SarahChapter 3 free porn video

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As soon as we got home, Sarah started on the dirty laundry, while I put the perishables in the refrigerator. Then, while I went to my office to check the mail and phone messages, Sarah moved into the master bedroom. She hadn't consulted me, but I had no complaint. It was-naturally and necessarily-where she belonged.

When I emerged an hour later, she was done and had found the card from the fed. He was a Special Agent Norm Johnson of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Denver office. I tried to call him at once, but he was out-half of the staff of his office was still out on the long weekend.

Because we only had the one car, which we'd driven from Colorado, Sarah asked if maybe we should get a pickup for her to drive, which would also tow the boat if we wanted to go to Puget Sound next summer. We really did need another vehicle, so I looked at the ads and took her to a couple of places. She ended up with a van instead, saying it was more practical in Oregon's wet climate and would tow the boat with ease. (We'd made sure of that!)

As soon as we had it safely in the garage, alongside my 3-year-old Chrysler, we grinned at each other, pleased with ourselves. "Is there anything else you just can't live without, love?" I asked, facetiously.

"Well, as a matter of fact..."

Surprised, I asked, "Well? What?"

"I'd really like..."

"Come on! Spit it out."

"I really want to get pregnant and have babies as soon as you can arrange it," she said, with a happy grin.

"Oh. That... Always after my body," I teased. "Just as quickly as we can, honey. I can't think of anything I want more, either. Especially if they are all mellow kids like you."

"No guarantees on that. Just that they'll all be part you and part me and part mom, too," she said. A shadow passed across her face. Then, "Did you know that mom and I talked about this-having babies-your babies-just a few months ago?" My look of utter incomprehension made her giggle. "Yeah. Mom and I had several good 'girl talks' over the past couple of years. She knew I was hot for you and determined to have your babies. We'd have talked with you about it soon. But then there was the accident."

Sarah gave me a minute to digest this, then went on. "We both loved you more than anyone and we both wanted you to have more children, knowing how much you've always wanted them. Mom didn't have any problem with me having them for you-for all of us."

I'd noticed a special gleam in Sandy's eye during her last couple of weeks. I'd forgotten all about it, figuring I'd never know what it was about. Now I knew. I felt a sharp pang of love and loss for Sandy-such a special wife, who'd put aside the exclusivity which had been so important to both of us, in order to achieve something greater-the fulfillment of all the members of her family, herself definitely included.

"Thank you, dear, for telling me that. It's like your mom was here, blessing us, to hear that. She was really special-and so are you! Thanks."

Both of us had happy tears in our eyes, as we hugged each other, than kissed tenderly. In minutes, we were working hard to provide her with the baby we wanted so much. In a few minutes more, Sarah was screaming her completion and I was moaning in ecstasy, as I pumped into her hungry womb.

The next morning the DEA agent, Norm Johnson, returned my call from Denver. After hearing a short summary of my information, he asked if he could come to see me. I told him to come ahead.

That was dumb.

Sarah wanted us to get involved in the community. After all, we owned a home and were going to raise children here. For starters, she made a list of the churches in the area, but crossed off those from denominations she felt wouldn't fit our needs and beliefs. Then she located the rest on her map and drove by each one. If the church looked like the people who attended it didn't care about it much, she crossed it off, too. If she liked the outside appearance, she tried the door and looked around inside, if it was open. For those that passed that test, she wrote down the times of the services. We'd visit the most interesting and choose one to attend.

Next, she found out where the country club was and visited there. There was also a private golf club, which had tennis courts and a nice clubhouse-but membership was by invitation only. She got membership information about both, with dues and fees. She started asking around town about both places and about a couple of the churches that particularly impressed her. She made a point of getting references to professional people, too. "Who is the best family doctor around? Why do you like him? Who is your lawyer? How often have you used him? Why?" And so on. Sarah is very good at that kind of thing. She interviewed a couple of doctors and three lawyers, including one who turned out to live two houses down from us. While she was at it, she asked them about churches and country clubs.

The Sunday after Labor Day we attended the church that was on the top of her list. I confess I wasn't impressed. The building was lovely, but the congregation was small, the sermon was 'social gospel' and I was the youngest man there. Since we were going to have children, we needed a church with a program for children. Some people Sarah's age wouldn't hurt, either. We crossed that one off our list.

The following Friday evening, we had an invitation to join some neighbors for dinner at the golf club. Sarah was anxious, since we'd never been the 'country club type'-usually having just quiet family evenings on the weekends. Occasionally we'd go to a friend's for dinner, or have someone over. Sarah was nervous that she wouldn't dress right, or behave properly.

I grinned at her, told her to put on any nice summer dress-the one she'd been married in would be fine-and just act naturally. "Really, honey, you do much better with people than I do. Why don't you just pretend they're part of your research project and be 'Sarah'?"

She tried. When she appeared in the living room, dressed for the evening, I was stunned. This is one outrageously gorgeous woman! I guess my thoughts showed. Reassured, especially when I complemented her profusely on her appearance, Sarah decided she could do this.

Arriving at the club, we found that our party consisted of three other couples. One pair was Sarah's age, the other two older, but not as old as I. Age wasn't a factor, as we saw it. This was a new community for us and we wanted to meet people who would be our friends. We knew that our first impression on people would be that Sarah was a 'trophy wife.' After spending some time with us, most folks, especially those who became friends, would know different. For the rest, we didn't care.

These three couples all became good friends. The invitation came from our neighbors, Bill and Gloria Knight. Bill was a lawyer and Gloria had taught school, but quit after the birth of their second child-when Bill's practice was able to support them. Gloria called Sarah with the dinner invitation after Bill told her about his interview by their new neighbor.

John and Marcia Magruder were a couple of 'live wires'. They did the 'John! Marsha!' thing to perfection. We found it was a running gag with them and their friends. John owned a couple of businesses in the area, the main one being a large farm supply operation, serving four counties in two states; a tough, competitive business, at which he did very well. His 'sideline' was to own the marina where we kept Sandy, because he loved boats.

The youngest couple was Mark and Melodie McGuire, a very nice, very serious young couple just getting established. Mark was a dentist and Melodie was another teacher. They met the others through Gloria, who taught at the same school.

All three couples were attractive, nice people. They weren't 'swingers'. And none of them was a drunk-although we found that Melodie got a little tipsy after about two drinks and could be very funny in that state.

Of course, they wanted to know all about us, so we told them what became our 'official' story. My first wife had died in an accident and Sarah, a long-time neighbor, helped me with 'arrangements' and so on. One thing led to another-she had a crush on me since she was a little girl, it seems-and we found I loved her, too.

"When I found out Mike was going to move away, I wouldn't let him leave me behind," Sarah interjected.

Married recently, we moved out here because I felt my business could do better on the coast. California or Seattle would have been a bit better for business, but we wanted to live in Oregon. So here we were.

It was a good story. Mostly true. It would be hard to trip us up on it.

Of course, they wanted to know what I did and I was happy to tell them all about the world of high level consultants. 'Hired gun', I call myself.

Sarah, the excellent salesperson, didn't have any trouble selling herself as a friend and good person-and as a woman totally in love with her husband. She talked about the job she had cheerfully abandoned when I was hurt and how she might get into something like that here, but we weren't in any hurry for her to get to work. We were doing OK and we really wanted children right away.

While we were at it, we-well, mostly Sarah, 'cause she's so much better at it-pumped our hosts about themselves and others in the community. Doctor recommendations, churches-where did they go?-and so on. (That girl gets going on a research project, she just don't stop! But she's so interested, people fall all over themselves, giving her whatever she asks for.) We found that one doctor was consistently recommended for family practice and another for OB/GYN stuff. Sarah even started gathering information on pediatricians.

We found out that Bill's practice was mainly in business and real estate law and that his partner was excellent, in Bill's opinion, in torts and criminal work: The courtroom guy.

All our hosts had good things to say about the local schools, which pleased us. And there was an excellent pre-school in town.

All three couples attended one of the churches high on Sarah's list and they were happy to tell us about it. To hear them tell it, the church had a lot going for it. It served the whole range of ages, from newborns, to nursing home seniors. A fair number of professional and self-employed business people went there. And the programs were well organized and served the needs of the congregation and the community. We asked about the preaching and the beliefs of the church and were pleased with the answers we got.

As our meal reached the dessert stage, a small band started playing dance music. It was mostly 'slow dancing' music, with just enough swing and soft rock to keep it interesting. Nice, but not so loud it prevented conversations at the tables. John suggested we dance a little (He and Marcia love to dance) and continue our discussion after.

It doesn't take much convincing to get me to put my arms around Sarah, so we joined them. Suddenly it dawned on me that I hadn't danced with Sarah since her cousin Anna's wedding, when she was in high school. I also discovered I'd want to do a lot more of this. Sarah is a dream, dancing. She fit so perfectly against me. In heels, she's only an inch shorter than my six feet, so her cheek went against mine; and her hand around my neck, playing with my ear was a real treat. Of course, I enjoy being pressed up against those curves. She's a good dancer.

We danced a couple of tunes with each other, then switched off and danced with the others in our party. I was with Melodie, when the band started playing some swing tunes. She was really fun. She'd only done swing once before, so I had to help her get the hang of it. But once she got into it, she really got going. What a gas!

Back at the table, the others announced that Bill and Gloria would pick us up and bring us to church Sunday, then we'd all go out for brunch-the club had a great buffet on Sundays. Sarah immediately agreed for both of us. It pleased me, that she was confident enough to take charge where she knew I wouldn't have any objection. She knows Sandy made most of the social decisions-unless it was business-and just expected that she would, too. Besides, I trust her social instincts better than my own.

Sarah wanted their opinion about the other country club she'd looked at. They were unanimous that it was a fine place, too. They just liked this one a little better. Bill liked the layout of the golf course better, Marcia liked the food and the service better. (Turns out, a lot of folks belong to both, if they can afford it. I don't play much golf and am mediocre at best at tennis. But Sarah excels at both. This club offered a good golf course and very good tennis courts-even two indoor courts. The price was OK, so in a couple of weeks, Sarah arranged with Gloria for us to be invited to join.)

Our evening continued with more dancing and conversation. We were profuse in our thanks when we finally broke it up. Sarah was as favorably impressed as I and was very pleased with herself for getting us invited. I told her I was proud to have been with her and slyly reminded her of her 'butterflies' before we left home.

That earned me a whack on the arm-deserved.

In bed, Sarah was incredible. When I'd come once and she twice, she wanted to go again. I didn't think I could and it was late, after all. Using a 'little girl' voice, she said, "But daddy! You promised you wouldn't stop until you got me pregnant. I want my daddy's baby growing in my little tummy just like my friend Janie. You don't want my friends to think my daddy doesn't love me, do you?" Even though this fantasy contained a lot of our reality, her words got me hard as a rock for one more try at impregnating her.

That time, she climbed on top, plugged me in, and curled up to my chest, her marvelous breasts cushioned against me. Then she proceeded to milk me, without any other movement! It didn't take long before I was panting and my hips started jerking, involuntarily. Soon I was shuddering and gasping, "Sorry honey. I can't hold out long enough to get you off."

Into her fantasy, she replied, panting too, "It's OK daddy. Come in me. Make a baby in your baby girl, daddy. Come. Come. Come in me, daddy!" And she convulsed in climax just as I finished pumping my load into her.

When we'd caught our breath and cleaned each other up, we cuddled like two puppies. "Whew, honey! You sure do know how to get what you want from a guy. Twice in an hour is pretty spectacular for an old coot like me."

"'Old Coot', indeed! You're an awesome lover, you know? Tonight has been such a special evening, meeting new friends, then making babies with my handsome daddy-why, what girl wouldn't try for seconds if she thought there was a chance?

"It's funny, Mike... I was reading where most women only achieve orgasm every third time or so. Do you know, we've never made love where I didn't come at least two or three times? That's not because I'm so hot, like you try to flatter me. It's because you're an extraordinary lover, lover."

"Well, the only thing I can say to that is that I have excellent inspiration," I told her. "All I know about it is what your mother taught me. Did you know that we-she and I-never had any other lovers?"

"Yeah, she told me that was why your marriage was so solid and why you were still so much in love. You both worked hard to take good care of the other, so neither of you ever had any motive to stray. I'm mom's beneficiary in so many ways. Most of all, you. I love you, you know."

After a big, sloppy kiss for punctuation, I mirrored her thought, "Love you, too, honey..."

My next thought was, 'I hope I'll be able to get it up again in the morning?', when I noticed the smell of fresh coffee and it was morning. I probably could get it up, but Sarah had let me sleep in and we needed to get moving-we were going with another couple on the boat.

We'd rented a covered moorage, so Sandy was protected from direct sunlight and rain. But she still needed maintenance and regular cleaning. After our long, wonderful weekend aboard, we'd made time one afternoon to give her a thorough going-over. She looked good as new, inside and out!

Same as Sarah
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The attack was well executed. The shots were almost simultaneous. Both targets received a fast flying piece of lead. David took a head shot while Bobby got his man in the gut. That didn't kill immediately, but the man was dead, even if he didn't know it yet. That left four active shooters, then three as someone from the wagons took out Smitty. It was now evident to McCormick that something was amiss. Too many of his men were dead and he had no proof that any of the shooters in the wagons...

1 year ago
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Kiaora GirlChapter 5

Margot had left after six one evening when the taxi had called. She said it would be a late one. They were both glad. In her bedroom later Janet felt tense. She'd put on her new dress and appraised herself in the mirror before going downstairs. As she entered the room his eyes widened in pleasure. "Mmm, your in those high-heels!" "Do you like them Dad?" He kissed her on the cheek saying softly,"Look your old enough to call me Dan and yes you look wonderful." "Yes Dan." She smiled and...

1 year ago
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Mathews Resurrection II

Scene Three I love denim skirts. I didn’t realize how much I liked them until the day I picked up Kerri to take her to a big family picnic that she had talked be into. Actually, she didn’t “talk” me into it. She “blew” me into it the night before in the parking lot of the bar we had just left. That mouth had amazing power. The side door of her house opened directly into her kitchen and at the far end were short staircases that led up to the bedrooms and down to the family room. It was so hot...

2 years ago
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Sally And The Rastafarian

Sally, now several weeks into therapy, was discussing her sexual history with Dr. Albers. Her early and subsequent actions followed a pattern of rebellion, self abasement, exhibitionism and carelessness. Seeing a possible catalyst in her family dynamics they began there.Her parents, a lawyer and a high school teacher, were loving and nurturing parents yet she found her upbringing stifling. Outwardly liberal in all their views, they were status conscious snobs. Their disapproval of her friends...

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Bitchs Slutty Genes Ch 041

I prepared some coffee and smoked a cigarette then I text Mariana. I didn’t call her just text her on what’s up. “Good morning, sweetheart,” I send Instantly she replied, “Good morning Vally, wow you waked up early. I thought you would wake up afternoon as usual.” I texted, “Just for you lovely lady.” “You are so charming Vally,” she replied. I send, “So, are you home or at work?" I texted with a smiley face. “Lolzzzz, of course at home, I told you I’ll take today off as you...

2 years ago
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Nami on Mesmero Island

Nami groaned as she rubbed her head. She couldn't remember what happened last night at all! She and her crew went drinking in a local town and the last thing she remembered was some weirdo captain hitting on her and demanding she join his crew. Next thing she knew there was this pretty light and that's all she could remember. She got up and looked around. "Hello? Anyone there?" The Redheaded pirate thief asked looking around. Near as she could tell, she was alone on a beach with no one around....

3 years ago
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Sex With A Sexy Hot Punjabi House Owner Part1

I am rajveer, from Hyderabad, working for an MNC as a regional head, 5’9″ height with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex with mature, married or single women (any female who wants to have a good time in bed), This incident happened when I was 26 years old, me and my parents had to move to a new apartment, and while going by the advertisements I found a suitable flat for a reasonable price, and wanted to have a look at the flat, my parents were busy so they let it on me to...

3 years ago
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The Best Birthday Party

Okay, so this is my first sex story here Please share reviews/contact/hookup on: A little about myself: I’m just an 18-year-old kinda attractive guy from the capital who is managing to swim through his raging hormones. It was summer 2016, yep last year. My friend was throwing his birthday party at a fancy pub in the NCR region. I was excited because that area is filled with hot guys (yes, hot in caps), all his friends from school, college and elsewhere came. It was fun. We all were dancing and...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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America Ranku Pellam

Hi readers na peru satish and na wife peru sailu. Maku marriage ayyi dadapu 1year avuthundi. Kathaloki vasthe na pellam nannu vadilesi america paripoyindi. enduku ani miku doubt vasthundi so miku aa vishayalu kathalo thelusthayi. Na pellam america lo oka medical hospital lo data entry job chesthundi and matrimony lo nannu choosi pelli chesukuntani ani cheppindi. naku kooda sambandam nachhi pelli chesukunnam. Pelli ayyi oka 20 days ki dani ranku bayatapadindi. ma asthulu thana peru rayamani...

2 years ago
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Stories Of My Youth Chapter 6 Giving Ken His Wish

Linda and I retired to the bedroom. I removed her clothes and she removed mine and we lay on the bed facing each other. For my part, I was quite horny. Linda and I had not made love since Ken had told Linda that he was coming home. I would have liked to but knowing how stressed and concerned Linda had been about her husband’s decision to return in the middle of his work stint, I had not pushed the point.Now, however, we knew that Ken accepted Linda’s right to be with me. In fact, he seemed to...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Kira Noir Second Appearance

With nearly 60 years of combined sexual experiences lodged in their collective brains, listen to some of the crazy stories James Deen, Steve Holmes, and recent AVN performer of the year Markus Dupree can tell! If that wasn’t enough, wait until you witness another story unfold right in front of your eyes! All Mr. Holmes has to do is beckon one of the many sluts in his stable — this time, it’s Kira Noir — to come out from the room in which she’s kept…and then,...

2 years ago
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Hot Milf And Her Teenage Daughter

I met this girl at my workplace once and we immediately got on.She was only 17 which is normally to young for me but she had enourmous tits which were out of proporton to the rest of her tiny body.She also had a nice tight ass.At the end of the first day she asked me back to her house making pretty obvious that sex was on offer.As i said she was not my usual taste but an eager young pussy should never be turned down.Once we got back to her house she took me upstairs and she led to a bedroom...

4 years ago
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Aunties Surprise3

I lay still totally spent as Auntie raised her open pussy of my softening cock, she stood above me as I watched my sperm mixed with her pussy juices drip from her onto my tummy. I wanted to reach up to her but decided to play innocent and stay quiet waiting for her to make the next move. She told myself and Catherine to get to bed and get out of her sight finishing of her drink. I sprung up clutching my shorts to my body and sprinted to my room throwing myself onto my bed and under the sheets....

3 years ago
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How High a Price Contributed Conclusionsby Culbreth

To those of you considering or now involved in adultery, let me tell you how high the price can be. Remembering back to the fateful Saturday morning I returned from my sordid and inexcusable adventure into adultery. The hurt I could see in my husband's eyes could not be measured by any means. Those magnetic blue eyes that drew everyone's attention were now looking into my soul. My rambling words of how this didn't mean anything and how much I loved him were being bounced back by his cool,...

2 years ago
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Destinys RoadChapter 45

While it would still be some time before we would hear back from the private eye, everything else was looking up. Tami was even coming out of her funk. Between the other girls and myself, we had convinced her to trust us to protect Judy. Thankfully, she finally accepted that. While she was still very angry at her family, she at least wasn't taking it out on the rest of the world. There was also a lot to keep her distracted. Besides our school workload increasing as the second semester...

1 year ago
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Camping In Style pt 1

NOTE : this story is completely fictional! Never try this in real live!!! Last summer my 15-year-old daughter Linda wanted to go camping one last time before school started back up. I figured why not after all summer was just about over and it would be nice for the two of us go camping one last time. Then she asked if it would be okay if a friend came along. "Sure why not" I answered. I decided to take Friday off so we could leave Thursday and get up in the mountains to find a secluded spot....

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My Best Buddy

I have a buddy, Chris, who’s been my best bud since we were kids. We grew up on farms, one canyon apart. Walking over the ridge between us to play famous explorer or some other kid’s game was pretty common when we were ten and nine and older. There was a big rock formation on my dad’s farm that likely had been put there by someone in the long past as a rock shelter that was perfect for two boys to use as a base when discovering the world. We always used to assume that it was probably Kit Carson...

First Time
2 years ago
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bhabhi ki chudai usi k ghr pe

mai rahul apni first sex story likhne ja raha hu agar koi lady or bhabi satisfy hona chahti hai to plz mail kre at [email protected] to mai ab story pe ata hu hmari ghar k sath vale gali me ik bhabi rhti thi wo sub kuj chod k apne maiyke aa gyi thi kionki unka hubby nashe bechne ka kam krta tha or wo usse lad k yaha aa gyi thi mai apko unke bare me btana bhul gia ki wo 2 bchoo ki maa thi pr dkhne pr lgti nhi thi muje measurement to nhi pta but unko dekhte hi mera khada ho jata tha kia...

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Neigbourhood Terror to Sissy pt25

Chapter 27 Marcy woke up with a loud groan as her alarm went off loudly and way too early. She really had to drag herself out of bed as she didn't look forward to her day ahead at all, but she couldn't afford to waste much time at all as she still had a busy morning ritual to take care of. It started off bad with the kiss to the dildo, although she had to admit that the plastic was way preferable opposed to the real deal. Another groan escaped Marcy's lips as she got out of bed. The...

3 years ago
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Hysteria 2

Victoria woke up the next morning. Disoriented, she tried to recall the events of the previous evening. She stretched, noticing that she was still on her chaise lounge. “Oh my God!” she exclaimed, aloud. Her mind was flooded with the naughty things that Dr Reeves had done to her body. Victoria’s cheeks were bright red and hot, but the thoughts of how he made her feel sent shivers up and down her body. She was aware of parts of her body that had previously never crossed her mind. As a...

Straight Sex
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A Potters TaleChapter 2

A couple of days later and all that was soon forgotten as my working life seemed about to turn upside down. I was by then a morning shift supervisor for our company, which had recently been taken over by a much larger group. There were the usual talk of redundancies and just about everyone was worried for their jobs. The week following the match was full of rumours of all types, though we did survive without any related problems. Equally and unsurprisingly there were no explanations given by...

1 year ago
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You8217re such a Pig

Hello babes and boys. This is Abhishek Singh 20 male from Delhi again. I’m back for all of you who have supported me for writing the stories and praising it to the core. The stories which I post here are not real. They are made by me for your enjoyment. “You are such a pig,” Kyla exclaimed as she shook her head at me. My sister’s cute little brunette friend was miffed at me for trying to hook the front of her halter-top in order to check out her lovely, perky breasts. “Aww, come on, don’t be...

2 years ago
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When Twosomess Better than Threesome moms

"You ready?" she asked."Yes" I said simply.She opened her robe to expose her voluptuous naked body. Her face was round, we a slight double chin, full red lips, a small nose and plump cheeks with dimples when she smiled. Her eyes, rather large and green and tiny wrinkles around her mouth, on her forehead made her look, both mature and sexy. But I was staring her humongous tits. Size 48KK, those large natural monsters rested heavily on her chest and belly. Her waist had a single roll of fat that...

1 year ago
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24 ndash Teasing Liam

24 – Teasing LiamWhen Steve dropped me at my apartment, I pretty much removed my make-up, stiped down to my panties and went to bed. My damp hair smelled of sex. I would wash it in the morning.I must have been having a sexual dream when I awoke in the morning. Light was streaming into the bedroom as I cracked open my eyes. I was aroused and could still smell the semen on my hair as I lay on my pillow. This reminded me of my adventures with the Order of the Chalice last night. I still felt very...

2 years ago
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Entering In No Entry

I was lying nude on my husband was on top of me guiding his penis into my vagina.i was completely aroused and wanted my husband to fuck me really hard but this was no special night.he cummed in just 4 strokes.he got off me,cleaned himself and lied beside me–ignoring my feelings.I just lay there—nude–unsatisfied. 2 years back i got shifted to Mumbai after i got married to vivek,a nice looking,handsome guy.i was 24 then and he was 27.since then we are sharing a very busy life in a rented...

3 years ago
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I Tricked Anu Into A Gangbang 8211 Part 2

My friends appeared highly tensed wringing their fingers wondering what to do. I smiled at them, waiting for Anu to come out of the restroom. Suddenly, Anu came out of the restroom in a wet skirt and a towel covering her boobs. The duo got excited. Awaiting a severe punishment for their indulgence, looking at her angry face. I approached her calmly and looked into her eyes directly. She was unmoved but went to collect her saree and blouse. I held her by shoulders, but she brushed me away...

4 years ago
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ReflectionsChapter 11

Clarissa There I sat on the bed in my hotel room. The sun streaming through the window. I bet Terry is having a great time out on the golf course with that bitch and his buddies. Then I started to think back on last night. The beginning was hot and l loved the way Roger tried to humiliate my hubby. I had to come to his defense but my heart wasn't in it. Not that what I said wasn't the truth. Terry is and always will be a great lover. But this is a game, well not really, more like a quest...

3 years ago
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Always shower after workout

"Always Shower After a Workout"Alice showed the girl at the desk her membership card, then hurried down the stairs. Spinning class had started five minutes ago, and she hated to be late, but the Town traffic had been particularly bad for a Thursday night. Besides, she'd make up for it by pushing extra hard tonight. She hustled into the almost full spinning room, about forty fit young people already pedaling away on a fifty-percent-resistance climb, the music blasting. Alice searched for an open...

Straight Sex
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BackroomCastingCouch Stephanie 05212018

20 year old Stephanie may well be the hottest deli counter worker to ever slice black forest ham and swiss cheese at a certain local grocery store chain. When she drawls out “Yes, Sir” with that sexy Southern accent (I forget to ask where she’s originally from) it’s clear we have a polite little submissive on our hands who’ll do whatever we want. And sure enough, despite her nervousness, Stephanie does indeed perform spectacularly during her casting. Cock lord...

2 years ago
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Ana and Carla Part 3

[Just then, they heard people trickling back into the house, and quickly – or as quickly as Ana’s happy-tired muscles would allow – got themselves presentable again, and headed back downstairs.]Two o’clock in the morning, the moon shining onto her face through the split in the curtains, Ana awoke. She sat up slightly and glanced around at the other beds, everyone else quiet and still. She laid back down and tried to settle back into sleep, but sleep wouldn’t come. Usually when this happened,...


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