The Medium free porn video

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Lady Lydia Hoyt-Moore stifled a sigh and fanned herself with the program from her friend's musical. Lord, how I hate these insipid gatherings, she thought and adjusted her skirts. She smiled over at Dowager Meredith Rawlings, the matriarch responsible for those putting on this despicable show.

The term friend was loosely bandied around; hardly anyone had any true friends. They were all 'friends', or public acquaintances. Such vapid little people held no interest whatsoever for Lydia, never mind their silly little productions that they put on to impress each other.

With her fan fluttering small curls of hair against the nape of her neck, Lydia looked back from the stage to watch the men bending and twisting as they set the props in place.  My, but they do make peasants attractive these days…. She shook her head and glanced over at the Dowager.

Meredith was looking at her expectantly, and Lydia realized she was supposed to react to something the Dowager had said. "I'm sorry, Lady, it's a trifle stuffy in here, and I'm afraid I missed that."

The dowager patted Lydia's hand, and smiled. A bit too much for it to be genuine, Lydia thought. "Oh, my dear, it's perfectly all right. We all have those moments at one time or another." She puffed up pretensiously, and leaned in as if what was about to be said was quite for Lydia's ears only. "I've found out my husband's secrets!"

Lydia leaned back, a slight look of surprise on her pretty face. "But, Dowager .... Hasn't Lord Rawlings been dead nigh on six years now?" She frowned slightly, and pushed back a long streak of silver-laced black hair, nearly dropping her reticule on the floor.

The old crone's finally gone batty enough to believe she can see the dead! Won't Lucinda and Olivia love this tantalizing bit of gossip!

The fan moved a bit closer, a tad faster now, gently rolling Lydia's dark curls back and forth, and Meredith waved a hand, clucking her tongue against her teeth.

"Pish-posh, my dear girl, that makes no point at all!" She laughed shrilly, and Lydia fought turning red.

Everyone in this room now knows that I've said something absurd ... which, of course, I haven't!

"My dear Lord Rawlings, beloved Lloyd, spoke to me through a medium!"

Oh, lord ... not a medium! The old dowager has lost her wits. Mediums are nothing but conniving little twits with nothing better to do than lie to desperate old women. Lydia twitched her skirts, and began preparing her excuses to take her leave of the crazy old woman.

"Mmhmm, that Lloyd was a sneaky one!" Meredith said firmly. "And I now have proof that he was out catting around on me!"

One moment, I smell a nice nibble here ...

"Yes, yes, I knew. All those years, I knew. He could have told me the truth, but chose to not-so-carefully sneak around with those little whores of his."

Not only demented, but a guttermouth as well!

"He has, Good Lord forgive me, bastards by these whores! Four by-blows! Can you imagine!"

I can, indeed. Mine has two. I knew when I didn't get with child in the first two years.... Ah, but that is neither here nor there. Back to the Dotty Dowager. Lydia bit her lip, and patted the woman's hand. "So, what else did you find out?"

"Find out? Find out! As if discovering my dear, departed husband has fathered children with those - those ... women.... Isn't that enough? The medium, speaking to my husband, gave me the names of these women, and where to find the proof of his little 'indiscretions' as Lloyd put them."

Lydia pulled up short. Real proof, hidden in the house? And never visited by this medium? She fidgeted with her reticule, thinking about her recent problems at the house.

I have grown low on money. And that damnable Andrew never denied hiding some of the money he got from his little ventures.

"So it was true, then?" Lydia pressed lightly. "And this man ... this medium, was correct in what he told you - what he got from your husband?" At Meredith's quick nod, Lydia leaned in closely, so as not to be overheard. "Would he by any chance be free to speak to mine?"

The Dowager's eyes popped open wide. "My dear girl, you think Andrew catted around on you?"

Oh, for Heaven's sake….

"No, no, Dowager." Lydia shook her head. "I just miss him so.... Maybe this medium of yours could contact my darling Andrew for a time. It's not been a year, and we were married for twenty years."

There! Yes, dab at the corner of your eye, she'll fall for that! The old woman was always one to fall for tears.

"Oh, Lydia!" The older woman whipped out a handkerchief of her own, and dabbed at her own face. "I'll tell you what, two o'clock tomorrow, clear your appointments. I'll give him your card, and have him come over for an appointment."

* * *

The bell sounded, and Zechariah, the Hoyt-Moore's butler for more than fifteen years, strode to answer it. He blinked slowly at the man on the steps, slightly surprised to see someone calling on Her Ladyship. She wasn’t one for visitors, let alone gentleman callers.

"Can I help you, sir?" His question was stiff, and he moved himself to block his entry in case the man had arrived uninvited as the tall stranger fished in his front pocket, and withdrew a very slightly crumpled card.

"Yes, yes, you can, my good man! I've an appointment with the Lady of the house.... A Lady Lydia Hoyt-Moore is in, I was told." He smoothed back his unruly black hair, and his green eyes moved over the butler in an easy manner. His smile was slow and charming, even to the fellows, and he adjusted his black cravat with one hand as he motioned toward the house.

"Ah, the Lady's two o'clock, I presume?" Zechariah moved aside a bit reluctantly, having completely forgotten the appointment. The Lady rarely brought anyone to her home, so his mental misstep was one he felt would have been forgiven. She had always been more forgiving than old Lord Hoyt-Moore. He didn't like the look of the man, though. Despite his charming demeanor and ready smile, Zechariah surmised that he had a hefty dose of the devil in him.

"Do come in, and I'll show you to the library, and alert the Lady to your arrival." He moved stiffly down the hall and swung open the double doors, inviting the man to make himself comfortable. Leaving one door ajar, Zechariah slowly made his way upstairs, casting a dubious eye on the doorway.

~ ~ ~

An overlong sette was pushed against a wall decorated with paintings of the former lords of the manor, and an especially large one of the recently departed Andrew Hoyt-Moore hung over the fireplace. The room was bright with sunlight, and the man ran a hand over the back of an antique chair near a low-slung table set with a crystal decanter of brandy. With a chuckle, he idly speculated that the bygone lord must have had quite a head on his shoulders to commission such an overly-large ducal portrait.

The medium, a one Jeremiah Dunn, looked around the room again and walked over to the fireplace, sitting down in one of the chairs that sat on either side of the man-size opening, and stretched his legs out, crossing them at the ankle. Why not wait for Her Ladyship in relative comfort? His thought was fleeting, and he looked longingly at the brandy waiting invitingly in its container.

His keen ears picked up the sound of swishing skirts, and the Lady of the house strolled in.

~ ~ ~

My, he's a handsome devil. Far too handsome, really.

Jeremiah noticed how she straightened her skirts, and his eyes tarried on the wide expanse of bosom that the low-cut rose dress offered. He moved, and stood to bow as he accepted her hand, his lips brushing the backs of her fingers.

“Jeremiah Dunn, at your service, m’lady.” He straightened, fingers releasing hers as he took a step back, and then arched a brow.

"Would you like me to contact him now, Lady?" Jeremiah smiled again, taking a seat after the Lady made herself more comfortable on the chair across from him.

"And you are so sure the person I wish to make contact with is a he, Mister Dunn?" What an affront! For all he knows, I'm contacting the spirit of my dear, recently departed mother, or wanting grief to be laid to rest at the passing of a child.

Lydia said her piece bluntly, whipping her fan from her reticule and snapping it open in one smooth move.

"Well, Lady Hoyt-Moore, it is just a lucky guess, I imagine." He looked up and smiled while staring into her eyes; like so many women before her, she melted under the heat of his piercing emerald gaze.

"It could be your mother, or an aunt or even a child." His eyes roamed over her more freely, taking in the black she wore: the reticule, the fan, the band tied about her wrist; even the roses in her hair had been dyed a shocking dark color to signify mourning. "You are wearing a lot of black, and so much black is generally accredited to the loss of one's spouse."

What an astute observation. The fan moved a bit faster. And delivered by such a confounding cad!

She smothered a soft chuckle and looked to the medium. "I do wish to contact my departed husband, Mister Dunn." Sighing softly, she lowered the silk fan, leaving him an unobstructed view of her rosy bosom.

"You see, he and I were quite close, and married for nearly twenty years. It - it's just been so hard since he passed.... " She faltered and let the words hang, not wanting to overplay the part of the bereaved widow.

I honestly didn't give a care if the rat hung, so long as he left me alone, and paid my allowances each month. She knew her opinions weren’t that far from those of most of the wives in the Ton, but a lady never voiced her opinions to such an extent, not even to her closest companions. To share that thought with this peasant, no matter how expensively attired, just wouldn’t do.

"Well, if you have the time now, my Lady, we can have the seance and you can contact him, and I shall go." Jeremiah shifted, stood, and walked over to a candle, lighting a thin cheroot after looking quietly to her for permission.

Lydia stood, and flicked her skirts as she walked toward the door. "Talk to Zechariah, Mister Dunn, I have other appointments. Tell him that I’d prefer you to come back later this week, Friday say, and we can conduct this ... seance then."

And with a flutter of silk, she was gone.

~ ~ ~

The curtains were drawn, the doors shut, and candles lit about the room. It was Friday, and all of the important parties were there; all, that is, save the conniving spirit of Andrew.

Lydia Hoyt-Moore sat on a chair pulled next to the small round table beside the bookcases dressed in a modest, but alluring gown of grey silk, the sides of her hair pulled back in black and grey silk ribbons, leaving the streaked black curls to hang to her waist.

Jeremiah Dunn sat diagonally from her, dressed in a conservatively cut black suit, his cravat a deep emerald green that matched his eyes.

The two held hands in the hushed quiet, and their heads were lowered, focused on the small miniature of Andrew that sat on the center of the table.

" ... We ask that Andrew Hollingsworth Hoyt-Moore please contact us, so that we might speak with him, and be freed from guilt." Jeremiah said softly, over and over until the table shook lightly.

Lydia jerked, and would have released his hand had he not held hers in a firm grip. At a quick look, her voice melded with him as he’d directed it should in the beginning of the preceedings.

"We wish to speak to you, Andrew. Assauge our doubts and fears that you are here." Jeremiah's voice fell away, leaving her to speak the last words. "It is I, Andrew, darling, your wife, Lydia Margaret Webster Hoyt-Moore."

The candles on the table flared brightly, and Jeremiah's head shot up, and a gravelly voice issued forth. "What in blazes do you want, shrew?"

By all that is true and holy...!

"Andrew, is that you?" Her voice was tentative.

"Who in blue blazes else could it be, woman? One of your many lovers?"

Oh, I never! "Don't say such a horrid thing, you awful man! You know I was true to you!" Oh, lawd, she was talking to a dead man through a living vessel! If her friends ever got wind of this….

"You going to prove it, shrew?"

Oh, this is definitely that awful husband of mine! Well, he's got another think coming!

"I can't and you know it!" She huffed and shifted, her skirts rustling in the quiet. "The medium will know, and your reputation as a 'good man' is ripped to shreds! I'm poor as it is - I won't be ostracized for your perverse actions!"

The grip on her hand tightened, and she tried to jerk away, but he was quicker. Her arm was pulled behind her, and she was pulled to her feet.

The rat! The damned heathen is forcing that poor man to abuse me.

She was pressed against the wall, one arm against her waist, the other pulled behind her back. She felt his hand spanning her waist, moving up to roughly squeeze and knead her breast, and she squirmed at the contact.

Disgust! It has to be disgust ...The only other option is arousal and I cannot be aroused by such man-handling! I did not miss his touch .. I abh--

The thought was cut off as she felt his erection against her ass, unmistakably large and rocking against her. She squirmed, and gasped as her breasts were bared, the ripping of the gentle grey silk loud in the quiet library. He roughly pinched her nipples, rolling them in his fingers, and she quaked as heat rushed through her, and she grew moist between her legs.

No, I can’t possibly be enjoying his cruel treatment of me. Yes, it’s been forever since I felt a man’s touch, but surely, no, I can’t be aroused by this?

Her head bobbed forward as she fought the feelings, and he nipped her neck sharply, releasing her neck to grip her other breast, tugging the pointed nub of her opposite painfully. She was aroused, there was no denying it, and her back arched even as she squirmed, trying to fight the feelings building deep within her.

Lydia shivered, and his tongue delved into her ear, tightening her nipples further, making them ache even more, and she shifted her legs, feeling her lips glide easily against the other, she was so wet in her arousal.

Jeremiah/Andrew moved, and thrust her onto her knees in the nearby chair, pressed against the wall. She caught herself on the edge, wrapping her fingers over the backing, and cried out softly as her dress was lifted, the cool air caressing her bare ass, and groaned loudly as he shoved two fingers deep inside her wet folds.

"Mmm yes, wet as I like you. Beg me, whore. Beg me for my cock." His fingers worked in her, twisting and thrusting, curling, making her groan and jerk, her knees sliding outward, pressing into the arms of the chair as she thrust her hips up, forcing his thick, callused fingers even deeper.

This was the Andrew she knew; dominating and masterful, playing her body as a musician would a fine-tuned violin. He knew she thrived on the rough treatment, the mild degradation at making her beg and calling her those awful names.

"Yes, y-y-yes, please!" Her moan was harsh as his other hand came round and found her clit, working it roughly for a few seconds before his thumb slid into her ass, squeezing inward as he curled his fingers upward, clutching at her, rubbing roughly against the spot that made her toes curl and back arch in response. As his fingers thrust faster, thumb roving in her ass, he drew her hair back sharply and she came with a scream, clamping on his fingers, her juice gushing out into his hands.

Lydia panted heavily and leaned into the cushion of the chair-back, unable to move from the overwhelming lust coursing through her. She didn’t even mind that the back of her skirt was hiked, bunched at her waist, the cool air brushing her swollen slit. But her whimper was reflex, an immediate reaction when she felt his hand smoothing over her ass, and then groaned as he eased his cock inside, stretching her long-unused sheath.

They groaned in tandem, and he gripped her hips with bruising force, withdrawing slowly, only to slam in hard, and fast, forcing the chair to crush against the wall with a hollow thump. Lydia shifted, moaning again.

“No, not like this… please.” Her nipples brushed the rough fabric, and her hand fell to the arm, supporting herself even as she pushed back on him, her actions belying her words of denial, and his face creased in a wicked grin as he gripped her hips and hammered his cock inside her for a few minutes. She cried out, a long keen, and shuddered, bucking against him until she was on the edge, whimpering in need when he slowed his thrusts again.

Oh, he's thick .... and so long. Longer than Andrew ever could have hoped to be. Mmm, so delicious. God, I want this. I want him! How I missed a cock fucking inside me….

Lydia gripped the chair, her knuckles turning white as he withdrew, and shivered as he gripped her thigh and pulled her knee up on the front of the arm. This change in her position caused her pussy to tighten even more around him, making him feel even bigger as he rocketed into her wet folds.

His balls slapped her ass with each thrust, and she tossed her head to get her hair out of her face. With a low chuckle, he wrapped the mass around and around his hand, giving him a reign, and tugged it almost painfully.

"Beg, bitch. Beg me to let you cum." His other hand slid down from her hip, and curled over her pussy, rubbing her sensitive clit, pulling her tighter into his slow thrusts, making her entire body quake and shudder.

"Oh please! Please make me cum." Her plea was harsh, jolting, and he paused in the middle of a thrust, circling her clit, not touching it, and slid his cock in one inch, then withdrew in a diabolical tease. She whimpered, and squirmed, trying to arch back, but his fingers tangled in her pubic hair and tugged sharply, warning her to stay still.

Circling her clit again, he delved down to where his cock was half-buried in her pussy, gathering juice and coming back up to circle it more as he thrust in just another inch, maddeningly teasing her, making her head thrash before he leaned down and bit her neck.

God, if he’d just touch my clit … fucking touch it! I’ll come apart at the seams.

He teased her thus for several excrutiating minutes, making her whimper, whine and beg for her release. "Oh please. Please… I need to cum! " She panted out, rocking her hips just so he'd tug her hair again, the sharp little pain drawing her closer to the peak.

He bent, forcing her breasts against the chair hard, tongued her ear ... and rammed his cock in deep, pressing hard on her clit at the same time. Ruthlessly, he fucked her, tugging her head back until the tips of her hair clutched in his hand tickled the swell of her ass. “Cum for me, slut!”

Lydia’s body tightened and she exploded with a scream, her orgasm hitting her hard, and a clear spray arched from her body, splashing into her gown and dousing the chair. As her body continued to spasm, his hand slid back and spread her girl-cum on the tightly puckered star above his pistoning length, and he withdrew and pressed his cockhead to the tiny opening. With a low growl and another tug on her hair, he thrust his hips and drove his cock into her ass, and his fingers pounded into her cunt, thumb slipping up to tease and grind on the bud of her clit.

She came thrashed, hips bucking beneath the rough onslaught, finding herself thrust into a dark vortex of pleasure. Never had Andrew done more than finger her ass, but now, he was fucking her there using another man’s body.

Mouth opening on a scream, she found herself cumming again on his third thrust into her ass, drenching his fingers as he jerked hard on her hair. She saw stars at the sudden pain, surprisingly heightening her pleasure, and groaned as he balls began to slap against her pussy and his grinding fingers.

He tugged harder on her hair as he felt his balls drawing up tight to his body, and he buried all four of his fingers in her wetness. His thumb worked hard on her clit to draw another orgasm as he fucked her ass a few more moments, and bellowed his orgasm as he emptied his thick ropes of come into her.

A primal scream came from her as she came, her orgasm making her eyes go wide and blank as she experienced this new orgasm. He thrust jerkily into her spasming, milking himself of the semen until he was dry, then pulled himself from her body.

He grabbed a handful of the grey silk and wrapped it around himself, cleaning his cock on the expensive material of her gown, and gave her shuddering ass a not-so-gentle smack as he chuckled. Tucking himself back into his pants, he leaned forward, almost bending over her body, and rubbed his fingers lightly over her clit, making her moan.

“I’ve no doubts to be freed from, little wife.” His words were biting and cold as he manipulated the overly-sensitive bud. “I fucked around because you never gave me that ass. I had whores and mistresses, and you knew.” His fingers didn’t stop, and he used his cum leaking from her ass as lube for his fingers as he continued to press the nubbin in tight, concentric circles to make her cum again.

“You hot little bitch.” His fingers dipped inside her as he continued to rub her clit until she cried out and shuddered, bathing his fingers again in her clear cum.

Withdrawing them, he rubbed the fluid on her ass, and cleaned his fingers on her dress again.

She turned to face him, dazed, her swollen pussy and leaking ass on display for anyone to see as he opened the door. A cold smile crossed his face.

“You’ll never get my money, Lyddie. I’ve given it all away. You did pretty good whoring yourself for this poor man. Maybe you could make some money that way, since I’ve had that tight little ass now.”

With a wave, the medium let himself out of the house, and Lydia never heard from him again.

Copyright USA All Rights Reserved ©2013 Mabry Michaels. 
This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

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I sometimes struggle to remember why I married Melvin in the first place, since I had my pick ofnumerous athletic and handsome men. It was probably his outgoing personality and intelligence thatoriginally drew me to him in college, but he is not now, and never has been a man’s man. But I hadthe feeling that he would be successful and able to provide me with the finer things in life. We were doing very well, with a beautiful home on the Hudson River, when he fucked up and gotcaught bribing a...

2 years ago
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Truth is Better than Fiction

“Robert! We need to talk!” I recognized Riley’s number in my cell phone. Riley was an acquaintance, the sister of my wife’s best friend. Riley was in her late thirties and divorced, with two teenage girls - one a bit on the wild side and the other living with Riley. Riley and I were Facebook friends and practically neighbors as well. She lived in the same neighborhood, but a few streets over from me. I had always had a secret crush on Riley, but managed to keep things in check by avoiding her,...

Group Sex
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Victor Amigo de mi padre

Relato: Víctor, amigo de mi padre, mi iniciador. A mi edad vienen a mi mente, aquellas experiencias que he tenido a lo largo de mi vida, de las cuales guardo bellos como unos bellos recuerdos, mi infancia transcurrió dentro de una estricta disciplina por parte de mi padre, mi madre era más condescendiente. mi nombre es Juan.Escribí este relato pensando en que les agradaría leerlo, sucedió hace tiempo, y aun la recuerdo con agrado de como sucedió aquella mi primer experiencia, con un hombre...

3 years ago
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Terran History

Revolt on Terra The FTL ship emerged from hyperspace in the proper quadrant and below it lay the blue-green planet, nearly cloud covered from pole to pole. As the huge cargo ship slowly descended, the dark side came into view and the waking crew could see twinkling lights that marked the few cities. The men stretched and spat, having endured more than a month of suspended animation with intravenous feeding and waste disposal. Once all the crew members had left their pods and rehydrated...

4 years ago
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The Ceremony Part 2

The Ceremony - Part 2Gilly was the first girl scheduled for a Ceremony this week. Gilly had nylon come of age last week.She was a true ginger, fine red hair and pale white skin. Her face blossomed with freckles.Gilly was painfully thin, pipe cleaner arms and gangly legs.What fuelled the whispers in he school was her pairing with Mr Smith.Or Mr Horse Cock to give him the nickname the girls use... For you see Mr Smith is magnificently well endowed,as have many girls found out. His cock is a good...

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sister Love Strapon Fantasy

sister Love – Strap-on FantasyBy billy69boyEmma found herself smiling as she drove to the airport to pick up her little sister Amy. The two girls were very close, despite the disparity in their ages. They really missed each other, and now they were going to spend the entire summer together.Emma was proud of herself. At 20, she landed a good job, and she could afford her own place in the city. She was finally on her own; free to call her own shots. Funny thing, though, she was only away...

3 years ago
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Something For Him

I know this is short but it was a request written under a very short deadline... may add more laterRising from the sofa without a word I move to the door and click the lock in place as you watch me from your seat. Turning off the main light I walk to were you sit and stop. Positioning my self in front of you I look down at you on the couch wondering if you have figured out my secret but your face gives nothing away. Leaning over I make sure you have a clear view down my shirt as I flip on the...

Oral Sex
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The Peeping Tom Day Five

As I work away in the garden my thoughts keeping returning to the morning. What a show Trevor and Elaine had put on for me, fucking in the window like that, knowing the entire time I was watching and wanking over them. At the same time though I wondered of the repercussions, would they tell the other neighbours of my dirty secret. Would they tell my wife? How would I face them next time I see them in the pub or the street? Would they make cryptic remarks in front of people I knew? Then my train...

4 years ago
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An International Man of Pussy

I am writing to tell you about myself. I am a man about fifty, I am one of those guys that women just want to sleep with. I don't know what it is about me but it is really easy for me to get women in the sack. I must apoligize if I have jizzed in your wife. I have slept with almost two thousand women-most one night stands, married, average everyday housewives. I have never wore a rubber and have never caught anything. I love to jizz in a married woman. I have fucked women from all over the...

4 years ago
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Being as housewife fucked by the neighbour

Being as housewife fucked by the nieghbour This is Saroja aged 28. I got married to a gentlemen named Sekhar. He was the man to handle me and my whole body. But I didn’t expect that somebody might seduce me.. Let me say about myself. I am 5.3 ft weights around 60 with good body stats 36 30 38. I always wear saree and sometimes in Chudidar while at home. My husband is a business man he will work hard. He has so many targets like monthly turnover. So he was not at all interested towards house....

4 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 12

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 12 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

3 years ago
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Subgirl The Rape Mistress

The Hydreaus Plague SubgirlTheRape Mistress      ??????????? Her codename was Subgirl.? However she was not a sub even though what a girl she was at five foot nine with long blond hair, blue eyes set in a lovely face and a long legged, shapely build.? When naked, which was how Subgirl always worked her body was quite something to look at with her long silky legs, smooth shaved pussy, round hips and ass, a small waist and full breasts with pink nipples and her soft skin tanned from head to...

2 years ago
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BangPOV Kenzie Taylor Fucking The Landlord

The landlord knocked on Kenzie Taylor’s door today to pick up rent but unfortunately she got fired from her job so she doesn’t have the money to pay. Landlord Seth is not happy to hear that. Seth tries to tell Kenzie that she has to make a payment somehow and that’s when Kenzie confessed that she found her landlord to be very attractive. Seth knew what she was doing but couldn’t say no when Kenzie showed us her big large boobs. Drooling at the thought that she could wrap...

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AssParade Harley Jade Fresh from the AVN Harley Jade gets her ass fucked

Harley is back in front of the cameras fresh of a visit to the AVN and her pussy isn’t sore or tired – it’s craving some big cock to fuck! Oh Harley, how we love you. Our producer buddy kills two birds with one stone calling up Logan Pierce to come and fuck Harley. Logan has been wanting a piece of Harley for a while now and Harley wants a big cock, so everybody wins! Yippie! The real winner here, though, is you, the viewer. You already know how amazing Harley is and she delivers again...

2 years ago
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Breaking Point GordyChapter 2

Tuesday was another day of dodging Marielle and accomplishing only slightly more than Monday's meager output. Wednesday morning, he was pondering how to handle the first interaction with Marielle as he approached the company's entrance. He was brought up short by a hand on his chest. "Gordy, I'm terribly sorry, but you have to wait here." It was Cal, the head of company security. Another member of the security staff was right behind him holding a box. Within a minute, the head of HR and...

3 years ago
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A New and Delicate BalanceChapter 4

(Irene) There is a good chance the child is Eric's. A very good chance. So there is no reason to tell him. No need to hurt him, I tell myself for the thousandth time. And I feel the familiar rush of shame. Goddammit, girl, I say. At least be honest with yourself. What you really mean is: there is no need to risk his love. No need to lose his comfortable embrace, your comfortable life. And most of all, there is no need to bring up your child alone. Go on, Irene, delude yourself. What you...

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The Goldbergs Control Anyone Get A HeadChapter 8

The Breakfast Table before School with Adam, Erica and Beverly “What is it Smoopy?” Beverly addressed all her kids Smoopy as a nickname when she thought they might be feeling down. She wondered if Adam had finally come to his senses and was going to put a stop to this. She was hopeful she would win the bet, own Erica’s personal attention for three weeks and still be able to wind up her husband in the bedroom now that she knew what turned him on. The bet had been a hasty decision. Beverly...

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It was a wonderful evening time,i got invitation from my boss to attend his party along with my wife.The venue of the party was somewhat too dense forest ,in that my boss had a fantastic guest house .After a long time traveled through the car,i reached there.That place was really fabulous.We loved it very much.And then we entered into the party hall,a warm welcome from my boss and his wife.we accepted that they respected talk to us.After that ,I and my wife got separated.I totally forgot my...

5 years ago
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A bad night

Hi friends its nikunj back with a new story of my friend sheetal. She is married now but she saw my posting of iss. She forwarded me her story sheetal it was a dark and lonely night and I was lost. I had been over to a friend’s housewarming party and I couldn’t find my way around these lonely back roads. I wasn’t carrying my cell phone and my husband wasn’t expecting me home by any certain time. I started to panic. I knew my way if I could only find the main highway. I was determined to find my...

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and the world goes dark pt 1

Introduction: A young lesbian woman is walking home when she meets a cruel fate. Its quiet through the streets as Maggie makes her way home, holding her purse to her chest and walking quickly. She hopes the silence is on her side, that no one is lurking as she turns down one street and then another until shes just a few minutes shy of her apartment. No one is walking toward her and the occasional glance behind her shows no one either and as she looks both ways to cross the street, shes golden....

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 21 Cayman Island Girls Family Reunions and a Couple of Weddings

Introduction: This is a purely fictional story. A continuation of the story of Ben Barnes and his family. My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 21 Cayman Island Girls Family Reunions and a Couple of Weddings Characters Introduced: Penelope, 40, Briannas Mother, 55, White, Blond hair with Blue Eyes, 38D Breasts and a swan-like neck Iris, 18, Briannas Sister, 54 White, Blond hair with Blue Eyes, 38C Breasts and a swan-like neck Julian, 16, Briannas Sister, 52,White, Blond Hair with Green Eyes, 36C...

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Caught Looking MMF

Caught looking"Why don't you take a picture - it'll last longer." I said to John. I had just caught him red handed, or red-faced in this case, staring at my wife, Catie's cleavage.John and Catie had been standing and charring in the narrow space between the fridge and entrance to our kitchen. I had approached from behind Catie and slid my arm around her waist - as she turned her head towards me and away from John I clearly caught him look right down at Catie's tits. I guessed that he had been...

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The wind broke on the concrete, making it more bearable, and I desperately found shelter in one of the dusty buildings. Life I as had known it, as humanity had known it, became extinct. There were not many people alive anymore. Things didn’t even happen fast and sudden, and were not caused by one event, like in the movies.Against the prognosis from scientists, the temperature rose more than two degrees centigrade by the year 2018. It was not, however, something that would have destroyed...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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I was in too deep

Ever since my first time being a dirty, sissy slut for a dom, I have not been able to find another man that could control me and make me beg to come over and serve him. I have posted ads on CL and even joined A4A. It is hard to find a guy who can be dominating and degrading without being too pushy, only sending one liners, or just wanting me to invite them to my place without any other conversation… that is not truly dom. So now I have all these sissy fantasies and urges that I fear I will...

4 years ago
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Attacked by Silk GlovesChapter 3 Completely trapped

Paul did not sleep soundly. His dreams were full of disembodied, self-animated gloves caressing his body, of Rosemary humiliating him as he tried to explain why the gloves were stained with cum, and of him naked in front of her as she verbally abused his enormous rock-hard cock. Then he dreamt he had become a glove, able to move like an inchworm, able to grasp onto an unsuspecting hand and swallow it down his throat. The scene changed and he was a pair of panties, being put on by the...

2 years ago
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Napunsak Bhaiya Ki Biwi Part 8211 6

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Bimla aur meine 25-30 dino tak khub maze kiye, tabhi pitaji ne gaanv bulwa liya aur pata laga ki maa pitaji aur chacha ji surpanch ki aguwayee mein 70 log dharmik yatra pe nikleinge. Gaanv mein dono bahuon ko bina aur poonam ko akele nahi chorr sakte the isliye mujhe sahar le ke jaana tha aur zamin jaydad ke kagjaat bhi ghar pe chorna thik nahi tha isliye mujhe hi de diye, chacha ki beti aane wali thi lekin wo nahi aa payee thi isliye chacha ke bhi zamin ke...

2 years ago
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The Temptations of BabylonPART IV

I awoke feeling refreshed and alive. The sun was just coming up and the sky was the half-light half-dark of early morning. I rolled out of bed and into the bath. Afterward, I headed into the kitchen. I looked around to see if Saeyong was there already, hoping I was going to get breakfast made for me again. Alas, the place was empty. I opened the fridge and checked it out. I wasn't going to starve - it was plenty full. I spied the coffee maker sitting on one of the counters. Now that...

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HedonistsChapter 7

The sex club was at the back of a regular bar. The front was a real scuzzy joint. The bar smelled of stale beer. The patrons leered at Denise as she flounced through the smokey room. She did not avoid the rough hands and fingers that pinched her firm ass and groped her perky tits. One stiff digit thrust brutally into her damp little pussy. She stopped while the owner slowly withdrew the gnarled finger. The tip was wet her dew. The big, red-necked trucker thrust his finger under his nose. He...

1 year ago
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Dans le Murs Part 3

Dans le Murs – Part III Synopsis: Colin has been gripped by the lure of filmmaking with the JOKER organisation, has met and made love to the captivating Anne-Marie. Selection of students at l’ecole has been completed and a start is about to be made with the film. Now read on. Part III - Filming Begins After thanking all those involved we made our goodbyes to Claude-Yves and Anne-Marie and drove, via a nice little cafe, back to the studio. We had arranged that I should become a semi-permanent...

2 years ago
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Porn Hub! All hail the almighty one! The king of free porn sites! Often misspelled as "PronHub", "PorHub" or "Poenhub" by degenerates, it was founded in 2007 by Matt Keezer, who sold it to Fabian Thylmann in 2010, because the fucker probably cared more about the money than the website itself. It became part of the Manwin branch, now known as Mindgeek. Other giants in the network include sites like YouPorn and RedTube, and they also own a shit-ton of premium sites like Brazzers and Digital...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Service To A Celebrity

Hello, friends. This is Raunak Singh back again. For those who don’t know me, I’m a student from Mumbai age 19 years and good looking. I provide massage and escort services to ladies throughout Mumbai. If any lady is interested in availing my services can mail me at Coming back to the sex story, I had previous sessions with many high profile clients. One of my clients was friends with a famous tv celebrity. So she recommended my service to the actress. I cannot reveal her identity. Let’s call...

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Oldje, aka old young porn videos! Age is a hell of a thing. Sure, you get wiser and more experienced, but your nuts start to sag, and your belly gets fat. That usually means your sex appeal fades as you get wrinkly, and your dreams of fucking teen sluts go right out the window. Fortunately, old dudes can still score some prime poon if they play their cards right, or at least that’s the impression I get from bills itself as “The #1 Old and Young Site,” with “Real Swallows and...

Premium Granny Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Descent Into DarknessChapter 15

The following morning Eric rode out to see Constable Higgins. He told him about finding the missing woman who they had been looking for. He told them she had been wondering about in the woods on his property. He and his manservant took her in. It had looked as if she had been raped, also and it looked like she had a bad case of amnesia, too. He told him, too how she had mentioned something about 2 boys hurting her. He also told him how she was resting comfortably in his home and they were...

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Lorens Tuesday

Hi I'm Loren. 23 year old open minded sexually active girl. I'm not easily shocked but what happen last Tuesday night..well I can't stop thinking about it and it turns me on every time I do.I dated a guy named Ted for nearly a year. It was pretty much exclusive for me, anyway. Ted satisfied me even though he was not as adventurous as I like. (or as me). Ted has a nice cock 8 1/2 to 9" that is circumcised. It has a shaft (when stiff) that I can barely get hand around to touch my thumb and middle...

2 years ago
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Finding AnswersChapter 28

After lunch on Sunday I called Coach Caffrey. I recognized his voice when he said "Hello?" "Coach, I'm sorry to bother you on a Sunday. This is Kyle Martin. I wanted to talk to you for a minute about our game on Saturday." "I don't mind you calling. I was going over our game plan. What do you want?" "I have been thinking about how we cover Christian Hunsecker. Covering him is the key to the game." "Unh huh. Go ahead with what you came up with, Kyle." "We need to find someone...

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BangPOV Jynx Maze Sexy Ass Jynx Maze Gets A Creampie

Jynx Maze is super duper hot, she got a great big ass that i would too love to fuck. Her new stepbrother walks in on her as she takes some selfies. He bravely grabs her ass and see her freak out on him before he decides to leave. She runs back to him and tell him that she’s horny and that they need to keep it between themselves. She’s impressed with his cock size and gives him a sucking to get him ready to fuck. She rides him on reverse cowgirl where we see that great ass bounce. She ends up...

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PornPics BBW

If you were looking for a site that is dedicated to the lovely fatties, then you might have heard about I think it is more than obvious that this is a picture website, as it says so right in the site's actual name. So, you get to see loads of naughty images featuring BBW's who love to get down and dirty in all kinds of scenarios.With that said, it does not really give you the gist of what Porn Pics actually has to offer, right? Well, if you are interested and you’d like to know...

BBW Porn Sites
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BurningAngel Aaliyah Hadid All Access POV

Aaliyah Hadid convinced the bouncers to let her back stage to meet her favorite musician. At first she seemed shy, but those thigh high fuck-me boots told another story. Logan normally has strict backstage rules, but sweet and innocent Aaliyah begged not to be thrown out and he agreed to a picture. Just a picture? What about an autograph across her nice big titties, written in cum? Now that’s a curious idea. Aaliyah could hardly believe this was happening, and she was gonna make damn sure...

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The Big Bang Theory

Toby Reichard Six foot seven; he stands above everyone around him. Two hundred fifteen pounds of pure muscle he could lift all of them people too. Blonde, short curly hair and blue eyes compliment his masculine figure. Arrogant and ignorant and always looking for trouble, he often finds himself living on the edge of life and death, but miraculously, always seems to walk out of his mischief unscathed. * Ramsey Armstrong He is five foot eight, perfect height for his king size bed and one...

Group Sex
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The Taming of the Muse

The Taming of the Muse If you were to ask a professional fiction writer where their ideas come fromthey'd seem a bit perplexed at first, then they would look you straight inthe eye, and say with complete sincerity. "I have no idea." What do you expect? They write fiction. It's all about telling compellinglies in an entertaining fashion. I'm no pro, I'm a rank amateur without pretensionsso I don't mind telling you where I get my ideas. I have a muse. Bluebell, my muse is one of the...

3 years ago
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Maid To Order Chapter Two

Maid to Order - Chapter Two By Michele Nylons Mick had been shit unlucky. He had driven over sixty miles on the day she bought all of his girly accoutrements. He had even stayed overnight, confident that she wouldn't run into anyone that he knew while he was shopping. But, as has been said, he was shit unlucky. Of all the people in the world who happened to be in the same city, shopping in the same shopping centre, at the same time was his father-in-law Bill. Bill had been...

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