Shade Of Purple
- 3 years ago
- 17
- 0
The house was still not going to be available to move into for almost 6 months. Zoë’s house was beautiful, and we had plenty of room there, but we had such big dreams and I was so anxious to begin. The baby was born, and we named her Emily Estelle Keys. I gave her Zoë’s last name in order to tie them together in some way.
We set up a rough nursery in the rental house. Unable to paint or make any renovations we just made do with curtains which we could bring into the new house with us, decorative bedding and furniture and a few framed posters.
From the beginning Em was the light of my life. Her, Zoë and I were the most amazing little family, impatiently waiting the arrival of our new home. Even Emily seemed impatient, as if she knew that we had big dreams and they started at some point other than here.
I couldn’t believe how much my perspective on just about everything changed, from the use of ‘bad words’ around an infant who had no comprehension to the state of the world in general. Suddenly, Barney seemed endearing and cable TV seemed all too violent and sexual.
The biggest and most surprising change was that my sex drive became amazingly low. Now I felt much more like staying home and cuddling with Zoë, than going out and finding a playmate. Zoë hadn’t experienced the same physical changes as I had, but she too seemed much more homebound.
It was the strangest thing- this family that I had never sought, and never even thought that I wanted was the most fulfilled life I could have ever imagined for myself. But it was not without difficulty. I found that the money that I thought I was pretty good didn’t go nearly as far after diapers, diapers and more diapers. Never mind the myriad of other things that it turned out you need for a person so small they fit in the crook of your arm.
Even though our new neighbors were loving and excepting, there were many others whom we encountered that weren’t. Many just assumed that we were two friends and that one or the other of us had a baby, but when it became clear that the three of us were family we got responses that ranged from hostile to those who seemed to take it as a personal insult. The last group I will never understand, even if I somehow figure out the reasoning that rules over the first.
At last the day came when the deal was final and we were able to move into our new house on Willow Street. Em was four months old, and we dressed her in this sweet little pink dress and booties. Normally I’m against gender stereotyped baby clothes, but she just looked so darn cute in it and we planned to take lots of pictures.
First we drove Zoe’s car- now our car up to the house and brought Emily inside with much fanfare, snapping pictures and telling her in our high singsong voices all about how this was our new home and how much she was going to love it here, and how great the neighbors were. The whole time she gurgled and drooled on my shirt, not understanding anything beyond the fact that her parents had flipped.
We decided that we would spend the night in the houses, moving all our boxes and belongings from Zoe’s house in first. The big house cost us much more than the apartment so we let that go first, and decided to keep the apartment for a while so that we could cut down on the stress of moving. After our first night there, we still didn’t have a phone hooked up, and many of our neighbors chose not to even have a phone, so I ran out and invited them all over for an impromptu housewarming.
Now for many people that would seem rude, not giving them time to prepare and come with a gift and all of that. But once you understand the mindset in our neighborhood you would realize that it was just the right thing to do. They were all very spontaneous people, and very much enjoyed the idea of a last minute party. In fact, they all told me they would be over as soon as they could cook up something quick that they could bring over with them.
Janice and Manache made a quick cassarole of ham and corn baked into scalloped potatoes from a mix, Dexter and Ilene made an organic salad from their backyard garden, and Miss Henderson, who came over with Katherine, brought an grocery store frozen ice-cream pie from her freezer and a bag of chips.
Our guest had also brought makeshift gifts. Ilene brought us a potted plant which she had put together from a cutting of her garden flowers. Dexter made a bright patchwork wall hanging using cloth and hot glue, Janice embellished some kitchen curtains that Dexter had packed away that they had inherited from his grandmother. Miss Henderson had painted some wooden candlesticks, and Katherine had insisted on bringing some light bulbs. ‘They always blow out as soon as you move in,’ she told me grimly. ‘And before you get a chance to stock up.’
Our party was fantastic, with gifts and food and good friends. We played cards and talked and had a grand old time. It was a wonderful welcome to the neighborhood. Later on in the week we would invite them all back along with our old friends- but there was something special in this first welcome- some warm and full of generosity.
After a month or two we had settled in, and made the new house a true home. Zoe told me that I deserved and needed to go out, and that she would stay home with Em.
‘No, I really don’t want to,’ I told her honestly. ‘I’d rather stay home with you.’
‘I know- but you really need a change of pace. Besides I want you to get out before you feel like you have to or you’ll go crazy.’
‘That’s not going to happen, silly.’
‘Of course not,’ she said rolling her eyes. ‘Just humor me. Besides- maybe I’m getting sick of you,’ she finished in a teasing way. I gave her shoulder a friendly shove taking no real offense.
‘All right. OK. I’ll go.’
I soon realized this really was about her as much as me. As I was dressing, she began to make suggestions about what I should wear. And all of her suggestions were more daring than my own choices.
‘Look, you’ve got your figure back so nicely. You want to show that off!’ she said, grabbing a form hugging mid-thigh skirt. ‘And your breasts are amazing!’ She said, handing me a cleavage enhancing top.
‘But I’m not as thin as I want to be,’ I tried to protest. ‘And they’re so tender!’ about my breasts.
‘Don’t be silly, you look great! Here, put these on,’ she said handing me a pair of sheer black crotch-less pantyhose. Finally she dug out a pair of strappy four inch heals that I had not worn for what had seemed ages.
‘I can’t wear those!’ I objected. ‘I’ll fall on my ass!’
‘And a gorgeous ass it is, too,’ she said shoving them at me.
After I dressed, Zoë brushed my hair and helped me put it up and encouraged me to use some color on my face, although I still kept it tasteful to which she did not object. In the end, I looked sexy but not sluttish and she seemed quite satisfied.
‘Have fun,’ she told me with a devilish grin. ‘We’ll see you tomorrow some time,’ suggesting that she fully expected that I would stay out all night and maybe even go home with someone for a while.
‘If not sooner,’ I told her just before shutting the door behind me, suggesting that I might not.
To my surprise, she opened the door and came out to give me a final kiss goodbye. ‘I’m living vicariously though you tonight . Don’t let me down Tiger.’ Then she slapped me on the ass and went back inside.
The bar I went to was a busy nightclub. The DJ played a mix of rock, dance and disco- all of it loud.
I ordered a couple of shots and moved out to the dance floor. I didn’t have as much trouble with my shoes as I had thought I would and soon had two men dancing near me, each trying to show each other up with their moves.
When I went to sit down, only one guy followed me. He introduced himself as Jerry. Jerry was a slender guy, slightly taller than me with dark hair and eyes and the beginnings of a beard. Beneath the
growth you could see a smooth hansom face, early to mid thirties. He wore an expensive suit, good shoes and a high quality wrist watch. This was the kind of guy you’d be scoping for if you were single and looking. He was a keeper all right. But I only needed to take him out on loan.
I introduced myself and we exchanged small talk and then went to dance together on the floor. I found out that Jerry was traveling through town on business- and this was in fact his last night in town. He had been afraid that I wouldn’t want to spend time with him because of this. But the truth was, I was relieved. There was no chance of this evening being misunderstood, or taken to mean something it didn’t.
As the music thumped and blared, I shimmied my body against his on the dance floor. Through his clothes I could feel lean muscles, and a not so lean expression of his excitement. The alcohol was going to my head, making me feel a little dizzy, but also mixed in with excitement. Jerry was responding positively to having my body pressing against him. He let his hands wander freely over the front and back of me, practically undressing me on the dance floor.
After we had bumped and groped our way though two songs, we went back to the table to sit for a while.
‘So, it doesn’t bother you that I’m leaving town tomorrow?’ he yelled about the din.
‘No, of course not,’ came my shouted reply. ‘It actually kind of adds to the fun.’
He laughed, ‘Adventurous woman huh? I like that.’
When the music turned slow, Jerry led me back out to the dance floor. We pressed our bodies even closer together and swayed back and forth with the song. With my head resting on his shoulder, I could smell Jerry’s warm spicy cologne. I nuzzled into his chest to enjoy the sent further.
‘My hotel is right down the street,’ Jerry informed me. ‘If you get tired of the noise in here or something.’
‘Na, I’m used to the noise. But I’d love to see where you’re staying.’
We got our coats and stepped out into the night air. It was crisp and cool and soothing. A bright moon illuminated our path to the car. Jerry looked as sexy from behind as he did from the front. I couldn’t wait to get alone with him. Thank goodness Zoë insisted that I go out tonight.
When we got to his hotel, Jerry helped me out of the car and all of that. He was a perfect gentleman. I’ve known many men who come off smooth at first but then are rough and crude and completely inconsiderate, and I knew that many of them kept up the act until the very last minute- until they get you on the bed with the door locked, legs spread, no where to turn and no real way to scream for help- before changing there tune, so I kept my guard up, but I didn’t get the feeling I was in for anything like this tonight.
Jerry was quite a gentleman, offering me a wine cooler and sitting next to me on his bed- he just had a single room, not a suite, so there were few places to sit- telling me how beautiful he thought I was. ‘I feel lucky to be here with you,’ he said, continuing to flatter me. ‘I really wish this wasn’t my last night in town.’
‘I’m just glad that I didn’t wait another night to come out or we would have missed each other all together.’
‘That’s true. But I’d love to have a girl like you.’
I laughed nervously. ‘Well, I’m not really a ‘somebody’s girl’ kinda girl.’
‘What do you mean?’ He leaned back on the bed casually and looked at me with interest.
‘Well- I hope this doesn’t weird you out or anything, but I’m already in a relationship. An open relationship.’
‘So you’re old man knows you’re here with me, and doesn’t care?’
‘Well, it’s more like- my old lady.’
‘No way! I never would have pegged you for bi.’
‘I don’t consider myself bi- just open-minded. Anyway, it was my girlfriend who insisted that I go out tonight. I’m a little nervous though, because I haven’t been with a guy since my daughter was born. Erm- is this too much information?’
‘No, not at all. I find it fascinating. Confusing but fascinating. You two sound like you got a cool thing going.’
‘Yeah, well- she’s my salvation really. I don’t know what I’d do without her.’
‘She as cute as you are?’
‘She’s beautiful!’ I exclaimed. ‘Like an angel. She’s got died pink hair and this cute teardrop shaped face. About my height.’
‘You’re face lights up when you talk about her,’ he commented.
‘And your lap stands up, when I talk about her,’ I observed, putting my hand on his erect cock. ‘Would you like to hear some of the details?’
He laughed as though he were a little embarrassed. ‘Sure. I’ve always been kind of curious about what two women do together anyway. I mean- I’ve seen lesbian porn but that’s made for men and who knows if it’s anything like what really goes on, right?’
‘Well, we do it all. We don’t really watch lesbian porn though, so I couldn’t really say if it’s off the mark.’
‘They usually show the girls doing sixty-nine, or using toys on each other, food sometimes,’ he explained.
Now it was my turn to laugh. ‘We don’t usually use food- occasionally toys. But for us, I’ve got to say, it’s a lot less about the penetration and more about being together, enjoying each other. We spend a lot more time just kissing and making out then most men want to.’ I felt a twitch under my hand when I said that.
‘Oh, so you like the picture of us kissing, do you? We kiss for hours sometimes, teasing the hell out of each other before one of us even touches the other’s pussy.’ Another twitch. I gave him a squeeze and he twitched again. ‘We sixty-nine sometimes, but not as often as you might think. We usually just take turns eating each others pussies. It’s better for us both like that.’ I started rubbing him thought his pants as I talked.
‘When it comes to penetration, we sometimes use dildos or jelly dongs or odd things we find around the house, but usually, it’s just our fingers. She can make me come with her fingers better than any man ever could. You’re welcome to try to top it though,’ I said giving him a devilish grin.
‘Oh I will,’ he assured me. I unzipped his pants, and told him to stand up. I let his pants slip down to the floor and pulled his boxers down with them. I stayed down on my knees in front of him and looked up at him.
:’I like to give a guy a good blow job before we fuck,’ I inform him. ‘So I’m going to have to pause in my story here for a minute.’ I took his cock in my hand and licked the head of it. Then I licked the shaft from underneath and the sides and took the whole thing into my warm wet waiting mouth. His cock was thick and long and hard and had a light tasty flavor in my mouth. I sucked on first the head, and then gradually took more and more of him into my mouth. I looked up at him as often as I could to make eye contact while I sucked on his member. Each time I looked up, he groaned. One time I winked and his cock jerked so hard I half expected that he had already come inside my mouth, but he hadn’t. After giving him a healthy tongue bath, I pulled my mouth off of him and started stroking him with my hand, using a firm grip.
‘I love the taste of sweet pre-cum,’ I purred at him. ‘I hope some will leak out now so I can lick it off the tip of your cock.’
Jerry moaned again and a little clear liquid leaked out, ‘Are you always this forward?’ he asked as I licked it up. I covered the head of his penis with my wet lips and sucked him into my mouth.
‘Mmm,’ I replied with his engorged member still in my mouth. ‘When I see something I want, I go for it.’
I could feel my pussy growing damp as I have him head. His cock was beautiful and I couldn’t wait to have it pressed into my other lips. Thank goodness I didn’t have to struggle out of panties or nylons. I could fuck him without ever taking off a stitch of clothing, let alone my shoes. But his cock was so yummy, I just didn’t want to stop. Pretty soon, though my pussy was so wet, i
t really needed some attention. I could have slipped my hand under my skirt and fingered my own slit while I continued sucking his cock, but I really wanted to feel his hands on me, so I drew the oral sex session to an end.
‘You’re not going to be afraid to kiss me now that I’ve had your cock in my mouth are you?’ I asked him bluntly.
‘No, of course not,’ he said, leaning in to prove it. His hands went to my pussy, now soaked with my dripping juices. ‘Oh, you are a bad girl aren’t you?’ he said happily.
‘Yes, I am,’ I agreed. ‘Very bad indeed.’
‘Those are the best kind,’ he assured me, lifting my shirt off. The black push up bra I had on, barely contained my milk filled breasts.
‘If you take that off,’ I warned, ‘you may end up getting squirted with breast milk.’
‘Oh hell, I’ll try anything once,’ he said, gleefully removing my bra, and taking one breast into his mouth while cupping the other in his hand. He sucked on my tit, getting a mouthful and then swallowing. ‘Mm, warm, sweet- not bad,’ he pronounced. Then he took the other in his mouth and gave it the same treatment.
I threw my head back and enjoyed the feeling of my nipples being sucked on, gently yet hungrily. He reached up my skirt and continued fingering me there. I was profusely wet, my pubic hair felt damp and heavy, the touch of his fingers sent waves of pleasure over my body.
I went to work taking off his shirt, which I quickly had undone and tossed to the side. I through my leg over him, straddling his lap, and started kissing his neck and his chest. ‘I could fuck you without ever taking off these clothes,’ I told him. ‘Would you like that?’
‘Oh, yeah!’ he told me, ‘That would be hot.’
He moved his hand and I dropped down on his lap. His hard shaft slid effortlessly into my slick pussy. I continued to kiss him while I moved my body up and down over his lap. He wrapped his hands around my back to support me from falling backwards, so I was able to arch my back and shove my pussy deeper toward him. His cock slid way back to the back of my pussy hitting up against my cervix. In my state of arousal, that just felt even better and I howled out my pleasure.
‘You like to fuck a girl with her shoes on, baby?’ I asked him as I rose and fell over his tool. ‘Suck the milk from mamma’s titties and then fuck her hot wet pussy?’
‘Oh yeah!’ he moaned, breathing hard. He was really close, I could tell. I wasn’t, but I couldn’t help pushing him over the edge. I was using a very reliable from of birth control at this point- hey, once bitten twice shy right?- and so I wasn’t afraid of him coming inside me.
‘Come in my tight little pussy, daddy! Do it!’ And he did, I could feel him spurting against the wall of my cunt filling me with his hot thick jizz. He moaned loudly as he thrust himself deep into me, pressing me down with his hands on my side, all the way to the hilt of his cock to release straight up my pussy.
When he had finished, and looked at me realization dawned on him very quickly. ‘You didn’t come yet, did you?’ he said sounding apologetic. I shook my head no.
‘Lay back, there’s something I’ve always wanted to do,’ he said, helping me over to the center of the bed. He pushed my legs up so that my knees were in the air and my feet tucked up by my butt. Sitting on his feet in front of me he looked down at my pussy all covered in his cum, leaking his juices and mine onto the bed.
‘Cream-pie,’ he said as he dug down to lick up his own mess from between my legs. His tongue felt so amazingly slick on my cunt with the mixture of seaman and pussy juice sliding around beneath his mouth. I arched my back again and wailed. The idea of what he was doing was also a thrill for me. He was such a clean cut and professional looking guy, you’d never expect that he’d be willing to suck up his own. Jizz out of the pussy of the girl he just fucked.
It was hot, fucking hot. It made me feel completely wild and uninhibited. I could tell this guy was willing to do just about anything just to please me, and that he had his own kinks and probably wouldn’t feel judgmental of mine. (Although, this is often not actually the case.) I felt free to just enjoy the sensation of his lips sucking my labia into his mouth, cleaning the cum off my pussy and swishing it over my clit.
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HardcoreIt wasn’t like Conner to get overly excited about a job, but all day he had been thinking about seeing Tessa. He had been looking forward to it. There was something about her that made him want to know more. He had done a lot of thinking over the matter, and over why she hid away in that house. He knew he felt sorry for her, whatever fears may have kept her locked away saddened him. He wanted to know more, but it was none of his business. He was simply glad she had asked him to keep working,...
I was the first one to open my eyes in the morning. I had a piss hard-on so I gently made my way past the lovely flesh beside me and headed for the bathroom. I decided to brush my teeth wanting to get rid of morning breath. I rinsed and spit and followed the direction my dick pointed out straight to the throne. As I lifted the cover and prepared to let fly another hand grabbed my stiff rod and pointed it at the bowl. I jumped at the touch and then felt two big tits press into my back. "Good...
Shruti was tired, and her panty was all wet with her juice, and both the girls were smiling at each other. But there was some dissatisfaction on Manisha’s face which Shruti found out. She lifted herself and put her lips on Manisha’s. Manisha held Shruti’s head, and both girls started sucking each other’s lips. Both were getting amazed by the fact that they were enjoying a girl’s company. Manisha was already wet. Her pussy was dripping while Shruti was getting aroused again. Still sucking and...
LesbianChapter Twenty Seven Tom was mortified to see himself on the screen. There he was squatting on the floor wearing a pink bra with the two sex toys in front of him. There was absolutely nothing to obscure who he was, and the artificial vagina and penis sitting in front of him made it perfectly clear to anyone who was watching that he was there to perform orally just as it stated on his profile. As the first person entered his chat room; Tom panicked. He jumped up and grabbed hold of...
This one is compliments of Charm B. : Just one or two (actually four) old ones you may not have met. I like the last one best, perhaps because I was born before Germany invaded Poland in 1939. Why are brides dressed all in white? To match the rest of the kitchen fixtures. How many baritones does it take to change a light bulb? They can’t. Someone has to fetch a tenor to stand on a chair and change it, while all the baritones stand round saying, “I can’t do that - it’s too...
Jamaal and Grey Eagle were just entering the cafe as Amanda and I got there. I held the door as Jamaal helped Grey Eagle up the steps. I don't know why, but Jamaal had taken it upon himself to take care of my old mentor as it got harder for him to move around. Ruth came out from behind the counter with her order pad as we entered. "Usually don't have this kind of crowd for dinner except on special occasions," she observed. "What's it going to be? Our special tonight is fresh venison....
The RV was parked at Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley. My watch said 3 am and I was completely awake. So was my very new and very nervous bedmate. Her arm was across me and the fingers were lying on my chest. I turned over and she caught my mostly limp cock in her hand. Her lips landed on mine and the cock wasn’t staying limp. Marian said, out of the dark, ‘Is he hitting on you?’ Sheila giggled, ‘No, we’re both awake and he’s hard. I’m squeezing him. Do you want some action? I can get out...
Stolen Lives - Catherine Story by treecatt Original concept by Melissa Blake The kitchen is dimly lit as I stare out the windows into the sunrise. Rays of light cascade through the window panes as the morning comes into view. I sit staring at the sunrise. My cup of coffee stares at me. I find it harder to get started without it now. I slowly stand up, brushing my long, soft auburn hair back over my ears as I make my way to the door leading to the porch, carrying my cup of coffee in...
Me and Ryan had been close friends for about 3 years, we were both 13 or 14 the first time.we were playing a game with our two friends, where we were turning the light off, striking a sex pose and turning the light back on, a little like a photo.After a few goes, we were pretending that he was taking me doggy style and thats when i first felt it, his trobbing hard cock, pressed upto my arse, it was strange to think that I didnt go mental, but, instead pushed back. I was rewarded with a twitch...
If you recall from my various tales of romance won and lost, I became a newly divorced man at the age of 45. It was quite liberating after nearly twenty years in what turned out to be a relatively boring marriage. My newfound freedom no doubt went to my head a bit and I soon found myself with a 23-year-old girlfriend and a red sports car. I hate to use the phrase 'mid-life crisis', but a more accurate descriptor eludes me at the moment. After a while I began to realize that although Joyce...
Love StoriesHello Friends, This is Zaks. This is my first story which happened some 10 years back when working with MNC I had all the time in the evenings after the job. That time I was 25 years and unmarried. I was a regular at the gym and had a very good physique. I am 5’10” and have a very well built masculine body. I used to go at 6.30 to the gym and after my regular gym exercises I preferred to be a trainer in the same gym just to kill my free time. It was a mixed gender Gym and there was no separate...
EroticI woke up sometime in the middle of the night to a pitch black bedroom and at least two warm naked female bodies. There were no street lights on outside and very likely the entire house, along with most of the remaining bits of the Westside, were without electrical power. By feel, I determined that Denise (Firefly) was curled up on my right side, or least her massive tits were. A more slender but nearly equally petite figure dozed on my left, and a brief caress of her hair suggested that this...
I think I told you that my agent, Flick Caterham, had landed me a part in a new tv series called ‘Lawful Execution’ to be directed by Chesty Morgan, real name Cassandra, with whom I’d worked before when I was much lower down the food chain.So there I was in my dressing room getting ready for my first big court scene. I was playing the part of a barrister which, for those whose legal system is more sensible than ours, is a lawyer trained to represent others in court. For reasons totally unknown...
LesbianKen was tired and Sally was exhausted. The fight had been long and hard, but they'd won. Sally had been correct: Antonia's body had been filled with darkness. It was slowly and agonizingly shutting down all of her bodily functions. There had also been some brain damage, but nothing they couldn't fix after their experience with Jane's attack. The darkness had been pernicious though. At times it had almost seemed to be intelligent. In spite of the drugs in her system, they all knew...
An adult tale of female domination. © Miss Irene Clearmont 2012. Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost. Martina Navratilova No one rejoices more in revenge than a woman. Juvenal The character ‘Sheikha Tasnim’ was used with permission from Clare Penne and her wonderful stories ‘My Passage To Womanhood’. This story is dedicated to Clare without reservation! -...
Lamont always had a big problem. Well, sometimes it was a problem but most of the times it was a blessing. At nineteen years old, he was 6 foot tall with smooth, dark brown skin, low cut black hair, a trimmed goatee and beard, and two hundred pounds of muscle from weightlifting and playing football. Lamont's problem was he had a hard time finding underwear to fit. His muscular ass wasn't the problem, or his thick legs. It was his dick. When his dick was completely soft, it was a legit six...
[Jack writes] They arrived almost together. We invited them inside and they came in and sat down. I said, "Okay, What's going on?" John and Becky looked at each other. Finally, John said, "It's our mother. She is in the hospital." Sandy said, "What happened?" John replied, "As best we can find out, she went out Saturday night after the wedding and began partying. She stayed at the hotel until Monday when she checked out. At some point, it appears she met some of the same crowd...
1:13 P.M., Monday, May 15, 2017 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI Sometimes, Ted Michaels was glad that his wards were in show business. Today was such a day. Being in the midst of a tour, they weren’t attending school but instead were being instructed at home and on the road. This meant that when Paula Akron hit a certain milestone of growing up, she was at home instead of at school. At least, the man thought, it hadn’t happened on stage. “It was like in Psycho!” the ten year old girl...
Your name is Michael. As a senior in high school, you always have over the top level of hormones that you cannot just ignore. Your girlfriend, Diana, however, is always busy with school works as a prospective honor student. Realizing that she can barely satisfy the needs of a growing young man, you came up with a solution. One you hope can help you with your manly urges.
TeenPenelope and Dylan were celebrating the end of the semester by attending a massive rager at the campus animal house. Their parents insisted maybe they just take it easy and tucker in, but fuck that! It‘s time to get LIT. The next day comes and Penelope wakes up in a daze passed out on the bathroom floor. She walks into the living room only to see the aftermath of a booze infused evening and Dylan sleeping face down on the floor with panties over his head. Turns out the panties were Penelopes,...
xmoviesforyouBogus By Holly v I never got on with my twin sister, she was the good girl and I was the bad boy always in trouble but we pretended to be friends especially for mum and dad. We were both blue eyed, blonde haired 5foot 10 tall, and that's where the similarities ended. My sister Catherine joined the police force I must admit she looked sexy in the uniform; I became a con man, thief all round crook. It was on one of my con jobs when things started to move on towards a big score. It...
We won a regional Emmy for our series on veterans. It was a big deal for the station, and we were ordered to attend. Jen was very excited, proud of our work. I didn’t tell her, but I already had four, from my time with the network. They were in a box somewhere. I came home the night before the ceremony and found it full. Seems her parents and most of her siblings had decided to surprise her by coming up to celebrate her success. There were two girls, early teens by their looks, splashing...
Monday, April 18, 2005 (Continued) Carol and Donna soon joined us. Immediately Mom said, "That's a nice dress, Carol." Which made Donna puff up with pride. That resulted in a female clothing conversation. I won't bother recording it here because it was a female clothing conversation. When it was finished, Carol said, "Mom, I'm not learning about household stuff fast enough. Cooking, raising babies, and all those sorts of things. Can you help me learn more please, like getting me to...
Jill was up before Dave, wanting to delay any further sexual action until later. She decided that she would cook them a treat for breakfast, so she quietly made them a ham and mushroom omelette. Both men woke to the lovely smell of her cooking. After eating their breakfast for which they gave profuse thanks to Jill, Peter caught up on the washing, in particular, making sure that all his things were ready for him to take the next day. Jill and Dave did the dishes and tidied up. While having...
Katie Randall was a cat burglar and she was the best as what she does. She had raided at least 10 houses per month and pawned all of the valuables she could find; anything from gold watches, ceramic figures. She had a perfect slim figure, beautiful brown eyes, and sort of a tanned skin, but not too tanned that you’d confuse her for being black; she was still looked white from a certain perspective. She sat in three room apartment in Los Angeles, reading the newspaper to see what her next job...
Getting up and down was relatively easy from the first level down to the sixth; stairs, ramps and moving platforms were common and easy to find. Every major corridor had plenty of choices, and the stairwells were relatively well lit. Below the sixth level, randomness and murky purpose intervened to create a maze of walks, tunnels and runs than ran hilter-kilter throughout the Temperdis. Folk history says that the Upstairs people built the first six levels, but the denizens of the Temperdis...
I lay in Becca's bed, breathing softly as I masturbated. I pressed Becca's cheerleader panties against my stiff cock as I satisfied myself in her bed. I pumped my cock furiously into her panties as I watched a video of a threesome that I had with Becca and Amber. Becca and Amber were both in their cheerleader uniforms. Their miniskirts were pulled up while their little cheerleader panties had been pulled down and were wrapped around their ankles. I was fucking Becca...
So, it was my senior year of football and I was excited to start. Not just for playing, but the football moms. Holy shit. Where I’m from there are some very attractive moms whose sons play on the team, and the majority of them are either divorced. Now, me being 18 and them being around 40 was a little out of the question for a relationship, but fucking was no problem in mine and their eyes. So, there was this one mom who was the queen of them all. Her name was Heather. She was the...
I hope you like my earlier real life story . I had promised that i will write about my continuation of the story in my next mail- so here it is As you must have known I had taken the address and ph no of the anglo indian girl in frazer town , Bangalore. I often used to come home from college – atleast twice a month (home food pulled me more) I used to catch the late night train on friday and land into bangalore on saturday 5AM. Two visits to bangalore and i could not find time to catch up with...
IncestJessica's Story - Part 9 Just after Halloween was Bonfire Night. The local council had arranged a huge firework display in the park, complete with bonfire. Entry was free and the only charges came for the food and drink on offer, which included hotdogs, burgers and toffee apples. The event was advertised in the local newspaper and a good crowd had shown up. The weather was good, though understandably cold. The girls had all showed up with their parents. Edward was being looked after...
The next morning was spent pottering about the house. They had agreed that they would drive to the mall in the afternoon, catch lunch and then do their shopping for Christmas presents. Zoe was very excited once more as she had been on MSN Messenger with Alison and had confirmed that her friend would be coming to stay for Christmas. Alison's Aunt believed that this would be a welcome break for the young girl, something familiar for her, something that would help make her first Christmas...
Introduction: A story from my life. This actually happened. Some things might be added, but its true as well as I can remember. In the summer after I turned 12, my family moved to the town my Aunt Jane and her son Jason lived. Not knowing anyone else, I hung out with Jason pretty much every day that summer. He was a couple months younger, and in the grade below me. We did everything together. We played basketball, hunted small animals like snakes, frogs, birds, rode bikes all over town, and...
Chapter 1 - In the BEDROOM Cindy was collared & leashed, as was her bff Juanita . Cindy was licking her husband's ass while Juanita blew Master Rocky's big meat stick. Denise was hogtied & Rocky had put her in the closet , Nina & Esperanza were leashed,ballgagged & hogtied to each other in the other bedroom . As Rocky got stiffer from Juanita's bj he decided he was gonna fuck both young ladies up the ass , usually he fucked the old bitches anally , but today these 20something bitches ...
Sunday, January 1 (After Chapter 37 of Triptych) [knocking] aroslav: Hello? AMANDA: Who is it? aroslav: aroslav. Is it too early? AMANDA: What time is it? aroslav: 12:30. AMANDA: In the morning? aroslav: No. Sunday afternoon. Happy New Year. AMANDA: Oh shit. Just a minute. [Pause. Door opens.] AMANDA: Sorry, Uncle Ari. I forgot. [hug] aroslav: How's my Mandy? Did you overdo it last night? AMANDA: No. We were late is all. It was so much fun. aroslav: Well, shall we go have...