Inamorata Tales Ch 01
- 2 years ago
- 25
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The big man with the tightly cut black beard stood silently and patiently like a soldier before the figure in the chair. His smooth, shaven skull gleamed dully under the flickering light from the crackling fire as he waited and, eventually, the figure spoke.
‘The plan?’
‘We will first summon him to Hercot.’
‘Hercot? That will not be easy…’
‘The papers are genuine, not fakes, and they bear the correct seals. He will not question their validity and so he will not question their contents.’
There was a brief pause as his words were digested. ‘Let’s hope not, hmm? It would be… inconvenient if he did. And then?’
‘He will journey to Kirris in the expectation of meeting the daily train that will take him round The Wilds and straight to his destination. It is the only route that will get him there in time.’
‘And how will you get to him on that?’
‘We won’t have to because the train will be gone before he arrives.’
‘Really? And how will you accomplish that particular trick?’
‘Leave that to me, but, rest assured, one way or another it will not be there for him to board.’
A shrug. ‘You know the ways of such things better than I, Crew. So what will he do then?’
‘He will take one of two alternate routes, join the caravan or go on horseback. Those are the only paths open to him that will get him to Hercot in time.’
‘And if he takes the caravan?’
‘He can’t take the chance of one of the wagons breaking. If one stops, they all stop.’
‘So he will ride.’
Crew nodded. ‘He will ride. The only question is which route he will take.’
‘And I take it you have that worked out, too?’
Another nod. ‘I do.’
‘I am in your hands, then. Try not to drop me, there’s a good man. Everything rests on your success in this matter, as you know.’
The man nodded and then paused for a second or two. ‘And we cannot enjoy the younger girl as sport?’
A heavy, impatient sigh followed the question. ‘No. She must be found with her master and you know how it must look when she is. If she has been… defiled, then questions will be asked and that we cannot afford.’
‘And the other? Still the same?’
‘She must not only die but she must never be found and you would do well not to treat her lightly. Take her deep into The Wilds before you dispose of her and leave nothing to chance.’
‘Very well.’
The three rode as fast they dared over the overgrown and unpredictable terrain. They rode in single file, two women and, between them, the man whose protection was their sacred, sworn duty. The lead rider, a tall and elegant woman with fair hair named Rayne was ahead of the other two by a short distance, riding scout. At the back came Naiya, an olive skinned, dark haired girl some years younger than Rayne, who rode closely behind their master, Jarren. Though both women were accomplished in handling a horse, their man was not so adept and was struggling a little with the pace his two girls were trying to maintain. But Rayne was unwilling to ease back too far until they were out of The Wilds.
In fact, if they’d had their way, they wouldn’t have been there at all. Why the council was being convened in such a remote place when it usually conducted business in a more suitable city such as Port Hollus, the girls didn’t know. Neither did they know the contents of the folder that had galvanised their master into such an immediate, almost panicked rush to attend. That the meeting was to be held in six days time was all he would say. They had hurriedly packed a few bags, travelled to the rail station and spent three days travelling to Kirris, right on the edge of The Wilds. And on the far side of those untamed and largely lawless lands lay their destination, the fort town of Hercot.
The plan had been to continue by rail, taking the longer, safer route round The Wilds, but the train they would have caught had left early, though no-one knew why, and they had missed it by several hours. To most of their fellow travellers this meant an overnight stay in Kirris and then they could catch the next day’s train, but to the girl’s dismay, Jarren would have none of it.
‘We cannot spare the time, Rayne. It is another two day journey at best, probably closer to three and I simply must not miss this meeting. The circumstances under which it has been called are… extraordinary and exceptionally troubling and there is no question of me being even an hour late.’
‘Then we should take seats on the caravan, my master. There is safety in numbers and our instincts tell us both that we will likely have need of it.’
But, again, he had shaken his head. ‘And have to stop every time some fool breaks a wheel or gets bogged down? We could be out there for a week! No, we shall avoid the caravan trail altogether and take the old trading route and we will do so on horseback. That will keep us away from trouble, I have no doubt, it’s almost never used now. That is the way we shall travel and that is the end of the matter.’
Rayne turned to Naiya with an anxious, imploring look, seeking support and finding just a shrug as the younger girl blithely accepted Jarren’s judgement.
On horseback, the journey could be completed in two days if they rode at a steady pace and only rested briefly overnight. Though Rayne was far from happy, she could see that this was the best way, but it felt little more than the lesser evil. So, after securing the three best mounts available, bedrolls and supplies, they had set off.
And, as Kirris grew smaller behind them, none of them noticed the bird that flew high overhead with a message wrapped around one of its legs.
The trader’s route was in rough condition, overgrown in some places and eroded in others, and though the hazards were easy enough to spot they were forced to keep their speed down. Other than that, they rode untroubled until the sun began to set and, when the road was too darkened to see safely by the withering light of the half moon, they made camp. The girls slept in shifts, with one awake throughout the night, sitting away from the dying embers of the fire, concealed in the black night.
At first light, they ate, packed up and set off again.
‘Can I ride scout?’ Naiya asked as she swung up onto her mount.
Rayne shook her head, about to speak, when Jarren cut in.
‘Yes, you can. We need to pick up the pace and I think I’ll ride a little better with you close behind me, Rayne.’
It was nonsense but that was the end of the discussion, regardless.
A few hours later, Naiya, now riding ahead as scout, crested a rise. The track dipped down ahead of her into a tree lined gully, before curling away out of sight. She spurred her horse on, turning the corner below as her companions came over the rise behind her. Rayne swore as the younger girl again disappeared from view, something she herself would never let happen and she wished that her master hadn’t been so indulgent.
A half minute later they rounded the same bend.
‘Naiya!’ Jarren called out.
Ahead of them, laying motionless half in the thick grass at the side of the track, was Naiya, her horse waiting a little way ahead.
Before Rayne could do anything, Jarren spurred his horse on.
‘No!’ she called out in vain as she raced after him.
‘Stay on your horse! Stay on your horse!’ she cried as Jarren pulled up beside the stricken Naiya and, to Rayne’s utter dismay, jumped down to her.
In a flurry of scattered pebbles, Rayne yanked her horse to a stop besides the kneeling Jarren.
‘Get back on your horse, master!’ she yelled at him, her horse pacing impatiently as it sensed the anxiety of it’s rider.
He looked up at with a deep frown. ‘Don’t be ridiculous! She’s hurt-‘
‘Get back on the horse! Please!’ she almost screamed. ‘We have to get out – ‘
And t
hen there was a short whistle before something heavy cracked into the side of Rayne’s head and she keeled over to fall in a heap to the soft grass.
As she pulled herself to her feet, Rayne felt blood trickle warmly down the side of her head. Instinctively she turned to her master as the men concealed in the trees ran out, drawn swords glinting in the morning light.
‘Run!’ Rayne yelled, pushing Jarren towards his horse as she stood to face the attack, drawing her matching daggers from their scabbards. She shook her head to clear the fog that threatened to fill her world and then counted.
As Jarren fought to get his foot in the stirrup of his horse, the first of their attackers went for him, sword raised above his head.
Rayne put herself between him and her master in a second, the long, curved cross guard of one dagger clashing with the descending blade, stopping it dead. She twisted her wrist, throwing the man off balance and turning him to the side and she buried her other dagger into his neck slashing it aside in the same motion, an arc of blood spraying from the fatal wound. Even as that one fell to the ground, Rayne turned to the next, tugging her dagger free of the bone, swinging it across and blocking the clumsy thrust of his sword.
With the arm now high, Rayne plunged her other dagger into the stomach of her attacker, twisting it round and up, the steel almost gutting him such was the ferocious strength of the blow.
Jarren was on his horse now, turning it face the road.
Another of the men raced to him, the others suddenly deciding that rushing for her wasn’t that wise after all. There was no time to close the gap, Rayne realised and she tossed the dagger in her right hand into the air, catching it by the blood soaked blade and then, with a flick of her wrist, sending it like an arrow through the air. A second later and the man dropped like a puppet whose strings have been cut, crumpling to the floor with the dagger buried in the side of his head.
Thinking her attention was taken, another one went for Rayne, drawing his sword back and plunging it down towards her. She dodged to the side as he closed, one foot lashing brutally out and connecting solidly with the front of his knee. There was crunch and the man howled in pain, dropping to one knee, dropping his sword to clutch the shattered kneecap.
Jarren was off now, his horse kicking up stones as he dug in.
Ride, love, as fast as you can.
Almost casually, Rayne knelt and, with her eyes fixed firmly on the remaining two attackers, picked up the dropped sword. She didn’t look as she rested the tip of the blade on the chest of the now pleading man and then simply drove it downwards. She felt the briefest of resistance as the blade sliced through flesh and bone alike and Rayne heard his dying breath gurgle in his throat with great satisfaction.
She turned her gaze to the fleeing Jarren just in time to see the hefty rock that flew from the trees hit him in the head. He fell forward in the saddle and rolled off lifeless.
There’s more!
‘No!’ Rayne screamed and ran towards the fallen man, skidding beside him. She cradled his head, feeling the blood trickle through her fingers with a sickening lurch in her guts.
She barely even registered the big man that walked up behind her to crack the pommel of his sword across the back of her head. The world went black and Rayne slumped forward.
‘Wakey, wakey,’ said a gruff voice in the dark.
Rayne cracked her eyes open to see a bright, blurry world and, eventually, the figure standing in front of her came into focus.
He was one of the evillest men she had ever seen. Standing well over six foot, broad and muscular, with a small, tight, black goatee, he towered imperiously above Rayne as she was pulled roughly to her feet. She saw that he held Naiya’s belt with her short sword and dagger in one hand. Even when stood, Rayne still had to look up to meet his cold, pale blue eyes, and what she saw there sent a shiver of dread up her spine.
There is no give in this man. I cannot reason or bargain with him. Our fate is sealed.
She quickly took stock of her situation, hands tightly bound in front of her, ankles now with a hobble tie between them and the man who had hauled her up had a sturdy pole that was tied to a noose around her neck. There were men walking from even further down the road towards them and Rayne guessed that they had been there in case one of them had managed to make a run for it. She took it all in, understanding that this was no random ambush by simple robbers.
The big man smiled thinly as he looked down at Rayne.
‘I was told not to treat you lightly,’ the man said in an almost admiring voice, nodding his head to the line of four bodies laid out in the grass behind him. ‘You’re an exceptional fighter, girl, truly. Never quite seen anything like it. In another time and place, I could have made use of you.’
Rayne said nothing, instead looking around in vain to find her master. She saw him a little way up the road where he had been struck from his horse by means Rayne still couldn’t fathom. Jarren had two men with him and, stumbling with hands bound, he was shoved back towards her. Hearing noise behind her, Rayne struggled to turn and saw Naiya being led, hands bound, by a man with his fist wrapped in her hair. The younger girl looked at Rayne with wide, terrified eyes as she was led before the big man and turned to face Rayne.
‘She’s a nice little thing, this one,’ said the man with a smile that looked like a yellow picket fence. He man smiled sadly, shaking his head. ‘Crying shame to waste her, Crew.’
The big man, Crew, said nothing, ignoring him, instead looking at Rayne, seeing the tenseness in her, the rage she couldn’t express and the panicking fire that burned in her eyes at what she knew was to follow.
‘He should have listened to you, shouldn’t he girl?’ the big man said mildly and Rayne nodded in understanding at the implications of his words.
‘Yes. He should have,’ she whispered.
A flick of his eyebrows, a shrug and the big man turned to the groaning, barely conscious Jarren as he was kicked to his knees in the grass.
‘Lay out his bedroll, put him on it and unfasten his clothes,’ Crew said and the men did so. Lifting the luckless Naiya by her hair again, Crew dragged her to Jarren.
‘Stand over him,’ he said and, when Naiya had done so, he pushed her down until her legs were splayed across her master’s middle and she sat astride him. Crew turned to face Rayne, seeing the tears building in her eyes.
‘Please,’ she whispered, the grief of anticipation building in her heart as it pounded in her chest. ‘Not him, not my master. I beg of you, please. Not him.’ Her voice cracked with fear and despair.
‘You failed him, Inamorata, but not as much as your friend here. Creatures such as her only ever think of themselves, happy to see a man become his own worst enemy rather than stand up and say what must be said to keep him from harm. She’s unworthy of the name and we both know it. She’s not even fit to be sport for my men.’
He tugged Naiya’s dagger from its scabbard, dropped the belt and remaining sword, yanked her head back by the hair to expose the throat. Naiya gave a pitiful scream of pure terror, and then Crew dragged the edge of the blade hard across her throat. A thick glut of blood sprayed from the gaping wound, spraying Jarren hotly. He cried out then, shocked to his senses and a babble of words spewed from his mouth, begging and pleading.
Crew didn’t even pause. He dropped to his knees, letting Naiya fall forward on top of Jarren as he knelt and pulled the short sword free. He stood, gripping it in both hands and pointing it down before plunging it through the dead Naiya and in to Jarren beneath her. He cried out in shock and pain, eyes wide, his head turning to Rayne
Rayne wailed a long, low lament of absolute, wretched pain. She felt the blade as it plunged into her master, felt it as surely and keenly as if it had been plunged into her own flesh. Her legs gave out and she dropped to her knees as if felled.
Jarren looked at her with astonished eyes as Crew pushed the blade down as far as he could, until it would go no deeper. He stood, leaving the blade skewering the two together, his eyes devoid of any emotion.
‘I’m… sorry… love…’ Jarren managed to say as blood bubbled between his lips. Rayne, could only nod, tears running down her cheeks like a river as she watched the man she lived for, the man she was sworn to serve and protect, die before her eyes.
‘Bit fucking late for regret now,’ Crew said contemptuously, a sneer on his lips as he again walked to Rayne. He motioned for the man holding the pole to lift her to her feet.
‘Now… what shall we do about you?’ he asked Rayne thoughtfully.
‘Kill me,’ she said in a dead voice, her eyes red rimmed and burning with white hot hatred.
‘Life not worth living now he’s gone? Want to join him in the next life? That it?’
Rayne glared at Crew and shrugged. ‘Eventually, yes, but not before you lay dead at my feet.’
Crew laughed but a cloud passed over his face as he met Rayne’s unblinking gaze.
‘Ooh… feisty one. I’d have enjoyed breaking you,’ he said but there was a flicker of fear in his words.
‘Then try. You and me. Cut my binds and do your worst. You don’t even have to give me a sword if you think it’ll help,’ and there was a dead cold in Rayne’s voice.
Crew smiled, his bravado returning as he regained his composure. ‘Not today, little one.’ He turned to the two men who had brought Jarren over and Rayne saw that one of them had her belt and daggers tucked into the back of his trousers.
‘You two, go with him,’ and Crew nodded at the one holding Rayne’s neck pole. ‘Take her well into the woods, where she’ll never be found. Bury her deep.’
Sunlight lit the forest in shafts as the men pulled the horses to a stop.
‘This’ll do, I reckon,’ said the leader.
Rayne was tied securely in the saddle of her own mount and the men cut the rope before simply shoving her off. She crashed into the damp, leaf covered forest floor.
She lay there quietly, numbed and dead inside, her heart feeling wrenched apart in her chest, and listened to the three men digging her grave. In her head, over and over, she saw Jarren reaching out to her, looking for a salvation that would never come. She heard his last words, saw the fear and pain in his face and then, as she wept softly, saw the light in his eyes dim and then go out once and for all.
‘Get her up,’ said a voice and Rayne was only vaguely aware of being dragged bodily upright, her legs barely supporting her. Rough hands undid the noose and pole from her neck, there was a shove in the back and she stumbled forwards, losing her footing and tumbling to the pile of earth by the freshly dug hole. Curiously, almost detached from what she saw, Rayne looked into her grave.
You failed him, Inamorata.
She clutched herself then, fingers spread wide over her stomach and remembered.
No, I didn’t fail him, Crew. I would have given him the one thing he wanted more than anything else if you’d not taken him from me. I didn’t fail him.
Calm settled over her like a blanket, warming her blood as she felt it course through her veins. Rayne felt dead inside, hollow and empty and almost barren. Almost.
There is still life in me.
And on the heels of that,
This is not over yet and nor am I.
And she knew what she had to do.
She rolled upright then, a wicked grin on her face, hooded eyes regarding the three men who stood around her with a lust the like of which they’d never seen before.
She played her eyes over them one by one and, as she did, let her knees splay apart, opening her legs as far as the rope between her ankles would allow. The men gave her their full attention as Rayne pushed her bound hands between creamy, smooth thighs.
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TWO TINY TOOL TALES by Throne For years John had considered himself an accomplished cocksman. Many women had succumbed to his considerable charms and he had bedded them all. Then he picked the wrong woman and found himself in trouble with The Revenge Court, an all female group dedicated to vigilante justice for egotistical cads like himself. Their sentence had been simple. He was to have his eight inch tool reduced to a mere hint of its full glory. John was stunned. His life...
Twisted Teen Tales by Rolf Palsy Chapter 1 Spanked and Raped by Daddy When I was fourteen, mom took a powder, leaving me...
Blood.. it had become my second skin, my mask of deception, my one true calling. Death, war and pain were the only things that ever pulled me back into this godforsaken reality, nothing could settle my unforgiving hands and the urge to bring never ending chaos upon this pitiful place we call earth. For many years I have wondered to many far and wide places but none of them seem to fill this gaping hole in my chest, those who I called friends have gone their separate ways from me and I can’t...
FantasyShibuya Japan is one of the biggest cities in Tokyo Japan. With its large population, grand architecture, and impressive urban infrastructure who wouldn’t want to live there. Recently the group known as the Phantom Thieves have skyrocketed in popularity. Unknown to the rest of the city, what makes up this Rouges gallery of thieves consists of regular high schoolers. And like all regular high schoolers, they aren’t safe from societal fears of embarrassment. One of these tales of misfortune...
When I was 24 and in the Navy, they sent me to a school at Vallejo California, where I spent the next 12 weeks. Vallejo is a small town north of San Francisco. I mean a small town. On the first visit I discovered the only ABS in town. It was enough. There was no internet back then, and I would buy porno playing cards (good for jerking off in the bathroom) and magazines. Straight porno because that’s what I enjoyed looking at while I jacked off. But then I would leave my bag up front and go back...
The thought of her father's fat, heavy cock increased Michelle desire, as she slipped a finger inside herself, and feeling her wetness, pushed the finger deeper. It was at that point that she remembered the hidden cameras her neighbour Julie had planted, and hoping she had the angle right, pulled her panties to her ankles and opened her legs. The thought that Julie was watching her wanton display made her finger herself faster. As she rubbed, she mentally photoshopped the image, where is was...
It happened at the swimming-pool where I go two or three times a week, quite early in the morning. It’s a modern pool, shared with the Secondary School next door and sometimes the pool sessions during the day are shared too; on my days off, I’ve been there later in the day when the older boys of the Upper School are having their lessons – lean young 16 to 18 year-olds, nearly always wearing those baggy board-shorts; the serious ones sometimes wear compression-style “Jammers” but always in...
This tale starts with Naruto. Naruto can be a child, meeting a brother figure, or with Naruto on his way to the academy. Either way plz follow these guidelines 1) All teams must be 4 Genin and 1 jonin, 2) Your OC must not be a godlike, overpowered, super ninja, at least not at the start of the story 3)Have fun writing and reading :)
The young Isabeau clenched her jaw and struck the ivory keys of the piano with her fists four times in quick succession. “Arpeggios, arpeggios, arpeggios! I despise arpeggios!” she screamed out in anger and frustration.Isabeau stood from her piano bench and stomped her way to the open window that looked out over the impeccably maintained garden of the mansion’s grounds. She stood in defiance with her back to her piano teacher, the Maestro, her arms crossed under her small breasts and her head...
SupernaturalPart One ~ his perspective~My wife Brittney and I married early in life. That was the best part. Because we both loved each other and also knew that there was a difference between love and sex. And we LOVED sex. We always flited with our friends and really enjoyed the times when we one would watch the other making out with one of our friends, and while the furthest either of us got was either giving or getting head, or eating pussy or getting pussy eaten; we’d never really had an opportunity to...
I had an apartment in Torrance, California about 20 years ago. As my Dad was out of town, my Mom took me to dinner. On the way there I had this strong feeling that something horrible was about to happen..I couldn’t eat. I thought I might lose a grandmother, or a major earthquake, I just knew it! My Mom was concerned about me so she drove me the long route home so we could talk. I got home and friends were waiting for me, so I told them something was going to happen, but what? I decided to walk...
It had seemed like a great idea at the time, having just finished her senior year at college, she remembered her parents offering her the prospect of six months in England, as a gap year, while she made up her mind whether to get a job or go to graduate school. It sounded so wonderful at the time, even though her Mom couldn’t accompany her & her Dad. While Mom would miss them both, she had to stay behind for her job. Michelle was excited though, that she could actually take Chico with her,...
“Go to your room,“ Michelle’s mother said quietly to her daughter as she looked for a floor cloth. “Where’s Julie?” Michelle asked still in a post-orgasmic daze. “Thank goodness she wasn't here to witness you being a slut,” said her father, “now go to your room.” Michelle trudged up the stairs with leaden feet as the enormity of what had just happened started to sink in. Her parents had caught her with the family pet and heaven only knows what would happen now. ‘Oh no’ she thought in...
**************** Sarah tried to shield her eyes against the strong Mexican sun as she walked down the steps at Mexico City airport, wondering if this was such a good idea. Here she was, a few months into the swinging nineties, and just a few weeks before she was due to get married to the man of her dreams, in the middle of a foreign city, all at the whim of someone she hadn't seen in four years. 'I must be mad' she thought to herself, as she remembered how the conversation had gone with...
Julie had just finished recounting the story of the wild time her and Sarah, (Michelle's mother) had in Mexico where Sarah had been ganged by seven dogs. Julie paused for a moment as she looked at Michelle's sweet young face and the pure pleasure that was etched across it as Chico throbbed and pulsed inside her, filling her with his seed. Julie knew that Michelle had come a long way in such a short time and was still young, but she was confident that Michelle could handle the final tasks....
"Yes," purred Julie, "Every member, myself, your mother and everyone you meet who is a fully-fledged member." Michelle drifted off to sleep, her head on Julie's shoulder, as she imagined her best friend and mentor Julie moaning with pleasure as she was fucked in the ass by a dog. The weird thing in her dream was that Michelle suddenly pictured Julie as Mary Poppins and she giggled in her sleep as Mary Poppins / Julie was fucked by a large dog. Michelle was still tired and struggled to...
-Clive Barker *** Herb looked at the house and whistled as he got out of the car. “Are you sure this woman’s not a real witch?” he said. “Who else would live here?” Herb’s wife shushed him. The old iron gate around the property’s dying lawn creaked when he pushed on it, and a winding path of broken stones led up to the tall, dark house with Gothic turrets and staring windows. You’d basically have to be a witch to move into a place like this like this, he thought. The realtor was...
If you don’t like interracial porn stories where a white wife goes black etc etc, then you may want to choose another story, in another category perhaps. Also, the black men in this story aren’t thugs or “gangsta,” they simply have sex with white women only. There are good guys and bad guys in this. Some form of justice is served in the end. As always, the appearance of characters are based off real people. Lisa is based off Lisa Ann, and Denise is based off Denise Milani – both appear in...
****I apologize to all my readers who read what should have been the ending to Conner Evans. The Breast size problem wont happen again I promise. I am definitely not the original writer of the genie chronicles, just a fan. Here’s a spin-off I hope all you guys will like. =) James walked out of the school, feeling the sun on his skin and taking a deep breath of fresh air. When he stood in the sun he felt like everyone else was gone, leaving him standing in his meadow. But he knew that they...
Just as well, thought Daali. She'd been feeling the ache since last night, but unfortunately she had been responsible for accomplishing more important tasks before dawn. And so, tonight she exited and secured the locker, adjusting her black stockings before strolling down the avenue. Her hips, wrapped in the scarlet dress she had chosen for this evening, swayed in time to the beat of her stilettos against the asphalt. She loved the way her ass looked in this outfit - it (and she) would be...
It was more than just a house to me the house was part of who I was, most of my memories were of this house and most of them were happy ones. That was until the night when my father’s debts were prayed, in blood. my father’s first as he opened the door the knife was immediately plunged into his chest and he fell back with a gasp still alive as he watched the man step over him we were screaming, my fright burnt in my head bright hot screaming at me to run but my legs wouldn't move, mother...
Prologue.Amanda and Nancy have much in common. They share the same birthday, grew up on the same street, went to the same schools and graduated from a prestigious university.They both married into the same, influential and very rich family. This wasn’t by fluke or fate. Amanda and Nancy had conspired and meticulously planned out their future, shortly after entering university.It didn’t take the two very beautiful and shrewd blondes any time at all to master the art of manipulation. A professor...
CheatingHere is how Justin looks in the eyes of the one man who had protected, sheltered Justin for his 18 years living on earth. Justin stood about 5’7” tall and weighed a solid 156 pounds. Since nobody had a clue as to whom his mother was, Justin’s skin complexion offered signs that he may have been born as a mixed race. His skin complexion is naturally an olive color with his hair being a brilliant blond, bordering pure white. Even Justin’s thin eyebrows were nearly invisible due to its white...
Introduction: Hey so Im writing something a bit darker than my normal stuff, it gets less dark as I continue, the start is the darkest so dont be put off. I liked my house, it was old set in the middle of the countryside just outside a small village. Before I came it had been empty for years no one wanted to buy the home which had been the site of such brutality. I loved it despite its history I had been happy there for a while, until we got into debt but even then my father had refused to sell...
Laying on my bed listening to my music is how I prefer to spend my nights after work. But it was saturday night and my ass didn’t have a thing to do. My phone was blowing up with texts, but I was waiting for him to text me. My night always turned out right when he contacted me. I looked over at my clock, 9:30pm. Still early. He was probably on his way home from work. Now, I didn’t know him that well, Hell, I met him at the club four weeks ago. He was into his music, and he had the club...
Me and my wife did some realy good cristal this one time, and after we did this is what happened. We were really spun so she decided to go shopping and I stayed home to watch porn because cristal makes me really horny. So she left and I put in my favorite flick and loaded up the bong. After a few hits and a couple of scenes showing toys and ass I decided it was time to try it for myself. I looked around trying to find an improvised dildo when I remembered my wife had gone shopping. Inside the...
How do you tell someone you want to be fucked within an inch of your life without sounding like a total whore? This was my dilemma with Matt. We met my first day at Channel Five where I’m a technical advisor and Matt is the hot smarty-pants who does complicated shit that makes my head spin. If I’m to be judged cruelly, I should mention that this was my first position after leaving university. Before then my resume sparkled with puffed up work experience from Hot Dog on a Stick, Go-Go Service...
That was a very difficult decision, but at that moment, common sense failed me and I became lost as I thought about Lorenzo’s offer “You don’t have to have sex unless you want to.” Explained Lorenzo smiling and caressing my hands softly. I was still speechless, and thought that possibility this was something that I could do. Finally, I decided that I would open my mind to the possibility of becoming an escort. This was unlike me. I was a wife and a mother. But none of...
I took a deep breath. The first week of the job was always the most stressful. But it was something, at least. All I had to do was process people. Nothing more, nothing less. I tie them up and lock them way in a cell. Easy work, right? Well other than the occasional brute, it was. Other than that, the crazies were usually the same.Grabbing a white drawstring bag from the table, I headed down the narrow halls of the institution. The scent of old haunting air filled my nostrils. It was going to...
FetishI took a deep breath. The first week of the job was always the most stressful. But it was something, at least. All I had to do was process people. Nothing more, nothing less. I tie them up and lock them way in a cell. Easy work, right? Well other than the occasional brute, it was. Other than that, the crazies were usually the same.Grabbing a white drawstring bag from the table, I headed down the narrow halls of the institution. The scent of old haunting air filled my nostrils. It was going to...
FetishI am 60 years old as I write this, and it is all true. The only thing changed is the names. I have been married for 35 years, and for most of that time I have been true to my vows. Sometimes though, a person can only wait so long before their needs and desires overcome any resistance they may have. I met my wife Ann when we were in college, and both of us were virgins. She had gone out with a few guys but nothing ever happened. I had never even kissed a girl and I was very shy. I am just a...