Divine Grace: The Journal Of Belladonna The RedChapter 4: Dreams, Respite And Long Discussions free porn video

I resisted waking, for never before had I been wrapped in such warm comfort. The child who had grown to a woman on the streets of Arabel refused to believe that such sensations could be true, or deserved by one such as I. Surely this was a dream and my slumbering body lay wrapped in rags in the basement of a tenement in my adopted city.
If this was a dream I thought it odd that the finest part came at the end. All of my nightmares before —and there had been many—had begun with the Halcyon pleasure before descending into terror and misery.
It was this strange turn —and a full bladder—that finally roused me from my deep slumber. For the first time since my misadventures had begun I awoke to the sensation of comfort and safety and not disbelief at my circumstances. Elminster's kind words that harm would not befall me here echoed in my head and I rose and stretched with a smile on my face.
From the angle of the sun in the window I knew it to be near noon and I was girding myself to the idea of attiring myself in three day worn clothes (how quickly it had taken me to get spoiled by such things!) when there was a knock on the door.
"Belladonna? May I come in? I have warm tea and fresh clothing." It was a woman's voice, kind and friendly and even if she had not come bearing enticements I would have allowed her within simply by her tone. Clutching my cloak to me —I have never permitted others to see me unclothed—I opened the door to the kind voiced woman.
She was beautiful in a way that one such as I could never be, however there was such kindness in her face and bearing that I did not feel jealous or resentful towards her. She had long, lustrous blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and a face as fair as any I have ever seen. A welcoming smile lit her face like a beam of sunlight. "Elminster said we were about the same size. These should fit you, I think."
She entered the room and placed a folded bundle on the bed and a steaming mug upon the table. Smiling even wider now, she extended her hand to me in greeting. "I am Storm Silverhand. I am very pleased to make your acquaintance." I was not accustomed to shaking hands and even then felt that I should be bowing or something similar to a woman of her obvious stature, but she was so instantly likable that I barely hesitated before grasping her hand in my own.
"You can call me Bel," I could not help but smile at her in return.
"You have had quite the adventure, Bel," she said as she unfolded the clothing on the bed and held it up to me with an appraising eye. It was a green and gold dress cut in an unfamiliar style, yet obviously not meant for peasants. "And I wish to hear all of it, but not until after you have eaten and bathed." Sensing my discomfort, she went out the door. "Change and drink your tea. I'll be waiting downstairs." With a final smile she left me.
I was unaccustomed to dresses, but it was clean and looked comfortable. It hung somewhat loose on me —Storm and I are of the same height, but she is more filled out than I—and was lower cut in the front than I am comfortable with, but was warm and sturdy. The tea was nothing I had ever tasted before and absolutely wonderful and even before I had made it to the main floor of the tower I had finished it.
Storm was waiting at a table. "Come and let us go the Old Skull. They will properly take care of you."
I asked about Anarion as we made our way to the town's only inn, and I was informed that he and Elminster were in discussion with Mourngrym, lord of this land, and would likely remain so until late afternoon. Storm was obviously known and loved in this town, for every person we passed greeted her by name and with an honest smile on their faces and we somehow attracted a flock of young children, who called for her to sing for them. "Later, little ones," she called out to them as she held open the door of the inn for me and they gave sad cries as we went inside.
As I have said earlier, the Old Skull Inn is a bastion of comfort and friendliness. The moment I set foot within I felt at home. The proprietress, a handsome matron named Jhaile greeted me with the same friendliness as she did Storm. "Young Belladonna here is a personal friend of myself and the Old Sage. Treat her with the same hospitality you would me." Storm gave me a parting smile. "I will return for you at sunset. Relax and indulge yourself until then."
"A friend of Storm's is a friend of mine. Come along, young miss," Jhaile the matron told me as she led me to a table. What followed was one of the most pleasant experiences of my life.
Back in my days in Arabel, my cohorts and I would tell dreamy tales of what luxury must be like, and what we would do if we could spend time in a posh inn and no money to hamper us. We spoke of laundry service, heated wine delivered to us, baths with unlimited hot water and personalized laundry service. I now had one afternoon in which to make these fantasies come true. It was wonderful.
Jhaile, I think, sensed this, or else she was just treating me as she would any friend of Storm, but I received noble service. My hair was washed and barbered, my clothes delivered from Elminster's tower and laundered, I was given as much good wine, sweet meats and roasted meat as I could consume (which was quite a lot, let me tell you).

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