The Dog Fucker - Part 1: Planet K-9 free porn video

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It started with a flash of pink light.

I yelped, the cry echoing throughout the small room that had been my home for the past three years. It wasn’t much, but it was better than what most of the orphans got. Still, I could not help clinging on to the hope that my parents would rescue me from this life of solitude. Of course, now that I was turning eighteen and being kicked out of the orphanage, it was very unlikely I would ever see them again—if I had ever seen them at all. Come to think of it, I was thinking of my parents when the mysterious light appeared.

I sealed my eyes in an attempt to dispel the bright light, but it had very little effect. It was almost as if the light was coming from within me, though deep down I knew that was impossible. Still, the thought was worth considering. As was the fact that I may very well never escape it. I was beginning to picture my life as a blind person when the mysterious luminescence faded.

Darkness returned, yet I hesitated before opening my eyes. What if the light was still there? Or worse, what if it was gone and I had lost my sight? But in the end, my curiosity got the better of me.

I wasn’t blind. And the light was gone. However, the bed I sat on was no longer bare. Where there had been nothing before now stood two objects. The first appeared to be a folded up note with my name—Ava Long—printed upon it. The second was a pink dildo.

I glanced around the room, but nothing else had changed. The door was still locked, which meant this was not some elaborate prank. Whatever it was, it was magical in nature.

My attention returned to the items before me. Part of me wanted to flee, but my curiosity would not be denied. Ignoring the dildo, I reached for the note. My hands shook, yet I was able to hold the note steady enough to read it.

Happy birthday.

This is a magical dildo. Use it, and you shall be reunited with your parents.

—A friend.

I read the note a good dozen times before accepting the fact that the words upon it were encouraging me to pleasure myself. While it had been quite a while since I had last climaxed, it was the thought of being reunited with my parents that pushed me to follow the note’s advice. It was illogical to believe that masturbating would lead to a familial reunion, yet I had very little to lose. I thus reached out and grabbed hold of the dildo.

It was rather large and seemed to be made of some odd material that was unknown to me. The texture was off, and the shaft felt warm to the touch, but it was otherwise a normal dildo. Still, it was with a racing heart that I stretched out across the mattress—I always sleep naked—and pressed the tip of the toy to my slit.

What followed was the most ordinary auto-erotic stimulation of my entire life. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it definitely was not this. Nonetheless, I kept going, refusing to give up so long as there was even the slightest chance that the note had been telling the truth.

It wasn’t until I neared the point of no return that something unusual started happening. It wasn’t exactly magical, yet it was definitely something I had never experienced before. As the orgasm growing within me neared fruition, I found myself fantasizing about a dog. Why? Because I had seen one pound a bitch earlier that day. While I wasn’t exactly turned on by the animalistic display of lust, I had been fascinated by the intensity with which the dog had pounded his mate. It was this fascination that led to me making a wish just as I reached the point of no return.

“I wish this dildo were a dog’s cock,” I muttered under my breath. While quite perverse, the desire was not what worried me. It was the flash of pink light.

It only lasted a second, but it was enough to put an immediate and irreversible end to my masturbation session. My eyes remained closed for a few seconds. When they finally fluttered open, I was faced with a terrifying revelation.

I was no longer in my room.

Part 1: Planet K-9

I sat up and glanced around. All I could see was sand. It stretches out as far as the eye would see in all directions. Above me floated a blue sky. The sun’s hot rays blasted me with heat, making my skin tingle. But no matter how intense the rays or how hot the sand felt against my bare skin—I was still naked—I refused to believe they were real.

“This can’t be happening,” was the first thing I muttered. But no amount of denial would change the fact that I had been transported to a completely different part of the globe. Or so I thought until I noticed the color of the sun. It was red.

It took me a while to figure out what this meant. When it finally hit me, it felt like a punch to the stomach. Why? Because there was only one logical explanation.

I was no longer on earth! At least, that was the first theory I came up with. There was also the possibility that the flash of pink light had scarred my retina and made it so I now perceived the yellow sun as being red. Unfortunately, that seemed very unlikely. Then again, so did the theory that I was on another planet. Whatever the case, I was no longer in my room.

My heart raced within my chest. My breathing quickened. I wanted to yell, but my voice was gone. As was my strength. I just sat there, stunned.

“It worked,” was the first thing I mumbled when my voice finally returned. I glanced down at the dildo in my hand. It seemed so innocuous, yet there was no doubt in my mind it was responsible for my current predicament. Clearly, it was magical, yet it had failed to complete its task and reunite me with my parents.

I sat there for the longest time before I realized there was a very simple solution to my dilemma. If the dildo had brought me here—wherever here was—maybe it could take me back. It was thus with immense verve that I once again began pleasuring myself. But no amount of thrusting and moaning would dispel the fear that gripped me. I was, at least temporarily, trapped.

I gave up on pleasuring myself and went about searching for another solution. The first thing I did was study my immediate surroundings in the hopes of finding something of use. Unfortunately, the dildo was the only item to have accompanied me on this fantastical journey.

My next step was to inspect the rest of my surroundings. Before me stretched the desert. Same for the left. And the right. It wasn’t until I turned around that I finally spotted it.

A city.

It was distant, yet with a little luck and a lot of walking, I should be able to reach it. Since it was my only option, I scrambled to my feet and started walking toward the distant metropolis, the magical dildo clenched in my right hand.

I walked for hours. Every once in a while I paused to pleasure myself, but I was still too afraid to enjoy it. And, unfortunately, the dildo seemed linked to my arousal, which meant that I would have to near climax in order to activate its powerful magic. And that clearly would not happen anytime soon.

As the day stretched on, my fear gradually faded. By the time I was relaxed enough to become aroused, I had grown too tired to even consider attempting to pleasure myself. The sun had nearly burned my skin off, and my throat was so dry it felt like sandpaper. Not to mention the exhaustion of walking for hours on end.

I only made it halfway to the city before the last of my strength left me and I crumbled. I tried to lift myself, but I was too exhausted. I simply lay there, breathing in sand as I struggled to keep the exhaustion at bay. In the end, even that became impossible, and I gave up all hope. I let unconsciousness take me, aware, yet uncaring, that I may never again wake up.

I awoke, only to find I was no longer in the desert. The softness of the mattress and the silkiness of the sheets told me I was in bed. For a brief moment, I thought I was back at the orphanage, but one look at my surroundings dispelled such beliefs.

I sat up, expecting to feel the aftermath of spending the day wandering around the desert. But my skin felt untouched, and the blisters that had formed beneath my feet were gone. Even my parched throat was something of the past. While I would have liked to believe my journey through the sandy wasteland was a dream, I knew it wasn’t.

I took a moment to study my surroundings. The décor was similar to most earth houses—I still had no idea which planet I was on—yet there were a few subtle differences. For example, the house seemed to have been built for dogs instead of humans. Speaking of man’s best friend, one of them sat at the foot of the bed, staring at me.

The dog appeared young, though his body was for the most part fully developed. He was clearly in that awkward stage between puppy and dog. His fur was a mix of white and gray, and his intelligent eyes remained focused on me. Though I had no way of knowing this, I could sense that he was no ordinary dog.

“Hi,” I said.

My attempt at politeness didn’t have the desired effect. The dog screamed—screamed, not barked—and jumped off the bed. Instead of moving on all fours as a dog normally would, he stood on his hind legs. He also yelled what sounded like “Dad” as he ran out of the room.

I sat there for a moment, stunned. By the time I recovered, the dog was returning, accompanied by another, larger dog. At first, I thought he was the father, but then I noticed they were of two different breeds. The puppy was bi-colored husky, while the father—if he was indeed the father—was a beige Labrador.

Both dogs walked on their hind legs, appearing almost human in the process. The fact that they were talking probably helped quite a lot. As if hearing dogs talk wasn’t weird enough, their conversation made it clear that they were indeed related, though they belonged to two different breeds.

“See, Dad,” was saying the puppy. “I told you she was awake.”

“Good job, son,” replied the father.

They came to stand at the foot of the bed and stared at me. At first I was afraid, but finally, the insaneness of it got the better of me. I had gone through so much that I no longer cared that none of this made sense. Talking dogs? So what?

“What happened?” I asked. “Where am I?”

There was a moment of silence before the father spoke.

“You’re in my home,” he explained. “I found you half dead in the desert.”

That made sense. Sort of.

“Who are you?” was my next question.

“Name is Karter, and this is my son, Kenni,” explained the dog. Kenni waved his paw when his name was mentioned. Though I had only just met him, I could tell he was fidgety. It would not have surprised me had he dropped to all fours and started running after his own tail.

“I’m Ava,” I said. “Ava Long.”

“Avalon?” asked Kenni.

I shook my head.

“Ava Long,” I repeated, enunciating each syllable. Unfortunately, I would soon discover that dogs are unable to pronounce the “g” sound, so from that moment on they referred to me as Avalon. I was tempted to correct them and or suggest they call me by my first name, but I had far more important matters to attend to.

“Thanks for saving me,” I told Karter.

“You’re welcome,” said the man. And from that moment on I was treated as one of their own. Sort of.

While the ointment I soon learned had been applied to most of my body had worked wonders, I was still very weak from my trek through the desert. I thus spent the next few days in bed, regaining my strength.

Kenni spent all of his free time asking me questions and pretty much being a bumbling, energetic idiot. But I enjoyed his company, and I was grateful for the distraction. That is until I met Karter’s other son. Unlike Kenni, Kane was a full grown dog—he was a massive, muscular German shepherd. He was far more composed than Kenni and appeared to be a kind, gentle soul. At least that was the impression I got from the few times I saw him. He was the only who brought me my food and made sure I was comfortable, but he was not very big on talking and seemed to be at odds with his father.

I felt quite safe in Karter’s home until the day I regained enough strength to stand up. I asked permission to take a walk outside, hoping the fresh air would help me recover more quickly. To my utter surprise, Karter refused. At first, I thought he was kidding, but when I tried the door and discovered it was locked, it became evident that the man was not as friendly as he would have me believe. While on the surface it appeared as though I was a guest, the truth was that I was a prisoner.

Karter didn’t know I had tried to leave without his permission, and I planned on it remaining a secret. I considered asking Kenni to let me out, but he was a blabbermouth. Even if I could convince him to let me leave the house, he would undoubtedly tell his father, and my chances of escape would evaporate. And, since there was no sign of my magical dildo—Karter claimed he had seen no such device upon discovering me in the desert, but I could tell he was lying—there was very little point in trying to escape.

The days passed, and I grew increasingly aware of Karter’s ruthlessness. On the surface, he appeared kind and considerate, but deep down he was selfish and cruel. I had yet to figure out why he was keeping me prisoner, but I could tell the reason was purely self-serving. No wonder Kane and his father didn’t get along. It was this coldness between them which convince me to trust Kane enough to ask him to free me. Unfortunately, he refused—he also refused to answer any of my questions, though I could tell he wanted to help. He made it clear that he didn’t agree with his father’s actions, yet he was bound by the laws of their society. Just like wolf packs back on earth—I had concluded that I was in some sort of alternate reality or on a distant planet—the canines of this world were bound to obey the commands of the alpha. In this case, Karter was the top dog, and his word was law.

It took a few days, but I finally decided to take matters into my own hands. Since Kenni was too much of a liability and Kane refused to help me, I would escape on my own. Though all doors and windows were locked, they were equipped with a special mechanism that allowed dogs to unlock them with a simple insertion and turn of the claw. All I had to do was find a narrow, pointed object and use it to force one of the locks. The procedure was surprisingly easy, and I reproached myself for not doing it earlier.

My escape would have been successful had it not been for a stroke of bad luck. I had waited until Karter, Kane, and Kenni were gone to make my move, but they returned early from their errand and caught me in the act. What followed was a beating the likes of which I had never even fathomed.

Have you ever been attacked by an enraged dog? If so, then you understand how I felt. If not, simply imagine your worst nightmare and multiply it by ten. That’s how bad it was.

At first, all he did was beat me, but his rage seemed to grow with every blow. And with it his cock. Before long, he has a raging hard-on. I only caught glimpses of it, but it appeared quite massive. Yet it wasn’t until he wrapped his jaws around my neck and mounted me that I realized what he was getting ready to do.

He was going to rape me.

Up until now, Kane had watched, angry but afraid to act. That all changed when he saw his father about to penetrate me. He released a powerful, animalistic growl that seemed to shake the whole house and attacked his father.

Momentarily forgetting about me, Karter turned his attention to his son.

“You don’t want to do this,” he warned.

“I do,” replied Kane, surprisingly calm. “In fact, I should have done it a long time ago.”

Kenni and I cowered in a corner as Karter and Kane started circling each other. Kane was larger than his father, but Karter was far more vicious. There was no doubt in my mind Karter would do whatever it took to get the upper hand. I seriously doubted the same could be said about Kane. Nonetheless, he refused to back down.

Father and son circled each other a while longer before one of them made a move. I expected it to be Karter, but it was his son who made the first more. He lunged at his father. Unfortunately, Karter was quick, and he dodged the attack. He also took advantage of the situation to pin Kane to the ground. Within seconds, his maw was wrapped around Kane’s throat. All he had to do was squeeze, and it would all be over.

I couldn’t watch. I closed my eyes, expecting to hear the sound of snapping bones. But all I heard was a low growl and a whimper. Then complete silence. Was it over? Was Kane dead? I was afraid to open my eyes, but I knew I couldn’t hide behind my eyelids forever.

I opened my eye. The scene I discovered was nothing like I had expected. Karter stood tall, head held high. His son was flattened across the floor before him, whimpering in submission. Though I was glad Kane was still alive, I felt responsible for his humiliation. He may not have suffered any physical injury, there was no doubt in my mind his father would make him pay for what he had done.

“You will pay for that,” growled Karter, right on cue.

Kane just whimpered.

“You will watch as I fuck Avalon.”

My heart skipped a beat. It seemed as though Karter had decided to punish both Kane and me at the same time.

“No!” pleaded Kane. “Anything but that.”

I didn’t know why Kane was so against the thought of his father forcing himself upon me, but the thought seemed to terrify him.

To my utter amazement, Karter conceded to his son’s request.

“All right,” he agreed, suddenly calm and collected. “I won’t fuck your precious little human… Kenni will.”

I wasn’t sure how I felt about this latest development. Part of me was relieved that Karter would not be penetrating me. Unfortunately, I would still be having sex with a dog, and I had no idea how I felt about it. The same could not be said about Kenni.

“Really?” he asked excitedly, jumping up and down. “I get to have sex?”

Karter smiled, pleased by his son’s eagerness.

“That’s right, my son” he said. “You get to have sex.”

There was a moment of silence during which no one spoke. Karter glared at Kane. Kane glanced at me, eyes filled with guilt—he no doubt felt responsible for the sexual outcome of my attempted escape. Kenni jumped up and down excitedly, his cock growing between his hind legs. I just sat there, struggling to figure out how I felt about this whole thing.

Karter was the first one to break the silence.

“Kenni,” he said, focusing on his youngest son. “Lie down.”

Kenni did as told, revealing his now fully erect cock. It was smaller than Karter’s yet still quite imposing. It was roughly the size of the average human male. But what scared me was not the shaft itself, but rather the knot that stood at its base. Unfortunately, there was very little I could do about it.

“You,” growled Karter, turning his gaze on me. “Suck his cock!”

I hesitated. While I could have refused, I knew it would only lead to more trouble. The safest thing I could do was play along. While the thought of having sex with a dog worried me, the thought of what would happen if I refused was terrifying. It was thus with a sense of helplessness that I approached my soon to be lover.

Kenni was so excited he could barely hold still. I had to reach out and grab hold of his shaft just to keep it still. A shiver ran through me as I felt the intense heat wafting up from it. I had a momentary doubt. What if I couldn’t go through with this? What would happen to me? What would happen to Kane? I even felt kind of bad at the thought of denying Kenni his first sexual experience. But in the end it was the primal urge to survive that pushed me to do what I, mere days ago, would never have considered.

I leaned forward and wrapped my lips around the tip of Kenni’s rock-hard cock. The member twitched. Ignoring the growing sense of repulsion that grew within me, I slid my lips along the length of the shaft. Within seconds, the tip of the spear had reached my uvula. Determined to take things slow, I pulled back, then slowly reinserted the spear into my oral cavity. This time I kept going until it slipped into my throat. My gag reflex begged to be activated, but I refused to listen. I kept pushing until every last inch of the cock had been swallowed up. Only the knot remained unattended.

I focused on my work, refusing to even acknowledge the fact that I was having sex with a dog. But that soon became impossible when Karter ordered a ceasefire. For a brief moment, I thought he was having second thoughts, but it quickly became obvious that wasn’t the case.

“Time to change things up,” he said. “Avalon. On your back. Kenni. Stand over her and fuck her mouth.”

I sighed but did as told. Moments later, my young lover was leaping into position. His hind legs landed on either side of my head, which brought his cock within inches of my lips. Knowing what would be asked of me, I opened my mouth. And not a second too soon because Kenni thrust down just as my lips parted.

A muffled moan toppled from my oral cavity as the horny canine forced his cock deep into my mouth and throat. Deeper and deeper it traveled until, finally, every last inch had been swallowed up, including the knot. I struggled to keep from gagging, but the penetration was too intense. I began to choke. Kenni immediately pulled out, no doubt feeling guilty. I half expected Karter to order him to invade my throat once more, but the overbearing father remained silent.

Kenni hesitated for a brief moment, then began thrusting. This time his cock halted at my uvula. It still traveled in and out of me with ever increasing speed, only my throat now remained off limits. I was so grateful for this that I decided to repay him in kind.

I started sucking my lover’s cock. My lips and tongue worked the shaft as best as they could. This was not my first sexual encounter, but it was my first interspecies one. Still, I was determined to give Kenni the blowjob of a lifetime. After all, I wasn’t the only one being forced to have sex—not that Kenni seemed too bothered by the perversity of the situation.

After a while, moans started toppling from my lips. At first, I thought it was part of the act I was putting on, but it quickly became apparent that wasn’t the case. As impossible as it seemed, I actually enjoyed the feel of my lover’s pointy, red cock darting in and out of my mouth. Part of me was repulsed by the perverse revelation while the rest was simply relieved I was no longer being penetrated against my will. Still, it was difficult to accept the fact that I enjoyed having sex with a dog.

I’m not sure how long my first interspecies blowjob lasted. It could have been a few seconds like it could have been an hour. All I know for sure is that Kenni’s cock eventually came alive.

“I-I think I’m gonna come!” he cried out, more surprised than excited.

I considered putting an end to the blowjob, but I knew it would do little good. Kenni had already past the point of no return, and even if I could have avoided my first taste of canine semen, I was rather looking forward to it. Not to mention the fact that Karter would not have taken too kindly to me defying him. It was thus with mixed feelings that I had my very first taste of dog cum.

It was hot. And surprisingly sweet. But, above all else, it was the force with which it was expulsed that surprised me most. I nearly choked as it gushed into my mouth and slid across my tongue. Squirt after squirt escaped Kenni’s convulsing member, adding to the ocean of cum that had invaded my oral cavity. And still it kept coming until finally I could no longer welcome anymore. There was only one way to avoid choking.

I swallowed.

It wasn’t as bad as I thought. I had always been adamantly against swallowing, but once the semen made it past the taste buds, there was very little discomfort involved. The fact that Kenni’s semen was sweet alleviated all regret. It was with an almost hungry eagerness that I swallowed the rest of my lover’s tasty nectar. I ingested every last drop, going so far as to groan when the semen ran out. But then the cock retreated and Kenni pulled away, and I was reminded of the seriousness of the situation.

I couldn’t afford to reveal that I had enjoyed my first interspecies blowjob. Why? Because Karter would not hesitate to increase the perversity of the punishment if he knew just how thrilled I was by the outcome of my first canine-human sexual encounter. And that was the last thing I wanted. I think…

Silence reigned supreme for a few seconds before Karter’s voice filled the air.

“Time to take things to the next level,” he said.

I wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, but I was about to find out. Sure enough, it took mere seconds before I was ordered to lure Kenni’s now retracted cock back out with my lips and tongue. Luckily, my sexual partner was young and virile and getting him aroused again was a matter of mere seconds.

“Lie down!” barked Karter as soon as his son was fully erect. “Fuck her,” he added as once I was in position.

Kenni didn’t waste a second. He came to stand between my legs and, lowering himself so his cock was level with my pussy, thrust forward.

“Fuck!” I yelled as his cock shot deep into me. It wasn’t until that very moment that I realized how truly aroused I was. While I had enjoyed the blowjob, I had not realized how incredibly turned on I was. My pussy was so slick with pre-cum that every last inch of my lover’s shaft slid into me with ease. Even the knot took very little persuasion to lure into me.

“Fuck me!” I almost yelled but managed to cover my perverse moan with a yell I prayed made it seem like I was both repulsed and pain-stricken as a result of the penetration. Karter seemed to believe my lie because he laughed wickedly. Kenni faltered for a second, but one wink from me was all it took to let him know that I was only pretending. Taking full advantage of this, he released the wild beast within him and pounded me like I had never been pounded before.

Kenni may have been small, but he made up for it in sheer willpower. He willed his body to move at the speed of light, and that’s exactly what it did. Within seconds of the initial penetration, he was thrusting with such intense speed that I lost all track of his cock. Was it in? Was it out? I couldn’t tell. Nor did I care. All that now mattered was the overpowering sense of beatitude that enveloped me. The hardest part was having to conceal my high level of arousal. Or so I thought.

“You like that, don’t you?” demanded Karter.

I hesitated. Should I tell the truth or pretend like I was miserable? Luckily, I didn’t have to choose. A moan toppled from my lips before I could smother it and the rest just tumbled out.

“Yes,” I moaned. “I love it. I want more. MORE!!!”

“You heard her, son,” said Karter. “Fuck this little bitch.”

“Yes… Dad,” panted Kenni, keeping up the intensity of his powerful thrusts.

Now that I no longer had to hide my arousal, I let my moans fly loose. Louder and lower they grew they drowned out all other noises. But still they intensified. And still my lover thrust forward. And still my arousal grew. And still my orgasm expanded within me, until, finally, I reached the point of no return.

“I’m gonna come!” I warned between two moans.

“Me too!” echoed my lover.

A moment later, we climaxed.

It was my first simultaneous climax. Not to mention the most intense orgasm of my entire life. As much as I would like to deny it, Kenni was the best lover I ever had. The fact that he was a dog only made it more impressive—given the circumstances of our coitus, that was quite an accomplishment. After all, how many people would have sex in front of both their father and their brother and still manage to make their sexual partner climax?

Cum poured out of me. I couldn’t tell who it belonged to, nor did I care. All that mattered was that both my lover and I were having the time of our lives. I can’t speak for Kenni, but I for one can guarantee it was an experience I would not soon forget. In fact, I would forever remember it as the day I lost my bestial virginity.

I’m not sure how long my orgasm lasted. A minute? An hour? An entire day? Time was irrelevant. All that mattered was… well, my orgasm was so intense that I couldn’t even tell you what mattered to me most at that moment. I know only that a great sense of relief and sadness washed over me once the final squirt oozed out of me and my lover’s cock retreated. The relief was because my first bestial encounter was officially over. The sadness came from the realization that I may never again enjoy the feel of a dog’s cock within me.

“That’s enough,” finally said Karter. I peered up, but he wasn’t glancing at me. He was staring at his eldest son. Kane just lay there, head bowed and tail flat. I suddenly realized that, although I had been one of the intended targets of Karter’s wrath, the bestial punishment had mainly been designed to punish Kane for defying his father. I’m not entirely sure how forcing his youngest son to have sex with me was supposed to punish Kane, but the poor canine seemed devastated.

“You,” said Karter, pointing to me. “Follow me.”

I didn’t dare defy him. I scrambled to my feet and followed him back to my room. Shortly after our arrival, he revealed a pair of shackles, which he proceeded to attach to my ankles. He then secured them to a chain which was firmly attached to the wall. I had not seen it before because it had been hidden behind a dresser. Clearly, Karter had never planned on letting me leave.

“I hope you enjoyed your punishment,” he told me as he left the room, “because it was the first of many.”

I wasn’t sure how to react. Part of me was excited at the thought of a repeat performance. Another was ashamed by the how much I had enjoyed my first bestial encounter. Yet another was struggling to come up with a way to escape my prison. Unfortunately, the odds of escape were very slim without an accomplice. Fortunately, that was precisely who entered the room mere seconds after Karter had left.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, looking at Kane. I wanted to be angry with him as he was at least in part responsible for my punishment. But he had only acted in an attempt to protect me. Could I truly be mad at him for that? No. Plus, I had quite enjoyed having sex with Kenni, not that I would ever tell Kane this.

“I’m here to help you,” he said. “I should have done it long ago, but I was afraid of my father.”

“What changed?” I asked.

“I realized how much of a monster he is,” was his simple answer.

There was a moment of silence before I spoke again.

“Can you help me escape?” I wondered.

“Perhaps,” he answered honestly, “but for now all I can do is answer a few questions.”

I didn’t know where to start. So many questions battled each other for my attention, yet I could only pick one at a time. In the end, I opted for the most frightening of all.

“Where am I?” I asked.

Kane looked confused.

“K-9 City,” he said, as though it were obvious.

“That’s not what I meant. What is the name of this world?”

Kane hesitated for a second before answering.

“Planet K-9,” he finally said, confirming my worst fears. I was no longer on planet earth.

To be continued...


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With the tinniest of squeaks, the door to the storage space under the stairs opened. Washu surveyed the living area unnecessarily as she was exiting, already knowing who was there. The two hundred-twenty four inch Somy Quadragon, with its full stereo surround, filled the living room, both with sound and actual hardware. Displayed currently upon its screen, garish chromatic canines were impossibly addressing each other. "I am the red dog!" The crimson quadruped was announcing as if this...

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Doglover Donnas Daughter Debbie Does Dogging

Debbie was a girl that didn’t try to hide the fact that she enjoyed a good hard dick up her bum more than anything else in the whole wide world unless it was a really good looking man eating her fanny like she was a delicious fruit tart just out of the oven. Her best friend Maggie with her almost orange hair had eaten Debbie’s pretty snatch a few times as well and she knew from experience that the petite and juicy young girl had no control over her squirting urges when a nice long wet tongue...

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Doggy Styles 10 The Dog Walker

Chapter Summary - Claire works at her side job. And later, her new friends visit her at the kennels. Previous Chapter Summary - Claire spent some fun quality time with her new friend Brenda (and Duke, of course). Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is...

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My dog Bud part2

None of my other friends were as big of a drunk as Ted was, so none of them gave me the chance that Ted did. Ted, if you read my previous story, was a friend that would pass out hanging on my toilet after a night of watching a game on TV and drinking with the guys. He always stayed the night hanging on the toilet, out cold. It was strange how he seemed to maintain a balance without falling in or off. Bud took advantage of him one night when he passed out with his pants down, which led to more...

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Dolly From Another Planet

Dolly From Another Planet By Kim Babes Meet the characters: Jenny -- Almost 6 years old, blonde hair with ponytails, blue eyes, the perfect little girl. Pete Johnson - Skinny, dark hair - think of the nerdish guy from the TV show "Yes, dear". Grandma Thift - In her eighties, very feeble and in love with her granddaughter. Jenny's parents - Mid thirties, attractive, and both fit. Roberta - The computer. Thoughtful, resourceful, but has a mind of her own on what's best...

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BigBreasted MILF Caught Dogging by Husband Part 2

In part one of this story, I described how my name is Craig, and my wife, Faye, and I were forty-one years old and had just moved to Gulfport, Mississippi from Baltimore, for my consulting job at the Naval Construction Battalion Center. Faye is an RN and got a job in a hospital here, but our daughter had just graduated from high school and stayed in Maryland to attend college.Faye is beautiful and looks a lot like the singer, Jessica Simpson, and at five-feet-and-three-inches tall, and now...

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Doggy Styles 9 The Dog Groomer

Summary - Claire spends some fun quality time with her new friend Brenda (and Duke, of course). Previous Chapter Summary - Claire dog-sat Sultan for the evening and Darlene, Candice and Duke stopped by for a visit. Hope you enjoy! If so, let me (and all the authors) know! UU. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving...

3 years ago
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Mother Fucker

I still could not believe I had fucked my own mother. I had fucked her last night. My father had been found fucking his secretary in mom’s bed when mom came back from her school an hour before her school time. My mother Rupali is a school taecher and my dad is a lawyer. As soon as I entered the house mom was screaming,” Ramesh mere ghar se dafa ho jayo. Jayo uss randi ke pass jisski chut tujhe mujh se achhi lagati hai. Mere samne ussko behan kehte thay, apni behan ko chodte sharam nahin aaayi?...

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Doggy Styles 11 The Dog Trainer

Summary – Claire successfully trains another dog and teaches Duke a new trick. Previous Chapter Summary - Claire had an incident at the park and then spent some time with her new friends Brenda and Stephanie at the kennels. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 19b Arlicherb planet

The rest of the journey was quite uneventful; we slept in actual crew quarters, two cadets to a cabin. I shard mine with Two Three. I had almost forgotten about Bennett Waite and my dilemma. Should I report him? Every morning we repeated that oath and pledge not to tolerate intolerance to other sentient beings. On the other hand I never liked tattle tails. The ship so we were told already approached the Arlicherb system and we were assembled in a conference room and the Instructors kept...

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Penitentiary Planet

“I am persuaded that those who designed this system do not know what it is they are doing ... I hold that the slow and daily tampering with mysteries of the brain to be immeasurably worse than the torture of the body.” – Charles Dickens, commenting on Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary in 1842. Twilight Zone, anyone? Corey Jamison was an inmate ending the second year of a four-year stretch of solitary confinement. That was the point when the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Planet

Forbidden Planet Synopsis: In the future, Explorer Marshall Dupree lands on a planet for repairs, to find a dark secret that grants him his wish at the cost of who he is. [-][+][-] My name was Marshall Wayne Dupree, but now to my horror, I am now Marcia Winona Dupree and must live with my new identity that has ended my career as an Explorer, leaving me as one of the many concubines in service to the Galactic Federation Explorers. Now instead of being the giant of a man at I was at...

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My dog Bud part1

On game days my buddies and I would watch football on my big screen TV. No girls were allowed on game days. We wanted no distractions from the game. This idea came to me after a game night when a buddy of mine, Ted, was again drunk as hell and puking his guts out in the bathroom. This was a regular thing for Ted. On most game nights this is where he would spend the night. He would eventually pass out bent over the toilet. The first few times he did it I worried that he would fall in head...

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The Mark of Cernunnos Episode 2 PLUR for Life to PLUR for Dogs part1

I am the mighty Cernunnos, nature god of the old world. I am the lord of all male animals, fertility, and procreation. There was a time when you humans revered me. Then, you decided to worship false gods that you invented. You worship material possessions and worse more, you worship gods like the Christian one. Your kind has forgotten me, but I will be ignored no longer! I have taken one of your most desirable women, now I shall take another. I used a minor version of my spell for the first...

2 years ago
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Secrets of the Force Incest Planet

A/N: This story has been directly commissioned by a reader of mine that prefers to remain nameless. I have never found something like this on Chyoa, at least in the Star Wars category, so I hope you find it enjoyable. By the way, this story is also partially inspired by an incest tale on this site known as Stranded! by goodson. I am giving it a lot more plot and a Star Wars setting though. But if you have read that story, it could give you an idea of what to expect. Anyway, read, enjoy, and...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

3 years ago
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BigBreasted MILF Caught Dogging by Husband Part 1

My name is Craig, and I was forty-one years old at the time the main events in this story occurred. My wife, Faye, who is my age, and I had recently moved to Gulfport, Mississippi from Baltimore. I was transferred there by my company to work as a consultant at the Naval Construction Battalion Center, and Faye, who is a Registered Nurse, found a good job in the hospital here.We met and were married in college and were fortunate enough to start a family immediately after graduation. At the time...

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The Dog Pound Part 1 The Siberian Husky

Introduction: An 18-y-o virgin has sex with a studly dog! ***Prologue*** My name is Barbie Lez. What follows is a retelling of the days following my eighteenth birthday. I still find it difficult to believe everything that happened, but I assure you that everything you are about to read is true. ***Monday*** This is it, I thought as I awoke. The long-awaited moment had finally arrived. I was officially eighteen. An adult. As I sat up, the covers bunched up around my waist, revealing the...

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The Lost Planet

In the late 2300's humanity spread to the stars, discovered new sapient species, began to colonize new worlds, and joined the greater galactic community. As Human colonies grew across the galaxy occasional pirate raids would take place on the colonies themselves, or on the frigates that provided them with supplies and took their own goods off to be traded elsewhere in the galaxy. Such is the fate of the Athena, a small trade frigate making her way to a small remote human colony. "Damage...

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Alison Goes To London Chapter 16 A Jolly Good Fucker

Fucky Birthday to you,Fucky Birthday to you,Fucky Birthday, dear Alison,Fucky Birthday to you!“Surprise!” There was a chorus of cheers, and Alison felt her blindfold being untied. She looked around and gasped at the sight of Claire’s room, decorated with bunting and banners displaying messages like “Happy 19th – to a True Whore!” and “Many Fucky Returns!” Little pink paper cocks, tits and asses, dangling from ribbons, festooned the room, which was dominated by a huge poster of a gaping asshole,...

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Smart Mother Fucker

I gave scant attention to the elbow digging into my right breast as I leaned over my son's window seat to take-in the sight of our nation's capital from the air. The excitement I felt was due solely to other factors and had nothing to do with the realization that my fourteen-year-old son was feeling me up on a crowded airplane. Only after I sat back and put my seatback and tray table in the full upright position did my excitement center on that. Having raised three boys older than Matt, I'd...

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Materna Planet

    Materna Planet!        fm1021                        TJ Ryder          "Greetings Earthlings!" The group of mostly slight smallish submissivemales laughed appropriately at the joke from the representative from Europa.    Harold listened to the dignified woman confirming what he already knew about the facts behind the legendary space colony wherein after 6 generations men were 25% smaller than females, nursed from them their whole lives and were submissive.    "The facts...

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Pleiades Pleasure Planet

I have the best job that any man can have! I train teenage girls how to have sex.Early in the twenty-fourth century, five-hundred people from Earth setup a colony on an oxygen-rich planet in the Pleiades (M45) constellation. Over the next hundred years, their population grew to over fifty-thousand people.I grew up on that planet, which has now been named the Pleiades Pleasure Planet. We are a completely hedonistic society, which means that all the females are available for sex at any time. We...

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Dog and His BoyChapter 4 Dogs Cant Wrestle

The next morning the Ryan family rose early and Linda set out a quick breakfast of cold cereal. Greg did the dishes while his parents prepared the motor home for travel. Everything had to be put away and all doors and drawers checked to make sure nothing would come open on the road. Dog sat back under the dinette table out of the way. Finally they were on the freeway headed north. Greg sat in his usual seat and looked out the window. His mind wandered loose, flitting from one thought to...

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Bestiality Island Part 1 The Dog

Introduction: An 18-y-o virgin has sex with a studly dog! Barbie Lez awoke with the worst headache of her life. In fact, it was the worst headache in the history of headaches. But the first thing the eighteen-year-old noticed was not her pounding head or the suns hot rays on her skin. It was something long and slimy slithering across her face. Normally, she would have jumped to her feet, ready to fight for dear life. But every muscle in her body was sore. She immediately began wondering what...

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Daddys Dog Slut Part One

“Hey, daddy, I'm finally home!” the sexy girl beamed as she burst into her dad's study. He ogled her amazing body – her large, perfect tits, flat tummy, curvy hips and perfect legs. She looked delicious in her pink, low-cut crop-top and tight, short skirt. He couldn't even believe the school would even let her dress like that, honestly. Cindy just grinned, knowing her father was checking her out. It was OK, though, the two of them had been fucking for a couple of months. She found it...

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The Unknown Planet

It's pitch black your thoughts are disturbed by a series of beeping noises. It feels like your head just exploded. God, what the hell happened? You were on a routine mission as part of the EGFA. Earths Galactic Forces Alliance created in 2035 to save humanity from it's own greed. Now we need another planet to call home or at least Earth two. This had you flying through space in a small tin can scanning planets in the hope of finding that magical planet. It was beginning to seem more like a pipe...

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My Master my Dog Part 2

This is a continuation of the first story. Please read Part 1 before this. The next morning Chief woke me up whit a lick on my face. Gently grabbing his head I hugged him. He licked my naked breast grazing my erect nipple. A tingling sensation started between my legs. I hurried to get ready to go outside. I opened the bedroom door and Chief ran out. Choosing my clothes was now different. Selecting a bikini with ties at the side might be easer to get out of when I was down on all fours....

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How to Have Sex with a Dog Part 1 The Teachers Pet

Rumors have been circulating that the intrepid reporter has agreed to investigate the very latest, and most controversial, trend of all. Bestiality School. Here is a quick description in case you are unaware of the peculiar nature of this trend: Bestiality School is the name of an innovative new company. Taking advantage of the recent countrywide repeal of the laws against bestiality, the upstart company has designed incredibly detailed and immersive sets where clients can, for a fee,...

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Mother daughter and Dog Bonding

Mother daughter and Dog Bonding The Griffin family has become a very close family a really close family over the last few weeks. Although they may not appear close in public together all that often Lois and her teenage daughter Meg are very much ‘close’ but not in a mother daughter way. When Meg had her breast implants her mother was the first person there to see how real they felt and how soft they were to the touch. And when Kevin Swanson died fighting in Iraq it was her mother who...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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An almost endless story or the dog comes to the party

I had already noticed she at the entrance to the nightclub. She was not tall, but she had a great figure. All rounded off nicely how I liked it. She had a golden disco dress. Her hair was dark and she wore shoulder length. I came up with her this week and so I learned after a short time that it was Franziska and she was seventeen. After a few drinks I did not notice that my first impression me had deceived - She was sharp as a pepperoni. When it came around eleven, she said she had no...

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Gullivers Planet

GULLIVER'S PLANET by [email protected] The two spry travel agents unpacked their client. They began the methodical rub down of the host clone, warming its chilled flesh and removing the packing goo that stimulated and preserved cell tissue until the download finished. The needles made a comical popping sound as they punctured the thin skin of the scalp, implanting hair follicles. It was this sound that brought Terri Waites to consciousness. Naked,...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 10 Austin planet

Arriving at Austin, planet it became clear to me what an Ultra Corp really was. The entire planet was owned by Enroe and it was a world with over 8 billion inhabitants. There were nine more planets and fourteen moons in the system and all were owned and developed by Enroe Corp. It was only one of many systems they controlled. The space port we had touched down was a Class A port and it was busy with dozens of capital ships landing and taking off in a constant pace. The American Spirit no...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Katherines Style Part 3

The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...

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My Master my Dog Part 3

I woke up this morning on my own. “Good morning sleepy head”, to Chief. This morning was going to be Kelly’s second visit and I got busy preparing for her arrival. It was another beautiful day. During the set up Kelly knocked then opened the gate. I waved her over. Chief went out as she walked in “Was it something I said”? “Just leave the gate open a crack. I’m sure he’ll be back”. Not really sure. Kelly was wearing her beach cover. I could tell by the way her boobs moved and the sun...

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The Wrong Planet

So that’s what happened to the wee folk Monday morning. I was hung over as usual. What made today any different? A small person lay on my back porch, just outside my sliding glass door. I could tell that he was male, non-human and sick as hell. Why non-human? Humans don’t mature at fourteen inches tall, have tiny scales all over their skin or have pointed ears. How did I know he was sick? He was curled up in a ball, shaking despite it being early summer. The shakes were getting visibly weaker...

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Fuckin Dog Part 1 The Cousin

Introduction: A young man transforms into a dog and fucks his cousin! —Prologue— I live in a world you may not understand. Call me a liar if you like, but do not be surprised if I remain unfazed. I have been called far worse. But the purpose of this story is not to debate the laws of nature. I have put pen to paper for one reason and one reason alone. To clear my conscience. Before I begin, let me tell you a little more about the world I inhabit. A womans eighteenth birthday is usually a big...

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First Time Zombie Fucker a NTFHC story

Introduction: in this town, if youre not a zombie fucker, you arent anyone The following is a hard and fast glimpse into the life of a small character introduced in the gothic action/adventure novel, The Red Fang by Nicola C. Matthews. This character is reintroduced as the main character in the second novel in the BEFORE THE SUN RISES series, a book called Immortal Sins by Nicola C. Matthews. This story is written in the same style as the short story Now Thats Fucking Hardcore! and the rewrite,...

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Big Fucker International

"Hello and welcome to the new series of Big Fucker International. I'm your host John Doe." "And I'm Jane." "What kind of a show have we got lined up for the viewers at home, Jane?" "Well, John, over the next week and a half the viewers will have the opportunity to nominate a contestant to enter the Big Fucker house, each day, until there are a maximum of 10 people in the house." "And after that?" "After that, John, the audience will continue to add contestants to the house on a daily basis, but...

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Scally Fucker

Usual rules apply.Read only if it's legal where you are,or this stuff gets you off!The lad in the flat above me was an absolute looker!About 20,slim,red hair,which I love,green eyes and the cockiest smile on his cute face.Jeeze,the times I'd tugged meself off thinking about him,surprised me cock hadn't dropped off!And what made it even better was a real gobby scally-lad.He was never in anything but trackies,footy-top and trainers.Fucking mind-blowing! His name's Wilf,NEVER Wilfred,as I learned...

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Fuckin Dog Part 1 The Cousin

I live in a world you may not understand. Call me a liar if you like, but do not be surprised if I remain unfazed. I have been called far worse. But the purpose of this story is not to debate the laws of nature. I have put pen to paper for one reason and one reason alone. To clear my conscience. Before I begin, let me tell you a little more about the world I inhabit. A woman’s eighteenth birthday is usually a big deal, but for a man, it is a life-changing experience. Once a young man comes...

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Space Voyage 2 Alien Planet

They had entered a cave on the undiscovered world. As far as they knew the planet was safe. The air was breathable. No vicious plant life, (A new safety precaution since a month or so before a captain arrived on earth with her whole crew wiped out.) the creatures didn’t appear to very dangerous. But there was one area radiating with energy on the planet. A cave. It wasn’t a volcano, and it was impossible to probe the inside. Scans would go through the lead surface of the cave, the inside was...

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Return to Gullivers Planet

Gulliver's Planet 2 by [email protected] Her thighs were sore. Her stomach muscles, sore. She felt as if she'd run a marathon. It only took a week of heart-pounding sex for her to realize just how out of shape she was. She'd been used and used again; her head still whirled with pleasure. If she wasn't careful, she was going to find herself falling head over heels for him again. The aching was so bad, she was considering having her body regeneticized....

4 years ago
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My Master my Dog Part 1

This is my first story. It is fiction. It is not graphic. I took some liberties with reality for the sake of the story. Hi, my name is Ali and this is my story about how I became a dog’s bitch. First some background: I was an only child. We lived on a dead end street up on a hill. Two sides of our house where bordered by a forest. The back yard was fenced and the top of the fence was at the roofline of the house next door, so it was very private. I would sunbath topless in the...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Dogging in Northern BC Part 1

Well I have posted twice in the hopes of explaining how I got into dogging. I'm sure there are some who still think dogging isn't real or there is no way a "normal" woman would be involved with it. My previous posts talked about how I got involved. With this post I'll try to talk about why.When I look back, getting involved was simply a matter of meeting a guy who exposed me to it. At first it was following his lead. Over time though it turned into something I enjoyed. For the most part, it was...

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Dog Training gone wrong Part 2

Sarah crawled back inside and was starting to get hungry she got up from her new favourite position and on to her feet and looked in the fridge to find something but nothing was appealing to her she looked over at Roukes food bowl and smiled. Back on her hands and knees she went and began eating the dog food like she hadn't eaten in days. Again such an unusual thing for Sarah to even think of but little did she know this one of the boxes she had ticked to train her into leaving "human food"...

2 years ago
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Dog Lovers DiaryChapter 3 Pyjama Party

May 31, 1968 Dear Diary: I feel kind of guilty about not having written in you for so long. I think the guilt was actually keeping me from picking you up. Anyway, I made up my mind that the time spaces between the entries don't matter... when I have some to write, I'll write it. Right? Right. I certainly do have something to write about today. Last night I went to a slumber party over at Jane Hawser's house. Yeah, I know, I wrote all those catty things about her before and made out like...

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MotherAuntie Fucker

Mother-Auntie FuckerBy   Sonya  EsperantoE-mail:  [email protected] could not sleep.  The whole night he had been listening to both his mother and aunt moaning and grunting all the way from the Master Bedroom.  He had heard a lot of slappings too and name callings  and  lots and lots of loud screaming  going  on.He had been kept awake until the time his own mom would normally wake him up for school.  He looked at the clock on the bedside table near his bed.It  was  6AM.  ...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

4 years ago
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My Slutty wife used as a Dog Slave Bitch part 10

The soft dirt mound that Jane was naked and staked over was the home to a colony of red imported fire ants!!!...The little people had brought this ant colony to this particular place in the woods for just such an occasion. An as she started to realize her fate the feeling of the first aggressive ants were on one of her nipples! quickly followed by many more, and at almost the same time her nipples and then her clitoris was pinched just hard enough by several of the young naked women,...

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Trishs Hot Mother Fucker

Trish hung up the phone and got up to go start a bath. She wanted to look hot for her male friend, after all he was going to lend her a computer so she could start her own pornograhic website featuring pics of herself posing in fantasey situations for big money. She loved to tease Tom until he begged her for sexual release, only to promise him some pussy next time she saw him. She would get so horny for cock while prick teasing him that she would often call two or three men to...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 18 The Grork Core Planets

“The ancients took war seriously. The AIs made sure we trained until the last second, and we have tasks yet to complete,” said Linda. Porquenta says he is benefitting far more than he expected from the contact with both Jones and the ships, but he is hard-pressed to keep up. The AIs analyze every battle in exhaustive detail. They asked for information about every aspect of the vessel from the Schlogg about our moon dreadnaught. They are continually talking to the teams on the ground in Bekta...

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