Victor Amigo De Mi Padre free porn video

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Relato: Víctor, amigo de mi padre, mi iniciador.

A mi edad vienen a mi mente, aquellas experiencias que he tenido a lo largo de mi vida, de las cuales guardo bellos como unos bellos recuerdos, mi infancia transcurrió dentro de una estricta disciplina por parte de mi padre, mi madre era más condescendiente. mi nombre es Juan.

Escribí este relato pensando en que les agradaría leerlo, sucedió hace tiempo, y aun la recuerdo con agrado de como sucedió aquella mi primer experiencia, con un hombre amigo de mi padre.

Víctor siempre fue amigo de mi padre, así que lo conocí en casa desde que tengo uso de razón. De carácter jovial, alegre, simpático, siempre amable conmigo, soltero empedernido, tocaba la guitarra, le gustaba cantar, bien entonado, ocurrente, todo un tipo, en ese tiempo de unos 35 años, de cuerpo se veía bien, tenía manos grandotas.
Muy seguido estaba de visita en casa, no había semana que no viniera siempre con algún presente para mí, amigos desde su infancia mi padre y él, ahora se habían reencontrado y habían reiniciado una buena amistad.

A mi edad por esa época asistía a la secundaria, una tarde al salir de mi escuela un compañero me dijo que un hombre le había preguntado por mí en salida, y si, cuando salí vi que era Víctor.

-Tu papá me dijo que te llevara a casa, él tiene mucho trabajo y me pidió que pasara por ti y te llevara a casa, no desconfié de él, me subí a su auto, y me llevo directamente a mi casa.

Desde ese día se aparecía por mi escuela con mucha frecuencia, a veces me invitaba helado, o un refresco, comenzamos a tenernos mucha confianza, ahora que lo pienso, él se tomaba libertades conmigo, en ese momento sus manoseos no se me hacían impropios, me acariciaba las piernas, me daba palmadas en las nalgas, o se pegaba a mi por detrás, llego a poner mis manos entre sus piernas y se la acariciaba por sobre el pantalón.

Un día me llevo a su departamento, me mostro fotos de chicos y hombres desnudos, y fotos de hombres teniendo sexo con jovencitos. Ese día me acaricio todo mi cuerpo con ropa, me beso en la boca, yo le acaricie la verga por encima de su pantalón, Víctor estaba muy excitado, y yo igual, después de un buen rato de besos y caricias me llevo a mi casa.

Sus visitas por mí a la escuela se sucedieron frecuentemente, me subía a su casa y en el primer lugar solitarios estacionaba el auto, Nos besábamos en la boca, me acariciaba las nalgas, yo se la sacaba, y con mis manos se la acariciaba, ese día lo hice hasta que se vino. Una tarde pasó a casa por mí, me llevo a tomar helado, y después de eso se me llevo en su auto hasta un lugar solitario y despoblado junto a un rio, nos fuimos al asiento de atrás, me estuvo acariciando, se saco la verga bien parada.

• Te gusta chiquito? está muy caliente para ti. ven acerca tu boca, bésala, abre tu boca, mámala.

No dije nada era mi primer vez, me supo extraña, tomo mi cabeza para que no parara de hacerlo y entre masturbadas y metidas en mi boca se vino en mi. esa mi primera vez sentí asco, y escupí el semen sobre un pañuelo. a partir de ese día las visitas a ese lugar despoblado se sucedieron, dos o tres veces a la semana, siempre para besarnos y darle de mamadas, con el tiempo me aficione al sabor del semen ya lo tragaba.

Un día según me dijo él mi papa le pidió que fuera por mí a la salida de una fiesta de mi escuela, en ese tiempo se acostumbraban fiestas con refrescos y palomitas, les llamaban tardeadas, me llevo a su departamento, me mostro unas fotos nuevas que había conseguido, eran fotos de un hombre maduro con un jovencito de mi edad, donde el chico lo mamaba, y otras donde lo penetraba en varias posiciones.

• Te gustaría que te lo hiciera? -me pregunto, mas no supe que contestarle.

Sentado sobre su cama, me desnudó, y me llevo a que nos bañáramos, me enjabono todo mi mí cuerpo, después de secarme me condujo a su recamara. nos tendimos sobre su cama, los dos desnudos, besándonos, acariciándome, me metió sus dedos entre mis nalgas, acarició mis piernas, me las beso, el estaba excitadísimo, tenía su verga bien parada, muy excitado, con la confianza que nos teníamos lo masturbaba, lo mamaba, le besaba los testículos.

Me abrazo con ternura, nos besamos ardientemente, acaricio en mi espalda, mis nalgas y mi pequeño pene. tendido a mi lado, me abrazo por la espalda, puso su verga entre mis nalgas, la froto con mi anito, y me dijo al oído.

• Tengo deseos de metértela, he tenido ganas de cogerte desde hace mucho tiempo.
No dije nada, una sensación de pena y deseo me invadía, solo me abrace a él.

• Anda chiquito, -me insistió- te dejas coger?

• Me da miedo, le conteste.

• Tendré cuidado, te va gustar mucho, vas a sentir rico.

No lo conteste, solo recuerdo que abrace a él, temeroso, como pidiendo que no siguiera, Víctor se acostó boca arriba, y me dijo:

• Juanito, mama tu paletita que tanto te gusta..

De rodillas entre sus piernas, acaricie su verga, le hice el prepucio hacia abajo, le bese la cabeza, la lamí, acaricie los testículos. Me urgió a que lo mamara y lo hice, me la metí en la boca, y comencé a mamarlo como lo había hecho muchas veces en el auto, la tenía muy dura, parada, me tomo de la cabeza y me obligo a comerla toda, me ahogaba, me salían lagrimas, pero continué con su verga en mi boca.

Me abrace a él, de su buro tomó un frasquito, se mojo los dedos y comenzó a acariciar mis nalgas, y entre ellas, acariciando mi anito, tratando de meter un dedo, y lo hizo, metiéndolo y sacándolo, acostado tras de mí, puso su pene entre mis nalgas, tratando de meterlo.

• Relájate chiquito, no temas deja que la introduzca.

Quizá por miedo, por inseguridad no conseguía relajarme, insistió una vez más con sus dedos me abrazo por la espalda, siguió con sus manos jugando entre mis nalgas, acariciando mi anito, tratando de introducir, no dos sino tres dedos, me sentía incomodo, pero me agradaba, por fin cambió sus 3 dedos por su verga, la puso en la entrada, de mi ya dilatado anito, aún sentía temor, sus palabras me tranquilizaron.

• Relájate nenito, voy a ser cuidadoso, te dolerá un poquito, pero luego lo disfrutaras.
sus palabras me convencieron, trate de no tener miedo, me sentí más confiado, me relaje, sentí una vez más su verga en la entrada de mi ano, trate de relajarme, deseaba sentirlo dentro de mí.

• Así chiquito, --Me dijo--

Empujo su verga, y fue penetrándome, vino a mí un fuerte dolor, pero continuo su penetración, la sentí dentro de mí, creo que la había metido toda, ahí permaneció un momento, afianzándose de mis caderas, comenzó a moverse despacio, con delicadeza, ya me había acostumbrado a la introducción, el dolor había cedido, me sentía seducido por ese hombre con el que había pasado gratos momentos.

Sus manos eran suaves y calientes, él muy seguro de lo que hacía. Me dejé llevar por Víctor, con la yema de sus dedos acariciarme mis pezones, en ese momento me sentía muy excitado. Cerré los ojos y respiré profundamente. Víctor ya no hablaba, se me giró poniéndome boca arriba sobre la cama, él entre mis piernas, penetrándome en esa posición. Víctor hincado frente a mí, yo sintiendo su verga muy dentro de mi recto, moviéndose, penetrándome hasta el fondo, una y otra vez, sacando su pene, apuntándolo, y volviendo a introducirlo, moviéndose frenéticamente.

• Estás riquísimo, eres un chico muy lindo, estás entrando al mundo del sexo, te deseo mucho.

No conteste, era un momento nuevo para mí, mi pequeño penecito estaba erecto, el lo tomo entre su manos, acariciándome mientras me cogía, dentro totalmente en mi recto.

Cambió de posición, tendido sobre mi estomago, con los pies sobre el piso, abrió mis nalgas con sus manos para colocar en la entrada y me penetro de una sola vez, hasta lo más profundo de mi ser, tomando mis caderas, comenzó a moverse dentro de mí, una y otra vez hundió su verga, una y otra vez me penetro fuerte, yo lo soporte, y a la vez disfrute la primera cogida de mi vida. Afianzándose de mis caderas, sentí su pene palpitar dentro del culito, haciendo pequeños movimientos, una y otra vez, se tensó, y sentí como se corría en mi recto.

• uuuuuufffffff. que rico, muy sabroso, -me estaba gustando- rico, sabroso, méteme la verga, cógeme, soy para ti papi.

• Te lo asegure chiquito, estas disfrutando tu primer cogida.

Fue increíble, siguió una penetración con fuerza me dijo al oído.

• Estoy excitado, estoy por venirme...

Yo no podía más también yo estaba muy excitado. Víctor siguió penetrándome, vibrando en mi interior. Víctor me azoto con fuerza utilizando sus grandes manos, sentí como comencé a venirme muy rico, Víctor salió de mí, me puso la verga a la altura de mi boca mientras yo se la mamaba y me dijo....

--- ¡toma mi leche!

La acepte me sentí querido, deseado, sabía que a alguien le importaba. Es el relato de esa mi primer experiencia con un hombre, a quien llegué a querer mucho. Después vinieron más veces, lo seguí viendo durante un tiempo, y siempre fue igual de intenso.

mi nombre es Juan, mi correo es juanfuldos @ espero su punto de vista.

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Tres Amigos in Bakersfield

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Victoria took a lengthy assessment of the room she was in. It was a trendy brown color and had sparse black and white adornments on the walls and end tables. There were two obviously pregnant girls in the room and another girl around 22 years of age who looked like she definitely did not want to get pregnant. Victoria fell in the latter category, too. She was 23 years old, had a hectic lifestyle as an up-and-coming photographer, and fucked around way too much to take a chance on not taking...

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Bernard Graves ushered the footman into the room after brushing the dust off his shoulders, and reminding him of his manners. The Doctor and his wife were sitting in armchairs while Eliza served tea. "Ah, Graves. About time." "Sorry Ma'am. Jones was busy with the horses. I've arranged for someone else to assist, and brought him straight up." "I think, Graves, that I can tell where he was, just from the odour. Jones, the lady of the house doesn't wish to be reminded of the activities...

2 years ago
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Victorias Punishment Part 3 Call Me Maybe

Victoria’s walk home from high school along the tree-lined sidewalks of her suburban east coast town allowed time and space for a most welcome decompression and reflection on the day’s event. Despite how strange and intense they were, she now felt a calm flow over her. Perhaps this was due to the cooling effect of the late summer’s breeze that hinted at winter’s approach, which felt refreshing on her still warm face and legs.Under the protection of the overhead canopy of trees, whose red and...

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Victorias Punishment Part II Forced Confessions

Victoria walked down the hallway of Assumption Catholic High School away from her history classroom, where her teacher, Mr. O, had just minutes ago given her a spanking. And for some crazy reason, she had agreed to allow it. At first, it seemed like a viable way out of her problem. If Mr. O reported to the main office that she was about to be given a third detention, Victoria would have received an automatic one-day school suspension. And, for many reasons, that was just not an option for a...

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Victorias Deadly Dalliance

Using the forged pass key provided by a supporting agent, I slip into the apartment. I head for the computer by the desk, rifling through the disks on the desk in the hope that I can uncover something quickly. I try the computer; several levels of password protection tell me that it isn't worth the time given the mission constraints. I grab several likely disks from the desk and throw them into a small case over my shoulder. A notebook, one page partially removed hastily. A remaining fragment...

4 years ago
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Victorias Real Dinner Date

NOTE TO READER: You really need to read the first story "Victoria's Dinner Date" before you read this part. Hopefully this story will be pleasurable too, but it will make a lot more sense if you read "Victoria's Dinner Date" first. Now-- On to the story. Victoria's Real Dinner Date By CDVeronica Wow!! "Victoria's Dinner Date" was quite an amazing story. I bet you're eager to hear what else happened that night. Well, I have to admit that I exaggerated a bit in that story. Oh,...

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Victorious Girls Play A Game

Victorious Girls Play A GameHAVING JUST returned from another star-studded event in Beverly Hills, the "Victorious" cast arrived back to Victoria's quaint one bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles. There they stumbled inside and collapsed to the sofa, and helped themselves to more alcohol before Elizabeth suddenly produced a hefty joint."Whoa! Where did you get that?" Ariana inquired."One of the guys at the party just gave it to me.""Really?""Yeah, I offered to give him a hand job for it...

4 years ago
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Victorious Girls Play A Game

Victorious Girls Play Truth Or DareHAVING JUST returned from another star-studded event in Beverly Hills, the "Victorious" cast arrived back to Victoria's quaint one bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles. There they stumbled inside and collapsed to the sofa, and helped themselves to more alcohol before Elizabeth suddenly produced a hefty joint."Whoa! Where did you get that?" Ariana inquired."One of the guys at the party just gave it to me.""Really?""Yeah, I offered to give him a hand job...

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Victorias Fall

Please note that this story is a sequel to Holly’s Winter, Cecee’s Spring and Jenny’s Summer. Cecee’s Spring has not been written as yet. I appreciate all votes, comments and feedback. I am looking for an editor. I I find I must begin my own story with someone else’s. Her name was Victoria Smart. She was a very beautiful woman of average height and slim, with long, dark hair, dark eyes with long lashes, full, pink lips and delicate facial features. Her body had an elegant and very female...

3 years ago
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Victorious Girls Play Truth Or Dare

HAVING JUST returned from another star-studded event in Beverly Hills, the "Victorious" cast arrived back to Victoria's quaint one bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles. There they stumbled inside and collapsed to the sofa, and helped themselves to more alcohol before Elizabeth suddenly produced a hefty joint."Whoa! Where did you get that?" Ariana inquired."One of the guys at the party just gave it to me.""Really?""Yeah, I offered to give him a hand job for it but he ended up leaving the...

4 years ago
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Victorious Girls Play Truth Or Dare

HAVING JUST returned from another star-studded event in Beverly Hills, the "Victorious" cast arrived back to Victoria's quaint one bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles. There they stumbled inside and collapsed to the sofa, and helped themselves to more alcohol before Elizabeth suddenly produced a hefty joint."Whoa! Where did you get that?" Ariana inquired."One of the guys at the party just gave it to me.""Really?""Yeah, I offered to give him a hand job for it but he ended up leaving the...

3 years ago
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Victorias Real Dinner Date Part 3

Victoria's Real Dinner Date- Part 3 By CDVeronica Now let's review where we were at the end of Part 2. There were four of us in our hotel room. We were having a slumber party. Never having been to a slumber party before, I can't be sure, but it seemed to be a lot more sexual than I expected a typical slumber party would be. Of course most slumber parties are all girls. This one had three lovely women and me: a crossdressing heterosexual male. The beautiful Meghan, wearing...

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Victorias Real Dinner Date Part 4

Victoria's Real Dinner Date- Part 4 By CDVeronica At the end of Part 3 we were all in a lusty heap on our bed, exhausted by a session of wonderfully passionate sex. I was contemplating which of my fantasies I'd lived out that night and looking for some others to try. Meghan and I were pointed in opposite directions on the bed. Meghan was naked and I was still wearing my pink nighty. My face was looking directly at her sopping pussy. Meghan played with my cock lovingly through...

2 years ago
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Victorias Secret Part 3

As Victoria stood behind the bar, finishing the last of her checks to ensure that everything was in place, she glanced at the time. Five minutes and the doors would open. She looked down at her body. It seemed strange: to her eyes she appeared dressed, yet she knew she was only wearing a thong and heels. The air conditioning inside the club didn't help. Her nipples stood out quite clearly, despite Martin's paintwork. Finally, the time came for the doors to open. A wave of apprehension swept...

First Time
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Victorias Secret Part 2

Three weeks had passed since Victoria's first night at "Sapphire Dreams." By now she was competent behind the bar and Mike had been full of praise and appreciation for all she did. He had become more of a friend than a boss. Victoria looked at the clock, still only midday on a Friday. She heard her phone ringing in her handbag, and went to the office supplies cupboard to answer it. "Hello Mike," she said with a slight smile on her face. Mike's voice was friendly. "Hiya Vicky, how's your day...

First Time
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Victoria Justice PIcs On Her Phone

“Damn, damn, damn,” Victoria Justice cursed as she dug through her purse looking for her phone so she could go home. When she couldn’t find it in her purse she rummaged through her dressing room in every possible corner where she might have set it down, but came up empty.As she went through her day the last time she could remember using it was when Ariana had texted her when she was at lunch with her mom. She had set her phone down on the table and then must have forgotten about it when the...

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Victoria and the ChastityGuard MK III

Victoria and the Chastity-Guard MK IIII had been observing her, and many others, for quite a while. I first noticed her whilst having a drink at the city bar where she had worked for a time. Although short, she was grossly overweight but with a strangely pretty, even attractive, face. But for the fat she would have been extremely attractive. At twenty four years of age she had not had a date for years, and never had a steady relationship beyond that of a high school friendship with a boy who...

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Victoria Has A Sexy Sister

"Fuck, Molly is here, Victoria," I groaned, jiggling around. "Get off me, you damn tart," I whined, pushing her off me.I didn't even look her way, I just got out from under Victoria and rose. "Shit," I whined, falling on the ground and landing by her feet. "I'm sorry, Molly," I apologized, placing my hands on her feet.My heart was beating incredibly hard again and shook around as if I had a heart attack. I kissed Molly's feet all over and cried a bit too. I couldn't think of...

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Victoria And Her Sister Are Sexy Devils

I hurriedly took Victoria's hand, and she brought us both up. "Matt, have you ever stuck your dick inside my sister's asshole?""Yes, we've had anal sex a handful of times, Victoria.""Good, because now I want to stick this dildo in that hole," she told me before leaning towards my right ear. "While you make sweet love to her, just as you vowed to when you married her."Victoria brought Molly and I back to the bed and lay down first. Molly knew what she had in mind and immediately got...

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Victoria Justice Photoshoot Fun

I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I've always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I dedicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day.I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine. Apparently Kode magazine got a hold of my portfolio and they were impressed . They got into contact with me and told me that...

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Victoria Im Nineteen Now

It was the middle of May 2018, and it was approaching a year since Ashleigh first started working at my store. Colleges were out for the year, and I had just graduated and was waiting to start graduate school in the Fall. She had left the previous August to go back to school in Illinois and had only spoken with her a few times since (more stories on Ashleigh to come later). Of course, if you have read some of my previous stories, you know Ashleigh shared some information about our experiences...

Straight Sex
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Victoria Is A Free Spirit

 "Are you ready to meet her? I swear, you'll love her," she assured me, lying down with me."Really, Molly? I'll love her? Is she going to be a threat to you?""Yes, yes, and no smart-ass," she giggled, pecking my cheek. "She is just my twin sister, but we're fraternal twins. We don't have superpowers or read each other's minds; only identical twins get those. I can't think of a better woman for you to be with, than me."I nodded and looked away for a second. "So, just to be clear...

5 years ago
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Victoria Justice On Tour Aftermath

THIS STORY WAS POSTED ON XHAMSTER BY THE USER TreborCox WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. I WILL LINK IN THE COMMENTS WHERE THE STORY WAS POSTED AFTER I WROTE IT IN 2011Disclaimer: The following story comes from the mind of the author and in no way is a recollection of true events.--The following story takes place thirty days after the events of “Victoria Justice on Tour – Day 33”…“Okay everybody that was a good taping. See you all on Monday.” The director yelled out as the taping for ‘Victorious’...

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Victoria and Elise part 2

One evening, Victoria’s phone rang and Elise was on the other end of the line.Elise asked her friend if she remembered their special time together and if she would be interested in coming over again. Victoria responded positively to both questions and so the ladies agreed to meet up again for a special rendezvous at the weekend. “If you want, we can go one step further, “ Elise suggested to Victoria.Victoria asked what her friend meant, but Elise refused to be drawn, saying that she would have...

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Victorias handiman

Victoria's handymanOver a month had passed since my mother-in-law Victoria had caught me masturbating in her garden. Under the threat of telling my wife she had then forced me to strip naked and finish off wanking in front of her while she lashed my ass and cock with my belt.The experience though unsettling had been extremely erotic and constantly in my mind ever since.Victoria had made no contact since that day, though she had seen and spoken to my wife Sarah regularly as usual. Then one...

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