Late Night Movies (chapter 13) free porn video

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I woke up with my lil peter hard and throbbing. I had to pee sooo bad. The sun was already high and I knew I had slept in to at least ten. The smell of bacon and pancakes wafted through my nose and my mouth filled with saliva. I made a beeline to the bathroom and relieved myself before heading out to the living room still rubbing my eyes. “I was JUST gonna wake you” mommy said, “Good timing!” as she laid the fourth plate onto the table. She was completely naked and I blushed seeing her casually like this. I’d seen mommy naked countless times including last night when I tasted her for the first time but to see her in the midst of everyday activity like this. How could I NOT think back to everything that had occurred the night before? How could I NOT think about how her cum taste while Daddy sucked my cock?

Chris and Dad both came out when the smell made its way down the hall. We all settled in at the table. Both mommy and daddy were completely naked. Chris was wearing his boxer shorts and I was just in my Scooby doo undies. We all dug in to a delicious breakfast with hash browns, eggs, sausage, bacon and toast. I chugged my glass of milk after devouring each bite. Daddy seemed tired but smiled at me often. Chris inhaled his breakfast as well before shooting off from the table back to his room without saying much. “I’ll clean up!” I volunteered and mommy looked extremely grateful. She lay on the couch with the sunlight coming in and warming her pale body and Daddy took a seat next to her and started rubbing her feet as they watched something. They seemed very peaceful and relaxed as I cleaned up the dishes and made the leftovers into another sandwich.

I was thinking about how it was Sunday, wondering if we were going to have to wait to watch movies like that again. Now that I knew could we watch them in the day? Then it struck me that I had school tomorrow and the Sunday depression started to settle in as I cleaned the last of the crumbs off the counter. Mommy HAD said that there would be no movies on school nights. I felt frustrated. Something so big and so interesting had been dropped right in front of me but I’d have to wait to get deeper into it. I hated waiting with a passion. Patience is a virtue I’ve never been able to swing.

Just as I finished up and sat on the couch Chris burst out his door wearing his usual sneakers, sweats n jersey. He stood there tossing the football trying to figure out what we were watching for a bit. Eventually he interrupted, “So I was thinking…”

“Yes?” Daddy asked curiously.

“Well Robbie knows now… And you guys always said that when Robbie knows things would change for me too…” He just kind of sat there smiling.

“Yeah.” Was all Daddy answered and somewhat reluctantly at that.

“Well you guys said that I wouldn’t have to hide it during the day, and that Mom would truly be MY slut to do with as I wish. Right?” He asked in a rebellious tone.

“Well yes. Of course there are still SOME restrictions which we’ve talked…”

“I know! I know!” Chris interrupted. “But with all that in mind… what we talked about… she’s mine now?” He asked. His expression did nothing to hide his excitement.

Daddy looked at Mommy, still rubbing her feet. She smiled at her husband and then looked to her first born. “Yes honey… I’m YOUR slut.” She said proudly.

Chris beamed. “And I don’t have to worry about hiding stuff I wanna do in front of Robbie? Even if it’s something that he hasn’t had a lesson in yet?” He asked but his face didn’t look too hopeful. Every k id has asked their parents something that they already knew the answer to and judging by his expression my br other expected to be turned down here.

“Well I’d like to think that you’d keep your brother in mind at ALL times the way the rest of the family keeps YOU in mind. But yes, you’re right. The agreement was that when Robbie was old enough to know then… well you know what the agreement was so no… you DON’T have to worry about hiding any of it anymore.” Daddy finished but Chris had already taken his jersey off, his shoes were already kicked across the room and he was walking toward mommy with a tent pitched in his sweats. Daddy stopped rubbing mommy’s feet and scooted over a bit, still watching them. I stood there frozen, unable to look away.

“I want proof…” My br other said, again with that confidence that seemed scary to me. He leaned in and starting kissing her passionately. I could see their mouths open and their tongues rubbing against each other when mommy really started getting into it. She moaned and sucked on his lower lip before he abruptly stopped and spat in her face. It caught us all off guard I think. Mommy’s face was particularly shocked and frozen in that pose as the goo ran down her nose and cheeks. Then something happened that surprised me even more. She SMILED! She stretched her tongue out and caught the stream running down her face and actually TASTED it! She opened her eyes and there were tiny bridges between her lashes but she still smiled, even as Chris grabbed and pulled her hair back sharply.

I almost busted in at that moment. I didn’t know how to feel about seeing him treat our mom like this. She cared for us, loved us, treated us well and Chris looked a second short from beating the shit out of her. I found myself hurrying toward them but Daddy caught my wrist and pulled me closer to him. Was he really going to let this happen or was it all an act?

They started kissing again but I could see that the grasp on my mom’s hair had not lightened up at all. Her gasped told me I was right but she eagerly sucked on her boy’s tongue. Chris was whispering something fiercely to her face, I couldn’t make out some of it. He started by saying, “Oh my fucking god LOOK at you!?” to which mommy merely whimpered. “You know what you are? You know what you fucking ARE!?” he asked harshly while yanking back again.

“Yehesss!” She responded. Chris muttered something else I couldn’t make out before she cried out, “I’m a fucking slut. I’m your fucking slut!”

“That’s not ALL you are! Now bend your FAT fucking ass over!” Chris snapped while shoving her head to the couch and not letting go. Surely THIS had to be too far, daddy would step it. It was so harsh. I looked over to my dad expecting to see him rising to show him better but instead he sat there stroking his cock which was already fully hard. A slap caught my attention and when I turned back to look at mommy’s big ass bent over, her pale cheek was already starting to get pink. Chris slapped again and again until she was whimpering as her ass completely red. “God look at this cunt Dad!” He said while spreading her asscheeks. “Look at this fucking cunt! It’s so fucked!” He said as he inserted his index and middle finger of both hands easily and spread it apart so she was wide open and dripping.

Daddy smiled and continued to stroke himself silently, watching. Chris went on, spanking my mom’s ass, shaking her stomach, pinching her tits and choking her with his cock. He eventually settled behind her and spread her ass. Both her holes dilated and closed as if they wanted to be filled. He slapped the head of his smaller prick against her ass to which she squirmed a bit and said, “hrnt mmm! Christopher!”

“Shut the fuck up!” He said while spreading his own precum over the head of his cock. He pushed the head of it against her ass and when he met resistance he pushed the tip in with his thumb. It vanished into mommy’s hole and she gasped sharply. Her arms flew back to press against his firm stomach, trying desperately to keep him from pushing more in.

“Ow! OWWW! Chris! Wait!” She pleaded.

“Fucken take it!” He said and I saw his pelvis slap against her ass as he shoved his entire prick up in there. She cried out and shivered a bit. He sat for a moment, completely in her before taking himself almost completely out again. He started thrusting, harder, and harder. She remained still but gaped as he pulled out, letting out tiny wet farts. I almost laughed but Chris grunted harshly, his ass shaking with his entire cock up in our mom. They sat there breathing hard for a while and then he pulled out slowly. “Robbie. C’mere.” He said and Daddy finally let go of my wrist. I hadn’t realized he had been holding it the whole time. I obeyed and came up to him, sitting behind my mom who was still bent over, her asshole red and puckered tightly.

“Put your hands right here.” He said while taking hold of my wrists and putting my hands together beneath our mom’s pussy. I created a seal, making my hands a cup and waited. Chris walked around to her front and slapped her face with his glistening cock. She took it in her mouth despite having just been entirely in her ass. “Mmm now let go mommy, let my load out.” And her asshole opened up. A thick white load creeped out like a pearl slug, it ran down her lips and fell into my hands. It was still very warm and really thick. I expected mommy to smell bad but still all I could smell was her soaked pussy. Chris leaned in and whispered in my ear, “When she goes to lick it smear it all over her face.”

I sat there embarrassed as mommy turned around on her knees, looking at the pile of spunk I had in my hands. She started to slowly graze it with the tip of her tongue. I felt like I couldn’t do it. I looked at Chris who was looking piss, making angry eye gestures at me to do it so I did. I smeared the fattest, thick gob against her cheek and spread it across her lips. Just at this moment Daddy nearly knocked me over hurrying to her side, clutching his cock. It shot even more cum all over her face and she gasped and moaned as she took each blast.

I sat there watching as mommy licked up each drop without even noticing that Chris had already slipped his clothes back on and was lacing his last sneaker. “Awwright.” He said. “I’mma go play football. Some of the guys might come over for the Sunday night game so if you’re gonna be doing stuff will ya do it in the room?” He asked.

“Take a 20 outta my purse.” Mom said, still suckling at the last drops as my dad rang them out of his cock. “If your friends are gonna come over you can take them to lunch at the burger shack first. Lil will let you use the phone to call us and let us know. If they’re not coming…” She sucked on the head, her lips smacking as she stopped. “…then bring us home some burgers.” Chris was already in her purse.

“Awesome. See you guys in a bit.” He said and took off out the door. We sat around dumbfounded for a few seconds before the door burst open again. He ran in, grabbed his football and took off again, slamming the door and we all laughed a bit.

“God lookit me!” My mom said, laughing as she spread the gooey strands that were now running clear and dripping. “I need a shower!” and with that she was off to the bathroom. It was just Daddy and I left in the living room.

“So what’d ya think of all that?” He asked, a slight bit of laughter in his voice.

“I don’t know…” I really didn’t. “For a bit I was worried about mommy. Kinda like the other day. I was worried it went too far or she might be hurt…” I trailed off

“I know Bud… I know… But if mommy didn’t WANT it she would’ve used her independent word.”

“I know. I thought she might. But she didn’t. Does she LIKE to be treated like that?” I asked.

“Well… what do YOU think Bud? She could’ve stopped it if she wanted to…”

“Yeah I guess you’re right. She seemed happy in the end too. I don’t know… I just don’t see how someone would WANT to be treated badly, ya know?”

“Yeahhh… maybe you’ll understand when you’re older… maybe ya wont. Different strokes for different folks as they say. Daddy stood up and stretched in the sunlight. He switched the TV to a football game and headed towards the window. He seemed shocked a bit and took a step back. Then he bent forward, peering through the window toward the next driveway. “Oh shit, lookit that. New neighbors are moving into the Sifford’s place.”

I ran up to Daddy’s side and bumped into him trying to look out the window. His buttcheeks were cold and quickly reminded me of how naked we were. My hand left his ass and he just smiled down at me. Then I got a look at our new neighbors for the first time. A big U-haul was parked in their lot, backed in with the ramp leading into their garage. A tall and skinny man walked out of the back of the truck carrying a box. He had round glasses and reminded me a lot of the guy from 101 Dalmations. He was gangly and clearly clumsy as his big foot caught the lip of the truck on the way out and both daddy and I startled, thinking he was gonna take a header off the truck. Big trees fall hard. But he caught himself and smiled at the woman coming out from the garage.

She was pretty tall too. Skinny, with LONG legs. She was wearing jeans that clung to her body and I thought about how hard they probably were to get on. She didn’t have much of a chest available for view, wearing a dingy, oversized sweater but her hair caught my attention. It was dark and pulled into a very extravagant braid. Bits were falling out here and there with her tired look but I’d never seen hair with that much effort put into it. It was extremely long and the braiding was almost Celtic. Mom always wore her hair up… or down… that was it. They met and he kissed her, reaching over the box.

“Damn, she’s sexy.” My dad said and I was caught off guard. I had NEVER heard him comment on a woman other than my own mom and to say something like THAT either. I giggled. “What!?” he laughed back. “I think she is, don’t you?” I really didn’t know how to respond. Our attention was grabbed briefly by a golden retriever that ran out from the garage and circled around them. It barked excitedly and jumped up onto the man. He scolded the dog and it sat obediently by as he laid another kiss on his wife.

“Michelle!? Come get Duke and put him in the back!” The lady yelled with authority. Shortly after a little girl who looked to be about my age stepped through the door in the garage. She looked my height, maybe a bit taller. Her chest was flat and tummy stuck out a bit giving her a look like she was leaning back. Her lips were big and full, abnormally so. I remember them standing out along with her dark eyes. Her hair was down to her waist and braided even tighter than her moms in the most extravagant fashion. Dark… and tight…She was carrying a doll wearing almost the same exact outfit she was wearing. She showed up briefly, took the dog that was much bigger than her by the collar and led it back inside.

“Or maybe SHE was more to your liking?” My dad asked, looking at me.

“What? Who? Wait… what!? I don’t know what you’re…” I stumbled.

“Yeahhhh, yeahhh.” He smiled proudly. The couple went inside and we stood there for a second, daddy’s cock looking half-hard and still dripping at the end. “So what do ya wanna do today?” He asked.

“Watch movies.” I blurted out without even thinking about it.

“Heh.. I thought you’d say that.” Daddy laughed. He headed back toward the bathroom and went in just as my mother had turned the shower off. He turned it back on and I was left alone in the living room, still just in my undies. I still felt weird not wearing more as the day grew later so I went to my bedroom and put some sweats and a shirt on and came back out. Mommy was wringing her hair out with a towel on the couch as I came in and sat down. I smiled noticing that the cabinet under the TV never got closed. The fake dicks and movies leaning against each other called out.

Just as I was about to ask mommy what kind of movies SHE likes to watch she interrupted my thoughts, “You should put some jeans and a nice shirt on later. We’re gonna go over and welcome the neighbors.” She said.

“What!? When!?” I was kinda pissed. I didn’t want our afternoon of movies to be interrupted and it was already looking like it was going to be cut short by Chris and his dumbass friends.

“Heyyyy!” Mommy said consolingly, “Don’t be like that. It’s bad manners. When you have new neighbors it’s polite to introduce yourself and bring them something for their new home to make them feel welcome. You’ve never had to move so YOU don’t know what it’s like but it’s very important to feel welcome, understand?”

“Yes Mommy.” Was my automatic response but I was still pissed. “But can we…?” I started.

“Of course honey. We can watch a movie when your Daddy comes out of the shower if he’s ready to.” She answered knowingly.

“Thanks Mommy!” I said jumping up onto her lap. My little thighs could barely spread enough to hug her stomach and her tits kept my small chest firmly between them as I started kissing her. We were kissing more deeply and passionately than ever before, sucking on each other’s lips and tongues. Both of us moaning. I wasn’t even aware of my own. Mommy would moan, her lips vibrating mine and I’d repeat a similar sound unknowingly. I blushed, embarrassed as my drool ran down my face but she pulled me back in right away and licked it up. I sucked it off her tongue. We both heard the shower stop and froze for a moment, looking into each other’s eyes. I wanted more time with her. This woman was amazing, the things she did for our fa mily. We went on kissing sloppily, knowing at any minute my dad would be back out. But we both savored in those small moments of just being each other’s….

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Full Scat Movies

Let’s be real: Full Scat Movies ain’t exactly for everybody. Hell, it’s such a deep niche fetish that most of the big free porn tubes out there won’t even allow the stuff on their platforms. You can watch a teenage girl getting jizzed on by a couple of dozen old perverts, but God forbid you want to see a girl poop on another girl’s face and smear it around with her titties. Honestly, shit ain’t my shit either, but your ol’ friend ThePornDude certainly ain’t here to kinky shame. Nah, you know I...

Scat Porn Sites
3 years ago
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THE Harem Tales 4 We Gotta Get Outta This PlaceChapter 11 Saturday Night At The Movies

As promised, Lolli and Helva were about to get their lessons in human sexuality. It would not be even close to exhaustive on the subject, but Michael and his family hoped to give the eagerly awaiting Tuull AIs enough information - and examples - to identify abusive behaviors. The family’s preteens and pre-adults had just as eagerly volunteered to demonstrate permitted (and some hoped prohibited) behaviors for those not yet fourteen. In preparation, Misty, accompanied by the Owen twins, shyly...

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Late Night Movies chapter 7

I woke the next morning full of curiosity. Only it was closer to mid afternoon when I finally did wake. After the bathroom I made my way toward the wonderful aromas coming from the kitchen. I knew before I rounded the corner that mom would be there making pancakes and bacon from the smells and sounds and I was right. I stood silently behind. Her hair was a mess and she was still wearing her pink nightie from the night before. Her ass was completely exposed and it looked like she wasn't...

3 years ago
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Afternoon at the movies

Well after i was at the movies today with some friends and i saw this hot girls in this lil sundress that only just covered her. I was remembering about some times i had been to the movies with a old bf from my swim team when we went to Sydney and the fun time i had.Well i was going out with brent (not his real name) and he was older then me and on the swim team he was the cool older boy that all us girls wanted to be with and he picked me. it was not long before we were having lots of fun...

2 years ago
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A night at the movies

A night at the moviesDisclaimer: I would always be the one that went and get supplies, but for the purpose of this story, I have sent you..! You'll know what I mean later :)I pull into the cinema car park and find your car parked in the corner park, so I drive right up beside you and park it in next to yours, you smile when you see me and hop out of your car. I get out and walk over to you and take your hand. I can't help but take half a step back and admire your choice of outfit for this...

3 years ago
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Naughty Night at the Movies

Late on Saturday night, the local movie theater plays old black and white B movies on a loop, for three dollars a person. You and I are sitting on the balcony all alone, way in the back where someone ‘forgot’ to change the bulbs in the safety lights. I had never seen the movie before so I often squeaked in fright, while I hid my face in my hands or turned into your shoulder for protection. You would just wrap your arm around me closer. After a little bit, you began pointing out how lame the...

2 years ago
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Transferring Movies To DVD

Transferring Movies To DVD I was enjoying my new VRC to DVD copying machine. I transferred my favorite movies, our home movies, and especially all the sex videos that I had taken of my wife over the years. A month later at a party Marilyn got me away from the crowd to talk. She said that my wife had told her that I was putting my movies of her onto DVDs. I smiled because my wife had told me that Marilyn had expressed quite an interest in it. When she asked me if I had to watch the...

2 years ago
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The Movies

Introduction: Enjoy! ,) I had started talking with my moms boss. Her name is Jessica Murphy. She was a blonde 28 year old. She wasnt married, she said because her interests were else where. I assumed she meant her work. I wasnt exactly friends with her but I defiantly could talk to her. She let me talk to her about everything and anything. One day we went to the movies for a casual night out. We paid for our tickets and went into our assigned theater. We took the seats in the back, her choice....

3 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 49 Rays Secret Nightstick

"Wow, these are just so, ouch, neat!" Christi snapped the shiny plastic clip onto her nipple. It changed colour quickly from dark blue to a bright green as it bit into the blue-eyed brunette's soft pink flesh. "Kathy, you've got to try these!" "What are they?" Kathy answered distractedly as she admired the big black strap-on in the full length mirror. "They're called Mood Clamps. They change colour depending on how turned on you are." She put her arms around Kathy waist and began...

4 years ago
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Late Night6

One day I was getting dressed for work and happened to see our neighbor’s son, Kenny standing on their patio, I could not see all of the patio just the corner nearest to our house and it appeared as though he was talking with someone in the pool area. He was a handsome young man, blond hair well filled out and stood approximately 6 feet tall and by the time of the year I assumed he was home from college for the summer. Over the years I had noticed that he was very popular with the young...

3 years ago
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Late Night Movies chapter 8

I was sulking in the back as the truck pulled into the golf course parking lot. I had been there many times before to use the driving range and practice on the greens but had never actually been allowed to accompany the three of them as they played. Usually they went on days that I was spending with a friend or something like that. But this day was different. They actually SAID I would get to golf with them! And then there was the looming curiosity over ‘the talk’. I had no idea why this...

1 year ago
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A Nightmare on Elm Street invades Hollywood Freddy Kruegers Sexual Nightmares of female celebrities

Freddy was real there was never no movie, He was restless he hated that he had thought that revenge would feel better once he did so, but it did little to ease his wicked mind, however the dream demons had told him that the Elm Street sign was going to be planted in Hollywood, and that he could invaded the dreams of any eighteen year old and older celebrity in Hollywood, however Freddy was not allowed to kill any female celebrity, and also that his premiere purpose was to sexual own Any female...

3 years ago
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Living in Devins WorldChapter 2 Devin Loves the Movies

Her brush with Mr. Kushing had a strange effect. While the moment felt surreal on reflection, some things since then were super-real. Everyday things felt new or different. When she looked in the mirror, she saw more than just the self she’d always known. She looked and imagined a sultry confident vixen giving her a knowing smile. There, looking back at her, was both the same girl as yesterday and the woman who brought Mr. Kushing to full mast with just a glimpse of her body. Saturday flew...

4 years ago
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Casual Encounters Movies

Series: Casual Encounter Author: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, movies, femdom, malesub, dom, sub, bdsm, anonymous, pwp Summary: Two people are in a theatre, watching a bad movie. Note: Casual Encounters is something I’m trying, rather than focusing on the players in the story, I wanted to take two random characters, and a place that two people could have sex, and make the sex the star of the story. I hope you enjoy, and if you’d like more stories like this, please let me know. ...

2 years ago
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the movies

Jay was at the mall the first time he saw Ann. He noticed her because she had a fresh look and huge tits. She also looked very young but adult. He walked up to her and began to talk and then asked if she did modeling. He asked if she would like to be in a movie? She smiled and said "Maybe." He offered to take her to his studio and show her some of his stars and a few movies. She agreed and they left together in his car. At his place he had many pictures of young girls nude but very beautiful...

2 years ago
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A Night With Knight

A night with Knight by Ronde To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Our chat last night I enjoyed our chat last night. Think the other guys did too, if their comments were any basis to judge by. Bet you got a lot of offers after I left the room, but hope I’m the only one who got your email address. Sorry that your husband doesn’t have much time for you anymore. You sound like a beautiful lady, and beautiful ladies should never be ignored. Wish I could do something to make you...

3 years ago
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Late night movie and my mom

Hi! I have seen several stories over here from mother’s perspective! How about a son’s perspective? So I am writing my experience. You can call me Ajith and I have no guilt in saying I am a motherfucker. In fact I enjoy being a mother fucker. In my opinion there is no other cunt in this world better than mother’s cunt for fulfilling our carnal desires. For me, my mom’s heavily fucked baby-making pussy is tastier than an eighteen year old girl pussy. Growing up as a son in India, I was always...

4 years ago
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Horror Movies

Horror Movies It was a dark and rainy night. Our parents were away for the week and we were supposed to be home alone. As you know…kids will be kids. I called up two of my friends and Donna called up some of her friends. Before we knew it we had a house full and they were all spending the night. There were the three of us guys and there were six girls, two for each of us. Donna was fourteen years old and her friends were all about that age too. I am sixteen years old and my friends are...

2 years ago
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My wife at the movies

My wife at the moviesAuthor: Chris Christopher All Right ReservedIt was a typical late summer Friday night date night for my wife and I. We were planning on dinner, a movie and drinks at the new Irish pub that had just opened. We were double dating with some good friends. We had known Jimmy and Shannon for a long time. We love playing games at their home and spending time in their hot tub. The girls had gone topless a couple of times in the hot tub and, on a dare, Jimmy and I had lost our...

3 years ago
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Suffering at the movies

SUFFERING AT THE MOVIES SUFFERING AT THE MOVIES It was a rainy September afternoon and there really was nothing to do.? So I went to the mall and hung out.? Ok, maybe everyone called me the class jerk but I felt there might be some others there from my high school class and we could find something to do like shooting pool or seeing if we could g et into a bar as I was only 2 months short of turning 18.? But nobody was there. So I thought what the hell I might as well go and see a movie...

1 year ago
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A Normal Night Out at the Movies

Once in a while I need to try to be a little ‘normal’ and do some things for entertainment that don’t involve sex or taking off my clothes. Simple enough, right? Not for me. I have been told that I am ‘always on’ and I think that is true. A certain touch, an accidental brush against my leg, a suggestive look… and I get all tingly down there and my mind wanders. I don’t lose control and demand satisfaction right then and there, but sometimes I feel like I want to. Not long ago we went to the...

4 years ago
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A Normal Night Out at the Movies

Once in a while I need to try to be a little "normal" and do some things for entertainment that don't involve sex or taking off my clothes. Simple enough, right? Not for me. I have been told that I am "always on" and I think that is true. A certain touch, an accidental brush against my leg, a suggestive look... and I get all tingly down there and my mind wanders. I don't lose control and demand satisfaction right then and there, but sometimes I feel like I want to. Not long ago we went to the...

3 years ago
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Latina Blow Job In Movies

This is my first story EVER, Be nice. ( TRUE STORY))!!!!My ex who is from the Dominican Republic. She is a tall one. She is 5/11 and THICK!! nice round Phat ass and perky pink tits. I should also mention that i took her virginity. We were in our 20's at the time. She never sucked a dick until mine in my living room.One day were wanted to out for dinner and a movie. We went to Fridays restaurant on 42nd st, and the went to catch a movie. I dont really remember what movie we went to see, ust have...

3 years ago
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At the Movies

Hi guys, this is my third story. I hope you guys like it. There is one that comes after it and maybe a third. I haven't quite figured it out yet. Let me know what you think, I'm open to any suggestion and comments. Enjoy and thanks. It was a Friday afternoon, about 1pm. Work was pretty slow so the boss let me go home early, I call you to see what you are doing. You work nights so weren't busy at all. We decided to meet up at home, I got in my car and drove, on the way all the possible things of...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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At The MoviesChapter 1 The First Hour

You and your husband had gone out to dinner at Luigies and decided to take in a movie as it was still early. The movies now playing didn't sound too good and you couldn't pick one that you both wanted to see. Seeing the movies listed that were playing at the X rated theatre, you laughed at each other saying that the one playing at the Red Cat looked interesting. A couple of your friends had gone a few times and said the theatre was actually quite good and most of the movies were worth...

2 years ago
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Part 4 Saturday movies

Part 4 Saturday movies. Saturday morning waking up after a good nights sleep, with a throbbing hard morning glory cock as the moment I opened my eyes I was looking forward to spending time with my naughty girlfriend at the mall. Off to the bathroom I went and straight away hopped into the shower. With warm water running over my body I started stroking my hard cock, thinking and imagining it being deep in Candice's wet pussy, fucking her rough and hard as she lay on her back and as I'm about to...

2 years ago
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Late Night Movies chapter 10

I peered around the brick wall and my eyes nearly exploded when I saw the three of them, naked as they day they were born. Mommy was now on her ass, her pale cheeks on the cold dirt and her hands and knees muddy from the crawl up there. Chris knelt beside her, one of his hands running along the inside of Mommy’s thighs while the other tugged slowly on his extremely hard dick. Daddy stood just above mommy, stroking his cock inches from her face. She panted, her eyes looking drowsy with lust....

3 years ago
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Tonights the Night1

If it turns out that my words suit your palette, then do leave a comment; letting me know if I should continue, this sordid little fantasy. _ _ _ He arrived to discover her front door just slightly ajar, exactly as how she had told him it would be on this particular night. His instincts told him ever still, to knock, call out, but he pushed the thought away, and ever so quietly through the door he went. Once inside, closing it behind him and securing the lock in place. Now it...

3 years ago
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Tonights the Night0

If it turns out that my words suit your palette, then do leave a comment; letting me know if I should continue, this sordid little fantasy. _ _ _ He arrived to discover her front door just slightly ajar, exactly as how she had told him it would be on this particular night. His instincts told him ever still, to knock, call out, but he pushed the thought away, and ever so quietly through the door he went. Once inside, closing it behind him and securing the lock in place. Now it...

3 years ago
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Late Night movie with my duaghter

Any man with a gorgeous sexy daughter, sister, aunt or even mother is lying if he says he has never had sexual thoughts or fantasies about them. Most dare not act out on those fantasies in fear of rejection or being caught in the act of incest. If there was no chance of prosecution or social embarrassment, I’m sure any man or woman would act out on their deepest darkest sexual desires, incest. My experience begins with describing my sexy young 18 year old teenage daughter. Erin has long...

3 years ago
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Late Night Movie With My Daughter

This story is fictional. Hi this is line love with another story. Please write your comments to This is a story about a father’s growing lust for his maturing seventeen year old daughter. I know what I write about that took place is against the morals of most people but I cannot help but share my most secret sexual experience with others who also struggle to contain these feelings. Any man with a gorgeous sexy daughter, sister, aunt or even mother is lying if he says he has never had sexual...

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The Swap ClubChapter 7 Movies And A Long Weekend

By the time the first fevered frenzy ended, so did the movie. Ted slipped another flick into the VCR, and everyone settled back to quietly fondle and watch. Now, let’s face it. These things are not going to win Oscars. They’re not ‘Gone With The Wind’. I mean, they’re not even up to ‘Plan Nine From Outer Space’. If these people could act, they be acting, right? Still, there’s gradations even among porn movies. The better ones have at least some level of plot, and a script consisting of more...

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