Ingrid Ch. 02 free porn video

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This is a re-posting of my first attempt at writing. It has been edited for grammar, punctuation, and hopefully, readability.


Ingrid Solberg walked quickly from the back porch to the kitchen phone. She reached it just after the third ring. It was the business line light flashing and she answered it.

‘Good afternoon, Ingrid’s Designs.’

‘Hi Ingrid, its Steve Inhalt.’ His tone was light and upbeat.

‘Oh, hi Steve. I didn’t … I mean I wasn’t expecting,’ she stammered.

‘Relax, Ingrid, I didn’t call about the project, I called to see how you made out with your presentation this morning.’

‘Oh, fine, thanks … I mean … I think OK. There were lots of nodding heads and I hit all the criteria, point by point. I’m pretty happy with how it went.’ She had recovered her usual confident voice. ‘I even included a couple of references from previous clients, and each of the committee got a take-home package covering the presentation.’

‘I’m glad to hear that,’ he said, sounding genuinely happy. ‘When do you think you will know?’

‘They said they would be back to me in two weeks.’

‘Hmmm, typical government isn’t it? Bring half the entire staff and then take two weeks to decide on a project that is a tiny fraction of their budget!’ he said cynically. ‘Well, good luck. One win with the government can open a lot of doors.

‘Thanks for calling, Steve.’ She assumed that was the end of the call.

‘Actually, Ingrid, I called to see if you were doing anything this Saturday?’ he said sounding less self-assured that just a minute ago.

‘This Saturday? Uh, what time?’

‘All day, actually. I wanted to invite you to come sailing with me. It looks like it’s going to be a lovely spring day and I was hoping you’d like to join me for a sail.’

‘Uh, I’m not sure, I … ‘

‘Don’t worry Ingrid, as far as I know there’s no Code of Ethics preventing you from dating a client. Have you ever been sailing before?’ He kept it light and conversational.

‘Years ago, on Lake Okanagan, with a bunch of my schoolmates. We had fun,’ she remembered.

‘You don’t suffer from seasickness do you?’

‘No, not as far as I know. I don’t get seasick, carsick or airsick. I seem to be pretty durable that way.’ She was a little less cautious.

‘Great! I thought we could sail up the Sunshine Coast, run south out into the Gulf and let the Westerlies run us straight home.’

‘Who’s going to be there?’ she asked.

‘Just you and I.’

‘Oh …is it a small boat?’ She began to feel a bit dubious again.

‘No, not at all. I have a 37 foot motor-sailer. It’s capable of sailing any ocean. It’s no race boat, but there’s lots of room, and it has all the safety features. You won’t be taking any risk,’ he said, sounding hopeful.

‘Can you handle a big boat like that all by yourself?’

‘Not only can, but have, many times. I was taught by an old pro and I have the certificates for seamanship and navigation to prove it,’ he said with a hint of pride.

‘Please say you’ll come. I’ll provide everything. All you’ll need is some flat bottom sneakers, sun block and sun glasses.’

‘I guess so … OK, I’d love to! But what should I wear?’ She felt more positive again.

‘Well, it will be cool in the morning and warm in the afternoon, so wear layered clothing, you know, t-shirt, sweat shirt, jacket. No tight clothing in case you go for a swim. I’ll look after the safety gear.

‘Oh … and one other thing. I don’t mean to be too personal, but if you have a sport-bra, wear it. If you get wet from spray or whatever, the regular bra will chafe you and with salt water, it can be very unpleasant. Do you have some canvas tennis shoes?’ He’d spat all this out almost non-stop.

‘Yes, I think I’ve got a grungy old pair.’ She was almost laughing at his string of instructions.

‘Grungy is fine, there won’t be any fashion critics aboard.’

‘Ok, but when do you want to go?’ she asked.

‘What’s good for you? I’m usually up at seven, so I would usually go out around eight thirty for a day sail, but I don’t want to rush you.’

‘I’m usually up at seven too, so eight thirty sounds fine. Where to you keep the boat?’ she asked, now feeling much more enthusiastic.

‘The boat is moored at Fisherman’s Cove. There isn’t much parking there, so I suggest I pick you up at eight at your house. I have a reserved parking space that goes with the moorage.’

She detected a note of relief in his voice.

‘Fine, I’ll look for you at eight at my house. Do you have the address? It’s the same as my office address in the phone book.’

‘Great, I can find that easily. Oh, before I forget, do you have any allergies?’

‘No, not that I know of,’ she replied, now curious.

‘Good! I’ll look after the food. With any luck we should be able to have a picnic in a quiet bay up the Coast.’

‘That sounds lovely, Steve. In the meantime, I’ll try and get our preliminaries for your house ready for tomorrow as promised. I’ll give you a call when I’m ready and we can arrange a meeting.’

‘That’s fine, Ingrid, but don’t rush yourself. Make sure you’re happy with what you want to do. A couple of days here or there won’t mess up our schedule. I’ve already run into some snags with lowering the garage floor. Call me anyway, even if you can’t finish this week. You can tell me where the hang-ups are.’

He sounded like he was back to his normal confident self, and she found it reassuring.

‘Thanks, Steve. I haven’t had much time to think about it since yesterday, so I don’t know what to expect yet.’

She was pleased that he had taken the pressure off. Truthfully, she didn’t quite know where to start with the dark interior and unusual floor plan.

‘Ingrid, why don’t we meet for dinner tomorrow and we can talk about the house then’. This time he didn’t sound hesitant about asking her out.

‘Well, I don’t have any reason I can’t, but this time, I pay!’ she said forcefully.

‘Uh, that might be a bit awkward. I was going to prepare dinner at my place. I’ve been taking lessons from a couple of chefs and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. So your paying is not going to work. However … if you’d like to leave a tip.’

‘Very clever, Mr. Inhalt. But I have to tell you, I’m dazzled by your versatility. Financier! Sailor! Chef! Is there anything you can’t do?’ she asked with a smirk in her voice.

‘Yah… I don’t have any experience in asking beautiful women out on dates. I am a genuine rookie in that department,’ he said quietly but with a smile in his voice.

‘I don’t believe you!’ she laughed. I met you one day ago and already we’ve had dinner, have another arranged for tomorrow and we’re going sailing on Saturday. Let’s see, three dates from Tuesday to Saturday. Tell me again how you are a ‘date rookie.’ Sorry, I don’t buy it,’ she laughed as she finished.

‘Well, it’s true. I guess I just got on a roll and … well … anyway, I’m delighted you accepted my offer … all three times,’ he said quietly.

‘So far, you haven’t made me nervous, but if you really are the innocent boy you say you are, I want to hear the whole story tomorrow at dinner. No holding back!’ she said merrily.

‘OK, that’s fair.’ he surrendered. ‘How does seven sound?’

‘Seven’s fine. I have your address, so I’ll see you then,’ she said.

‘Terrific! I’m already planning the menu! I intend to impress you.’

‘You already have,’ she replied with a sincere note in her voice.

‘Bye Ingrid, see you tomorrow.’ he said quietly and hung up.

Ingrid looked at the phone after she had put the receiver down. She was in strange territory for a woman who was used to being in control of her personal relationships. He had her both interested but cautious. Was he too good to be true? There was that recurring sense of s
incerity that allayed her fears. She hoped he would put her doubts to rest tomorrow.

He was a mystery man, but a handsome, eligible, financially secure mystery man.

‘I should be jumping into his arms and I’m not,’ she thought. ‘The bad experiences from the past have made me careful. God I hope this guy is for real this time!’

She walked back out to the sun deck and picked up the notes and pictures from yesterday’s meeting. No time like the present to get started.


Steve walked through the Living Room one more time and looked carefully around. It was probably the tenth time he had made this walk in the last thirty minutes. Once again, he adjusted the drapes on the picture window, opening them another six inches after having closed them three inches on his last trip. He glanced at the clock for the umpteenth time. On this occasion it was showing six minutes to seven. She would be here in a few minutes.

He walked back into the kitchen and went over the cutlery, utensils, place settings and ingredients. Everything laid out in time and place order, just the way Maurice and Robert had taught him.

He opened the refrigerator door and took out the bottle of French Red he had spent many minutes reviewing before choosing. He was breaking his own rule. Never serve an untested wine to friends you wish to impress. The risks are too great. It was the recommendation of Maurice that carried the day and allowed him to throw caution to the wind. It was the one risky move of two he had chosen for the evening. The other was the entrée.

He was startled by the buzz of the intercom and he walked briskly to the receiver and picked it up. ‘Hello?’

‘It’s Ingrid, Steve.’

‘Great, I’ll buzz you in.’ He pushed the small black button on the wall-set and hung up the receiver. It was two minutes later that she appeared at his open door as he stood waiting for her just inside.

‘Hi, welcome,’ he smiled broadly.

‘Thank you sir. I brought you your ‘tip,” she smiled in return, handing him a bottle of the same wine he had chosen.

‘Thank you. Couldn’t resist, huh?’ he grinned as he turned to invite her into the living room.

It was a warm evening and she wasn’t wearing a jacket or sweater. She looked absolutely lovely in her stylish sleeveless blouse and knee length matching skirt. She started to take off her white low heeled shoes when Steve interrupted.

‘You don’t have to do that, Ingrid, unless you are more comfortable shoeless?’

‘No … thanks, I’ll leave them on … for now.’ She looked around the apartment and walked over to the living room window.

‘What a lovely view,’ she commented turning her head to speak directly to him. ‘From what you told me, you were really lucky to find this unit, and now you have that great new property just waiting for you.’

‘Well, there’s a bit of work to do, you know, but … yes, I feel very fortunate to have found both these places. In fact, I’ve been pretty lucky lately, period!’ he said, pointedly looking at her.

Ingrid blushed and smiled, turning back to the view of Stanley Park and English Bay. The stereo was playing softly in the background. It was a familiar female voice and the music was an old standard from the forties.

‘Actually, I have made an unsolicited offer on this apartment to the owners,’ he continued. ‘They are non-residents who hold a stack of condos in False Creek. I’ve made them a handsome offer with a tidy profit for them. If they accept, it would make a good addition to my investment portfolio,’ he said matter-of-factly.

‘Wow! A new house and a condo in Park Royal. That’s a lot of property for one person,’ she remarked wide-eyed.

‘Well, I’ve been investing since I was seventeen and I’ve been pretty successful at finding good places to put money. The best thing to do with it is to keep it working, whether that’s in the stock market or in the property market. I’ve been lucky enough to be able to do it without having to beg the banking establishment for money.

‘I’ve always had the collateral, so it has never been an issue. They’re happy as hell to lend money to people who can prove they don’t need it.’

He tried not to sound arrogant or angry, more matter-of-fact.

‘I’m impressed, really,’ she said.

Was he laying it on a bit too heavily?

‘Sorry, I shouldn’t be running on about it. Can I offer you a glass of wine?’

‘Yes, please.’

She waited at the living room window, looking around at the apartment, its furnishings and accessories. There were no surprises. The room was just like its owner, neat and tidy. It was tastefully furnished.

She appeared in the entrance to the kitchen. Steve had removed the cork and was pouring the wine into two simple crystal Bordeaux glasses. She looked around and noticed the second bottle of the same wine.

‘Tell me,’ he asked, ‘how did you choose this wine?’

‘I’m guessing that I did it the same way that you did,’ she laughed. ‘I asked Maurice.’

Steve smiled. ‘I should have known. Oh well, at least we won’t run out and we know he has impeccable taste.’

Her tone was light and humorous. She was obviously enjoying being there, even with the awkwardness of her ‘gift’ to the host. He passed a glass to her and raised his in salutation.

‘Here’s to tonight. You’re a brave girl to let me try my new skills out on you.’

‘I am? Now you have me a bit worried,’ she replied with her customary smile.

They sat in the living room, Ingrid in a large, comfortable wing chair and Steve on a light coloured upholstered love seat. For the next twenty minutes they easily exchanged small talk, possible ideas for the new house, her recent vacation in Mexico, his travels in Europe. It was light and easy conversation.

Finally, Steve stood up. ‘I’m just going to get the dinner started. You’re welcome to join me in the kitchen.’ He took her glass and she followed him to the kitchen island. There was a single stool at the end of the island and she perched herself on it. He refilled her glass as she surveyed the dishes and items in front of them.

‘So what’s on the menu, Steve?’ she asked surveying what was in front of her.

‘Well, a bruschetta to start as an appetizer and light lime freeze for dessert. The entrée will be a filét with roasted Rosemary potatoes, and a variety of lightly grilled vegetables. Not very adventuresome, I admit, except perhaps for the filet.’

‘What’s unusual about the filét?’ she asked.

‘It’s Musk Ox. From the Arctic. Don’t worry, I’m not going to serve you something you won’t enjoy,’ he said quickly, looking at her with a sly grin. ‘Not a good idea to put the lady off with a bad meal.’

‘Where in the world did you get Musk Ox steaks?’ She looked incredulous.

‘You’d be surprised. In this day and age, you can get anything from anywhere thanks to airfreight. In this case, I get exotic meats from a small specialty shop in the city. Relax, I wouldn’t serve you anything I hadn’t tested myself,’ he grinned

The bruschetta were taken out of the broiler and he carefully arranged them on a rustic plate that suited the small slices of Italian bread. He suggested they partake of the appetizer at the island and she quickly agreed.

The aroma of the toasted cheese, garlic, and tomato prompted her to take a bite of the hot appetizer.

‘God, I could eat a dozen of these, they’re gorgeous!’ she enthused with her hand open underneath her chin to catch any falling bits. The first one was gone in two bites. She reached for another.

‘I hope you don’t mind me helping myself. These smell so good, I can’t resist.’

Steve passed her a paper napkin and she held that in her hand and patted it on her mouth when she had finished the second piece. She closed her eyes and said, ‘If the rest of the meal is as good as this, I’ll have an orgasm … Ooops! Sorry, I didn’t mean th
at,’ she blushed.

‘I was hoping you did,’ he said looking at her with a quick smile. ‘A chef always wants some evidence that his food is enjoyed. That would be pretty … conclusive, don’t you think?’

He didn’t look her way as he began to prepare the small but thick filéts for the broiler.

Ingrid said nothing as she reached for another piece, she too not looking at him.

Steve assembled the vegetables on a plate and began placing them in a particular order in a large, rounded, wok-shaped pan which he had earlier wiped with olive oil. After about half the vegetables were in the pan, he turned to the filéts on the broiler pan and slid them onto the top rack in the oven. He looked at his watch and then at Ingrid and smiled. ‘It won’t be long now.’ He continued to add the final group of vegetables to the grilling pan and stirred them with a wooden spatula.

The aromas in the kitchen were driving Ingrid back to the appetizer platter again. She had eaten four while Steve had had three. He was happy to see her enjoy the small appetizer. He knew it would enhance her appetite for the entrée. He was also satisfied with his timing on preparation. The grilled veggies, potatoes and steaks would be ready almost exactly at the same time and since there was little to add for serving and arrangement, they would all be hot when the plates were placed on the table.

‘How do you like you filét cooked, Ingrid?’

‘Oh, medium is fine,’ she replied

‘Medium it is then.’

A few minutes later, the oven door was opened and the broiler pan removed. Steve used tongs to place the steaks on a small platter and began slicing them in medium-thin pieces but not cut all the way through. He left them on the platter while he reached for the grilling pan and using the tongs, removed the vegetables and began arranging them on the pre-heated dinner plates.

Next came the Rosemary potatoes and several pieces were arranged on another part of the plate. The filéts were then placed on each plate and he fanned the slices in a decorative fashion near the centre. A small pot on the stove contained dark brown gravy and he carefully spooned some on the meat and potatoes with a decorative trail on the plate.

He looked up at Ingrid when he had finished, smiled and said, ‘Dinner is served.’

He carried the two meals using a pair of quilted pads to protect him from the hot plates. Ingrid followed him with her wine glass. He placed the plates on the table and pulled Ingrid’s chair out and seated her. He removed his white vested apron and threw it on the counter, picked up his wine glass and moved to the table.

‘You really have that down to a science, Steve!’ she said picking up her wine glass and moving it toward him. ‘It smells wonderful and I’m starved. Thank you for this.’

She took a sip of wine and picked up her knife and fork and began.

The meal was quiet and what little conversation passed between them was mostly consisted of Ingrid’s compliments. Steve was delighted with the enthusiasm she showed to his offerings. She savored, and then devoured the Musk Ox, as he guessed she would. The grilled vegetables were a hit as well. Rosemary potatoes were no risk at all. He didn’t know anyone who didn’t like them.

He let her know that there were more vegetables and potatoes in the kitchen and she looked like she might take him up on the offer. It was a treat serving a guest who had a hearty appetite and she was truly enjoying the food.

When they finished, she changed her mind and declined more. ‘It was more than delicious and I want to leave room for my dessert. The little Bruschettas were more filling than I thought. Lucky I quit when I did.’ Smiling, she had a satisfied look on her face and leaned back in her chair.

‘I’m glad you liked it. I made a couple of mistakes, but nothing serious.’ He enjoyed the look of contentment on Ingrid.

‘If you made any mistakes, I didn’t see or taste them,’ she said emphatically.

‘Well, they were serving errors. Firstly, I should have seated you at the table before I brought the entrée plates in. Secondly, I should have given you and me a new, clean wine glass. Thirdly, I should have placed the remaining vegetables in a covered tureen on the table with a pair of tongs. I’m still learning, but in my defense, you’re the first real guest I’ve served in my own home. My first solo flight, as it were.’

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What the hell was I doing here? I had asked myself the same question over and over, on the long drive into the city. As I tried to find a park for my Suburban, I couldn’t help but notice the youth and vitality on the faces of the hundreds of students all milling around aimlessly. Christ, here I was at 38 joining the student body of a small but well respected University for a late shot at a new start to life. I felt like a dinosaur. 38 isn’t old by any stretch of the imagination, but here I was,...

2 years ago
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Pump it Up

My descibes air being pumped into my bladder. It's the most erotic feeling but to give it some background I should say I started this stuff a very long time ago when I was 18/19.. I discovered an electrical cable adapter that fitted the main bathroom water outlet, and the other end fitted a small rubber tube. I waited until my family were all out of the house and made ready to give a water infusion a try.I was very nervous at first as I spit on the tube and fed into my pee-hole. It was (Then)...

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IntrospectionChapter 13

Casey mounted atop Jessie, the Appaloosa, meandering through the trail alone. Jessica had convinced him to take a ride out by himself to get a little time to himself and enjoy nature. Bart had been working him the last couple days, and while Casey wasn’t too sure what the work had to do with relaxing, he was glad it ended with something special. Riding alone today is not something he expected that he would be doing. But it is what it is. When the ride began he was silent. Then at some point,...

1 year ago
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Dost Ki Shaadi Meri Chaandi Part 2

Thank you kamukta story readers pehle part ka response kafi acha rha. Isliye mai kahani ka dusra part jldi lekar aaya. First part mai padha kaise mai apne dost ki shaadi se phle usme gao aaya. Mera dost ek bhabhi se pyar krta tha. Wo shaadi nahi krna chata tha. Unka milna kam ho gya. Aur unki baat ab mere jariye hone lagi aur maine unhe juth bola ki jassi aaj raat ko aapse milega. Aur unhe khud chodne ke liye bulaya. Ab kahani aage.. Jaisa ki aapko pata hai mai raat ko sbse chipta hua sahiba...

3 years ago
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Punishment Or Treat

It all starts with the platonic love and the feelings for each other takes you in the deep ocean of the love and you don’t even realize, when the ocean of love gets murkier and you tend to re-think about… about a lot many things. Let me start with it, I’ll tell you, my Gf was like a cupid with bow and arrow. Don’t you believe ? Yes, she was at least for me. I always like her sweet little kisses and her sweet smell of her persona (or maybe her perfume). She was gorgeous and I wouldn’t say any...

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I Came Here to DieChapter 14

Philip Mathison looked ten years younger after ridding himself of the old albatross around his neck. He married Mary Beth, his twenty year old secretary. She was a runway model type. Long curly blonde hair, a very pretty face and a body to die for. She wasn't very bright but he hired her for her looks and not for her intellectual prowess. She was a girly girl. She loved beautiful clothes, laying nude to get an even tan, and be on his arm when they went out nightly for dinner. She liked to be...

2 years ago
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The Bar

My First Story (never write a story before)tell me what u think It all started about a month ago when I decided to take my 2 weeks vacation from work. The time was 11:35 pm and I was driving around trying to find a good bar to relax and drink because I was bored as hell. Come across this place about 7 blocks from my house. It looks nice enough so I went in. There was a bartender looks to be in his mid 30's and about 9 people in here 4 guys and 5 women. I sat near the bartender and ask for...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 18

Peggy Sue directed the women over to Delmonico's, again. Waite caught one of the boys that seemed to be constantly under foot, and told him to take a message to room sixteen in the hotel. He gave the boy two bits, and told him that if he delivered the message and returned with an answer, he would have a whole dollar waiting. The boy was out of there in a flash. A few minutes later, he returned with the reply. Jesse had sent a note along with the boy, as proof that the message was...

3 years ago
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A Free Ride1

I had thought the work christmas party would be the perfect opportunity for him to have his way with me. I didnt even know if the rumours were true, if he really was known for singling out his favourite apprentice and taking them out for a nice, strictly professional meal, getting them pissed out of their face and then taking them home and fucking their poor helpless little brains out. God how i wanted it to be true. Id do anything for that to be me, splayed out on his bed like a rag doll,...

4 years ago
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Friends Night Over Pt2

After a great night out, my wife and I were in bed sleeping it off when the doorbell went and I stumbled downstairs half-asleep. It turns out the repair guy decided to pay us a visit and fix our leaky radiator on our rest day. ho hum...I walked him upstairs and showed him to the radiator before going back to bed and wrapping the covers over myself and going back to sleep. And some time later I opened my eyes to see the repair dude standing over our bed and watching my wife's exposed leg and ass...

1 year ago
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Piper Gets Revenge

The breeze was low, sweet with blooming lilac and heavy with the evening dew. Piper stood in the open french doors that led onto the back porch, her arms laden with blankets. She inhaled deeply, savoring the summer air. There was no light beyond the fireflies and the first few stars above; the lone streetlight out front couldn't reach between the houses here and left the lush backyards intimately darkened. Somewhere nearby a pool filter hummed quietly to itself. The only other sounds came from...

3 years ago
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Spying on the Cheerleaders

Summer had just wrapped up and school was now in session. All the high school aged children were returning back to Beverly Hills high school. The kids that attend this high school are all a bunch of rich snobby kids. They drive to school in BMW’s, Porches, and Mercedes Benz’s. Their cars are not used; they are brand spanking new. Most of these kids are born with a silver spoon in their mouths. These kids wear designer clothing and shoes, and carry designer pocketbooks. It’s the same thing...

3 years ago
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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 28

(DEC 1941 JAPANESE BOMB PEARL HARBOR) Author’s Note: I apologize for the interruption of the unfolding story, but wanted to draw attention to the fact that there is some lag time between the Historical side of the story and the plot with the time-traveling Jack Kruger from the twenty-first century. As I previously indicated at the beginning, chapters 27 and 28 are the pivotal chapters of the war in Europe during World War Two and the events in these two chapters are the alpha and the omega...

3 years ago
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The Dark Shadow of Desire

Hidden in the depth of your lust, you will find your own dark shadow of desire. My therapist asked me to write out my confession, read it to myself, seal it in an envelope and burn it. My name is Derek and this is my confession.  It was last Friday night. I had arranged for a limousine to take my fiancée and I to the formal ball that begins the Arts Centre’s new exhibition season. The tickets were very expensive but I knew that my fiancée loved elite social affairs and the art shows so I wanted...

4 years ago
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How Daddy Became a Bitch 2

After that afternoon’s amazing action (How Daddy Became a Bitch (1)), which came out of nowhere, I was happy to sleep inside a while, make something to eat and read, and back to bed again. I hadn’t had that much sex in years. And I needed to reflect on what had happened. First, I had sex – great sex – with someone I barely knew, a few decades younger than I. And Gary basically dominated me, even when I was fucking him. That was a bit scary, becoming someone’s bitch, and so quickly and...

3 years ago
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Five Little WordsChapter 4

Returning home late Monday afternoon I turned on my phone and almost immediately it started ringing. Looking at the caller ID I realized it was Katie and I let it go to voicemail. As soon as it stopped ringing, and voicemail picked up, it paused and then started ringing again. This went on for several minutes. "Well I have to talk her sometime I guess," I thought as I thumbed the connect button. "WHERE ARE YOU!" screamed Katie in to the phone as the connection opened. "Why do you...

3 years ago
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Beaver Hunt

Thinking of the perfect gift is always hard when you want it to be just the right one for that special someone in your life. My husband's birthday is next week and I still haven't found the perfect gift for him yet. His favorite past time second to sex is hunting. I decided to pick up one of his hunting magazines and see if it would give me some kind of idea. I started to read an article about a beautiful hunting lodge in Pennsylvania, where there was plenty of white tail dear to...

2 years ago
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The Fall of Paradise Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Welcoming Party Avriel descended from the ship into a large cavern hidden completely in darkness. She could hear the sound of water rushing over rocks in the distance and the flutter of wings higher up. She also heard the sound of movement across the stone floor but do to the echoing around the cavern she could not pin point the location. "Sidney please turn on the exterior ship lights," she said into the communicator on her wrist. She...

1 year ago
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Nadine Part IV

After our rather wild holiday together, including the climactic shag in front of strangers, we had a brief spell of not seeing each other quite regularly. I hate to say it but work got the better of both of us. Nadine had been promoted to assistant manager and I was usually pretty busy anyway; taking a week’s holiday obviously hadn’t helped and I had so many emails to deal with that I was afraid to open my inbox.This brief spell was interrupted by my using said inbox to send Nadine the pictures...

4 years ago
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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 22 Catering Gig ndash Prep

Z is still working as a prostitute. Her ad pays off again. A horny couple needs a server for a sexy catering gig. That couple invites Z and younger sister, Fran, for dinner. There is talk about a threesome. Fran is not supposed to make it a foursome. Readers will have to decide if Fa/ft really applies. The BS&O message: We need a server for a catering gig. You will have multiple opportunities to meet prospective clients. Call for more info [phone number] -RRRR I called. “This is Roberta...

4 years ago
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Fucked A Beautiful Girl From ISS

Hello friends. I am Rihan Rai. I live in Delhi. Any girl or aunty want to get fucked please mail me at This story is real. Baat start hoti h meri 1st story se jo maine iss pe likhi thi mere 1st sex experience k baare me. Mjhe bohot saare feedback mile the and usme se ek tha anusha ka. Meri 1st story publish karne k 10 days baad anusha ka mere mail id pe msg aaya. Usse pehle to bss aise hi baat hui thodi der. Fir mjhe laga k koi fake ladka h to maine direct msg krr diya k if dont belive in...

3 years ago
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Almost Persuaded

Copyright© THE TALL TEXAN - KITTY Last night, all alone in a bar room, I met a man with a drink in his hand Almost Persuaded by Tanya Tucker "Hey, pretty lady, how 'bout a dance?" The band was playing "Georgia Rag," an old song by Web Pierce that hardly anyone plays anymore. It was a great ragtime number with a strong beat — perfect for dancing — and a catchy melody. I looked up and saw a cowboy dressed up in his dancing finery: he had on a new looking Stetson hat, well...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Ashlyn Peaks Insanely Huge Natural Tits

You’re going to want to suck, fuck, and share Ashlyn Peaks tits with your homies. They’re so big its amazing Danny Steele can even get his hands around them. Seriously her tits are so big they’re like a dream come true. Not to mention she has a big fat ass too perfect for hitting from behind. Danny Steele fucks her hard and her humps and lumps jiggle all over his cock like an earthquake of sexual pleasure. She sucks and fucks his dick with her tits, and eventually he cums all...

3 years ago
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Maasum bholibhali

Main kareeb 19 saal ka tha, jab parents nayi naukrani le aaye. Uski looks nepali jaisi thi, badi gori. Uske boobs bade soft soft the aur just normal patli si thi. Umrr kareeb 18 saal ki hogi. Lekin uska nature totaly childlike tha. Bacho jaisi harkatein karna. Baatein bacho waali. Ek dum maasum si thi. Jaise sharir se toh badi ho, lekin sundar bhaavnaon se bekhabar. Parents dono doctor hain, is liye 90% time bahar he hote the. Mostly woh frock aur top he pehnti thi ya fir nighty(without pallu)....

4 years ago
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The SwapChapter 6

In the weeks which followed, Peter's life began to unravel. He had built his entire life around Samantha and the kids and now that world was suddenly falling apart. Although he had hoped she would change her mind, Samantha filed for a divorce and after the appropriate waiting period, because children were involved, the divorce was granted. Since Peter did not object, custody was given to Samantha who made it clear his visits with the kids would be few and far between. Peter began drinking....

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Magic Is Gross 2 DevilChapter 7

“You haven’t been staying up all night?” The best part of being elected Sheriff was having better control of her hours. Most mornings, there was reason enough for her husband to be out the door and to the hospital. It fell on Elizabeth to browbeat her children to school. “She wasn’t in her bed when I had to pee last night,” Victoria said around a spoonful of Cheerios, the sugariest cereal in the Shannon household. “I had a paper to finish,” Avery yawned, “I got it done.” “You need sleep,”...

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Avenging Angel chapter 6

Had the other specimens become as debased and degraded as me? Despite daily exercises to maintain fitness, they too had lost muscle and bone mass and acquired a softening layer of fat, and some of them now had noticeable breasts. But had they undergone emotional and psychological transformations like mine? And did they suffer the same reaction, the rebound, as I did when Festival time drew near? Two days after Ms Takamitsu’s visit, Ms Curtis attached an eight-inch dildo to the machine in...

2 years ago
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First Experience With Meera

This is my first story I hope you all Enjoy. I am working in an MNC in Bangalore and this Incident started when I was returning from office in BMTC Volvo one month before. It was a heavy crowded bus, lucky I got a seat after crossing Marathalli Bridge (a place in Bangalore). After few stops a girl (Meera, name changed around 25 age, very hot , Short hair and whitish, Perfect figure little short in height) came and sat beside me (window Side). She was little wet due to rain and she was wearing...

1 year ago
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Anticipating Rebecca

‘Okay, but you have to close your eyes and promise not to look.’ He pulled her up from the sofa and brought her to the mirror. ‘Keep your eyes closed, okay?’ She laughed softly but didn’t protest. She felt the cold stones graze the skin of her neck. She had to twist her neck to avoid being strangled – what a klutz! Could she peek? ‘Don’t peek, I’m not done.’ It wasn’t quite right. The string of purple pearls curved around her neck and down her neckline, but then spilled untidily over her...

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Incubus Tales

In the human world, you are known as John Doe. In the demon world, you’re a first-class incubus that has yet to earn a name. You plan on changing that by your deeds in the human world. Demons like you strive to earn a name, and thus a right to exist. A demon without a name is like not existing at all, meaning you could be dropped at any time without consequence. Granted, it’s not like nameless demons are killed just for the fun of it (although some demons with names take to it like a game or a...

4 years ago
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Happily Ever After Chapters 2 and 3

Chapter 2 Be My Baby It took me awhile to get to sleep and I found it almost impossible to remain in that state. Sam wasn't up for any fooling around and drifted off quickly with his arm and leg draped over me possessively. This was what I'd wanted, wasn't it? Why was I having these gnawing doubts about everything? If I had the chance, I'd definitely take a few days and just go off by myself somewhere. The weight of the entire situation was beginning to drag me down. ...

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Fucking Aunt and Mom

Ever since I was a kid I liked being outside. My parents always talked about how it was an "addiction." They also said that my older sister was the exact opposite of me because she only liked being inside. I ,of course, knew that I was not addicted but simply fascinated by the natural world. I grew up always traveling places with my parents. I bonded with dad a lot because he talked about all the adventures he had when he was a kid. He always told me to have fun but be careful because he...

2 years ago
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Second Unit

This was my first morning at my new job, the combination of many years' study, firstly at college and than later at university; it was as a 2nd unit Cameraman with the 18 Plus Adult channel. My wife, Jenny, of three months was not ecstatic at my appointment, but as I have told her, a job's a job, we can't afford to be picky, not with all those bills to pay. Her beautiful body moved under me as I thrust into her wet pussy, although only five foot two, with a slight figure, she was very sexy...

1 year ago
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Sex Money Chapter Five

Jim grinned at Heidi’s shell-shocked face as he pushed her dress up, creasing it, feeling her soft smooth skin. ‘Jim! We can’t!’ Heidi’s eyes were wide in apparent fear. ‘Why not?’ ‘Someone will see us!’ ‘No-ones looking’ Jim muttered. He lifted his ass up slightly off the seat and pulled his trousers and boxers down, taking his engorged dick out, wrapping his hand around the rigid length. He pulled Heidi down onto him, kissed her again. ‘You ready for this baby?’ ‘I can’t believe you! You’re...

3 years ago
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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 11 A maggot in the fruit

It was a hot morning in early July, and I was sitting in my office in Taunton Castle, intermittently signing a plethora of papers and thinking of my sister Rebekah, when the sound of a galloping horse entering the courtyard interrupted my ruminations. The Somerset Yeomanry provided the regiment with gallopers, stationed at the detached companies, and I thought it might be from Bridgewater. I straightened my tunic, threw the unsigned paperwork into a desk drawer, and made my way downstairs,...

2 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 7 Butternuttery

Sandy ran a hand down her grey concubine shift, trying to smooth out nonexistent wrinkles. The large window to her left showed part of the massive transport fleet readying for their trip to Thule, silhouetted by a crescent Earth. At her former home, which she could just make out on the horizon, it was mid-morning. She took another second to review the speech she was about to give, and then nodded to Lyn. The camerawoman, staring through the viewfinder, gave Sandy the thumbs up and settled...

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Campsite shower sex

I’ve been wanting to share this torrid little adventure of mine for ages, in the hope that it makes you, lovely reader, as wet or as hard as does my own reading of the wonderful Lush stories. Firstly, a little presentation. My name is Regina (yes I know, I’ve heard it all before! Thanks parents, for conceiving me whilst on holiday in Saskatchewan). I’m a 23 year old student of psychology, a blond bombshell standing at 5 feet 3 inches and 103 pounds dripping wet. Doesn’t stop me having a juicy...

Quickie Sex

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