Tim, The Teenage MCPart XVI - 1: Nathan, My Best Amigo free porn video

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Puffy white clouds hang high in the sky casting shadows on the fields of grass surrounding a road, a peaceful and quite scene. A car... A familiar red car... approaches from the distance, then pulls up beside me.

I'm sitting in my Mustang and finding myself looking Tim in the eyes as Eric silently gets out of his car without a word.

I hear a count down, "Three, two, one," and instinctively push on the petal to make my car go, but my ears only hear the roar of Tim's engine as we pull out.

I knew I was going to beat him again, even though he kept getting further ahead with each shift. Right on cue, the crossing lights came on as the train blew it's horn, and I look over at Tim expecting to see his face whiten with fear.

But his eyes contained a look I had never seen before, fearless and bright, with just a touch of insanity to them. There was no doubt in my mind he wasn't going to stop this time, and it was then my car's speed started to decline. As the train's whistle blew its long wails and the crossing light dinged in my ears, I struggled in vain to get my car back up to speed.

I nearly missed seeing his car jerk up slightly from the dip in the road by the track as mine slowed to a stop. My eyes locked on and zoomed in to watch the distance between the onrushing train and the side of his car close faster than I could even blink.

I was then standing right there by the tracks, witnessing the exact spot where the train first touched the side of his car. Just as the impact crushed the passenger side door, I heard Tim exclaim, "Damn it! You won again!"

The next instant, I was hurled into the air from the explosion of flames and noise, my body becoming lighter and less distinct, and then I heard Eric's distant anguished cry...


I woke up with a start, my heart pounding as it took me a few moments to take in my surroundings and recognize where the hell I was. Then I sat up slowly and threw my feet over the side of my bunk bed, wondering why my back was feeling so stiff.

A voice from the lower bunk said, "You're Joseph?"

I looked between my bare legs and feet to see a Latino guy about my age looking up at me before I said, "Yeah."

"My name is Nathan. Grandfather said you... require a voice to... "

"Link with, yeah," I said, my heart starting to speed up again. "I take it you're interested?"

"Si, but only if your link can strengthen my voice too."

I jumped down to the warm marble floor, but because my legs were as stiff as my back felt, I ended up landing on my face instead of my feet.

Nathan didn't move a muscle to help me, and the asshole was even laughing at me too, so I managed to moan a "Fuck you."

As I struggled to get up, he finally helped me up while asking, "You have trouble with heights?"

I sat down on the bunk next to him to recover and said, "Fuck, no... My legs are really stiff for some reason."

"I have seen people have this problem before. It will go away in a day or so."

"I take it you been living here a long time?"

"Si, half my life. I have voice, but it isn't strong like the others. You help me get strong voice?"

"Well, we can try. I can't promise anything though. You want to try now?"

"Not yet. Questions first," he said, moving to sit beside me. "How do you hide from me?"

"Huh? Oh, you mean how do I keep you from scanning me and stuff. Sorry, but I can't tell you that. You understand?"

"Si. I understand. So... You like girls?"

"Shit. Yeah, I like girls."

"You like to... uhhh... make girls fuck?"

"I'd like to do that, yeah."

"You no keep? You let go afterwards?"

"Probably. That's the way I've done it in the past, but I might keep one or two girls a lot longer than the others I enslave."

This seem to trouble him a moment, but then he said, "Grandfather tell you rule?"

"Which one? He told me lots of... "

"Only one slave per voice. That rule."

"Yeah, he told me. I just meant... "

"Only girls. No boys. Grandfather said you like boys too."

"No I don't!" I said insulted. "Look! You want pussy, I want pussy. If we link, I'll do what I want and you do what you want. If you can't handle that, then I'll find someone else to link with, understand? Any more questions? If not I'm getting my dinner."

"I apologize," he said with sincerity. "My words are clumsy, and I do understand. You and I have this in common. I not strong enough to not do as others say. I wish only to be equal, not above. I wish to decide what I do instead of doing what others tell me. My word to you I will not tell you what to do if you do not tell me what to do too."

"I'll agree to that... " I said, feeling more comfortable about him with that out of the way. "Anything else you want to ask?"

"Yes, just one."

"Well? What is it?"

"Why are you here? Grandfather did not say, just you are not decided to stay yet."

"That's kind of a long story. I'm really pretty hungry. Mind if I eat while we talk?"

He nodded and stood up, his own legs appearing little shaky, but not as much as mine were. I couldn't understand why my legs and back were so stiff, but I forgot about it once I had left the barracks and headed for the food.

Shit, I guess it's time to explain where the fuck I was in the first place. To put it simply, I was in the South American country of Venezuela as the guest and sort of patient of the man known as Gladius. Yeah, the guy who created the twins and shit like that.

Anyway, Gladius owns this... I guess you could call it a town. Shit, it was more like a fortress since the entire place was surrounded by a huge stone wall that was guarded night and day. The population of this town was a mixture of all races and creeds, the largest amount being native Venezuelans, but the few telepaths who he employed and the empathic twins he bred were the only free thinking people there. The rest were simply his slaves in which he uses to breed even more slaves.

I'm not sure if Gladius had found out about my... Shit. Rebellion? Whatever you call dropping out of school, fighting with my parents and sister night and day until I just left and swore never to come back, all while constantly looking for ways to fuck up Tim's life,... Whatever that is, that's what I had done, and after spending two weeks living on my own without speaking a word to any friends or family, I was only too happy to accept Kain's offer to return to Venezuela with him to see if I'd like to work for Gladius in his keep.

Kain... He's this twenty something Venezuelan guy who was supposedly in the states to kidnap this particular type of woman for some reason or another, and we bumped into each other when we both had been casing out the same chick named Michelle. I was at this diner at lunch time looking for someone who felt something from my coin. Michelle walks in and sits down at the counter, so I leisurely sit down next to her and order a soda like I had been doing the last ten times I had tried it there.

We started talking, I showed her the coin and let her hold it, and after she failed the test, I was about to go when Kain sat down and asked if he could see it.

Shit. That scared me. I mean, either he was a coin freak like John or an experienced telepath who had at least seen another coin like mine before. I wanted to find someone who hadn't developed their telepathy yet so I could trick them into letting me link with them. Once linked, I would enslave them before helping them develop their own abilities as much as I could.

Kain immediately explained that he had been scanning Michelle while I was talking to her and became curious when he tried to scan me and found I could hide my thoughts from him. After a few nervous minutes, I relaxed finding he had no intention of taking my coin from me or enslaving me, and then after I explained what I had been doing and somewhat the reason why, he offered to take me to Gladius to work for him.

When I got there though, Gladius himself told me he could not rely on me because I was "empathetically damaged" due to the improper conditions during my recovery from my empathic wipe. He gave me the choice of either permitting his girls to treat me or leaving his keep penniless and with no ticket home.

Shit, what else could I do? I didn't know a word of Spanish and had come there without a passport or any other form of ID. My dad had tried to stop me from leaving home by burning my drivers license and ATM card, and transferred the little money I had in my checking account to the savings account which I couldn't access until I was eighteen. But he didn't hide his own wallet at night since it was kept next to his bed. I simply waited for my mom and dad to fall asleep, then snuck in and took all his cash and his ATM card which he didn't know I knew the pin number to.

Anyway, I knew Gladius had me by the balls, and it scared the shit out of me thinking what he might do to me if I agreed to let those brainwashing bitches do their thing on me. I was absolutely against it until he offered to have one of his voices allow me to link with them. Between that and the fact that I was sure he was capable of enslaving me himself if that's what he wanted to do, I agreed to his conditions and went somewhat willingly with Kain to begin the first of six "treatments".

I was telling most of this to Nathan as I ate like a horse. I explained that I had just finished the fourth treatment and had just woken up from sleeping off the effects of the five hour long fuck.

Nathan grinned and asked me, "You like fucking Grandfather's girls?"

"Shit, yeah. I know they do something to me to want it, but I still can't help but get hard thinking about my next time. What about you? You ever fuck a twin?"

"All us voices get tested by Grandfather's girls every three weeks, and if we fail their test, they "correct" us. None of us like that kind of fuck, and I've been corrected five times. Your fuck is different. I've never had that kind before."

"Do any of the other voices get to have the good kind of fuck with them?"

"Kain does, and I think a few others have but they won't tell. Do you feel any different from your treatments?"

"Yeah, I guess I do a little. I mean, I've only been here a week, and most of that time I've been either sleeping or eating or fucking. I haven't had time to really find out if I'm feeling different than before. What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Have you fucked other than your treatments?"

"Huh? No, why?"

"Oh... I thought you fuck slave or something."

"Why? Can't you fuck the slaves any time you feel?"

"No. We only allowed to have one slave at a time, and not any of Grandfather's. We have to find our own slaves outside. Gordon and Jonas take mine, and I am not strong enough to fight them. Maybe with link we can keep our slaves like the others do. All the voices have partner. All but me."

I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him. Especially since I was pretty sure that Gordon was this twerp about fourteen. Shit, he was more of an asshole that a twerp. The first time he had seen me he had instantly used his voice on me to try and make me get him a drink. I went along with it just so I could purposely dump it over his head, and after I did that, I filled him in on the fact that I was a guest and he better not fuck with me.

While I hadn't actually been told that the others would get into trouble for messing with me, Gordon didn't try anything like that again, but he was working really hard to get around my self encrypting thoughts while I had been eating breakfast that morning.

Even though I had just slept for six hours, I was feeling really sleepy by the time I finished eating. I think I barely kept my eyes open long enough to make it back to bed before slipping into a deep sleep again.

The next morning I woke up feeling stiff again, but not as bad as the day before. I wasn't going to have another treatment until the next day, so I decided to do some exploring, having not seen much of the place except the courtyard were the food was given out, the barracks where I slept, and Kain's lab where I went for my treatments.

I shared the barracks with fifteen or so men, but the only time they ever used it was at night. None of them ever spoke a word to me as they mechanically showered and climbed into bed every night around ten. After they got up at the crack of dawn and filed out to do their work in the fields, I had the whole place to myself until they returned that evening.

I'll say this much for Gladius. He runs a tight ship. As I wandered around the town, every person over the age of three was hard at work in some fashion or other. Women washing clothes, sewing clothes, making pottery, taking care of the children who were too young to be in school.

Shit. School... It wasn't anything like a school I ever heard of. There were only two men and two women teaching at least sixty children between three and twelve, and besides Kain and Gladius, they were the only voices over the age of twenty. They were in the middle of their French lesson, but during the lesson one of the men went over to this one girl and apparently gave her a pop quiz on blow jobs.

That's pretty much when I knew the treatments hadn't helped me a bit. I wanted that kind of power, I wanted to order a little girl like that to suck me off, then fuck her up really really bad before taking her mind and using her in every form of sex I could think of.

I left the "school" and started searching for Nathan, yet continued to do some exploring too. Most of the buildings were simply housing for the slaves, the women's sleeping quarters all having two bedrooms separated from the bunk beds, but otherwise their uniform monotonous look was identical to the men's bunkers like mine. The exception to this was the maternal wards where women with babies were given private rooms, showers, and other luxuries the others didn't have.

The children's quarters were pretty much smaller versions of the adults, but I was surprised to find they had play areas stocked with toys. I wondered if this meant that children required that kind of activity in order to grow up somewhat normal.

All those buildings I found to be empty, but several other buildings were in use like the one where the food was prepared, another where the laundry was done, some metal works, and a bunch of others which I didn't bother to check out that looked pretty much the same.

I had no idea of what Nathan or any of the other voices did all day. Kain had told me that there were thirteen teen voices working for Gladius, and they all had jobs to do during the day to earn their board and meals. I found it very strange that any voice would put up with such an arrangement, for they could have easily gone out and lived like kings instead of working seven days a week in that slave pit.

I was on my way back to the court yard where they would be serving lunch when a guy appeared twenty yards behind me and started ordering me to do something in Spanish.

"I don't speak Spanish, and I'm not one of these... people," I said, finding the guy was irritated at me for some reason.

I felt his mind try to command me to follow him, and I barely was able to hold him off before he stopped and frowned at me for a few moments.

Then he turned and whistled down to another guy in the distance, and I watched that one jog towards us with a grin on his face while the other motioned for me to follow him inside a rather large building I hadn't tried.

"Holy shit," I gasped, finding the building littered with nude women in an assortment of sexually inviting poses and positions. I looked over at the guy who I had followed, then mirrored his toothy grin just as the other guy came in.

The second guy asked the first something which I figured to be "What did you want?" then in the middle of the response, the second guy said "Ahhhh... " and looked at me with a grin spreading on his face.

"Welcome to the whore house. My name is Chris, and yours is Joseph, right?" the second guy said in perfect American English.

"Yeah, but call me Joe. You're American?"

"Yep. Born in Philadelphia, raised in Texas, but for the past five years I've been working here. You like the scenery?"

"Fuck yeah. Uhhh, is that all it is though?"



"Oh... Well, yes and no. You see, these bitches are all owned by us, the male voices. You can't fuck any of them unless the one who owns them allows it, but we generally will say okay as long as we get to do the same to yours. I take it you're going to join us here?"

"Yeah, I hope so. Uhm, you know Nathan, right?"

"What, pip squeak?" he laughed. "Yeah, we all know him. Why?"

"I was looking for him, that's all," I said, sensing they wouldn't like the real reason why.

I felt his mind touching mine in a probe, then grinned at his confusion and said, "Sorry. No peeking."

"Shit, I've never... Well, if you want some free advice, I wouldn't get too friendly with Nathan if I were you."


"He's desperate for a partner, that's why. We all have a partner to rely on to watch our back and help each other when we need it. Peter's my partner, and you'll need one too if you don't want to end up sucking someone's big toe every night. Nathan's a voice, but he's so weak he's worthless as a partner. You'd be better off joining us until someone else comes along. We could use the extra mind, not that we don't do okay on our own."

"Uhm, thanks. I'll keep that in mind. But I'm not officially one of you yet, and Gladius told Nathan to talk to me about something, and I just remembered something he needed to know. Do you know where he is right now?"

"He's in the medical building, probably playing doctor with some of the patients again," he snickered.

"Thanks. I'll see you around, alright?"

"Yeah... Just remember what I said, though."

"I will," I said giving him a fake but convincing smile. "I don't want to suck anyone's toes."

That fucker must have thought I was born yesterday or something. I mean, first his "partner" tests to see how strong my defenses are, then he attempts to impress me with the whore house before ripping on Nathan and trying to talk me into joining their group. But I knew his game. I saw the grin he had on his face while jogging up to us. It had been one of those "he fell for it" kind of grins.

At least he didn't lie to me about where Nathan was though. I found him in the medical building, and it kind of startled me to find him there finger fucking a woman who wasn't even conscious.

"Is that a new way to diagnose herpes or something?" I said behind him, making him jump.

"I... I... " he said, turning red.

"Shit, it's cool, Nathan. I'm sure I'd do something like that too if I had the chance. Look. I've been doing a lot of thinking, and if you're willing, I'd really like to do the link with you. But you have to promise me one thing."

"What?" he said, before sticking his wet finger in his mouth for a taste.

"Shit... You're so horny you'd fuck a dead cow, wouldn't you? Shit. I want you to give me your word you won't ever hide anything from me. We got to trust each other if we're gonna be partners"


"Yeah. Really. So... What do you say."

"I say yes. When do we do this link?"

"Well, right now if you want."

"Will it hurt?"


"Do I have to lay down?"

"No! Shit, all you have to do is let it happen when you feel me trying to form it with you. That's it. No deposit required."

"No deposit?"

"Never mind. Are you ready or not?"

He looked at me for a moment, then sat down in a chair by the door and nodded his head.

I swear my heart was pounding so hard in anticipation that I thought I was going to faint before I could form the link.

Shit. Just feeling the link gave me a such a woody that I had to adjust my cock in my shorts right there in front of Nathan. And when I felt the minds of the people around me, I was so fucking horny, I considered fucking the bitch who he had been playing with when I had come in.

"That's it?" Nathan asked.

"That's it. Do you feel any stronger?"

"Must test it," he mumbled to me as he concentrated really hard.

Then his eye grew really wide and he got really excited, exclaiming something in Spanish before hugging me like a fool.

"Shit, what the fuck did you do to test it?" I asked him once he had let me go.

"My slave is now mine again!" he exclaimed with glee. "Come, Joseph! Come and meet my sister! Then fuck her with me!"

"Your sister?" I said shocked as he pulled me out into the hall. "You enslaved your sister?"

"Si. She was my fantasy. But for three years Jonas and Rico and now Gordon have kept me from having her and used her themselves. But now she is mine again. Thank you, Joseph. My gratitude is yours forever."


Shit, was I horny. I was humping my shorts as I ran to the whore house with Nathan, and as soon as I was through the door, I took control of the first bitch I saw and had her undressing me while I took over the next one.

Nathan was only interested in his sister at the end of the hall, so he didn't notice what I was doing. I had one sucking on my cock while I sucked on another's tits and taking control of a third who then joined the task of the first.

Shit, I was like a kid in candy store. When I finished taking the mind of the fourth and started on my fifth, I had the first three move out of the way so I could mount the fourth and start humping away. The other three began licking each other all over, then after I exploded inside the fourth, they joined the fifth and sixth in fighting the fourth for their fair share of my cum which was dripping out of her cunt.

I must have spent a good hour with those girls, fucking each one at least once, and fucked the fourth two more times because her cunt was so fucking hot. I completely forgot about Nathan until I was flat on my back and listening to the girls slurping each other out with my eyes closed.

"Oh no... " I heard his voice say from the other end.

"What's the matter?" I asked, barely having the energy to sit up and look at him.

He was standing there at the other end of the hall with apparently his full grown sister sucking his soft cock.

"Amigo... You have broken so many rules... " he said with forlornness.

"Oh? Which ones?" I said, laying back down and closing my eyes again.

"You fucked them without permission from their masters, and right now they are committing a sin! Please, amigo... make them stop their evil actions... "

"What are you talking about?" I said, opening my eyes and looking over at the six slurping girls. "They're not committing a sin... They're just... pleasuring each other... "

"It is a SIN! he cried as his sister began humping his fully hardened cock with her mouth.

"Looks like you like that kind of sin," I said, grinning at him. "Let me guess... Gladius doesn't like any kind of homosexual sex? Even when it's girls doing it?"

"Please stop, amigo," he groaned as I directed two of my fuck sluts to disentangle themselves from the group and approach Nathan and his sister with eyes trained on her.

"Oh, come on, Nathan," I said grinning ear to ear. "She's worked very hard to pleasure you, so the least you can do is let her be pleasured too. Look... See? She likes the feel of other sluts licking her neck and shoulders."

Nathan groans again and starts humping his sisters mouth from my sneaky stimulation of his balls and cock. He didn't seem to be aware that you could control the body's senses directly, for he only protected his mind and not his body. I considered the possibility that all the voices there believed all control was centered in the brain, but I quickly assumed that Nathan simply wasn't experienced enough to learn that lesson yet.

We were interrupted by the door opening, then a voice exclaiming, "What the FUCK!"

Nathan and I both froze for a moment, then Nathan whimpered as he came and that spurred me into action.

Shit. It only took me a second to get around Leon Parkinson's defenses, and I wasn't even half way turned around before I had put him in a dream state just on instinct. I had done it all without even thinking about it, and after I had turned around to face him, it took me a few moments to realize what I had done.

"Holy shit," I said softly.

"Damn, I'm good," I said proudly a moment later. "Look, Nathan. I... Hey... It's cool, Nathan... He's in dreamsville... "

"Dreamsville?" Nathan said in a very small voice. "Amigo, we are in very bad trouble... "

"Hey... Trust me. I've had a lot of experience at covering up things like this... Shit, Nathan. Don't you think you over did it on the cock sucking bit?" I said noticing his sister was still sucking on his cock.

"Vera, go to our room and clean yourself up," he said after looking down at her for a brief instance. "Joseph, do you understand we would be enslaved ourselves if we attempted to 'cover up' and it fail? Grandfather's girls can detect such deceit ten feet away... "

"Heh... You're just not very good at keep your mind off of things you don't want others to know about," I said before realizing that was truly a problem.

I looked at him with a thoughtful gaze and asked, "Nathan, do you trust me?"

"Trust does not come easily to me," he replied honestly. "I trust you more than the others, but not blindly so."

"Leon," I said to the eldest of the male teen voices as I turning around. "What would you do to us for using all these girls?"

"I wouldn't have done anything until talking to the others."

"And what do you think they would have done?"

"Probably enslave you two for a couple of days and play with you."

"Wouldn't Gladius get upset?"

"Nah... As long as the work gets done and we don't break any of his rules, he lets us run things the way we like."

"I see," I said while scanning his open and defenseless mind. "Nathan, why don't you go to your room and wait for me there. The less you see, the better, okay?"

"Si," he said nervously. "You come to me when you finish?"

"Yeah, and don't worry. Everything will be all right. Neither of us are gonna be anyone's toys. You can trust me on that."

The first thing I did was to do some fancy encrypting on Leon's memory concerning what he had seen coming in, then had him turn around and walk out before waking him up believing he had done what he had came there to do without any recollection of what had happened. It was pretty much the same kind of technique I had used on the girls I had used, and if Tim and Sarah both couldn't uncover them, I figured none of these assholes had a chance to.

I'm not a greedy man, but the idea of letting all those women go... Well, if I was gonna be caught for tampering with the other slaves, I figured I might as well have tampered with all of them. I really didn't believe anyone would find out. It was probably a pretty stupid thing to do, but at that point I didn't care. I spent almost an hour cleaning up their memories and encrypting my controls in their heads and leaving just a tiny rat to report to me if they hear something I should know about.

Oh man... That was the smartest thing I ever did. Shit, if I hadn't done that, I would have been up shit's creek without a paddle about a year later.

Nathan's room was on the third floor of the building, and after getting off the elevator, I was really surprised at how nice the hallway was. The ground floor had been kind of dingy with low lights and no air conditioning, but the upstairs was nice and cool, brightly lit, looking more like a fancy apartment building than the dump it appeared to be downstairs.

There were four rooms on that floor, and after I knocked on the one I sensed Nathan was behind, I simply turned the knob and walked in from his reply to come in.

"Damn!" I exclaimed, finding his room was like a penthouse. "Do all the voices get a pad like this?"

"Si," Nathan said softly and sleepily from the bed.

His sister was asleep with her head on his chest, and I took that opportunity to get a good look at her. She had a very pretty face, and I guessed her age to be around twenty or so. I was trying to see if they looked alike at all, but was distracted by Nathan carefully slipping out of the bed.

"Amigo, you smell of sex. You must shower," he said, walking to what I assumed was the bathroom.

I followed him and found a bathroom not quite as nice as Tim's back home, but still was very nice. Nathan walked up to the toilet and started pissing right there in front of me, and I got this really weird feeling he was testing me somehow.

I shrugged it off and went to start the water in the shower, then felt his eyes appraising me while I was taking my clothes off. I wasn't sure what his intentions were. I mean, I was pretty certain he wasn't interested in me, and I certainly wasn't interest in him in that way, but I couldn't help but wonder if that's what was going on.

Same as Tim, The Teenage MC
Part XVI - 1: Nathan, My Best Amigo Videos

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVI 3 The Joys of Enslaving and Raping

Nathan and I took our freshly picked afternoon fucks to our usual spot and started fucking them, and I didn't bring up anal sex when Nathan didn't suggest it himself. Nathan was busily eating his girl out while I was just toying with mine, feeding her her juices with my fingers and watching her lick them off erotically. I was surprised when Nathan heard my sigh of discontent, but I was surprised even more by the realization I wasn't really enjoying myself anymore. "Do you wish to trade...

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"But why would you want to help her? She has done some very bad things to me and... " Nathan complained. "For the last time, Nathan. I did it to help myself as much as her. Shit, I'm hungry," I said as we reached the base of the mountain. "Hey, how did you guys know I was up there, anyway?" "When your link thing broke with Nathan, he came running to us saying he thought you died or something," Gordon said with a grin. "When we couldn't find you, we went to Grandfather and found...

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Tim the Teenage Part XXVIII

Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-Eight By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Counselors Part 5 - Whole Lot'a Suckin' Goin' On.. (oral mf mm) The rain continued falling until about an hour before lunch the next day. Joey and I couldn't believe our eyes when we found around twenty of the younger boys and girls playing in the mud fully clothed after breakfast. We let them have their fun, then scolded them for doing it after we split them up and marched them...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVII 2 Big Shoes to Fill

"Timmy, please try to be sensitive to his feelings when he first sees you?" Suzi said as she rung the doorbell. "Don't just walk in and say Hi, Eric." "Hi, Eric," Suzi said when he answered the door. "Hi Suz," Eric said surprised. "I would have... " Suzi stepped out of the way so he could see who was standing behind her, and after a brief moment of not recognizing me, Eric's face became chalky white before he rolled his eyes up and promptly fainted. "Eric!" Suzi said...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVII 1 Rebirth

My memories of waking up in the motel room Joey had taken us to are extremely gray. Not fuzzy, not indistinct, just very... gray, in the emotional sense. I wasn't happy. I wasn't sad. I wasn't excited or content. I wasn't anything. The words Joey spoke to me I just didn't bother to comprehend, for I didn't feel the need to. I had no motivation to do anything. I think I would have just stopped breathing if it hadn't been automatic. Joey had to take control of my body several times...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVIII 2 The Unwanted Gift

It all started very innocently when Higgs asked me to clear out the room on the third floor which Joey and I had used for an office. "What exactly did you two do up here anyway?" Jennifer asked as we walked hand in hand up the stairs after school. "We worked on a special art project," I simply said. "Art?" she echoed in surprise. "I never thought of you being into art... " I just let myself smile at her, knowing she had accepted my words without question. It would have been so...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVII 6 Love at First Sight

I still remember every detail of the day I saw the love of my life for the first time. Brad and I were walking together to go to our second hour class when suddenly, out of the blue this drop dead gorgeous girl that both Brad and I had never seen before appeared. "Wow, man... Who is she?" Brad said to me. "Gloria Harr, Junior, just moved here from California," I said as I scanned. "So far she hates it here, and she only digs guys who skateboard." "Shit. I knew I should have kept...

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Tim the Teenager Part XVIII

Tim, the Teenage Part Eighteen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter V: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - The North Mansion Part 5 - Sex Goddess I Call Mom (oral mF) Joey, Suzi and I were getting ready to go to bed in a third room. It was identical to the first room, except it didn't have a waterbed or the paintings, but had something our room didn't. "Holy Shit," Joey exclaimed when opening a drawer of the additional cabinet. "It’s a drawer full of those things Sandi had. Except they don't...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVIII 4 My Student and Lover

"Good morning," I said as Jennifer opened the door and got in. "What's the plan for today?" "You tell me," she said sweetly as she bent forward and gave me a kiss on the lips. "You're the teacher, I'm just the student." "So you're feeling better about it all?" I said, noticing Lee's smiling face from the window. "I told them everything. And I mean everything. Things I haven't even told you about... yet. My dad was surprised and a little uncomfortable about some of the......

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVIII 5 Teachers Day Off

"So, what'ch ya wanna do today?" Joey asked with a grin when I answer the front door. "Shit, I don't know. I figured you'd have made a list as long as your arm, so I really haven't thought about it." I said as he came in and I closed the door. "I take it having sex with a pair of triplets I met last week would be out of the question?" "Yeah, you can pretty much cross out any kind of sex out for me." "Well, that just about crosses off everything on my list," he sighed,...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIV 6 Southeast Fringe Benefits

Time to back up a little and explain a few things. You may wonder why I bothered to set up camp at Southeast State after spending an entire semester at Northwest State. I had seriously considered going back to Northwest since I was familiar with the people and campus, and hadn't really been all that impressed by Doctor Kinmon's offer at Southeast. But Northwest State simply wasn't... convenient. It was four and a half hours away from home, and while Southeastern State wasn't much better...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVII 4 Back to School Again

"What's up, man?" Brad said cheerfully, leaning up against the wall outside the high school's main entrance. "Nice to see you alive and in the flesh." "Thanks, Brad. Wow... What did you do while I was dead? Go all natural or something? You look great!" "Shit, man. Sandi talked me into doing aerobics with her. I just humored her at first, but now... " he said, bending backwards until his hands touched the ground, then proceeded to smoothly transfer his entire weight onto his hands...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVIII 3 Womans Right to Change Her Mind

I had promised my mom I would spend that Sunday with her and Richie, and despite the fact that I wanted to spend every minute of it with Jennifer, I did actually enjoy some parts of the day. Richie was christened that morning for one thing, and I was made his Godfather which meant I held him while they made his fussy mood worse by sprinkling the holy water on him and making him outright cry. Oh, I shouldn't really complain though. I was happy to do it, especially since I didn't have a...

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Tim the Teenager Part XVII

]Tim, the Teenage Part Seventeen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter V: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - The North Mansion Part 4 - Pop Go the Cherries (fm, mmf) "Okay, Joey. Let’s go over the game plan. The twins are waiting right inside, and I would like us to romance them a bit. That all right with you?" "Sure. I can do some sweet talkin'. I need the practice anyway. I think I'm getting rusty with Suzi around." "Hmmph," Suzi said. "Wouldn't hurt you to practice on me a little more...

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Tim the Teenage Part V

Tim, the Teenage Part Five By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 3 - The Horror of the Power (mc, Mm, Mf, Mfm) "Come to me slave," the huge man said. "You're mine now." I felt my legs obey the deep voice, finding myself trapped in a body I couldn't control. It was kneeing before him with my head down in servitude, while my mind screamed at it's refusal to obey me. "So, you found my pet, did you? How did you... Ah, I see. I missed something. Well, at least...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart 9 Note from Author

“Tim, the Teenage MC” has been rewritten and vastly expanded as a new 9 book series spanning over 3 million words called “The Chronicles of Tim Brandton.” The story starts with the first book: “Love’s Shepherd” which covers the events of the original five chapters of “Tim the Teenage MC” (8th & 9th grade) but vastly expands the story. I’ve learned a lot on how to write since I wrote the first 20 or so chapters of “Tim, the Teenage MC” and have rewritten the original story to where I...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVII 10 Aid for Heartaches

"Tim?" "Jennifer? What's wrong?" "Jennifer, please... Where are you?" "I'm... I'm home... " "Are you hurt?" "No... My mom... " "Your mom did something? Did she hit you?" "NO!" "Honey, please stop crying long enough to tell me... What is WRONG?" "She... she cut her thumb... " "What? You're mom? She cut her thumb?" "Yes! And then... " "And then what? Jennifer! Tell me!" "She's...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVII 3 Tests of Ones Character

"Nice to finally meet you, Mr... Grodmen wasn't it?" Mr. Higgs said, shaking the hand of my dad. "That's correct. I've heard a lot about you from Tim. I'd like to thank you for being so... understanding with him. He's been through a lot, you know." "Yes, I know," Higgs said, giving me an emotional look that I instantly responded with a fake but convincing weak grin. "Where's Joey?" I asked as we sat down. "I decided it would be best to have separate meetings with you two,...

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Tim the Teenage1

Tim, the Teenage Part Two By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter II: 9th Grade, Fall 1985 Part 1 - Love, Life, and the Power. (mc, mf-TP-Mast, mfm-TP-Mast) (TP-Mast = Telepathic sharing while masturbating) It was the second day of school of my freshman year when I first kissed Suzi. We had only seen each other twice over the summer vacation, but we had talked practically every night over the phone. I sat with her during lunch instead of my usual table, making the guys a little mad at me. At least...

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Tim the Teenage Part XX

Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VI: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Campers Part 1 - Off To Summer (Sex) Camp We Go (mc, mfmm, mf ) Every year since we were in fourth grade, John, Brad, Joey and I had gone to a summer camp for two weeks in June. We had several friends we only got to see at this camp and always had a blast with them. But this year, only Joey and I were going. Brad had elected not to go because of his sister. John didn't associate himself...

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Tim the Teenage Part VIII

Tim, the Teenage Part Eight By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 7 - A Day With Dear Ole Dad (mc, oral mf mF MF) "My father was a slave of my mother's. He didn't have any powers like... this," I said, indicating his backrest. "Oh, so your mother didn't tell you I had the talent. I wonder why? No matter. Yes, your mother did make me her slave. Actually, it was probably the best sex I had up to that time. I especially enjoyed it when I was freed from her...

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Tim the Teenage Part XXV

Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-Five By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Counselors Part 2 - Lessons of Love (mc, oral mm mf, mfm) Scooter took his new found friends back in the cabin with his trophy leaving me with my mind clouded from the combination of the drink and the excitement. I made my way back to my cabin, finding Suzi had already taken the boys to breakfast. Even though I desperately wanted to fuck, I decided to head for Suzi's tent to jerk...

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Tim the Teenage Part XXX

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VIII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - After Summer Camp Part 1 - Life After Camp (mc, mf mfm) The bad karma between my father and me only lasted for two days after I got home. My mother sat us both down and we talked things out. My father had been so taken in by Penny's looks that he hadn't checked her mind out. He apologized for his mistake, and almost begged for my forgiveness. We more or less patched things up with the...

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Tim the Teenage Part XXXIII

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty-Three By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter IX: 10th Grade, Fall 1986 Part 1 - Rings of the Masters (mc, mf) I had made the arrangements with all our teachers so that Joey and I were only in class three days out of five. On Joey's birthday, three weeks before Halloween, I had also arranged for Joey and I to take the entire day off, and Suzi would join us during the first class period, then stay with us after lunch for the rest of the day. It was her idea to...

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Nathan begins to question the teachings of his chu

Thursday Afternoon. A Suburban SubdivisionNathan was panting and his heart was beating faster than he could ever remember. Shelby's breast was beautiful, perfect. White, soft, firm, with a dark, hard, puckered nipple surrounded by a small circle of slightly lighter flesh. He had dreamed of seeing it, touching it, kissing it, for nearly a year, ever since he first saw her at the church picnic. She wasn't his first girlfriend, if you used a loose interpretation of the word. He had gone out with...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVIII 6 Her First Day Out

"Good morning. You look like you're happy to be going back to school." I said as she got in my car Tuesday morning. "You must have read my mind," she joked before kissing me on the lips. "How did it feel to sleep in your own bed last night?" I said as I waved to Lee and pulled out of her driveway. "Actually," she yawned, "I didn't get much sleep. Lee kept me up until two... " I waited patiently as she yawned again and then stretched, enjoying the glowing happiness she was...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVIII 1 Chains of Love

I was in love. Totally, completely, out of my mind in love. Never before had I felt such great pleasure simply of being on another's presence, and without there being some sexual aspect to it at that. True, I did find her soul, personality, and yes, even her body sexy. But as far as I could tell, Jennifer was completely uninterested in sex, and I was determined that if anything sexual happened between us, she would be the one to initiate it, not me. The more time we spent together, the...

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Tim the Teenage Part VI

Tim, the Teenage Part Six By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 5 - Let's get naked (mf oral) "So are we going to get naked, or what?" Joey said again. "It's your call, Tim. Who goes first?" "Hey Joey, have you seen Suzi naked since that night in the mirror?" "Nope." "Well, I guess you’re the first contestant," I said to Suzi as I placed my hand on her tummy. "I figured," she said not moving. "Heh. Hey, I'm just going to sit over here and watch,"...

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Tim the Teenage Part IV

Tim, the Teenage Part Four By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 2 - Curiosity and the Cat (mc, brief Mf-anal) Joey's ideas worked better than any of us had expected. It took us another week before we figured out how to separate knowledge from memories. The key to that was a suggestion from Higgs. "Tim," Higgs began, "from what I understand, you take it upon yourself to do all the work. Why don't you just let Joey and Suzi offer what they know when you need...

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Tim Answers His Wife Heather

Heather was on pins and needles waiting for her husband Tim to say whether he would or wouldn't join me and Heather when we met for our next masturbation session. Tim had come home from working on the food plots for deer where he hunts every year, and Heather had rushed home in only her robe. When Tim asked where she had been with only her robe on, Heather honestly explained where she had been and what she and I had been doing, and then she just hoped for the best. She had told Tim that she is...

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Nathan Paul saw it all

“Nathan Paul saw it all!” It’s what Nathan Paul heard whenever he walked past a group of kids. Nathan told them he hadn't seen it all, only the first part; the part where Shawna got into the car with Greg Gaines. He wasn't sure what else had happened, only that Shawna got into the car and he didn't take her straight home. Shawna came home eventually, but she was walking. It was way past the time when she should have been home. As soon as Nathan got home he told his mom that Shawna had...

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Tim the Teenage Part III

Tim, the Teenage Part Three By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 1 - Three Heads are Better than Two (mc, mf oral) "Come on, Joey!" I groaned. "Stop thinking about Suzi's body!" "I can't help it. I keep thinking about last night. Seeing her naked body in her mirror..." "Oh, Joey," Suzi sighed. "Now you got Tim thinking it too. I swear. You guys look at playboys all the time. What is so different?" "Yours is real," I said. "Yeah, and it's real sexy...

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Nathan Stokes Pornstar

"CUT!" the director yelled, the words piercing the warm tropical air. Nathan hated it when a director took it upon themselves to stop a scene, especially when he was on a roll like today. It was 30 degrees outside, and he had been filming for around 2 hours. Or more like "fucking" for around two hours. Nathan froze, all 11 inches of his cock still based inside Asira's talented young pornstar pussy. He was annoyed alright. Not every girl could take 11 inches balls deep, but when he found...

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Nathan Moves In

The following night, I arrived home from work and noticed a black Ford Ranger parked in our driveway with boxes in the bed under a tattered blue tarp. At that moment I had completely forgotten Megan and my conversation the previous night about Nathan staying with us temporarily. When I entered the house I heard light music playing in the background and the sound of Megan's laughter when it hit me, Nathan may already be there.As I entered the kitchen, the evening sun was beaming through our...

Wife Lovers
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Pleasing Nathan

I wondered where they had taken Sir as I was bundled into an interview room at the police station   Pleasing Nathan I was sick of everything about Curtis Springs, the people, my lousy job working at the local caf? and most of all my step dad.? Not that he was a bad guy, but since my Mum had died four years ago, he just didn?t do much of anything anymore.? I had stayed around because of him long after my friends had moved on to other places but I had just turned twenty and knew I had to get a...

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Tim the Teenage Part XXIII

Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-Three By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VI: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Campers Part 4 - It's Good To Have Friends (mc, TP-Mast) The sensations of a glass of soda at my lips awoke me, and I greedily swallowed the drink, finding myself very thirsty. Mick refilled the glass as I found myself in Joey's bunk with Joey beside me. Mick handed the glass back to Joey who held it for me as I drank it down. My head still hurt, and I was feeling pretty tired...

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Tim the Teenage Part XXXIV

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty-Four By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter IX: 10th Grade, Fall 1986 Part 2 - Rings of the Slaves (mc, oral mf) "Where's Laura?" Joey asked when I reentered the showers. "She's sleeping," I replied. "Why? Don't you like her?" "Yeah, I liked her. But she thought I was somebody else. We found who she was really looking for, and now she's sleeping, dreaming about him," I said sadly. "Shit, Tim... Hey, help me with these girls then. Julie knows some cool...

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Tim the Teenage Part VII

Tim, the Teenage Part Seven By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 6 - Romp in the Park (mc, exhibition) "This feels so dirty!" Suzi said as we slipped into the girl’s bathroom. "Yeah, I've never been in this girl’s bathroom before," Joey admitted. "Tim, I still can't believe you picked the bathroom on the other end of the school! Gawd. I'm so wet, it's running down my leg!" "I wonder why the girls get little trash cans in their stalls, and not the...

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Do It Nathan

Chapter 1 I was sixteen when I saw my first naked woman. It was Mrs. Oliver, the lady next door and she was sunning herself out on her patio one summer afternoon when I was out back watering plants that were part of my summer chores. Some soft music drifted over the fence and, being curious, I went to the fence and looked over. There she was, our sexy-looking next-door neighbor, stretched out on a lounge chair totally naked. I did what any guy my age would do, I took out my dick and I started...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart X 10 The Making of a Slut

Today the degradation of my self control accelerated beyond the simple urges to touch myself and flashbacks of the sexual experience I had on Friday. Concentration was disrupted repeatedly by momentary glances at the boys in my classes, followed by staring, then progressed to daydreams about them. At lunch time I managed to make it to a stall before taking off my undergarments and fighting the urge to touch my sexual organs. After lunch I continued to have problems focusing my attention on...

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Tim the Teenage Part XXIV

Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-Four By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Counselors Part 1 - Don't You Just Love Surprises (mf) It had been a very busy morning, saying good bye to Paul, Rita, Jen, and several others who we knew. When they left, we moved our stuff to the cabins we were assigned to administer and checked to make sure all the beds had clean sheets. Joey and I stood at the end of the drive, watching the busses pull in with our wards. As the...

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Tim the Teenage Part XXXII

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty-Two By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VIII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - After Summer Camp Part 3 - Who's The Master In This House? (mc, mf) "Tim, you never did say why you were coming with us," Penny said as she got comfortable against Michael's chest. We were riding in the limo with the permanent bed. I had planned to use it for sleep if not sex. Penny was a little mad at me for insisting I ride along with her. She thought I wanted some gratitude from her in...

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Tim the Teenage Part XXXI

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty-One By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VIII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - After Summer Camp Part 2 - It's My Orgy, And I'll Watch If I Want To. (anal mf, mfm) That happiness only lasted a few moments. We were mentally screaming as the twins started ripping out our minds, and after an eternity of enduring their brain flushing, Joey and I were blank, nothing but the memories of the experience left. As we laid there nearly brain dead, the twins concentrated on building...

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Nathan and IrisChapter 5

Nathan sat at his desk in the lab. He brought up the number for Iris's direct line and dialed it. Principal's office. "Iris -- it's Nathan." Hello, Nathan. "Can you talk?" Yes, I can talk. My calendar is open. "Have you thought about it? Our conversation?" I have. Nathan -- It's going to have to be platonic. "Oh..." That's probably not what you wanted to hear. "It's not, but I said I would respect you desires and I am a man of my word." I know you are, Nathan. Like I...

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Lucky Nathan

Lucky NathanBy: Londebaaz Chohan Hanna, used to live not far from the house of Nathan’s parents. She was a divorced mother of a lovely daughter Julia who soon after school, got married to Nathan’s elder brother James and as the couple moved away, Hanna also sold the house and moved to a small town near the beach. Nathan’s mother always stayed in touch with Hanna and now came the time for Nathan’s 18th birthday. As she was speaking with Hanna and mentioned her younger son’s birthday, Hanna...

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Nathan and IrisChapter 3

Nathan stepped off the trolley on Exchange Street at the corner of Elderberry and walked to number 213. He climbed the porch steps and rang the bell. "Come in, come in," Iris said as she opened the door. Nathan regarded her from head to toe to head again. "Well, what do you think?" Iris wore a sheer blouse that revealed a hot-pink bra underneath. She had on a denim miniskirt that clung to her hips like a coat of paint and she wore hot pink fishnet stockings that matched her bra. Nathan...

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Much Ado About Nathan

William Shakespeare wrote a story called Much ado about Nothing. Translated into today’s English we get, “A lot of fucking drama over a tiny bit of shit. I keep thinking about it over and over again. It plays repeatedly in absolute crystal clarity on the giant sized 8k screen in my mind. Although the play is supposedly a comedy, I didn’t find it funny when it happened to me. I sit here in a shitty hotel room wondering for at least the bazillionth time where it all went wrong. The tiny blond...

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Nathan and IrisChapter 6

Swinging his walking stick and whistling a tune Nathan climbed the steps at 213 Elderberry. In his other hand he carried a small, soft-sided case. He rang the bell and the door opened. "Hi," he said upon seeing Iris. "Hi." "I brought an overnight bag just in case." "Thinking ahead," she remarked. "Come in. What do you think of my outfit?" She turned to model it. She wore a short, red dress. It was backless and the bodice was a halter with a scoop to display some of Iris's...

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Nathan and IrisChapter 4

Nathan stepped into his lab. He hung his black coat and hat on a hook, set down his stick and sat at his desk. It was Tuesday. Iris hadn't called. He knew she had his work and cell phone numbers, and he realized that he had never asked her for hers. He turned to his computer and searched for the city's public school system. Up came the school district's website. Elementary schools, middle schools ... high schools. He clicked on the link for high schools. Geez, how many high schools does...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart V 1 Mother Father and My Lovers

The black limo pulled into our driveway, filling the entire drive. Even before the vehicle had been taken out of gear, I had my suitcase waiting by the trunk. I had a feeling that this was a different vehicle than the last one I had ridden in, but there were no exterior markings to indicated this. A different driver got out, came around to the right side passenger door and opened it for my father. I nearly dropped my suitcase. Not only was my father clothed, but he was all decked out in a...

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Tim the Teenage

Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here. Now originally it was all going to be 9 parts, but… Someone said the first one was too long, so I’ve decided to split all of these up into smaller posts. I thought I’d try a different look and sentence structure for this chapter, please let me know how you guys...

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Mad Adventures pt 1 Nathan the bully

High school , everyone worst nightmare , i know mines , i was never popular i was good looking the girls seem to think so but my family weren’t overly rich like my schoolmates , we were lower middle class which meant i couldn’t hang out with the so call "in crowd" "hay queer watch out " it was Nathan " he was the meanest jock in school he ran past pushing me into the lockers that lined up the hall way everyone laughed this guy wouldn't leave me alone, ever since fifth grade when i...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XX 3 Loves Slavery Told by Joey

It must have been some turbulence that woke me from a disturbing dream, and for a moment I felt disorientated and confused to where I was. But when I opened my eyes, the urgent feelings I had from the dream I already had forgotten left as I turned to make sure Suzi was still safe beside. I tried to adjust my position to help ease the intense stiffness in my back without disturbing her, holding my breath when she stirred, but then smiled when she place more weight against my upper arm that...

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Tim the Teenage0

Tim, the Teenage Part One By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter I: 8th Grade, Spring 1985 Part 1 - The Beginning (mc, mm-masturbation) My mother recruited my father into her household due to the fact my mother's gift had been much stronger than my father's. Several months later, another man, whose power was stronger than my mother's, took both my father and mother back to the headquarters of an organization of telepaths. My father had been a member, but that actually hadn't been the reason my...

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