Much Ado About Nathan free porn video

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William Shakespeare wrote a story called Much ado about Nothing. Translated into today’s English we get, “A lot of fucking drama over a tiny bit of shit. I keep thinking about it over and over again. It plays repeatedly in absolute crystal clarity on the giant sized 8k screen in my mind.

Although the play is supposedly a comedy, I didn’t find it funny when it happened to me. I sit here in a shitty hotel room wondering for at least the bazillionth time where it all went wrong. The tiny blond bundle of fury, snoring on the other bed in this furnace-like room is after the same thing I am. Right now, we’re working together, but when we find it, I’d anticipate a brutal, bloody battle with no holds barred. She is the very definition of a frenemy.

When we met, I hated her on sight. But for now, we need each other. This is how our little Shakespearian drama began.

At thirty years old, I was just entering the sweet spot in my life. I’m married to the man of my dreams. I’m working in the career I chose, which is also the career I got my degree in ... and believe me there are lots of people nowadays who end up doing something they either don’t like, or just never thought about, just to make ends meet. It’s that kind of world, people.

But back to me, I’m kind of hot, in a modern way. And I am begining to think that it’s time for me to give up the day job and give my mom some grandkids. She’s been begging for them. She even has names picked out for three kids in any array of genders and even an oops baby, since Waldo can’t seem to keep his damned hands off me.

The funny thing about it is that as much as she seems to be urging ME, to have kids, her greatest fear is that my older sister will have some.

Patty, though older than me, isn’t nearly as far up the ladder in terms of her life. After a series of forgettable, temporary jobs, mostly waitressing part time, along with an even longer series of forgettable, temporary boyfriends, my big sister made a move to inject some maturity and stability into her life.

She moved herself and her latest forgettable, temporary boyfriend back into my mother’s house and for the last six months, neither of them has found even a forgettable, temporary job.

My hubby and I help financially, but my mom’s greatest fear is that Patty will beat me to the maternity ward and add yet another mouth to feed and even more financial stress on her tiny house and fixed income.

It’s hard to see Patty as my older sister. We barely resemble each other. Patty is tall and bean pole-like, with shoulder-length, light brown hair. She has fine, sharp features and resembles our father, God rest his soul.

On the other hand, I’m 5’5” and while I’ll never be voluptuous, I’m curvy. Waldo loves my boobs and butt. He’s always telling me how he hit the jackpot. He describes me as being “PERFECT.”

In his opinion, I’m like the goldilocks case. I’m not too tall and not too short. I’m in that perfect zone between being too thin like my sister and being a chunky girl.

I have more than enough in terms of boobs to have to watch the types of shirts, blouses and bras I wear, but not enough to have to worry about knocking myself out if I go out to run with him.

He considers my ass to be a work of art. It’s rounded and just fat enough to jiggle a little bit, but not fat enough to sag. It looks awesome in jeans and seeing me in a thong has caused him to lose his God damned mind a time or three.

My hair is black, collar length and longer on one side. There are a few streaks of lavender mixed in for fun. My eyes are very blue and the contrast between those blue eyes and my black hair gives me a unique look.

I also have a very bubbly personality. It comes in handy at work because I’m very good at pulling a team together and keeping everyone working together.

I do tend to be a tiny bit flirty, but no one at our company would even think about making a move on me. For one thing they know that I’m very happily married. And for another, my husband is the company’s golden boy.

My husband, Nathan Waldon, is a dual threat. He has degrees in electronic engineering AND software engineering. So, he can design both the hardware and the software for most of our projects.

He’s a secret nerd. In other words, when you see him running around the plant with his athletic, but slim body and boyish good looks, you’d never suspect that he goes home and binge watches episodes of BSG and GoT.

He has that surfer boy, slightly disheveled look that makes you think he’s probably one of those vegan guys who care about the environment and drives a Prius.

You couldn’t be more wrong. He’s not even close to being a vegan. Nate has been known to eat cows raw ... okay seriously though ... the man has never met a steak or any beef product that he doesn’t like. He’s been known to eat whole chickens by himself and he eats bacon on everything.

He really does care about the environment, just not enough to give up his Mustang. During the winter when the car is stored, we carpool in one of our Ford Escapes. He’s done the math and figures that by the two of us going out in a four-cylinder crossover vehicle for seven months of the year, it balances out the five months of him driving his Mustang during the summer.

As far as the Prius goes ... he refuses to even park near one.

Besides his Mustang, Nathan also obsesses over a certain 5’ 5” extremely sassy brunette, who loves him right back.

Our life is perfect because we both know how lucky we are to have each other. I think that our relationship has allowed both of us to relax and develop into the people we were meant to be.

In all my previous relationships, I never really felt comfortable. I mean ... I’m not really anyone’s idea of a goddess. What I am is cute, with just enough of everything to be noticed, but not enough for men to go crazy over.

All through school, I was pretty much invisible. I was always over-shadowed by either the slutty girls, or the really pretty girls, or the girls who were built like strippers.

The girls who were smart, attracted the nerds. The girls who were athletic, attracted the athletes, and the girls who were crazy ... somehow, they got all of the sensitive guys, who thought they could fucking save them.

In college, I became a practice girl. That meant that most of the guys I knew practiced fucking me until they met the woman they wanted to marry. I think I set a record for the number of friends I was introduced to.

It just seemed like every guy I got with, broke things off with me by introducing me to one of his God damned friends when he met the woman of his dreams. It wasn’t that they cared about me or didn’t want me to be alone or unhappy ... they just wanted to keep a foot in the door.

That way if things didn’t work out with miss perfect, they can always just come back and start fucking me again. Surprisingly enough, I never got any type of bad press or a reputation about it.

I guess nobody really saw me as being a whore. I mean ... I didn’t do gangbangs or anything public. And I only slept with one guy at a time. And I think that everybody knew that I was just looking for the one guy who wanted to take me off the market permanently.

There were tons of girls just like me all over every campus in the country. Statistically we were the norm. If a campus was stew, we were the broth. If a school was a bowl of cereal, we were the milk.

In order for a girl to be considered either really pretty or really ugly, she had to be compared to something. So, if a girl was prettier than us, she was beautiful. If she wasn’t as attractive ... you get the picture.

The same was said for body parts. If her breasts were bigger than ours ... or smaller, it let you know where she fit. We are the statistical bar that others are compared to.

But it wasn’t just the guys who used us. The pretty girls all had an array of friends who made them look good. And strangely enough, it wasn’t the goddess-like beauties who did it. It was the girls who were just barely prettier than us.

The above average girls seemed to need to keep a bunch of normal or average girls around them so everyone could see that they were, in fact, above average. It was almost as if they were carpenters and we were their tape measures. They kept us in their pockets so if a guy came along, they could whip us out to show their above averageness. The really pretty girls were all so far above average that no comparison was ever necessary.

So, all through college, I got a lot of miles on me while looking for Mr. Right. It was really depressing and weird.

It just seemed like men and women were looking for the same thing, but we went about it with different parameters. Women were looking to settle down with the perfect guy. We wanted to find him as quickly as possible, with the least number of candidates. In the football game of love, we wanted to win quickly and end the game.

Men on the other hand were also looking to find their perfect mate. But they wanted to go through as many women as they could on the way to finding her. In that same football game, men wanted to keep playing the game for as long as they could.

So, with that in mind, women lied about how many men they’d been with, and men bragged about how many women they’d had.

When I met Nathan, during our senior year, I was already sure that I would never meet anyone in that place. We met as part of a dual class project. The project took both engineering and marketing students and combined them into teams. Our goal was to design a real-life product and a marketing campaign to sell it.

It was funny, but that class seemed to have truly prepared us for real life because that was exactly the situation, we found ourselves in.

From day one, I was attracted to Nathan. He was good looking and seemed not to realize it. He was funny without trying to be and was the only guy in our group of five who didn’t try to hit on me.

When the project ended, I missed him, so I tracked him down and asked him to go out.

He shocked me when he told me that he’d think about it and get back to me.

I asked a few people about him and found out that no one had ever gone out with him. The few people who knew him said it had something to do with a bad break up with his girlfriend back home.

Hearing that made me realize that I’d found myself a unicorn. The fact that Nathan never got back to me about the date, forced me to change tactics.

I waited a week and approached him again. But this time I sought his help for my physics class. I didn’t actually have a physics class, but my roommate did, and Nathan helped me do all her homework.

The time we spent together, taught me more than physics. I became decent at physics, although it was nothing, I would ever need in my career in advertising and marketing. The true thing I studied was Nathan or Waldo as his closest friends and relatives called him.

By the end of the semester, we were solid friends, and with Nathan that was more than any other woman on our campus had ever accomplished. He was just as likely by then to call me to hang out as he was his other friends and that gave me an advantage.

The advantage was my gender. By that time, most of the students on campus had pretty much paired up and a lot of the goings on were things for couples or at least dates. So, although I wasn’t his BEST friend, if he wanted to go to a party thrown by a sorority or a dance, I was a shoe in.

We went places together so often, that people around us began to assume that we WERE a couple, and that made things even easier for me. He got so used to being with me that he started to ask me out. And it wasn’t always to parties or things like that. Sometimes it was just intimate little picnics or drives in his rusty beat up Mustang.

Ours was a strange relationship, but it was exactly what I’d been looking for. Nathan was attentive, respectful and caring. He took a lot of time getting to know me and finding out what I liked. He often surprised me with things, when I least expected it.

He once showed up in the middle of the night with a big box of chocolates for me when I was on my period. Every girl I knew was jealous of me then. It marked Nathan as being the kind of guy you could count on, the kind you married, not just some guy you fucked occasionally.

There was the time when my parents showed up unexpectedly to check up on me. Nathan bit the bullet and went out to dinner with us. Not only did my mom love him, my dad really liked him. My dad liked him even more when he found out that Nate and I had not even considered having sex.

It turned out that Mary, one of the girls I’d gone to high school with, had gotten pregnant and had to go home in disgrace. Her parents had been friends with mine and they somehow ended up sharing information. So, my parents had been on a mission to check up on me and intervene if necessary, to stop me from ruining my life and possible future if necessary.

They left grinning from ear to ear, believing that despite what they’d heard, I was in a stable relationship with a nice young man, not spreading my legs for every possible candidate, the way Mary had been.

Truth be told ... I’d dated from the same pool of guys that Mary had and had behaved the same God damned way. Had I not set my sights on Nathan, I might have been in the same boat.

The situation had shown me the danger in that type of behavior though and made me glad I’d quit.

Strangely enough, the thing that really got us out of the friend zone was the flu. I came down with it and was so weak I couldn’t get out of bed. Nathan showed up, took one look at me and went back out in the snow to bring me all kinds of cold and flu medicines. He also got me fresh fruits and a pot of my favorite homemade soup, from my favorite restaurant.

My dorm mother even let him stay past visiting and socializing hours to care for me. I lay there, occasionally vomiting my guts out, while the poor man held a bucket and read my assignments to me, so I didn’t get too far behind.

We also talked. I learned a lot about him then, and most of it reinforced what I’d already been told. Nathan was awesome. It was like finding a diamond on a scrap heap. The ONLY reason I’d gotten close to him was that I’d been in the right place at exactly the right time to ease my way into his life.

Some very stupid woman had hurt him so badly that he hadn’t wanted another relationship. She’d been his girlfriend all through high school and they’d stayed together, long distance-wise for his first year of college.

We were in our senior year, so he’d had three full years to get over her. He must’ve loved deeply for it to take that long. I’ve known people who’d had a spouse of over twenty years die who got over it in a shorter time.

And he was still guarded about her then. I couldn’t get much information about her and absolutely nothing about why they broke up. He always clammed up tightly whenever I mentioned her. So, I was very certain that his wounds were still raw, and the situation was unresolved.

I learned more about it when I met his mother than I ever got from Nathan. I learned that she was a tiny blond girl named Angelia and that the two of them had been obsessed with each other. So much so that during the time that they were together, they were rarely apart.

Nate’s mom had no idea how they’d found each other or what happened to break them up, but she’d been afraid for years that they were gonna have a brood of little blond kids before Nate could graduate and get his degree. She was absolutely sure that it would have happened if they hadn’t broken up that first summer of college.

She was even more certain that if he’d had a child with that woman, no force on earth would have been able to separate them.

It wasn’t that she disliked her. Angelia was definitely devoted to Nathan. And if they’d met after Nathan had graduated and gotten his degree, his mom would have welcomed her with open arms, but a relationship as intense as theirs had been, rarely ends well. “Those types of things, that burn that brightly almost never last,” she’d told me. “They’re almost certainly doomed when they start with two people who are that young. They’re just not emotionally experienced enough to handle it,” she said.

As time went on Nathan and I got closer, became a real couple, got engaged and even got married, but I was always looking over my shoulder. I always felt as if I was living on borrowed time.

I guess as time went on, I relaxed some. At thirty, Nate and I had been together for eight years and had been married for six of them. We had almost everything you could think of. We had careers, cars and even a mortgage. We had all the things that symbolize long germ stability.

We were always together, we even worked for the same company. It seemed as though we had a charmed life. None of the typical rules applied when it came to us.

We’d gone to our five-year college reunion a few years ago. All the hot guys and cheerleaders were burdened with the adulthood we’d sought. Those tall thin cheerleaders with big boobs were bloated with sagging boobs and weighed down by the weight of adult expectations.

Nathan and I seemed like rock stars compared to them.

All those rules about couples not working for the same company or at least not the same division or office... ? We had a waiver because we were both so important to the company.

And I think the thing I loved most was that finally ... for once in my God damned life ... I was on top. I was the hot girl. I was the pretty one. I was no longer a practice girl, I’d become the one that men wanted to practice for. The men all wanted me, and the women all wanted to be me. I was no longer on the periphery, I was the life of the God damned party and I loved it.

That was the real reason I’d delayed having kids. I loved sashaying my ass across the office and having every guy in the place watching every twitch of it.

I especially loved all the stupid things that grown men did, just to get me to notice them. But I made sure that every one of them knew that although I flirted ... a lot ... only Nate got any. I had perfected that longing little glance that built up their egos.

That lilt in my voice when I spoke to them that told them, that the only thing stopping us from going further was the fact that I was married. And most of them fell for the fantasy. And all those bastards deserved it.

In a way, I was just getting back at them for the way I’d been treated. All those guys who strung me along, getting my hopes up and just fucking me, when I never really had a chance. What goes around ... fucking comes around!

I had decided, though that it was time to end the game. And it wasn’t the moms, both Nathan’s and mine and their constant whining that had convinced me. Call it my biological clock or any other stupid name you choose, but I had a craving. I wanted several miniature versions of me and Nathan running around our house for me to spoil.

Every time we had sex, I was driving myself onto Nathan so hard that I finally realized what I was trying to do. My insides were subconsciously trying to make babies. It was time.

There was also the fact that in some ways, I’d waited almost too long. If I had a baby this year, I’d be forty-eight years old by the time it went off to college. And I’d be in my fifties before they were all grown. That meant that I’d be sixty or so by the time I became a grandmother. I had to get busy.

So, I’d decided that the project we were working on now would probably be my last. Some bazillionaire, Richard Riche, the eight richest man in the world had a new project that he’d decided that our company, Dalton manufacturing would produce and market for him.

He’d had his own team of engineers come in a few weeks ago, with designs and specifications to see if our electronics arm and manufacturing division could make them. He figured that we would probably subcontract some of the parts and do the final assembly ourselves.

He liked spreading his projects around to small U.S. manufacturers. He also loved the tax breaks and having local politicians kiss his ass. That way in a few years when he decided to run for congress on his way to the presidency, he’d be able to point out how much he’d done to help bolster our country’s economy.

He’d also be able to tell all the bigger companies how he’d always found a way to make all of his products in this country and still be able to both keep costs down and make a profit.

He’d done things like this a hundred times. And just like all the others, he’d sent his team in. I guess he expected us to be stymied and mystified. His team would break the product down into simple components and walk the locals through the processes necessary to manufacture it.

Then he’d send his own New York based Ad agency in to help us with the stresses and demands of marketing a product this important, because after all ... we were just a small Michigan company. Heck us yokels couldn’t possibly have gotten the fucking hay out of our teeth long enough to handle a product as work changing as his ... right?

But it didn’t quite work out that way. From the moment his team stepped into Nathan’s lab, something was different. Nate was so far ahead of them that he not only started telling them exactly how we’d manufacture their widget ... he floored them by telling them that a lot of the circuitry they had was redundant.

He showed them ways to not only save manufacturing time, but to make the product more robust, and cheaper. He also discussed the possibility of adding several more functions than they currently had.

I think he scared them. In fact, I know he did. It was all over our building. Almost everyone who worked for us was laughing and bragging about the fact that they had to call their boss to get clarification on how to proceed with the project. Nathan was not like anything they’d expected from an engineer with a medium sized midwestern manufacturer.

My hubby had knocked it out of the fucking park, as usual. I could hardly wait for his advertising and marketing people to come in so I could do the same.

The weird thing was that he was so impressed with what Nathan had shown his people, that he decided to come to us personally. Rumors were running around the plant that he was probably going to come to Michigan and steal Nathan away. He was probably going to throw a shit ton of money at Nathan and move us to New Yorkifornia or wherever the fuck his corporate headquarters were located.

I was chomping at the bit and waiting for my turn to impress him. Of course, that was where my advantage helped. Even though the product was supposed to be a top-secret thing, Nate had spilled his guts to me. So unlike with Nate, who’d really had to do all that impressive shit, on the spot with absolutely no fore-knowledge of the doohickey or its functions, I already knew about it and had started coming up with ideas to market it.

I was stoked because as soon as they showed it to me, I’d just start gushing ideas and plans the same way my brilliant husband had.

I was sooo ready to impress the guy that I was chomping at the fucking bit. I was ready to knock his fucking socks off.

But the day that the guy actually showed up, everything went fucking wrong.

First off, rich guys like that never do anything on anyone’s schedule except for their own. He’d been so jazzed ... as he put it ... about working with Nathan, that he just fucking showed up. No one knew he was coming. He just landed a fucking helicopter on the roof of our building and took over.

Naturally, he brought his entourage with him. It included, several burly body guards, that all looked like pro-wrestlers who’d joined the FBI. They all head their heads on swivels and looked in every direction for threats. There were a couple of assistants who looked both nerdy and supremely confident at the same time. There was a secretary, who seemed to be recording everything he said and adding every idea and impression he came up to some kind of running list.

And finally, there was an extremely bored looking teen-aged girl, who rolled the huge corn flower blue eyes she had hidden behind a pair of giant sunglasses at everything she saw.

Of all of them, not one of them intrigued me more than that little girl did. Her dad was filthy stinking mega rich, but I’d seen that before. Although not to this extent. Let’s put it this way ... a recent article claimed that Donald Trump is the 259th richest man in America ... Richard Riche is the 8th richest man in the entire world. Trump could be his butler.

But none of mattered in the face of that tiny girl. First off as I looked around, I noticed that no one, not one single fucking person in the room could look away from her. She was incandescently beautiful. Her long golden hair extended to her waist. It was wavy and thick and just looked incredible. The girl’s hair dresser probably had more money than Trump.

And she just seemed to exude sexiness, even at her age. And it wasn’t her body. In this age of teen-aged girls with breast implants, who looked like strippers, she stood out. First off, she was tiny. At 5’ 5” I’m not exactly a giant, but this girl couldn’t have been taller than 5’ 3” and that was with her wearing heels.

She had almost no boobs at all and her ass looked like it would fit inside of a teacup. Her legs were well shaped and tight, but as thin as the rest of her. But somehow, I got the impression that every guy there, and some of the women, wanted to fuck her.

Then there were her clothes. She wore a clingy dress in the richest shade of red I’d ever seen. The dress, without being very tight, clung to her slim curves and added to that air of sexiness. Every time she moved, the material highlighted and emphasized, her breasts and that tiny well shaped ass.

As if she needed it a tiny belt around her waist, highlighted her elongated but still vaguely hour glass shape. I would have died to wear that fucking dress just once. But then there was no way I could ever fit it. I’m very well built ... shit I’m hot remember? But next to her, I felt like a fucking Clydesdale. Me and every other woman in the room felt as if we were from a totally different species, next to her.

The thing that galled me the most were her fucking shoes. The girl was wearing Louboutin heels, but they were like none I’d ever seen. They were the exact same shade of red as her dress, with black soles and as she stopped and nervously tapped her toes on the carpet, I noticed something about those fucking shoes. They had her fucking initials inlaid in the soles in what looked like real gold.

The normal Louboutin heels cost somewhere between $800 and $2000 depending on the model and the color, but I was sure that those fucking shoes cost more than everything in my fucking closet combined and I was a grown ass woman with a college degree and a very good God Damned job.

The worst part about it was that the little bitch was just standing there tapping the toes of those fucking shoes against the floor like she didn’t give two fucks about damaging them or wearing them out. She was bored and it showed.

My boss was at a loss. He’d had no idea that Riche would just show up out of the blue. He shook the man’s hand and introduced himself and the rest of us. It was not our finest moment. Most of the men were too busy staring at Riche’s daughter to even react when their names were mentioned, and the women weren’t much better.

I think we all felt the way that primitive tribes probably had when the extra-terrestrials came down and helped us build the fucking pyramids.

It took way too long for me to get my head out of my ass and realize that my boss was waiting for me to do that thing I do where I become the life of the party and make everyone feel comfortable.

“Hey!” I exclaimed, while suddenly getting it together. “Why don’t we head over to manufacturing and take a look at some of the ideas they have for building your product!”

My boss smiled and nodded. Like me he was counting on my husband’s brilliance to rescue us and save a really embarrassing situation.

And fuck, it wasn’t like we were throwing Nathan under the bus. It was simply the way things worked. From football to business, when shit got ill, you wanted your best player in the game. And my hubby was our best player.

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‘Hi’ my name is June. My dream has and will always be to become the best teacher the world has ever seen. When I finished school I decided to first gain some hands on experience as a private tutor at a school in my neighborhood. I was excited that day. I really wanted to make an impression on my students. So, I wore my favorite black dress with pink straps and with a pink bow under my boobies. My friends always say I look young and cute in that dress. Hopefully, this way the students would feel...

4 years ago
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AdorChapter 4 The Juggling Act

Winter was a good time. Adoré was going to drop her classes that term. She just wasn't strong enough to come back after only a week, and thought more than that would make it impossible to catch up. Since she was only taking two classes, she spoke with the instructors, who both urged her to continue. "I'll cut you some slack, Adoré," her French teacher said. "You speak and read above this level anyway. You'll do OK." When her English teacher took the same approach, she...

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Pados Me Aai Nai Padosan

Hello friends, this is my first post here about an incident which had actually happened between me and my neighbor I am Nikhil from Rajasthan j******. Today  I  am going to tell you how  I  enjoy with my new neighbor bhabhi. Now not taking much time lets start my personal experience. She is just like milk she is a white beauty her naam karishma (changed) figure 36-30-34. I am going to narrate in Hindi Ye baat tab suru hui jab mere pados me ek bhabhi rene k liye aai ekdum dud jesi gori pheli...

3 years ago
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AdorChapter 3 School and Babies

When they arrived, tired but happy, at Steele Ranch, they found a couple more welcome surprises. Champ had been shipped back to the ranch. And Ad decided that Marty's old jalopy was not suitable for a wife and family. So he'd sold it and bought a new, shiny black Ford pickup, with 4-wheel drive and an extended cab. The truck had a trailer hitch and towing package, just in case they wanted to pull a horse trailer and take Champ along to school. "A bit spendy for a graduation present,...

2 years ago
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AdorChapter 2 High Hopes Olympic Dreams

Entering the ring at the National Horse Show was gut-wrenching. Adoré had never ridden in competition at this level before. But both her parents, good riders themselves, encouraged her. Her horse, Champ, the one she'd selected for herself, was strong, elegant, and well-schooled. The past year had been full of both joy and frustration for the beautiful teen. She'd known transcendent joy when she'd been with her cousin and lover, Marty-the lovemaking was just an added attraction for...

4 years ago
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AdorChapter 6 A Family Summer

"You all ready for the invasion of the Corvallis Steeles?" Adoré asked Hazel in one of her regular, 'touch base with home' calls. The school year was winding down. Monday would start 'dead week' and finals the week after that. "Sure honey. We can't wait. Is Robby walking yet?" "Walking! The little monster runs! It's all I can do to keep up with him... And of course, anything he can pick up in his hand goes into his mouth." Hazel laughed, delighted. "Sounds just like his...

4 years ago
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AdorChapter 8 Seniors Rule

"Good grief, Marty! I never thought I'd look at a return to school as a break!" Adoré was relaxing on the living room sofa of the Corvallis house, after they'd put the horses in the boarding stable. She was happy to return to her home. She'd competed in several weekend horse shows and had worked twelve-hour days with the horses at the ranch. They had a senior year of college to complete, a lively and wonderful son to raise, and more work to do than hours to do it in. Champ was...

3 years ago
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AdorChapter 9 Home

Looking back, that final term felt like a continuous party. It wasn't of course. In fact, both Marty and Adoré worked hard on the books; but compared with their prior college experience, when every waking hour was spent either on Robby, books, or horses, it seemed like a wonderful vacation filled with good times and lots of beer. An active kid, Robby did well in day care, but, though he was always friendly and was well-liked, he seemed to the instructors to be basically a 'loner'....

4 years ago
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Nathaniel Janet Stickney [email protected] Nathaniel is 15, a frustrated teenager who is unable to find any solace to his dilemma. He was average in everything. 5' 6" tall, 130 pounds wet, brown hair, green eyes, an average student that did not like sports and did not join any clubs in school. Nondescript and unassuming, he had managed to hide himself from the world, yet stay in plain sight. As his mother, I am worried about him because I could not figure out why he was so shy....

2 years ago
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Padosan Ki Chaah 5 Saal Se

Hello sabhi readers. Ye story hai meri padosan ke aur mere baare mein. Main 30 age ka hu, aur married hu. Main 5 feet 10 inch height ka, aur gora medium body wala hu. Waise to mujhe har tarah ki ladki pasand aa jati hai. Lekin hamesha se hi moti-moti ladkiya zyada pasand aati hai. Meri padosan 25 saal ki hai, aur married hai. Wo moti hoti hi jaa rahi thi, jab se shaadi hui thi uski. Fir delivery hui ek bachhi ki, aur abhi bhi wo roz thodi-thodi moti hoti hi jaa rahi thi. Aap samajh sakte honge,...

2 years ago
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Ambassadors of Peace

Ambassadors of Peace By Malissa Madison Netti Zell had no idea why she was being summoned at six in the morning. Her mother and father had no idea either, but it was a royal summons. The only odd part was that the Guardian who delivered it stated that she was to bring her Vershang. At twenty one Netti had just completed three years of her college geared towards a career in the Diplomatic Corp. The final fourth year however was supposed to be spent in the field under a seasoned...

3 years ago
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Padosi Ne Meri Vasna Ko Shant Kiya

Hello friends, mera naam Priti Sharma hai. Main apne boyfriend ke sath bahut sex karti hu lekin mera break up ho gaya. Hum dono log ka breakup ho gaya to hum ab sex nahi karte the. Meri chut pyasi ho gayi thi kyu ki maine bahut din se sex nahi ki thi. Mera boyfriend tha to main apni jawani ke maze leti thi. Lekin hum dono mein jhagda ho gaya aur humara breakup ho gaya. To hum ab ek dusre se baat nahi karte the. Mujhe apne boyfriend ke sath sex karte karte chudai ki aadat ho gayi thi. Main aur...

2 years ago
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Madonna vs Chelsea FC

Madonna didn't enjoy these charity ceremonies, but she did like the after show parties, and tonight, with Guy away filming in LA and the k**s staying with their nanny, she decided to let her hair down and give it a go. The limo dropped her off at the end of the red carpet, and she was met by a battery of flashlights from the assembled paparazzi that were fighting amongst themselves to get the pictures of her that would be splashed across tomorrow's newspapers. Members of the public cheered in...

2 years ago
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Fun Times With Madonna and Friend

My ex-wife did me a real favour by dumping me. I hooked up with my teenage years friend Madonna on the same day as she dumped me by text message. Madonna and I were definitely sexually compatible. She loved my long fat cock, and wanted it inside of her every day and night. We had been together about three weeks when I finally moved into her house on a permanent basis, putting the bad memories of the unit that I shared with my ex behind me. Tonight was going to be the first time that I would...

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The forgotten island of Barbados

This story begins in the middle of nowhere ‘can you picture it? In the middle of the sea is where you are thinking about, right? If you are thinking about the middle of the sea turn right by 78 degrees and go forward 2 nautical miles. If you do that you will stumble across the island of Barbados. The island was found by a Englishman whose boat had sunk and he was the only survivor, when he got back to England he try to tell everyone about the island but they though the sun had driven him crazy...

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Helena and Anita alone at Barbados

That evening after dinner Ana smiled and asked me if I would mind if she and her girlfriend Helena would take a vacation together.I said not at all, knowing I could not take a single vacation day for the next three months. So, my sweet wife had the right to enjoy some days for herself, even in the company of that slutty bitch…But the worst thing was to know that they were planning to go to Barbados. It would be just five nights there; but I knew Helena could fuck a dozen well hung black guys in...

4 years ago
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Kinky KiKi Avocado

She felt the warmth of his look down his spine. But she was totally and currently available for the men to take advantage of her. She was at her utmost alliance to learn everything about his sex game. It was turning into a new philosophy, surely, and she suppressed a shiver of sexual awareness coming on. I was always thinking but in a fruitful lip way. I was going to work I passed so many fruits stands My heels got squashed on someone's fruit dropped near my ankles the smells were so cumming at...

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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 21 Nathaniel

The whole thing had gotten completely out of hand. Nathaniel sighed and tried to object for what had to be the fiftieth time since this plan had been suggested. “It’s simply too dangerous, Leliana. I won’t allow you – or anyone else – to be hurt in my stead. This is my problem—” “And this is how you’re going to solve it, yes? You’re going to get help from others who have more specific experience in this area.” He turned to the King, hoping for some support. “Your Majesty, surely you don’t...

4 years ago
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Apni Padosan Ki Mast Aur Zabardast Chudai Part 3

Continued from part ii. To yaaron jaisa ke aapne suna, part ii mein maine apni gori padosan simmi ke mote angon wali jawani ka bharppor maza liya aur uske kunware virgin munh mein apna lund daal ke usko choosna sikhaya aur usko apna sperm shake pilaya. Iskey bad hum dono jo thak chuke the so gaye aik doosrey ki baahon mein. Do ghante ke baad meri need khuli to maine dekha ke simmi meri bahon mein nahi thi. Bahut pyaas lagi thi uth ke pani piya aur ehasas hua ko wo sexy rand naha rahi hai...

5 years ago
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Grandfathers Paradox

GRANDFATHER'S PARADOX ? by: SsiRuuk25 Alex Harrison walked out of the bathroom, in deep meditation. Today was the day he had been waiting for, hoping for, for as long as he could remember. Today he would undergo a genetic replacement treatment, a highly experimental treatment developed by some biotech company he had never heard of. But when he heard what they were offering, he jumped at the chance. There were no guarantees, of any kind about anything, but the chance to be what...

2 years ago
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Padosi Ki Chudai Pados Me

Hi friends, this is simoh frm jaipur.. Ab jada der na karte hue sidha apni story par aata hu.Coz mujhe malum hai sab k sab is site ko open hi krte hai maze lene k liye apni story share krne k liye. Ye khani pichhle sal ki hai.Jab mai jaipur shift hua mai frds k sath flat rent par lekr rhta tha. Apn roj aas pass ki nayi nayi ladkiya tapa krte the,koi achi ladki dikhi hi nahi ek week tak muhalle me.Last me mayus ho gye hm sab ki kya brmhachari muhalle me flat le liya. Ek din achanak ek bacha aaya...

4 years ago
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CHAPTER 1 _____________________ "Poison Flower" Belladonna Deloris Rae almost didn't survive her own birth, and it was all downhill from there. She was born three weeks premature because her mother was a drug addict and an alcoholic, and she spent her first few months in this world struggling just to breath. The doctors didn't think she was going to make it, but she proved them wrong. She was a fighter from the very start, almost as if her spirit was...

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Padosan Ki Mast Zabardast Chudai Part 8211 2

Wo hairaan rah gayee aur boli shashi tumhara to bahut bada hai aur maine turant jawaab diya, tumharey chuttad bhi to bahut bade hai. Inkey liye bada hi chahiye. To wo boli ke ye to theek hai lekin ye to mujhe khol dalega, to maine kaha ki taqatwar mard se khulney mein bahut maza hai. To wo boli ke mujhey kya pata mere pati ka to sade teen inch ka aur pencil jaise patla hai, koi maza nahee aata. To main hanseny laga aur bola key phir to jab main tumhey chodunga to tum uskey liye dheeli ho...

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AdorChapter 7

August drenched the eastern slopes of the Cascades with sunshine and late-summer heat. Rick wanted to get out of it for a while, before he headed into the greater heat of the Sacramento Valley. So he suggested to Marty that they take a ride-their women were invited. Hazel volunteered to spoil Robby while his mother was gone. He was always a joy anyway, and this would be a chance for her and Ad to do some 'grandparent bonding'. "Truth to tell, Adoré, Ad's worse with the kid than I...

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AdorChapter 10 Hazels New Life

Hazel found herself, for the fourth time that morning, staring blankly out the window at the ranch, tears trickling unnoticed down her face. Ad had not been gone all that long, but it was sure that her sense of loss and grief was deep and profound. So, after washing her face and choking back the sobs that threatened to take her over, she decided she needed a change of scene. "Hazel," she told herself aloud, "you miss him horribly. That's natural and even commendable. But you've got a...

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Mucho Hentai is kind of an odd name for a website. It implies they’re going to have Japanese-style cartoon pornography with a certain Spanish or Mexican flair. It’s not something I would have imagined even existed, but some joint downtown is now offering sushi burritos. What the hell do I know, anyway? I feel like something of a porn expert, but these hentai fuckers are always surprising me.MuchoHentai does have some Hentai dubbed in Spanish, but the majority of the site is in English. In case...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 7 Nathaniel

Nathaniel watched the bard surreptitiously through half-closed eyes, forcing himself to focus on her face, and not the long expanse of pale skin on perfectly formed legs that he’d been unable to avoid noticing in the night. It was clear from her frenzied movements and her quick, shallow breaths that she was anxious, and he couldn’t blame her – when he’d asked to have Leliana directed to his tent once she’d arrived, he hadn’t expected to find her undressed and dead to the world in his own...

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Pados Wale Bhaiya Se Chudi

Hello iss readers main iss ka bahut badi fan hu aur main apni chudai ki bahut sari kahani batayi hu. Ap sab mujhe mail karte h aur mujhse chat karte h uske liye thanks ap sab mujhe mail karte rahiye main apse whatsapp par chat karungi main raat bhar whatsapp par online rahti hu. Main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu. Mera figure 36 30 38 h aur main ek dum fair hu aur bahut sexy hu. Main aj ap sabko apni chudai ki ek aur saccchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main...

3 years ago
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Hot Padosan

Hi I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories. I am happy that people share their experience here. ab khani pe aate hue mera naam luv hai mai punjab distt. bathinda se belong krta hu yeh kahani aaj se 4 mahine phale ki hai yeh kahni mere or meri padosan ki hai jiska karib 1 yr phale divorce ho gaya tha waise toh meri us pr aankh suru se hi thi lekin divorce hone ke baad usse paane ki tamana kuch jayada hi bad gayi thi kyunki mai janta tha ki woh bi tadap rahi hogi kyunki uski shadi 2 saal tk...

2 years ago
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Hi this is Rana age 18.mein aapko ek story bataata hu.mera naam rana our mein hyderabad ka rahne wala hu. Ye story heai padosan ki. Mere padosan mein ek ladki rahthi thi our naam hai kala.age 22 smart girl thi.eo padosan hone ke karan mein our wo batchpan se close the.hum roj shaam ko baat karthe the our closly move hota tha.ek din unke ghar mein wo akeli thi ghar ke sare kaam ki wajah se bahr gaye the. Our mein roj ki tarah unke ghar gaya our kala didi bolke chillane la to wo boli mein...

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Mere Padosi Ne Mujhe Choda

Hello friend mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise mere padosi ne mujhe choda mera pati hamesha apne job ke silsile me bahar rahta h aur main aghar me akeli rahti hu aur kabhi kabhi apne boyfriend ko apne ghar bulakar chudwati hu lekin aaj main apko batauni kaise mere padosi ne mujhe choda aur main apne padosi se chudi aur ab to wo mujhe daily mere ghar aakar chodta h aur main abhi apne padosi se chudwati...

2 years ago
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Sex With The Workplace Madonna

When my place of work had a dress up day one of the women there always got involved.This particular time she dressed as Madonna.She had a Black frilly lace top on,black lace panties,stockings,and she topped it the outfit off with the famous conical bra.Although she is in her fifties she looked absolutely fantastic.In fact she had a figure that women half her age would love to have.This was probably why she was being whispered about.When we sat down at coffee time she remarked on this and i said...

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Time With Someone Who Adores Me and I Adore Equall

I didn't write this story. This is from someone who I adore and who knows just what I like and how to express it very well in writing.I think about how good it would feel to kiss you, deeply and passionately, feeling you hungrily suck on my lips and tongue and hearing you groan. I think about lying on a bed with you and not worrying about time as we've got days together alone. I think about pulling each others clothes off and me savouring the moment where I unclip your bra and slip it off,...

3 years ago
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Divine Grace the Journal of Belladonna the RedChapter 4 Dreams Respite and Long Discussions

I resisted waking, for never before had I been wrapped in such warm comfort. The child who had grown to a woman on the streets of Arabel refused to believe that such sensations could be true, or deserved by one such as I. Surely this was a dream and my slumbering body lay wrapped in rags in the basement of a tenement in my adopted city. If this was a dream I thought it odd that the finest part came at the end. All of my nightmares before —and there had been many—had begun with the Halcyon...

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The legend of ldquoTornado tonguerdquo

The legend of “Tornado tongue”byThere Once was a k** , nicknamed “Tornado tongue” He got the nickname, because when he was a k**, his family and friends noticed that every time he was a eating a bowl of cereal or a bowl of Mashed Potatoes or, any dish really, finish off the meal, his tongue would stick out 7 – 8 inches , and in a Whipping, swirling, twisting frenzy, he’d “tornado” his tongue around and around, inside the crater of the bowl, swirling and slurping- up every last bit of food...

2 years ago
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The Caring Meadow

Short Story #24 From the imagination of Chase Shivers July 10, 2018 Main Characters: Meadow, Female, 18 - Nursing assistant and nursing student, granddaughter of Grandpa Clark - 5’6, 135lbs, tanned beige skin, dirty-blonde hair usually worn in a loose bun Grandpa Clark, Male, late 60s - Grandfather of Meadow, widower George Barnes, Male, late 60s - Terminal patient in a care facility Meadow had gone into nursing to help people. At least, that was her goal, anyway. Only eighteen, she’d just...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 63 House Warming at The Meadows

Mark July first finally arrived; it was as though that date had been hanging over the entire family for nine months – the gestation period for our new home. The girls had arranged a huge party at The Meadows. Every construction worker from any trade who had worked on the house, their spouses or partners, kids, and everyone we knew was invited. The party officially started at noon, but my arrival at The Meadows had been announced as one p.m. There was no ending time given. Elsa, Cindy,...

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Padosi Bhaiya Ne Mujhe Choda

Hello friends, mera naam Sapna hai aur main ek housewife hu. Main hamesha apne ghar ke kaam mein hi busy rahti hu. Main dikhne mein fair colour ki hu aur bahut hi khoobsurat dikhti hu. Mujhe mere devar log bhi bahut pasand karte hai. Main ghar mein sabse acche se baat bhi karti hu. Meri body aur meri body ka figure sab bahut maintain kiya huwa hai. Main daily subah mein sabse pahle thoda exercise karti hu. Hum log ki pados mein hi ek female hai jo meri jaise bahut auraton ko fitness exercise...

4 years ago
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Padosi Sexy Aunty Ki Car Me Chudai

Hi friends, mera name hai Samar. Yeh meri dusri story hai. [NAMES CHANGED FOR SECURITY REASONS] Pichli story me maine btaya tha kaise maine apne senior “REEMA” aur apni classmate “NAVNEET” ki chudai kari thi. Ek saal ho gya hai or me aaj bhi un dono ki chudai krta hu. But ab unme wo maza nahi aata pehle jesa. Wo dono thak jati hai par tab tak meri sex ki pyaas nahi bhujti. Ab me kisi nayi ladki ki talash me rehta hu isliye apne sath car me neend ki goliya rakhe rehta hu. Ab story par aate...

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Mom Ke Padosi Ke Sath Sambandh 8211 Part 3

Dosto aap logo ne meri story mom ke padosi ke sath sambandh jarur padi hogi jin dosto ne nhi padi ho jarur pade.Ye story usi story ka next part h..Dosto jaise ki mene aapko apne bare main btaya tha ki mere naam ranvijay hai aur meri family main meri hot mom jinki age 47 years papa unki age 52 aur mera ek bhai h jiski age 6 years h jo ki mera real brother nhi hai wo unhi padosi uncle ki nishani hai jinke sath mom ke nazayaz sambandh the..Pr wo uncle tb chale gye the humari society se..Pr mere...

4 years ago
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MeadowChapter 2 Manor

Morning arrived with sunshine. The fire had been rekindled to take the chill out of the air. Meadow was still asleep with her head on my shoulder. Her breathing was shallow. She was warm, and her skin was soft, her breasts though bruised were large and beautiful. The thought, that came to me first, was that I could get used to waking up next to her. I certainly wasn’t getting any younger. Here was this beautiful, if somewhat battered, girl. She was about 5’-7” tall, 125 pounds, 20-21 years...

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Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale shadow on the heart

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright ©2018 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

2 years ago
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The Omega PathChapter 25 Dorothy and Nathaniel

Waiters are inopportune beasts, cursed with the annoying habit, or skill, or desire to arrive with deliveries of food or simple check-ups of "How's everything going?" at the worst possible moments. So of course it was the exact moment that Lynne Sullivan confessed to Joey that her real name was actually Dorothy Miller, and that they had actually met many years ago, that their food arrived. "Two chicken soups, rice noodles, white meat!" their waiter announced. "Yes, thanks!" Joey...

3 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 9 Nathaniel

Nathaniel was no blushing virgin; as an unmarried young noble squiring in the Free Marches, he’d had a variety of experiences with women. The first time, of course, he’d thought he was in love; the miller near the estate where he’d lived briefly in Markham had a beautiful, blonde, curvy daughter, and she’d held a teenaged Nathaniel spellbound from the first time he’d laid eyes on her. He’d given her presents, courted her favour, and one day found himself fumbling around in the dim light of an...

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Ana enjoys a vacation at Barbados

That cold winter Ana convinced me to take a quick vacation at Barbados for our wedding anniversary and I happily agreed.When we arrived at the resort, the people were so welcoming, especially some local black guys who were obsessed by my wife and her toned body.After checking in and changing into some more comfortable clothing, Ana and I went for some drinks at the bar in the lobby. My sweet wife was wearing a sexy outfit; just a green lime bikini, which looked awesome on her curvy body. One of...

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The third vacation day at Barbados

On the third vacation day at Barbados, I woke up in the morning seeing my sweet Ana’s nude tanned body close to me in bed. It was too much for me.Pulling back the sheets I looked her over. Her left boob now had a couple of small bite marks along with the dark hickey Samuel had given her during the first night he had fucked Ana.Her pussy lips were even redder and more swollen than before.Ana opened her eyes and stirred onto the bed. She smiled and opened her arms to me. I could not resist; I...

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The first vacation day at Barbados

Anita and I were spending our first day in Barbados.The resort had been found by my sweet wife on the net. The place was very comfortable and not expensive at all.While lying out at the hotel pool, we noticed a number of single white women, who had taken up with local black men. Several of the men were sporting really incredible bulges which drew a remark from Anita.That night we decided to go clubbing. Ana was wearing a short sundress that showed off her great curvy body.We started with a...

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Our last night in Barbados

It was our last vacation night in Barbados.I was sitting on the hotel bed, watching a movie, knowing that my sexy wife had arranged a late night date with a black man…Anita came out of the bathroom gorgeously naked: she had got her smooth cunt waxed in the afternoon. Her swollen pussy lips were now glistening; but I could not be sure if it was from expectation or lube. My sexy had already done a heavy eye makeup, coral red lipstick, ankle bracelet, a black collar and her high heeled sandals.As...

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Another wild stay at Barbados

Oh, yeah… two days had spent since we got at that resort…On our third day there in Barbados, my lovely hubby and I were now lying on the sandy beach. The warmth of the sun was caressing my almost bare naked body; since I was wearing just a very tiny blue thong that seemed to be disappearing between my ass cheeks.After midday, Victor said he wanted to go for a walk; maybe he would get back to our hotel room, because he was not feeling well.When the sun began to go down I went for a last swim...

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