Tipping Point Ch. 10 free porn video

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Chapter: 10 – The New Man

The meeting with Jonas Faraday was fascinating. I had tipped my banker, Seth Fielder, to what was going on, and I wanted him to be included if it got to the point where we could seriously look at some type of ownership position. Seth was excited that this had come about so quickly, and was grateful that I had thought to include him in the early stages. He promised he would make himself available to me at a moment’s notice. Then he dropped the bomb. He was also Jonas Faraday’s banker. He said we would work out the conflict of interest issues when the time came.

I was ushered into the old man’s office-den by his housekeeper. Jonas was lean and tall, and surprisingly erect for a man of his age. His eyes were bright, and he still had most of his silver hair, combed neatly back. He was a stately figure of a man, and I found myself hoping I would look this good at anywhere near his age.

When we entered the large room, another man stood and stepped toward me. Jonas immediately introduced him.

‘Stanley, this is my son, Gabriel. Gabriel, meet Stanley Copely.’

We shook hands, and I was directed to a large, leather wing chair at a conference table.

The housekeeper entered and served coffee and a selection of cookies. With the introductions and some small talk out of the way, Jonas decided to get to the reason for the meeting.

‘Stanley, for the past three years, I have been selling off some development property I own in order to raise the cash to quietly buy back some of the F & C stock I surrendered nearly ten years ago. It was a bad decision on my part, and I regret it to this day. However, I have now recaptured a sizeable amount, and with my son’s shares, we are almost in majority ownership. With a couple of votes from some of the minority shareholders, we would be in complete control of Faraday and Crosse once more.

‘Should we accomplish that, it would allow me to set the company back on a course toward rebuilding its reputation, as well as its profitability. The business is losing money as you might have suspected, but not so much that it can’t be salvaged with some astute moves. That’s where Gabriel comes into the picture,’ he finished, nodding to his son.

‘I’ve been in the venture capital business for some years now,’ the younger Faraday began. ‘By and large, my partners and I have been very successful at finding weak businesses and restoring them. In almost every case, the key ingredient has been to find the right people to run them.

‘Dad has been trying to get me to step in at F & C, but that wasn’t going to happen unless we could secure the majority vote on the board. We’ve been doing a bit of behind the scenes lobbying, and we are confident we have the required votes to take back control of the company. That’s the easy part. What we need is someone who can lead the business back into the black and make it sustainable. That’s the hard part,’ he grinned.

‘I’ve done some poking around and asking some knowledgeable people about the situation and I wanted to bounce some ideas off you. I think you’re close enough to the workings still to know what might work and what won’t.’ He paused for a moment to sip his coffee before continuing.

‘I don’t think the future of F & C is in the manufacture of packaging machinery. It has slipped too far behind the pack of competitors — many foreign — to recover without a massive investment in manufacturing machinery, and even then, there’s no guarantee we could be competitive. So we decided to look at it from a different angle.’

Gabriel paused again, taking another sip of the coffee as he collected his thoughts. I was fascinated at where this conversation was going.

‘I think what might work is a distributorship with assembly and service capability. In other words, we would approach a number of machinery manufacturers to act as their distribution and service arms throughout the U.S. In addition, we would set up a separate business to assemble components into finished machines for these companies. It would be to their benefit as well as ours. It would mitigate import duties, and give them ‘American’ content. Finally, we would also set up a separate service department that would do what you are doing today. Taking on all comers,’ he smiled.

I didn’t say anything right away, trying to digest just what Gabriel had proposed. My thinking wasn’t interrupted as they waited for my response.

‘I like parts of it, for sure. I agree, it’s probably too late to catch up on our … your … own. The question is, how divorced from the distributorship is the service division? Are we … you … going to have problems with the manufacturers when we service competitors’ equipment?’ I was having trouble not thinking of myself as part of this company, and I could see Gabriel and Jonas smiling at my awkwardness.

‘Everything has to be above board, but then, I really don’t see a big problem,’ Gabriel noted. ‘It’s in their best interests to have the top service available. They aren’t able to provide it, especially from a foreign country that can be thousands of miles from here. Their interest is in selling machines, and that’s something that F & C still knows how to do. It’s the other parts of the business that are weak, particularly the service end.’

Jonas then added his voice for the first time. ‘That’s where you come in, Stanley. I can’t think of anyone who is better able to understand the service requirements than you. That includes training, both in-house, and at the customer level. What it will take is leadership. The kind of leadership you showed at Winston Candy on the Helmvac installation.’

‘I gather you’ve been talking to Byron Mulliner,’ I smiled.

‘Yes indeed. He gave me chapter and verse about what you accomplished and just how quickly it was done. I saw the machine, and it was pretty damned impressive, considering you had never seen one before.’

‘Yeah … well … I had a bit of luck, along with some good people.’

‘Mr. Mulliner and his staff think otherwise. But nonetheless, you led by example and got them out of a big jam. That’s the kind of leadership that fixing F & C is going to need.’ He sat back, looking quite satisfied with himself.

‘Maybe you’d better spell out what you have in mind. Anything along the lines of investment by me is going to require the advice of my banker. I understand you know him, Jonas – Seth Fielder.’

Both men chuckled. ‘He’s my banker, all right, but he’s also a friend. Very progressive young man is Seth. Something like you, I think. That’s probably why he has such a high opinion of you, Stanley.’

‘Yeah. We work well together,’ I agreed. ‘So, tell me what you have in mind, please.’

‘The service business would be owned and operated by you, just as Copely Services is today. In fact, it might be wise to let it remain Copely Services and just continue to expand it the way you have,’ Gabriel suggested. ‘You would receive twenty percent of the outstanding F & C shares to complement your investment, and as payment for your company’s good will. We stand to gain a lot with your name as president.’

I nodded. It didn’t sound too adventuresome yet.

‘The component assembly operation would be under your supervision. Our belief is that you can implement the kinds of quality control that will be essential to restore our good name. In return, you would receive a further twenty percent of our F & C shares. Keep in mind that the outstanding shares are about forty-seven percent, so roughly half the total number of shares. The two offerings would then amount to about nineteen percent of the total shares of F & C,’ Gabriel explained.

‘In addition, the success of the company will permit us to offer you further share options as performance bonuses for each of the divisions. Until we know what our valuation of the shares is, I can’t tell you specifically what the worth would be, but I can
tell you that even at this low ebb in the company’s affairs, it is a very handsome amount. Naturally, you would want that substantiated by an independent source to satisfy yourself that it is as represented.’

My head was spinning. It was too much, too quickly, but if I understood the gist of it, I hadn’t heard where I had to put up my money to get into this plan.

‘So … what do I have to invest to become part of the Faraday and Crosse group?’

‘We would want a one hundred thousand dollar bond, to be held in trust for two years. After that, you would have either exited the partnership, or become a fully vested member. You see, we need you more than you need us. Yes, we have to protect ourselves, but we are very confident that you can help us bring our family’s company back to life. To make the Faraday and Crosse name mean something again.’

‘So, really, I’m borrowing a hundred thousand for two years to get almost twenty percent of the company, is that about it?’

Both men smiled. ‘That’s about it, Stan,’ Gabriel grinned.

I nodded. ‘I’ll have to talk to Seth, of course. He’s my money man.’

Jonas leaned forward in his chair. ‘I don’t mean to meddle in your affairs, Stanley, but … Seth and I have already discussed such a transaction in the abstract … without mentioning names. He’s pretty confident that he’d be agreeable if it was the right person.’ He gave me that satisfied smile once more. I’d been set up, but then again, no harm had been done.

‘There are some other considerations that I haven’t even thought about. I’m engaged to the production manager at Winston Candy in Charlotte. She has a great job and she’s really just getting established there. That’s going to influence any decision I make.’

‘I think I can put your mind at rest on that, Stan,’ Gabriel said. We intend to sell off all the equipment currently in this plant. This land is very valuable, but taxes are high. There are some attractive options to moving the new F & C to North Carolina. Little of what’s on our current shop floor would be needed for a new plant. In other words, the company would relocate to … oh say … the Charlotte area,’ he smiled. He had inherited his father’s smile.

‘That would make my decision a lot easier,’ I admitted.

Jonas opened a file folder, took out several pages, and handed them to me. ‘Here’s our proposal in writing. Have a lawyer and Seth look them over. I don’t want any misunderstandings, so make sure you know what we are offering and what your risks are before we agree on anything. Just the same, I’m pretty sure you’re going to find the terms very advantageous to you. We’re interested in having you as a main pillar in the re-birth of Faraday and Crosse. I hope you’ll agree.’

‘Thanks, Jonas … Gabriel. This is completely unexpected, but exciting at the same time. I do have some questions, though. Do you have time to talk about them?’

‘Yes … but why don’t we adjourn to my club for lunch. We can talk there in comfort,’ Gabriel suggested.

I rode in the back seat with Jonas while Gabriel drove us to a very exclusive businessman’s club in the city. It gave me a chance to ask him what he had been doing while the new owners were running the business.

‘Gnashing my teeth in frustration. I made a stupid error in judgment about the group that got control of the shares. I thought they would invest in making the company better, but just the opposite was true. F & C was a cash cow, and they were milking it for all it was worth. That’s what has put it in the position it now finds itself. They probably would run out the game to the last dime, then declare Chapter 11. I’m determined not to let that happen.’

That explained a lot. While a handful of upper management was pulling all kinds of cash out of the business, the rest of the worker-bees were pushed to keep the business going as long as possible. The ‘belt-tightening’ wasn’t happening in management, only with the staff and hourly people. I could feel the anger building as Jonas told the story.

‘There was a time when I thought it might be best to let it slip into Chapter 11, but I guess my ego got in the way. Our name always represented something solid and secure. If we did declare bankruptcy, it would damage that reputation severely, and make it that much more difficult to recover. I’ve chosen to try and save the company instead,’ Jonas explained.

As I sat there beside him, I remember why I liked and admired this old man. He was class, through and through. His son seemed to be cut from the same cloth. These were people you could trust and work with. I had a more confident feeling about this proposal, but I would heed their advice and get some expert opinion.

‘What about the people still working at the plant? Have you given any thought to that?’ I was enjoying an after-lunch ice tea as we picked up our discussion once more.

Gabriel chose to answer. ‘Yes. Subject to your approval, we would offer relocation to anyone who wished to remain with the company and move to North Carolina. I think you and some of the people you trust could pick out any who might not be appropriate. Those who didn’t wish to move would be offered a severance based on years of service. We don’t have any idea what percentage of the current employee base that might be.’

‘What about the management?’ I asked, knowing what I would like to do.

‘Well, if I had my way, I’d fire the whole damn lot of them,’ Jonas spoke up.

Gabriel and I laughed. That was no surprise.

‘They’re not all deadwood, Father. Besides, someone has to run the place, and we can’t replace them all in a day. We’ll have to take it one at a time, wouldn’t you say, Stan?’

‘Yeah. One at a time. Do you know where we can rent a set of public stocks?’

That brought a round of laughter and broke some of the tension. I was now immersing myself into this company, and I hadn’t signed anything yet. I was feeling like I wanted this to work, not just for me, but for the Faradays, and the employees. Once more, I was at a crossroads, and I had some decisions to make.

We parted company just after two that afternoon, and I called Seth to see if I could meet with him. He must have anticipated my call, because he said to come right over. When I finished his call, I called Carmen. Teresa answered and I asked her for an appointment with Carmen ASAP, explaining what was happening. She said she’d call me back as soon as Carmen was back in the office.

Seth had a mile-wide smile on his face when he ushered me into his office.

‘Well, what do you think?’ he asked, already sensing my enthusiasm.

‘I think you should look at these papers and tell me what you think,’ I shot back at him with a grin.

‘Yeah … sure … but what I was really asking … how do you feel about the proposal in general?’

‘It sounds almost too good to be true. A bond in return for almost twenty percent of the company? There doesn’t seem to be much at risk for me, Seth.’

‘Keep in mind, they need your reputation. When you left F & C, it was the only equity you had, but it was huge. Look how quickly your business took off when you went out on your own. Your customers knew who did the work and who they could depend on. All you’ve done since then is prove that you’re everything your reputation says you are. That’s the asset that Jonas wants and needs to make his plan work.’

‘What do you know about Gabriel?’

‘A chip off the old block, to quote a stale saying. He’s very sharp, but honest and hard-working. He’ll be the big player at F & C, but he’ll leave it to you and the other management staff to run the show. He’s going to be the next Jonas.’

‘Am I going to have to worry about him looking over my shoulder all the time?’

‘Nope. That’s not how he operates. In fact, you’re going to have to call him in when you need him. He really believes in letting the people he hires to run the place … run the place,’
Seth smiled.

‘Okay … I guess that’s all good. So, I take it you’re in support of this proposal?’

‘Not until I read the proposal in detail, but yes, on the surface of it, you can make this into whatever you want, Stan. It’s one of those unique offers that you don’t want to look back on ten or so years from now and say ‘I wish I had grabbed it.”

‘I’m giving a copy of it to my lawyer, Seth. I’ll have her go over it for anything she sees that she doesn’t understand or agree to. Might was well dot the i’s and cross the t’s.’

He nodded his agreement. We talked about my move to Charlotte and the upcoming wedding. He’d received his invitation and was planning on being there with Jerry, his wife. From there, they were headed to a golf resort south of Myrtle Beach for a week’s vacation. Both of them were avid golfers.

When I left the office, I checked my cell for messages and there was one from Teresa. Carmen could see me at four-thirty that afternoon if I could make it, otherwise, tomorrow at one-thirty. I checked my watch and saw that I could just make it this afternoon if I hustled. I called Teresa and confirmed the four-thirty appointment.

Teresa joined Carmen in her office as I laid out the offer that Jonas and Gabriel Faraday had presented. They were surprised and congratulated me on the opportunity. Carmen promised to review it this week and would be back to me by Friday afternoon with a written summary and comments. Teresa was all smiles as she remembered my decision all those months ago to start my own business and how uncertain I was. It had all changed, and changed very quickly.

I called Sue and let her know what had transpired, and that I was going to make a couple of stops before I headed back to Charlotte on Friday evening. It was nearing Christmas and my bookings were predictably dropping off, allowing me some valuable time to shop and to spend with my lady. I got no objection from Sue, although we both wished we would be together to celebrate this new surprise.

I called Carmen from Minneapolis, and essentially she told me she didn’t see anything about the proposed agreement that looked risky or unusual. In fact, she said the language was very straightforward and certainly couldn’t have been written by a lawyer. That brought a laugh from both of us. I thanked her and told her I would be signing the agreement and forwarding it back to Jonas Faraday early next week.

I arrived back at our home just before eight on Friday evening. I was tired, not so much from the work and travel, but from the tension and excitement of this latest development in my strange new life. It seemed so unreal that I could be in this situation when not that long ago, I was in despair and angry with my circumstances. How quickly things can change.

Sue greeted me at the door and I got the welcome home I so looked forward to. I relaxed on the sofa, a glass of wine in one hand, and my arm around my lady. My sock feet were up on the coffee table while I let a sigh of contentment escape. It was wonderful to be able to relax and enjoy each others’ company. I felt completely at peace with Sue by my side.

‘Well, are you going to tell me what Carmen said?’ Sue needled.

‘Sure. She said don’t touch it with a barge pole.’ I tried to sneak a look at Sue’s expression, but got caught. My reward was a punch in the arm, fortunately not the one attached to the hand holding the wine glass.

‘Come on. Give!’ I think she already knew what the answer was just from my trying to kid her.

‘She fine with it. Now, the rest is up to us.’

‘Us? It’s your future, Stan. It should be your decision.’ She seemed to be serious, which I found a bit strange, considering.

‘I wouldn’t think of agreeing to something this important without your okay. We’re a team, Sue. We do things together … especially big things like this. We both have to agree that this is right for both of us.’

She wore a deadly serious gaze as she absorbed my last statement. Then, I saw her face relax, followed by the beginning of a smile. She buried her face in my chest, and I could feel the warmth seep through my shirt. I was sure I hadn’t hurt her feelings.

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Tipping PointChapter 7 Happy New Year

"What are you and Jilly planning for New Years Eve, Tommy?" I asked. "Oh, we've got a party at the college. We'll be staying with a classmate of hers, so we won't have to drive home. Should be fun. What about you?" "No plans. Thought I'd stay in and watch some TV. Things have been kind of hectic for me in the last month." I'd arrived home from Charlotte Wednesday evening, too late for hockey. I still hadn't made it to a single game yet. On the other hand, I had the rest of the...

5 years ago
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Tipping PointChapter 8 Growing toward a Question

My business continued to grow over the next three months. Word got out about my contract with Winston Candy and my success with the Helmvac start-up. Soon, I was getting calls from companies I had never heard of, asking for advice on one machine or another. I was wise enough to know that I could get bogged down in learning new equipment if I wasn't careful, so each time I got one of those calls, I requested a manual and a written description of the problems they were encountering, preferably...

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Tipping PointChapter 9 Everything I Could Want

We found a ring quite easily in the first jewelry store we visited. I liked it, but more importantly, it was the one that Sue really wanted. They promised to have it sized later that week, but since there was little change required, Sue wanted to wear it, agreeing to bring it back Monday. She nearly floated out of the store when we left. We phoned Tommy and Jilly to let them know about our official engagement. I had informed my son of my intentions, but I wasn't positive that I would...

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Sex at Gunpoint

Chapter 1 I had sent a letter as reply to the answers I got to an ad in a Danish adult magazine called Weekend Sex, we were seeking a man to tie my husband and "rape" me! The headline in the ad said: TIE MY HUSBAND AND RAPE ME! 1 1/2 month had gone without getting any answer from him. (In the following I will call him Steen). His letter was rather naughty and I was interested in meeting him. I send him a new letter. 3 days later he phoned me, he had been send to work in Norway by his...

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Stan looked dubiously at the little crystal trinket dangling from his hand. His marriage was on the rocks, but he'd been hoping for something a little more useful than half-baked folk remedies. Both men took a moment to appreciate the curves of Tracey's ass under her short tennis skirt as she collected their empty beer bottles. Will's wife ignored their gazes and exited the room as silently as she'd entered. "Seriously? I remember you worrying about Tracey playing the field. And...

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Frankie and His Gurl Part 3 Girl Pointers

by Julie Hart [email protected] 1/ Hot and Bothered ~,';~%@ The last time Frankie and I had gotten together for a little fling, his cousin Karen and her two girlfriends butted in. After letting Frankie get off with me, Karen, Lissa and Micky dolled me up and the four of us had fun. I felt a little guilty about that day, with Karen shoving Frankie out like that. Today, sitting on a hill at the park next to Frankie, I brought it up. "Don’t feel bad that Karen left me...

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More Girlie Points

Chapter I Tom pulled on the panties noticing that his penis was already erect. Damn he was horny! It had been almost two weeks since Jen had let him have an orgasm and he really wanted one tonight. His tease of a wife had been making his life hell since that last Sunday night when, to earn his orgasm, he'd agreed to wear panties to work the next day. That had earned him the five girlie points he needed. Girlie points were what he earned when he did things like wear a bra...

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100 Sissy Points

Author's note. This is a work of erotic fiction, so if this offends you, please stop reading. Also, most of what's described in this story wouldn't be ethical or legal, but again, I remind you that it's fiction! I hope it's good-and-kinky fiction, and while I wish something like this had happened to me, once again, it's only fiction. Some readers think that my stories are autobiographical. I wish! Also, a fan of my work suggested this story concept. Feel free to message me if you have...

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Girlie Points

Tom arched his back as he stretched the bra behind him. He was very aware of his erection poking stiffly out of the panties he'd put on just moments earlier. "You're getting quite good at that," Jen smiled; nodding approvingly as Tom managed, without too much fumbling, to get the bra hooked. "I think that deserves a girlie point." He grunted embarrassedly and reached for the sheer robe. It wouldn't hide his girl underwear but it was better than nothing. Damn Jen for making him play...

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Girly Points

The following story was written by Little Miss Vicky Kay. Gosh, if you use it for personal gain, the big bad copyright wolf will do really scary stuff! So play nice. Warning: this story might be too cute for some tastes. When I was writing it, I thought it was getting too cutesy but, then I though what the heck, let the snuggle bug run wild! LG Story, Girly points. When I was 13, my parents went to a funeral for my Great uncle who I never met in Arizona....

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The Historical Viewpoint

Mark felt like he was playing the main part in the movie GATACA as he sat in front of the mirror trying to remove every last piece of hair from his body save for his head. He was sorry that he lost the bet, but he would have expected her to take it up the ass if he had won, so here he was paying up without complaint. He had already taken the 1/16th inch clippers and removed nearly all the hair from his chest, genitals, legs, and the parts of his back he could reach. He was unfortunately...

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Rods Viewpoint

My girlfriend Tina has written a lot here about our unusual four-partner relationship. She asked me to write how I view what we have. My perspective.My life changed dramatically for the better when I was twenty-two. In the three years since then, my life keeps getting even better and better.About six months before I met Tina, I had broken off a short-lived relationship with my previous girlfriend. All she ever did was complain about life in general, and about me in particular.Mostly, she hated...

Group Sex
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Rods Viewpoint

My girlfriend Tina has written a lot here about our unusual four-partner relationship. She asked me to write how I view what we have. My perspective.My life changed dramatically for the better when I was twenty-two. In the three years since then, my life keeps getting even better and better.About six months before I met Tina, I had broken off a short-lived relationship with my previous girlfriend. All she ever did was complain about life in general, and about me in particular.Mostly, she hated...

Group Sex
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Peters Pointer

It was nearly midnight and Molly was bored out of her mind. Her friend Peter was here and he insisted that she took the bed. It was extremely hot out but that didn't seem to bother Peter. They chatted about school and parents for awhile until Peter changed the conversation to relation ships..."So who's the lucky guy that gets to spend lunch with you?" asked Peter mockingly."Peter shut up.. you know I don't have a boyfriend.. and what about you and Sarah?" Tutted Molly with a hint of jealousy....

1 year ago
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Special Appointments

A Long Daydream : Special Appointment I ran into quite a lot of money recently. More money than I know what to do with and I’ll certainly never have to work again. Fortunately, I’ve always had this about one of the things I’d do if this situation ever arose. Since I have a fairly extreme passion for long hair on women, I thought it would be great to open a salon catering to the longhaired woman. Nothing new in the idea but think of all the longhaired women I’d meet. I knew exactly what I must...

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Earning Points

I was sitting on the couch watching my favorite day time program when I hear a tapping on my apartment door. I looked out the peep hole. I was always suspicious of day time knocks on the door, and all I could see was top of a young female’s head.I cracked the door open and she smiled. She immediately launched into a speech that she was an engineering student at a local college and was selling magazine subscriptions to help finance her way through school. She said that for each subscription she...

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Bonus Points

Bonus Points You are Daniel a typical average college student. Miss Collins one of your College professors has called you into her office and says "I am sorry Daniel but I can't let you pass my course. I know it is a required course for you, and therefore I am offering you a option to gain enough bonus points to let you pass. You see the usual extra work system won't get you enough bonus points. But don't worry I have pretty a unusual option that's requires you to be openminded but also offers...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 57 Inflection Points

February 4, 1992, Natick, Massachusetts It took me a moment to clear my head after that last comment Cèlia had made, because ‘a’, I HAD thought about that; and ‘b’, I WAS thinking about that. I quickly thought back to that first trip. I hadn’t noticed Cèlia looking at me ‘hungrily’. It had been Cindi who said that. And what Cindi said had set the stage for me to read something into the situation. My reaction had, at first, been the ‘rock star’ or ‘hero worship’ notion. And everything she had...

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Divine Appointments

***** Divine Appointments What little courage I had and desperately embraced was ripped from me and teasingly floated beyond my grasp. Other than my 4-year-old daughter, Pearl, my meager fortitude was all I had to push me to survive and live. In a splintering moment, it had vanished. I fought all that was heaped upon me these past few years, and now a minor occurrence would cause my final defeat. A shattered ax handle destroyed everything and seemingly wrote the final chapter for me and my...

2 years ago
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A New PastChapter 42 PointCounterpoint

“Who are they?” I asked once security cleared us to edge past the protesters in the wake of the bus carrying the interns. It had taken long enough that we had swung by the rental house so we could drop Jeryl to get the kids in bed. “Greenpeace? The Sierra Club?” “No,” Alison said with a scowl. “It’s a group called ‘Save our Shores’. The leader here is a man named Seymour Xavier.” I nodded. “And what, exactly do they think we are doing to harm the shores?” Alison shook her head. “The best...

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The Appointment

I am sitting in the waiting room for my six-thirty appointment. I glance nervously at the clock and lightly tap my foot on the floor.I am waiting to see my therapist. I've been seeing him for almost six months. I am a thirty-five-year-old woman, but I've been keeping a secret that is a little embarrassing for someone my age. I am a virgin; I have never had intercourse. I've come close, but it never happened because of my fear. I just didn't know what it was, but I want to find out.I'm no prude....

Straight Sex
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My Wifes Doctors Appointment

My Wife's Doctors AppointmentMy wife and I, because of working late hours, we had not seen much of each other or had the time to have sex together in 3 weeks. One day this spring me and her began to clean out are garage. She begins tell me about her doctors appointment she had the day before.She is standing in front of him in her panties as the good doctor begins looking for varicose vains to treat. He stops and say's “Rachel you have a vain right here” he is pointing to her left lage just 2...

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Doctors Appointment

"Chris honey, hurry up... I have to be at the doctor's in twenty-five minutes!" Kathy called upstairs to her sixteen year old son. Chris tossed his school bag on his bed and walked out in the hallway and yelled back. "I'm coming mom." He loved his mother dearly but he hated it when she made him go everywhere with her... if only she were still married he wouldn't have to... then he remembered what an asshole his father had been and the thought disappeared. He shrugged his shoulders and...

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The House on Viking Point

PART TWO OF THREEAt this point in my narrative I should explain a few details about my mother. The promontory known as Viking Point stands 500 feet high and is almost sheer cliff amongst rugged and broken coast with a boulder-strewn shore. Our house is built into a large niche in the cliff almost three-quarters of the way up. If you draw a line due east from the house across the North Sea, it touches land on the other side along the Danish-German frontier at Schleswig, and it was from Schleswig...

5 years ago
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She Was His Last Appointment

Em had been going to Phil’s place for a therapeutic massage every week for a year. He was a qualified masseur who worked from his home a short drive away from hers. She always had the five o’clock appointment on Thursdays and knew he always had another regular client that evening at eight. Em’s massages were ninety minutes and she enjoyed them as therapy. Phil really knew what he was doing. Her massages with Phil were always very straight. She was topless for her sessions but wore bikini pants...

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The Doctor And The Appointment

Hi readers, this is my first story so I’m kind of nervous writing about it. Hope you’ll like it. Based on true happenings – names have been changed to keep things anonymous. It was a Friday afternoon and something had been bothering me since Monday. I was having an irregular period since some months and I was extra horny and sensitive all the time. I wanted to get over with this problem. I called in the doctor’s office to see if I could get an appointment. Luckily the receptionist checked me in...

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The appointment

Ch1:Appointment day Ch1:? Appointment day It is a sunny cold day in March. The snowstorm that covered the streets with snow is gone, leaving a clear, frosty day, with temperatures in the 20s. I walk down the street, dressed only in my black sable coat, black velvet choker, and stylish 5 inch pumps, also black, of course.  As I walk, the cold air seeps under my coat, up my legs and into my bare pussy. I am going to Mr. Marshall?s mansion. I am afraid of what will happen there. I know...

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Melanie Discipline Regime Claires Viewpoint

The new discipline regime was going better than expected for both Melanie and her step-mum, Claire. If anything it brought them closer together.Melanie had wanted the new regime, replacing the awfully boring grounding with the quick albeit painful spanking regime now in place. Since the change happened, Melanie was surprised just how easy it was to break a rule or breach a boundary, all set by her mum, Claire. Easy was not actually the operative word, but often really was. In the first week her...

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The Point

A completely fictional story told from two points of view ASHLEY It was two weeks until graduation. I had been going out with Billy for about six months and was looking forward to spending the summer with him before starting college in the fall. We had been up to The Point a few times before, and I had let him make it to second base. (The Point was a sandy flat spot up on the ridge overlooking the city where all the high school k**s would go to make out.) I loved the feeling of his finger...

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Rivers Turning Point

RIVERS TURNING POINT by Noni Mouse ***Call Me Trent*** My eyes blurred over the words "Call me Ishmael" for the seemingly hundredth time as I put down the Herman Melville book that I had intended to read. I laughed aloud that the more appropriate interpretation of Death and unrequited love would be "Call me Trent." Yes, I was Trent Rivers and I had fallen deeply in love years ago in my first year with a stunning woman only to find out that she was only in the game to get her Mrs....

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A Disappointment

A DISAPPOINTMENT Jeremy Hunter had to tell the girl he was going to propose to about his 'hobby', hoping that it wouldn't interfere with their relationship. "Pauline, my darling, we've been going out now for eight months, so we must both know that we have something special." Pauline was overjoyed, she just knew he was going to propose. "The thing is, there is something about me that it's only fair to tell you, something that's been nagging at me for several weeks now. It's...

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Bare Season at Chepoke Point

“You’re kidding.”Nate, my older brother, and usual partner in crime stared at me from his place on his couch. In contrast to my readiness- flawless high ponytail, dark hair contrasted with a white silky scrunchie, expensive hiking pack, brand new boots- he was horrifyingly not. He groaned and leaned his disheveled head- was that a pepperoni in his hair?- on the back of the couch.“Take pity on me,” he moaned out. “Its been a rough morning.”Growling, I grabbed one of the empty beer cans off the...

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Breaking Point

6. ...And Procedures "The process is important, regardless of the outcome, just ask Schacter. (...)mental health... is not a destination but a process. It's about how you drive, not where you're going. The therapist is like a driving instructor, not a chauffeur," -- Noam Shpancer, The Good Psychologist ***** Ray didn't react to the second playing of the tape, although he wanted to, he was just a little too confused and disoriented. A sound told him he was being visited, but he...

2 years ago
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Breaking Point

More episodes of this series *may* be available on my site at MistressPriya.com I had done it a million times before, it was a simple act. You move the metallic holder bar from the left side to the right, then push the gate open. Opening the gate, by itself, is a simple act. But today, everything was different. The brown metallic bar of her gate, with its peeling skin of paint, felt a ton heavier than it usually did. My heart began to pound like I was about to step off the earth, like gravity...

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DianneChapter 3 The Main Access Point

--Day Three: Saturday, 22nd May, 1999-- When I woke up, the daylight that had been streaming in through my tiny bedroom window was gone. I was still face-down and apparently in the exact same position in which I’d fallen asleep. I pushed myself up gingerly, bracing for more pain, but none came. In fact, I felt pretty good. I was hungry and thirsty, but over-all I seemed fine. I stood up and immediately noticed a sense of power in my muscles that hadn’t been there before. Upon some...

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