Home Invasion_(4) free porn video

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Blinking against the light of her clock she squinted, it’s green led digits almost blinding her in the absolute black of her room.

She frowned a little in confusion as the lights declared it to be only three in the morning, she was usually a heavy sleeper, waking only for her alarm and even then, oft times that was a struggle.

Shrugging lightly to herself and thinking nothing of it she rolled back over, laying on her back, using her hands to casually adjust her chest, the bed and pillow pleasantly warm with the heat of her own body as she settled back down with the intention of getting some more sleep, her eyes closing once more.

She opened them suddenly to the unmistakable sound of footsteps downstairs, in her own home. She sat up immediately, listening, eyes wide, there had been no mistaking the noise and few things seldom woke someone like the realization that they were not alone when, by all rights, they should be.

Again she heard the footsteps, whoever it was was trying to be quiet, but failing as they moved around what was, to them, an unfamiliar house. She swallowed anxiously and felt her heart beating faster in her chest, two clear and distinct emotions rising to the forefront within her.

The first was rational and to be expected by anyone in her situation, fear, the fear of the unknown, the fear of loss, the fear of being hurt.

The second was more of a Charlene thing. Anger, pure unadulterated fury.

“Oh, fuck no..” She growled to herself, feeling the pit of fear condense down into a solid lump of red hot rage.

Someone had had the gall to break into her home, invade her domain and worse still, disturbed her precious sleep.

She moved to stand slowly, barefoot she inched silently through the darkness to her side cabinet. Just yesterday she had hung a new mirror up, big and beautiful, she hadn’t yet had the opportunity to tidy up the mess she had created while hanging it and that, she knew had been a good thing.

She searched with questing fingers across the top of the counter, feeling perfume bottles, a hair brush, some straighteners, a claw hammer…

She encircled her fingers around the handle of the hammer and hefted it, feeling its weight in her hands, reassuring and heavy.

No one broke into Charlene's home.

She had the advantage over the intruder, as they stumbled around downstairs in the dark, bumping into objects, cursing and swearing under their breath, she knew all the ticks and tricks of her house.

Moving around in the absolute dark she stealthed through her home perfectly, each footstep placed with precision, avoiding the squeaky floorboards, never bumping into an object, making her way across her landing and down her stairs.

She made her way through her living room and towards her kitchen, hearing movements within and seeing the dim glow of a light, possibly a torch as she moved ever closer, trying to prepare herself mentally for whatever could happen next.

As she stepped forward, however, she felt her shin bash unexpectedly into the side of her coffee table, forcing a surprised grunt of pain from between her lips.

She knew her house like the back of her hand, but this asshole had stumbled through it knocking things around, placing things where they shouldn’t be.

As she controlled herself she froze, standing perfectly still, listening.

The intruder too had gone silent, hearing the noise and entering a similar state to her, they both knew they weren’t alone now and neither of them knew what they were up against.

She stood still and listened, unable to see a thing as the light went out in her kitchen, leaving her without any light to go by whatsoever.

Breathing as softly as she could, she heard them start to move once again, back towards the living room this time, towards her and towards the front door that was on the other side of her, likely where they had broken in from.

She inched to the side towards the wall, sliding her feet across the carpeted surface slowly to avoid any more noises and to feel for any other misplaced objects, focusing the entire time on what she could hear.

She heard them shuffle through the room, cautious, but not as quiet or stealthy as her, she could almost, even in the pitch black, make out a silhouette, though it could’ve just been a trick of her mind.

She had to think quickly, they were going to pass right by her, right between her and one of the couches. It was possible they had a gun, possible they had a knife, she couldn’t attack them until she knew, couldn’t risk getting herself cut or shot, but she was too livid to just let them walk out with whatever they had pilfered without at least trying to fight back. She reached behind her, hand feeling lightly at the wall.

She swallowed, her adrenaline rising as her fingers traced over the rooms light switch.

She would have to think fast. Flip the switch, identify the weapon, swing.

She felt her heart hammering in her chest and was genuinely afraid the intruder, so close now, would hear it beating away inside her. She could almost feel them as they moved to pass by towards the door.

Charlene flipped the switch, instantly assessing the male in front of her no more than a step away. He was in his late teens or early twenties, his hazel eyes widening in shock as he looked towards her, hair short and dark, skin white, a little shorter than her and a skinny thing wearing all black, she looked to his hands, both empty.

The boy, for the briefest of moments in the blinding, sudden, light saw a woman, tall, black skinned, wearing grey shorts and a tank top that hardly held in her absolutely massive bust. He started to open his mouth to yelp in surprise but was muted by one of two things.

The first, seemingly, a war cry, as Charlene roared in defiance, the second, Charlene herself, all but flying at him.

She dropped her hammer and leapt at him, her tactics had hit the boy like a stun grenade, the combination of the loud noise and the sudden light disarming him of the only offensive weapon he apparently possessed, his wits, which she assumed was not that great to begin with given the mess he had gotten himself into, unarmed.

She hit him hard, bearing him to the floor with her weight and strength, fueled and enhanced by her adrenaline rush as she took him to the floor, instantly engaging in a struggle.

He flailed, gasping and yelping under her as he squirmed, he landed a few hits on her abdomen and substantial chest, but without any real power behind them all they served to do was piss her off further.

She grunted as he hit her with a half balled fist in the side of the head, causing her to grit her teeth and double down her efforts, shifting her body weight as she grabbed his wrists, moving a strategic knee and finally allowing her to achieve her objective.

He gasped loudly and froze, a thin wrist in each of her strong hands, one of her knees resting on the ground, the other digging into his crotch.

“Fucking move a fucking inch and I put all of my fucking weight on my left knee. Under-fucking-stood?” She growled, her long black hair falling around her face as she stared down into the face of a stranger, seeing that the intense and specific pain had very certainly gotten his attention.

He nodded some, eying her with wide, terrified eyes.

She eyed him over for a few long moments, apart from being a colossal asshole for breaking into her house, she had to admit he was sort of cute, he had a boyish charm that she usually looked for in her perspective partners.

Shame, really, that the cute ones were always usually assholes. Though maybe there was an opportunity to look him over properly before she handed him over to the cops, there was no sense letting a good piece of eye candy go completely to waste, after all.

She moved up onto her knees, causing him to whimper as she exuded just the tiniest bit of additional pressure onto his junk, his eyes flicking between her face and her tits, huge and full, her dark cleavage prominent in her skimpy night top as she reached behind her, picking up her hammer from where it had fallen, causing him to pale significantly.

“Here's whats going to happen. My phones upstairs. We’re going to walk upstairs together. If you try to fight me, I hit you with the hammer. If your hands aren’t above your head, I hit you with the hammer.” She tilted her head some, narrowing her eyes. “Want to guess what happens if you try to run?”

“...You hit me with the hammer.” he said, his first words to her, terrified and quiet.

She snorted. “Guess you have a brain cell after all.”

She moved to stand off of him, her arm raised her body tensed, while she didn’t think he would try to run she wasn’t taking any more chances, especially given that his clothing was loose and baggy, with a multitude of pockets that could hide any number of switch blades or other small but just as effective weapons.

“Stand up. And take your clothes off.”

He leaned up on his elbows, hesitating. “I… What?”

“You could be fucking hiding anything. I’m not being stabbed just to protect your fucking modesty. Ditch the clothes then get your hands up.” she frowned severely, her voice conveying her severity and severeness.

He flushed with color, obviously debating his next move but with her standing over him, hammer ready, he wasn’t really left with any path other than the one laid out for him.

He sat up and started to remove his jacket and shirt, the jacket landing heavily on the floor, pockets laden, she didn’t doubt, with whatever he had pilfered from her home.

As he started to undo his belt he looked up at her, watching as she drank in his pale slender body, expression unreadable. “Look.. Miss.. I’m really sorry..”

She let out a short, sharp laugh, “You’re sorry? Oh well! That's all fucking right then, isn’t it?” she snorted in amusement and derision, “Hurry the fuck up.”

He sighed and shimmied out of his pants, running them down his long legs, kicking off his shoes and setting both in a pile before following suit with his dark socks, leaving him sitting in a pair of black boxers.

He moved to stand but she tutted, waving the hammer at him with a hint of menace, “Everything hon.”

“You... can't be serious.” he protested, voice flat, now kneeling as he had made to stand, looking up at her incredulously, his cheeks red.

“Can't have you bringing any ‘concealed weapon’ to bare on me. Every. Thing.” she said, emphasizing each word with a wave of her hammer.

He let out a shaky sigh and stood slowly, as he did so he lowered his boxers, revealing his package to her, about four inches flaccid between his thighs, a patch of dark hair above his length and under his arms seemingly the only body hair he boasted.

She couldn’t help but smirk a little at his size. To Charlene, white boys were so much fun and this one suited her tastes almost to a T. He was undoubtedly male, no risk of mistaking him for a girl like some of her previous partners, no fem-trap. But at the same time, he was only dabbling in his masculinity. No toned body or muscles, no strong jaw or thick beard. Just a young man, slender and lithe.

“Mm.. Cute. Hands up, upstairs, march.” She ordered, moving behind him, her own weapon still raised, her own concealed weapon starting to pay attention…

“Look, I didn’t have to break your door or anything, I just picked the lock, I haven’t actually damaged anything.” he whined weakly as he walked ahead of her, cheeks aflame at the embarrassment of being stripped and forced to walk before her.

“I didn’t exactly invite you in, I’m sure the police are going to enjoy picking you up. I wonder if they’ll let you put your pants back on before they cuff you..” She smirked, watching him ahead of her on the stairs, her eyes firmly fixed on his ass cheeks as they shifted with each step upwards. “I don't know whether this is a misdemeanor or a felony but either way I bet you’re going to have a real fun time behind bars.”

He stiffened a little, looking over his shoulder at her, standing at the top of the stairs as he was, with her just a couple behind she again afforded him an excellent view down her top.

Charlene wasn’t a thick woman, nor was she a skinny girl. She had been described by her friends instead as a locally blessed woman. Her body was attractive, but her breasts were huge and drew significant attention, each one full and soft, around the size of her own head if not a little larger, natural and pushed up by her nighttime top to create a veritable valley of cleavage.

“I er..” he swallowed, distractedly forcing his eyes up to meet her, “I can't go to jail..”

“She laughed again and pushed him forward with the top of her hammer, urging him towards her bedroom where her phone lay plugged in and charging.

“Oh yeah sure. I’m sure that without you your poor old mom or some shit would just be completely lost, right?”

“My sister actually..” he said, though the resignation in his voice made it clear he already knew she wouldn’t believe his prepared lie.

“Pft. Sure. Sit your ass down.” she commanded, pointing to the bed as they entered the room.

He did as he was told, sitting on the edge as she turned the room's light on, moving around to her bedside table and picking up her phone.

She hesitated, putting her phone down on the bed and, while keeping an eye on him the entire time, reached into the bottom drawer of her bedside table, pulling out a pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs and tossing them to him.

“Put theses on, wrists behind your back.”

He looked up at her, ready to object but just sighed and complied, wiggling as struggled to fit the cuffs around his wrists behind him, but she waited patiently until he was all cuffed in and secure.

“Police are going to have a hell of a laugh when they come to pick you up huh? All naked and cuffed up..” she smirked.

“Please… I’ll do anything, I just… I just can't go to jail. Please?” he said, his voice sincere but with an edge of hopelessness, he already knew his fate was sealed, but he couldn’t help himself but plead.

She eyed him over as she placed her hammer down, figuring she no longer needed it with him restrained as he was and picked up her phone, walking to stand in front of him, looking down at the sorry, pitiful sight of the boy.

He wasn’t crying, but he was close she could tell, his white cock soft between his thighs, his embarrassment, and shame written plain as day across his face.

“Anything?” she asked, holding her phone in her hand at such an angle that he could see she had typed in 911 and had only to hit dial.

He glanced from the phone to her, a spark of hope in his beautiful brown eyes as he nodded.

She pursed her full lips as she eyed him over, a hand reaching out to caress over the silky smooth skin of his shoulder, warm under her touch.

“Even… Sex stuff?” she asked, smirking a little playfully, her voice adopting a sultry tone.

She enjoyed the play of emotions across his face at the idea, disbelieve, intrigue, an obvious element of attraction, the hope in his eyes grew and she laughed a little.

“Oh, you aren’t that lucky white boy..” She reached a hand down into the front of her shorts and wrapped her fingers around the base of her soft cock, hefting it free and into the light, her thick, meaty log bouncing a foot or so from his face as it flopped free of its confines.

“O-oh fuck.. I… You’re..” he stammered, staring at the woman's huge cock.

“Bigger soft than you are hard? Yeah, I guessed that.” she grinned.

He blushed brighter and looked up at her, afraid and uncertain.

“Question for you white boy, would you suck dick to stay out of jail? Sounds like a fair bargain to me. Pretty little thing like you would probably end up sucking dick in jail anyway…”

“I… I… I couldn't...”

She shrugged and tucked her cock back into her shorts in a casual motion. “Was worth a try, you’re pretty fucking cute you know.. But ah well.” she lifted the phone to her ear, though she hadn’t actually pressed dial.


“Mm?” she looked down at him, admiring the desperation and conflict in his eyes.

“I... Fuck... I’ll do it, please, just.. Don't call the police, please.” he said, voice shaky and defeated.

She looked down at him, lowering her phone. “Alright, go ahead.” she put her hands on her hips, waiting patiently.

“But.. Your shorts…” he protested weakly.

“You’ve got teeth, haven’t you? Better use them now to pull my shorts down because if I feel them once I'm in that pretty little mouth of yours you’re going to wish I’d just called the police..” she threatened.

His cheeks red and his eyes watery he nodded, leaning forward till his nose pressed gently into the chocolate skin of her exposed stomach, his teeth finding the edge of her shorts and slowly, awkwardly, he began to tug them down.

Charlene watched with amusement as he struggled, bound as he was to work her shorts down over her swelling cock. She had a moment to reflect on how well things had gone, she’d gone from being the recipient of an unwanted invasion to being the perpetrator. There was in that, she thought, a hint of poetic justice.

He let out a little whimper as he worked her shorts down, feeling her huge cock press against his face as he did his best to free it, what choice did he have, after all?

“Mm.. Good start.” She purred as her cock, now semi hard came to rest against his hot, flushed cheek having once more sprung free of its fabric confines.

She worked her shorts down over her hips, letting them fall to the floor to get them out of the way as she leaned forward slightly, bumping the tip of her black, engorging cock against his lips.

“Well?” she asked, prompting him.

He closed his eyes and took a deep, shaky breath, but parted his lips for her.

“Oooh Good boy..” she cooed, looking down at him as he opened his mouth for her, Charlene wasted no time in sliding the thick mushroom tip of her cock into his mouth and onto his tongue, one hand coming to rest in his dark hair as she started to slowly work her hips forward and backward, enjoying the wet warmth of his mouth around her member.

He tried to keep himself calm as he felt it, hot and spongy, pressing into his mouth, even in his highest state of denial he couldn’t escape the fact that he had a cock in his mouth. He felt its heat, tasted it distinctly as it slid backward and forwards over his tongue, seeking out pleasure from him as it coated itself in his spit.

“Mm.. Typically, sucking cock involves sucking..” she commented idly, squeezing the handful of hair that she held, trying to prompt him to action.

He let out a soft little whimper between his lips but after a moment's hesitation, she felt them close tighter around the shaft of her needy cock, forming a seal as his cheeks caved in, resigning himself to sucking on her pole.

“Oooh fuck that's good.. Mm..” she bit her lip and looked down at him over the swell of her breasts, urging her hips forwards and backward as she slid her meaty shaft repeatedly over his tongue, each push in surrounding her cock in the wet heat of his mouth, each pull out causing the suction to intensify.

“You’re good at this baby..” she murmured, her cock now rock hard between his lips, as thick and full as the boys own forearm, almost, “I’m going to let go of your head now.. Just keep going for me, yeah?”

She tentatively released his hair and while he slowed, obviously conflicted, he still felt as if he wasn’t left with much of a choice, his lips continuing to glide over the spit shined length of her cock, taking the thick, mushroom tip and several inches of her length, though even that only measured to being about half of it, into his mouth with each of her slow thrusts.

Slowly and almost indistinguishably, Charlene slowed her thrusts, the boys head starting to bob backward and forwards to keep himself moving at the pace she had set. Before long she found herself stood completely still. As she had slowed, to keep up the tempo, he had begun to move his own head with increasing speed, leading to him bobbing his head as he sucked her cock, his eyes closed, so focused on his task he hardly realized what he was doing.

“Use your tongue..” she said softly, not wanting to break his concentration but at the same time wanting to feel more, not content with the prize she had already garnered.

To her surprise he did so now without hesitation, his cheeks blushing as he began, with each draw back on her cock, to swirl his tongue around the sensitive tip of her cock, causing her to shiver in delight.

“A-ah.. Just like that.. Yes..” she murmured, reaching down to grip the base of her cock where his lips couldn’t reach, jerking herself off, meeting his rhythm, spreading his saliva down her cock, coating it as she watched him dote on her black cock.

“You like black cock, don't you..” she smirked a little.

That got his attention, his eyes fluttered open and his lips moved up her cock, letting it fall free of his mouth with a satisfying ‘pop!’ of noise, he panted softly, looking up at her as she stroked her meaty cock.

“N-no I.. You’re making me do this..” He protested, voice weak.

“Sort of, yeah..” she agreed with a shrug. “But that doesn’t mean you aren’t enjoying it, white boy..”

He blushed brightly and looked down, embarrassed and confused about himself.

Charlene tilted her head and looked down, her grin spreading. “...Oooh fuck. Is that a hard-on?”

He blushed brighter and almost doubled over as if he could hide it from her now.

She laughed some and shook her head. “Fuck, you should’ve fucking told me you were getting off on this too.”

He remained stoically silent, knowing anything he said would only serve to dig the hole he’d gotten himself into deeper.

She pursed her lips, eying him, “Fuck, you break into my home, try to steal my shit and now you go all shy on me. Tell you what I'll make it easy for you, do a good job sucking my dick and I won't fuck your ass. That all the motivation you need?”

He looked up at her sharply, his eyes widening as he looked from her gaze to her massive, throbbing cock, pointing right at his lips. He imagined that monster inside him and visibly winced.

“Yeah big isn’t it,” she commented, following his gaze with a grin, shifting her hips from side to side, pointedly wagging her cock at him. “Well?..”

“If.. If I do this you’ll let me go?” he said, voice still marred with that adorable uncertainty.

She pursed her lips some, “I said I wouldn’t fuck your ass, I didn’t say I'd let you go. Not yet, anyway. But hey, do a good job and I’ll let you see my tits, fuck knows you’re staring at them enough. Sound fair? I mean you better think so because I’m not going to give you any other offers.”

“..I mean…” he said, displaying his uncertainty once again, it was by far his cutest expression, which given the frequency he was displaying it, was probably for the best.

“Good!” She confirmed lightly, his uncertainty switching to confusion as she moved to again find her phone, picking it up.

“What.. What’re you doing?”

She smirked at him, “Making a memory..”

He looked up at her as she moved back to again stand before him, meeting her eyes for a few long moments, she held her phone in one hand, pointing the camera down at him.

He hesitated, knowing she was either taking a picture or more likely, recording him. He looked down, focusing on the tip of her dark cock, looking at a tiny bead of clear pre that had formed on its head.

He swallowed once and leaned forward, letting his lips bump against the hot spongy tip, seeing no other choice as he kissed it and collected the pre as he once more took her cock into the welcoming heat of his mouth, eliciting another moan from her.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, it had been a long while since she had had such a captive audience in the bedroom, especially such a cute submissive one, who was, despite his objections, she knew, enjoying himself.

“Feels good doesn’t it, to service a real cock.. Mm.. You should stick around, I could use a boyfriend with a mouth like yours..” she teased, grinning down at him.

He looked up at her, the desired effect of his look of consternation somewhat spoiled by the way her cock filled his mouth, the way he sucked eagerly on her sensitive tip and the way his tongue played across her sensitive flesh.

“You don’t like the sound of that?” She said with a mocking pout, “I guess I can see why. You wouldn’t make such a great boyfriend… Messy house… High maintenance…” she smirked, “You’d make an excellent girlfriend though eh? And besides, with a little cock like that, it’s not like you’d be doing much in the way of topping anyway is there..”

He blushed but kept his eyes on her, distracting her from her taunting. He looked beautiful to her, with her cock between his lips, her pleasure mounting and building as he continued his amateur, but wonderful blowjob, their eyes locked.

“Mm.. Look into the camera honey..” she all but whispered, squeezing her cock between her fingers as her pleasure started to build, her other hand trying to steadily hold the phone, her eyes flicking from him to the moving image of him on her screen, making sure she captured every second of action for posterity and, of course, blackmail.

He did so, his dark eyes beautiful, the contrast between his white skin, red cheeks, and her black cock almost artistic, though she knew it would hardly be a classy work of art. More of Jackson Pollock, she thought, smirking to herself.

“Faster.” she said, voice firm but heady with lust and pleasure, her own needs beginning to mount as he serviced her.

To her delight he responded without pause, his lips moving faster along her slick dark length, her moans and sounds of pleasure becoming more pronounced as the lewd sucking and slurping sounds too grew, filling both their worlds with the single act of him sucking cock for the first time.

“Baby that feels so fucking good.. I think I'm in love..” she grinned, rolling her shoulders as she struggled to stay standing, her legs growing weak with the pleasure as he pushed his head up and down her length, soft, slightly swollen lips rolling up and down the steely hard, but still silky soft length of her cock, his tongue pressing against it, swirling around it, teasing at the underside, utilising every trick he’d ever had used against him, or at least fantasized about, to pleasure this dark woman, whose name he had yet to even learn.

“S-shit.. Baby, you’re so good.. You’re going to make me cum..” she said, her breath hastening, her mouth open slightly as she wet her full lips with her pink tongue, her pleasure coming faster and faster, building to a crescendo “F-fuck!”

She stroked the slick, wet length of her dark shaft and pulled back slightly so her hard, visibly pulsing cock pulled free of his wanting lips with another lewd pop, a line of his spit connecting his pink tongue to the swollen head of her big, black cock.

He whimpered a little, almost looking disappointed as her cock popped free of his lips, kneeling in front of her, cheeks flushed and eyes half lidded.

Despite her overwhelming need and desire she made sure to capture everything she needed to on her camera, his lustful, wanting gaze, his lips parted, his tongue out, so lost in his own submissive wants he likely didn’t realise his actions, his own cock clearly hard in the image, she bit her full lip and felt the first spark of climax arch through her body.

“A-ah!” she cried out, trying her best to steady the camera as her climax hit her, thick white ropes of cum launching from her throbbing cock as she stroked it, streaking across his face and skin, gluing one of his beautiful eyes shut as she was sure to make sure a few thick strands shot between his parted lips, landing on his tongue, letting him taste the end result of what he had been working her towards.

She swallowed, shivering with pleasure as she let her fingers glide up and down her slick shaft, her balls twitching as they emptied their pent up load onto his face and into his waiting mouth, the shooting strands slowing to become a trickling stream which she let drool across his face, then slowing further to become the last few drops which she squeezed out onto his tongue, smirking some as he licked the very tip, collecting each milky bead as it formed.

“Oh my god.. That just.. That just felt so fucking amazing..” she panted, her cock starting to soften in her hands as she fed it again between his lips, watching as he swallowed the cum he had collected, his lips closing around the warm, sticky tip of her cock as his tongue bathed it, eeking out every last iota of pleasure she could muster.

Charlene let out a little sighing shiver of delight and tossed her phone onto the bed after ending the recording, reaching down to caress his beautiful face. “You can’t fucking say you didn’t love that..” she purred.

He stayed silent, still nursing her softening cock in his mouth as she caressed him, his cheeks flushed. They both knew he had though he still couldn’t bring himself to say it.

She smirked, “Since you can't admit how much you liked it and how much you want more, I’ll make that easier too.”

He looked up at her questioningly.

“You’ll live here as my fucktoy for a week. Or I post that video online. Yes I know that's blackmail, no I don’t give a fuck. You’re hot, and I fucking want you so fucking much..” she grinned playfully. “Does that help you huh, white boy? You can let me use like we both want without having to say you freely gave yourself up to a shemale top.”

He slowly let the softening shaft fall from his swollen lips where it flopped to rest between her thighs, his body squirming slightly, bound as he was, trying to stimulate his own ignored cock. “If.. If I have no other choice..” he said, trying his best to sound defeated, though he was struggling to deny how he so clearly felt.

Charlene smirked, amusement plain on her features. “None whatsoever. Now, it’s like, fucking four AM. I’m going to clean you up and go the fuck to sleep.”

She reached down to tussle his hair, turning her back to him and taking a step away, fingers finding the hem of her tank top and raising it up over her head, denying him the view of her huge, heavy breasts as they spilled free from her top, letting the small shirt fall to the floor.

She looked over her shoulder and smirked, enjoying his eager expression, how quickly this white boy had fallen for her thick cock.

“After all,” she said, her voice low and full of promise, “We’ve got a very busy day tomorrow…” She winked.

She’d have to learn his name at some point.


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A Home Invasion

My girlfriend and I stumbled back to my house about midnight, a little bit drunk, after a party in Cocoa Beach. We brushed our teeth and hit the sack right away. The next thing I knew, the clock on my nightstand said 2:53AM. Vicki was sound asleep beside me. And I had to pee. Coming back from the bathroom, I noticed a light shining up from ground level outside the rear bedroom window. I’d installed motion sensor lights above all the exterior doors and windows and they were sensitive enough to...

3 years ago
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Black Invasion

Introduction:When we invite a young lad to stay in our spare room, my wife and I end up paying his debt -- with her body.Chapter 1Renting out the roomShortly after my teenage daughter moved out, I decided it was time to put my plan into action. For many years, I had harboured the thought of watching my wife being fucked senseless by some young, well-hung stud. Although I had broached the subject with my wife on many occasions during our lovemaking, she had always remained adamant that it was...

4 years ago
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Blondie Alex And Moms Home Invasion

Blondie: Alex And Mom's Home Invasion (MM/F,ncon,inter,inc)by WilcoxI woke up just before dawn. I didn't know what time it was exactly, but therewas a little light coming through the curtains. I'd heard my dad's car startand drive away. It was Saturday, and I remembered that he and my sisterCookie were heading off to a charity father/daughter golf tournement. Dad wasone of the guy's running it. He had collected all the money and had to bethere early to make sure that everything was all set. It...

3 years ago
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Asian Invasion

Asian InvasionRecently, I was in the mid west on a business trip.  I stayed at a hotel chain that I thought was reliable but the first night turned out to be a complete disaster.  My room was like a sauna and there was no way to turn the heat down.  To complicate matters, my room faced the inside of the building where the swimming pool was.  Opening the door only caused the place to smell like chlorine.The next night, I was determined to change rooms.  I approached the counter where I was...

3 years ago
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Vampire Omicron Chapter 1 Home Invasion

I’m just trying to be helpful with these disclaimers. They let you know if my story is for you or not. Please read this. There’s some WEIRD shit in here. I use extreme taboo themes and consider my stories "horror". If any of the following aren’t your thing, just back out now. You’ve been warned! -Snuff / Blood (I mean it’s a vampire, I’m going for it, but I keep it minimal) -Creeping around (lots of this, sorry if it’s boring) -Sniffing / tasting (panties, armpits, sweat,...

4 years ago
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Pams Home Invasion

Sunday night, there it was, sitting in my inbox. Subject: The black van. I shivered violently and my body flushed all over. I flashed back; my bra was being cut off. Being induced to come while he ate me. A flood of hot semen in my mouth. Being crushed between two men while they fucked me savagely. The titanic orgasms that followed. The taste of hot pussy. A screaming orgasm at the sky... After last time, they had dropped me off at my car. No raincoat. I had to hold my blouse closed as I...

4 years ago
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A Home Invasion

My girlfriend and I stumbled back to my house about midnight, a little bit drunk, from a neighbor’s party in Cocoa Beach. We staggered upstairs, brushed our teeth and hit the sack right away. The next thing I knew, the clock on my nightstand said 2:53AM. Vicki was sound asleep beside me. And I had to pee. Coming back from the bathroom, I noticed a light shining up from ground level outside the rear bedroom window. I’d installed motion sensor lights above all the exterior doors and windows and...

4 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 28 Justice and Invasion

Philadelphia: 11:50 A.M. Tim let Amy cry in his arms as he held the woman who brought hope to a lot of people of this world. So she went overboard and took justice in her hands. He thought it was worth it as far as he was concerned. He felt Amy gently push on him so he released her. "Feeling better?" he asked. "Yeah, I am. Thank you, Tim," Amy replied. "Good, what are your orders?" Tim asked. Amy laughed and replied, "Tim you out rank me. I'm only a commander while...

1 year ago
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It was a hot Friday afternoon and Carrie felt tired as she made her way down the steps into the tube station. It had seemed a long day at school and Carrie just wanted to get home. She waited for an age on the busy platform waiting for the circle line train that would take her home. She just managed to get through the doors into the tightly packed carriage. She was surrounded on all sides by the people pressing against each other. The doors closed and the train pulled out of the station. It was...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Home Invasion

Evelyn heard a noise. She wasn't sure, but it sounded like someone else was in her house. It was a house she had lived in for more than fifty years. The house she originally moved in with her husband after the war. The house she raised three children in. The house she had long since lived in alone since the passing of her husband more than twelve years ago. Her children insisted she move out of her home and into a nursing home where they could take better care of her, but she...

2 years ago
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Home Invasion

It was shortly after our daughter moved out that my wife and I decided to rent out our daughter’s old room. I had received a letter from Revenue and Customs demanding money for unpaid taxes, so the extra income from rent was just what we needed. My wife Linda was reluctant at first.“No way,” Linda moaned angrily. “I’m not having a stranger living here, in our house. We could be inviting a mass murderer into our home for all we know.”“It’s either that or we cancel our holidays for the next three...

2 years ago
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Home Invasion

"See you all on Monday." You say as you walk out the office for the weekend. Its been a long week and you can't wait to go home and finally kick your feet up and relax for a couple of days. As an admin assitant for a small tech company you don't have the most stressful job in the world but you work long hours. In your excitement to get home you walk briskly out of the building towards the bus stop down the street. You pick your pace up even more when you spot an earlier bus and realise you...

4 years ago
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Home Invasion

I had been awakened at the same time every morning for the last three weeks, 3 a.m. and Im wide awake. I got up to go and pee, when I heard a sound of rattling dishes or something coming from my kitchen downstairs. I walked to my closet instead of the bathroom, and reached inside acquiring the bat that I hadnt used for softball in over a year. I crept silently staying close to the wall down the steps ensuring that I didnt step on the creaky steps that I hadnt fixed in years, therefore, I knew...

2 years ago
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Home Invasion

Introduction: When he breaks into my house, I think my life is over. The reality is so much worse. I know I cant fight it. He is going to kill me. I feel slightly dizzy. The man who broke into my house stares at me as I struggle to take in breaths. It really is the end. Im on my knees, shaking as he approaches. Those cold eyes stare straight into my own greens. He holds the knife firmly and my anxiety makes breathing even more difficult. I cant look any more. I shut my eyes. The silence is...

3 years ago
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Home Invasion

I was in my mid twenties and Desiree was just twenty years old, but did look a bit older. She'd already lived a hard life and had many tattoos, but was still very sexy and beautiful. She was a sexual dynamo and loved exploring different fantasies and debaucheries. We lived together for about a year and a half, until she became bored and it was time for her to move on. She was a wild street girl who couldn't stay in one place for too long. Much of our time together was very volatile, but some of...

3 years ago
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Home Invasion

As she finished cinching the the latest coil tightening the imprisonment of my wrists, I silently reflected on my current situ As she finished cinching the the latest coil tightening the imprisonment of my wrists, I silently reflected on my current situation and how I came to be in such a dangerous position. The night started pretty much the same as any since the divorce and moving into this apartment complex. After arriving home and changing out of the office clothes, I came down in my...

4 years ago
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Home Invasion

He looked at his watch, 11:30 P.M. Funny, usually they were asleep by this time, but there was still a light in the upstairs bedroom. He decided to give it another half-hour and if the lights weren't off by then he would call it quits for the night. He sat back in the vans captain chair and waited. Susan went into her bedroom, took off her clothes and dropped them into the dirty hamper. She walked nude into the bathroom to take a quick shower. When she closed the door she looked at herself in...

4 years ago
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Double Dorm Invasion

I fidgeted with my sleeve as I watched my friend pick the lock of student housing block C. He was squatting in front of the door, playing around with two tiny hooks, his dark hair shining in the moonlight. I though I heard something rustling behind me and quickly I turned around. Nothing. Only a empty plastic bag. ‘I don’t know Steve.’ I said. Steve looked over his shoulder and with smug grin on his face he opened the door. ‘Don’t worry, I’ve done this a thousand times.’ With a...

3 years ago
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A Very Small Invasion

Gladys had been hesitant what with the fears of sexual disease in this modern age. Sexually transmitted infections or venereal diseases, are infections that are commonly spread by sex, especially vaginal intercourse, anal sex and oral sex. Most diseases initially do not cause symptoms. Normally symptoms and signs of disease may include vaginal discharge, penile discharge, ulcers on or around the genitals, and pelvic pain. More than 30 different bacteria, viruses, and parasites can cause human...

4 years ago
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Alien Invasion

 "She is so beautiful," Suzy thought.But Suzy could not define why she found the girl so beautiful. The afternoon light helped, filtered by the rain-streaked windows of the tiny bar. The girl's almond-shaped eyes definitely helped too. Suzy was sitting in the shadows in her favourite corner of her favourite bar. She went there for the first time because of its name, 'Cafe Courage'. It had been a time when Suzy was feeling far from courageous. A relationship had ended unexpectedly and Suzy...

4 years ago
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The Admirals Invasion

*Please note. This is my first time submitting to Literotica. This is the first of series involving Admiral Griffon and Lady Wolfstone. * Declan slammed her against the brocaded wall, the shadows heavy around them. Behind the wall the sounds of the orchestra’s strings could be vaguely heard, the dun of laughter and gaiety floating up the staircase, into the forgotten room. Adrianne was still unsure to what purpose the room served, only knowing that it was small, dim, hidden. Already she could...

2 years ago
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Apartment invasion

They lived in an apartment on the floor above mine. I liked living on a low floor of this apartment building near the university. Beautiful high school and college girls, living by themselves or with one other on every floor, most of them going by my door every day. Two of them caught my eye more than I could stand so… I got my lock picking kit and entered their room quietly at 2 am. I knew the floor plan really well, since mine was exactly the same, so I locked the bolt behind me and crossed...

2 years ago
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Gwendy Playtime Invasion

Let kick things off, what setting do you want to see the dolls in, the movie they originated from/the year of 1997, something a bit more modern with cell phones and wifi, or just watch them go after characters from other media? Remember all characters depicted in this story are 18 years older or older unless said other wise in story.

2 years ago
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Vampire Invasion

Cassie Smith didn't have the greatest life A middle aged single mom of two daughters, living paycheck to paycheck in a small two bedroom apartment. Her husband ran off years prior, leaving her to raise 2 kids on her own and working long hours to make ends meet. She didn't understand why her ex left her cause she thought she still looked great for her age. Shoulder length blonde hair, a nice ass and decent sized breasts. Cassie was feeling pretty lonely due to working all the time and not dating...

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Incredibles Invasion

Story by LesLes. Concept by Solddate. Art by Oo_Sebastian_oO Five Years After Syndrome's Attack "Honestly, sweetie, if there's ever a type of villain you don't want to go solo against, it's a mind controller." The villainess Mezmerella leaned against the top of a classic ball chair as she spoke. The smooth white plastic of the chair was a half-sphere sliced at a steep angle, the inside filled with red cashmere and soft red cushions. Mezmerella was in full costume, the figure-hugging white...

4 years ago
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Demon Invasion

The rain lashed down upon the window without mercy as it tore you from your slumber. Stretching awkwardly you casually ease yourself from between the sheets before pulling yourself upwards into a seating position. Casting a bleary glance downwards you notice the time on your phone reads 6:00 am. You let out a tired groan before cursing to yourself. Placing both feet on the cold wooden floor you casually pace over towards the bathroom and clamber unceremonially into the shower. Jet's of steaming...

3 years ago
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Sunshine invasion

Ashven was waiting in the abandoned school, not having found anything of interest during her patrol. She was sitting in the cellar, uncertain wether to leave or to stay, torn between her fear and her lust. Three days ago, she had faced Zargal, an alien terrifying the city and she was unable to forget the savage rape she had suffered. Now here she was, sitting in the pale light hoping he would return to fuck her once more. She had promised the city council to rid them of the beast but that...

3 years ago
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The Invasion

(I'm gonna be adding to this story over time, so it has a lot of dead ends in it right now. i'm not a professional writer by far, but hopefully it's to your liking.) It started on Friday night. you where doing your usual porn searches as you usually do and forgot about the time. "fuck, it's 3am!" You exclaim quietly and decide to end the secession angry at not being able to release your load. You close the laptop and turn off the lights but you notice something outside your window is making it...

2 years ago
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Slime Invasion

Late one night at a hidden lab a scientist was just completing his latest experiment. He had created a sentient small and gooey slime creature that could squeeze through almost any opening or hole. His original idea was to have create a self thinking creature that could spy on enemies and gather intelligence. However, the only think that he could see the slime doing was squeezing in cracks and doing nothing. Having believed the experiment to be a failure he sealed the slime into a protective...

2 years ago
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Femdom Invasion

A society of aliens, ruled by females, is invading Earth. Here are the options: Amazines: Human in appearance, the Amazines are a barbaric people who are very strong and tall. They want to show all other races the superiority not only of Amazines, but females in general. Felinineceans: a cat-like society of hunters, the males of their species are not sentient. As a result of these two factors, they seek to hunt and dominate males of other species. LLirgs: a race of completely hairless...

3 years ago
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Amazonian Invasion

Queen Sheena Belacqua sat on her throne in the royal capital ship. The grand structure had roughly the same square footage as the state of Texas and was orbitting the queen's newest target for assimilation, Earth. The Amazonian Empire had spread quite far in this sector, as it seemed intelligent life was ripe for the picking, smart enough to communicate and highly evolved so that they were not enslaving animals; yet they were also dumb enough that they couldn't put up a fight at all to the...

2 years ago
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It came in the middle of the night. For hours a storm had raged in the skies above; lightning arced downwards, and thunder rolled over the town of Red Springs. Most citizens had retreated indoors by the time the winds picked up, and were pretty glad they did. Weather reports placed them at up to 40 miles per hour at the height of the storm. It even looked, at one point or another, like hail might begin to tumble down. However, the nature of the world is not the focus of this tale. No, what came...

4 years ago
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One Alien Invasion

A harden ball of crystal-like structure slowly drifted towards the blue planet below it. Its hyper-technology scanned and found beings that fit the criteria it was created the search for, and nudged the craft so that it would land somewhere that would allow its precious cargo to find such a being. Inside the football sized craft laid a pool of liquid that was the last of its race, if it could have been called that. N, for the lack of a name, was part of a liquid based race that did not exactly...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Alien Invasion

For eons, mankind has looked to the sky and wondered that great question: are we alone? Imagine then, if one day that question was answered, that we discovered beyond any shadow of a doubt that there was in fact intelligent life out there. Imagine, if you will, what they might be like. Would they be friendly? Would they have the secrets of the universe to share with us? Would they be benevolent, godlike, ushering in a new age of peace and advancement for the human race. In a small town in...

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Exercise Invasion

Demi had just gotten to the park, brunette hair tied up in a cute ponytail. It was early evening, tired from work but wanting that buzz that running gave her as a pick me up. As soon as she’d gotten home she slipped out of her work attire and into her tight three quarter leggings, more yoga pants, fitting just how she liked showing off her thick thighs and tight round butt. She decided against her sports bra today, feeling a little excited already confident her ample breasts would be held in...

3 years ago
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Boy Scout Invasion

I so looked forward to the slow times on the farm, summer-time near the 4th of July, when most were to busy to have plans travel to visit friends and relatives, amusement parks and recreation areas; things that have much more interesting activities than just riding horses. Most all of the help was given the week off, and my family planned to go visiting old friends in the city, leaving me alone to man the farm. I eagerly called my old friend Kelly and arranged for her to come visit thinking we...

2 years ago
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British Invasion

I groaned as I rolled over. Today was the day. My stupid family would be here all day and I had to play nice. I had only meet the two cousins that were causing a fuss once in my life, and that had been a long time ago. I was 10 or eleven when we took a trip to England to meet them. I hadn't been impressed then and I didn't hold out much hope for being impressed now. Ian, who was the same age as my older sister Sara, had spent a lot of the time picking on me. I know it's normal for families to...

3 years ago
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The Girl Alone At Night Home Invasion

It’s been a long day and you have gone to sleep early. You are sleeping on the couch like you normally do. Or at least that is my assumption by the order you turn the lights off in your house when you are alone. The last room with any light is always closest to the street. I know you have a security system and I’m not sure how you arm it when you are home by yourself, but I am not going to take any chances in getting caught doing this, so in the small collection of things I am carrying with...

3 years ago
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Asian Invasion

Where do I start, I'm 48 gay, single & have a thing for hot young guys, as do many of my type, I have recently taken up swimming at the local pools, & have noticed there are a lot of young fit Korean & Japanese lads that go there, over the last couple of months I watch them get undressed, one day, right in front of me one Asian lad stripped right off in front of me & sat naked, on the bench waiting for the showers to become available, the thing is he bent forward, when he did...

3 years ago
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A Very Peculiar Invasion

Drusilla, was a very petite young lady, she was in her second year of a Master Program in Physiology. Most of the guys that had dated her had said she was strange, strange or not she was built like a brick s--t house. She stood about 5'1" and weighed nearly 125lbs, flashing eyes and a disarming smile that would melt ice. I found myself alone with her, in one of the stacks of the library, with out thinking I asked 'would you like to take a break and go have a soda?' She smiled and thought for a...

2 years ago
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Catherines Home Invasion

   Catherine closed the book and looked out the window. Outside the rain brushed lightly against the window of the library. "I must leave soon" She thought as she took off her reading glasses and put them back into their case. Her stomach sounded slightly, "Jack in the box" she thought. She wasn't in the mood to cook for herself tonight. She just felt like relaxing, spending some time to herself. She didn't feel particularly tired, in fact she felt more energetic than usual. Catherine...

4 years ago
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House Invasion

??????????? The shadow darted across the front lawn? moving not much more silently then the object of its creation. Not much more silently until the heavy boots moved up the steps and the broad shouldered, shadow hidden figure moved a key into the hole designed for this one purpose. ??????????? The figure open the door, and immediately reach in a hand to switch on a light, revealing his 6ft, well built frame, showing the point this young man was equipped with broad and strong shoulders....

2 years ago
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A hard night home invasion

I was so tired after a very hard week at the office.As soon as I got back home, I had a relaxing shower and later a delicious meal for dinner that my loving husband cooked for me.I climbed into bed with Victor and I cuddled up tightly to him. It always made me feel safe knowing that he is close to me. I began to drift into a happy dream. Suddenly I felt Victor being pulled from my side. I could sense that something was going wrong. I heard voices but could see no one in the darkness.A strong...

4 years ago
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XMAS Invasion

He creeps in as the clock strikes the witching hour, assuming that everyone is sleeping soundly as they should be, forgetting that bitch insomnia, He makes sure his Wal-mart stocking mask is on tight."Perfect," he whispers to himself before continuing inside the dark house lit only by the twinkling lights of the Christmas Tree, a soundless and slow strobing neon.For a moment he feels like the Grinch about to steal Christmas from the dumb little Whos in whoville but then he remembers where he is...

4 years ago
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Alien Invasion

After humans reached space we found many things we did not expect. Other races and worlds and many lost legends. Like the Shining Ones or the worlds of chaos and darkness. Orcs and ogres and other dark people who only lived to destroy. The Shining Ones had visited earth many millennian ago and were the Sidhe or elves. With them were their brothers or cousins the Dark Elves. Those we thought the same as them until much later when they had learned to travel in space like us. They used humans...

2 years ago
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Not on my Planet, You Won't. Where in the seven hells did that come from? he wondered. Seconds ago he had been doing what he loved more than anything. Fishing. On the Looking Glass River. In Michigan. It was past dark and he knew it was time and more to go home, but just one more cast ... That would be the seventh ... one more cast. The hand carved 1926 Fred Arbogast Jitterbug flew out from the rod tip ... Daddy's favorite lure ... and plunked into the water just like a frog jumping off the...

2 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 16 Alien Invasion

Amber looked in the mirror studying her reflection. She was bald. She still had her hair, but it was hidden under a colored skull thing. The package it came in had called it a bald cap. All she knew was that she looked stupid wearing it. While being bald was bad enough, she was also light green from head to toe. Well, she was mostly green with some brownish spots that ran along her back. There was rather intricate patterning in tan and white offsetting the overwhelming green on her face....

2 years ago
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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 18 Invasion

Getting out of Scotland and to the Metéora proved more complicated than anticipated. Rebecca spent most of Thursday at the embassy retrieving her updated passport with her new name. She ran to the university and explained to Dr. Reston that she would be pursuing a lead in Central Greece where a form of goddess worship was still practiced at the very foot of the Orthodox monasteries. And that while based in the Greek pantheon, it appeared that a single goddess was the object of reverence. This...

3 years ago
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Allergic ReactionChapter 6 Home Invasion

Tamara Jenkins was shocked and apalled at her behavior the previous night. Less than a week ago she never would have considered doing anything of the sort, and now she was without a doubt no longer a virgin in any respect. Numerous boys and a couple of men had put body parts into her pussy, her mouth, and one had even pushed his way into her ass hole! Of all the things she'd done at Kevin's house the night before, that was the only one she truly felt disgusted by. The rest were stunning to...

4 years ago
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Becoming a RangerChapter 2 Invasion

Our flight back the next morning seemed shorter than the one out. Mr Perry was thinking about my story concerning the home trees and what I found inside them. We landed at the colony landing pads to see people running everywhere. As soon as we stepped out we found out why. A large Cariss warship was insystem headed for the planet. We all knew that meant they were here to strip the planet before anyone could come to help us. Cariss was one race that was always warlike. They only fought as a...

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