Prime Assets Ch. 02 free porn video

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As a vivacious eighteen-year-old, Emma had taken an interest in dancing. Absent-minded and clumsy by nature, she had thought that dancing might be a practical and fun corrective through which she might acquire some physical coordination, grace, and poise. She had always loved the old musicals, and when she saw a casting call pinned to the library noticeboard for the local amateur dramatics society’s forthcoming production of 42nd Street, no experience required, she leapt at the chance. Her endearing, smiling nature whisked her with ease through the initial get-to-know-you audition, and she began twice-weekly tap dance rehearsals in the church hall with the other young women in the show.

There was only one problem: her breasts. A chorus line has to look consistent, and while Emma was roughly the same medium height and slender frame as the other dozen or so girls, her breasts seemed grotesquely oversized by comparison: The other dancers were all in the parsimonious A to B-cup region, whereas Emma was already sporting a generous pair of perky, grapefruit-sized E-cups that had unexpectedly sprouted since her eighteenth birthday. She was coming to realise that tap, with its endless skipping up and down, might not be the ideal dance style for a woman with so prominent a bosom. The bouncing didn’t hurt as such (her breasts were too dense and well-sprung for that), but she worried that she might look out of place among her flat-chested peers. And, given that she herself had only been a B-cup a mere matter of months before, she still wasn’t quite used to her new top-heavy centre of gravity, which was exacerbating her already ungainly bearing.

And these fears were confirmed soon enough. One evening, the director, a flamboyant homosexual named Cecil, replete in chiffon scarf, velvet dinner jacket, and blond toupée, came to see how the tap routines coming along, having been spending the other evenings in rehearsals with the lead actors. After applauding the progress they had made, he took Emma to one side during a break.

‘Such a spirited performance,’ he smiled obsequiously, touching Emma on the arm.

‘Thank-you!’ beamed Emma with a brief, cleavage-flaunting curtsey. She had upgraded bra, but not leotard, and a great deal of busty upper chest was on creamy display, some of it dislodged from the size E cups from the bouncy, jiggling exertion of the routine. As she stood up straight again, she shivered a little as her nipples, clear of the bra, grazed the inside of the stretchy lycra.

He looked her up and down, his gaze lingering with sympathy on her round bosom. ‘There’s just one thing, dear,’ he said quietly. ‘You’re rather, er, big up top, aren’t you?’

Emma’s forehead creased with anxiety. ‘Is that a problem? I’ve only had them since April. I’m working on my balance, I promise!’

‘It’s not that: it’s the bouncing, m’love. And you look a little out of place next to the other girls.’

Emma opened her mouth to speak.

‘You’re a lovely girl,’ the director hastened, ‘And I’m sure you’ll be a fine addition to the chorus line. Just find a way to strap the girls down, eh?’

He swept off to talk to the choreographer, leaving Emma mortified and embarrassed, but determined to make Cecil happy. So, the very next day, she had bought a minimizer bra, an elaborate contraption the department store assistant promised her would keep her errant, wobbly new breasts in check.

Rehearsals from that point on had been a much more comfortable and dignified affair, with Emma’s ample globes now a distant memory, squashed tightly down into her armpits, the remaining swell in a much more sensible ratio with her otherwise slim proportions. Her thighs and hips were already showing signs of the generous curvature they would adopt in a few years’ time, but otherwise she was a perfect bodily clone of the other dancers.

But that was until the costumes arrived for the dress rehearsal. The chorus line outfits were strapless, spangly red numbers, cut low in the bust and high in the leg, to be worn with nude tights and yellow, elbow-length gloves. In the dressing room, Emma watched the other girls with nostalgic melancholy as they shedded bras and slipped into the tight-fitting costumes, their small breasts nestling neatly into the cups. Her boobs had been that discreet once. Not any more, though. With her industrial-strength sport bra still on, Emma pulled the sparkly costume up as high as it would go, and enlisted a fellow dancer to zip her up at the back. What a relief that it fit!

The costume designer, an irritable, thin character in her fifties, draped in measuring tape and sewing paraphernalia, did a double-take from across the room and strode across to Emma. ‘You do realise that everyone can see that bra,’ she said.

‘It’s to help me fit into the costume,’ Emma explained.

‘Well, you can’t wear it on stage,’ the woman said, with a flat-chested woman’s lack of empathy that bordered on some cross between envy and disgust.

In the wings, Emma waited as long as she good before going on, then got one of the others to help with the delicate operation of unfastening the bra and pulling it out from under the costume. As the undergarment peeled free with difficulty, Emma felt the heavy mass of boob surge forward dangerously, the seams of the dress creaking and straining under the sudden pressure.

And then it was time to go on. As the small band gave an out of pitch rendition of Lullaby of Broadway, Emma and the other girls, all smiles and dazzled by the lights, tapped their way merrily on to the stage before the assembled preview audience. Emma was aware that her bosom was rebounding vigorously, but her mind was focused entirely on the rhythm and the painstakingly-rehearsed tap moves. Without the bra it felt like being topless, as the flimsy fabric cups of the costume offered no support whatsoever.

Beaming the most dazzling smile she could muster, and skipping rhythmically on the spot, arms outstretched, her eyes gradually adjusted to the glare of the stage lighting, and at that point, she became aware of a minor flurry of activity in the audience. To her shock and horror, a young man with straggly yellow hair, staring up at her with transfixed, unblinking eyes, had extracted from his trousers a tall, rigid, erect penis, and, with a strange involuntary compulsion, was stroking it up and down with a trembling hand.

Emma didn’t know what to do. The man was alone in the front row. Had no-one else noticed? Should she do something? And spoil the performance when it had only just begun? A camera flash went off in the audience, blinding her again momentarily. Then another. In the intermittent seconds when her vision readjusted enough to see the audience, all she could see was this young gentleman, masturbating his highly-aroused erection while staring directly at her.

The overture came to an end, and Emma stood there next to her fellow dancers as the audience members applauded politely from the darkness. It was then that Emma realised that her sensation of toplessness throughout the dance routine had not been her imagination. The cups of the costume had lost the fight against her thrusting, jiggling, eighteen-year-old breasts almost instantly, and she had spent the past two minutes treating the assembled crowd to an X-rated display of opulent bare-bosomed titillation that had clearly sent at least one spectator beyond the threshold of public decency.

The man ejaculated, a fountain of pent-up semen drawing several tall, milky lines in the dusty darkness of the church hall. What happened next was commotion, screaming, volunteers rushing to cover the man up and escort him roughly from the premises. The curtain fell.

Embarrassed beyond anything she had ever experienced, Emma had pulled the costume up to cover what she could of her bulky breasts and fled the stage in tears, never to return.

The whole experience had cast a long shadow through her adult life since then. She
gave up all stage ambitions immediately, began dressing more conservatively, lived in abject fear of being masturbated over in public. And as her bosom grew over the years, so her complicated love-hate relationship with it intensified. She never saw the man with the straggly yellow hair from the front row again. She hoped he had been locked away for good, the filthy pervert. And any time she ever heard Lullaby of Broadway, she had to leave the room lest she have some kind of panic attack.

And so it was with mixed feelings that she boarded the bus into Soho with Rebekah. The thought of being in a theatre at all surfaced memories of her amateur dramatics disaster, but here she was, trussed up in corset and fishnets (concealed from the public eye by a long coat Rebekah had also lent her), dressed in a manner unnervingly similar to that malfunctioning chorus line costume.

But, at the same time, she realised that there was something transformative about wearing somebody else’s clothes, something transcended outward appearances. Not just clad in Rebekah’s bustier and stockings, but her eyes panda-thick in kohl, and swimming in an intoxicating cloud of Rebekah’s designer perfume, she felt like a different person entirely, and she kept telling herself that to keep unpleasant memories at bay. And she was with her best friend Rebekah. Rebekah would look out for her.

‘Here for the show, ladies?’ The colossal black bouncer beamed down at them from above his bow tie.

‘Quentin, this is Emma,’ said Rebekah. ‘It’s her first time here.’

‘Performing?’ said Quentin.

Emma snorted. ‘Not a chance,’ she said.

Quentin ushered them through the door, out of the litter-strewn, seedy bustle of Soho and into the velvet faux-luxury of the cabaret bar. They bought their tickets from the box office, handed their coats in to the cloakroom, and stepped into the small, dimly lit theatre space, full of little round candle-lit tables. To Emma’s relief, she and Rebekah were among the more conservatively dressed patrons. It was the kind of show where the audience was every bit as flashy as the performers on stage. So, despite their generous acreages of exposed, corset-boosted cleavage, Emma and Rebekah were unlikely to draw undue attention to themselves, even in their revealing bustiers and 1940’s hairdos.

They made their way to the bar and perused the drinks list.

‘What’s your poison?’ said Rebekah. ‘Triple Sec?’

‘Just a single for me, please. Or maybe I’ll stick to tap water,’ said Emma sensibly. ‘That wine from this afternoon has gone to my head a little.’

‘Fine,’ said Rebekah. ‘But you down the water then join me on the cocktails, okay?’

‘Well, okay then,’ smiled Emma. She didn’t want to be a spoilsport.

Rebekah perused the list while the lean, muscular barman waited patiently. ‘For me, a White Russian, and for my friend… a Ginger Blush. How does that sound?’

‘Very appropriate,’ reasoned Emma.

‘That can be your burlesque name,’ said Rebekah. ‘Ginger Blush.’

‘Nonsense!’ laughed Emma. ‘You’d never get me up there!’

‘You’ve got the tits for it,’ said Rebekah. ‘Don’t you think so, Mario?’

The barman studied Emma’s creamy, corseted bosom, clasping his elbow and tapping his chin. ‘Magnifico!’ he declared at last, in his effeminate Italian sing-song tones, then set about mixing the drinks.

‘He’s gay, don’t worry,’ laughed Rebekah. ‘No need to look so affronted.’

‘I should lighten up a bit, I suppose,’ said Emma.

‘The booze will help with that,’ counseled Rebekah with a wink.

They took their seats at a little table, just in time for the show to begin. Emma took a sip of her Ginger Blush cocktail. Port, champagne, ginger liqueur. It certainly hit the spot.

The MC was a glamourous woman who introduced herself to the audience as Miss Appropriate and proceeded to sing a showtune quite badly. Emma wondered if the poor delivery was as bad a joke as the stage name. Surely she meant ‘inappropriate’, not ‘misappropriate’? To misappropriate meant to embezzle. Never take a librarian to a cabaret, she thought!

The first act was called Kitty Katty. Expecting some kind of feline theme, Emma was disappointed to find the routine a rather generic, drawn-out removal of elaborate clothes down to nipple tassels and knickers. ‘She’s just a stripper in fancy dress,’ Emma grumbled quietly, to which Rebekah shushed her. It was getting more like the library all the time.

A conjurer was on next, then a rather fetching moustachioed fellow in a boater playing heavy metal songs on a ukulele, and then another skinny girl with no tits making her interminable way out of a rhinestone and feathers of a showgirl outfit.

‘I thought burlesque was supposed to be all about big boobs,’ said Emma to Rebekah at the interval. They were on to their second round of cocktails, and the alcohol was having the unintended effect of making Emma maudlin. She had been hoping to see some physicality on stage that would make her more comfortable in her own buxom skin, but instead she was being confronted with a standardized version of the very average, manageable-bosomed person all her short-lived ex-boyfriends had been fantasizing about when they’d been with her.

Rebekah clicked her tongue. ‘Stop moaning, Emma,’ she said. ‘We’re supposed to be having fun.’

‘The dancers are all so dull,’ Emma said.

‘Do it yourself, then,’ urged Rebekah with sincerity. ‘You’d kill it here.’

Emma looked down at her drink as the thought of being up there on stage, semi-nude, flashed through her mind and memories of Lullaby of Broadway came flooding back with crippling horror. ‘Not a chance,’ she said, but at the same time she saw that the view of her drink was mostly obscured by the jutting cream vista of her dual-domed bosom, and she had to acknowledge that she did have something the other burlesque acts lacked. Two things, in fact.

Rebekah went to the ladies’, and Emma people-watched from her vantage point at the little round table on the gallery. She was surprised at the number of couples in the audience, but then on the other hand she wouldn’t have known what to expect. Dirty old men in raincoats? The masturbating man with the straggly yellow hair flickered briefly through her mind, troubling her, and she forced her chain of thought past the memory. She overheard a snippet of conversation from the couple at the next table, both dressed to the nines. They were giggling, touchy feely, perhaps on a first date or at least in the early, flirtatious stages of a relationship. They were plotting what they were going to do to each other when they got home afterwards. Emma blushed the same colour as her cocktail at some of the vocabulary, and at the same time her small areolae throbbed aching pangs of neglect atop her double-F bosoms beneath the corset.

Though the women on stage were a disappointment as role models, the men here were splendid. Well groomed, immaculately tailored, gentlemanly yet sexually open minded. She began to wonder if couples came to watch the show as a kind of foreplay. The thought of being on stage and somehow facilitating all of these bedroom liaisons, of titillating men and women to a point where they had to fuck each other’s brains out the second they got home… she had to admit it was something of a turn-on all by itself.

Again, she snapped out of this absurd fantasy, and Rebekah returned with a third round of cocktails. Another bad showtune from Miss Appropriate, and then Emma’s ears pricked up: an open spot. Rebekah looked across and gave her a nudge and a wink of encouragement. The open spot did a decent job considering how nervous she must have been, but Emma was still not getting the curvaceous femininity she had been expecting. The girl was a B-cup at best. The bosom-shimmies and tassel-twirls which traditionally constituted the climax of the performers’ acts were measly affairs. No jiggle, no wobble, no entertainment value. The
tassels were shaking, but the boobs were not, as there was barely any boob there to begin with. Emma thought back to the shimmy she had undertaken for her own solitary entertainment in the wardrobe mirror the previous evening. There was more burlesque value in that effortless jiggle, more bosom for your buck, than in all the acts she had seen tonight put together!

On the bus home, Emma, now a little too drunk on Ginger Blush cocktails, pictured herself on stage at the cabaret. Perhaps this would be a way to exorcise those demons of the past, to confront her paranoia of accidental public nudity, in an environment where her body might be appreciated aesthetically by urbane modern gentlemen, rather than something to be either feared at one end of the scale, or masturbated over at the other.

‘I’m home,’ she blurted out, accidentally slamming the door behind her, that old clumsiness made worse by the excessive consumption of alcohol. It was past midnight, but she’d seen the lights on, so she assumed Simon was still up. And indeed he was, sitting in the living room with the remainder of a bottle of red wine and listening to some trad jazz.

‘Good evening,’ he said, taking in Emma’s uncharacteristically sexy attire as she wrestled her coat off before him. ‘Been somewhere nice?’

Emma furrowed her brow, then looked down at the corseted swell of her bosom before her, and at the red skirt and fishnets. She now realised that she’d gone home wearing Rebekah’s borrowed clothes by mistake. Her own, dowdy, everyday things were still over at her friend’s flat.

‘Burlesque night,’ she said. ‘You ever been to a burlesque night’?’

Simon shook his head, still staring quite speechless at Emma’s appearance.

‘You’d like it,’ she enthused, walking up and down the living room, still full of nervous, cocktail-fuelled adrenaline. ‘Lots of girls getting their bosoms out on stage. Classy, though. Sound like your kind of thing, Simon?’

‘Um, yes, I guess? I mean, if you liked it then I’m sure I would, too.’

‘Are you into bosoms?’ she asked rather forwardly. ‘Do you like them?’

‘I do,’ he replied.

In her mind’s eye, Emma reviewed the acts she’d seen that evening, and the meagre wares that had been on display. ‘The bosoms weren’t that great, though,’ she added. ‘They could have been bigger. You go to a sexy cabaret, you pay your money, you want big bosoms, right?’

‘Right.’ Simon took another sip of wine.

‘I just couldn’t help comparing theirs to mine, y’know?’ Emma went on, slurring a little, and glad of a captive audience for her jumbled thoughts.

‘That’s understandable,’ said Simon.

‘I’ve got quite big ones, you see,’ she said, quite unnecessarily, given the volume of firm, creamy, gently freckled flesh that bulged from the tightly-fastened bustier into which Rebekah had, with difficulty, squeezed it earlier that evening.

‘Really?’ said Simon, inscrutable. He crossed his legs.

‘Don’t tell me you hadn’t noticed!’ giggled Emma. ‘Look! Look at them!’ She arched her back, her breasts nearly hit her on the chin. She felt that aching throb in her nipples again, that yearning to escape from the confines of clothing, to be looked at, appreciated, sucked… a hot blush spread across her throat and chest.

‘I, um, I thought that was just the corset,’ said Simon, washing away the dryness in his voice with another gulp of red.

‘You don’t believe me?’ said Emma loudly, a broad, mischievous smile dimpling her rosy cheeks. ‘You think I have small boobs?’

And without waiting for a reply from her landlord, she began to unfasten the corset. The first clip had the most arduous task of holding Emma’s bosom in place at its most ample extreme, the pressure of its firm bulk requiring effort to alleviate. She squashed her breasts together with her forearms as cocktail-clumsy fingers fumbled with the small plastic hooks. Finally it snapped open, and Emma’s pale breasts wobbled in slight liberation.

‘Wait till you see these!’ she chuckled, proceeding to the second fastener. Then, ‘Sorry it’s taking so long.’

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As Mercy lies against the wall, she feels herself getting wet. Of course she is already wet from the water she is sitting in and the creature’s cum, but this is a different wet. This is her wet. Soon she is biting her lip as her body shivers to the thoughts of how good the tentacles felt in her mouth and against her body. She can only imagine what they would feel like inside her. Mercy shakes her head, trying to dispel the thoughts from it. What the fuck is wrong with me? I need to focus on...

4 years ago
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Primeval UrgesChapter 3

Mercy is angry with herself. She has betrayed herself. She has betrayed Thea. The latter may not matter anymore, but the former is just as important. And to make it all worse, she just fucked some alien creature thing, not once but twice. What makes it all worse is she enjoyed it both times, more the second time. So it isn’t all that surprising that when that extension of the creature with the end looking like a gaping maw comes back, she leans forward to kiss it like she would Thea. Not...

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Primeval UrgesChapter 4

Mercy’s eyes open. She bolts up into a sitting position, sliding back against the wall. Quickly, she scans the small cavern, searching every dark nook and cranny. She is alone, sitting in the still, glowing blue water. Above her the same light falls through the open hole. “Where the fuck is it?” she asks herself aloud. She braces herself for the creature to suddenly leapt out from the darkness and ravish her once more, but it doesn’t. Mercy is truly alone. She is grateful, but deep down,...

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Primeval UrgesChapter 5

Mercy wakes sometime later and is surprised to find that she isn’t alone. Of course, by now, she has a feeling that she could never truly be alone on this strange world, but just the same she is surprised. The two fairy creatures are sitting on the log in front of her, buzzing with conversation between them. Mercy wishes she could understand the little creatures. “Um,” she calls out meekly. “Uh, hello?” The buzz of the strange alien creature’s words stop and both turn to look at the young...

5 years ago
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Primeval UrgesChapter 6

“Mmm,” she moans, her body writhing beneath his, feeling a trickle of wetness between her thighs as his cool mouth closes over the tip of her breast, sucking its taut length deep into his mouth. She feels the tension coil low in her belly, her legs moving restlessly on the soft grass. “Please don’t,” she begs. Her fingers close over him, exploring him. He groans against her. The rumble of his voice against her skin sends jolts of ecstasy to her trembling thighs. She feels him harden...

2 years ago
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Primeval UrgesChapter 7

“Yes,” he says. “Suck my cock.” The woman smiles and leans forward to take it into her mouth. She begins to suck softly, the man groaning and running his hand through her hair. Mercy cannot believe it. The man ... the man is the same from her dream. He is quite handsome now that she has a chance to view him from a different angle and without him on top of her. And the woman is beautiful. Together they look like angels, a beauty that Mercy has never seen before. Together they look like the...

4 years ago
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Primeval UrgesChapter 8

Mercy wakes sometime later. She is still alone and the jungle is still brightly lit. She could have been sleeping for mere minutes or she could have been out for hours. She doesn’t even know if the sun ever sets on this planet. What she does know is that she is muddy and horny. By now she expects to be assaulted by something alien, but nothing comes at her. And assault may be a harsh word for all the excitement she has been a part of, but the word itself adds an edge to the whole experience...

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Primeval UrgesChapter 9

Mercy wakes groggy and slightly confused. She feels cold. When she tries to move, she realizes that she is restrained. She tries her best to clear her head and asses her situation. The last thing she remembers is the rain as it started beating down and then darkness. She is bent over a large, cold rock. Something equally cold but slimy is wrapped around her ankles. Her feet and legs are spread wide apart. Mercy’s shoulders ache. Her arms are pulled straight out apart in opposite directions...

2 years ago
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Deep Secret Ch 09 Asset

At the risk of stereotyping, I’ll state: men don’t discuss relationships. Sports, women, alcoholic beverages, cars, yes. Relationships, not so much. Depending on individual life situations you could throw in kids, the house, issues with parents and their care (or their meddling), in-laws, kids’ colleges and tuitions, the wife (the Missus, the old ball and chain…), financial issues, jobs, the exes (or possibly their restraining orders), commutes, and, of course, the best route from point A to...

3 years ago
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My Chikni Asset

I am 29 years old now but back when I was younger I was cuter and more effeminate. My hair was silky, my skin was fairer and I was around 5’10 and maybe 140 pounds maybe less. I was skinny and shy and popular boys in my college used to tease me for many reasons. Most of all their reason was that my ass was big. Not the biggest but since my body was so skinny it stood out. The other thing was I had no hair on my body except of course under my arms and my crotch which I shaved regularly since I...

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MomsTeachSex Lauren Phillips Mom Is Suddenly Single

Tony’s hot stepmom, Lauren Phillips, has just broken it off with his dad. This is Tony’s chance to make a move on his bigtit mama. Tony can tell how upset Lauren is so he goes to console her. Lauren tells Tony that he can always call her if he ever needs anything. She goes on to confess that she wishes she could meet a guy just like Tony. Then she offers him a bit of a going away present: Lauren knows that Tony watches her sometimes when she’s changing and now that she’s...

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Owned CoupleChapter 7

We slept through most of the next day, and, late Sunday night, at home, we got a call. I answered the phone, "Hello?" "Hello, slave" "Hello Master, I said. "Well, that was quite a workout. The tape I made of the event will certainly be entertaining for my guests at parties. I may even let you borrow it sometime. Anyway, I know slut is nearing her period, but I don't want her to suffer alone. Get her on the other line." I went and got Kate, she picked up the other line, "I'm here,...

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Cuck Ho Ho Holded by Santa

“Honey this is fucking stupid.  You’re twenty-seven.  Definitely too old to be leaving Santa cookies and milk,” Richard lectured with a smirk.Jennifer had baked chocolate chip cookies, what she believed to be Santa’s favorite earlier Christmas Eve.  She placed them by the fireplace with childlike glee.  “Shut the fuck up, Rich.  I do this every year, and every year, I wake up to a half empty plate of cookies and a half drank glass of milk," Jennifer shot back."You may want to think about...

3 years ago
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My Dirty Little Secret 9

And 'Quin' is actually 'Dave' -- I didn't forget that name, obviously, but I've got this weird quirk of writing each chapter with different names, just experimenting with the flow of names so that I can use them for some other writing I do (unfortunately that isn't erotica). Then I just replace the names with the names I've been using for the series. Anyway, I'm sorry for that mistake and hopefully it won't happen again. You probably have noticed from the scroll bar to the...

4 years ago
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Spray tanning

HOT & HEALTHY HABITSHomeRETREAT!!SHOPBlogAboutWhat This Spray Tanner REALLY Thinks of Her ClientsAmanda Adams, CPTIt was one of the best, yet saddest jobs I ever had.In college, I worked at the only tanning salon in town. Confession: I loved it. However, there was one part of my job that I dreaded more than any other—giving spray tans. (But not for the reasons you might be thinking… keep reading. And if you've read this blog before, you need to read it again).Since this was the only spray...

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Taste of My Kink

Copyright© 1997-2003 There was a young peasant named Gorse Who fell madly in love with his horse. Said his wife, "You rapscallion, That horse is a stallion -- This constitutes grounds for divorce." If you have a kink, something that just draws you sexually towards it, you will understand what I now write. Perhaps its not the same as my own, but the draw that pulls us towards that desire may very well be the same. The idea excites you, the vision at times can be overwhelming, and...

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NightfallChapter 16

The first words that flew out of her mouth were not so flattering. "You just don't give up, do you?" Devlin got up, his grey eyes sparkling and approached her grinning. "Never". "I'm sorry but I can't deal with this right now". She tried to push him away but it was like trying to move a rock. "A migraine?", he asked sounding concerned. "Yes", she admitted. And you're making it worse, she thought. "Let me take care of you", he said and she almost cried. Damn him! Why did...

2 years ago
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Andromedas Night Club

Armand sat at the dark corner table stirring his drink. Although to any passer by he looked like a lone wolf, scoping out the joint, drinking a vodka tonic. In reality, however, he was sipping straight 7UP (no ice, of course) and waiting for the moment when he would move up to his special table. The table with the best view. She saved it for him. Had a little "Reserved" sign placed on it that made people glance over at it all night as if to see who was special enough to have the best seat in...

4 years ago
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uncle paul my first

I was only 5 when my dad left my mum he said he had met someone else through work my mum found it tough bringing me up and was in the middle of a break down my mums brother paul had taken me on for a while so my mum could recover.Well she got better but unlce paul didnt want to leave me alone with mum incase she couldnt cope again so he moved in and helped take care of me 11 yrs on i had just turned 16 mum and uncle paul had thrown me a massive party i had such an amazing time it was the best...

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Jav Find! It’s obvious that you are definitely a fan of Japanese porn. That also means you spend a considerable amount of your free time rubbing your dick to these slut’s hairy pussies all the way from the East, mark you they can do pretty much anything. These include; sucking cocks, having their tight coochies fucked in the bus, insert all manner of toys in their dripping wet pussies, and show you what wild squirting is all about among other filthy shit. These whores are the real sex...

Asian Porn Sites
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My Mother Nailed 8211 Part I

The weather outside is murky and bleak but I am having fun as I am alone after a long time after a hectic year and I decided to take a break and so Shimla seemed a perfect place to start with and it’s quite a healthy proposition if you’re looking for a peaceful calm and chilly summer and perfect if u want to pen down a story a real story and I have been following sex stories for a long time and hence wanted to share something with all other readers. This story is about my mother Padma an Indian...

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Welcome Home0

the train back is packed we're forced to stand, you close to me I can smell the musk of your pussy, I know you're not wearing any panties you like to have me tease you when we're in the car, slipping your skirt up and stroking your mound. as the train rocks I move my hand between us, your skirt has buttons down the front and I slip my finger in the seam.... as the train rocks again my finger slips inside your pussy and you stiffen!! you hadn't realized what I was doing until just then and...

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Seducing Nick

The warm scent of lilac filled the steamy bathroom as Delia ran her bath. The nervous energy that surged through her body would not let her sit still. She paced back and forth across the floor as she watched the bubbles rise in the tub. In just a few short hours, he would be there. It felt as if the butterflies in her stomach were going to tear through her at any moment. She turned off the water before disrobing. Immersing herself in the tub of warm water, she tries to calm her nerves. She...

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‘You could hear a pin drop as they positioned themselves. Julian stood behind Damian with his arms under his, holding him tightly as they kissed while Jeremy almost swallowed Damian’s erection. ‘A week later my man and I were both naked, sitting alongside each other on our couch. Damian and Jeremy, two of the men we watched perform at the party were also naked, kneeling between our legs as we anticipated the sexual pleasure we both craved from them. ‘Damian was almost identical in size to...

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The PsychicPrologue Attempted Murder

Fifteen-year-old Victor 'Batman' Adams pushed the glass door open and walked into the Game and Comic Book store. His black hair was tied into a ponytail as he pulled his pack off and handed it to old man Kraft. "Hi, Mister Kraft. How are you today?" he asked. "Hi, Victor, and you know it's Jerry. As to how I'm doing? I'm doing ok ... no not ok, I'm doing great! I have got something you would love to own. Come in," he said as he put the pack in the storage bins behind him and...

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The Coffee Shop Adventure

[For: edgrant....enjoy!]David and I had met through an on-line gay chat-site several weeks earlier, and we'd kept in contact nearly every day with various messages, and with a few photo exchanges between us.David was considerably older than I was (85 he had said), but he was an 'avid cock sucker', to use his words! Also, he had a particularly bad case of Type 2 diabetes, which, he explained, made it practically impossible for him to get, let alone maintain, an erection. So, he 'compensated' for...

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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 63

I slowly started waking. There were unfamiliar sounds in my ears. Everything looked blurry and I had trouble focusing my eyes. A dull, aching pain coursed through my body. I was hurting! The surroundings were unfamiliar to me. Had I been hurt and did Billy bring me to the healing stations in the ship. As I looked groggily around I didn't see anything that looked like the ship. There were bulky machines that had lights on them. There was nothing to match the sleek design of the ship's...

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wife called to a party and husband fucked part2


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LA FunChapter 82

It’s Saturday morning and I’m really fired up. What I need is to run for a good hour. I could run through this development for an hour. The neighborhood winds around some beautiful terrain that I was going to enjoy seeing. I put my workout clothes and running shoes on. Mitzi and June both got up and dressed to join me. We stretched out with a fast walk before beginning. The street that had guard house security at the entrance continued for more than a mile, coming to a cul-de-sac with private...

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Loving Joy

POV: Kaylee"Are you still feeling bad about Joy?" she asked, sitting next to me."Yes, but the situation was maybe bad on both of us. Joy was just having intimate issues, and her parents are just free spirits. Before I go any further, Mom, are you my loving mom or the judgmental one?" I asked, peeking at her."Kaylee, you know damn well, I have to be both. You don't get anywhere in life solely hearing the things you want to hear, so tell me what's wrong. You've spent endless hours with...

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A God On A New Planet

You've been saving up since you got your first job as a delivery driver, but you finally have the money you need to get your own spaceship. All your friends have the latest and greatest super-spaceships, which are fast as all hell but need tons of fuel. You on the other hand are getting yourself the Centauri. While not able to go 100 light years a minute, they're self sustaining and are able to charge their batteries off local stars as you travel. As well, they're well made for long voyages....

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A Weed in the GardenChapter 13

I had the butterflies in my tummy again as we few those final miles into my former hometown of Islamabad with the garbage strewn streets and the messy rooftops. I all honesty, I was overjoyed at still being alive and breathing, knowing it was the will of Allah to keep me alive for his devoted duty. All those years in England wining and dining in the lap of luxury had totally ruined me as dedicated “True Believer” and I was corrupted with the Western ways that I professed to hate with every...

2 years ago
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Best Wife Ever 12 Days of Christmas

Introduction: Wife does something kinky for husband 12 days in a row. Best Wife Ever! 12 Days of Sexmas Note 1: A special thanks goes to Estragon for editing this story. Best Wife Ever! 12 Days of Sexmas My wife is amazing. I have listened to man after man complain about their wives. I have heard that once she says I do, she no longer does the dirty nasty shit she did when she was trying to trap you. Well, if that is the case, I guess you married the wrong woman. I, on the other hand, married...

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Maa Ki Rangin Life

Hello friends eh kahani tab ki hai jab mai 11 sal ka tha. Aur meri maa 32 sal ki. Mare papa navya me thae mare papa 40sal ke thae unka ghar pe bahut kam rehana hota tha. Hamare ghar ke 10,15km ke duri me meri bua fufa rehte thae papa ne hamari dekh bhal ki tender mare fufa ji ko de rakha tha, to bua fufa roj friday ki raat ko hamare ghar aate thae aur monday ko subha chale jate thae mare fufa teacher thae unki saturday, sunday holiday hoti thi. Mare fua, fufa ki marriage 2,3 sal pehale hui thi....

4 years ago
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Simple Sex Story

Mera naam gauri hai aur meri umar 25 saal hai aur ye ghatana abhi hui hai .meri ek aunty hai jo mere ghar ke paas rehti hai uska naam usha hai kaya batahu kaya cheez hai gora gora badan,mote mume aur sab se pyari hai uski gaand goal matoal bari bari,mae hamesha se uski gaand ka fan raha hu mere ghar uska aana jana hai ,jab bhi aati hai to mae bas nazar chootaro par hi rakta hu saale mote mote chootar hilte hue jaan le jate hai. Uski eek ladki hai jo bahat patli hai vo muje pasand nahi ,usha...

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