Jacob And MJ’s Story Pt. 03 free porn video

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Chapter 5

As Jacob walked to his office in his short-kilted robe, he reviewed his night with Mary Jane in his mind. He went over her conversations about her family, her submissive actions and the way she followed any suggestions that he had made. He was feeling very good about the red-haired beauty and hoped that she felt good being with him. Although he tried to keep everything that happened in the friendship column in his mind he knew that Mary Jane was the one person who could be so very much more. After picking up some blank time cards he headed down to the exercise room to get his workout done.

Walking up to the time clock in the exercise room, Jacob replaced the used time cards with the new ones and took time to read the rules, which he placed beside the time clock when he moved the equipment in. There were only three rules on the placard and they read as follows: 1. Exercise time is one hour unless given other instructions. 2. You are to use the time clock when you start and when you end exercising. And 3. All exercising is to be done in the nude. After he was done exercising, Jacob changed the videotapes in the security cameras, took the used time cards, delivered them to his office and then headed to his suite to bathe and change.

After bathing, Jacob gets into some riding clothes and then walks to the stables to see how the new horses are doing.

‘Hello, Mark, how are the new arrivals doing?’

‘Come, I will show you.’ Jacob got in the cart with Mark and looked at the horses in their separate yards. Mark noticed Jacobs looks and said, ‘I have the breeds separated for right now. There are some people coming to look at our beauties in the next few weeks and it is easier to show them the horses and talk about them when they are together as a breed. That way they can see the differences in each breed and then compare one breed against another to get their perfect horse. This yard is for the Tennessee Walking horses, the one to the right is the Palomino’s. On the left side I have the Hanoverian’s and next to them the Arabian’s. We are now coming up on the Lipizzan’s and the Hungarian Warmblood’s. These as you know are the breeds that have been here the longest. The newest breed we have is just down the road a bit. I wanted them to get used to the area and not put them in a competitive mood before they are settled. Here they are now. These are the Orlov Trotter’s. I think that they will become very popular with the show and athletic crowd. I have Janelle assigned to them for right now. They were very skittish when they arrived but under Janelle’s soft hands they are settlin’ down right nice.’

‘Everything is looking very good. I am glad that Janelle is the one taking care of the Orlov’s. I want to go for a short ride through the property. How about you take me back to the Arabian’s and I use one of those stallions?’

‘That sounds great. It is good to see you out and about with the horses. I have a couple stallions that would appreciate a good ride. I will have one saddled for you in just a bit.’

‘Thanks, Mark. I will make sure to brush him down good when I get back.’

Jacob took the stallion and rode through the property for a while and remembered that he didn’t dream about Dora last night. He wondered if that meant that he was actually ready to let her go. He knew that Dora would approve of his getting more active again in life and hoped that she would also approve of Mary Jane. As he thought of it, he knew that Dora would definitely approve and was probably the person who directed Mary Jane to move here.

After his thinking about Dora and his ride was through, Jacob took the stallion back to the stables and was brushing him down when Janelle came in.

‘Sir, I was told to brush down Midnight when you came back. Thank you for starting to brush him but you don’t have to worry about him anymore. This pretty fellow just loves to get treats while being brushed. I guess I spoiled him a little but he has grown into such a beauty especially since he has overcome his last abusive master. Anyhow, he makes a great stud even if he won’t make it in the show ring. Get on with you now and I will send a report up to you on the Orlov’s some time this week.’

Jacob had to laugh. Janelle was such a city girl when she came here to the ranch and it warmed his heart to see her take to the horses as well as she did. He knew that Mark was probably the reason why but it sure warmed his heart.

When Jacob got back to the house he grabbed a few sandwiches and beer from the refrigerator and then went to his office to get some work done. The first priority for Jacob was putting together a business prospectus on the school and his resort ideas. When he had his ideas written down in an organized manner, he went down to the kitchen to grab a quick dinner and then headed back to the office.

Jacob decided to send a message to Franz, Grigori, Hazel, and Nicole that there would be a meeting the next day, Monday at 10:00. He then sat down with the tapes from the exercise room and the time cards and starting working on them. As he was going through the tapes he noted that he would need to take care of a disciplinary matter sometime during or after the meeting. He then started to edit the tapes and wrote down a quick agenda for the meeting. When he finished doing all this, Jacob then went up to his suite to catch up with some reading and to listen to the news before going to bed.

When Jacob walked into the exercise room on Monday morning Grigori and Nicole were already seated and waiting for every one else to arrive. Jacob moved the television set and the video machine to the front of the room and got it ready for use later in the meeting. Hazel and Franz arrived with a plate of fruit, cheeses, and some quiche and also some coffee and juice. After making sure that everyone had some coffee and something to eat, Jacob sat down. Nicole noticed that Jacob had a very big erection and went up to him and said, ‘Sir, if you wish I could assist you with your problem.’

Jacob looked at her for a few minutes and said, ‘I don’t have a problem. He is just happy to see everyone.’ Just as Nicole was about to return to her seat, Jacob said, ‘I have a feeling that my Nicole is feeling a little shaky. Why don’t you take off your apron and then come and sit on my lap.’

Nicole took off her transparent maid’s apron and placed it on the chair where she had been sitting. When she was in front of Jacob and ready to sit down, Jacob said, ‘I want you to sit on my lap so that I feel your heat against me, your arms around my neck and your head on my shoulder.’

Nicole then climbed onto Jacob’s lap with her legs on each side of him so that she could get in the position that he requested. Jacob softly started to run his hands up and down her back and noticed after a few short minutes that Nicole was doing a lot of squirming around.

‘Nicole, stop squirming around. I know that you are getting very wet but I want to feel it only on my erection. Do not move your hips again.’

‘Yes sir. Guess I was getting a little excited. I will make sure that I don’t move my hips again.’

Jacob then ran his hands softly down Nicole’s back again and then up the side of her body, taking time to feel the underside of her breasts and then to the tips of them. He then repeated the cycle. After a few circuits of this soft massage, Jacob whispered in Nicole’s ear and said, ‘I am going to ask you a question. I do not want you to answer it until you have really thought about the question. Do you understand?’

‘Yes sir.’

‘Good. I want you to think about everything that has happened in the last few weeks, everything that made you feel good and got you turned on so much that you felt like you were going to explode. I want you to think of the people here you have been around and then I want you to decide of all them whom do you trust the most. Who is the one person that you would do almost anything they aske
d and would trust to abide by your safe word? When you have your decision made, I want you to give me a kiss on the cheek, thank me for your massage and then go and kneel in front of that person. No one but you and I need to know why you are sitting there. While you make up your mind I will continue to rub your back. If you understand just nod your head.’ Nicole nodded her head and then while Jacob rubbed her back and sides she thought of all Jacob had requested.

As Nicole thought about everything that had been happening, she got wetter and wetter. It was about five minutes later when she had thoroughly thought through everything that she thanked Jacob for the massage and then went over and knelt between Grigori’s legs and then leaned her head against his legs. Grigori had been talking to Franz and Hazel while Nicole was sitting with Jacob but couldn’t resist petting Nicole’s head when she came and knelt between his legs. He knew that he had feelings for Nicole but had decided to see how things went before talking about them with her.

Jacob mentally nodded his head when Nicole went to Grigori. He had thought that a bond was growing between the two of them and was glad that Nicole recognized it as such. Jacob then decided to start the meeting.

‘The first thing I wanted to talk about is the journals that I have asked you to do each day. I would like to know if you have any questions about them?’

Franz looked at Jacob and said, ‘I am not used to doing any journaling so I am not entirely sure I am doing it the way you would like. I would like to know more about your original ideas for this.’

‘That is entirely fair. Everyone here is doing a fair job on the journaling so I don’t want you to take this as a criticism but rather as suggestions. I think it would be good to do the journaling in two sections. One for you to clear out your thoughts on jobs you need to do or appointments that you might have to attend. The second section is probably the harder one. In this section, I would like you to write down in as much detail as you can either a dream, nightmare, fantasy, or a wish.’

‘Jacob, there are times when I have a fantasy about something and then several days later will have a nightmare on the same subject. What should I do with that?’

‘Very good question Hazel. That is one of the reasons I would like you to label the section as a dream, fantasy or nightmare, etc. Oftentimes, people will have a nightmare and then down the road they will find themselves fantasizing about the exact same thing. Neither is right or wrong but it is very therapeutic to get things written down. I want you to know that no one but I will see or read your journals. Just think of a journal as a clearinghouse for all your ideas and do it without fail everyday without injecting what you think others would think. Does that make it any clearer for you?’

When they all agreed that it made a lot of sense and said that they would put more effort into the journaling, Jacob then decided to move on to another topic.

‘I would like to hear your opinions on the things that have happened in the last few weeks. Are you okay with everything that has been happening? Do you have any questions that you feel need to be answered?’

Grigori looked down at Nicole and then looked at Jacob and said, ‘I have a question for Nicole if you don’t mind.’ Jacob told him to go ahead and then Grigori said. ‘What I am wondering, Nicole, is when Jacob asked Puppy Nikki if she needed to go potty you ran up to the porch and wanted to go inside. What made you change your mind and go outside by the bushes? Was if fear of getting spanked by the newspaper or was it something else?’

Nicole that about it for a few minutes and then said, ‘No, I wasn’t afraid of being hit with the newspaper. When I was little I had a puppy. It had an accident on the rug and my papa took a rolled up piece of newspaper and hit it a couple of times. Of course the puppy yelped but I thought my papa was trying to kill it with the newspaper and I started to get hysterical. Papa finally took my arm and hit it with the newspaper just like he had hit my puppy. I realized that it hadn’t hurt and figured out that my puppy was probably just startled.’

‘Then what changed your mind if it wasn’t the newspaper.’

‘To tell you the truth, it startled me at first when Master Jacob said that he would spank me with the newspaper until I remembered my puppy. The real reason I decided to go along with Master Jacob’s order was that I also remembered going on camping trips when I was growing up and going to the bathroom out in nature. I figured it Master Jacob didn’t mind then I would do it. I was really embarrassed but since no one else minded, I went ahead and did it. I do have a question though if it is alright.’

‘That is why we are here today. Please go ahead and ask.’

‘Well . . . you see when I first thought to get into this lifestyle the thought of getting spanked sounded very interesting. Anyhow, then I met my first master and I ended up in the hospital, so my question is in all those stories about spanking is that just pure fiction and if it isn’t then how can you tell me what someone gets out of a spanking. I watched Hazel getting a spanking the other day and she seemed to enjoy it and I guess I am just trying to understand.’

‘I think it would be best for Hazel to answer this question, if you will Hazel. I have my opinions but Hazel can give a personal perspective that it seems that Nicole wants to hear.’

‘Spankings can mean so many things to many people. There are erotic spankings, punishment spankings, abusive spankings and spankings that are for children. For me spankings of any flavor make me feel safe and loved.’

‘See, I don’t understand that Hazel. How can you say that you feel safe and loved because of a spanking?’

‘Nicole, what you have experienced was abusive by any standards and personally if it had been me, I would have filed charges against the guy. A real dominant doesn’t need to be abusive to get results. To force someone to do what you want just because you are bigger and stronger doesn’t make that person a dominant. Sorry but I remember when you came here and how much healing that you went through. I was so afraid that you would see all people in this lifestyle like him and they are not. Anyhow back to the subject of spankings, you asked how a spanking could make me feel safe and loved. To do that I would like to ask you a question before I answer. My question is this, ‘were you ever spanked as a child?”

‘No, either of my parents ever spanked me when I was a child but I had friends whose parents had spanked them.’

‘Nicole, when I was a pre-teenager I was very rebellious to the family rules. My parents tried everything to get me to listen but nothing worked until one day my father decided that he would have to spank me. I don’t remember what I had done wrong but I do remember my father’s speech before he spanked me. He said, ‘Hazel, you have put yourself into way too much danger. If this is not stopped then I fear that you will be lost to us so for your safety and because I love you, I am going to have to give you a spanking.’ I want you to know that I had never fantasized about spankings or anything like that and that this was a definite punishment spanking. After it was over, my dad just sat on the side of my bed and rubbed my back and then he said, ‘your mom and I love you so much Hazel. We couldn’t bear it if we lost you because we weren’t strong enough to give you the discipline that you needed.’ I cried myself to sleep and I knew that my parents loved me. When I get a spanking now whether it is punishment or erotic play, my body remembers how safe I felt after the spanking was over and how loved I felt after the spanking.’

‘I was not a person who was that interested in boys when I was growing up. In fact the few times I had been with a boy had not been that enjoyable ant I think I actually gave myself a better orgasm then I ever g
ot off of sex. The first time I was given an erotic spanking was when I was in college. A study buddy of mine was helping me get ready for finals and I just couldn’t seem to get anything right. He suggested that he give me a massage to help me relax. Anyhow during the massage he started to tap on my thighs and my buttocks. I started to get up and ask him what he thought he was doing when he put his hand on my shoulders and told me to relax. He continued to massage my back and buttocks. The taps started to get slightly harder and harder and my bottom felt so warm. The warmer my bottom got the wetter my pussy got. When the taps could no longer qualify as taps but rather as spanks the vibrations seemed to go directly to my clitoris. I guess I started moving around and he told me to hold on to the top of the mattress. By the time he entered me it felt like there was a puddle between my thighs and it was the first time that I actually had more than one orgasm during sex. I’ll tell you one thing, I was definitely not stressed about finals after he was finished.’

‘If you are wondering how it is physically possible, my guess is that people are all wired differently. I have had friends who had never been spanked that love to get spankings as part of their foreplay and some who hate it. I have heard many theories on why it works on some and not on others but I guess for me it is a matter of giving up control that I feel is so precious. I want my partner to be stronger than I am, mentally as well as physically. I don’t know if this helps to answer your question or not but maybe I have given you something to think about.’

‘Thanks Hazel. You have given me a lot to think about but I just don’t know if I will ever be able to do that. Maybe I was wrong to think this is the way I wanted to live my life.’

Jacob then went over to Nicole and held her hands for a few minutes and then said, ‘I want you to know that you will never be forced to do anything that you do not really want to do here. That is the main reason why everyone here has a safe word. There are many ways to give up control and enjoy this lifestyle without spankings ever entering the picture. Do you remember the form that you filled out a few days ago? There were many items that you checked that can be tried and played with that will allow you the same feelings as Hazel just talked about. I will promise you one thing. While you are here no one will give you a spanking until you beg for one? I know that everyone here will abide by that rule for you. As stated on the contracts that you signed, we will be going over your contracts periodically and then you can change them as you wish but on your contract will be an amendment that you are not to be spanked unless you beg for it and it will be witnessed by a person not giving you the spanking for your peace of mind. I will have you come to the office and sign an amendment to that fact tomorrow. Okay?’

‘Thank you sir. I do appreciate that.’

Jacob got up then and went over to the television and video that he set up earlier. ‘I want to show you a short film that I have put together. When it is over then we will talk again.’

The video started by showing the plaque of rules for the exercise room, which stated: 1. You are to use the time clock before and after exercising. 2. Everyone’s exercise period is for one hour unless previously stated. 3. All exercising is to be done in the nude. The next scene was of Franz riding the exercise bike. The camera had been in such a position that you could see his Cock and balls bounce back and forth while he was pedaling. The next scene was of Hazel walking on the treadmill. Her arms were pumping and her breasts were bouncing and there was a fine sheen of sweat on her brow. After Hazel, you saw Nicole rowing in the rowing machine. Each time the seat came forward you could see her beautiful pussy opening and then as she started the back stroke on the rowing machine you could see her arm muscles starting to strain and the movement of her breasts. In the next series of scenes Jacob was working naked on the bow-flex machine. In the last series, you saw Grigori, walking on the stair climber machine with his shorts on. Jacob had been looking at everyone while they watched the video and could tell immediately when Grigori realized the point of the video. He watched as Nicole looked quickly up at Grigori and then back down and then turned the video off shortly afterwards.

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 52

Lou 9:24 pm, November 4th, 2006 2:24 pm November 5th, 2006 (local time) I watched as he was wheeled in. Jacob Jehosophat Stone. I'm betting he never expected this. Truth be told, neither did any of us. But now he's back. The problems will soon be fixed. Soon we will all be able to go home. Then again I'm not sure I want to try explaining all that's happened recently to my parents either. Johann wheeled Jacob in. Jacob stood up briefly. He looked around. Somebody came to talk to...

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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 4A Thursday

Chapter 64: Jacob's father's view. 3am, Thursday, October 28th, 2006 Jerusalem was supposed to be the city of God. And it was acting very godlike at the moment. Old Testament God, that is. There was fighting and feuding, bickering and betrayal. A lot of people thought it was odd that all three religions that claimed Jerusalem as a holy place and also claimed mercy and honorable treatment of fellow human beings would not practice it here. The very God each of them claims to worship is...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 45

Vice Admiral Bright 9:50 am, November 4th, 2006 3:50 am November 5th, 2006 (local time) The view from the jet reminded me of one of the bad things about being promoted to Admiralty rank. I can no longer enjoy the thrills of being a fighter pilot. "Incoming signal." my pilot let me know. "American source?" "No. Somehow however, they matched our signal codes exactly. Whoever they are, they are damn clever, Sir." "The Stones." I muttered. "Put it though the headphone...

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Based on true events I awoke to the sound of my cell phone vibrating impatiently, I rolled over and snaked my hand out just enough to grab my phone and retreat back into the warm cocoon of covers. I answered the vibrating phone, my mind still hazy with sleep. “Hello?” I said not fully comprehending the name I had read on the caller id. “Hey babe” said Jacob. His musical voice cleared my foggy mind and put a smile on my face. “Hi” I said, “What made you call?” Half hoping and half knowing his...

Straight Sex
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 27

Lt. Anna Cork 3:30 pm, November 2nd, 2006 (8:30 am November 3rd, local time) I was doing something my job as a fighter pilot didn't give me enough time to do. I was waiting outside the guest barracks to pounce on Ashley. It wasn't that I expected her to be up to no good or anything like that. I just needed some mother-daughter time with Ashley. Ashley walked by a few minutes later. She was carrying her gym bag. "Where are you going?" She patted her gym bag. "I'm off to practice my...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 29

Lt. Anna 'Thunderfeet' Cork 9 pm November 2nd, 2006 2 pm November 3rd, 2006 (local time) I caught up with Ashley as she was leaving the gym. "Did you think any more about what I said about Jacob?" "No!" Ashley snapped. "No? Why not?" "Because I've bigger issues to deal with than some guy." she said with some anger. I finally turned to look at her. Ashley had a look on her face that reminded me of the time I had to tell my husband I smashed the Trans Am into a china shop. It...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 61

Partial transcript, America over All 7:04 pm November 5th, 2006 12:04 pm November 6th, 2006 (local time) Many events happened recently that are of great interest to all pure Americans. First, our hero, General Colt was recently appointed chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by the God Given President. Second, the Association For An Almighty America went public. Let me strongly recommend that every person listening to this broadcast join this blessed organization. They, more than any...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 41

General Smith 12:10 am, November 4th, 2006 6:10 pm November 4th, 2006 (local time) I was just thinking how I was so lucky it was Jacob's father who was assigned to run things. He was a Marine who had been under my command. He knew me and I knew him. Furthermore he respected me. All that and he was a Marine too. Then my luck changed. I saw a woman walk in. She started whispering to Major Stone. Then Major Stone handed her the school jacket he was wearing. She put it on. Another student...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 12

Jacob Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Hades, 12:33am, October 30th 2006. I just keep doing stupid things. Anybody with an ounce of sense would still be in bed. A full ounce of sense isn't even required to know that. A tenth of an ounce would do. But that fucking military once again involved themselves in my life. I don't want to hate them. Really, I do not. But how can I respect them when every behavior they show ranges from the tactless to tonight's attempt of...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 62

Reverend Black 9:09 pm, November 5th, 2006 2:09 pm, November 6th, 2006 (local time) Lou and Carl assisted Jacob to the ground. Jacob slowly worked his way down to the place his family told him was right. I really hope they were not getting my hopes up about that weird treatment they did. Lazy people might not like walking, but they'd miss it too after too long in a wheelchair. The next design change I will make will make Density Force handicapped assessable. His parents split up. His...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 8

Captain Amy 'Rolling Stone' Stone, USAF Sunday, 12:20pm I banged my fist on the computer desk in frustration. "Six times I've checked now and still no response." I muttered in disgust about the situation. "Six times! This should not be possible." I seriously wanted to shove the computer through the bulkhead. "What's wrong?" Anna 'Thunderfeet' Cork asked. She had a concerned look on her face. "Is the stress of the routine finally getting to you?" "I can't reach Jacob to...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 2

Kevin 10:30am, October 28th, 2006. I watched Jacob's ship land at the side of the school field. He got out and came over. As he limped my way, I saw he was dressed in his normal outfit. That was going to have to change. Then again, I really wasn't comfortable with what was going down here anyway. Jacob had little sports experience outside of watching the Olympics. It was true he was the manager of the soccer team. Sports wise, that's mainly a social job. He didn't need any sports...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 3

Jacob Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, 2:34 pm, October 28th 2006. I sat on the bench watching Kevin do incomprehensible things with the game. We were nearing the end of the second half and I think the opposing team just received some sort of penalty. That meant Fred got to kick the football. It went through the goal posts. Even I know that meant we got 6 points. Touchdown I think that move is called. When I remarked on this, I was informed that a penalty...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 7

Jacob Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, 11:30 am, October 29th 2006. The Hades was the second of the Dutchman class vessels to be launched under the command of Jacob Jehosophat Stone. It was the first of it's kind to circle the earth at 45 miles altitude. It was also, as far as I knew, the only manned craft to fly comfortably at that height. Everybody aboard the Hades was in position. Since this was a simple flight, they were mainly here for window...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 55

Saturday Chapter 236 Ashley 12:20 am, November 5th, 2006 5:20 pm, November 5th, 2006 (local time) And here I thought my workouts were harsh. He's been at it for the last twenty minutes and I've barely heard him complain. He really must have some demons he's trying to forget. Jacob grabbed a drink from a table at the side of the room. "You might want to slow down a bit. You don't have to do the whole week's regimen in one go." the trainer told him. Jacob did not so much as...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 63

Ali Alibaba 10:49 pm, November 5th, 2006 3:49 pm, November 6th, 2006 (local time) "Praise to Allah!" cried our leader. "Allah akbar!!" I shouted back gleefully. "Have you acquired the craft?" "Yes." "Are the items placed where they should be?" "Indeed. The infidels have no clue." "Excellent." "Have we all the information we need?" "That and more." "Allah is merciful. Our day of destiny in soon to be upon us." Chapter 278 Ashley 11:10 pm, November 5th,...

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Jacob His Jinniyah

Jacob Schwartz, college sophmore, was taking a walk. It had taken him a few weeks, but he'd finally found a time and place where he could walk in perfect solitude. As he walked, he daydreamed. Or more precisely, he fantasized. This particular fantasy was one he kept returning too, combining all his favorite fetishes. He fantasized about dozens of beautiful women, of every age, race, and body-type. All were clad in either harem outfits or Nazi uniforms (his most secret fetish, given his Jewish...

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Jacob Told Me He Was Gay His Brother Joined In T

A James Johnson StoryI Claim This Story as my own, and I ask to be credited if and when it is reproduced of copied. Jacob Told Me He Was Gay, His Brother Joined In, Then We All FuckedI was rewarded with a massive flood of cum and a load moan and a variety of curses. It was hot to say the least, his dick had become sensitive and he tried to pull out but I wouldn’t let him. I sucked his dick until he came again in my mouth. He was drenched in sweat and Jacob was rock hard again. He asked me if I...

Gay Male
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Jacob Told Me He Was Gay

A James Johnson StoryI Claim This Story as my own, and I ask to be credited if and when it is reproduced of copied. Jacob Told Me He Was GayAll I could do was just sit there. I could not believe what I had just heard. He had told me those few little words that I had waited to hear for what felt like all of my life. Jacob had told me he was gay! My heart stopped, my dick began to swell, and my mouth went dry. My best friend, whom I had dreamed countless wet dreams about, had just told me the few...

Gay Male
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 48

White House Spokesman 1:27 pm, November 4th, 2006 7:27 am November 5th, 2006 (local time) "Can you do this, Mr. Speaks?" I thought about it for a moment. The question is not whether I could do this. The question running through my mind is whether I should do this. The President just asked me to schedule a press conference and make an announcement. That's nothing new. That's why I'm his press spokesman. What was new was the fact that he wants to me say that he was going to apologize...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 25

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2006 Chapter 76 Military reporter for the Stars and Stripes 12:04 am November 2nd, 2006 (5:04 pm local time, Palestine) This was the strangest trial I ever attended. The Commandant on the Parris Island Marine Base Training Camp is not the sort of defendant I expected to meet on my beat in the Middle East. And he was on trial for piracy. Not even in my most drunk and drugged party state in college would I have thought this would happen. The defendant looked...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 14

Jacob. Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Hades, 3:50 am, October 31st, 2006 (1:50 pm local time) I felt my pulse starting to speed up again. Odd. Why should a simple recounting of the story cause this? My mother spoke as I paused for more tea. "You never told me you planned something this advanced." "You never asked." I told her. "To finish the report. The missile hit the outermost shields and exploded. Harmlessly as far as we were concerned. Not so for the other...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 24

Karl 5 pm, Tuesday, November 1st, 2006 I closed my geology textbook as the mantle clock chimed five o'clock. It was time. They say we nerds are clever plotters. Tonight I was going to prove them right. If what I'm thinking works out, let's just say that I'll be very happy. I went upstairs to take a quick shower. Afterwards I looked through clothes for something that would not provoke Julia. I was going to take a big risk tonight. Selecting clothes that would not upset her was the...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 30

General Colt, USMC 1050 pm November 2nd, 2006 3:50 pm November 3rd, 2006 (local time) I watched two burly MPS came in. They were the same ones who arrested me a few days back. I stood happily to one side as they grabbed General Smith and dragged him out as if he had never been their commander. I stood there for a few moments enjoying the memory. Then I called my secretary in. He came in and stood in front of my desk. He didn't even come to attention. I could see that I was going to...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 49

Krissy 2:58 pm, November 4th, 2006 8:58 am November 5th, 2006 (local time) "Are you sure?" my boyfriend asked. He had an unsure look on his face. It was so cute. "Yes. It's better for me to do it. Remember what you said in the hallway?" "Yes. But moments ago I realized that I was more concerned about you." "That's sweet. Don't worry. I can handle it." "What could possibly have happened that was so bad?" the annoying visitor asked, his attitude up there with nails on...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 1

Personal log (voice), Tiffany French, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, 9 am, October 28th 2006. I sat in the command chair of the Flying Dutchman. Karen was right about one thing. With this ship, I can do anything. Anything at all. The only request Jacob had of me is that I flew no higher than 25 miles until after Jacob made his orbital flight. I had no problem with that. It was time to begin. "Joe, activate mission log." "Activated." "Let the record show that I, Tiffany Mary...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 4

Fred 9:50pm Jacob watched everybody from the chair he was sitting on. He finished his beer and looked at it for a moment. Then he put it down. I grabbed Dave as he passed by. "Can I get another Killiens?" "Sure. I never knew you were into the imported stuff." "I'm not. But Jacob likes it." "Not the Jacob?" "Yep. He's in the chair in the corner." "Will wonders never cease. Take as many as you want. Nobody will ever believe I provided beer for Jacob Stone." I went over to...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 26

Bill 11:45 am, November 2nd, 2006 "Bill? Do you have a moment?" I checked my watch. "Sure. I'm not in any rush, given what's on the menu." "What, they let the Home Ec class cook lunch?" "I wish they did. It would at least be looking better than what I'm seeing over there. What can I help you with?" "Come outside with me." I followed him curiously. "Rumor has it, you can give students advice almost as good as your father." "True. But if it's that important, you should...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 6

Megan 10:30am I drove to the Stone farm as fast as I could. This morning I didn't care if I got ticketed. Hell, this morning I wouldn't cared if I had to run barefoot over shattered glass with a broken leg. There was just no way I was going to miss this appointment. It just wasn't going to happen. It wasn't every day that people got an invitation to become part of Stone's project. But that was not what had my mother thrilled. I was being given an exclusive. I was to be the first...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 18

Valerie Dash Noon If that West Point recruiter had any idea in hell what I'd been left alone with, he'd join the Peace Core. It would be that dramatic a shock to his world view. I picked up the West Point recruiting materials again. With this barn's security systems running, I might be the safest person in the area. Of course the phone rang then. I hit the speaker phone button. "Speak to me." "Is this the Stone farm?" "Who wants to know?" "Staff Sergeant Rogers. I'm trying...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 11

Monday Chapter 27 Jacob Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Hades, 12:03am, October 30th 2006. Somebody was once reported to have said, 'I'm going to bed now. Someone please wake me if there's any other way we can screw up tonight.' The bed part was excellent advice. The problem was that moving made me feel really sick. My stomach was queasy and it felt like there was a gang of rioting musicians playing poorly on purpose in my head. If this was the result of getting...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 57

Dr. Lacroy 12:22 pm, November 5th, 2006 5:22 am, November 6th, 2006 (local time) I was working in my lab when the phone rang for the fifteenth time. "Will somebody please get that before I do something very unscientific to them?" My patience had decided to go for a vacation quite a while ago. I had reviewed every bit of research I had. All futile. It was either all under development and too experimental to try, or already determined as not likely to work. So be it. I did not get this...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 59

Melanie 4:02pm, November 5th, 2006 9:02am November 6th, 2006 (local time) I wonder if my boyfriend is still... To find out, I stuck my head through the hatch to the bridge. Yep. He still is. This is ridiculous. He needs sleep like the rest of us. Kevin turned. He saw my face and paled a little. Excellent. The only time men obey women without question is when they are aroused... aroused or scared. "Kevin! Why the hell are you not in bed?" "I'm not tired." his yawn betrayed...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 21

Tiffany Personal log (voice), Tiffany French, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, 12:10am, November 1st, 2006 I grabbed my coke and slice of pizza and sat down on the sofa. "Did you see the way those tough guys ran when they saw that headless horseman image?" Lucy asked. "Did I?" Debbie laughed. "I saw them running past the gate. It was soooooo cool." "I bet." Mr. Mason added. "Ok everybody, you can enjoy the laughs later. Time to see how well we did. Karen, have you finished...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 37

Major Daniel Stone, 6:42 pm, November 3rd, 2006 12:42 pm November 4th, 2006 (local time) I turned and thought about what else I should be doing about the situation. Then I remembered that I better make sure the surrender took hold and that Colt had no more fanatics on the base. "Get me the Flying Dutchman." "This is the Flying Dutchman, Mister Mason speaking." "This is Major Stone. Stand by for new orders." I hit the mute and asked the crew if the Hades had been recovered...

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