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Jacob Penned by: Miss Deborah Leigh Johnson One I had come to Richmond Hill because though it is a very small town out in the middle of no where, they had an excellent computer-programming course. And it was free. My Grandmother died about three years ago, and she left me a small amount of money, that was tied up in a trust account at the community college in Richmond Hill. I have no idea of what her involvement was with the college, but none the less, if I wanted the benefits of the little trust fund, I would have to take one of the graduate courses that the college offered. It was the only way. So, coming from an economically challenged background, I jumped at the chance to study computer programming with the possibility of graduating without being saddled with thousands of dollars of student loans to repay. One of the benefits of this college was that they had their own domain. One of the first things that I did was to get myself one of the free e-mail accounts that the students were entitled to. Then about a week after I was getting settled in, I learned that the roommate that I was to share my dorm apartment with, was in no uncertain terms, a cretin. He was a huge guy that made me feel like a wimp. He was 6' 2", 230 pounds of solid muscle. I am only 5' 4", almost and I only weight 135 pounds. Needless to say, Jerry has a rather condescending attitude towards me. Sure, he likes me when I am helping him with his academics, but aside from that, I am sure that he wishes that I would just disappear till the next time that he needed my help. All things considered, by the end of the first week, I felt quite isolated. I was sort of used to that, as geeks like me do not usually have a great active social life anyway, but none the less, I had set my heart on having things be different when I had gotten away from home. They were not though, so I sort of steeled myself to live a not too satisfying existence, till I could graduate in three and a half more years. To compensate, I gravitated towards the domain's chat rooms. I used the handle of dj17, my initials and my age. That is done quite often in chat rooms. I had found this one chat room that I really liked. It seemed to have a lot of the other students on it quite often. I made a couple of friends; one of them was even a girl. But one night, I made an unusual friend. His handle was jacob43. We chatted often, and over the next few days, I found that though there was a lot of difference in our ages, that I liked him. He was a very interesting man. He was a very strong almost dominant kind of personality too. It was the kind of personality that you tend to associate with successful business men. We got to know each other over a week or so. We had even sent pictures of ourselves to each other. Jacob was tall, black hair with white at his temples, and he looked very fit and muscular in the tan slacks and yellow gold shirt that he wore in his picture. Then he asked me one night if I would go into a private chat with him. I said okay, and we entered the private chat room. I was surprised when he told me that he was really interested in what a young guy like me thought about girls and dating and stuff like that. He asked me the kinds of pointed questions that made me really think and try to define some of the things that I thought and felt. We would go to a private chat room after that whenever we happened to be on the channel at the same time. It was not too long before I unburdened myself to Jacob about my frustrations of sharing a room with Jerry the Jock as I called him. Jacob thought it was pretty funny, but he suggested that we meet one night for supper. He said that if we met, and we thought that we could get along, he might have a suggestion for me that might solve my problem, and maybe save me some money to boot. That was all the incentive that I needed. I agreed. We met the following night at a restaurant that was just off campus. I knew Jacob the moment that I walked into the place. He was, to say the least, a commanding presence. He was not a lot taller than me, only five inches, be to my mind, he seemed to tower over me. He white toothed grin was infectious when he smiled and stood up to shake my hand, when I had walked over to his table. He made small talk to put me at ease immediately, and I soon found that I was liking my new found friend very much. He had hundreds of jokes too, and he kept me in sore sides all night long. Near the end of the night, he got a bit more serious. "Well, I am glad that I met you Doug. I have a pretty good sense for sizing people up, and I think that you and I could get along together. Here is what I propose." "I live in a three bedroom house, okay? Since my daughter moved away seven years ago, and with my business doing as well as it is, I do not have time to keep the house up to scratch, if you know what I mean? You do not like where you are living now. So, I have a suggestion. Why don't you move into my house? In stead of paying rent, you can take care of things like the housework and cooking the occasional meal? That way, you can get away from Jerry Jock, and I get to have my house taken much better care of?" "Wow. That is pretty generous Jacob." "Why don't you come over to my place now, if you do not have other obligations, and take a look at the place? I can show you where you'd be staying, and you can tell me if it would be too much work for you?" "Sure. Great. Is it far off campus?" "How about three blocks? Is that too far?" "Heck no. That would be perfect." He drove me over to his house. It was a modest two and a half story older home that was very near to the campus. Better, it was on the west side of the campus, the side of the campus that was closest to the lab buildings where I took most of my courses. He gave me a tour of the house. It really did need a good cleaning, I could see that. Then he showed me the room where I would stay. I was taken aback a bit, as it was a very feminine room, but it was the most beautiful bedroom that I had ever seen before. It had paneled French styled doors that led out onto a small balcony that overlooked the wood lot behind the housing development. The walls were all pale pink, and the wood work was done in white. The carpet was a thick soft pile in a pale gray colour. The room was huge. The furniture was all kind of an antique mode. The bed was actually a four poster, with a canopy no less. There was a large long dresser with a huge antique mirror on it. There was a large dressing mirror on a wooden stand in one corner. There was also a very adequate work station with desk, book shelves and a two drawer file cabinet. There was also a very delicate looking wrought iron vanity desk with a large round mirror on it that even had lights all around it. I was really impressed with the room. "Well, Dougie, here it is. The only thing is, if you decided to accept my offer, you would have to leave everything the way that it is now." "Leave it the way that it is?" "Yeah, like the furniture? Oh, and here," he led me over to the louvered doors which when opened, showed a fairly large walk in closet, "Like, you would have to leave all of Sandy's clothes and stuff here too. She will not be back for them, but someday she might appreciate that I kept everything for her. Like, leave all her things in her drawers and stuff. I would not like for you to pack all of it away, know what I mean? Can you live with that Dougie?" I gulped. I could not believe that I was being given the choice to live in such a magnificent room, even if it was so femininely appointed. "Sure, I can live with that. It sounds like a pretty good idea too." Then Jacob looked at me with a long intriguing look, as though he were trying to assess something. "You know, you are about the same size that Sandy was. I know that everything in here might be twenty years out of style, but if you wanted to use some of her things, that would be fine with me, as long as you are careful and do not rip anything." "Use her things?" I was dumbfounded. I did not know what he meant. Then my face flushed with a humiliated shame as I understood what he was saying. "Jacob? Do you think that I am the kind of guy who gets off on wearing girl's clothes?" "I do not know if you are or not, Dougie. I really don't care if you are or not. I think that if you were though, that you would probably be a kind of pretty girl. All I am saying is that I know that you do not have a lot of assets, so you are probably in need of some things. If some of Sandy's stuff can be used by you, go ahead and use it. That is all that I am saying." I looked at him intently. I could tell that he kind of wanted me to wear some of his daughter's things, though I could not for the life of me figure out why he would. He did not strike me as being gay. He did not give me the impression that he got turned on by boys wearing girl's clothes. I knew there were guys out there like that, but Jacob did not seem to me to be like one of those guys. True, I had never met a man like that, so I had no way of judging for sure. But he seemed like a normal enough kind of guy to me. "Well, I guess that I can live with that. And hey, maybe there is a pair of jeans or something in there that I might be able to use?" "Dougie, I want for you to use anything that you want to use. Ahhh... If you are a transvestite, that would not bother me at all." "Transvestite? What is that Jacob?" "That is what a boy who likes to wear girl's clothes is called." "Oh. No, I am not a transvestite." He smiled at me in a way that made me feel as though he knew something about me that I did not know about me. "Well, if you are, I am just saying that I will not be upset if I come home some day and find you watching television in the living room, and you are wearing a dress, okay? Now, enough said about that. I guess that what I am really saying is that I want for you to treat this like your own home, okay?" "I guess I can live with that. It will sure save me a lot of money, not to mention get me away form Jerry Jock." "Good, so we have an agreement, the two of us? You will look after my house for me, and in return, you will get free room and board?" I grinned and shoved my hand out to him. This arrangement could save me close to $300 a month. I could just imagine what I would be able to do, if I was able to get some bucks together. I could, for one thing, buy a far better computer. The idea of actually having more than two hundred dollars to my name at one time was intoxicating to me. This was a golden opportunity for me, and I leapt at it. Two Jacob helped me to move the next day. I felt kind of ashamed of myself when we started to load my stuff into his car. My computer boxes were bigger that the boxes that I had for everything else that I owned. I could sense when he saw what I actually had, that he kind of felt sorry for me too. I did not want him to feel sorry for me. Sure, I was poor, as was most of my family, but I had always managed to make my own way, and to keep myself out of trouble. But, I was secretly delighted because what Jacob was doing for me was going to drastically change my life style. Only, I did not realize just how much it was going to change my life style. It only took an hour to transfer all my stuff from the dorm that I shared with Jerry Jock, to my new ultra feminine bedroom. Jacob had come at ten in the morning, between my classes. He had to leave right away, and he told me not to wait up for him, as he had a board meeting for a charity that he worked on that night. He said he would not be home for supper either, so I was just to settle in and get to know where everything was, and to learn how to relax in my new surroundings. I moved all my boxes into the room, then hurried off to my next class. After that class, I went to the student union office and made the arrangements so that they would no longer be deducting dorm rent from the monthly stipend that the trust paid out to me. The trust paid out nearly $500 a month for the ten months that I attended classes, and it would be adequate to pay that for the full three and a half years of my course. By then, I was assured that the trust would be empty. Besides, even if there was enough in it to have a balance, the balance would have reverted to the general treasury of the college. I considered myself to be one very lucky person. Off all the grandchildren who might have been able to attend the college, I was the first one to come along with the grades to take advantage of what my grand mother had done. I still did not understand about the finances, but as long as I got the monthly cheque and my tuitions and books were paid for, I would be very happy. I could not do it the first or the second semester, but I knew that in the third semester that I would also be able to get a part time job, so I knew that I would be able to get some where with all for myself. I do not know whether it was the release of emotional stress of not having to live with Jerry Jock anymore, but after my last class that afternoon, I went home to my new room, and I lay on the bed, and zonked out. I was exhausted. The following morning was Saturday and I did not return to conscious thought till well into the mid-morning part of it. Needless to say, I was shocked for a few moments when I opened my eyes and found myself in a very feminine room. I looked around, and relished the sensation of the satin coverlet on my skin, though the lace trim of the pillow shams tickled my cheek and neck a bit. I felt absolutely elated when it finally dawned on me that I did not have to wake up and be nice to my jocko roommate. I also no longer had to live with the fear of displeasing him, and risking the threat of physical violence. As my awareness of my new found living situation began to become a reality to me, I was delighted, and I felt happier than I have felt for a very long time. I roused myself, amazed to discover that I had slept in my clothes. I could hear no noises in the house, and I wondered if maybe Jacob had left the house already. I roused myself to my feet, and once again looked around the ultra feminine room. I did not know why, but I found that the muted pastel colours was very pleasing to me. I felt warm and comfortable. I went downstairs to find that I was indeed all alone in the house. I had a light breakfast then went back to my room. I needed to get unpacked and get my computer and my school study station all set up as soon as possible. I busied myself for the next three hours doing exactly that. When I went to put my meager supply of under clothing in a drawer, I was intrigued with the piles of silky pastel coloured underwear that I encountered. Jacob's words about using any of her clothes that I wanted to use came back to me, and I blushed with shame. I felt shame because I was a boy, and while looking at the pretty lingerie that was just inches from my fingertips, I felt a desire to know what it would feel like to wear such pretty things. Boys were not supposed to feel that way. I softly closed the door, and I wondered to myself, how long I could hold out before I yielded to the temptation to put on some of the intimate pretty lingerie. I knew that I would do it some day. But I also knew that my training as a boy would resist the desire. I knew only too well what societal feelings were about boys who dressed in girls clothes was, and it was not positive. Where I had grown up, that kind of male was considered to be one of the lowest life forms that populated the earth. I did not want to become one of them, but my fingertips retained the sensation of how soft the silky panties were. It was like I could feel the delicate material on my hands long after I had closed the drawers. I busied myself in the closet hanging up my threadbare supply of outer clothes. As I did so, I was acutely aware of the seemingly endless supply of pretty feminine clothing hanging row after row. And the scents of perfume in that small room were over whelming to my sensibilities. Since I was in there, and since I knew that Jacob would expect me to be curious anyway, I looked through the racks of dresses, skirts, blouses, sweaters, blazers, coats and shoes. Sandy had obviously not been much of a pants wearer as there were only three pairs of dress slacks and one pair of blue jeans in the entire closet. She did have two pairs of shoes thought that almost looked like a guy's loafers though. Idly, feeling a twinge of guilt, I slipped one of my feet into one pair, and was amazed to find that the shoes fit me. Not only did they fit, but the high instep of the shoes pushed up against the arch of my foot, and it felt really nice. In fact, it was the most comfortable shoe that I had ever worn. I hoped that Jacob would not be too upset, but I doffed my scruffy beat up old things in preference of the pair of brown leather loafers with the three quarter inch heels. Excepting for the slightly higher heel, they looked like a pair of guy's shoes. I felt a wave of delicious naughtiness flow through my psyche as I walked about the room, knowing that I was wearing girl's shoes. I just could not get over how comfortable that they were. I idly wondered in a lox moment, that if Sandy's shoes fit me so well, how would her other things fit me. I blushed with shame. I thought of myself actually dressing myself up in her soft sexy lingerie and one of those pretty dresses that I had just been looking at. Not wanting to pursue such thoughts, I decided to make myself busy. I completed hooking up my computer and stowed all of my text books neatly at the work station. I sat for a moment, looking at the blank screen. The thought occurred to me that Sandy had probably sat in the same place, wearing the same shoes that I was wearing. I blushed anew. I went down to the kitchen, and set about to tackle the mountain of dirty dishes piled on the side board, and packing away the take out food cartons. Jacob ate well, but he was an obvious slob. He needed a woman to take care of him, I thought, before I realized that I was doing what a woman would do for him, and I was doing it while I was wearing a pair of woman's shoes. I lost track of how many times I had blushed that day. I was so embarrassed by these strange thoughts that were so easily coming into my mind. I did not want to become a fairy, but I could not deny the reality that I was starting to act like a fairy. After all, only fairies wear girl's shoes all day, right? And, I suspected that I was even starting to think like a fairy. There was an old saying, that idle hands were the devil's workshop. I determined that I would keep myself as busy as I could whenever I was at home. I knew myself well enough to know that I if I did not keep my hands busy, that it would not be all that long before I might actually be standing in front of a mirror, and seeing what I looked like wearing a pretty dress. I shuddered. But I was aware that this desire was a growing thing in me. By nine that night, the kitchen was probably cleaner than it had been since Sandy had left home, so many years prior to my arriving to fill her shoes, so to speak. I could not help but to giggle a bit at my self-repricating humour. It was true, I was filling his daughter's shoes, and taking care of him that way that I am sure that she had when she had lived with the handsome business man. I went to bed, exhausted. Jacob had not come home, and he had not called. But then again, I was not his wife, was I? I should not expect him to call me to tell me what time he was coming home. None the less, I had left a garden salad and a tuna salad sandwich on the coffee table for him. It took about a week, and I soon realized that Jacob spent very little time at home. I did one room a day when I got back from school, and by the end of the week, the house was looking like a normally lived in clean home. I liked having the physical work to do, even though it was housework. All was going well, except for one afternoon a week after I had moved into Jacob's house. I was in the computer lab and I was working on a project. Crystal Roy came in. Crystal and I had sort of become friends. She was cute, and read head with this really curly hair that she had given up on trying to control when she was eight. She had green eyes and she was the epitome of the Irish Colleen. We were working on the same project, and I was a bit further advanced than she was. So because I liked her, I was helping her get up to scratch with her lab work. She dropped a pencil, and suddenly I heard an "Oh gawd..." "What is it Crys? Did you hurt yourself? You bang your head or something?" "No." When she straightened up, she was looking at me with a perplexed and curious expression in her eyes. "What is it Crys?" "You. You are wearing girl's shoes." I had forgotten to change my shoes before I left home. I suddenly realised that I had been wearing girl's shoes almost all the time. I tried to bluster. "No I am not. What would make you think that?" "This." She stuck her foot out to align it beside mine. She was wearing virtually the same style of shoe that I had on. I could not tell her that she was mistaken. She had bought herself girl's shoes, and mine looked exactly like hers. "So? Why are you wearing girl's shoes?" "I... Uhhh... I have a problem with fallen arches, and my roommate suggested that I try wearing these, because of the high instep." She looked at me for a long moment. "I think that you wear girl's shoes because you wish you were a girl." "What? Crys!!! How can you say such a thing?" "Just look at you. Your hair is thick and shiny, and is better kept than half the girls in school keep theirs. You have fine delicate girlish features. Your complexion is to die for. You are prettier than a lot of girls are, Dougie. I... I bet you like to wear panties under your jeans too?" As she said that, my mind flashed back to how I had felt a week or so earlier, when I had been in the panty drawer in my room. I blushed. "You do, don't you? Look at the way your are blushing, like a shy little virgin girl." Her words smashed into my psyche. It was like being hit in the face with a two by four. I suddenly realised for the first time in my life that I really did look a lot more like a girl than a boy. I was seventeen years old, and I had not even started to shave yet. I did not even have peach fuzz. And as for been delicate, she was right about that too. I had always been teased for looking like a girl, but I had usually fought to try and assert my maleness. But I could not fight with Crystal to assert my maleness. She knew what I really was. I felt tears beginning to burn at the edges of my eyes. I did not know what to feel. I had never realised what a girl like Crystal must think of a guy like me, and now I knew. I knew only too well. She noted that I was about to cry, and she hugged me. She told me that my secret was safe with her, that she would never make fun of me and that she cared a lot for me. She told me that it was a rare thing for a girl to find a guy who was sensitive as she was, and that she cherished my friendship because of it. She told me that she had only understood my feminine nature when she saw that I was wearing the same style of shoes that she was, but that she had always been drawn to me because I seemed so sweet compared to all the other boys that she knew. I did not know if that was supposed to make me feel better, but it did. We finished the project and I went home. I still preferred the feel of these shoes to the ones I had been wearing. I had only seen Jacob once that whole week. He told me that he had to go to a technical convention that was in another province, so that was why he was not around. He told me that he had to go again to a different one on the following Thursday too. At least, he seemed really happy with out living arrangement, as he told me that the house had not looked so good since his daughter had moved away. So, Thursday night, I was at home, all alone once again. My homework was all caught up too, so had nothing important to keep my mind occupied with. Because I had been working hard to keep my mind occupied, I was already two weeks ahead of schedule on all of my lab projects. I also knew that Jacob was not going to be home for nearly a week. The house was as spotless as though there was a loving wife living in it. I'd kind of reached an impasse. I had nothing to do for my mind, but to watch the television and that was pretty boring all too soon. Often my mind would go back over the strange life new style that I was now living in. It was by far better than it had ever been. I had nearly a thousand dollars in my chequing account, something that I had never even thought was possible to me before. I had even bought some new clothes for school. I had no worries about what to eat, which was a relief to me. I had no worries about sleeping in a cold place either. And I did not have to share a room with Jerry Jock constantly mocking me. There was only one fly in the ointment, so to speak. And that was that I knew that I desperately wanted more than ever, to try on some of those girl's clothes that were so abundant in my room. It was becoming almost like an obsession, the more that I tried to put it out of my mind. I did not want to be a sissy. I had never thought of myself as being a sissy. But I wanted to know what it felt like to be able to wear some of those pretty and soft clothes. I finally came to the point where I was willing to look at my reflection in the mirror and admit to seeing a very girlish face there. This morning, when I had brushed my teeth, I had looked at my elfin face, and I smiled and told myself that I was looking at a sissy face. It did not bother me to admit to myself that I was looking at a sissy face. In fact, it made me feel guilty because the idea that I might really be a sissy, made me feel really giddy and excited. I felt like I was on the verge of some strange new adventure. Finally, I decided that since it was safe to do it, so why not try it, just to experiment? Feeling a sense of resignation to a fate that I did not seem to have any control over any more, I went up to my bedroom and took off my clothes. I stood there naked, in the girl's room. I could see the ultra feminine surroundings in the mirror, and I smiled at the little sissy I saw there in those surroundings. She was kind of cute. This time I felt different being in that room in this manner this though. I felt weak kneed and strangely vulnerable in a way that I had never felt before. I kind of liked it too. I kind of felt like Sandy was in the room with me. I felt like her feminine personality was taking over me. I liked the way that felt too. I was giddy. My breathing was shallow. My hands were trembling. As I stood there and thought about what I was going to look like, wearing Sandy's clothes, I got the most intensely pleasurable sensations as my little penis began to grow into an excited erection. I could not believe that I was getting so turned on, just by the idea of wearing girl's clothes. If that was what was going to happen to me, then I was going t enjoy it, I determined. Wit a last little flirty smile at the sissy, I turned my back on her, and I went into the bathroom to take a shower. In there though, I chose to take a bath, and I filled the tub with a delicate floral scented application of bath oils. If I was going to really do what a girl does, I decided that I might as well do it all the way, otherwise, why bother? I did know that I did not want to put on the feminine pretty clothes without being clean and fresh first. It just would not have seemed right, somehow. Girls had always seemed fresh to me in a way, and I wanted to be as fresh as I could when I first became a girl too. It just seemed like a right thing to do. Twenty minutes later, feeling exhilarated from the sensations of what the oils had done to my skin, I stood in front of the mirror again. This time, I was holding a pair of lacy pink silk panties in my right hand. I held it up in front of me. I smiled at the sissy. "Girl, if you put on those panties, you will be a sissy. You will be a sissy for life. Every time that you look at yourself in a mirror from now on, you will know that you are looking at a boy who wears girl's clothes. Is that what you want for your life?" I had confronted myself with the ultimate truth question. For an answer, I watched my reflection as I smiled and bent over, stepped into the delicate silk intimate garment of a girl, and pulled them up my legs. The feel of the soft cool silk sliding up my ultra sensitive skin drove me wild. This was the loveliest physical sensation that I had ever experienced in my life. I watched as the panties rose to my hips. I felt the cool silk wrap itself gently around my bum cheeks. I watched it conform to the curvature of my hips. I let the panty waist go, and watched as the panties bulged out obscenely as they tried to flatten my engorged cockette. I have never before felt so erotically charged. For the first time in my life, I wished that I did not have a cockette, that I had a vulva there, so that those panties would curve around flatness, the way that they were designed to do. I also could not believe that I had actually found within myself the courage to break down all the years of conditioned training. I'd grown up to believe that what I was doing was wrong. Boys were boys and girls were girls, and ne'er the twain should meet. Yes, it was wrong. But because it felt so good, I knew that I was going to do this over and over and over again. I also knew that as long as I lived in this house, I would never again wear boy's underwear. I would be dawning girl's panties and camisoles from now on, under my school clothes. I watched as sissy put on her very first bra. I stuffed two pairs of panties into each cup and admired the lace trimmed swell that I had created. I then wrapped a waist nipper around my waist, and laced it up the back as tightly as I could. I loved the discomfort of the tight lacing. It some how made me feel strangely secured. It also made my hips suddenly look more round like a girl's hips should be. The waist nipper was black. I lowered my panties and let the garter straps fall down inside of them. I then sat on the edge of the bed, and for the first time, learned first hand why girls loved to wear nylons. If some one had ever tried to describe to me how sensuous and erotic the feel of the delicate material would be when it caressed and tightened against my skin, I could not have believed them. Now I knew what a delight it was to wear pretty sheer nylon stockings. But then when I stood up and I felt how wonderful it felt to have the things grow taut all over my legs, I nearly swooned. This was a wonderful feeling. It was even nicer to me, because I also had the secret sense that what I was doing was verboten (a definite taboo to the uninitiated). I was enjoying the feel of the tightness around my waist, the tautness on my legs, the silky material on my bum and ever so gently caressing the sensitive underside of my cockette. Not to mention the unaccustomed pleasure of the lace straps over my shoulders and around my chest, I stood and went to the mirror again. I looked at my totally effeminated reflection for the first time in my life. "Girl, this is the real you..." As I looked at myself for the first time, dressed in lingerie, I felt a really strange sense of peace coming into me. It was as though, for the first time in my life, I was feeling like I was a whole person. I had always felt sort of empty in a way, though I had not defined it that way, not till this moment in time. I felt like I should have been a boy, but allowed to be a girl, in order to be a whole complete personality. As I marveled at how completely, excepting the excited throbbing bulge in the front of my panties, that I looked like a real girl would look in her underwear, another strange new emotion began to make itself known to my conscious mind. I felt like a delightful bubble of something was forming in my tummy, just above where my cockette was straining against my first pair of panties. As I thought about what a nice feeling it was, the bubble seemed to grow and as it grew it seemed to move slowly up into my chest, and come to rest where my heart was, right under the lacy cups of my first bra. Then it seemed to burst, and it filled my body with an emotion of pure delight. I knew what it was. It was my girl personality, and she was making herself known to me. I loved her too. She came with such a sense of sweetness in her, that I could not help but to love her. I also knew that I wanted for her to live and express herself through my life, such as it was. With a nearly ecstatic grin in my face, I spoke to her. I even knew her name. "Welcome to my world, Miss Deborah." You can write to me if you like at: [email protected].

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Book Two: Magic's Clash Chapter Four: The Mage's Ordeal By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Fireeyes – Southern Edge of the Deorc Forest, The Kingdom of Valya I smiled as I watched my fire, witnessing what the wyvern's saw dancing amid the red-orange tongues. My three wyvern slaves had tracked down Angela and her party. The first wyvern dived at the naked Angela. She was a ravishing creature: red hair, large breasts, flawless skin, tall and sexy. She stood over the bound form of the...

2 years ago
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TriptychChapter 32

THIS WAS A WEEK when I needed to accomplish great things. It was the last week before classes started at SCU and I’d be tied up in freshman orientation for a good part of it. But I’d never had so many canvases started and unfinished. I decided I was going to have to move my work to the new studio and set regular times there to really work. I had an exhibition coming up and suddenly four or five months didn’t seem like any time at all. I was up early on Monday morning so I could get moved and...

4 years ago
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The Roommate Agreement Chapter 1

“Don’t do it Julia.”After a second, Julia pried her eyes away from the door and looked back at me where I sat on the couch next to her. “Don’t do what?” she asked innocently averting her eyes again.“Don’t go throwing yourself at Jackson!” I said.To her credit, Julia didn’t bother playing ignorant again. It was obvious that she was into Jackson from how she always talked about him. She just stared back at the door through which Jackson had just left and sighed. “I know.”“Know what?” I scoffed....

4 years ago
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How it should be but isnt always

This story, like any story worth telling, is about a girl. But not just any girl, this one was special. Well to me anyway. It all started at secondary school in the 3rd year, the girls were half way through puberty and the boys had just started, noticing the girls more as well. Like any 14 year old, I'd seen the pictures, but I could only imagine what it would be like, I'd never had a girlfriend before and i wasn't too sure about how i was going to get one, but one thing i did know and...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet Chapter 4

A few days later Amy was in Mr. Cramer's biology class once again. Her week with him up and mother home again, things had returned to the normal schedule, although Amy still stopped by after class every couple of days for some "remedial work". On this particular day, however, would prove even more educational. Mr. Cramer's class was the first one for her that day and as the class came to an end, he stopped her as she was leaving the class. "Miss Robertson, can I speak to you for a moment?" he...

2 years ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 13

On Monday, Kevin rode with Roger for early-morning swim practice; Kevin was spending much of his practice time building his endurance with wind sprints and improving his breast stroke. The first competitions were not to begin until December and Kevin hadn't yet decided whether he wanted to compete. "You can decide last minute, you know," Roger had told him. "You are making steady improvement, you know. Say, if your times on freestyle and back consistently reach number three, I'll be...

1 year ago
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My Second Wife and her daughter The beginning

This story happened more than thirty years ago. I frequented a restaurant daily, sometimes multiple times a day. One day this beautiful woman appeared as a waitress. She was married and let me know that fact really quick. I frequented the restaurant often so I saw her almost daily. Our personalities seemed to blend well together. We bantered back and forth for months, me telling her all the devilish sexual things I wanted to do to her and her telling me I couldn't handle a real woman like her...

1 year ago
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21st birthday party gang bang Part 4

The crew members moved toward Carina as she stared at them from the floor. Their appearance had taken the actress completely by surprise. Exhausted by the gang bang, her tired mind at first did not register the threat. But their leering, hungry faces made her realise what they intended to do. She sat up alarmed as the rough sailors circled the matress on which the youths had enjoyed her body. "What the hell's happening?," she exclaimed. "Who are these men." "My crew," replied Carl. "They're big...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 24

By ten-o'clock that morning, Mark Blakely had selected some twenty of the more reliable citizens and sheep-ranchers to compose his hunting posse. Excitement hummed through-out the town at the knowledge of the young deputy sheriff's decision to head the men, their confidence in his leadership obvious. There was good reason now to believe with Mark at the helm, Caesar with his wild-pack of ravishers and sheep-killing brutes would be destroyed. It wasn't a task that the young lawman...

2 years ago
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I was Curious how big it Is Blacken

I awoke to the sound of the front door slam shut. It was almost 2 a.m. and my wife was just getting home from the bar. She told me she had planned on joining a few friends form work for a few drinks. I was definitely annoyed, but I had no plans on going downstairs.The noise of her stumbling around downstairs was keeping me up, along with what she probably thought was a whisper and constant giggling. I was almost back to sleep when I heard a man’s voice coming from downstairs.“Honey, what are...

1 year ago
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Lockdown Quickie

In the last week of March, 2020, I split up with my girlfriend of three years. Even though it was my decision to end the relationship, I decided to take a few months to sort out my head.Thankfully, I’d kept my small terrace house and I moved back in. My next door neighbours, David and Helen were a young couple with two kids and they’d lived there throughout the four years I’d owned my property. On moving day, David kindly helped me carry some of the larger items. In the dining room, he said how...

2 years ago
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My Wife Offers Up my Ass PT2

After our initial anal show with my wife's friends, they must have talked between themselves and others. My wife was getting calls about why weren't others invited. There were at least three other of her close friends that wanted to watch me get fucked up the ass. My wife was telling me about it and it got me all excited.How do you tell your wife that yes I want some of her friends to watch me get plowed up the ass with a strap on bigger than any thing imaginable. Their husbands have nothing...

3 years ago
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my wife the porn star

I was a thirty year old man that had ED which was cured not by taking little blue pill, or, visiting doctors, but rather watching my wife being screwed by a foreign exchange students. I was thirty and having male issues, to be blunt, I could not obtain an erection. I went to my doctor and he gave me the blue pills. They did not work so he suggested that I go to a urologist.. The urologist ran all kinds of test and they came back negative. He said that sometimes it is a psychological issue....

4 years ago
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The Business Trip

Hello AllAs you can see I have a few stories on here but this one is not about my wife and I. As we got older, in our 40s now and started to branch out sexually when the nest was empty, we also took it upon ourselves to say that if something came up in a siutation, with another person and it was right and safe, go for it, life is tooooooo short.My wife and her two best friends (one I have written about) took a weeks vacation on a criuse last year, just the girls and she related to me how the...

2 years ago
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Cut It Off Part 5

We climbed into a car inside a garage this time, not risking walking naked into broad daylight. The tinted windows were sufficient for the head of House Slave and his driver – the man I had watched a few hours earlier as his lover ate a sausage out of his stretched pee hole. I had a lot of admiration for him and hoped to see him close up some day in the future. In the backseat, I accepted the offer of nullo road head from the head of house, resting my calves on his shoulders while he licked...

2 years ago
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A Mother and Daughter Debauched in Kenya

Robert was troubled. Troubled at his African Manager's latest demand. Troubled by his wife's seemingly easy acceptance of it. They had been in Kenya for nearly two years working for a western company though under a local African Manager. It had been a good two years. They had been able to save, and yet had enjoyed a lifestyle far superior to that back home. His wife Linda loved it here and had made it very clear she expected Robert to obtain a renewal of his two year contract. It was bad...

4 years ago
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The Bet Chapter 50

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 50 (Saturday - week 7) It was the vision she had seen several weeks ago now - the vision of Derek kissing Sissy. A kiss so filled with passion it made her hot and tingly all over. The kind of kiss every woman yearns for. Yet he had only kissed... Sissy. But her dream was able to take things further than real life ever could. In her dream, Derek turned away from kissing Sissy, his lips smeared horribly with all the lipstick she had made...

2 years ago
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Cunning Linguists

I was never happier than when giving head. You should know that. Whether I’m wrapping my lips around a dick, licking a pussy, deepthroating a hard cock, sucking on a clit, or taking a pair of balls in my mouth, I can never get enough. I had been particularly been looking forward to this one; I’d taken her home after catching her eye at the bar, buying her a drink or two, and very gently sliding my hand up her skirt under the table, watching her glaze over slightly as my fingers brushed the...

4 years ago
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x marks my cock cum slut surprise pt 1

I was on vacation last month visiting the California coast, seeing how my old college stomping grounds were. I went to the bars I remembered being hot spots when I was in town 10 years back. Things had changed a bit, I ran into an old friend though and partied for a bit, he hooked me up with some stuff to take back to my room with me. I figured since I wasn't getting laid that night why not take advantage of my hotel room and blow some clouds and have myself a marathon j/o session. After a few...

2 years ago
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Rearend RapturesChapter 9

When Jerry left Cindy at his apartment he was about an hour late for work at the Pier Side Club. He'd been late before and his boss Stan or one of the other lifeguards had always covered for him. He hurried down the boardwalk and made his way through the locker rooms out to poolside. Up on the platform keeping a sharp eye on the swimmers below was Stan. "Jerry," he called, "you're late. Get on up here." Jerry climbed the ladder up to the clubhouse and viewing deck. "Sorry boss," he...

2 years ago
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Galaxy Girl

So, you want to know how it happened to me, and how I made my decision. Fair enough. You deserve to know everything I can tell you. It happened one night. I had climbed into bed and was about turn out my bedside lamp, when I heard an alto female voice coming from a shadowy corner of my room. "Linda Starkov?" I was very startled, and very afraid. "Y-yes?" Suddenly two eyes glowed in the corner. They burned like two small candles. It was then that I knew whom I was talking to....

3 years ago
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Sumathi Enjoys Her Son

When Sumathi gives the cup of tea to his son, Ajit sees no unusual sings at her eyes. He is relieved. When Sumathi is giving her the cup, her saree’s pallu fell from her breast, revealing the big mounds of her pair of tits to her son. Sumathi instantly gathered the saree to its right place, but the glimpse was enough for Ajit to guess how big his mom’s tits really are. Even under the blouse and tight nylon bra, they are trying to come out of the confinement. Ajit hard-on just intensified at...

4 years ago
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Moti Teacher

Hi my name is Farhan from Rawalpindi my email id is main app sab ko apni sachi story batanay ja raha hon ye story bilkul sachi story hain ok to ab main batata hon apnay bare main im farhan age 22 aur main phatan hon rang white handsome tu ab story ki taraf ata hon umeed hain ye story app ko bohat passand ayegee ye un dino ki baat hain jab main class 9th main padta ta main bohat kabil ta lakin sirf maths main bohat kamzor ta is wajah se main ne tution rakha maths k liye hamare mohalay main...

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MILs Reluctant Christmas Present

Here is how my christmas went hope you all enjoy. See MIL Christmas Gallery for pic. As Always real story about my relationship with my MIL. She took a break from me but Im addicted to her and have been working on getting back to regular sex with her.So after thanksgiving my in laws took a trip to the Bahamas. I told my MIL I wanted pics of her while they were there and she followed through on right when they arrived before they went out and one when they got back. All I can say is if your MIL...

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Fireside Fantasy

With an almost silent grunt of release, her back arched fully, her hips ground into the lounge, her soft thighs and stomach straining, she shuddered under her hands as she came. Breathing raggedly, she shivered with the aftershocks of her pleasure, one hand resting gently over her throbbing clit, feeling the warmth and moisture from her lips. Her other hand slipped one more time beneath the fabric of her panties, dipping between her lips, wetting her finger. With a smile she raised the finger...

2 years ago
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Incomplete ArchiveChapter 6 My Career Pt 16

If my first cruise had been all uppers then cruise number two had its equal share of downers. Right from the meet and greet moment I had trouble with couple of passengers. The first were two single guys, mid twenties but acting mid teens who started coming on to Julia the moment they saw her. When she handed them their room details they invited her along for some party action. Julia gave them a polite refusal, but they pushed the boundaries of respectful conversation and I stepped in to keep...

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My Sweet Neighbour Kalpna 8211 Part II

Dear ISS readers, hello to everybody. Once again Raj is with you with my second part of My Sweet Neighbour Bhabhi Kalpna – II. I request all readers to read my first part of story first if they had not read till now. Now I starts the second part of my story: Mein ab doosre room mein sota tha aur apni kismat ko kos raha tha. 5-7 din ke baad jab phir se bhabhi mere se normal ho gayi to maine bhi unse dobara se adult joke karne start kar diye. Wo bhi mere se adult joke share karti thi. Ek din...

1 year ago
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Wife Sheila gets a big black cock

This is a true story about my sexually super charged wife of ten years .Her name is Sheila and she is about 5’8” dark chocolate skin tone, huge DD tits, and a perfect ass. I have always had a thing for dark black chicks. She is such a freaky whore and I’m going to tell you exactly how she got that way. About nine years ago, I took a job as a restaurant manager and shortly after a friend of mine named Mario came in to apply for a job. It took me a full ten seconds to realize that he would be...

1 year ago
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Dont Make Me Spank You

I had a girlfriend who was quite bossy. She expected me to do anything and everything just on command. I told her that we needed to break up. She was really damaged by this. She said no. That she’d do anything for me. I told her she wouldn’t. She’d never do anything for me. She said she would. I asked her if she would submit. She said yes. I told her to strip and get down on her knees. I told her to open her mouth. She opened her mouth and I let my cock in. I let her suck for a while. She...

4 years ago
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You dirty boyyy

I show up at your house unannounced, knowing you'd be inside waiting for me anyways. I walk right in and see you sitting on your couch, and to my surprise, you're naked. I feel my pussy tingle and then feel the warm feeling of wetness soak my panties. Oh my, how the sight of you turns me on. I'm wearing a trench coat with only panties underneath and in a sexy manner rip the coat off exposing my breasts but leaving you to still wonder about the last private part of me. I'm also wearing stilettos...

3 years ago
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The Best Birthday Present EverChapter 4

“Damn, that is so fucking hot, watching Tamara peg Jordan like that ... fucking awesome!” I laughed as we saw the way that Tamara ruthlessly sodomized her second husband. He was still gagged, while she wasn’t at this point, and both of us chuckled at some of the taunts that she sent Jordan’s way as she ravaged his cornhole. “Come on, slimeball ... take it ... take it ... it’s what you deserve, no, better than you deserve! Take it and quit whimpering, you wuss, you cuck! You wimp! You slimy,...

2 years ago
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contemplating my bisexuality

One day a few years ago, after much contemplating, I made up my mind to try something new. There was a medic that worked at the same place where I worked and I knew that he was gay. He had often told us all he was and boasted about the size of his dick. I called him into the office and explained to him that I did not think that I was gay but that I wanted to try having a real mans dick pressed past my sphincter. I saw his eyes light up immediately. He said “when and where?” I told him to...

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My First Shemale1

I was about 140 lb with dark brown hair that got into my eyes occasionally. I had a flat stomach, a nice bubble butt, and a 7-inch cock. As I was looking in the mirror at myself I slowly got turned on thinking about my own virgin asshole. I turned, with my ass to the mirror and bent over to I could see my tight little sphincter as clear as possible in the mirror. While I watched I grabbed the jar of honey that I had brought down. I put a little on my finger and softly touched my asshole jut to...

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the doghouse

I’d been running out of ways to casually pass by Mom’s bedroom when, finally, I saw that she was open mouthed and snoring. The bedside light was still on and her romance paperback was splayed out in her hand. I crept out the back door and crossed the silent dark streets in the direction of the highway.Dad was in the doghouse. Specifically, he was staying at the motor lodge on the edge of town since Mom kicked him out of the house.Mom knows that Dad and I are close – in fact, she’s always...

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Sexy Jilnar Jardalys Hot and Horny Fuckhouse

جلنار ​​جردلي Jilnar Jardaly's Hot and Horny Fuckhouse“Two minutes till show time, Ms Jardaly!” said the young stagehand, who was poking his head in Jilnar's dressing room as she waited anxiously to make her American television debut.Sweet, lovely Jilnar was so excited! She just couldn't wait to get out there and on with the show. She never dared to even dream that the very show she's always fantasized about doing was finally about to happen!Right up until she left the UAE, only days before,...

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My First Boyfriend 4

Good to his word and without saying anything, Sam got on the floor at my feet and started taking the high-heeled shoes off me. As he did, he rubbed and caressed my feet, and before long, his hands were wandering up my fishnet-covered legs. His hands wandered only so far though, and before he reached the apex between my legs, he stopped and stood. He reached behind me and unfastened the skirt, and made me lift my hips so he could pull it off me. Then he had me lift my arms and he removed the...

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Nanbargal Engalai Oothargal

Vanakam nanbargale indru ungalidam naangal veetil kumbalaaga eppadi oothom enbathai sollapogiren. Intha kathaiyil varum annaithu nabargalukum intha kathai ezhutha paduvathu therium peyargal matume maatri sollapadum avargalin paathukaavukaaga. Vaarungal kathaikul sellalaam enathu peyar raathiga vayathu 22, naan villupurathil vasithu varugiren. Enaku 2 thozhigal irunthargal avargalukum ore vayathu than peyar ruupa matrum malar, naangal mundru perume innai piriya sagothirigal. Engu sendralum...

2 years ago
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Poolside Pursuit

A friend of mine was out of town enjoying some exotic adventure leaving behind an enormous, beautiful house with a huge pool and hot tub in the back yard.  Some time ago this friend had given me a key to their place for this exact circumstance.  I could use their place while they were gone.  All the normal rules applied, no wild parties, pick up after myself, and so on.  And I had no intention of using their place as a party pad anyway, I simply wanted to use the pool, and get some sun. You...

Straight Sex
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Wrong hotel room changed my lifestyle Part 2

In her thirties, by mistake while drunk, Natalie got into her young colleagues hotel room who was traveling with her on a mission, she was drunk and that got her fucked by him and changed her life style ever since, she spread her legs wide after that for many men to fuck her. Two Parts [email protected]

First Time
3 years ago
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A window is closed A door opens

Hi readers, This is your one and only JJ back with a bash with a horny lesbian love making session. I am extremely happy by seeing the response some of you have sent the below story is an extension of the previous 3some. Here is a treat to your mind, body and soul by way of a lesbian encounter. Now also I have used the ladies hostel behind Chennai Egmore railway station all about room mates. We are about to encounter a subject as to how a female carves for the womanly sex once again ignoring...

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Friday to Monday with my stepsister

Friday evening I didn't have any plans as I made arrangements with Jessica on Thursday to go to a club Saturday night. I relaxed and rested the whole of Friday. My stepsister was first home at about  4 30 from varsity, our mom literally walked in 2 minutes later and a few mins after that our dad. We all greeted each other and then our dad asked Amy and I what our plans for the evening were? I answered first saying that I'm home tonight relaxing as I'm going clubbing tomorrow night. Amy answered...

1 year ago
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Third and Final Courting of a Wife

The first time Madeleine and I looked at each other's eyes was in the hotel breakfast restaurant in a small Scandinavian town. She gave me a sweet smile, which I remembered the whole day. There was dance at the hotel bar in the evening and I got a happy feeling when I found her there. During our first and only dance I offered her a drink, which she accepted. But when the tune was over, the band took a break and the bar got very crowded why I offered her to chose something from the mini-bar in...

2 years ago
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Tesco Tart Part 12

All writings in this series are purely works of fiction and any reference to companies or people are fictitious and for the purposes of this fictional writing. Tesco Tart - Part Twelve. Miss Havlin had her own priorities. It was, after all a new role for her also. Her's as Checkout Supervisor and Michelle's as an idiotic, delusional sissy crossdresser with a Checkout Girl fantasy. First impressions had been made with her Checkout staff but relationships had yet to be...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 19 Several Dates

August 21, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio On Friday morning, Mr. Mills called just after 6:00am to let me know that Jocelyn had gone into surgery, and that it would likely be mid-afternoon before he had any news. I thanked him and sat down at the table in the kitchen with a mug of tea I made and read the Rutherford Tribune. Nobody else was up, and I enjoyed the quiet for about an hour before my parents came into the kitchen. “Was that Jocelyn’s dad who called at 6:00am?” my dad asked. “Yes. I...

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My Little VentrueInterlude 2

~~The Year: 1986~~ ~~Mason Harding~~ Being alone is horrible. Lot of the people he knew — knew being a strong word — thought being alone was bad, and rough. But to them it was just a word. Being alone, well and truly alone, alone to the point you feel it in your bones, that it’s a part of you, that’s hell. Something about sitting on a city bus really lets the mind wander, and Mason used it to write in his journal. Back angled to the window a bit so he could write without people looking...

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The Tails of Master Tram Handler Chapter 35 The 12 Drinks of Christmas

My parents hired a women that used to watch us when we needed a babysitter to help them with their portion of the party, her name was Julie. Julie was also hired to make sure my sister and I were not interfering with the party. This way my parents could go around to the other houses and not have to worry about us or the party setup at our house. The goal of hiring Julie was that she had everything setup and had us upstairs and in our room by the time the party showed up at our house, which was...

3 years ago
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The One Stroke Challenge

Denise Smith a was beautiful woman. Her life had not been easy. Her parents were drunks. When she was sixteen, she ran away from home and never returned. She began dancing at seventeen. Her body had matured fast and she could easily pass for a college aged girl. Ten year later, now she owned several strip clubs, and they were very successful. At the young age of twenty seven, Denise, now known as Desire, had all of the money she would ever need. Although she no longer needed to perform to make...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 63 Small Victories

March 28, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio As I drove home, I considered my conversation with Tasha, and realized it was, in its own way, very close in character to conversations I’d had with Clarissa — intimate, honest, and designed to build a relationship. That, as much as anything else, confirmed that her conditions were not only wise, but the correct course of action. In one sense, it really only excluded Janey, but I felt my conversation, or rather, attempted conversation, with her had closed...

1 year ago
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Man sieht sich immer zweimal

Peter ist an sich ein ganz umgänglicher Mensch. Höflich, zuvorkommen, durchaus ein Kavalier, manchmal emotional. Bei den Frauen kam er gut an, er war intelligent, zuverlässig und handwerklich geschickt. Er war nicht unattraktiv, sportlich und ganz gut bestückt. Dennoch klappte es irgendwie mit den Frauen nicht. Eine seiner Ex-Freundinnen hat ihm vorgeworfen, er sei zu nachtragend und eifersüchtig. Die Eifersucht konnte er bestätigen, hatte doch ihm doch einer seiner Freunde seine erste große...

2 years ago
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Spanking my wife for being such a bad girl

That late evening, I got home feeling really horny.It had been a hard day and my fucking Boss had sent me a pile of extra paperwork while I was trying to escape from my desk. As I climbed the stairs, my first thought was to get into the bathroom and have a relaxing jerking of my cock; but then my sweet wife came downstairs, giggling sexily...She was surprised of seeing me home so late.Anita passed me and headed into the dining room. I flipped my hand at her backside, but only just made contact....

4 years ago
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Felicity Ch 46

She was the most socially inept woman I had ever met. She was the most brilliant woman I had ever met. She worked for me and I had to apologize to many for her gaffes and lack of etiquette often. The only person in the office that would talk to her had just retired early, she was all mine now. I did appreciate her genius, her stick to it attitude, the money she made for us. She was not unpleasant to look at and truly she did not have a mean bone in her body but she was brusque and to the...

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Andreas Nude Experience I found this on the

My name is Andrea and a friend finally encouraged me to write about and share an embarrassing but exciting story that happened to us last year during spring break. We were juniors at a large college in Texas and had a lot of close guy friends on the men’s baseball team. When the second semester began me and three of my friends from my sorority, Katie, Rachel, and Kim began dating four guys on the team. I was dating a guy named Teddy, Katie was dating Tim, and Rachel was dating Eric, and Kim was...

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Sublime Directory

SublimeDirectory! If you are not sure what you want to watch and you are feeling “random”, visit sublimedirectory.com, since this site offers a lot of basic pornography. You have videos and galleries that pretty much cover all the basics and a lot of other links that will take you to other known or less-known pornographic sites. So, even if sublimedirectory.com does not satisfy your desires, you will surely find something kinky on one of the other websites.But, whether Sublime Directory is...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Mary Allen Femdom Household Horror

Mary Allen: Femdom Household HorrorCast of Characters Mary Allen - Attractive Young TV Host, Secertly turned on by report Dr. Forbes - Pyscologist Judith Wilkes - 28, Teacher Samantha Bridg -  17, Timothy's girlfriend Bobby Green - 18, family friend, Shawna's ex-boyfriend George Banks - Lead Investigator Lauren McAdams - LawyerJulia Douglas, 44 Richard Douglas, 47 Shawna Douglas, 19 Ben and Ryan Douglas, 18, twins Timothy Douglas, 17 Rachel Douglas, 14Marie Tate, 39 Michelle Tate, 17 Warren...

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