A Wifes Biological Craving for Semen
- 4 years ago
- 27
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Until the events of this story, I was incredibly conservative. I was born into a very religious family and taught to avoid sexual relationships until I was married. I was a good girl, although I did allow boys to fondle and suck my rather large breasts, and I stroked a few dicks. However, I didn’t have sexual intercourse until I married Ed right after our graduation from college. We met in our senior year in college in Mississippi and were married soon after graduation.
My decision to abstain from sex until marriage is amazing when you consider my situation. I have always been very pretty and a little overweight, in a voluptuous way. I'm five feet and seven inches tall and weigh one hundred and forty-five pounds, with a body fat index of about twenty-five percent. That means that although I have a big ass (think Kim Kardashian) and thick thighs, my skin is very smooth and supple, and I don’t have any cellulite or obvious fat.
I'm a big girl with dishwater blonde hair and blue eyes, and my biggest assets are my full, round and shapely DD-cup tits. So, I'm not fat per se, but just curvy in all the right places. I also have a prominent pubis and fat labia, covered in a neatly-trimmed layer of blonde hair.
My big tits and ass naturally sway and jiggle in a very seductive way, and I have been told by many men in college and at my workplace that I'm seductive looking without even trying. Some of them even admitted that men will often hit on bigger, pretty girls like me because we seem to be a little more approachable than the thinner girls and might appreciate a date more than them. But I have always been confident in my appearance and the effect that my tits bouncing beneath my t-shirt has on men.
Ed is a marketing major, and he got a good job as an outside sales representative for a medical device company in Louisiana. He's very successful, and soon had accounts all over the United States and Canada. That caused him to travel extensively, and by the time of this story when we were both twenty-eight years old, he was on the road and away from home at least four days and three nights per week, and usually more.
My name is Annie, and I was also working, putting my graphics design degree to good use at an advertising company. I also taught an adult education graphics course at a local high school. We joined a church in our new home town and are very active and devout in our evangelical denomination.
Our love life was enjoyable for the first five years of marriage, and we had sex almost every night that Ed was in town. Ed has a nice six-inch dick of medium thickness that is usually satisfying. He also likes to suck my pussy clean of his cum after he ejaculates in me, which always gives me another, even bigger, orgasm. But I never had the desire or courage to suck his cock.
By the time I turned twenty-eight, I was starting to feel depressed and had little or no interest in sex, or anything else for that matter. We were both concerned about it after my sadness went on for several months, and I was considering going to a psychiatrist to help evaluate my problem.
One Monday evening when Ed was out of town as usual, the Reverend Thomas and Deacon Phillip from our church made a routine welfare visit to our home. They were both in their forties and visited all the members on a rotating basis. That was the first visit to our home since I became depressed. We talked for a while and then their attention turned to my obvious depressed state.
Thomas said, “Annie, I don’t mean to pry too deeply into your personal life, but you don’t seem to be your usual bubbly self tonight. Would you like to talk about it? Maybe we can help.”
I explained, “In the past few months I've been feeling more and more depressed and sad, and Ed and I don’t understand why. We both have great jobs, a nice home, and have even been thinking about starting a family. But now I feel so bad most of the time that it's starting to affect our marriage.”
Thomas then said, “First of all, please don’t think that you two are alone in this. We have seen many instances of couples in their late twenties experiencing this problem, and we have been able to help all of them. But I do need to ask you some very personal and intimate questions to assess your situation, if that’s okay.”
I was a little nervous about them asking personal questions, but I knew that we needed help, so I nodded my okay. Then he said, “You probably have never heard of this, but sometimes sex hormone deficiencies can cause the type of depression you're describing. So please tell us everything you can about your sex life.”
It was surprising that they were asking about our sex lives, but after thinking for a moment I said, “Well, it’s hard for me to say these things, but Ed and I have, or at least had, a very active sex life. We made love almost every day that he was home, and he also performs oral sex on me. So, from my perspective, I think our love life was pretty normal and even excessive compared to some other couples I have talked to. At least it used to be that way.”
Thomas said, “It’s good to hear that you two are sexually active, but I have an even more personal question. Please describe Ed’s semen for us. Is it thick and white, or is it more on the thin and runny side?”
I reluctantly answered, “From the few times I've seen his semen, it looks to be clear and thin, almost watery. But why would that matter anyway?”
Phillip then smiled at Thomas and chimed in, “I think you know that I own a health food store, and I have also studied for years to become a natural healing practitioner. I'm trained to treat health issues using natural herbs and minerals, and sometimes even nutrients provided by the human body."
"We have found that a small percentage of women in your age group experience a need for some hormones including testosterone, estrogen, prolactin, luteinizing hormone, and prostaglandins, as well as other nutrients. Those substances can help elevate your mood and are all provided by normal male semen, along with other nutrients and hundreds of millions of sperm, that are absorbed through the vaginal walls and in other ways.”
He paused for a moment and continued; “Now you can see why we asked you about Ed’s semen. From your description, it is likely that you aren’t receiving the hormones and other nutrients you need to maintain a normal mood balance. While this problem isn't common, it is found in enough married couples that we have some fairly well-established guidelines on how to help.”
I just sat there stunned for a moment, thinking of the various implications of Phillip’s comments, and then asked, “Well what could we possibly do about that? If Ed’s semen is not providing what I need, where would I get more? Is there no way to get it from herbs? And are you suggesting that I sleep with another man or something? If so, that goes against everything you teach us in the church about the sins of fornicating outside of marriage. Ed and I have always been faithful to one another and true to our religion.”
Thomas studied my face for a moment and said, “I’m so pleased that you take your marriage vows so seriously, and we’re not suggesting that you do anything to seriously breach those vows. But there is a way to at least evaluate your situation without fornicating that we could try, although there are some other solutions that are usually even more effective. Unless we have totally upset you talking about this, you might want to at least give it a try. It's worked every time we have suggested it to other church members in your situation. There’s no pressure here, and it is up to you. Just say no and we’ll drop the subject.”
I was getting a little suspicious of their intentions, especially since, as I described above, I am a good looking, luscious, young, married woman home alone. But I thought for a moment and decided that I at least should know their non-fornicating solution.
So I said, “Okay, tell me about how we can evaluate my situation.”
Then Thomas continued, “This will sound pretty strange and disgusting at first, but please hear me out before you say anything. Phillip and I can provide you with some of our semen to assess your problem, without ever touching you. We’ve already done this with several of the other young wives in our congregation with good results, so we know that our semen and sperm are very rich in the nutrients and hormones you need."
"We can ejaculate into a turkey baster, and then leave. You can then inject our fluids into your vagina with your hips in an elevated position for at least a half hour, to allow our semen the maximum time to absorb into your vaginal walls. Then we can talk tomorrow to see what the effect was, if any, and we can discuss the next steps.”
I was obviously shocked and embarrassed at hearing their solution, and although the thought of squirting the semen of those older men into my pussy was icky to me, I was still desperate to try anything to feel a little better. I agreed to try their solution, and got them my turkey baster from the kitchen. They then went into the bathroom together and came back ten minutes later.
It was kind of gross looking at the turkey baster, knowing that those men from my church had just ejaculated into it, possibly while thinking about my big tits and having sex with me. But I was amazed by how much was in there. I could tell from the way it filled up the lower portion that there were at least two tablespoons of their semen in there or a little more than a half ounce. It was opalescent, opaque and white and I also smelled it, even from within the baster. It did seem like their semen was much more voluminous, nutrient-filled and potent than Ed’s small loads of watery cum, and I got a little excited just thinking about it.
I sheepishly took the baster in my hands as they left, and then headed for my bedroom. I took off all my clothes and lay back on the bed with a pillow under my ass, but it took me about a half hour to get the courage insert the tip in my pussy and squirt. During that time, I released a small amount of their ejaculate into my hand, and I liked the smell, thickness and slimy texture of it. Then I inserted the tip and squirted all the remaining contents into my ozing, wet vagina.
A feeling of guilt came over me for taking the sexual fluids of those two men into my body, but at the same time it was a sexual thrill that's hard to explain. I felt their juices in me, and I felt dirty, but satisfied all at the same time. I fell asleep in that position, with my legs spread and hips elevated, and was surprised by the way I felt in the morning. For the first time in months I felt somewhat happy and upbeat. Not perfect, but still a big improvement. I found a private moment at work to call Thomas and ask him and Phillip to come to my home that night, so I could share the results of the test.
Thomas and Phillip were still walking in the door and getting seated when I excitedly said, “At first I was skeptical, but now I know that you two are right about the power of potent semen. I felt much better at work today, and I’d like to talk with you about how I can feel even better. You mentioned yesterday that there were some other solutions that might be even more effective, and I’d like to hear about them.”
Phillip looked sideways at Thomas and smiled before looking my way and saying, “Annie, we’re so pleased that our semen and sperm was helpful to you, and we know that we can be of even more help. We can tell you one of the other processes now, and then give you the third one at the appropriate time. It might be best if Thomas tells you about this one.”
Thomas cleared his throat and said, “It's hard for me to discuss this with you Annie, knowing how devout you are, but it's much more effective if the semen is injected into to your vagina directly from a penis, and then having the penis stay in you for at least twenty minutes after ejaculation. That provides you with the freshest semen and the penis provides the pressure to help it absorb better into your vaginal walls. I know that might seem like infidelity at first, but we have a way to help take the romantic attraction out of it. Would you like to hear more?”
I was afraid yesterday that they might be trying to fuck me, but at the same time their first dose of semen from the baster worked well, and I was developing a little trust in them. So, I said, “Well, Reverend, this is starting to seem a little risqué to me, but I at least want to hear your approach.”
Thomas continued, “In order to avoid a romantic entanglement, you could lay on your side with your underwear off and your skirt pulled up, and one of us would spoon in behind you. That way we wouldn't be totally naked and wouldn’t be tempted to kiss you or fondle your beautiful breasts, and you wouldn’t even see the penis. Thomas or I would masturbate until just before ejaculating, and then push the penis in you and release the semen and sperm. Then it's just a matter of staying in that position for a while to allow for the proper absorption of the reproductive fluids. And then while we are waiting, I can tell you about another process.”
Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that I was being taken advantage of, but at the same time I wanted to know just how much better I could feel. So, I agreed and we all went to the bedroom. It was embarrassing pulling down my panties in front of them and lifting my skirt, exposing my ass and pussy. But I heard Thomas taking down his pants behind me, and then I heard him stroking his cock. I know that he was staring at my ass and pussy to help him reach his climax sooner, and in only about five minutes I felt the head of his cock pressing into my wet labia.
He said, “Okay, just relax now, Annie, I’m close to ejaculating and need to push into your vagina. From the way you described Ed’s dick I know that mine is a little longer and thicker, but your pussy seems to be very wet and you should be able to handle my larger size. So here goes.”
I then felt his cock pressing into me, and I knew that he was just being modest since it felt a lot larger than Ed’s. He kept pushing and finally bottomed-out on my cervix, so I’m guessing that his cock must have been at least eight inches long and very thick. I felt his balls hanging down on my thigh and ass and they pulled up slightly as his cock started throbbing and pulsing in my vagina. I felt his semen shooting into me, and the pressure of his cock felt wonderful in me. Even though he had not stroked his big cock in me, I was still near orgasm just from the fullness of his meat in me and the thought of what we were doing.
As we lay there on the bed with Thomas’ big cock in me, I wanted to distract my attention from what I was doing, so I asked, “This is starting to freak me out a little, so would you please tell me about one of the other processes that might help me?”
Thomas’ cock was starting to soften in me as he began, “Well, vaginal absorption is the most effective, but it's also possible to get some absorption orally, if done properly. Now don’t freak out, but the other method involves taking the semen into your mouth, and then holding it there and swirling it around for as long as possible."
"If you swallow it too quickly, there won’t be much absorption, and the stomach acids will destroy the hormones. So, what we suggest is that after holding the semen for as long as possible, you swallow it slowly in small increments. That way it keeps the throat and esophagus coated for a long time and allows good absorption. All of the other ladies have tried this with good results.”
That method seemed really yucky to me, and I said, “But, Reverend, I've never even sucked Ed’s dick, much less letting him ejaculate into my mouth. I’m just not sure I could ever do something like that. What convinced those other women to do it?”
Then Tomas responded, “Some of the other ladies were squeamish at first about taking a strange penis into their vaginas, and the oral method seemed less like cheating on their husbands. But once they tried it, all of them enjoyed the taste and texture of the semen and the improvement in their moods. And eventually, they wanted so much to feel better that all of them allowed both the vaginal and oral methods."
"If you want to try it now, Phillip would be happy to do that for you while we're letting my semen absorb into your vagina. And while he could just masturbate until the last moment and then shoot his cum into your mouth, it will be better for both of you if you suck him from the start. That way he'll be more aroused and will give you a bigger load of his juices, and the precum will also be absorbed that way.”
I saw the look of anticipation on Phillip’s face as I contemplated doing the oral method. Thomas’ comments that all the other ladies did it pressured me a little, and I have to admit that I was also curious about how it would feel to take a penis into my mouth and to taste the semen. I’m not totally naïve and knew that what they were doing was as much for their benefit as mine, but I was so anxious for relief of my sadness that I didn’t care anymore.
So, I said, “Okay, Deacon Phillip, come on up here and lay down on your side next to me so I can try this. But if I gag and ask you to stop, then you must pull away.”
Phillip moved over by the side of the bed and removed his pants and underwear, and then he rolled over next to me with his head towards my feet, and his crotch right in front of my face. That was my first experience seeing a cock other than Ed’s, and Phillip’s already-hard cock looked to be about seven inches long and much thicker than Ed’s.
His cock was already dripping precum as he pushed closer to my face and said, “It’s okay, Annie, just give it a taste and take the head into your mouth. We can take it as slow as you want until you get used to it. Just lick and suck up and down on the shaft. I think you’ll like it just like the other ladies did. Then you can suck harder to make me cum for you.”
My first taste of his cock head and precum was okay, and I moved my lips farther down on his cock. Then I started actually sucking it and was amazed by how good it tasted and felt in my mouth. The nastiness of it was turning me on. But I hadn’t been paying any attention to Thomas for a few minutes, and then I realized that since I was getting turned on I had clamped down on Thomas’ still-thick, soft cock with my vagina and had pressed my ass back against him. He no doubt took that as a sign that I wanted him to fuck me because I felt his cock hardening in me as he started slowly stroking into and out of my pussy.
There I was on my bed, with the Reverend fucking me from the rear, while the Deacon was fucking my mouth. I couldn’t say anything with my mouth full of cock, but Thomas said, “Oh, Annie, we just knew that you would be willing to fuck us like this if we got things started. You're so sexy and hot, and I’ve wanted to fuck you for years. But don’t worry, Annie, everything we've told you is true, and you will be feeling much better after you take our semen and sperm fresh at both ends. Then we can tell you how to make these treatments even more effective for you.”
It felt so good being fucked by those big cocks that I couldn’t be mad at them, and at that moment I wasn't even feeling guilty. I just loved the feeling of that big cock stretching my pussy and pressing against my womb on each stroke, and I was then taking Phillip’s cock all the way to my throat and felt his balls slapping against my forehead. I was nearing my first orgasm from being fucked outside my marriage, and I could tell that Thomas and Phillip were also getting close.
Just at the time I felt Thomas’ cock throbbing inside me and pumping in another load of his thick semen, Phillip held my head with both hands and started aggressively fucking my mouth. Then he pulled back from one last thrust, held his cock on my tongue, and I felt his strong spurts of semen spray into my mouth. I just loved the taste of it and he continued to hold me there and was gasping for air.
Then he said, “Oh fuck, Annie that was an amazing blowjob, especially for your first time. Now remember to keep sucking to get all of the remnants of my ejaculation, and then swish my cum around in your mouth for as long as possible. Then swallow it slowly in small amounts and let it coat your throat and esophagus.”
By the time my orgasm had subsided, and I had slowly swallowed all of Phillip’s cum, Thomas’ cock was deflating, and he pulled it out of my pussy. Then I felt a strong pang of guilt knowing that I had broken my wedding vows by not only being fucked by another man, but by also sucking another man’s cock and swallowing his cum.
I was trying to hold back the tears when I said, “I don’t know how I can ever face Ed again after what we just did. I feel so ashamed that I've cheated on Ed with two men, and leaders from the church at that, and now I feel like a whore, with no redemption possible for me.”
We all rolled over on our backs on the bed, and I got my first look at Thomas’ big cock and huge balls. Even through the guilt, the sight of his thick fuck meat was turning me on again.
As I wiped away some to the tears, Thomas said, “Annie, whether or not you feel guilty about what we did is all a matter of attitude. Our perspective is that it is not cheating if you have no emotional attachment to the men you're fucking. Just think of it as you are using them to obtain the life-changing sustenance that you need. What we did tonight is just to introduce you to these processes, but there are other things that can make this an even better experience for you and the men you fuck and ensure that they give you their biggest and best loads of cum.”
He paused for a moment to let his comments sink in and then continued, “To make this more effective you and your partners should strip totally naked and have as much foreplay as you can. Let them suck your fantastic breasts while you're fondling their cocks and balls, and they will give you huge loads.
Most men couldn't resist you even if they tried. It's even a good idea for you to get used to sucking their balls, since not many women will do that for a man, and they will be even more aroused. And when you are fucking, you should share a deep kiss. Just keep in mind that all that is for you to get their cum into your pussy and mouth, and you don’t want or need an emotional relationship with them.”
It’s interesting how far we had come, from me having my first injection of their semen from the baster the day before, and now they have not only fucked my pussy and mouth, but Thomas is talking about me fucking even more men.
So I asked, Thomas, why are you talking about me fucking other men like that?”
Thomas then smiled and said, “You will have the most success at relieving your depression if you fuck a large variety of men, and none of them more often than once a week or so. That will allow them to recharge their semen for you, and help you avoid any potential emotional attachments. In addition, you will find over time that some men’s cum will be more beneficial than others to you, and a wide variety will allow you to select the best cum for your purposes.”
He thought for a moment and continued, “And don’t forget that you should feel free to enjoy the fucking, even though it has a serious purpose. I can tell by the way you reacted to my big cock in your pussy and Phillip’s cock in your mouth that you will enjoy finding even bigger ones to fill your holes. Even though the most important thing is the volume and quality of the cum those men provide, you still need to enjoy the couplings, so you’ll be encouraged to continue the semen injections."
"And I think you will need to get your doses at least every other day, or maybe daily. Phillip and I would love to be on your list of semen contributors, but that's up to you. And it would be helpful if you always try to find two men to fuck you together, so you get the maximum injections both vaginally and orally.”
I was starting to be convinced that I should begin that wanton behavior, but I was also worried about my marriage. Then I asked, “Well how does Ed fit into all of this?”
Phillip responded, “You said before that Ed always sucks your pussy after you two fuck, so we know that he doesn’t mind eating his own semen. I suggest that you don’t tell Ed about your activities, at least not at first, and see if you can arrange to be fucked by other men a short time before Ed comes home. Then you can entice him to suck your pussy both before and after you fuck, and he may get some benefit from the remnants of the other men’s cum that he’ll be swallowing."
"I don’t know about the science involved and it might not help, but it seems that maybe it will help him produce better sperm if he is eating the potent semen and sperm of other men. You’ll know the appropriate time to let him know that you're fucking many other men. Some husbands, especially men with weak semen, love to share their wives with other men. He might just like it and even help you find men to fuck you.”
Before they left, Thomas said, “It is almost certain that Ed will recognize the taste of semen in your pussy, so Phillip and I can provide you with a bottle of our semen to keep on hand to show Ed as the reason for your improved mood. Phillip can use a label program at his store to produce a label for the bottle called something like 'emen Substitute', and can list a bunch of ingredients."
"You can tell Ed that when we stopped by to visit and found out that you are depressed, we suggested that you use the product. Just tell him that it contains one hundred percent natural substances that are formulated to provide the nutrients and hormones in real semen and even has the same taste.”
The men left and I had a restless night thinking about what I had done with them and the reality of what they were suggesting. But I woke up in the morning fully rejuvenated and all traces of my depression were gone. The direct deposit and oral methods really worked for me, but I still had to think about everything before deciding to find other men to fuck.
Wednesday was a normal day at work, but I was alert to the attention of others, and two of my coworkers in particular are always sneaking glances at my tits and ass. One is a thirty year old single guy named Frank, and he's very good looking and in good shape, and the other is William, a nice looking older guy in his mid-forties. I thought about giving them some encouragement, but decided to wait until later in the week, so I could see how long the semen from Thomas and Phillip would be effective.
When I woke up Thursday I still felt some improvement in my mood, but not as much as on Wednesday. It looked like Thomas was right about needing the semen at least every other day. But I avoided Frank and William at work since I had a class to teach Thursday night, and I knew that it would always be easy to get them to fuck me.
I went to class and was really in the doldrums by the time class was out, and I knew that I needed an immediate fucking. There are two young men in their early twenties in my class who are always flirting with me. I had given them extra help in the past and asked them to stay after class for a few minutes.
Their names are Teddy and Sam, and I decided to take the direct approach. When they walked up to my desk I said, “You boys are doing very well in class now, and it seems my tutoring helped you grasp the material. But now I would like some help from you. It's obvious that you guys are always flirting with me and I catch you all of the time staring at my big tits and ass. I just wanted to see if you’re men enough to handle me. My husband is out of town, and I’d like for you to come to my home and give me the loving I crave?”
They just stood there with their mouths open, and then Teddy said, “Damn right, Annie, we’d love to fuck you.”
The length of this story won’t permit me to describe all my sexual experiences in detail, but those two boys pounded my pussy and mouth like I had never experienced. They both have thick cocks, and they both ejaculated twice, once in my mouth and once in my pussy. They especially liked the way I held them in place after they shot their loads. I knew that they would be regulars on my list of semen providers.
I woke up the next morning fully rejuvenated and decided that I wanted to get fucked by Frank and William from work before Ed got home at about 9:00 pm that night. Several of the people from the office usually go to a local bar for happy hour on Friday’s after work, but I didn’t usually join them.
When I announced that I would be going that night, Frank and William were eager to join the group. We arrived at the tavern at about 5:00 pm, and by 7:00 pm everyone else had left except those two men and me. I was acting drunker than I really was, and they were soon taking liberties rubbing my ass and tits. Then when Frank suggested that we continue the party at his apartment, I gladly went with them.
Frank has a nice eight-inch cock and Williams is a respectable seven inches, and both are thick. We took our time with them sucking my pendulous breasts, and I had my first experience sucking men’s scrotums and testicles. Then they both fucked me twice, just like the boys from my class, and they could hardly believe their luck at finally getting to fuck me.
I used a plastic panty pad to keep their cum in me for the trip home, and I arrived at 8:30 pm, just in time to get ready for Ed to come home. I also found a bottle of Thomas and Phillip’s 'Semen Substitute' in the mailbox., so I was ready to give Ed my excuse for being so happy.
When Ed came through the door I greeted him with hugs and kisses, and he was surprised at how upbeat I was. He said, “Oh, Annie honey, you haven’t been this happy in a long time. What has caused the change?”
I explained how the men from the church visited me on Monday and suggested that I try some of the natural mood enhancer, and how I squirted it into my pussy almost daily with the turkey baster. I carefully explained that I got the solution as a trial just to see if it would work better than his semen. Then I grabbed his hand and took him upstairs to the bedroom. When we were undressed I immediately moved over him in the sixty-nine position and took his cock into my mouth as I pressed my oozing pussy to his lips.
That was the first time I had ever sucked his cock, and he said, “Oh fuck, Annie, that stuff must really be working for you. You’ve never sucked me before. And damn, honeyy, I can see that semen substitute running out of your pussy.”
Ed covered my labia with his mouth and started sucking out the semen and sperm remnants from Frank and William, and he seemed hungrier for it than when he eats his own. I guess it’s possible that the hormones in that semen were also enhancing Ed’s libido. After he drained my pussy, we fucked three times, and Ed sucked his cum out of me after each time.
I had such good experiences with the boys from school and the men from work, that I went in search for other men to fulfill my need for semen and sperm. Our forty-five-year-old neighbor and his twenty-year-old son, who was still living at home while going to college, were easy for me to seduce. I invited myself over to their pool one evening after work when Ed and the neighbor’s wife were out of town.
I wore a very revealing bikini that was little more than a thong bottom and two little patches of material covering my nipples. My firm and full ass cheeks were fully exposed, and my big tits jiggled and swayed as I walked in their gate. I fucked and sucked them both right there on a lounge by the secluded pool and drained them of their life-sustaining fluids.
Over time I added two more men from the church, two more neighbors, and three more students from my class to my list of semen providers. I had enough men fucking me that no one was needed more than about once a week. After several months of fucking and sucking men and boys almost every day, I was beginning to see Thomas’ logic that I was not really cheating on Ed by having all of this sex. I was just using the men for my purposes to receive their life-sustaining fluids my body craved. Ed and I were happier than ever and we were also sucking and fucking almost every day. I’m sure that all the semen and sperm that he was eating from my pussy had to be helping him in some way.
I had no emotional attachment to any of those men except Ed, but I do have to admit that I was enjoying the feeling of those cocks, most of which are longer and thicker than Ed’s, in my pussy and mouth. My situation reminded me a lot of something I learned from an elective course in college on medieval mythology.
The legend spoke of a succubus, a female demon or supernatural entity, who would take the human form of a seductive, voluptuous woman. She would appear in men’s dreams and have sexual intercourse with them to drain them of their semen and sperm. I know that I then looked at men mostly to provide me with the fluids that I needed to live a normal life.
My succubus behavior continues to this day, and I haven't yet told Ed about my fucking other men. At times I wonder if he suspects something, but he has never challenged me on it. We are both so happy in our marriage, and I see no reason to rock the boat, at least not for a very long time.
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WITH THE LATE FLIGHT TIMES, I’d persuaded my folks to wait until breakfast to meet Lissa and Melody. Mom was disappointed, but we would have Friday and Saturday together and then we’d each have to go our separate ways on Sunday. Melody’s parents were slated to arrive tomorrow around noon. I just wanted a little time to get reacquainted with my lovers. There was a man standing in front of our door with a bouquet of flowers. As soon as he saw us approaching he rushed straight up to...
My wife loves to suck cock. This is something I found out about her when we first started dating. Well, actually she gave me a blow job on our first date and admitted that she loved the taste of dicks and having guys cum in her mouth and covering her face. But I surprised her that first time by not cumming. I'm not sure the reason, but I can't get off through oral sex, I like it don't get me wrong, just not enough. Now this doesn't discourage my wife from trying, much to my enjoyment....
Introduction: wife comes home from club w 2 men My wife has a medical condition that makes her promiscuous and an alcoholic. Before she was diagnosed and stopped drinking she would drink in excess and then fuck any and all men around her. Later, when she sobered up, she would remember nothing and be quite a prude. There are periods of 3 days in which she drank constantly and has no memory at all. At other times when I was laying in bed, too tired for sex, she would sit next to me and scream...
Introduction: wife is suspected of gross cheating to epic levels (this parts alittle longer than the rest.) The inevitable Jack strolls out of the airport with his luggage in tow behind him heading to the car rental counters thinking about his trip and what his detective has for him. After some time he heads for the expressway towards town not knowing where he is actually going. He has not been able to reach his detective as to where he is although Jack did arrive a day sooner than expected....
Introduction: This is a stroy about rekindling love between a married couple. Bill walked into the lounge to find his wife. He was a little confused why she left him a note under the windshield wiper of the car to meet her here. This was the fanciest hotel and restaurant in town and they have never been there before. Bill looks around trying to spot his wife. He is very nervous and becomes much stressed when he doesnt see her. The poorly lit bar was very crowded with the after work happy hour...
Introduction: A story of a white wife and mothers journey to black cock addiction! How many times have I witnessed this scene? Her gaze is directed at her Black lovers face, a look that tells him of her submission to him etched almost painfully on her face. Her look shows many things, a determination to take each inch of his hardness that he is forcing deep inside her body, a craving need to feel the fullness he presents in the form of his fat cock, but mostly her look tells him she is his, his...
this is another absolutely true story, hope someone enjoys it maybe even Ian and Andy as I know they like xhamster on Saturday afternoon my wife asked if I fancied going out for a drink with friends at night so I said ok but couldn't really be bothered. we went to our local and as the night went on a few of them were looking the worse for wear .I didn't have much to drink which makes a change but it was quite good for once to watch them all get drunk instead of me . I was amazed at how much I...
You come home early from work too surprise your wife on your birthday and you find a strange car on the drive.As you open the door you can hear loud screaming and banging coming from up stairs.You make your way upstairs as the screaming and banging get louder and more frequent.You open your marital bedroom door to find your wife lieing on the bed with her legs in the air spread wide open and a black man smashing his massive black cock into your wife’s wet cunt.your wife doesn’t let the strange...
The other night i came home to find my wifes best friend sandy in the house with out my wife there. i though that was quite odd but not unsual for her to be there but not by herself. So i asked where my wife was oh she said she had to go to the grocery store to pick some stuff. I said oh okay no problem. I noticed that she had been drinking some wine. We started talking i asked her about her husband bill. She said oh hes at work like usual working long hours this time of year. I told her that...
Introduction: By [email protected] I love to show off my beautiful wife. Even after 10 years of marriage at a age of 40 she is a stunner. No extra fat (except on her ample breasts), muscular and toned legs, and a fantastic set of ass to die for. She has flowing long hair which she never ties and they frame her face like a miasma of seduction. I always encourage her to wear low cut blouses and sarees tied way below the navel. When she wears those tightly wrapped around sarees she looks like the...
Introduction: A young man is left alone with his wifes best friend who has the hots for him. What follows is every mans dream. Ever since Id met Melissa at the local community college six years before, Id known she had a crush on me. Back then, I was twenty-six and she was eighteen. Id only been married to Natalie for a year and, well, Ive always gotten along better with the ladies than the guys, so Id developed a friendship with Melissa. Shed make a point of constantly flirting with me,...
As Ashley and Laura got positioned on the bed to give Paul and Graeme a show the guys stood at the foot of the bed with there cocks in their hands, (to this day my wife loves to watch a guy wanking himself off.) the girls started to roll around groping, rubbing, licking and kissing each other. as Ashley went down to lick Laura the guys couldn’t help themselves and jumped back on the bed. kneeling at either side of Laura they pushed there cocks into her face. Like i said earlier she could...
Introduction: Frank disciplines his bimbo wife after her interracial gangbang! The Bimbo Formula Chapter 7: Spanking the Bimbo Wifes Hot Ass by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I smiled at my husband as I sat up in the bath, the soapy water cascading off my big, wonderful, soft titties. My husband had a stern look on his face as he stood in the door of the bathroom. He was handsome, if a little nerdy, but I loved him so much. He was the bestest husband in the world because he invented the...
Introduction: Wifes Photo Shoot I was attending a conference in L. A. and this time my wife Linda was accompanying me. Usually she preferred to stay at home, but this time she wanted to come along, and enjoy the sun and pool in late spring. It was delightful, and we enjoyed some great eating as well as some pool time when the meeting ended each day, which was early afternoon. On one occasion, there were two women sitting next to us, and we became acquainted with them. It developed that Kim,...
Its been a while since I first discovered my wife, Kay, in the arms of one of our African American neighbors, she wasn't too happy with me since we moved from the big city to a small urban neighborhood. Money was tight and it was just something we had to do. I can still remember the day, we were just unpacking the moving van when I noticed our neighbor standing on the front porch of his house looking our way. He slowly walked over and introduced himself. His name was Bobby, he was 6'3', 210...
So nothing else happened that night between me and Peggy, and I needed the rest so my sore cock could heel. The next day was Thanksgiving, spent with the whole family, again pretty tame day, no sex. On Nov 25th, the day after Thanksgiving, I had to be in work early, but also got to leave early. I got home and as I walked inside I heard the shower running. I went upstairs and figured it was my wife, it was. I stripped down and hopped in with her. We started messing around and eventually ended up...
(continued)Bobby pulled out of my wife with a loud audible *pop*, I was guessing since he was shoving so much pressure into my wifes now gaping cunt. Her leg was still propped up on the arm rest of the chair, I sat there horrified but strangely aroused by the interracial gangbang that was happening to my wife and her sister. I looked over at my wifes sister who a few guys were drilling deep being held mid air, two new "fresh" guys had taken the place of the two who were spent. Now every time...
Introduction: Now that I know what my wifes job is, the fun continues. This is the sequel to My wifes job and My wifes job 2 My wifes job 2 was posted on 2013 June 29. You may need to reread it to refresh your memory? The rest of the weekend was as brilliant as Robin had promised me. The whole time we were all naked. Richard and I gave Robin and Cindy three DPs each. Each DP was as exciting as the first one when Richard and I fucked Cindy. Between times we enjoyed the sunny weather on...
Introduction: This is another story inspired by my wifes fantasys I made One of My wifes Fantasys Come True Part of it is actually true and is one of the things we have done in the past My wife has had fantasys about black men that started after we were married. This was do to several things that happened during the first several yrs and have continued for most of our married life. However most were only fantasys, but on this particular night the things that happened to her would not be...
never thought i would try to write a wee story but what happened a few weeks ago absolutely blew my mind so much i just have to tell someone ,this is a true story.me + the wife were having some couples over for a drink + a chat .we had been sitting for a couple of hours + i had sat next to one of my matesdavie ,who ,when he got drunk always told me about his fetish ( worn panties ) i have never told him i have the same hobby , only ever with my wifes though,he always told me in the pub that...
Lt. Col. Joseph Collins initiated radio contact with Azahar as soon as Sir Galahad entered normal space at the inbound jump point with the message, "Good day, Azahar. This is Lieutenant Colonel Collins, Captain of Sir Galahad. I have some equipment for you along with about fifty souls to help with your construction activities." McKinsey barely had time to get nervous when the alarm caused by the station's sensors detecting a ship exiting hyperspace in the vicinity of Azahar before the...
This is the story of a mature woman, Deepti Sinha. She lives in the greater metropolitan region of Mumbai, India. She comes from a conservative Indian family and married to a troubled businessman through an arranged marriage, still a common custom in India and other countries in the region. She is a good woman, a good wife, and has made it her goal to create an environment of peace and comfort for her husband. It has been a task that she was predisposed to perform even if the effort seemed...
This is a sequel to my previous story.Its 430 am and I hear a snore,I feel my wifes back and see her in the moonlight shining through the window.I see that our friend Glen(Fats is his Nickname) is in our bed sleeping.I don't see his wife,but I know we shared wifes last night as we have done most of our vacation.I decide to wake and get ready for our last few days left.I go to our bathroom,as i am brushing my teeth,Glens wife Kay comes into the room from their bedroom and closes the door to my...
One of my crazy storys that happened as always these storys are ture! Id always had a thing for sucking cock even before I had met my wife but even to this day she doesn’t know a thing about it. One day I bought a guy back his name was Tom he was an average guy in his late 30s and as I got home unexpectedly my wife was there but it was too late to turn back as we walked into my home and my wife(Jodie) had seen us! So quickly thinking I told my wife ‘this is my friend Tom from work his come to...
Ah what a day I'd had in work!? Didn't get finished til after mid night and just couldn't wait 2 climb in2 bed and get a good nights sleep.The drive home was long and tiring, as I walked in the house I was surprised 2 see the living room light was still on (My wife never stays up late during the week)I walked towards the living room and started 2 make out a slight moaning sound, curiously I peered around the door and noticed both of my wifes legs dangling over both arms of the arm chair, as I...
We had a 2 hour MFM session with our close male friend Friday that was amazing. He had messaged me last weekend to make sure we were still coming to his house in a week I assured him we were still on with "don't worry you're definitely still getting to fuck my wife friday". He asked me if I could get her to wear some tight shorts "I fucking love your wifes ass she'd look really hot in shorts" I recently got her a Harley Quinn Halloween outfit that came with a tiny little pair of spandex shorts...
Tom wanted my ass the next time we had sex. I was never one to deny him, and often I enjoyed the feeling of his modest cock invading my precious butthole. The whole time he was plowing my ass from behind, though, I was thinking about Matt. How it would feel to have my son's much bigger cock doing this to me, defiling my body in such a depraved and filthy way. It excited me so much I came without even touching my cunt.Tom assumed, of course, that it was due to his cock. He slapped my ass when he...
Introduction: I learn more about my wifes new job This is the sequel to My wifes job. Please read that one first. Robin was watching with me as my wife, Cindy, was fucked by her boss, Richard. After we saw that they were both cumming, Robin announced, Well, Cindy, you dont need to worry about Ron being jealous. He just pumped a second load into my cunt when he saw that Richard was filling your cunt with his cum. Ron, Cindy, Richard said, I think it would be great if you two would spend the...
Back in England, without her husband, Madge stayed with her sister the wife's family for a while until she got sorted. At the time the wife didn't know the full story, but Madge had been in Kenya for 12 months with her husband who died the day before they came back, nobody at the time talked about it and Madge distracted her Mother from constantly coming between the pair of k**s and reducing the opportunities form mutual fun. Madge slightly older than mum, smoked, drunk dads scotch and...
Introduction: Alice is taken away by a pair of Black man posing as cops, but the busty, bimbo wife doesnt care. Shes eager to help the Black men and their friends. Today, the bimbo wife is gangbanged hard. The Bimbo Formula Chapter 6: Bimbo Wifes Interracial Gangbang by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I knelt in the back of the gray van, the shag carpeting lining the floor tickling my legs. I ran my fingers through the delightful fibers as the undercover cop, a handsome Black man with a...
My wife an I have had talks about having sex with another man she whould like a big black man. well one night we wentout with my b*****r in law friend. my wife had talked about sucking his dick she thought it would be big,I also am black but a brown color she said she wanted a dark black man who would domantate her.Well we were at the bar and drinking we danced and my wife said to be im going to take terry to the car for some fun Isaid lets go to the house i told terry we were going to leave an...
My wife an I have had talks about having sex with another man she whould like a big black man. well one night we wentout with my brother in law friend. my wife had talked about sucking his dick she thought it would be big,I also am black but a brown color she said she wanted a dark black man who would domantate her.Well we were at the bar and drinking we danced and my wife said to be im going to take terry to the car for some fun Isaid lets go to the house i told terry we were going to leave an...
My wife Karen and I won a vacation for 4 to Mexico and were going with our friends Kay and her husband Fats,who is real skinny.Kay has been a friend of ours for a few years,I have known her husband for about 5 years but really get along well with him even though hes 18 years younger.Kay and Karen are very much alike and get along well but do compete with each other.The girls are both exhibitionist,but my wife is more bold then Kay. Karen and I flew to LA and Kay and Fats drove. We...
Introduction: Wife becomes Whore at her Store My wife LeAnn is a 26 year old head turning brunette, at 5 7 she has straight shoulder length hair and dark brown eyes. Her perfectly tanned legs and firm round ass are attention getters, as are her tits, which are 34 double Ds. Im a 33 year old stockbroker. Im 511 and about 190, I consider myself above average in looks, and I work out to keep my body fit. After four years of married life, my wife decided she wanted to start a small used clothing...
Introduction: My wife deflowers my best friend, which leads to black cock and gang bangs I took a photo of my young hairy wife Dee Dee naked in 1974 when she was 18 years old. She was a senior in high school and getting ready for class when I asked her to pose naked for me. She asked why and I said I wanted it so I could remember how she looked naked when she was in high school. She thought that was a good idea and posed for me in a position they used in cheers, as she was a varsity cheerleader...
.................our little slut looked up at me and said please fuck me, please fuck me with ur big fat cock!I slipped my cum covered cock from my wifes beautiful pussy and slid it in 2 our sluts mouth!Do u like the taste of my wifes cum? I askedOh yes she said as her saliva slow started 2 cover my cock and replace all my wifes cum.Oh yes what? I asked our slut! The poor young thing looked so puzzled as her eyes darted between me and my wife!Oh yes WHAT! I said again as I took my cock from her...
Introduction: I am not a writer but I am an avid reader of erotic stories. I tried to write a few non fiction stories based on my own weird fantasies but I could never finish them. Then I read some of the stories here and it gave me the idea of writing about true incidents that I was involved in. I found this a little easier as I only have to describe what actually happened to me in one event at a time. The following story is completely true and I hope you enjoy reading it. Constructive...
So my gorgeous younger mid 30's Hotwife is having one of her "I want to fuck with your head" evenings! She's dressed in her black latex dress (that barely covers her perky arse), hold up stockings and heels on, shes in the mood & I know it. She tells me to strip, which I do, she throws a pair of her knickers at me & tells me to put them on, which again I do without hesitation. She tells me to bend over then whacks me a number of times with her paddle until my arse is red, she then...
Im just a dirty guy who likes dirty things and one of my favorite things to do is eating my wifes pussy after its been fucked by other guys and filled with hot cum. Here is just one night in the life of a cum hungry husband. I always like for my wife to tell me about old sex partners she had and what they would do. She was always telling about one of her ex bisexual boyfriend named Ron. About how he had a big 8inch cock that was nice and fat with a set of huge balls that would cum loads and...
Introduction: Wife Encounters a Donkey Our Stories in Succession: 1. Bree1 Kate, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 Girlfriends Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains, when sequins to: 4. Bree 4 -Wifes Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 Shannons Encounter with Jake the Donkey 8. Bree 8 The Reunion (a standalone story that references Bree 1 7) As a reminder, you are encouraged to read these stories in succession...
Constant Craving by Andrea Lena DiMaggio Even through the darkest phase Be it thick or thin Always someone marches brave Here beneath my skin Constant craving Has always been ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DiStefano home, London, Ontario, mid-...
Welcome to Slutford said the sign as you drove into town. “Your doctor said you needed to relax after you having your nervous breakdown, so I looked around on the internet and Slutford was rated as one of the most relaxing places in the world, strange name though.” You continued driving along the road heading towards your new home and your new life. The road was lined with trees adding to the country feel of this area. In no time at all you arrived at your new home. This is where you need to...
After years of enjoying other people's awesome works here I wanted to return to the community. I only hope that my story lives up to the incredible reputation of this site. October 13th 2008 SRU: The Biological Clock By Orthagyn For the last year every month it's been the same argument and Amanda was getting sick of it, she wanted a family and her husband John just wasn't willing to provide much to her disappointment. "I thought we have been through this already. Why do we...
Hi friends I am Arun. I am 22 years old. I am here to share with you my real life sex experience with my 10th std. physics teacher. Her name is Maya. She was 29 years old when I was in 10th. She looks very beautiful, fair lemon colour complexion and an awesome figure 34 30 32. I had no contact with her after my school days. However I have noticed her a few times going to pick up her small children from school nearby my house. She used to be in saree in school but whenever I noticed her in the...
It’s already been 5 years and m fucking my biological mom. Still I sometimes feel the same urge that I had when it all started. Mom is now 45 and me 25. She did complete her studies after giving birth and now she is a successful person as far as her career is concerned after getting divorced she moved to some other city leaving me with dad, whatever happened seemed to be just by court orders. Neha my sister got to go with mom and court was pretty clear and justified about this. I missed both...
IncestWe will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...
OF COURSE IT ALL MADE SENSE. Logical. Not to mention, the only thing we could do. Not only were Lissa’s kids sick, she was coming down with it, too. She simply wouldn’t—or couldn’t—travel. I decided on the spot that I wouldn’t go either but the heated argument that ensued left me at three to one against my canceling the trip. Lissa said she would send instructions to Allison on coaching me through my first round. Sam would be headed out on Tuesday, but there was no way he’d make the early...
IN THE MORNING, Allison was all business, and she proved herself an efficient coach/manager. We were up early and headed for United Center where the Bulls play basketball and the Blackhawks play hockey. They bring in big boxes to set up each racquetball court complete with floor and ceiling. The one at center court was Plexiglass so spectators could sit around on three sides. The end wall was solid. With the seating pulled back to the hockey boundaries, there was room to set up twelve...
AS SOON AS I GOT OUT of the arena and we headed back to our room, I started texting Lissa and Melody to tell them what had happened during the morning. It was so cool. I knew Melody was still in class, but I expected a response from Lissa. It didn’t come for quite a while. Then... “I’m so sick. Boys are running around like crazy. Jack and I are taking turns puking in the bathroom. Wish I was there. Congrats.” I was going crazy. It was just coming up noon on the coast and I waited till it...
I CRASHED AND BURNED against the thirteenth seeded player from Loyola Marymount in my first match of the morning. I played well, but I was just plain out of my league. The guy had an incredible match. It made me wonder how I’d ever managed to hold my own against Karl on Monday morning. I guess I just wasn’t in the zone. That put the pressure on for my next match. I had no time for remorse, as the next elimination round was at eleven and I was fighting for my life. This was another of the...
ALLISON’S EYES BURNED INTO ME. I cringed, at least in my head—yeah, if looks could kill. I could almost feel my brain frying. Great timing. Does this feel right? “I hope you mean: are you hard; am I wet; and is your cock lined up to penetrate my steaming twat?” Allison growled. She thrust her hips toward me, trying to force me into her. I backed off. I wasn’t teasing, exactly. Crap! What was I doing? “I’ve wanted this for a month, Tony. It feels good. Don’t get all moralistic on me now.” “I...
ALLIE LEFT THE SHOWER before I did and used the hair dryer. I kissed the back of her neck as I slipped past her out of the bathroom. I dressed for a day with the ‘rents and held a whispered conversation with Lissa and Melody before Melody had to go to class. The two-hour time difference meant that I caught them just after they’d stepped out of the shower. “Well, lover-boy, how did it go last night?” Melody asked. “Not like you expected,” I said. “You mean you didn’t... ?” “Not...
“WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?” Lissa asked. We were cuddled in the bed, hot and sticky from hours of making love, but unwilling to break the contact among us for even as long as it took to go to the shower. The two-hour time change for Lissa and Melody had worked in their favor as midnight didn’t seem late and one a.m. was still prime time. “We could just stay like this and order room service again,” Melody suggested. She was completely relaxed and still enjoying having me attend to her right...
“MELLY!” LEXI SAID as she approached us across the hotel lobby. When she released her mother from a hug, Melody went on to the formal-looking man behind Lexi and greeted her father. Who wears a suit on vacation? I thought. “Hi, Daddy,” she said, smiling at him. He didn’t hug her, but put both hands on her shoulders and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. Lexi had moved on to give Lissa a hug and then smiled at me and did the same. She glanced over her shoulder as if to make sure her husband...
A BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE was on ice in our room with three glasses and a box of dark chocolate truffles. The truffles were my Dad’s idea and he’d taken care of it. “More of Allie’s admirers?” Lissa asked, surprised. I acted all innocent and just shrugged my shoulders. “Was she singing or having an orgasm?” Melody asked. “Mmm. Truffles!” We decided to take a shower before we indulged in any kind of decadence, but the lure of champagne and chocolate—and our overfilled stomachs from pizza—kept...
“TONY!” DAMON YELLED into my ear. I held the phone away slightly. I’d surprised the boys by calling to read them a bedtime story over the phone. “Did you go away?” he asked. “Just for a while, buddy,” I explained. “I needed to come and visit my mommy and daddy.” “Meddy is with Gramma Lexi,” Drew supplied. He was already sounding more grown up than when I left him. “When you coming home, Tony?” Damon asked. “We miss you.” I almost broke down crying. “Soon, buddy. Soon.” I’d been home...
AT SIX-THIRTY SHARP, a bright red pickup truck came tearing down our driveway in a cloud of dust. Beth’s Dad bought her the 4x4 for her eighteenth birthday. “Boys love girls in trucks,” he’d said as he handed her the keys. We’d all laughed because she had to have the seat customized so she could reach the pedals and still see out the windshield. Beth barely topped five feet, but she loved that truck. I stepped off the front porch and sauntered toward where she’d stopped, but I was still...