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Would Brayden really do this for her? She had her share of doubts. 'He'll hate me after this for sure,' she thought. 'He'll think I'm disgusting.'

Of course right now the 23-year-old looked anything but disgusting. Kylie's alluring beauty practically taunted her in the mirror. She wore only a deep magenta bra and matching panties. The deep purplish-pink set off her dusky skin tone perfectly. The push-up bra barely contained the swell of her breasts. She twisted side to side, gazing at herself. A smooth, firm belly and abs guided the eye down to lean hips and long, sexy legs. Her perfectly sculpted face had high cheekbones and chocolate-brown eyes filled with turmoil. This was the night. This was it. She'd told her boyfriend her awful, deep, dark secret fantasy, and he'd promised to fulfill it.

Kylie's cell buzzed. The girl grabbed it from the nightstand.

"Shauna, you know this isn't a good time."

"Hey, girl!" Her best friend wasn't someone to be deterred. "Just wanted to call and wish you good luck. I hope your handsome hunk leaves you exhausted." Shauna's delightful laugh drifted through the phone, making it nearly impossible to stay mad at her. Kylie smiled.

"Shut up. He's going to be here in 26 minutes. I don't have time to run my mouth, or listen to you running YOURS." But Shauna must have heard the affection in Kylie's voice overcoming her irritation, because the girlfriend just laughed again.

"All right, whatevs. Listen though, I'm your best friend forever, girl, which is shorthand for 'I've got your back no matter what, no matter who, no matter if the house is falling down on you.'" Kylie rolled her eyes. Why did her best friend have this stupid obsession with rhyming? Kylie groaned, smiled at the same time. Sometimes she didn't know whether to strangle her best friend or hug the life out of her.

"All I'm saying, Ky, is if things don't go as you planned it or if Brayden wigs out on you, I'll be there faster than the speed of light, aight? And you can bet I'll be bringing a gallon of your favorite ice cream, if it all goes to shit. OK?"

Kylie couldn't help from smiling yet again. "OK, OK. Now will you please let me go? I only have 24 minutes left."

"Oh, shush girl. You probably all set and ready. I bet you look gorgeous. Ah, fine, this is me saying goodbye. Love you babe."

"Love you too," Kylie sighed before her best friend hung up.

There were just two steps left to take. Kylie lit the candles placed all along the dresser, the desk, and the cherry wood nightstands. Then she switched off the lights and took out two pairs of handcuffs. She laid back on the bed face-up. Kylie cuffed one of her wrists to the headboard with the first pair of handcuffs. Then, although it was awkward, she managed to cuff her other wrist to the headboard using the second pair of handcuffs. Now she sighed, closed her eyes. Took a deep breath. Waited.

Minutes ticked by. She felt her body getting hot - and not from the candles all around the bedroom or the heat of a South Carolina summer night. Anticipation sparked into a slow, insistent burn. She was nervous too. She tried to reassure herself, but it was hard. Not because she didn't love Brayden. Not because she didn't trust him - or want to, at least. It was just…she had been disappointed too many times in the past.

'Is he going to be like all the others?' she wondered. 'Why couldn't I just be a vanilla girly-girl? Why do I have to be so weird?' It wasn't easy, being a talented pitcher in minor league baseball. The pay was mediocre but what she hated the most was the assumptions guys made about her. They fell into one of two categories. They either assumed, because she was this tough athlete, that it meant certain things in the bedroom. That she liked to be dominant and take charge. Or, they demanded the exact opposite; that she would be totally traditional, the girlfriend who wanted vanilla sex, pliantly and often.

The truth was complicated - because women were complicated. Kylie had a healthy libido, but it didn't run her life. And, most importantly of all, her tastes in the bedroom were…unusual. Downright rare. Because Kylie had the darkest fantasy of all. She liked to be dominated by her man, but it went far beyond that. She had this forbidden fantasy of being captured by a serial killer. Of him saying all of the awful things he would do to her as he tied her up helpless and had his way with her. Threats and dark promises turned her on during sex - even if those threats were obviously NOT things she would ever want a man to actually carry out. The human brain was filled with contradictions. 'I'm filled with contradictions,' Kylie thought ruefully. The question was, would Brayden be okay with it? Would he love her for who she was? Could he play the role she'd asked him to? Or would he realize that she was broken, that maybe she didn't deserve his love?

Those were the questions that nagged the beautiful girl as she heard a key rustle in the lock to her front door. Kylie listened as the door opened. She heard footsteps and suddenly her bedroom door swung wide. Brayden was there, the 6'4 football player with biceps as thick as tree trunks and a chest sculpted with washboard abs you could chop bricks on. His rugged face and eyes shone with primal hunger. Apparently he had stripped out of his tee already, revealing glorious muscles like all the eye candy Kylie could ever hope for.

"Well, well. If it isn't a poor, helpless, captured bitch," he said, his voice soft yet hard at the same time. He had a small duffel bag. He was in the role now - the role of the sexualized serial killer. He put the duffel to the side, unzipped it, drew something out which flashed in the candlelight. A long, wickedly sharp knife. He laid it near the foot of the bed. Kylie felt a thrill of fear - and lust - as her body suddenly sparked to life from her toes to her fingertips to the tips of her breasts, and everywhere else besides.

"Please…let me go," she begged. Her pussy twitched when she watched him unbuckle his belt, take off his pants, shoes, and socks, as his long, thick cock bobbed into view. It had to be a good 10 inches long when erect. And right now? Now it stood out like a slab of silken steel, hard for her. Yearning to be buried deep inside her heat.

"Let you go? Why would I do that?" Brayden purred. He picked up the knife. He pressed the flat of the blade to the bare skin of her thigh and slid the edge underneath the side of her panties before slicing through the wispy fabric. She gasped. He ignored her, just folding the ruined panties out of the way, revealing her lush, exposed sex.

"Mmm. And what's this? This pussy is screaming to be fucked and tortured, isn't it little girl?" He lightly petted Kylie's shaved snatch. The girl was suddenly panting a mile a minute. She felt fresh heat coil through her loins. She felt the first promise of her fluids start to trickle between her thighs.

"Please…don't do this," Kylie sighed. The fantasy deepened. Her libido soared. She watched, biting her lip as Brayden leaned over her. His hand left her pussy and she nearly cried out. Her clit already missed the tantalizing touch of his fingertips. As if her body was no longer her own, she felt a tiny voice inside her crying out, 'No. Don’t stop.' The dusky-skinned girl gazed at the point of the knife as it slowly came down toward her breasts. Brayden cut away the straps of the bra. He revealed her supple cones in all their glory as he folded the cups away on either side. His gray eyes flared with want and a hard edge of something that scared Kylie in all the right ways.

"Wh-what are you going to do?" she said.

"Hmm. What should I do with you, little slut? Do you know how many women I've captured and killed? How many girls I've fucked senseless? Hmm?" Even though Brayden's words were part of the act, he played his part so convincingly that Kylie's heart hammered in her chest. She looked down and saw her nipples pebbled up into hard little pink buds. Her pussy throbbed as Brayden's hand went back to her quim, gently stroking. Rubbing. Playing lightly with her clit.

"Shall we start with pleasure…or pain?" Saying this, the boyfriend leaned over his helpless girlfriend and bit the nipples on each of her supple cones. Kylie groaned. She arched her back, which only thrust her exposed tits into Brayden's mouth as he sucked on each of them in turn. He drew back reluctantly. He then pulled a cock-shaped rubber ball gag from the duffel bag. Brayden leaned over her, inserting it into her mouth, fastening it to her jaw and clicking the strap into place as she groaned.

"That should shut you up and keep you from asking anymore stupid questions," he said. Then he kissed the side of her face with surprising tenderness. His hand stroked her other cheek as his kisses traveled lower, traversing her body like a controlled whirlwind. Everywhere his lips touched, Kylie felt her skin ignite. When he kissed the upper part of her shaved pubic muff, she moaned through her gag and felt her cunt clench up with desperation.


"What's that, bitch? You'll have to speak more clearly." He nipped at her clitoris as his hands lazily circled her opening, gliding across her moistening labia. Kylie closed her eyes and just focused on his touches. She breathed heavily through her nose as his tongue flicked across her clit for the first time.

"Mmmm. You're enjoying this way too much, you nasty cunt. Maybe I should slice off your clit? That would be a good punishment. That's what I do to all my captured sluts, sooner or later…" Brayden let the awful statement hang like a knife over her head. This fantasy was so dark, it would be easy to forget that Brayden loved Kylie so much and that she loved him. The things Brayden was willing to do, the role he was willing to play - it made Kylie marvel that she'd finally found another soul willing to at least indulge her twisted, secret wants. Could Brayden be the one for her? That was the thought tumbling about in her mind, nearly drowned out in the haze of need that filled her veins as her pussy began to cream up quietly on Brayden's tongue.

He had his face buried between her thighs now. He was licking, lapping at her sex like her opening offered the finest feast. He groaned appreciatively as her fluids began to flow onto his tongue. Brayden's hands reached up, cupping Kylie's breasts. Her hands clenched. Her chest rose and fell faster and faster as her boyfriend's tongue dove deeply into her soft folds.

"AAAAHHH!!!" she moaned through her gag. The cock-shaped gag filled not just her mouth, but also the back of her throat. She yearned to moan his name, but she couldn't. She was so helpless. She was naked, completely bare to his every whim. This awful serial killer had her at his complete mercy and she could do nothing to save herself. She could only widen her thighs and offer her exposed pussy more readily to his attentive mouth. She could only moan as her nipples hardened like pink diamonds, as she felt herself building toward the most forbidden climax.

What happened moments later nearly undid Kylie. Between sucks and slurping on Kylie's pussy, Brayden growled at her, "I want you to close your eyes."

She did, her veins thrumming with lust as he nibbled on her clit and began to thrust two fingers into her wetness. He was pumping them hard into her soft sex, ramming them harder and harder, upping the tempo, battering her joy nub with his tongue until she was arching her back off the bed and moaning a constant 'Ooooohh!' through her gag. And then he did the unexpected. Suddenly he took it all away. He withdrew and left Kylie poised on the precipice of orgasm. A wave of disappointment threatened to crest over her and crush her like a tsunami. Her eyes still squeezed shut, Kylie almost gasped as her body protested in a million places.

Yet before she could, there was a loud smack. The end of the riding crop Brayden had grabbed suddenly slammed into Kylie's exposed pussy. The unexpected slap release her pent-up libido like a violent flood. She came so hard. Her snatch convulsed as her legs writhed. Her breasts wiggled side to side as she moaned loudly through her gag, twisting in her handcuffs. The delirious joy of coming threw Kylie into an oblivion from which she never wanted to return. When it was all over - it could have been seconds, minutes, hours for all Kylie knew or cared - the beautiful girl just felt happily sated warmth between her legs. Brayden's head abruptly loomed in front of her face. His index finger traced a line down her chin, where she'd begun to drool thanks to the ball-gag affixed in her mouth.

"Did you like that, you nasty little bitch? You enjoyed yourself at my expense, didn't you? And you know what? That deserves a punishment." Brayden unfastened the ball gag and let the rubber-shaped cock dangle onto her neck. He straddled her chest until his elongated shaft nestled in the valley of her breasts. He then reached back, slapping the end of the riding crop against her defenseless young pussy.

"OW!" she cried out.

"Say something, bitch. Did you enjoy herself? Hmm? Did you CUM?"

"Y-yes," she whispered.

He brought the riding crop to her mouth. It glistened with her juices in the candlelight. "Lick your nasty fluids off of my crop, you dirty cunt." Kylie obeyed, her tongue sliding along the end of the crop until it glistened with just her saliva. Then she looked up at him fearfully as he took up the knife in his other hand and pressed the flat of his blade against one of her breasts. The cold steel felt like ice against her horribly sensitive nipple. "Should I cut off your nipples for enjoying that a little too much? I think I should." Kylie yelped as Brayden pressed the point of the knife into her nipple, just enough to nick the skin, not even to draw blood.

Fear seized up her chest, catapulting the girl's arousal to new heights. 'Oh fuck. I'm so broken. This is turning me on. What's wrong with me?' Kylie thought. She was trembling as Brayden leaned over, capturing her mouth with a long, impassioned kiss. When he finally drew back so that they could both come up for air, he stared at her so intently.

"I think you're ready to take a hard cock right up your slut pussy. Beg for my cock, little girl. Beg for it or I'll cut your nipples off right NOW." Brayden slapped the end of the riding crop against Kylie's sex. She groaned as the constant cadence of his crop swatting her helpless pussy echoed in the bedroom.

"Tell me how much you want my cock, bitch. Tell me," he shouted.

"Please stop! I want your cock. Please fuck me, Sir!"

"Call me 'Master' you ungrateful bitch."

"Yes Master," Kylie chirped. "Please fuck my pussy with your big, hard cock."

He kept smacking her sensitive, shaved pussy with the riding crop. "Not convincing enough, slut. You can do better."

Kylie whimpered. "OK. Ahhh! Please fuck my pussy, stretch my pussy. Fuck me hard until I scream and then fuck me harder, Master. Rape my love-hole with your cruel cock and make me squeal. Please, I beg you. FUCK ME," Kylie crooned. Finally, satisfied with the girl's submission, Brayden let the crop slip from his fingers. He put the knife aside too. He leaned down over his gorgeous girlfriend and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Mmmm. Are you ready, bitch? I'm going to give you the best fuck of your young life. Maybe when I'm torturing you, twisting your nipples off and shoving a steel rod up your ass, maybe you'll be able to pine for better times when only my hard, pumping shaft was raping your tight pussy. So enjoy what's about to happen to you, little girl. Enjoy my cock while you can."

The 'serial killer's' awful promises, like bitter dark chocolate, swirled in Kylie's mind as she watched him line up his cockhead between her cunt lips. He slowly nudged the head into her soft warmth. She stiffened in anticipation, her quim wet with arousal. Then he suddenly slammed his hips forward, leaving her breathless as she felt all 10 inches of his manhood ramming towards her cervix.

"Ahhh! Oh god!" Kylie cried out as Brayden's hands clamped onto her shoulders. He held her in place as his shaft slammed into her young pussy with hard, brutal fucks. The bed creaked and shook as his cock pierced her snatch until only his jostling testicles were visible. He stroked her tight channel as if his cock was a battering ram. His violent thrusts were joined by the loud smacks each time their bodies slammed together as one.

"Uhh! Uhh! UHH!! This tight pussy's getting raped, bitch. I'm going to fuck you raw," Brayden growled. Kylie bit her lip before moaning.

"Yes, Sir. Please fuck me. Fuck my pussy raw." The arousal in her loins was now a wildfire that couldn't be extinguished. She felt rivers of lust flowing through her veins. The naked girl couldn't help herself. Her pussy squeezed lovingly around Brayden's cock as she met his thrusts with the movement of her hips. She pushed her pussy forward to eagerly meet his pulverizing fucks. Soon her grunts and moans, his grunts and the loud smacks of their bodies joining as he fucked her without mercy, these sounds combined and echoed throughout the entire house. Kylie's brown eyes looked up at Brayden's hungry stare as he made love to her. Fucked her. The hard glint in his eyes told her how seriously he was taking his role as the twisted 'serial killer,' but there was this underlying softness he couldn't hide. There was a love behind his hard gaze which she could see, plain as a full moon.

"Master, please fuck me. Fill me with your cum."

"Uh! Uhh!" Brayden groaned. "You think you deserve my cum, worthless slut? Beg for it. Let me hear your desperation, bitch." Brayden leaned down, kissing the side of Kylie's face as his hands caressed her hair, as his cock lanced through her young sex with full, jarring strokes.

"Please come inside me. Empty your seed in my pussy, Master. I want to feel your sticky, warm cum filling me up. PLEASE. Fuck me and come inside me. Make me yours," Kylie murmured.

"Sing for me, bitch. I want you to moan like a bitch in heat. Moan for all you're worth or I'll do to you next what I eventually do to all my captured girls. I'll cut your throat." The boyfriend said those awful words as he drew his penis out of her warmth, only to bring his cock slamming into her sex like a spear. Kylie's moan rose an octave, her nipples pebbling up as lust surged through her loins. Her feminine need to be dominated rose to a pinnacle as her pussy writhed around his dick. She was coming…even harder than before, if that was even impossible.

"Oh fuck! Ahhhh!!!! Master, I'm gushing on your dick," she moaned, her mouth wide open as she cried out and screamed "YES! AHHH!!!" Brayden looked down at his cock vanishing inside her wetness, gripped by her cunt muscles in a loving, delirious embrace, and he ground out a guttural cry as he threw his hips forward and felt his cock explode.

"AHHH! Coming inside you, bitch. Filling you up, you nasty whore!" Brayden shouted.

"Yes! Uhhh!" Kylie squealed as she felt his cock twitch inside her slick depths. Her wrists chafed against the handcuffs to the point of pain, but she didn't care. There would be red marks along her slender wrists later on, but she didn't care. Kylie felt her young body floating on pleasure, lust, love, tenderness, too many emotions and sensations to decipher reality as her boyfriend pumped what seemed a gallon of cum between her legs. At last, panting almost as heavily as she was, Brayden pulled out his softening prick and looked down. They both looked down.

From Kylie's ruined snatch, from between her swollen cunt lips, a huge dollop of cum oozed out onto the bedsheets. It was followed by several large swaths of cum trickling out until they slipped into her anus, making her even stickier than before. Kylie laid back, her heart-rate galloping as her breasts rose and fell in a frantic rhythm.

Suddenly Brayden's rugged face, the gray eyes flecked with bits of blue, blocked out Kylie's view. He brought the knife to her neck. She felt the cold flat of the blade against her bare skin even as his other hand cupped her pussy.

"Now that I've fucked you and emptied my seed inside you, I bet you're worried you might get pregnant. Well don't worry, bitch. I don't think you'll live that long." He slid the knife across her throat as Kylie gasped. What the beautiful girl didn't realize was that her boyfriend had replaced the real knife with a fake knife moments ago. Even as the blade slid across her throat, the blade retracted, and she realized that this knife was made not out of steel, but a hard plastic resin. Still, it had the desired effect. The poor girl nearly had a heart attack. Twisted as it was, the jolt of fear combined with Brayden's hand cupping her sex sent her over the edge. She gushed on Brayden's hand in a final orgasm as her eyes rolled up in her head.

"Ooohhh…" she groaned, fighting for air, telling her heart to stop slamming through her ribcage. "Oh god…that was insane."

The serial killer was gone. Now there was only Brayden. Her boyfriend. He was already unlocking her handcuffs, freeing her wrists. She curled up against him, her nakedness nestled against his muscular warmth as he wrapped his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head.

"Are you all right, baby?" He tipped her head upward, forcing her to look at him.

Kylie's smile lit up the room like the biggest candle of all. "Are you kidding, Bray? That was amazing. You…" She couldn't find the words. She had to settle for simplicity and just hope he could hear the wonder in her voice. "Thank you."

Brayden smiled down at her, swooping down to kiss her softly, then more and more hungrily as their tongues wrestled, their lips pressed together. He broke off the kiss, cupping her face as he stared with such intensity it made her heart stop.

"I would do it all again, Kylie, for you. I love you."

Kylie felt her heart lurch. "Even if…I'm messed up?" she said, hating the way her voice cracked.

But Brayden just gave her the most solemn nod. "Even then, baby. I love YOU. Not the perfect, idealized woman out there. She doesn't exist. I love YOU. Always will, baby. Always will. And do you know why else?"

Kylie shook her head sideways, biting her lip as he reached down to gently stroke her sex.

"Because you're not 'messed up.' Or, to put it more bluntly, we're all 'messed up,' just in different ways. If this is the worst secret you'll ever have, Kylie, then I'll consider myself a lucky man. Besides," and now he winked at her as she tried to ignore the distracting sensations of his fingers slipping inside her cum-soaked cunt, "maybe you're not the only one with dark secret fantasies, hmm?"

The thought sent a thrill of anticipation that melted Kylie's heart and sent her mind spinning. She reached down, grasping the base of his cock as it sprang to renewed life between her fingers.

"Oh yeah?" she said seductively. "Well, then, Mister, you better start talking." She shimmied down the bed with a wicked smile until her mouth smothered his cock. Her hands fondled his testicles as she began to pump her mouth up and down his manhood, moaning as she planned to give him a very real 'Thank You' for what he'd just done for her. All Kylie could think as her boyfriend lovingly caressed her hair, holding her dark tresses away from her face as she sucked his cock, was this:

'He thinks he's a lucky man, but I'm the lucky one. I've found someone who loves me, who accepts me.' The realization swirled in the girl's head like a priceless song Kylie would never forget.


A 23-year-old woman strode into the Tiger's Eye café. She was striking, tall, her athletic body setting her apart from the average girl. Her beautiful face looked noble with its high cheekbones and finely chiseled nose. Underlying all if it Kylie's smooth, dark skin and self-assured bearing almost gave her the aura of an African princess. And right now, strangely enough, she felt like one.

"Hey, girl. Oh. My. Gawd." Shauna gasped as Kylie slid into the booth opposite her. Kylie's younger friend made big eyes at her. Kylie was wearing an ultra low-cut party dress of bright pink. The dress revealed the girl's slim shoulders plus a generous amount of cleavage. 'Cleavage' didn't even begin to cover it. Shauna marveled at the V-shaped dip down the front of Kylie's dress, which basically showed off the curves of Kylie's breasts except for her nipples, not to mention the girl's smooth chest above her belly button. They were getting more than a few looks - mostly from men, but a few women too.

"You know you like it," Kylie said with a playful wink. "Bray's taking me out for dinner and dancing later."

"Like it?" Shauna said. "Who kidnapped my best friend and replaced her with a fashionable doppelganger? Because WHOEVER it was, I definitely need to thank them." Shauna's musical laugh made Kylie blush as she stole a sip of her friend's mocha.

The two best friends could practically finish one another's sentences, but right now a comfortable silence intervened. Kylie just stared happily into her best friend's eyes and finally Shauna couldn't take it anymore. The girl squealed and rubbed her hands together.

"Spill. I want EVERYTHING. Every last detail, no matter how insignificant, girl. You owe me."

Kylie nearly snorted out the second sip of coffee she'd been stealing - and pursed her lips. "Owe you? For what?"

"For encouraging you to be real with Brayden. Telling him about your forbidden desires." Shauna's voice dipped low and dramatically as she said those last two words. Then she added, with a bright smile as her voice rose back to its usual chirpiness, "And for being the moral support you needed." The girl folded her arms on the tabletop and looked at Kylie expectantly, like a judge waiting for a lawyer to explain why they'd just arrived late to court. "Ky, no more stalling. You look like someone just fucked your brains out, girl. Spill!"

Kylie did just that. She told her friend about her night with Brayden, about the barriers they'd crossed. About how he'd played the role of harsh 'serial killer' to turn her on, to make her helpless, and to make her come like she'd never come before. What might have seemed like the ultimate night of sexual debauchery was actually something much simpler, more beautiful; just the act of making love. Despite the darkness of it, the grit and forbidden element to Kylie's fantasy of being kidnapped and raped by a serial killer, she knew Brayden cared for her. There was a vast, vast difference between fulfilling a fantasy for the sake of loving another person and embracing a reality that Kylie wouldn't want visited on any woman. This was her fantasy, her individual need - nothing more, nothing less.

"Wow. Just…wow," Shauna sighed after Kylie had told her all the tempting details. She'd even told Shauna about the fake retractable knife which Brayden had used to 'slit' her throat before making her orgasm one more time.

Shauna placed her hand on Kylie's. "You really went all the way with it, huh? I mean, and Brayden…he stepped up like a champ. I mean…holy shit, he's such a stud." Suddenly Shauna got quiet. "You really love him, don’t you?"

Kylie shrugged, trying not to let her best friend see her blush again. "I'm in the process of falling in love with him. It's not the same thing."

"Uh-huh. Sure it isn't."

Shauna narrowed her gaze. "You two have been dating how long? Nine months?"

The athletic girl nodded, bit her lip. "Something like that."

"You're in a good place. You've finally found someone who gets you, who'll love you for YOU, babe. I'm so fucking jealous," Shauna sighed. Her voice contained a yearning that somehow pulled at Kylie's heartstrings. It had been almost half a year since Shauna had gotten dumped. Her 22-year-old friend hadn't found a guy to intrigue her in a long time. Sure, she'd made the occasional hook-up with a cute guy from a bar or a club, but that wasn’t the same. It 'scratched the itch,' you might say, but sometimes itch-scratching was highly overrated. Just then a crazy idea popped into Kylie's head. She was basing it on the tone in her best friend's voice, but before she full-out verbalized it she had to be sure.

"Do you ever think…" Kylie stole Shauna's coffee cup and stared into the liquid because she didn't trust herself to look up.

"Do I ever think what?"

"My rape fantasy. Does it…ever seem like something that would, you know…turn you on? I mean, I know I can tell you anything and you'll always support me and won't judge me. But I'm just curious…"

A thoughtful look crept over Shauna's face as Kylie risked a glance up at her friend. "What if it does?" She shrugged. "Maybe that's part of why I'm jealous."

Kylie took a deep breath and thought 'Here goes nothing'. "The reason I ask, Shauna, is because…I thought just now, what if we did one together."

Shauna's forehead scrunched up in total confusion. "Did one what?"

Kylie swallowed, tried again. "If we experienced the same fantasy. I could ask Brayden if he'd be willing to do it for both of us."

"Are you offering to let me have sex with your boyfriend?" Shauna all but blurted out, a little louder than she'd intended. A look from a businesswoman at the nearest table had both girls blushing.

"Want to keep it down?" Kylie hissed.

"Sorry." Shauna tried to recover. "The idea makes me a little hot. Okay, more than a little," she admitted. "But I don't want to make things weird between you and Brayden."

Now it was Kylie's turn to put a comforting hand on top of Shauna's. "It won't. I'll feel him out about the idea tonight. Bray's always honest with me. If it bothers him, he'll say so. If not…" Kylie's eyes glinted with mischief, "…then let me do this for you, honey. Let me help show you a night you'll never forget."

END OF PART ONE. Upcoming: PART TWO with the complete ending.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed the story. Please leave a comment if you'd like. This story has been one of my favorites to write b/c it's based on some personal experiences.

Disclaimer: all characters in the story are 18 or older, and all events depicted are fictitious. Remember, this is a fantasy. Always follow your dreams, the darker and kinkier the better :)



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Aajker Sondhe Shudhu Dipika R Songe

Ami Raja Kolkata e thaki, unmarried, Kolkatar e ekta MNC te kaaj kori, amar boyos 30 height 5’8” ektu golgaal average chehara. Je ghotona ta apnader kaache uposhapon korte cholechi seta bochor khanek aager ghota… Amar ei jibone khub kom meye e eseche karon ami se bhabe kauke dekhtam naa…Kintu sedin, office theke, berobar somoy assistant Mili jiggasa korlo “Ki Rajada kothay jacchen???” Ami or answer ta na diei bollam tomer ki lift lagbe sune bollo “bhaloi to hoy” Ami oke namate raji hoy gelam...

2 years ago
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Helping out a friend 3 another business trip 2 Sing a song

I slept like the dead, and woke up to the room phone ringing. "Sir, Mr Lim's driver is waiting for you." said the voice on the other end. "That's impossible, our meeting isn't until tomorrow," I replied. As it turned out, we crossed the international date line, so we did actually have a meeting that day. My bad. Worse, was that I was also supposed to have dinner with Mr Lim, and one of his Jr VPs, that evening, even though I'd made a date with our sexy flight attendants....

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 73 Sing Sing A Song

March 30, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “What are we doing with a full day off?” Clarissa asked when I returned from my run on Friday morning. “I had no plans except to relax until our concert tonight. Most everyone has at least one exam today, so it can just be us, if you want.” “Get your shower and come back to bed.” I quickly showered, dried off, and climbed into bed with Clarissa. She snuggled close and I put my arm around her as she got into our usual cuddling position, with her left arm and...

2 years ago
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Sing Me a Song

Karaoke. No matter how stressful things got at work or at home, she always had karaoke. It was the one time a week she could go and pour out everything she was feeling. Some nights she sang upbeat, fun songs like Hey Mickey or Life is a Highway. Some nights she felt soulful and belted out Bonnie Tyler and Meat Loaf. Billy Joel, Elton John, Journey, and Bon Jovi were frequently included in her lineup. She was even known to get downright silly and sing Weird Al songs all night. She wasn’t a great...

2 years ago
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Redemption Song

Redemption Song, by Armond Author's note: Gale's song at the end of the story is modified from a poem by the mystic poet Mirabai, translation Robert Bly. *** 1. Late Fall "So honored one, do you wish this creature? The Arch Priestess thought you and your brother might need another beast of burden, perhaps?" The ruddy-skinned guard shifted in the seat of her wagon to turn away from the cold north wind, her heavy gray cloak flapping about her. Meg squinted at the figure...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 60 Last Song

Labatt’s Limo to Glencoe High School 5:35pm, Friday, April 6, 1979 “What do you mean ... this can’t be the one and only time you’re gonna play with us?” Lynette exclaimed after Jennifer told all seven of us that this would be the last time she thought she’d be able to play with our band. “I, I just think that with my new gymnastics schedule and more importantly, listening to how E and Brick have sounded with you ... that I’m just...” “You’re still gonna do the odd ‘guest sax’ song or two...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 16 Sing Me a Love Song

July 28, 1983, McKinley, Ohio On Thursday evening I was sitting in my room, practicing my guitar after having spoken with Tasha and confirmed our date for Sunday. Just after 9:00pm, there was a knock at the door. “It’s unlocked! Come in!” The door opened and Milena walked in, closing the door behind her. “Hey!” I replied. “What’s up?” “Got some time for me?” “Always. What can I do for you?” “Sing me a love song and then make love to me?” “Your wish is my command!” I grinned. “Come sit...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionAfterward lsquoWelcome to the lsquo Concert Playlists and Book 6 Chapter Song

With the NIS program finally over, here are the playlists from the Welcome to the... concert that Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the Shania Twain Band played at the John Labatt Center in London. I regularly used ‘unique’ web-links to songs to get a feel for how other bands have played these songs. For example, I used Nickelback’s cover of ZZTop’s Sharp Dressed Man as a guide for what Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the lighting crew did during this song. In the Chapter Songs’ list, I did...

2 years ago
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Act III Sarahs song

Summer was now over and school was in full session. I had reconnected with Sarah and now she was the only thing on my mind. She was so beautiful with her black hair, bright green eyes, and the glasses she would occasionally wear, slipping the contacts on when she felt self-conscious. She wore converse no matter the time or season and I loved it.We were so alike in so many ways. We liked many of the same shows and read many of the same books. Our trauma was different, but we had a mutual...

3 years ago
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The Survivor ch 2 Myras Song

Part 1: The Hunt Myra crept through the thick brush one careful step at a time. Rain had recently fallen and the slope she was descending was as slippery as it was steep. She was all too aware that one wrong step would send her sliding down to the bottom of the gully and give her presence away. Reaching a tree about halfway down the slope, she leaned against it and held her breath, listening to the sounds of the forest. The birds had gone silent and it seemed even the sounds of the insects...

1 year ago
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The Survivor ch 2 Myras Song

Part 1: The Hunt  Myra crept through the thick brush one careful step at a time. Rain had recently fallen and the slope she was descending was as slippery as it was steep. She was all too aware that one wrong step would send her sliding down to the bottom of the gully and give her presence away. Reaching a tree about halfway down the slope, she leaned against it and held her breath, listening to the sounds of the forest. The birds had gone silent and it seemed even the sounds of the insects had...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Sing a Healing Song

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 1 It all started with a trip to Ireland. Well, not "all". You could say some of it started the day I was born, and named Matthew D'Arcy, the only son of Mark D'Arcy, a football player, and his wife Annette. And maybe some of it started later that same day when Annette died from complications of giving birth to me. I was always a sickly kid, and my dad eventually gave up football so he could look after me better, and I have never doubted his love...

1 year ago
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Drum Song

It was the summer of 1683 when Jean Riel arrived in Lachine. His long journey from Limrik, Ireland to New France had finally concluded.The son of a French soldier and an innocent Irish maid he had stayed in Ireland after his father returned to France. He lived with his mother in Limrik until the age of sixteen when he travelled to find his father, with no success, and enlisted in the French Army. He was home visiting his mother on annual leave when word came that he was being re-assigned to the...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 46 Trust in Me The Pythons Song

Labatt’s Guest House, London, Ontario 8:14am, Friday, January 4, 1980 “Ha! I can’t believe that me and Lynette beat you at mini-golf last night, Cuda,” Shannon laughed as we huddled around the kitchen island in the guest house at the Labatt’s property. We had about twenty-five friends, who went to Red Lobster for dinner and then over to Fleetway-40 to bowl and play a round of indoor mini-golf. “Well, it was kinda hard to hit good putts when you were either jigglin’ your boobs in my line of...

4 years ago
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Terrys Song

Terry's Song Terry Nelson was walking with Jenn, his best friend, home from school. He was excited about having his sister home again from her yearly road tour. He loved his only sister Lisa who was 5 years older than Terry. His mom Amy had raised the two of them by herself while working full time as a nurse. Growing up in a nurturing environment with two strong women had given Terry a deep admiration for the struggles that women face. Lisa had excelled in high school and after...

2 years ago
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Ashleys Song

Something compelled me to write my third story, there is absolutely no sex involved, only implied... but I feel it can stand alone on it's own without it. It is a story about the deep bonds of love between a couple and a little girl, and how far he would go to protect the child from the tragic loss of her mother. Ashley's Song By Anon Allsop The ancient woman sat quietly in her rocking chair and looked back at me, her watery eyes unwavering. I looked from her to the little...

1 year ago
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I Dream of Demie 27 Song

--- I Dream of Demie 27 - Song (MFF, cons, lac, rom) by Krosis of the Collective --- "Tom!" I started awake. I was lying diagonally across my bed where I had collapsed after having sex with my ex-girlfriend Laura, randomly somehow my next-door neighbor. I still felt incredibly tired. Kate was there, holding the baby. "It's your turn. I have to get some sleep." She handed me Amy and then took a second look at me. "You feeling okay?" "Just really tired," I replied. She continued...

1 year ago
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Oceans Song

Elaina stood on the cliff, gazing out at the ocean that roared constantly, singing a song to her. She had never belonged anywhere before; she usually wandered the world, doing as she pleased. However, she always found herself returning to this place. There were voices in the water, onces that told her of love and belonging. She craved the completeness of it, and often thought of jumping into the crashing waves, defying death. She never did thought. Always she left, and always she returned....

Erotic Fiction
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I Wanna Learn a Love Song

Harry Chapin was a folk-rock troubadour of the baby boom generation. He was particularly known for his "story-songs"; his signature hit "Taxi" (1972) was the story of a disillusioned cabbie meeting an old lover, and "Cat's In the Cradle" (1974) the cautionary tale of an absentee father. Chapin toured restlessly and recorded the albums Heads and Tales (1972), Short Stories (1973), Verities and Balderdash (1974) and Danceband on the Titanic (1977) among several others. He died at age 38...

3 years ago
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Country Song

You know how it is. You keep doing the day-by-day because that's what you do, that's what's familiar. It's what you're good at. It's your little life, but by god it's all yours. You're just going on, living your life. It's not much, but it's your life. Everyday ... it might not be much, but at least it's your own goddamn life. You own it. Or, so you think... Imagine the day you wake up as usual, and then suddenly your life has turned into a Country song. One with many sad, sordid...

2 years ago
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Alejandros Song

The rusty red hoodoos looked like people gathered on the mountainsides. Some were tall and thin, others were shorter, broader. They had heads and shoulders. Some of them had arms, or they looked like they were wrapped in ochre serapes. Michelle had never seen anything like them before. Alejandro briefly shifted his eyes from the highway to her face. He smiled. In a smooth, lilting voice, he said, ‘When I was a kid, I used to pretend they were Apache Indians, watching me. On a windy day, you...

3 years ago
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And old Asian song

I heard a strange song that was being played softly taking over the place, while I looked at the bottom of my empty glass and how the liquid was running, letting me see behind flashes of bottles hit by neon lights and dirt, of that distant bar which, as every suburban bar, was almost empty in the middle of a Wednesday night. Only some drunks or aimless people went through the town this pitifully late at night, which only came alive with the arrival of a train, or a long-distance bus that dusted...

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Siren Song

The couple took a seat in the swingers club, their first time together at the sex-fueled night spot, but the Siren had been on the prowl there before looking for fresh meat. They had a few drinks, took in the scenery. Behind the Siren, in full view of her man, another seductress spread her legs wide, no panties underneath her red dress, exposing a shaved pussy begging for attention.  The Siren decided to put on her toy, a vibrating insert in her panties, with the controller in the hands of her...

2 years ago
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Septembers Song

September's Song By Naughty Venus I spent the early afternoon watching porn while I played with my hairy pussy until I fell asleep. I was awakened by the sound of thunder as I was lying on the sofa during my late-afternoon nap. I could tell the storm was getting closer because the floors shook beneath my feet with each roll of the thunder. I was exhilarated by the electricity in the air as the lightning flashed. I wanted to see the lightning and to hear the thunder more clearly, so I ran to...

Love Stories
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The Sirens Song

May 8, 2018 The task was not simple, and the outcome uncertain. For four days and nights, the men of the Helen’s Grace had been sailing through stormy seas south out of Ithaca before turning towards the east and heading directly into the wind, forced to row in brutal shifts as the waves crashed rapid and choppy against their bow. The men were stoic, as was expected by their captain and those who had celebrated their quest in the week-long festival held in their honor before their departure....

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Kylie Danni Minoque

Standing in her luxurious London apartment, Dannii Minogue picked up the phone again, ringing shrilly on its little glass table near one of her floor-to-ceiling windows. She'd called just earlier to try and find out whether her manager knew where her newest single had charted. It'd been selling impressively all week, and now the moment of truth was upon her. Glancing to her older sister Kylie, who sat on her plush sofa watching, she pressed the handset to her ear. Kylie smiled and gave a "good...

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kylie minogue

kylie by nojKylie relaxed as she let her boyfriend push her down onto her knees in front of him. Wearing thigh high black leather boots, a tiny black leather miniskirt, a tight boob-tube and a spiked collar, she was ready for her boyfriend to have at her. It was a nasty fantasy of hers, to have a guy use her like his own little whore and give her a throatjob she'd never forget. She'd tentatively asked her boyfriend, who'd happily accepted the challenge, already familiar with her deepthroating...

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kylie minogue sore throat

Kylie's sore throat Kylie relaxed as she let her boyfriend push her down onto her knees in front of him. Wearing thigh high black leather boots, a tiny black leather miniskirt, a tight boob-tube and a spiked collar, she was ready for her boyfriend to have at her. It was a nasty fantasy of hers, to have a guy use her like his own little whore and give her a throatjob she'd never forget. She'd tentatively asked her boyfriend, who'd happily accepted the challenge, already familiar with her...

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Morning Song

Jasmine had always held to the belief that it was the sweet, innocent songs of blue birds that awakened the sun every morning and coaxed it into its lazy crawl along the sky. Their sharp cries had been her alarm clocks all of her life. It was only on Sunday mornings that she could afford to linger in bed. She stretched languidly, her sculpted legs trying to grasp the bottom of her bed as her graceful arms danced in the air. Her jet-black waist length silky hair glided across the white pillows...

3 years ago
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Kylie Minogue Spinning Around

Kylie Minogue - Spinning AroundGary could here that Kylie was just starting her last song of the concert out on stage so he decided to sneak into her dressing room and have a look around before she finished. He opened the door to her dressing room slowly while he checked that no-one was watching him, he walked cautiously inside checking to make sure that her personal assistant wasn't in there. The coast was clear so he closed the door and started to walk around her room .He had always been a...

4 years ago
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Sleight of Hand7 Songbird

I had business to conduct before we could leave. The first order was the burial of Jules/Julia. If I remembered the Damsel Rule Book correctly, a damsel who died and was buried on Chaos was returned to Cassandra. I hoped so. Otherwise, I would want to take her body with me to the bank vault. We were a somber group that returned to the Inn. Ariel continued to weep and Lisa whispered to me that she was still in pain. I wanted to wrap up the business as quickly as possible. I had five horses...

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Kylie and Joe my neighbours

I had just moved into a new apartment, but after a week was beginning to regret it because my neighbours were very loud.Now I'm talking about then having loud conversations, or shouting at each other, or arguing, I'm talking about sex!Yes, I could hear them at it day and night, they were like horny non stop rabbits and after a very long sleepless seventh night, I had finally had enough.I quickly marched out of my apartment, down the hall and stopped right outside their door, before I banged on...

4 years ago
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River Song

The woman was old and bent and gray, long in her days and hard-set in her ways. As constant in her course as the river which rolls past her place. Those whom she’d loved, (and some who’d loved her, she supposed) had long gone away, moved on or, mostly, passed on. Somewhere, (Tennessee, or Georgia she had heard) dwelt her children’s, children’s, children, but they neither knew her nor cared to. Yes, she was old, but the river was older still. Her family had dwelt on its banks for many...

2 years ago
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Sonya Siren Song

She put the ball straight through the hoop, caught it on its first bounce off the concrete, and then turned to face me, smiling happily and dribbling the ball on the spot, as I put the car into Park and switched off the engine. “Hey, Leon,” she said, as I got out. She always called me by my first name. “Hi,” I answered, as I shut the car door. “Did’ya have a good day?” she asked. “Yeah, it was good. Productive, too,” I replied. “Well, I’ve been productive, too....

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Siren Song

Thanks to darkniciad for helpful editing. Michael passed through the kitchen, dropping the order of service on the table without much thought. In the bedroom he took off the black wool suit and hung it in the closet. What a useless gesture. He would never wear it again. The phone rang. It was his daughter, Emma. ‘I’m fine,’ he told her. ‘I’m just going to take a nap.’ He dreamed he sailed his mirror dinghy out to sea. This made no sense at all, but dreams don’t make any sense. When was the...

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Quiet Song

‘Baby! What are you trying to do to me? The guys are outside waiting! Jude will soon come in to see what I’ve got up to!’ the man groaned. ‘So? He’ll see that you’re with your wife, Mason!’ ‘I know, baby. But he might want what I have, and you know that I don’t like to share,’ the man wheedled. His wife laughed mirthlessly. She had heard this kind of thing many times before, just before her husband left her on her own for the day to be with his friends. She knew that some of these friends...

2 years ago
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Septembers Song

September’s Song By Naughty Venus I spent the early afternoon watching porn while I played with my hairy pussy until I fell asleep. I was awakened by the sound of thunder as I was lying on the sofa during my late-afternoon nap. I could tell the storm was getting closer because the floors shook beneath my feet with each roll of the thunder. I was exhilarated by the electricity in the air as the lightning flashed. I wanted to see the lightning and to hear the thunder more clearly, so I ran to...

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The Last Song

I had been begging my boyfriend, Austin, to take me to see The Last Song. Austin was actually very sweet and would take me to any chick-flick I wanted, but he had already read the book and heard bad things about the movie, so it took some urging. A blow job and hickie took care of that. We were soon already about halfway through the movie. Personally, I was loving it and was strangely aroused, but Austin rolled his eyes every now and then, calling Miley Cyrus a slut, something I couldn’t...

3 years ago
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Sonya Siren Song

Introduction: A middle-aged man finds out his stepdaughter is more grown-up than he thought It was late summer, on a Friday afternoon, after a long week, as I turned into my driveway, and there was Sonya, playing a solo game of basketball with the hoop over the garage door. The weather was still warm, and she was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a pink sleeveless top, and as she jumped gracefully into the air to take a shot, I thought, She moves just like her mother. She put the ball...

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Shanias Song

Shania's Song by Rachel McLean Part 1: The Awakening They met in the kitchen at the end of the workday, a normal occurrence, the day was over and each had their tasks to prepare the meal. Dave and Kathy had been married for some time, was it almost six years now? Arriving home they met in the kitchen and talked while they cooked, it was a relaxation for both of them, they liked the routine and the harmony of being together. Who ever headed home first from work, usually stopped at...

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The Song

My name is Kelly Robin O'Hare, and am proud of who and what I am. Daddy taught me to be myself and never stopped loving me when I told him who I really was. He hugged me and said, "When do I meet my Princess?" I cried, "Now, Daddy," and went to my room and donned Momma's old red sailor style cheerleader uniform, matching bloomer, socks and shoes with Peavy suntan pantyhose. "You look just like your mother, Kel," he sighed. "Thanks, Daddy, I wish that she'd not died giving birth...

3 years ago
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For A Song

The bar fell into a hush when she walked in. Conversations stopped in a wave around the entrance, rippling out until the entire place was silent. Kanye blared from the digital jukebox but you could hear a pin drop. If she blushed, you couldn't tell; her cheeks were hidden behind deep black fur. The tip of her black tail, weighted down with a golden metal band, twitched, possibly in annoyance at the attention. Her raven black hair was tied in a delicate braid and nearly hidden in the...

2 years ago
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The Last Song

I had been begging my boyfriend, Austin, to take me to see The Last Song. Austin was actually very sweet and would take me to any chick-flick I wanted, but he had already read the book and heard bad things about the movie, so it took some urging. A blow job and hickie took care of that. We were soon already about halfway through the movie. Personally, I was loving it and was strangely aroused, but Austin rolled his eyes every now and then, calling Miley Cyrus a slut, something I couldn't...

Straight Sex
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Jeanettes Song

It had been a year or more since that fated day when I was purchased as a pet. Me? A pet? I had to laugh at the thought, yet was intrigued to know what that involved. Though I had been a participant in a few activities on that nameless site I had not often visited it so didn't know what that meant. For the most part I still don't, but will soon find out.I clicked on the tab to see who had purchased me as her own personal pet...turned out that was more a game of seeing how many pets a member...

Straight Sex
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Sonyas Siren Song

It was late summer, on a Friday afternoon, after a long week, as I turned into my driveway, and there was Sonya, playing a solo game of basketball with the hoop over the garage door. The weather was still warm, and she was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a pink sleeveless top, and as she jumped gracefully into the air to take a shot, I thought, She moves just like her mother.   She put the ball straight through the hoop, caught it on its first bounce off the concrete, and then turned to...

1 year ago
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Annies Song

The big diesel was humming its song as I headed down I85 southwest of Montgomery, Alabama. It had taken 3 days to get this far from Dulles airport outside of Washington. Most times, I enjoyed the scenery as I drove through the states. I had no desire to do so now. All that mattered now was getting to New Orleans. Mickey had called saying she had arrived safely after a bit of a scare on the plane. Some guy had drunk too much and was making passes at every woman on the plane. The hostess kept...

3 years ago
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The Maker of the Song

"For she was the maker of the song she sang." --Wallace Stevens, "The Idea of Order at Key West" The first time, the very first time a boy told Amanda "I love you" -- it was a hideous lie. Fate had granted her a brief, tantalizing glimpse of Val. She was out with the "Debs," the in-crowd. This group of 16-year-old girls had previously shunned her, gossiped about her behind her back, and cut her viciously. Arlene, the leader of the clique, had singled her out for numerous pranks...

4 years ago
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Olympic Dance and Song

Let us focus our attention on a small island off the Athenian coast. On this island, which has no port, no electricity, and no houses, there is a large hall known as "Olympiakeos Choreos kai Tragoydi" ("Olympic Dance and Song") which every night is filled with music and revelry. The Greeks on the mainland do not know who dances there, or how they get there, or where they go in the day -- fishermen who land on the island find only one resident at the hall, a caretaker names Apollo. As an...

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Touched By His Song

Copyright © 2006 by Lady Glorfindel. All rights reserved. Wow, I can't believe I got such good tickets for this concert. I have been a fan all my life and the lead vocalist has been in my dreams since the first moment I laid my eyes on him. As I am sitting here in the front row, I wondered if he will even remember seeing my face when the concert is over. I am shaking as they come out on stage. They are more amazing in person than they are on their albums. He's watching me (or is it someone...

1 year ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 46 Raouls Song

His hand plunged into the pocket of his coat and his fingers curled around the small box he had been carrying around for weeks. He withdrew the box, raised it before him and carefully opened it. Meg gasped as her eyes locked on the large, oval-cut blue diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds. The white gold band glittered in the gaslights as he removed the ring from the box that dropped unnoticed from his hand. With only the slightest of trembles, he took up Meg's left hand and slid the ring...

1 year ago
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Brians Song

In New York for a sales trip always can be a lot of fun. The hustle and Bustle definitely gets the adrenaline flowing, and besides there are so many hot guys, you can hardly keep your focus. I arrived at the Hotel to drop my bag and get out to make some calls. My surprise when I run into Brian, one of the project managers from the factory. Brian is the hottest guy in the company, 6'-1" thin build but not too skinny, and therefore having a great round butt. Dirty blond hair, and a dimple on the...

2 years ago
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Kylie and Chrissy Part 4 Rabbit Hole

PART 4 - RABBIT HOLE The two friends chatted like nothing had changed. Although the subject matter was very different than it had ever been before. Music, skateboarding and hot girls were gone, replaced by girl's clothes and crossdressing. Although they did fall back upon an old tried and tested classic in their relationship: dating talk. Chris revealed how he had met Vicky, his rebound affirmation to convince himself that he was 'normal'. He admitted to liking her, but not being crazy...

1 year ago
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Kylie Rocket 146000

Believe it or not, I'm human! Spunk keeps coming out of my majestic megasword, and thousands of witty words land on my sites every fucking day, but that doesn't mean I don't have my ups and downs. When I'm up, I can review just about anything, whether it's a cluttered tube joint or the latest fucking spree of a German dom, but when I'm down I need high-end cunts! That's when I sit back, log into my Twitter account and start my journey toward the profiles of my favorite pornstars. This time, I...

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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The Weaver And The WindChapter 18 Serenades and Love Songs

Our evening meal was a much quieter and laid back affair than the midday meal had been, with no demands on us to impress royalty. Lord Esterhal and his family had left for the Palace, where they would be dining with the Princess. We had all enjoyed early afternoon naps, as everyone made an effort to ensure they would be able to stay awake through the midnight hour for Thistle and Starlight's performance. Thistle and Starlight ate their dinner sequestered in Thistle's room. They had very...

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A Passionate Song

A Passionate ‘Song’ For a Loving Couple The wonderful melody we made had been haunting me for days, unable to re-create it using the only the lasting memory, I entice you in and promise a slow instrumental gathering. I wanted to experience the pleasures and music we made before. I persuaded you to lay back and relax, and let this conductor have control of his orchestra. As I kissed your lips and felt you body pressed to mine, I knew we were going to make some beautiful music this day. To...

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Ma Abong Amar Sukher Songshar

Amar baba mara jaoar somoy amar boyesh 10. Ekmatro sontan silam ami temni dada-dadir ekmatro sontan silo amar baba. Ekmatro sontan k sthabor osthabor sob kisu likhe dilen dada. Ma k bie kore ghore anar por babao mar preme pagol hoye sobkichui tar name likhe dilo baba. Baba jokhon mara jay tokhon mar boyesh silo 29. Somosto sompotti mar nam-e hoay dada-dadi tader vobishyat nie khub utkonthay porlen. Edike mar tokhon vora jaobon. Ashe-pasher onek valo ghorer lokera ma k bie korar jonno uthe pore...

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