Inter-Relationship Training Meeting Chapter 1 free porn video

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"Oh shit!"
"Huh, what's the matter?"
"Huh somebody just came in."
"Oh shit! That gonna be a problem?"
"No, just lay there! We'll just see what happens."
Jay was on the bed, on the back of, and in the ass of, some guy,
who's name he did not even know, when Darrell walked into the cabin and
started past the bedroom door, but then abruptly stopped, and with his
mouth hanging wide open, he asked. "Hey what in the hell is going on in
Jay looked back over his shoulder and replied, "Huh, kind of hard
to explain right now, but anyway, he asked and I decided to see what it was
like. I thought you weren't gonna be back so soon."
"Who is he? What's going on? Where'd he come from?"
As Jay stopped his pumping and humping actions, but none the less,
kept his meat rod well buried in the guy's ass, he told Darrell, "Darrell,
gotta be honest with you and tell you I don't even know his name. He was
on one beach chair and I was laying on the one beside him, we talked for
awhile, and when I got up to go to the beach shower to rinse off, he
followed me. While we showered, he kind of let me know he was interested
and finally told me, `That looks pretty good,' as he was looking down at my
crotch. Then without saying anything else, he kept rubbing his ass,
letting me kind of know he wanted me to do something. He kept looking at
my basket and then rubbing his ass, and I finally put two and two together
and decided he was trying to see if I was smart enough to figure out he
wanted us to do something. So I finally asked if he was trying to tell me
he wanted fucked, and he said `Yes". Shocked the hell out of me, but I
figured hell, he's got the balls to say so, ---so here we are!"
"Jay, I'm really confused here! Jay, you're not gay are you?
You're married! Jay, what in the hell is going on? I'm really confused!"
"Hey Darrell, like the guy said in class yesterday, ---have a
little more of an open mind when being with other people and it might be
easier to get to know them and understand them. So, hey! I thought, what
better of a way to try that out! I know I sure would never have approached
some guy for something like this, but hey,-he did, and right now I'm pretty
glad he had the guts to do it! True, I've never done anything with another
guy before, but he told me he wanted me to fuck him, and I decided, why
not! I figured it's his ass not mine, so I figured this just might be a
once in a lifetime opportunity, and I decided to go for it! Beside that,
look at him. I figured if you're gonna fuck some guy's ass, make sure he's
a hunk! He sure don't look like what some gay guy is supposed to look like
does he? Darrell, it's feeling pretty damn good too!"
Looking down at the man, the rather hunky man laying on the bed,
with Jay's cock firmly planted up in his ass, Darrell asked, "Huh, who are
you? You got a name?"
Looking back toward Darrell, the man replied. "Hi, I'm Stan, short
for Stanley. I sure hope this ain't causing any problems for you! He told
me nobody was gonna be here, so we really didn't expect anybody to come in.
Should I leave?"
"No, --no don't leave. Yea, I didn't expect that meeting to be
this short either, and yea, I didn't expect to be back till about noon, and
I sure as hell did not expect to come walking in on some gay sex session,
so maybe I'm the one that needs to leave."
"No Darrell, don't leave!" Jay quickly stated. "Hey give me a
minute with him, and we'll be done. I'm not asking for the time for him,
I'm the one that needs it now! I'm really getting into this, and I've got
to get my rocks off now that I've been fucking this ass. This is not
really a gay sex session. I just decided to take an opportunity when all
of a sudden it presented itself. I've never done this before, and I've
gotta admit, I'm kind of finding it to be something rather different, and
yea, kind of a new and different way to start understanding other kinds of
people! We're here trying to learn how to work with other types of people,
and hell, maybe this guy was planted here to see how some guy would take it
if he was approached. Anyway, I'm really finding out, that if you do have
more of an open mind, things can work out for the good. Yea, I gotta
admit, ---agreeing to fuck some guy's ass, somebody you don't even know, is
really being very open minded, but hey, this time it sure is working out
OK! Do whatever you want, but if you wanna do something kind of on the
different side, get undressed and get ready to fuck him. Go for something
new and exciting! I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Hey, Stan, can he fuck you
too, if he wants?"
"Hell yes he can! Fact is I hope he will! Both of you guys are
pretty damn hot, and since I don't have any of my university football
players here with me, I could enjoy both of you guys doing me. I'm here
for the whole week too, and I need some action!"
"Football players? You get fucked by university football players?
Stan calmly just shook his head a slight, "Yes."
"Yea Darrell, --he told me over on the beach he's a defensive
coordinator at a State University. Now that I kind of think about it, I
think maybe he told me that so I'd take notice of his body! He was
probably trying to get me all hot and bothered for him, even before we
showered down."
Then leaning over and looking at his bed partner he asked, "Is that
why you told me about you being a coach? You wanted me to notice all your
muscles, didn't you?"
Jay did not receive any verbal response, only the sight of one big
grin on Stan's face. That told the story!
Looking back at Darrell, Jay continued, "He didn't tell me which
state, I didn't ask, and of course at that time he sure didn't tell me his
guys fuck his ass, but I did know he was a coach. We didn't talk about sex
over on the beach! That didn't happen till we were showering, and hell
man, I still had my trunks on! It's an outside shower!"
Jay and Darrell were just two of a group of six that were at the
South Carolina beach resort for the week, attending an Inter-Relationship
Training Meeting. They were both managers for a large computer company,
and this was a company paid training session. Designed to be a rather
business session, training session, and a reward week, away from the
office. The six men were using two cabins, side-by-side, with three men
staying in each cabin. Jay, Darrell and Tom were rooming together. The
other cabin had Sidney, Robert, and James.
Jay was married, aged 45 with two college aged daughters. Not an
athletically outstanding body, but certainly nothing that a horny gay guy
would turn down, especially if he found out the guy wanted to throw his
legs up in the air, and then throw a stiff cock into his nice warm ass.
Obviously hot enough for Stan, since he had managed to gather Jay up off of
the beach, and end up getting Jay's cock slammed up into his ass. And that
was before either man even knew the other man's name.
Darrell was also married, aged 34 and had a young son and a young
daughter. A young son, a young daughter and one hell of a hot body! As
Stan laid there on the bed, with Jay calmly explaining the situation, ---of
just why Stan was there, and just how Stan happened to be getting fucked by
Jay, Stan prayed a big "Yes" when Jay suggested that perhaps Darrell might
want to, "get undressed and get ready to fuck him!"
Darrell listened rather closely when it was mentioned that Stan was
a defensive coordinator for a state university football team, since he had
played some football back in his high school and university days. Having
recently moved from across country to take on the promotion as a department
manager, he knew immediately he did not know who any of the local coaches
were, at any of the colleges or universities in that part of the country.
But, remembering back to his football days, he found this quite interesting
and quite fascinating! Football players fucking one of the coaches!? That
made him seriously run the list of co-players he had played football with,
wondering if any of them had used the ole asshole of one of his former
coaches. Or, even more fascinating, did any of his coaches use the ole
asshole of some of the players? A player and a coach having sex together!?
That just never happened to occur to him as an event of any possible
reality. A player and a coach!? Gay guys!? Football players and football
coaches!? Gay!? Far too hard to even ponder, and yet here was a defensive
coordinator, for a state university, laying there, legs spread wide open,
getting his ass fucked. And fucked by one of Darrel's own co-workers! And
not a guy of university age, either! Darrell realized very quickly that
this week was having some very serious relationship learning associated
with it, but the more intensive learning was not happening in the
classroom, it was happening right there in the bedroom! "My straight
co-worker, is actually fucking the ass of some guy, that nobody in their
right mind could ever think of as being gay, or even bi! No coach ever
plays with other guys, do they!? Impossible! Coaches just are not gay
guys! Are they!?"
Looking up at Darrell, Stan asked, "Ever fucked some guy's ass
"No, ---no I haven't. I know guys do that, but I sure didn't know
that university football coaches do it! Jay, you ever fucked some guy
"No Darrell, no I haven't. But, like that guy said yesterday,
---have a little more of an open mind and it's easier to get to know other
people. Darrell, I'm serious, you ought to try it! I'm sure you're not
gonna tell anyone I fucked him, and I sure as the hell am not gonna tell
anyone if you do, so if you wanna, I'm sure he'll let you! Yea, it's
different, but it's feeling pretty damn good! I'm sure he'll let you,
won't you Stan?"
"Hell yes! I've already said I'm willing! Come on man, do me!
Fuck me! Find out for yourself what it's like to fuck a guy's ass, for a
As Darrell continued to stand there and ponder the situation, Jay
resumed his fucking, realizing that Darrell was fully aware of the entire
situation, and with everything out in the open, there certainly was no
reason to stop now. He decided that maybe the best way to get Darrell to
agree to join in, was to just let him stand there and watch Stan get
fucked, ---and the harder, the better! He truly started pounding Stan's
ass, good and strong!
"Oh yea man, oh yea! Oh that feels so good! Yea pound me,
---pound me real hard! Hey, I like this, keep it up!"
Jay continued his fucking action in Stan's ass as he slowly slid
his tongue up and down the back of Stan's massive, strong, muscular back,
and ever so slightly would stop every so often, and slightly take a slight,
light, bite of Stan's back skin.
"Oh yea, oh yea! I like that! Hey, I got a feeling I ain't the
first guy you've ever laid on top of am I? You know how to treat a guy!
Yea man, yea keep it up!"
"No Stan. Wrong! You are the first guy I've ever laid on top of,
and you sure as hell are the first guy I've ever stuck my cock up in!
Right now though, I'm gonna tell you, I'm sure not sorry I'm doing this!
I've always wondered just why the gay guys did this, but shit man, now I
know! This is good! Fact is this is great! Hey man, OK if I cum up in
your butt? I feel like I'm getting pretty close to letting some cum fly
and I'd kind of like to keep pumping on you while I let it go! OK? I'm
getting close man, I'm getting close!"
"Yea man, yea! I wanna feel it hit the inside of me! Come on, let
me have it, let me have it!"
As Stan was telling Jay to unload up in his ass, he kept an eye on
Darrell, and although he was sure Darrell simply was not aware of it,
Darrell was definitely rubbing his own crotch as he watched Jay work
himself up into a major climax, and his crotch was starting to show some
definite additional size, ---from what it was when he just happened in on
the sex scene.
"Oh my God! Oh my God, man! I'm cumin, ---I'm cummmmmmin!" Jay
threw his body into Stan's ass just as hard and as firmly as he possibly
could. He grabbed Stan's chest and hugged it with all he could, as he let
fly, his first ever juices, that were going to be planted up in some other
man's ass!
As he completely and totally collapsed on top of Stan's body, he
slowly and softly let out, "Oh man, that was great! That was great! I
have never had sex that was that great! Darrell, come fuck this guy!
Really man, I k** you not! You'll be glad you did. I'm serious man,
fucking a solid firm muscle filled ass like that is absolutely out of this
Stan looked over toward Darrell, watched him rub his crotch,
actually watched as Darrell unknowingly presented the outline of his dick's
head, through his Dockers, and Stan pleaded, "Come on man, I need you! I'm
just getting warmed up here! Your buddy got me going and now I need some
more dick, do me, OK? Do me!"
With that statement, Darrell did, and almost as if he did not
really know what he was doing, started to unbuckle his belt, and loosen his
"Yea please, please!" Stan again begged. "You'll be glad! I
"Looking at Jay, then looking at Stan, who did still have Jay's rod
up in his ass, Darrell said, "God guys! Watching and listening to you two
guys has got me so fucking hot, I gotta do it! God almighty, I never
thought I'd ever be fucking some guy's ass, but man, I've got to now, after
watching you guys go at it! Damn man, I'm ready to do it!"
As Darrell started removing his clothes, Stan happily said, "Yea
man, yea! You'll be glad!"
Jay pulled out of Stan's ass and asked, "Should we put some more KY
up in your ass, or you think you've still got enough left up in there from
Stan turned looked at Jay and said, "Hey man you are one good
fucker! I still think you must have fucked some other guys before! Damn
man, you know how! You know how to make a man's ass happy! I hope like
hell you and I can do that again before we all have to leave here!
Huh-oh,-- the KY! Hey, just put some on the tip of his dick so it slides
nice an smooth, but I think I've already got enough up in me. Wow—look at
the honker on that man! Shit man, did you know he was so fucking well
Hearing Stan's remark of exclamation, Jay turned to see what Stan
was exponding about.
"Oh holy shit!" Jay strongly stated as he took the first look at
Darrell's nine and a half or ten incher, sticking straight out! "Holy shit
man, where in the hell did you get that thing? My God Darrell, ---you are
hung like a fucking horse! God Stan, now I'm glad I got to you before he
did or you would never have felt mine up in you!"
"No, ---not true Jay! Even after getting poked with a big one like
that, a smaller one still feels great! Our asshole slams back shut after
you pull a dick out, so whatever size the next one is, it still feels
great. Hey man, you're gonna have to get it up the ass sometime so you
will find out being the taker is just as much fun as being the giver! I
like to be the fucker part of the time too, but today I just felt like I
really needed it slammed to me. And now, seeing what he has got hanging
there, I know damn well I will know I got it. Come on big boy, get on me,
but go slow! My ass can take it, and once it's up in there, I'll be
yelling for more, but we gotta take one that fucking big, pretty slow going
in! I don't wanna take a ripped and torn up asshole back home to my team
boys! They'd be pissed if they couldn't get to it right away!"
Watching Darrell get into position so that he could do his first
male fucking, and listening to Stan talking about his football player, sex
players, Jay asked, "Stan, just how may football boys you have? I mean for
sex! How many are into the gay sex?"
"Oh wait a minute, --wait a minute. Oh man, oh let me get him
started in me first. Oh man, oh shit I can really feel that! Oh my God my
ass feels so full! Oh yea, now push-push! Yea man-yea-go all the way-all
the way! Oh God that is great! Oh shit what an ass full! Hey, how you
doing? Like it? Hey guy, you've got your dick, that fucking railroad car
of a dick, up in my ass! How's it feeling to you? You like it?"
"Oh shit yes, yea I like it! Hell yes! Damn man your ass is so
fucking tight! Oh man, this is good! Oh God I'm glad I came back when I
did! Oh shit man, now I know why there's gay guys! Damn man, wish like
hell someone would have made me to this to them years ago! Oh shit Jay,
this is hot!"
"Hey man, you're in me, you're in me all the way, right? Now fuck
the hell out of me! Pump me, slam my ass! Yea man, yea! Pound me to a
fucking pulp! Make me know what I've got up in there! Beat my ass, beat
"Oh shit man, if he pounds you any harder, he's gonna rip you in
two! Stan, he is pounding the hell out of you! You OK?"
"Oh fucking yea, I'm OK! I'm more than OK right now! Oh shit man,
I'm getting fucked, and I do mean fucked! Damn man you guys really know
how to do a guy! Whoa, maybe I need to trade my football boys in on some
older guys! Damn man, both of you guys are better on me than any of my
football boys are! Oh-forgot-you asked about how many guys I've got! I
think, --oh wait a minute------yea pound it man, pound it—damn man that is
so fucking good,-----oh God, I'm sorry-I've got, six guys right now. I try
to keep it spread out through all the different ages so I don't go and
loose too many all in one year. Like I'm gonna loose two seniors this
year! And damn, that Billy is so fucking good too! God I love for him to
slam my ass! That's one boy I make stay late after practice a lot! He's a
black boy, hung like a fucking sausage, but I don't think he's as big as
the one I've got rammed up in me right now! God oh God man! This one
that's fucking me now, what's his name Darrell, ----he is fucking big! I
feel like I know what it's like to get fucked by a horse now!"
"Yea, I gotta agree with that! He just joined our office recently,
so of course I had no idea he was hung like that! Gotta admit, the way you
are enjoying it though, kind of makes a guy wonder if maybe the rest of us
are all missing out on something here!"
Stan was looking at Jay and he grinned! He thought he knew what
Jay was saying, even though Jay might not have realized just what he was
really meaning.
Even though Darrell was doing his best at trying to pulverize
Stan's body with his humping and bumping back in his ass area, he heard the
remark and also grinned a wide, smiling grin.
Looking now at Darrell, Jay asked, "So what you grinning about all
of a sudden?"
"You do realize you just admitted that maybe you could get into
getting fucked too, right? That's what you just said. You decided that
maybe "the rest of us,' meaning you, ---are missing out on something. To
me, that sounds like maybe you'd be into getting it up the ass too, right?"
"God man, is that what I said? Did I say that? Huh, I don't know.
Yea, gotta admit, fucking Stan was fun, watching you fuck the hell out of
him is fun, and the way he is taking it all, and as happy as he is, in
getting it in the butt like that, there must be something to it or guys
wouldn`t be doing it, right? I mean, there are a lot of gay guys out there
doing it, right Stan? You fuck your football boys or do they fuck you?"
"Both, but my God man, none of `em can fuck me like you two guys
can! Damn I'm so fucking glad I skipped that class I was supposed to be at
this morning! Damn, this is making my week for me! Slam me man! Slam me!
Come on Darrell, shoot off in my ass! Let me get it from you too! Come on
man, make my ass drip with cum juices! When I leave here, I wanna be
carrying some of both of you guys up in my butt!"
"Hey Stan. You said you skipped a class you were supposed to be at
this morning! You here for the relationship training too?"
Yea, yea, I am! I heard you two talking about the instructor that
was talking about being more open with others, I figured then, that's what
you guys were doing here. No, that's not why I approached you and
suggested we have sex. I was just plain horny and I liked what I saw when
I saw you out there on the beach. You guys here by yourselves, or are
there more with you?"
"Oh no, we're not here my ourselves. There's four more of us. One
more guy stays here, and the other three use the cabin next door!"
"Oh man, pound me, yea pound my ass! We'll talk some more after I
get fucked. Too hard to try a carry on a conversation when your body is
jumping around, but I sure as hell am not gonna tell him to stop! Yea, do
me! Fuck me! Slam me! Let me have you! Fuck my ass! Fuck it hard!"
"I'm fucking you as hard as I can man! Damn man, how hard can you take it?
You bout ready? I'm getting really, pretty close, to cumin man! I`m
getting close! My dick can't hardly take too much more of this! It's so
fucking hard it hurts! Here I come man, ---here I come! I'm cumin! I'm
Darrell pushed everything he had into Stan and Stan's ass, and he
grabbed a hold of Stan's head with both arms and squeezed it as if he was
gonna fall off of Stan's ass, when he finally let the dam break loose!
"Oh yea man! Do it! Do it! I wanna feel it hit me up in there!
God man your dick is so far up in me, I hope I can feel it! Yea, push,
push, push!"
"Oh shit man, oh shit! Oh God man, ---I'm cummmin, -----I'm
cummmin! Oh God, oh God man, --- this feels so fucking good! Oh man your
ass is really grabbing my dick! Squeeze my dick! Squeeze my dick! Oh
man—oh shit-what a fucking feeling! Oh Stan, I feel like I blew the hell
out of your insides. You feel that?"
"Oh shit yes I felt that! It felt so damn good! Yea, keep pushing
on me, keep pushing! Keep fucking me, keep fucking me!"
Looking at Darrell, Jay asked, "Well man, what'd you think?
Different, right? What do you think about fucking some guy's ass?"
Still attempting to catch his breath and talk at the same time,
Darrell looked over toward Jay and replied, "Well let me put it this way
man! Good! Good enough that if you plan on following through on your
earlier statement about, `missing out on something,' I'm game! I'll help
you fill that void! You're the one that got me started in this, and you're
the one that's gonna be back home around Philly with me, so now all I can
say is, I hope like hell you can take my dick like this guy can! Jay,
seriously man, this must have been something that I been wanting to do for
a long time and just never knew it! I feel like I'm a new man today, and I
feel like I'm a man that knows what he is gonna need, real often! Hope you
and your ass can take it! You're the only guy besides Stan here, than
knows I've fucked a guy's ass, and how I'm gonna want it again, and often!
So Jay, you're gonna be my man! It's gonna be me and you, doing the man
fucks man thing! I think I just found what I've been missing in life!
Jay, you better tell me you and your ass are gonna be ready! I mean it
man! I hope you are wantin to get fucked! I mean, yea, even yet tonight!
I'm already looking forward to it!
As Jay was starting to say something to him, Darrell continued,
"Damn man! I had a couple of coaches in my past that I sure would have
loved to either fuck or get fucked by if this is what it's like! Damn it,
---shit! Now I wonder if they were fucking around with any of my buddies
and I never knew it! Boy, if I ever find out they were, I'm gonna be
pissed! Not at my buddies, ---but at the coaches that left me out! Boy,
back then, I never thought about something like that happening, but now I
wonder! I do know some of `em sure were in the coach's office a lot!
Damn, now I wonder! Crap, even some of those other guys would have been
fun to poke, if that's what they were doing! Shit, now I wonder just how
many of the players were doing each other! Shit man, I just never imagined
a coach and some football boys doing something like this together! Man, if
they were and I never knew about it, I'm gonna be pissed!"
"Darrell, listen! I've never been fucked before! Darrell, I don't
know if I can even take that damn big thing of yours, up in my ass or not!
Darrell, I think you need some guy that gets fucked a lot! You need a man
like Stan here that can take that much!"
Darrell turned, looked at Jay and said, "Jay, you'll learn to!
He'll learn, ---won't he Stan?"

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Inter racial MMF

THIS HAPPENED IN 1997My good friend, George, had come to visit, he was a big Negro, massive but he was all muscle, worked in a gym and obviously used it himself, after saying that you couldn’t meet a nicer guy, he was so laid back it was unbelievable. He’d come down to ours to borrow some porn tapes, we used to swop tapes all the time and I had some new stuff.This day he had his friend with him, shaft, a nickname he lived up to whenever he could, he was a Negro also but not as bulky as George...

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Inter Racial Seduction

Part 1- Voyeur Housewife: She spread her hands apart and hanging her head back closed her eyes trying totake as much fresh air as she could. Standing like this on the balcony of hernewly rented flat had become a kind of Yoga for her every morning. This flatwas at the 6th Floor of newly built society in the close vicinity of the firstUniversity of Indo-African Cultural University. Most of the flats were stillunoccupied and those occupied were mostly with the Students of the...

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Inter Racial Seduction Part II

Neelu slept for next two hours like a log of wood. After all she had the most satisfying orgasm in her life today. Aditya and Neelu were happily married to each other and sexually also they were quite satisfied but after 17 years of their marriage they were finding some spice missing. They had sex for almost five times in a week but they desperately wanted to bring some more enthusiasm in their sex life and they even discussed about it, Neelu had never expected that it would come this way,...

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Inter Racial Seduction Part III

By: Aditya The Taurian Next morning Neelu again dressed up for the game of seduction, but this time she was in a wild mood. She took bath and washed her hairs also. Then she wore a Yellow Patticoat and matching yellow Blouse with no Brassiere inside. Water from her hairs was dropping on her blouse and within no time it was so wet that anybody could see her nipples and bareback clearly from the Blouse. She was aroused and her nipples were erect now. She inspected herself in the mirror,...

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Inter sex with mami

She had also written many submissions like swapping on holi, sex with bhabhi etc. We share all our things. We are gr8 companions or rather say we are gr8 lovers. It all happened 4 years before in 2004. My mami, ritu was married to my mama in 1996 when I was younger. We lived in the same house, my mom, me, mama, mami; their 2 children. When I was in 9th I came to know about sex fantasies & relation b/w man & woman. By my 10th I was completely trapped in the world of sex. I was so addicted to sex...

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Training Rose

                                                       Training Rose by Angie FRose has become something of a living legend around Saddleworth so I persuaded her to tell me her story for a small, or actually not so small, fee. I had to edit some of it and change a couple of identities but I hope you enjoy it.    Angie.                                                            Training RoseI cowered in the corner protecting my face as best I could as the blows rained down, five, six, I counted,...

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Fellatrix Training

Fellatrix Trainingby [email protected] slender blond teen recounts the story of being trained as a fellatrix.The training is supervised by her mother and some of it is very roughwith bondage and discipline. This story was inspired by a passage in"School of Sluts" by ric.I am a trained slut, well practiced in giving pleasure to boys and menusing my cunt, mouth and ass. My mother is an excellent slut andsupervised my training. I love sex and enjoyed most my slut training,but I have the...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 5 The Training Continues with Janets Surprise

Characters Introduced: Janie, 20 5'2 Blond hair blue eyes 34C Alex, 15 5'4 Blond hair blue eyes 36C Carly, 13 5'0 Blond hair blue eyes 32C Carol, 31 5'8 Brown hair hazel eyes 38D Ken, 36 6'5, Carol's husband Black Male 14” 4” wide Elfie, 13 5'0 Black hair and eyes 32B, classmate of Carly's and daughter of manager of Italian Restaurant that Ben and Becky frequent Antonio, 43 6'0 8” long cock average width Elfie's father. The training continues: From chapter...

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Training of Shauna the Pet

WARNING!  THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION.   IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE.   DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, ya know day dreaming. COPYRIGHT 2006:  This story is copyrighted by the author, Stillbehindblueeyes. I?d love to hear from you Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) comIf you post this story else ware please let me know and give me access to it....

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Training a Rich Bitch Part 1

serviced the wealthy residents of Dewberry Place. Natalie liked training dogs. She really did. She had started working with dogs when she was thirteen years old as a kind of gofer/volunteer/intern with the town vet. Now, three years later, Natalie had obtained a user contract with a local private kennel to act as an animal obedience instructor. During the intervening years, Natalie had gone to the excellent little library that Dewberry Place boasted and had read extensively both on...

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Training a Rich Bitch Part 1

Introduction: Natalie is an ambitious young dog trainer with a taste for the finer things in life Natalie was a dog trainer living in Dewberry Place, a wealthy suburb, while she and her widowed mother lived in a trailer park at the edge of town with all the other help that serviced the wealthy residents of Dewberry Place. Natalie liked training dogs. She really did. She had started working with dogs when she was thirteen years old as a kind of gofer/volunteer/intern with the town vet. Now,...

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Cross-training Belladonna "Are you ready, pet?" "Yes, mistress," George Bloom responded as Celene knocked upon the iron door. George heard the loud clink of the old fashion knocker upon the door as he pulled at the hem of his short skirt. He anxiously waited for the door to open, hopeful that he would not be noticed by those passing by on the street below the staircase leading to the porch he was standing upon. George had never been to a Dom-sub party like the one that his...

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Training of Masters Girl

Book ISYNOPSIS : Master Jonathan decides that it is time for His slave girl to become a pain slut.  Her journey into the world of pain begins with unique training sessions conducted by multiple sadistic Masters, each man using her body to inflict His perversions and predilections for pain.  The pain administered to her body is beyond anything she has experienced or could imagine.  But in the end and after several days of excruciating training sessions, she learns that pain can be an...

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Interstate MeetingAn early Xmas Present

I sent her a quick message, “meeting was changed, I can meet you on Monday”. I sat at work waiting for her reply thinking about the last time we were together. My only hope was that this time would be just as memorable as the last. I headed up the interstate with her on my mind or at least what was going to take place when we met again. As the miles passed and our last night together replayed in my mind, I began to formulate items to take off the sexual bucket list! Once the meeting was over, I...

Office Sex
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A Boys Bra Training

A Boy's Bra Training And Discipline by Marlissa How did it happen? Gosh, it was four years ago. Well I could start by saying that I knew it would be him. As soon as he walked into my summer school class, I just knew he would be the one. Dino Fazio thought he was God's gift to women, including me, his remedial English teacher. Not that he was offering himself over. He made it clear that Meg Hardy didn't pass muster. "What was that Mr. Fazio?" I was beet red at the...

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Chapter 21 The new training class and Chapter 22 Training New Slaves

The new class of training will have 12 weeks of training because it’s a large class 40 girl and 10 boys. The training will be starting in two weeks right now they are being seen by the doctor I will be observing looking for some new dom’s or dommes. I have one of the subs bring two of the girls in, so I can talk to them. The first one in her name is Julia 18 she is a manly looking girl, so I know she is gay the other girl looks shell shocked Beth 16 is her name I think. I begin by asking them...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues Nadias wish for her friend

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues, Nadias wish for her friend Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 54 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigails sister, white, 52 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7 cock Jolene, 16, 54 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns...

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Submissive Wives Academy of Training

SUBMISSIVE WIVES ACADEMY OF TRAINING Chapter One -- JanThey drove around the third of three old warehouse buildings near the docks, following the directions that they had printed out.  At the end of the third building an old truck blocked the alley between buildings.  Jan’s husband, Dave pulled the car to a stop and a spotlight blinded their vision.        ?Card, please!? a voice said over a loudspeaker.  Dave flashed the card they had received with the directions.  About five seconds later a...

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Training Allie

Training Allie part 1, revised and extended {Les Evans} [1/2]  ?Training Allie? was originally posted as ?Allie.?  Consider ?The Story of O? and ?9-1/2 Weeks.? This story is an exploration of the question: why would any woman consent to persist in a relationship that, by any standard, would be considered abusive? There are many possible answers, each of which could be the basis for other stories. I hope that ?Allie? presents one answer.  Introduction to Chapters 1-11:  This fantasy has been...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues Nadias wish for her friend

Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 5'4 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigail's sister, white, 5'2 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7” cock Jolene, 16, 5'4 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns 28, friend of Nadia, white, 5'8 Black hair Green Eyes 36D breast. Swan like neck Julia Johns, 13, daughter of Emily, white, 5'0 Black hair Green Eyes 32C breast. Swan like...

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Training with Madame

This is my attempt to achieve some sort of ultimate in consensual feminization. (Of course, the ultimate is unattainable; someone else will always find a way to go further than you have gone.) I hope the result doesn't cloy; there's a powerful lot of sweetness and light here. Certainly if you're looking for whips, barking dominatrixes, with verbal and physical abuse in general, you'll be disappointed. But for a few, I hope this tale will be a dream come true. There's a little bit of sex,...

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MCUAgent Hills Lewd Training Class

Natasha Romanoff, aka the Black Widow, was in training room twenty-four aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, surrounded by a group of muscular male S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in gym tights, ten in total. As always, she commanded and received the group's rapt attention. After all, it wasn't every day that you received training from someone who was part of the Avengers.She was dressed in her usual leather uniform -- black, tight and hugging her voluptuous curves to the point that worried the other male...

1 year ago
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Proposed special pain and humiliation training for My slave

Proposed special pain and humiliation training for My slaveDear Goddess: Please do not think of this as a script. You are now aware of his particular vulnerabilities. I realize how skilled and creative you are and will leave the details to You. I only wish to suggest certain aspects, as I know him intimately and have spent a vast amount of time thinking about how to achieve the maximum impact upon him. My current work and school schedule still make it impossible for me to provide the...

4 years ago
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Proposed Special Pain and Humiliation Training

Please do not think of this as a script. You are now aware of his particular vulnerabilities. I realize how skilled and creative you are and will leave the details to you. I write only to suggest certain aspects, as I know him intimately and have spent a vast amount of time thinking about how to achieve the maximum impact upon him.My current work and school schedule still make it impossible for me to provide the necessary training to My slave (and I like him too much to provide this level of...

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Intergalactic Roller Coaster

Wyoming/Ute, Intergalactic Roller Coaster By: Malissa Madison Coyote was sitting across from Otter in the joint Trucking terminal when Little Elk called from Earth. He was wanting to discuss something big with Tim and Old Elk. "Yo, Jumper, you got your ears on?" asked Coyote over the long range Interstellar Radio. "How about it Bull Elk you copy?" began Otter. Bull Elk had just dropped through the Lyconian Portal to the Terrellian System. Jumper was...

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The Potty Training Buddy

The Potty Training Buddy By tammie2 I. "Ohhh, Tom, dear, may I ask you a little favor?" Tom looked up from his reading, both surprised and suspicious. Relations between himself and Rita, his wife of almost five years, had been a bit cold lately. Part of it was their ongoing debate, an argument really, about whether to have children. Tom wanted to wait, Rita was hearing her biological clock tick. So far he had prevailed,but he could tell she wasn't happy and didn't consider...

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CHAPTER 13: RECRUIT TRAINING“Tell me, again, why we are going to this meeting?” Sylvia didn’t like it that she seemed to be the only one who didn’t know what our destination was or the reason for this drive to the edge of the city.“Oh, just give us a little patience, woman!” I tried to sound exasperated, but it only elicited a chuckle from Adrian. I smiled at him, recognizing my failure in accomplishing the tone I was trying for. After my demonstration to the ladies, a kennel was found to...

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Winters A Bitch

Winter's a Bitch! - Lexi Hawke - Thank you for taking the time to read my story. As with many of my stories, there was an event that happened that the story is built around. This story belongs to my friend, Winter (not her real name). I also inserted myself into the storyteller since he was just an anonymous Craigslist poster (and Winter did not like the story told from her point of view. Maybe someday, I will post the story I wrote with her being the storyteller.) I did take some...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Martys family training and a surprise

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed Chapter 10 Martys family training, and a surprise Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 58, white Bens tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!. In comes Cam and Calla...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 10 Martys family training and a surprise

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Chapter 10 Martys family training, and a surprise Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 58, white Bens tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!. In comes Cam and Calla rubbing their asses and kiss Master...

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A Training Story

The doorbell rang.  He checked the clock, and put down his book.  She was on time this time.  Last week she had been 13 minutes late, and he had left her standing outside for half that more, before opening it hear her excuse.   She had gotten caught by a train.  He had listened to story, and then had sent her away.  They hated that.  But they knew beforehand, that they had a 10 minute window.  As it was her first time, she begged and pleaded, afraid that he would not train her now.  He had...

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Training Your Cuckold Husband

Think of training in three phases:1. Basic Training - is required to make permanent the rebalancing of the sexual roles central to a hot wife/cuckold marriage2. Advanced Training - is for couples who seek a deeper expression of cuckold devotion and preparation for the third phase3. Fetish Training - is where you build on your newfound perspectives to explore a variety of previously unimagined pleasures...Why is Training Necessary?We are all conditioned to accept a limited and distorted view of...

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Training Of A Husband 8211 Part II

By now, all of you are aware how Sunita Mam enjoyed harassing me as a girl. From that day, she very often made me dress as a girl as and when she liked. I had no choice than to fulfill her desires. Only hope was getting a job. Going to work was the only way I could get rid of all this. But after doing all the house work, there was hardly any time left to search for a job. Moreover, she had other plans for me. There was more to come. One day, during the winter holidays, she called me, “How do...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 10 Martys family training and a surprise

Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 5'8, white Ben's tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, “You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!”. In comes Cam and Calla rubbing their asses and kiss Master and then Martha. “That was fun, Master, I think our asses are getting use to having BIG FELLA in them” Cam says and...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Martys family training and a surprise

Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 5'8, white Ben's tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, “You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!”. In comes Cam and Calla rubbing their asses and kiss Master and then Martha. “That was fun, Master, I think our asses are getting use to having BIG FELLA in them” Cam says and...

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Patricks First Training Bra

Patrick's First Training Bra By Training Bra Boy (aka Amy Lynn) Patrick Knowlton and his sister, Susan where twins. Their Dad had served in the Vietnam War and was killed in action there. So that left the twin's Mum to raise them on her own. In retrospect, some might say, that she did a pretty good job. Patrick and Susan's Mum was a child of the 60s, so she was pretty open to letting them experiencing life and all its diverse paths. It was toward the end of May, and the...

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FollowUp Training

                                            Follow-Up TrainingTo those of you who have read some of my previous works, you know that I’m a trainer?a trainer of females. Complete submission, body and soul?that’s what I strive for. I no longer seek women out, or advertise for them as I did in my younger days. In those days I saw transforming women into totally submissive sluts as a challenge. Most of them were single, and I delighted in training them and then turning them back out into...

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Caroles Story 03 Caroles Training

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. Her...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 26 Training Successes and Failures

Ashley had turned my hug into a leisurely cuddle on the couch. I was stroking her breast when Lenore emerged from the bedroom and looked at us. “Oh good, but where’s Miki?” Lenore said. “Miki was escorting one of Walter’s concubines back to his home,” Ashley said. “I woke up in time to hear some of the conversation. It seemed like Walter grew up since the pickup.” “It would be hard to act more childish,” I said in response. “But if you are both awake you can prepare meals for everyone. I...

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Her Training

Introduction: This is a rewrite HER TRAINING Let me tell you about my problem that began a few years back. The problem was my 16-year-old stepdaughter. She was a little less than 5 tall, weighed around 85 lbs., and was slim with long black hair. Before the accident she was a sweet, pleasant child. Now due to psychological and physical injures caused by an automobile accident in which her mother was killed, she has undergone a complete personality change. She became the most unpleasant human...

4 years ago
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Volleyball Training

She loved sports and spending time outdoors running, hiking and swimming, but her favorite sport was volleyball. Although she had a very shy, sweet personality, she was very competitive when she played volleyball. She wanted to be the best and worked hard to try to accomplish her goal of winning a scholarship to the major university located about an hour north of her town. Ginger’s parents were blue collar workers and her father had tried to start his own business, but their town was on the...

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SUPERIOR SLAVE TRAININGCHAPTER 1My name is Julie, and I have an unusual story to tell that few will believe. (I am withholding my last name for purposes that will soon become apparent.) The story pertains to the practice of female domination and the training of male slaves. I would hope that all people, especially women, would read it and learn from it. (Please note: Many of the quotations and events described herein are taken from my memory and the remembrances of the people described here....

3 years ago
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The Peachtree Training Center Casefiles 2 The Line Between Love and Hate

Authors note: To fully enjoy this story, I advise that you read Case #1. This tale did not start out as a series, but the characters in the story cried out to be expanded upon. Please let me know if you enjoy it. Send comments to [email protected]. Flames will be deleted. This story cannot be posted to any site without permission of the author. Especially Pay Sites! Case #2 Proves the old saying true that there is a fine line between love and hate. Donna Mulligan and...

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Interstate Meeting

As I barreled down the interstate, I realized I was fast approaching a point of no return. On one hand I was entering into something I wasn’t sure I was ready for, but on the other hand, I was drawn towards something I had no control over. It started innocently enough, casual conversation on an adult site. We quickly learned that we were both in the same position. We both had a need, a want, a desire to feel something; anything other than the day-to-day feeling of being a friend, instead of...

Straight Sex
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 13 Training of Nadine Hawaiian girls and Sophia Spring Break Cruise Trip to the Cayman Islands and Furniture Shopp

Introduction: Fictional Story. Romance about an unusual family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 13 Training of Nadine, Hawaiian girls and Sophia, Spring Break Cruise and a Trip to the Cayman Islands. Character Introduced: Josie, 14, daughter of Fred and sister of Jolene, white, 51 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Janice, 14, daughter of Fred Josies identical twin, white, 51 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Claire, 12, sister of Jolene twin of Clairice, white, 411 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts...

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Davids Slave Farm Alyses Training

This Chapter serves to introduce you to the workings of the farm, the general process of training a new slave, as well as updates on the characters lives since the last saga. We are introduced to Alyse near the end of the chapter, as she is brought to the farm and meets David. I have compiled picture galleries to accompany this story (you must be a member to view) h t t p s:// h t t p...

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White Slut Training Academy Orientation part 3

part 3 The white Slut Training Academy has some rather interesting and historical background along with the colorful and interesting way it came into being. Mitchaela Desade Van Semen is the philanthropist and benefactor of this all girls collage, and was the one, who's vision made it Possible. Mitch as a young girl was incredibly naive and innocent. This was a result of being raised in an indescribably brutally repressive and cloistered Catholic household by an absolutely...

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Human toilet training

Human toilet trainingTraining a toilet slave is in fact extremely difficult. It takes months and sometimes years to perfect for several reasons:1st and most obvious is taste and smell. It may take practice for your slave to adequately deal with the taste and smell of human excrement without gagging or throwing up.Your colon can serve your slave much more than his mouth can comfortably hold. In order for things to remain sanitary, you're slave will need to be able to swallow faster than it comes...

2 years ago
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The Peachtree Training Center Casefiles 1The Case of the Cuckold Husband

Writers note: This is the first of a multipart series. This isn't how it started out, But the characters become interesting and I couldn't resist adding more detail about them. Please let me know if you enjoy it. Send comments to mailto: [email protected]. Flames will be deleted. This story cannot be posted anywhere without permission of the author, Especially Pay sites. I will take any legal action necessary! Disclaimer: This story is fiction, a product of the authors...

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Sissy Humilation Training

Sissy Humiliation Trainingby Derek BowdenHumiliation will only work if it is part of her decision to submit. It can’t be forced on her against her will and be expected to improve her self-image or have positive results. Humiliation training for a slave girl has many purposes. Sissy humiliation training is by its very nature, psychological humiliation. One of the primary reasons for using it is to force the sissy to push the “choice decision” she has made to obey her Master and be subject to his...

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