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Chapter 07: Shooting
Thursday lunchtime the coach turned up to take us all up to ‘location’ for the start of official shooting and we all got on board and Mrs Price did a quick head-count.
‘Anyone seen Paul?’
No-one had and Mrs Price sent me to dig him out. I found him in the paper office which was the first place I looked. He said he wasn’t coming. So I went back to the bus to tell Mrs Price and actually that was the last time I saw him.
He didn’t come into school Friday and when he didn’t come in Monday either I went to see his parents and they said he’d gone to California to stay with his uncle and they acted like they thought it was my fault which maybe it was. I’ve often wondered since whether he’d thought he was normal – like how could he, we’d all seen porn and some of those guys have like massive weapons – or whether he’d just been spinning a line and by taking it seriously I’d backed him into a corner he couldn’t get out of.
Whatever, that Thursday afternoon we announced he’d got stage fright and we filmed stuff his character wasn’t in. At the end Mrs Price gathered us all round and said like casually that if Paul didn’t come back I’d take over his part and a couple of people said I didn’t look much like a hero and Mrs Price said no but I was a good actor and knew the script and everyone else who could act had parts anyway, which was sort of true.
That night we had a pow wow. Mrs Price had got us together in the paper office after school, and said, look, we need to talk, and because Mom was on late shift again my house seemed like the best place.
When they’d all arrived Mrs Price started things rolling.
‘OK, what are we going to do? Are we going to give up?’
I looked up from pouring the wine she’d brought into mugs.
‘What choice have we?’ I said. ‘We don’t have a male lead.’
‘So you’re just going to give up?’
I handed out the wine and sat down. ‘Hey, you know, I think it’s kind of your call – like all of you… I mean, I’m not getting fucked. Who would you trust? Like, who would you want to bring in?’
There was a silence, which kind of stretched.
‘We can’t bring anyone else in,’ said Nancy, ‘because of the official cut. Like, we’ve said you’re going to do it. How are we going to explain if we suddenly switch you for someone else?’
Mandy said ‘why do we need to bring anyone in?’
‘Well, because! I mean,’ I said, ‘who’s going to do the fucking fucking?’
‘Why not you?’
‘Hey, no… hey no… Like, I’m no stud…’
‘Kyle,’ said Mrs Price very directly, kind of schoolteacherish, ‘Do you actually want to make this film?’
I sort of said I did, if we could.
‘Then why not you?’
‘Look, do I look like a porn star?’
Mandy said she didn’t look like a porn star either.
‘Hey,’ I said, ‘You’re fucking gorgeous. You’re all fucking gorgeous. I’m… like… well, look at me… I mean, what woman would want to fuck me?’
‘Me!’ said Nancy, very firmly.
‘Yes,’ I said, ‘but that’s different…’
‘How is it different?’
‘Well, like, because we’re an item…’
‘We are now’ she said, with careful emphasis. ‘Like, that’s the point, isn’t it?’
Mrs Price sort of called us to order and said OK, what did everyone think about me doing the fucking. She went round us, one at a time, and if seemed even more weirdly schoolteachery. Lill said sort of dubiously that if everyone else was still in she was. Mandy sort of grinned and blushed and said that actually she was quite keen to go ahead, like because she wanted to see her big scene. Nancy said she’d prefer it because it meant she didn’t have to cheat on me.
‘Hey,’ I said. ‘You were only going to have to fuck one other person, and I’m going to have to fuck three!’
There was laughter.
Lill said ‘like you’re objecting?’
‘But it’s like all in the gang, isn’t it?’ said Nancy. ‘I mean it isn’t really cheating because I’m in on it… It’s like it’s in the family…’
‘Incest is best’ said Mandy, seriously, and we all cracked up.
‘OK, Kyle,’ said Mrs Price. ‘It’s down to you. We’re all up for it with you. If you do it, you get your movie, and if you don’t, you don’t.’
I looked at Nancy. Nancy looked at me. I looked round the group.
‘OK, let’s do it.’
Mrs Price sort of relaxed, and poured more wine into everyone’s mug. She’d brought, like, quite a lot.
‘OK, next thing. The real reason I wanted to get you all together tonight is bodies. We’re going to have to get pretty used to seeing and touching each others bodies in the next few weeks, and we’re going to have cope with being turned on by each other, and that’s going to be harder for Kyle because we can all see when he’s turned on. So everyone peel.’
For a moment, nobody moved.
‘I mean it,’ Mrs Price said, pulling off her jeans, ‘peel. Make with the nakedness. Show me some skin.’
I got up and made sure all the curtains were closed an the door was locked. By the time I’d done that Mrs Price was naked, and so was Mandy. Nancy was down to bra and panties. Lill was dithering. I shucked my clothes as straightforwardly as I could, uncomfortably aware that my cock was at half mast.
‘Hey,’ said Mandy, looking at Mrs Price, ‘I was wondering when you and Paul were doing it in the barn… What is it with the cunt Mohican?’
We all stared at her, bemused.
‘I mean, like, in all the porn films, all the women have their pubes shaved into this sort of landing strip thing, and like you’ve got it…’
And of course we all looked, and Mrs Price did have it – a little ruler straight, ruler wide, strip of dark hair.
Mrs Price blushed. ‘I don’t know. I mean, you shave to wear a bikini, and then… it’s kind of where do you stop?’
‘But,’ said Mandy, ‘do we all have to have a cunt Mohican? I mean, is it like de rigeur for porn starlettes?’
Mrs Price looked sort of blank.
‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘Is it sexy? Do you want to shave? Kyle, do you think they should shave?’
I sort of fumbled it and started to say hey or something like that when I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and then I did say ‘Hey!’
I said, ‘Hey, Lill, who are you to talk about bottle blondes? You’re a redhead!’
Lill blushed and cupped her hand over her small tuft of soft red down. Mandy, laughing, grabbed at her arm and pulled it away.
‘I can shave it off,’ said Lill.
Nancy and I said ‘No, don’t’ together.
‘Why not?’
Mrs Price was looking at me, so I had to come up with an answer. I looked at her, and then down a Lill’s cunt, and then sort of flicked my eyes to Nancy to make sure this was safe, and then back at Mrs Price.
‘It’s like… I mean, kind of the point of having more than one woman in a porn film is to celebrate their difference, isn’t it? So, kind of, it seems to me, you don’t want them all to be, like, clones, like, I mean – take your hand away, Lill, let us see – like it’s pretty, it’s endearing, it tells us about who Lill is…’
I looked from face to face, nervously, wondering if I was really going out on a limb here.
‘I mean, also, kind of, the thing in American culture about women’s body hair is partly about control and infantilism and denying people’s adulthood… I mean, the way Lill’s… like all the girls… cunt hair is says well, they’re not really that old, actually, but they’re coming into adulthood, and also it’s real…’
‘But,’ said Nancy, ‘if there’s this thing about body hair – and you said there is – then if we’re making a porn film then maybe we ought to shave.’
‘Well,’ I said, ‘it’s kind of up to you, but I don’t fancy going down on you when you’re stubbly.’
So in the end nobody got shaved. Mrs Price poured more wine into everyone’s mug, and got us to massage one another (s
he’d brought the oil as well), like all over, like not specifically masturbating each other but not leaving those bits out either. She made Nancy pair with Lill and me with Mandy, and I got to feel that wonderful butter-silk skin again.
Nancy said, like sort of interested, not at all accusing, ‘Hey, she really does it for you, doesn’t she?’ My cock was sort of iron bar. I went darkest red. I nodded.
Mrs Price sort of butted in. ‘Of course she does. OK, Kyle, what’s the turn on with Mandy?’
So I talked about the colour and quality of her skin, and the jet black tuft of wiry hair against the pinky-chocolate of her inner folds, and the amazing smallness of her and how it made me think about how my cock would fit in her and how far up it would reach and how tight she’d feel. Mrs Price picked on each of the others to say what they found a turn on in the person they’d been massaging. Nancy and Lill were both a bit shy of saying anything turned them on about the other, which was funny. Mrs Price was kind of pretending to be stern with them, and Lill said something about they weren’t lezzies.
‘Right!’ said Mrs Price. ‘That’s enough! Soixante neuf, now!’
It turned out to be really interesting, and not heavy at all, to watch Nancy getting sexed up by someone else. Like probably I wouldn’t have been so cool if it had been a guy, but I’m not sure. How it was definitely felt OK. Not that it was easy to see that much. Nancy was on top, sort of crouched over Lill, her head moving between Lill’s legs, muscles playing over her shoulders and down her back, her hair waterfalling onto the carpet. The colours were gorgeous, the soft tans of Nancy’s back, the chocolate pink of her anus showing above Lill’s pale face and black hair. The flushing on Lill’s pale breasts was this beautiful pink, marbled with a blue tracery of veins, under the arch of Nancy’s body.
All we could hear was little sucking and moaning sounds. Then suddenly Lill’s head was flat on the carpet and her hips were bucking off it. She was making little high pitched whimpering and mewing sounds, and her head threshed from side to side. Nancy lifted off her and shifted over to where I was. She kissed me deeply. It was weird, kissing what had to be the smell and taste of Lill – quite different from Nancy’s own taste – on Nancy’s face and in her mouth. Nancy leaned back, pulling me with her, pulling me onto her, guiding me into her. She was amazingly wet and was bucking strongly against me from the moment I slipped in. I matched her rhythm. We fucked.
‘Slow down, you guys!’
I turned my head and looked at Mrs Price, sort of dazed, startled.
‘Lift yourself up a bit, Kyle – no, don’t stop fucking her…’
Nancy’s pupils were big and dazed, her body grinding against me, her nipples hard and corrugated under my thumbs. Mrs Price knelt over Nancy’s face and tried to kiss me, but the way we were positioned it wasn’t actually easy for me to get my head up to her level without pulling out of Nancy. So I bit down on her breast instead and started worrying a nipple.
Nancy’s legs were up around my waist, her ankles crossed behind me, pumping me furiously into her and I was trying to hold back from coming because I thought she hadn’t and then I realised Nancy was coming and Mandy was kneeling beside us stroking my head and I think she and Mrs Price were kissing and then Mrs Price’s hands clamped down on my head and she shuddered and I realised she was coming and I just let go and blew a cockfull of semen into Nancy, realising too late that I hadn’t got a rubber on.
We collapsed into a panting heap. After a couple of minutes I heard Nancy giggling from somewhere underneath, and we all sort of joined in, a bit breathless.
There was this evangelical thing on all weekend and Nancy’s parents had made her say she’d go… I wasn’t too happy about it from her point of view but it did mean she wouldn’t be around for the Saturday session which privately I was glad of. To be honest I was dreading that session but actually when it happened it wasn’t too bad.
I was trying to do the mask thing and partly it worked. It helped that there was a lot of boring stuff getting the establishing shots set up, as I just lay there in the straw firstly ‘sleeping’ and then ‘waking up and seeing the witch queen’ – what I was actually seeing, of course, was Lill with the camera – and then ‘magically aroused’. What was supposed to happen was I was supposed to freeze in position and Mandy was going to come in and ‘fluff’ me, but I didn’t know how she was planning to do that and just the thought of the possibilities made the operation unnecessary, which I guess relieved everyone. Then Lill did the close up on my face for when I’m supposed to be orgasming with Mrs Price fucking me which felt really weird because we hadn’t even started the fuck yet.
Then I got robe on and we moved the camera back into the position I’d been in and shot the reverse angle shot of the witch queen doing her stuff and walking up. She was wearing witch robes with just one of the nice under-robes, with the cowl right forward over her head and the witch-mask under it, and then Lill had done something hidden with safety pins to keep the robes back and open and her body just like gleamed out of it and she looked really spooky and threatening but really sexy. Also, Lill had brought this snake along, a six foot long boa constrictor that was kept in the biology classroom, and she had Mrs Price wear it round her neck like a scarf, and that was kind of strange and sexy too.
Then of course I had to peel off again and go and lie down in the straw and Lill had two vid cameras on me and was like concentrating on me and Mandy was doing continuity with the Polaroid and came over and started getting my posture right and I was sort of getting tense and then there was this thing about getting the rubber on ’cause Mandy just came over to do it and that like didn’t feel cool and so I did it but then I had to be put into position again and I went soft and the rubber came off and Mrs Price said, OK, who do you want to do this and really it had to be either Mandy or Lill because Mrs Price had the mask on and it was like fiddly. So I sort of said OK and Mandy just went down and up once on my cock with her mouth like a pro and it worked and she put the rubber on and I was feeling really guilty because it was the first time anyone had gone down on me and it wasn’t Nancy and it had been nice.
Then Lill said action and Mrs Price came over and squatted and did the thing with her hand and just as I was going into her which felt like the tensest moment Mandy said ‘cut!’ and I was lying there with my cock up my teacher and she said ‘are you OK?’ and I said ‘I’m OK, Mrs Price,’ and she sort of laughed and said her name was Sharon, and I said ‘honoured to make your acquaintance, Sharon’ and everyone laughed and after that it wasn’t so tense.
‘OK,’ said Mandy, ‘that didn’t work. The rubber was like way too obvious.’
Mrs Price got up off me and went over to look.
‘OK, I see what you mean. What do you want to do?’
‘Could we take the rubber off and you put him in and do the first stroke and then come off him and we put the rubber on and do the rest?’
‘No, I’m not cool with that. The problem is you’re seeing the rubber on his cockhead, above my hand?’
‘OK, what I’ll do we’ll take the rubber off and I’ll come down on him till it looks on camera as if we’re touching, and then we’ll put the rubber on and do the fuck. OK with you, Kyle?’
So Mandy came over again with a towel and peeled off the rubber and gently wiped my cock, and then without any fuss did that little once down, once up bob again, and Lill said action, and Mrs Price squatted down till I could just feel the tickle of her hair, and Lill said ‘cut!,’ and Mandy did the rubber again, and we did the fuck.
Mrs Price had said ‘Just try to relax and enjoy it. It’s OK if you come, but try not to
come too quickly. And it’s also completely OK if you can’t come.’
So I lay there and watched the muscles move in her throat as she pumped herself slowly and smoothly up and down, and like I was hard and I was enjoying the sensation in my cock but the whole situation was too weird to be seriously sexy.
Eventually I heard Mandy’s voice say quietly ‘OK, you’re coming now.’
I sort of tried to shudder and buck in the same way as I had in the reaction shot and Mrs Price got smoothly and gracefully up and turned smoothly and walked smoothly away and Lill said ‘cut!’
Mandy said ‘fucking brilliant, you guys.’
‘OK,’ said Lill, as we were looking at the rushes, ‘There’s something I want to try – like it’s something that I put in originally but Paul cut it out of the script ’cause he said it was too gross. And, like, if you don’t want to’ – she was looking at Mrs Price – ‘that’s OK and if anyone else thinks it’s too gross we’ll like cut it out of the movie but I’d like to try…’
‘OK, Lill,’ said Mrs Price, ‘what is it?’
Lill dug in her bag and pulled out some scribbling paper which had some storyboard drawings, and then she pulled out a wooden snakes head that she’d painted up just like the real snake.
‘It’s that thing about what you magically do to make him hard,’ said Lill, mostly to Mrs Price.
‘What I was thinking was like you pulled the snake out of your snatch… I mean, like, obviously you can’t really have the snake in your snatch but that’s why I did the wooden head thing, like so you pull the head out kind of close up so we can see what you’re doing but also not held very long and then we cut to Kyle’s reaction – like the bit we’ve already done – and then cut back and the snake’s pouring out from between your legs and we can see for sure it’s a live snake. And we do that like both full frontal and closeup and anywhere it doesn’t look as if it’s really coming out of your snatch we just cut back to the other shot or to reaction… and then when you’re walking away afterwards I want to make it seem like you’re putting the snake back into your snatch…’
‘Wow…’ I said. ‘But, in the shot we did, I wasn’t acting like grossed out – like not at all…’
‘I know,’ said Lill. ‘I kind of wanted that. So what do you all think?’
Mrs Price nodded.
‘Wow,’ she said. ‘I think that would really work. Let’s do it!’
So we did that, doing several takes of the snake coming out (and in the final cut that really did work), and then Lill got into costume and Mandy spent twenty minutes trying to get Lill’s hair into the style Alice had done it in for Thursday’s shoot.
‘Costume’ was this little black dress number with a very short skirt and virtually no back at all and a low scoop neck and long arms. In the story she’s like a modern girl on her way to a party with her brother when they get ambushed and abducted by the witches, so this is party clothes. It actually suits Lill really nicely and with no bra you can see that her tits are actually a really nice shape when they aren’t being plastered flat to her rib cage, and together with the understated makeup she suddenly looked way hotter than I’m used to seeing her so I told her so, even though I knew it was a mixed compliment and she blushed and said thanks, and we get on with the scene.
Mostly it’s just me in my cell with Lill, in costume, doing the camera and Lill in her cell with me in a robe doing the camera, and we did all my dialogue first and then we did the me humping the hole in the wall bit to the metronome which felt really weird and not the least bit sexy, and then we did all Lill’s dialogue, first with Mandy present (in case we didn’t see her face in the torture scene) and then without (in case we did). Then Mrs Price said that as my cock was long enough to fuck through the partition, should we do the insertion shot with the real cock or the fake one? Lill said that the fake one didn’t look much like me and anyway she thought she’d be less nervous with the real one. So we were talking about doing two insertion shots, one with Mandy up in the rafters filming straight down, and one filming horizontally with the camera pressed right against the wall, when Mandy said what about rubbers, and I said it should be OK because I wouldn’t actually go in her and I didn’t think there was any danger of me coming.
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Another satisfied GrannyA month after re-fucking Nancy I was pottering around in the garden when Nancy was stood talking to another older woman. As I approached them she introduced me “This is an old friend of mine, Liz” I looked at her she looked around 65ish 5’5” quite over weight, silver hair, she was wearing a red and black dress that came to just above her knee.As we talked Nancy had to go to an appointment and I was left talking to Liz. Her husband had died 15 years ago but she was glad...
“Oh, you’re home,” she called as I closed the front door. “Sit down, let me get you a drink.”I sat in the recliner, as instructed. A smile played over my lips as her hand slid over my shoulder, up my neck to my cheek, and pushed my face around. As her fingers touched my lips, I kissed them while turning to see the sight before me.Her eyes, black holes, surrounded by swirling bright blue accretion disks, the twin stars that sucked me powerlessly to her. My smile broadened, I had fallen into them...
Straight SexGay Pig Transformation - Part 1-----------------------------------------------It was dark when I woke, and I had a splitting headache. Where the hell was I? I was groggy but tried to look around the room, some kind of workshop apparently. I lay there confused, trying to remember how I ended up here and where 'here' was. My head was still swimming as I tried to sit up, only to have a shooting pain in my ass that almost made me want to throw up. I tried to roll over but found my hands and feet...
I woke up slowly feeling something unusual. Usually I woke up feeling still groggy, but today something was different. I lay there a moment, head swirling, and realized what it was: a tickling sensation running up my thigh. It reached the leg of my boxer-briefs and paused only a moment before I felt them be pulled up and something slide in underneath. The sensation slid over the last bit of thigh and started running up and down my slowly growing dick.More awake now, I opened my eyes and saw my...
ScatGold? When it comes to the different types of pornography and all that crap, I am actually very open-minded, and while I might not enjoy the site I am about to suggest, that does not mean that some of you weirdoes will share that opinion. This is a site called, and honestly, that should be enough to tell you what the fuck you can expect to see on the site, right?For those who never heard about the genre 'scat' or get easily disgusted should probably stay away from this place. The...
Scat Porn SitesA few days ago I told the story of my wife getting caught in the bathroom with a neighbor by his wife and another neighbor lady had invited me to help her with some household chores while her husband was out of town. Cammy was going to cooperate by making sure their kids were not going to be home while I was helping. This is what happened. When I arrived, Julie was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt but had a bra on (unlike when she accosted me in my yard a few days ago). Nothing too provocative...
Hi readers hope u all people are fit and fine…main Vicky donor aapke liye ek sachi aur sexy kahani laya Hun dosto ye BILKUL sachi kahani hai chahe aap Mano ya na Mano..but Maine abtak jitni bhi kahani likhi wo BILKUL sachi kahaniya hai…kher main ab kahani shru kerta Hun dosto main peshe se ek contractor Hun Ye ghatna aaj se koi 8saal pehli KI hai jab main 20saal ka tha …humari ek site rudrapur shru hui thee to usi ke liye mujhe bhi rudrapur jana padta tha main raat main travel kerna pasand...
I was just finishing up washing my hands in the boys restroom, my mind busy trying to remember all the crap I’d studied the night before, when I heard the door open and loud laughter and talking intrude on my thinking as a group of other junior high boys came in. The laughing and talking stopped as soon as they saw me there in front of the mirror. I only glanced over for a quick look, but it was enough to make me swallow nervously. Darin Diller was standing right behind me with his two...
I’m pretty sure I’m speaking for most guys when I say, there’s no better girl, than the cute girl next door. I mean, that’s every teenagers dream, to have a hot girl next door. Since I was Thirteen , I’ve lived next to such a girl. I’ve seen her boyfriends come and go, hoping she’ll one day at least acknowledge my existence. But as usual, I never get so much as a glance. Not to say I haven’t had my share of girlfriends, its just, guys like to think that we could get any girl we wanted to if we...
Druid's Ordeal by E.Y. Toad Chapter 1 To Ronak my Betrothed, or whoever may find this letter: My name is Dahlia. I am a 19 year old human female. I am an initiate druid studying under Arch Druid Westrell in the Grove of Tranquility. I am now being held captive; a slave to the perverse desires of an evil man. I beg of you, please see that this letter reaches Ronak. He is a half-elf fletcher's apprentice in the Elven city of Fellgar. I swear that you will be suitably rewarded for...
The Hellwind blew strong this night. Baroness Graveek could hear its angry scream rattling against her shuttered windows. She liked the sound. It well suited her current mood as she paced around her spacious bedroom. The whip in her gloved hand coiled and twisted across the floor with every restless flick of her wrist.Layers of skirt whispered across the floor around her restless, stocking-clad legs. Stiletto heeled, thigh-high black leather boots clicked against the wood with every step.“First...
SupernaturalHer, what made her so special to me. Could it possibly be the hips that adorned her god like waist or the only hair that one could tuck behind her ear. Perhaps it was the voluptuous chest and or the perfect smile that grazed those soft lips that made her all the more an object of desire. She was already an object to some but she didn't want that to be the way that she was seen. She wanted people to see her for who she was. The person behind the pretty face and those bright blue eyes that are...
Summer Brooks has everything I love – a petite body, sweet tits, and cute pigtails, so I’m heartbroken when I find out she hasn’t been able to have an orgasm lately. I watch her rub her inexperienced pussy on her favorite stuffed animal as she tries to get over the hump, but she can’t do it without some help from our stud. He lets her play with his cock while she clutches her toy, and her pussy gets dripping wet. As the orgasmic pleasure fills her up, she climbs on top and screams as he fucks...
xmoviesforyouFINDING MY VOICE Chapter 4 - Duncan My habit of socialising with Imogene and Paul on a fairly regular basis continued much along the same lines for the next few months. I still lacked the courage to go out dressed so we tended to entertain each other at our respective houses. I found I enjoyed planning meal menus and discovered a real passion for cooking. I won't say that I was in any way competitive; let's just leave it with the comment that, for both households, the meals became...
I write my experiences for my tumbler blog, this is two that happened incidents a few days apart, but i combined them for this.The other night my wife and I ate dinner at her coworker's house (Ashley). we usually BBQ over there on weekends. her husband Joe owns a landscaping company. Ashley is I dyed blonde about 5’6" 180 to 200lbs she has a bit of a belly but big ol’ double Ds kinda jiggly and a nice ass and thighs for having 4 k**s. whenever we are over she wears a low cut tight shirt and...
The pale blue cup cake - By Wankelschrauben Brian felt like celebrating, he had just bullied his sister to tears and his mother had just baked cup cakes for their birthday which fell just days apart. It was a cold day and he thought they'd be a good way to warm himself up. He head downstairs and saw the box of freshly frosted cup cakes on the table with a note attached to them that read "For Jessie and the girls! One Each BRIAN!!!" Jessie was Brian's little sister, she was having...
This happened over 50 years ago but I still recall every moment. It is still my favourite wanking fantasy.I was sharing bed and breakfast accommodation in London with three other students. Our landlady, Julie, was the object of all our desires and in the local pub we would often discuss what we would like to do to her, knowing of course that we would never get the chance. She had a superb figure which was just slightly on the “fuller” side, but certainly not fat. I absolutely adored her breasts...
--- "I recorded him" --- "How?" --- "I hid a camera in the boxes, before he pushed me into the alley." She showed them the video. --- "Wow. Man's got a hand for treating a woman." --- "Why did you record it." --- "I ..." --- started Lilly --- "I thought you might like to have a leverage against a cop. You know ... in case something goes wrong." They smiled. --- "Are you mad?" --- she said with a sad face. --- "Why would we be mad? We hold the guy by the balls...
Beth I was flying to Calgary, Canada and I was thinking about my life. I lived with a serial cheater bastard husband and I was a model wife and a model mother for two sons. My younger son Ed attended the last year in his High School. Would John continue to be a good provider for me in the future or would he replace me with his younger mistress? Such thoughts were circling in my mind in the plane and I had a bad vision about my family. I did not like this wimp role at all. I drew a conclusion...
Hi, I am sam with one of my good gay experience in a forest. Me and one of my college decided to have a trip. We went to voganegal(near to Bangalore) in tamil nadu. Its the place famous for water falls .We planned two days and a night and planned to get into the forest to take some photographs of birds. Morning around 11:30 AM we reached booked a room and we got ready around 3:00pm to get inside the forest. We reached the forest area around 4:00. We took his camera and I took some food...
Gay MaleIntroduction: Impregnation by other means Elaine had always been quite inhibited. She was raised by religious parents and it left her with some hangups about sin and guilt about pleasure. She was fine about the act of intercourse and enjoyed it,but when it came to anything a little unusual,she was much less sure. I had never told Elaine about my fantasies for fear of shocking her. The most persistent and strong ideas I masturbate to, where the thought of other men having Elaine. I dont know...
A New Social Order A Short Story By Maryanne Peters The first miracle was that we all survived the crash. There were only 12 of us on board for this flight from Sichuan, China, to Sydney, Australia. It was a freight plane with only 18 passenger seats. Some had been travelling alongside their cargo, like Gerry the Engineer and Delia the fashion designer. Others like me and Sunny, and also Andy, knew about seats on cargo planes from experience, and had the connections to hop the...
It was all kind of innocent. I knew I was --athletic, blond, dimples when I smile, just enough pec to show off without being utterly vain about myself--but I never really thought about guys much. Or at least I wouldn't admit to it. After basketball practice, I still wasn't ready to call it quits, so I asked Thad if he wanted to stay for some one on one. He smiled at me, a long, lingering smile. "Sure, Sandy," he said. "I'm ready when you are" and he looked deep into my baby blues. His hand was...
GayIn the months after my night of passion with Maggie, my relationship with my girlfriend got serious, and shortly after Maggie left for Manchester, I popped the question and we got engaged. Despite being engaged I still had two lives – the London life and the village life. London of the 80’s was exciting and I continued to flirt with colleagues and other girls in the pubs/clubs, but none of those resulted in sex, and after 18 months of engagement I had been faithful to my intended. We got...
By the way Kendra was picking at her dinner, I was pretty sure I was finally going to find out what had been bothering her for the last couple of weeks. I tried talking to her a few days prior but when I inquired about her sudden change in mood she told me she simply had something on her mind with no further explanation. That’s not totally out of character for her. Kendra’s a registered nurse and a hospital is not the most uplifting place to work. I’ve seen her come home running the gambit...
Once inside mum’s bedroom i watched as sharon was in the act of licking mum’s pussy. Mum was on her back, facing me. Sharon’s arse and pussy were wide open and exposed to me as i walked forward to claim my prize. It was the filthiest and sexiest thing I'd ever seen!. Her cunt lips spread and her arsehole puckered and struggled to stay closed as she bent forward. I climbed onto the bed behind her upturned arse. My cock started to grow absolutly rock hard from the sight of the two sexy women...
As she drove the 3 hours to the hotel where she was to meet Him for the first time, her thoughts raced to each and every phone call, e-mail or text conversation they had ever had. Remembering how easy it was for her to give in to him, to submit to him. How natural it seemed to respond to every request he asked of her. They had spent nearly a year conversing back and forth as she became more and more enthralled with him. As she drove there was not one moment of hesitation, fear or regret in her...
BDSMThe days after the public exhibition I made for Chris were very confusing to me. Not only was I upset about the way this whole thing was going, with him seemingly able to exert absolute control over me, but even more than that was the way I was responding to it. If I had gotten any special sensation about being fondled in semi-public with him the first time in the study room, it quadrupled with my actions in the café. I was totally disgusted with myself, but every time I relived the scene I...
Wife LoversLetters from Sky By Jan S Part 2 © 2008 by Jan S _____________________________________________________ Sunday, April 6th (midday) I really don't want to talk about her, Mars. OK? I'm glad Jim was acting nicer; guess it will take awhile like you said. Yeah, Lit. and folklore don't sound like good careers. Wouldn't it be nice if learning about neat stuff could? You...
From last few days i did not get time on bed with my lover, as he was busy with his business trip. So i asked, rather convinced him take me to his next trip and after a lot of argument he finally agreed to take me. So i was very excited and packed a bag with the cloths and panties he likes to see me in, i thought i would relax him after his meeting everyday in the hotel. I did relax but not him.So we reached the hotel early in the morning, as soon as we reached he had a meeting scheduled so he...
Needless-to-say, me and Mom’s relationship changed a great deal. We were now lumped in together with our government, Santa Clause and even Jack the Ripper ... We had to be careful ... we had a lot to hide. Our new relationship started the very next morning. Dad, as he did almost every Sunday, had gone to the golf course. I got up, showered and got dresses. I felt different today. Less like a kid I suppose. I put on a nice pair of jeans and a dark blue Polo shirt. I wanted to look trendy,...
Not every marriage works smoothly. Bahut baar soch nahi milti. Couple sath rehke bhi sath nahi hote. Same is the case with my friend Raj. He and his wife Babita keep fighting frequently over pity issues. I meet them quite often to resolve it, but it starts all again. That was the reason I met Babita again one evening on Marine Drive. We spoke casually about everything. Uske and Raj ke bare me bhi baatein honi to jaruri hi thi. Babita: Raj ko kuch samajh hi nahi aata how tough is life for me....
Julia Wright was twenty one and a junior in college. She was black haired, blue eyed, gorgeous, extremely busty and slutty. The lethal combination of those parts ensured that her high school years had been a walk in the park. She was a former cheerleader captain. She was more than aware of her good looks and features and used them for her advantage. Julia was not above opening an extra button on her shirt or wearing a tight fitting shirt in order to extract preferential grades from her male...
Group Sex"I'm not sure Sarah, I'm not that desperate," I said. "Come on Elle! Aren't you at least a bit curious?" Sarah whined. Body Rentals had been around for a few years now, but only recently had the price and portability of their control unit's dropped low enough for regular people to afford them. Regular people like Sarah, who was now sitting on the floor of my room desperately trying to get me to let her try it on me. "Curious, yes," I said. "Keen for you to take control of my body?...