Home Invasion, Part One. free porn video

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Robert hit the sidewalk-hard!The breath was totally knocked out of him, and he had to gasp for air.
He was lying flat on his back, in the midst of the contents of his backpack.
Looking up he saw the grinning face of his attacker, Kevin.
“O no”, Robert thought, “Not again…”.
The burly boy had pushed him, and made him lose his balance, taking a stumbling fall and s**ttering his books and other school materials all over the pavement...
Kevin was sixteen, just as old as Robert, but he was about twice the size of him, and three times meaner...
It seemed he had made it his personal mission to make every day of this schoolyear a living hell for Robert, targeting the smaller, nerdish boy for all sorts of pranks or unprovoked v******e...
You could say he was the typical school bully, big and strong for his age, not too smart, no intention to learn anything during his schooldays, and always in the company of some of his “followers”...

Still flat on his back, Robert saw Kevin and his friends walk away in the distance, still laughing at “the bookworm’s” silly situation, and he thought it would finally be safe to get up now.
He scrambled to his feet, put the crumpled, s**ttered books and papers back in his backpack, and started to walk home.

When he got home, he put his backpack in the hall, and went to the kitchen.
His mom was there, preparing dinner.
During his walk home, Robert had decided not to tell his mother about the incident with Kevin, she’d just freak out, overreact and possibly make things even worse for him...
But that was not how it was going to be.

Ann, Robert’s mother, was 43 years old.She was a tall, curvy woman, with shoulder lenght natural red hair and green eyes.She carried a few pounds too many, but she carried them well.
Ever since her husband, Robert’s dad, passed away three years ago she had gotten very protective towards her son, and she immediately spotted that something was wrong with him from the moment he walked in the kitchen and said “Hi mom”.
So she sat her son down on a chair, and asked him what had happened.She INSISTED he told her what was wrong, she could see on his face something clearly was troubling him.
Now Ann was a very persuasive woman if she wanted to be, and Robert knew he had no other option than to tell her the truth...
He told her of the things that had been going on in school for months now, the daily bullying, the namecalling, the stupid pranks, and worst of all the painful attacks he had been subjected to.

Ann was furious.NOBODY did that to her son!She made Robert write down the names of his tormentors, and immediately called the Headmaster of his school on the phone to make an instant appointment to discuss the matter.


And so it went.
Ann DID go to see the Headmaster, and after informing him in detail about the goings-on at his school, the bullies were immediately called to the Headmaster’s office, and were told-in Ann’s gloating presence and VERY clearly-that they were suspended for two weeks and that an official letter was going to be send to their parents telling them about their sons’ repulsive behaviour.
The headmaster further told them that Ann had INSISTED on a stern punishment.
The information they received didn’t go down well with the bullies, especially not with “ringleader” Kevin, and if looks could kill, Ann would have been lying dead on the ground.

And that should have been the end of the affair-but it wasn’t.


A few days later Robert was sitting in the City library when he suddenly found himself surrounded by Kevin and his cronies...Before he could call for help or run away, the boys had formed a tight circle around him, blocking all possible escape routes for the terrified boy.They were alone in the library reading hall, so calling for help wasn’t an option either...

“Hi there Bobby”, Kevin said, putting his face up close to Robert’s, “We have some unfinished business to attend to, remember?
It isn’t nice to run to mommy and the fucking Headmaster every time you shit your pants!”
Saying this, he took hold of Robert’s collar, and waved a fist in his face.

Robert closed his eyes, waiting for the blow to land, but it didn’t.He slowly opened his eyes again, only to see Kevin looking at him, seemingly in deep thought.

“You know what?”, Kevin said, “I’m a nice guy.I’m going to give you a choice.You DO know I HAVE to do something about this, right?I have a reputation to uphold, don’t want people to get the idea that I’ve gone soft.”.

“Yes”, Robert croaked fearfully.

“Good boy.I’m going to give you two options.Option one:I talk to some people and see that your fucking house is completely torched one of these nights, with you and that posh bitch you call mommy in it…Does that sound good to you?”.

“No, please...”, Robert stammered, pale as a sheet with tears forming in his eyes, “Please don’t do that...I’ll do anything to make it up to you, I promise, anything you want!”.

“Ah, ok”, Kevin said grinningly, “That’s what I want to hear.You know, in fact I know you’re not really to blame for all this, asshole…In fact it’s your fucking mother that went blabbing to the Headmaster, DEMANDING a “harsh punishment”, the stuck-up cunt... So to cut to the chase : it’s your mommy I want.And I actually need your help for what I’ve cooked up”.

“Hey, wait...I can’t let you do that...I won’t let you hurt her...”, Robert whispered, shaking uncontrollaby.

“She won’t get hurt, asshole-if I wanted to hurt her I’d have gone to option one without taking up the matter with you, remember, you little prick?
I-or rather we, cause my buddies are victims here too, just want to take the posh bitch down a notch or two, have a wee bit of fun with the old girl.
But if you’re not interested...I’ll just call my “special friends” and give them your adress.You don’t mind a bit of heat and smoke, do you?”.

“No, please don’t”, Robert said, “I’ll do whatever you want.What is it?”
Tears were actually running down his cheecks now...How could he betray his mother like this...But if he didn’t, mom AND him were more than likely to get seriously hurt.

“It’s simple”, Kevin said, his face red with exitement, “I have here a blister of my gran’s sleeping pills.They’re quite potent, but the doctor told my gran when he prescribed them that they were very safe, you can’t overdose on them, if you take too many you just wake up with a massive headache.
Does that mother of yours drink?”.

“She usually drinks a few glasses of wine in the evening”, Robert said.

“Perfect.Now this is what you do.You put eight of these pills in her wineglass-they’re supposed to be tasteless-and wait for her to fall asleep.After fifteen minutes she should be dead to the world with eight of these babies in her...The moment she’s passed out, you call me, and me and my friends will come over to your house for a bit of harmless fun.Easy, isn’t it?”.

“Yes”, Robert said, looking deadly pale,”When do I have to do this?”.

“Saturday evening.Here are the pills, I’ll be awaiting your call.If you tell ANYONE about this or your call doesn’t happen, you and your fat mommy are french toast.Understand?”.

With these words they left, leaving the teary-eyed, deadly pale Robert alone with his thoughts, still clutching the blister of pills...


Ann and Robert were sitting in the living room, watching a comedy show on television.Robert had been silent all evening, but somehow Ann hadn’t noticed, having been preoccupied with putting in order some left over paperwork from the hospital where she worked.

“I’m going to get a drink, mom”, Robert said, “Do you want somthing?”.

“Yes please, be a dear and bring me a glass of wine, will you?”.

Robert went to the kichen, took a can of coke for himself, although he wasn’t thirsty at all, and poured his mother a rather large glass of red wine.He took the pills Kevin gave them out of his shirt pocket, dropped them in Ann’s glass, gave the wine a quick stir, and saw that the pills dissolved immediately.
So far, so good he thought...If you could call anything about this situation “good”.

He went back to the livingroom, handed the glass to his mother, and sat back down, waiting for the pills to take effect...

He didn’t have to wait long, because after finishing her glass, Ann had quickly started blinking her eyes, and half an hour later she was fast asleep, slumped sideways on the couch, snoring softly.
Robert called her name a few times, and even patted her cheek, but she didn’t react, being in a deep, d**gged sleep...

He sighed deeply, took out his cellphone and made the dreaded call to the number Kevin had given him...

Fifteen minutes later the doorbell rang.Robert opened the door, and let a grinning Kevin and his mates in.There were six of them, four gloating guys and two giggling girls Robert had never seen before...

“Nice place you’ve got here”, Kevin said, looking around.
“You made the right choice asshole, it would have been a shame to torch this!”.Hearing this, the other youngsters burst out in wild laughter.

“And who have we here”, the bully said, “the Lady of the fucking manor is laying here herself.Look at her, she’s drooling!She doesn’t seem all that posh now!”.

The uninvited visitors walked up towards the sleeping Ann, and Kevin roughly took hold of her hair and pulled her head upright, so he could look the older woman straight in her face.It made the d**gged Ann make a low, moaning sound, but she remained out cold.He gripped her firmly under her arms and put her limp body in an upright sitting position.

“Well, at least she doesn’t look too bad for her age”, Duncan, one of Kevin’s cronies said, looking at the older woman.

“Yes, but aren’t you curious what she looks like under those fancy clothes?”, Kevin answered, his cheeks red with exitement.
“I for one am going to find out.Let’s take all her kit off, but we’ll go slowly, I want to enjoy this.
Bobby, get us something to drink, and then set your arse down on that chair.I don’t want you to miss the show, but I don’t want to hear a peep out of you.”.

Robert nodded, got some cokes and beers out of the fridge, took them to the rather unwelcome visitors in the living room, and sat down, hoping this nightmare would end very soon...

In the meantime one of the girls, a thin blonde with heaps of mascara on called Sharon, had taken off Ann’s silk blouse, twirling the garment giggling above her head like a stripper before discarding in a corner it and leaving Ann sitting on the couch with only her skirt, stockings and bra on.The heels she had been wearing were quickly taken away too, Robert could see one of the girls quickly putting the expensive shoes in her backpack...

The hot pink bra she was wearing stood out against Ann’s pale flesh, and it could could clearly barely contain the big, sagging white globes within.

“Nice!”, Geoff, a black boy with a thin moustache said, “More please!”.

“Indeed!”, Kevin said from his front row seat, “You ladies can do the honours, please remove all of our hostess’ clothing-and I mean everything, I don’t want to see a stitch left on her!I want to see the fuckin’ Lady of the Manor completely in the buff!”.

Sharon and the other girl, a girl with a bad black hair dye called Debbie, went to work on Ann.The woman was as limp as a rag doll, only making the slightest moaning or snoring sound sometimes, her only movement being a slight flicker from her eyes from time to time.

Ann’s bra was the next item of clothing that was taken away from her.The two giggling girls unhooked it, and pulled the lacy garment over her arms, making Ann’s big breasts-now totally naked-flop down saggily on her belly.

“Wow, look at that-look at the nipples on those fat milkbags!”, Geoff called out, “look at the size of those things and how pink they are!”.The boy was rubbing his crotch while he was looking at the spectacle before him, and was filming the whole scene with his cellphone camera.As a matter of fact, all four of the boys were filming or taking pics of the hapless woman’s unwanted striptease and humiliation...

“Yeah, and her fat tits are saggy, but I’d still put my dick between them”, Pete said.
Pete was Kevin’s cousin, and the fourth young man of the group.

In the meantime Debbie and Sharon were enjoying themselves, laughing like mad, kneading the older woman’s big saggy breasts, lifting them up and making them fall back on the d**gged woman’s big belly with a slapping sound.Sharon was toying with Ann’s huge, pink nipples, roughly pulling on them, making them swell up rock hard and pointing straight forward, giving the fleshy nubs the look of pink pencil erasers.

The next thing that went was Ann’s skirt, leaving the woman sitting upright in the couch only dressed in her flimsy pink panties and a pair of black hold-up stockings, her displayed, stiff-nippled breasts resting udder-like on her round, protruding belly.The cellphone cameras were working overtime...

Than the black hold-up stockings went, one at the time.

And than-as piece the resistance-Debbie finally pulled down Ann’s pink panties, throwing the flimsy garment towards Kevin, who caught and sniffed the little piece of cloth, and thus completely exposing the d**gged woman’s most intimite and private female organ to the leering eyes of the young intruders...Sharon and Debbie than roughly pulled the d**gged woman’s legs wide open, so that the watching, giggling boys could take a real good look at the now completely barenaked older woman’s totally exposed pink genitalia.

“My, my-not a single hair on her box!”, Kevin said, licking his lips, his face flushed with exitement, “Who would have thought the posh Bloomsbury bitch would have a complete baldie like that...I like those big, bare meatcurtains of her!”.
The other boys grunted their approvement, while Robert wished the earth would open to swallow him.
Seeing his mother totally being stripped of her clothing AND her dignity and being completely exposed and humiliated like this before his enemies because of him made him feel phisically ill...

The boys approached the unconcious woman, and Geoff reached out, cupping her unprotected vagina in his hand, rubbing it with his rough hands, and-to great approval of his comrades-quickly inserting some of his his fingers roughly in the exposed and spread organ.
They all took a leasurely few minutes to toy with the sleeping woman’s femininity, touching, slapping and commenting her exposed genitals, inserting, licking and sniffing their fingers and, laughing loudly while streching and pulling her labia as wide as possible, and than they finally sat back down, to further finish their drinks, their faces red from exitement.
But Kevin had some more plans for the woman that had wronged him...

“Make sure you film this”, Kevin said.He stood up, the bulge in his trouwsers clearly showing, took an empty beer bottle from the table, walked up to the helpless woman, grinningly inserted the neck of the bottle in her spread vagina and-in one fluid movement-pushed it in so far so that more of half of the bottle was firmly embedded in Ann’s pussy.During the insertion Ann’s eyes flickered and she made an “oomph” like sound, but the potent d**gs kept her asleep.

The boys clapped and cheeringly called out their approval, and Ann’s bottle-filled vagina was the subject of many a pic...

Now Kevin dropped his pants, releasing his erect cock, which was already dribbling with pre-cum, roughly opened Ann’s mouth and inserted his member between the d**gged woman’s numb lips, using his hands to keep her mouth open.
He than started pumping rithmically, actually fucking the helpless woman’s head while holding her hair...The other intruders were clapping rithmically, roaring with laughter and cheering him on, and before long he blew a thick load of sperm in Ann’s mouth and troath, making a “thumbs up” sign to the cell phone cameras that were filming him skull-fucking the u*********s woman, who still had a beer bottle firmly inserted in her exposed vagina...

But this was not the end of it, because when Kevin pulled his wet, spent cock out of Ann’s dripping mouth it was quickly replaced by Geoff’s throbbing hardon which was already wet and slimy with pre-cum, and when he stopped pumping and had shot his thick load in Ann’s mouth he retracted his dripping member, slapping Ann’s cheeks with his now limp cock, only to be replaced by a more than willing Pete, and after him Duncan also whipped out his cock and pumped his hot semen deep in the unconcious woman’s throat, leaving Ann’s mouth overflowing with the unwanted sperm of the four intruders, the thick, slimy liquid dribbling from her chin onto her big, sagging exposed bosoms…To add insult to injury, Duncan wiped his slimy penis clean with the defenceless woman’s hair…
Of course all this joyful activity had been dutyfully filmed and photographed by the two broadly grinning onlooking girls, who had a great time seeing the older woman humiliated in this manner…


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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 18 Ahh Kiyone

"Ok," Kiyone was saying evenly, halting as she was passing through and under the Torii. "Now repeat it back to me." "No touching, no button pressing, no lever throwing." Mihoshi sighed, taking the final step up. "No cable disconnecting, no tying or untying for that matter." She continued after pausing beneath the Torii's arch, reciting in a sing song voice complete with rocking her head back and forth in time with the meter of her words. "And if I see anything in my way higher than...

1 year ago
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A Home Invasion

My girlfriend and I stumbled back to my house about midnight, a little bit drunk, after a party in Cocoa Beach. We brushed our teeth and hit the sack right away. The next thing I knew, the clock on my nightstand said 2:53AM. Vicki was sound asleep beside me. And I had to pee. Coming back from the bathroom, I noticed a light shining up from ground level outside the rear bedroom window. I’d installed motion sensor lights above all the exterior doors and windows and they were sensitive enough to...

1 year ago
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The Dragon Invasion Chapter 2

04 June 2020 Darkness. That's all Flight Lieutenant James Robertson could see when he opened his eyes. No light seeped under a door or through a gap in a window's curtains. Where the hell am I? Is this death? No this wasn't death. His head hurt far too much for that to be the case. The aches and pains from the ejection were very much still there too. He tried moving but found himself chained to the wall, his hands over his head. His ankle throbbed in pain. It could be worse though,...

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The Dragon Invasion Chapter 1

I acknowledge this story will not be everyone's cup of tea. I also acknowledge that this is probably a rather niche genre. I make no apologies for that but I do hope it finds an audience. The tags below should give you an idea of what content is within. The sex in this chapter is somewhat limited but I promise there will be far far more of it in Chapter 2 and it will involve both men and women. Finally. I'm definitely a bit of an aviation geek, as you'll probably tell if you read on,...

2 years ago
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Black Invasion

Introduction:When we invite a young lad to stay in our spare room, my wife and I end up paying his debt -- with her body.Chapter 1Renting out the roomShortly after my teenage daughter moved out, I decided it was time to put my plan into action. For many years, I had harboured the thought of watching my wife being fucked senseless by some young, well-hung stud. Although I had broached the subject with my wife on many occasions during our lovemaking, she had always remained adamant that it was...

4 years ago
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Blondie Alex And Moms Home Invasion

Blondie: Alex And Mom's Home Invasion (MM/F,ncon,inter,inc)by WilcoxI woke up just before dawn. I didn't know what time it was exactly, but therewas a little light coming through the curtains. I'd heard my dad's car startand drive away. It was Saturday, and I remembered that he and my sisterCookie were heading off to a charity father/daughter golf tournement. Dad wasone of the guy's running it. He had collected all the money and had to bethere early to make sure that everything was all set. It...

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Norma Jeans Invasion Force

Norma Jean's Invasion Force. I thought this one up and it sounds out of this world. Peace. Belle. Hello everyone. Thirty years ago my name was Norman. Now it is Norma Jean Baker. No not that Norma Jean. My actting skills couldnot fill an egg timer if I was in the Mojave Desert. I was working late one night at the factory and it was shift change. It was the weekend and I didn't feel like cooking. I stopped at a local burger joint called Eat. Dot was working and she said, "Norm...

3 years ago
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Invasion of the Boobie Clowns

This is my first story, so I am looking forward to feedback and reviews. Feel free to run with the basic idea. As normal, this not for those under 18, some graphic stuff, no safe for kids, etc, etc. Enjoy. Invasion of the Boobie Clowns In the dark night sky, a trail of light appeared. If anyone had seen it, they would have noticed something a bit odd. For a falling star, the light of its trail was unlike any other. This trail was pink, and in fact, the meteor as it fell from...

2 years ago
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Asian Invasion

Asian InvasionRecently, I was in the mid west on a business trip.  I stayed at a hotel chain that I thought was reliable but the first night turned out to be a complete disaster.  My room was like a sauna and there was no way to turn the heat down.  To complicate matters, my room faced the inside of the building where the swimming pool was.  Opening the door only caused the place to smell like chlorine.The next night, I was determined to change rooms.  I approached the counter where I was...

2 years ago
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Vampire Omicron Chapter 1 Home Invasion

I’m just trying to be helpful with these disclaimers. They let you know if my story is for you or not. Please read this. There’s some WEIRD shit in here. I use extreme taboo themes and consider my stories "horror". If any of the following aren’t your thing, just back out now. You’ve been warned! -Snuff / Blood (I mean it’s a vampire, I’m going for it, but I keep it minimal) -Creeping around (lots of this, sorry if it’s boring) -Sniffing / tasting (panties, armpits, sweat,...

2 years ago
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Vampire Omicron Chapter 1 Home Invasion Updated

See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story DISCLAIMERS -I'm just trying to be helpful with these disclaimers. I don’t want to spring things on anyone! -My writing is SUPPOSED to be gross and wrong, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD feel icky reading it, which is why I consider it HORROR! I try to creep myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong....

4 years ago
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Pams Home Invasion

Sunday night, there it was, sitting in my inbox. Subject: The black van. I shivered violently and my body flushed all over. I flashed back; my bra was being cut off. Being induced to come while he ate me. A flood of hot semen in my mouth. Being crushed between two men while they fucked me savagely. The titanic orgasms that followed. The taste of hot pussy. A screaming orgasm at the sky... After last time, they had dropped me off at my car. No raincoat. I had to hold my blouse closed as I...

4 years ago
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A Home Invasion

My girlfriend and I stumbled back to my house about midnight, a little bit drunk, from a neighbor’s party in Cocoa Beach. We staggered upstairs, brushed our teeth and hit the sack right away. The next thing I knew, the clock on my nightstand said 2:53AM. Vicki was sound asleep beside me. And I had to pee. Coming back from the bathroom, I noticed a light shining up from ground level outside the rear bedroom window. I’d installed motion sensor lights above all the exterior doors and windows and...

4 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 28 Justice and Invasion

Philadelphia: 11:50 A.M. Tim let Amy cry in his arms as he held the woman who brought hope to a lot of people of this world. So she went overboard and took justice in her hands. He thought it was worth it as far as he was concerned. He felt Amy gently push on him so he released her. "Feeling better?" he asked. "Yeah, I am. Thank you, Tim," Amy replied. "Good, what are your orders?" Tim asked. Amy laughed and replied, "Tim you out rank me. I'm only a commander while...

2 years ago
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Demon InvasionChapter 6

Mom and her crew made it to the park without any distractions. She found a good place to park the car so that they could see all of the park. This park was set up as a meadow surrounded by trees, except where there were streets. That usually made it an ideal place for kids to play, either on the meadow or among the trees. However, the recent monster scare was keeping the kids out of the trees and in the open area where they could be seen. Also, there were more adults in evidence than usual...

3 years ago
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Anatomy of an InvasionChapter 5 Doctor Kelly

Stefan's meeting with Eve was after lunch. He was still a little worried about Gabby. She'd started replying to her emails over the last few days, but Stefan was disconcerted by their tone. They seemed overly cheery, especially for Gabby, and Stefan didn't know what Eve could have her doing that required her to work so hard, and to stay at the hospital for so long. As far as he could tell, she hadn't been out of the hospital for a week. Eve was presenting to Stefan on his own, and, as...

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Anatomy of an InvasionChapter 14 Revelation

The next two weeks were busy, but uneventful. Stefan did not seem to have noticed the change in his lover, or perhaps he simply did not comment upon it. Everyone worked hard, the papers began to emerge, and, every evening, they socialised and ate together, paired up and went to bed. Every night, before they were taken into sleep, the reward was the same, and it never paled. Julie alternated between writing her own paper, and reviewing the papers of others. Some of the programmers with...

1 year ago
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It was a hot Friday afternoon and Carrie felt tired as she made her way down the steps into the tube station. It had seemed a long day at school and Carrie just wanted to get home. She waited for an age on the busy platform waiting for the circle line train that would take her home. She just managed to get through the doors into the tightly packed carriage. She was surrounded on all sides by the people pressing against each other. The doors closed and the train pulled out of the station. It was...

Erotic Fiction
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Homecoming Part2

HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she would not have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her...

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Home Invasion

Evelyn heard a noise. She wasn't sure, but it sounded like someone else was in her house. It was a house she had lived in for more than fifty years. The house she originally moved in with her husband after the war. The house she raised three children in. The house she had long since lived in alone since the passing of her husband more than twelve years ago. Her children insisted she move out of her home and into a nursing home where they could take better care of her, but she...

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Apartment invasion

They lived in an apartment on the floor above mine. I liked living on a low floor of this apartment building near the university. Beautiful high school and college girls, living by themselves or with one other on every floor, most of them going by my door every day. Two of them caught my eye more than I could stand so… I got my lock picking kit and entered their room quietly at 2 am. I knew the floor plan really well, since mine was exactly the same, so I locked the bolt behind me and crossed...

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The Rape of Persephone

Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....

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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

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Home Invasion Ch02

Which, he thought, was particularly odd, given his situation. He thought he would've had a lot of new material for his anxieties to work off of. Desperate for money he broken into what he had thought had been an empty home seeking to steal anything he could sell, but had, to his immediate terror and his eventual, albeit confused, pleasant surprise, ended up face to face with a tall, thick ebony goddess, who had, in turn for his would be crime, captured him, used him and ultimately,...

1 year ago
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Home Invasion

It was shortly after our daughter moved out that my wife and I decided to rent out our daughter’s old room. I had received a letter from Revenue and Customs demanding money for unpaid taxes, so the extra income from rent was just what we needed. My wife Linda was reluctant at first.“No way,” Linda moaned angrily. “I’m not having a stranger living here, in our house. We could be inviting a mass murderer into our home for all we know.”“It’s either that or we cancel our holidays for the next three...

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Married Woman Ishika8217s Sexual Invasions 8211 Part 5

I was shocked by his reaction. My Srilankan driver was in a state of panic and started begging, “I am sorry, Ma’am, I will not do it again. Please don’t complain, I will lose the job. You are so beautiful and sexy, I have not seen a more beautiful girl this close…” I was unable to get a word in edgewise, I wanted to reassure him that it was okay, but his torrent was not stopping. On impulse, I grabbed his head in both hands and kissed him on the lips. His eyes widened in shock. I smiled at him...

3 years ago
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Pool Party InvasionChapter 3

Our friends quickly noticed what was happening with my parents and just as quickly determined that sex was okay and didn't have to be hidden at the house. Most had already known that. Taylor stripped off my suit and hers and mounted me. Her puss always felt good to my prick. She was kissing me and I knew that her wonderful ass was exposed. Sooner or later, someone would fill it with cock, hand or tongue. I was right. Ashley was behind her and lowered her head to lick her ass hole. Then her...

3 years ago
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Home Invasion Count to Ten

She was a gorgeous woman, with flowing, chestnut-colored hair and a slim figure that boasted a stunning set of breasts, round and perky, though not very large, but that was okay. Her ass wasn't very large, either, but it was well-formed and shook when she walked. She'd been teasing him for a very long time. He watched her through her windows whenever she undressed. She never closed the blinds or drew the shades while she changed. Even when she wanted some alone time, she left the shades...

1 year ago
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Home Invasion

"See you all on Monday." You say as you walk out the office for the weekend. Its been a long week and you can't wait to go home and finally kick your feet up and relax for a couple of days. As an admin assitant for a small tech company you don't have the most stressful job in the world but you work long hours. In your excitement to get home you walk briskly out of the building towards the bus stop down the street. You pick your pace up even more when you spot an earlier bus and realise you...

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DDay Sexual Invasion Part 2

The old joke is that no sane person would jump out of a perfectly good airplane. But I did on June the 5th. Less than 12 hours later I wondered how sane it was to be lowering myself to the ground by rope from Charlotte’s bedroom window. Yet that’s how my war started. I didn’t have the chance to say goodbye to Charlotte and my gut was churning. I had to reach the woods undetected by the two women in the house who were sympathetic to the Germans. Fear of reprisals, more gut churning. Here...

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GoddessChapter 2 Persephone

WHEN PERSEPHONE RELEASED ME SHE turned her face up for a kiss, her lips soft, warm and inviting. She didn't move away, and after our second kiss I was breathing hard and I'm sure she could feel my heart pumping, even through her leathers. She certainly could after she put her hand on my shirt. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I must have looked like a stranded fish. She laughed. "Cat got your tongue tonight, Sam?" My lips moved once...

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