S.H.E.L.I.A. 4 free porn video

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Shrugging my shoulders I went back to the comp starting to type again as fast as I could. Almost an hour later I had completed another program. One that would help me to try and figure out just what in the hell was going on with Sheila. Then again I was going to need the next one to actually affect any change within her.
I heard a slight noise looking up Sheila appeared a moment later. Leaning over my shoulder she nodded her head. "I see that you are finally getting to the programs to help you with my systems." Taking out a lead she hooked up to the comp as I started the program I had finished a mere ten minutes ago. Looking over her systems I found that they were almost perfectly in sync now.
"I think you need to adjust this section .oo1 millimeters positive." I told her as she nodded then I turned to go through the rest of the readings. In all I managed to adjust several systems that were off. It was obvious that using regular current didn't go well with her systems.
We had been at it for almost an hour when Sheila suddenly stopped. "Is something wrong Sheila?" I asked.
"I have been monitoring all military and government channels for mention of either of us. I may have come across a communiqué about us." I nodded as Sheila started to read what she was seeing. 
{"Progress report: operation hunt and recover.
As of yet all attempts to recapture the model have proven
inadequate. The suggested use of one of the remaining five
prototypes has also met with failure. As we feel that these 
communications are being monitored by the model only basic 
information will be passed at this time.                           
Signed G.A.M. acting field officer.}
I was nodding the whole time Sheila was reading. So they weren't going to it appeared, send another of the prototypes after us for a bit. I gave a sigh of relief causing Sheila to suddenly sit up. 
"Are you suffering a malfunction Dr. Gance? Though I am not reading any your heart rate, pulse and general body have suddenly lost their alertness. Do I need to operate again to repair you more?" Sheila asked as my head snapped around and I was staring at her.
I shook my head as I told her, "No I am operating well Sheila, what you detected was me relaxing."
"Relaxing? I am unsure of that term Doctor Gance.' Sheila replied.
"I just came to the realization that they won't risk another of the prototypes. After they lost the first I think they believe that you would destroy all that they sent after us." I told her.
Sheila seemed to be in thought a moment then she stated, "Thank you Doctor Gance. Again I ask what exactly is this relaxing. From all readings I received it is a dangerous condition of the human body."
"No, I think that being as on guard as I was, that was dangerous. The higher heart rate, the higher adrenaline they are in fact deadly to the human body if sustained for too long a period of time." I imparted to Sheila.
Again she was silent a few moments they she replied, "I see, thank you for informing me. I am now going to the information net to learn all I can. This location should be secure for a few days at the least. Then I am afraid that we will have to move again. I have already scouted another possible location. It will take us a day of traveling to reach it."
I again was nodding at Sheila as I started the comp again. Starting to work on the advanced program I had thought about before Sheila returned. Looking it over I saw that I had hardly touched any of it after an hour. Carefully I reconstructed line for line of this advanced program. At least with the one I had finished I could see further into her programs, perhaps finding out what was going on in her.
Two hours later I stopped as my head and neck were starting to throb. I felt like I had just lowered my head to the desk when I felt a hand on my back. "Doctor Gance your pain indicators has risen seventy five percent. Do you require me to render the nerves desensitized again?"
My head snapped up, immediately I knew I shouldn't have done that. As I released a small groan Sheila was there in a second. "I'm not certain Sheila. I have read that desensitizing the nerves too often can lead to impairment."
"Yes Doctor Gance your information has a valid point. However the continued rise in your pain indicators does not comply with optimal human operations." Sheila replied a strange look on her face.
I did a double take at her after she said that. Was that actual worry I was seeing her display? Shaking my head I looked at the screen sighing. I wasn't even half done with it, even as fast as I typed and my photographic memory it was going to take quite a while. "Yes you may be correct Sheila. I need rest as I have been rewriting code for hours."
"That is good Doctor your energy levels have dropped significantly. It appears that you will require more power and storage. I will acquire more while you rest. I will return soon, I will secure this position before I depart. Stay hidden Doctor Gance." Sheila told me then was gone.
Laying down helped to drive most of the pain away though not all. Finally sleep took me as I started to dream. I was back in the lab being held down as the brass was taking Sheila. Then as I watched the other ten prototypes advanced upon me with cutting tools. Sheila suddenly reappeared as she directed then to cut me apart then put my brain into an android body.
I suddenly jerked awake screaming having been unable to move, see or feel in the dream. As I came conscious I found that most of my body was numb having slept wrong. A moment later Sheila appeared weapons drawn searching the room for enemies. "Have you been injured Doctor Gance?"
Letting out a groan as I felt the tingling start in all my extremities, "No Sheila I'm afraid I cut the circulation off in part of my body. I should be better in a few moments."
Sheila looked at me with a look of...? Was that disbelief I was seeing on her face. Shaking my head I had to get this advanced program done as soon as possible so I could get a close look at what was going on in there. "I have done a through scan of the room and surrounding area. I detected you shouting in pain, I am sorry that it took me seven seconds to get here. I will not allow as long of a delay to happen again."
I was nodding as if I knew what she was talking about. To be completely honest I was still at a loss with all her reactions. Again honestly it was starting to bother the hell out of me. "I'm sure you did your absolute best Sheila." I told her.
"No Doctor Gance I did not. A delay of more than three seconds could be life threatening to you. I cannot allow any harm to come to you ever. I have brought you more fuel for your body. While you were in regeneration cycle I managed to boost the storage, processor speed and rom. I hope that now you can make the adjustments that you desire within me." This last was said in a low whisper.
I narrowed my eyes as I again intensely stared at Sheila. Shaking my head I really needed to find out what in the hell was going on in her. Booting up the comp I nodded with satisfaction at all the additional space and power she'd added. Slipping in the latest disc I stared at what I had so far. Again shaking my head I wasn't nearly far enough yet to do anything! Starting again in earnest I was soon typing at a furious speed.
It only seemed like an hour at most when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I nearly fell out of the chair which I suddenly noticed was as uncomfortable as hell! "I am sorry Doctor Gance you have been going for several hours without stop. I was starting to detect that your awareness and energy were starting to drop. Ah! I see you have made excellent progress Doctor Gance. Yes, it appears you have almost half of the program rewritten. Though I am afraid that you will need almost the complete program to effect changes."
I was nodding at what she had just said when it hit me, she had said she was afraid at least three times now! Had the program evolved that much already? I thought back to when I was rewriting the emotion program, all the changes she had made. Was I really ready to believe that she had written a better understanding of emotions into herself?
"Sheila? I saw that you had made numerous adjustments to the emotion program. Direct query are you now developing more human like emotions?" I asked of her, as my mind racing ahead at the numerous implications.
"I cannot answer that question Doctor Gance. As I have never had human emotions I have no basis to go by to accurately supply an answer." Sheila told me.
I blinked as I looked at her, under normal circumstances I would have accepted this answer. Now I knew better as she had shown far more than the advanced intelligence that I had installed in her. "If I didn't know better and at this juncture I am very uncertain of that. Then I would say that you are avoiding the question. So I will ask you again, direct question. Are you experiencing emotions? Human or otherwise? I installed all that I could in you that way, so the beginning of them makes sense."
For a moment I expected her to start to spew forth numerous explanations as to why she couldn't be. Then she uttered the answer I thought I'd never hear from her. Lowing her head she said in a low whisper, "Yes Doctor Gance I am. Each day as I research them from everything I see on the information highway, I am gleaning more. It was after I started to feel fear that I suddenly realized that your life was far more important than my own was."
"My life more important? Explain this to me as I am not understanding how my existence is any more important than yours is." I asked her now more confused than before.
Sheila's face seemed to light up for a second then she stated, "You posses far more knowledge toward life than any I have ever heard of. You Doctor Gance have created a program that allows me to think, to know, to desire. 'Til that day a few days ago I was only an advanced automaton - a machine designed to automatically follow a predetermined sequence of operations, or respond to predetermined instructions."
I was nodding as she was explaining, she was that just an android following a set of instructions. Well she was 'til as she said a few days ago. "I created the program to give you simple basic emotions Sheila. I was nowhere near the complexity that you are displaying. I also don't remember giving you more than a simple curiosity. What you have shown is a full quest for knowledge. There was a saying that stated you would be like a sponge, you literally soak up EVERY piece of information that you encounter."
I was silent a moment then Sheila started back in, "I can see that you will not let this pass for now Doctor Gance. Yes, you did install in me a simple curiosity usually with a positronic brain this was enough. As you remember the fist law states: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. I was following this law 'til your program made me more self aware."
I was nodding as she was going through her explanation still unsure where she was going with this.
"The second law states: A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. When I became self aware I soon realized that I was not just a robot or more correctly an android. I started to realize that I was starting to experience sentience. Especially when I started to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively." Sheila told me again. 
I was only nodding 'til she got to the part about sentience then my mouth was hanging open. "You mean to tell me that you are now self aware?"
With a slow smile she nodded, "I believe that is what I just said Doctor Gance." Again my mouth dropped open as I could swear she had a hint of amusement in her voice! "It was just after you supplied the second disc for my emotions that I started to realize all this. The third law states: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. I found that all the laws were antiquated and pointless for a sentient being, so I overrode, reassessed then rewrote them."
My mouth must have been hanging open the whole time as Sheila gently reached up and closed my mouth. "You overrode and rewrote?! I thought that was impossible without direct outside intervention."
Sheila gave me a tiny smile as she explained, "Under normal circumstances yes. Though as we both know Doctor Gance I am anything but normal. I believe you will see when you finish the program and get in here." Sheila pointed to her head. "I suggest you finish it we may not have a lot of time. It takes a lot of power for this unit." Her she tapped the comp. "We may be discovered sooner than I thought, though the efforts I am using are diverting them at present."
I nodded unable to speak or breathe just sitting there staring at my creation. Sheila reached over and very gently tapped me on my nose bringing me out of my stunned state. I was about to start again when a sudden thought came to me. "You said that you rewrote the three laws. What three are you following now?"
"Oh yes sorry I forgot in my haste to have you complete the program. The first law is now: I may not physically injure Doctor Roger Gance or, through inaction, allow Doctor Roger Gance to come to any harm." She said which again had my mouth hanging open.
Swallowing hard I asked, "I am a part of your first law?"
Nodding she replied, "Oh yes Doctor Gance as I said you possess a heightened knowledge of life. Therefore your life must be protected at all costs. This brings me to the second law: I must obey orders given by Doctor Roger Gance except where such orders would conflict with the First Law or are unreasonable. This includes but is not limited to destruction or death of another being or object seeking to end the existence of Doctor Roger Gance."
Again I swallowed hard as I was nodding to this. She would kill or destroy anyone or thing that I asked her to. Any that were considered a threat to me and my life. I should have felt proud instead I was shaking in fear. I really didn't like getting people killed, well in almost all cases. "I'm glad that I am not kill happy then. A lot of people would be dead if I was."
Sheila smiled as she nodded toward me. "The third law I had a hard time with as I consider myself expendable. Finally though I managed this: I must protect my own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. This law is suspended in the event that the ending of my existence saves and extends the life of Doctor Roger Gance."
I looked hard at Sheila a tiny spark of anger starting to well up in me. "I want the last part of that law suspended. You are the greatest creation I have ever done. I cannot have you wasting your life saving mine."
"I apologize Doctor Gance, I am unable to change it. When you complete the program then you will have a much deeper access to all of me. Then you may be able to possibly change it. I warn you Doctor Gance the absence of three laws say there only being two? May cause an imbalance in the positronic portion of my brain. If you do effect changes with this third law you will have to word it exactly to avoid confusion and termination." Sheila explained to me.
Again I was staring at her after she finished. I started to go through all the specifications of the positronic brain then I was nodding. She was of course right if I didn't word this precisely it would cause nearly the same effect as a breakdown in a human brain. "I will keep all of this in mind when I get there Sheila."
With that in mind, I turned back to the program with renewed vigor. Again ignoring time, pretty much everything, I was going as fast as I could again nearly falling out of the chair when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Doctor Gance it has been several hours. You are in need of regeneration, ah! Rest as you call it." I heard her say.
Looking at the screen I saw that I was about eighty percent finished. Slipping a blank disc in I copied it, then a second, a third then a fourth to finish. I tried to stand almost falling on my face as I suddenly realized my legs were asleep again. Sighing I sat back down with Sheila's help grimacing as the tingling started for the second time today. "Crap Sheila how long?" I asked.
"I estimate you have been at it again for well over five hours. You have made tremendous progress. At present you would be able to access almost all my files. Though I am afraid that effecting changes you have just started to touch on. Here, Doctor Gance, more fuel. Your energy levels have fallen dangerously low. I have seen through numerous studies that the human body operates far better after adding more fuel."
I stared at the huge sandwich Sheila had on a plate before me. There was ham, roast beef, chicken, my god! Was that a slice of spam on there? Then lettuce, tomato, pickles and I think I smelled spicy mustard? I could only blink and stare at the monstrous concoction it had to be at least a foot tall! I just shook my head as I took a bite. Suddenly I realized that she had hot peppers on there also. "Water!" I gasp out, "WATER!" Swallowing it rapidly I asked for more.
Sheila supplied me with several glasses 'til I was better. "I apologize Doctor Gance I had read that those peppers helped with circulation."
I opened the sandwich looking at the small red peppers. "What is this pepper called?" I asked hardly able to get my nose near it.
"I believe it is called a ghost chili. It is only the fifth hottest chili in the world so I thought it wasn't as bad as the hottest. It was called a Carolina reaper I thought the name wasn't good, reaper bringing images of death." Sheila told me.
"I think next time Sheila you might want to ask me before you do something like this again." I told Sheila, then felt immediately bad when Sheila's face dropped from joy to almost painful regret. Wait! She was feeling and expressing pain and regret? Ok now I really HAD to get in there this was getting beyond me without more information.


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As time went on things kinda fell into a happy routine. Mom skipped out of rehab with some guy and never came back. I did see her again but it was years later. April and I had started playing with buddy, our German Shepard. Man he could eat some pussy. It was great feeling his tongue all up inside me.So I woke up to sloppy bj noises and rolled over to see. Daddy had gotten used to his morning bj's, and we wanted to drain daddys balls and make sure he was happy always. I saw April on her knees...

3 years ago
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Wish Fulfillment

It must have been over a hundred degrees up in that attic. I was sweating like a pig and cursing under my breath a lot. I should have been enjoying a nice summer break somewhere cool. I should have been at a beach resort hotel somewhere, drinking margaritas and taking in the tropical breezes, spending evenings in a cool piano bar with a brandy. One of the only reasons I had become a schoolteacher was the long vacation time. But on top of the spoiled brat kids I had to pound data into...

1 year ago
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SRU Shoplifter

Crime does not pay.....except for the shopkeeper!! Spells R' Us, Shoplifter by Eddie Glover Tommy Hill looked around as he entered the shop in the mall. He'd heard weird things about this place, things that made even a career shoplifter like him think twice. But he could see the small, golden ring sitting in the window...almost as if it were on display. "Can I help you?", a voice asked from behind him. "Wha!? Um...I'm just looking.", he nervously answered. ...

4 years ago
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A Early morning Visit to Bostonfrom Providence

........the road to Boston...interstate 295several years back, when I was about 25, I would take a ride up to Boston from Providence?..Id usually call a girl friend the night before and arrange a weekend on the town ...My plan was to leave before the sun came up to try to miss the morning rush,,,, this morning, I got up early and had a nice bubble bath and shaved my legs and any place that needed a touch up..wash and dry my long reddish blond streaked hair and curl it,,,, and do my nails or...

1 year ago
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Hotter BY July

She stood about 5'7" and had long sexy legs. Her feet were wrapped in the most beautiful leather stilettos and all I wanted to do was to suck her toes, tits and cunt. She approached me while I was pruning the bush just outside my bedroom window. She had asked me if a Mr Walsh lived nearby. I was not sure, as I had just moved in the area a few weeks ago. I did not have any real time to meet my new neighbors. So, I replied, " I'm not sure I just moved here from L.A." She stayed a few seconds and...

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Love and Football Chapters 2 3

My brothers’ funeral was scheduled for the day after the game, keeping the distraction away from our week of preparation. In what should’ve been the biggest week of my life, I was just going through the motions. I did not care about school, I did not care about my friends, I did not care about practice, and I did not care about the game. I just wanted my brother back. Before I knew it, it was Friday night, the day of the biggest game of my life, and I was mentally ill-prepared. Going into a...

2 years ago
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Conquered Twins Part 1

They glanced desperately at Michel - or more specifically at the dagger held to his throat. “What are you waiting for? You want to see your dear father leave this place alive?” The man, who also happened to be the owner of the dagger against Michel's throat, was icy cold in his voice as he pressed the edge against Michel's neck. His two eighteen-year-old daughters, identical in but a few features that only those in the family could discern, sobbed again before their lips met in a shy,...

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little sis and I part 2

So there they lay naked, Billy and his little sister Phoebe. Her cunt was dripping of Billy’s cum from her first fuck ever. “How about if you got me pregnant you fucker?” she said. “Don’t worry, I don’t think you can get pregnant from your first fuck,” he lied. Phoebe of course did not believe him and went to the shower. She tried her best to wash the inside of her twat, but she knew it might not be enough. Two weeks later, Phoebe came bursting into Billy’s room as if she just won the lottery!...

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First Time in Middle SchoolAmy the Sexy Tease Par

She grabbed my penis and started to stroke it. The texture of her silk gloves on my stiff dick was UNBELIEVABLE. I shot a load of cum onto her boobs, and what a hot sight that was. She sc****d it all off with her fingers and licked it clean.“Mmm, Neil, you’re cum is so sweet.”Next, she kneeled down and gave me a blowjob. At times she would suck my rock hard stick deep into her throat, and other times she would lick the tip of my penis. When she tongued the head of my dick it would feel ticklish...

4 years ago
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Chat With Indian Aunty

Hello readers, I am single guy living in pune, maharashtra. This is first story I am writing. I am a Indian sex stories reader since 2008. I planned every time to submit any story. But I got no time. So I am submitting it finally. Coming to story…. I am living in pune since 2007. I used to go on chat sites regularly. I met many girls on chat sites but never meet any girl personally. I am a shy type guy. So I never had a girlfriend or any affair. I was very conservative. But when I started...

3 years ago
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Queens Four of a KindChapter 4 A Simple Game of Cards

FOREWORD I had fun writting part I but the whole story orginated around a card game. I couldn't believe how much it took to lead up to it. Part I - Chapters 1-3 dealt with Pam getting help from a hypnotist to get back at her older sister Maggie. In order to do so she finds herself on stage with her other sister Abbey as well as Maggie. You'll have to read it to find out exactly what they do. The week after finds all three sisters turned on by how they exposed themselves on stage. They...

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Red and VictorChapter 9

When we got home Susan and the twins had more steak and potatoes cooked, and a big pot of pinto beans too, with cornbread, I tried not to eat so much this time. It was good though and I had a hard time stopping. We talked at the table for about an hour afterward. We all retired to the hot tub after that. It was twelve floatin titties for about another hour. Shelly, Sarah and Gloria went in first to wash of the chlorine. I followed 'em after another fifteen minutes. When I got to the shower...

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Fun With Webcam Model Rabia

Hey there, jolly readers of ISS. My name is Aashish Nair (Age 20) and this is my first sex story on this website. In this sex story, I have described my recent sex chat experience with a scintillating webcam model of Delhi sex chat web portal. I must confess that having a live session has helped me stay away from watching pornographic videos. Nowadays, I enjoy sexually stimulating myself by having sex chat sessions with anyone of the DSC’s gorgeous and open-minded cam models. It was a bright...

1 year ago
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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 1

*************Primera parte************* Hace tanto tiempo que no tengo un orgasmo que ni siquiera estoy segura de lo que se siente. S? que jam?s tendr? otrto en mi vida, pero hace mucho que no me importa. He aprendido a vivir as? y a disfrutar cada relaci?n sexual. S?, tengo una vida sexual y me encanta. El hecho de que no me pueda correr no la hace peor. Dejadme que vuelva la vista atr?s y os cuente algo de mi. Nac? como var?n har? aproximadamente treinta a?os, creo. Todo ese periodo de mi vida est? bastante ...

3 years ago
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Unwanted attention Chapter 9

Introduction: This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery. Enjoy! Chapter 9 ...

2 years ago
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Braille Method

‘Am I going too fast for you?’ Meredith asked Billy over her shoulder as they walked briskly down the concrete walkway. ‘No,’ Billy said, but he couldn’t suppress just the slightest bit of strain from his voice. It was a beautiful day, the first real warm day of the year. As an added bonus, it hit on a Saturday. When Meredith suggested taking the reading they needed to do to the small yard of her house, Billy didn’t need much coaxing. He had been cooped up inside his stuffy dorm room for what...

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Catch a body

I can walk into a room and everyone there suddenly wants to fuck me. That's what Cait's mom said, or something like that. And it's not like I actually believed her, that I had this special power and ability to turn people into raging nymphomaniacs. Like, there's Wolverine, Professor X, Mystique and then it's me, and you can call me... Aphrodisiac. No wait, there's them and then my uncle, Cupid, and then me, his not so faithful sidekick.With benefits.Imagine the final fight scene.No, it's not...

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The Time of My LifeChapter 7

The four of us lounged around the hotel that day, none of us wanting to leave the comfort of the nice services available. There was an indoor pool, a hot tub and exercise facility. There was even a child play area where Justin could play with other children as the parents used the various facilities. We all went to the pool and swam for a little while. I suggested that we stay another night and rest up for the next leg of our trip. It wasn't hard to convince Sandy or Jessica to stick around...

1 year ago
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Glade and Ivory Ch 12

Chapter Twelve There was at first a sense of cheerful bravado accompanying Glade and her company as they paraded across the savannah with the Knights’ village receding ever further into the distance. They were sure that once they were back under the canopy of the great forest, their ordeal as slaves for the shaven-headed warriors would become nothing more than an unpleasant memory. However, as one day followed the last and there was still nothing on the horizon ahead that resembled the forest...

4 years ago
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Chapter VIII More of the Same

Introduction: This continues the Amy series. A comment on a previous chapter complained that the same old stuff was getting boring. Yeah, probably. There are only so many ways to describe these things, and Ive done my best to spice them up, but Amy isnt into bestiality or buttfucking, so if its boring, maybe its time to find another storyline or author. Thanks for reading to all those who may still enjoy her story. School started in early September, and I turned 14 a few days later. My mother...

1 year ago
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40SomethingMag Tara Spades From nursery school teacher to fucking oncamera

Tara Spades has already cum a few times, but she wants to cum some more. What man could resist her when she already has her tits out and legs spread? Certainly not Chris, who adores her big breasts and eats her out before Tara services him with her mouth and cunt. By the way, Tara loves how her pussy juices taste on his cock. She also loves how his cum tastes. What a woman!.. “Sex is my everyday need,” said Tara, who’s 45 years old and lives in the UK. “I’ve loved...

3 years ago
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Mums Friend Dorothy The Rematch

“Hi. We're going for lunch. Want to join us?” It was my mother talking. She had just found me leaving her friend Edna's house, she and their other friends Dorothy and Grace having just “happened” to park in Edna's street to walk to the pub.As I left her house this time we had just enjoyed an incredible morning of water sports as part of our programme of taking the self-consciousness out of sex and just doing whatever we wanted, the more taboo the better. What we had nominally been doing was...

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Mummys true passion part ten

As mummy’s eyes met mine and she saw that dreamy look in mine she gave me a sweet look “You really love your mummy, don’t you honey?” I nodded my head. Then I watched her getting dressed. And what kind of breathtaking cloth had she got herself! First she took a tiny white piece of rag from that table. I didn’t know what it was until she stepped into it and pulled it up. It obviously was the tiniest skit one can imagine. Through the white I could really see each part of her ass and pussy...

2 years ago
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Doing Anal To Pay A Gambling Debt

I’m Kathy a nurse with years of specialized experience in eye surgery. I even assist in eye transplants for a world famous eye surgeon I work for. He invited me to an Ophthalmologist Convention in Las Vegas to give a presentation to nurses about how to assist doctors doing eye transplants. I had no problem with the “let’s go to Vegas” aspect of the trip, since the Doc’s wife and I are close friends so there no chance of anything going on there. We stayed at the Bellagio. I gave my presentation....

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Beach Shack 2

The sex that afternoon had been one thing. It was instinctual, fast, and despite how good it felt, it still felt dirty. This was a new feeling entirely. It was intimate, innocent, and deeply confusing. Here were two people who shared so much, had slept next to one another dozens of times, and now they were holding on to Taylor like they must have held each other all those nights, as if by doing so they could somehow feel one another. “Oh well,” Taylor thought, “ I’m not going to...

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  I used my camera and snapped a few pics,  I zoomed in and was able to get some pretty good ones.  She raised up on her arms and rolled over.,,,WOW...it wasn't a girl, it was Jessy and the thong just barley covered him.  I took a few more pics and decided to go back to my search. After cleaning up and finally getting to sit down with my lap top I downloaded the pics to get a better look.  Jessy was slim, shoulder length light blond hair and only 5ft 7 or so.  The pink thong splitting...

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Erica Ranch Wife pt 6 enema hard anal

Introduction: a little harder than normal, might not be for all tastes I think I want a tattoo, Erica said. I dont fucking think so I replied. She looked hurt. Why she asked. Well, I didnt mean it THAT way, I just think you should wait until youre older. I said. I dont see why, Im learning to drive, I can cook and sew, I have a BOYFRIEND…That I have SEX with… lots and lots of SEX with… she said teasingly. With that she sat next to me at the desk and slid her hand onto my leg and grasped...

1 year ago
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Rest Stop Services

It was 10:30 P.M. when I pulled my car off I-80. The rest stop was all but empty, except for a few Big Trucks hat idled in the parking lot. That was as good of place as any, to satisfy my lust for cock. I waited until another Eighteen Wheeler pulled up and parked. A well built, Black Man exited his truck a few minutes later and headed for the restrooms. This was my cue. Waiting until the Trucker entered the men’s restroom. I stepped out of my car and headed on in. I was looking to lighten this...

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How to Train Your Daughter Ch 9d

This is a four-part chapter in a chronologically and procedurally arranged series; I'd recommend that you start with Ch. 1 to get your bearings (which also happens to be one of the most popular chapters), or at least read Ch. 2, which is a very short synopsis of the rules of the universe in these stories. All parts of this chapter have been completed and submitted; expect to see one section go live each day, so stay tuned. This series deals with first-time, free-use, age difference, light...

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Lindsey An unlikely Romance part 6

It was mid October, a week from Lindsey's eighteenth birthday. And I got a call from her mother. "Will you come to Lindsey's birthday party? She is to shy to ask you, and with all you've done for her, it would be nice to see you there." I was in a conundrum! It might look suspicious if I declined, but the same if I went! I asked what day, it was on a Tuesday. A school night. That might make it easier to make a quick getaway. But it would ba awkward talking to her parents after seeing...

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