Oh...sarahhh free porn video

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"Aha, so you're the lucky one," I heard coming from above me.

"Lucky?" I asked, looking up at a smiling thirty something year old woman standing at my elbow.

"Hi, I'm Jill, Jill Cliburn," the woman announced, "English Department... you must be Mrs. Fisher."

"Sarah," I offered.

"Sorry I missed you the other day, I couldn't make the staff meeting," Jill answered.

It was the first day of classes at Hillary Clinton High in Daytona Beach, Florida and I, and many of my new colleagues, were sitting in the staff common room having a coffee after second period.

"Sit, please," I invited.

"Thanks," and then after settling down next to me asked, "Is this your first year teaching?"

"No, Bruno and I, Bruno's my husband... we lived in Syracuse... that's where I went to university. Anyway, I taught the last two years up there."

"Tired of the snow?" Jill asked as another two teachers I'd met earlier sat down at the table.

"No... well, yes of course... but the real reason was Bruno got transferred and..." The four of us continued to talk about the school and the city for minutes before I remembered Jill's original question.

"Why am I lucky anyway?"

"I hear you've got 'The Angel' in your homeroom."

"She does?" the other two asked, clearly interested.

I knew immediately who she meant but still asked, "Angel?" He'd been sitting in the second row next to the window when I'd entered my class at eight forty-five that morning. He was a young god.

"Tall... Long curly blond hair... Beautiful blue eyes... muscles... looks like a prince," Jill enthused. "You get wet about two seconds after seeing him."

"The gorgeous hunk?" I asked. Seeing the three teachers nod I added, "I thought when he introduced himself he was pulling my leg. About his name. He's..."

"He's perfect," Jill finished as the other two nodded their agreement. "And he's finally eighteen now. The thoughts we all have about him are now perfectly legal," she said with a laugh, looking at the other two at the table knowingly.

Months later I wondered whether, if Jill hadn't said what she said next, things wouldn't have turned out differently. But she did say those words.

"Apparently he's hung like a horse too," Jill said with a grin and immediately the image burned itself into my brain — this extraordinarily handsome god-like boy-man walking toward me naked, his thick, long appendage waving proudly in front of him, eager to fill me.

"He's also the smartest guy in math in the school, right up your alley," one of the other two added.

"Math?" I asked as I tried to clear the erotic image from my brain.

"He wrote his math SAT's last year, aced them all," the one called Abbey said.

"In his junior year?"

"Your predecessor, Bob Williams, couldn't keep up with him," the other, Nancy added. "He's like a genius or something. Computers too. Our young god apparently ignored poor Bob all year."

"And what about his..." I started shyly.

"His penis? It's famous," Abbey said laughing.

"The biggest in the school," Jill added, "at least according to our sources. Has been since he was a freshman."

Many people might think that school teachers only talk about academics and other serious topics, but I'd learned in my previous two years that the reality was that we were the biggest gossips in the world.

The goings on of their teenage charges seemed to provide the average high school teacher with a continuing vicarious entertainment that they couldn't stop talking and speculating about. The latest romances, who was sleeping with whom, drug usage, who was cute, who a slut, who they'd like to try, all that and more were the main topics of conversation when we met.

So I wasn't surprised at the gossip my tablemates continued to provide. Over the next ten minutes I got the condensed life story of the student everyone called simply 'The Angel'.

'Best math and science student in school'

'Biggest prick'

'Computer genius'

'Lives in the trailer park across the tracks (the one poor area in our affluent district)'

'Mother dead, an ex-prostitute or crack-head or both'

'Best dressed'

"A loner'

'Father in and out of jail, a gang biker'

'All the cheerleaders wanted him (but none had him?)'

'Worked as a male prostitute'

'Has a motorcycle'

'No one can figure where his money comes from — sells his body?'

"You three are terrible," I finally said as I interrupted the litany of information coming from the three.

"Some of it must be true," Jill said laughing. "But he is a mystery and it's going to be up to you to help resolve some of our questions."

There were only eight students in my introductory calculus class the last period of the day; it was an elective that all but the most serious math student avoided like the plague. My 'angel' of course was there!

His real name was Johnny Angel, and it turned out Mr. Angel didn't think he needed much help from a new and young teacher, especially a female one. He basicly spent his Calculus class and my seminars on advanced math and computer programming in the days that followed reading while ignoring everything that was going on around him.

"Mr. Angel," I finally shouted out at the end of my late day class the second week of the term as he trudged out the door.

"Miss?" he asked as he turned and looked at me as he hovered at the door.

"My name is Mrs. Fisher," I said somewhat crossly as I signaled him to return inside.

"Yes ma'am?" he said as he stood bouncing from foot to foot halfway to my desk.

"Please... sit," I instructed.

"Something wrong?" he asked when he'd finally sat, his eyes darting every two seconds to his watch.

"You don't seem to be willing to contribute to the class," I started, beginning to get pissed off at this little prima donna, even if he was the most handsome boy in school and had the biggest prick.

"I'm too advanced for this Miss... they told me... Mr. Williams, last year... he told me just to sit in class and do my own work. Not to bother the others. You probably wouldn't understand this..." he said, his voice trailing off as he noticed the anger growing behind my eyes.

"Let me see your book," I ordered as I pulled the text from his hands.

"But Miss, you won't understand."

"Do this problem for me," I said after opening the book near the back and finding a page of problems. "On the board."

"It's not like adding two and two," he almost whined when I handed him the chalk. "I haven't really got this far, its..."

"Do your best, everyone says you're the genius," I ordered.

For an hour and a half he worked, at first sullenly, but then as he got engrossed, as he started to recognize I understood what was going on, he became visibly happy, almost voluble as we discussed possible solutions back and forth.

"You're not like Mr. Williams ma'am," he said happily after we'd combined to find a somewhat acceptable approach to solving the problem.

"Can we do this again," he asked eagerly.

"Yes," I said smiling, elated I'd found a student with as much ability and interest as I in math. "But."

"But what?" he said interrupting.

"But I want you to be a more positive influence in class, contribute, help, teach... just because you're smarter than everyone doesn't mean you can't..."

"Okay, okay... now when can we get together again... tomorrow?"

"No, tomorrows Friday... Bruno and I, he's my husband, we have a dinner party"

"You're married?"

"That's why I'm called Mrs. Fisher," I said grinning at this handsome, excited teen in front of me.

"Oh... Well, can't you cancel this dinner?"

God, I was so tempted to say yes but simply nodded no.

"Saturday then?"

"It's the weekend. Don't you have things to do?"


"Well, maybe Saturday afternoon... I think Bruno's going fishing."

"Noon? What's your address?"

I gave it without even thinking, swept off my feet by his exuberant energy. Then he kissed me when I went to hand him the slip of paper, simply stepped into me and quickly brought his lips to mine, let me feel his moist tongue before he stepped back.

"Thanks ma'am," he said with a cocky little grin on his face.

"You're not supposed to kiss your teacher," I finally sputtered out seconds later, trying to sound officious even as I tried to recover from my surprise.

"Mr. Williams liked it," he answered back sassily, his teenage male arrogance all of a sudden in full view.

"So you're gay," I teased, not willing to let him walk all over me even if I was still shaking.

"Sure... that's why I find you so cute," he teased back. "Yeah, you're built sooo like a boy," he added as he pulled me against him, crushing my full, firm breasts against his hard chest.

"Johnnnnnny!" I cried as my eyes rushed to check the door.

"What's your name?"

"Sarahhh," I whispered as I felt him harden against my stomach. God, the girls hadn't lied about that. It was huge.

He kissed me again quickly on the lips, then released me, then as he moved towards the door, turned and simply said, "Thanks, I'll see you Saturday."

I trembled all the way home.

"Where've you been hon?" Bruno asked when I finally stumbled through the door at six fifteen.

"I had some work after school. I..."

"What's for dinner?"

I had met Bruno early in my senior year at Syracuse. He, fifteen years my senior, had lived next door to me in my off campus apartment that year, a bank manager who'd been rotated into a position as second-in-command for the Syracuse-Buffalo region.

For a twenty-one year old, fourth year university student in 2002 America I was curiously naïve, a serious math major who'd been a computer nerd in high school and had missed the sexual awakening most of my classmates had experienced.

If anyone had bothered to ask me during my high school years I'd have probably described myself as plain or average looking. I dressed accordingly, in black mostly and definitely not sexy. My pert girls breasts might have been considered sexy but they'd lain hidden for years under layers of bulky clothes.

Then suddenly my lanky, or thin, 5'8" body grew hips and high, full breasts during the summer between high school and college. Boys discovered me during my first year in Syracuse, my suddenly mature body all of a sudden a magnet for what seemed like half the males on campus.

My red hair and green eyes, combined with my milky white smooth skin, all the product of my gran's Irish genes, seemed to ignite the male libido in a way that only frightened a still shy virgin.

I dated some that first year, got kissed in lust for the first time, even let an engineering student from Pittsburgh touch my breasts, through my sweater of course, but...

... but I maintained my virginity for two more years, always unsure of this sudden change in my status, this almost magical metamorphosis from awkward teen to desirable woman. For the most part I hid in hard work and my love of math.

Late in third year I finally slept with a boy, a boy chosen less for his sex appeal than the fact he was available as third year was winding down. I was continually horny, and this increasing horniness had started to take a toll on my work. So I just went out and got laid.

Bobby Carson of Utica, New York was the lucky boy, a freshman I'd been assigned to tutor, part of my duties associated with my fellowship grant. He was as surprised as I, and then stunned when I bled my virgin blood on his thrusting prick.

He peppered me with questions when we lay panting after we'd done, "You were a virgin?" and "Why me?" and "Was I okay?" and "Did you like it?" and "Do you want to do it again?"

He wasn't very big, nor a great lover, but those few minutes writhing under him convinced me I'd been a fool to have waited so long. I simply loved the feel of a penis inside of me. I slept with him every night for the last month of term, might have even continued on with him the next year if he hadn't failed out, the victim of too many nights in my bed.

Bruno didn't exactly sweep me off my feet during my senior year but our first tentative hallway meetings slowly evolved into dinners, and then movies, museum visits, football games until one morning I woke up in his bed.

Finally cocked again! We got engaged. Then we married three days after my graduation ceremony the following spring.

I'd sorta drifted into it, impressed I think by the clean cut, serious, well dressed, nice guy who was willing to spend a hundred dollars on a good meal for he and his date. A banker who didn't seem intimidated by a woman who understood math and computers.

Was he good looking? At thirty-six when we met, with his 5'9", 200 pound body and his neat, clean cut appearance, he'd looked younger than he was and compared favorably with my less mature classmates. Now, four years later, having added another twenty-five pounds, mostly around his waist, and with his hairline rapidly receding, he was beginning to look more like my father than my husband.

The sex had seemed fine at first; I really didn't have much to compare it with and I think I'd been so happy to finally have a sex life that I wasn't about to complain.

I found I loved having a penis in me and as our years together had passed my biggest complaint was that we didn't make love often enough. It was only when I started to hang out with the female teachers I worked with that I was finally exposed to sex gossip, something I'd totally missed in my high school years.

Horny wives, swinging, threesomes, gays and lesbians, huge penises, teacher-student sexcapades, all manner of fetishes, these were all worlds I'd somehow missed but was quickly educated about in the common room of Syracuse High.

All that this endless talk and speculation really did to me was to produce a slight dissatisfaction with my sex life, to create a curiosity, a small desire to explore something new. The move to Florida was perhaps the final catalyst I'd needed to finally break out and discover my true sexual identity.

I knew then that Bruno wasn't particularly well endowed, my recent explorations on the internet had exposed me to male genitalia that had made me gasp. His five thin inches increasingly had seemed inadequate to my needs.

Then just this past summer I'd found he had a 'low sperm count', a horrible term that just seemed to underscore his small size. Bruno hadn't ever admitted this diagnosis to me, in fact still maintained my inability to get pregnant must be due to some problem with me.

Our doctor had finally told me after I'd insisted on another battery of tests.

"It's your husband, Mrs. Fisher," he'd confided, unwilling to have me submit to unneeded tests, "he'll probably never be able to father your child."

I suppose it was all the above factors that had made me so susceptible to having an affair, to making poor Bruno the cuckold.

"So how was your day," Bruno asked pleasantly as we ate the pasta and salad I'd thrown together.

"I finally got to talk to the boy genius." I'd already told Bruno about the strange boy who'd already received acceptances for next fall from Princeton and Stanford.

"He's that tall blond kid isn't he? I think I saw him yesterday when I was leaving football practice."

Bruno had two loves in life, fishing and football, and he had always tried to help coach whatever local team would have him. The Clinton High head coach had welcomed him and Bruno spent a couple of hours two or three afternoons a week helping coach our 'Special Teams' units.

"I thought you said he was poor, lived in a trailer park or something?" he added.

"That's what the common room gossip says."

"Shit, he had a pretty fancy new motorcycle for some trailer trash kid. Nice clothes too, dressed like a fag."


"Well, how do you explain it?"

"I don't know," I answered; Johnnie's apparent access to money had also intrigued me. "He's also got a three thousand dollar laptop."

"Well he's either selling drugs or sucking cock," Bruno said smugly, "and he looks too much like a fancy boy to be selling drugs."

"He seems so big and strong... he's got a big... I mean he seems very muscular."

"Why doesn't he play ball then? He's got those fag gym pretty-boy muscles, probably can't run a lick."

One thing I knew for certain was that Johnnie was not a homosexual. He exuded a maleness that every female teacher at school recognized and responded to. "The girls... you know, my coworkers, seem pretty sure he likes girls."

"Probably in the closet... I'd still bet he's sucking cock on the side," he said with confidence.

"He's coming over tomorrow afternoon; I promised I'd help him with some problems."

"Ask him, he might admit it to his favorite teacher," he said, closing our discussion of Johnnie for that night.

But it was Johnnie's face I saw later that night as Bruno urgently pushed his little penis into me, his premature ejaculation again preventing me from any chance at having the orgasm I yearned for.

We didn't make love that first Saturday afternoon. Looking back I'm still not sure how I stopped myself from simply jumping him. I had dressed in a simple summer dress for his visit, a thin, ivory colored dress with a relatively conservative, square cut scoop above my breasts.

But although it looked conservative, it was loose enough that as soon as I hunched my shoulders in even a little bit, someone sitting next to me could see most of my breasts, breasts that afternoon that were held up and exposed in a white, lacy demi-bra.

Why didn't he simply take me as we sat with legs touching in front of my desk top computer? He must have felt the trembling in my thighs. I know he repeatedly looked down my top, know he was as sexually excited as I. I could see the huge bulge threatening to explode from his shorts.

I think in retrospect it was just the delight he felt in having finally found somebody who understood and could communicate in the language of mathematics. That he didn't want to jeopardize this for something he could get anywhere. In a way, to him, the math was more important than my body.

Our legs, our arms touched that afternoon, but we never kissed.

"So, is he gay?"


"Didn't you ask him?" Bruno demanded.

"No. But he did tell me he had a girlfriend... apparently she's older, she goes to the Community College," I lied.

"Where does he get his money then?"

"He was pretty tightlipped, didn't say."

"I'll bet," Bruno growled as he popped a can of Bud.

On both Tuesday and Thursday afternoon the following week we stayed together after class, working til close to six, one day on calculus problems, the second on a programming problem.

As we worked, our heads just inches apart, the sexual attraction we both felt threatened at any minute to explode. I could smell my need in the air; he, a sexual predator, must have known I was ready, that I was open, that I could be simply taken... he waited.

Johnnie didn't show up for school the next Monday, apparently an extraordinarily strange occurrence. I overheard one of his classmates say it was the first time he'd missed a day in three years, a comment echoed by Jill and a couple of other teachers at lunch.

He didn't show up Tuesday and finally Wednesday, with Johnnie still not there, I headed to the office. There, the secretary, Mrs. Brown, told me she hadn't received any word from Johnnie, but immediately happily furnished me his address when I told her I was willing to check on him during my lunch hour.

It was an ugly place that trailer park, a ten acre tract shoehorned between the highway to the west and the railway tracks to the east. A forlorn, littered place that you'd expect to see in the third world but never in America; a blemish among the beautiful houses of the rest of the area. The Angel residence was at the back, right next to the tracks, a broken down, single wide mobile home that seemed to list precariously on build up cement blocks that tentatively anchored it's four corners.

"Hello, anyone there," I called through the half open door after my repeated knocks had elicited no response from the dim interior.

I almost fell off the wobbling cement block that served as the step up to the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder and a belligerent demand in my ear, "Who the fuck are you lady?"

Turning I found myself facing a giant, a dirty, fat, scowling man who had to be at least 6'5" and three hundred pounds.

"I'm Mrs. Fisher, I'm here," I started before he cut me off.

"Leave me the fuck alone bitch," he hissed, "I don't have to report in til next week."

"I'm not... I'm not your... your whatever," I protested.

"What, you're one of those whores chasing Johnnie?" he then asked rudely as his eyes raked across my body. "Shit, you're a little classier than that little pricks usual fare. Maybe you'd like a man when you're finished with the boy," he said leering, his hand cupping his groin.

"I'M HIS TEACHER, his school teacher," I yelled indignantly at the slob.

"Didn't have teachers like you when I was there... he's in there," he said pointing into the trailer, his interest in me gone.

"Mrs. Fisher!" Johnnie said with a start when I barged through a thin plywood door and stumbled when my knees hit the end of his bed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." I stammered as I took in the small room and Johnnie lying on the bed, obviously naked, only one leg and his genitals covered by the thin sheet. "We were worried at the school... I just wanted to be sure you were alright," I continued to mutter.

"I was sick... I'm okay now... food poisoning or something."

"Did you see a doctor?"

"No, I'm okay... really."

"It stinks in here."

"I've been sick... yesterday... last night... I couldn't get to the toilet," he said motioning to the small trash can in the corner.

"But what about your father?"

"Clem? He's my step-dad... he's been messed up the last couple of days... some bad meth..."

"Do you have clean sheets, a towel?" I demanded as I grabbed the can and started towards the door.

"It's okay Sarah... really, you don't have to."

"Have you eaten today?" When he shook his head no I simply scowled and asked "Do you have any running water in this..."

Clem was perched on a twenty-year old, torn and dirty sofa in the living room when I exited the bedroom, simply gave him the puke filled can as I passed towards the sink.

"What the fuck's this shit," he growled as he contemplated the smelly contents facing him.

"Your son's sick. Don't you care?" I demanded as I moved back to Johnnie's cubbyhole with a pot of hot water, a sponge, and a couple of less than white towels.

I slowly washed him, wiping first the flecks of puke from his face and neck, then the sweat and dirt from his chest and arms. "You're strong... muscled," I said softly as I cleaned the thick muscles of his chest. "And no stomach," I added as I ran the washcloth over his washboard abs.

"I work out some," he said shyly. "You don't have to," he started to add as my hand worked the sheet lower.

It was magnificent, huge and thick, sitting proudly half filled on his golden thigh, then it started to lift, to grow as I washed his thighs, his matted, blond pubic thatch.

"I'm sorry," he groaned as it sprang upward, "I can't stop it."

"Oh Jesus," I couldn't help spitting out as it bounced against my hand on its upward journey. Then regaining my composure, added with an insincere sounding giggle, "Well, I guess you can't be that sick."

He was grinning when I finally finished washing him and looked challengingly into my eyes, proud I'd seen it, doing nothing to cover himself, sensing my excitement, my hunger for him.

"Have you eaten?... no, well I'll go and get you something."

"You don't have to," he protested as I left.

He was still naked when I returned a half hour later, a large bowl of soup, a steaming pot of stew and a roll of French bread in hand. "You should cover yourself in front of me," I admonished as I sat on the edge of his bed and started to ladle the seaming soup into his mouth.

"Sorry," he said between mouthfuls, then pulled his sheet up so it covered about half of his rampant cock, which seconds later grew some more and escaped the feeble attempt to hide it.

I finally stood and told him, "Call me tomorrow... here's my cell number... I want to hear how you are... understand?"

"Yes Sarah... thanks for coming... for everything... for..."

"Just get well. And you and I are going to sit down and talk... about all this," I warned as my hand indicated he whole trailer world around me. Then bent and meant to give him a light peck on his cheek but met his lips when he suddenly turned his head.

He held my head when I tried to jump back, pushed his wet tongue between my lips, held me as our tongues swirled together. I finally pulled myself free, mumbled, "Oh God," then rushed from the room, my nipples aching, my vagina tingling.

I delivered another meal the next day and found him ninety-nine per cent better, the color almost completely back in his tanned skin. But he was still proudly naked... hard... posing... I said nothing while I fed him, but he didn't miss the constant glances I stole of his sex. It made Bruno's look like a baby's.

He finally came back to school Friday.

"What are you doing tomorrow," he asked at the end of class.

"I'm busy."

"But I've missed a week's work. What about Sunday?"

"I can't. Not in the morning anyway."

"I'll come at noon then," he almost ordered and then turned and left the class.

"Why do you live there? What's going on?" I blurted out seconds after we'd sat down to lunch Sunday.

"What do you mean?"

"You have a fancy laptop, dress well, Bruno says your motorcycle's worth $10,000. You're living in a hovel. I don't understand."

"It's complicated," Johnnie said stalling.

"Bruno thinks you're sleeping with rich, gay men."

"WHAT! I'm not a homo... is he crazy?"

"I know you aren't," I answered looking right into his eyes. "You're a man."

"Well... that's okay then," he said, and then after moments of silence added, "I play the market."


"The stock market. I trade. Its all mathematics... don't you invest?"

"Bruno handles our investments, he's the banker."

"I'll teach you," he laughed.

He went on to tell me an abbreviated story of his life. His mom had died when he was eight, leaving Johnnie in the care of his step-dad Clem. Clem had apparently had at least a couple of run-ins with the law, one which had produced a six month layover in jail, the other an eighteen month stretch upstate.

"He's okay really," Johnnie said.

"But who took care of you?"

"It was okay, I got by," he said shrugging. "Neighbors, women... they like me."

He'd been a runner for the drug boys when he was between ten and fifteen, seemingly a ritual every young boy in the area was expected to undergo. He'd lived with prostitutes who worked the trailer park.

"The cops can't do much to a fourteen year old," he explained. "Just pick you up and a couple of hours later they have to let you go."

Even at that age he was a prodigy at school and so apparently spent his days studying and running drugs, his nights often in the arms of well worn whores. They taught him.

"My god," I finally interrupted, "I never even had a date in high school, you were sleeping with whores."

"Bullshit!... You must have had boyfriends, men who wanted you."

"I was a late developer."

"You're beautiful... so sexy."

"Not then."

"If you had been in my class you wouldn't have lasted a week," he bragged.

"All the teachers say you don't even have a girlfriend, haven't slept with any of your pretty classmates," I countered.

"Like you said... I'm a man; they're just young girls, they don't interest me... I like women."

"Like me?"

"You're a teacher... married... you're classy, different," he stalled, his eyes trying to read me, seemingly unwilling to take the final step. Was I his mathematics equal or just another whore to fuck?

We were circling each other, my need obvious. "So, I guess we should just go and do some work... I thought maybe you were someone else... a man would just take," I challenged softly as I leaned my rear back against the dining room table, "a man who'd make me his slave, his plaything... his..."

I didn't finish as he crushed me against him, gasped as he tore the dress from my body.

"You're not wearing any underwear?" he questioned as he lifted me and then dropped me naked on the cool polished surface of the Cuban mahogany table.

"I was hoping," I murmured as I watched him as he pulled his shirt over his head, then tried to reach for his belt before he pushed me back, stared as he stood between my hanging legs and pulled his jeans off.

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She came real close to me and i thought she was going to kiss me but she knelt down and started unzipping my pants. It hurt a little when she pulled my dick out. It was real hard. She kissed it on the head and said "Don't look so scared" and laughed. "What if my wife finds out" I uttered in a shaky voice. "Well its such a horny day, with the rain and all" she said as she sucked my cork, nice and slow. It was a miserable day to be stuck in traffic, i hated the rain. It always caused so much more...

2 years ago
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Mother8217s Love For Uncle8217s Cock

Hi this is a real life story of my mother Kumari having a wonderful sexual relation with my aunt’s (father’s elder sister) husband whom i call uncle. Let me introduce my mom to you. At the time of this incident she was 33 years old voluptuous woman with 40 C sized boobs and 42 sized ass. She is a typical south Indian lady with medium fair complexion. She can attract any man with her voluptuous body. My father is 40 years old and is serving in the army. My uncle Babu is a typical villager aged...

2 years ago
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Beauty by BobH (c) 2009 Today is my wedding day. And watching the hustle and bustle as all those around me rush to get everything ready for the big occasion I can't help but think back on my relationship with her...with Rose. I first saw her one Friday night sitting at the bar in a smoky basement club in London's Soho, sipping a Scotch and smoking a cigarette. Dressed all in black - high heels, stockings, leather skirt, tank top, a leather jacket slung over the back of...

2 years ago
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Driving Daisy CrazyChapter 4

Strange, Daisy thinks, that no sooner does he climax than Randy Buck is out of her and into the pool, swimming laps as though they had not just made love, ignoring her completely. Maybe, she thinks, he knows. Still, she has gotten him off. And herself as well, even though she does not "love" him, does not, in the rutting, bitch-in-heat sense, desire him. Wealthy, older man, young, beautiful girl with nothing, the theme was there, is here. Traditional, acceptable, a trifle trite,...

5 years ago
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No More Tears

The letter arrived today that Dina had been expecting, yet it didn't ease the sting of the formality of the words as she read them to herself, Petition for Divorce.Since her husband walked out on her over eight months ago, they’d been living separately. Although Dina had no hopes of reconciling with her cheating husband, the realization that their ten-year marriage was now in its final chapter really hit her hard. She wanted to scream, shout, or throw something. Instead, she sank to the settee...

Oral Sex
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Mandy and Me Part 2

Introduction: Second part to the Mandy and Me series ** This is a sequel to Mandy and Me: Part 1. This story was written in a first person POV to help the story make a bit more sense.** The following morning is a school day. Its already 9:00 am and Im stuck in second period with Mr. Rose. His historical lecture about the Civil War is boring me to death. All of his lectures bore me. Mr. Rose is the type who loves to shove irrelevant information down your throat, when all you want to do is hurry...

2 years ago
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DDFBusty Kesha Ortega Kira Queen A Horny Home Showing

Sexy lezzies Kesha Ortega and Kira Queen are on the hunt for a new property, and hunky agent Kristof Cale soon finds that besides getting a nice hefty commission from these horny hoes, he gets to be a part of their XXX home christening. Join the FFM threesome in this Pornworld Busty premium porn premiere as the babes go buck wild on his ballsack, sucking and licking his cajones and his cock. The curvy cuties each enjoy the broker’s big shaft deep in their throats in 69 while Kristof gets...

3 years ago
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Traffic Jam

The holiday season has come and gone. Resolutions have been made with all the sincerity of a paid witness. Yet… its still my most joyous time of year. Let me begin by telling you that I don't consider myself to be a very sensual woman. I don't date all that often because of the demand on my time at work, and occasional sex is far less frequent. Good sex is rarer still. I'd pretty much settled into a routine of romance novels and masturbation as a means of sexual gratification. With a vivid...

4 years ago
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The Old Professor vs the Young Student

The Old Professor vs the Young Student By MinxGirl and billy69boyI had been teaching at the university for some 30 years, and I had never encountered such an intriguing vision as Soleil in all my days. She is a beauty, and an enigma. She was breathtakingly refreshing and very frustrating…beautiful, yet exasperating. I came to be rather obsessed with this 20 year old vixen from the first time I saw her in class, just something about her that caught my attention: she was half Thai, and half...

2 years ago
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A story about a 60 year old hooking up again with his sexy 30 something ex-employee. Shortly after the naughty fun with my younger work colleague Suzy (see my story ‘Let The Sunshine In’) I retired and took on part time consultancy work. A few months later I bumped into her at the hardware store. I had just gone through the checkout and when I stepped outside she was waiting for me. ‘Hi Bill’. ‘Oh hi Suzy nice to see you’. We instinctively gave each other a friendly hug. ‘Hi Bill I saw you at...

4 years ago
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Beauty and the Smurf pt 2

Beauty and the Smurf Chapter 2: Secrets Revealed & DecisionFor a few split seconds, no one in the castle knew what to say. It was strange enough that Lotus and Paige are from the future. But for them to know Valentina the fairy godmother is even stranger… Finally, Papa spoke, “Lotus, Paige, how do you two know Valentina the fairy godmother?” Lotus answered without hesitation, “Mademoiselle Valentina was our next-door neighbor in Paris. But tha’ still doesn’t explain why she iz here…” King...

4 years ago
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Breast sister ever

Hello iss readers. Finally i have gathered the courage to put my experience in words and share my experience with all you lovely people who are into incest. Frankly speaking it took ages for me digest the fact that something like incest really exists. I was myself dead against the idea of incest and kept on wondering how anyone could ever think of sleeping with some one who is related to you by blood. About me, my name is akhil from vizag and i am now 27. This all happened when i was about 22...

1 year ago
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The Prisoner Wore Panties Chapter 1

British prisoners during WW2 formed amateur dramatic societies in German POW camps to keep themselves occupied and men played female roles quite convincingly. Their German captors encouraged these activities to keep the prisoners active and their minds on things other than escape. But what if one of the prisoners disguised himself as a woman as a ruse to escape? Chapter One - Benny's Girls When the train slowed the young woman stood and took her small suitcase down from the overhead baggage...

4 years ago
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Dosti ki biwi dosti kerna chahti thi

Dosto main lahore main rehta hon aur aik firm main kam krta hon. Yahan sirf main aur meri biwi rehte hain baqi family pindi rehti hai. Sex stories parh ker main ne soch main b apne adventures ap se share kron. Mujhe larkeyon ke ass cheeks bahut pasand hain aur un ko chatna. Agar kisi dost ko meri story pasand aye tu plz mail me to Aarshad mera dost hai jis ka medical store hai. Us ki biwi ka naam noreen hai. Un ke do bache hain. Hamara aik dosre ke haan kafi ana jana hai. Us ke biwi ki height...

4 years ago
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Mother Swapping ndash Part 2 Fucked My Friends Mom

The next morning I went inside my room. I saw mom taking a shower, and Suraj was sleeping in the bed naked. I could see plenty of torn pieces of condoms on the floor as if they had been fucking the whole night.I woke Suraj and asked him to go to his room and get ready. We had plans to visit nearby places. He went to his room. Mom came out of the shower wearing her night suit. I could see she was looking satisfied and happy. I was getting jealous.Now I could not wait to get my chance with Kavita...

2 years ago
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Getting Your Honey to Eat Creampie

Honey And Creampie Since I have had many of my female readers ask me about Creampie's, or more specifically, how to encourage their husband's to partake of the practice, I figured it was time for me to write something about the subject. The whole idea about a Creampie can make some women squeamish. This is something I don't understand since I love the act, but for these types of women the mess is gross. It is no different I suppose when you think about anybody's personal sexual preferences....

2 years ago
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There was this girl. The elevator opened on eleven and I got in. She must’ve been coming down from twelve, or the offices in the penthouse. It used to be a restaurant. Now it’s a real estate office for the condos in the building. I could tell where she was going, since I could, I’m sorry to say, smell it on her. I’m a recovering smoker, so I picked up on it pretty quickly. I hadn’t seen this girl here before, so I did my normal for any beautiful woman I’m put into a close quarters situation...

3 years ago
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An unsolved puzzle

A unsolved case "My Dear Holmes, I do believe that your interest in that poor dead woman's corpse is most unseemly!" said Dr John Watson to his long-time friend and colleague, who was sat between the corpse's thighs, examining her private parts with his magnifying glass, while chewing on the stem of his unlit pipe. "Surely the poor woman is entitled to her modesty, even in death, and notwithstanding that she is an Asiatic, of the lower orders." "On the contrary, Dear Watson,"...

4 years ago
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Sarahs farm adventures pt2

Part 2: CuriosityThis part took place sometime in May, I was sure of this because I had seen the flowers blooming and the crops were at their peak for the season. I also recall summer being near, due to the warmer weather and I had just turned fortein a few weeks back. I still seemed to be very much addicted to masturbation, and for a while I had thoughts of what it would be like to have sex frequently crossing the back of my mind whenever I did it. You see... At the time I had only heard of...

3 years ago
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First time fucked

Back in 1965 a friend and I decided to go adventuring. We hitchhiked all over the UK until one afternoon we were just outside Gloucester. There was a big pub called the White Hart, so we decided to spend our last few shillings on a drink and a sandwich. The place was run by two guys, maybe twenty-five or thirty years old, who obviously cottoned on to the fact that we were on the loose, and they invited us to stay the night. They gave us dinner, and afterwards my friend and I discussed the...

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Every Other Sunday

I always sleep on my own side of the bed, even when Mike isn’t here. I never use his pillow, either. For as far back as I can remember, Mike and I have shared the same bed. Mom pushed the bed against the corner of the room, and I sleep on the outside, so he won’t fall out of bed. She didn’t need to, because Mike never moves a muscle in bed. Sometimes, I wake up in the night and see Mike staring at the ceiling with his eyes wide open and lying in the same position that he fell asleep. I...

4 years ago
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Adventures at an Artists Colony

ADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS’ COLONY Sisyphus Chapter One When I arrived at Hickory Run, an artists’colony in New York State, my intent was to have a two week writing retreat with no distractions so I could finish my novel. The setting was perfect, a small log cabin tucked in a grove of trees with a view of Indian Lake. Each cabin, however, had two separate apartments. For a hundred dollars more a week I could have had a cabin without an adjoining space, but, as it was, I could barely afford this...

Straight Sex
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My Lusty Ashwini Aunty

Hi people, I am a new writer for Indian sex stories since I had read most of the stories I thought of sharing my experience with my sexy aunty (Ashwini) my uncle’s wife….5-11″ tall not so fare..Her tits are small but her ass could make you go mad…The way she swings it while walking around in the compound! One day when I woke up in the morning I headed out to my balcony to see the bright light of the sun and also to see the view from there…It was a bright saturday morning as usual for me it was...

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My Irish Nymph

This is dedicated to my Irishgirl, and may not be as erotic as you are used to but it really is just a story for my dear girl. But I hope you like.There was once a wood nymph that lived in the forest of the land of snow-capped mountains and sheep. She would fly through the trees beating her insect wings as fast as she could try to escape a terrible loneliness. She watched the humans coupling, clutching at each other as if trying to become one.She came to enjoy watching the humans "fucking" as...

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Polly and Sebastian Leotard Lovers

I had Kev on speaker phone. His voice was lamenting how his boss had fired him and how unfair it was. ‘A-ha,’ I said disinterestedly, as I applied more mascara and ran another layer of lip gloss over my dark red lipstick. ‘Right, okay,’ I said, rolling my eyes. I smoothed my hands over my skintight, long-sleeved black leotard and checked my gleaming silver-black tights in the mirror. ‘Listen, I’m kinda in the middle of something now,’ I said impatiently. I secretly smiled, as I carefully placed...

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Taking My Friends Mom In The Kitchen

“Dude… I am SO PUMPED!!!” My friend Travis yelled over the phone as I watched TV. It was the middle of July here in Massachusetts, and we were 2 days away from the highlight of my summer, a heavy metal festival coming by. Travis and I have been friends for about 2 and a half years at this point, myself coming into the town high school from a public school and becoming friends with him due to our mutual tastes in music. We are very similar in a lot of ways, like being extremely tall for our age...

2 years ago
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Showering With SisterChapter 6

I’d been in my room, somehow feeling sorry for myself about half the time and wanting to beat off the other half, when she knocked on my door. She didn’t wait for me to tell her to come in and opened the door. She closed it for some reason and stood beside it, leaning against the wall. “Are you mad at me?” she asked. “What? Me? No,” I said. She was dressed in nice shorts and a blouse, like she planned on going to the mall or something. “I was worried,” she said. “I can understand that,”...

3 years ago
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Old Guy Gets A Blow Job At The Car Boot Sale

I wrote this shortly after it happened. Ten years ago now.When I was a younger man, like most guys I was obsessed with sex, used to walk around with a constant hard-on. If I look at old photos of myself, I could cry thinking about all the gorgeous girls I lusted after but couldn't be arsed spinning a line to. You see, there’d always be tomorrow or the day after. You know, that day when some gorgeous young thing would offer it to me on a plate.They never did, though.At least not back then, that...

Quickie Sex
5 years ago
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A Maid Man

A Maid Man by Patricia Violet Chapter 1: The Arrival of the Delicate Miss Wilkons Ashton was a struggling author, but he could never seem to stay focused on a story long enough to finish it. So one summer after many failed attempts to write his novel, he moved out of his apartment in Manhattan to his family's small summer cottage out on a small lake upstate. Out here he could focus on writing and nothing else, or so he thought. He called my residence...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 332

We were all at a deer camp. No one wanted to room with Bob, because he snored so badly. We decided it wasn’t fair to make one of them stay with him the whole time, so we voted to take turns. The first guy slept with Bob and comes to breakfast the next morning with his hair a mess and his eyes all bloodshot. We said, “Man, what happened to you?” He said, “Bob snored so loudly, I just sat up and watched him all night.” The next night it was a different guy’s turn. In the morning, same...

4 years ago
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New in the office

My name is Jeremy and i am a 34 year old married guy. I have been working at that company for only about 6 months. I was not to excited at first with the job but i needed the money. We just moved cities, to a small house with a garden and both the garden and the house needed a ton of work. So i just took the first job that came around. It was a sales job for a big clothing company . Now i never figured myself to be much of a salesperson and after a couple of weeks that feeling was confirmed....

4 years ago
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My uncle fucks me

When I opened the door, I could hardly believe my eyes. My niece Maria was standing there looking up at me with a expectant smile on her face. What I couldn’t believe was how she had filled out and blossomed into the small, perfectly proportioned, sexy young thing before me. I was almost instantly aroused at the sight of her.Always a small shy girl, Maria would almost shrink into the background whenever her Uncle Al would visit. Which is not to say, I didn’t notice her. Despite her shy ways,...

3 years ago
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Walking Alone Part One

It was completely deserted when I pulled into the parking lot alongside the Metal Arts building, but at eight on a week night that wasn't surprising. The majority of campus classes ended by five, so even the most devote students had given up on their masterpieces for the night and gone home, leave the entire area quiet as a graveyard. Come Friday and the beginning of the weekend, this lot would be packed end to end with beat up old cars like mine, as students swarmed to the bars...

2 years ago
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Bridesmaid BethanyChapter 1

I suppose that in today's constantly evolving society, things would have been much easier for me had I simply been either a gay man or a transsexual woman. The stereotype that gay men routinely cross dressed, perpetrated by pop culture's embrace of the outrageous, campy drag queen, was rivaled only by the daytime-talk-show-portrayal of the transsexual as a predatory seducer of straight men. But for a heterosexual, genetic male like myself, to dress as a woman not as the result of a...

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Childhood Experiences

Right from my primary schools, I have been exploring the pleasures of gay sex. I never knew it was gay sex at that time but used to feel “funny” doing it. I don’t really know when it all started but I can vaguely remember few such incidents. The oldest I could remember was, when I was in class 3. As a curious and enthusiastic kid, I go easy with all of my classmates. I was a last-bencher and on one day, my teacher asked me to sit in 2nd row, next to Jeeva(as far I can remember). He was quick...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Virgins story

This is my first story. Hope you will like it. Before getting into the story let me introduce myself. My name is A…..(you can call me Chinnu.).I am from Kerala ( Thrissur ). Well I am 5″6 and have a gorgeous masculine body since I workout 2 hrs every day for the past two years. Well I will be 18 only on the 8th of the coming Nov. Well I am studying for my Engineering. Let us get into the story now. Actually I am a shy personality and hence have had very few encounters with feminine. Yet those...

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The Fire Alarm

I have a recurring nightmare. A fire alarm has sounded in my apartment building in the middle of the night. I've evacuated with the rest of the residents and am standing out on the sidewalk as firefighters rush into the building. There's no sign of smoke. It's cool out; a light drizzle is falling. I don't mind however; it's refreshing.What bothers me is my gradual self-discovery that I've left my bed wearing pantyhose and panties. The red lacquer on my toenails is visible through tan hose's...

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Turn the Tables Ch3

  My name is Katherine, Kat for short. I am the star and CEO of one of the most popular pay-for-view porn websites on the internet. My husband Jimmy started it without my knowledge. That story is told in Chapter 1. I took it over 9 months ago and made many changes. I employ a full time film crew and have used 6 different actors in our videos. We update the site about once a week with either pictures or videos. My assistant Carla really runs the show and I couldn’t have done this without her....

Wife Lovers
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Jack and JillChapter 32

It was Monday afternoon, a little over two weeks since Mary had been raped. This was her first time out since she'd come home last Thursday. John was driving, I was in the front passenger seat. Mom and Jill were on either side of my sister. We were going to see Dr. Bartlett, the doctor who examined Jill and prescribed the pill for her. The reason Mom was in the back seat instead of me was simple. Mary would freak out if a male was near her for any period of time. She would talk to me if I...

4 years ago
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StopwatchChapter 14 College Is a Bad Joke

Our professors had zero grasp of the real world. Absolutely none. Plan a construction project and don't save funding for the Union bosses, the building inspectors, even the cop on the beat? Everyone wants their vigorish. Nothing will pass if there's even anything left to work with when the cop looks the other way. No bribes for the Union ... your plumbing pipe goes missing, even the carpenters NAILS are gone. Or someone "accidentally" sprays water on them and they rust ... since you...

3 years ago
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Me and Mr Bill Part 5 The Poker Poke Her Game

Introduction: My sex filled partly fictional story: Me and Mr. Bill continues. Starting with an incestious story leading a nice bisexual scene and then a sex filled poker game with some BDSM! Before the Game: Waking Up Waking up I was totally disoriented. Slowly opening my eyes, I realized I was not in my bedroom. Feeing the presence of another body in bed with me, I turned my head and saw a spread of red hair. Elise! I thought, but where were we? The head of red hair slowly turned towards me....

3 years ago
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Cuckolded by Bedouins

I recently received my doctorate in Ancient Middle East History, and my wife Lindsay and I moved to the Midwest United States for me to take a professorship at a university there. My name is Ed, and we were both thirty years old at the time of this story. I started mid-year, and would not have a class until after the Christmas break, so the university sponsored a ten day research vacation for us in Jordan before school reconvened.My dissertation is on Arabic culture, and I knew that as a new...

4 years ago
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Making Up

He knew that she was blue. The lack of expression on her face and in her actions was only a small part of the overall picture. The dejected slope of her shoulders as she sat demurely with her hands in her lap and her head slightly bowed completed the vision of a very sad person. The dozen long stemmed roses that he had brought to her lay forgotten on the table nearby. He removed his coat and kneeled on the floor in front of her. ‘I’m sorry, I know you were right. I never should have left in a...

4 years ago
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Lust on a Train Part II

The train entered the tunnel, the familiar pressure change making my head sing. I leant against her hand, enjoying the touch of her fingers stroking my face. My cheeks were burning; was anyone watching? It seemed not. I had hold of Angela’s ankle still rubbing myself against her toes that wriggled and teased against my pussy. The dull ache I had felt was becoming a stronger need. ‘Wait’ I breathed and releasing her foot, reached down and under my skirt, lifting my bottom off the seat as I...

2 years ago
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GotMylf Sheena Ryder Filled Up With Frankencock

Sheena Ryder is looking sexy and domineering in her long black dress. She welcomes us into her home by shaking and moving her hips to the beat of her own drum. She twists around and then pulls up the back of her black dress to reveal her perfect peach bottom. Just watch her jiggle that thing up and down! Her tits are nothing to sneeze at either, as she plays with them enticingly before getting down on all fours like a dirty girl and twerking her ass through her thin green thong. But the fun...

2 years ago
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I Love Older Men

By the time I was 17, I had probably had sex with over 50 guys, most of them were at least 5 years older, but some were in their 40’s.   I started hanging out in a bar where a lot of lawyers, doctors and other professionals went.   When I decided to dress up, I looked old enough to be in a bar.   I would go there with my cousins, one of them got me a fake ID just in case, and it looked just like me. On occasion, I would make dates with some of the men there.   Guys like that...

First Time
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A Time for Everything

While enduring the hour-long commute to his office, he looked at his watch and saw the date glaring back at him. The moment seemed insignificant for what seemed like a minute before he was struck by a revelation. It had been exactly a year since he was fortunate enough to find his perfect girl and make her his own. What a special day.From an undeniable chemistry, grew a love deeply rooted in trust. From that trust grew a bond impregnable from the outside. Besides the number of miles between...

3 years ago
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Birthday treat

It was my girlfriend’s birthday two weeks ago and we had arranged to head out of town to a 5 star country spa hotel for a couple of nights! On arriving we quickly unpacked and headed to the pool via reception to book some treatments for the weekend! She chose herself an hour facial, a manicure, a pedicure and a full body massage. Relaxing in the Jacuzzi I found myself running my hands over her legs. Using the cover of the bubbles I slyly moved my hand up and began rubbing her shaved pussy...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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To Dance Together

She was a dancer. He loved dancing. He loved watching it. He loved doing it. He saw her, for the first time, at a restaurant. He had gone there to eat a meal and there she was, performing. At the sight of her, he was unable to eat his meal. All he could do was watch her. The stage was tiny, but she did not need much space to move. She could have danced her whole set in three square feet. That was how tight her moves were. Her arms, expressive. Her face, lost in the music. Her waist, supple and...

4 years ago
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Steele And Jake Forever

10pm. Rain-thuds. Windless. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my neighbourhood houses which looked like giant ships anchored in a dead calm sea of darkness. Depression. Hopelessness. Sensitivity. I’m 18 year old Steele Sanders, and I’m sitting on the rainy front stairs that lead up to my suburban home, lonely, still and blank. My black Nike hoodie drenched, only revealing the lower half of my face, between droplets, I look down, unmoved, like a concrete statue, as if waiting for something...

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