Essence of Cunt
- 4 years ago
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(I wrote this sometime ago, but i still think it’s worth the space it occupies. It is so unreal, so over the top, so grotesquely horrible it can appear comic, so I’m told. Wasn’t my intention, but each to his or her own.)
Synopsis: A huge-titted young cunt seeks its own appalling immolation.
DISCLAIMER: the following story is to be taken seriously only by wanking readers, further more only by wanking readers during the act of wanking, anybody who believes a word of it otherwise is a dangerous madman or madwoman.
That said, dear gentle, intelligent reader, I assume you have perused the codes otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this. Now I’m sure you wouldn’t quarrel with the idea that imagination is free. A young, fresh, hot, big-titted, moronic cunt fervently seeking its own, appallingly painful, debauched and degraded immolation appeals to you? Please join me in wallowing in this disgusting filth – and certainly I hope it is disgusting filth. Additionally I want to repeat what should be obvious to intelligent readers - this story is only remotely comprehensible when read one handed; it’s delicious qualities and bon-mots should be viewed through the prism of a hard cock or a sopping cunt. If you are not stroking or rubbing, or thinking of stroking or rubbing, all that follows represent nothing less than complete and utter nonsense.
Warning- the following few sentences may seriously shrivel your cock. The writer speaks as the close relative of a few brilliant, strong women, both young and old, for whom I harbour the highest admiration, plus the pious hope that females could take over the world (excepting that gorgon, M. Thatcher – curses upon her supercilious soul- and a few like her.) They couldn’t make a worse job of it than us men. I wouldn’t mention such boring matters other than to say there may be a LUNATIC OR TWO out there who might take this extreme wank material seriously. Sane, balanced readers who like me enjoy imagining these filthy horrors, and perhaps take part in some consensual, much, much milder versions of the same, I’m sure you understand and forgive the previous comments. Best wishes, E.B.
PS, if you have actually read the above, men - and to honest who on this site bothers? I certainly don’t – it’s like a fucking bucket of cold water, isn’t it? Sorry! Perhaps you should take a moment or two to get really dirty in your mind before starting on the story –try some meditation on the title, might help. Fuck yeah!
Essence of Cunt
a sperm-piss-shit-and-blood soaked epic
by Eric Boss
“That’s it, mate! Fucking slap the cunt! Fuck yeah! Fucking hard!”
This enthusiastic young man was urging on his friend. It was his friend who was doing the slapping. They were both hot teenage boys. A nasty, angry-looking young man – mmm – was the one doing the slapping - he had seen the fucking cunt first and been immediately furious. His instincts kicked in, and with youthful, superb macho-style, he removed his cigarette from his mouth with his left hand, his upper lip curling in a magnificent, young-man sneer which revealed his white teeth. Then, raising his bare, muscled right arm – he was wearing a tight, sleeveless t-shirt – he slapped the fucking cunt viciously hard right across its face. Fuck yeah! Isn’t that nice, men?
Just so you know, in this story I shall be making several big-titted young cunts suffer to please your fucking hard cock. I’m going to use these young cunts like fucking punch-bags.
The stupid cunt in question was a fucking slight thing, apart from truly massive tits, and the force of this straightforward, open-handed slap from this nasty, mean-looking teenage boy nearly knocked it unconscious – I am so glad to say that. The cunt had gone reeling across the pavement and was only kept upright by the metal railings that prevent pedestrians from crossing the road. The nasty, mean-looking teenage boy’s companion, like him a tough fifteen year-old boy, but bare-chested, with terrific tattoos and silver pendants, and in ripped jeans and lace-up boots, congratulated him.
“Fucking great, mate!”
The boy who had done the slapping smiled with genuine appreciation of the compliment and quickly regained his good humour as they both laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. Both hot teenage boys lit up fresh cigarettes but before passing on, the second lad – bare-chested, tattoos and pendants - took a step or two in the cunt’s direction, took his newly-lit cigarette out of his mouth, hawked up a good mouthful of spit and phlegm and spat in its face. His aim was spot on, he probably got a lot of practice. He, in turn, received the congratulations of his mate.
“Way to go, mate!”
No doubt encouraged by his mate’s compliment the second lad decided to go one step further, and although it was a waste of a newly lit cigarette, he quickly lifted the back of the fucking cunt’s short skirt and stubbed out its glowing end right up the fucking cunt’s shit-hole. This caught the fucking cunt by surprise and it was left hopping about screaming.
The slimy goo had landed in the fucking cunt’s eye, and was dripping down the screaming young whore’s face into its open, drooling and groaning face-hole. It was just as well that the laughing boys continued on down the road because the first lad in particular had a terrific propensity and talent for hating cunts – the second lad who had stubbed out the cigarette up the fucking cunt’s shit-hole had done it more as a prank to amuse his mate than out of pure cunt-hatred – but if the first lad had stayed looking at this moronic, huge-titted, fucking young whore any longer, he would probably have beaten it to a bloody pulp with his fists there and then. Fuck yeah! How I wish he had, men, but then there wouldn’t have been a story to tell, but much as I might wish it, he didn’t and while it was not exactly illegal to beat a young cunt to a pulp in public it wasn’t encouraged - it really shouldn’t be done in the street.
The stupid fucking cunt with the cigarette stubbed out up its shit-hole was eighteen. Rather I should say – the fucking cunt always said it was eighteen, in fact it looked thirteen and probably was.
Let’s talk about its tits. In accordance with the programme the tits had been enhanced, probably about a year ago and just as the ordinance prescribed they were fucking enormous – firm, meaty, sticking a foot in front of the cunt’s otherwise petite, child-like body. Fucking nice! And important from a male satisfaction point of view – is there any other? - despite its slight build, this cunt had sufficient strength in its back and legs to support these fucking great tits, it wasn’t weighed down by the meat as some of the cunts were. It was quite hysterical, men, to see some of these young cunts staggering along the street bent forwards by the weight of the massive tits they were forced to have by the programme. Huge, heavy, meaty tits dragging on the ground almost. It was quite a sight. Really good. It was their own fault; the fucking cunts haven’t been doing their back and leg strengthening exercises – as prescribed by the programme.
There’s nothing quite like a really young fucking cunt with grotesquely huge and firm tits – firm is important, I fucking loathe sagging cunt-udders - I know you agree, men.
This young, fucking cunt - which had just been slapped, spat on and burned up the shit-hole by the teenage boys - was not in either of those classes. It obviously had been exercising diligently. Ah! What a good little fucking cunt! And also in accordance with the programme, it always thrust these fucking huge, firm, meaty young tits out as far as it could, offering them for abuse. Highly satisfactory.
Men, a pause here for a bit of description so you can picture the fucking cunt - although it goes against the grain to waste words describing a loathsome, disgusting young whore, so you won’t mind if I’m brief. This cunt was one of the ones classified as “Parody School Uniform”. Before the beginning of the new, enlightened regime it would undoubtedly have been a real schoolgirl but now it was, of course, an “it”.
Incidentally, it was a criminal offence for a male of any age, and I mean any age, to refer to a fucking cunt – even family – sisters, mothers, cousins, aunts - using personal pronouns: it was punishable by a hefty fine – in the case of a minor the fine was payable by the parents or guardians. If the unthinkable happened and a fucking cunt referred to itself using a personal pronoun – wow! The punishment was medieval in its horror. Such draconian measures were necessary - and enjoyable - to maintain discipline.
So an “it” was simply an object for male entertainment – an official decree in all but name. The decree referred only to the language that must be used, but that had had a stupendously beneficial effect on society as a whole.
The uniform on this fucking cunt looked a bit the worse for wear – ripped tights, obvious spunk stains on the skirt – even a smear or two of shit, the blouse had lost its buttons, etc.
A pause to talk about its cunt now. A fucking cunt’s cunt was likewise kept in the appropriate condition as specified according to the programme – the programme that required – sensibly - that fuck-holes be permanently and revoltingly disfigured.
“The inherent loathsome quality of the fucking cunt’s cunt must be exaggerated as soon as possible after the onset of puberty and in as extreme a manner as can be devised. This is mandatory. Fucking cunts are to report to the modification clinics with their first blood-soaked period rags in their mouths. The fuck-holes of all fucking cunts are to be thoroughly and permanently disfigured choosing one of the officially prescribed methods. Any avoidance, or attempt to avoid, or obtain leniency or any modification in these procedures will be regarded as a serious infringement of the law punishable by severely prolonged public torture and eventual death. These sanctions apply not only to the fucking cunt itself but anyone aiding or abetting it in the avoidance of cunt disfigurement.”
What a sensible law!
I wonder what treatment had been chosen by the authorities to compliment the massive tits and school uniform on this fucking cunt? The officials had a list of revolting disfigurements to choose from and always liked to plump for something that went well with the particular tit classification – “Parody School Uniform” in this case.
So have a think, men. What kind of cunt disfigurement would you like on a huge-titted young schoolgirl? What would make you want to fucking kick it hard and repeatedly up the fucking cunt? What do you want to see when the young fucking whore lifts its short, grey skirt? Read on.
The classification was always assigned at the time of the tit-enhancement – a procedure begun well before puberty. “Budding tits” were not allowed, the parents or guardians of any young fucking cunt with what could be described as “budding tits” were liable to imprisonment and the fucking cunt in question was removed from their control and immediately put on the tit-enhancement programme.
Special financial inducements were offered to parents or guardians who could arrange for the first blood of a fucking cunt to happen publicly. In some cases, with the injection of a specific hormone, it was possible to predict when it would happen. So, a very young fucking cunt with huge tits already in place, having its first period with a large audience of men and boys – the humiliation of a grotesquely massive-titted very young whore in these circumstances was glorious and something not to be missed if at all possible – I recommend it.
Back to our particular fucking cunt in the street. So what was the particular “cunt disfigurement” chosen for this one? You’ll like this. On this fucking cunt’s cunt – no fucking panties of course – were really good, localised, puss-oozing sores. And without needing the fucking cunt to wrench open its sewer we all knew that these virulent, flesh-eating eruptions were growing vigorously up inside the revolting fuck-hole as well as eating away at the flesh of the visible, suppurating cunt-lips.
What was more pleasing was that the diseased spores had been administered to this fucking cunt only in the past week – which was a bit late really – the delay caused because it was a stray, I suppose. But men – you’ll like this - the fucking, huge-titted young whore was thrilled with the result. So pathetically grateful, so proud, it felt that it was taking its rightful place in the world as a fully-fledged loathsome fucking cunt. These bleeding, puss-oozing, revolting sores, this virulent rash and hideous blisters made it feel like a revolting grown-up fucking cunt instead of a revolting fucking child-cunt. Men, I’ll leave you to decide which you think it actually looked like. I know what I think.
I feel further comment on a diseased cunt-hole would be enjoyable, so let’s consider for a moment “cunt sores” as the sewer disfigurement of choice - the nature of the administered disease had been genetically engineered to cause the requisite symptoms alone, these hideous sores did not impact on the fucking cunt’s general health or fitness, which was maintained at an otherwise high level. The programme required healthy fucking cunts able to withstand several years of extreme sadistic abuse. Fuck yeah! And importantly, the disease was not in the least contagious for men. Should any of these diseased-sewer fucking cunts be successful in provoking a male to hate it sufficiently to want to fuck its brains out, the male would always stay healthy. Brilliant! Modern medicine, what would we do without it?
To finish the details, the sores inside the fuck-hole made “sexual intercourse” – to use the pathetic old style words - unbearably and excruciatingly painful for the fucking cunt, as you would expect. And I mean total fucking agony, men. Friction from even a moderately sized cock caused every nerve in its whore body to scream code red! It couldn’t be in more pain if it was electrocuted. I’m pleased to pass on this detail, because as connoisseurs, I know, like me, you appreciate any exquisite torture of fucking cunts – yes, the fucked fucking cunt would feel any cock was setting fire to it up its disgusting hole. Fucking nice!
This particular fucking loathsome, big-titted young fucking cunt which had been slapped, spat on, and burned by a cigarette up its shit-hole was, at the moment, standing still in the middle of the pavement, obediently if somewhat absurdly, sticking its fucking huge tits out.
In a moment, in fact in less time than it takes to think, “fucking kick it hard up its diseased cunt”, it was going to lose all self-control – quite spectacularly. The reason for this was simple - its cunt sores had only really come to full bloom in the last couple of days – it was so touchingly proud of them – but the hormonal effect of these diseases was having a radical effect on its mind – what mind the stupid fucking cunt had, that is.
The big-titted young whore, still grateful from the slapping and burning and now still lovingly licking and sucking the boy’s phlegmy spit into its face-hole, had a blinding moment of revelation, it realised – actually men, in all likelihood it had this deep realisation for the first time - it realised that it was fucking desperate for abuse, and that nothing else fucking mattered, at all! At least I assume that was the reason for what it did. It suddenly tore at the coverings at its cunt – the short skirt and the remains of its tights. It bared the revolting, scabby hole to the world, and stood there thrusting the thing back and forth and grunting like a fucking young pig. A really young huge-titted desperate piece of fuck-meat! It was great, so revolting, so fucking funny.
At the moment it was just rubbing and rubbing frantically and digging into its diseased slit, but more often than not over the past two days its hands and fingers had been picking at the diseased scabs, bursting the boils and carefully spreading the stinking puss to encourage more of these disgusting, slime-oozing and flesh-eating sores to grow all over and up inside its putrid cunt. It loved the fucking endless itching and soreness, and the way it made it scratch at its hole like a fucking animal. More ambitious than its age and status warranted it couldn’t wait for its already rotting cunt to be a fucking stinking, putrefying bloody mess, decomposing like week-old kitchen waste, hopefully crawling with fucking maggots. The same for its shit-hole, of course.
To repeat, in that one moment this fucking cunt now knew beyond all doubt that it really needed men to fucking hate it! All men! Fuck yeah! All men and all boys of whatever age! In every fibre of its loathsome cunt-being it fucking wanted, wanted, wanted every man and boy in the whole world to loathe and despise it with passionate machismo. That was the gnawing essence of its perverted lust – perverted lust that had been dinned into it since it crawled out of its whore mother’s similarly hideous fuck-hole.
So, the essence of cunt was that it wanted men to fucking hate it! As you will see later, men, there is a heavy irony here because it was only a few days after it had had this realisation and deeply absorbed this fundamental need into its body and feeble mind, that it would be driven virtually insane by the affection of a totally confused sexy, young, impossibly handsome, teenage jock-boy. But you will be relieved to know, men, that the fucking young cunt survives this horror to continue its destiny as a disgusting piece of fuck-meat, but it practically looses its mind suffering this impossibly handsome boy’s fucking tenderness and caring.
To return to what was happening in the street now, as a matter of fact, it hadn’t known it was going to do what it was doing, at this time – what early afternoon? It was quite surprised by the sudden, blinding, desperate nature of its own exhibitionism. I suppose it had just been overcome by three things - its basic urges, its training and its recent medical treatment. Sweetly, it felt it should be understood, after all it only wished to be the perfect, loathsome fuck-animal. Ah, so young, so ambitious!
I’m sure, men, even with your high standards, you would have been moved to at least spit on it, or even reward it with a vicious kick to the cunt. It would have been so grateful.
It was sticking those massive tits out – it had ripped them out of its tit-holder, and was panting like fucking a dog. Its tongue sticking far out of its face-hole, drool dribbling down its chin. And it looked thirteen! To do it justice, it really was successful in looking like an unbelievably disgusting young slut!
Its newly acquired puss-oozing and sore-covered fuck-hole had, apparently, taken control of its actions. Yes indeed, men, this tasty piece of young fuck-meat was being driven to new depths - it needed, desperately needed, a level of depravity it had never experienced before. It felt as if it was existing on planet lust - on an ordinary public pavement on a Saturday afternoon in a non-descript suburban town.
Sorry to go on, men, but I wouldn’t want you not to appreciate the details - previously, because of its inherent whore nature and its relentless training, it could never resist thrusting out its tits and drooling in public - but for the last two days!? It had gone mental with lust and desperation – an overwhelming passion that up until now, it hadn’t understood. It would stop in the middle of the pavement and dig into its fuck-pits with both hands, bouncing its huge, fucking tits till they were hitting its chin, grunting like a fucking pig. Several men and boys who saw it had spat on it, or kicked it or punched in the tits, or slapped its face.
For this it was truly thankful. It was in heaven for those brief moments. But just as soon, it was plunged into cunt-frustration-hell because to be honest, most males – inconsiderately - just walked by as if it didn’t exist.
Of course it brought itself off, publicly, it had disgusting orgasm after disgusting orgasm, juddering and screaming, but it knew these were nothing, they only increased its lust and hunger for physical abuse. But now its hamster-like brain clearly understood what was driving it. It had to be hit! It had to be hit over and over, and it had to be despised, reviled and fucking hated – by a human being with a cock! Men, boys - it fucking worshipped cocks and their owners, and felt it couldn’t live if cock-owners didn’t hate it, and show that hate.
But of course, it could live! The programme saw to that. It could live in gorgeous, total fucking frustration! And this was an added bonus of the programme, because, as I don’t need to tell you, men – cunt frustration was so fucking funny. Enjoy this, men, I know you will - a couple of times in the last two days, our young fucking cunt, the subject of our study, was thrown into such despair – the hormonal result of the disgusting sores up and around its sewer - that it grovelled on the ground, writhing and begging and screaming for a man to kick it. It was such good street entertainment.
A crowd of mainly teenagers and young boys had been roaring with laughter – laughter in this context was an expression of contempt of course, which should bring the fucking cunt some satisfaction – but it brought it only tears and grief.
For those of us who could appreciate it - this level of emotional pain the fucking cunt was experiencing was also immensely enjoyable. The adult men – the few of them who witnessed this exhibition in the street - had the experience and sophistication to understand and enjoy the mental torture the young fucking cunt was going through and this was cock hardening in itself. The boys however, just had a good laugh, but as they matured they would learn to enjoy the gut-wrenching, terrible grief, it’s the only word, that the weeping, grovelling, huge-titted young whore was enduring. Fuck yeah! I fucking love it! It felt it was dying for lack of male attention. The pathetic young fucking cunt rolled around on the ground in front of them – begging them to hit it, scrabbling at its fuck-holes and mauling its own massive tits.
These boys would also learn how to increase this grief, tease it out of the fucking cunt, and keep it in ever increasing misery, pain and frustration for all its short life.
Fuck yeah, fuck yeah, fuck yeah!
A severe intensity of sexual frustration was the norm for all fucking cunts, except when they were being physically used and abused – which was, as you would expect, bliss for them. But for ninety per cent of the time a fucking cunt, according to the programme, had to be kept at an agonising level of frustration. Men, adult men, intelligent, experienced men, like you and I, dear reader, had developed a connoisseur appreciation for fucking cunt frustration, it was like appreciating a good wine or some shit like that.
But to give this little, big-titted young fucking cunt its due, it was, in accordance with the programme, unfailing polite and tried always to grunt its appreciation to those few men and boys it did persuade to abuse it.
“Oh thank you, sir, thank you for kicking this fucking cunt! Aaggh! Oh sir, you did it again! Thank you, sir, I’m really grateful.”
This fucking cunt was a mongrel stray, it had no collar, therefore no owner and it wasn’t assigned to any organisation, such as, “Fucking Cunts for Young Male Adolescent Training,” or “Fucking Cunts for the Elderly,” or “Fucking Cunts for Torture Weekend Breaks.” The authorities didn’t hound these fucking cunts, they let them wander the streets, eating scraps. The reason was obvious –we all liked seeing these whores, especially when they were overcome with lust in the street and would rip the coverings from their massive tits and grab anything – a can or old bit of wood, complete with splinters and the occasional nail - and ram it like a fucking express train up one or other of their revolting holes.
“Oh that’s it, yes, right up there! Fuck that nasty fucking hole!” you would hear the fucking cunt grunting to itself.
The revolting quality of the fucking cunt’s cunt, as I have said was always enhanced in some way. (For a detailed list of the methods and effects of cunt disfigurement I refer you to Eric Boss’s story, “The Palaestra of Grossness” which, I immodestly add, has been described as a masterpiece of filth in some quarters.)
It was refreshing to see a big-titted young fucking cunt, half-naked, in the middle of the pavement, jigging frantically up and down, scrabbling in a waste-basket and then shoving empty coke-can after coke-can up it’s grotesquely deformed cunt, and all the while gibbering to itself, “That’s it! Up my disgusting hole! More fucking pain! Yes, yes, I want it to fucking hurt! Harder, fucking harder!” It cheered us all up, so why not let these stray whores wander at will?
So what was our poor little fucking cunt to do? It had finally realised clearly what was the matter with it. It knew what it needed, it knew it had to follow its cunt destiny.
But it had had a terrible day - apart from the slap and spit and lit cigarette up its shit-hole described above, it had been completely ignored by all men and boys. Aah, I hear you cry in sympathy, men. It was now late evening and it was crawling pathetically in an alleyway, moaning and crying for cock and pain. It knew that soon exhaustion would overcome it and it would curl up somewhere and sleep. The travelling soup kitchens had given the big-titted young fucking cunt some food but it needed abuse more than food. It knew that it had to be where men and boys were, in the fog of its despair it decided to take action.
Men, this was a fucking stupid, big-titted young fucking cunt. It was virtually mindless, it had been trained to be a fuck-slut all its short life, it didn’t have ideas, it had needs. but it did have an intelligence level somewhat above that of a fucking pet dog. Basically it had, for the first time that day understood that it wanted to be destroyed – in appalling agony - for the pleasure of a man’s – or boy’s - cock. That’s all, it was very simple really, it wanted to suffer terribly knowing that it was pleasing cock – preferably lots of cocks – but just one would do. It dragged itself under the bridge where it knew the dropouts were, but these drunken winos just threw things at it and cursed it and told it to clear off.
If only their aim had been better, if only some of the cans and stones had actually hit the fucking young cunt, it would have been so happy. But the drunken old farts were too out of it to put any force behind their throwing and were more interested in their bottles than its tits and cunt-hole. So the huge-titted, young whore with the itching, diseased twat went on walking. all the while rubbing incessantly at that hideous, sore-encrusted cunt-sewer. Men – to put it simply the young whore with the obscenely huge tits just wanted to be fucked to death as painfully as possible. A modest enough ambition.
It found itself sitting on the steps of a town house and was carefully and with great concentration picking at the sores right up inside its disgusting cunt – as it had been doing compulsively all week - spreading the green puss with its fingers, pushing it further up its hole. It was really longing to spread this disease all over and up it shit and fuck-holes. The other hand was lovingly massaging the meat of its huge tits. It was drooling at the thought of cocks. It thought it would fall asleep soon. It didn’t hear the door open behind it but it did see the light flood out in front of it. Before it could turn round and, if it was male, beg it to kick its tits, it was pulled up by its long hair and dragged backwards into the house.
Then it was in a room surrounded by men – oh fucking joy! Well, they weren’t men, they were boys – one man and five or six teenage boys. Now maybe you’ll be surprised or if you are one of my fans and familiar with my other work you certainly won’t be, but these fucking hot, sexy boys were the man’s boy-pussy harem. Not that you’d know it to look at them. Aggressive, nasty, brutish, thuggish teenage fuckers who had sold their asses, and were focused on making as much money as they could while it was saleable. Expert and experienced, fucking handsome cocksuckers and fuckee whore-boys! All indentured as boy-prostitutes and living in this luxurious house at the Owner’s expense with their shit-holes permanently oiled for his use and boy-cocks hanging out at all times – why keep them hidden, he’d bought and paid for them after all, he wanted to see them – and the boys all had slits up the back of their jeans for easy access to their hot, greasy boy-holes.
Oops, sorry men, but a couple of them looked very young! I’m sure they weren’t but two of them looked to me younger than the fucking cunt.
The Owner of the house, their employer, a mature, handsome, strong looking man in his forties knowing his boys weren’t exclusively gay, if gay at all, wanted to give his stable some relaxation.
“Look what turned up on the doorstep, boys!”
The fucking mindless cunt had brains enough to know that it had been given an unparalleled opportunity. Scrabbling up from the floor where the man had thrown it, it urgently ripped at its fucking blouse and tit-holder and hauled its massive tits out for the boys’viewing pleasure. Then jiggling these massive mammaries up and down it hauled up its short skirt and proudly pulled the revolting lips of its diseased slit wide apart, thrusting it at the group of boys and grunting like a pig. It had perfect fuck-meat manners. The Owner was impressed, the boys roared with laughter.
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Jayde Anderson, young blond pop diva and her boyfriend Joey are in LA, where Jayde is promoting her new album. They are in their hotel room, talking when things start to get steamy. "I'd rather just focus on the present right now. Just you and me....right here, right now." "And what exactly would you like to focus on... right here, right now?" Joey asked her with a smug smile. "Oh......I can think of a few things....." she said, her fingers trailing over his arm. "I just wanna be with you...
I don't remember anything that happened in school today. All I could think of is what I told Mom. I couldn't believe how smooth I was with it. It was a "pitch for the angels!" Would she believe it? What I had going for me was my reputation for telling her the truth and the fact that she had been in a lot of pain lately. There was no way she could check the article, she didn't read French. I was crazy with hope that it would work. When would we do it? I would try to get her to suck me off...
I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I was so wet I knew I was going to wake up Bill and get him to fuck me. I didn't want him to smell Jimmy's cock and cum on my breath when I kissed him. I giggled as I realized what I was thinking. I have come a long way today! Can I handle this? I have to! I slipped into bed with Bill and spooned up next to him. He was snoring and dead to the world. Well, ready or not, he was going to wake up. I reached down and cuddled his cock and balls in...
Each week I would deliver her groceries, leaving them on the kitchen table, and then slip into her bedroom and make straight for her underwear drawer. It was like a smorgasboard of panties, bras, suspender belts and roll-ons. Sometimes, she would have dropped her dirty ones on the floor and sometimes not. This day I had to make do with her pretty clean ones and I was a bit disappointed — but still excited as I took my pants off and softly rubbed the crutch of a pair of beautiful peach coloured...
You just entered a Ballbusting/Cuntbusting tournament! You can pick your oponent and than its up to you if you beat their it the crotch or they beat you! You can also decide if you want to play as a male or a female! Each oponent would have a short describtion and a picture and than you would choose your play style. For now there would be two play styles and that is Sub - wich means that the oponent will beat you, and the Dom - where you would beat the oponent! You can cuntbust a girl of your...
BDSMOur protagonists are no ordinary family. While they tend to stick together and stand up for eachother, in this family it is the men that are dominant while the women are constantly being punished. The father, John, and the mother, Kara, have been together for a long time and for them this is nothing strange. John sometimes knees Kara in the vagina when he comes home from work, he might smack her in the clit with a spoon when they are making dinner and he might pull her tits while they are...
FetishYou're a senior in high school. To you, that means every parent's nightmare: you've smoked a lot of weed, used a lot of condoms and done some stupid stunts on four-wheelers and skateboards. You liked to live it up! But you played it smart... you kept your grades up enough for your folks to be happy and you were careful what you said to them. It had worked out amazingly well for a long time... But now you're eighteen years old. It's your last year! You'd lost interest in getting stoned or...
Transsexual“Fancy a drink?” I say as we get into the car.The smell of the blossom fresh on my senses as I step out of the car moving aside it and the door closing behind me. You spring out of the passenger door looking across the top of the car smiling and eyes sparkling.Outside a countryside pub we walk towards each other moving away from the bonnet of the car and my hand slides into the small of your back, touching you and gently rubbing up and down your lower back. You are dressed immaculately in a...
our friend, Tyrell giving Dawn her first ever BBCThis is a fantasy about how I would have liked things to have gone if Dawn was still with me. I like to think that she would have been very excited,hot and turned on getting her first black dick from my friend Tyrell from Xham. On several occasions Dawn and I talked about what it might be like for her to get her first black cock ... and I after meeting and talking with Tyrell I'm certain she would have loved getting fucked by him while I watched...
Each week I would deliver her groceries, leaving them on the kitchen table, and then slip into her bedroom and make straight for her underwear drawer. It was like a smorgasboard of panties, bras, suspender belts and roll-ons. Sometimes, she would have dropped her dirty ones on the floor and sometimes not. This day I had to make do with her pretty clean ones and I was a bit disappointed -- but still excited as I took my pants off and softly rubbed the crutch of a pair of beautiful peach coloured...
Chelsea Gets CuntrolledChelsea Gets a New Room?Chelsea, we need to talk.? The eighteen-year-old pretended not to hear him, her head still down, her ear buds blaring Scrillex into her ears. God! Fucking nerd! The all-wise ?Engisneer of the Year? wants to fucking talk.Straight raven-black hair streaked blue shielded her face as she rolled her eyes and sneered. Her father held out the brochure for her and tugged an ear bud free, ?Chelsea, we need to talk.? She glanced at the brochure petulantly...
Characters so far Slavecunt: Very petite dark haired cute slave, only 4’11? slim with long dark hair and firm C cup tits and cute rounded ass.Mistress Lei : A small slim, cruel raven haired, sharp featured oriental Mistress. Mistress Kirsty: A large framed, large titted silver blonde German Dominatrix Mistress Kathryn: A younger, tall, attractive dark haired olive skinned Mistress.Prologue Having become involved with an extreme BDSM group to enjoy the role of Mistress, i catch the eye of some...
Somehow you spent all Saturday long researching Trajan. You’d planned to just find a few sources and type up a few paragraphs, but somehow you couldn’t stop yourself. As the paragraphs turned to pages, the day turned to night. You look around the library, surprised to see the once-filled chairs suddenly empty. Or maybe not so suddenly. Between trying to type an eloquent enough paper to impress Charlotte and daydreaming about her, you didn’t really pay much attention to your surroundings. Oh...
BDSMOnce upon a time in a land far away, in a time before fairy tales, there lived a witch named Cordelia. The air was crisp. The grass was green, and Cordelia crushed it all with her patent leather boots. Her heels bored into the ground, leaving a trail of smothered violets and other such nonsense in their wake.Spring was in the air, and Cordelia took in the fresh notes of flowers and cowpats while she stomped through the meadow and towards the woods. Her black robe flowed behind her, cinched at...
Hardcore“Don’t ever try to control a woman”; that’s the best advice I can ever give you. When my wife wanted to explore her femaleness, I was threatened and tried to control it by domination. The upshot was that she left me for guy that didn’t mind if she fucked around to learn about “herself”. She even came back to fuck me while living with him just to show me what I lost. That lesson hit me hard. There have been a number of other good, bad, and bittersweet lessons as I got my shit together. Here’s...
??????????? The sun is hiding in the clouds as I head to the Temple when I meet up with my cousin Alexiea.? She is about my height with purple hair and purple eyes.? We smile and talk quietly as we go there.? "Nattie, I'm sure you'll enjoy the little cunt I have in mind for you.? She's young, but thats the best time to get a slave."? She smiles at me.? I nod my head and think about the slave that Alex has in mind for me.? We get to the Temple and everyone greets Alex as if she's the...
“Oh yeah, cunt!” he muttered under his breath.“Yeah, hot fucking cunt!” he continued, ogling the juicy specimen of beauty displaying herself to his lustful eyes. Her pussy was indeed beautiful – pink and delicate, with a finely-crafted blond landing-strip, held open by a pair of painted fingers, so that he could gaze into its hot, wet, steamy depths. He stroked his cock in anticipation, feeling his shaft stiffen and grow, and feeling that exquisite yearning sensation spread outwards, filling...
SeductionDr Hildegard Fotzenficker had had a hard couple of weeks. “Fucking overagers, fucking Undesirables, fucking escapees – fuck the whole fucking lot of them!” she grumbled to herself, as she sat at her large oak desk in her office at the Princess Asshole Hospice. “To ruin that whole funeral party – and to force me to implement Emergency Measure Number Six – ungrateful fucking fool! He could have gone in the ecstasy of Pleasure if he had been more co-operative. As it is, he died in pain, in a...
MasturbationI'm getting older now and dont have the patience I used to have, really dealing with the stupid young cunt around now is almost not worth it.I have a steady piece of cunt that I use, its happy to have me around and I can always get a blowjob or a handy from it. When its on the rag I do it up the shitter too, only problem with it is that its vagina is a monster - really I think ist k** must have come out sideways -haha - no other way to explain how a vag could be that loose. But the best thing...
Chapter 1 You come home to find me right where you left me. Back arched backward over my training bench. Hands and feet securely bound to the legs of the device. You have allowed me only enough movement so that I may raise my head. This is not so I do pass out. This is to make fucking my face more convenient for you. I have been here all day. You locked me to my bench after breakfast, which was 8 hours ago. I am in agony, my whole body aches but I say nothing. I know better than to...
Covid CuntMature and Younger, Extreme Sex, Up Skirt Flashing, Multiple partnersThe virus had closed the school season early, her nonessential work shutdown and her part time janitorial work ended. Her days had started at 6am feeding Beau by 7am and at work by 8am. She rushed home to cook dinner by 5pm and out the door again by 6pm until 8pm. She had lived at poverty level working 14hr days. Beau was her joy she lived to educate him and he was a good son, asking little. Her saving grace was...
My name is Sherry. I am a pretty girl and shy. I have a confession. I was also embarrassed by my cunt. I knew from my parents that it was somehow a “dirty” thing to have and very private. They even called it “my privates.” My girlfriends wouldn’t even say the word out loud…only mentioning it in whispers. So I was very shy about it all what with walking around knowing that I had a cunt! At least it was hidden under my dress and panties. It may seem strange but as soon as I started to grow...
Chapter Two sees Dan's wife, Helen, bound, tied-up, blindfolded and helpless. Unbeknown to her and against her will she is about to get her slutty wet hairy cunt well and truly creampied ... and more .... Three of Helen’s Slutty Hairy Cunt: Creampie surprise I was consumed with utter horny lust and I was drooling precum from my cock and my mouth was salivating as well. Fuck, I needed to be so deep inside Helen’s warm and wet slutty hairy fanny...
Before that, the idea of my 'Mother' as a sexual being was utterly ridiculous, I mean, that would be incest, wouldn't it? I had been at home alone and naturally, being at the beginning of puberty, I had snuck onto my parents pc to look at porn. We weren't exactly well off nowadays with dad losing his job and all, so it was the only computer left in the house. I had been watching one of my favourite porn clips intensely when I heard footsteps from around the corner. 'Shit, who's...
Im breathing heavily. Master is giving me that look again. Any submissive knows the look Im speaking of. Its that hungry stare, that glint of mischief, and the surge of power that come when your Master is giving you that look. I instantly knew that I would not be going to sleep for awhile. I shiver when I feel him move, his broad body moving beside me, his beard tickling my neck. I hear him breathe out a low sigh and then feel it brush up against the most sensitive part of my neck. His strong,...
I was sitting staring at the screen, absent-mindedly chewing the end of a strand of my red hair when the Features Editor wandered over.“Jackie, have you heard of K-Pop?”I grinned at him. “Well yeah, but I don’t think that’s exactly my scene. I think I hit puberty about, oooh, fifteen years ago.”He smirked. “Very funny. This might be your scene though.”He slid a press release onto my desk. One side of an A4 page, titled ‘The dark side of K-Pop.’“They are playing at the Blue Angel tonight. I’d...
InterracialBeen at work all day and your desk has been empty all day. I ask the person on the next desk to yours “Where’s the cunt today?” “She called in sick” is the replyLike fuck I think, bet she at home watching tv and being a lazy whore. I decide I’m going to pay you a visit to see how sick you really are and for sake you better be. I go to leave, then have an idea. I go to the security desk and see that the shift change is happening. Perfect! 4 of the guards are getting ready to go home.“I’m off to...
Hi Everyone. This is Sanjay again. I had shared my first extra marital experience with you all a year before when I got to fuck a distant family relative who has big boobs and wide protruding Ass cheeks. She even delivered my baby! This is a second experience of mine which I wanted to share with you all. This married lady in her late 30s is Samhita is her elder sister. In relation she is my brother-in-law (wife’s elder brother)’s wife. To tell you briefly, this female is not too attractive...
IncestYou never know how things will pan out....... On another site I corresponded with a woman called Madeline. Madeline was 35, bi-sexual and lived at Port Stephens in NSW with her husband. I learnt that she had a big pussy, and because of this, an average sized cock just never got her off properly. Fortunately for her the man she married was very, very well endowed. We shared some photos (clothed) of each other and Madeline also included a couple of photos of her hubby Cameron. Madeline was a...
Mmmm...not really me to go 3 upsomes???Well 1st time I guess for everything?What can you do when in the same eve 2 lovely fellas want to play and you can't say no to either? Well in this case say yes to both!I thought well Mick(hubby) is away again and I was a bit bored with cock about and in an orgasm desert!!!I knew one fella and he was speaking to his Bruv, who was more than curious to see a white Lady 'real Booty like'.The lad I know is about 25 yo, very long cock, not over think and a huge...
This final chapter sees Dan’s slutty wife and her wet hairy pussy turned over and restrained on all fours. Against Helen's will my intent is to lubricate my hard cock by dipping it into her wet hairy fanny then to give her an anal creampie… However, Helen might have something to say about me ruining her tight arsehole....find out in this Chapter how my intent to fuck her tight puckered fuck hole goes! Not for the feint hearted! Helen and Dan can be found at:...
A story about ravaging lucky Dan's hairy pussy wife. . . Chapter Two of Helen’s Slutty Hairy Cunt: Bound and helplessIt was now fuck Dan’s wife day. The two weeks had surpassed and I was very pleased they had flown by so quickly as I really could not wait to be inside Helen’s hairy pussy. It was Dan that had taken the initiative and had managed to identify and book an ideal hidden away remote cottage for the weekend, for him and Helen to rent out. And so here I was, waiting inside my car,...
Lori sat in her room on the bed running her hands over her large D cupped breasts. She was feeling horny, but it was late and she knew her Father wouldn’t let her go out. She grunted at the injustice of it all. She was 20, and should have been able to do as she pleased at this point, but her parents insisted that as long as she lived in the house she was to abide by their rules. Her mom had gone to visit her grandparents which left just her and her Father. If only he’d gone with her Mother, she...
He knew who and what she was even before she made sure he met her and then all but dragged him between her legs. Marvin was a wealthy tech nerd who didn’t date much. Carole was a typical buxom blond beauty that knew her effect on men and their eager organs and took advantage of it frequently. She had turned twenty-five and a media-inspired fear of losing her beauty to aging set her course towards marriage, even if it meant having fewer lovers. She’d thoroughly evaluated all the candidates in...
I didn't make a noise, I just stood there staring at my Mother there like any healthy pubescent fourteen year old boy would do, when he was spying on any grown woman, Mother or not. Mum, was and still is a very beautiful woman. She is a better mate than any of my friends. I can say or do almost anything to her. It all started when I was in bed playing with my erect cock under the blankets, when Mum came into my room. I quickly stopped all the motions that I had been making with my cock. I...
My sexy wife had met this guy Buck in the net, while she enjoyed looking for some fun in a date site. At first, she only chatted with him during my long absences from home; but finally, my sweet Ana told me that she wanted to meet the guy in person…She said her new friend was a handsome black in his early thirties.One day, we made arrangements to meet him at a highway motel.Once we met there, Buck asked me if I was sure of letting him fuck my sensual wife. I just answered it was fine for...
By : Kamarajastud I’ve been an avid reader of Indian Sex Stories for a while now and I should say that I derived a lot of inspiration from the stories written here to go out there and make my fantasy into a reality by having an extra marital affair with a hungry young Marwari Bhabhi called Kamini Agarwal. I had moved into Bangalore while my wife was still at Vizag at my inlaws place as she had just got pregnant and was expecting our second child. I was looking for a house in the Jainagar area...
Ramon returned carrying a number of bags; some of them seemed quite heavy. "Has she eaten?" he asked Caroline. "Like a prisoner on death row," Caroline answered. She always had had a strange sense of humour. "Has she used the toilet?" "Yes. She's well-fed, cleaned and dried." Ramon bent over me and kissed my lips. "I love you, Jacqueline," he said tenderly. He sat down on the bed in front of me and looked into my eyes. I could tell that it was not easy for him to say what he...
PreludeThis story is about a sexy mature curvaceous women, Helen, with super juicy big tits, a lovely big shaped arse and a scrumptious juicy wet hairy fanny. I have lost count as to the number of times I have wanked over her. Encouraged by her hubby, Dan, I have written this story based on my own fantasy about what I want to do to Helen and how I want to use the fuck out of her slutty wet hairy gash. The story is a slow build-up to full on erotic dirty sex with bdsm, restraint, anal, pissing...
Warning ! This extreme sex story was written as an very dirty adult fantasy. The sick author does not condone the described behavior in real life! I always dreaded having to stay with my Aunt Margaret. She was always so strict, and she really looked the part of a stern aunt. She always wore proper herringbone tweed skirts that accentuated her long, strong legs. Her blouses were always buttoned to the top, an effort to camouflage her enormous breasts. Her long red hair was always worn up in a...
I have a fetish for lapping cum from a freshly fucked cunt. I have always enjoyed cleaning up the woman I have just fucked. Some really enjoy the experience, others are turned off. A few years ago, I found a way to get all the fresh, fucked pussy I can handle. I own a small motel on the beach of a resort town in South Carolina. I have 3 local women that work as maids cleaning the 10 rooms on each of 4 floors. One of the women was a good looking girl that was a student at a local...
Within a few months Sue had been taken under the boy’s wings or cocks to be more accurate – by this time they were round every weekend doing the garden they told me, but by the way Sue was limping Sue’s cunt was the only farrow they were digging! Most nights whenever I called round Id find her naked but stockings, shattered, sitting on a cushion, cum leaking out of her both her holes – the boys called round from college she’d tell me - Their randy little sods.One night she was all excited – I’m...
Raveena tandon, the famous Bollywood actress and mast mast girl of the 90’s had been enjoying her married life, and being mother to her 2 Kids. But she was thinking about making a comeback and start working In films again. Her husband was also supportive of her idea. She was Going through a few scripts but was not able to decide which film she Should accept. Then she went to attend a high profile party at a five Star hotel on a saturday night with her husband. Raveena and her Husband were...
I am a regular reader of iss since couple of months. I am well built 39 yrs young and of 5�5� live in pune. I thought of sharing my experience with you all. This happened when i was just married in 1995. I was 29 yrs young, well-built and smart personality. I was observing right from the day i got engaged. My wife�s distant relative was giving me a very different look. She has good built and must be aged about 23-24 yrs. She used to work for lawyer as his assistant and her office was...
Searching the web for sex contacts, Fiona a randy old cow, now nearing 65, was desperate for cock and a lot of cum since her hubby died six months ago. She knew full well that it was a long shot to find any bloke near her own age and felt depressed. That was until came across a granny fetish site. It seemed that it was set up for men who wanted to meet, date and fulfil their sexual fantasies with old ladies like her.Reading the ads, it was crystal clear that there were quite a lot of horny...
When women glory in gangbangs, they adore being called sluts. These are women who know what they want; they get it by pleasing the men who circle them.A slut has special hands. Hardening men’s shafts is her hand’s essential job. She knows that when a cock feels a hand with rings on the finger it puts even more metal into the hardening rod. A hand isn’t enough though to prepare a man, a slut’s tongue and mouth are needed to send further electrical shocks from the point of contact straight...
Milo knew a movie night with his mom only could end in one way and was feeling uneasy as he felt his mothers excited breaths behind his ears. Janet sifted through the online list for the movies but suddenly the screen turned all dizzy and blue. “Dammit, what the hell is wrong?” Janet cursed and tried to click the controller a few more times but nothing happened. She unfolded her embrace around Milo and rose to examine the TV. She walked over to the TV and bent over to examine it, exposing her...
That warm Saturday afternoon I drove my sweet wife to the airport.Anita was flying to Buenos Aires, visiting friends.Once back home, I went directly to our pool in the back yard, to get a cool diving, since the day was getting very hot…After swimming for a while, I sat down on a lounge chair to read the newspaper. I then saw our Indian neighbor there on her yard, flashing her nice chubby body under the sun.She was wearing just a tiny bikini bottom and I enjoyed watching her nice round tits and...
Joe pulled over his semi as he saw the quick shadow of someone walking up ahead. He slowed, coming to a stop just behind them. He quickly reached for his pocketknife, then put it back when he saw long skinny white legs underneath a skirt only a hooker would wore, complete with black thigh highs. Heat pulsed through his body and he smiled. She turned, bright green eyes wide in fright against the headlights, like a deer about to get hit. ?Yes, you’ll certainly get hit, my dear.? He mumbled,...
"I fucking knew it, you jerk! You have been having an affair with her!" Jenna screamed while shedding tears."No, no, no, sweetie," I pleaded, coming to her. "It's not what it looks like," I told her, grabbing her hands."Oh, really? Then what is it? Are you two just playing naked charades?" she wondered, putting her hands up."No, I just..." I whimpered before I bit my lip and waved my hands around."You just what, Tony? You are a jackass! She shows off her panties and asks about our sex life,...
NovelsThat late afternoon I was leaving my office, when I received a call form Ana. My sweet wife asked me not to hurry up, or I would find someone else in our marital bed.I smiled and asked her who was the lucky bastard, but Ana replied it was a secret…When I pulled in our driveway, I recognized Anita`s cousin car.I had known Noelia for many years, since my marriage to Ana. She was a very sweet girl, polite and well educated, younger than us. I had never imagined she would be able to fuck my sexy...