, affording her a perfect view of her pussy, her inner lips furling outwards beyond her outer lips, and her clit, fat and throbbing, peeking its head out even from between her pussy lips.

Turning off the water, she reached for a big bath towel and languorously began to dry herself, watching herself in the mirror the whole while. As she bent forward to dry her curly, ringleted red hair which hung down past her shoulder blades, she smiled in satisfaction as she saw her C-cup breasts hanging perfectly from her chest, her nipples pink and fat. As she watched, she saw them harden into knurled nubs, each the size of her pinkie's end joint.

Setting the towel down, she reached up and pinched each of her nipples as hard as she could stand it, a soft moan escaping her lips as her entire body reacted to the stimulation. Beth's nipples were so sensitive that she could easily cum just from someone playing with them or sucking on them. The rest of her was equally excitable, as she had discovered in the past year as she explored sex. Her body just craved sexual excitement and she was hoping that the party she and her twin brother were going to this evening might provide her with just the kind of stimulation she craved.

Quickly running a couple of fingers into her pussy then sucking on them, Beth wrapped the towel around herself and opened the bathroom door, colliding with her twin brother Bart who was just in the process of knocking on the door.

"Oh, sorry, Beth," he said, a smile on his face as he saw her clutch at her towel which had fallen to her waist, exposing her perfect breasts. "I was just going to take a shower before we go to the party," he explained as she covered herself.

"Well, don't be long," she admonished, her cheeks flushing red even through the s**ttering of freckles which covered her face. "I've been looking forward to this party and don't want to miss any of it," she explained.

"Yeah, me too," Bart laughed. "I hear the best parties happen at that house. I'm curious to see what it's all about."

"Yeah, I know," she smiled, looking up into his blue eyes. "I'm ready for some fun, too," she said as she slid by him, achingly aware of her nipples throbbing.

Beth silently cursed herself as she went down the hallway to her room. Even though he was her twin brother and she knew him as well as she knew herself, Beth found herself constantly aroused when she was around him. It wasn't just that he was 6'4" and cut like a professional athlete, though she wasn't unaware of what a hunk he was, it was more than that. It was the looks in the eyes of her friends when they talked about him, especially the ones who had gone out with him. Nobody would say anything specific to or around her, but she wasn't unaware of the fact that all of the girls that she knew got wet just at the thought of her brother. Just like she found herself doing right now, she realized, feeling the rivulet of pussy juice sliding down her inner thigh.

"God damn, she is so hot," Bart thought as he climbed into the shower. Even though she was his twin sister, Bart was not unaware of the fact that she was the hottest female on two legs he had ever seen, maybe even hotter than their mother. And just now seeing both of her breasts uncovered and up close, DAMN! She was perfect, he thought as he soaped himself, stroking his 8" of cock absentmindedly.

It wasn't as though Bart had a hard time finding girls; they just about lined up for a chance with him and he had more pussy than he could shake his stick at, but lately his sister had been intruding into his thoughts in a very unsisterly way. Well, he'd get good and laid at the party and that would take care of that, he thought as he finished showering.

"Bart, Beth, we're leaving now," Brittany Higgins shouted from the kitchen.

"You're going out early," Beth commented as she slid into the kitchen in her socks, her shoes in her hands.

"We have about a 2-hour drive to get to your Aunt Becky's house," Brian Higgins told his daughter, his eyes taking in her micro-mini skirt and halter top, obviously braless underneath as her nipples were prominently visible poking out into the silk material.

"You're going to a party wearing trench coats in September?" Bart asked as he came into the kitchen wearing his ubiquitous jeans and t-shirt.

"It's a costume party of sorts," Brittany said, a slight blush suffusing her cheeks.

"Well, let us see your costumes, then," Beth laughed. "Or is it a secret from us?"

"It's a sort of lingerie costume party," Brittany confessed, blushing.

"Oh, I definitely want to see, then," Beth laughed. "If it's Aunt Becky, it's got to be interesting. Come on, dad, let's see the goods."

"If you must," Brian grinned, opening his trench coat to show that he was only wearing a formal bow tie and boxer shorts with hearts and lips all over them. "What do you think?"

"I think that's a riot," Beth choked out between her laughter. "I can't believe you have the nerve to go out like that."

"What about you, mom, let's see your costume," Bart said.

"I don't think so," Brittany blushed, holding her trench coat tightly closed.

"Well, if you can't show us, how can you possibly wear it out in front of strangers?" Beth asked.

"As I said," Brian said with a grin. "Do you really have the nerve to wear that? I doubt it. You'll probably wear your trench coat all night."

"Oh, it's that good, is it?" Bart asked, a big grin on his face. "Now I definitely want to see it."

"Go ahead, you have to start somewhere," Brian laughed, seeing her blush furiously.

"Well, if you insist," Brittany said, fumbling with the coat's buttons for a minute before suddenly holding it open.

"Holy Shit!!!" Bart gasped when he saw his mother's costume.

"Oh my god, mom, that's the hottest thing I've ever seen," Beth managed to say as she stared at her mother's costume, the bright red bustier doing nothing to hide her breasts, merely presenting them as though on a platter, her nipples clearly visible and rock hard, sticking out just like her own, Beth realized.

"I'll say," Bart choked as his eyes glued to his mother's bright red crotchless panties, her clit very obvious as it peeked out from between her smooth-shaven pussy lips. "That should be quite a party," he said as she closed her coat, her face flaming red.

"Well, you know how your aunt is," Brian said shaking his head. "It's something about twins, I suppose. I'm sure Becky will be wearing something that will make your mother's outfit seem tame."

"That's a party I'd like to go to," Bart said.

"Me, too," Beth agreed, laughing.

"Well, we'll probably be very late," Brian said, "so you two get home at a reasonable hour."

"We promise," Beth said with a straight face. "And we promise not to do anything that you wouldn't do."

Bart choked when Beth said this, especially when he saw the color drain from their mother's face.

"I'll take good care of her," Bart promised. "You two have fun, as if there's anything else you could do dressed like that."

"You, too," Brian said as they left the kitchen into the garage.

"Wow! I just can't believe it," Beth said when they had gone. "I would never have dreamed that mom would ever wear anything like that, ever. Not even privately in their own bedroom."

"Yeah, live and learn," Bart agreed. "She was incredibly hot. I think looked good enough to eat just about covers it."

"She's our mother!" Beth exclaimed, but secretly she was remembering the size of the bulge in her father's boxers. "We should go," she said as she felt yet another rivulet of pussy juice running down her thigh. "Maybe I should have worn some panties," she thought as they went out to their car.

Always the gentleman, Bart held the door for her as she got into the car, shocking him as he realized that she wasn't wearing any panties at all. "Jeezus, what is it with the women in this family?" he thought as he got into the car and started it, his cock rock-hard in his jeans.

When they arrived at the party, Beth gave Bart a quick hug and told him she'd find him later, disappearing into the crowd. Bart walked in in a leisurely fashion, smiling as he recognized many of his friends.

"Hey, man," a nice-looking black man said to him, topping him by a good two inches. "Bout time you got here."

"Hey, Randall," Bart said, shaking hands with him. "What's shaking here?"

"Man, this is one hot party," Randall told him, shaking his head. "Some really hot chicks."

"Oh, yeah?" Bart asked, arching his eyes. "Anything in particular?"

"Well, apparently there's this one room that's really extreme," he told him. "We wait until we can get in -- only two guys allowed in at a time -- then two girls are allowed in but they have to put on blindfolds. Then whatever happens, happens," he explained.

"No shit!" Bart said, shaking his head. "I want part of that action."

"Let's go check it out then," Randall said, a big grin on his face. "I'm ready for some pussy already."

"You're always ready for pussy," Bart said with a laugh, "and I don't blame you, so am I."

"Beth, hi," Beth heard as she made her way through the room.

"Oh, hi, Kimiko," Beth said, seeing her friend. "Isn't this something?" she asked.

"It's amazing," Kimiko agreed. "This is my first time here and it's already the best party I've been to."

"I have no idea what to do," Beth laughed.

"I know," Kimiko agreed. "There's so many possibilities," she said, eyeing the people around them. "I did hear about one thing, though," she said.

"What's that?" Beth asked.

"I heard there's a room where anything goes," Kimiko explained. "They only let two people in at a time and you have to be blindfolded."

"Oh my god, that's crazy," Beth laughed.

"I know," Kimiko agreed. "Can you imagine it, blindfolded and not knowing who was doing what to you. Almost sounds like a dream when you think about it."

"Kimiko!" Beth exclaimed. "Are you thinking about trying it?"

"I wouldn't have the nerve by myself," she said with a laugh. "But if you were to come with me..."

"Are you crazy? Let some stranger have his way with me?"

"Exactly. Doesn't it sound delicious? No names, no faces, no commitment, no guilt, just pleasure. I just have to try it," Kimiko said, hugging herself.

"Well, I'm not letting you do it by yourself," Beth told her. "I'd never forgive myself if it's something wonderful and you'll need me to help you if it's not."

"Oh, you're the best friend a girl could have," Kimiko said, hugging Beth tightly. "Let's get a drink and then find that room," she said, taking Beth by the hand and dragging her through the crowd.

"Man, I'm beat," the boy said as he came out of the room. "What a crazy place!"

"You guys done in there?" Randall asked. "Is this the magic room?"

"This is definitely the magic room," the boy laughed. "Hope you ate your oysters, because you're gonna need 'em. These girls are nuts."

"Sounds just fine," Randall said. "We'll take over now."

"Have fun. I'm sure you will," the boy said with a laugh as he and another boy left the room. "The blindfolds are next to the other door."

"What should we do?" Bart asked.

"Whatever you want," the boy replied with a laugh. "Whatever you think you can get away with, I suppose. But do yourselves a favor, get undressed now, it will save you time later. And they'll be blindfolded, remember, so they can't and won't see you."

"Okay, thanks for the advice," Bart said as he and Randall entered the room.

It was only a large bedroom with a king-sized poster bed, the covers from which had been stripped off and were in a pile on the floor.

"This is weird," Bart said, sitting on the bed. "What are we doing?"

"Waiting for hungry pussy," Randall replied with a laugh. "And I'm hungry for some pussy," he said, dropping his pants and pulling his shirt off. "What about you?"

"Yeah, I'm ready to get laid," Bart agreed, also stripping.

Suddenly there was a timid knock at the door.

"Hello!" they heard tentatively through the door.

"Yes," Bart said.

"Is this "The Room?", they heard, followed by a giggle.

"Come in," Randall said, pulling Bart back into a shadowed corner with him. "There are blindfolds on a table next to the door when you come in. You have to put them on."

They heard more giggling and then the door opened and the two girls stepped in, quickly shutting the door behind them. Bart's mouth was hanging open when Randall turned to look at him, shock on both their faces as they recognized Beth, Bart's sister.

"What should we do?" Randall mouthed almost silently to Bart.

"Okay, we're ready," they heard Beth say. "Come show us why this room is so special."

"You do the talking," Bart whispered to Randall as they moved out of the shadow towards the two girls, their cocks swinging in front of them. "What are you looking for?" Randall asked in a whisper, his mouth right next to Beth's ear.

"Oh!" Beth exclaimed, startled, jumping a bit.

"Yes, what are you looking for?" Bart asked, whispering into Kimiko's ear.

"Ooh, I want cock, nice anonymous cock," Kimiko answered with a laugh.

"And what about you, what do you want?" Randall asked Beth, reaching up and cupping both of her breasts, smiling hugely at Bart's shocked face as he found and pinched her hard nipples.

"Oh, god," Beth groaned, feeling her pussy react to her nipples being pinched. "Cock, lots of nice hard cock," she said breathily, pressing her hands into her own crotch.

"Is that so?" Randall asked, leaning forward so that his cock rubbed against the back of Beth's hands, his hands now cupping her naked breasts, as he had pushed the halter top up and out of the way.

Bart was in a state of shock, moving only on autopilot as he watched Randall's black hands covering his sister's naked breasts, the very ones he had happened to see only a few hours earlier. Automatically he found his own hands pulling Kimiko's shirt up from behind her, her arms willingly going up over her head so that he could pull it off. As his hands cupped both of her naked breasts from behind, his fingers unerringly finding her hard dark nipples, Randall leaned over and captured one of Beth's nipples between his teeth, his tongue flicking at it as one of his hands went to her thigh at the bottom of her mini-skirt.

"Mmm, someone's very excited," Randall said, sliding his hand up Beth's wet thigh, two fingers sliding easily into her pussy as he cupped her.

"Oh, yes," Beth hissed as she felt Randall's thick fingers entering her.

Kimiko had reached around behind herself to wrap her hands around Bart's cock as he played with her breasts.

"Oh, this is nice," Kimiko breathed as she pumped Bart's cock in her hands. "But I want more," she said, turning to face him. "I'm going to suck this fine cock I've found, Beth," Kimiko said, slowly sliding to her knees, her hard nipples scr****g a line down Bart's chest. "It feels nice and big," she said, leaning forward and engulfing him in her mouth. "Oh, this tastes so nice," Kimiko said, flicking her tongue in Bart's pee-slit.

"Oh, god, this is so big!" Beth exclaimed when her hands found Randall's cock. "Where are you, Kimiko?" she asked, feeling around in the dark with one hand while she held Randall's cock with the other. "Mmmphhh," Kimiko gurgled when Beth's hand hit her head, her nose firmly buried against Bart's stomach, his cock all the way down her throat.

Bart could only stare as his sister clumsily knelt down next to Kimiko, their shoulders touching, Randall's huge black cock in her hand. Just as she flicked her bright pink tongue out to taste the tip of Randall's black cock, Kimiko started bobbing up and down on his cock, face fucking herself completely.

"Oh, god, what a delicious cock," Kimiko gasped as she came up for air, her hands still wrapped around him.

Bart had almost cum, especially when he saw his sister begin to suck Randall's cock, more and more of it disappearing into her mouth every time she went back down on him. He was frankly amazed when she succeeded in getting all of it in her mouth; Randall was bigger than he was and he knew very few girls who could take all of him the way Kimiko could. Obviously Beth would have no problem.

"Oh my god," Beth gasped, choking, "I have never swallowed such a huge cock. What a great feeling."

"Mmm, let me try it," Kimiko said, groping over towards Beth until her hand encountered Randall's cock. "This one's not small, either," she said, guiding Beth's hand to Bart's cock.

Bart and Randall just stared at each other for a moment when Beth wrapped her hand around his cock. Before they could say or do anything, Beth had completely swallowed him, her nose pressed up against his stomach as his cock throbbed in her throat.

"Not quite as big," she gasped, "but still big and very tasty."

"Mmmphhh," Kimiko gagged, not quite able to get all of Randall's cock in her mouth. "This one is too big for me," she said, coughing. "Did you really do it all?"

"She sure did," Randall said, stroking her cheek as she knelt in front of him. "But I'll bet we can find somewhere that it'll all fit, can't we?" he asked.

"Definitely!" Kimiko said, pushing to her feet and at the same time letting her skirt drop to the floor, showing that she was naked underneath.

"I think it's time to taste some pussy," Randall said with a laugh as he watched Beth trying to suck the life out of her brother's cock. "Right this way," he said, gently leading Kimiko over to the bed and helping her to sit on the edge, her feet hanging over.

"Come on, you two," Randall said. "I want to compare these pussies, taste test them."

With an effort Bart pulled his sister up from her knees, his cock aching to explode from her incredibly expert sucking. Leading her over to the bed, she felt her way to sitting next to Kimiko.

"She's still dressed," Randall said, grinning at Bart. "That won't do; off with it!"

Bart reached to help his sister take her skirt off, but she was far too quick, stripping it off and then laying back on the bed, her feet up on the edge and well apart, exposing her naked shaved pussy.

"God damn, that looks really fine!" Randall said when he saw Beth's pussy spread open before him. "Now let's see this one," he said, reaching down and lifting Kimiko's legs and laying her back.

To their total surprise, she grabbed her own ankles and hooked them both behind her head, opening and exposing herself like neither of them had ever seen.

"Oh, jeezus god," Randall said when he saw her, dropping to his knees and stabbing his tongue up into her as she held her hands to the back of his head, holding him close.

Bart was just staring at his sister's spread pussy. It looked just like their mother's, he realized, remembering her in her costume. If anything, Beth's clit was even bigger, more prominent, and her pussy was a veritable pool of juices.

"Oh, man, that is some tasty pussy," Randall said, sitting up from between Kimiko's spread legs, pussy juice all over his face. "How's this one?" he asked, leaning over and gluing his mouth to Beth's pussy.

Bart watched as Beth arched her back, Randall's tongue stabbing deep up into her. Then he was sucking on her clit and she was writhing on the bed, obviously having one continual orgasm.

This was too much for Bart and he fell to his knees, diving into Kimiko's pussy, lapping her up like a puppy. He didn't know how long he ate her or how many times she flooded his mouth and face with her juices as she came before Randall was tapping him on the shoulder.

"Time to switch again and then we start fucking them," he said, leaning over and gluing his mouth to Kimiko's pussy.

This time Bart didn't hesitate, gluing his mouth to his sister's pussy and drinking her up, realizing that she had the sweetest tasting pussy he had ever tasted, bar none. He couldn't believe that she could constantly cum, but that's what she did, simply flooding his face and mouth with her juices over and over again.

"Oh, god, oh yes," he heard and looked over to see Randall sliding his black cock into Kimiko's pussy, slowly but surely burying every single inch of it. Bart was beside himself as he got to his feet and drove his cock into his sister's pussy in one shot, deep and complete. Beth lifted her hips to meet his thrust, fucking back at him as he proceeded to pound her pussy.

The only sounds now were of moaning and grunting and the slapping of flesh as the two boys fucked the girls. Bart could not believe how good a fuck his sister was, absolutely the best he had ever had. Her pussy was like a hydraulic milking machine, gripping and squeezing his cock each time he drove it into her.

"Time to switch," Randall said, slapping Bart on the shoulder, a big smile on his face. "I cannot wait to fuck that nice redheaded pussy, while you're going to just love this Japanese slit. She is just so tight."

"Well this," Bart whispered into Randall's ear as he slid his cock from his sister's pussy, "is the absolute best pussy I've ever fucked. Just incredible."

"Well, let's just see," Randall said, moving over and easily sliding his huge black cock into Beth's gaping pussy. "Oh, yeah, this is real prime," he said as he felt Beth's pussy grip his cock. "Damn, that is some serious talent," he said as he began to really fuck her.

Bart was amazed at how tight Kimiko's pussy was, especially after just getting fucked by Randall's huge cock, but she was as tight as any pussy he'd ever fucked and he thoroughly enjoyed sliding his cock in and out of her. Looking over at Randall, he was just in shock watching as that huge black cock slid in and out of his sister's pussy. He could see her inner pussy lips gripping the shaft of Randall's cock almost 2" from her pussy.

"You two hungry for cum?" Randall asked as he continued to fuck Beth.

"God yes," Kimiko groaned. "You can cum in my mouth with that big cock of yours," she said.

"Let's get these girls turned around," Randall said, pushing and pulling on them until Beth was laying on her back while Kimiko lay on top of her, her face right next to Beth's pussy while her spread pussy was right above Beth's face.

"Okay, let's do it," Randall said, sliding his cock back into Beth's pussy while Bart slid his into Kimiko's.

As each of the girls felt a cock sliding by their face, they stuck their tongues out, licking the shaft as it slid by. Randall slipped his cock from Beth's pussy for a moment to let Kimiko suck on it before sliding it back into Beth.

"God, I'm gonna cum," Bart groaned, pumping Kimiko's tight pussy.

"Let's do it," Randall cried, pulling his cock from Beth's sopping pussy and shoving it into Kimiko's willing mouth.

Beth inhaled Bart's cock and he began to cum immediately, stream after stream of cum filling her mouth. She sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed, not stopping until Bart had stopped cumming. Randall was doing the same with Kimiko, but he had cum so much that streams of it had run down her chin and were dripping onto Beth's still-spread pussy.

"Damn, that was really fine," Randall said. "I want to fuck these two some more. Maybe you two should clean up this mess and get ready for some real fucking," he said, gently pushing Kimiko's face down into Beth's gooey pussy.

To nobody's surprise Kimiko attacked Beth's pussy with gusto, licking and sucking her clean. What surprised Bart was the fact that Beth wrapped her arms around Kimiko's thighs and pulled her pussy into her face, stabbing her tongue into her and eating with obvious delight.

"Yeah, I like girls who eat pussy," Randall said, stroking his cock in his hand as he watched the two girls.

"Only cock is better," Kimiko said from between Beth's thighs. "I can't believe I never ate you before," she said before diving back in for her feast.

"What about you, Beth," Randall asked, rubbing his cock over her nose and lips, being rewarded with a swipe of her tongue, "you like pussy, too?"

"I never tasted it before," she gasped, plunging two fingers into Kimiko's pussy, "but I like it just fine. It would be better filled with cum, I imagine," she said before returning to her aperitif.

"I think it's time to fuck these two some more," Randall said. "Let's put them on their hands and knees this time."

With some nudging and pulling and pushing, the two boys finally got the girls on their hands and knees next to each other, hip to hip, their asses and pussies pointing at them.

"Now put your chests flat on the bed so that your asses stick way up in the air," Randall instructed. "Oh, yeah, now spread your knees wider, wider, wider, that's it!" he said, rubbing his cock up and down between Beth's wide-spread pussy lips. "That's just perfect," he said as he drove his cock all the way into her hungry maw in one hard stroke. "Such fine pussy," he commented as he proceeded to fuck her.

Bart, meanwhile, had filled Kimiko's pussy with his own cock, once again amazed at how tight she was. He looked over and watched as Randall's huge black cock slid in and out of his sister's pussy. The contrast between her oh so white ass and oh so pink and juicy pussy with his blacker than night cock was striking, but it was the way she rotated her ass, obviously trying to fuck him as much as he was fucking her that really got his attention. It was obvious that Beth was a fucking machine and that she really loved it.

After several long minutes in which the only sounds were those of cocks sluicing in and out of wet gooey pussies, Randall called for a switch.

"I just gotta have some more of that tight Japanese pussy," he said as he traded places with Bart, without ceremony filling Kimiko's pussy with his cock, smiling as he heard her groan as it filled her tight little pussy.

Bart wasted no time in filling his sister's pussy with his cock, enjoying the feeling of her milking him as he fucked her. The sounds of fucking and moaning and groaning once again filled the room as the two boys serviced the girls from behind.

"Well, there's only one thing left to do," Randall said, sliding his cock from Kimiko's hungry pussy and placing it against her winking rosebud. "I'm going to fuck this ass, see if it's as tight as her pussy," he said, pressing against her asshole.

"Oh, god, I can't believe you're going to fuck my ass with that monster cock of yours," Kimiko groaned, reaching around behind herself to pull her ass cheeks as far apart as possible.

"Oh, I've never done that," Beth said, tensing up as she felt Bart's thumb pressing against her asshole.

"It's wonderful," Kimiko gasped as the head of Randall's cock slipped past her sphincter. "Hurts a bit at first, then it's heaven. Nothing like a cock in you, no matter where it is," she said, groaning as Randall slid even more of his cock into her ass.

"Be gently with me," Beth begged as she felt first one finger, then another pressed into her ass.

"Oh, yeah," Bart commented, pushing yet a third finger into his sister's ass, slowly and gently fucking her ass with his three fingers until he felt her relax a bit.

When he placed his cock against Beth's now stretched asshole, he was a bit surprised at how easily he was able to enter her after getting the head of his cock past her sphincter. Beth was gasping as she felt her brother's cock slowly but surely slide all the way into her ass, filling her.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god," she moaned as Bart proceeded to fuck her ass. "This feels so good," she cried, now pressing back into his thrusts.

"Told you," Kimiko gasped as Randall continued reaming her ass with his huge cock.

"This is too intense," Bart groaned, watching his cock move in and out of his sister's ass. "I'm gonna cum," he declared.

"Let's do it," Randall agreed, "fill their asses with cum."

"Oh, god, do it, do it," Kimiko moaned.

"Oh, shit!" Bart cried as his balls exploded, cum shooting into his sister's ass.

"Damn!" Randall said, holding Kimiko by the hips as he dumped his load deep inside of her.

The girls both collapsed onto their stomachs, the boys on top of them, their cocks still up their asses.

"That was great," Kimiko breathed. "I so needed to get good and fucked. You two were the best."

"Totally our pleasure," Randall laughed, pushing up and sliding his cock from Kimiko's ass. "If you want more, I'm sure there's a line of guys at the door waiting for their turn," he said.

"Mmm, more," Kimiko said dreamily. "More hard cocks."

"Oh, god, not me," Beth said, rolling onto her back, her legs splayed wide apart, her gooey pussy hanging open, cum dripping from her ass. "I've definitely had enough for now."

"Well, we thank you both," Randall said as he handed them their clothes. "Here are your clothes."

It only took them a minute or so to pull on their two pieces of clothing each and then Randall and Bart led them to the door they had entered from. Quickly stepping back out of view into the shadows, they watched as the two girls removed their blindfolds, each quickly turning to look into the room, looks of disappointment when they didn't see what they were looking for, them. Then they were gone.

"Holy Shit!!!" Randall said, going over and falling onto the bed on his back. "I cannot believe what just happened."

"You can't!" Bart said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "How do you think I feel?"

"I'm sorry, but your sister is just amazing. I could eat her and fuck her all day long."

"And she'd probably let you," Bart said ruefully.

"What are you talking about?" Randall asked. "You just spent an hour fucking and sucking your own sister, without her knowing it. Hell, you took her ass cherry, dude! If that isn't the most twisted story I've ever heard, and I was there and saw it all."

"Hello," they heard from the door along with some giggles. "Is there anybody there?"

"You ready for some more?" Randall asked with a grin, his hand wrapped around his cock which was quickly coming back to life.

"Why not?" Bart agreed, "But let me go wash up first," he said, getting to his feet and entering the attached bathroom.

"You can come in," Randall said from behind the door. "There's a table next to the door with blindfolds. Put one on then step into the room 10 steps and take all of your clothes off. That's how it works."

"Oh, wow, how cool," he heard, along with some giggles.

Hurrying back and into the bathroom and turning the light off, Randall watched with Bart as the two girls came into the room. Bart almost burst out laughing when he saw his neighbor Billie, a cute, curly dark-haired girl who had always seemed so sweet and cute. But when he looked at the girl with her, he almost fell down, because it wasn't a girl at all, but Billie's mother. He hadn't realized how young she looked until now and realized that it must be because of a lot of makeup, but there she was with a blindfold in her hands tying it around her head.

"That's my neighbor Billie and her mother," Bart whispered into Randall's ear.

"No shit!" Randall hissed. "This is just too much!"

Bart was standing next to the two women as they undressed, watching intently. They both had almost identical B-cup breasts with thick dark nipples begging to be sucked. Billie had a hairless pussy whose lips met in a furrow down the middle, sort of like a cleft peach. Her mother's pussy was entirely different, with long lips, starting higher on her stomach before running down and back between her legs. Her inner lips furled out slightly from between her outer lips, darker in color with a dark berry of a clit at the top just peeking from between them.

Randall had finished washing himself in the bathroom and was now standing next to Bart, a smile on his face as they watched the other two boys finish undressing.

"This is going to be nice," Randall said, reaching out and running a finger up the center of each of their pussies, seeing them shiver at the contact. "Let's get them over to the bed and warmed up," he said, taking Billie by the hand, his other hand between her legs feeling her wetness as he led her over to the bed, Bart right next to him with her mother.

"Okay, let's start with some nice 69 action," Randall said.

"With you?" Billie's mother asked, her hands reaching out and finding his erect cock.

"No, with each other first," Randall said with a laugh. "Get each other nice and wet, get us nice and excited, then you'll get all the cock you can handle."

"That's quite a promise," she said as the two of them crawled onto the bed and into a 69 like they'd been doing it forever.

"Oh my god, I cannot believe how fucked I feel!" Kimiko said as she and Beth staggered from the room and back into the thick of the party.

"It was the greatest sex of my life," Beth agreed, trying to squeeze her ass and pussy together to stop all of the cum, hers and her brother's, from running down her thighs. "Did you really want to stay and keep going?" she asked.

"God, I'd go back right now," Kimiko laughed. "Something that good you never want to end. I feel like such a total slut right now."

"You are," Beth told her, laughing. "We both are."

"Was that really your first time with another girl?" Kimiko asked.

"Yes," Beth admitted.

"And you liked it?"

"It was wonderful," Beth told her. "I'd do it with you again anytime."

"Oh, I'll sure be taking you up on that," Kimiko laughed. "Especially if I get to eat that wonderful juicy pussy of yours."

"You like the taste of my pussy?" Beth asked.

"I've never tasted a sweeter pussy," Kimiko declared.

"I don't want to sound weird," Beth said, "but I've actually heard that, a lot," she laughed.

"And with good reason," Kimiko said, turning her to face her right in the middle of the crowded room, reaching quickly up beneath her miniskirt and unerringly sliding two fingers into her wet and gooey pussy. "Because you taste so damned good," she said, sucking on her fingers.

"Oh, god, you are so bad," Beth laughed, her body trembling as she watched Kimiko sucking on her fingers.

"Oh, shit, where's my watch?" Kimiko said, looking at her empty wrist.

"Where did you last have it?" Beth asked.

"When we went into that room," Kimiko replied.

"Well, let's just go look and see if it's there," Beth said.

"Oh, goodie," Kimiko laughed. "I wonder what we'll see!"

Quickly making their way back to the door, they listened with their ears pressed up against it for a moment.

"Sounds like fun," Kimiko giggled. "Let's just go in quietly and see if it's on the table or something."

Holding her hand over mouth so as not to laugh, Beth followed Kimiko as she eased the door open and they slid inside. As Kimiko looked on and under the table for her watch, Beth peeked around the dressing screen and almost gasped out loud when she saw two women on the bed, each on their hands and knees with a cock in their mouth and another going at them from behind. But what shocked her the most was that even though her face was filled with cock, Beth recognized her neighbor's mother.

That's a nice cock she's sucking, Beth couldn't help but realizing as she watched it slide in and out of her mouth, the balls banging against her chin each time. Then the boy attached to the cock happened to look back over his shoulder and his eyes locked with hers. Covering her mouth with her hand, she grabbed Kimiko and pulled her from the room.

"What is it?" Kimiko asked as she finished fastening her watch on her wrist.

"He saw me!" Beth exclaimed. "He saw me!"

"Who saw you? What?" Kimiko asked.

"I recognized one of the girls, and then the guy doing her, fucking her face, he saw me, and I know him too, and he knows me," she wailed.

"So what?" Kimiko said with a hint of irritation in her voice. "You weren't doing anything wrong."

"But the woman was the mother of my neighbor, you know, Billie? And the guy she was sucking was Bart, my brother!"

"You've got to be k**ding!" Kimiko said with a laugh. "I want to go back and watch. Your brother is a serious hunk. I'd love to fuck him."

"But I saw my brother's cock! He was fucking her face."

"So, does he have a nice cock?" Kimiko asked with a grin.

"Beautiful!" Beth said. "Oh, god, how can I face him now? What will he think of me?"

"I don't think I'd worry about it," she told her. "Let's circulate and have some fun. Maybe we can get laid out of all this, what do you think?"

"I've got cum running down the inside of my thighs," Beth said with a laugh. "My ass is sore and my pussy is just throbbing for attention. I am just so sick, a nymphomaniac."

"Welcome to the club," Kimiko laughed. "I could have sex all day, every day. We should just find a room and eat each other," she suggested.

"Oh, god, I can't believe how much I liked eating your pussy," Beth told her.

"Yours is the best tasting pussy I've ever eaten," Kimiko told her. "Like a juice machine." "Here, follow me, I've got an idea," she told Beth, moving into the crowd.

After moving about in what seemed an aimless fashion for some minutes, Kimiko finally found what she wanted and pulled Beth after her, only to pull up short in front of two boys, nice looking, nothing special about either one of them that you'd notice, Beth thought.

"Hi, Dave, Dan," Kimiko said, smiling at the two boys, obviously brothers.

"Hi, Kimiko," one of them said, his face brightening as he smiled at her. "How are you?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, I need some help," Kimiko told him.

"Hey, what can I do?" he asked, a look of total seriousness on his face.

"It's like this," Kimiko said, taking Beth's hand and holding her close by her side. "My friend Beth and I, well, we are just incredibly horny," she confessed.

"You're what???" he fairly shouted.

"And I just know that if we could get someone to just lick our pussies for us for a few minutes that we'd feel a whole lot better," she finished, a pixie smile on her Asian face. "And I thought that you and Dan might be interested, seeing as you've always both been so very nice to me."

"And you want us to lick your pussies?" Dave asked, a look of total incredulity on his face.

"Oh, if you don't want to, we'd understand," Kimiko continued. "I mean, we are both so wet we're dripping down our thighs."

"Hell yes we'll do it," Dan said suddenly, moving forward. "Where?" he asked.

"Come with me, I think I know a place," Kimiko said, leading off through the crowd again, a completely astonished Beth in her wake with the two brothers.

"Perfect, nobody's using it," she said, looking into the bathroom. "Come on," she said as she entered. "And lock the door," she told Dave, as he was the last one in.

"This is perfect," she said, hopping up onto the counter after hitching her skirt up around her waist. "Which of you is going to start with me?" she asked, pulling her feet up onto the edge of the counter, wide apart, her wet, gooey pussy spread open for everyone to see.

"That's mine," Dan said, falling to his knees in front of her and diving into her pussy.

"Well, do you mind also cleaning my thighs?" Beth asked, sighing as she hitched her skirt up around her waist and joined Kimiko on the counter, her sopping pussy immediately covered by Dave's mouth as she leaned back against the mirror and watched as the two brothers ate their pussies.

"This is pretty nuts," Beth said, giggling.

"I know, isn't it great," Kimiko sighed, running her hand through Dan's head as he continued to eat her.

"I've never been so depraved in my whole life," Beth admitted, "and what scares me is how much I like it, how easy it is just to do it."

"You two switch now, I want to see if your brother's tongue is as good as yours," Kimiko said, laughing as the two brothers high-fived each other as they traded places.

"Oh, god, that does feel so good," Beth sighed, holding Dan's face tight against her pussy as she shuddered once again in orgasm. "I just can't stop cumming."

"Welcome to my world," Kimiko laughed. "And now that I know how nicely you two can eat pussy, I never have to worry about finding someone to help me out again, do I?" she asked with a laugh.

"Hell no," Dave said, lifting his face from her pussy, "and you never did."

"Oh, that is just so sweet!" Kimiko cried out. "I'm going to suck your cock for you for that," she said, jumping down off the counter. "Come on, Beth, let's thank these two nice boys properly," Kimiko said, on her knees and trying to help Dave push his pants down.

"Why not!" Beth said with a laugh, hopping down and joining Kimiko on the floor on her knees.

It only took a couple of minutes before the two overly excited brothers filled the girls' mouths with cum. They were now truly living in the world of dreams.

"Well, that was nice," Kimiko said as she got to her feet, reflexively wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Shall we?" she asked Beth, a huge smile on her face as she put her hand on the doorknob.

"Hell yes!" Beth laughed. "Oh, thanks a lot," she said to Dan, leaning over and sucking hard on the head of his cock one last time, her tongue delving into the slit, chasing out the last driblets of cum. "I enjoyed all of it."

"Me too," Dan croaked, still not believing his luck.

"That was great!" Kimiko said when she shut the door behind them, the crowd of the party immediately immersing them.

"It was! It totally was and I can't believe it," Beth fairly shouted. "Two complete strangers!"

"Well, at least you had your eyes open for these two complete strangers; what about the other two that you never even saw?" Kimiko countered.

"Oh my god, I had forgotten," Beth cried out, her hand going to her face. "My brother, how can I face him?"

"I think you're about to find out," Kimiko said with a laugh as she saw Bart pushing his way through the crowd, a big smile on his face.

"Hey, s*s, Kimiko," Bart said when he finally got to them. "Great party, isn't it?" "The best!" Kimiko agreed with a laugh. "You having a good time?"

"Never better," Bart said with a laugh. "How about you, Beth, you having a good time?" he asked, a twinkle in his eye.

"Yes, it's fun," Beth agreed, realizing that she was blushing deeply and angry at herself for doing it. "I didn't mean to interrupt you..."

"Hey, don't worry about it," Bart said. "We'll talk about it later. Meanwhile, what do you want to do? It's almost 2am. Mom and Dad might actually be home or will be soon."

"I guess we should go," Beth lamented, "though I'd like to stay some more."

"I'm told they have a party like this at least once a month," Bart told them. "I plan on coming back; how about you?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Kimiko said. "I've never had so much fun."

"Well, we better go," Bart said. "See you soon, Kimiko."

"Bye, see you soon," Kimiko replied, inwardly very pleased at the attention she was receiving from Bart.

"Bye," Beth said, hugging Kimiko close. "Thanks for everything. It was wonderful."

"Me, too," Kimiko replied. "I'll see you real soon."

"Yes!" Beth agreed. "See you."

"Bart, I'm really sorry about earlier," Beth said as soon as they were in the car. "I didn't know..."

"Didn't know what?" Bart asked, smiling.

"That you were in there," Beth finished. "Kimiko had lost her watch and we were looking for it."

"In that room?" Bart asked.

"We were looking everywhere," Beth replied lamely.

"So, what did you actually see?" he asked.

"Well, you, and Billie's mom. That was Billie's mom, right?" Beth asked.

"Yeah, Brenda's her name," Bart replied. "Wow. And you really did it with her?" Beth asked.

"Pretty much," Bart agreed. "But that's what that room was all about; didn't you know?"

"Um, I had heard something about a room, I didn't realize that that was the room," Beth said lamely, unable to look at her brother while she talked.

"Hey, it looks like Mom and Dad have just gotten home," Bart said as he pulled the car to a stop in front of their house.

"Looks like Mom needs some help, too," Beth laughed as they watched their father struggle to get her in the door. "Should we help?"

"Nah, let's just watch for a minute, then go in," Bart laughed.

"Come on," Beth laughed, jumping out of the car. "This should be a good show."

They went to the door, listening for a moment before quietly opening it. When they entered the living room, they stopped short, both their mouths dropping open. Their father was sprawled in a chair, his head hanging back, arms and legs akimbo, his trench coat open, though he was no longer wearing his boxer shorts with hearts and lips, that he was in fact totally naked, his cock dangling down between his legs.

Their mother was sprawled where their father had apparently dropped her, on the sofa, her head and shoulders back on the sofa, one of her legs dangling off the edge onto the floor, her trench coat wide open and she also totally nude underneath.

"Wow!" Bart breathed, quietly moving into the room to the sofa where his mother lay sprawled. "She's got dried cum all over her," he observed quietly to his sister who was now standing next to him.

"Yeah, sure looks like it," Beth agreed, seeing the streaks of it all over her, from her face and neck, down across her chest and breasts, and especially all over and around her pussy and thighs.

"She's got a really beautiful pussy," Bart observed, leaning over to look closely at it, realizing that it really was almost exactly like his sister's.

"Bart!" Beth hissed. "That's our mother!"

"She still has a beautiful pussy," he said. "I wonder what happened?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Beth asked, moving over to stare at her father.

"What do you think, does he have a nice cock?" Bart whispered into her ear.

"Bart!" Beth exclaimed angrily, though inside she had just been thinking that it was a nice cock and would probably be fun to suck before she realized how sick that kind of thinking was.

"Hey, what's this?" Bart asked, pointing to their father's trench coat. "Looks like a VCR tape," he said. "Let's check it out."

"Bart!" Beth whispered fearfully as Bart carefully pulled the tape from the pocket of the trench coat.

"Let's go watch this upstairs," Bart told her, a grin on his face. "They're trashed. They won't wake up again before morning."

"Uh, I need a shower," Beth said. "The party was intense. You mind waiting until I get done?"

"No, that's probably a good idea," Bart agreed. "I'm sure I could use one too. I'll give you a shout when I'm done. I assume you're going first?"

"What else!" Beth said with a laugh as she scampered up the stairs in front of him, unwittingly giving him a nice view of her naked pussy and ass.

God, I hope this is what I think it is, Bart thought to himself as he went into his room to wait for Beth to finish her shower, the VCR tape in his hands. But this one I need to see for myself before letting Beth see it, he said to himself, pulling a small 8mm digital tape from his pants pocket. Lucky for me Randall spotted that red light, otherwise we would have never known about the camera filming that room all night, he thought to himself with a smile. Now nobody would be doing anything they shouldn't with the video.

"Your turn," Beth said at the door to his room.

"I'll be right back," he said, opening the door to find her standing there wrapped in a towel that just came down past her ass. "You can wait if you want."

"I'll change into something else first," Beth said with a laugh, turning on her heels and heading towards her own room next door.

Even though he had cleaned himself at the party, it felt good to Bart to be able to take a shower, after all, he had fucked 4 different women in the ass as well as everywhere else. Brenda's ass had been noticeably looser than any of the others and Bart had realized that this was because she must get fucked in the ass a lot.

With a towel around his waist he went back to his own room, pulling on a pair of grey soft cotton gym shorts just as Beth came into the room.

"I checked on Mom and Dad," she told him. "They haven't moved an inch."

"I told you, they're so loaded they won't move before morning," he said, noticing that she was wearing only an oversized t-shirt that came down to the top of her thighs.

"You sure you want to see this?" he asked her, crawling onto and across his bed to his TV/VCR unit. "There's probably going to be stuff here you'd rather not know, much less see."

"Oh, and it's okay for you?" she asked, crawling onto the bed and sitting cross-legged in front of the TV, her hands in her lap holding her t-shirt against her pussy.

"Well, here we go then," Bart said, sitting back against the wall to the side and slightly in front of Beth.

"Okay, here we are for our 1st Annual Cum-Slut Costume Party," the woman on the tape said.

"That's Aunt Becky," Beth said, leaning forward, her hands on her knees. "And she's wearing a trench coat, too."

"Our first contestant is Milly," Becky continued as the camera panned to a petite blonde in a trench coat.

As they watched, she unfastened her trench coat and let it fall to the floor. Underneath she was wearing a baby blue bra cut out for the nipples which were sticking through, fat, puffy, pink and hard. Through each nipple was a silver bar, connected by a silver chain to each other, with a second chain going from the middle of the first down to a silver bar which was pierced through her clit hood, which was visible because she was wearing no panties at all.

As they watched she pulled on the chains, stretching her nipples impossibly longer and pulling her clit hood up so far that it spread her pussy lips, showing how pink and wet she was.

"Very nice!" Becky said. "Our next contestant is Sandra," she announced as the camera panned to a black woman in a trench coat.

Sandra let her trench coat slide to the floor to reveal a red demi-bra which did nothing to hide her breasts at all, and they were huge, with the biggest nipples either Bart or Beth had ever seen, and attached to each of them was a metal clamp which was visibly digging into her flesh. Another clamp was attached to her clit, though it didn't seem to be as severe a clamp. She too was wearing no panties.

"Okay. And next is my own dear sister, Brittany," Becky announced as the camera panned to their mother in her trench coat.

They watched as she let the trench coat fall to the floor, knowing what to expect as they had seen her costume. But they obviously hadn't see it all, because as the coat fell, there she was, her breasts proffered on a shelf by her bustier. But it was the crotchless panties that had changed, as around her waist was a leather belt holding up the huge cock dangling in front of her from the strap-on.

"Man, she really does have one hell of a fat juicy clit," Bart observed.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this!" Beth said as they watched her pull the strap-on away from her body a few inches to show that it was really the other end of a double-headed instrument, the other end of which was obviously ensconced deeply in Brittany's pussy.

"Well, that certainly is a winner," Becky said, and they could hear other voices in the background being equally appreciative.

"I was going to go ultra-simple, but I can see that's not going to work," Becky said as she let her trench coat fall to the floor to reveal that she was simply naked underneath. "I think it's obvious that Brittany is going to be our 1st Annual Cum-Slut Costume Party winner," she said. "And as our winner, Brittany gets all of the cum tonight, everyone's. Do what you want, but when you cum, it's in or on Brittany."

"Holy Shit!" Beth said, leaning back on her hands, which in her cross-legged seating position had the effect of spreading her pussy wide open for Bart to see.

"Seems Mom and Becky are a lot cooler than we thought," Bart mused, staring at his sister's spread pussy as he hit the pause button. "And did you see how exactly they resemble each other?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Beth asked.

"Well, they have the exact same breasts, the exact same fat juicy clits..."

"I didn't notice," Beth said.

"Just like you," Bart said, a big smile on his face.

"Just like me what?" Beth asked.

"You have the same fat juicy clit as them," Bart said, blatantly staring at her spread pussy now.

"Bart!" Beth said, slamming her legs together. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Just watching the show, both of them," he replied with a laugh. "If it'll make you feel any better, I'll take my shorts off so you can see me too," he offered.

"You wouldn't dare!" Beth said.

"Of course I would," Bart replied, standing up on the bed in front of her and slowly pulling his shorts down, his cock springing free and almost hitting her in the face.

"Bart, stop that," Beth said, laughing as he hit her in the face several times with his now hard cock. "Let's watch the video."

Laughing, Bart pushed the PLAY button and the video continued, suddenly cutting to an entirely new scene, one in which their father was having his cock sucked by their aunt while their mother was fucking her sister from behind with her strap-on.

"I'm going to cum," one of the men said, his cock in his hand as he moved to stand astradle Becky facing Brittany as she continued to fuck her sister with the strap-on.

And his cock erupted, cum shooting in long ropes to splash across their mother's face chest and stomach. As soon as he had finished, the black man came over and immediately began to cum in her face, more cum that Bart or Beth had ever seen from one cock at one time.

"That is a lot of cum," Bart said as he watched his sister's face, her mouth hanging open.

"Oh, look, there's Uncle Brad," Beth said as another naked man entered the scene, his cock sticking straight out in front of him.

The camera panned around behind Brittany as Brad stood behind her, pushing her forward until she was laying on Becky's back, her strap-on still buried deep in her pussy, both of them. To their surprise he quite easily pressed his cock into her ass and both he and she began to fuck, he, her, and she, her sister.

"This is so hot!" Beth said, now on her hands and knees, her face close to the TV, her t-shirt hiked up over her ass onto the small of her back, her entire ass and pussy completely exposed.

"I'll say," Bart said, sliding around so that he was behind his sister, her ass and pussy literally right in his face.

"Bart! What are you....oh, god, yes, yes, that feels so good," she moaned as he grabbed her ass cheeks firmly in his hands, pulling them wide apart and gluing his mouth to her sopping wet pussy, his tongue delving deep into her.

"Oh, shit, I can't believe you're eating my pussy," she cried, arching her back and pressing her pussy back into her brother's face. "Oh, god, Bart, look at the video," Beth moaned, "look at the video."

Reluctantly Bart tore himself away from his sister's incredibly juicy pussy, getting onto his knees to look over her at the TV screen. What he saw made his mouth drop open and his cock even harder than it had been, because his mother was lowering herself onto their Uncle Brad's erect cock. Then the black man got behind her and entered her ass while another stood in front of her, feeding his cock into her mouth.

"She's doing three cocks at once!" Beth marveled. "That must feel incredible."

"You've never done that?" Bart asked, rubbing his cock up and down between her spread pussy lips.

"No, not yet," Beth breathed, trying to push back and impale herself on her brother's cock. "Oh, god, look at that," she said as she watched her mother roll off of Brad onto her back, dislodging the other two men who continued to stroke their cocks. Almost immediately they began to cum, spraying cum all over Brittany. Then the blonde, Milly, came into the picture, squatting over Brittany's face, cum dripping from her pussy as she lowered herself onto Brittany's mouth and tongue.

"Shit, that is hot!!!" Brad said, slamming his cock into his sister's yawning pussy as their father stepped into the picture, his cock standing in front of him, glistening in the light.

"Oh, god, yes, fuck me, Brad, just fuck me," Beth moaned as her brother began to saw his cock in and out of her hot pussy.

While they watched their mother eating Milly's cum-filled pussy, their father got down on his hands and knees and began to suck on her gooey pussy. Sandra, the black woman, crawled under him and began sucking on his cock at the same time. After a minute or so their father got to his knees and ran his cock into their mother's pussy, holding her legs up over his shoulders. Sandra took Milly's place on their mother's mouth.

The rest was just a blur of different people fucking Brittany, all of the men coming over and cumming all over her, several times each. By the time Bart announced that he was going to cum and Beth had spun around to swallow his cock, the video had ended, their mother laying on her back, covered with cum, all of the other people standing around her in a semi-circle with big smiles on their faces.

Beth gulped and swallowed her brother's cum, sucking on him until there was no more to be had before letting him reluctantly slide from her mouth.

"Oh, god, Brad, I can't believe we just did that," Beth gasped, falling onto her back, her legs splayed wide apart.

"I guess we take after our parents," Brad said with a laugh, leaning forward and dragging his tongue through her sopping pussy.

"I would never have imagined Mom to be such a slut," Beth commented, gently rubbing her brother's head as he continued to lick her pussy.

"Bart, how was it fucking Billie's mom?" she asked as he continued to eat her pussy.

"Nice, good," he said, lifting his face from his sister's pussy. "She likes to fuck, that's for sure, and she wants it everywhere."

"Everywhere?" Beth asked, running her finger down into her pussy, feeling her own heat.

"Yeah, everywhere," Bart laughed. "In her mouth, her pussy, up her ass, she wants it all."

"I see," Beth said, pushing his face back into her pussy.

"You like that?" she asked. "Someone who takes it everywhere?"

"Well, sure," Bart replied, lifting his face from her pussy to look at her. "Don't you?"

"Don't I what?" Beth asked, her face flushing slightly as she recalled losing her ass cherry just a few hours previously.

"Like it everywhere?" Bart asked, licking her finger as she snaked it down to rub her own clit.

"You do like to ass fuck, don't you?" Bart asked, a smile on his face. "Or haven't you done that yet?"

"No, I've done it," Beth admitted, trying to sound matter of fact.

"So you fucked Billie's mom in the ass, too?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah, for sure," Bart laughed, getting on his knees and hauling her legs up onto his shoulders. "She really likes to ass fuck," he explained. "I've never fucked someone in the ass who was so, well, loose," he finished. "You know, just not tight like an ass usually is."

"And I just love this magic pussy of yours," he said, sliding his once-again hard cock into her. "This I really like."

"Oh, god yes, me too," Beth moaned, reaching down to rub her clit while he fucked her.

"Are you going to fuck her again?" Beth asked.

"Who, Brenda?" Bart asked, pumping his cock in and out of his sister's hungry pussy. "Yes," she panted, squeezing his cock with her pussy.

"What's your fixation with her?" Bart asked, pausing, his cock deeply buried in his sister's pussy.

"I don't know," Beth said. "I guess it's just that she's so, well, old, you know, as old as Mom and Dad. It's almost like you're fucking Mom."

"Well, from what I've seen, that wouldn't be so bad at all," Bart laughed, letting his cock slide from her pussy.

"But yes, I definitely hope I get to fuck her some more," he said, placing his cock at the entrance to Beth's ass. "I like the idea of fucking the neighbor's wife when he's away and I'm not fucking my own sister in the ass," he said with a laugh as the head of his cock eased past her ass sphincter.

"Oh, god, take it easy," Beth gasped as she felt her tender asshole stretched yet again.

"You sure do have one nice tight ass, Beth," Bart said as he slowly and gently eased the rest of his cock into her.

"Oh, shit, that feels so big," Beth groaned.

"Damn, this is good!" Bart said, slowly beginning to fuck his sister's ass. "I'll bet Brenda wouldn't mind at all if I brought you along when I went over there," Bart said, now steadily fucking her ass. "She likes pussy just fine, too."

"Really!" Beth gasped, grabbing her knees and hooking her arms over them, pushing her ass and pussy upwards to that Bart could get his cock even deeper into her and she could see the length of it sliding in and out of her ass. "Did she do things with the other girl in the room?" she asked, now furiously frigging her clit while Bart fucked her ass.

"I'll say," Bart laughed. "She loved to have us cum in or on Billie's pussy, then she'd eat it all."

"Billie!" Beth said, almost sitting up. "Billie? Not Billie! She's so, well, sweet, you know, innocent."

"Not that Billie," Bart laughed. "She's absolutely cock and pussy crazy. Watching the two of them eat each other while we fucked their asses was way cool."

"Bart, I want you to cum in my face like Mom in the video," Beth gasped. "Okay?"

"Sure," he said. "I'm pretty close now. You ready for it?"

"Yes!" Beth cried out as his cock slid from her ass.

Then he was standing in front of her, fisting his cock in her face and a stream of cum erupted from the slit, splashing on her cheek and nose, quickly followed by several more streams of cum which he sprayed all over her face, not stopping until he had squeezed every last drop from his balls.

"Shit, that was hot," he said, looking down at his sister, her face covered with his cum. "Let me go wash real quick," he said, jumping down off the bed. "Then I'm going to come back and fuck you all night," told her.

"Mmm, I can't wait," she replied as he left the room, scooping a puddle of cum from her cheek and sucking it into her mouth.

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Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun 2

Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 2 Steve was extremely uncomfortable being stuck with Brenda and the boys, as Melanie had no choice dashing out with her father. They sat having dessert and sipping coffee for another forty five minutes talking as Brenda tried to stay calm, worried for John's mother. Finally, they left as Steve was at least happy in the front seat this time as the boys were in the back as Brenda drove towards her...

1 year ago
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What you'll find on Tube Pleasure is what you typically expect to find on a tube website. A whole lot of hardcore (and softcore) pornographic videos is what you probably have in mind, and that's exactly what you'll get. So, the first thing that I have to mention is the fact that Tube Pleasure is minimalistic, as in, you don't get many features on this page. It's as simple as it gets. I didn't mind it. However, at least you get categories, enough categories to last you for eons and these should...

Porn Aggregators
4 years ago
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Double Dare

I've always lived around the corner from my cousin Josie, so we've kind of grown up together, and that included going to the same college just down the road.It was during those college days that my hot blonde slim cousin made a new friend called Emily.Now Emily was a hot slim ebony girl, very out going, had an opinion on everything, and liked a laugh, and they quickly became good friends.So, every morning I would usually meet Josie and Emily outside Josie's house, and together we would walk to...

2 years ago
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Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun 3

Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 3 "Good morning sleepy head." Brenda came in and turned on the light. "Morning," replied a groggy Steve, barely cracking open his eyes as he started sitting up. "Come on sweetie, breakfast is served, and the boys told me you guys all had such a wonderful night together," said Brenda. "I'll give you a minute to wake up, but I don't want it to get cold." Steve swung off the covers once Brenda closed...

1 year ago
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Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun

Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "I can't believe we pulled this off!" Melanie said, breaking a kiss with her boyfriend, Steve. "This is going to be an incredible weekend." "I'm so psyched," said Steve, wiping his sweaty palms. "You're sure your dad won't be home? You tell me how over protective he is, and that makes me pretty nervous." "Relax, he's so excited about taking Brenda away for a romantic weekend for the first time,...

2 years ago
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Double Your Pleasure

Matt was considered a medical wonder when he was born, with both dicks operating with one function each. He never got infections, and when he became sexually mature, his sperm was discovered to be perfectly healthy and normal. Matt grew up a funny life. While in elementary school he was laughed at and jeered when his two penises were discovered; in middle school, the topic seemed to make girls blush; and in high school he became extremely popular. Many girls had seen Matt’s two dicks by...

2 years ago
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My lady and I had spent several years together and had really enjoyed each other in most every way. We traveled together, did adventures together and finally lived together. Although not married, we may as well have been. I was in my early 40's and she is in her late 30's. I am 5'8” about 170 lbs in fair shape and she is 5'4” about 120 lbs. Her shape is quite attractive, thank you. Not large but very well formed breasts, her waist is not tiny but emphsized her absolutely gorgeous ass! I find...

1 year ago
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Double Parked

A young woman i*****lly doubles parks over an underground apartment car space and experiences the full meaning of double parking....It all happened after I had completed an intense interstate work related trip from Perth. My mum had asked me as a favour to reconcile with her step-mother, Joanna. Age and distance and Facebook had those two back on reasonable terms. It was my last afternoon in Melbourne and I hadn’t had the courage yet to call J. I had never gotten on with her as she took...

2 years ago
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Double Dare part2

A few days later after our first game of dare, me, Josie, my hot blonde cousin, and Emily, her hot ebony friend, arrived at college early because we were going on a field trip as part of our course work, and for some reason Emily wanted to get to the coach first."Why are we here so early?" groaned Josie, still half a sleep."Because I want a good seat!" replied Emily.As we reached the front door of the coach, our professor was stood there waiting to great us."Ah, morning Emily, Josie, Ron!" he...

1 year ago
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Double Parked

Well, there was nothing for it but to try the sultry voice and the provocative look. I was quickly unadulterated feminine eye candy. Geez; I needed this pair under my sway. It all happened after I had completed an intense interstate work related trip from Perth. My mum had asked me as a favour to reconcile with her step-mother, Joanna. Age and distance and Facebook had those two back on reasonable terms. It was my last afternoon in Melbourne and I hadn’t had the courage to call J yet. I...

3 years ago
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Double Trouble

DOUBLE TROUBLEOur protagonists:Lori Devalle (her lover, and loving tormenter, was Josh Allen) a month shy of her 22nd birthday, was 5’7? tall and weighed about 130 pounds.  With flashing green eyes and high cheekbones, she had long, lustrous coal black hair, and a figure many women would kill for:1) a beautiful set of boobs, very upright and erect, measuring 36? with a C/D cup – 2) thanks to many hours in restrictive corsets and waist training, she measured just over 24? around her middle – 3)...

1 year ago
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Double the Pleasure

"I met the most gorgeous bird last night," Peter said to me as we were walking along the road towards the coffee bar where we usually had our mid-morning coffee on a Saturday when we weren't working. "Oh yes," I said, in a fairly cynical tone, "Did you actually talk to this beauty, or does seeing this one across a room or on the other side of the street count as meeting as it has before?" My cynicism was well founded, as for pretty well as long as I'd known him, which was over 7 years...

2 years ago
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Double Dare Part3

"So, what's dare?" asked the young redheaded Katie staring at us."Err?" me, my blonde haired cousin Josie, and her hot ebony friend Emily, replied not sure how to reply.Then our college professor Mr Mane stood up and said "Okay, people. We're nearly at the farm. So, make sure you've got all your belongings, because the coach isn't stopping with us, it'll be back later to pick us up!""Oh thank god!" exclaimed my cousin, and quickly the three of us got properly dressed again, and as the coach...

2 years ago
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“Double-Room” (circa-1970) After the death of Victoria, and his brother Frank away most of the time with the British Armed Forces and his younger sister Eve in those unbearable teenage years, living at home with his parents was never going to be the same. So when Gary Fowler offered him the opportunity to move into his flat, it didn’t take him long to make up his mind. In the beginning their loyalty and friendship towards each other worked quite well, but over time, with one glass half-empty...

3 years ago
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Double Bang

Plunging into his wife, Audrey, for the second time that night should have been easy for Norman. At 42 years of age, he was a slightly balding, but lean advertising executive. His chest and stomach were firm but not muscular. He knew his appearance was unexceptional. It was in performance that he excelled. Norman prided himself on his double bangs. With his wife’s legs spread before him, Norman poised over her savoring the moment. He knew everything about his wife. It was like surveying...

2 years ago
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I just walked into the house from work one Friday afternoon and Marlene was already busy in the kitchen planning dinner. I did what I always did when I arrived home from work; I took her into my arms and kissed her passionately then began to grope her sweet ass. Usually that was enough to get her attention and interest in a little playful foreplay which usually led to a kitchen quickie before dinner. Today was different; the kiss was short but sweet as she pushed me back."I'm sorry but I need...

2 years ago
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Double Dare Pt 01

I’ve had the same group of girlfriends since kindergarten. There was the ring leader Lauren who told us what party we would make an appearance at each Friday night and if our ass looked a little too fat for a particular skirt. She was all legs with blue eyes and long blonde locks that always fell in perfect waves down her perky 34 C cup breast. Ashley the brainiac and coincidently the sluttiest of all of us got every guy she wanted with her naughty librarian look. She had recently cut her...

3 years ago
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Double Dildo pants for Sabrina

Double dildo pants at school? Pt 1 Introduction: Sabrina has to explain to her teacher about her double dildo pants.At an exclusive girls school in West Yorkshire.. ?I am afraid this is the most serious case we have ever had at this school,? Miss Price the senior girls tutor explained to Sabrina Hunt’s stunned parents as they sat with their daughter in Miss Price’s opulent study at Ecole St Yvete near Stalybridge West Yorkshire. ?Oh dear,? Mrs Hunt replied awkwardly, for this was the first...

3 years ago
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Double Booked

“Can I help you?” the woman at the front desk of the hotel asked. “I have a reservation. Tonya Benton.” The woman’s smile faded a little as she clicked away on the computer. After a few seconds, she said, “I’m terribly sorry, but we don’t have any rooms available.” Tonya gave a shake of her head, tossing her red curls, in disbelief of what she’d just heard. “What? I have a reservation. I made it a month ago.” “I see it in the computer, but I’m afraid we had a software glitch that caused us to...

3 years ago
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Double Dare P5

So my cousin Josie was getting married.It had been a few years since our college days, we had graduated now, and gone on to the start of fairly successful careers, and like what always happens, we now barely saw it each other apart from birthdays, Christmas, and other special occasions.Then my hot blonde cousin, announced one day she was getting married to a guy she had met at her work, and had fallen in love with.I was happy for her, and agreed immediately to give her away, the day she asked,...

3 years ago
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Double Booked

“Can I help you?” the woman at the front desk of the hotel asked. “I have a reservation. Tonya Benton.” The woman’s smile faded a little as she clicked away on the computer. After a few seconds, she said, “I’m terribly sorry, but we don’t have any rooms available.” Tonya gave a shake of her head, tossing her red curls, in disbelief of what she’d just heard. “What? I have a reservation. I made it a month ago.” “I see it in the computer, but I’m afraid we had a software glitch that caused us to...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Double Team Supreme

There was something incredibly hot about having sex with Mel, my girlfriend Michelle's sister, that made me think about practically nothing else until I did it again. Michelle was still my favorite, and I had no intention to let Mel take her place or anything, but I had never been able to stay focused on one girl as it was. Michelle not only knew that fact but had suggested I bang her sister in the first place (though alcohol may have played a role). In fact, Michelle was in the next room over...

2 years ago
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Double Barrel

coed – double penetration – college – threesome – mmfMark and I have been friends since we were five. We met in kindergarten and pretty much were inseparable all the way through high school, college and to this day. Pee Wee football, junior varsity, varsity. sleepovers at my house and camping trips with his family. When he got a car for his 16th we started double dating as well. Both of us played ball just well enough to get chosen for our small state college as walk-ons. Neither of us are very...

3 years ago
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Double Take Part 1 Blue Water Black Dress

Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode One: Blue Water, Black Dress Sandy Lane glanced at his Rip Curl watch as he paddled back towards the lineup. Less then twenty seconds remaining in his heat. Sandy had one good wave under his belt, but unless he nailed another one, there was no way he was going to make it into the finals. He glanced over his right shoulder, and at first he couldn't believe what he saw. The surf had been small all morning, but looming behind him was...

2 years ago
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Double Take Part Seven Amazing Grace Double Jeopardy

Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode Seven: Amazing Grace, Double Jeopardy What a difference a fraction of an inch makes! Sandy Lane reflected on this as he brushed the loose powder off his nose. When it was a centimeter smaller, with a slightly different curve to it, his nose had given him the face of a beautiful girl. Now, although he was still nice-looking, nobody would be mistaking him for Ashley Vaughn. Standing side by side at the his-and-her vanities in their...

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Double the fun on the continent

Lucy and Jake Chapter one - Double the fun on the continent After 5 beautiful years of fucking, Jake and Lucy knew their sex life couldn't get any better. That is, until they discovered a new way to connect... It was a warm afternoon in Paris, the low autumn sun shone lightly onto Jake’s back. Pulling his sunglasses off his face, he met Lucy’s eyes with a fierce twinkle. She hadn’t seen Jake for weeks, and it had been no secret how horney the two of them were getting. Suitcase dumped, Lucy...

1 year ago
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Double Cream and Blue Tits

Nick continues his lessons of lust delivering his double cream Double cream and blue tits For the last few months before I left school, I had a part-time job with my uncle, Roger. Roger by nature I used to call him, not to his face obviously. He was my uncle on my father's side, and he was a right character. If ever you wanted anything, then uncle Roger would somehow manage to get hold of it. I wouldn’t consider him as a criminal, more of a loveable rogue. Come Christmas we never had to...

2 years ago
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"Are you sure you're okay with this, Mickey," said Rona. She was watching my eyes very carefully. "I mean if . . ." "I think so," I said. "But, I'm still concerned about it affecting our marriage." "Baby, that is the one thing that you do not have to worry about at all. If anything it will add sugar and spice to it, not the other way 'round," she said. **** For the record, I'm Mickey Iverson. I work for Stanley Construction. I'm a site foreman. The work is hard some days, but the pay is...

2 years ago
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Doubleheader Games

Doubleheader Games By Deborah Edwards and Jillian O "You would look great in that," the friendly sales clerk said. "I'm sure we have one in you size." Obviously this teenage girl with the big smile was getting paid some sort of commission. "I can go to the back and check for you," she said with a question in her voice. "Ok, I'm a size 8, I'll browse while I'm waiting." I answered while she scurried away. I hadn't come to the mall for a wool skirt, but it wouldn't hurt to...

3 years ago
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Doubledee42 Revealed

I was happy to hear the familiar sound of a new email arriving. Hoping it wasn't just more spam, I checked and it was Greg's folder that was highlighted. I clicked my brother's message open and settled back to read the letter. They were always long and chatty. I was only twelve and he was twenty when he left home, I was too young to recognise his qualities as a man and there was too much of an age gap for us to be friends – he had always just been my big brother. My parents would never...

2 years ago
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"Are you sure you're okay with this, Mickey," said Rona. She was watching my eyes very carefully. "I mean if..." "I think so," I said. "But, I'm still concerned about it affecting our marriage." "Baby, that is the one thing that you do not have to worry about at all. If anything it will add sugar and spice to it, not the other way 'round," she said. For the record, I'm Mickey Iverson. I work for Stanley Construction. I'm a site foreman. The work is hard some days, but the...

1 year ago
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As soon as you open Double List, you will be offered to sign up, since it is free. They say that they are basically like any other dating app, but much better, and whether that is true or not, I shall now see. First, you will have to become a member, because without a membership you will not be allowed to do anything, which really fucking sucks.At the time I was creating an account, there were over 170k users online, and once you enter your email you will be sent a registration code or whatnot....

Hookup Sites
4 years ago
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Double My Pleasure

Chapter One My wife Doris and I were married as kids. She was 16 and I was 17. We were going steady for a year before she got pregnant. I was in my senior year and managed to get my High School diploma. As a kid, I had a reputation as a good mechanic and loved the work. After I graduated from high school, I was able to land a job as an apprentice mechanic with a large automobile dealership. We were married only 6 months and Doris delivered a set of beautiful twin girls, Stacey and Tracy. The...

3 years ago
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Double Dare Part 4

"Oh god, what are we going to do?" muttered Katie, as we were stood outside the deans office waiting to see her.Our professor had caught us playing dare, and had reported us to the dean, and now Me, my hot blonde cousin Josie, her hot ebony friend Emily, and the young, but not so innocent petite red headed Katie, were nervously waiting to see Mrs Woo.Then she called us in, and we slowly entered her office and stood in front of her desk looking sorry for ourselves.Mrs Woo was a short, mature...

3 years ago
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Double Take Part 2 Summer Girl Fall Guy

Double Take By Nom de Plume © 2003 Episode Two: Summer Girl, Fall Guy With his final paycheck from the first season of Wet Girls, Sandy Lane finally had enough money to make the down payment on an oceanfront condo. It had only one bedroom, but it was right on the Esplanade in Redondo Beach, with a sweeping white water view. Best of all, he could jump out of bed and be in the surf in a matter of seconds. With most of the summer free before they resumed shooting for...

3 years ago
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Double Date

DOUBLE DATE Listen mom, I just want to prepare you for something when you come home. It's like, really not my fault, I swear, but something's happened to daddy you're not going to be happy with. You should have warned me! I mean, he already was pretty far gone when I got home. Okay, just listen, okay? Let me tell you what happened and you be the judge. I guess he wasn't expecting me until that Sunday, so when I came in the house after the semester was over he was just coming out...

3 years ago
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Double Date

DOUBLE DATE ???? DOUBLE DATE???? by Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ????????? ???? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected] ????...

3 years ago
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Double Dating With the Parents Version AlphaChapter 2

Karen found Bob Thurlow's number on a list somebody had put together of the volunteers who comprised the Boggy Creek Restoration Project. She remembered who he was. They had even worked side by side before. But she couldn't remember saying more than a few words to him. Based on the prefix, the Thurlows still had a land line. She was mildly surprised, but then again, she was calling them on one herself. "Thurlow residence," announced a girl's voice when the phone was picked up. Karen's...

1 year ago
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Double MarriageChapter 6

Carol was in the best mood she had known for days as she leaned back into the car to pick up the sack of groceries. There was really no reason to be in a cheerful mood; the unwholesome situation in which she and Kit lived had not changed. But Jack had been out of town on a business trip since the day after the dildo episode, and Kit was showing signs of seeing the light. The lack of actual participation somehow dulled the edges of her resentment... Until she saw the dog, still tied in one...

3 years ago
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Double Dating With the Parents Version BravoChapter 2

Bob looked over as the door opened and Karen Ross walked in. She was dressed in a checkered shirt, jeans, and ankle high boots. The volunteers had learned a long time ago not to wear tennis shoes when working in the creek. It pulled them off of feet as if it had fingers. He'd noticed Karen before, but hadn't given much thought to her. He'd assumed she was married, though no "Mr. Ross" had ever come with her on a work day. She was pretty in a plain kind of way. She wasn't wearing...

1 year ago
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Double Your Pleasure

It had been a long time since we had done this, a couple of years anyway, but we had never lost the desire to do it and so today, when the opportunity presented itself, we went for it. "God baby, that's good. Fuck me baby, fuck me. Don't stop baby, fuck me," and I did my absolute best. I was trying to make it last, but her cunt felt so marvelous I knew I wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. I whispered that I was close and she told me she was too: "Stay with me baby, stay with me,...

2 years ago
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Double DaddiesbyWhisky7up©This follows on from 'Reach For The Star' and 'Bound To Happen Again'. Thanks as usual to LadyCibelle for the edit...especially as she caught a 'continuity' error I missed!*It had been a few weeks since she was last here, playing with herself as she watched him masturbate at his desk after he'd got in from work. The tree house needed a bit of a clean up since then and Chantal was glad of the distraction as she tidied some magazines and picked up a couple of candy...

2 years ago
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Double Dare

Chris Stevens felt his face redden as Lindsay Briar’s tongue lashed him. Her face was already an angry crimson as she passionately denigrated Chris and his department.One of the Management Team rules was that its members should not interrupt each other, so he was forced to sit and listen. The rule could be infuriating, but not as infuriating as Lindsay.Halfway through, Chris stopped hearing her. He gazed at his fingernails and bit his tongue—literally. His embarrassment started to subside...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Double your pleasure 2

"Well, good morning, you two," Brittany said as she entered the kitchen the next morning to find her two c***dren having breakfast."Hey, Mom," Bart said. "How was your party?""Oh, fine," she replied, u*********sly tightening the sash of her housecoat tighter around her waist, a slight blush suffusing her cheeks. "I hope we didn't wake you when we got home.""No, no, I didn't hear a thing," Bart replied, struggling to keep a straight face."I can't seem to find it," Brian said as he came into the...

2 years ago
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Double Cream And Blue Tits

For the last few months before I left school, I had a part-time job with my uncle, Roger. Roger by nature I used to call him, not to his face, obviously. He was my uncle on my father's side, and he was a right character. If ever you wanted anything, then uncle Roger would somehow manage to get hold of it. I wouldn’t consider him as a criminal, more of a loveable rogue.Come Christmas we never had to buy a tree because my uncle would always suddenly appear with one, along with the biggest turkey...

Straight Sex
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Double Vision

It was another hot summer day as I took a break from work to go to my favorite sandwich shop. There I can get away from work and relax during my hectic week. I sat down in my favorite corner table to read my emails in private on my laptop.My favorite waitress came over and said, "Emily, would you like your usual iced tea today”?“Yes. That sounds perfect, Samantha."She winked playfully and said, “I'll be right back with that,” as I nodded in approval. She was a beautiful young woman, in her...

1 year ago
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Double Switch Ch 14

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a full length novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. So it will take a commensurate time to read. It is erotic in places but not on every page or even in every chapter. So, a little patience is necessary. It is a love story, actually three love stories. I hope you will be rewarded for your time and trouble. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with...

3 years ago
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Double Switch Ch 16

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a full length novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. So it will take a commensurate time to read. It is erotic in places but not on every page or even in every chapter. So, a little patience is necessary. It is a love story, actually three love stories. I hope you will be rewarded for your time and trouble. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with...

2 years ago
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Double Glazing

There is little sex in this story, and the little there is implied rather than described graphically. The reader will have to use imagination. * Chapter One I first met Eve Chatsworth at the behest of her husband, Aubrey. We worked for the same company, Sunrooms. We supplied and fitted double glazing units, conservatories, Fascias and conservatory furniture. I was one of the working cogs in the business, and he was the best performing salesman. That he was an egotistical, condescending,...

3 years ago
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Double The TroubleDouble The Fun

Casey was born in the fifties, twenty minutes later her twin sister Tracey was born. Both had strawberry-blonde hair, blue-green eyes, but Tracey was the chubbier one. As the years went by, they were inseparable. They’re now in their 50’s, both single, after a failed marriage, and the two, have decided to date, play, and fuck together. After all, each one knew what turned the other on, and a man in the mix, just added to the term "double-the-pleasure-double-the-fun.Casey was five-two, with a...

2 years ago
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Double Cream

While their wives lick whipped cream from each other’s breasts; the guys cream muff and butt....“Double cream are you sure? This is a very rich recipe.”“Oh as if it’s going to bother a slim skinny piece like you…besides I know you like cherry cheesecake…I’m the one who has to watch my weight now I’m seven months pregnant…shit I’m a whale… and the cravings…talk about eating for two” sighed Pauline… envious of her lost shape.“Not much eating out now I suppose either” queried Tanya.“Pardon “said...

1 year ago
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Double Trouble Mom And Aunt Ellen

Just short of nineteen, being a horny guy was nothing unusual. Chasing after everything of the opposite sex was supposedly normal, what wasn’t so normal was the lust I had for my mom and my aunt. For the past year I’d been having wet dreams about my mother or my aunt. Not that this was unusual for a teen male, but it was not the sort of thing a boy was supposed to do. Especially for me, a skinny awkward k**.What made matters even worse was the fact that my mother Eve and her sister Ellen were...

4 years ago
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Double Fantasy and more

Double Fantasy – And More …She tugged at the cock as she sucked hungrily on it. Hands grabbed her hair and dictated the rhythm of her passionate movements on the stiff shaft.Her ass cheeks were pulled apart and she felt a hard knob against her pussy lips – suddenly a hard cock thrust into her wetness as she choked on the other cock deep in her throat.Two men. Two cocks. Double the pleasure …It had been a fun after-work get together for drinks at the office. The women were out-numbered...

2 years ago
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Double Trouble For Dimple Madam

Hey friends mera naam dev hai or mein Indian sex Stories mein regular apni stories upload karta rheta hun or aaj mein ek or nayi story narrate karne jaa rha hun is story mein 3 jane involve hai ek mein or ek mera friend rohan or third or sab se main humari tuition teacher Miss Dimple . Ab mein aap ko mere bare mein batata hun mein delhi mein rheta hun vasant vihar area mein or 12th standard mein study karta hun or mein dikhne me bhi average looking boy hun mera skin tone kafi fair hai . Mere...

4 years ago
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Double Dhamaka On A Ride To Cochin

I was traveling from Chennai to Cochin and in a renowned AC sleeper Bus, It was a few days back I was going back to Cochin after long weekend at Chennai, By the way I am jason 31 yrs old normal average looking guy, people say I look younger than 28 yrs. I just boarded the bus from Koyambedu and it took off in some time, it reached perungulathur where I noticed this young boy along with someone in early 40’s boarded the bus. This twink was so cute and just like a shade of north east guy. The...

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