Toilette and Cuntlicker
- 3 years ago
- 39
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??????????? The sun is hiding in the clouds as I head to the Temple when I meet up with my cousin Alexiea.? She is about my height with purple hair and purple eyes.? We smile and talk quietly as we go there.? "Nattie, I'm sure you'll enjoy the little cunt I have in mind for you.? She's young, but thats the best time to get a slave."? She smiles at me.? I nod my head and think about the slave that Alex has in mind for me.? We get to the Temple and everyone greets Alex as if she's the headmistress of the place.? She takes me to the back area where the orphanage is and points to a small girl in a corner.? Alex goes over to her and yanks her hair and drags her to me.? I see the girl is crying, asking what she did wrong.? Alex smacks her hard on the face and looks at me.? "This little cunt is a Half Elf.? She doesn't have the piercings yet, but I'm sure once you get her others done, that you can get it done also."? I look at the girl and smack her in the face and gasp as I see her eyes go from a weird green-brown color to a purple like us.? "Probably has Dark Elf blood Alex, look at those eyes."? Alex nods and looks at me.? "So, what do you think?"? I pull the girl up by the neck and look her over.? She's small and weighs next to nothing.? She starts coughing and I drop her. ?"Get me a collar and leash, she'll do fine.? What was she training to be?"? Alex goes to the closet in the room and grabs the stuff.? "She's in the Temple Nattie, do the math.? She's going to be a priestess of sorts."? Alex straps on the collar and leash and hands them over to me.? "She's all yours now Nattie.? Enjoy.? Children, say farwell to Alessandrya."? I hear them say it and I see a few look at her with pity in their eyes.? She starts to walk when I yank her leash hard.? "You will crawl Cunt.? Like the bitch you are, NOW DO IT!"? I grab the whip from my bag and hit her hard on the ass with it.? She screams in pain as we leave the Temple and head towards the city proper.? I hear her struggling to keep up, but I show her no mercy.? I take her to a friend's place and have her tied to a chair.? "Methos, pierce her chin, nose, both nipples, clit, cunt, and belly button."? He grins evily as he gathers his supplies and walks over to where she's tied up.? "PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!"? She screams.? I whip her on the legs and glare at her.? "Cunts have no voices, shut up."? He cleans her body off and quickly pierces everything.? The screams that the cunt does starts to make me wet.? I see some leather straps and I take them and gag her.? "We'll be back for the tongue piercing."? I hand him a few gold coins and take her to my house.? She whimpers softly and I see blood on her knees and her piercings.? "Don't even THINK about healing yourself Cunt, or I will whip you even worse.? This is the main room.? Follow me."? I show her around the house and finally to her pitiful excuse of a bedroom.? There's nothing in it but a small mat for her to lay on.? I force her in there and lock the door.? There are no windows in there and I hear her start to scream.? "MISTRESS, I'm scared!"? I go back in there and see her eyes glowing in fear.? "How old are you Cunt?"? She looks at the floor.? "I don't know, six I think."? I glare at her angrily.? "GET OVER IT!? If you don't shut up, you won't get fed!"? She lays on the mat and cries softly as I slam the door shut and go to the pantry where the food is.? I start cooking a hardy meal, bacon, scrambled eggs, fresh fruit and toast.? I eat it all but a few bites and go to Cunt's room and drop off the leftovers. "Eat it all or nothing else will be given to you."? She starts to pick it up when I smack her hand.? "You've seen how dogs eat, thats how you eat."? She hides her tears and manages to eat the toast without making too big of a mess.? I take the plate and lock her back in there.? I head out to find my brother Eathan and find him busy in his place forging some weapons.? "Have you found the other girl yet?? Alex said that there was a Half Elf that is unnaturally strong and agile."? He nods his head grinning.? "They JUST got here Sis, and are found in the Half Elf proper.? The girl's name is Felicity S'roth.? She has blonde hair, green eyes.? She favors the High Elf of the father.? She shouldn't be that hard to find."? I kiss him and head to L'sonth, the area of the Half Elves and Humans.? I see a young Human with two children, and I see Felicity.? I go up to her mother and talk to her.? "Hello, my name is Natalia Darkheart, I'm a coercer for the Overlord.? I see you have your hands full with two children."? The woman smiles and nods her head.? "Yes my twins.? This little boy is Felix, and the little girl is Felicity."? I look at Felicity and smile.? "I'd like to take one off of your hands for a little bit, I'm sure its stressing.? How about I take Felicity for a little bit?"? She frowns a little.? "But I don't know you."? I smile and mutter a small spell that will make her agree.? "Ok Madam Darkheart, take Felicity for a little bit, I could use the rest."? I smile and nod my head as I take Felicity's hand.? As we leave their sight, Felicity starts to talk.? "You cast a spell on Mommy, I know you did!"? I look at her, shocked that she noticed.? "So what are you going to be when you grow up?"? She glares at me.? "I don't like you, you're mean."? I pinch her arm enough to get her attention.? "Doesn't matter, your mother has let me have you for a bit."? We go back to the house and I throw her in the room with Cunt.? I tie them tightly so they can't move and hang them from the rafters in the small room.? "LET ME GO!? I'M GONNA TELL MY DADDY ON YOU!"? She screams at me.? I see Cunt is quiet and accepts it quietly.? "Shush, Mistress will hurt us if you don't behave."? I smile and pat her on the head.? "You learn quickly Cunt."? She blushes and keeps her eyes down.? "Thank you Mistress."? I see Felicity still struggling with the ropes and I tighten hers.? I tighten Cunt's collar that keeps her neck straight and look at her.? "Explain what I expect of my slaves Cunt or you'll get whipped worse that you have while you were living in the Temple."? She whimpers softly, "Yes Mistress."? I slam the door shut and lock it? I sit outside hearing Cunt explain everything to Felicity and when she's done, Felicity starts to cry.? "I'm NO ONE'S slave!"? Cunt scolds her.? "We belong to Mistress, don't make her mad, she'll hurt me."? I yank Cunt out of the room suddenly and I hear Felicity shouting.? I look around and grab the leather strap and gag her tightly.? "SHUT UP ALREADY!"? I scream at her.? Cunt is on the floor, motionless but breathing.? I drag her up the stairs using the ropes and hear her head get knocked against each stair helps me calm down.? I take her to another bedroom and I tie her to the bed so that her whole naked body is exposed.? I grab the dagger thats on the bedstand and chant so that it glows brightly.? I start to carve out symbols all over her stomach and add a drop of my blood and Alex's to the open wounds.? I look at her and chant in Thexian, "OBEDIENCE!"? I see her eyes glaze over and she's quiet.? "How may this worthless Cunt serve you Mistress?"? I smile and untie her, marveling how easy it was to control her.? "Cunt, I want you to come over here and kiss me.? She kisses me gently, unsure of how to do it.? "Do you love me Cunt?"? She stops kissing and looks at me.? "Yes Mistress, I do."? I pull her so that her face is in my croch and sigh.? "Eat me.? Nip my cunt and clit.? Make me cum."? I point out the body parts to her so that she knows what I'm talking about.? She goes after them with a passion and doesn't stop until I scream.? I shove her off of me and motion for her to get on her knees to kneel.? "Open your mouth wide and swallow it all."? I pull her face right on top of my piss hole and start to pee in her mouth.? I take it slow at first so she knows the taste then I speed up.? I see she's finished with only a few spills.? I whip her ass for that, then I motion for her to lay down.? "Eat my shit Cunt.? Then clean me."? She opens her mouth and I start to shit.? I hear her struggling not to vomit, but manages to eat it.? "If you need to piss or shit, you will let me know."? She keeps her eyes down to the ground.? "Yes Mistress."? I get off of her and bring out some things to put on her.? The first is a mask that covers her face except for her mouth, nose holes and eye holes.? The second is a butt plug that has hair on it so that when she crawls, it will move against her ass.? I shove it in and she screams.? "MISTRESS IT HURTS!"? I smile cruely at her.? "Of course it does Cunt, but slaves have no voices, now do they?"? She whimpers and nods her head.? "OPEN UP!"? She slowly opens her mouth and I shove a deep rod into the back of her throat.? She struggles to breathe until she realizes that she can if she calms down.? "That will prevent you from talking.? I will take it out when you need to eat or drink."? I hear her whimper softly and I whip her ass.? "Stand up."? She stands up and I fasten a harness that keeps her cunt and clit from being seen.? I tighten it so that its snug against her small waist.? I hold up the last item, a full body suit and force her in it.? As tiny as she is, its still? small on her.? "Disobey me and you'll wear the hood that completes the outfit.? Nod your head if you understand me."? She nods her head, barely with the collar on her neck holding it up.? I take it off and put a smaller one on it.? "It says Nattie's Cunt.? Thats your name, do you understand me?"? She nods her head again.? I snap it on and lock it so she can't remove it.? It also keeps the mask on as well.? I take her downstairs and I look at her.? "Do you need to piss or shit?"? She nods her head.? I show her in her room a large box and tell her to relieve herself in it.? She points to the butt plug and I grin.? "You will have to put that back in as soon as you're done.? If I see one SPECK of shit on that tail, you will be whipped."? She takes it out and strains to go.? I watch her struggle to put the plug back in her ass and I shove it back in for her.? "You have to remember to clean your ass each time you shit too.? Use your hands to do that."? She cleans her ass and looks at me as if to ask 'What do I do with this?'? I point to a cloth and she wipes her hands.? I see Felicity is grunting through her gag and gasps as she sees Cunt come in.? "That is you in about an hour Slave."? I whip Cunt a few times for good measure and point to the bed.? She goes there quietly and doesn't say a word.? I do the same to Slave as I did Cunt.? I have Slave pierced like I had Cunt and the screams excite me even more.? I drag her back to where Cunt is laying quietly and pat her head.? "Slave is sore, help her feel better."? She nods her head, and I drag in Slave's body.? "Untie her if you want.? its not like you two are going anywhere.? Open her mouth for me."? She opens Slave's mouth and I stick a rod in her mouth too.? She panics like Cunt did until she realizes that its designed to let them breathe, but not talk.? I take her to the bedroom and get her into the idendical outfit that I had just put on Cunt, except for Slave is in a green outfit, and Cunt is in a black outfit.? I look at my two beautiful slaves and grin.? "You'll get a new master or mistress soon Slave, and then you'll learn your place."? She tries to scream, but no sound comes out of her mouth.?
??????????? The next few weeks I take the little
bitches out and train them on how to suck a man and how to please a woman.? I realize that Cunt is the faster learner and
she gets many praises.? I bring over some
friends and introduce them to my girls.?
"Slave is for sale, but Cunt isn't.?
She's mine.? Come here
Cunt."? She crawls over to me and
gets in her position.? I smile and pat
her head.? "Cunt, what is the first
rule I taught you and Slave?"? She's
quiet, then points to her mouth.? I take
out the rod quickly, causing her the most pain.?
She stiffles back the scream and regains her composure.? "Mistress taught this worthless Cunt
that the first rule is to obey, no matter what."? I look at my friends as I ram it back down
her throat.? "They're fine, just
can't talk unless I take that out.? I
haven't activated the switch that makes them bark, though Slave has gotten damn
near it a few times."? I see Cunt
rubbing her throat, trying to readjust herself to it.? "Slave is a handful, she's
spirited.? She's half High Elf, so of
course, she has the snotty attitude of one.?
My little Cunt here is an orphan, we don't know what she's mixed
with."? I grab Cunt's leash and yank
her so that she's standing up.? She
hasn't been able to do this in weeks, so when the weight hits her legs, she
falls.? I hit her on her ass to get her
back on her hands and knees.? "I'm
sorry Mistress."? Her eyes tell me.? I bring over Jzarth and have him pierce their
tongues while they're mute.? I see their
faces go red, but no sounds come out of their mouths.? "I'll pay a hundred gold for
Slave."? A Human man stands up.? "I like her spunk.? Makes it more fun to break her."? I smile at Cunt and motion for her to
kneel.? I lift up my skirt and piss in
her mouth, knowing that the piss is probably making the piercing hurt
worse.? I take out the gag forcully again
and make her swallow my shit.?
"Cunt, if you promise to behave, I'll let the muter stay out of
your mouth, how does that sound?"?
She wags her ass, and I'm amazed how she did it and not have her hips move.? "She must have been pratcing."? I tell the others and they smile.? I look at the man and look at Slave.? "One hundred gold it is."? I yank Slave over to the Human and I see her
look at Cunt with tears in her eyes.?
Cunt has some, but keeps her eyes down.?
"Now comes the best part.?
You have to make her yours.? Cunt
has her brands."? I have her stand
up and show her body off.? "There's
not a mark on her Nattie, except for the piercings."? I smile.?
"I'm a coercer my dear, I know the fine arts of submitting.? I've been working with her, mind controlling
her.? She knows if she leaves her room
when I tell her no, that she'll be punished."? Cunt nods her head in agreement.? "The marks are here."? I point to her stomach, and a few by her
breasts, and the major one right on top of her heart.? "OBEDIENCE!" I chant and Thexian
and I see her eyes glaze over.?
"Look into her eyes, there's nothing there."? One by one, each of them go over to her and
look at her eyes.? I see the rune on her
left tit glowing fiercely.? I look at her
and smile.? "SUBMISSIVE!"? She tries to get into the slaves position,
but is unable to being restrained.? Her
rune that is on top of her heart is glowing and I see pain on her face.? "That one? hurts the most, for obvious reasons.? You see, the runes don't glow until I chant
the word.? Everyone knows Cunt is mine,
and her collar states it."? The
Human looks bored and plays with Slave.?
"They're both virgins."?
The Human perks up.? "What
about that, huh, hmm get ready Slave, cause I'm gonna take yours right
now!"? She gets on her hands and
knees and he rams her so hard and so fast, everyone sees her face go bright red
and she starts to cry.? I unleash Cunt
and I see her point to Slave.? "Yes,
you may go over to her."? I see Cunt
wrap her arms around Slave and calms Slave down.? Cunt comes back and assumes the position I've
taught her when she wants to speak or ask a question.? "Speak Cunt."? Cunt keeps her eyes down.? "Slave is hurt Mistress, can I heal
her?"? I see her ass is red and
swollen and he's still going at it with Slave.?
"Ask Master Ilya when he's done.?
She isn't mine anymore.? Anything
else?"? She nods her head.? "Cunt needs to go to the
bathroom."? I smile cruely and nod
my head.? "Follow Cunt."? I see Cunt's tail swishing with the movements
as she quickly crawls to the bedroom and goes in the box.? "She's like a cat, going in a litter
box."? Another Dark Elf exclaims.? We all watch her piss and shit and praise
her.? "Which gentleman would like to
burst her anal cherry?? I'm training her
to be one of the Overlord's slaves, so her pussy will be left alone."? I see an Ogre grin and nod his head.? I look how hard he is and see how tiny she is
and think its perfect.? "Cunt,
OBDIENCE!"? I see her body change
and she looks at me.? "I want you to
take that Ogre and let him fuck you till he's done.? Once he is, you have to clean his cock, with
your MOUTH!? Now you've had your own
shit, and you've had mine and Slave's, so his shouldn't be too bad.? Make me proud.? By the way, NO SCREAMING!" ?I hand the whip over to the Ogre as he lines
himself up, then takes out the butt plug.?
In three thrusts, his whole cock is in her itty bitty little ass and she
screams.? The ogre doesn't seem to care,
so I let it slide.? "I like screams,
they good."? He smiles as he pounds
her ass.? Cunt keeps screaming until he
joins her and falls on top of her.?
You're gonna kill my Cunt!"?
I yell at him.? He rolls over and
grins.? "Nattie, this one so tight,
so good."? I see that Cunt passed
out and I smack her in the face.?
"You gotta clean him up, then you can rest."? She groans as she gets on her hands and knees
to clean him up.? I see her choking back,
and see him smile.? She dribbles alot
becasue she wasn't prepared for him to piss in her mouth, but most winds up in
her mouth.? She looks at me and I nod my
head.? "Open up Cunt."? She opens her mouth and I gently put the rod
in.? "You've been good so far, keep
it up."? When we get back to the
upstairs, I see Slave and her master sitting.?
She's sitting behind his chair in the slave's position.? "Nattie, this one is good.? I am giving you an extra hundred gold for
her."? He hands me a bag and I count
the money and slide it into my robe.?
"We're going home.? Come on
Slave."? He tugs at her collar and
she crawls away slowly with tears in her eyes.
??????????? The party ends later and as I
go down to Cunt's room, I hear her sniffling.?
I go in and I see her laying on Slave's bed.? "Cunt, you need to stop that nonsense
right now."? She looks at me with tears
running down her face.? "She's
alive, you should be happy that I sold her to a good man who will take care of
her.? Get over here."? She crawls over and goes in her slave
position.? I motion for her to open her
mouth and I yank the rod out.? She screams
in pain and looks at me angrily.?
"Keep your mouth open Cunt."?
She keeps it open and I pull out her tongue to look at her
piercing.? Her tongue is swollen and sore
and I look at her.? "Are you hungry
Cunt?? You can close your mouth
now."? She nods her head and closes
her mouth.? I look at her small chest and
see that the Obedience rune is still glowing.?
I utter a word to release her from it so that she's 'normal.'? "I'll be back later.? I'm going to make you some food."? She goes back to her room and lays on the mat
quietly.? I place the food in there and
close the door behind me.
??????????? I go out and about the city, and get a few things and get back to the house late.? I'm so tired, I don't even bother checking on Cunt.? When I wake up the next morning, I go to her room and I gasp.? She's not there!? I look all over the mansion with no luck.? I wander around and I don't see her anywhere.? A few hours later, I hear Eathan come in singing like a drunk.? "Nattie, you misssplaacced something!"? I run down the stairs and see Eathan and Cunt.? I grab my whip and start whiping her as hard as I can.? She screams in pain and starts to cry.? "PLEASE MISTRESS, ITS NOT MY FAULT!"? I stop hitting her and look at her.? I grab her by the neck and glare at her.? "If you're lying, I'll know.? Who's fault is it?"? She points to Eathan.? "Master Eathan took me.? I fought him until he brought out a whip!? He whipped me so hard!"? I drop her and kick her body over and see welts that are a day old all over her.? He looks at her angrily.? "THAT WAS A SECRET CUNT!"? I see him pull out his whip, but I stop him before he damages her.? "Cunt, heal yourself, quickly."? She casts a few heals and in a few minutes, most of the welts are gone.? I look at him and glare angrily.? "You EVER do that to me again and I swear by the Overlord that he will have his guards kill you.? Understand?"? Eathan nods his head.? "Enough of this Nattie.? Don't mez me again."? He pulls out his daggers and faces me.? "Eathan, you can't outdo a coercer, you're an assassin."? He snickers.? "Assassins are more powerful than you think.? Tie Cunt's hands behind her so she can't heal you? and we'll see."? I glare at him but I do it.? Cunt whimpers as she feels the ropes tighten against her body.? I grab a stretch of leather and put it in her mouth.? Eathan waits patiently as I set Cunt up so that she can see whats going on, but powerless to do anything.? He points to a rafter that is by the dining room and we hoist her up there using her collar.? I pull out my staff and cast a few spells to give me a little extra strength among other things.? He glares at me.? "Ready yet Nattie?"? I grin and I nod my head.? "Bring it Eathan."? We watch Cunt swaying and I manage to get a root on him and start hitting him with my hardest spells.? "BITCH THAT HURT!"? He growls at me and breaks the root charging towards me.? I try to take a few steps backwards so that i can try to mez him and recover.? He swipes me a few times with his daggers and I glare at him.? "You better not have laced those suckers with poison Eathan!"? He grins evily and runs towards me.? "Better believe it Sis."? I hear Cunt's muffled cries and then I fall to the ground.? "Better fight Nattie, your Cunt's life is in your hands.? You die, I take her to be my own."? She screams loud as she can through her gag and looks at me, begging with her eyes to beat Eathan.? I see she's bleeding on her stomach and see Eathan licking his sword.? "Shallow cut, she'll be fine, but tell me, are you willing to give up everything for her?"? I struggle to stand.? "Damn, your most powerful poison, huh?"? He grins.? "Only the best for a bitch like you.? Don't worry little Cunt here is still a virgin, but I'm going to teach her things that only a MAN can teach a woman."? He cuts the ropes and cuts off the collar off of her neck.? "She's mine Nattie, I won her fair and square."? I scream in anger as I see him drag her out of the house.? Alex comes in and asks me what happened as she heals me.? "Damn Eathan challenged me and I lost."? She nods her head. "Maybe its good she has Eathan for a little bit.? She does need to learn things that only a man can teach."? I look at Alex.? "I am cruel to her, but he will be unmerciful.? If she makes him mad, he'll kill her and not think twice about it Lexy."? Alex looks at me and nods her head.? "Assassins are quick and deadly.? You should be happy I came over when I did or you'd be dead right now."? I nod my head as she gives me a bottle of water and some bread.? "Alex, we gotta get Cunt back."
??????????? Meanwhile back at Eathan's...
??????????? Eathan looks at Cunt's body and smiles as he unties her and releases her.? "Cunt, what is your real name?"? She is quiet and thinks hard and points to her throat.? "Ohh the bitch left it in, no wonder you couldn't eat breakfast."? He takes it out slowly and she sighs softly.? "My name is Alessandrya.? Thank you Master for being kind to this worthless cunt."? He smiles at her.? "What race are you?"? She is quiet for a minute then says, "Mistress has always told me that I am a Half Elf.? I don't know what Elven race though."? He kisses her on the lips then releases her.? "I will keep you a virgin for our Overlord, but you are going to learn many things while you're here.? Follow me."? She crawls and follows him to a corner where she sees a leash and a small bed with two bowls.? "This is your bedroom.? I'm sorry I don't have a bigger place, but I'm not rich like Nattie.? If you have to go to the bathroom, you will go like any other person, in this."? He shows her the toliet and hands her toliet paper.? "If you take a shit, you wipe your ass with this, understood?"? She nods her head.? "Yes Master."? He looks at her.? "You're so beautiful, and I love your voice.? We don't need this anymore."? He puts the rod in a drawer and measures her neck.? "My word, you're small.? How old are you again?"? She shakes her head.? "I do not know Master.? I have been with Mistress a long time."? He nods his head in agreement as he starts to work at the forge.? "When I am at the forge, I do not want you near me.? You're naked and can get hurt.? I'll buy you clothes and teach you some minor tradeskilling.? Go put on one of my shirts for now, in that dresser."? She gets a shirt and puts it on.? "You're most kind Master."? He chuckles.? "You thought I was going to be as bad as Nattie, didn't you?"? She looks away, blushing.? "Its ok Cunt- erm um, Aless.? I don't like Cunt, we're gonna use the name that you were given when you were born.? Move your shirt up."? She does and he grabs a hot brand off of his forge.? "Lay on the bed.? She does it quietly and suddenly she screams as she feels the hot iron rest on her flesh.? He lets it up and smiles in satisfaction.? "You can heal yourself, but I promise you that is gonna scar regardless.? If you want to heal to ease the pain, by all means.? "Master, I can't see it, I have to see what I'm trying to heal."? He puts a mirror at her eye level and points to a star and a dagger.? "Thats my mark."? She whimpers softly as she casts the heal.? The burning sensation goes away, but the scar will be there for life.? Eathan brings her over and kisses her and looks her over.? Her six year old body has bruises and scars all over.? Her narrow waist holds the chasity belt that keeps her a virgin.? Eathan looks at it and cuts it off with his sword.? "Go get yourself cleaned up Aless.? Bathroom is there."? He points to the small room and she crawls in there.? "Aless, please walk."? She looks at him, confused.? "Master, I can't."? He looks at her.? "Why not?"? She points to a spot on her back.? "Mistress has something there and if I try and stand, it will zap me so that I go back on my hands and knees like a good cunt."? He sighs.? "Very well.? Anything else I should know?"? She is quiet then nods her head.? "I've never had a bath except when Mistress did it.? It hurt.? I was allowed to clean myself like a dog and that was it.? He sighs as he gets up and sets up the water.? "Pay attention, I won't do this again."? He sets the water on hot and makes her get in.? She screams.? "ITS TOO HOT MASTER!"? He glares at her.? "STAY IN THERE!"? She whimpers in pain as he scrubs her body roughly.? The last part he cleans is her hair.? He brings out a pair of scissors and a comb and starts combing her hair.? He cuts it so that its just off of her shoulders.? "Much better, now follow me."? She follows him and he points to her small bed.? "Lay down."? She lays on the bed and sighs quietly.? Its much more confortable than the straw mat that Mistress made her sleep on.? He ties her to it and covers her eyes.? "Open your mouth."? She does and he shoves his cock in it.? He gives her instructions on how to make him cum and within minutes, she has him at the throws of an orgasm.? "OHHHHHHH FUUUUCCCCCKKKK!"? She felt him cum and swallowed it, though almost gagging.? "Didn't care for it?"? She nods her head.? "Too salty, sorry Master."? He smiles.? "Not every girl can do what you just did.? Swallowing me was nice, but I didn't expect you to do that."? Eathan keeps her for a few months and when she comes back, she seems tired.? "What have you done to my Cunt?"? Eathan looks at me angrily.? "Her name is Alessandrya, maybe you should use it instead of Cunt."? I see Alex walking in and I smile.? "You're a lowly male, but she's lower than you, she's a HALF ELF! Cunt, go to your room!"? She quickly crawls to the area and I spin to look at him.? "She's tired, you've done SOMETHING TO HER!"? He smiles.? "Of course, I made her let me take her ass every night before she went to bed.? Still a virgin Nattie.? I go over and smack him hard on the face.? "You have any idea what I'm going to have to do with her now?? She has to lose the extra weight you made her gain!"? Eathan looks at me, angry.? "She was starving Nattie.? You need to feed her!"? I look at him.? "I DO FEED HER!? Contrary to what you think, I DO!"? He hands me the rod.? "Make her bark like a bitch if you want, but do that and I'll never speak to you again."? I look at him.? "It doesn't do that, its an idea I put in her head to make her obey.? It just keeps her mute."
??????????? The sun is hiding in the clouds as I
head to the Temple when I meet up with my cousin Alexiea.? She is about my height with purple hair and
purple eyes.? We smile and talk quietly
as we go there.? "Nattie, I'm sure
you'll enjoy the little cunt I have in mind for you.? She's young, but thats the best time to get a
slave."? She smiles at me.? I nod my head and think about the slave that
Alex has in mind for me.? We get to the
Temple and everyone greets Alex as if she's the headmistress of the place.? She takes me to the back area where the
orphanage is and points to a small girl in a corner.? Alex goes over to her and yanks her hair and
drags her to me.? I see the girl is
crying, asking what she did wrong.? Alex
smacks her hard on the face and looks at me.?
"This little cunt is a Half Elf.?
She doesn't have the piercings yet, but I'm sure once you get her others
done, that you can get it done also."?
I look at the girl and smack her in the face and gasp as I see her eyes
go from a weird green-brown color to a purple like us.? "Probably has Dark Elf blood Alex, look
at those eyes."? Alex nods and looks
at me.? "So, what do you think?"? I pull the girl up by the neck and look her
over.? She's small and weighs next to
nothing.? She starts coughing and I drop
her. ?"Get me a collar and leash,
she'll do fine.? What was she training to
be?"? Alex goes to the closet in the
room and grabs the stuff.? "She's in
the Temple Nattie, do the math.? She's
going to be a priestess of sorts."?
Alex straps on the collar and leash and hands them over to me.? "She's all yours now Nattie.? Enjoy.?
Children, say farwell to Alessandrya."? I hear them say it and I see a few look at
her with pity in their eyes.? She starts
to walk when I yank her leash hard.?
"You will crawl Cunt.? Like the
bitch you are, NOW DO IT!"? I grab
the whip from my bag and hit her hard on the ass with it.? She screams in pain as we leave the Temple
and head towards the city proper.? I hear
her struggling to keep up, but I show her no mercy.? I take her to a friend's place and have her
tied to a chair.? "Methos, pierce
her chin, nose, both nipples, clit, cunt, and belly button."? He grins evily as he gathers his supplies and
walks over to where she's tied up.?
She screams.? I whip her on the
legs and glare at her.? "Cunts have
no voices, shut up."? He cleans her
body off and quickly pierces everything.?
The screams that the cunt does starts to make me wet.? I see some leather straps and I take them and
gag her.? "We'll be back for the
tongue piercing."? I hand him a few
gold coins and take her to my house.? She
whimpers softly and I see blood on her knees and her piercings.? "Don't even THINK about healing yourself
Cunt, or I will whip you even worse.?
This is the main room.? Follow
me."? I show her around the house
and finally to her pitiful excuse of a bedroom.?
There's nothing in it but a small mat for her to lay on.? I force her in there and lock the door.? There are no windows in there and I hear her
start to scream.? "MISTRESS, I'm
scared!"? I go back in there and see
her eyes glowing in fear.? "How old
are you Cunt?"? She looks at the
floor.? "I don't know, six I
think."? I glare at her
angrily.? "GET OVER IT!? If you don't shut up, you won't get
fed!"? She lays on the mat and cries
softly as I slam the door shut and go to the pantry where the food is.? I start cooking a hardy meal, bacon,
scrambled eggs, fresh fruit and toast.? I
eat it all but a few bites and go to Cunt's room and drop off the leftovers.
"Eat it all or nothing else will be given to you."? She starts to pick it up when I smack her
hand.? "You've seen how dogs eat,
thats how you eat."? She hides her
tears and manages to eat the toast without making too big of a mess.? I take the plate and lock her back in
there.? I head out to find my brother
Eathan and find him busy in his place forging some weapons.? "Have you found the other girl yet?? Alex said that there was a Half Elf that is
unnaturally strong and agile."? He
nods his head grinning.? "They JUST
got here Sis, and are found in the Half Elf proper.? The girl's name is Felicity S'roth.? She has blonde hair, green eyes.? She favors the High Elf of the father.? She shouldn't be that hard to
find."? I kiss him and head to
L'sonth, the area of the Half Elves and Humans.?
I see a young Human with two children, and I see Felicity.? I go up to her mother and talk to her.? "Hello, my name is Natalia Darkheart,
I'm a coercer for the Overlord.? I see
you have your hands full with two children."? The woman smiles and nods her head.? "Yes my twins.? This little boy is Felix, and the little girl
is Felicity."? I look at Felicity
and smile.? "I'd like to take one
off of your hands for a little bit, I'm sure its stressing.? How about I take Felicity for a little
bit?"? She frowns a little.? "But I don't know you."? I smile and mutter a small spell that will
make her agree.? "Ok Madam
Darkheart, take Felicity for a little bit, I could use the rest."? I smile and nod my head as I take Felicity's
hand.? As we leave their sight, Felicity
starts to talk.? "You cast a spell
on Mommy, I know you did!"? I look
at her, shocked that she noticed.?
"So what are you going to be when you grow up?"? She glares at me.? "I don't like you, you're
mean."? I pinch her arm enough to
get her attention.? "Doesn't matter,
your mother has let me have you for a bit."? We go back to the house and I throw her in
the room with Cunt.? I tie them tightly
so they can't move and hang them from the rafters in the small room.? "LET ME GO!? I'M GONNA TELL MY DADDY ON YOU!"? She screams at me.? I see Cunt is quiet and accepts it
quietly.? "Shush, Mistress will hurt
us if you don't behave."? I smile
and pat her on the head.? "You learn
quickly Cunt."? She blushes and
keeps her eyes down.? "Thank you
Mistress."? I see Felicity still
struggling with the ropes and I tighten hers.?
I tighten Cunt's collar that keeps her neck straight and look at
her.? "Explain what I expect of my
slaves Cunt or you'll get whipped worse that you have while you were living in
the Temple."? She whimpers softly,
"Yes Mistress."? I slam the
door shut and lock it? I sit outside
hearing Cunt explain everything to Felicity and when she's done, Felicity
starts to cry.? "I'm NO ONE'S
slave!"? Cunt scolds her.? "We belong to Mistress, don't make her
mad, she'll hurt me."? I yank Cunt
out of the room suddenly and I hear Felicity shouting.? I look around and grab the leather strap and
gag her tightly.? "SHUT UP
ALREADY!"? I scream at her.? Cunt is on the floor, motionless but
breathing.? I drag her up the stairs using
the ropes and hear her head get knocked against each stair helps me calm
down.? I take her to another bedroom and
I tie her to the bed so that her whole naked body is exposed.? I grab the dagger thats on the bedstand and
chant so that it glows brightly.? I start
to carve out symbols all over her stomach and add a drop of my blood and Alex's
to the open wounds.? I look at her and
chant in Thexian, "OBEDIENCE!"?
I see her eyes glaze over and she's quiet.? "How may this worthless Cunt serve you
Mistress?"? I smile and untie her,
marveling how easy it was to control her.?
"Cunt, I want you to come over here and kiss me.? She kisses me gently, unsure of how to do it.? "Do you love me Cunt?"? She stops kissing and looks at me.? "Yes Mistress, I do."? I pull her so that her face is in my croch
and sigh.? "Eat me.? Nip my cunt and clit.? Make me cum."? I point out the body parts to her so that she
knows what I'm talking about.? She goes
after them with a passion and doesn't stop until I scream.? I shove her off of me and motion for her to
get on her knees to kneel.? "Open
your mouth wide and swallow it all."?
I pull her face right on top of my piss hole and start to pee in her mouth.? I take it slow at first so she knows the
taste then I speed up.? I see she's finished
with only a few spills.? I whip her ass
for that, then I motion for her to lay down.?
"Eat my shit Cunt.? Then
clean me."? She opens her mouth and
I start to shit.? I hear her struggling
not to vomit, but manages to eat it.?
"If you need to piss or shit, you will let me know."? She keeps her eyes down to the ground.? "Yes Mistress."? I get off of her and bring out some things to
put on her.? The first is a mask that
covers her face except for her mouth, nose holes and eye holes.? The second is a butt plug that has hair on it
so that when she crawls, it will move against her ass.? I shove it in and she screams.? "MISTRESS IT HURTS!"? I smile cruely at her.? "Of course it does Cunt, but slaves have
no voices, now do they?"? She
whimpers and nods her head.? "OPEN
UP!"? She slowly opens her mouth and
I shove a deep rod into the back of her throat.?
She struggles to breathe until she realizes that she can if she calms
down.? "That will prevent you from
talking.? I will take it out when you
need to eat or drink."? I hear her
whimper softly and I whip her ass.?
"Stand up."? She stands
up and I fasten a harness that keeps her cunt and clit from being seen.? I tighten it so that its snug against her
small waist.? I hold up the last item, a
full body suit and force her in it.? As
tiny as she is, its still? small on
her.? "Disobey me and you'll wear
the hood that completes the outfit.? Nod
your head if you understand me."?
She nods her head, barely with the collar on her neck holding it
up.? I take it off and put a smaller one
on it.? "It says Nattie's Cunt.? Thats your name, do you understand
me?"? She nods her head again.? I snap it on and lock it so she can't remove
it.? It also keeps the mask on as
well.? I take her downstairs and I look
at her.? "Do you need to piss or
shit?"? She nods her head.? I show her in her room a large box and tell
her to relieve herself in it.? She points
to the butt plug and I grin.? "You
will have to put that back in as soon as you're done.? If I see one SPECK of shit on that tail, you will
be whipped."? She takes it out and
strains to go.? I watch her struggle to
put the plug back in her ass and I shove it back in for her.? "You have to remember to clean your ass
each time you shit too.? Use your hands
to do that."? She cleans her ass and
looks at me as if to ask 'What do I do with this?'? I point to a cloth and she wipes her
hands.? I see Felicity is grunting
through her gag and gasps as she sees Cunt come in.? "That is you in about an hour
Slave."? I whip Cunt a few times for
good measure and point to the bed.? She
goes there quietly and doesn't say a word.?
I do the same to Slave as I did Cunt.?
I have Slave pierced like I had Cunt and the screams excite me even
more.? I drag her back to where Cunt is
laying quietly and pat her head.? "Slave
is sore, help her feel better."? She
nods her head, and I drag in Slave's body.?
"Untie her if you want.? its
not like you two are going anywhere.?
Open her mouth for me."? She
opens Slave's mouth and I stick a rod in her mouth too.? She panics like Cunt did until she realizes
that its designed to let them breathe, but not talk.? I take her to the bedroom and get her into
the idendical outfit that I had just put on Cunt, except for Slave is in a
green outfit, and Cunt is in a black outfit.?
I look at my two beautiful slaves and grin.? "You'll get a new master or mistress
soon Slave, and then you'll learn your place."? She tries to scream, but no sound comes out
of her mouth.?
??????????? The next few weeks I take the little
bitches out and train them on how to suck a man and how to please a woman.? I realize that Cunt is the faster learner and
she gets many praises.? I bring over some
friends and introduce them to my girls.?
"Slave is for sale, but Cunt isn't.?
She's mine.? Come here
Cunt."? She crawls over to me and
gets in her position.? I smile and pat
her head.? "Cunt, what is the first
rule I taught you and Slave?"? She's
quiet, then points to her mouth.? I take
out the rod quickly, causing her the most pain.?
She stiffles back the scream and regains her composure.? "Mistress taught this worthless Cunt
that the first rule is to obey, no matter what."? I look at my friends as I ram it back down
her throat.? "They're fine, just
can't talk unless I take that out.? I
haven't activated the switch that makes them bark, though Slave has gotten damn
near it a few times."? I see Cunt
rubbing her throat, trying to readjust herself to it.? "Slave is a handful, she's
spirited.? She's half High Elf, so of
course, she has the snotty attitude of one.?
My little Cunt here is an orphan, we don't know what she's mixed
with."? I grab Cunt's leash and yank
her so that she's standing up.? She
hasn't been able to do this in weeks, so when the weight hits her legs, she
falls.? I hit her on her ass to get her
back on her hands and knees.? "I'm
sorry Mistress."? Her eyes tell me.? I bring over Jzarth and have him pierce their
tongues while they're mute.? I see their
faces go red, but no sounds come out of their mouths.? "I'll pay a hundred gold for
Slave."? A Human man stands up.? "I like her spunk.? Makes it more fun to break her."? I smile at Cunt and motion for her to
kneel.? I lift up my skirt and piss in
her mouth, knowing that the piss is probably making the piercing hurt
worse.? I take out the gag forcully again
and make her swallow my shit.?
"Cunt, if you promise to behave, I'll let the muter stay out of
your mouth, how does that sound?"?
She wags her ass, and I'm amazed how she did it and not have her hips move.? "She must have been pratcing."? I tell the others and they smile.? I look at the man and look at Slave.? "One hundred gold it is."? I yank Slave over to the Human and I see her
look at Cunt with tears in her eyes.?
Cunt has some, but keeps her eyes down.?
"Now comes the best part.?
You have to make her yours.? Cunt
has her brands."? I have her stand
up and show her body off.? "There's
not a mark on her Nattie, except for the piercings."? I smile.?
"I'm a coercer my dear, I know the fine arts of submitting.? I've been working with her, mind controlling
her.? She knows if she leaves her room
when I tell her no, that she'll be punished."? Cunt nods her head in agreement.? "The marks are here."? I point to her stomach, and a few by her
breasts, and the major one right on top of her heart.? "OBEDIENCE!" I chant and Thexian
and I see her eyes glaze over.?
"Look into her eyes, there's nothing there."? One by one, each of them go over to her and
look at her eyes.? I see the rune on her
left tit glowing fiercely.? I look at her
and smile.? "SUBMISSIVE!"? She tries to get into the slaves position,
but is unable to being restrained.? Her
rune that is on top of her heart is glowing and I see pain on her face.? "That one? hurts the most, for obvious reasons.? You see, the runes don't glow until I chant
the word.? Everyone knows Cunt is mine,
and her collar states it."? The
Human looks bored and plays with Slave.?
"They're both virgins."?
The Human perks up.? "What
about that, huh, hmm get ready Slave, cause I'm gonna take yours right
now!"? She gets on her hands and
knees and he rams her so hard and so fast, everyone sees her face go bright red
and she starts to cry.? I unleash Cunt
and I see her point to Slave.? "Yes,
you may go over to her."? I see Cunt
wrap her arms around Slave and calms Slave down.? Cunt comes back and assumes the position I've
taught her when she wants to speak or ask a question.? "Speak Cunt."? Cunt keeps her eyes down.? "Slave is hurt Mistress, can I heal
her?"? I see her ass is red and
swollen and he's still going at it with Slave.?
"Ask Master Ilya when he's done.?
She isn't mine anymore.? Anything
else?"? She nods her head.? "Cunt needs to go to the
bathroom."? I smile cruely and nod
my head.? "Follow Cunt."? I see Cunt's tail swishing with the movements
as she quickly crawls to the bedroom and goes in the box.? "She's like a cat, going in a litter
box."? Another Dark Elf exclaims.? We all watch her piss and shit and praise
her.? "Which gentleman would like to
burst her anal cherry?? I'm training her
to be one of the Overlord's slaves, so her pussy will be left alone."? I see an Ogre grin and nod his head.? I look how hard he is and see how tiny she is
and think its perfect.? "Cunt,
OBDIENCE!"? I see her body change
and she looks at me.? "I want you to
take that Ogre and let him fuck you till he's done.? Once he is, you have to clean his cock, with
your MOUTH!? Now you've had your own
shit, and you've had mine and Slave's, so his shouldn't be too bad.? Make me proud.? By the way, NO SCREAMING!" ?I hand the whip over to the Ogre as he lines
himself up, then takes out the butt plug.?
In three thrusts, his whole cock is in her itty bitty little ass and she
screams.? The ogre doesn't seem to care,
so I let it slide.? "I like screams,
they good."? He smiles as he pounds
her ass.? Cunt keeps screaming until he
joins her and falls on top of her.?
You're gonna kill my Cunt!"?
I yell at him.? He rolls over and
grins.? "Nattie, this one so tight,
so good."? I see that Cunt passed
out and I smack her in the face.?
"You gotta clean him up, then you can rest."? She groans as she gets on her hands and knees
to clean him up.? I see her choking back,
and see him smile.? She dribbles alot
becasue she wasn't prepared for him to piss in her mouth, but most winds up in
her mouth.? She looks at me and I nod my
head.? "Open up Cunt."? She opens her mouth and I gently put the rod
in.? "You've been good so far, keep
it up."? When we get back to the
upstairs, I see Slave and her master sitting.?
She's sitting behind his chair in the slave's position.? "Nattie, this one is good.? I am giving you an extra hundred gold for
her."? He hands me a bag and I count
the money and slide it into my robe.?
"We're going home.? Come on
Slave."? He tugs at her collar and
she crawls away slowly with tears in her eyes.
??????????? The party ends later and as I
go down to Cunt's room, I hear her sniffling.?
I go in and I see her laying on Slave's bed.? "Cunt, you need to stop that nonsense
right now."? She looks at me with tears
running down her face.? "She's
alive, you should be happy that I sold her to a good man who will take care of
her.? Get over here."? She crawls over and goes in her slave
position.? I motion for her to open her
mouth and I yank the rod out.? She screams
in pain and looks at me angrily.?
"Keep your mouth open Cunt."?
She keeps it open and I pull out her tongue to look at her
piercing.? Her tongue is swollen and sore
and I look at her.? "Are you hungry
Cunt?? You can close your mouth
now."? She nods her head and closes
her mouth.? I look at her small chest and
see that the Obedience rune is still glowing.?
I utter a word to release her from it so that she's 'normal.'? "I'll be back later.? I'm going to make you some food."? She goes back to her room and lays on the mat
quietly.? I place the food in there and
close the door behind me.
??????????? I go out and about the city, and get
a few things and get back to the house late.?
I'm so tired, I don't even bother checking on Cunt.? When I wake up the next morning, I go to her
room and I gasp.? She's not there!? I look all over the mansion with no
luck.? I wander around and I don't see
her anywhere.? A few hours later, I hear
Eathan come in singing like a drunk.?
"Nattie, you misssplaacced something!"? I run down the stairs and see Eathan and
Cunt.? I grab my whip and start whiping
her as hard as I can.? She screams in
pain and starts to cry.? "PLEASE MISTRESS,
ITS NOT MY FAULT!"? I stop hitting
her and look at her.? I grab her by the
neck and glare at her.? "If you're
lying, I'll know.? Who's fault is
it?"? She points to Eathan.? "Master Eathan took me.? I fought him until he brought out a
whip!? He whipped me so hard!"? I drop her and kick her body over and see
welts that are a day old all over her.?
He looks at her angrily.?
I see him pull out his whip, but I stop him before he damages her.? "Cunt, heal yourself, quickly."? She casts a few heals and in a few minutes,
most of the welts are gone.? I look at
him and glare angrily.? "You EVER do
that to me again and I swear by the Overlord that he will have his guards kill
you.? Understand?"? Eathan nods his head.? "Enough of this Nattie.? Don't mez me again."? He pulls out his daggers and faces me.? "Eathan, you can't outdo a coercer,
you're an assassin."? He
snickers.? "Assassins are more
powerful than you think.? Tie Cunt's
hands behind her so she can't heal you?
and we'll see."? I glare at
him but I do it.? Cunt whimpers as she
feels the ropes tighten against her body.?
I grab a stretch of leather and put it in her mouth.? Eathan waits patiently as I set Cunt up so
that she can see whats going on, but powerless to do anything.? He points to a rafter that is by the dining room
and we hoist her up there using her collar.?
I pull out my staff and cast a few spells to give me a little extra
strength among other things.? He glares
at me.? "Ready yet
Nattie?"? I grin and I nod my head.? "Bring it Eathan."? We watch Cunt swaying and I manage to get a
root on him and start hitting him with my hardest spells.? "BITCH THAT HURT!"? He growls at me and breaks the root charging
towards me.? I try to take a few steps
backwards so that i can try to mez him and recover.? He swipes me a few times with his daggers and
I glare at him.? "You better not
have laced those suckers with poison Eathan!"? He grins evily and runs towards me.? "Better believe it Sis."? I hear Cunt's muffled cries and then I fall
to the ground.? "Better fight
Nattie, your Cunt's life is in your hands.?
You die, I take her to be my own."?
She screams loud as she can through her gag and looks at me, begging
with her eyes to beat Eathan.? I see
she's bleeding on her stomach and see Eathan licking his sword.? "Shallow cut, she'll be fine, but tell
me, are you willing to give up everything for her?"? I struggle to stand.? "Damn, your most powerful poison,
huh?"? He grins.? "Only the best for a bitch like you.? Don't worry little Cunt here is still a
virgin, but I'm going to teach her things that only a MAN can teach a
woman."? He cuts the ropes and cuts off
the collar off of her neck.? "She's
mine Nattie, I won her fair and square."?
I scream in anger as I see him drag her out of the house.? Alex comes in and asks me what happened as
she heals me.? "Damn Eathan
challenged me and I lost."? She nods
her head. "Maybe its good she has Eathan for a little bit.? She does need to learn things that only a man
can teach."? I look at Alex.? "I am cruel to her, but he will be
unmerciful.? If she makes him mad, he'll
kill her and not think twice about it Lexy."? Alex looks at me and nods her head.? "Assassins are quick and deadly.? You should be happy I came over when I did or
you'd be dead right now."? I nod my
head as she gives me a bottle of water and some bread.? "Alex, we gotta get Cunt back."
??????????? Meanwhile back at Eathan's...
??????????? Eathan looks at Cunt's body and
smiles as he unties her and releases her.?
"Cunt, what is your real name?"? She is quiet and thinks hard and points to
her throat.? "Ohh the bitch left it
in, no wonder you couldn't eat breakfast."?
He takes it out slowly and she sighs softly.? "My name is Alessandrya.? Thank you Master for being kind to this
worthless cunt."? He smiles at her.? "What race are you?"? She is quiet for a minute then says,
"Mistress has always told me that I am a Half Elf.? I don't know what Elven race
though."? He kisses her on the lips
then releases her.? "I will keep you
a virgin for our Overlord, but you are going to learn many things while you're
here.? Follow me."? She crawls and follows him to a corner where
she sees a leash and a small bed with two bowls.? "This is your bedroom.? I'm sorry I don't have a bigger place, but
I'm not rich like Nattie.? If you have to
go to the bathroom, you will go like any other person, in this."? He shows her the toliet and hands her toliet
paper.? "If you take a shit, you
wipe your ass with this, understood?"?
She nods her head.? "Yes
Master."? He looks at her.? "You're so beautiful, and I love your
voice.? We don't need this
anymore."? He puts the rod in a
drawer and measures her neck.? "My
word, you're small.? How old are you
again?"? She shakes her head.? "I do not know Master.? I have been with Mistress a long
time."? He nods his head in
agreement as he starts to work at the forge.?
"When I am at the forge, I do not want you near me.? You're naked and can get hurt.? I'll buy you clothes and teach you some minor
tradeskilling.? Go put on one of my
shirts for now, in that dresser."?
She gets a shirt and puts it on.?
"You're most kind Master."?
He chuckles.? "You thought I
was going to be as bad as Nattie, didn't you?"? She looks away, blushing.? "Its ok Cunt- erm um, Aless.? I don't like Cunt, we're gonna use the name
that you were given when you were born.?
Move your shirt up."? She
does and he grabs a hot brand off of his forge.?
"Lay on the bed.? She does it
quietly and suddenly she screams as she feels the hot iron rest on her
flesh.? He lets it up and smiles in
satisfaction.? "You can heal
yourself, but I promise you that is gonna scar regardless.? If you want to heal to ease the pain, by all means.? "Master, I can't see it, I have to see
what I'm trying to heal."? He puts a
mirror at her eye level and points to a star and a dagger.? "Thats my mark."? She whimpers softly as she casts the
heal.? The burning sensation goes away,
but the scar will be there for life.?
Eathan brings her over and kisses her and looks her over.? Her six year old body has bruises and scars
all over.? Her narrow waist holds the
chasity belt that keeps her a virgin.?
Eathan looks at it and cuts it off with his sword.? "Go get yourself cleaned up Aless.? Bathroom is there."? He points to the small room and she crawls in
there.? "Aless, please walk."? She looks at him, confused.? "Master, I can't."? He looks at her.? "Why not?"? She points to a spot on her back.? "Mistress has something there and if I
try and stand, it will zap me so that I go back on my hands and knees like a
good cunt."? He sighs.? "Very well.? Anything else I should know?"? She is quiet then nods her head.? "I've never had a bath except when
Mistress did it.? It hurt.? I was allowed to clean myself like a dog and
that was it.? He sighs as he gets up and
sets up the water.? "Pay attention,
I won't do this again."? He sets the
water on hot and makes her get in.? She
screams.? "ITS TOO HOT
MASTER!"? He glares at her.? "STAY IN THERE!"? She whimpers in pain as he scrubs her body
roughly.? The last part he cleans is her
hair.? He brings out a pair of scissors
and a comb and starts combing her hair.?
He cuts it so that its just off of her shoulders.? "Much better, now follow me."? She follows him and he points to her small
bed.? "Lay down."? She lays on the bed and sighs quietly.? Its much more confortable than the straw mat
that Mistress made her sleep on.? He ties
her to it and covers her eyes.?
"Open your mouth."? She
does and he shoves his cock in it.? He
gives her instructions on how to make him cum and within minutes, she has him
at the throws of an orgasm.?
She felt him cum and swallowed it, though almost gagging.? "Didn't care for it?"? She nods her head.? "Too salty, sorry Master."? He smiles.?
"Not every girl can do what you just did.? Swallowing me was nice, but I didn't expect
you to do that."? Eathan keeps her
for a few months and when she comes back, she seems tired.? "What have you done to my
Cunt?"? Eathan looks at me
angrily.? "Her name is Alessandrya,
maybe you should use it instead of Cunt."?
I see Alex walking in and I smile.?
"You're a lowly male, but she's lower than you, she's a HALF ELF!
Cunt, go to your room!"? She quickly
crawls to the area and I spin to look at him.?
"She's tired, you've done SOMETHING TO HER!"? He smiles.?
"Of course, I made her let me take her ass every night before she
went to bed.? Still a virgin Nattie.? I go over and smack him hard on the face.? "You have any idea what I'm going to
have to do with her now?? She has to lose
the extra weight you made her gain!"?
Eathan looks at me, angry.?
"She was starving Nattie.?
You need to feed her!"? I
look at him.? "I DO FEED HER!? Contrary to what you think, I DO!"? He hands me the rod.? "Make her bark like a bitch if you want,
but do that and I'll never speak to you again."? I look at him.? "It doesn't do that, its an idea I put
in her head to make her obey.? It just
keeps her mute."
You just entered a Ballbusting/Cuntbusting tournament! You can pick your oponent and than its up to you if you beat their it the crotch or they beat you! You can also decide if you want to play as a male or a female! Each oponent would have a short describtion and a picture and than you would choose your play style. For now there would be two play styles and that is Sub - wich means that the oponent will beat you, and the Dom - where you would beat the oponent! You can cuntbust a girl of your...
BDSMOur protagonists are no ordinary family. While they tend to stick together and stand up for eachother, in this family it is the men that are dominant while the women are constantly being punished. The father, John, and the mother, Kara, have been together for a long time and for them this is nothing strange. John sometimes knees Kara in the vagina when he comes home from work, he might smack her in the clit with a spoon when they are making dinner and he might pull her tits while they are...
FetishYou're a senior in high school. To you, that means every parent's nightmare: you've smoked a lot of weed, used a lot of condoms and done some stupid stunts on four-wheelers and skateboards. You liked to live it up! But you played it smart... you kept your grades up enough for your folks to be happy and you were careful what you said to them. It had worked out amazingly well for a long time... But now you're eighteen years old. It's your last year! You'd lost interest in getting stoned or...
Transsexual“Fancy a drink?” I say as we get into the car.The smell of the blossom fresh on my senses as I step out of the car moving aside it and the door closing behind me. You spring out of the passenger door looking across the top of the car smiling and eyes sparkling.Outside a countryside pub we walk towards each other moving away from the bonnet of the car and my hand slides into the small of your back, touching you and gently rubbing up and down your lower back. You are dressed immaculately in a...
our friend, Tyrell giving Dawn her first ever BBCThis is a fantasy about how I would have liked things to have gone if Dawn was still with me. I like to think that she would have been very excited,hot and turned on getting her first black dick from my friend Tyrell from Xham. On several occasions Dawn and I talked about what it might be like for her to get her first black cock ... and I after meeting and talking with Tyrell I'm certain she would have loved getting fucked by him while I watched...
Each week I would deliver her groceries, leaving them on the kitchen table, and then slip into her bedroom and make straight for her underwear drawer. It was like a smorgasboard of panties, bras, suspender belts and roll-ons. Sometimes, she would have dropped her dirty ones on the floor and sometimes not. This day I had to make do with her pretty clean ones and I was a bit disappointed -- but still excited as I took my pants off and softly rubbed the crutch of a pair of beautiful peach coloured...
Chelsea Gets CuntrolledChelsea Gets a New Room?Chelsea, we need to talk.? The eighteen-year-old pretended not to hear him, her head still down, her ear buds blaring Scrillex into her ears. God! Fucking nerd! The all-wise ?Engisneer of the Year? wants to fucking talk.Straight raven-black hair streaked blue shielded her face as she rolled her eyes and sneered. Her father held out the brochure for her and tugged an ear bud free, ?Chelsea, we need to talk.? She glanced at the brochure petulantly...
Characters so far Slavecunt: Very petite dark haired cute slave, only 4’11? slim with long dark hair and firm C cup tits and cute rounded ass.Mistress Lei : A small slim, cruel raven haired, sharp featured oriental Mistress. Mistress Kirsty: A large framed, large titted silver blonde German Dominatrix Mistress Kathryn: A younger, tall, attractive dark haired olive skinned Mistress.Prologue Having become involved with an extreme BDSM group to enjoy the role of Mistress, i catch the eye of some...
Somehow you spent all Saturday long researching Trajan. You’d planned to just find a few sources and type up a few paragraphs, but somehow you couldn’t stop yourself. As the paragraphs turned to pages, the day turned to night. You look around the library, surprised to see the once-filled chairs suddenly empty. Or maybe not so suddenly. Between trying to type an eloquent enough paper to impress Charlotte and daydreaming about her, you didn’t really pay much attention to your surroundings. Oh...
BDSMOnce upon a time in a land far away, in a time before fairy tales, there lived a witch named Cordelia. The air was crisp. The grass was green, and Cordelia crushed it all with her patent leather boots. Her heels bored into the ground, leaving a trail of smothered violets and other such nonsense in their wake.Spring was in the air, and Cordelia took in the fresh notes of flowers and cowpats while she stomped through the meadow and towards the woods. Her black robe flowed behind her, cinched at...
Hardcore“Don’t ever try to control a woman”; that’s the best advice I can ever give you. When my wife wanted to explore her femaleness, I was threatened and tried to control it by domination. The upshot was that she left me for guy that didn’t mind if she fucked around to learn about “herself”. She even came back to fuck me while living with him just to show me what I lost. That lesson hit me hard. There have been a number of other good, bad, and bittersweet lessons as I got my shit together. Here’s...
DISCLAIMER: the following story is to be taken seriously only by wanking readers, further more only by wanking readers during the act of wanking, anybody who believes a word of it otherwise is a dangerous madman or madwoman.That said, dear gentle, intelligent reader, I assume you wouldn’t quarrel with the idea that imagination is free? Nevertheless please do not read this story if the idea of a young, fresh, hot, big-titted, moronic fucking cunt fervently seeking its own, appallingly...
(I wrote this sometime ago, but i still think it’s worth the space it occupies. It is so unreal, so over the top, so grotesquely horrible it can appear comic, so I’m told. Wasn’t my intention, but each to his or her own.) Synopsis: A huge-titted young cunt seeks its own appalling immolation. DISCLAIMER: the following story is to be taken seriously only by wanking readers, further more only by wanking readers during the act of wanking, anybody who believes a word of it otherwise is a dangerous...
“Oh yeah, cunt!” he muttered under his breath.“Yeah, hot fucking cunt!” he continued, ogling the juicy specimen of beauty displaying herself to his lustful eyes. Her pussy was indeed beautiful – pink and delicate, with a finely-crafted blond landing-strip, held open by a pair of painted fingers, so that he could gaze into its hot, wet, steamy depths. He stroked his cock in anticipation, feeling his shaft stiffen and grow, and feeling that exquisite yearning sensation spread outwards, filling...
SeductionDr Hildegard Fotzenficker had had a hard couple of weeks. “Fucking overagers, fucking Undesirables, fucking escapees – fuck the whole fucking lot of them!” she grumbled to herself, as she sat at her large oak desk in her office at the Princess Asshole Hospice. “To ruin that whole funeral party – and to force me to implement Emergency Measure Number Six – ungrateful fucking fool! He could have gone in the ecstasy of Pleasure if he had been more co-operative. As it is, he died in pain, in a...
MasturbationI'm getting older now and dont have the patience I used to have, really dealing with the stupid young cunt around now is almost not worth it.I have a steady piece of cunt that I use, its happy to have me around and I can always get a blowjob or a handy from it. When its on the rag I do it up the shitter too, only problem with it is that its vagina is a monster - really I think ist k** must have come out sideways -haha - no other way to explain how a vag could be that loose. But the best thing...
Chapter 1 You come home to find me right where you left me. Back arched backward over my training bench. Hands and feet securely bound to the legs of the device. You have allowed me only enough movement so that I may raise my head. This is not so I do pass out. This is to make fucking my face more convenient for you. I have been here all day. You locked me to my bench after breakfast, which was 8 hours ago. I am in agony, my whole body aches but I say nothing. I know better than to...
Covid CuntMature and Younger, Extreme Sex, Up Skirt Flashing, Multiple partnersThe virus had closed the school season early, her nonessential work shutdown and her part time janitorial work ended. Her days had started at 6am feeding Beau by 7am and at work by 8am. She rushed home to cook dinner by 5pm and out the door again by 6pm until 8pm. She had lived at poverty level working 14hr days. Beau was her joy she lived to educate him and he was a good son, asking little. Her saving grace was...
My name is Sherry. I am a pretty girl and shy. I have a confession. I was also embarrassed by my cunt. I knew from my parents that it was somehow a “dirty” thing to have and very private. They even called it “my privates.” My girlfriends wouldn’t even say the word out loud…only mentioning it in whispers. So I was very shy about it all what with walking around knowing that I had a cunt! At least it was hidden under my dress and panties. It may seem strange but as soon as I started to grow...
Chapter Two sees Dan's wife, Helen, bound, tied-up, blindfolded and helpless. Unbeknown to her and against her will she is about to get her slutty wet hairy cunt well and truly creampied ... and more .... Three of Helen’s Slutty Hairy Cunt: Creampie surprise I was consumed with utter horny lust and I was drooling precum from my cock and my mouth was salivating as well. Fuck, I needed to be so deep inside Helen’s warm and wet slutty hairy fanny...
Before that, the idea of my 'Mother' as a sexual being was utterly ridiculous, I mean, that would be incest, wouldn't it? I had been at home alone and naturally, being at the beginning of puberty, I had snuck onto my parents pc to look at porn. We weren't exactly well off nowadays with dad losing his job and all, so it was the only computer left in the house. I had been watching one of my favourite porn clips intensely when I heard footsteps from around the corner. 'Shit, who's...
Im breathing heavily. Master is giving me that look again. Any submissive knows the look Im speaking of. Its that hungry stare, that glint of mischief, and the surge of power that come when your Master is giving you that look. I instantly knew that I would not be going to sleep for awhile. I shiver when I feel him move, his broad body moving beside me, his beard tickling my neck. I hear him breathe out a low sigh and then feel it brush up against the most sensitive part of my neck. His strong,...
I was sitting staring at the screen, absent-mindedly chewing the end of a strand of my red hair when the Features Editor wandered over.“Jackie, have you heard of K-Pop?”I grinned at him. “Well yeah, but I don’t think that’s exactly my scene. I think I hit puberty about, oooh, fifteen years ago.”He smirked. “Very funny. This might be your scene though.”He slid a press release onto my desk. One side of an A4 page, titled ‘The dark side of K-Pop.’“They are playing at the Blue Angel tonight. I’d...
InterracialBeen at work all day and your desk has been empty all day. I ask the person on the next desk to yours “Where’s the cunt today?” “She called in sick” is the replyLike fuck I think, bet she at home watching tv and being a lazy whore. I decide I’m going to pay you a visit to see how sick you really are and for sake you better be. I go to leave, then have an idea. I go to the security desk and see that the shift change is happening. Perfect! 4 of the guards are getting ready to go home.“I’m off to...
Hi Everyone. This is Sanjay again. I had shared my first extra marital experience with you all a year before when I got to fuck a distant family relative who has big boobs and wide protruding Ass cheeks. She even delivered my baby! This is a second experience of mine which I wanted to share with you all. This married lady in her late 30s is Samhita is her elder sister. In relation she is my brother-in-law (wife’s elder brother)’s wife. To tell you briefly, this female is not too attractive...
IncestYou never know how things will pan out....... On another site I corresponded with a woman called Madeline. Madeline was 35, bi-sexual and lived at Port Stephens in NSW with her husband. I learnt that she had a big pussy, and because of this, an average sized cock just never got her off properly. Fortunately for her the man she married was very, very well endowed. We shared some photos (clothed) of each other and Madeline also included a couple of photos of her hubby Cameron. Madeline was a...
Author’s note: No sex this chapter. Nothing but politics, business and real estate. Chapter 21 — Deja Vu, but Not What I intended to do had many difficulties. For starters, I was dressed to meet with high priced lawyers. For another, I was not about to expose Shadow to the south side. Most important, I was not about to expose Elspeth to Veronica, or vice versa. To solve two problems at once, I told Elspeth to take Shadow to the garage and return with the Toyota. She did not want to go and I...
Author’s note: Virtually no sex this installment. Siobhan goes into business and gets pulled into politics. Chapter 17 – Office Politics The dinner in White Plains would echo for years. I am very glad I had no true understanding of the importance, because even Dr. Richards might have frozen. That said, it had little impact in Hanover. There is a reason higher education is referred to as a tower, ivory or otherwise. What happened in the real world took its time filtering into our world. For...
Chapter 12 – Storming Hanover After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars’ transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage...
Author’s note: This story takes place in the Richard’s Enterprises universe: Kitty & Teddy, LLC, K&T, LLC, [K][T] and Family. At least some understanding of the events of those three books is necessary. This story is about Siobhan. I consider this a coming of age story, even though the main character is in her mid-20s. There is no sex in this installment. Prologue—Moving Out but Not Going Away. I dreaded my return to Hanover. Summer in New Jersey had been, quite literally, coming home. It...
Hi all....I have been so bad about posting stories here, I actually enjoy writing when I have the time and have many, many great true stories that I want to share with all of you naughty perverts ;)So watch this space for several new stories shortly.....This is an entry that I wanted to share with you about something that happened earlier this evening when I offered to take a fellow Xhamster writer's fantasy and flesh it out into a story...... They had no interest in doing it and I and several...
LittleMissLipService Gets More Than She Bargained For...So I was having a conversation with a friend on here and we started talking about how sexy our painted toenails and feet made us feel - I started to tell her about one adventure of mine. This friend insisted she wanted to hear the rest and so I ended up having to take my time and type it up because i hadn't really shared all the details with anyone before - and it was very sexy - and I wanted to be able to remember everything years from...
The screen before us flickered as the image changed, but I could hardly pay attention. In fact I was only looking at the screen because Daddy told me to. If I’d had it my way my eyes would be closed, mouth open, moaning low and deep. It was vintage movie night at the cinema, and I’d been really excited to go. Now I didn’t even remember what the film was or the premise, now I could hardly remember my own name because Daddy’s fingers were shoved deep inside my sopping cunt. He’d spank you if he...
Riana was up early as usual and had breakfast for everyone ready. When she finished eating, she hugged her mother, kissed her baby sister, ruffled the hair of her brother just because he hated it, and left. It looked beautiful today weather wise, and promised to be an even better day when she got to the Mrs. Nomy's shop. On her way, she heard how some young man had taken out Greggor, and his gang but everyone knew it wasn't going to last long. There was also some talk about another set of...
The keep was a nice large one. The stables had several horses that took Brad's attention right a way. Tim scooped him up so he couldn't get into trouble. Little Ally was sound asleep so Seleena took Madeline to where the nursery was. Little took Riana around. He showed her the library, the kitchen, the main hall, the main dinning room, the stables and the gardens. Then where her little brother and sister's room was as well as her mother's, finally showing her to her room. "Is this...
Little walked into the constabulary office and up to the desk where a bored looking man sat. Little had come into the city looking different, so he could see for himself what had happened to Martin's place. Part of the stables looked like they had been hacked down and someone had tried to start a fire but failed. Martin was now working to get the area cleaned up so he could rebuild, then Little checked on Mrs. Nomy finding her well and working hard. After clearing his throat, to get the...
Little was getting closer but still could not see his target. In truth, he wanted to take to the air, but feared the men that had Riana and Brad would hurt them so he ran, and ran fast. "Little, are you almost here, I feel strange." Riana said as she was hit with a wave of dizziness. "Little, I... " Then she was gone. Little was so stunned that his running faltered and he fell. He ended up face down in the dirt trying to get his mind and his body working again. Then his mind snapped and...
Pae was just standing there looking out of their cave. "Pae, what is it darling, what has you out of bed so late?" Sarrone asked as he came to his mate's side. "I don't know, love. I just got this feeling. I cannot really describe it. Something big, important is happening," Replied Pae, continuing to look out of the cave. Sarrone learned years ago that when his lovely wife and mate got this feeling He had better be ready for it. However, he needed more to go on. "Love, just relax,...
The next afternoon, the little city of River's T saw not one, not two, not three, but four dragons land at the South gate, the biggest of it's gates. Martin, Ray, and the other Elites were waiting, as was most of the town. What they saw first was a young looking women jump from the back of the smallest dragon and wait. Then another slightly older looking woman slide to that ground and waited. The two looked to the remaining two dragons. Seleena was the first to change from dragon to...
Looking for some tiny Asian porn at Little Asians? Well, gather around perverts. I’ve got something really special for you today. If you like little chicks, Asian chicks, or little Asian chicks, you’re really going to love It’s a porn site, so naturally, the petite babes in question are getting their cunts hammered by dicks that seem way too big.OMFG, They’re So Tiny!I pulled up the landing page and holy shit, they ain’t lying about the little part. Asian chicks are known for...
Premium Asian Porn SitesMmmm...not really me to go 3 upsomes???Well 1st time I guess for everything?What can you do when in the same eve 2 lovely fellas want to play and you can't say no to either? Well in this case say yes to both!I thought well Mick(hubby) is away again and I was a bit bored with cock about and in an orgasm desert!!!I knew one fella and he was speaking to his Bruv, who was more than curious to see a white Lady 'real Booty like'.The lad I know is about 25 yo, very long cock, not over think and a huge...
This final chapter sees Dan’s slutty wife and her wet hairy pussy turned over and restrained on all fours. Against Helen's will my intent is to lubricate my hard cock by dipping it into her wet hairy fanny then to give her an anal creampie… However, Helen might have something to say about me ruining her tight arsehole....find out in this Chapter how my intent to fuck her tight puckered fuck hole goes! Not for the feint hearted! Helen and Dan can be found at:...
A story about ravaging lucky Dan's hairy pussy wife. . . Chapter Two of Helen’s Slutty Hairy Cunt: Bound and helplessIt was now fuck Dan’s wife day. The two weeks had surpassed and I was very pleased they had flown by so quickly as I really could not wait to be inside Helen’s hairy pussy. It was Dan that had taken the initiative and had managed to identify and book an ideal hidden away remote cottage for the weekend, for him and Helen to rent out. And so here I was, waiting inside my car,...
Lori sat in her room on the bed running her hands over her large D cupped breasts. She was feeling horny, but it was late and she knew her Father wouldn’t let her go out. She grunted at the injustice of it all. She was 20, and should have been able to do as she pleased at this point, but her parents insisted that as long as she lived in the house she was to abide by their rules. Her mom had gone to visit her grandparents which left just her and her Father. If only he’d gone with her Mother, she...
He knew who and what she was even before she made sure he met her and then all but dragged him between her legs. Marvin was a wealthy tech nerd who didn’t date much. Carole was a typical buxom blond beauty that knew her effect on men and their eager organs and took advantage of it frequently. She had turned twenty-five and a media-inspired fear of losing her beauty to aging set her course towards marriage, even if it meant having fewer lovers. She’d thoroughly evaluated all the candidates in...
I didn't make a noise, I just stood there staring at my Mother there like any healthy pubescent fourteen year old boy would do, when he was spying on any grown woman, Mother or not. Mum, was and still is a very beautiful woman. She is a better mate than any of my friends. I can say or do almost anything to her. It all started when I was in bed playing with my erect cock under the blankets, when Mum came into my room. I quickly stopped all the motions that I had been making with my cock. I...
My sexy wife had met this guy Buck in the net, while she enjoyed looking for some fun in a date site. At first, she only chatted with him during my long absences from home; but finally, my sweet Ana told me that she wanted to meet the guy in person…She said her new friend was a handsome black in his early thirties.One day, we made arrangements to meet him at a highway motel.Once we met there, Buck asked me if I was sure of letting him fuck my sensual wife. I just answered it was fine for...
By : Kamarajastud I’ve been an avid reader of Indian Sex Stories for a while now and I should say that I derived a lot of inspiration from the stories written here to go out there and make my fantasy into a reality by having an extra marital affair with a hungry young Marwari Bhabhi called Kamini Agarwal. I had moved into Bangalore while my wife was still at Vizag at my inlaws place as she had just got pregnant and was expecting our second child. I was looking for a house in the Jainagar area...
Ramon returned carrying a number of bags; some of them seemed quite heavy. "Has she eaten?" he asked Caroline. "Like a prisoner on death row," Caroline answered. She always had had a strange sense of humour. "Has she used the toilet?" "Yes. She's well-fed, cleaned and dried." Ramon bent over me and kissed my lips. "I love you, Jacqueline," he said tenderly. He sat down on the bed in front of me and looked into my eyes. I could tell that it was not easy for him to say what he...
PreludeThis story is about a sexy mature curvaceous women, Helen, with super juicy big tits, a lovely big shaped arse and a scrumptious juicy wet hairy fanny. I have lost count as to the number of times I have wanked over her. Encouraged by her hubby, Dan, I have written this story based on my own fantasy about what I want to do to Helen and how I want to use the fuck out of her slutty wet hairy gash. The story is a slow build-up to full on erotic dirty sex with bdsm, restraint, anal, pissing...
Warning ! This extreme sex story was written as an very dirty adult fantasy. The sick author does not condone the described behavior in real life! I always dreaded having to stay with my Aunt Margaret. She was always so strict, and she really looked the part of a stern aunt. She always wore proper herringbone tweed skirts that accentuated her long, strong legs. Her blouses were always buttoned to the top, an effort to camouflage her enormous breasts. Her long red hair was always worn up in a...
I have a fetish for lapping cum from a freshly fucked cunt. I have always enjoyed cleaning up the woman I have just fucked. Some really enjoy the experience, others are turned off. A few years ago, I found a way to get all the fresh, fucked pussy I can handle. I own a small motel on the beach of a resort town in South Carolina. I have 3 local women that work as maids cleaning the 10 rooms on each of 4 floors. One of the women was a good looking girl that was a student at a local...
Within a few months Sue had been taken under the boy’s wings or cocks to be more accurate – by this time they were round every weekend doing the garden they told me, but by the way Sue was limping Sue’s cunt was the only farrow they were digging! Most nights whenever I called round Id find her naked but stockings, shattered, sitting on a cushion, cum leaking out of her both her holes – the boys called round from college she’d tell me - Their randy little sods.One night she was all excited – I’m...
Raveena tandon, the famous Bollywood actress and mast mast girl of the 90’s had been enjoying her married life, and being mother to her 2 Kids. But she was thinking about making a comeback and start working In films again. Her husband was also supportive of her idea. She was Going through a few scripts but was not able to decide which film she Should accept. Then she went to attend a high profile party at a five Star hotel on a saturday night with her husband. Raveena and her Husband were...
I am a regular reader of iss since couple of months. I am well built 39 yrs young and of 5�5� live in pune. I thought of sharing my experience with you all. This happened when i was just married in 1995. I was 29 yrs young, well-built and smart personality. I was observing right from the day i got engaged. My wife�s distant relative was giving me a very different look. She has good built and must be aged about 23-24 yrs. She used to work for lawyer as his assistant and her office was...
Searching the web for sex contacts, Fiona a randy old cow, now nearing 65, was desperate for cock and a lot of cum since her hubby died six months ago. She knew full well that it was a long shot to find any bloke near her own age and felt depressed. That was until came across a granny fetish site. It seemed that it was set up for men who wanted to meet, date and fulfil their sexual fantasies with old ladies like her.Reading the ads, it was crystal clear that there were quite a lot of horny...
When women glory in gangbangs, they adore being called sluts. These are women who know what they want; they get it by pleasing the men who circle them.A slut has special hands. Hardening men’s shafts is her hand’s essential job. She knows that when a cock feels a hand with rings on the finger it puts even more metal into the hardening rod. A hand isn’t enough though to prepare a man, a slut’s tongue and mouth are needed to send further electrical shocks from the point of contact straight...
Milo knew a movie night with his mom only could end in one way and was feeling uneasy as he felt his mothers excited breaths behind his ears. Janet sifted through the online list for the movies but suddenly the screen turned all dizzy and blue. “Dammit, what the hell is wrong?” Janet cursed and tried to click the controller a few more times but nothing happened. She unfolded her embrace around Milo and rose to examine the TV. She walked over to the TV and bent over to examine it, exposing her...