Gym free porn video

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Cindy was ready for the weekend. She had been in the hot seat at every meeting during the last week. Her normally crisp business skirt and jacket were wrinkled from the 3-hour long planning session, which she had just left. Cindy began the process of putting all thoughts of work aside as she drove to the Gym. The physical exertion would help get her tired out. A refreshing shower and a good night’s sleep should finish the job.

Her boyfriend, Kurt, was working late at the Gym due to the construction. They were in the process of remodeling and expanding the facilities. He would be off for the rest of the weekend and had promised to make up for the late night Friday by taking her out on Saturday.

The sun was setting and the lights flickered on in the nearly empty parking lot when she pulled up. There was a white van with 'Matt's Plumbing' painted on the side parked beside the back entrance. Cindy gathered her bag from the trunk and made her way inside.

Kurt was sitting at the desk reading a fitness magazine when she walked in the front door. "Hi dear," She waved at him.

He looked up and smiled. "Hello, I was beginning to worry."

"Right," Sarcasm filled her voice. "You look terribly worried sitting there with your feet propped up looking at half naked men and women."

Kurt knew that she was just teasing him; she liked the muscle magazines as much as he did, "I need to do something while they finish tearing out the pipes."

Cindy grinned and gave him a light kiss on the cheek, "I guess we can't lock up and play in the shower since they are tearing the pipes out."

Kurt winked at her, "If you are quick the men's showers are still on."

"I look forward to it." Cindy took her bag and walked into the ladies locker room to change.

Cindy spent 30 minutes on the elliptical machine. Her tight leotard was damp with perspiration and her sandy blonde hair clung to her neck. Kurt passed through cleaning up some of the free weights that had been left out. She noticed that he watched her as he worked; the construction crew stole glances at her as well. In the mirror she could see her nipples stiff and sensitive under the stretchy spandex.

All the male attention was having its effect elsewhere as well. She kept remembering the occasions where Kurt had been working late and they had the gym to themselves. Several fond memories of the bench press filed her mind. Cindy could almost see Kurt's generous cock dangling above her. Her pussy was getting wet as she savored the memory of his sweaty balls and thick shaft.

The elliptical machine beeped its warning that the cool down phase was about to start. The noise brought her out of her fantasy back to the reality of eight eyes staring at her. They all quickly returned to their jobs when she looked around. She looked at her own reflection and noticed a growing damp spot on the crotch of her leotard. She realized just how excited she was, maybe she would ask Kurt to join her in the shower after all. She looked at the weight area for Kurt, but he had already disappeared.

Cindy stripped out of her exercise leotard as she walked through the empty locker room. She kicked it onto the bench and stepped out of her panties, dropping them onto the crumpled leotard. Her hands roamed over her sensitive body while she stooped to open her locker. It was empty!

"What?" She exclaimed to the empty room. She opened the next locker, nothing. With a puzzled look on her face she walked around the wall of lockers to the next changing area. Maybe she was in the wrong section. She was quite excited by her work out after all.

Behind her Kurt watched from one of the showers. He stepped out when he heard the first locker open and quickly grabbed the leotard and panties. A series of lockers opening and closing covered the noise of the door opening and closing as he snuck out.

Cindy was confused, and a bit angry when she returned to put her leotard back on. She froze when she saw the empty bench. Her mind went from angry, to suspicious, to excited in three heartbeats.

"Oh, Kurt, you tease." She searched the showers. All she could find was a single towel, no Kurt. She wrapped the towel around herself covering her flushed breasts and headed to the front.

The desk was empty and the front door had been locked. Kurt would be making his evening cleanup rounds before leaving. Cindy went to his office to surprise him, but it was locked. Then she thought, 'If Kurt is locking up the workmen must be gone.'

She headed for the door to men's lockers with an excited bounce in her step. She rearranged the towel to wrap around her waist, leaving her breasts for Kurt to enjoy. The locker room was empty. He must still be in the gym she theorized.

She tied her hair back into a ponytail as she entered the empty gym. Her heart was beating hard in her chest as she walked through the exercise equipment looking for Kurt. She crossed over to the area where he had been working earlier, where she suspected he was hiding with her clothes.

Matt, one of the workmen opened the rear door to the gym carrying a large pipe wrench. His jaw dropped when he saw Cindy standing, peering into the free weight area of the room.

"Wow!" he exclaimed.

Cindy turned like a startled deer and froze. She heard a voice behind Matt. "What is it Matt?"

She blushed from head to toe. Her exposed breasts turned a lovely dark pink and her nipples stiffened. She never did quite understand why embarrassment excited her so much.

"Just startled by something," Matt answered and closed the door. "You have about 1 minute to hide before those two come back inside," He warned her. His eyes looked over her soft and inviting curves hungrily.

Cindy could see the barely controlled lust in Matt's eyes. Part of her wanted to run and hide, another part wanted to stay and show off for him.

"I was just looking for Kurt," She explained. Then she asked, "Did you happen to see where he went with my things?"

Matt grinned and nodded, "I understand now." He placed his foot on the door to keep it from opening. "He came out of the locker room a few minutes ago and looked like a kid who was caught raiding the cookie jar."

The door tried to open and a pair of annoyed voices could be heard outside. Matt held the door steady, "He told me to enjoy myself and ran to the front."

Cindy couldn't believe her ears. One of her secret fantasies was to be with a group of guys. She wondered if they had all been set up, "That little sneak," She looked up at Matt's blue eyes, "He actually offered me to you three."

"I suggest you go find him," Matt advised. "I won't be able to keep these two out forever." He nodded to the rattling door.

Cindy considered her options. The moisture dripping down her inner thigh told her that her body had already decided, "Oh go ahead and let them in." She told Matt, "If he wants a show we can give him one, right?"

Matt couldn't hide his own excitement at her words. He removed his foot and said, "It is your call."

The door burst open and the two younger workers tumbled into the room. Cindy stepped back and Matt looked down at them on the floor, "What is wrong with you guys? There is a lady here, behave yourselves."

Both of the guys looked up at Cindy in her towel skirt. Their jaws dropped and four eyes tried to leap out of their sockets. Cindy turned redder and introduced herself, "Hello, I'm, Cindy."

Matt laughed, "I'm Matt," He pointed to the young blonde haired man standing up beside the door. "This is Jeff," He turned to help the Black man at his feet up from the floor "and this young stud is Marcus."

Cindy was intrigued by Matt's description of Marcus, "I was looking for Kurt so I could, um, finish my workout."

The two younger men looked at Matt not sure how to take this turn of events. Matt would fire them in a heartbeat if they misbehaved, but he would follow Cindy's lead and see where things went.

"Please don't let us stop you. We were enjoying your workout earlier," He picked up his wrench and carried it over to a pile of tools and pipes. Marcus and Jeff followed suit, but kept their eyes on Cindy as they walked reluctantly away.

Cindy could see that Matt would keep the other two under control and felt relieved and encouraged. She went over to one of the machines and draped her towel over the back. She peeked behind her at the three guys while she bent to adjust the weights. They were all sitting about 12 feet away staring at her exposed ass. Her pulse quickened as she teased them, causing her pussy to get even wetter. She sat down on the seat and arranged her feet on the footrests. She spread her thighs wide and placed them on the pads. Resisting the urge to finger herself right there, she pulled her thighs together and slowly started her first rep.

Matt watched and the others followed his lead. When he got up and moved around to position himself in front of Cindy while she did her thigh presses, they did too.

Jeff commented, "Damn Matt, look at how wet she is." His voice became pleading when he asked, "Can't we get a little bit of that?"

Matt surprised them both when he answered, "You have to ask her."

Cindy heard the conversation as she counted her presses. Having a conditional green light from the boss, the two younger guys walked over. Jeff opened, "You seem to be a bit wet. Anything we can do to help?"

Marcus shook his head ready to tell Jeff how stupid that line sounded. She was already naked and dripping, she didn't need a cheesy come on line.

Cindy grinned and relaxed, letting the machine pull her thighs wide.

"I could use some assistance," She nodded to Jeff, who knelt in front of her. Marcus stared in amazement. Cindy looked up at him and grinned, "You know I am only in this condition because of you."

Marcus was flattered and a bit unsure, "What do you mean?"

Cindy glanced at his crotch then up to his face, "I've always wondered if the rumors about black men are true." She heard a muffled chuckle as Matt sat down on the bench press machine beside them.

Jeff glanced up from between her thighs. "Go ahead and show her," He grinned and licked along her swollen pussy lips.

Cindy moaned when she felt Jeff's tongue. "Please," She gasped while looking at the sizable bulge in Marcus's jeans. She quivered and pulled her legs tighter as Jeff worked his tongue over and around her wet lips. Her eyes glued to Marcus as he stripped his shirt off to reveal a chiseled chest.

Matt moved over to the back of the machine and reset the weight to maximum. He watched Cindy below him trying to clamp her legs around Jeff's hungry tongue. The added weight effectively trapped her legs wide open.

Cindy squirmed helplessly on Jeff's talented tongue. She could feel it sliding into her wet opening and questing deeper for more of her juices. Marcus was now peeling his jeans off. Her eyes were locked onto his bulging cock as it emerged inch by delectable inch. She gasped when she saw the full hard length, at least a foot long, and thick. She had never had anyone remotely close to this size. Below her Jeff hummed and licked as a fresh wave of juices flowed.

Marcus stepped over and Cindy reached out to grasp his monstrous cock in her small hand. It was radiating heat and throbbing. She licked her lips slowly, "My God you look yummy." She pulled him closer.

Marcus moved where she guided him and watched her red lips part as she kissed the swollen head. He reached down and guided his shaft with his hand. First he gave her the tip and then the shaft. He watched in amazement as the hungry slut lapped at his big cock.

Jeff slid two fingers into Cindy as she leaned over to suck on Marcus. He twisted them around as he plunged them in and out. His tongue teased her clit.

Matt watched from the side in wonder, "How much of that cock will fit in your pussy?" Cindy groaned around the cock now half way buried in her mouth. He looked down at Jeff and suggested, "Once he makes you cum we can find out."

Jeff understood the implications and added a third finger to try and stretch her open a bit. He licked around his fingers making her even wetter.

Cindy swallowed around the throbbing cock, tasting the hint of precum that had begun to form. Her body was alive and her hips rocked on Jeff's talented fingers. The first orgasm began to build and she moaned as it washed over her body. Her knuckles turned white where she gripped the handle of the weight machine.

Matt tapped Marcus on the shoulder and stood up. Marcus lay down on the bench press while the other two released Cindy's legs and lifted her off the machine. Matt carried her left leg, while Jeff picked up her right. They marched her over to where Marcus reclined and held her over his erect shaft.

Cindy draped her arms around the necks of the men carrying her. She was totally at their mercy as they positioned her. She looked down at Marcus holding his cock stiff and straight as a flagpole. "Yes," She gasped when she felt the head press against her pussy.

Matt and Jeff slowly lowered her down while Marcus guided his cock into her. They felt her feet touch the floor and released her. Both of the men stepped back and watched as she began to ride the hard shaft under her.

"Oh Yes!" Cindy felt her lips part and stretch as the warm shaft filled her, and she was only half way down. Her hands rubbed and pressed into Marcus's hard muscles as she rocked her hips. She was dripping continuously and this made his cock slick. With small bouncing motions she was able to work another 3 inches inside. At this point the thick cock head brushed against the entrance to her womb. Her body twitched as her cervix shifted to allow his cock to pass by and press even deeper inside. He bottomed out stretching the inner muscles of her vagina just as her thighs came to rest on his.

Matt whistled, "Amazing, it looks tight, but it fits." He was impressed.

Jeff rubbed her ass cheeks and guided her hips to begin moving on the thick shaft. He could feel the ripple of her muscles as she started to slowly ride Marcus. He caressed and stroked her wet thighs for a few minutes before leaning down to kiss and lick her tight ass. His tongue teased her at first, but settled in to a position over her anus when she began moaning.

Matt moved over to stand beside Cindy, "You like him licking your ass?"

Cindy was beyond words and just nodded. Her insides were sending electric jolts of pleasure straight up her spine and into her brain. Marcus was still rock hard and every time she lifted up or lowered down the edge of his cock head brushed over her cervix starting a new cascade of sensation.

Matt unzipped his pants and pulled his sizable cock free. He stroked it and suggested, "Maybe you need another cock or two?" She turned and took his cock into her mouth with a hungry grunt and a muffled slurping noise. Matt smiled, "Guess that leaves her ass for you Jeff."

Jeff grinned and scooped some of her juices up with his fingers. He coated her ass first and then his cock. He pressed forward and rubbed his cock against her tight hole. It took a few minutes before the muscle relaxed to allow him entry. He moaned when he finally popped through. Cindy moaned around her mouthful of cock at the same time.

Cindy was in sexual overdrive as the cock in her ass slid deeper. She could feel both men shifting within her, her vaginal wall squeezed between the hot shafts of flesh. Her hips began a rolling motion that drove back and forth between the two. She sucked vigorously and gagged as Matt pressed deep into her throat.

The motion of the trio of men fell into a synchronized pattern with Jeff taking the lead. Marcus made smaller motions, but tried to alternate his thrusts with Jeff's. Matt grasped Cindy's hair and guided her head in a series of short shallow thrusts followed by a deeper longer thrust that pressed into her tonsils.

Cindy could withstand only so much on the mass of sensory explosions. Her body quaked and quivered then stiffened in a major orgasm. She felt warm fluids fill her pussy as the contractions of her orgasm triggered Marcus to cum. She shivered as she heard the squirting noises and plopping sound of cum dripping from the bench to the tile floor.

Jeff filled her ass next with a grunt and his deepest thrust yet. He twitched and jerked within her creating very interesting movements.

Matt was last and tilted her head back to look into her eyes as he began to squirt. Cindy swallowed fast as he began to fill her. The load was too much and began to spill out onto her chin. He pulled back and aimed the last few streams of cum across her breasts and onto her chin.

Cindy felt weak and slowly slid down onto Marcus strong chest. A quiet and satisfied groan escaped from her as Jeff slid out.

Kurt approached from the locker room and helped the men lift her up into a chair. He held her while the three men dressed and packed their gear. He stroked her hair and thanked them for helping to fulfill her fantasy. She looked up with glazed eyes twinkling. "Thank you all," She smiled at the workmen and kissed Kurt on his chin.

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Jessy began putting on a variety of outfits, she looked amazing in each and every one of them and I couldn't keep my eyes off her near-perfect silky soft body in between changes of outfit. It was clear, by now, that she wasn't shy about removing them, either. There was no attempt at modesty gown exchanges; she simply removed everything each time right in front of me and my poor cock didn't know whether it was coming or going, getting hard as she flirtatiously flaunted her sexiness for the...

2 years ago
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Mrs Smith Part I

Mackenzie:Out in my backyard, hanging my laundry, I didn't have to turn around and look to know that Sally’s 18 year old son, Ponti, was watching me from his upstairs bedroom window. He always seemed to sense I was out here, rushing to his window peeking out from behind his curtain thinking he was concealed from view.I purposely dropped some clothes pins, bending over to retrieve them, giving him a perfect view of my ass pressing against my too tight jeans.I knew it was wrong to tease him, but...

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SRU- Leggings by Lizardman Editors Note: Thank you for your support and comments on Life Pills, I had to end the story earlier than expected so I could continue an idea that has been on hold for some time. In the meantime, I came up with this short Halloween story that may start a trilogy. It is based on a TG/TF drawing I made years ago. Enjoy! Alex approached the Pine Hills mall searching for a costume. He was a college junior who was approaching his 21st birthday as a virgin...

3 years ago
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Gaon ki gori

This is your sweet juicy cunt sudha again with my second narration the broad minded readers of iss. I hope this also turns into a good entertainment for you all. Though this is not my own story i assure you, you will get the same spice which you got from my previous narration “sweet home. My self and my father joined an ngo organization as volunteers and one day they asked us to go to a village which is on the borders of the andhra pradesh and chattisgarh. Here i am not giving the name of the...

1 year ago
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A Night in the Gynarch HotelChapter 9 The Maids Parlour

Daniel Waring was back in the basement. In theory he was supposed to find a supervisor as soon as he got back from an assignment in one of the suites but in practice it was easier to wait for one to turn up. There were three others waiting for the Supervisor to arrive. "Any chance of a smoke?" one of them said. "I've got a half," another replied, unfastening a button of his blouse and fishing the remnants of a cigarette from where it had been concealed in his bra, "if someone can keep...

1 year ago
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my anal encounter part 1

id taken riding lessons as i had started working with horse stables and felt i would be better able to do my job if oi could handdle them properly, also i love wearing johdpurs and knee high riding boots, mmmm just how the stretchy fabric clings to my legs leaving nothing to the imagination turns me on so much i was leaking pre-cum into my johdpurs, unhampered by undewear it soaked my johdpurs making them see through, after a few moments you could easilly see my pube free erection through...

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Midnight Thirst

I was sixteen years old, a typical high school freshman enjoying life and starting to enjoy girls. We were at a sock hop. For those of you too young to know what they were, sorry, but you really missed out!They were held every Friday at the Community Center from 7:30 to 10:00 PM. Sometimes we had a local rock group play. I was part of a cool band called the 21st Psyntury that played there a few times, but that is another story. Typically, we had a DJ that played his own sets of songs and took...

First Time
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Who seduced who

My husband's friend offered me and my man alot of money if I'd do a strip tease for him and even a lot more if I did something "anything" extra, surprisingly my man agreed and told me to change for the occasion. I put on a pair of tiny, tight black g-sring panties matching bra and 3" high heels. He put on a CD that I could really move to and I began dancing "erotic" his friends (Brendon) eyes were popping out of his head following my every move. I started bending over for him my ass and crotch...

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Voyeur MombyAgnol©"My parents should be in bed," James said as he unlocked the front door to his family's home. Allison nodded hopefully, wiggling her eyebrows with a mischievous grin."It will be nice when we finally go away to college, a place of our own," she sighed hopefully. "Another year at the junior college and we'll be on our way." "Yeah, but until then this isn't so bad, they never bother us," James said."That's true," Allison admitted, entering the house. "Is your mom still slipping...

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My True Odyssey Of Slavery And Submission 4

In all my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined that pain could bring so much pleasure! I had always thought that the two sensations were separate and apart – one could not lead to the other. But I was so wrong. Over the years to come, I would experience much worse pain which would lead to euphoric pleasure but for now, I could only remember what it felt like when Panek’s cock stretched my ass as he fucked me.However, just to be clear…I didn’t cum as a result of the anal penetration…I still...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 5 Daughters Incestuous Toy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Daughter's Incestuous Toy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – January 2038 “I hear you're making friends with my daughter,” Dr. Wilson said as he wielded over the 4D ultrasound to the bed. “Yes, Heaven's great,” I said as I sat on the hospital bed, both my parents with me. They were on the other side of the bed from my OB/GYN. Mommy held my hand, a bright smile on her face framed by her...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 13 Mary Leibowitz the Lotus Flower

Marilyn walked into Adrian 's ten minutes early and although there were few people sitting at tables, heads did turn and eyes followed her as she made her way to the bar. Besides being a very good-looking woman, stylishly dressed, she carried that well-fucked aura about her as well. To the young woman behind the bar she said, "Hi, I'm meeting a friend here for lunch, but I'd like a vodka martini with two olives, please." The bartender smiled at her and asked, "Will that be on the...

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Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

In the process of relocating to the West Coast, I headed south on I-35. Made it about 45 minutes south of Minneapolis, MN - freeway closed due to blizzard. I was fortunate to find a hotel with a room (it pays to be a Gold Member). Checked in - did some miscellaneous administrative "stuff" for my house purchase in my destination - grabbed some dinner - and could only think of the hot tub at the hotel.Back at the hotel, I stripped - donned my trunks - and soaked the day away. About 5 minutes into...

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Over Developed by loyalsock

Mary Pekin sat in the back row of the high school class room almost unable to look any of the other women in the face. This was so embarrassing! She had lost complete control over her sex drive because of her over developed clitoris! She had been to six doctors and each and every one of them gave her the same diagnosis: Hyper Clitoral Dysfunction. Good grief, she had never even heard of it until her own organ ballooned up until it actually looked like a little penis! There were at least twelve...

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SoulmatesChapter 6

In the main, brunch proceeded without further incident. Several more of Greg's friends and acquaintances came by to say hello. Greg introduced them to Megan, but she knew that she'd never remember their names. The men all professed to be envious of Greg. One woman, a plump blonde with red cheeks, rhapsodized over Megan's complexion and figure. "Honey," she said, "I wouldn't just kill to look like you. I'd even consider becoming a mass murderer." After the spate of visitors, Greg...

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Around Her Finger

AROUND HER FINGER - 01 By Libnos I woke and lay in bed for awhile waiting for my senses to adjust to a new day. After a few moments I remembered it was only 8AM, Saturday morning, and I didn't have to get up and go to work, which gave me a feeling of relief as I rolled over to go back to sleep. Then it all came back and with a start I bolted out of bed and headed to the shower. It was my wedding day. I'd lain awake, tossing and turning, most of...

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Disappointment 1

The year was 2006 and I had just recently graduated high school and moved into my first apartment with my girlfriend at the time (also bisexual) and two other roommates. Our first night in the apartment we happened to be attending a local music show. We didn’t have our mattresses or anything moved in yet, however we’d still made plans to meet up with one of my ex-boyfriends and take him back to our place afterwards. My girlfriend, Jenny, really wanted me to have my cock inside her while having...

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How Sheila learned to grin and bare it! Inspired by an il-lust-ration from Pandora's Box By Oediplex 8==3~ [Author's note: It works this way. I take a drawing PB has done, and I tell the story of that il-lust-ration. I try to make the details fit the picture, and yet tell what the people in the art are experiencing in a way that titillates, stimulates, and consummates the reader/viewer.] The green plush couch was a piece of heaven to Sheila. After a day on her feet, on...

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Watching The Teachers

He was just settling down in an old armchair that looked as if had last done service on Noah’s Ark when he heard a noise from the room next door. He jumped up guiltily; perhaps someone had come to check on him after all, and he got ready to look busy before they looked into the room he was in. The two rooms were actually one large one, but at some time in the past had been divided in two by a sort of partition wall, with a pair of sliding doors to allow them to be opened up if needed....

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Sarahs Submission Ch 06 Losing her Anal Cherry

Sarah woke up energized. She still didn’t have permission to cum, but she didn’t have to make a masturbation video. Despite that, she couldn’t help but rub her pussy while she showered. She didn’t push herself to the edge, but it still felt good to rub her clit. She thought of that giant dick sliding into her rectum and feeling his balls slapping against her pussy. She hoped she would like it. She had to use an enema on herself before heading over and that would be strange all by itself....

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Oil of RosesChapter 59

"So 'Jan'," Kelly said, caressing her newest lover's thigh, "any regrets about last night ... and this morning ... and a few minutes ago?" Gianetta Bruno smiled as she stretched like a cat lying in the sun. "Just one – I wish one of the men that were in attendance last night had come back with us." She kissed Kelly's cheek. "You're lovely, and very talented, and I had a wonderful evening..." "But yeah, a dick would've been nice," Kelly finished. She got out of bed, naked...

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Young WarriorChapter 5

Karela and I have been friends for as long as either of us can remember. When I was eight, on the day I was chosen to train as a clan warrior, I went looking for Karela to tell her. When I found her, she was talking to a boy two years older than me, intent on what he was telling her. Even when I called out to her, she had ignored me. I was hurt and angry, and shouted to her, using our secret nickname. It was one she let me call her, but only if nobody else was around. I had called her...

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School Nurse Confidential Ch 2

My heart was thumping and my palms were sweaty as I presented Mr. Brundowski with my appointment slip. He eyed me suspiciously, but wrote me a pass to go to the nurse’s office anyway. It wasn’t that I was getting out of Geometry class that had me so excited; it was that I was going to see Nurse Cady again. I must have jerked off to thoughts of her at least a hundred times in the past five days. I forced myself to stop yesterday so I could save up a nice load for her in case there was a repeat...

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The Girl of his Dreams

It was Thursday night, and in just one more day Eric would see the custom video he'd ordered.. He'd been trying to distract himself with a movie, but realized he hadn't watched the last ten minutes. He closed his blinds and pulled up an old Remi video for the third time that night. Remi was a slender girl with long dark hair. She sat in a soft red armchair, wearing a tight black dress and colorful thigh-high socks. She ran her hands slowly up and down her legs. "Hello there. Are you getting...

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Dakotas Surprise Part 4 New Friends

You know, dear reader, Dakota learned in her tax class, the IRS code is broken into sections, which are similar to chapters in a book. Many sections of the IRS code refer to other, earlier, sections and are only understood in the context of what came before it. So, don’t be a dolt and try to read this section without the proper context. Otherwise I might have to make you help Dakota on her paper for Tax class on U.S. Code § 368. Definitions relating to corporate reorganizations, and that just...

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Pyaasi Choot

Hi friends, Main naya writer hoon,agar meri kahani aapko achhi lagti hai toh aap mujhe email kare. Mera email id hai: Meri kahani real hai jo mere saath ghati hai. Main ek chote se village se hoon. Ek baar main apne mama ke yahaan gaya tha. Main raat mein wahaan pachuncha toh maine ek bahut hi khubsura t ladki ko dekha. Main use dekhta hi rah gaya. Halanki,main bhi kafi khubsurat,smart aur gora hoon woh bhi mujhe chura kar dekhti thi. Main raat mein jab sone gaya toh main uske baare mein hi...

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Im not going to Fuck your Ass YET

It had been a long time since I had the house to myself on a Saturday without the possibility of someone coming home soon. My wife had left the night before for a "girl's weekend" out of town and she wouldn't be back until later in the day on Sunday. I woke up on Saturday morning and made my coffee and breakfast. I turned on the computer and fooled around on Facebook for awhile, checked out some sports scores, and read a few articles of interest, but eventually my mind turned to something the...

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FantasyMassage London River Empty Nest Mom

Zac Wild stands in the entranceway of his family home. He is excited, holding a couple sheets of paper in his hands. ‘Hey, Mom! I got accepted into college!’ he calls as he runs through the house. He finds his step-mother, London River, in his parents’ master bedroom, her back to him while lifting her shirt over her head. Zac doesn’t want to make an awkward moment even more awkward, so he calls to her to let her know he’s there. She turns around, mostly naked but...

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Earn it

Introduction: Chloe Letos adventures continue as her rich new beau makes her work for it. Ill see you later mom! Chloe yelled as she climbed into the back seat of a Land Rover, Tell dad I said bye! I will, honey! Lucy waved and shouted back, I love you! Chloe waved one last time, saying, I love you too! The servant shut the door behind her, and Luke stared at her lustfully from across the seat. Hey, He said in a low voice. Hey, She said as she gave him a wry smile. The driver kept watch...

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The BBC that changed my life

The BBC that changed my lifeby kerriluvscumI walked into the video room of the sex club hoping to find some cock. It was early but so far i hadn’t seen many guys cruising the play areas. As i got to the top of the stairs i saw a few guys hanging around the door to the video room looking in. As I got closer I realized there were a lot of guys crowded around. They were looking in. some were playing with themselves thru their pants, some were full on naked and stroking their cocks. Still others...

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