Cuckold Secret free porn video

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It's my fault I'm being cuckolded by my wife. I'm the one that put the idea in her haed way back when we first married. Every time I looked at her five foot four body I couldn't help but think of how it would be to share it . At one hundred pounds even and with blonde hair and blue eyes my wife was a head turner. On our honeymoon as we enjoyed the motel pool I kept seeing guys checking out her legs and thirty four b cups. One night while playing putt putt golf she was wearing a very short white skirt and tank top . She was braless and her dark taned tits shown threw the thin cotton and her tanned legs stood out next to the white linen skirt. I caught several guys checking her out both young and older married .I had a hard on the entire evening.

One night after we returned home I said something to her about how she shows off her body in public. At first she got mad , she said are you calling me a tease or a slut? I had to back peddle fast. No sweetheart I'm not saying that I said. It's just that I enjoy seeing guys look at your body and wish they where me.She gave me a kiss and thanked me for saying that. She said do you really think they do that ? I said baby not only are they whishing they where me they are dreaming about how it would be to have sex with you.She said no they don't. She added I've never thought of myself as sexy. I put my hands on her hips and looking her straight in the eyes I said you are hot, you are what guys think of while jerking off. She giggled and pulled away.

About a month later one night we where having some wine while setting on the deck out back. Out of the blue my wife said I've been thinking about what you said a while back. I looked over and asked what did I say? She said about you think I'm hot. Baby I answered I don't just think it I know it's true. How do you know she questioned me. I said all the guys at work tell me you are . How do they know she said. I told her from the very first time they saw you when you came to my work they all have been making comments about how smoking you are. She said does it make you mad that they talk about me that way? The wine was helping out , I was able to get something off my mind that had been in there since the honeymoon. No baby in fact it makes me horny. She have giggled and said what? I said hearing them say how sexy you are makes me horny. Why ? she said. I guess it's like I think about one of them having sex with you and that makes me excited kind of. You are drunk she said , and that's enough of this . We went inside and finished the evening watching TV.

Friday is date night for us. So one Firday while we where dinning my wife said how do I look tonight? I said you look real nice. No not nice she came back with. I wasn't going for nice. I said what where you going for ? She said I wanted to sexy , I want guys to check me out. That's why I'm wearing a garter belt and stocking insead of pantyhose. Well sweetheart I started telling her all that sexy stuff don't do any good if it's under your cloths. She said if I cross my legs and let the hem ride up to show a stocking top off will that work? I was trying to act serious but this seemed strange coming from my wife. I said baby you don't have to show the top , maybe just where the color changes and maybe a garter clasp. As she looked at me I could see her wiggle and adjust her seating. OK , I think this will work she said. Go to the restroom and on the way back look and see if it is showing. I wipped my lips with the napking and said OK dear. I went and had a quick piss and washed my hands, then I looked at my face in the mirror for any missed whiskers. I was killing time so if she did have an admirer they had time to look.

As I came back across the cafe I could see a few guys looking toward our table. I came around the little corner and there I saw my wife's leg. almost an entire clasp was showing and her shoe was dangeling off her foot. I sat down and as I did I leaned across the table and whispered you have at least four guys looking at your legs. She acted not suprised at all. OH she said, and does my wife look inviting? I said baby you are a wetdream right now. She snikered at that. She said I can feel the cool air on my upper thigh. I said well all that is showing is the clasp. She said not now, I slid foward in the seat and I felt it move up, I think there is skin showing. I smiled and asked if she was having fun? She said yes I've never done this before and I think it's making my pussy wet. I said well that's perfect because it's making my cock hard.

We finished up our meal and I said stay seated untill I pull your chair out for you. I stood and walked in behind my wife. I turned her chair out from under the table and so both of her legs where in plane sight of all those guys. She uncrossed her legs and stood up. The hem was caught on that clasp and she acted like at first she didn't know. I helped her with her wrap and just before she walked off she brushed off her dress and fixed the exposed garter strap. I put my hand on the small of her back and guided her out . Once in the car she again crossed her left leg over the right one. And then pulled the hem up so it was almost at the stocking top. She said here you couldn't see the show back there so I'll give you a private one. I put my right hand on her leg and pushed the dress all the way above the stocking top. Her tanned thight was right there. I said I need to stop at the gas station. When I pulled in I saw three black guys hanging out at the ice machine scratching lottery tickets. I pulled up right at them. When I got out I didn't close my door all the way and the interior light stayed on.

When I came out I could see them looking in at my wife. I knoded at them and got in the car. As I started it I told my wife that those black guys where looking at you through the windshield. Just as I was backing up she said one of them came to your door and looked in . I pulled out onto the hiway and said what did he want? He wanted to fuck me she said but all he did was ask what time it was. That hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked over at her and what did you just say? She said you asked what he wanted. I told you he probably wanted to fuck my white pussy but only had the nerve to ask for the time. Are you a tad tipsey I asked her. She said a little but I want to have some fun, let's not go home right away. I said where do you want to go? She said it's a shame to waste these stocking covered legs by not showing them off . I said if you want to show off your legs I know the spot. She said OH goody. I started telling her about the escalator at Lennow Mall. It goes to the second floor from the food court. It's a famous place where guys gather to look up the skirts of ladies riding it. She un did her seat belt and lifted her ass off the seat. What are you doing I asked her? She said if they can look up my skirt then I need to take my panties off so they can see everything. She tossed the warm nylon panty to me. I held it to my face . I said baby the crotch is wet. She said I'm wet, does it smell nice? I took a big wiff and said yes it does.

I pulled right up front and let her out then went and parked. I found a spot wat in the back so it would take me longer to get back to her. I was giving any guy that wanted a look all the time I could . She took my arm and we turned to go in. I asked if she was excited? She said I can feel the cool night air on my wet pussy lips. I kissed her cheek and said you are to much. The mall was crouded like every Friday night. As normal there where at least twelve guys hanging out at the escalator. Is that it she asked me. I said yes and see all those guys , they are waiting on you to show them your stuff. As we got to it she pushed me on first and then took the next step. As she stepped on she did with her legs as far apart as that little dress would allow. In ten secounds you could hear them with their cat calls and kissy noises. A lady behing my wife tapped her on the shoulder and said "honey they can see up your dress". Yes I know my wife answered. The old gal looked bothered. LOL

The shoe shoe was our first stop. A tall black guy working there got a good five minute view of my wife charmes. She allowed him a perfect look at her shaved pussy without ever trying to hid it. She wanted the shoes and as he stood up to ring her up she was face to cock with his hardon. His dress slacks didn't nothing to hide his boaner. My wife asked him if she caused that and pointed at his tent.He said I'm sorry mam if that offends you. She said I'm not offened I'm excited. I turned my back on them so as to not screw up her fun. She paid for the shoes and handed me the box. As we walked in the mall I asked her if she could ever fuck a black guy ? She said she had thought of that a few times but before we where married. I said if I told you it was OK with me would you do it? She played it cool and said yes if I found one I liked I could if you could handle it. Do you think you could handle me having sex with a thick long black cock? I took her arm to stop her from walking and then pulled her to the side out of the walking traffic. Honey, I said do you want to fuck a black guy ? She said not if it would end our marrage. I said I want you to do it if you want to. She said well I'm not fucking any black guy tonight, I'm thinking it's the wine talking.

The next day was Saturday and I was doing my normal yard work. I came around the back to start on the pool area. My wife was laying out getting some sun in her white bikini. She was on her tummy with the strings untied on the top. I pulled up a chair and sat down for a break. She was facing away from me , she said are you done ? I said no just taking a rest. She was still facing away and said have you been thinking about what we talked about last night? I said about what? She said about me giving my pussy to a black guy. Oh that I said. She said where you serious or just dreaming? I said well how do you feel about it? She turned her head my way and at the same time rolled onto her side. Her tits where in full view and she proped her head with her hand. She said I told you last night I'd like to have my pussy fucked by a thick black cock. But only if you where one hundred percent sure it wouldn't wreck our marrage. She said I've been laying here thinking about it. You have I asked. She said my pussy is soaking wet, she pulled the small bikini bottom to one side and said feel. I ran my finger up her with ease. See she said. There are details I said that must be worked out if we are going through with this. What details she said? It's my pussy , if it's OK with you I will find a guy fuck him and that's that. I had better get back to work I said.

That evening I had the grill going with steaks on it. I was setting out on the deck alone thinking about what was going on with the black guy subject. I heard the patio door sllide open behind me. My wife asked if I wanted another drink? Without turning around I said yes please. I a few minutes I heard it again and out walked my wife. She was wearing what look like a night out on the town dress. It was short and showed a lot of tanned leg. She had on hills that could have been five inches tall. She pulled a chair around and sat in front of me facing me. She crossed her legs and handed me a drink. What are you thinking about she asked? I said you know. She said tell me. I said what we where talking about last night and this afternoon. She took a slow sexy sip of her drink and said in a soft voice oh, about me having sex with a black man. Then her tongue traced around the rim of her glass. Her eyes where made up extra heavy and her hair was pulled up like she was going to a formal. Her crossed leg kicked very slowly. Yeah that I said. What are you thinking about it so much for she asked? I said baby I can't think of anything else, it's my last thought at night and first the next day. You want it that badly she asked? I don't know I said. Yes I do but I don't want to ruin what we have.

We didn't geting into that much of the details of what could happen if she followed through with it. She told me that if she did it and she liked it that she wasn't just going to do it that one time. That sceared me and I changed the subject. That evening together was like a first date. I found myself all nervous aroung her I even stole peeks up her dress when I could. She had all the power that evening and I'm sure she knew it. In bed that night I didn't even try to get any. In fact she spooned me and we fell asleep.

Sunday morning I was up first and I fixed breakfast. The smell of bacon brought my wife in to see what I was up to. We had a quiet meal. neither one saying much. I told her I'd put the deshs in the wash if she wanted to get dressed. I was finishing up the cleanup when she came back in the kitchen. She had on a pair of very tight white denim shorts with a white tank top tucked in them. She had on a white pushup bra under it and had white tennis shoes on. All that white stood out next to her beautiful tanned skin. She asked if she looked OK. I said you look beautiful. She put her hands in the pockets of the little shorts and wiggled her hips. I asked what she was doing? She said I'm trying to get the front seem of these pants to ride uo into my vagina lips to make a camel toe. I laughted a camel toe? You can't wear panties and have a good camel toe. She said I don't have panties on help me. I walked over and unbuttoned the pants, I pulled them down a little and reached in and parted her lips. I eased the denim back up makeing sure the seam rode right between them. I tucked her shirt in and buttoned them back. I gave the parted lips a little pinch and said there. Now why did you want to do that ? She said I'm going out to look for black meat and I've heard that are into big butts and plump pussy's. OK be safe and carry your cell phone. She forced the phone in her back pocket and it bearly fit due to how tight the pants are.

I turned on the TV and looked for something to watch. I figured it'd be more fun to watch porn. So I got the laptop and went on to They have the best free porn around. I was watching videos of husbands watching their wife being fucked by black guys. Holly Wetlove is a hot blonde wife who's husband films her having sex with one to four black guys at once. She is built alot like my wife, and that made her my favorite! I held off on jerking off and after about thirty minutes of watching her my hand on went away. I was still horny but no hard cock. It was about one thirty and I thought about how long my wife would be gone, and what I would do when she comes home. I snaked all day, had to plug the laptop up due to the hours I watched it. And just as the sun was starting to go down I heard my wife's car pulling into the garage . I started out to greet her and I heard the garage door going down. I opened the kitchen door as she got out of her car. She looked just like she did when she left. Hey sweetheart I said to her. She said hey babe. I stepped back and allowed her to walk pasted me I closed the door and followed her in to den. She tossed her purse on the couch. I said did you have a good time? She said yes I did thank you. I asked if she wanted to talk about it? She said well I went to a bar , met a black guy , he carried me to his apartment and we fucked. That's about it. I was afraid I'd overplay my hand and make her mad but I wanted details. OK , I said do you want something to drink? She said get me a water and meet me in the bedroom.

I walked in the bed room just as she was pulling down her shorts. I could only see her from behind . She pulled her top off and reached back and unhooked the bra strap. When she was totaly naked she turned around a reached for the water. She looked just like she did when she left home. I was expecting cum running down her legs and a red swollen pussy. Her nipples where extremly hard is the only thing out of place. She took a drink and sat the water bottle on the dresser. I walked in close and took her in my arms and huged her tight. I love you I said. She said I love you too and thank you for allowing me to do that. I asked if it where out of her system now? She said no, that she had fun and she wantes to do it over and over. I walked her to the bed and she lay back with her feet on the floor. She spread her legs and told me to eat her pussy. I looked down at it and the lips parted, They where a little red and her inner lips where puffy. But her hole wasn't hanging open or anything like that. I ran my tongue up between the lips and was suprised at how they just gave way to me. I stuck my tongue up her hole and found it to be very relaxed and loose. Her clit was puffy and fat. I sucked it. She came from that. I tried to fuck her but she was so loose. She said baby you might have better luck doing my asshole. She rolled over and spread her ass cheeks. She has never allowed me to fuck her ass. I started to get up and get some lub . She said I can take it just like it is. I started to push my cock in and she opened her ass and I just slid in. She pinched her butt muscles tightly around my dick. I pulled out and pushed it back. Then blew. She said did you just come after one stroke? I said yes I must have been extremly horny.

I sat in the bath and talked to her as she showered. She douched her vagina but said she wanted to keep all the cum in her ass as long as she could. That evening we sat out on the deck , me in a pair of boxers and she wore a tank top only. She wanted to see her pussy and knowing that it had a thick black cock in it just hours before. She sat with both feet pulled up in the chair almost indian fashion , this spred her pussy lips apart. the light from the kitchen was enought that I could see them just well enough. I asked her to tell me what had gone on that afternoon. She said she met Fedel in the bar, that he came up to her and right off the bat asked if she was there to find a black cock to fuck? She said yes , he said good lets go. He had a car in the parking lot and told her to follow him to his apartment. She did and when she got there he wasn't alone. There was two other black guys. When they walked in one said damn Fe you found a nice one this time. They smoked a joint and started getting naked. She said all three had long cocks that just swung back a forth. She started sucking Fedel first and when he was hard he started fucking her doggy style when she sucked the next guy. When he was hard Fedel laid on his back and my wife sat her pussy on his cock. he pulled her foward and the other guy worked his cock into her ass then guy number three got head. She said they never quit fucking her in one hole or another for four hours.
She said she came so much she thinks she have passed out for a minute.

So I said I take it you are going to do it again ? She said yes but that I should put you in a chastity device while they fuck me so you can't jerk off. I said where do you get one of those? She said tomorrow while you are at work I'll buy one on line. That next day at work I thought of that talk we had on the deck.When I got home she said she had picked one out and ordered it and was having it shipped next day air. Why next day I saked? She said I want to fuck and I need that in a hurry. Well Wednesday evening when I got home as soon as I walked into the house my wife called me to the bedroom. When I entered she said strip naked NOW. I did as I was told. She was wearing a pair of long blue jeans and a sweat shirt nothing sexy there. She opened the CB3000 and started working my balls through the smallest ring they sent. Then she pushed my cock through it and slid the device over my cock she put a small brass lock through the pin and said OK listen to me. I'm not going to lock this. I'm not going to be the one who makes it permenent that I will be fucking big cocks from now on. If you lock it then I'll take that as an OK to have all the sex I want outside our marrage. As soon as she stopped talking I clicked the lock closed. She gave me a very sexy kiss then she stepped back and pulled the sweat shirt over her head to revial her nipples , they where both pierced and one had a little key swinging on the ring. I said when was that done? She said when the UPS man brought the chastity cage I went and had it done but wait. She undid the jeans and they fell to the floor. she kicked them to the side and spread her legs so that I could see four gold rings in each of her shaved pussy lips. WOW. why is all I could say. She said the blach guys said to have it done. that way I aways know where the key is and the pussy lips was just something the tattoo guy talked me into.

Well wearing a chastity device takes some getting use to. I found out that my sexy wife loved teasing me and making me hard all the time and that wasn't pleasent. I gave up on ever getting her pussy ever again. She has had sex with so many guys with bigger equipment that her once tight vagina is now a relaxed cum socket.She has added two more rings to each outer lip and even added four to the inner lips. that makes an even twenty rings in her pussy. She told me she was going to have a black ace of spades tattooed over her slit soon. The guy that did all the piercings told her that he'd do it for a blow job. Well I've found a way to deal with the device. I have starting taking estrogen tables and flax oil to lessen the erections. I found a level that makes me impotant but I don't show any female trates. My wife doesn't know about the estrogen that's my secret.

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Cuckold Success Strategy A Story

"So," my ther****t asked, looking up and giving me that same friendly and observant smile I'd come to associate with my complete trust in her as my cuckold ther****t, "how have you been since we last chatted?" I paused for a second to gather my thoughts and replied: "Good. I think your advice the last time I was here has really helped." (The advice she had given me had been to spend even more time than I had ready been doing watching interracial cuckold porn, and masturbating to it as I felt...

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Cuckold Savours The Smelly Cumload

This is a story about a man that who feels the need to be cuckolded and convinces his wife to fulfill this need. She agrees happily with her husband’s proposal, but asks him a special favour. The husband agrees and discovers the pleasure of eating another man’s sperm. It happened while I was working away from home. I was in a hotel room masturbating and watching a porno movie when I started fantasizing about my wife. I suddenly felt the need to be cuckolded. It’s difficult to...

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Cuckold Story Humilicucktrix Eating The Slops

Cuckold Story: Humilicucktrix - Eating The SlopsStory No.5WARNING: This story incorporates strong cuckold themes, including licking another man's semen from my ex-girlfriend's pussy. Please don't read if squeamish.In the past, I used to crave a bit of humiliation and would do some quite degrading things for kicks. I thought I'd compile a list of the 10 most depraved/pervy things I've done and write a short story about them each and post them on xhamster.The list:10. Drank a girl-racer's...

1 year ago
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Cuckold couple Discovers

Hello First of all I would like to say that english isn t my first language so please bear with my grammar :)And this is my first time ever to publish a story. Hope you enjoyChapter 1 First Steps, Marc’s SideMarc was an attractive men,5’10’ mix blood, black and white. He wasn’t so popular with girls while he was in high school thought, probably because of the social environment he was living in, and like most teenagers, he was an heavy user of porn. Nothing to freaky, but let s say he was...

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Cuckold II

Cuckold II By PJD Judy looked at the sissy going about his housework with a sense of satisfaction; he was now a complete sissy maid. The long grey maid's dress, the white maid's cap, the white pinafore tied at the waist with the large bow, the pink bra clearly visible through his dress as it strained to contain his huge tits. Her amusement increased, at the thought that under his plain grey maid's dress, he was wearing pink nylon panties, pink suspender belt, a pink nylon...

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Reddit Cuckold, aka r/Cuckold! Other than being the second most popular insult on online image boards, cuck is also the official word for a member of one of the weirdest fetishes I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Now, I review porn for a living, so I see a lot of wacky stuff. And since the third world porn industry is constantly trying to produce weirder, filthier smut, I’ve got my work cut out for me. But I don’t think any genre of porn is going to outdo my surprise when I first discovered the...

Reddit NSFW List
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CUCKOLD BIRTHDAYBy stitcherblue & cuckhold4pantyhoseWell if I'm going to dress you up I should do it real good. We'll start with a pair of white thigh highs with black lace appliques up the leg and a blue silk bra panty and garter set, topped with a pastel lavender silk blouse and a royal navy blue silk skirt. Well see you put the garter on then the thigh highs and then the panties over the garter that way you can take the panties off and keep the thigh highs and garters on. Silk feels...

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Cuckold 2

John liked to wank. No, he really liked to wank. He wasn't so keen on wanking off, if you understand the distinction, because cumming left him feeling spent and deflated. He liked the journey far more than the arrival, so quite often he would stop and deny himself the final release. After some internet 'research' he'd discovered this was called edging and, as much as he liked doing it himself, it was far far better when Jayne did it for him. Either way, he simply could not stop himself having...

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Cuckolds are meant to serve couples.Knowing a woman should be pleased by a real man is the sexiest truth you've faced and accepted. The funniest part is that you are grateful for being used by us. By me. While I get serviced and pleased by a real man. You'll never get to fuck me. Instead you will get to fund dates, purchase used condoms, and be of domestic service to us both. How pathetically grateful you will be to receive photos of us having a great time or to smell and taste the vile latex...

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Cuckold Email

Chapter one: The barI am driving my pickup on the way home from downtown Albuquerque. My beautiful wife of over fifteen years sits beside me with her arms crossed, her body stiff, jaw set like granite. The way she is dressed, so hot and sexy, would get the attention of anyone who looked in her direction. Well, actually, she has already received plenty of attention tonight. The reason she is pissed is because I stopped it.Let us back up a moment.My wife (Anna) and I (Roy) have agreed to having a...

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Cuckold Couple ISO Uncut Man Part 1

It all started with an email. “Hi – I saw your ad. It caught my attention quite a bit, actually. I’m just wondering, are you two still looking for someone?” I replied. The next day I received a brief reply, “Hey, yes. My wife would love to play, she’s never had an uncut man, and she’s dying to know what she’s missing. Are you uncut? Do you have pics?” I had replied to their ad: Cuckold couple, ISO of uncut man for her. They had been looking for years; but most men in America are circumcised,...

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Cuckold Never Gets Old

Hello readers. Handshake to boys and boobs shake to girls. The story is a fiction written for couples and cuckold sex lovers. Relax and hands inside underwear now! I’m a 25 year old Software professional leading a healthy (I mean boring) life. I’m quite a fan of cuckold sex, but not being a cuckold husband, rather the idea of fucking a wife in front of her husband. While it sounds weird for some couples, some of them do enjoy this. I’m not a married guy. I had this thing in my mind as a fantasy...

3 years ago
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Cuckold yes or NO

I got married to a beautiful mature Lebanese woman, love was divine and making love was great! Cuckolding never entered my mind. She seldom initiated sex but she truly enjoyed it. I know she did because, after her second orgasms, she transformed into a wild woman. She wanted more. And more. It’s like after she came twice, she was eager for sex and pleasure, wherever it comes from! And that’s when I started to get suspicions that she could, under certain circumstances, become a slut,...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Yes Or No

She seldom initiated sex but she truly enjoyed it. I know she did because, after her second orgasms, she transformed into a wild woman. She wanted more. And more. It's like after she came twice, she was eager for sex and pleasure, wherever it came from! And that's when I started to get indications that she could, under certain circumstances become a slut, needing to be fucked, she didn't care how! That was my first clue.She assumed my cock was long. Her ex-boyfriends must have been short...

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Cuckold Fianceacute

Hello there. This is Paul's wife Susan. You may or may not have read the two other stories my husband wrote that involve me. One was myearly experience with a bachelorette stripper. The other was when I seduced a very young student who was my lab partner. This story I am writing alone as my husband wasn't particularly involved. i.e. I was working in Toledo and he was living at our home in Cleveland. Paul and I met in Cleveland and shortly after I was transferred to Toledo. We always thought...

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cuckold lifestyle 16

This story is about the day to day life of a happy cuckold husband ( ME ). My wife has had free run for the whole time we have been married. She isn't a slut by any means but she does love to fuck. All of the guys she has sex with are guys we know, most are friends of mine. Right now if I'm counting correctly she has eighteen guys on the side , only one of them know I know what she is doing. My wife and I have a ten year old son. And he plays ball , baseball in the summer and football in the...

2 years ago
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Cuckold Husband Chapter 1

“You want what? You want me to get fucked by other men?” Kim's eyes flashed with anger. “You fucking pervert.”Paul winced as the lounge door slammed behind her as she stormed out.“That went well, then,” he muttered, sitting down on the settee and opening a can of beer.He had no idea why he'd decided that particular evening was the time to tell Kim of his fantasy of watching her get fucked by another guy. As the saying goes, it seemed a good idea at the time.It had been his fantasy for years. He...

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Cuckold and Sexwife in the beach

The story is completely real. We are a Cuckold / Sexwife couple. In the summer we love to relax on a nudist beach. One day we came to the beach in a chastity belt, dressed in my really smal penisl (6 cm in hanging and 14 cm in case of rising). And if the surrounding people are usually just looking at and quietly jerking off at my sexwife, then this time a couple of resting guys showed a clear interest in us. One of them, let's call him Dima, when my wife was in the water, approached me, asked...

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Cuckold and Sexwife at the beach

The story is completely real. We are a Cuckold / Sexwife couple. In the summer we love to relax on a nudist beach. One day we came to the beach in a chastity belt, dressed in my really smal penisl (6 cm in hanging and 14 cm in case of rising). And if the surrounding people are usually just looking at and quietly jerking off at my sexwife, then this time a couple of resting guys showed a clear interest in us. One of them, let's call him Dima, when my wife was in the water, approached me, asked...

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Cuckold First Strapon Anal Sex Bi 3some

Let me start by saying I’m a white Jewish man in a cuckold marriage. I’m in my mid 40’s and I’ve been sexless for the last six years, while my wife has had many sexual partners and boyfriends over the last 16 years, most of them hung black men. Even though this is not how I expected my life to turn out, I’m content being a sexless cuckold and get turned on by the humiliation of my wife fucking other men, but it’s definitely something I’m not proud to admit to people I know! My first story...

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Cuckold Training Them Both to Take BBC

He knelt between Janet's spread legs as she laid face down on the bed. She could feel the burning hot stare of her husband as Tyrone eased the tip of his cock past the slick elastic lips of her needy pussy. She had never been unfaithful to her husband and she never would have done so if he hadn't confessed his desire to see her with another man. Janet felt the girth of Tyrone's long cock. It was easily the biggest that she had ever seen. She had always assumed that the stereotype of well hung...

4 years ago
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Cuckold asks wife to cheat again

Me and my wife are fairly recently married but we have been in a cuckold relationship way before marriage.For those of you who have read my stories, as you know we entered this life style when I caught my wife cheating on me... The story is one of the earlier stories on my page so feel free to read it.Anyway this story happened a couple of weeks ago. I was pretty horny and my wife Sue was out on a date so I decided to read some of my older stories and remember all the hot experiences me and Sue...

1 year ago
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Cuckold Turnon Moments2

This is a follow to our earlier posting of cuckold turnon moments. Most of the earlier version were contributed by me. These are mostly thought of by my wife.Home Invasion - There are times when my wife entertains in our home when I'm not there. These mostly occur during the day while I am at work. One of her favourites is to ask me to pick which rooms need to be cleaned that day. I'll tell her and she says, "OK, but I have a gentleman caller so I'll have to clean them when he leave, unless he...

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Cuckold Sissys First Meet Fantasy

This fantasy summary was sent to my wife and her prospective boyfriend to let her boyfriend know our fantasies and for me to know which bits got my wife and bf really wet? And feeling very horny? Which bits she really liked? And what they would you like to add to also?The text was sent to the prospective boyfriend's iphone with a picture of me on all fours showing my girlie soft pathetic knickered and caged boi-clit after he sent me a picky of his gorgeous cock which I had previously been lucky...

2 years ago
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Cuckold in the Making Part 2

Jason Last night my wife slept with another man for the first time since we were married. It wasn’t really infidelity; I had, over a period of time, encouraged her to do this. On her return, Emma had told me all about it – initially shyly and with guilt in her voice, but then with growing confidence and excitement as she described her experiences to me in detail.Afterwards, a spring in her step, she had left for ‘a nice hot bath’, leaving me locked in my cage in an uncomfortable state of...

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Cuckold 1

One of the things John enjoyed most was when Jayne, his wife for twenty years, gently held his willy in her left hand and slowly stroked it's underside with her right. If she was topless and in stockings then even better and if she could be persuaded to tease him and discuss his cuckolding fantasy at the same time then he was in dreamland. It didn't happen often. Not all of it anyway. Jayne was happy to do the stroking and to a lesser extent the stockings, but she wasn't keen on the fantasy....

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Cuckold yes or NO

I don't know if my story will be a turn on. It is not meant to be. Maybe if I write this down, it will help me sort out my feelings of excitement, anxiety; my fantasies and my fears. Got married to a beautiful mature lebanese woman, love was divine and making love was great ! Cuckolding never entered my mind. She seldom initiated sex but she truly enjoyed it. I know she did because after her second orgasms, she transformed into a wild woman. She wanted more. And more. It's like after she came...

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cuckold lifestyle 13

If life gives you lemons , make lemonaid...well that is just what happened. In my neighborhood there are five foreclosed homes. That is so sad that a family would loose their home. One of the houses is next door to my house. A new family moved in and while the movers where unloading the big moving van my wife walked next door to meet our new neighbors. The wife's name is Ann and my wife said she is a hot mom. Ann and my wife where watching the young black men carring the belongings into the...

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Cuckold yes or NO

She assumed my cock was long. Her ex-boyfriends must have been short because I didn't consider myself well endowed. Very turned on with a full erection I got just over 7 inches (18 cm) medium width. We sometimes had sex twice before going to sleep and when we had privacy, and enough time for me to get hard again, we went for a long third time! If her moans, screams, and orgasms were any indications, she was sexually satisfied. Eventually, I bought a vibrator. I chose a white model about the...

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Cuckold a real life lesson

Plain and simply put my wife fucks outside our marriage. I’m not complaining and in fact it’s my fault. I introduced her to the idea after years of watching guys check her out when we where out. At first she thought it was a set up or a test but once I had convinced her that I actually wanted for her to have sex with a guy outside the marriage she gave in. Now years and many lovers later we have settled in to a true cuckold lifestyle. She has grown as a hot wife and now she has a stable of...

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Cuckold Fantasies

Hello Readers, Just wanted to say that this 'introduction' chapter will be used as a guideline for random cuckold stories. You, as the reader, can always give me suggestions for ideas, new paths, and I'll try to implement them. My wild hotwife: Claire catches John masturbating cuckold porn, what happens next remains to be seen, or rather, to be read. Short story. Main theme: Cuckolding, interracial, vasectomy, impregnation. (Completed story) I watch as my wife gets seeded: The story is about...

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Cuckold a real life lesson

Plain and simply put my wife fucks outside our marriage. I'm not complaining and in fact it's my fault. I introduced her to the idea after years of watching guys check her out when we where out. At first she thought it was a set up or a test but once I had convinced her that I actually wanted for her to have sex with a guy outside the marriage she gave in.Now years and many lovers later we have settled in to a true cuckold lifestyle. She has grown as a hot wife and now she has a stable of studs...

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Cuckold Interview

This is an interview I conducted with a popular local bull in our town. This was part of my thesis paper on the benefits of cuckolding. It seems swingers in the lifestyle had a significantly lower divorce rate. Couples in cuckold relationships had an even lower divorce rate and had a much higher marital satisfaction rate.Me: thank you for taking the time to do this. You come highly recommended.Bull: glad to do it. I remember how hard it was for me when I went to Grad school.Me: What field did...

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Cuckold Humiliation

Cuckold HumiliationMy wife was in a dancing mood so she suggested we meet up with a girlfriend of hers and go to one of the clubs downtown. My wife is a gorgeous dominant 26 year old brunette with a firm toned ass, tanned stomach and beautiful rack. She put on a black leather miniskirt, tall black cougar boots and a tight white tank top with bold black lettering across the chest that read: AVAILABLE. She grabbed me and told me we had to get going to Christina's place and we headed out the...

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Cuckold Experience

The Cuckold ExperienceA true cuckold doesn’t know about it ahead of time, she doesn’t tell him, and he certainly isn’t involved in setting it up, or invited to watch.Instead, the way it usually happens is that he comes home early one day from work, unexpectedly, and walks in on them. Like so many cuckolds before him, he catches his wife naked in bed with another man, as they’re fucking. That’s how he finds out. His heart stops, he can’t breathe, and he feels like he’s going to pass out....

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Cuckold Chastity Fantasies

In this story, I find myself immersed in a tumultuous world, shrouded under the shadow of a green hat. This sparks profound reflections on love, betrayal, and personal growth. Embarking on a journey to uncover genuine desires, I am compelled to reevaluate my values and confront pivotal twists of fate. At the intersection of morality and desire, I confront the challenge of seeking happiness. This narrative delves deep into my inner self, revealing how I bravely face the power of hidden truths...

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Cuckold Club Pt2

** I don't claim authorship of this story. It was originally posted on Dark wanderer by Cuck Hubby. Thought it was good.Linda, meanwhile, was not thinking about her husband. At the moment she was standing in the center of the room while her soon-to-be lover, James, sat in an easy chair gazing at the sexy wife who was about to become his. His cock was uncomfortably hard and he couldn’t wait to free it. Or rather, for her to free it. He always enjoyed it when he was a white wife’s first black...

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Cuckold Husband Chapter 3

An hour, and two drinks later, the cuckold adventure entered its third, and final stage. Unbeknown to Kim, Paul's arrangement with the two brothers was choreographed into two parts. The first had been to introduce Kim to the world of the slut. The second was to show her the world of the group lover.This time the round of drinks included Paul who, with Kim's blessing had removed his cock cage and butt plug. But started again with him sitting and watching.Putting down their glasses the two...

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Cuckold Husband Chapter 2

All day in the office, Paul was reminded of the cock cage he was wearing by a feeling of permanent sexual arousal. The fact that his normal erection was not possible, only heightened both the tension and frustration. His tension was also heightened by the fact he was waiting for a text from the two brothers he wanted to employ to make his cuckold fantasy come true by fucking Kim.The ping from the incoming message caught him by surprise but was followed by relief when he read the text.Tonight 7...


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