RejuvenatedChapter 6 free porn video

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It was late when he bundled Nathan and Aaron into the car. Thank goodness their curiosity regarding his new friend had been easily fended off. After being answered with 'hmmms' and 'huhs' a few times, the brothers talked quietly in the back seat. David paid them no mind; he was in his own world.

His talk with the friendly barkeep had taken quite some time. No matter what the outcome, he owed Mack Sullivan a life-debt for helping him work through his dilemma. 'Mack was correct, ' David thought as he drove, 'when he said that some things just can't be seen from the inside.'

As he pulled out of the park, his mind was churning with all the possibilities. He began to think of himself as a latter-day Poirot or Colombo. The potential paths of Abby's and his lives wove and crossed like rabbit spoor in the snow.

As he turned onto Abby's street he was struck by another important insight. 'I could easily spend so much time and effort trying to understand Abby, to stay one step ahead of her, that it could affect my own actions. That would poison the interactions and this whole exercise would be useless.

'No, better to act and react as honestly and naturally as possible, and stay one step behind. I'll gather evidence and make my judgment after the fact when I can consider what I've seen and heard.'

David brought his sons home about 4:30. Youthful exuberance preceded his entrance. Abby was again in her kitchen, pots and pans on the stove and a smile on her lips. She was finishing the obligatory kisses and hugs when he came in. She lifted her gaze and fixed her eyes on his. The smile she'd given her sons grew even larger.

"Hello, David. How was your day with the boys?"

Her voice was friendly, her demeanor open. This was a good sign. Another descent to tears would be difficult to bear.

Having an eight year old means, it would seem, never having to talk.

"We had a great time. I was fielding grounders and after dinner we played Frisbee. Dad made a really cool catch behind his back. Then Nathan and I played, and Dad was talking to this old guy."

David grabbed Aaron by the belt and collar while he was talking and lifted him. "How did you like my ventriloquism act?"

Abby addressed her younger son as he regained his feet, "It's disrespectful to speak instead of your father. That's what Laban did, and you know what kind of person he was.

"And don't say 'old guy'. You don't like 'little kid', do you? You can say 'older man'. Create good habits when you can and you won't embarrass yourself later."

"Sorry, Dad. Sorry, Mom."

"Go wash up, you two. Supper is in a half hour."

When the boys were out of earshot, David said, "I threw grounders to Aaron and after dinner we played Frisbee and I made the coooolest catch behind my back. Then I talked to this really, really, really ooooooold guy."

Abby giggled and threw her oven mitt at David. "You should wash up, too. Who's your new friend?"

He turned on the tap of the kitchen sink and began to wash. "His name is Mack Sullivan. He's lived over on the east side for over fifty years. He's a fount of information. We traded stories while the boys burned up dinner."

"I didn't get a chance to ask you about your breakfast meeting Friday. Do you want to talk about it in front of the kids or not?"

"Hmm. I think it's too tentative to discuss in front of them. I'll fill you in later."

Supper was a lively affair. Everyone was talking; sometimes at the same time. When serving, Abby made sure to start passing around the food with David. She also, he noted, often put her free hand on his shoulder, but nothing more intimate than that. He found he was enjoying the incidental contact, sometimes a little too much.

After supper David and Nathan cleaned up while Abby and Aaron played a game on the computer. Afterward, David and Abby looked over their shoulders while the boys played. Several times the adults bumped into each other. David was desperately trying to disguise his erection from his ex's sight and keep her hip from finding it.

"Stop kibitzing, Dad."

"I'm not kibitzing, Nathan. I'm tsitsing."

"What's tsitsing?"

Abby interrupted her elder son. "Please, please, don't ask."

David began to answer as Abby made as if she were pushing David out the door. "There are three types of people at a game, card games, board games, computer games, whatever: the players, the kibitzers, and the tsitsers."

Abby grabbed her ex's shoulders and looked him squarely in the eye. "Don't!"

David decided that cowardice was the better part of valor. "I'd tell you, Nathan, but then I'd have to kill you."

"You can't kill me, Dad."

"OK. I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kick you."

"Child Services would take you away." Nathan was laughing, enjoying the wordplay.

"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kid you."

"You'll kid me anyway."

"Slow down. I'm having trouble remembering the alphabet. I'd tell you, but then I'd have to tickle you, " and tickled his son anyhow.

Nathan squirmed and squealed and tried to get away from his father's fingers. Aaron grabbed David's arms which allowed Nathan to briefly escape, only to find himself in his brother's place instead.

Abby wisely stepped back as her men roughhoused. After a few minutes she looked down at the scrum on the floor and loudly cleared her throat.

"I hate to interrupt Ticklemania 37, but some young men have school in the morning. Settle down and go get cleaned up."

At 8:00 David helped settle Aaron into bed, and a half-hour later Nathan gave goodnight hugs and went to his room to read until his bedtime.

"I was going to boil water for myself. Would you like some coffee?"

"That would be nice. Thanks. Let's sit in the kitchen."

As they spoke, Abby spooned instant coffee into two mugs and placed some tea biscuits on a plate.

She spoke first in a soft voice. "I want to apologize for getting hysterical on you last week. I'd rather not talk about it, but I will if you want to. You don't deserve to be treated like that. I don't think it'll happen again and I'm going to work very hard to make sure it doesn't."

"I won't push if you don't want to talk about it. Consider it in the past."

"Thank you, David."

She immediately brightened. "Now, tell me about your breakfast."

"I had two English muffins..."

"Did I tell you I found a wonderful new detergent for getting coffee stains out of pants?"

" ... and then I told Bob about why I was ... fired. You know, I accept it happened and that it wasn't a normal thing and all that, but I have trouble even saying the word. A shrink would love to get his couch under me."

Abby brought over the biscuits and laid a reassuring hand on David's for a few seconds before returning to the stove.

"Anyway, I'm surprised I have to tell you about this. I'd have thought you'd heard Bob over here. He exploded. That's the only word I can think of. Everybody was looking over at us. He couldn't believe that I was ... you know."

"I couldn't. Here, I put in one sugar for you."

His thank you was returned by warm smile.

"The upshot is that Bob thinks I should open my own studio."

"That's wonderful!"

"You think so?"

"Without question. Why should you work like a slave for somebody else? You deserve it. Who knows more than you about design and art around here? Are you going to do it?"

"I'm thinking very seriously about it, but I'm also going to put together a resume. I need to cover all my bases. I went to the library Friday to research the costs of what I'll need, a good workstation, what's current in software."

"Why did you go to the library? Use the computer here."

"I didn't think of it. You wouldn't mind?"

"Why would I mind, silly? I can give you a hand if you need it. What are you going to do about billing and that side of a business?"

"I guess I'll have to do it myself until I can afford help."

"What was my major in school, David?"

"You'd handle the business side?"

"Of course I would. You only have to ask. Whatever you want from me, it's yours."

Embarrassed by the double-entendre, both found their coffee the most interesting thing in the room. After several long moments, Abby asked, "How will you finance the studio?"

"Bob is going to front the money in return for five percent of the net."

"That's unbelievably generous. Two outstanding men are going into business together."

"Why do you say two?"

"Do you think he would risk tens of thousands of dollars on just anyone? No, David, you must have truly impressed him for him to make that offer. Congratulations. I hope this works out."

"Thanks again." He paused. "It's getting late and I still have cleaning up and laundry to do. Thanks again for supper, but I'd better get going."

He stood, and, as she moved her chair back from the table, he extended his hand to help her up. Together, they walked to the door.

"Will I see you tomorrow?"

"I'd be foolish to say no. While that hasn't stopped me in the past, yes, I'll be here."

Beside the door, she reached into the drawer of a small table.

"If you're going to be working here, you might as well take a copy of the key."

He hesitated for a moment before taking it and thanking her.

He stepped into the open doorway, turned around and took Abby's hands in his own.

"Thanks again for everything. I appreciate everything you're doing for me."

When he was halfway to the driveway, Abby called out to him, "You might as well save time and a few dollars and bring your dirty laundry with you tomorrow."

"Maybe just," he replied as he walked away

Deciding that cleaning would just have to wait for another time, David showered immediately upon arriving home. After brushing, flossing and all, he went straight to bed, but not to sleep. Lying still in the dark, he carefully reviewed the evening.

'What am I looking for? Mack and I agreed on four things. Honesty and openness, reliability and trustworthiness, interest, and fit.

'Was she honest tonight? Hard to judge that. I heard nothing I know was a lie. That's a tough one though. I'm looking for something that will rarely, if ever, happen. On the other hand, I don't think she's ever lied to me, before or after the divorce, and we've known each other for, wow, twenty-eight years. Love may be blind, but I have to give her the benefit of the doubt on honesty. I'm not going to obsess.

'Openness. I'll give her B+. She apologized for Thursday night, but wouldn't discuss it. Hmm, that was a good idea. Things are too touchy between us now. Soon enough, we'll be comfortable enough to discuss the divorce and then, perhaps, Thursday night will make sense. Or we won't, and it won't matter. Let that dog sleep for a while longer.

'Reliability and trust, too early to say. She promised a lot, so that sets the bar. If she meets it, she passes. If not, I'll have to decide then.

'Whoa. I could end up being a real schmuck here if I'm not careful. I can tell she's trying to make up to me. I could just pile things one atop the other until she got angry or just failed from having too much on her plate. That would be great if I was out for revenge, but a disaster otherwise. I have to be careful to be the real me.

'Interest. That's got to be an A+. She was broadcasting tonight. What a way to boost my ego. She's stated it clearly enough even for me to catch. Now let's see if she keeps it up. Of course, everyone has a bad day. Let's see what happens then, or the first time I screw up. That'll tell the story.

'Fit. No score for tonight. Honesty and reliability are long-term goals to check over time. Fit is shorter term, but I can't start to measure that until we stop being so touchy around each other. It's worse than a blind date. Of course, I never had one of those, but the stories I've heard. Yuck, enough to give me the willies.'

He smiled to himself as he rolled onto his side, pulling his blanket snugly about himself. As he drifted off to sleep he thought, 'All in all, a very successful start.'

David got up exceptionally early the next morning. He didn't want to skip his workout just to make the meeting with Paul and Jack. He enjoyed the burn and the extra energy it seemed to give him, but didn't enjoy some of the other patrons. That morning he had to tell two women bluntly that he was there to workout, not to look for dates.

He entered Paul's office backwards, pushing the door open with his butt, because he was holding his hands over his ears. Both Paul and his father were already waiting, and viewed David with open curiosity.

"What is that God-awful screeching?"

"What screeching?" asked Jack.

Paul walked over and threw a switch on the wall beside the door.

"You couldn't hear it? It's not so bad in here, but outside, my teeth were on edge."

"You could hear that? You're not supposed to able to," queried Paul.

"What do mean, I shouldn't have been able to?"

"I had a problem with some high school kids hanging around. It was upsetting my older patients, so I put in a system that plays a tone only younger people can hear. It's supposed to be turned on only during the afternoon when school is out. How come you can hear that?"

David exchanged a quick glance with Jack and changed the subject.

"I can't answer that. Let me bring you up to date on what's happened with me."

David had only given them a broad outline of his situation and Bob McCarthy's offer. Now that he needed their experience and advice, he filled in more details and sketched out the proposal before asking for their thoughts.

"He's putting up all the cash, he's giving you all his business and he's promoting you to others. For all that he's taking only five percent of the net? Dad, what do you think?"

"I would say that if you're sure you can trust him, take the deal."

"That's what I would say too. Are you prepared for all the other things you need to do to be in business for yourself?"

"That's the second part of my dilemma. I'm a good commercial artist, but I might stink as a businessman. I don't want to fail and take someone else's money down with me. Abby said she would take care of the office work, the billing and everything."

Paul and Jack exchanged a glance.

"Does she know what she's doing?"

"It's what she studied in college, even if she hasn't used it in quite a while. Plus I'm meeting with someone at the Small Business Administration tomorrow."

"You'll need a lawyer and an accountant, that's for sure. We'll give you some recommendations. Talk to the SBA guy. They're real pros. I'd say take the deal and get as much help as you can. Keep us up to date so we can see if you're heading for the rocks. Anything else, Paul?"

"Nothing I can think of, Dad. Congratulations, David. It sounds like you're on your way up."

"Thanks, guys."

On the way to Abby's house, David stopped at an art supply store. He chose the various pencils, charcoals, and paper that he'd loved as a boy and hadn't touched in years. He still had his easel and some other equipment, so the trip to the register wasn't too painful. Leaving the store, he stowed them on the floor of the back seat.

About 9:30 Abby answered David's knock her on door.

"Good morning. No key?"

"Good morning to you, too. I have the key, but I'm not comfortable using it yet when I know you're home. I looked for my red suit to go with the bag of goodies over my shoulder, but it went missing."

Eying the laundry bag he was carrying, Abby effected a truly wretched Chico imitation, "There ain't no sanity clause here."

"I'm beginning to think there ain't no sanity at all around here. I decided to take you up on your laundry offer."

Walking through the kitchen to the basement door, he spotted a laughing June and greeted her with a Roman salute.

"We who are about to bleach, salute you. I descend to the bowels of the earth to do battle with ring around the collar. Wish me luck."

As he walked away, he heard June tell Abby, "That is not the David I remember."

With the first load in the washer, David moved to the computer to start his resume.

As he passed back through the kitchen, Abby said, "Don't mind us. We'll just stay here and continue with our vicious gossip."

Without stopping either his feet or to think, David replied, "I think your gossip flows rather freely."

June looked stumped, but Abby answered, "I said vicious, not viscous."

"Oh, that would explain it."

Now that David was in the next room, the women pitched their voices lower.

"What was that all about?"

A huge smile was spread across Abby's face and she looked as though she needed ballast to stay on her chair.

"He's really back! I told you there wasn't a pun he didn't like. I feel ten years younger. He doesn't memorize puns; he mints them on the fly. It keeps me on my toes, trying to figure out what he means, and I love it. If you find you want to say, 'I don't understand' to David, realize that you may regret it. Some of his jokes are truly horrendous. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

David was having considerable problems working up his resume. For all intents and purposes, this was the first time he had ever written one. He checked several websites for advice and sample formats, and was struggling with his version. He tried to remember dates and responsibilities, tried to remember the best examples of his work. It was tough going.

'I have to be aggressive and sell myself, but it's just not natural for me. Once I get this set, I'm going to update it every month so I don't have to go through this agony again.'

Around 11:00 Abby brought him a cup of coffee.

"Thanks. I need this."

"Do sandwiches for dinner around 12:30 sound okay?"

"You don't have to do this."

"I know. I want to, so just suffer."

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He thought about that video game he wanted, the one all the other kids at school were talking about. But at 14, he was too young to have a job, and too old to convince his parents to buy things for him anymore. More chores and the prospect of getting an actual job wasn't exactly palatable to him, so he went browsing on the internet for a better way to make money. After finding some questionable web sites with some not-so-mainstream suggestions, he decided that this was the best way for him...

3 years ago
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Extra workout

Jayne isn't the classic beauty but she certainly has something that seems to mesmerise men. Well 36" something's which come in a D cup to be precise. Jayne and I worked together at the factory and she always came to our once-a-week fitness club we had in the warehouse. Attendance was usually somewhere around 10 - 15 people, both male and female. We finished about 9.30pm and some of us would shower there before going home. Only two of us showered every week though. Me because I had quite a...

3 years ago
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Generally speaking, I'm not a person given to lusting after men like they were nothing but a piece of meat. That is until I met my cousin Lucas. It happened not long ago, and I was supposed to have gone to Europe with my friends for my summer vacation. At the last minute my father informed me that he and my mother didn't have the money to pay for that kind of trip. Instead they were sending me to my uncle's ranch in Wyoming. I couldn't have been more dissappointed.My dad could see my...

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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Season 2 8211 Part 2

This is a novel erotic story of how two couples in Canada exchanged their partners for 2 months. I am extending the original story. You can provide your feedback, suggestions, and thought by email to I hope you enjoy it! In the evening, he woke up. I made him coffee and asked him if the pain was gone. He said, “Yes, the pain is gone, but I have something to talk to you about.” I was worried if there might be some after-effects. Maybe we need to see a doctor or something. Looking at me...

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High Country Girl Hunt of 2015Chapter 4

Zelda's newfound friend Running Eagle was doing her best to monopolize the hermit-styled hunter with the broken leg. She seemed happy to have a captive audience for her wild sort of loving and it looked like Matt was more than willing to play the role of "bottom" because of his injured leg. She was beginning to think that she might not get in on the action unless she put down her foot and demanded an equal share of Matt's lovely cock. Her thoughts of kinky sex drove away her worries...

1 year ago
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The Morning Tease

I rolled over, being woken by the sounds of the early summer morning. He was on his back, covers around his knees, and a glorious morning erection poking at the front of his boxer briefs. I couldn’t resist, licking my lips, I reached over and ever so lightly ran my fingertip up the length, pausing to draw a tight circle right in that sensitive spot below his head.His cock throbbed at that touch as he stirred, hips pushing forward on their own accord.I stopped and stared at it. His cock, the...

Straight Sex
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Tucks American Roadtrip Arizona Pornography

Part Four – Tuck was driving southwest making his way back to Interstate 10 and replaying the previous night’s sexual adventure with his friend’s identical twin sisters, Peggy and Maggie. Of course his raw asshole kept those two girls on his mind. Tuck could not believe that they had put a dildo inside his ass and furthermore that he actually enjoyed the sordid kinky affair. Tuck had been driving for quite awhile and had long passed over into Arizona. He just could not believe the long lonely...

2 years ago
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Fucking Up My Life

I pound the steering wheel, impatiently waiting for a chance to pull into traffic. A sheriffs’ car appears several cars down in the opposite lane, signaling a turn into the driveway. Panicked, when a tiny gap appears in my lane, I shoot out onto the highway, saluted by the blaring horn of the driver I cut off. The officer barely looks at me as I pass him. The light is with me, and I see him still waiting to cross traffic as I escape up the side road. One bullet dodged. I promised myself it...

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The Consequences

The ConsequencesI looked down to see my cock standing straight out in the summer sun. It was as hard as it could be. I just was so turned on. I didn’t know what was turning me on more. Was it the fact that I was stark naked in front of several strangers in broad daylight or was it from looking at Julie’s incredibly sexy naked body standing next to me?That old familiar excited thrill was stirring deep in my gut. It was that special tingle that exhibitionists feel when they are naked in places...

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Unfinished Business

Wolfe ran his fingers through his thick wavy black hair and looked over at the large manila envelope in his passenger seat. He had been sitting in his car for over thirty minutes trying to will himself to go into the bar that had just officially become his.Not that he had wanted the bar. He had never wanted anything to do with the bar or his angry, alcoholic father that had passed away almost a week ago. Wolfe was an only child, but he never expected to get anything. There was no love lost...

Straight Sex
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Debbies Awakening Final Chapter

Gus was clearly very frightened, but also, quite obviously, extremely aroused. Debbie went over to his side and showed him the documents that he would be signing. "I will remove your gag, Gus, but if you make any disturbance, there will be a price to pay." She then ungagged him and let him read the same contracts that I had signed years earlier. "There is no fucking way, you cunt. I'll be seeing you in court." Debbie just smiled, taking a big puff from her cigar and blowing the smoke...

3 years ago
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The TGirl who Became my Secret Wife

"So you were hopped up on testosterone and just fucked these random women? "haha i laughed, no its so much more subtle." For example I am in the Sauna after working out, This 40 year old looking mom comes in and sits across from me. I'm a simple man so I do what works stand up and walk over, extend my hand and say "Hi, my name is Maxwell" She looked up at me with this look, the look an older woman gives you when they make up their mind that they'd fuck you. She takes my hand and says "I'm...

2 years ago
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Summer Romance

I always called the old lady next door ‘grandma’ even though we were not actually related. My parents started it as a sign of respect. Then her granddaughter Brandi came to visit her for the entire summer. Brandi was fourteen years old, just like me. She was just as cute as a button but she had a mouthful of braces and she wore glasses, just like me. She was a brain and a nerd too, just like me. The only problem was that I really liked Brandi and that my dad always said that opposites...

1 year ago
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Moms New Boyfriend Embarrasses her Part 2

The thought of anyone seeing her exposed vulva and the humiliation that was her anus. She had always been self-conscious that she had her a butt hole. That was so he much larger and darker than any other woman’s that she had known. I. Jennifer had spent countless hours looking at other women’s private zones online and she never saw him a butt hole that compared to her embarrassing a bull’s-eye.  But her relationship with Dr. Stone lifted the weight of her shame and that had always hung...

3 years ago
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RomanceChapter 12

Romance: Another country heard from:12. Rather than spend hours hoping to sell another knife, Kevin Pipes and John Parker loaded everything back up into their old U Haul van and followed us back to Frogmorton. "I had no idea this place was here," Kevin said. "I've seen the house on the hill when I was hiking the Trail ... but ... never ... I mean never knew there was a village here ... and there's a bank. You mean your check would have been good?" Sultry nodded. John added, as he...

2 years ago
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Jessica fucked hard

Introduction: Please make comments to let me know what you think about my story. Thanks ,) Jessica was a medical student and Doug was a doctor. They both worked in Chicago Hospital and they have a relationship, but yesterday they had an argument, because Doug cheated her with one of his ex-girlfriends in a little room in hospital and Jessica saw him together with this chick while they were kissing… But today were a big party in a nice restaurant for all the people who worked in the hospital....

2 years ago
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Mummy Ka Elaj

Hy friends , Mera name sajid hy aur main lahore main rehta hun. yeh story meri mummy k bary main hy.Main apny parents ka aik he beta hun. Meri umer is waqt 20 years hy aur meri mummy ke age 45 hy. Papa ke age 50 hy. meri mummy ka name shazia hy aur woh aik gori chiti aur khobsurat aurat hain. Waqt guzarny k sath sath abh un ka jism kafi bhar gya hy . Yeh kahani jo main aap ko sunanay ja rha hun yeh aaj sy taqreeban 11 years purani hy. Us waqt mery papa kuwait main job krty thy. Aur main 4th...

2 years ago
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Mary comes alive Part 1

Mary had just turned 40, and because she had had her two children young, it was just she and her husband Tom at home. She had hoped for a career before she married, but when Tom, her senior by 2 years left school and got a job, he had immediately asked her to marry him, though she was not quite 17. He had been her first sweetheart, and though they had played around, they were both virgins when they married. The children arrived sooner than planned, and then there was just so much work to do....

2 years ago
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pregnant and lusting

He pushed her legs apart and inserted one finger into her. She was so tight, so dry. He had to force his finger inside her. He withdrew it and pushed it in again - he did this a few more times and then inserted two fingers into her - she tensed which made it even harder to gain entry. He forced the fingers inside her and then tried three fingers. Again, she tensed and clenched around his fingers making it hard to push them in - but push them in he did - all the way inside. He talked to...

2 years ago
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Jap panties

She was wearing a cute-looking sailor suit, and little white panties, which she seemed keen on showing us. She kept bending over and exposing her panties, smiling as she did so, until the audience was going wild. There were about twenty of us in the audience, all shouting her to take her clothes off, but all she was doing was tease us. Then she beckoned to some guy at the front to go on stage, which he did very happily! First she got him to lie on the floor, then she slowly lowered herself onto...

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Friend Ki Wife

Hello indian sex story friends, I am back with my next story. my name is Rakesh, 23 years old, average and fit body. This story is about my friend’s wife Pooja(name changed). She is 22 years old and she has a sexy ass, big boobs and a hot cunt. If you are interested in me then you can mail me for real sex. Now coming to the story. Mere dost ka name hai raju, ek private company me work karta hai aur uski sadi 1 year pahle he hue thi aur koi bhi bache nahi the aur kabhi kabhi wah company ke...

3 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 21

The two young girls went out to the garage to see how their brothers cleaned the fish they had caught. The boys were standing, side-by-side, at a table, filleting their fish. Kim and Sally watched as the boys removed the heads and carefully separated the white meat from the bones. Sally said, "yuck!" Gazing at the pile of entrails and severed fish heads. "How can you guys touch that stuff?" Tom smiled at his little sister's discomfort and replied, "Oh, it's not too bad, you just have...

3 years ago
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Busters Bitch

It was Dan's idea, to breed dogs that is, "A sure fire way of making a bit of extra money", as he put it, "for very little out lay". Well I wasn't convinced, "What about the rearing and vaccinations and the Vet bills?" I had asked, "Ah don't worry about any of that" he had said, "It won't cost us a cent, well apart from the outlay for a good stud dog and his up keep but that will be a pittance compared to the money we can get for the stud fees, and we get the pick of the...

2 years ago
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Modeling for Life Drawing Part 2

In the days that followed my modeling session Lucy and I maintained our friendly relationship. I wondered if my modeling for her would change anything but she seemed as nice as ever and I had a sense that we had bonded in a way. We usually had lunch together along with other faculty members and used our free time together in school for class lesson planning and such. After a few days she asked if I would be available to model for her painting of me anytime that week. We settled on Tuesday...

1 year ago
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Tranny Surprise Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Nervous is not something a woman in my shoes feels often, not after coming out of the closet at such a young age and getting used to it. However, I had put off talking to my son for days. It wasn’t until about a week later that I finally said something to him. He was sitting in the living room couch, comfortable, reading one of his favorite books. This gave me the time I needed to get ready. There was this feeling I couldn’t shake that looking nice for...

4 years ago
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Playing Dressup

My parents have a library. I was a very lucky girl growing up, not because of the collection of classics that they had in leather bound editions, or even the enormous number of new books that they seemed to add constantly from visits to the book store or from various book clubs that they belonged to. I liked a lot of those, but my favorite books in their collection weren’t actually on the shelves in the spare room that we used as a library, they were in dusty boxes stacked in the garage and...

2 years ago
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 43

View of Sgt. Matthew Lane 5:45 am, November 4th, 2006 11 pm November 4th, 2006 (local time) I met Major Stone at the door to the private ward. "Thank you for coming." Stone told me. "I got the message. However, I'm surprised that Jacob wants to see me enough to send for me." "He doesn't know. My wife and I decided to send for you." "What do you expect to happen?" "We don't know. But something happened that night in the mess hall. His mother and I expected him to take you...

2 years ago
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Love The Internet Ch 03

Continuation Conner took a deep breath then took in his surroundings. Getting to his feet he leaned down and lifted Annie into his arms, and headed down the small hallway to her bedroom. The room was small with a full size bed taking up most of the space. Setting her on her feet in front of the bed, he pushed the robe from her shoulders then pulled off his shirt. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her to him, groaning at the feel of her bare breasts pressed to his chest. Putting...

3 years ago
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Lilys last summer pt 3 The pool party

The pool was packed with all sorts of kids from their school. Everywhere they looked there were boys and girls in swimsuits playing in the water, messing around and flirting with each other. Jenny scanned the crowd "There are a few more boys then girls here I'd say a 3:1 ratio." Lily rolled her eyes and smiled Jenny sucked in school but add boys to the picture and she is suddenly a genuis. Lily turned to Jenny "Do you see Ben anywhere?" Jenny nodded "Over at the deep end of the pool...

1 year ago
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Fulfilling an old fantasy

This story is completely fictional! NEVER try to do it in real live! My mother called last night and asked me to stay for a week with her and my 12 year old sister Heidi. She said that my father was going away to Japan for a week-long business trip and she and Heidi were afraid to stay alone because there has been some burglaries in their exclusive neighborhood lately. I was only too glad to oblige. I spent half the night thinking about mother. She gave birth to me when she was 16, two years...

2 years ago
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Chance Encounter in Georgia

"I swear you are the absolute worst James! I came all the way from Ohio because YOU wanted to rekindle our relationship. I swear I should've seen you pulling something like this. You stand no chance to rekindle our relationship." I was sitting in the bar he told me to meet him in, and now he was telling me he couldn't even show up?!I was young and naive and should've known better. It was a total James thing to do to stand me up. I just didn't want to think he'd do that if I traveled all the way...

Love Stories
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Making Whore Out Of Non Whore 8211 Part 2

HI I am Azad. Its been a long time since I wrote a sex story. Feel free to leave your suggestions good or bad at So in my last part I introduced Naina, and narrated how we (me and my friend Kunal) made her our personal whore. Now we use to fuck her as and when we wanted, she also used to enjoy a lot and we also paid her well. Now, coming to the sex story. It was birth day of our friend Anurag,(5’11’ with muscular physique) and he was throwing a party at the pub. He was a great show off, which...

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