My Fist Orgy...or Was It?? free porn video

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A little over a year ago Jose and I were wrapping up one of our sex sessions as was becoming the norm on a bi-weekly basis. We laid there next to each other on the lawn chair in my back yard recovering from the great sex we just had for about 10 minutes or so just shooting the shit. As we both started to get up and Jose was getting his clothes back on he asked me if he could bring some more friends next time. I replied to him that Miguel was always welcome and he didn’t need to ask if he wanted to bring him. He said he was talking about more than just Miguel. Intrigued I asked “How many you talking about?” and he replied that he wasn’t sure. I nodded ok and he said “Is this Wednesday ok?” Normally he come son Mondays but I said it was ok and he smiled and left.

Later that day I called my neighbor and she picked up the phone. We exchanged greetings and then I told her I had a surprise for her. I told her that Jose was going to be bringing some friends by on Wednesday and I think it may be a mini-orgy. She got all excited as asked if she could join. I told her it may not be a good idea because Jose doesn’t even know that her and her husband watches us. She sounded a little disappointed but understood and said that she will try and stay out of sight when she watches. She asked that I text her when it started and I told her that would not be a problem and we hung up.

Tuesday night rolled around and I had realized that we never discussed a time. So just to be safe I took the day off and went to sleep. When I awoke I took my shower and prepared my body as I usually do on Monday mornings waiting for him. I didn’t bother to get dressed as usual and I waited for their arrival as usual watching TV in the living room. Usually Jose shows up early afternoon but around 10:30am I saw his truck followed by another car pull up to my house. I am watching through the window as Jose and 3 other men get out of his truck (one of which was Miguel). And then three men proceed to exit the car behind him.

I was ecstatic. I had never been in an orgy and the best part was all the men appeared to be large athletic men. I was hoping the package matched the bodies. I grabbed my phone, text my neighbor and ran to the back yard. I forgot the lube so I ran back in, grabbed it and headed back outside. I took a seat on the lawn chair and started to slowly stroke myself. Just then my neighbor comes out onto her balcony, takes her lawn chair and turns it so that it faces my yard. Worried that she was going to spook the guys I gave her a look and she said, “Don’t worry, I know how to hide. She went back into her room and emerged with a couple of beach towels. She d****d them over the banister of the balcony and left just a couple of slats open for her to peek through. She laid down on her chair and I could barely see her. If you didn’t know it was a person behind there to begin with you wouldn’t have been able to spot her.

I heard the side gate open to my yard and the men started making their way back. They were being loud and talkative and I knew this was going to be a good time. As they came around the corner they all started hootin’ and hollerin’ at me and I just laughed as I sat there stroking myself. Once everyone settled down Jose spoke up and said out loud “We are all her to fuck you.” All of a sudden I realized all along that I was wrong. This wasn’t an orgy, it was a gangbang!
I got this big smile on my face and asked if he was serious. He said yes, and that they all were there to fuck me. I said “Well let’s get this started then!” The men all began stripping off their clothes. Some were already hard the others began playing with themselves to get hard.

I went up to some of the soft ones and started sucking and jerking them off to get them hard. There was a nice collection of cocks present. Miguel’s of course still being the top dog as not many can compare to him. However there were a couple that were well above average size and if not for Miguel would have won a prize. The rest were about average and I was perfectly fine with that. Once I was satisfied that everyone was ready I lowered the head of the lawn chair so that the chair laid flat and laid with my head hanging off at the foot of the chair. The men formed a circle around and Jose took up position to be the first to fuck me.

While Jose was lubing up his cock and my ass I grabbed the guy closet to my head and took his cock in my mouth. I tilted my head back as far as I could and he took the hint. He lowered into a better position for him and he began to fuck my throat. I reached out my arms and held them up and the men next to my arms positioned their cocks in my hands and I began to stroke the two men.

Jose finally finished his preparation and slid inside me. He began fucking me but at a nice leisurely pace. I was rock hard enjoying being under the sun getting fucked by a group of guys. One of the men not currently involved in the action reached down and started stroking my cock. So I had Jose inside my ass, a man with his cock down my throat, a cock in each hand while another guy was stroking me. If this isn’t heaven I don’t know what is.

This went on for a couple of minutes and then Jose pulled out and yelled “Switch!” Jose moved to his left and everyone followed suit. Everyone moved a spot to their left taking over the job of the person that was previously there. The man I was stroking off with my right hand moved over then stuck his cock down my throat. The man who was stroking my cock now moved to where I was jacking him off with my right hand. I was starting to get excited because Miguel was next in line to fuck me.

Again after a couple of minutes Miguel yelled to switch and everyone moved to their left one spot. Before the next guy could shove his cock down my throat I looked up at Miguel and gave him a big smile. He just smiled back and placed the tip of his huge cock at my ass. The next guy was in position at my head so I leaned back and took him in my mouth. He was one of the larger guys so he had a little trouble getting in my throat at first but after a few pumps my throat loosened a little and let him in. Miguel had yet to enter me as he usually eases into me since he is so big. However today I think the kinkiness of the situation for to him and then all of a sudden in one big thrust Miguel slammed all 10” inches of himself balls deep. My body jumped from the shock of it and I let out a yelp. All the men just laughed and continued on with what they were doing.

Miguel was pumping harder than all of them and my body was tingling all over. I had to do everything I could to not cum but it was futile. I started to yell at almost the top of my lungs that I was going to cum and the Jose who was the one jacking me off angled my cock towards my face and as Miguel continued to pound my ass and prostate, I shot my load all up my chest and face. I could see some of the guys just look at each other and smile. I was thoroughly enjoying myself and so were they.

Jose finally yelled to switch again and I was kind of sad as I was enjoying Miguel. Nevertheless everyone gets a turn today so everyone rotated and we continued. We kept this up until Jose was finally back at my ass. As everyone else did, Jose entered me and began fucking me. This time though I could tell it was with more purpose. Within a couple of minutes Jose was thrusting in and out of me as hard as he could. I could tell he was about to finish as he has this look on his face that he gets when he is about to cum. Sure enough seconds later Jose starts to grunt loudly and then bellows out that he is coming as he pumped his seed deep into my ass. Once Jose was done one of the other guys high fived him and then Jose went and sat down off to the side.

With that, everyone moved to their left and took up their new position. The next guy entered me and began pumping me. Like Jose before him, this man fucked me hard for a couple of minutes and he too came deep in my ass. Jose was supposed to be next but he moved to the end of the line. Almost as if he wanted to be the grand finale. After that gentleman had finished he came back up towards my head and put his cock that was coated in cum up to my face and I cleaned it off.

The next guy stepped up and taking the cue from the men before him, he fucked me hard and came inside me. He too came to me to clean it off. By now I had the cum of three men inside me. I was trying as hard as I could to not push it out but there was just too much to hold in and my ass was loose enough at this point that it slowly began to seep out. And each cock brought to my face after cumming was covered more and more each time with cum.

One by one they all fucked me one last time, came inside me and then I would lick their cock clean. It finally came down to Miguel and me. By now my cock was hard again and it was getting even harder in anticipation of the pleasures that Miguel’s cock was going to bring me. As he did the first time, Miguel wasted no time and rammed his cock all the way until his balls were slapping against me. Since his cock was so big that one big thrust sent a flow of cum pouring out of my ass in order to make room for his monster.

With every thrust that Miguel made it was making almost a sloshing sound in my ass there was so much cum in there. Miguel was wasting no time at all as he was fucking me like a rabbit. Tired of being on his knees grabbed my legs and stood up lifting my lower body up in the air with him. He then began downward thrusts into my ass as if he was pile driving me.

The other guys were sitting around watching this, some were hard again and jacking off. They were all yelling and cheering like they were watching a soccer match. Miguel was pounding me down into the chair so hard my back was hurting but every other part of me was feeling fantastic so I didn’t stop him. Within a minute I was starting to feel the urge to cum again and I didn’t hold back. The benefit of my current position is that my cock was just a mere inches from my face just hovering right about it. I began to cum again and I shot almost my entire load directly into my mouth. I swallowed my load and immediately asked if anyone wanted a blowjob. One of the guys jumped up and ran over and swung his leg over me so that he was facing the same way as Miguel. He lowered down until his cock entered my mouth.

He didn’t waste any time and he was fucking my face with fervor. Miguel was starting to do his usual body convulsions that signaled his time was coming. I just laid there at the full mercy of these two men as they both pounded their cocks in and out of my ass and mouth. Surprisingly enough the man with his cock in my mouth laid down on his stomach almost suffocating me and began fucking my face even harder. He beat Miguel to the punch and unloaded into my mouth. It was hard to swallow in my current position but I managed. The guy rolled off and onto the floor to the applause of his friends.

Miguel was tightening his grip on me and I knew it was time. He drove his cock down into me (felt like it was in my chest) and released spurt after spurt of his seed in me. Everything was staying inside of me thanks to being on my back or else it would have gushed out of my ass. When he was done Miguel yelled for a cup. One of the guys jumped up and asked where to get one. I told him to grab it off the night stand next to my bed. He ran inside and then came back out cup in hand and gave it to Miguel. Miguel tossed the water in it into the bushes and then laid be back down flat on the chair. He pulled me towards the end until my ass was hanging off. He placed the cup under my ass and told me to push all of them out of me. I did as requested and for the next couple of minutes I pushed and pushed until the cum of all seven of them (or what was left in me) was in the cup.

I sat up, grabbed the cup from Miguel and drank the entire thing as they yelled and high fived. Never have I drank so much cum at one time. There had to be the equivalent of half a soda can of semen in that cup. But I powered through it and down it went. Miguel came over and I licked his cock clean as I had done with the others. I laid there on the lawn chair as they all started to gather their clothes and get dressed. They eventually all left and I stayed laying out in the sun with my torso covered in my dried cum.

After they got in their cars and pulled away I head someone clapping. I opened my eyes to see my now naked neighbor standing there applauding from her balcony. I just gave a little bow and said thank you. She said that was a phenomenal show and that she thoroughly enjoyed it. At this point she is beginning to rub herself as she talks to me. She asks me in a sexy voice “Do you have any more energy?” To be honest I really didn’t, but I wasn’t about to pass on sex with my neighbor. She said to come on over so I wearily stood up and walked over (fully nude and covered in cum) to her house. She opened the door and we went upstairs to our usual spot, the balcony.

Once we got out on the balcony I could see that the lady that lived behind her house was out in her backyard. At this point we both didn’t care and I sat down on lawn chair which was now completely flat and she sat right on my face. Compared to the salty and bitter buffet I just attended the sweetness of her pussy juices were a pleasant surprise. I tried to bury my nose in her ass while she grinded her pussy on my face. We stayed like this for a few minutes and without hesitating she pulled the head of the chair up and then mounted me. She slid down my cock with ease and with her chest laying on mine we just kissed and fucked.

There was something just peaceful and romantic about what we were doing in contrast to the brutal and Neanderthal like event that I had just been through. She turned around and laid back against my body as she slowly and meticulously moved her body up and down my cock. She turned her head back towards me as much as possible and we continued to kiss.

About 5 minutes passed of slow sensual fucking and she started to quicken her pace and movements. She was grinding much harder and her breaths were shortening. At one point I glanced over at the lady who was in her backyard and she was just standing there watching us. I didn’t want to turn my head towards her and scare her off so I turned my attention back to my neighbor. I whispered to her that her neighbor was watching and she just smiled. She stood up and said she wanted to switch. So I stood up and she laid down on her back and opened her legs inviting me back in. I laid down and entered her and she wrapped her legs around my body. We once again locked lips and I was jackhammering her like no one’s business. I was able to last a long time seeing as I had come 2 times already in the past couple hours.

She grabbed my ass cheeks and dug her nails into them as she squeezed with all her might urging me to fuck her harder. By now we had stopped kissing as she put her head back and was squirming around moaning and groaning out loud. I didn’t want her to come yet so I bear hugged her and stood up. I moved away from the chair and stood in plain view of her neighbor. She began to kiss me again as I lifted her up and down my cock. We stood there kissing and fucking in a standing position and all the while her neighbor hadn’t moved a muscle.

After a few minutes I was beginning to tire holding her up. She is a fairly petite lady but holding an extra 110lbs. while standing gets tiring. She said she wanted me back in the missionary position so we returned to the chair like we previously were. Again she wrapped her legs around me and I proceeded to fuck her as hard as I could. She threw her head back and again was squirming around and her breath had gone shallow again. I could feel her muscles start to contract and release rapidly around my cock and I knew she was about to cum. She claws at my back as she starts to scream out that she is cumming.

Knowing that her neighbor was watching me make her cum was really getting me excited and pushing me close to orgasm #3 on the day. She was still finishing up her orgasm and she could tell that I was about to pop. She tells me in a loud voice to cum inside her. I have no problems obliging and I begin to cum deep inside her. I didn’t have much left in me but the feeling was just as good. When I had finished coming I leaned over and kissed her until I fell out of her. I then collapsed beside her on the chair and just wrapped my arms around her. We got in a spooning position and fell asleep on the balcony.

We woke up about an hour later and we just laid there and talked. She asked if I wanted to stay for dinner and I said I unfortunately had plans. I didn’t but I knew she was going to try and get a threesome going with her husband and I just didn’t have it in me. She said “Maybe next time” and she gave me a long deep kiss. She slapped me on the ass, stood up and went into her bedroom. I followed into the house and then returned home.

And that is the story of my first gangbang.

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Fisting Joanne on the Beach 1

Last summer, Joanne and I planned our beach vacation in the Mediterranean. We were excited heading to Spain to experience the more open culture compared to the US. We arrived on a Sunday afternoon, checked into our apartment at the waterfront and started to get ready for the beach. Joanne stripped off naked, her wonderful 19 year old body made me almost crazy. I love her B cup tits and pierced nipples. She jumped under the shower to shave her body. She first cleanly shaved her pussy completely...

2 years ago
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Fisting Nancy

When I was in my late 20’s I was working at a company and I’d often take lunch the same time as Nancy She was in her late 30’s, maybe 40 something. She was pretty hot and lots of guys took her out. She liked to talk about sex, and how when she was horny she’d use ‘stuff’ to help her. I showed such interest, that we agreed to go out for a bite and go to her house after and ‘play’From our first date she had me mesmerized. She loved to show off and get me hot she would masturbate with all kinds of...

4 years ago
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Uncle Bobs Carwash

by Lubrican CHAPTER ONE Megan skipped along happily on her way to her very first paying job. Not counting babysitting, of course. She had eagerly been awaiting her 16th birthday so she would be old enough to work at Uncle Bob's car wash. It was a big bustling business down on the bay by the beach, with 30 employees, almost all High Schoolers, and five lines in which cars could be washed, waxed and detailed. When a car came out of Uncle Bob's, it looked brand new. Bob's always seemed...

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Anastasia the slut I always wasnted

Well she kept the job stripping on the weekends. She told me she was hoping to see her new found friends again the following weekend. All week she was anxious thinking about what happen last weekend and what she wanted to happen this weekend. By Wednesday she was at the stores picking out what she gonna wear Friday night when she strips. She was going on three times and had to choose three different outfits.. All I can is one of them was so sexy.. We had crazy sex all week talking about what...

2 years ago
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Mukuneiu 5 Whitewash

-----While her vision remained horribly distorted, her inward sense of salvation steadily leeched life back into her, and she forced herself onward through the blistering conditions. She knew in her heart, unknown to reason, that she would soon find what she had been seeking. But... what had that been? Surely it was peace, but, in what dimension of the word? Nothing seemed to make sense, and as hopeful as she was becoming, at the same time, she was becoming more lost, and on occassion, quite...

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Exploits with Rebecca Carwash

*Author’s note: This series of stories is intertwined only in the way that they feature the same girl. You don’t have to read previous stories in order to enjoy this one. In fact, on occasion the back story behind the characters may change to fix the details of the stories. I do recommend reading them all though because each one will give you a better feel for the personas of the characters. Thanks* There she stood. The sun bounced off her long straight blonde hair, magnifying its color to a...

2 years ago
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A very Naughty Girl Goes to the Carwash

I live in the modest little cottage in the countryside, not far from a small town. The one thing it lacks, and probably the only thing that I crave for at times, is nightlife. A nightlife with men, horny men are better, and women too. I don’t often get as much sex as normal city women of my age, but then I do live somewhere that is pretty, quiet and relaxing. I do get my share fair of sex I guess, but its irregular and confined to periods of seeing someone. Someone that is supposed to be...

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Anastasia the slut I always wasnted

Introduction: If you havent read my previous story Anastasia finally does it. I finally got my sexy wife to strip in front of men at a club and then got her to fuck a few of them afterwards. Her name is Anastasia and mine is Jacob. We are both 22 years old and have been together for close to 6 years. She is very sexy with brown hair the most perfect perky B cup tits and a shaved pierced pussy.. She is very sexy and now very open minded. If you havent read my previous story Anastasia finally...

2 years ago
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Leonie invites Fynn to the camping washhouse

Introduction: Every holiday, she finds a new special playmate I entered the somewhat hidden back-entrance of the wash house. God knows why the thing had two entrances, to two non-connected parts, and one was in the back where no one ever went. Sand and pine tree needles on the floor spoke of disuse, as did the damp and mildly musty smell. The shower was running in one of the cubicles, the other doors were either open or at least unlocked. Leonie? I asked tentatively. You there? Fynn? Her voice...

1 year ago
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Just so you guys know, I got the idea of this story from Fallout 4 so if you're getting a sense of dejavu at points, that's why. "Come on. I want a turn!" Groans your friend who is talking about the toy car in between your small hands. "No. It's still my turn." You groan back and carry on playing with the car. You then however look up and see her face which is covered in sadness. "I'm done now..." you say unwantingly whilst handing her the car without making eye contact. "We have to go. Now!"...

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A long day in the wastelands

Life had become both easier and more difficult since the crash as far as Katja was concerned.On one hand food could get a bit scarce and security had undeniably taken a turn for the worse, but on the other hand it was much easier to figure out if a day was successful or not.Survived the day? Check.Ended the day with more supplies than it started with? Hm-mh.Yep, looked like a good day, Katja thought as she closed the door behind herself and went over to her workbench to get the heavy backpack...

2 years ago
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The Making of A Cock Sucking Whore By Brain Washin

The Making of A Cock Sucking Whore By Brain Washing Chapter One My story might be a little different then most of the stories you have read on Xhamster but, I feel it might be a story you just might get some enjoyment and a warning out of. First, I am a average girl, at least I use to be until I accidentally brain washed myself without knowing that I was doing it. My name is Cindy J. and I stand five foot ten inches, with...

2 years ago
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A very Naughty Girl Goes to the Carwash

I live in the modest little cottage in the countryside, not far from a small town. The one thing it lacks, and probably the only thing that I crave for at times, is nightlife. A nightlife with men, horny men are better, and women too. I don’t often get as much sex as normal city women of my age, but then I do live somewhere that is pretty, quiet and relaxing. I do get my share fair of sex I guess, but its irregular and confined to periods of seeing someone. Someone that is supposed to be...

Group Sex
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My Friend8217s Mom Swastika

H, guys, this is Raj from Bangalore age 24. To start with I am a young guy pursuing my MBA from Bangalore. I like older woman mostly hot aunties in mid-40s. I used to chat with a few but never got a chance to sleep with one. I used to live with my friend Samar in a rented flat. Samar was just 21 years old and was from Kolkata. He used to live with his mom Swastika and his younger brother who was around 15 years old. She used to work in a nearby company. She was a divorcee and to be precise her...

3 years ago
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My First Bath House Experience Crew Club in Washi

Since everyone else seems to be lending an opinion on Crew Club I figured maybe I'd give it a go.Disclaimer: I'm a 20 y/o, versatile, slim, black guy with a healthy appetite for older white guys of all sorts. This was my first visit ever to a bath house of any sort. I have done orgies of all sorts but haven't done this.So I arrive into the smoky doors of Crew Club around 2:45pm on last Sunday afternoon after 33 minutes of locating a parking spot anywhere remotely close to the entrance.I am...

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at the carwash

i am a sucker for a girl who wears spandex only shiny!!i pulled in and parked next t a car on the other side she was wearing shiny white spandex right up the crack of her ass and pussy i said god dam under my breath well she must heard me she looked right at me i watched her for a sec till she went to the other side i was hard as hell iwent to my truck got like i was leaving just staring she looked at me a few times igot dark tint so she couldnt see me strokin my cock i keep lube in my truck...

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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 1 Seven Hole Washout

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter One -- Seven Hole Washout My wife's mother called to tell her she wasn't feeling well and she wanted my wife, Kay, to come up to Chicago to be with her. She is a hypochondriac and it's not unusual for her to interrupt our vacation, or whatever we're doing, with her demands. I was hoping to play golf this day but it was getting cloudy as I drove my wife to the Fort Lauderdale Airport. As I kissed her goodbye, I told her to give my love to her mother....

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Lagnatali Punyachi Mawashi

Hi friends this is Rohan Patil from panvel Mumbai I am 5 feet 8 inch in height with average body n smart boy of 23 years old and I recently completed my eng mi iss cha khup juna wachak ahe n mala ithalya stories khup awadatat Tashya khup sides chya stories mi wachato pan iss chya stories chi majach khup vegali ahe. Karan maximum stories tar writers chya kharya goshti asatat tyamule khupach majja yete wachayala tar mag mi pan tharaval ki Apan suddha apala anubhav sangava mhanun mi hi story lihit...

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Wishy Washy

Wishy Washy Bob loved the lazy Saturday mornings where he had nothing to do and could sleep in. As he laid in his bed debating if he should get up, he smiled with content. He stretched as the morning sun brightened up his room. As he stretched, Bob couldn't help but notice his body felt different. The long hair tickling his bare shoulders gave him pause. Why has his shoulders bare? And when did his hair grow? Looking down, Bob was shocked to see he was wearing a silky,...

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Mai aur mera family shuru se hi bahut anand ke sath rahate the. Mere pitaji ek mnc me engineer ke pad par karzrat the aur meri ma ek degree college me lecturer thee. Mai ghar par akela tha aur isliye mujhko bachpan se dono ka dher sara pyar mila. Achanak ek ghtna se humare family ka such chain chin gaya. Pitajee ek bar bimar hue aur doctor ne kafi test ke bad pitajee ko cancer ke mariz karar kar diya. Doctorno ne pitajee ko sirh kuch mahina ka samay diya aur kaha Aap job hi karma chahate hai...

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COCKWASHED By Katharine Sexkitten cockwashed verb "kok.wah-shed" believing that there is no greater joy in life than worshipping cocks, leading to giving into the desires to suck cock and be fucked by cock, by frequently being exposed to it or repeatedly being shown that it is true and thereby realizing ones true place in life. other tenses: cockwashing, cockwasher, cockwash I have been cockwashed. It's like being brainwashed, but as opposed to some radical...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 129 I Washu

"Ho, Ho, NO!" She finally waved him away. "Don't YOU even think of psychoanalyzing ME buster!" "Is the scientist afraid of what she might find?" Katsuhito asked mildly. "As a priest however I believe I'm equipped to tell you, confession is good for the soul!" "Brrrr!" Washu remarked, wrapping arms around her-self again. "Suddenly seems a little chilly up here!" She nodded emphasizing the stunning Yukatta she presently wore. "Maybe I should go get a coat?" "All have...

3 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 68 Times A Wastin

Kathy peeled her sheer stockings off her lanky long legs as Mommy steered the big white car into the parking lot. "Well, here we are," Mommy smiled bravely as she eyed the foreboding dark brick building in front of her. A brass sign next to the massive front door read "Trojan Home for Wayward Boys." "I wonder why they wanted us to meet them here?" Kathy asked tentatively as she tried to peer through the heavily barred windows. She thought -- but she wasn't sure -- that she saw a...

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Brainwashed By Cassandra Morgan The Americans entered the village silently, covered by the dark of the night. Helicopters had transported them through the nearby Kush Mountains, and then they'd made their way on foot to Biryam. There, like death in the darkness, they made their way through the streets, not speaking, communicating only by hand gestures. There weren't that many soldiers. There had been more during the great wars. But most of the local terrorists were scattered now,...

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Fisting the Flippers

As usual, after a game played against such a terrible football team as the Flippers, the Lighting Bolt cheerleaders were in a great mood. Not only did their team easily win the game, but now, they were going to play a few games themselves. As they easily passed through security (which wasnt necessary because the Flippers had so few fans), they went directly to the locker room of the Flipper Cheerleaders. Suzy, the Team Captain of the Lighting Bolt Girls, stopped and smiled at the others, then...

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Welcome to the wasteland

The irradiated waters felt cold against scales as I bathed in the radioactive lake. Though I was immune to the effects of radiation the waters always felt dirty and full of grime and impurities. Despite my best efforts to maintain good hygene, out here in the wastes you never stayed clean for long. Life was that much harder because of my traits.For I was half a man and dragon, I wouldent call myself a mutent but other than that, I dont know what I'd be called. Thier is a few bonuses to...

4 years ago
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Bondage in the urban wasteland

It wasn’t easy to find the right spot – but I looked and looked – it had to be perfect: industrial, abandoned, out in the open, yet secluded. Finally, after three days of driving endlessly through the wasteland of closed factories, chemical plants and cavernous assembly lines at the edges of our metropolis, I found it: a drainage ditch stretching itself from an old tannery long since abandoned. At the head of the ditch, which was about eight feet deep, was a series of iron railings and several...

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Women of the Wasteland

You were pretty young when the bombs fell. In the years leading up to the apocalypse, the world was ravaged by the Masculum Plague, a deadly disease that wiped out 99% of the male population. What followed was a total societal collapse. When the dust settled, women inherited the Earth. America, once controlled by a powerful patriarchy, is now a lawless wasteland dominated by leather-clad women, raiders and mutants. While raiders seized control of the land, you lived in a cramped bunker with...


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