BROTHER IN LAW PART 4 free porn video

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Flipping his head frantically to see just who was talking, Sammy
quickly said, "Oh shit man! Jack, where in the hell did you come from. I
had no idea there was anybody else within three miles man!"
"Obviously guy, damn obvious! Course when a guys' pounding his
meat in the ass of some other guy like you were there, a fucking train
could come rolling through here and you'd never know it! So kinda looks
like you're finding yourself some good new action and keeping some secrets
from me, huh?"
With the shock and surprise of somebody walking up on `em, Chuck
obviously stopped sucking on Bob, since he was pretty well rattled and
shocked that somebody had seen what was going on. Bob was still standing
there, completely silent, and of course supporting a major hard on, which
was now standing in full view, since Chuck had pulled off, but his butt was
still full, and utilized with Sammy's big rod still stuck up in it!
Then quickly looking at Chuck and Bob was much as he could since he
was still behind Bob, and plugged into Bob, he emphatically stated, "Hey
guys, everything's OK, really it is, ---it's OK! Everything's OK! This is
just Jack Becking. He's definitely a player, if you know what I mean.
He's as much into all this good stuff as we are! Fact is, wait till you
see the dick on this guy! He's a good friend of mine! Maybe I oughta say,
---he's a good fucking friend of mine, ---a good, ---fucking friend! And
when I say `fucking' I do mean, fucking! I just didn't know he was gonna
be out here today."
As Jack dropped his back pack on the ground, he looked first down
at Chuck and said, "Hi, I'm Jack," and then extended his hand out for a
handshake. Still rather shocked and a little nervous about the new, and
very unexpected visitor being there, Chuck did extend his hand and shook
hands with Jack. Jack then extended the same greeting and handshake to
Chuck and Bob both quickly realized that this new `visitor' to the
group was just about as hot of a looking man as Sammy was, and for a lot of
the same reasons. Chuck's quick analysis was that Jack was probably a
coach, or maybe a police officer. He definitely had the body for either!
Height, ---probably six foot two, chest probably 48 or 50, waist, ---not
much larger than 34, shoulders that had the breath of a goal post, and a
neck that he obviously couldn't button a large size dress shirt on. Due to
the gorgeous mahogany, honey toned, skin, Chuck did wonder if there was any
possibility of Sammy and Jack being related. Their coloring was almost
identical, and if so, whoever the family genes came from, he had to have
been one hot looking, athletic, muscle filled, guy! And even if there was
no relationship, they sure could pass as brothers, and maybe even as twins.
Chuck obviously had not had any time available, with all the unexpected
activity going on, to ask Sammy just what his age was, but he quickly
decided that he too must be about 32 or 33, since the two sure did look
like complete duplicates of each other!
Looking at Bob, Jack added, "Well man, I'm jealous! I know your
ass is feeling fucking full right now with that hunk of meat up in there!
Feels like one big sausage stuck up in there, don't it? Congratulations on
being the man that's getting that! I've been trying for a month now to get
that stuck back up in my butt, and so far, I'm striking out!"
Although he was still well placed in Bob's ass, and he still had
his right arm around Bob's waist and was holding on tight, Sammy looked at
Jack and said, "Well guess what man, guess what! Today's your day! Let me
finish up here and we'll take care of that problem, OK?"
After pulling off his tee-shirt and unbuckling his cut-offs and
letting `em slide to the ground, ---wearing no briefs, Jack, was something
more than just damn hot looking, and obviously, very well hung! And, yes,
---it was, very thick! Bob and Chuck looked at him, and at `it', ---with
their eyes wide open, very wide open!
As he resumed his forceful fucking of Bob's butt, Sammy watched
Jack drop his clothes, and then asked, "See what I mean guys, ---see what I
mean? Look at the size of that thing! Now you wanna talk big, that fucker
is one ass full, let me tell you!"
Reaching down to untie his gym shoes and also to step out of his
cut-offs, Jack laughed and remarked, "Hell man, no bigger than yours.
Yours is just as long as mine is! Don't you remember we measured `em one
day so we'd see who was the longest and we ended up being the same."
"Yeah Jack, the same in length, but remember how much thicker yours
was compared to mine. Jack, that fucker of yours is one thick fucker man,
it is fat! Getting that thing up in your ass is like getting an oversized
dildo pushed up in there! Let me tell you, I know! I'm the one that gets
it up the ass man! You ain't never felt that damn big thing up in your
As Sammy exclaimed about how big Jack's dick was, Jack finished
getting everything off, so that he was as shiny bare assed as the other
three men. He then walked over toward Sammy, reached out, grabbed his ass,
and said, "Yeah man, yeah! And this dick of mine, feels right at home up
in that tight ass of yours man, ---feels right at home!"
Now with four men in the group, Sammy told Chuck to, "Go back at it
man! Don't let ole Jack here, stop what you were doing! Bob needs to feel
you on that dick of his! He wants you sucking on him! We need to take
care of this man, cause now it looks like there's a new guy hanging around
that's gonna need some action too! He's already bitching about me not
fucking his ass for too long, so I kinda guess I'm gonna have to poke him
and get him all turned on, so he'll drive that tanker truck of his up in my
butt! Right Jack? Right? You gonna drive that tanker sized dick up in my
chute? You gonna fuck me today?"
As Jack moved in even closer to the backside of Sammy, and not only
grabbed his butt, but also started running a finger up in Sammy's ass, he
answered, "Hell yeah man! Hell yeah! I ain't had my dick up in this ass
for so fucking long now, it's probably all closed up and grown shut! So
Sammy my man, ---how and where in the hell'd you find these two hunks?
They the reason I ain't got none of you lately?"
As Sammy did continue to fuck Bob's ass, obviously nothing
including a finger up in his ass, was gonna stop him for taking the sweet
feel of Bob's butt, Sammy told Jack, "No man! Just met these two today,
totally by bare accident, and I do mean bare. They were out here, kinda
airing themselves out some, when I asked `em if I could join in. Jack,
---these two, sure are not the reason you and I haven't gotten together
recently. Your wife started looking at me kind funny the last time I was
over at your house, and I decided maybe it'd be better for you if I kinda
got scarce, a little. She was asking way too many questions about why we
always needed to go someplace when she said there was plenty of beer in the
house! Besides, --and hang tight for this one man, ---- these two are
brother-in-laws, both married, and today is their very first day finding
out what good, gay, sex is!"
"Rather jumping back some, Jack almost yelled, "What!? What did
you say? This is what!? Sammy, ---you're fucking the hell out of that guy
like that, and he's never been fucked before? Is that right?"
Grinning big, Sammy answered, "Yeah! Yeah! Well, this fuck is not
actually his first. I fucked him earlier today, and he wanted some more,
so while Chuck was sucking on him, I started taking care of the back side!
So,-yeah their first day at it, but this is the second time Bob's taken the
old meat stick."
"Holy shit man, holy shit! They are brother-in-laws? They are
both married? Neither one of `em has been with a man before? They were
both virgins before you met' em, and now you're fucking one of `em? Have
you stuck it up in the ass of the other guy yet? Have you fucked him too?"
"Well, yeah man, yeah! Of course! These two are real naturals
man, real naturals! They have both taken to this like fish to water! Oh
wait, ---sorry about that comment! Oh hell, come to think about it, I'm
the only one around here that don't like fish, ain't I? I'm used to
playing around, but come to think about it, I'm not so sure I've ever
played with three married men all at once! Damn man, I must be good!?"
"Hell Sammy man, you ain't good, ---you're just horny as hell all
the time! So all by yourself, ---you managed to convert two married guys,
two brother-in-laws, all in one day? Right? Shit man! I remember that
day you converted me out behind the old barn. Maybe the churches are
right! Maybe a straight guy can be converted! I know one thing, if that's
right, ---Sammy my man, ---you are the man that can do it! You sure do
seem to be doing it! I'm proof, and I guess these two are more proof!
As Sammy continued to fuck Bob's ass, he tried to talk to Jack at
the same time, but finally, he asked Jack to let `em finish, and then
they'd talk about whatever garbage, he wanted to talk about.
Bob though, had different ideas! He turned to Jack and said,
"Converted you out behind the old barn? How? Tell me man! This I gotta
hear! He sure did it to two of us today, now I gotta find out just how he
did it to you too!"
"Oh wow, man!" Jack stated with a grin on his face. "Well, how do
I explain this? It was about maybe eight years ago, right Sammy? We were
both 24 at the time, right? I had just gotten married about a month
earlier, and ole Sammy here, and I were painting an old barn in town,
making some extra money. See, ole Sammy and I had known each other for
about maybe a year, from our church, and we just kinda hit it off pretty
well together. Well, anyway, we had this chance to make some extra money
painting old man Wilson's barn. I was up on a ladder. I was painting, and
ole Sammy was down below, ---but as I found out, ---looking up at me and up
in my shorts, a hell of a lot more than painting."

"Hey man, what're you doing? What's up? We're never gonna get
this thing painted if you don't get with it! What're you doing?"
"Hey Jack, I gotta ask you something!"
"Yeah, what? What?"
"Jack, ---you got any underwear on, man? You wearing any briefs?"
"Yes, hell yes! Why? Why in the world would you ask me that?"
"My gawd man! Jack from down here, ---I can't believe what in the
hell I can see! Damn man, you hung like a horse? Your briefs sure ain't
holding that thing in! Shit man, it's coming out the bottom of your
shorts! Shit man, how fucking long are you? Gawd man, how fucking long is
that thing?"
Now being rather embarrassed that maybe part of his dick was
hanging out, Jack wanted to reach down and tuck it back in, but his left
hand had a bucket of paint in it, and his right hand was holding a paint
For more than an hour, Sammy kept a very close track of Jack's, too
long of a problem, in his too short of shorts. Finally Jack was back down
on the ground, off of the ladder, and without hesitation, he reached inside
of his shorts to pull his meat back up and get it back in place.
"Hey Jack, let me! Really let me!"
"What man, what? Sammy, what in the hell are you doing?" Suddenly
Jack realized that his friend, and his co-worker, had reached over, stuck
his hand down the front of his shorts, and was man handling his dick!
"Sam, ---Sam, what in the hell are you doing man, what are you
"Jack, I gotta see this thing! Jack, please, I gotta see what in
the hell you're hanging there man, come on, let me see it!"
"Sammy, ---Sammy, I ain't gonna take it out here man, what's up?"
"Jack, I wanna see that dick of yours man, I wanna see it! Come
on, nobody's gonna see us back here! We're way back from anybody! Come on
man, I wanna see it!"
As Jack was trying to tell Sammy that he just did not normally take
his dick out to show off, he realized that Sammy was in the process of
unbuttoning his shorts, and was in the process of pulling his shorts and
his briefs down, and fully exposing his dick.
"Oh man, oh that's pretty!" Sammy exclaimed as he looked at,
admired, and the reached out and took into his hands, Jack's mahogany meat
stick. "Oh Jack, that's pretty! Oh man, oh man, Jack, I gotta suck on that
man, I gotta!"
Frantically looking around just to make sure they were infact by
themselves and nobody was looking, Jack quickly and frantically said,
"Sammy, Sammy,-that's my dick man, that's my dick! You're not gonna suck
on my dick are you? Sammy, I've never had anybody suck on my dick! You
don't wanna suck on my dick do you?"
"Oh yeah man, oh yeah! Jack, I suck dick, and I gotta suck this
one man, I gotta!"
Without any further talking, and without giving Jack any additional
opportunity to object, Sammy has suddenly stooped down, opened his mouth
wide, and after grabbing and aiming Jack's dick, he stuck it in his mouth!"
Still frantically looking around to once again make sure they were
not being seen, Jack did try to tell Sammy, "Sammy , Sammy, -you shouldn't
be sucking on me man, you shouldn`t be doing that! Sammy, you, -----really
you shouldn't be doing that man, -----uh Sammy, -----uhhh."
Suddenly, Jack started to slow down his objections to getting
sucked, and having his mouth stuck in his friend's mouth, and all of a
sudden, he stood silent. Sammy grabbed both sides of Jack's body and
sucked good and strong! His sucking was working! Definitly to Jack's
surprise, Jack's dick was responding! It was getting stiffer, and stiffer,
and definitely harder and harder!
"Oh Sammy, ---------oh Sammy! Oh Sammy, ---this ain't supposed to
feel good to me is it? Sammy, you're making it hard! Oh Sammy, Sammy, I'm
getting a hard on man, I'm getting hard! It's getting hard man, it's
getting real hard! Oh Sammy, I've got a full hard on man, you've made it
get hard! Oh Sammy, I gotta admit, this is feeling good, man, yeah, I
gotta admit, this is feeling good! Yeah man, yeah! Oh Sammy, this ain't
supposed to feel like this is it? Sammy, this feels good, ---yeah it
Sucking just as hard and as fast as he could, Sammy took all of
Jack's rod down his throat, as far as possible. He knew that since he had
now taken Jack's dick in his mouth, their friendship would be forever
changed, and he knew that if he was gonna be able to get Jack into doing
this again, sometime, ---whenever, ---he had to show Jack today, right now,
how fucking exciting and how good feeling getting his dick sucked on can
be. He knew that he had to make this, totally unexpected, impulse sucking
go over very big. He had, all of a sudden, changed his friendship with
Jack, and he knew it was now his responsibility to make the new friendship
a workable friendship! He just had to make sure Jack would want to do this
again, sometime, ---whenever!
Jack stood there, his shorts and his briefs down on his feet, his
hands resting on Sammy's shoulders, his head looking down at Sammy,
wondering if he was supposed to really fell this good, and his torso
humping back and forth, moving to the motion of the man sucking his dick,
for its very first suck job. He realized that he sure as hell could not
complain about what was happening, and what Sammy was doing to him. He was
living a new feeling in his life that he had never experienced before. He
knew he had only been married for one month, but this sex was way better
than the sex he was getting at home.
"Oh Sammy, Sammy, I've gotta cum man, I've gotta cum man, I've
gotta, -------oh man, I just did! I just came man, I did! I had to man, I
had to!"

I loaded his mouth so fucking full of my Jack cum that he couldn't
talk for two minutes, after he finally pulled off of my stick! I was in
total shock! My buddy had just sucked me off completely, and I didn't even
know before that, that he was into the guy stuff! I had no idea at all
that he was a cock sucker! I had no idea, well until he got a glimpse of
my dick, that is! And man, it sure didn't take long before I found out he
had a chute that he loved to have stuffed, and stuffed full and rough!
Man, I found out fast that he knew what in the hell he was doing. So yeah,
he kinda converted me that day, ---out behind the ole Wilson barn. For
some funny reason, we started doing a lot of odd jobs together, and believe
it or not, damn near every time we got together to work on some job, we had
sex of one sort or another! The day after that first suck off, he sucked
me off again, and then right after I came, he pleaded with me to stick it
up in his ass, and he had me so fucking hot, I shot a second load up in his
ass about ten minutes after I shot off in his mouth! We've either sucked
each other off, or at lease fucked each other, once a week, for the past
eight years now! Well, that is until recently and my ole asshole is really
begging for that stick of meat back up in there today. You know, over the
past eight years, I bet I've been fucked by that monster cock, three or
four hundred times! You know, I've tried to get it once a week, and I've
done pretty damn good! Couple of times we had to make it real fast so we'd
be done, and have out pants back on, by the time my wife got home, but so
far, we've done it, ---ain't we Sammy, ---ole boy? I sure didn't know he
was gonna have you guys back here to play with, but when I went past his
house and he wasn't there, I figured I'd find him out here, hoping to find
something he could either suck on or fuck on! Boy, did he ever find it!
You two look like fun! I'm getting kinda anxious to do some playing with
you two, myself! I figure if ole Sammy broke you two in, your asses can
take about anything, so I sure do hope you two'll be willing to take
another big black dick up in there! A fat, thick one!"
Suddenly Sammy stiffened up, got totally body rigid, grabbed ahold
of Bob around the chest, and started yelling, "Holy shit man, ---I'm gonna
cum again man, ---I'm gonna cum Bob! Get ready man, ---it feels likes it's
gonna be a load! Ole Jack's telling you how I got to suck him that first
day, ---I guess has got me all turned on man, ----I'm gonna------oh yeah
man, oh yeah! Oh shit man! I did it! I did it! I did it! Oh I just
loaded your ass again man, I just loaded you again!"
Sammy exploded into Bob's butt! He pushed forward as hard as he
could, dumping everything possible into Bob's ass! "Gawd man, how many
times have I shot off today? Man, I'm gonna be beat, totally fucking
"Well, all I can tell you man," Jack quickly interrupted, "is you
better have at least on more load left up in there for my ass! You are
gonna fuck me today, ---and you are gonna unload in me, ---you understand?
I need your dick, and I need your ass, and from the looks of things
present, I'm hoping like hell, maybe I can test out the new stuff! What do
you guys say? Wanta try a real man's black dick? A really big, thick,
black dick? One that you'll beg for, often?"

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Brother In Law 8211 The Saga Continues

By  : Avindia Hi all my lovers. Thanks for all u sexy men n women who responded to my previous story, Teaching brother in law to shave his cock.  A gentle, loving and passionate kiss on all the cocks, pussies and assholes for showing so much love for me. All those who responded to my stories and my piss fetish, next time when you stand for a piss, imagine that I am holding your dicks and rubbing your clits as your stream comes out I bathe in the holy waters from head to toe and then I smell...

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brother Mother In Law

brother & Mother In LawSummer was right around the corner. I arrive to my girlfriends house to hang out with her family.The only thing different this time is that she will not be there. She is on work duties whichrequires her to travel. The same time I get there her brother and mother get back fromswimming at their pool located in the middle of their apartment complex. We all step inside andit wasn’t the hottest point of the year yet but good enough. I noticed their moms nipples showingjust...

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brother In Laws Whore pt1

Christie sat on the couch, her eyes barely looking at the scenes before her on the screen. But she didn't lose a stroke as her hand pumped the dildo in and out of her pussy. The guy on the screen held the woman's hair in his hand. She let go of the dildo and snatched the remote. Turning up the volume, she closed her eyes. "Now Bitch, you're gonna do exactly what I tell you to do. Otherwise, your husband will find out just how much of a nasty slut you really are."Those were the words she loved...

2 years ago
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brother In Laws Whore pt1

Christie sat on the couch, her eyes barely looking at the scenes before her on the screen. But she didn't lose a stroke as her hand pumped the dildo in and out of her pussy. The guy on the screen held the woman's hair in his hand. She let go of the dildo and snatched the remote. Turning up the volume, she closed her eyes. "Now Bitch, you're gonna do exactly what I tell you to do. Otherwise, your husband will find out just how much of a nasty slut you really are."Those were the words she loved...

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Brother in law

I was staying with my sister and her new hubby. I was only out as a CD for a few mos. Well she had to go away on a long business trip. I was alone with my brother in law Bob. He never knew of my panty surprise.The 3rd night alone we smoked some MJ and drank wine.We watched a romantic movie with sex scenes.We sat very close and my green dress hiked up a bit.I never had total sex with a real man. Bob touched my naked leg. It was a bit too friendly so I pulled down my dress. I then noticed he had...

1 year ago
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brother in law1

I couldn't stand my brother-in-law. He wasn't a bad guy, but quiet guys who hardly ever talk just freak me out. And that sure was Mark. He's married to my wife's sister who caused all the trouble. She thought it would do Mark good if I spent more time with him - help him feel more comfortable in the family. I obviously want to make my wife happy so decided to see if he wanted to go camping with me one weekend. Even if we didn't get along or he was just quiet, at least I'd get to do something I...

3 years ago
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A Lawyers Ladies My First Time With Ruth My MotherinLaw

I dropped down under the shade of the tree next to Bill and Joe. "Has she been out yet?" "Ya don't see any laundry hangin' up do ya'?" Joe observed. "Good, I had to finish fixing the fence out back, I thought she might be done by now." Working on a cattle ranch in Montana in my youth did not offer many possibilities for sexual extertainment. We couldn't log in on the Internet and surf for porn sites, we had no soft core porn on the movie channels, and the nearest titty bar was some...

2 years ago
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Getting caught by The Mother in Law Part2

Rose called me on my mobile and asked if I was at the house, I said yes and asked if there was something wrong ? she said no she just wanted some company and she would be over in an hour. It was a really nice warm day and I had been in the garden sunbathing, my garden was'nt that secluded so I'd set up some garden furniture so I could lie in the sun naked without the neighbours being able to see. Almost an hour had passed since Rose had called so I put the kettle on in anticipation of her...

4 years ago
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BrotherInLawChapter 6

Winter was making one last dying effort as Ginny stepped down from the commercial prop-jet at Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. The falling snow was so thick she couldn't see the hangar as she made her way toward the charter line headquarters, falling in huge wet snowflakes that stuck to her like glue. She was soaked to the skin when she finally reached the shelter of the hangar, and the tiny office of Northern Lines Charter Service. "I'm Mrs. Dennison," she said hopefully, "I think my...

2 years ago
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Brother in laws wife 3

Hi friends, I am raj back again to continue my story about how I fucked my brother in laws wife meera and her sister kiran. As I wrote in part 2 of Brother In Laws wife 2, meera and self had a very good time the day we reached back from Mumbai. After having fucked each other for so long that day & due to the long journey meera and self went to sleep early. At night we fucked twice again. It was the next day that the fucking session became more thrilling and enjoyable. Next day meera got up...

1 year ago
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Fatherinlaw his business partner

Note : This story is completely fictional! Readers, if you have read my previous story with my Father-in-law, you must have known by now how he first got me in his bathroom with my husband standing just opposite the door without having any knowledge. After that, he came after me in many occasions but he ensured that every one of them were special. He stuck to his own style; he never fucked me when my hubby was not around. There were always people nearby, or over the phone and he always related...

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brother inlaw and I

I have always since as early as I can remember, loved the way sex make me feel. The sheer pleasure of being touched, desired, and loved, makes not only your body feel bliss. It touches your heart in a way that can’t be explained. Now I know that sex does not equal love. I have 2 lovers right now. Do I care about them? So I love them? Maybe care about in a since of love, but was not in love with. The man I am going to tell you about I am truly and utterly in love with. But know that we will and...

3 years ago
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Brother in law

When I came to, I was on his king sized bed completely stripped down to my red and gray striped panties. Jeremy’s large body was on top of mine, groping and kissing my small breasts. I panicked and started crying at what I saw. He looked up quickly. “Shut the fuck up you little tease. How would your husband like it if he knew you flashed these tits at me?” My face felt hot with anger. “You’ve got some fucking nerve Jeremy!” I yelled. “You better fucking stop this right now!” He sat up on his...

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BrotherInLaw Made Me A Porn Star 8211 Part 2 8211 The Hooked Fish

Part- II The hooked fish ‘Hey we’ll celebrate,’ he cheered and asked me, ‘give me your jacket honey’ I took out my jacket nervously and gave it to him. He stared at my bare shoulders, cleavage, at my popping nipples thru the top and down to my bare belly. ‘You have a more beautiful body than your sister Sangita. It will be great to see you nude.’ he told, ‘are you a virgin?’ ‘Yes’ I replied ‘great’ he smiled and asked me to give him the top also. I felt my ears turning red hot with shame. I...

4 years ago
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Catching my sister inlaw part2

After not only seeing but getting a video of my sister in-law Tina fucking her own brother behind my brother's back I wondered all night how I was going to handle it. Do I show my brother the video and rip his marriage apart or do I some how get Tina away from her brother but she wouldn't be doing that with her brother I believe if their marriage didn't have problems. Then on the other hand I could use the video to get in Tina's pants which from what I seen are a million times hotter then my...

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BrotherInLawChapter 5

Three weeks can be an awfully long time in the North country, where the nights are six months long, and the only television comes in over the government channel, and listening to the radio is something reserved for those late-night hours, provided the antenna is up and there's no interference from the Northern Lights. But these particular three weeks crept by unusually slowly, as if they would never end, and Arnie grew restless and jumpy like a pent-up animal. Flo did her best to stay away...

1 year ago
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Gardening with Mother In Law part3

Not much has changed in my relationship with my MIL. We still have make love to each other several times a month, but she never seems to amaze me.  The sex is great and she really knows how to use her body to please her lover.                   Just when I thought things could not get any better she dropped another bombshell on me.  We were just laying in bed together, she was stroking my cock and I was enjoying  a mouth full  of tit, when she told me a story that happened when she was married...

4 years ago
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Mother in law gangbanged at the beach part3

Mother in law gangbanged at the beach part 3In the morning Sam went to check on Wendy and to tell her that Ben and Gary were waiting to stretch that tight cunt of hers with both of their cocks in her cunt, Sam lifted the flap to the tent and saw Wendy laying between her two brothers asleep, she was covered in dry cum from head to foot. Wendy was lying on her side with Glenn's cock still in her hand while Jimmy was behind her with his cock stuck to her arse after it had plopped out her arse...

2 years ago
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Gardening with Mother In Law part3

Not much has changed in my relationship with my MIL. We still have make love to each other several times a month, but she never seems to amaze me.  The sex is great and she really knows how to use her body to please her lover.                  Just when I thought things could not get any better she dropped another bombshell on me.  We were just laying in bed together, she was stroking my cock and I was enjoying  a mouth full  of tit, when she told me a story that happened when she was married...

1 year ago
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brother in law helps out

This story took place during Hurricane Charlie in Florida.As soon as we got word that Hurricane Charlie was headed in our direction I began to work at boarding up my house. We lived in north-central part of Florida so the impact was not to be direct but it was better to be safe than sorry. The day before the storm was supposed to hit, I had the house all boarded up. I decided to send my family to Georgia and I would stay and weather the storm. After a few hours on the road, my wife called...

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Mother in law caught part1

A couple of years ago we were sharing a villa in Spain with my Wife's parents. The holiday was fairly uneventful until the start of the second week.We had all decided to go to the beach and after an hour or so, my Mother in law, Laura and I went for a swim in the sea. Once we got out and were getting dried Laura said she was going back to the villa for a quick change so she would be ready to go for lunch. I decided soon after that she had the right idea and set off back to the villa.I let...

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brother in laws wife

The Job I have sends me to Chicago ,about a two hour drive from where I live, from time to time for new training. Usually when I go out there I get something to eat, hang out at my hotel room, fall asleep, then wake up and go to class. A lot of the time I just go for one night. I have went out a few times just to take in the sites but it's not the same without my wife. Not too long ago my brother-n-law's wife (lets just call her Mary) got a job in Chicago. Mary seamed to be a nice women. ...

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The InLaws Help DaughterInLaw To Get Pregnant Part Four

Gina was starting to wonder why she wasn't getting pregnant.  She had sex with her father-in-law, her father, and Andy, and Steven.  All the men dropped their semen into Gina, but she was never getting pregnant.Gina knew that she was fertile but was starting to wonder if they lied and had vasectomies.  She hated going to bed with Andy and Steven.  They were so unattractive, and having sex with them was uncomfortable and made Gina sick.  Andy and Stephen called Gina a few times wanting to get...

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I was home alone last summer for a week, my wife and k**s had gone to her mom and dads for the week. Friday evening I got a call from my sister in Law asking me if I wanted to come to her and her husbands house for a small party. I was glad to get out of the house for awhile and a free drunk never hurt either. I got cleaned up and drove the 45 minutes to their house, a nice home in a really nice neighborhood. I knocked and Sarah answered the door, dressed to kill. She gave me a hug and a kiss...

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My Father in law mistakenly fucked me in the dark

Aunt mistakenly fucked by FIL How my Aunt’s FIL mistook her for his wife and fucked her in a brutal wayHi, FRIENDS this is Nalini again, Thanks for the wonderful response I got from you people for my story “Aunty seduced by her Nephew”, urged me to start my new story of my Jaya Aunt which happened in her earlier days of marriage. I a simple house wife residing in Bangalore and newly married having a satisfied sex life with my husband.The story I am going to narrate now is...

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another mother in law

Let me describe my mother-in-law Grace. My mother-in-law is 42,shoulder length blonde hair, 5 foot four inches and 115 lbs. Mymother-in-law Grace has an hour glass figure. My mother-in-law has verynice legs. My mother-in-law has a beautiful face, and lovely green eyes.My mother-in-law Grace is also a very sexy sensual smoker. I was about 25when this happened. I was staying at my mother-in-law's house on vacation.It was summer and most of the family were spending time outside. ...

2 years ago
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Father in law is my second husband

I am 25 years old, married and I have a son of 5 years old. My husband’s name is Pradeep and he is a businessman. He is involved in export and import business. He has to travel out of the country occasionally. He rarely takes me with him. We live with our laws that are my father in law, mother in law, my husband, my son and me. My mother in law was strict. So I had to live being a good daughter in law . I had to obey her, dress up in traditional way. She had maintained a strict environment in...

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On Holiday with My Mother in Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

2 years ago
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Indian Store Room With Father In Law

Store Room With Father In Law My name is Suganya, a house-wife aged 30. I reside with my husband and our four c***dren, at Chennai in India. We are a middle class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good care of my c***dren and myself. Though I have four c***dren with him, yet somehow, my private relations with my husband is not so fulfilling. That is because, unfortunately, my husband is a physically weak man. He is short, thin and very timid in nature. Though at least once...

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sleeping with Father In Law

My name is Deepti, a house-wife aged 24. I reside with my husband and our one c***d, at Chennai in India. We are a middle class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good care of my c***dren and myself. Though I have four c***dren with him, yet somehow, my private relations with my husband is not so fulfilling. That is because, unfortunately, my husband is a physically weak man. He is short, thin and very timid in nature. Though at least once a week, I do satisfy his husbandly...

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Indian Daughterinlaws Dilema

My name is Suganya a house-wife aged 37. I reside with my husband and our four c***dren, at Chennai in India. We are a middle class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good care of my c***dren and myself. Though I have four c***dren with him, yet somehow, my private relations with my husband is not so fulfilling. That is because, unfortunately, my husband is a physically weak man. He is short, thin and very timid in nature. Though at least once a week, I do satisfy his...

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Store Room With Father In Law

My name is Suganya, a house-wife aged 30. I reside with my husband and our four children, at Chennai in India. We are a middle class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good care of my children and myself. Though I have four children with him, yet somehow, my private relations with my husband is not so fulfilling. That is because, unfortunately, my husband is a physically weak man. He is short, thin and very timid in nature. Though at least once a week, I do satisfy his...

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In The Warm Embrace Of My Motherinlaw

Hi, this is writing the story of a warm relationship between a son-in-law and his mother-in-law. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome. I am Hari and I and my wife are IT professionals who work in US. Our marriage happened some 2 years back in India and soon we left for US. It was my father who expedited my marriage at my age of 29 as he wanted me to get married before reaching 30. At the time of my alliance seeking, I was in the US city of Ohio. I met my wife in skype and our marriage was...

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Annette my hot motherinlaw

Since approx. 1 year I live again in a firm relationship and since short time also with my girlfriend under a roof. We live in a very nice little village on the idyllic Lower Rhine. What meant a certain change for me as a city person for many years, this hectic city life somehow did not take place here at all, everything was quite comfortable, slow and very quiet. My girlfriend and I live in a very nice 2-family house. In the lower floor lives the grandmother of my girlfriend and the upper area...

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BrotherInLawChapter 7

"Ginny darling!" came a loud shrill voice from across the taxi ramp, almost before Ginny could climb from the plane. It was Florence, but she didn't recognize the man with her, unless Arnie had changed quite a bit since the last time she saw him. This man was taller, and very blond, like maybe he was a Scandinavian. "How are you, honey?!" Florence threw her arms around her as she stepped on the wheel cover, and then, shakily, onto the asphalt. "How was your trip? Was the weather...

4 years ago
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Spouses Taught Me A SisterInLaw

I have about that. I have been married five years, I was very happy with the wife on the subject of sex. We had no problem at all I meet. I think I was able to do what I need. Whether oral or comforted me how I was taught and practiced law. But it happened in my family’s life. It is not prohibited. Because I have a brother-in-law who is one year older than me. he was married for about three years later, I was dressed to the province several times I came to visit my brother-in-law. I like the...

2 years ago
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My Sister In Law Beth Conclusion

I turned in the bed glancing at the clock, it was six-thirty in the morning. I gently rolled back and looked over my shoulder, Beth was still sound asleep. Ever so gently, I rolled over on my side so that I was facing her. She looked so angelic laying there, a soft, serene look on her face. My gaze moved down her luscious body, following every curve, every crevice of her amazing body. I moved cautiously, ever so close, that I could feel the warmth of her body next to mine. I laid there...

3 years ago
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Outlaw InLaws

My wife and I decided to visit her folks on that long weekend last February. Early Friday afternoon we packed our stuff in the car and started the six-hour drive north and arrived there at night. After the hugs and kisses, Beth's mom, Victoria, insisted to treat us to a delicious dinner she had prepared for us. We stayed late, talking and laughing and got up late the next morning. After we had breakfast, Beth's twenty-year-old sister, Lisa, volunteered to guide us around the lake and river...

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My Brother Had Sex With My BrotherInLaw8217s Sister Over My Bed

It is always exciting to hear a story of first sex encounter! I am young girl with always having feelings to have sex but never had courage and was always afraid so used to hear from my fellows about their sex experience. The story I am narrating is of my brother sex experience who is a very mischievous and hunger of sex. I always found him looking at my friends with lust whenever ever they came at home to study. My brother (Kumar) is just a year elder to me, he is 23. He has 7 inch shaft which...


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