My College Teacher Fucked Me
- 2 years ago
- 21
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As soon as we got home, Sarah started on the dirty laundry, while I put the perishables in the refrigerator. Then, while I went to my office to check the mail and phone messages, Sarah moved into the master bedroom. She hadn't consulted me, but I had no complaint. It was-naturally and necessarily-where she belonged.
When I emerged an hour later, she was done and had found the card from the fed. He was a Special Agent Norm Johnson of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Denver office. I tried to call him at once, but he was out-half of the staff of his office was still out on the long weekend.
Because we only had the one car, which we'd driven from Colorado, Sarah asked if maybe we should get a pickup for her to drive, which would also tow the boat if we wanted to go to Puget Sound next summer. We really did need another vehicle, so I looked at the ads and took her to a couple of places. She ended up with a van instead, saying it was more practical in Oregon's wet climate and would tow the boat with ease. (We'd made sure of that!)
As soon as we had it safely in the garage, alongside my 3-year-old Chrysler, we grinned at each other, pleased with ourselves. "Is there anything else you just can't live without, love?" I asked, facetiously.
"Well, as a matter of fact..."
Surprised, I asked, "Well? What?"
"I'd really like..."
"Come on! Spit it out."
"I really want to get pregnant and have babies as soon as you can arrange it," she said, with a happy grin.
"Oh. That... Always after my body," I teased. "Just as quickly as we can, honey. I can't think of anything I want more, either. Especially if they are all mellow kids like you."
"No guarantees on that. Just that they'll all be part you and part me and part mom, too," she said. A shadow passed across her face. Then, "Did you know that mom and I talked about this-having babies-your babies-just a few months ago?" My look of utter incomprehension made her giggle. "Yeah. Mom and I had several good 'girl talks' over the past couple of years. She knew I was hot for you and determined to have your babies. We'd have talked with you about it soon. But then there was the accident."
Sarah gave me a minute to digest this, then went on. "We both loved you more than anyone and we both wanted you to have more children, knowing how much you've always wanted them. Mom didn't have any problem with me having them for you-for all of us."
I'd noticed a special gleam in Sandy's eye during her last couple of weeks. I'd forgotten all about it, figuring I'd never know what it was about. Now I knew. I felt a sharp pang of love and loss for Sandy-such a special wife, who'd put aside the exclusivity which had been so important to both of us, in order to achieve something greater-the fulfillment of all the members of her family, herself definitely included.
"Thank you, dear, for telling me that. It's like your mom was here, blessing us, to hear that. She was really special-and so are you! Thanks."
Both of us had happy tears in our eyes, as we hugged each other, than kissed tenderly. In minutes, we were working hard to provide her with the baby we wanted so much. In a few minutes more, Sarah was screaming her completion and I was moaning in ecstasy, as I pumped into her hungry womb.
The next morning the DEA agent, Norm Johnson, returned my call from Denver. After hearing a short summary of my information, he asked if he could come to see me. I told him to come ahead.
That was dumb.
Sarah wanted us to get involved in the community. After all, we owned a home and were going to raise children here. For starters, she made a list of the churches in the area, but crossed off those from denominations she felt wouldn't fit our needs and beliefs. Then she located the rest on her map and drove by each one. If the church looked like the people who attended it didn't care about it much, she crossed it off, too. If she liked the outside appearance, she tried the door and looked around inside, if it was open. For those that passed that test, she wrote down the times of the services. We'd visit the most interesting and choose one to attend.
Next, she found out where the country club was and visited there. There was also a private golf club, which had tennis courts and a nice clubhouse-but membership was by invitation only. She got membership information about both, with dues and fees. She started asking around town about both places and about a couple of the churches that particularly impressed her. She made a point of getting references to professional people, too. "Who is the best family doctor around? Why do you like him? Who is your lawyer? How often have you used him? Why?" And so on. Sarah is very good at that kind of thing. She interviewed a couple of doctors and three lawyers, including one who turned out to live two houses down from us. While she was at it, she asked them about churches and country clubs.
The Sunday after Labor Day we attended the church that was on the top of her list. I confess I wasn't impressed. The building was lovely, but the congregation was small, the sermon was 'social gospel' and I was the youngest man there. Since we were going to have children, we needed a church with a program for children. Some people Sarah's age wouldn't hurt, either. We crossed that one off our list.
The following Friday evening, we had an invitation to join some neighbors for dinner at the golf club. Sarah was anxious, since we'd never been the 'country club type'-usually having just quiet family evenings on the weekends. Occasionally we'd go to a friend's for dinner, or have someone over. Sarah was nervous that she wouldn't dress right, or behave properly.
I grinned at her, told her to put on any nice summer dress-the one she'd been married in would be fine-and just act naturally. "Really, honey, you do much better with people than I do. Why don't you just pretend they're part of your research project and be 'Sarah'?"
She tried. When she appeared in the living room, dressed for the evening, I was stunned. This is one outrageously gorgeous woman! I guess my thoughts showed. Reassured, especially when I complemented her profusely on her appearance, Sarah decided she could do this.
Arriving at the club, we found that our party consisted of three other couples. One pair was Sarah's age, the other two older, but not as old as I. Age wasn't a factor, as we saw it. This was a new community for us and we wanted to meet people who would be our friends. We knew that our first impression on people would be that Sarah was a 'trophy wife.' After spending some time with us, most folks, especially those who became friends, would know different. For the rest, we didn't care.
These three couples all became good friends. The invitation came from our neighbors, Bill and Gloria Knight. Bill was a lawyer and Gloria had taught school, but quit after the birth of their second child-when Bill's practice was able to support them. Gloria called Sarah with the dinner invitation after Bill told her about his interview by their new neighbor.
John and Marcia Magruder were a couple of 'live wires'. They did the 'John! Marsha!' thing to perfection. We found it was a running gag with them and their friends. John owned a couple of businesses in the area, the main one being a large farm supply operation, serving four counties in two states; a tough, competitive business, at which he did very well. His 'sideline' was to own the marina where we kept Sandy, because he loved boats.
The youngest couple was Mark and Melodie McGuire, a very nice, very serious young couple just getting established. Mark was a dentist and Melodie was another teacher. They met the others through Gloria, who taught at the same school.
All three couples were attractive, nice people. They weren't 'swingers'. And none of them was a drunk-although we found that Melodie got a little tipsy after about two drinks and could be very funny in that state.
Of course, they wanted to know all about us, so we told them what became our 'official' story. My first wife had died in an accident and Sarah, a long-time neighbor, helped me with 'arrangements' and so on. One thing led to another-she had a crush on me since she was a little girl, it seems-and we found I loved her, too.
"When I found out Mike was going to move away, I wouldn't let him leave me behind," Sarah interjected.
Married recently, we moved out here because I felt my business could do better on the coast. California or Seattle would have been a bit better for business, but we wanted to live in Oregon. So here we were.
It was a good story. Mostly true. It would be hard to trip us up on it.
Of course, they wanted to know what I did and I was happy to tell them all about the world of high level consultants. 'Hired gun', I call myself.
Sarah, the excellent salesperson, didn't have any trouble selling herself as a friend and good person-and as a woman totally in love with her husband. She talked about the job she had cheerfully abandoned when I was hurt and how she might get into something like that here, but we weren't in any hurry for her to get to work. We were doing OK and we really wanted children right away.
While we were at it, we-well, mostly Sarah, 'cause she's so much better at it-pumped our hosts about themselves and others in the community. Doctor recommendations, churches-where did they go?-and so on. (That girl gets going on a research project, she just don't stop! But she's so interested, people fall all over themselves, giving her whatever she asks for.) We found that one doctor was consistently recommended for family practice and another for OB/GYN stuff. Sarah even started gathering information on pediatricians.
We found out that Bill's practice was mainly in business and real estate law and that his partner was excellent, in Bill's opinion, in torts and criminal work: The courtroom guy.
All our hosts had good things to say about the local schools, which pleased us. And there was an excellent pre-school in town.
All three couples attended one of the churches high on Sarah's list and they were happy to tell us about it. To hear them tell it, the church had a lot going for it. It served the whole range of ages, from newborns, to nursing home seniors. A fair number of professional and self-employed business people went there. And the programs were well organized and served the needs of the congregation and the community. We asked about the preaching and the beliefs of the church and were pleased with the answers we got.
As our meal reached the dessert stage, a small band started playing dance music. It was mostly 'slow dancing' music, with just enough swing and soft rock to keep it interesting. Nice, but not so loud it prevented conversations at the tables. John suggested we dance a little (He and Marcia love to dance) and continue our discussion after.
It doesn't take much convincing to get me to put my arms around Sarah, so we joined them. Suddenly it dawned on me that I hadn't danced with Sarah since her cousin Anna's wedding, when she was in high school. I also discovered I'd want to do a lot more of this. Sarah is a dream, dancing. She fit so perfectly against me. In heels, she's only an inch shorter than my six feet, so her cheek went against mine; and her hand around my neck, playing with my ear was a real treat. Of course, I enjoy being pressed up against those curves. She's a good dancer.
We danced a couple of tunes with each other, then switched off and danced with the others in our party. I was with Melodie, when the band started playing some swing tunes. She was really fun. She'd only done swing once before, so I had to help her get the hang of it. But once she got into it, she really got going. What a gas!
Back at the table, the others announced that Bill and Gloria would pick us up and bring us to church Sunday, then we'd all go out for brunch-the club had a great buffet on Sundays. Sarah immediately agreed for both of us. It pleased me, that she was confident enough to take charge where she knew I wouldn't have any objection. She knows Sandy made most of the social decisions-unless it was business-and just expected that she would, too. Besides, I trust her social instincts better than my own.
Sarah wanted their opinion about the other country club she'd looked at. They were unanimous that it was a fine place, too. They just liked this one a little better. Bill liked the layout of the golf course better, Marcia liked the food and the service better. (Turns out, a lot of folks belong to both, if they can afford it. I don't play much golf and am mediocre at best at tennis. But Sarah excels at both. This club offered a good golf course and very good tennis courts-even two indoor courts. The price was OK, so in a couple of weeks, Sarah arranged with Gloria for us to be invited to join.)
Our evening continued with more dancing and conversation. We were profuse in our thanks when we finally broke it up. Sarah was as favorably impressed as I and was very pleased with herself for getting us invited. I told her I was proud to have been with her and slyly reminded her of her 'butterflies' before we left home.
That earned me a whack on the arm-deserved.
In bed, Sarah was incredible. When I'd come once and she twice, she wanted to go again. I didn't think I could and it was late, after all. Using a 'little girl' voice, she said, "But daddy! You promised you wouldn't stop until you got me pregnant. I want my daddy's baby growing in my little tummy just like my friend Janie. You don't want my friends to think my daddy doesn't love me, do you?" Even though this fantasy contained a lot of our reality, her words got me hard as a rock for one more try at impregnating her.
That time, she climbed on top, plugged me in, and curled up to my chest, her marvelous breasts cushioned against me. Then she proceeded to milk me, without any other movement! It didn't take long before I was panting and my hips started jerking, involuntarily. Soon I was shuddering and gasping, "Sorry honey. I can't hold out long enough to get you off."
Into her fantasy, she replied, panting too, "It's OK daddy. Come in me. Make a baby in your baby girl, daddy. Come. Come. Come in me, daddy!" And she convulsed in climax just as I finished pumping my load into her.
When we'd caught our breath and cleaned each other up, we cuddled like two puppies. "Whew, honey! You sure do know how to get what you want from a guy. Twice in an hour is pretty spectacular for an old coot like me."
"'Old Coot', indeed! You're an awesome lover, you know? Tonight has been such a special evening, meeting new friends, then making babies with my handsome daddy-why, what girl wouldn't try for seconds if she thought there was a chance?
"It's funny, Mike... I was reading where most women only achieve orgasm every third time or so. Do you know, we've never made love where I didn't come at least two or three times? That's not because I'm so hot, like you try to flatter me. It's because you're an extraordinary lover, lover."
"Well, the only thing I can say to that is that I have excellent inspiration," I told her. "All I know about it is what your mother taught me. Did you know that we-she and I-never had any other lovers?"
"Yeah, she told me that was why your marriage was so solid and why you were still so much in love. You both worked hard to take good care of the other, so neither of you ever had any motive to stray. I'm mom's beneficiary in so many ways. Most of all, you. I love you, you know."
After a big, sloppy kiss for punctuation, I mirrored her thought, "Love you, too, honey..."
My next thought was, 'I hope I'll be able to get it up again in the morning?', when I noticed the smell of fresh coffee and it was morning. I probably could get it up, but Sarah had let me sleep in and we needed to get moving-we were going with another couple on the boat.
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Introduction: Hey, I havent posted in a while. This is only my second story, its not very long. Please comment, both positive and negative. Tell me what you think, all comments are appreciated. I hope you guys enjoy it:) Hi, my name is Lena. I am 16 years old now, but this is the story of a very special friendship that I had when I was younger. It was a Saturday morning in June. I was on my way to my friend Kailas house. I had met her when I was six years old at my day care, Old Pine...
Do you know what it’s like to have something take over your whole life? To be so obsessed that every waking thought leads only in a single direction? I do. My preoccupation was the usual one for a 18 year-old male – sex - but I was a particularly suitable case for treatment. What really gripped me was that I seemed to be the last of my entire class to have a proper girlfriend. To hear the others talk, you’d believe they spent every night in some incredible bonk-fest. Not me. I wasn’t getting...
First TimeMy mom is a blond girl in her 50´s with a nice mommybody, she lives alone in an nice apartment.Its been over 15 years since she left my dad, and i have never seen her with another man.Im in my 20´s and have always feelt drawn towards women in all size and age, and as many other men have had some toughts about our moms and other family members.So yesterday i was at my moms place, she had some problems with the internet and asked if i could try to fix it for her, so i brought my pc and went over....
Cara stepped onto the packed subway carriage and was immediately enveloped in the cram of bodies pressing into her from every angle. She reached down and readjusted her skirt, a tiny purple number which hinted at the bottom of her perky ass cheek. Underneath she was wearing a white thong, already damp in anticipation. She scanned the carriage discretely and looked for her companion. She had no idea what he looked like, with only vague descriptions to go by. She'd wanted it that way, wanted the...
AnalIt was almost midnight. Sandy sat on the edge of the huge bed. She was naked, her firm, upthrusting tits swollen. Her brown nipples were enlarged. She cupped her tits, brushing a thumb over her sensitive nipples and making soft crooning sounds of delight. Rob was undressing, a frown on his face as he talked to her. "Sandy, that was not very proper of you," he was saying. "Anyone could have seen what you did in the car. My God, there were people all around us, kids, too. Don't you have...
Hi it’s Raj again with the second part of mature party to banging party. Any ladies, aunties of any age for safe and Confidential fun inbox me, safety is my priority Fake people please don’t waste my time The story continues. Me: what!!? La: she is my friend Mary, thought we are not childhood friends, we share many things. Me: did she know that we are having this relation? La: she only incested me to proceed Me: it’s a shock for me La: you will have more fun than you think raj Me: how will I...
IncestMistress Anna walked me down the hall. "Are you ready to have your little sissy purpose fulfilled?" she asked me.My heart raced. What did she mean. I could hear someone in the kitchen but I knew it wasn't Mistress Heather or Mistress Anna because they had helped me get dressed. My voice shook as I nervously answered, "yes mistress." With my reply came a firm slap to my thong clad ass."Good girl!" mistress Anna exclaimed. She brought me into the dining room and helped me down to my knees. ...
I made it home, still in bat form though very sentient, only to find that Jerry was home, too. And he wasn’t alone. Mom and he were in the midst of a real knock-down drag-out quarrel over something. I just couldn’t tell which. It was strange that they were both home, but my sister and stepsisters weren’t. I never got along with any of those, of course, and they were atrociously spoiled. Then again, the orange tabby cats, Felicia and Colleen, never seemed hostile to me. They didn’t even hiss...
New Sidney had five races, Seripods who lived in the submerged part of the city or the canals. Ursuls who almost looked like old earth bears and grew to over two and a half meters tall. Mer were the third race and stood just under two meters and looked like big otters. Grer were reptiles but humanoids that were also herbivores. The last race was humans and we were a minority. I had joined the city peace force over two years before and had finally been accepted to join the RT. The RT is the...
Introduction: This includes my younger brother too My Older Brother and I P3 (with younger brother) If you have read either of my first two you can skip to the next section. This happened only a few days ago. My name is Ashlee and I am 20 years old. I am about 52 and I would not say that I am little but I would say I am about average. I have blonde hair a couple inches past my shoulders. My boobs are a clean 36b and firm with slightly smaller than average nipples. I have about the perfect...
Marilyn woke up the next morning feeling good. She stretched as she gazed at her son sleeping at her side. His face was so young, so innocent in sleep. Tossing the sheet to the foot of the bed, she looked at his body. It was a strong, virile body, the body of a young boy showing promise of manhood. He slept on his back, one leg bent out. His cock rested between his thighs, his balls dangling below. Marilyn gave some consideration to leaning down there and giving his cock a good morning...
a/n: Wow, I’m finally back into the swing of things. Apologies for the first two chapters being absolute shit and any inconsistencies – I had just wanted to jump into the Sylar/Emma relationship too quickly, and didn’t think carefully about the realistic process of them (with their past and emotional baggage) getting there. However, I don’t want to edit the previous chapters yet because I’m just going to get stuck editing and not writing. I promise to be more careful now that I’m taking...
Hi every 1 there…m Aryan Raaj from Lucknow/Delhi. I’m 24yrs 6ft tall with a well toned six pack physique..I’m fair in color with dimple in my cheeks and curly hairs. I own a gym and I work for a MNC too. Money was never a problem for me now I heard about this site few days back n I thought y not share my experiences with my you net mates if I have them countless in numbers in almost every category of this site…now any lady or gal interested in having a confidential, sexy, rocky and thundering...
“Eric, Eric, honey, where is everyone at church?” April Goddard looked around at where the Wednesday night prayer meeting should be. The sanctuary was empty, not a soul in sight ... but that couldn’t be, right? Not unless ... no, that wasn’t possible. It just ... didn’t make any sense at all. She was saved. April knew that she had gotten right with God, had received Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior, right? So, no, it couldn’t be the Rapture, not with Pastor Denny gone. She was...
Tuesday Oh dark thirty It took us hours to clear the town. When we finally finished, I went to the holding area and walked amongst the detainees, marking each person with their threat index score. More than half of them were between one and three, forced to be here and kept here by the posted sentries. The men worked in the mine, the women took care of the home. Some women spent part of their day reloading 10 mm cartridges. When the attack began at the southern end of the tunnel complex,...
I suppose my story really starts on a afternoon in May, I was in my house which was half of a converted large country house that had been made into two, the other half had stood empty for a couple of months since the owners moved due to work commitments. I had been enjoying the peace and quiet living alone miles from my closest neighbour and not having to go out as my job was done on a computer and emailed through and I did my shopping online and had it delivered and at 38 years old was...
Three weeks had passed since Jamie had visited us and left me fucked and full of his cum. Katie had been so turned on by what had occurred that she became obsessive almost about me being taken anally by another man, even saying that she didn't need to be there, just knowing what was happening was enough. I could understand what she meant as I felt the same when Katie was going out to meet and fuck another man; I would sit at home horny as hell until she came back to me, normally with a pussy...
My name is Samantha. I wake up in the morning feeling very excited, today is my Birthday and I have very special plans for celebration. I step out of bed and take a look in the mirror, my dark brown hair gone frizzy from yesterday’s antics. I can still feel that guy’s hand gripping a big handful of my hair as he railed me. I giggle musically to myself at the memory and my knees tremble slightly. I have a very fair complexion such that my skin almost shines with the light seeping in between the...
GayAstrid Star is a busty stepmom who got into webcamming to help pay for her stepdaughters school. She was definitely making the cash she needed to help, but she thought that Zoe needed to contribute as well. Astrid launched her live broadcast and brought her cam over to Zoe’s room. She was actually sucking her boyfriends cock as Astrid walked in. The show started exploding with tips. Astrid knew if she really wanted to score some heavy extra cash she would have to find a way to get more and more...
xmoviesforyouIt didn’t look like anyone else was inside. I didn’t need an audience, just one hot bitch with a nice fuck hole. I stuffed my cock back inside my pants and got out of my car. I didn’t care if she saw my hard-on or not, I was there to get laid and that was all. When I walked in, I saw she was hotter then I’d seen through the window. She was standing behind the counter working on some paper. She looked up as I walked in and said hi. The first thing I noticed was her voluptuous tits! It...
My Half-s****r moved in with Mom and me when I was 13 or 14, she was 19. I had met her only once, when I was 7 or 8, so I really didn’t know her. Mom worked the 3-11pm shift, so we were home alone in the evening. One night I was stroking my cock to a playboy when my s****r (Linda) came walking in and caught me. I had covered myself with the magazine and Linda walked over, sat on the edge of the bed and said ‘It’s okay, if you want, I’ll do that for you.’ Well, hell why would I pass up my...
Clancy Higgins liked his job. He was the Chief of Police in Granger, which meant he had very little to do, most of the time. He had a records clerk, who doubled as a secretary and booking clerk, three full time patrolmen, so that there could be somebody on duty all the time, and a cadre of four reserve officers, who were basically friends of his who volunteered to help out if it was needed. They’d been deputized, but only came to the city jail to do training on Thursday nights. Training...