My Best Friend's Brother Part 4 free porn video

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“Shit.”I cursed under my breath. “Shit, shit, shit.” I yanked off the duvet covers causing Garfield to hiss in protest and stumbled over to my laptop. Facebook was my first priority, and my fears had been confirmed. She’d already posted the picture. The caption read:

Boyfriend fucked around with his little sister’s best friend. Guess who got dumped?

I almost cried. My phone was already buzzing with messages and there were hundreds of comments on the picture. Since Harriet was so popular I had countless hateful words being shot straight at me from all angles. My twitter was clogged up with hatred, my ask fm consisted of the words slut, whore and slag. It didn’t make things any better when dad came staggering in.

“What so you’re not going to give your lovely old man a hug?” He slurred and used the door handle as a support. I plastered on a fake smile and stood up.

“You were asleep, but hello!” I gingerly gave him a light hug and pulled away, but he kept me there.

“Not good enough.” He whispered with beer breath and BO. I sighed and gave him a peck on the cheek.

“Hi dad, I missed you.” I wasn’t really paying attention to what I was saying, I was too busy worrying about Annie for anything else.

“Missed me? Where the fuck did you go? Did you fucking sneak out again because I swear to God.” I cut him off and attempted to explain.

“I went with Nana And Grandad remember?” He’d been too drunk to realize I was gone for two weeks. Wonderful.

“Without my permission? How fucking dare you, you little shit!” He fell to the floor with a heady thud, and then puked. Now my room smelled like the rest of the house. “You should probably clean that up.” He swayed a little, then passed out face first in his own puke. I decided that It would probably be a better idea to stay somewhere else again. So my bags were packed and I was off once more.

Annie still wouldn’t pick up her phone, and I continued to ignore Ryan. But it wasn’t just stubbornness that made me push him away, it was the fact that I was terrified that more contact between us would hurt Annie even more. I was speed walking through town, I didn’t feel like bumping into anyone at this point, especially now that I had basically my whole life packed into two bags and slung over my shoulder. Unfortunately, I never really get what I want. So guess who I practically knocked over in my hurry to reach the other side of London? I’ll give you a clue, bright pink heels and her breasts were hardly contained in this tiny baby blue tank top.

“Harriet.” I gasped and took a few safety steps backwards. “I, um.. sorry about walking into you.” I could feel a sizzling heat rush to my cheeks. I still hadn’t worked up the guts to look her in the eye, and she remained silent. But her two bimbo friends sure had no problem giggling stupidly at me.

“Oh look who it is.” One of the potato heads squealed excitedly. She wore the same colours as Harriet, only in reversed clothing. Her ebony skin did not suit the baby blue heels. The other one, who was a redhead flicked her curls to the side and looked down on me with disgust.

“Honestly sweetie you need to clean yourself up, Ryans Reputation will be getting stung when people find out he’s been fucking a tramp.”

She popped some bubble gum in her mouth and smiled sarcastically. I just glared.

“Tell him I say hi.” Harriet finally said, and with that she shoved me off of the pavement and strutted past. Of course I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of thinking that we weren’t actually sleeping together, so I walked away in silence instead. I desperately wanted to meet with him, but what would I say? And anyway, if anyone saw us having contact Annie would hate me even more then she already did. But I had to see him, so despite how big a mistake I knew it would be I texted him to meet me at the café by the market.

It wasn’t hard to spot him, he was by far the best looking man in the building. He was slumped over the coffee table at such an angle it made his arm muscles bulge, as if they were about to pop out of his t shirt. His hair was scruffy, but I found that inviting, and I could tell he was anxious by the way he was tapping his foot. I took in a deep breath and entered the store, causing a little chime as the door opened. His head snapped up hopefully, and when he saw me I little sorry smile formed on that flawless face of his. Was it possible for him to of gotten even more attractive over night?

“Hey.” he smiled sadly, twiddling is thumbs and tapping his feet. He was definitely anxious.

“Is Annie answering your calls?” I asked as soon as I sat down, not bothering with the whole awkward introduction stage. I just dived straight in. His face dropped.

“No, she’s not talking to me. What about you?” She wasn’t even talking to Ryan, the person she truly loved the most. I felt even more guilty than ever.

“No, I’ve been calling her all day, nothing.” We sat in silence for a moment before he said his next words.

“Look you’re a lovely girl” I finished the sentence for him.

“But you love Harriet and your sister, and I was a mistake. I get it, it’s fine I’ll get out of your hair.” I got up to leave, but I felt a firm grip around my wrist.

“No, that wasn’t what I was going to say.” He kept hold of my wrist so I had no choice but to sit down. “I mean yes, I do love them both very much. But If I’m honest me and Harriet weren’t going to last forever, we both knew that and I think it’s best if we just forgot about what happened back at the house just because it didn’t mean anything. Right? Heat of the moment, nothing special. Annie will forgive us.” I took my time to take that in, it didn’t mean anything to him. That was both good and bad. He didn’t think I was secretly crushing on him majorly. Good thing. Annie was probably going to forgive us. Good thing. The positives weighed out the negatives, so I decided over all it was a good idea.

“Yeah I think so to, how long do you think it will take her?” He looked down for a bit as if to decide on his words and then spoke.

“No more than a week judging by how much she loves you.” I smiled. “I’ll explain to her what happened when I get home today, she’ll understand.”

Ryan was right, just a little over a week and I received a phone call from Annie. We exchanged apologies and within days we were reunited. After I had explained to them how I had been living in my athletic clubs supply closet they took me under their wings until I had somewhere else to be. Life was good, I got a Saturday job waitressing in the café me and Ryan had spoken in, my results were looking good for the 100m finals that were just days away and although it was difficult spending minimal time with Ryan to keep Annie happy we were all smiles. It was good. Maybe a little too good. But after my second week in living there, I noticed that their little sisters and parents presence was becoming less and less, and Ryan was acting differently. I put it down to my paranoia at first, but things just didn’t seem quite right.

“I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, what I have found, that I’m no fool, I’m just upside down.” I hummed along with my ipod on max as I pranced around the dining room with a broom. Annie and Ryan had gone grocery shopping so I decided to do some cleaning for them. It was only fair. “Ain’t got no cares, I ain’t got no rules, I think I like, living upside down.” I twirled around in a circle, using the handle as a microphone. They were usually gone for a good two hours, so I hadn’t bothered to get dressed yet. I was just in an old tshirt and some panties. When my favourite part of the song emerged I had no self control, I launched into a full on guitar solo with the broomstick and slid across the newly polished floors on my knees. Then when the chorus played again I circled my hips around with the feather dusters helicoptering above my head. But this movement reminded me of my last cleaning mission with Ryan, so I immediately stopped. But then the fun side of me popped into my head. So he’s stopping you from having fun now? Who cares carry on! So I did, I carried on until the dining room was the cleanest it had ever been in history.

“I’ve got to hand it to you, you’re actually a pretty good dancer. You ought to give yourself more credit.” I jumped straight out of my hip swaying trance and whirled round red faced. This was embarrassing.

“How long have you been stood there?” I asked him whilst covering up my modesty. He was leant against the doorframe. The light beamed though the huge arch windows and lit up his face. He glowed like a god.

“Long enough to tell that you’re good. You told me you couldn’t dance!” I blushed. I didn’t actually think that I could.

“Never thought I was able to.” I shrugged and snaked past him, knowing that Annie wouldn’t like the idea of me wearing so little in front of him. But he blocked my way with his arm. He was good at doing that.

“Well I thought that was pretty damn amazing.” There was a combination of lust and restraint in his eyes, this was dangerous. I had to leave.

“Well thanks, but I’m not that comfortable wearing this in front of you, I didn’t think you’d be back for a while. Where’s Annie?” I ducked under his arm and started towards the stairs.

“Why? You’ve seen me in boxers before. She found a few friends, she won’t be back till dinner. Which I was hoping you would help me cook? I bought ingredients for lasagne.” He beamed at me cheekily. He knew that was my favourite meal. “And Pear Cider.”

“I’ll be down in twenty minutes.” I winked knowing that he had won me over and hurried into Annie’s room to get dressed.


I still couldn’t get Lilly’s dancing out of my head. She looked incredible. The way the light bounced off of her perfectly tanned and toned legs as she swayed those little hips of hers was hypnotising. And every now and then her shirt wouldn’t be long enough to cover her ass, an ass which I had been trying not to stare at for what felt like forever. It was noticeably toned like her legs. She had that sexy little triangle gap at the top of her thighs, which is something I’m a sucker for. And every time she span her hair would whip round, causing the light to catch on it making it golden like the sun that was framing her beauty before me. She looked like a goddess swaying in her own unique way. I couldn’t tear my eyes away. I’d been interested in Lilly since the night before Annie’s birthday party, however I knew it would be wrong if we dated. But it was becoming increasingly harder the more time I spent with her.

The more I learned about her life the more I wanted to be a part of it. When Harriet wanted sex, I always ended up cumming from imagining Lilly. Something I was ashamed by of course but it certainly helped me get off a lot easier. And now that I was single it was even harder to resist her. I knew she had feelings for me too, and I knew she was also fighting them. We weren’t exactly making it easy on eachother. After I had put the shopping away, she came and hopped up onto the counter beside me, wearing some ripped denim shorts and a black and red checked shirt. Some people would say her eye makeup was too heavy, but I thought it looked incredible on her. Her insecurity only made me want to love her more. Knowing that she couldn’t do anything without music, I switched on the radio and we began to prepare dinner in sync to the beat.

Even when we were silent, it wasn’t an awkward silence. It felt comfortable, right. She dropped a slice of cheese onto the floor, and as she bent over I got an eyeful of her breasts. I felt my jeans tightening. I’ll admit they weren’t big, maybe a B cup. But for some reason I found them more arousing then Harriet’s. And everyone knew how big hers were. I knew what Harriet did had more of an impact on Lilly then she let on, after all I had read the things that people would post on her wall and they weren’t pleasant. She tended to hide away even more than she used to since everything that had happened, which I hated since it was rare to see her being confident. And she was breath taking when she was.

After the lasagne was put in the oven, we sat at the bar and clicked open the cider. 

“I’m hungry now.” She said after taking a swig. I smiled.

“You’re always hungry.” This was another thing I liked about her, she wasn’t one of those girls who always ate salad. I could easily take her out for a burger and she’d be fine with that.

“Yeah but its lasagne, I need it now.” She chuckled to herself sweetly. I loved how she loved food. It was refreshing from Harriet’s constant complaining on how I always ate too much.

“Unless you like un cooked meat I strongly recommend that you wait.” I drank from the can and opened the fridge, I had something that I knew she’d love. “Surprise!” I yelled and dropped crembruleigh flavoured ice cream in front of her. She squealed in delight and hugged me.

“Oh my god thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!” She laughed and tucked in without question. Little did she know that her hugs made my heart decide to be a sky diver.


Digging into the icecream that Ryan had bought me I couldn’t help but smile into the mouthfuls. He always knew how to please me. We went into the living room for a while and chatted about insignificant things. He made jokes I laughed, I made bad jokes he laughed anyway. It was great. Then we got onto the topic of my father, he put a reassuring hand on my thigh. And then kept it there for the rest of the conversation, gently rubbing it up and down occasionally. He got onto the topic of his granddad, who he was closer too then Annie which was surprising. I put a hand on his shoulder when he told me when he had died.

My head then replaced my hand, and his were still on my thigh but I’d crossed them over his lap. We talked about animals, ambitions, ambitions to do with animals. Everything. We didn’t even notice the kitchen timer going off, we were too engrossed with eachother. At around seven we got onto the tricky subject of relationships. We talked about what we wanted and what we didn’t want. We realized we both wanted the same thing. We stopped talking. Our lips were too busy having a conversation of there own. He kissed me with passion, with urgency and with lust. I loved it. I kissed him back with an equal force, plus more. I sat on his lap and crossed my arms around his neck whilst his were pulling me into him from my waist. His hands slipped down to my ass, gripping it forcefully yet gently at the same time. I moaned, so did he. My hands got lost in his hair, my mind got lost in the moment.

Gradually, I undid his buttons whilst he worked on mine. It was all happening so fast. I felt a hand cup my breast through my bra, mine slipped down to the bulge in his jeans. He moaned again. I slipped his shirt over his head and he pushed me down onto my back. He kissed my neck causing me to shiver in pleasure and made his way down to my breasts. He managed to un hook my bra with no trouble at all, and immediately licked the tip of my nipple whilst massaging the other. I quivered beneath him. Rubbing them gently, he whispered in my ear

“I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time.” In response I kissed him forcefully. He kissed gently all the way down to the top of my shorts, where he looked up at me for permission. I nodded to him, and in no time he’d slid them off along with my white laced panties.

“You’re fucking beautiful.” He gasped before diving down to my darkest depths. 

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Mom Invites brother For Sex Party

Yesterday evening my Mom said to me, "Melissa, my brother Paul, his wife Cindy and their son Andy are coming over at nine o'clock for another sex party like we had last month. Make sure there is plenty of ice in the recreation room bar because you will be making drinks for everyone again. Your brother Michael should be just about done setting up the video cameras so we can make another DVD.""Mom, can we switch partners this time? Last month I was with my cousin Andy and you were with your...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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My wife her brother and his friends

Many of you have been enjoying looking at the photos we have uploaded of my sexy wife Carole, and also like reading the couple of stories I wrote about her, regarding her sex life before I knew her; in fact, as some of you have asked for more information about her, I am going to tell you all about what she told me regarding her very early days, when she was still at school, and how her interest in boys was aroused and developed. When she was about f******n years old, her brother David would be...

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Sister Wanted To Be Fucked By Brother8217s Friends

Hello, my name is Ajith. I have one younger sister. By looking at her bra, hanging in the bathroom, I came to know that her bra size is 38. Yes, my sister’s boobs were huge and firm and not sluggy. We both lived a normal brother-sister life. Even though I had incestual feelings towards her, I never tried anything with her. I just use to masturbate thinking about my little sister’s cleavage which she accidentally showed while sweeping the floor. Things went like that. One day my parents went for...

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Brother8217s Friends

Hi, i am sushma.Im regular reader of this ISS.I have 2 boyfriends.They are friends of my brother itself.Currently we three are enjoying the ultimate sex life.I didnt know that this could happen to me.This all started in btech 1 year sem holidays.My brothers name is ramesh.He has friends and of them sathya and suresh are his best pals.They use to come our home for him.Like that they are considered as our family members.They dont have restrictions in our house. Even though ramesh isnt there they...

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My girfriends mother part2

My girlfriend’s mother ……part 2You remember that in the first part I was going out with a girl called Gillian and that I had fucked both her mother and her aunt in a session of debauchery that lasted all afternoon, if you have not read it I suggest you read it first because this second part is not as long but has a lot of strong connections to the first apart from the link of Gillian and her mother.I made regular visits to the house to service the two ladies, Gillian’s mum had to be on a...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Exceeds To Fucking

BROTHERLY LOVE EXCEEDS TO FUCKINGBy: Londebaaz ChohanLou, was hitting the youth faster than any boy of his age would. He already had a real thick bush under his arms, decent growth on his chest, arms and legs and a really jungle dense growth above and under his beautiful cock. Talk of his booming youth, he had already started jerking; and spilling teen but mature CUM brewed by his larger than a large egg sized seed makers. He did not know of having been sanctified with bigger, thicker dick than...

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brother and sis at a party

When my sister Ren, short for Lauren, told me she was going to a party, I didn't think twice that it might be the same party I was going to. I had been invited by one of my crazy friends to this function he was throwing that he promised would be absolutely the most talked about party ever. He was a rich k** and I knew he was probably right. I was only nineteen, but I had already been to a few beer bashes at his place. I never got drunk but I thoroughly enjoyed watching other idiots make fools...

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Fucking My Elder Brother8217s Female Friends Hard And Wild

Hi friends. I’m Arun and I’m 23 years old. I’m here to share with you my real life sex experience with my elder brother’s 2 female friends. They are Kavita and Aparna. Kavita is my brother’s college mate and Aparna is his school mate. They both know each other through my brother. They are 5-6 years elder than me and are married. Both of them used to make fun of me a lot and we enjoy countering the fun made of one by the other. Kavita is very slim and looks quiet beautiful. Aparna is a bit more...

4 years ago
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boyfriends horny brother

When I was just out of college I went on a trip with Joe, my boyfriend atthe time, to the mid-sized Illinois city where he grew up. Most of hisfamily still lived there including his brothers Mike and Lee who, on ourfirst night staying at Joe's parents' house, came over for dinner.His brothers were a total trip – loud and funny, constantly crackingjokes at everyone's expense, but so charming and good looking that you justdidn't care.Both of them were confirmed bachelors and they shared an...

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Two brothers have problems with their girlfriends

Authors note: This is the same family from ‘A Marriage in Turmoil’ only it’s about their sons approximately six years later. It is a complete stand alone story. This story is about ‘How do we treat family.’ Well, eventually it will be about that. I’m Jacob, twenty- four years old. David is my younger brother who is twenty-two. I’m the jock in the family, receiving a scholarship to play football. I stand 6’2″ and weigh in at about 220 lbs....

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The brother I masturbated aboutAfter Party

So since our parents left for the wedding my brother decided to throw a party. Lots of his friends came, got drunk and now most of them are sleeping in the living room. I just came from the night out with the girls, I was supposed to sleep at a friend's house, but didn't feel like it, so came back home. Hmm... you can barely call it a party, if there wouldn't be bottles of beer rolling around, I wouldn't even guess it was one, but everyone is passed out and it's only 3am. My brother like a king...

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Me And My Friends Make My Brother As Our Slave

Hai my name is Sravs. I want to share my first sex experience with all the iss readers. This was happen when i was 20 years of age. Firstly i was fair colored well-structured body with fleshy boobs and hip and a great pussy. When i was studying my graduation i lived in the hostel with my two close friends Manisha and Chandana. For my convenience of writing the story i call me as Sravs, Manisha as Man and Chandana as Chan. Ok then this incident was happens at my home. In summer holidays i just...

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Bullied by My Stepbrothers

My Mom married James when I was 12. My father had died two years earlier. He only had a small life insurance policy and our family had been struggling to get by. We moved in with James the day after the wedding. They never went on a honeymoon. I had previously met my new stepbrothers a couple of times, including at the wedding. But the following weekend was the first time that I spent any significant amount of time with them. All four were older than me, anywhere from 6 months to 5 years...

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Her Brother And His Friends Have Sex With Kelly

It was August of 1981. By the end of the week, Kelly would be packing up and heading back to Milwaukee to tackle her senior year of college. Not many weeks after her arrival she would begin interviewing for her post-graduation job, which she would begin just months later. And then spend decades as part of the working class. Something I had learned about Kelly is that one big way that she deals with anxiety is through her pussy.It happened the summer that she graduated from high school. Anxiety...

1 year ago
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Sex with My Boyfriends Brother

Tyler and I had been seeing each other for over a year.  He thought he loved me and that we were going to get married.  He was sweet and funny and always polite.  He was tall with short sandy blonde hair and bright green eyes.  He was a year older than I, at 19.  The relationship seemed perfect from the outside looking in.  But there was one flaw, Tyler was abstinent and I wasn’t.  Tyler and I had talked about having sex many times, and we fooled around a little bit a few times.  But Tyler said...

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My boyfriends brother

I just moved into my first flat i was unpacking when i heard a knock on the door, i buzzed and asked who it was. It was james my boyfriends brother, i let him in and sat on my bed which was still in the living with my bedding fresh on as thats where i was sleeping that night. He told me he had a bust up with his wife. I sat and listened for a while until i got lost in the cuteness of his eyes. I offered him a bed for the night and suggested i would stay on the floor. He was determined we'd both...

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Oops I Fucked My Brother On his Wedding Day Oops I fucked my brother Final Part

It had been a year or so since I had moved to New York, and the relationship between my brother Tom and I was pushing the limits. We had been sleeping in the same bed for months, we constantly had sex, and I had even been in a threesome with him and another guy. We would go out and act as if we were boyfriend and girlfriend, holding hands and kissing, and somehow, I felt I was falling in love with him, something I had never experienced in my life with any other guy. Crazy, I know. You're not...

3 years ago
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Best Brother

Best Brother By Londebaaz ChohanI came from college on Friday, little late at night, to find both parents away. I had called and knew that they would come back by Friday evening but Mona; my sister told me that now they were to come back on Sunday afternoon. Hi, I am Joseph; a teen boy with the usual teen interests and sex on the top. I'm about 5’10” tall, weigh about 160Lbs, Green eyes, dark brown hair. I'm no superman, but keep myself in decent shape. My elder sister, Mona who is also tall,...

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The Mrs special gift to friends younger brother

The Mrs. had let Mark fuck her three or four different times, and his younger brother had met us several times. And since he had turned 18 and I knew she found him hansom, and when he needed a place to stay for a few days we offered. The Mrs. was still in her late 20's and dressed skimpy for his visit, see through shirt, and pussy wedging shorts. His hard-on was hard to hide during the day, so about the time he was jacking off in the shower he was surprised by my naked wife. She wasn't his...

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Zoe Stepbrothers

Characters: Zoe: f, age 14 Noah: m, age 14, Zoe’s stepbrother James: m, age 16, Zoe’s stepbrother Keith: M, age 37; Zoe’s father Kate: F, age 36; Zoe’s stepmother Jessi: F, age 31; Zoe’s mother Jessi was seventeen years old and two months pregnant when she met Keith, my father. A week later during a passionate make-out session, he took her virginity; practically raping her or so she led him to believe. You might wonder how you rape a willing slut that planned and instigated the so-called...

2 years ago
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Baileys BrotherChapter 12 Bailey Parties

It’s kind of funny, with everything I’d been through in the past few weeks, you think I’d be really messed up. Despite losing my virginity, my friends, my job, and even more than that, I didn’t feel any different. I’m just a normal teenager. I still check in on insta and fb, I still get up and go to class, well I mean I guess there are a couple differences. I had to wear scarves for a couple days. After I got home I was lucky to see the bruises before mom did. I tried to use makeup to hide...

3 years ago
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brother and Friend Offer Comfort

I was looking forward to the weekend. It had been a hard week at school. Finals week was hard enough, but in the middle of the week I caught my boyfriend Roy making out with another girl. I decided to meet him after one of his finals and as I headed to the building I saw him pressed up against some chick. I was angry, very angry. I walked up behind him, "Having fun?" He spun so fast he knocked the chick to the ground. "Michelle," he said. "What are you doing here?""Well," I replied. "I was...

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Mckenzie Finds Brotherly Love

McKenzie had just turned eighteen when her family was forced to moved into a different home because her parents lost their previous one in an economic slowdown. She had always had her own room and enjoyed her privacy which enabled her to enjoy masturbating without fear of discovery. She was very lacking in sexual experience being extremely shy. She had only recently learned the joys of masturbation. She had two older brothers, Austin 19 and Ryan 21. Ryan worked two jobs and was struggling in...

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Mckenzie Finds Brotherly Love

McKenzie had just turned eighteen when her family was forced to moved into a different home because her parents lost their previous one in an economic slowdown. She had always had her own room and enjoyed her privacy which enabled her to enjoy masturbating without fear of discovery. She was very lacking in sexual experience being extremely shy. She had only recently learned the joys of masturbation. She had two older brothers, Austin 19 and Ryan 21. Ryan worked two jobs and was struggling in...

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My Best Friends Brother

I am over a friend’s house visiting. Her family is having a small get together for her brother. He just returned from a tour in Iraq. I use to have a big crush on him, but he was 5 years older than me and never showed any interest in me. When I first lay eyes on him again, I am like oh-my-god. His time in the Army has treated him well. He’s a lot more muscular then the last I seen him. He has a tattoo of an eagle on his right arm. I am not a fan of the military haircut, but he made it look...

Straight Sex
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My Best friendrsquos Brother

My Best friend’s BrotherBy Dina PetroJulie told me, her parents would like me to join the family at the family dinner table, Julie is one of my very close friends, she is a lover in fact, we are both bisexual girls, we had sex encounters, she was bout my age and we both were in mid-twenties.I had met her parents while going in and out of her room at the house, she came from a rich family who lived in a very fancy, huge house, her parents were very nice, warm loving people. The reason for the...

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Brother Crahses The Party

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Tim; I’m a 21 year old college student and until about a month ago considered my life and my experiences to be more or less typical. I’m a fairly good looking guy and had never had much problem with girls. My sex life had been pretty typical as well, I had seen and been involved in a couple of wild encounters in my college experience, but really nothing beyond the usual college craziness. I mean guys and girls experiment in college and a...

3 years ago
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Brother Make Sister Slut For Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi friends I am from tamilnadu I am new writer I am going to write story in tamil … Keep your hand in kunju (penis) boys and girls in punda (pussy). Nanum yen sisterum yapavum onna tha irupom nanga randu parum yalathaium share panipom nanga best frdsa iruinthome … Ok first en sister size soldra breast 34 ass jatty size 90 semmaya irupa age 18 1styear bsc padikira name anitha . Na 3nd year college padikira age 21. En sister first day collegeku na tha kuptu pona bikela en friends pathutaga but...

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