The Logger free porn video

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It was a searing hot day in the tropical forests of Malaysia. The drizzle that had been gently tapping its fingers on the tin buildings for the past week was finally subsiding. The air was a sticky blanket that clung to every surface and was thick with the smell of wet humus and orchid flowers. The single dirt road through town had been churned to a muddy blend of insects and soil, making sucking noises whenever someone had to walk through the muck.

Marco stood on the front of his veranda in a pair of jeans and a singlet, breathing in the humidity and eating an apple. It would be his third month in Ayam-Hutan next fortnight. Marco worked as a logger; pretty much everyone in town was a logger. It was the sole reason why the town itself existed. Ayam-Hutan first began as an outpost where locals from a nearby city would chop down giant trees, famous for their exquisite wood, and cart them back for sale.

As the years went by, more and more people became interested in the unique wood of the area and a logging firm was established, attracting many people in search for well-paying jobs. A few buildings were constructed to provide for the workers such as a general store and a clinic. Soon after a pub was built as a means of recreation for the loggers, who would spend their weeks wage on a Friday night drinking.

Marco was the only foreigner in town; everyone else was born in Malaysia. He came from Australia and after a holiday to Malaysia he never went back. Marco loved the country: the smells, sounds and especially the heat. He was a hard worker; all day he would be chopping and sawing, stacking and pruning. The result was that his body had become a dream, as if Michelangelo himself had chiselled perfection into his muscles.

With a satisfying crunch, Marco finished his apple, slung his bag over his shoulder and walked down the road to the plantation.


An air siren wailed across the plantation, signalling the end of the working day. Marco finished securing timber onto a truck and wiped the sweat off his brow.

‘You up for a drink tonight, Marco?’ said a voice behind him.

Marco turned around and recognised one of the overseers, Badan, as the person who was speaking to him. He was well built, had a large amount of stubble and featured a set of steel grey eyes that seemed to know exactly what was going on.

‘You know I am always up for a drink on a Friday, Badan,’ chuckled Marco.

‘That’s the spirit, boy! I know you too well,’ wheezed Badan, occasionally clearing his throat.

‘See you at the tap,’ Marco said hesitantly as Badan nodded, silently lighting a cigarette.


Friday night was always the busiest night of the week at the pub. Marco had put on a fresh shirt and casual jeans before he left; it was so humid that even the buildings seemed to sweat. Despite coming home covered in sawdust every evening, Marco viewed himself as a tidy man. Most of the workers didn’t have wives and shared a house with another person.

Marco was different. He had bought himself a small shack across the road from the pub. It certainly was small compared to the other accommodation available in town, but it was cosy and Marco liked having his own home. It was the perfect size for a single man. He turned off the lights and locked his door before walking to the pub across the road.

The door groaned as Marco stepped into the pub. The air was a smoky haze and the deafening roar of dozens of men was almost unbearable. Apart from the tin roof, the pub was all made of local timber which was rich in colour and polished with oils until it shone. The floor was scuffed from the years of trampling feet and neglect. All the honey coloured furniture was hand crafted by a local carpenter who was a regular customer in the pub and usually sat in a dim corner surrounded by a cloud of noxious smoke.

As Marco approached the bar he noticed that the usual bartender, Rodney, was nowhere to be seen. Marco was fond of Rodney, who had a thick moustache and combed hair that reminded him of salt and pepper.

In his place stood a new, attractive barmaid with long legs to match her long, black hair. She looked quite young, maybe in her late teenage years or early twenties. Marco shifted his gaze from her legs and approached the bar.

‘Could you get me a large Tiger please?’ asked Marco, flipping out his wallet to pay for his beer.

‘Could I see some identification first?’ the pretty barmaid inquired.

‘You’re joking, right? I’m twenty-two!’

‘I’m sorry, this is my first night and I don’t know anyone,’ she mumbled, her eyes wandering across the room. ‘Please can I just see that you’re over eighteen and I’ll remember for next time?’

‘That’s perfectly understandable. I wasn’t picking on you, I just get a lot of shit around here about my age,’ explained Marco as he took his Australian driver’s license out of his wallet.

Marco handed the barmaid his licence and waited for her to check his birth date.

‘Ooh, you’re from Australia,’ smiled the barmaid. ‘You’ve flown far from the nest.’

‘Yeah, I can’t stand miserable Melbourne. It’s either too hot or too cold. Constantly overcast and drizzling in the winter and sunburn and bushfires in the summer…’

The barmaid flashed a pearly grin and giggled. ‘I’m Lisa. I’ll be working the Friday through to Sunday shifts from now on.’

‘That will be a nice touch, sure to liven up this pub,’ Marco grinned. ‘My name’s Marco, by the way. I live over there,’ he said, indicating across the road.

Lisa smiled and turned around and grabbed an empty beer glass from the shelf behind her. She placed it under the tap labelled Tiger and filled the glass until in overflowed.

‘Got to give it a nice head,’ she explained, giving him a wink.

Lisa handed Marco his drink. ‘Have a good evening, Marco.’

‘You too. See you ‘round.’

‘I’m sure you will.’

Marco left the bar and scanned the pub for a table to sit at. He saw an empty chair next to Badan and decided to chat with him. He sat down and listened to the story he was telling two other workers about how many animals he had killed last weekend. As Marco listened to him talk, he nodded occasionally, one eye always fixed on the bar.


It was Saturday lunchtime and Marco was in the general store picking out something for dinner. The dark clouds outside had been building up the whole morning and threatened to unleash a torrent of water.

Marco stood in front of a small refrigerated cabinet that stored meat, deciding on whether or not he should have beef for dinner. He rarely ate meat, not that he didn’t like it; it just was expensive because it cost lots of money to have a refrigerated truck cart it all the way out to the middle of nowhere.

Marco thought that he should be able to treat himself at the end of a hard week, so he chose a few steaks from the fridge and picked a few local vegetables to go with it.

‘I thought I recognised you!’ said a voice from behind him.

Marco turned around and saw Lisa from the pub standing behind him. She was wearing a very thin white top that hung loosely off her shoulders and a pair of cargo shorts that only came down to graze the bottom of her curvy arse. Marco didn’t notice any bra strap.

‘Oh hey, Lisa, fancy seeing you here,’ Marco said awkwardly, trying to keep his eyes focused on her face.

‘Well this is the only place in town to pick up supplies,’ she laughed. ‘I had to come here sometime.’

‘Yes, of course,’ mumbled Marco as he tried to get a glimpse of Lisa’s braless breasts.

‘Marco, you are so strange!’ Lisa laughed as she adjusted her top so that it covered more of her chest.

Realising that he had been caught, Marco blushed and tried to excuse himself. ‘Well I have to get home, Lisa. See you tonight, yeah?’

‘Marco, wait for me, I was just about to go too.’

Marco held the door open for Lisa and walked with her back toward the end of town where the pub was. As they walked, Marco couldn’t stop staring at Lisa’s arse, which seemed to almost be popping out of her shorts. Then the sky growled and dots of water appeared in front of Marco’s eyes. The clouds were black and flashes of lightning sparked through the heavens.

‘Quickly, Lisa; we don’t want to be caught out in this.’

More rumbles rolled through the sky, vibrating the earth beneath their feet. The dots of water were now thick drops, falling faster and harder by the second.

‘Hurry, Lisa!’ said Marco urgently. ‘Quick, my house is just over there!’

The rain suddenly got torrential, as if someone was draining a pool above their heads. The rain was hitting the ground with tremendous force, breaking up the clay into muddy droplets of filth. Marco and Lisa dashed for the shelter of Marco’s house, their feet slipping and sliding in the ooze.

By the time they reached the safety of Marco’s porch, the ground was covered by several inches of water. Lisa stood next to Marco with her arms huddled around her body, her black hair dripping slowly onto the deck. Marco unlocked the door and ushered her inside.

They were both soaked to the bone. Marco walked awkwardly in his wet denim jeans, but not because they were wet. The rain had rendered Lisa’s thin white top transparent; and Marco could see her and all her beauty. He loved the look of her moist, perky breasts. They were the size of two large grapefruit and looked well supported, even without a bra. Marco’s cock was heating up in his jeans, expanding with excitement.

‘Well, let’s get you warmed up,’ he said kindly. ‘How about a hot shower?’

‘That sounds perfect,’ said Lisa shyly.

Marco led her into his bathroom and opened the shower door. He turned on the taps and went to fetch a fresh towel.

‘Just get in and close the door and I’ll leave you a towel outside for you when you’re done.’

Marco went around the corner and got a towel from the cupboard. As he went back into the bathroom, he could make out Lisa’s naked figure through the frosted glass.

‘Lisa, I’ve just left your towel outside the door for you,’ he called.

‘Okay, that’s great, Marco. Thank you,’ she said hesitantly. ‘Hey, um…you must be pretty cold too?’

‘That’s fine, Lisa. I can wait,’ Marco replied kindly.

‘Are you sure? I feel really bad leaving you in your own house to freeze,’ she said. ‘Why don’t you come in here and warm up?’

‘Well, only if you’re okay with it,’ said Marco with a smile on his lips. He couldn’t believe that she was offering to share a shower with him! Whilst she was naked too!

‘Come on. Strip off and join me!’

Marco took off his soaking shirt and jeans before removing his briefs and throwing them in a pile on top of Lisa’s sodden underwear. He slid open the shower door and stepped in. There, surrounded by mist and looking like she had come out of a fairy-tale was Lisa. Her hair was tucked behind her ears, water cascading down her body. Marco could see her breasts vividly now. They were indeed the size of large grapefruits and had small buds for nipples. Her stomach was flat and her sexy large hips had all the right curves. Marco looked down between her legs and saw the prettiest pussy he had ever seen. It was shaved, plump and a pleasurable pink; resembling a radiant rose in the height of spring.

Lisa giggled. Marco noticed that she was eying him over, particularly his muscular arms and colossal shaved cock. Well, Marco didn’t think it was that big, but by the way Lisa was looking at it, it was almost as if she hadn’t seen a cock before.

‘Marco, could you please soap up my back for me?’ Lisa asked innocently.

‘It would be my pleasure.’

Marco put some liquid soap in his palms and rubbed his hands together to foam up the soap. He then placed his hands on Lisa’s back and massaged her supple skin.

‘Lisa, your skin is so soft,’ breathed Marco.

‘Mm, yeah I guess it is…Could you wash a bit lower?’

Marco rubbed his hands over Lisa’s slippery back further down until he had his hands on her hips. He lathered up her skin so it was slick with soap. Lisa urged him to go further down still; so Marco ran his hands down her sides and around her enviable arse. He massaged it and in between her cheeks. Lisa moaned in pleasure as Marco slid his fingers around her arsehole, toying with the little bud.

‘Oh,’ gasped Lisa, enjoying the feeling of Marco fingering her tight hole.

‘Do you like that, Lisa?’ he smirked.

‘Yes, Marco. Oh God I like it a lot!’

Marco slid a finger into her arsehole, feeling the smooth walls inside her. Lisa gasped and groaned in pleasure.

‘Have you ever had your arsehole fingered before?’

‘No, no, I haven’t; this is a first for me. It feels so good, Marco.’

Lisa inhaled and begged for more power. Marco added another finger to her arse and snaked his arm around her body to play with her breasts.

‘Mm, Lisa. Your tits are magnificent,’ groaned Marco.

‘Uh huh, yeah.’

As Marco fingered Lisa’s arse and massaged her tits, he passionately kissed her neck and bit her ear. He felt his cock grow harder, now standing at full attention.

Lisa felt something tingling near her pussy. She reached down and found that Marco’s erection had risen in between her legs, and was resting against the lips of her saturated pussy. She wiggled her hips so that his cock would sit in between her two lips, feeling it throb and pulse. Lisa was in ecstasy. She had her arse being fingered by an amazingly hot guy while having her breasts caressed, all with a cock beating next to her womanhood.

Marco had to have more. He withdrew his fingers from Lisa’s arse and spun her around to face him. He picked her up and leant her against the wall, passionately kissing her and begging for more. Marco then sat down in the bottom of the shower and let the spray wash over him.

‘Lisa, come here,’ he said.

Lisa sat down and allowed Marco to put his arms around her.

‘I think it’s time I wash you, Marco, and your cock looks awfully dirty,’ she giggled.

Marco chuckled and watched her lather up her hands. Lisa cupped her hands around his balls and massaged them with soap. She moved up from the base of his cock slowly and deliberately until she reached the top.

‘This feels so good, Lisa,’ moaned Marco.

Lisa smiled and stroked his throbbing cock, paying particular attention to the head, which she rubbed and scratched gently. As Marco moaned in desire, Lisa began to lick his balls, playfully tugging them with her teeth. She licked everything and when she had eventually coated his entire cock with her saliva, Lisa went down on it. Marco was engulfed by Lisa’s wet throat. She was able to take all of his cock until her nose was touching his abdomen.

‘Shit!’ growled Marco. ‘God you are good at this!’

Marco put his hands behind Lisa’s head and pushed her into his groin, encouraging her to go faster. He began to thrust into her face as Lisa started to moan from being full of his cock. Saliva dribbled down Marco’s shaft and tickled his balls.

‘Do you like being throat-fucked, Lisa?’ chuckled Marco. ‘You’re such a naughty girl.’

Lisa couldn’t reply. She felt Marco’s cock throb deep in her throat and she knew that his cum was imminent. She sped up her sucking and swirled her tongue around his shaft. Marco gasped as webs of his cum decorated Lisa’s throat. She continued to suck his semen from his cock, ignoring the trail of cum leaking from the corner of her mouth. She finished him off and sat back into Marco’s lap.

Marco leant against the shower wall breathing heavily, letting the shower wash away the mess. He held Lisa in a tight embrace, toying with her nipples as he did so.

‘Marco, let’s go get dry,’ said Lisa eventually. ‘We’re not finished yet.’


Marco and Lisa had dried each other off and were in Marco’s bedroom. Lisa sat perched on the edge of the bed marvelling at Marco’s cock that was growing before her. He stood towering above her petite body and had his hands folded across his chest as his cock got ready for round two. Lisa thought he looked very dominant which made her feel exhilarated.

‘Come here, Marco,’ said Lisa as his cock finished rising.

Marco approached Lisa and readied his cock in front of her pussy. He could feel her womanhood pulse against his swollen cock.

‘Wait,’ said Lisa, just as Marco was about to thrust. ‘Don’t be so hasty! I want to try something different.’

Lisa flipped around and got on all fours. She stuck out her arse and curved her back, encouraging Marco to penetrate.

‘Marco, kneel on the bed and thrust into me. I want to feel like an animal!’

Marco sighed in excitement and knelt as instructed. He stroked his rock hard cock and readied himself. He looked at Lisa in anticipation. Her arse was pointing straight up at him, her glistening pussy peeping from in between her legs.

‘You okay, Lisa?’

‘Yes! For God’s sake, give it to me already!’

Marco smiled at her enthusiasm and put his cock against her lips. Her pussy was as wet as it was in the shower!

‘You sure, Lisa?’ teased Marco. ‘I can call it off if you don’t want to do it anymore.’

‘I swear, Marco, if you don’t fuck me right now I will turn around and bite your cock off!’ she yelled. ‘Now fuck me like an animal!’

Marco chuckled and thrust into her moist pussy.

‘Yes! Oh fuck yes!’ screamed Lisa.

Marco kept thrusting into her pussy, feeling her throb on all sides.

Lisa was in pure delight. The position she was in allowed Marco’s cock to go deeper than any cock she had ever taken. She felt so full and swore that she could feel his length in her stomach. As Marco drove into her, she felt her G-spot being rubbed, which sent her over the edge.

‘Fuck me, Marco! Fuck me harder!’ she cried.

‘You are such a dirty whore,’ chuckled Marco.

Marco grabbed one of Lisa’s breasts which was dangling beneath her and squeezed it, flicking his fingers over the nipple. Lisa arched her back and shuddered. She felt Marco’s scrotum slap against the underside of the pussy, hitting her clitoris and making her scream.

Marco propelled his hips into her, forcing his cock deeper still. He felt Lisa’s pussy get wetter and throb faster.

‘Marco! Fuck, I’m cumming!’ she yelled.

Marco put both his hands on her hips for support and slammed his cock inside of her. He felt her pussy quiver and pulse. Marco groaned loudly and withdrew his cock as Lisa came. Her whole body shook and she thrashed wildly all over the bed as if she was having a seizure.

‘Oh my fucking God!’ she yelled as fountains of girly cum gushed out of her pussy and onto the bed.

Above her Marco was finishing himself off by hand, furiously pumping his cock.

‘Turn around, Lisa! I’m going to cum all over your pretty face!’

Lisa flipped herself onto her back just as Marco came. Ropes of creamy cum surged from the tip of Marco’s throbbing cock and onto Lisa’s face. It splattered against her cheeks, her breasts, her stomach and even her pussy.

Marco collapsed onto the bed and kissed her with intense emotion. They lay with each other for what seemed like an eternity. Lisa massaged Marco’s cum into her skin and over her breasts. When the kiss was broken, they looked into each other’s eyes.

‘Come on, Marco!’ said Lisa with sudden enthusiasm and playfulness. ‘Let’s go clean off with a shower.’

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First, a few comments: I apologize to the readers and fans of my unfinished story -"Surprised". I have, as they say, been "experiencing technical difficulties". My original intent was to do a series. Several things occurred which stopped me dead in my tracks. First, this is a format I just could not keep up with. What with Computer problems, a semi-major car crash, but most significantly, a story by another author which I felt was not only going where I had intended my characters...

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The TrainerPart 7

As Duke opened the door, Lloyd pushed his way past him and then saw Amber and smiled saying, "Hi baby! You ready to come home now? It's been so long. I have lots of plans for us baby." Amber looked at him nervously. However, she knew what she had to do. This would be the key to finding out Lloyd's true feelings for her. She looked at him and wasn't smiling as she said, "I'm not ready to go home with you yet." Lloyd looked at her and frowned. He reached to grab her arm and then Duke...

1 year ago
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Time to Play With My Toys Again

September sixth is finally here. I’ve waited the whole summer for this very special morning. School is back in session. “You do know what that means?” It means I can play with my toys again. I was so excited and got my kids off to school on time. I looked at all my family and friend’s Facebook pages seeing all the kids in their new clothes getting ready for school. I sent a few messages back and forth with friends. After a while, I played a few of my on-line games. My vibrator’s were calling...

2 years ago
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I Knew what Id Find Revised

I Knew What I'd FindThis is a True story. I've thought about telling it here before, but didn't because it's nothing that unusual, nor does it have a surprise ending. It's just about a true sexual encounter.Some time ago, my wife and I owned a home in Coconut Grove, Florida. We had a pool, but went to the beach occasionally too. We went to South Beach, and sometimes, Haulover Beach, the nude beach not far from there, up north just a little near the Bal Harbour area of Miami Beach. My wife, Jana...

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The Rose Garden 6

The path from the rose garden continued on the other side of the clearing, its entrance between two enormous mahogany trees. They followed it through the night forest, a restless living thing in the dark. The sound of the forest stream grew louder, until they emerged onto its banks, its fresh waters running restlessly across rocky shoals, splashing and refreshing the night air. A warm breeze swayed fronds of tropical plants hanging over the brook. Walking with Andrea and her companions,...

1 year ago
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Slut School pt 2

Part 2 of Slut School.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Mandy leads Sarah into the basement, it all looks like a profesional S&M dungeon, complete with everything a Mistress would need for her clients.In the middle of the room is a large white dentist-ike chair, Mandy walks Sarah up to it."Please, have a seat," Mandy politely tells her, "We better get started on your lesson." Sarah unwillingly sits down in it, sitting in a lounge-like way."Good girl,...

2 years ago
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Holding OnChapter 7

Danny awakened from the state of unconsciousness that Caleb had induced in him. It took him but a moment to check on Lindsey and Chico, and to make certain that Caleb was indeed on his way back to the KAL. Up to this point, everything had gone pretty much as he had hoped it would. He was still alive, as was Lindsey and Chico. He had a lot of work to do if he had any hope of turning his plans into any kind of reality. Danny crawled up on the bed beside Lindsey and settled down on his back...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 193

The following are compliments of a friend of J & G. Feeling it was time for a shakeup, a large manufacturing company hired a new CEO. The new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers. On a tour of the facilities, the CEO noticed a guy leaning against a wall. The room was full of workers and he wanted to let them know that he meant business. He asked the guy “How much money do you make a week?” A little surprised, the young man looked at him and said “I make $400 a week....

1 year ago
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Fulfilled Aunty8217s Threesome Wish 8211 Part 8211 2

Hi ladies, thank you for your beautiful replies and happy to hear that, your pussies went wet while reading my story. A small introduction before we move further, myself night rider (nightriderforubabes) from hyderabad, any unsatisfied lady from hyderabad want to have a satisfied secret relation can contact me at , I am just a mail away from you hotties. Guys please dont ask for my babes contact details or pics, I cant and I will not, so without any further late, lets jump into the story. After...

3 years ago
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G is for Gazebo

She liked his parents. His sister and brother teased him that she was "the only thing he'd ever got right." Still, this visit to his family was wearing. The gazebo at the end of his parents' overgrown garden had become her refuge. She lay on the wicker couch there after dinner. She read one of his mother's Agatha Christies and dropped it as the light faded. The next thing she knew, it was full dark and she was covered with a coat. "I'm here," he said. "Did the lightning wake you?"...

2 years ago
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Sailing Sun and Sex Part 3 Erotic Sex in the

It's Monday and we have a wee lie in after the previous days travel and sexual exertions. Eventually rising at 10, we shower and have a light breakfast before climbing up the hill to the old village which clings precariously on the edge of a steep wooded hillside. It's a twenty minute haul but well worth the effort. The views from the small taverna's veranda are spectacular taking in the many beautiful islands dotted around the crystal clear sea and the mountainous mainland.Drinking fresh...

4 years ago
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Summer of Love Week 11 part 1

“Sixty loads, dude! Sixty!” J.J. proudly announces his total ejaculations for last week, as the two studs hang out in his driveway after their workout. “You’re the man, dude!” Aaron congratulates him as the two exchange a fist bump. “What about you, dude? How many times did you cum?” the older stud now asks his cousin. “It was more than 50, dude…probably like 55, 56,” Aaron replies. “I’m fucking proud of you, dude!” J.J. congratulates the younger stud; both of them have slightly underestimated...

1 year ago
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The Newest Ladies of the Order of Delta Omicron Mu

The Order of Delta Omicron Mu was a secret society, 152 years in age and only present here, at Vinewood University.  As the premier society at an elite private school, many alums of ΔOM were senators, business executives and highly renowned writers. Historically, only men had been accepted into this organization. However, it was now 2017, and the current and former members decided to finally allow women to join their midst.  Now, no one applied to ΔOM. Those who were noticed by the...

2 years ago
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Evangeline part 2 Gabriel

Henri stumbled into me as I crossed Canal Street on my way uptown. Already inebriated, he was on his way down to the Quarter. I don’t know why I turned to follow him. Maybe it was nothing more than easy prey. Maybe it was fate. It wasn’t hard to over power him. He wasn’t a large man and he was soft. As I leaned in to take him I caught the scent of a woman on his breath. I kissed him to taste her. He was so shocked at being kissed by another man that he didn’t even struggle. ...

3 years ago
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Voyeur Or Peeping Tom

One day I woke up with a hard on & my hand playing with it. In fact, my hands were ALL OVER ITAs I was waking up, I realized I was uttering dirty talk like I usually do when I'm awake but in a whisper tone of voice. I was name-calling & using other otherwise foul language wordingAs I was doing this, I quickly noticed (What sounded like) SOMEONE TALKING TO ME !!!!! The sound was coming from my patioMy bed is in the middle of the room but within the length of my feet as you get up from...

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I had turned eighteen and was pretty proud of myself to reach adulthood, except for one minor problem. I was still a virgin! I guess all the video games and other crap I grew up afraid of girls. I am not horrible ugly and I have a nice cock, eight inches and can blow a giant wad across the room with a good heavy load to follow. I just can not close the deal with a girl. I had one girl give me a hand job and I got jizz on her shirt which made her plenty pissed. I finally became so desperate I...

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Marys Summer Camp Adventures

                       Mary's Summer Camp Adventures                                                                               by                                  Lex Ludite                                Chapter 19        Yes, I know that chapter 18 said "The End", but the momentous revelations that have occurred concerning the Church and its priesthood, not to mention the installation of a new Pope was a temptation that I could not resist. So without further ado let me reintroduce Mary...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 425

These are compliments of the 'Shy One'. FOR ALL YOU TRIVIA PEOPLE TRUE OR FALSE? Can you guess which of the following are true and which are false? (Answers are below.) 1. Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning. 2. Alfred Hitchcock did not have a belly button. 3. A pack-a-day smoker will lose approximately 2 teeth every 10 years. 4. People do not get sick from cold weather; it's from being indoors a lot more. 5. When you sneeze, all bodily...

2 years ago
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Child of the Theater

INTRODUCTION The assistant director called ‘Next’ and a six-foot-three slender guy with dark-eyes and dark hair slicked back was pushed on-stage and the assistant director sighed and patted her pussy and whispered, ‘Down girl.’ ‘Name?’ ‘Eugene Ejack.’ Those around her laughed but Pauline kept a straight face never knowing when and where a union spy was hovering with a desire to close down the theatre while an investigation into alleged abuse of the civil rights of a minority race person was...

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GeraldineChapter 2

I was getting ready to leave the motel that I stayed in after my first night as a nude dancer. Actually it's kind of a strip tease. It didn't make any difference if I was making some money without turning tricks for the asshole that I had come to Tampa with. I contemplated when I should go into work. Gladys said the Mons Venus is open twenty four hours, but I should probably come in at noon and work the afternoon crowd then stay until I was tired. She said a lot of the married women did...

1 year ago
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UpHerAsshole Brittany Andrews MILF Anal Seduction

Busty MILF Brittany Andrews doesn’t like waiting to get laid. The only reason she hired a pool guy was to get her holes cleaned. When he sends his teenage son instead, the voracious mom gets a kinky idea. Standing in front of him in Mrs. Robinson style, the blonde demands extra service. A virgin, Juan El Caballo Loco isn’t sure if he can satisfy her insatiable needs. However, Miss Andrews just smothers the poolboy’s face with her big tits, and purrs that she’ll teach him everything. She gobbles...

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The New Relationship

A New Relationship        I met Becky 2 years after my divorce.  We were both in our mid-30’s and each had successful careers that we worked hard to maintain.  Actually, that is how we met.  I am the President of chain of very successful banks.  Becky is CFO of a small company that was quickly outgrowing the building that housed it.        We had met on a couple of occasions to discuss loaning her company money to build her company a new building.  We had enjoyed working with one another and...

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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 26

5:30AM is ugly. I don't care who you are, waking up at 5:30 in the morning is an ugly time. Even for me. I throw on some clothes, running shoes and a t-shirt with shorts and head out the front door just before 6AM. There are three guys standing outside of the house when I arrive and a truck parked in the drive. "I would say good morning, but how good can this hour of the day really be?" I joke as I walk up to greet the men. "Do you all understand what we are doing here today?" They all...

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Fantasy Realized

She was in pain. She deserved it. She had been foolish, her desires had fogged her common sense and lead her to acting impulsively. She had met him online and even though from the start her instincts told her he could be dangerous but when he described how he would use her he excited her masochistic desire and she could not resist the temptation. So she had gone to where he had told her and then done what he told her to do. “ When you get there you will see a black van. Open the...

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Backroads Daddy

I was driving through northern Michigan and my car broke down on some old backroad when I was looking for a place to park and sleep for the night in my car. I had tried to fix it but I could not see well with my flashlight so I decided to sleep for the night and try again in the morning. That’s when I went to sleep and about an hour or so later someone startled me when they knocked on my window.“Are you alright young man? I was driving home for the night and I see you were broke down.” I told...

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Wendy8217s FuckWeekend

From top to bottom, Wendy was sexuality. Her long brown hair, deep brown eyes, luscious red lips, pert breasts, slim waist, tight ass, and long legs all added up to a body that was to die for. And she knew how to use it. Simply walking across a room was all that was usually needed for Wendy to excite the baser desires of every man in it (and, truth be known, not a few women as well). Since the age of fifteen, her unofficial motto had been “A day without an orgasm is a day...

2 years ago
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Dr Nooo a complete BDSM story

She gave a frustrated grunt holding her hands up in disbelief. The windscreen wipers still screeched to and fro and she could just make out a window light not far into the trees. It was late evening and she'd seen too few cars to think one would be coming along very soon. So she decided to make a dash for it. The light was deceptively distant and by the time Jennifer had reached the front door of the white building she looked like a drowned rat. I say building because she didn't think...

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Jims WorldsChapter 4

Jim had found the additional chair and was waiting when Susan and George came in. "George, we've got the most miraculous thing to show you. We recorded this about an hour ago." Using the monster display as the screen, he replayed the man in the park with the "flying carpet." George was a stunned as they had been. Jim then showed him the trip to the store selling the devices. "We've got to have one, but we can't think of a way to get one except steal it or negotiate with a local to...

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deformation of my udders the story behind the pi

I absolutely love my Master deforming my breasts....I love the feeling of the pressure and tightness of the plastic cables He uses when He ties each one....first at the base of each breast, and then combining different ties to make them harder and much more attentive to touch. I breath deeply as I feel the pressure building in them. My pussy getting more and more wetter and hornier as He ties the cables around them. My heart skipping a beat and my breathing gets heavier...I slowly but surely...

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She knew what I needed

It was a crappy day. I had just walked in the door from a funeral. One of the older gentlemen from accounting passed away suddenly. I was greeted by the stampede of lab/pitbull feet as I tried to make my way up the stairs. I felt like strangling the asshole that told me taking care of two dogs was just as easy as one. What was I thinking, getting a second lab/pit mix? I closed the kiddy gate behind me to keep the dogs down stairs and dropped my coat on the chair next to the couch. The house was...

4 years ago
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Young Money Lender Fucks Middle Aged Housewife

This is my first attempt to pen an erotic story which is purely fictional. The story may be a bit long to read and the purpose is for stimulation and arousal. Please do read the complete story preferably with your partner by the side or visualize the sequences, characters, in the story to have a stimulating experience, enjoy it and do feedback with suggestions on improvements of the theme, character, descriptions of body, dress, description of the sexual acts for future guidance. . All...

2 years ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 18

Feeling energized by last night’s confrontation with old man Leland, George decides to forego gambling and spend the day as Tabitha. As a result she decides to hang around the hotel and see what trouble she could get into. What she finds is a youthfulness George had long forgotten about and one that Tabitha has yet to experience. She finds some younger kids running around playing tag. They ask her to play so she does. It isn’t long before Tabitha is having a ball running and chasing or being...

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Fully Sick

Clever Tamara fakes a cunning sickie but does her step dad Steve have a superior repertoire of tactics to get his male way in her bedroom.....I needed one of those Ferris Bueller days because there was a monster fashion sale at my favourite up market boutique and I wasn’t going to miss it.Mum was dead easy to negotiate. I said I had a slight temperature, sore throat and nausea. She was caught up in her morning rush to work... she had her own florist shop to run... she left with the completely...

4 years ago
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My Brother Introduced Me To Gay World

Hello guys this is Naveen again, about me born in Tamil Nadu and we settled in Andhra now searching job in Bangalore, my age 24 with 5.7 high smart black guys has an horny seven inch black cock. This is my first gay experience which happens in my teenage, that too because of my brother (not my own brother). My brother name is “Mani” and he is 26 years old, till now i didn’t find how he know every bit in sex both in gay sex ,bi-sex, str8 etc. Basically we are from village that’s why i don’t know...

Gay Male
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First Time With Neighbor Lady

Hello, everyone. First of all, I will introduce myself. I am Stark (name changed) from Surat, 21 years old. I’m a super horny guy that masturbates daily twice. Let me describe myself. I have a 6.5 inches dick. I never really measured it but my girlfriend told me its bigger than 6 inches. I am a skinny type guy but I have really great stamina (you will know in my future stories). Now without wasting any time let’s come to the story. There was a sexy lady in my society. Her name was Aaniya. Let...

1 year ago
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Naughty naughty

It is one of those lame college parties. Those parties which seem to go on and on and on, but which you should have left three hours ago. The atmosphere is uninspiring, the decoration poor and the music horrible. Nobody really seems to want to speak to you, they seem to ignore you. Luckily there is beer, else it would have been unbearable. Being bored you decide to explore the house. It belongs to Nathalie's parents. Nathalie is throwing the party, misusing her parent's trust. She is a blond,...

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