Mila free porn video

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"Put down the cupcake!"

"Oh, come on, Sweets, just one? There’s a bunch of them, so you won't miss it."

Why does he have to look so damn adorable, she thought. That man could get away with murder just by smiling.

"Those aren’t your cupcakes, they’re for your engagement party. Put the cupcake down, and no one gets hurt." She was pointing her wooden spoon at him, and trying not to laugh.

“Well, if they’re for my engagement party, then technically they’re mine, right?”

Mila just gave him a stern look with the spoon still in her hand.

Jackson met her stare, and she could see him calculating if the risk would be worth it or not. He sighed then put the cupcake down.

"Atta boy. Now get out of my kitchen before I really use this spoon on you," she said, turning her attention back to stirring the batter in front of her.

She watched him out of the corner of her eye as he walked around the island in the big kitchen of the little hotel where she worked. She loved it there, and this was where she felt most at home. She had been a chef at the quaint hotel in Cape Breton for a few years and she couldn't be happier. It was on the outskirts of the city, and very popular all year around. But she loved the time of year when the high season was in full swing, and the place was always filled with people. She loved cooking and baking for the guests, and quite honestly, she loved taking care of people.

Of course, one of the perks was him.

Jackson was usually around on and off throughout the year, but during the busy summer months, he was here more steadily, helping his parents run the place. She remembered the first time she saw him. He was so at ease with himself, and so comfortable with who he was. She’d always been amazed by this trait, and envied him. He could have easily become spoiled and arrogant, but he was hard working, caring about the place as much as his parents did.

Her attention came back to the present when she felt him behind her. She tried to keep her attention on the stirring, fighting the impulse to turn around.

He was close, and she could hear him breathing.

“So, I can’t touch the cupcake, but what about the batter?” His voice was low and close to her ear.

She had to fight to keep her composure. Whenever he was near, she always felt tense and wound up. His voice was sending shivers down her spine, and she knew she shouldn’t react to him this way. He belonged to someone else.

Oh, a girl can dream, right? she asked herself. Or rather, tried to convince herself.

“No, you can’t have any of the batter either.”

She felt his hand on the small of her back, just above where her white apron was tied up in a neat bow. She inhaled a quick breath as he stepped to her side. With his other hand, he scooped up some batter with his finger.

She turned her head to watch him as he slowly sucked his finger into his mouth. She watched intently as he licked off the creamy substance. He moaned quietly as he did it, the sound vibrating through her.

Oh dear sweet mother fucking god. She had to keep herself from moaning when she saw his tongue devour the flavour. What is wrong with me? Snap out of it.

“I don’t know where those fingers have been,” she said with more confidence than she actually felt.

His eyes found hers as he kept his finger in his mouth. She just kept watching him until he finally popped it out.

“Oh, don’t worry, Sweets. It hasn’t been near anything as creamy and succulent as this.” He scooped up more and held the finger to his lips. “At least, not yet,” he smiled.

She narrowed her eyes at him. She was quite impressed with herself that she could keep so calm when her insides were a quivering mess. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, kept chiming through her brain.

“I'm glad you like it. Now get out and let me get back to work.” She smiled warmly back at him, and tried not to think about the fact that she was blushing. He finished licking the batter off as he stepped behind her again. She closed her eyes as she felt his hands on her full hips, before he slowly moved them to the bow of her apron.

“I better make sure this is tied up nice and tight. We wouldn’t want you to make a mess of yourself,” he said, tugging the bow tight.

She held her breath as she heard him exit the kitchen, leaving her gripping the countertop. She couldn’t think clearly as the rush of desire coursed through her. She could still feel his hands on her body, and she wanted them to still be touching her, but she knew that would never truly happen. He liked to tease, but he did it because he knew that she was “safe”. Not only was he engaged to a beautiful blond knockout, but he was also way out of her league, and they both knew it. He would never actually act on it; he just did it to make her lose her precious control.

She forced herself to calm her aching body, and went back to stirring the batter.

“Great. I'll never again be able to look at batter without getting turned on,” she sighed to the mixture, and scooped up some on her own finger, sucking it into her mouth. “Mmm, this is damn good if I do say so myself.”


Mila stared at the clock. It had been fifteen minutes since she looked at it last, and still no sleep came to her. The longer she stayed in bed, the more restless she got, and she couldn’t relax or shut off her mind long enough to sleep. She kicked off the blanket and got out of her warm, soft bed.

If she wasn’t going to sleep, she might as well do something useful. She found her grey knitted hoody pulling it over her tight grey tank top and down over the top of loose black pajama pants. She grabbed her glasses off the bedside table, and pulled her hair into a pony tail. Barefoot, she stepped out onto the small patio of the rented cottage.

When she started working there, she was lucky enough to be able to rent a small cottage very close to the hotel. It had belonged to a sweet old couple that had lived there for a very long time, but when they finally retired, they moved down south. They said that the cold and harsh winters were too hard for them to handle any more. She had jumped at the opportunity, and loved living there.

She smiled and inhaled the crisp summer night. She loved this time, when it wasn’t night, but not yet dawn. She slipped her feet into her chucks and started walking down the little path towards the hotel. She thought about her tasks for the upcoming day. Jackson’s engagement party last night had gone well, and she was physically exhausted. But still sleep eluded her. She might as well get a head start with her baking if she was going to be awake anyway; there was no point in wasting time.

The hotel appeared in the clearing, and she always loved the way it looked at night. There were little pot lights around the path as she got closer, and it was a warm and welcoming sight. She decided to take the side door instead of the main entrance, just in case there were guests still enjoying the quietness of the night.

She knew her way around the hotel, so she didn’t turn on any lights. She walked quietly through the storage room until she reached the kitchen. Pushing the door open, she stopped dead in her tracks.

She was met by the sight of Jackson standing in front of the big, stainless steel fridge, wearing only a pair of unbuttoned low riding jeans, and taking deep gulps of milk right out of the carton.

“Oh my god,” escaped her lips before she had a chance to think. She startled him, and milk ran down his chin as he cursed out loud.

“Fuck, Mila, you scared the hell out of me!" He wiped the streams of milk off his chin with the back of his hand.

She was staring helplessly at him unable to turn her eyes away. Her gaze travelled down over his bare chest until it reached the top of his unbuttoned jeans.

Oh, fuck me, he's not wearing any boxers...

“Cat got your tongue, Mila?”

Her eyes met his, and she could see the small smirk playing on his lips. Damn him for keeping calm no matter what! She was acutely aware of how undressed he was, but it didn’t seem to bother him in the least. He put the milk back in the fridge, slowly kicked the door closed with his foot, and leaned back against it, crossing his arms.

“What are you doing up? Can’t sleep?” He kept looking at her.

She scolded herself for feeling so mesmerised, for her body reacting to him so quickly.

“No, I don’t sleep much," she said, brushing off his concern while she walked over to grab her apron.

Damn it. I didn’t expect him to be here.

She started to unzip her hoody when she suddenly realized that she was only wearing a thin tank top under it. She hadn’t even bothered putting on a bra, as she’d just got right out of bed and left. Her heavy breasts were snug against the fabric, and there was no chance she would ever walk around him like that. She put the apron back on the hook and simply pulled the sleeves up on her hoody instead. She would just have to keep wearing this.

Why hadn’t she just stayed in bed?

“Why are you up? I thought you and the fiancé were heading back to the city first thing in the morning.” She turned around to look at him.

“Are you even aware that you never say her name? You always say 'fiancé'. Why?”

“No reason, really, I just don’t know her very well. She doesn’t like me much,” Mila responded.

“No, she doesn’t,” he confirmed.

“Geez, Jackson, you could lie, you know, to spare my feelings and all that.” She shook her head as she walked over to the big island and ran her hands across the soft surface of the worn wood. She loved the feel of it. Here, she felt confident in herself; here, she was in control.

“I like it when you smile,” he said, watching her.

She blushed at his words, and since she wasn’t sure how to respond, she started reaching for a glass bowl and wooden spoon to keep occupied.

“Especially when you do it in here, in the kitchen,” he continued, when she didn’t say anything.

She looked up at him with a serious look on her face.

“What do you mean?”

“You look happy in here, with your hands busy kneading dough or stirring something,” he said, smiling at her. “When you relax, and don’t think so much.”

“Well, umm… thank you, I think?” she managed to stutter out.

“Yes, Mila, that was a compliment, so please take it as such.” He pushed away from the fridge and walked over to the island, standing opposite her.

She smiled at him, but internally, she rolled her eyes at herself for acting like that.

“You never answered my question, so why are you up?” she asked again.

“I won’t be going back to the city tomorrow,” he said, his hands busy spinning the fruit bowl around in circles in front of him.

She could tell something was bothering him; it wasn't very hard to figure out. She wondered how much she should push him to find out what it was. She was too tired to use much finesse.

“So, this is the point where I can either keep probing, asking tons of questions until I can figure out why you're looking like someone just stole your cookie, or we can just skip all that and you just tell me,” she blurted out.

“Oh, Mila, you have such a bedside manner,” he joked, but the smile never reached his eyes.

“Spit it out, Jackson." She started walking around the big kitchen, collecting the things she needed. She dropped them all on the counter, and she knew he was watching her. The silence should have been uncomfortable, but it wasn’t. She went about her business, trying to give him some time to collect his thoughts.

“What are you making?” he asked after a while, when she had finally settled into her task.

“Buttermilk biscuits.”

“Do you know you make everything sound deliciously naughty when you say it?”

She raised her eyes and looked at him.

“Oh, is that so? And how are buttermilk biscuits naughty?” She laughed, shaking her head at him and his foolish statement.

“It’s the way it rolls off your tongue, and over your lips,” he grinned, grabbing a red apple from a fruit bowl and biting down on it. “It’s like pure sex, like you make love to the words before they come out.”

She felt herself blush again, and she bit down on her lip at his words.

Oh, what is he doing to me? He can’t say those things.

“It’s very erotic. Everything you do is erotic.” He was still eating the apple and watching her.

She looked up at him, but he wasn’t smiling; he actually looked serious. She knew she was breathing faster, and hearing him speak like this made her blood run hot though her veins. She was used to his teasing, but this was different; this felt different.

“You’re distracting me. You should go back to bed... to your fiancé,” she said, as she watched him and cringed at the thought of them in bed together.

She didn’t want him to leave. She wanted him to stay right there, eating his damn apple. But she knew she wouldn’t be able to stay in control much longer without making a complete fool out of herself. It was best if he left so she could think clearly again.

“She’s not in my bed,” he finally replied.

She just kept looking at him, willing him to keep talking.

“I called it off. The engagement... Everything.”

“What do you mean, you called it off? Why the hell would you do that?” She was shocked. “The engagement party was just last night!”

“Because I don’t love her, and she doesn’t love me. We both realized after the party, we don’t want the same things,” he said, while he kept looking at her. “She hates it here in Cape Breton, and wouldn’t ever agree to live here permanently, or even part of the year.”

She just stared at him, still shocked. He is no longer engaged? He is no longer engaged!

“Oh, so you’re telling me I spent days making hundreds of cupcakes and food for your party, all for nothing?” she said without thinking.

He looked at her for a second before he burst out laughing.

“Oh, fuck, Mila, you’re amazing. Here, I just told you that I called off my engagement and you’re worried about the time you spent making cupcakes?” He smiled at her before continuing, “I guess you’re not so upset about me calling it off, eh?”

She blushed.

“I’m really sorry, Jackson. I’m sure this was not an easy decision to make,” she offered, as she kept adding ingredient to the biscuits. “But no, I’m not really upset. I never thought she was right for you.”

Oh shut up, stop talking!

He didn’t say anything as he put the apple down on the counter, and started walking around the island towards her. The image that came to mind while she watched him was of an animal. He looked like a predator and she felt like the prey.

He was standing behind her again, just as he had the day before. She could feel him there, but he wasn’t touching her. She kept making the biscuits, and her hands started kneading the cold dough to keep them from shaking. She closed her eyes as she felt his breath on her neck.

“Even that is sexy, seeing your hands moving like that. It makes me wonder what it would feel like if you touched me instead,” he whispered against the exposed skin on her neck. A silent whimper escaped her lips.

His hands caressed her hips, and even through the fabric of her hoody, she could feel the heat from his hands. She wanted to turn around and look at him, but she didn’t move. She stayed still, her hands clenched in the dough at the sound of his voice.

“Why did you stop?” he asked her.

“What do you mean?” She could hear the change in her own voice.

“Earlier, you went to put on your apron like you always do, and then you stopped and put it back on the hook. Why, Mila? Why did you change your mind?”

“Oh, that... Umm, that was nothing. I just didn’t feel like wearing it. It’s chilly in here, so I wanted to keep my hoody on.”

She was rambling, and she knew it.

“You're lying,” he said calmly, stepping even closer to her. “Tell me why.” His voice was low and deep.

Her eyes closed as she savored the feeling of his breath on her skin, and his hands slowly moving on her hips. She wanted to push back against him.

“I’m not wearing appropriate clothing under my hoody,” she told him with a shaky voice.

“Appropriate? Oh, you sound so proper, Sweets.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “Show me.”

She shook her head right away. There was no way she was showing him anything. It was bad enough that he was seeing her looking like this, in PJs and chucks.

“Wrong answer.” His hands moved to her arms and started pulling her around.

Her hands were covered in flour from the dough, and he pushed her back against the counter as he looked down at her. She was fighting to keep her eyes on him, and not let them travel down to his bare chest. He was so close, and she wanted to touch him. He smiled as his hands went to her hoody. She was biting her lip, watching him.

“You’re so damn adorable, sweets, do you know that?” He slowly inched down the zipper.

She was shaking, and she felt vulnerable in front of him, her floury hands raised to the sides. She couldn’t believe she was letting him do this. His teasing was going too far, and it was going to leave her shattered when he walked away. He’d just called off his engagement; it wasn’t the time for this.

Why am I not stopping him?

He pulled the hoody to the side, pulling it over her shoulders to let it trap her arms against her sides. She was nervous and felt insecure in front of him. She turned her head to the side, knowing he was watching her.

The tight grey tank top was hiding nothing; she knew it was low cut and straining against her breasts and her curves. She usually dressed to her size, taking care to hide the problem areas, and making sure her chubby parts were not on display.

She felt exposed, and he was saying nothing.

“Look at me, Sweets,” he said, as she felt him grab her chin softly, making her look at him.

She opened her eyes and met his. He was no longer smiling. He was looking at her intently and she wanted to kiss him. She wanted to feel those perfect lips against hers.

“You should dress like this more often, Mila." His hands started caressing through tight fabric under her heavy breasts.

She felt her nipples reacting to his touch, and she saw his eyes narrow when he saw them pushing against the thin layer.

“Mmm, very nice," he said, his thumbs brushing against her hardened buds.

Her lips parted, and she moaned as she felt his touch. Was this really happening? She would kill him if he was messing with her. She had a limit, and he was pushing it.

“What do you want from me?” she was trying to keep her voice even and confident, even though she was shaking and her body was awoken by desire; a desire for someone she shouldn’t be wanting this badly.

He surprised her by laughing out loud.

“Oh, Mila, you’re one of the smartest people I know, but sometimes you really are quite dumb.”

“Oh, bite me, Jackson,” she said, feeling her temper rising in a mix of embarrassment. “Can you fucking blame me for asking? I have no damn clue what you want from me." She pushed away, starting to turn back around to continue making her biscuits. Digging her hands into the dough again, she felt her heart beat with anger, laced with lust.

“What I want from you? Are you fucking kidding me?” he growled.

“You were engaged up until a few hours ago,” she continued.

“Yes, I know, but I called it off, because I don’t want her.“ He grabbed her again, and quickly spun her around to face him. This time he wasn’t gentle. She was fighting him, and he pushed his body against hers as she struggled to get out of his grip. He grabbed her hands with both of his, and held them behind her back as he looked down at her.

She caught the dangerous look in his eyes a split second before his mouth crashed against hers. He was impatient, and bit down on her bottom lip, causing her to moan. She was struggling to get out of his grip even though she didn’t want him to stop. He pulled away from her, but kept his lips only a whisper away.

“Sweets, it’s you that I want. I’ve always wanted you.” As if to prove his point, he pushed even closer to her. She could feel his erection though his pants. She was panting, but she had stopped struggling.

“If I let go of your hands, are you going to behave?” he smirked at her. “Or am I going to have to restrain you? Either way is fine with me,” he said, nibbling on her lips again.

She couldn’t think when he did that. All she could do was feel him and his wonderful mouth on hers. She was mumbling incoherently as he started kissing her deeply again. She felt his tongue teasing her lips before pressing it into her wanting mouth.

He let go of her and reached down to grab her plump ass with his now-free hands. He pulled her closer to him as he moaned deeply. He placed soft kisses along her jaw before continuing to her neck. His hands were tugging at her hoody, making it tumble down her arms and onto the floor.

“Have I ever told you how much I love your ass?” he asked between soft kisses on her neck.

Her hands had moved to his waist, and feeling his skin under her fingertips was sending bolts of electricity though her body. Finally, she was able to touch him, something she’d longed to do for so long. Her hands were still covered in flour, but neither of them seemed to care.

“My ass is big,” she moaned as his teeth were teasing her sensitive neck.

“Mmmm, yes I know. That's why I love it. I have to keep myself from grabbing it every day... Mmm, or spanking it.”

“Oh god,” was all she managed to respond.

He traced his hands up over her hips and up her sides, making her shiver. She whimpered as his fingertips brushed against the sides of her breasts. He was driving her crazy with need. His hands found their way into her hair, and he grabbed hold of her pony tail, pulling it hard and tipping her head back. He was making her look at him, demanding her attention as he spoke.

“You don’t know how many times I’ve thought about you naked... Wearing only that sexy apron of yours. How often I’ve wanted to push you over that damn island so I can get my fill of your luscious ass,” he said slowly, shocking Mila with his words.

She whimpered, and didn’t want him to stop talking, but she needed his mouth on her again. She needed the softness of his lips and the bite of his teeth on her skin.

She was aching for him.

“Then why haven’t you? I’ve been here, right here." The defiance burned like fire in her eyes. “If you wanted me, then why didn’t you take me, dammit?”

“Sweets, you’re one fucking hard woman to figure out,” he smiled.

“No, I’m not. I’m simple and not complicated,” she snarled back.

“Not complicated? I need a fucking manual to figure you out, Mila." His eyebrows were raised, and he still had a hold on her hair.

“Oh, I guess you’re right. I guess I’m not quite as simple as some dumb skinny blond you’ve kept company with lately.”

She saw the change in his eyes.

Uh oh, I shouldn’t have said that.

He leaned even closer, pushing himself into her body, his grip even tighter in her hair.

“Maybe if you didn’t act like you’re better than me, I wouldn’t have gone searching for a dumb skinny blond to settle for,” he shot back through clenched teeth.

"Jackson, I..." Mila stammered in response.

"Not so damn quick with your comeback now, are you?" he sneered back.

His eyes were burning into hers. Had she noticed how intense they were before? Had he always looked at her like that? How could she have missed it?

“You drive me crazy, you know that? You leave me fucking twisted into knots of desire that I can’t satisfy with anyone else.”

He didn’t wait for her response before his mouth found hers once again. There was no patience or soft lips this time as his tongue entwined with hers. She could hear his low growl in his throat as his hands went to her shoulders, and started to pull down the thin straps.

He kissed down her jaw, down to her shoulders, his lips following the path of his fingertips on her skin. She was shivering under his touch, and she was panting, finding it hard to breathe. She heard him mumbling underneath his breath as he nuzzled her neck. She was so turned on that she couldn’t even think, but at the same time, she was smiling and sighing at his touch. She felt like a schoolgirl getting kissed for the first time.

"You smell so good," she finally heard him say.

"I smell like cupcakes."

"No, it’s more than that. You smell sweet, yes, but you smell... Well, like you. Your scent drives me almost as crazy as your ass does." He grabbed her plump butt again. "It's intoxicating... You’re intoxicating."

He pulled away from her just a little, looking serious.


"Show me, I need to see." He stepped away even more.

"Show you what, exactly?" she asked softly.

"Your ass."

She inhaled a breath, and she could feel herself blushing. She was panting, and the straps of her tank top were pulled down, her nipples were hard and pressed against the soft grey fabric. She was a mess.

"Oh, how I love that I can make you speechless. That never happens," he chuckled at her.

Usually she would have a smartass comeback for him, but at this moment, she didn’t care if he won this little battle between them. She needed him badly, and never before had she wanted someone to touch her as much as this.

She wanted him.

“Please, Jackson,” she whispered.

Her desire was written all over her face. Her flour-dusted hands were gripping the wood counter behind her, like she was hanging on for dear life.

Oh, screw this. She reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down towards her hungry mouth. She didn’t want to wait any more; she had already waited for so long.

She saw the quick flash of surprise in his eyes as she came towards him, but he didn’t waste any time. Before she realized what he was doing, he’d grabbed her hips and spun her around, pressing her against the counter. He pushed back into her, and she could feel his hard cock against her lower back.

“Mila, I want to feel every inch of your body. I want to taste you.”

She whimpered at his words, and tried to turn around to face him. She wanted to kiss him and see his eyes clouded with the same need she was feeling. He wrapped one of his arms around her waist.

“Stay still,” he instructed, kissing her shoulder.

There was something in his voice that she had never heard before.

She nodded as his hands slowly caressed her tummy under the tank top. With confident hands, he moved higher up until he brushed the underside of her breasts with his thumbs. She closed her eyes. His hands quickly moved down and grabbed the hem of her tank top, pulling it off and tossing it on the counter.

His hands moved back up to cover her breasts, and her head fell back and rested on his shoulder. He slowly started kneading her soft flesh with his fingers as she moaned softly. His fingertips teased her already painfully hard nipples, pulling on them lightly, causing her to growl.

She didn’t have to see his face to know he was smiling at her response to his touch.

His hands moved down her sides over her luscious curves until he hooked his thumbs in the waist of her PJ pants. Her breathing increased in anticipation, but he did not pull them down. He kept them still as he kissed her neck, and then slowly down her shoulders.

“Lean down,” he said softly as he nibbled her skin.

“Hmm?” she responded.

“Lean down over the counter, Mila.”

She hesitated.

“For once, just do as I ask.”

She leaned down and pressed her full breasts over the flour-covered counter. She was panting, and she was aching. She rested her face on her arms.

He leaned down and put his hands on either side of her breasts, leaving his palms flat against the surface. Slowly, he started kissing down her spine, taking his time driving her crazy. His hands slowly moved to her back, sliding down like he was worshipping her body.

She was slowly grinding her hips towards his cock. She could hear his moans as he felt the pressure, making him even harder. His moans encouraged her, and she wiggled her ass even more, needing him.

He reached her lower back, and she shivered as he kissed her along the smooth skin. He slowly started to pull down her PJ pants until they fell to the floor by her sneaker-clad feet.

“Oh, goddamn it, fuck, oh, fucking hell, Mila. You’re not wearing any panties... Fuck,” he cursed while his hands gripped her hips tightly.

She was blushing and smiling at the same time, totally exposed to him, leaning over the kitchen island now completely naked. She looked over her shoulders at him. She should have felt insecure, but one look at his eyes, and she felt more desired then she’d ever felt before in her life.

“You like?” she smiled, wiggling her ass at him.

His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her hips as he growled and bent down. He kissed her cheeks, small nibbles and bites sent her into quivering mess. She was mumbling incoherently, begging him, but she didn’t know what for. She just didn’t want him to stop.

His hands moved to the inside of her thighs, pushing her legs apart, and revealing how wet she already was. His fingers were brushing against her pussy lips making her moan. He slowly ran his fingertip along her slit, and then lightly, he brushed over her clit, making her grind down against his finger.

With his other hand, he pushed inside his jeans and grasped his painfully hard cock. He stroked himself while Mila was rubbing herself against his finger.

“Please, Jackson,” she begged, “let me see you.”

Saying nothing, he removed his hand from between her legs, making her moan in frustration. He reluctantly let go of his cock.

“Come here, baby, stand up,” he said, as his hands slid over her ass. She stood up, and faced him. Her eyes instantly went to his cock that was hard against his stomach.

“Oh… Well, wow,” she managed to get out at the sight of his erection.

“Oh, Sweets, that was the best compliment I could’ve gotten.” He just smiled as he pushed her ass against the counter, and kissed her while his hands went into her hair, grasping it and pulling her mouth against his. He was devouring her mouth.

She moaned against his lips as her hands slid down his chest until she slowly grasped his cock by its base, and started stroking him. He groaned as he bit down on her lower lip. She moved up his shaft and rubbed her thumb over his swollen head. She could feel the pre-cum, and she wanted to taste him.

She broke away from his kiss as she coated her thumb with his own wetness, bringing it up to her lips. His hands were still in her hair as he watched her suck her thumb into her mouth, tasting him. His eyes grew darker as she licked her thumb clean. She wrapped her other hand around his shaft and was stoking him, making his jaw clench.

“You better stop stroking me, baby, if not I am going to cum all over your hand,” he said slowly.

She could see him fighting the urge to just let go and cum. He ran his hands down from her hair, over her body, and down to her waist.

“Jump up on the counter, shorty,” he chuckled at her as he kissed her softly.

“Shorty?” she asked with raised eyebrows. “I’m not that short..." She struggled her way up the counter.

He was laughing at her as she finally got situated.

“Oh, shut up, Jackson, I’m not some skinny bitch that’ll just gracefully jump up without effort,” she snarled at him while looking a bit embarrassed.

“Thank god that you’re not skinny. I don’t like skinny… I like you,” he said, positioning himself between her legs and kissing her passionately.

Oh, how does he do that? She moaned as the need for him once again took over all her senses; she just needed to feel him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, getting lost in the moment and the sensation of his eager tongue playing with hers. She felt him tug on the elastic in her hair until it snapped and she yelped as it yanked her head. She pulled away.

"Oh, how smooth, Jackson. You would think this is the first time you’ve ever been with a woman," she giggled as she looked at him.

"Sweets, are you really doubting my skills right now?" he said with a devilish smirk on his face. "If you want, we can always compare stories."

"Oh, fuck off, Jackson, I don't want to hear about your conquests." She pushed him away a bit.

He just laughed and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"How about I just show you?" The smile was gone, and once again his eyes were clouded with lust as he pushed her down on her back. He ran his hands lightly up over her knees, her smooth skin tingling as he moved to the inside of her thighs. She sighed as she spread her legs further apart, allowing him to get closer to her dampness.

He leaned down and started kissing the inside of her thigh. He placed his hands under her ass and pulled her down towards the very edge of the counter. His hands kept her legs spread wide as he started to place soft kisses on her mound.

“Mmm, I love how you’re completely smooth, baby,” he moaned against her.

“Oh, Jackson, please,” she begged him.

He took his time kissing down her wet slit while his hands were filled with her plump ass. The tip of his tongue slowly pressed past her wet lips. He moaned as he finally got to taste her and her hands grasped his hair as she ground against his mouth, needing to feel more.

“Jackson, goddamn it, please… Baby… Please… Make me cum,” she whimpered as the raw need consumed her. Her eyes were closed and all her attention was on his mouth.

“Mila, look at me.”

She looked down at him while he was nestled between her legs; the lust in his eyes matched what she was feeling for him. She had never wanted anyone as much as she wanted him. She watched as he sucked two of his fingers into his mouth, wetting them before running them down her slit again. She gasped as he slowly started to push them inside of her.

“Oh fuck, you’re so hot and wet...” His voice was thick with need as he curled his fingers inside her and pushed against her g-spot.

She let out a small cry as a rush of lust coursed through her at his touch. Her eyes remained locked with his as she kept grinding down against his fingers. She saw him lick his lips a moment before he leaned down to touch her clit with the tip of his tongue. She shuddered as she saw him lick her swollen nub with his flattened tongue.

She kept looking at him; she couldn’t take her eyes off what he was doing to her body. Seeing his need as she felt it inside herself was beyond erotic, it was pushing her towards the edge.

“Jackson, oh…I … oh fuck,” was all she managed to say before she felt the orgasm build within her. She arched her back as it ripped through her body, and she came against his tongue.

He moaned and she could feel the vibrations against her sensitive clit, prolonging her ecstasy. While she was trying to catch her breath, he slowly slid his fingers out of her.

She looked at him with a look of wonder as he sucked his fingers into his mouth again, tasting her. He was licking his fingers clean of her cum.

“Oh fuck, Jackson,” she moaned back at him.

He stood up and reached for her hands, pulling her into a sitting position in front of him. He cupped her face and leaned into kiss her.

“I like tasting myself off your lips. I could get used to that,” she smiled at him.

She ran her fingertips lightly across his chest, and down over his taut belly. She felt him shiver as she brushed over the tip of his cock. He was so hard and throbbing. She ran one finger down his length, hearing him suck in a breath as she did.

“Baby, I really need you to fuck me right now. I need you,” she whimpered, feeling the pre-cum coating her fingers once again.

He didn’t waste any time. He pushed down his jeans, letting them drop and bunch around his ankles as he pushed her legs further apart, pulling her even closer to the edge. He grasped his cock and stroked it against her wet slit before he slowly pushed into her, making her grab his arms for support.

She moaned as he pushed all the way in, filling her. He leaned in to kiss her as he started moving in and out of her tight pussy. She clenched around his hardness, making him ache. He groaned as he started to push into her harder, and she arched her back, needing him even deeper.

He wrapped his arms around her as she leaned back and spread her legs even wider. He pulled her closer to him and the edge as he was thrusting into her with reckless abandon.

“Goddamn, Mila, oh God,” she heard him whisper as she felt him grow still harder and thicker inside her. She knew that he was close; she could feel it, and it was making her own climax start to build again.

She straightened up and met his eyes as she felt the familiar pull deep inside of her. There was no stopping the onslaught of desire she was feeling. She whimpered his name as he once again made her cum.

As if her saying his name was too much, he grabbed her ass and dug his fingers into her soft flesh, and let go. She could feel him erupt, and each spurt of hot cum was filling her.

She was panting and trying to catch her breath, when he brushed her hair away from her face, then softly kissed her nose. The gentle sign of affection with his cock still inside her made her heart swell.

She smiled.

“Well, Jackson, that was… Oh wow,” she giggled. He gave her one of his smiles that would let him get away with anything.

“Yeah, Sweets, that pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it?”

“Mmmhmm,” she sighed contently.

He finally pulled out of her, his cock still semi-hard. He stepped to the side and leaned against the counter. He reached down and pulled up his pants, but left them once again unbuttoned.

“Mila, this wasn’t exactly the way I’d planned to seduce you and rock your world. I’d planned something a bit more, you know… proper. Like a nice dinner and then taking you to your bed. Not this…” he said and nodded towards the island they’d just fucked on.

She slid off the counter and walked towards the big fridge. She was thirsty. And quite honestly, she needed a minute to get her brain working again. It had been embarrassingly long since she had sex last, and she was still reeling from what had just happened.

She grabbed the carton of milk and took a long sip before she peeked around the door of the fridge to look at him.

“Jackson, did you hear me complain once?” she asked pointedly, “and you should know me better by now. I don’t need fancy dinners for you to seduce me.”

She took another long drink of the milk before she continued.

“You being in my kitchen half-naked in the middle of the night was all it took to seduce me.” She winked at him as she watched him standing with his arms crossed, with a content smile on his face.

She turned back into the fridge to put the carton back, when she spotted the cupcake frosting.

Oh, frosting!

She scooped a big dollop onto her finger before she closed the fridge door.

She brought her finger to her mouth and started to taste the frosting. She didn’t do it to tease him, she simply wanted frosting. She closed her eyes and smiled as the taste hit her tongue.

Mmm, chocolate.

She was brought back to the moment when she heard him laughing.

“What?” she asked him with raised eyebrows.

“Oh, just you Mila,” he laughed as that was the obvious answer.

“Me? What are you laughing at me for?” she snarled.

“Because you’ve got to be the only woman that keeps her ugly chucks on as she is getting fucked in the middle of the night,” he laughed.

She looked down at her feet, and then started laughing when she realized he was right. She was still wearing her old black and white chucks. He started walking over towards her and her heart skipped a beat, but she was surprised when he walked past her to the fridge. After a minute, he closed the door and quickly bit down on one of the leftover cupcakes.

“So, that is it, isn’t it? You only want me for my cupcakes?” She was laughing at him standing there eating a chocolate dessert.

He shook his head as he finished the last bite.

“No, Sweets, I just want you for your succulent and creamy frosting.” He licked the crumbs off his fingers. “And I do believe I’m ready for some more...”

This story is only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. 

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Braces in a hotel part 1

So i was on vacation in Florida and there was this sweet concierge named Heather. She had a thin tiny body and cute small tushy. She was a cute brunet with a ponytail and looked about 19-22. She had a lovely smile and most importantly had braces. Just so there is no confusion, braces are HOT.I was a little horny one night and my girlfriend was fast asleep so i went down to flirt with Heather. I came up with some dumb excuse for her to help me, making sure she had to bend over to get in the...

4 years ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 54

Sue was still partially laying on me. We had fallen asleep after some strenuous lovemaking that left me in a stupor, and put her out, falling asleep using me as a mattress. During the night, Sue had slipped to one side of me, while Mercy had snuggled closer and thrown a leg over mine. Nothing stimulates the mind and the lower extremities of a male like breasts smashing into your chest, arms, and face. The kicker was that there was a hand encircling my dick, squeezing, then relaxing,...

2 years ago
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New FWO Wrestler

You walk in to the FWO studio complex dressed to impress with your athletic gear in your gym bag. You are greeted by the receptionist, Dizzy. "Oh hi, welcome to Fantasy Wrestling Online! You must be the new wrestler! The Boss asked me to have you fill out this questionnaire before we get you going in your first match."

1 year ago
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Daughters Friend Part 6

After exploring all Spain had to offer, we took the plane a short distance to the coast of France. Now the three of us are currently on a train from the coast to the city of love, Paris. The French countryside is absolutely breathtaking. The train ride takes me back to when I was a young man and backpacked through numerous small French villages. It was on that trip that I rediscovered my love for croissants. The train ride was only going to last a few hours, but I desperately wished it would...

2 years ago
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Formez Vos BataillonsChapter 2

“Je vous aime. Memere,” Cat said to her grandmother. Having been warned minutes before, she walked to her decorously and hugged her legs. Kate returned the hug. “Sharl!” Cat then cried. She raced to him and collided with him. It was something between a hug and a tackle, but Charles could handle it. He lifted her for a mutual hug, and she ran her hands through his hair. Charles was one of her favorite people, and his kinky hair was one thing which she enjoyed most about him. When he could set...

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GenerationsChapter 20 Peters Apartment

“Damn, but I’ve missed you,” said Peter as he pulled Lauren inside the door of his apartment. It had been almost a week-and-a-half since the night spent watching the teenagers through the video camera in the basement of Lauren’s home. Since then, Peter had been both on the road and out of town at a conference/trade show. He had invited Lauren, but she had begged off, needing to spend time with the children. In some ways, the trip had surprised Peter. Normally he would have packed a box of...

4 years ago
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Pretty thoroughly fiction, based in part on a few events from my life, though I will keep them private. There’s no sex in this story, more a relationship entry. * I’ve never liked the concept of abortion. Now, before you hit the panic button, let me explain. I’m no religious zealot, looking for a clinic to bomb, neither am I going to hand out pamphlets and scream, ‘Murderer!’ when women walk into them. For me it’s far more personal. My dad and I never really got along. He didn’t even want...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Blake Blossom It8217s About God Damn Time

Not only is it about God damn time we had the lovely Blake Blossom back here on Hussie?Pass, but it’s also about God damn time we paired her up with our well-hung chum Damion Dayski for this greatly anticipated sloppy interracial update! After director Johnny Robins conducts the interview portion of the program, Blake removes her panties & uses her fingers to get her motor running on her hirsute pussy. Damion comes in with some lube for Blake’s all-natural tits & lovely...

4 years ago
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Garden Fairies

The castle garden was intricately built with the finest fauna. Every patch of roses and trinket of bushes was carefully pruned to sculpt a beautiful alleyway and a labyrinth of fragrant flowers for the season. Birds merrily chirped as they shared the blessings of this afternoon. In the center of this maze, a small but lovely pavilion lay to give shelter. And in it, the images of 2 maidens could be spotted a couple who shared their teas and cakes as they enjoy their sanctuary from the outside ...

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Sheena Di My Sex Teacher 8211 Part IV

Dear All, Hey I am Shaanu. I am back again. I know that it’s a long time I was out of touch with ISS. As I was quite busy with my Job and was busy again to satisfying some of the horny, needy and beautiful females. In between I visited to Mumbai on the invitation by one of my female fan and it was areal fun over there. She was 42 years of age with great assets. I stayed there for 4 days and in these 4 days she showed me the paradise. Also I was busy in chat with one of the other fan from...

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Fraternization by patricia51 Every child always wants to know how his mother and father met. I tell mine, it all started with a flat tire on a jeep. But maybe that is getting a little ahead of my story.My name is Kelly, born Kelly Wooten. I was the younger of two sisters in a small southern coastal town. When I was a senior in high school I managed the astounding feat of getting married, getting pregnant and getting divorced all within that single school year. Okay, the events didn't occur...

Love Stories
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My Brothers Return

I was working one night in my fathers book store. I was rarely allowed to work alone because I was only eighteen and the shop was in a rough part of town, but my father was out of town and my mother was at home drunk on the couch, so someone had to come and open the store. I was always the responsible one. I was putting books on the shelf and I heard the bell on the door jingle. I looked up and there was a man standing there with a jacket and a baseball cap on. He was attractive, but he looked...

3 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 48 Zanyiarsquos Mission

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal – Qina, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch I wrapped myself up in spirits of enhancement, making myself invisible. I flitted on ahead of the party to make sure it was safe. That there was no trap that would endanger my husband or our slave-wife, Zanyia. I left Sven, riding at the head of a column of Kivonethian soldiers, behind. He looked so impressive and handsome. Zanyia riding behind him somehow enhanced his...

1 year ago
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Freddies Find Pt 03

CHAPTER FIVE King was practically bouncing when he rushed into the motel that afternoon. He had wrapped up his meetings early, gone and gotten his dad, and rushed back to the motel. He wanted to get there before Freddie had to go to work. He laughed at his own foolishness – he was the boss! If he wanted her to have the night off, he could give her the night off. And that didn’t sound like such a bad idea. He was giddy with the thought of seeing Freddie again. King’s father, Alexander Solomon,...

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Model does a beer run0

Alysha Nett- Grocery store It was another hot summer night for Alex as he pushed around carts in the parking lot at his job at the local grocery store. As he walked around cursing every customer in his head that left their cart scattered around . Leaving him the duty to collect them all right before the store closed at midnight. Distracted by his thoughts he was suddenly brought back to reality by a sudden screech of tires. “I'm so sorry” he heard the blonde scream from her car. Alex...

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A Jedis Training Ch 13

I’d like to say thanks real quick to all the readers who have waited awhile for this chapter. I apologize not getting it up more quickly – I’ve been dealing with some issues in my personal life, and when personal things go awry for me it gives me a serious case of writers’ block. Hopefully this chapter is still up to par with what y’all expect from me – thank you for your patience! I will try not to have so long a delay between this and Ch. 14, but no guarantees =( ————————- Chapter 13 –...

1 year ago
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Compassionate Rachel part 4

I looked up. Rachel's face looked cold and dark as a trail of smoke trailed up from the barrel of the nine-millimeter she had just shot Becky with. I knew what I had done. It was my fault. If I hadn't given in to temptation this wouldn't have happened. I couldn't believe I let Rachel down like this. Rachel lowered the gun and looked at me, her expression changed quickly as she began to sniffle and tears began to stream down her face. "Oh god Brad what have I done!? I can't believe I did this....


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